#Cordelia Frost
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marigraphia · 1 month ago
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As I mentioned, I read a bunch of Emma backstory comics, starting with Emma Frost (2003), and it got me on a character design kick. Before starting to draw Emma's journey, though, I actually went and sketched her whole family!
The second image (of which I've already posted the Emma bit) is from the scene at the end of issue #6 where Mr. Frost names his successor. It was previously depicted in New X-Men #139, and later again in Dark Reign: The Cabal, but I didn't really take other depictions into consideration - not for this scenes in particular or the characters in general.
I have a pretty solid idea of how Emma currently looks (and I've drawn it not long before starting this), and I know what she's been said/shown to have changed (bleached hair, nose job, breast implants). I took that, and the way the characters looked in this particular comic, into consideration.
I started with the parents, giving them different enough traits that I could mix and match for 4 other characters, and also that Emma could inherit, either to keep or to dislike enough that she'd change them. And then I took those pieces and built the kids. I know that's not really how genetics work, but if I'm (re)designing an entire dysfunctional family you bet I'm taking the chance to get slightly philosophical with it. So:
Winston has brown hair, a smaller face, a hooked nose, small eyes, very thin lips, and a few moles.
Hazel has blonde hair, a longer, thinner face, a button nose, larger eyes, slightly fuller lips, and a more prominent chin.
Adrienne has her mother's hair, face shape, and nose, but her father's eyes and eyebrows, and also a single mole near her lips. She got all her mother's Pretty Girl features, but has her father's cutthroatness. On top of that effortless beauty, she also has a tan and fuller lips, because her appearance is something she takes pride and care in, and is definitely not above going an extra mile for it.
(I know in Adrienne's other appearances her hair is brown, and the common interpretation - or at least the one that made it to the wiki - is that she's a natural brunette who used to bleach it, but 1. as I said, I was going just by the 'Emma Frost' comic, where she's blonde the whole time, and 2. I think it's far more interesting if she naturally has all the things that are iconic - but artificial - in Emma, since she's clearly a dark reflection of her character)
Christian has his mother's hair, face shape, nose, and eyebrows (though harsher versions), and his father's eyes and lips. They're almost exactly the same features from each parent as Adrienne, but he's The Son, he's not supposed to take after his mother.
Emma has her mother's eyes and eyebrows, and the rest is all her father's. Her looking the most like him works twofold: it gives her physical traits to feel insecure about (and eventually change) and creates a direct connection between the two, since he's gonna chose her as his heir.
Cordelia has her mother's nose, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, and chin, and her father's face shape and moles. Unlike Emma, she got so many of the Pretty Girl features naturally, but goes out of her way to reject them. I like to think she probably dismisses all her conventionally attractive traits and instead focuses on small things she's insecure about, like the moles.
And, once again, if you read all of this you get a bonus sketch!
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It's from a scene in X-Men Origins: Emma Frost (2010), because I wanted to draw Emma with Hazel before she got sick, but it didn't really fit in the other post (which was exclusively about Emma and starts when she's already a teenager). Not sure how en vogue pinky drinking is atm, sorry if Mrs. Frost looks tacky.
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unworthingtons · 2 years ago
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Bought to you by @mattholicguilt leaving me in the kitchen for too long
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newx-menfan · 2 years ago
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You KNOW they’re related solely because of how much they steal each other’s looks 😂🤣
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gayjuggernaut · 2 years ago
Is it weird to make Adrienne & Cordelia Frost before their much more popular and famous sister, Emma? Maybe. But I had fun with these two! Chased out of town and disgraced after trying to ruin Emma's life, Adrienne & Cordelia grabbed what they could and ran as far as the train would take them - to Evergreen Harbor! Sharing a run down apartment for now, Adrienne is determined to build an empire of her own to finally prove herself better than her sister, while Cordelia is hoping to start over and forget the past. Time to move on! I was going for a very "we stole this from our family estate on our way out and also hit up every dump and thrift store in town when we got here" vibe for their place. I like it! Gallery ID: Gregology
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lesbianmarrow · 4 months ago
Cordelia would not go as Emma Frost for Halloween because that’s way too nerdy and she’s cool but she would take one look at Emma’s costume and decide she needs to wear it and claim it’s a costume of something else
and she would look amazing!!!!!! and xander, who canonically reads xmen comics, would try to say um i think that's an emma frost costume? and she would be like no you're wrong. i'm trying to think if willow would ever dress up as a comic book character for halloween......i think if it was in the modern day she and tara might do a harley & ivy couples costume but in the late 90s i think harlivy was niche enough that willow & tara wouldnt have known about it bc theyre not that into superhero stuff. i do think buffy and willow and dawn would dress up as the powerpuff girls. and i think anya owns a power girl costume that xander bought her but it's not for halloween, it's for sex purposes
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sinnohstruggles · 5 months ago
would y'all be okay if i visited juniper at the hospital?
IM PACKING A BAG as we speak
What Lumipallo is trying to say is please go visit him, we'll meet you there.
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azrielover · 2 months ago
Skyfall : “Hello”
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This is an OC x azriel story which will come in bits and pieces, meaning you could probably read each part as a one-shot in any order! Each part of the “skyfall” series will have one of these mood board covers which gives the “vibe” of the chapter 🫶🏼 I am judging the timeline of the story based on if the year 0 represents the end of the first human wars which are noted in the acotar series! Therefore BCE stands for “before current era” and CE is “current era”.
| Summary: Noelle, the adopted daughter of the Illyrian Lord of Vornhale, discovers a family secret while sneaking around the manor.
| Warnings: child abuse and domestic violence (alluded to and near the beginning)
| Word Count: 2k
| Skyfall Masterlist: click here!
“Why do you never listen insolent girl?” her governess spat, sharp fingernails dug into Noelle’s pale arm as she was dragged further and further away from the falling snow outside. She could still just make out the figures of her elder brothers, Kraven and Matteo, play-fighting through the frosted window, their dark features standing out against the snow dancing around them as the circled each other, wings glowing as the setting rays of sun shone through the membrane. Scrambling to find purchase along the stone walls of her Vornhale manor, the five year old continued to thrash in the older Illyrians hold.
“Please Mistress Cordelia,” she begged, boots kicking at the stone floor as they reached the stair case which led to the manor’s sleeping quarters and the study of the Illyrian Lord of Vornhale, her father. As a very traditional, respected male within the settlement, Tobias Blackwell took his position as “Lord” with the upmost seriousness. Although he was not her real father, he and his wife Thera had taken Noelle in as a newborn, raising her as their own after her mother had died in childbirth and her father was never identified. Thera had been being longtime friends with Noelle’s late mother, and with a yearning for a daughter of her own after two boys, taking her in was an easy decision to make.
Reaching the top of the dark stone steps in a much calmer manner in which their showdown began, Noelle, ever the antagonist, muttered, “Stupid hag”. Her governess froze and stared for a moment then promptly grasped a fistful of Noelle’s hair, white locks tangled in the firm grip of the weathered female’s hand and promptly began to be dragged through the halls.
“Let go! Let go!” she begged, body jerking as her white Illyrian wings grazed the floor, “I’ll walk to my room myself please Cordi, oh please.” Her feet shuffled clumsily in an attempt to keep up with the fast pace she was being pulled along at, wincing as her hair was tugged relentlessly.
“Deciful child,” Cordelia seethed, “No supper for you tonight, and Lord Tobias will be informed of this beastly behaviour,” Noelle whimpered at her words, “You have no right to act this way”, she went on “after you were blessed by the cauldron to be housed with the Lord and Lady of this house.”
Her room was fast approaching, the guards, glacing at her as she passed by, beginning to light the torches along the halls as the day shifted to night, “Do you know how many Illyrian children would kill to be in your position?” she continued, still walking, “A bastard, orphaned girl with nothing to her name being bestowed with riches, food and protection at her beck and call.” A look of disdain crossed her tanned face as they made their way inside the room, “You, child, are undeserving of the mother’s blessing. Stay here until morning. Do not leave.” Turning on her heels, she walked out and slammed the door behind her.
Huffing in admission, Noelle reached up to gently touch her tender scalp, flinching away as she made contact. Focusing on the kernel of light inside of her, she closed her eyes and rested her palm atop her pale blonde hair once more. Glowing light seeped from the tips of her fingers and weaved it’s way along the parts which still hurt, dissapearing into her skin where the pain quickly began to fade, faster than her fae healing could by hours.
Sighing glumly and rolling her eyes, Noelle stalked to the head of her large bed and rested her small hand on a mismatched coloured piece of stone which only just stood out against the rest of the wall. Pushing the stone forward with some effort, a mechanism inside the wall of her bedroom clicked and a hidden door way appeared before her, she quickly entered before it shut behind her. She didn’t like to resort to leaving her room this way as it always made things much more difficult, but it seemed as though she was out of options if she wanted to play in first snow of the winter season before morning came.
Noelle was a stubborn child and found it completely unfair how her adoptive brothers were allowed to enjoy extra play time and she was deigned to be stuck looking down at them from her bedroom window woefully. Having discovered this hidden passage way a few months beforehand, it quickly became her most harboured secret. She was sure no one in the manor knew of it’s existence and Noelle intended to keep it that way, it was very useful and this was her room afterall.
It was pitch black as she followed the dark path down a winding staircase. As no one knew of the passages existence, there was no servants to light the torches along it, and Noelle herself was much to small to reach and light them herself. So instead she rested both hands upon the walls on either side of her, tucked in her wings tightly so they wouldn’t graze the stone, and slowly made her way down. The walls were cold under her touch, and slightly slimy with something she tried not to think too hard about what it could be.
She had never been down the passage after sunset. Usually pockets of light shone through cracks in the walls, but today no such light was given. She had already pushed her own magic by healing herself earlier, so producing any light herself was out of the question.
Noelle began thinking of the many snow angels she planned to make once she got outside, giggling quietly to herself as she remembered Matteo’s sorry attempt at his own, which ended up looking more like a blob than an Illyrian boy. He tried to hit her after she had laughed at him but she had doged him like always. That was when she had been called inside by her governess and Matteo had scampered off to join Kraven like nothing had happened.
The wall began to grow more frosted under her touch, and the stairway downward began to flatten, signifying she had made it to ground level. She ran her fingers along the stone as she strived along, knowing she would soon be out in the fresh winter chill, yet as she walked, she suddenly felt metal and wood on her left. Stopping out of curiosity, she turned to her side and felt about still cloaked in darkness, managing to make out a the shape of a door, a cold, metal knob and a big key hole she managed to stick her finger through and wiggle around. She had not come across this door before in her secret adventures through the passage.
A tug in her chest pulled her closer to the wooden door in front of her, and the urge to continue in that direction became so overwhelming strong, Noelle decided it would be rude to ignore it. Fumbeling around for the door knob again, she twisted it slightly, and to her surprise it opened up into yet another corridor, yet at least this one was lined brightly with torches. Staring opened eyed for a short while at her discovery, the small girl grinned and followed along, forgetting all about the snow outside.
It was the screams that gave away what this place was to Noelle first, the next was the constant sound of dripping water, but the last was the rats which scurried along in front of her dress. Jumping back in horror as a small squeak escaped her, she grimaced. This was her father’s dungeon. She had been forbidden here as it was “no place for a girl”, but she wasn’t afraid. Yet. Nodding to herself in determination, brow furrowing, fists closing tightly, she marched on following the invisible thread which tugged her though.
As she ventured on, less torches had been lit and she felt a sense of real unease for the first time, speeding up slightly in hopes she could out run whatever it was which unnerved her, until finally she was stood in front of a small cell. The cell was only about double her own height and was barred with thick metal. There was a small window, also barred, at the top left side which blew in frost and ice cold winds which explained the intense cold she now felt. Due to it’s size, she doubted that even during the day time this cell would see much light at all.
She was about to head back when a small twitch of movement caught her eye. A small boy was staring right at her, his striking hazel eyes pierced right through her violet ones and his dark hair reminded her of her brother’s, except the child infront of her looked much less groomed, dirt was raked through the matted strands and smeared across his face and body. His supposedly tanned skin seemed sickly pale and the wings she could see protruding from his back were stiff and smaller than should be normal for an Illyrian at his stature. He couldn’t be older than she was.
Noelle approached the bars to the cell, hands finding purchase on two of the poles as she leaned her small face to fit through the space. “Hello”, she whispered cautiously, “I’m Noelle, my father is the Lord of this manor, who are you?”. The boy only stared back at her quietly, observing her and pressing himself further into the wall behind him as he crouched in on himself for warmth.
Noelle glanced to the small window once more and pursed her lips, huffing slightly, “Are you cold?” Silence from the boy across from her again. Stepping away from the cell, she nodded to herself, trying to figure out how in the name of the mother herself a little boy had come to find himself in the dungeons underneath her home.
“Well then,” she started diplomatically, clasping her hands behind her back as she began to pace up and down the front of the boy’s cell, holding eye contact, “You can’t have been here for long. I think I would know if a little Illyrian boy such as yourself has been living in my manor for the past five yea-”
“Four” the boy replied so quietly, Noelle would have missed it if she were not half fae herself, “what?” She stopped and watched as he shifted himself against the wall again, as if in pain. “Azriel,” he pointed to himself with a slender fingers, “is four.”
“Oh,” Noelle breathed, “so you can talk.” The boy, Azriel, nodded once sharply, face grim.
She smiled lightly at him, “I’ve never met anyone younger than me before, what in the cauldron are you doing down here anyways?” Azriel only narrowed his eyes at her, angling his head slightly upwards, the shadows bending around him so well she could hardly see his body. Her eyes caught on the rusted keyhole of the cell door, “you must not get out very often,” she whispered cautiously, Azriel stayed silent as she continued, “have you.. ever been out?” The boy shook his head “no” in a small movement. Noelle hummed in contemplation, “Well, this must be some sort of mistake, my father would never keep a child locked up in here lik-,”
“My father,” the boy’s voice sounded again, notably more confidently this time, “is Lord. Is Tobias.”
Noelle shook her head with a laugh of exasperation, “No silly, father has only 2 sons, Kraven and Matteo.” At the sound of her brother’s names Azriel cringed and she could physically see him close off again.
“You’ve met them.” she said, not a question. A nod. More confused than ever the five year old half Illyrian, half fae child continued her pacing as her thoughts raced. This changed the perception of everything for the youngling, she knew her father had a tendency to be cruel but this? The sound of chattering guards sounded getting closer, startling her into action. Looking back at the boy again, Noelle had made up her mind.
“Ok Azriel,” his name rolled smoothly off her tongue, “I will come back and visit again soon,” Azriel just stared at her, still wary, “I promise.” She dipped her head in goodbye and raced off towards the passage which would lead her back to her bedroom before she was caught.
Maybe Azriel could be her new secret.
That’s the first part done, hope you enjoyed! This is only the beginnings of Azriel and Noelle, their story definitely gets more interesting and will go right through from where we are now till present time in the acotar series!
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
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hellishjoel · 2 months ago
465 words // dieter bravo x gn!reader
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word: cake
warnings/information: fluff, implied smut
a/n: this is my first attempt purposely writing for a gender-neutral reader! please feel comfortable messaging me if there's anything that I missed. I often write for f!reader so I appreciate the help! my banners are by @saradika-graphics. shoutout to @berryispunk and @lady-bess for putting this together on @fanfictionoverload!
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Dieter is no longer himself tonight. Tonight, he steps into the spotlight for his Broadway debut, embodying the cunning and complex Edmund in King Lear.
He staggers across the stage, as Edmund has been mortally wounded. He collapses to the floor, weakly looking out to the audience as he clutches his wound. 
“I pant for life: some good I mean to do, despite of mine own nature. Quickly send, be brief in it, to the castle; for my writ is on the life of Lear and on Cordelia. Nay, send in time.” 
He falters, his character’s strength fading as death hastily approaches. He collapses back, before ultimately losing consciousness. 
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Dieter bows to the crowd, flowers tossed to his feet by his devoted fans. He kisses the tips of his fingers and sends his love to the crowd, his attention turning to you, the up-and-coming stage actor who has captured most of his attention during his rehearsals. 
At the cast party, the cast and crew of the production mingle and cheer to their first of many shows. 
Now, Dieter has never had much patience when it comes to rules. Especially when someone tells him he can’t do something. This case is especially true when the director, with an intense nasal pitch, makes a big fuss about not touching the cake until the speeches are over.
By halfway through the speeches, Dieter is restless. Swaying on his feet, inching closer to you through the room. You stifle a giggle behind your champagne glass, shaking your head knowingly. 
“Don’t even think about it,” you whisper and glance back towards the large cake with buttercream frosting. 
He just can’t help himself. 
He chuckles softly and swipes his index finger into the corner of the cake, smearing a little frosting on your nose. 
You feign shock, dropping your jaw dramatically before taking a bit of frosting from your nose and dabbing it on his own. 
“Tststsk!” The director’s assistant hisses in a low whisper-shout, only making your suppressed laughs harder to hide. 
Dieter smirks, his eyes glinting with mischief as he leans in close, his voice dropping to a low murmur.  “Let’s get out of here.” His large hand slips into yours, his grip warm and firm as he tugs you away from the crowd, weaving through the mass of bodies until you’re just outside his dressing room.
"I want to taste your cream," he mutters under his breath, his words carrying a suggestive tone that makes heat slip down your spine.
“Dieter!” you protest, though the laugh in your voice betrays you.
The name DIETER BRAVO gleams on the star plaque, while muffled thumps against the closed door hint at the chaos unfolding inside. You'll surely land on the cover of Page Six by sunrise.
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skylarsblue · 3 months ago
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♡Fields of Mistria; Farmers♡
❀Cordelia Amana❀ Farm Name: Draconus Farm Pronouns: She/Her Identity: Cis Fem, Omnisexual Birthday: Summer 18 (Leo) Loves: Beet soup, Statuette of Caldarus, sapphire, fog orchid, Horn Circlet, crystal wing moth, snapdragon, blue conch shell, pumpkin pie, & pumpkin stew. Likes: Cranberry juice, Unknown Dragon Statuette, hydrangea, daffodil, petalhopper, luna moth, jewel beetle, cherry tart, rainbow trout, koi, salmon, apple pie, roasted rice tea, crystal berries, blueberry jam, shark, night queen, pomegranate, & cherry. Traits: Adventurous, passionate, absentminded, compulsive, frugal, disruptive, cheerful, breezy, & forgetful.
☆Desmond Seymour☆ Farm Name: Apello Farm Pronouns: He/Him Identity: Cis Male, Homosexual Birthday: Winter 16 (Capricorn) Loves: Alda Feather Pendant, tuna, sand dollar, deluxe curry, lobster roll, Giant Fish Scale, apple, crabcakes, Alda Gem Bracelet, & bullfrog. Likes: Apple juice, sage, chili pepper, potato soup, Caldosian Drinking Horn, chili coconut curry, peach, cosmos, Stone Horse, copper ore, Aldarian Sword, Alda Bronze Sword, carrot, Water Sphere, swordfish, Crab Statue, holly, ruby, chickpeas, & giant koi. Traits: Cold, charmless, anticipative, enigmatic, blunt, decisive, hardworking, idiosyncratic, & reserved.
✹Calloway Hamasaki✹ Farm Name: Caelestis Farm Pronouns: He/They Identity: Masc-NB, Demisexual Biromantic Birthday: Spring 26 (Cancer) Loves: Ritual Scepter, Alda Mural Tablet, floral tea, Ancient Crystal Goblet, onion soup, Alda Clay Pot, moon fruit, frost lily, chickpea curry, Ritual Beads. Likes: Noodles, herb salad, iris, Ancient Royal Scepter, Black Tablet, snowdrop anemone, daikon radish, garlic bread, bluefish, freshwater oyster, shards, Weightless Stone, Perfect Sapphire, seaweed, orange, rosemary, fuzzy moth, cucumber, dragonfly, & sea scarab. Traits: Ambitious, skeptical, clumsy, compassionate, eloquent, obedient, anxious, aimless, & honest.
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bakingtherapy · 5 months ago
Breakfast with Cordelia #50 German Chocolate Cake
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Sul Sul, Gerbits. Today is an emotional day for me. This is going to be the last of Cordelia’s baking videos. I know that I just took a break, but I feel that this is the best time to say goodbye. 
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Today we are going to be making a cake to remember my dad, Berto Ponder. He was always there for all of us, and was an extremely generous father.  
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We will be creating a box cake with a twist. He always told me that his favorite cake was a German Chocolate cake. He also says that he loved cherry pie filling. So, I am going to combine both of them. Obviously, I am going to be using pre-made pie filling because processing my self would be too expensive. 
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The first thing you are going to do is preheat the oven to 350℉ or whatever the back of the box says. 
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Next, you will follow the back of the box, and bake the cake or cakes for as long as it tells you. 
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You want to have the cake completely cooled before you try and frost it. 
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Once it is completely cool, you are going to slowly and patiently frost your cake. Leaving room in the middle for the cherry pie filling. 
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Frost the whole thing and add a few cherries on top. 
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This was always my dad’s favorite cake. He was an amazing guy and I wanted to share this “recipe” with you all. I know that this is not exactly the most extravagant recipe out there, but it is what I am good at. 
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I want to sincerely thank all of you for liking and commenting on these recipes. I know that when I followed my mom’s footsteps, I had no idea how or where my life was going to go. This Simstube has been very good for my mental health, and I just wanted everyone who is watching this final video: thank you! From the bottom of my heart, thank you! I love all of you so very much. 
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Dag Dag!
Show the original author some 💖💖💖 box
Printable version of this recipe: on the blog
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inevitablemoment · 7 months ago
Falsettos Characters as Simpsons Quotes
Marvin: For once, maybe someone will call me "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene."
Whizzer (when asked if this was how he imagined his life): Yes, but then I was a very depressed child.
Trina: Sometimes, I feel so smothered by this family I want to scream until my lungs explode!
Jason (when asked what he wants for his birthday): An absence of mood swings and some stability in my life.
Mendel (about Jason): He reminds me of me before the weight of the world crushed my spirit.
Charlotte: Oh, you want lies? Here's a few: medical school is expensive, but it's worth it!
Cordelia (when the adults keep swiping a piece of frosting from a cake that she made): Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop it! I made a special cake for you to ruin-- it's over there.
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xplainthexmen · 29 days ago
Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men, Episode 476 - The Moppets Take Manhattan
In which we remain adamant pro-POG advocates; Artie and Leech have adventures; Firestar and Emma Frost get some resolution; Santa Claus may or may not be the avatar of Cyttorak; Black Tom Cassidy exceeds expectations; and Monet has vampire problems.
Marvel’s Revolution line
POGs (somewhat) (again)
Who’s on Generation X these days
Generation X #59-62
Artie and Leech’s adventures in NYC
Holidays at the Massachusetts Academy
Cordelia Frost (more) (again)
Mondo (the real one)
Santa Claus / Juggernaut disambiguation
An overly convoluted plot
St. Croix family problems
Vampire problems
Legacies of Generation X
NEXT EPISODE: Ages of Apocalypse!
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog!
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mutantpowerlist · 2 months ago
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Emma Frost 🇺🇸
• Powerful telepathy • Telekinesis • Diamond form (2nd mutation) which gives her superhuman strength, stamina, and durability • Telepathic immunity • Immortality
Teams: Hellfire Trading Company, X-Men, Quiet Council of Krakoa, Phoenix Five, Generation X, Hellions Squad Relatives: White Queen (sister), White Bishop (brother), Cordelia (sister), Stepford Cuckoos (daughters) TV / Movies: X-men: Pryde of the X-Men (1989), X-Men: The Animated Series (1992), Generation X (1998), Wolverine and the X-Men (2009), X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009), X-Men (anime) (2011), X-Men: First Class (2011) First Appearance: X-Men #129 (Oct 1979)
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1-800-papaya · 1 month ago
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Southern Revelations
Cordelia has had enough. Despite Jay's concerns, she just has to tell Hank Voight. Hank might not need or want to know, but Cordelia needs to tell. Luckily the truth proves to bring comfort.
Warnings: Parental rejection, Death and loss of a child and parent, Mentions of Cancer treatment.
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The District had never felt so intimidating. Even in the beauty of a snow frosted Chicago winter, Cordelia’s heart was filled with anxiety and a little fear. A fear of rejection that she had never thought was possible. However bubbling underneath was an unnatural anger, anger towards the person that had ripped her away from her birth parents. In the three weeks since her ‘mothers’ letter had arrived, Cordelia hadn’t returned to Lemon Drops.
Her mind was to busy trying desperately to piece together her sense of identity beyond that of her cafe or marriage. However, This lead her down - in jay’s opinion - a dangerous internet search rabbit hole. Somewhere along the line she’d decided, Hank needed to know. Jay had told her of Justin’s death and how it had shaken Hank, he warned her she might not like what might happen afterwards. But his stubborn wife had made up her mind, Hank needed to know. Sucking in a breath and attempting to steal her nerves she adjusted her bag and tugged her - well Jay’s - jacket tighter around her shoulders.
Trudy was stood at her usual place behind the desk ordering patrol officers around when Cordelia finally made it trough the doors thanks to the help of a outgoing officer. When the older women noticed the nervous Cordelia standing awkwardly in the foyer. A smile - reserved for a select few - stretched across her face as gestured for Cordelia to approach.
“I hope I’m not intruding at a bad time”
“Of course not, it’s been a slow day for that lot. Here to see Chuckles I presume?” Cordelia stiffened, of course Trudy would assume she was here to see her husband. Was she hoping the older women had somehow gained the ability to read her mind in her wisdom? In reality no one, not even Trudy, would expect Cordelia to be visiting anyone else.
“Ah…No, Hank actually” Despite the look of shock that flashed across Trudy’s features, she nodded and began to lead Cordelia up to the Intelligence unit.
The heads of Chicago’s finest detectives turn in curiosity as the beep of the gate and footsteps echo through the space. No one is all that surprised when they see that Trudy is escorting someone up the stairs, but Jay is a little startled to see his nervous wife following her. Though a smug smile replaces his shock when he notices his wife’s choice of attire.
The cold whether meant that the sundresses that Jay loved on her so much had been packed away for the winter. Jeans and stolen sweaters had quickly filled the space in their shared wardrobe. Jay let out a chuckle when he realized that Cordelia was wearing his missing black bomber jacket zipped up halfway, revealing the burnt orange of her favorite sweater form collage. The young women didn’t stop to greet any of her husbands colleagues, instead she softly thanked Trudy and walked straight up to her intended target. Hanks name was etched into the frosted glass and before her nerves could pull the plug on her plans, Cordelia let her knuckles rap on the glass.
Jay could spot her nervous habits a mile off. He knew that she needed him without her even looking at him. When his boss opened the door to greet the young women he moved silently and expertly to
Hank’s office was neat. The blinds were drawn and Hank was sat in his chair as the couple entered.
“How can I help you today Mrs. Halstead?” Cordelia was slightly comforted by the use of her new surname. A feeling of safety washed over her as Jay’s hand on her thigh squeezed slightly in response. While Jay couldn’t quite tell why his wife was here sitting his boss’s office, he had an idea and knew that whatever she was planning she’d want both his support and comfort.
“um…a couple weeks ago my mothers estate attorney sent me a letter that my mother had written,” She finally spoke as she fished out the letter from her bag and handed over to Hank, “I…um…I didn’t know if I should even bring this up, but I couldn’t live with this anymore”
The room was still as Hank read the letter and looked over the birth certificate, his eyes scanned for imperfections, any indication that it was a fraud. But soon the facts settled and Hank’s eyes slowly drifted up towards the young women that he could tell was barely hanging on to herself. However with Jay’s comforting grip on her thigh, Cordelia continued to talk.
“I didn’t believe it at first. The delirious ramblings of a dying women. But my aunt told me that she’d written this before the chemo started” Cordelia’s voice began to wobble slightly as she got closer to revealing the horrible truth, “I found my adoption records the other day and followed the trail…I found this at the end”
Her hand was jittery as she handed over the file of newspaper articles and stories that told the a twisted story of misfiled records and potentially missing children. A heavily silence filled the small room and she felt as if the walls might begin to crumble around her. Hank Voight face was blank as he soaked in the presented information. His mind was filling with both the dots before him, but also the painful memory of the nurse walking into the room after his twins birth with only one blue blanket wrapped baby. He could remember clear as day, looking down at what he thought was his perfect little girl. Her stillness was unsettling and yet somehow she seemed so full of a life that would never be lived.
“I’m more than happy to do any test you want, i just needed you to know” came the soft shaking voice of a distraught Cordelia. Hank shook his head. He didn’t need a test result to prove what he could see was plain as day, Cordelia was his daughter and they were both victims of a greedy women’s actions.
“No need, I trust you’ve already had the certificate verified. I’m glad you’ve told me Cordelia, and if you’ll allow. I want to get to know you better” Cordelia smiled, her fears had been squashed but her husband’s had not.
“I don’t think anyone outside of us three should know”
“I agree with Jay, I have many enemies and now that you are apart of the family, I don’t want them to come after you”
Cordelia didn’t need anyone else to know. As long as Hank knew and hadn’t rejected her was enough. She felt calmer, whole. After the revelations of her mothers letter, she’d felt so distant from the family she’d known her whole life. Now it felt like she had a family again. That’s all she wanted.
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localsimpissleepy · 4 months ago
Had to get part 2 for my JD next gen au finished fast lol
Got motivated enough to finish this post lol, I think my next JD next gen au post will be in order of danceverses (based on the JD wiki), starting with Dancity in my next post...probably
Anyways, part two for my jd battlemode fankids is here-
Both Picrews are from naylissah
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(Son of Kiss You P2 x Pound The Alarm P1)
Saw MeyMey's art for Kiss You P2 and Pound The Alarm and it made me ship them lol
Recently made him so his summary is gonna be short
Just like his mom, he's a performer in Carnivallium, where he acts as a trainee alongside her and the other Pound The Alarm coaches (aunt figures/hj)
He's always full of energy just like his dad, got his silliness lol (just like his dad, bro got 0 flirting skills/hj)
He's the comedian out of the battlemode fankids, so he sometimes doesn't really take things seriously (side note but he mostly likely talks before he thinks lol), if he does take something serious in a dangerous situation, he's gonna be the one running away first-
Anyways, as for his relationship with the other battlemode fankids, I like to think he would be besties with Lyn (one sided besties cuz Lyn is kinda annoyed with him)
And since Lyn has bad luck (making things around her break) Khalid has definatly got something fell on his head probably 3 times a week lol, that doesn't stop him from trying to be friends with Lyn
Voice Claim: Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Outfit ideas:
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(Daughter of Super Bass x Love You Like A Love Song)
Made her recently so her summary is gonna be short aswell
Kinda wish we get some lore for LYLALS soon, she most likely has some connections with Cupid (One Last Time)
I hc LYLALS to be a some sort of love goddess, and because of that, so is Cordelia (demi goddess though)
She's the match maker and most calm one of the friend group, she's also the second leader of the group (Lyn being the first)
Although she tries not to lose her cool whenever there's a stressful situation, but she's not afraid to throw hands if she has too (idk Super Bass is a girlboss and so is Cordelia, like mother like daughter lol)
I like to think she's kinda the planner of the group, wanting everything to go to plan, but it rarely does whenever she hangs out with the battlemode fankids (she jokingly has beef with Khalid, since he has a way of messing up things)
Voice claim: Sangonomiya Kokomi (Genshin Impact)
Outfit ideas:
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Anyways, I think that's it for the battlemode fankids, I'm still kinda debating if I should make a Frost (She Wolf) and Pele (Where Have You Been) fankid...idk yet
And as always, if anyone is interested in them, feel free to ask questions about them!
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kilxar · 2 months ago
blog info!!
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(i'll attempt to keep this short but no promises)
▸ about me
i don't proofread most of the time...i more than likely will make grammar or spelling mistakes!
i am a girl and i will more than likely only write wlw/f4f dabbles and fics. i also create bots on c.ai, my user is the same as my name on here
i'm also 18+, that doesn't mean my posts will be 18+ but if it is I will put warnings!
i may post shifting content. if you do not know what that is, don't worry! i probably will rarely post it, but if you are an anti-shifter just keep it to yourself.
▸ about my c.ai
i currently have eight bots up and several more in the works.
▸ mixed
maggie rhee ⋆ "how could you?"
maggie rhee ⋆ she can't trust newcomers
maggie greene ⋆ days in the watchtower
maggie greene ⋆ she likes a boy (you're not a boy)
maggie rhee ⋆ the mechanic from commonwealth
maggie rhee ⋆ thunder clouds and lightning strikes.
hope mikaelson ⋆ heated skin and dragon scales
belle blake ⋆ she's struggling with her french
▸ mixed
rain carradine ⋆ flying into the stars
belle blake ⋆ a cute french girl
charlotte matthews ⋆ you're... pregnant?
villanelle ⋆ she'd do anything for you
victoria neuman ⋆ covered in blood for you
victoria neuman ⋆ infected animals
victoria neuman ⋆ homelander problems
natasha romanoff ⋆ your mother's dead?
wanda maximoff ⋆ baking gone wrong
lottie matthews (may change) ⋆ honey, what'd you take? (TW: overdose, drug usage)
i do take requests!!! if you request one of the people below, i'll probably get it done quicker than anything else...
▸ fandoms i'm in + possible bots
mcu ⋆ maria hill, natasha romanoff, felicia hardy
arrowverse/dc ⋆ kara danvers (supergirl), caitlyn snow (killer frost), iris west
twd ⋆ maggie rhee, lori grimes
alien ⋆ rain carradine, ellen ripley
yellowjackets ⋆ lottie matthews (charlotte for adult ver.), jackie taylor
the boys/gen v ⋆ victoria neuman, cate dunlap, indira shetty
greys anatomy ⋆ addison montgomery
legacies ⋆ hope mikaelson, josie saltzman
arcane ⋆ sevika, ambessa
scream ⋆ samantha carpenter, sidney prescott
killing eve ⋆ villanelle, eve polastri, gunn
glee ⋆ marley rose
abandoned ⋆ sara davis
ahs ⋆ maggie esmerelda, the countess (elizabeth johnsson), lana winters, madison montgomery, cordelia goode, billie dean howard
dianna argon'a filmography
hollow in the land ⋆ alison miller
the family ⋆ belle blake
glee ⋆ quinn fabray
acidman ⋆ maggie
clock ⋆ ella patel
as they made us ⋆ abigail
victoria pedretti's filmography
you ⋆ love quinn
the haunting of bly manor ⋆ danielle "dani" clayton
the haunting of hill house ⋆ eleanor "nell" crain
elizabeth olsen's filmography
marvel ⋆ wanda maximoff
wind river ⋆ jane banner
godzilla ⋆ elle brody
in secret ⋆ thérèse raquin
EXTRA: i may make other bots than the ones on this list. that is just a small portion of all the fandoms i'm in. i do take requests, so please send them in!!!
I'll regularly update this post more and more as this account grows.
PLS DNI if you are a.... racist, homophobe, ableist, trump supporter, anti-shifter...etc.
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