#Cordelia V: Default
tfsroleplay · 1 year
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"Splatfest Splatfest Splatfest~!!"
Julian lies on the fake snow of Alterna, lifting Lil Buddy up as he chants the word over and over. Cap'n and his fellow agents are just staring at him, he's kinda like a kid in a candy store with how excited he is.
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"You're that excited for Splatfest huh? It's not your first one, why's this one making you so excited?"
Julian immediately looks over at her, grinning.
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"Cause Cap'n said she'd play in Splatfest with me!"
Cordelia immediately looks over at their Captain, who lifts her hand in a brief wave as a confirmation of what Julian said.
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"You still play?? Why haven't I run into you??"
Arius almost immediately winces, he's fought the Captain before in a one v. one, and despite the advantage he had, she won rather easily.
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"...I already feel sorry fer the Inkfish Adria fights against... Ya do NOT want ta fight against Cap'n when she's in 'er element... I swear it's like ya have X-ray vision!"
There's a brief grin from their Captain before she finally speaks.
"Who says I don't?"
Everyone immediately looked at her, Julian pausing his movements. She refuses to say anything else and just keeps smiling, despite the questions now being thrown at her.
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asterism-collective · 2 years
Rating my alters cause I’m bored and unoriginal
(idea stolen from @idratherhavecake)
This is all lighthearted
Everix: 7/10 they’re ok, but I’m an introject of their oc so I have a grudge against him by default. I try not to be similar to ae as possible bc im their self insert and that’s mad awkward—
The Contra: -1/10 a bitch. I think I’m a persecutor and I meet this mf
Lady Opera: 8.5/10 a girlboss, violent tendencies but it’s ok she can slay her way through it, got a good mindset I love her, literal evil queen vibes
Latwinksha: 4/10 go to sleep wtf bestie. no sane human remains sane after talking to her. how do you not have drugs or alcohol in ur system (haha)
Ian: 9/10 he’s a great kid! I hate children tho
Bear: 9/10 too he seems fun to talk to /j /lh (he’s mute) but anyway we both like choc chip cookies so slay
Keisha: -10/10 get your horknee away from me bitch 🤨🤨 confronting with her is the absolute worst experience ever (I am aroace)
Achilles: 5/10 sometimes a bitch, sometimes a dumbass but generally pretty ok, he’s a lil too good when it comes to gatekeeping and pretends there aren’t other alters sometimes
Mayflower/Fluttershy: 7/10 ig, token cottagecore lesbian but like she’s cool! has way too much patience for one person tho
Claudius: 6/10 depressed poet. dipped halfway through an assignment about him for school, talks like an English professor, lowkey scares me
Q: 2/10 idk shit about them LMAO they had a weird name tho
Violia: 5/10 she/he pronouns are cool, you look cool, idk your personality
Vaz (Vazerius): 8/10 gay uncle energy, sarcasm on fleek but very laid back. do something you vampire idk bite an apple or something
Moira: 3/10 shes a Nice Girl™️, we don’t vibe. only thing in common is we like vanilla ice cream
Casse: 8/10 cool energy, would probably set something on fire, the type of person to drag me to the roof of a school to skip class
Jex: -3/10 I don’t trust ppl with neon hair 🙄🙄/s
Artemis: 2/10 THIS MF WRITES PAPERS FOR FUN???? gootbye
Pip: 7/10 manic feral energy I love them
Gran: 2/10 idk shit except they’re scared of everything
Cordelia: 9/10 trauma holder buddies! also someone give her a hug
Emily: 6/10 l don’t like childrencore! She’s cute tho I’d get her a mlp coloring book and toys for her bday
Xen: 3/10 you look cool idk personality
Eloise: -100/10 I don’t like you (she’s a nice person tho..)
Olivia: 4/10 ig, she and kabri bonded over discord and Minecraft so they’re cool
Orieole: 10/10 meme material right here. unsure if ey have nipples/ ij
Aiden: 7/10 older brother vibes, reminds me of my older bro a little bit. first time he fronted he was immediately like “oh shit I have an ass and tits”
Hal: 5/10 femboy, don’t know much about him
Maria: 6/10 gives us religion issues bc she’s a witch but she’s v cool, old lady vibes tho
Rea: -800/10 source issues I hate him. also fire and water don’t mix at all bye bitch
Quinn/ Elliot/ Clyde: 4/10 definition of a tiktok emo boy
Nin: 7/10 caretaker robot, she’s cool, I like how she looks too but hasn’t been around so idk much about her
Fatimah: 1/10 we don’t get along at all, too religious, don’t like her vibe
Kabri: 10/10 my brother I love him what up my guy?!? cofronting is so fun I went on a road trip with him, my gay trans boy right here <3
Akira: 5/10 shes from source, was p nice to me I’m just iffy she exists
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derangedsilence · 5 years
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Please feel free to check any of the Sakamaki Bros.’ permission lists.  It’s pretty repetitively the same.
The only exceptions:
Shipping - Within any verse he’s participating in, it’s entirely possible for him to form romantic and/or sexual partnerships with anyone who suits his needs, fancy, etc.  Canonically had three wives, you know what you’re signing up for if you aim for this.  However, as Karlheinz is very good at controlling his partners to suit his needs, I would prefer that many of his romances not get commented on by the public unless they’re somewhere they could be witnessed or if the individual themselves talks about it.  Feel free to ask me!
Participation - Hop into getting involved in plots and storylines!  Just do the dashboard commentary thing and tag this blog so I can be sure to see it.  This much is the same.  However, for some people, plots will need to have certain secrets kept, etc. until later.  You’re still welcome to get involved, but it might be better to discuss with me and any other involved players how to participate instead of commenting on the grapevine for those particular plot aspects.
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Biography / Stats
FULL NAME. Karlheinz ALIAS. Tougo Sakamaki, Reinhart AGE. Appears 35-45 || Actually significantly older at 2000+ BIRTHDAY. Unknown  GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male, he/him ORIENTATION. Heteroflexible.  He’ll play it up for whoever can be used. SPECIES. Vampire. OCCUPATION. Vampire King (of the demon world), Japanese politician, school nurse... RESIDENCE. Someplace in the demon world, but visits the Sakamaki household from time to time.
HAIR. White, reddish/purple-ish EYES. Golden BUILD. “What the fuck, man, it’s like you’re photoshopped.” HEIGHT. 6'2'' ADDITIONAL NOTES. A known shapeshifter, not even his sons are sure they’ve seen his real form.  He can easily appear as a man, a woman, etc. to suit his needs.
ZODIAC. I Hate You, Vampire Dad is a zodiac, right? ALIGNMENT. Unknown.  POSITIVE TRAITS.  intelligent, charming, goal-oriented NEGATIVE TRAITS. merciless, sees people as means to an end, lacks the ability to feel deep emotional attachment 
BIRTH PLACE. Japan NATIONALITY. Japanese PARENTS. Unknown SIBLINGS. Sibling: Richter.  Wives: Beatrix, Cordelia, Christa (also his cousin).  Sons: Shuu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito and Subaru Sakamaki EXTENDED FAMILY. Adopted Sons: Ruki, Kou, Azusa and Yuma Mukami.  Bastards: Kino, apparently? EDUCATION. Unknown SPECIES. Vampire NOTABLE SKILLS. Being the worst dad ever, running extremely complicated and often successful experiments, is charming enough to be able to convince people who are fully aware of his nature that he really is sincere for them specifically, etc.  LANGUAGES. All of them  FAVORITE FOOD. The fruits of his labor
PUREBLOOD. Inhuman strength, increased speed, vision, hearing, and smell. Fast healing & healing saliva. TELEPORTATION. Can teleport instantaneously. FLYING. He can fly. SWORDSMANSHIP. S OTHER. In addition to the racial abilities of a pureborn vampire, he also possesses the highest level of magic in the Demon World and his power is considered by his race, as a whole, as well as his sons, as “Godlike”.  Karlheinz is capable of unleashing his magic and destroying the entire Demon World.  In addition, he can shapeshift and change his appearance as it suits him.  Oh, did we mention he also has the ability to MANIPULATE TIME and REVERSE EVENTS until he’s satisfied?   WEAKNESSES. None?   DISLIKES.  People not doing what he wants them to do in his experiments.
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*Will be updated as various ‘personae’ are implemented.
As ‘Karlheinz’, at least as most of his sons know him: A pale-haired, golden-eyed figure who dresses in extravagant capes.  His hair falls past his knees in waves and he looks absolutely ethereal.
As ‘Reinhart’, the school nurse, he is pale with blond hair wrapped into a ponytail and wears glasses.
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One of the most powerful creatures in the demon world, he is viewed by the vampires (the bat clan) as a God.  Which may or may not affect his personality, but the fact is that it is universally understood that a man that’s over 2000 years old is in want of a new life goal.  Or death.
INTELLIGENT AND MANIPULATIVE: Karlheinz rarely directly engages these days, usually pulling strings in the background.  He manipulates for the better and for worse, only determined to get closer to his personal goals.  If that heals some and hurts others, so be it. 
AFFECTION: It’s well-known that demons do not experience the same emotions as humans, or at least, they do not act on nor feel them the way humans would.  Even within the “emotions” and “bonds” of demons, Karlheinz is incapable of deep affectionate sentiments and believes that all demons are similarly incapable.  He is obsessed with human emotions despite or because of his inability, glorifying them and incorporating them into his new demonkind 3.0 ideas.  His inability to feel this deep affection doesn’t save him from confusion and hesitant behavior on the rare occasion his plans and experiments are not succeeding.
It’s worth noting that he is considerably kinder when engaging with humans, as he blatantly punishes his own kind for their very nature (of which he is entirely aware).  However, humans break much more easily, so this may be a necessity for engaging those tools compared to his sons.
FAMILY: His sons, wives, etc. are all tools and test subjects with which to create a new race and “save” the Demon World.  If they become failed experiments, he has no issue disposing of them himself.  When it comes to his kids, he’s extremely neglectful but does not hesitate to order their punishment when they displease him.  He’s imprisoned Laito, sent Shuu to the North Pole, and tossed Subaru into the ocean.  Most of his abuse was directly on his wives and directly affected how they would raise their sons, however, for which most of the Sakamaki children loathe him.  
PRINCE CHARMING: Karlheinz excels at charming and manipulating others.  As with Cordelia, he promises everything to obtain them, spoils them, and then acts in whatever manner best executes his experiment.
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Under construction.  
Quick summary: Really good contender for ‘worst dad’ and ‘worst vampire dad’ awards.
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Brief summaries of the verses for Karlheinz along with potential links for those less familiar with Diabolik Lovers but still want to interact with him.  For the sake of keeping things clean, encouraging community-wide and cooperative storytelling in roleplay, and not letting things get too crazy, verses will be limited.  More may be made over time as needed.
| DL Anime | DL More Blood Anime | Haunted Dark Bridal | More Blood | (Coming Soon)
Karlheinz is...somewhere.  Doing things.  Like usual.
*This verse will be typically be the default, 'main verse'. In this, it is assumed that Yui Komori is staying at the Sakamaki household with some version of the first game having taken place. If the second game is included, it's with the idea that Yui stayed with the Sakamakis.
Karlheinz is somewhere doing things, but now there’s Mukamis!
If for some reason it's absolutely necessary to differentiate between the verse above and a verse where More Blood has certainly occured, but Yui did not (at least initially) stay with the Sakamakis and instead is currently living with the Mukamis or was, until recently, still living with the Mukamis.  Rivalry abounds and attempts to procure Yui are likely.
Verse Details | Tag: #V; KARLHEINZ; MORE BLOOD
Posts that could take place in the Sakamaki or Mukami verses but involve duplicates (whether Yui or others) in the same scene in a manner that would be hard to pass off as typical flow for those verses.  Also includes nearly ANY time fellow characters are staying at the mansion, otherwise we’d end up with verses of 20+ additional characters hanging out in the Sakamaki villa.  
Verse Details | Tag:#V; KARLHEINZ; MISC
Posts that can easily be assumed to have occured in either the Sakamaki or Mukami verses, typically answering asks, etc. that aren’t directly related to events unique to their timelines.
Likely reserved for one-off threads exploring a “what if”, a romantic meme that would otherwise be inappropriate, etc.  If a meme doesn’t quite fit with one of the existing timelines, it’ll get one of these.
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Successfully cucked by Richter for years, but he kind of encouraged it to begin with so who really loses?
Can and will wear you out in the bedroom and leave you a flower to wake up to in the morning.
Gave Reiji a pocketwatch that shows how much time is left until the end of the world.  Demon world?  Human world?  Who knows.
Really just wanted to know if Shuu would actually fight back against polar bears when he sent him to the north pole.  Now he knows.
“Even when he loses, he wins” is a theme with this guy.  I hate him, too.  I know.
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THREAD / WRITING TAG: #echoes in the halls; karlheinz
HEADCANONS:  #hc; dialovers; karlheinz
IMAGES: #itt // karlheinz
MUSIC:  #music; dialovers; karlheinz
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trophyeve · 5 years
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A General Rundown of Permissions for the ‘Eve of the Sakamaki Household’ Verse
Can we ship with Yui?  Yes, but she’s singleship per verse for now unless myself and the people shipping with me decide otherwise.
Can we send shippy memes / etc.?  Sure, we can still explore what-ifs, drabbles and oneshot threads, but the main focus will be on the storyline here!
Can we know Yui has Cordelia’s heart, is possibly turning into a vampire, is surrounded by vampires, etc.?  On a case-by-case basis.  It should be discovered organically if it’s not something your character would be able to know already.  There’s plenty of situations where this would make sense.
Can we have characters comment on the events of the timeline?  Yes, if they “catch sight of”, “overhear a rumor”, “a familiar saw X”, or any other sensible reason, then characters can be aware of and comment on events.  I wholly encourage characters participate in Yui’s life!  
Can we rescue Yui Komori from the Sakamaki household?  Unlikely.  At best, if you succeed in the first place, it’s entirely likely that they will find you, they will take Yui back, and they will kill one or both of you for this.  Or the Mukamis might take advantage of the situation!  Yui is playing a dangerous game as it is even entertaining ways of potentially escaping, but she’s desperate to feel like she’s doing something to survive outside of relying on the Sakamaki’s goodwill.
Can another Yui come and interact with this Yui?  What about characters that aren’t on the ‘dedicated castmates’ list?  Yes - another Yui will be treated as though they’d somehow wandered into one’s world or the other via some enchanted, strange object or doorway in the Sakamaki household.  This allows them to interact, but prevents either Yui from being able to 'escape’ their situation.  The same excuse can be used as appropriate if other duplicate muses desire to participate and engage, but none will ever be regarded as a 'fake’.  They are genuine characters, parallel universes of their own right.  Exceptions can be made if discussed.  This likely will never even be addressed, and Yui will respond appropriately to any Ayato, etc.
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Biography Differences
Any notable differences from the default bio will be pointed here as appropriate.
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Additional Verse Information
Tag: #v // eve of the sakamaki household
Any extra bonus info links will go here as needed.
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Assumes a version of the events of Diabolik Lovers - Haunted Dark Bridal & Diabolik Lovers - More Blood took place.  Some information may be plucked from other source materials as appropriate/necessary, but the focus is on HDB first, MB second.
Summaries: Haunted Dark Bridal | More Blood (Coming Soon)
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Dedicated Castmates
Anyone who interacts frequently and wants to be considered a regular piece of the timeline can be added here, within reason!
Sakamaki Household
Ayato (@sadistic-sakamaki​) | Kanato | Laito​ | Shuu (@rxtrase​) | Reiji | Subaru
Mukami Household
Ruki | Kou | Yuma | Azusa
Additional Friends, Enemies, Etc.
OCs, crossovers, etc. that become important and of note.
Dez (@lachrymosestorm​) - “I don’t know her very well, but she’s been helping make the forgeries of Ayato’s signature!  She doesn’t know why I want it, but she’s been really helpful and willing to keep it quiet.  A nice girl.”
Basil (@monstrisanguine​ at first, then moved to <placeholder, searching>) - “He transferred in recently!  He wants to call me his friend already, which makes me happy.  I’d love to be his friend.  He has a very mature air about him…I wonder if I’ll be able to learn more about him soon?”
Yui Komori (@immolatusagnus​) - “She’s me.  Another version of me that’s just as real as I am.  I don’t really understand it, but at least we can help each other out sometimes.”
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'Til Now / Story So Far...
    Yui Komori knows her father and his group won’t accept her back.  She knows Cordelia’s heart is the one that beats within her chest and that, somehow, Ayato, Laito and Kanato 'took care of her’ once upon a time.  She lived with the six brothers in a questionable peace while trying to survive.  She was relatively successful despite the challenges of frequent anemia, the occasional mind games, torment and torture, and forced nocturnal lifestyle.  To some extent, she’s even learned to appreciate the Sakamakis.  She almost forgot that she wanted to escape in the first place.
    Unfortunately, during this complacency, the Mukamis showed up.  Making their intentions to obtain “Eve” clear, the Sakamakis determine that Yui sticks to one or more of them at all times to ensure the sacrificial bride is not stolen away. Yui has, so far, successfully avoided becoming any particular person’s “sacrificial bride” or “Eve”.  So far.
     Still, staying with the Sakamakis is changing her.  Afraid of many of these changes and sometimes distressed by her situation all over again, like waking from a trance, Yui has begun hoarding ideas to escape the Sakamaki household.  She herself isn’t even sure if she just wants the option to learn if she’d really do it, if she wants someone to stop her, just needs the fantasy of an escape, or if she’d really risk her life and the Sakamaki’s ire in leaving.
    She’s obtained a copy of Ayato’s signature and so far, working with a classmate in printing additional forgeries has proven successful.  She has to be slow and quiet about it, but she’s making a small amount of money to hoard and hide.  She just needs to make sure she isn’t caught.  Checking to make sure that Shuu wouldn’t be willing to sign a permanent permission slip to leave didn’t meet with any success - not that she expected any.  Checking with Subaru to find out if anyone would listen to him has proven unsuccessful so far as well.
To Be Continued…
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featherquillpen · 7 years
Canon Polyamory Recs
For this month’s Polyshipping Day, I thought I might rec some canons that have canon polyships. I don’t just mean strong subtext, or things that could be interpreted as poly, but actual explicit nonmonogamous relationships. I love non-canon polyships as much as the next person but I thought some folks might like to try out some canon ones!
The Magicians on SyFy
This has the best polyamory rep I’ve seen on television, period. The Magicians is a show about students at magic grad school. It started out with minor characters, showing us one student’s parents in a triad relationship with another magician. Then it brought polyamory into the foreground with a main character, Eliot, who is a king in an alternate reality where it is custom for royals to have both a husband and a wife. The show’s exploration of Eliot’s complicated emotional life is an absolute delight to watch.
The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin
This is one of the best fantasy book series of all time, in my opinion. It’s an epic set in a secondary world where a brutally oppressed class of geomancers are the only buffer against a tectonically active planet hostile to life. One of these geomancers, Syenite, and her friend and mentor Alabaster, enter into a long-term V relationship with a charming pirate named Innon (who is the hinge of the V.) I love the books’ loving, tender depiction of the metamour relationship between Syenite and Alabaster, who are so important to each other, and united by their love for the same man.
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
Rosemary, a human woman from Mars, and Sissix, a female lizard alien called an Aandrisk, end up in a committed open relationship by the end of the book. Aandrisks as a species are non-monogamous by default, and an important part of their relationship is Rosemary accepting that Sissix does not love her any less because she goes off to join Aandrisk orgies sometimes. Their romance is very sweet.
The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
The Vorkosigan Saga is an epic space opera centered on Barrayar, a planet that was cut off from the galaxy and regressed technologically, and was recently reintegrated into the galactic fold. It begins with a dramatic romance between Aral, a Barrayaran, and Cordelia, who basically comes from Space California. In the latest installment of the series, Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen, we learn that Aral and Cordelia were secretly in a committed V relationship (with Aral as the hinge) with Oliver Jole, Aral’s secretary. I liked how this newest book explores the metamour relationship between Cordelia and Oliver.
Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand by Samuel Delany
This book is centered around an epic romance between two men from different planets and radically different backgrounds. Korga is an ex-slave who went through hell to get where he is in life, while Marq is wealthy, respectable, and surrounded by a family that loves him. They end up in a committed open relationship. There is a scene where they go to a public bathhouse together and fuck a dragon. I don’t know what else you want from a book, honestly.
The Books of the Raksura by Martha Wells
These books explore a culture of dragon-people who live in colonies much like social insects. The worldbuilding is very interesting. In this culture, polyamory is normalized, and the main character is in a committed relationship with the queen of his dragon-hive, and later on a lower-ranked man of his hive as well.
The Red Threads of Fortune by J.Y. Yang
Set in a fantastical historical China, this book is centered on Sanao Mokoya, a magician on the run from her mother’s tyrannical regime. She is in an open marriage with a monk named Thennjay, and over the course of the book she falls in love with a mysterious naga-rider, who goes only by Rider, who she isn’t sure she can trust. Mokoya and Thennjay have a difficult marriage, but for reasons that have nothing to do with Mokoya’s lover. This book and its companion novel The Black Tides of Heaven are great new releases.
Edits: 21 June 2019
First of all, I want to rescind or at the very least qualify my rec of The Magicians; after I made this post, the show got deep into some toxic Bury Your Gays bullshit, and I can’t in good conscience fully recommend it anymore.
I also want to add some new recs.
Sense8 on Netflix
Definitely now the best polyamorous rep on television. It has not one, but two, canon polyamorous triads. Both of them are extremely sweet and good. 
Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron (podcast)
Friends at the Table is an actual play podcast where each season they tell a beautiful story by playing indie tabletop RPGs. One of their story arcs, Seasons of Hieron (consisting of Autumn in Hieron, Marielda, Winter in Hieron, and Spring in Hieron) now has an absolutely beautiful slow burn polyamorous V relationship between three women. 
Strange Grace by Tessa Gratton
A new YA fantasy book, set in a fairytale village on the edge of a deep, dark, terrifying forest, to which they regularly sacrifice boys to maintain their prosperity and harmony with the land. The daughter of the village witch gets into a polyamorous triad with two boys as they discover the forest’s dark secrets.
The Machineries of Empire by Yoon Ha Lee
I should be upfront that much of the polyamory in this series is not remotely happy or healthy, but deeply twisted, including incest and dubious consent. But whether it’s the two bloodthirsty gay immortals who share beautiful helpless young men over the centuries, or the boss general lady who just loves her wives a lot, polyamory is ubiquitous and deeply normalized in the fictional space fantasy society of the Machineries of Empire series. 
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kvlpa-moved-blog · 6 years
Ship Roulette // Not Accepting // @bestowedfate
1. Leilani x Elisha
!!! fe13 fankid friends tho!!! i feel like Leilani and Elisha - they’re both very calm and composed people, although elisha has her occasional cheeriness whereas leilani can sometimes kind of be like... one-note, if that makes sense? so they’d mesh very well together i think while still also being obviously separate and with their own quirks and things that set them apart but compliment nicely - though leilani is definitely less of a devout being than elisha is lmao.
2. Seohyun x Robyn
WELL in Seohyun’s awakening verse she’s a dancer from Chon’sin, and while i haven’t worked out the particulars of her verse yet she definitely gets recruited into the Shepherds at some point! it’d be interesting to see them work together tbh, Seohyun is a v mature and generally well-behaved woman but she does like to pull the occasional trick on someone or tease people now and then, and i feel like she’d get along with Robyn well.
3. Lysander x Karina
y e l l s gently..... lysander still need a main summoner tbh so if kari wants him she can take him ;v; BUT HONESTLY they could get along well i think. Lysander’s a bit older than kari, so if that isn’t your cup of tea for a ship-ship then brotps are always good too. honestly i could see him taking her under his wing and being protective of her, she’s around the same age as cordelia so there’s definitely potential for him to see her as like. a younger sister somewhat if that? makes sense.
4. Cordelia x Lisbeth
mom/daughter???? mom/daughter!!! tbh cordelia/stahl is definitely one of my ore fave pairings for her so any stahl fankids are always welcome to call her mom - and i see that u have on her page that her default mom is cordelia, so >v> i’m definitely down.
5. Phoebe x Beatrice
!!! MORE SECOND GENS AW YEAH. phoebe is my OC helios’ daughter, in her awakening verse her default mom is Sumia :o i feel like she and Beatrice would get along nicely tbh!! Phoebe’s a v bright and caring individual and she’d v much admire Bee’s hardworking ethic too.
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saphireign-a · 4 years
Verses Masterpost ;;
|| Here’s where you’ll find a list of my verses and a general overview of them. If you’d like more information, click on the links provided! Active verses are those that are generally common and used often. Request Only verses are those that don’t have a lot of traction, but are still relatively active or are semi-closed to specific people. If you’re not certain, please don’t hesitate to ask! This post will be updated to reflect any new verses being added, or old ones removed. By default, new verses are under “request only”.
;; v: eight lives left - Survived AU ; somewhat follows Canon. Essentially Claudia is alive during present times, and is hiding within plain sight. Presently “too old for this nonsense”, she’s working to find out who not only who tried to kill her, but claimed the lives of her son and her daughter-in-law. Lives with two cats. Occasionally offers her own intel at the Earl of Phantomhive’s request.
;; v: mirrored reflection - Mirror / Twin AU ; Cordelia Phantomhive, sister to Claudia Phantomhive, was never one to really become the Watchdog. Instead, she helps stand in for her sister when necessary. Cordelia survived the attacks on the Phantomhive manor and is often abroad. Catch all tag for duplicates!
;; v: she’s awake - Canon Death “Route”. A wraith haunts the grounds and manor of the Phantomhives, though no one knows who it is. Claudia is mute, leaving short and often frightening message for its inhabitants. Rare is it that she makes her presence known to outsiders. One best tread carefully whilst in the Phantomhive manor. Who knows what’s lurking in the shadows…
;; v: bitches get shit done - Modern AU ; Claudia in the modern era. An assassin following the death of her late father, whom left her his estate. She was introduced to the “Underworld” of London at the shy age of twenty, and now at thirty she’s become quite the prominent figure. Catch all tag for modern day shenanigans.
;; v: corrupted duality - Cyberpunk AU ; A former “watchdog” turned into structured, “organise crime”, the current head of the Phantomhives is a complete enigma to those on the outside. Claudia has built this empire on her own, and she’d do anything and everything to keep it from crumbling around her.
;; v: flight of the magpie - Dark Souls AU ; “Claudia Phantomhive” has become a synonymous with the huntress “The Magpie”, though few have actually seen her. A “Cordelia” has reached the continent, seeking to break a curse ere it breaks her. 
;; v: fortuna magicae - Witch AU ; a fortune teller with some skill in both light and dark magic. The Magpie Witch, known as Claudia ( or “Cordelia” to others ), can not only see your future, but bless you with fame and fortune, or woe and tragedy. Tread carefully, stranger.
;; v: fortune favours the bold - Pokemon AU ; A “Watchdog” for the Pokémon League, Claudia travels often to ascertain threat levels within the various regions. For the most part, she has a rather neutral look on things, but can and will help aid others if asked for it.
;; v: hail to the queen - Royalty AU ; the cold yet fair Queen to a growing Queendom, Claudia ascended the throne of her land and has since reigned. She has no plans for an immediate family, instead deciding to focus her energies on forging alliances and ensuring her plans are set in motion. Beware of the Magpie, they whisper; for where ill fortune is sought, misfortune will follow.
;; v: phantasmal shadow - Vampire AU ; turned weeks after her thirty-fifth birthday, Claudia is a vampiress of mystery and intrigue. She resides within what’s known informally as “The Den of Evils”, it was once the Phantomhive Estate. An enigma to vampiric and human society, no one knows what she’s doing in there…
;; v: a storyteller’s perspective - Runaway AU ; Claudia has left the life of the Watchdog behind, stealing away into the night with naught to her name but some money, her rapier, and the clothes on her back. Paranoid of being found and brought back, she moves around occasionally, presently residing in Luxemburg, becoming something of a novelist. ( this verse is rather flexible in terms of locations! )
;; v: summoned misfortune - Demon AU ; A demoness of pride,  Idroiel is presently a considered candidate for a vacant spot in those who enshrine the embodiment of their respective sin. She has no contracts, but she likes to stir up trouble in the mortal realm. Would you like to test your luck?
;; v: winteral feathers - Fae AU ; The infamous Seelie Winter Fae, An Geamhradh. They’re a fae known to be a duality of either ill fortune or good tiding. Follow the lone, sprialing path, and you may hear the magpie’s song...
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kristie-rp · 6 years
Blood in the Water, part 2: Rita
Prequel (v.1)
Triggers: Implied/referenced rape, implied/referenced assault, explicit murder, referenced drowning, referenced murder attempt
Rita agrees to find Corelle for a myriad of reasons –
Leo asks her to, and it’s the first time he’s alluded to her primary source of income, the work she dedicates the most time to, so she takes it seriously. Corelle is gone, he says. It does not take Rita much thought to conclude she’s been kidnapped, and that’s bad enough, but –
And Corelle, she knows, is her niece, whether anyone else knows it or not. The girl is a brat, and she’s been nothing but awful to her sister, but she traded her sisters soul and body for the safety of two people, and she’s not the only one, which would be so much easier, but –
And the whole reason she has taken over a gang is to work for the peace of mind of innocents, of children and defenceless women, and men, when they don’t make the mistake of getting on her bad side. Her business with the gang is taking out murderers and criminals who target innocents, and Corelle, however awful a child she happens to be, is technically innocent, and –
And there’s a chance, a very slim chance, that this is linked somehow to what happened to Septima a lifetime ago. Rita has never found the answers she wants for what happened, has never been able to find someone to blame. It eats at her, and if there is a chance this will work, then she will take it –
– reasons that are, mostly, her own.
The tracking takes longer than she’s like, once Leo finally swallows his pride and asks her to tend to the matter. At this point, he says, Corelle has been gone for five days. Rita doesn’t lecture him, because he looks like he’s suffering enough, but she hopes that her expression gives a suitable impression of how unimpressed she is with him putting this conversation off.
“I’ll deal with it,” she says, and she does.
It takes her less than 48 hours to find the place, and even that is longer than she’d like. She takes two guns, each loaded with specific bullets. The one that is easiest to reach with her left, dominant, hand, is loaded with byzantine bullets for the moment. There is another clip loaded with adamantium bullets, and a few spares for byzantine. Her second gun, closest to her right hand, is loaded with mundane bullets, gunpowder and steel, and is for everything human she gets to deal with in the day to day. She defaults to the one on the right to send a message, and the one on the left when she wants a guaranteed death. (It’s the only way to be sure, in Port Lyndon.)
The first 48 hours are up by the time she makes a move. The man inside (man might be an inaccurate term that she refuses to drop in the belief that it’s mundanity minimizes fear, and she is fairly certain there is something distinctly demonic or at least corrupted in his presence, enough that the angel in her veins is itching to purify. Worse, she suspects this man has a stake in Corelle – that this is the missing link to what she has privately promised to Septima, regardless of her sisters anti-murder mentality) has been lingering too close to windows for her liking, and she has to wait until he leaves them before she can approach.
The elderly neighbour is deaf and the intermittent screaming has stopped by the time Rita enters the rundown house. She hangs back as the man talks, times her breathing on heavy footsteps – has this asshole never mastered stelth? – and waits. It’s not long before she is able to follow him into the bathroom, him and Corelle, who looks much the worse for wear –
– especially when her head is forcibly shoved underwater and held there.
Rita draws the left gun and aims, pulls the trigger when it is trained on the head. Blood and matter explodes forward, mostly missing the bath and spattering instead across what remains of the hazy glass of the window after the byzantine bullet shatters it. She ignores the body slumping over to remove the now slack hand from Corelle’s head, replacing the hand with her own to lift the girl from the water and holding there until she is sure she is not going to go right back under.
When she’s assured of Corelle’s independence – being named after Cordelia has never been less appropriate, she thinks resentfully – she stares at the corpse. There is no way it has survived, demonic or not.
Rita still shoots it a second time, finding grim satisfaction in it.
If she’s right – and she’ll be taking blood to test her theory – if she’s right and this is the man who made Corelle a possibility all those years ago, then she’s underestimated two things. The first is her sisters ability to overlook genuine evil intent, because there is nothing good in this cretin. The second is the cruelty of the man she knew only as a rapist, no details other than that. She’s going to have Corelle’s bruises memorized for an eternity.
“You need clothes,” she says at last, but doesn’t hold out much hope of finding any. She throws a towel at Corelle, waits for her to drain the water from the tub, and looks around. The best she can find is a bathrobe that will be many sizes too big for the girl, and will probably smell of the last person Corelle is going to want to think of.
“Put this on,” she instructs, leaving no room for argument. Corelle, she notes at last, is staring at her. Rita lifts a brow in her direction. “Well, if you want to be naked while I take you to a doctor, be my guest.”
Corelle tugs the robe on as quickly as her battered limbs allow.
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olivieraa · 6 years
like... here’s the thing
its practically impossible to be a lesbian and not be a radfem, thus making me a ‘terf’ by default
ya know what tumblr is sorta like? tho not as good
sex and the city
I didn’t know I was watching a feminist show when my 9 or 10 year old ass started watching a show too old for me, but... I was an early bloomer when it came to sexual things lol a lot of things went over my heard of course, but out of what I COULD understand, I liked
I rewatched satc last year I think it was, to finally watch it in chronological order rather than random eps which is how I had always seen the show over the past 10+ years (even saw eps I’d never seen before)
but satc was probably my first introduction to feminism (tho if you wanna say Buffy is feminist then.... maybe second intro, but still). and yeah, that’s probably where some of my ideals and morals came from. but it is NOT the feminism bible.
I wanna put emphasis on introduction. they taught me some things that were important, but not everything was perfect. some if it was just wrong, straight up wrong.
the modern day version of it would probably be oitnb, just... a gay version (tho Samantha was a temporary lesbian in satc for a bit lmao)
oitnb is ALSO not perfect despite some awesome feminist moments
but that’s what I love tho... they’re realistic. expecting perfection is NOT gonna happen (which is what tumblr does... I’ve seen the relationship this site has had with kids cartoons korra and su to name but a few)
tumblr, added onto my learning of feminism, and I learned a lot too. but damn does this site get it wrong a lot as well.
so despite hating Joss Whedon, I’m thankful to the Buffy series for what it taught me (and it also gave me Cordelia), and despite despising this site, it helped me learn a few things, especially in the beginning
but when tumblr started turning into a cult where if you dont all have the same tumblr-esque opinion then you are P U R E  E V I L, and I was becoming hesitant on ever daring to have a different opinion, that’s when I knew there was something fucked up going on
also, I was aware from the first bloody WEEK I was on here, how American-centric the site was. even when my blog was 99% anime and 1% political, I was still just surrounded by Americans. and Americans, pm every single one I have met, shove their opinions on you. its almost like its a thing. that Americans are just too self centred to think the rest of the world is allowed to think differently. OR that all white people are the same, so white people from Ireland and England and Poland and Norway have the exact same culture as America. a country that pm lacks a culture.
right, anyway. 
my American friends on here turned on me so quickly bc my opinions weren’t American enough lol they couldn’t fathom the thought that the opinions they had were NOT universal, but almost STRICTLY American
and the only reason other countries have fucking losers with opinions like theirs, is that American shit is EVERYWHERE and other countries are easily influenced
like think about it.
imagine... imagine a typical white 19 year old on here. and then she says she’s a genderfluid pansexual aromantic.
imagine a girl in India who is forced into a hut everytime she’s on her period bc its impure.
imagine the girl from India making a post about how hard it is to be a woman.
imagine then... that 19 year old freak lecturing that girl from India saying “I’m sorry for what you have gone through, but not ALL women menstruate, men do too. by saying only girls go through this, you are excluding SO many people. please be more inclusive with your language.”
this............. has happened.
not that exact situation. but this fucking shit has happened.
so back to my point at the beginning.
I legit cannot talk to “queer” women irl without a debate coming up about why I’m not interested in trans women. I have to justify to them why I’ve no interest, like I’ve to justify to a straight male that I’m not interested, or to a male in general who I never told that I was a lesbian on why I have no interest and he wants to know why, what’s wrong with him, why am I friendzoning him, what is he doing wrong, maybe I should rethink my preferences cause he’s so nice!!!
maybe I should rethink my preferences on women cause some apparently have dicks!!!
I’m not fucking interested
and by default I’m a terf, I’m a violent, hateful lesbian
when fuckboys started going around saying feminism was about hating men, we always had to say “actually it has nothing to do with men, its about women, but way to make a movement about women all about you, as is the norm”
its literally the same now but in a PROGRESSIVE way cause the wording is changed.
they think radical feminism is about hating trans women (males), when its LITERALLY about encouring women not to conform to a partiarchal society, but trans people have made it centre around them, as if that’s ALL the movement is about.
if they didn’t fucking THREATEN lesbians so much, then maybe they’d be talked about way fucking less
but you cant go anywhere on this site without seeing “op is a terf” or “terfs dont interact” and “here is a list of terfs, block and stay safe <3″ (as if we’re the ones sending threats lol)
and those same people actually use words like misandrist, and dont have men who KILL trans women as their primary hate focus. no no....... its women. as per usual. especially the one’s least available to them. lesbians.
straight guys have always wanted to “turn” lesbians, and now they’re getting away with threatening us into giving them chances and it being seen as a progressive thing. funny how these trans women are oh so rarely into men lmao always seem to be lesbians. trans men always seem to be into gay men and ALWAYS seem to love yaoi.
fucking. coincidence.
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seven-re · 8 years
Hi there I'm a fan of Scarlett, imo she should be the main protagonist of Diabolik Lovers instead of that retarded slut Y*i Ko**ri, Scarlett's personality as a dominant woman is really refreshing
Scarlett Harada is not Victoria Ki Ja, I’m assuming you’re new so I give you the kind welcome and will procceed to explain the difference since I know both characters look very similar.
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Harada Scarlett (left) is an OC, a tsundere girl, daughter of a policemen who was killed by Ritcher since he was investigating the abduction of young girls, addressed as sacrificial brides by the Sakamaki brothers. Scarlett did not follow her father’s wish and decided to investigate herself, because the last disapparition was… Komori Yui, the daughter of her father’s old friend.
She enters the mansion pretending to fight back and get her free, but is instead trapped, since Scarlett’s mother, who became a witch and abandoned her at a young age (hence, she does not know her), was the one to implant Cordelia’s heart on Yui, Richter orders not to get her killed, as part of the promise between him and Scarlett’s mother.
I also have to say that Scarlett was created to follow the anime timeline, not the game.
Victoria Ki Ja (right) is a self insert, and takes the place of Diabolik Lover’s heroine (default name, Komori Yui). She has Cordelia’s heart implanted, Seiji is her adoptive father, and was sent to the Sakamaki mansion when Seiji was asigned a vampire hunting job outside Japan. Her backstory is constructed trying to match the game’s (first game) facts.
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Scarlett is not a dominant woman, she is actually a masochist, due to the guilt of failing to save Yui she started to look for pain, would reccur to Shu in order to be tortured, mistreated, and all… because she felt like it was all she deserved, she started ot give in to darkness, and fell in love with Shu.
Victoria was at first frightened, and developed sadism in order to survive the hellish tought that she had fallen in love with an abuser… she decided to ignore her feelings and earn her freedom. Thing is, she is with Reiji.
Design wise, Scarlett’s hair gradually turns blonde, mine (Victoria’s) turns purple, I also have the mole on my face which Scarlett lacks.
Mh… also Scarlett has curly hair in the front if you see her like… I didn’t exagerate them as much as I would nowadays with my style but yeah it’s not straight like mine.
Mh I dunno what else to say in order to point the differences but people usually confuse us. I find it normal, because when I met Diabolik Lovers, since Toriumi Kousuke is my favorite seiyuu, I was biased towards Shu, and hated Reiji.
But instead of doing a self insert for Shu… I did an OC and followed the animu timeline (thus the character sheet that everyone reposted in anime style of Scarlett xD)
So, while creating her I wanted her to look a bit like me, but she is not like me at all, her personality and aura is different, and she is definetly not dominant. She is in fact, a huge masochist.
Ajkdsfajk did I pin point everything? I hope XD ah no, Scarlett is smol, shortie, and I am taller :v 
P.S. - I don’t really condone badmouthing against the default heroine anymore, I try to be respectful to others and I ask for others to respect me as well. I know some of my followers like the heroine as a third party so... instead of hating on her, just ignore her if you don’t like her ^^
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derangedsilence · 5 years
Richter Sakamaki
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Please feel free to check any of the Sakamaki Bros.’ permission lists.  It’s pretty repetitively the same.
The only exceptions:
Shipping - It’s fine if you want it, but be aware he’s going to cheat, lie, and steal his way to whatever he wants.
Participation - Hop into getting involved in plots and storylines!  Just do the dashboard commentary thing and tag this blog so I can be sure to see it.  This much is the same.  However, for some people, plots will need to have certain secrets kept, etc. until later.  You’re still welcome to get involved, but it might be better to discuss with me and any other involved players how to participate instead of commenting on the grapevine for those particular plot aspects.
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Biography / Stats
FULL NAME. Richter Sakamaki ALIAS. Fuckboy (Cordelia, probably) AGE. Appears 25-35 || Actually significantly older BIRTHDAY. August 30  GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male, he/him ORIENTATION. Heteroflexible.  He’ll play it up for whoever can be used. SPECIES. Vampire. OCCUPATION. Unknown. RESIDENCE. Someplace in the demon world, but visits the Sakamaki household from time to time.
HAIR. Dark green EYES. Red BUILD. Fit HEIGHT. 6'1''  TATTOOS. None PIERCINGS. Earring on his left ear. ADDITIONAL MARKINGS.   None. OTHER. Right-handed
ZODIAC. Virgo ALIGNMENT. Chaotic neutral  POSITIVE TRAITS.  doting, patient, cautious NEGATIVE TRAITS. obsessive, manipulative, conceited 
BIRTH PLACE. Japan NATIONALITY. Japanese PARENTS. Unknown SIBLINGS. Sibling: Karlheinz.  Nephews: Shuu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito and Subaru Sakamaki EXTENDED FAMILY. Sister-in-laws: Beatrix, Cordelia, Christa (also his cousin). EDUCATION. Unknown SPECIES. Vampire NOTABLE SKILLS. Manipulation, playing the long game, swordfighting, poetry  LANGUAGES. Japanese, English  FAVORITE FOOD. Cordelia
PUREBLOOD. Inhuman strength, increased speed, vision, hearing, and smell. Fast healing & healing saliva. TELEPORTATION. Can teleport instantaneously. FLYING. He can fly on a full moon. SWORDSMANSHIP. A OTHER. Unknown. WEAKNESSES. Truly holy objects weaken can weaken him somewhat.   DISLIKES.  Karlheinz
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[*Credit: Appearance section pulled directly from the Dialovers Wiki.]
Richter has red eyes and dark greenish hair that ends at his chest.  He wears a black outfit with black ropes, black boots, black gloves, and an earring on his left ear.
In DARK FATE, he wears a black cloak with a hood that covers up most of his face, in which the cloak has golden lining.
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Richter suffers from second sibling syndrome.  With an inferiority complex that’s probably larger than the amount of condoms used on Valentine’s Day, Richter is obsessed with obtaining anything and everything that is his brother’s so that he can one day surpass him.  His inferiority complex extends, slightly, to his nephews, as he takes great pleasure in being viewed as superior to them as well.
Originally, Cordelia herself was just another object of his brother’s that he wanted.  Something to take from Karlheinz, she was also a blood source that would assist in him becoming strong enough to defeat and replace his brother.  Over time, Richter fell for Cordelia in his own way, both content to use and abuse her as a tool but longing for her attention and whimsical, awful demands.  He seeks various ways to resurrect and restore Cordelia.
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Under construction.  
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Brief summaries of the verses for Reiji along with potential links for those less familiar with Diabolik Lovers but still want to interact with him.  For the sake of keeping things clean, encouraging community-wide and cooperative storytelling in roleplay, and not letting things get too crazy, verses will be limited.  More may be made over time as needed.
| DL Anime | DL More Blood Anime | Haunted Dark Bridal | More Blood | (Coming Soon)
Richter continues to try to find ways to resurrect Cordelia and become stronger.
*This verse will be typically be the default, 'main verse'. In this, it is assumed that Yui Komori is staying at the Sakamaki household with some version of the first game having taken place. If the second game is included, it's with the idea that Yui stayed with the Sakamakis.
Richter realizes that Karlheinz has done something to Cordelia’s heart, but is still determined to find a new way to bring her back.  He continues to try to find ways to resurrect Cordelia and become stronger.
If for some reason it's absolutely necessary to differentiate between the verse above and a verse where More Blood has certainly occured, but Yui did not (at least initially) stay with the Sakamakis and instead is currently living with the Mukamis or was, until recently, still living with the Mukamis.  Rivalry abounds and attempts to procure Yui are likely.
Verse Details | Tag: #V; RICHTER; MORE BLOOD
Posts that could take place in the Sakamaki or Mukami verses but involve duplicates (whether Yui or others) in the same scene in a manner that would be hard to pass off as typical flow for those verses.  Also includes nearly ANY time fellow characters are staying at the mansion, otherwise we’d end up with verses of 20+ additional characters hanging out in the Sakamaki villa.  
Verse Details | Tag:#V; RICHTER; MISC
Posts that can easily be assumed to have occured in either the Sakamaki or Mukami verses, typically answering asks, etc. that aren’t directly related to events unique to their timelines.
Likely reserved for one-off threads exploring a “what if”, a romantic meme that would otherwise be inappropriate, etc.  If a meme doesn’t quite fit with one of the existing timelines, it’ll get one of these.
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Is probably the kind of guy who argues over which words are and aren’t real as defined by dictionary in Scrabble, the bastard
Cucked Karlheinz for years
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THREAD / WRITING TAG: #echoes in the halls; richter
HEADCANONS:  #hc; dialovers; richter
IMAGES: #itt // richter sakamaki
MUSIC:  #music; dialovers; richter
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tfsroleplay · 2 years
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"Man... today's been a rough day... For once, I think I'm gonna take a day off from the cafe tomorrow. And Arius was avoiding me earlier, every time I asked what was wrong he just dodged the question... I don't get it..."
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tfsroleplay · 2 years
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"Oooh one of my favorite seasonal drinks is back in stock! Sure, I could make it myself but sometimes I feel lazy..."
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tfsroleplay · 2 years
((Verse Tag Dump :D along with their names but thats mostly for me so i could remember and make the tags properly... carmello is the only one who's verses aren't up yet... hers will be up soon! and you can read the new verse for sylvia and julian in their verse pages if you wanna))
Default Verse Agents of Chance - (Neo agent 3 with Julian)
Agent 5 - (Splatoon 2) Cafe Agent - (Default)
Undercover Agent - (Splatoon 2) Agent of the NSS - (Default)
Salmonid Agent - Default Agents of Chance (Neo agent 3 with Sylvia)
Default Verse (unsure if ill add more... she was mostly used in splatoon 2 rps before but she's 26 as of splatoon 3 so... hmmm...)
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tfsroleplay · 8 months
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"Sometimes I really forget that most Inkfish can't swim... Cause I love the water, and a lot of people look at me weird for saying that..."
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tfsroleplay · 9 months
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((dont mind me just posting some tags for possible later use! aka updated verse tags/names if you're curious b/c i feel like i need to update my tumblr theme eventually... And actually USE the verse tags I made... because I forget... a lot...))
((at least i updated the verses...))
Default - Main Agents of Chance - Neo Agent 3 w/ Julian
Splatoon 2 - Agent 5 (aka my version of Agent 4 b/c i had 2 agents for Splatoon's story mode) Default - Main, splatoon 3
Splatoon 2 - Undercover Agent for Octavio during story mode Default - Main, splatoon 3, now an agent for NSS
Default - Main Agents of Chance - Neo Agent 3 w/ Sylvia Salmonid Raised - Used for when interacting with other peoples' NSS/Agents.
Default - Main
Default - Main An Unfortunate Soul - Used for when interacting with other peoples' NSS/Agents.
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