#Cora Marlow
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cinephiliaisnotadisease · 8 months ago
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pupsmailbox · 1 month ago
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NAMES︰ acer. acorn. acre. amber. apple. archer. arden. ash. asher. aspen. aster. auburn. august. augusta. augustus. autumn. autumna. autumnal. autumnelle. autumnessa. autumnette. autumni. autumnine. autumnus. bean. birch. blaire. bonfire. bramble. branch. briar. carmel. casper. cassia. cassiah. cedar. cerridwen. chai. chestnut. cider. cinna. clara. cocoa. cora. corn. cornucopia. cozy. crimson. crisp. crow. ellis. ember. equinox. eve. fall. fallelle. fallen. fallette. falline. fallon. faye. finn. flannel. foggy. forest. forrest. ginger. glenna. goldie. halloween. harper. harvest. harveste. harvester. hawk. hay. hazel. hollis. hunter. jora. juniper. kaziah. keziah. latte. leaf. libra. lief. lilith. linden. luna. maize. maple. marigold. marley. marlow. maze. melanie. mocha. moss. november. nutmeg. oak. oakley. october. opal. orchard. orla. pansy. pie. pine. piper. poe. pumpkin. raine. raven. redd. rory. roslyn. rowan. russet. ruston. sabrina. saffron. scarecrow. september. sienna. sorrel. sullivan. sylvia. tamsin. teresa. tessa. wesley. willow.
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PRONOUNS︰ amber/amber. apple/apple. au/autumn. aug/august. august/august. autumn/autumn. branch/branch. brew/brew. cider/cider. cloud/cloud. co/cozy. cocoa/cocoa. cof/coffee. corn/corn. cot/cottage. cozy/cozy. crow/crow. drift/drift. drizzle/drizzle. fa/fall. fall/fall. flannel/flannel. glisten/glisten. glow/glow. gold/gold. hallo/ween. hallow/halloween. halloween/halloween. haze/haze. hazel/hazel. hug/hug. jacko/lantern. lea/leaf. leaf/leaf. maple/maple. maze/maze. mellow/mellow. moss/moss. oct/october. october/october. orange/orange. pie/pie. plush/plush. pump/kin. pump/pumpkin. pumpkin/pie. pumpkin/pumpkin. rain/rain. raven/raven. red/red. sca/scarf. sept/september. september/september. sip/sip. snug/snug. snuggle/snuggle. soft/soft. soothe/soothe. spice/spice. sweater/sweater. swirl/swirl. syrup/syrup. thanks/giving. tick/treat. treat/treat. trick/trick. tuck/tuck. wa/warm. warm/warm. whiff/whiff. whisk/whisk. wrap/wrap. yellow/yellow. 🌽. 🍁. 🍂. 🍄. 🍎. 🎃. 🕯️. 🥧. 🧣. 🧶.
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sweetyamz1 · 3 months ago
✦ cozy autumn cocoa npts pack﹕
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names — Cocoa. Hazel. Ember. Maple. Cider. Chai. Mocha. Amber. Briar. Carmel. Willow. Ruston. Marley. Moss. Marlow. Autumn. Faye. Linden. Piper. Bramble. Ginger. Harper. Clara. Cinna. Hollis. Cora. Tessa. Finn. Wesley. Orla. Sorrel. Sylvia. Auburn. Tamsin. Blaire. Arden. Glenna. Roslyn. Rory. Ellis. Sullivan.
pronouns — cocoa / cocoas / cocoaself. brew / brews / brewself. sip / sips / sipself. hug / hugs / hugself. warm / warms / warmself. mellow / mellows / mellowself. glow / glows / glowself. flannel / flannels / flannelself. whisk / whisks / whiskself. drift / drifts / driftself. snug / snugs / snugself. spice / spices / spiceself. whiff / whiffs / whiffself. moss / mosses / mossself. plush / plushes / plushself. drizzle / drizzles / drizzleself. cloud / clouds / cloudself. cozy / cozies / cozyself. wrap / wraps / wrapself. soothe / soothes / sootheself. glisten / glistens / glistenself. soft / softs / softself. haze / hazes / hazeself. tuck / tucks / tuckself. swirl / swirls / swirlself. snuggle / snuggles / snuggleself.
titles — the keeper of coziness. the warmth of autumn. the one who sips by the fire. the bearer of gentle comforts. the harbinger of soft winds. [prn] who wraps in warmth. [prn] who stirs the embers. the whisperer of falling leaves.
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raspberrysmoon · 3 months ago
okay name ideas. the vibe is sort of eclectic unisex with nickname potential. plus a sort of weirdness also
vesper anson - spur
marlow kennedy anson - mary, ken, arlo, kenny
nettle corinne anson - nettie, nets, corey, rin, rinnie, cora
story beau anson - tori, rory
merritt reed anson - mary, ritt
maren cove anson - mary, red, aron/aren
rocky wayne anson - rock, ways/wayz, roe
ezekial hawkin anson - ezra, zeke, hawk/hawks, kia
what are your thoughts. pls
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months ago
here name i used when i read the teen's fic (as name not nickname)
pumpkin = daisy
klumpig = fleur
dirtbag = inez
mcdreamy = noah
sötnos = imogen
leaving = augustina
icy = leonie
holiday spirit = heidi
nagging = jodie
illness = alma
alcohol = harlyn
study = indigo
homework = louella
different = ophelia
temper = cora
ausenal = calliope
kid = calli
creep = elsie
suprise = nellie
little buddy = marlie
blood sugar = marlowe
help = elvera
bully = nila
hide = macy
foster = rayne
sleep = piper
protective = cordelia
(that's all i remember, please tell me if there anyone i forgot to add or if some of them supposed to be the same person. i also just realised how many teen fics you already write...)
It's so interesting to see all the names everyone comes up with for the kids and the teens.
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corarlowe · 23 days ago
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Desde que vi CORA MARLOWE nos arredores de MERION BAY, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 24 ANOS, talvez seja sua PACIÊNCIA que a torna tão radiante, mas é seu PERFECCIONISMO que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama CONCHAS DO MAR, RECHEIOS DE MORANGO E BANHOS DE CHUVA e odeia TEMPESTADES, BOLO DE COCO E BUROCRACIAS, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente PROFESSORA DE ARTESANATOS em CENTRO COMUNITÁRIO.   𓇢𓆸 
Filha de pescadores e irmã do meio entre cinco filhos, Cora cresceu com o tumulto de uma casa pequena demais para todos e com isso seu gosto por estar ao ar livre cresceu ainda mais, passando muito tempo do dia pela praia, por lagos, pelos campos ou pelos comércios (quando sobra dinheiro). Sua família passou muitas dificuldades com a chegada da Joja Corporation, mesmo sendo da comunidade pesqueira, por serem pequenos comparados a criadores de peixes, eles foram muito afetados, só agora com a saída da Joja que estão conseguindo se recuperar.
Desde cedo ajudou no trabalho com a pesca, sua função era os covos, desde criar covos artesanais, até recolher os peixes depois. Porém, com a facilidade que tinha para fazer eles, começou como hobby a aprender outras coisas, como artesanatos com palhas e bambus onde fazia decorações e objetos, e depois para tecidos em crochês e trico, esses sendo os que mais praticou por fazer muitas roupas e acessórios para si e sua família. Era certo que ela gostava muito mais disso do que lidar com os peixes em si, por isso quando conseguiu a oportunidade de ser professora de artesanato em oficinas no Centro Comunitário, aceitou sem pensar. Ainda ajuda com os covos um pouco, mas principalmente em alta temporada de pesca.
É uma pessoa que consegue ser muito concentrada e paciente quando faz alguma atividade, pois tenta fazer da melhor forma possível, mas em seus momentos de lazeres se deixa ser avoada e é divertida. Pelo pequeno caos que é em sua casa, acaba precisando também de muito tempo sozinha para recarregar, é muito fácil então de encontrar Cora por Apple Cove fazendo suas artes sozinha, as vezes até parecendo um tanto cabisbaixa e fechada. Apesar de seus problemas com a família e em casa, defende eles e o lugar de onde vem com unhas e dentes, nunca deixando fazerem piadas ou tentarem menosprezar eles. Sobre as lendas, acredita facilmente quando alguém conta alguma história, pode não ter certeza se todas são reais, mas não duvida de nenhuma.
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applecovehq · 5 days ago
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🍎 Fazendeiros ou não, todos tem seu espacinho em Apple Cove! Acomodem-se, peguem suas taças de vinho de pêssego e aproveitem as belas paisagens naturais que só essa cidade tem a oferecer.
Desde que vi ARCADIA DICKENS nos arredores de OLD HOLLOW, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 27 ANOS, talvez seja sua CRIATIVIDADE que a torna tão radiante, mas é seu ORGULHO que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama FILMES DE TERROR, ART NOUVEAU E GATOS PRETOS e odeia MOSQUITOS, CALOR INTENSO E GENTE QUE FALA PEGANDO, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupado sendo uma excelente TÉCNICA DE IMAGEM E SOM na CINEMATECA.   𓇢𓆸   (  margaret qualley ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
Desde que vi ARTHUR BELLUCCI nos arredores de MISTY HILL, soube que estava na presença de um abençoado pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 48 ANOS, talvez seja sua PACIÊNCIA que o torna tão radiante, mas é sua AUTOSSUFICIÊNCIA que o mantém único… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ele ama LIVROS, ANDAR DESCALÇO E DAR CONSELHOS  e odeia GROSSERIA, PEDIR AJUDA E RITMO DE TRABALHO ACELERADO, não é especial? Espero vê-lo mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupado sendo um excelente LIVREIRO na livraria HAVEN.   𓇢𓆸   (  wagner moura ◦ homem cis ◦ ele/dele  )
Desde que vi CORA MARLOWE nos arredores de MERION BAY, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 24 ANOS, talvez seja sua PACIÊNCIA que a torna tão radiante, mas é seu PERFECCIONISMO que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama CONCHAS DO MAR, RECHEIOS DE MORANGO E BANHOS DE CHUVA e odeia TEMPESTADES, BOLO DE COCO E BUROCRACIAS, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente PROFESSORA DE ARTESANATOS no CENTRO COMUNITÁRIO.   𓇢𓆸   (  madelyn cline ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
Desde que vi DILAN ÖZKAN nos arredores de MISTY HILL, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 29 ANOS, talvez seja sua GENEROSIDADE que a torna tão radiante, mas é seu ATREVIMENTO que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama BISCOITOS DE CHOCOLATE, AROMA DE CANELA E ROUPAS CONFORTÁVEIS e odeia GROSSERIA GRATUITA, FRUTOS DO MAR E RUÍDOS REPETITIVOS, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente CONFEITEIRA em COCO MOCCA.   𓇢𓆸   (  aslihan malbora ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
Desde que vi DOLORES “LOLA” BERGMAN nos arredores de GREEN PRAIRIE, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 27 ANOS, talvez seja sua SIMPATIA que a torna tão radiante, mas é seu EGOÍSMO que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama ATUAR, PRIMAVERA E CHEIRO DE CHUVA e odeia PESSOAS INTERESSEIRAS, COMODISMO E PERFUMES FORTES, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por aí, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente COOPERADORA em ETHEREAL CO-OP.   𓇢𓆸   (  hannah dodd ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
Desde que vi EELIS ‘BUGGY’ SELÄNNE nos arredores de OLD HOLLOW, soube que estava na presença de um abençoado pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 35 ANOS, talvez seja seu AMOR PRÓPRIO que o torna tão radiante, mas é sua COMPETITIVIDADE que o mantém único… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ele ama TIRAR FOTOS SUAS, COSTURAR E ESTAR SOB O HOLOFOTE e odeia SER IGNORADO, INSETOS E PASSAR VERGONHA, não é especial? Espero vê-lo mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupado sendo um excelente AJUDANTE/INSTRUTOR DE TEATRO/DRAG QUEEN em KINGSGATE/CENTRO COMUNITÁRIO/TIKTOK.   𓇢𓆸   (  sam reid ◦ não-binário/queer ◦ ele/elu  )
Desde que vi EMILY GRAHAM nos arredores de MERION BAY, soube que estava na presença de um abençoado pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 29 ANOS, talvez seja sua DETERMINAÇÃO que a torna tão radiante, mas é sua TEIMOSIA que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama HISTÓRIAS DE TERROR, FRUTOS DO MAR E GATOS e odeia INVERNO, MENTIRAS E CLIENTES MUITO RECLAMÕES, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente GARÇONETE em MARE NOSTRUM.   𓇢𓆸   (  victoria pedretti ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela )
Desde que vi GABRIEL FAIRCHILD nos arredores de GALLENDO VILLAGE, soube que estava na presença de um abençoado pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 25 ANOS, talvez seja sua LEALDADE que o torna tão radiante, mas é seu TEMPERAMENTO que o mantém único… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ele ama JOGOS, STREAMING E ENERGÉTICOS e odeia WIFI LENTA, AS LENDAS DA CIDADE E ÁLCOOL, não é especial? Espero vê-lo mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupado sendo um excelente STREAMER na TWITCH.   𓇢𓆸   (  kim hyunjin ◦ homem cis ◦ ele/dele )
Desde que vi HAEJIN KIM nos arredores de GREEN PRAIRIE, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 30 ANOS, talvez seja sua CALMA que a torna tão radiante, mas é sua TEIMOSIA que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama CHEIRO DE TERRA MOLHADA, RITUAIS ANCESTRAIS, E CANÇÕES ANTIGAS e odeia TROVÕES, DESPERDICIO DE ALIMENTOS, E PROMESSAS QUEBRADAS, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente CURANDEIRA em CASA DAS ERVAS.   𓇢𓆸   ( bae joohyun ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
Desde que vi HONG SORA nos arredores de MISTY HILL, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 25 ANOS, talvez seja sua AFEIÇÃO que a torna tão radiante, mas é sua IMPULSIVIDADE que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama FOTOGRAFAR, ESCULPIR E CORRER TODA MANHÃ e odeia CASAMENTOS, GATOS E GASTOS DESNECESSÁRIOS, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por aí, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente RECEPCIONISTA em SPA ELYSIUM.   𓇢𓆸   (  jung chaeyeon ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
Desde que vi HUGO WHELAN nos arredores de GREEN PRAIRIE, soube que estava na presença de um abençoado pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 41 ANOS, talvez seja seu BOM-HUMOR que o torna tão radiante, mas é sua BAGUNÇA que o mantém unico… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ele ama BEBER ATÉ CAIR COM OS AMIGOS, NAVEGAR EM DIAS DE SOL E PASSAR AS TARDES COM SEUS FILHOS e odeia PESSOAS DE MENTE FECHADA, TRABALHO CLT E MOVIMENTO DA CIDADE GRANDE, não é especial? Espero vê-lo mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupado sendo um excelente PROPRIETÁRIO em PIRATE’S HOLLOW.   𓇢𓆸   (  peter gadiot ◦ homem cis ◦ ele/dele  )
Desde que vi IMANI SATORI nos arredores de GALLENDO VILLAGE, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 27 ANOS, talvez seja seu CHARME que a torna tão radiante, mas é sua LASCÍVIA que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ele ama LENDAS, CONCHAS E COLARES DE PÉROLAS e odeia CHEIRO DE PEIXE, FRUTAS AMARELAS E CALÇA JEANS, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente FLORISTA na FLORICULTURA CHAMPS-ÉLYSÉES.   𓇢𓆸   (  ashley moore ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
Desde que vi JAYSON KANG nos arredores de MERION BAY, soube que estava na presença de um abençoado pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 24 ANOS, talvez seja sua AMIGABILIDADE que o torna tão radiante, mas é sua IRRESOLUÇÃO que o mantém único… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ele ama MÚSICA, PIZZA E CHOCOLATE e odeia ALIMENTAÇÃO SAUDÁVEL, TRABALHAR E FICAR PARADO, não é especial? Espero vê-lo mais por aí, mesmo que esteja ocupado sendo um excelente MÚSICO em SUAS PLATAFORMAS DIGITAIS.   𓇢𓆸   (  eric sohn ◦ masculino cis ◦ ele/dele  )
Desde que vi MORGAN BOUCHER nos arredores de GREEN PRAIRIE, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 34 ANOS, talvez seja sua BONDADE que a torna tão radiante, mas é sua DISTRAÇÃO que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama CULTIVAR FLORES, PASSEIOS DIURNOS E ANIMAIS e odeia VIDA AGITADA NA CIDADE, PAGAR CONTAS E ACORDAR TARDE, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente PROPRIETÁRIA em HONEYCOMB FIELDS.   𓇢𓆸   (  margot robbie ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
Desde que vi NIAMH GIA LYNCH-FOLEY nos arredores de GREEN PRAIRIE, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 32 ANOS, talvez seja sua RESILIÊNCIA que a torna tão radiante, mas é sua IMPULSIVIDADE que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama CUIDAR DE PLANTA, CHÁ DE HIBISCO E CACHORROS GRANDES e odeia NOTÍCIAS SENSACIONALISTAS, CHOCOLATE AMARGO E SAPOS, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente FAZENDEIRA em EVERGREEN MEADOWS.   𓇢𓆸   (  olivia cooke ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
Desde que vi NYLAH SHIN nos arredores de MERION BAY, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 23 ANOS, talvez seja sua LEALDADE que a torna tão radiante, mas é sua IMPULSIVIDADE que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama PEDRAS PRECIOSAS, COISAS MÓRBIDAS E OBSCURAS, CLIMA CHUVOSO e odeia VERÃO, SER CONTROLADA E TOQUE FÍSICO, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por aí, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente DONA DE UMA LOJA DE PRODUTOS ESOTÉRICOS no CENTRO COMERCIAL.   𓇢𓆸   (  huh yunjin ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
Desde que vi PARK “JAMES” JIWOONG nos arredores de MISTY HILL, soube que estava na presença de um abençoado pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 28 ANOS, talvez seja sua CONFIABILIDADE que o torna tão radiante, mas é seu RIGOR que o mantém único… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ele ama LIVROS, BEBIDAS QUENTES E DIAS CHUVOSOS e odeia BARULHOS ALTOS, AREIA E EVENTOS DE FAMÍLIA, não é especial? Espero vê-lo mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupado sendo um excelente BIBLIOTECÁRIO na BIBLIOTECA MUNICIPAL.   𓇢𓆸   (  jeon wonwoo ◦ homem cis ◦ ele/dele  )
Desde que vi ROWAN PRESCOTT nos arredores de GREEN PRAIRIE, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 46 ANOS, talvez seja seu CARISMA que a torna tão radiante, mas é seu ATREVIMENTO que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama BANHOS DE BANHEIRA, PERFUMES AMADEIRADOS E UÍSQUE e odeia BUROCRACIA, CALOR EXTREMO E CAFÉ não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente PROPRIETÁRIA em NEW HOPE.   𓇢𓆸   (  katheryn winnick ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
Desde que vi SELINA DAVENPORT nos arredores de GALLENDO VILLAGE, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 35 ANOS, talvez seja sua SIMPATIA que a torna tão radiante, mas é sua EXIGÊNCIA que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama CAFÉS DE TODOS OS TIPOS, COISAS BRILHANTES E MANHÃS e odeia LAMA, DESORGANIZAÇÃO E CALOR EXCESSIVO, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente PROPRIETÁRIA em LUNAR DROP.   𓇢𓆸   (  alexandra breckenridge ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela )
Desde que vi VELKAN DRAGONSLAV nos arredores de GALLENDO VILLAGE, soube que estava na presença de um abençoado pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 50 ANOS, talvez seja sua SERENIDADE que o torna tão radiante, mas é seu MAU HUMOR que o mantém unico… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ele ama UM BOM VINHO, DIAS CHUVOSOS E COLECIONAR ESPADAS e odeia PESSOAS BARULHENTAS, ENXERIDAS E MESQUINHAS, não é especial? Espero vê-lo mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupado sendo um excelente PROPRIETÁRIO em EMPRESAS DE METALURGIA DRACULE STEELWORKS.   𓇢𓆸   (  andrew lincoln ◦ homem cis ◦ ele/dele  )
Desde que vi WENQIAN “ELLE” LI nos arredores de GALLENDO VILLAGE, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 35 ANOS, talvez seja sua DETERMINAÇÃO que a torna tão radiante, mas é sua ARROGÂNCIA que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama COZINHAR, VINHOS E SKINCARE EM DIA e odeia LUGARES MUITO CHEIOS E APERTADOS, PESSOAS SEM CORTESIA E ATRASOS, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por aí, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente PROPRIETÁRIA E CHEF PÂTISSIER em COCO MOCCA.   𓇢𓆸   (  ni ni ◦ mulher cis ◦ ela/dela  )
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tsfarms · 24 days ago
⠀⠀⠀⋮⠀⠀⠀⌗⠀the only thing that's left is the manuscript . .
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blog para controle e musings das minhas personagens vinculado ao rpg @applecovehq. Estou aberta para conexões então caso queira é só chamar!
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‣ CORA MARLOWE ⋮ @corarlowe
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Desde que vi CORA MARLOWE nos arredores de MERION BAY, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 24 ANOS, talvez seja sua PACIÊNCIA que a torna tão radiante, mas é seu PERFECCIONISMO que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama CONCHAS DO MAR, RECHEIOS DE MORANGO E BANHOS DE CHUVA e odeia TEMPESTADES, BOLO DE COCO E BUROCRACIAS, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente PROFESSORA DE ARTESANATOS em CENTRO COMUNITÁRIO.   𓇢𓆸   (  madelyn cline ◦ cis feminino ◦ ela/dela )
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‣ SELINA DAVENPORT ⋮ @selinvenrt
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Desde que vi SELINA DAVENPORT nos arredores de GALLENDO VILLAGE, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! Aos 35 ANOS, talvez seja sua SIMPATIA que a torna tão radiante, mas é sua EXIGÊNCIA que a mantém única… Além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama CAFÉS DE TODOS OS TIPOS, COISAS BRILHANTES E MANHÃS e odeia LAMA, DESORGANIZAÇÃO E CALOR EXCESSIVO, não é especial? Espero vê-la mais por ai, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente PROPRIETÁRIA em LUNAR DROP.   𓇢𓆸   (  alexandra breckenridge ◦ cis feminino ◦ ela/dela )
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dubacheryking · 5 months ago
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i FINALLY got all my ocs base designs done!!!! why did this take so long!!!!! whatever LOOK AT MY SILLY LITTLE GUYS :DDDDD more info under da cut
Page of Void
18 years old
Lives in the middle of nowhere (The Mississippi) in Refuge, MI on a houseboat with Mother
angelicConstancy (AC)
Witch of Breath
17 years old
Lives in Hyannis, MA with Mom & Sara
Grew up in Lowell, MA with Dad & Ma
Ma & Dad are dead
Sara’s step brother
grislyClown (GC)
Prince of Heart
17 years old
GUARDIAN(S): Mom & Papa
Lives in Hyannis, MA with Mom & Dick
Grew up in North Reading, MA with Mom & Papa
Dick’s step sister
adorableTrekki (AT)
Seer of Time
16 years old
GUARDIAN(S): Mom & Papa
Lives in Redland, FL with Dads
Mama is in a mental health facility
cerebralAristocrat (CA)
Mage of Light
18 years old
GUARDIAN(S): Big Bro & Cuz
Lives near MT Augusta, NV with no one, since she killed Big Bro
transcendentTriptych (TT)
Knight of Space
16 years old
GUARDIAN(S): Cuz & Big Bro
Lives alone in Pasadena, CA
Grew up in Berkeley, CA
Who knows where Cuz is to be honest
generalThing (GT)
Maid of Doom
16 years old
GUARDIAN(S): Auntie & Pops
Lives Dixie Valley, NV with Auntie & Unc
abstractAnthomancy (AA)
Rogue of Blood
15 years old
GUARDIAN(S): Pops & Auntie
Lives in Wexford, PA with Pops
crimsonCharmer (CC)
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manhattanindulgedrp · 7 months ago
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Due to mun choice the following are reopened:
Force Jiratchapong (Chai Katsantia)
Bae Suzy (Hani Kim)
Park Hyung-sik (Jae-hyun Kim)
Manny Jacinto (Samuel Wang)
Keita Machida (Tomoya Shimada)
Due to not meeting the activity requirements, the following is reopened:
Madelaine Petsch (Cora Marlowe)
Reopened, but faceclaim will not be available, stay tuned for more info about this one in the server:
Christian Serratos (Monica Herrera)
0 notes
findinginga · 10 months ago
I Know What You Are Thinking...
...this guy is the biggest mark ever!
At the close of my last entry, I suspect that I left the impression that my sole motivation in continuing to correspond with Ingeborga was untangling a tantalizing mystery. Let us consider some of the great film noir movies for an equally compelling rationale. Give some thought to "Double Indemnity" or "The Postman Always Rings Twice". Walter Neff and Frank Chambers were not trying to unravel a whodunit in these respective cinema classics. Indeed, Walter was thunderstruck by Phyllis and Frank was captivated by Cora. The attention of each of the male characters was not focused upon the cerebral. Rather, Phyllis and Cora dripped sensuality. It was palpable and on full display just waiting for a Walter or Frank to happen along. So, yes, I will freely admit that the free-spirit nature that Inga exuded along with her attractive, seductive photos "spoke" to me in that place where most men are most vulnerable. As Chandler wrote of Philip Marlowe "She gave me a smile I could feel in my hip pocket."
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Scene from "Double Indemnity"
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Scene from "The Postman Always Rings Twice"
It is true that my decisions were highly influenced by my desire for more than email or text exchanges. Honestly, I was not looking for a pen pal or to be relegated to the "friend zone". I wanted her physically and based upon some of the things she initially wrote, it seemed that an intimate relationship was of mutual interest. As was the case with femme fatales such as Phyllis or Cora or the more contemporary Mattie Walker (Body Heat), Inga was well aware of her impact on men.
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Scene from "Body Heat"
Among the many email exchanges Inga and I shared there were the typical series of questions I posed to her related to her relationship past. Just as with the rest of her history, Inga was calculating with her responses. She provided just enough information to answer my questions but seriously skimped on the detail. I was not certain at first if the brevity of her replies was a sign that she was shy about matters of sex and intimacy or she was attempting to cast a mysterious sort of aura regarding her past. Undermining all of this was the ability of Inga to be highly provocative on rare occasions.
One such conversation involved the number of sexual partners each of us had in our past. From my perspective, this discussion is a normal part of getting to know someone for whom you have thoughts of intimacy. Some men place a great deal of emphasis on the number of partners a woman may have had reasoning that the higher the number the less committed a person may be. For me, the actual number was not important but the way in which a woman responds to the question can be quite revealing. When I asked Inga the question, a few minutes passed before a reply. She stated that she had ten sexually intimate relationships in her history and none of them were with married men. I thanked her for her reply and attempted to assure her that this was not an issue for me. I casually began to relate some of the responses I had received from other women with significant "body counts" as it can be crudely termed. Inga then shared that she had a friend/coworker who managed to bed every man from the office. Now, as a health care provider, any anecdote that begins with "I have a friend..." is immediately suspect. Further casting doubt on whether this happened or, Inga was really "the friend", related to a previous statement Inga made that she was the only woman in the office.
Inga personified the very definition of femme fatale. She was seductive, alluring and certainly had the ability to lead a man into a compromising position. While it is true a Russian woman would not think of even dashing to the market without makeup and sporting sweats. Inga seemed to exude something more than a desire to dress smartly. She had a particular fascination for dresses, especially of the frilly design a la Selkie fashions. Ingeborga was determined not to wear the same dress more than once and maintained quite the wardrobe. (I contributed to her passion by purchasing or allowing her to purchase what she desired, but I will elaborate on this in future entries.) She was attractive and knew she did not have to expend effort to get attention.
Undoubtedly, Inga had captivated me just as Walter Neff, Frank Chambers and Ned Racine were drawn in by their own femme fatales.
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heartfannn · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: TAVIK MARLOWE CROP TOP Davitt Black NEW LARGE Purple Flowers.
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the-excursion · 4 years ago
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I promise we’re not dead! Just been trying to balance life and content to post! But be assured we are constantly writing 😈 Here’s a Picrew I did a while back! Including characters from January and Journeys to the Dreamscape
Beck, Hadraniel and Hitomu look so pretty aaaahhhh -P.M.
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raspberrysmoon · 3 months ago
waht are you trying to name can i help
UGH so its. an oc im working on. and there is LITERALLY zero rules other than "not the same every time". so immediately im fucked right. theyre part of a traveling circus, hes both a ringmaster as well as a ventriloquist and a clown, and shes kind of a piece of shit. like a huge dickhole to everyone but children. the goal for their name rn is not too masc, not too fem, slightly weird or uncommon and long with lots of nickname potential. the names i have rn that i like/fit the vibe kind of are
vesper anson - spur
marlowe kennedy anson - mary, ken, arlo, kenny
nettle corinne anson - nettie, nets, corey, rin, rinnie, cora
story beau anson - tori, rory
merritt reed anson - mary, ritt
maren cove anson - mary, red, aron/aren
rocky wayne anson - rock, ways/wayz, roe
ezekial hawkin anson - ezra, zeke, hawk/hawks, kia
anniston campbell anson - annie, ann, stone, cam, belle
SOMEHOW THESE ARE THE FUCKING. FRONT RUNNERS??? they have the vibes but i dont like ANY of them. nettle corinne MIGHT work???? but im attached to the last name anson so like. urgh
cuz it cant be too common, cant be too short, cant be too classic. what the fuck CAN it be. ugh
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the-excursion · 5 years ago
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“I’ve been looking all over for you!”
“Funny. I haven't been looking for you.” Beck was swimming the open waters of Havfrue on his own in search for anything to do. He had already checked the shores of the nearest kingdoms only to find other merfolk beating him to the newest creaturals being turned. Rather than take the streams he decided to remain in the depth and headed toward Theraun. That was until Cora finally caught sight of him.
“Then what are you looking for?” she asked with a smug smile.
“Anything to do in this boring ocean,” Beck rolled his eyes. “What do you want?”
“Same as you,” Cora shrugged as she kept up with him. She soon realized the direction they were headed. “Think there’ll be any luck in Theraun?”
“Hell, I’ll take anything in Theraun,” he replied shortly. A spark came to Cora’s eyes as she swam ahead of him and took his arm.
“Come on it’ll be funner with someone by your side. The whole “Havfrue typically swim alone” thing sounds like an excuse to never try anything new. You like to push me away only because you know I’m right. Let’s have some fun!” Beck could only stare at her for a moment. She had a point, even if he would never admit it.
“Alright alright already,” he responded, unable to muster the energy to argue. “As long as you leave me alone after.”
“Promise,” Cora winked playfully before leading him towards Theraun. From the ocean they followed the streams into Theraun to look around. They made it into the market district and simply watched the different creaturals exchange goods and the occasional street performer. Being able to sense the condition of the creaturals’ souls was the added bonus to their people-watching as they sensed who was more troubled and, with that, more likely to be turned. The two waded in one of the main ponds at the center of the kingdom as they watched other Havfrue come in and out of the streams from the same pond. “See wasn’t this fun?” Cora said as she nudged him. Beck gave a low chuckle as he crossed his arms.
“Somewhat,” he smirked in return.
“Do you wish to see your friends next? I wonder where Hadraniel is..” Beck turned to her and tilted his head.
“You’re only saying this so I can say you were right and that I consider you a friend.”
“Did it work?” Beck smirked and shook his head.
“We’ll see.” With that he pushed himself off where they had been leaning and went into the nearby stream.
“Wait what is that supposed to mean? Ugh Beck, wait!”
January Character Page | Map of Theraun
I also wanted to tag @alloveroliver since I noticed their Merfolk OC post! While I didn’t follow the challenge I thought you’d like to see my merfolk ocs anyway for Mermay. I’ll also admit I loved @tarralin’s use of this picrew!
“I’ve been looking all over for you!”
“Funny. I haven’t been looking for you.”
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susiequaz12 · 2 years ago
Whumptober 31
A Light at the End of the Tunnel- “You Can Rest Now”/Comfort
Finally- day 31! This is a piece from Marlowe the Immortal’s story. Masterlist. CW: nonbinary whumpee, immortal whumpee, multiple whumpees, brainwashed whumpee, talk of past injuries, nudity, amputation, scars. 
- - - 
Jay had been walking for nearly a full two days. Lo had slept most of the time, unable to walk on their own, and his back was burning and aching with the stress of carrying them. But they needed to get somewhere safe. 
It took them almost the full two days for them to finally reach civilization. 
When they did, Jay was so happy and relieved that he found a spot between two buildings to rest, and promptly passed out- the little prisoner curled up in his lap. They were still wrapped up in nothing but the sheets they had stolen. 
There was a hand on his shoulder, and the man flinched back into the wall behind him- eyes growing wide as they registered the figure in front of him. 
It was a woman- she was taller than the doctor was. Maybe taller or as tall as him. A little older too. Her long dark hair was pulled into a messy bun and a thick sweater hid her frame. 
She stepped back instantly as he flinched away, tightening a grip around Lo in his lap. 
“Are- are you alright?” She whispered. “It’s not safe out here during the night.” 
Jay was stunned for a moment. He blinked around- the sun had started to set and it was getting a little colder. Lo needed to get somewhere warm. He needed something to eat. 
“I- I’m-” 
She held out her hand to him. “I’m Cora. I can get you food- or-” 
“Clothes?” He asked. Lo said they needed clothes. His eyes drooped down to where they were passed out, seeing their scrunched face peeking out from underneath the sheets. 
She stepped back in shock. At first she had thought it was just a bundle of fabric in his arms- but the more she looked, the more Cora realized it was in fact, a person. 
A very tired- grubby- beaten up looking person.
“I’m Jay.” He said. He remembered he had a name now. He thought it would be proper to use it. He took her hand lightly. It was warm. “This is- this is Lo. They- they need clothes.” 
“Do you two have anywhere you can go? Anywhere to stay?” She asked, stepping back cautiously after he pulled his hand back. 
Jay looked around nervously, shaking his head. He had no home. He only had Lo, and the few things he had stolen from the doctor’s bedside drawer. He fished into his pocket, being careful not to disturb Lo as he pulled them out and held out his hand.  
“This is- this is all I have.” He whispered. 
Cora nodded and leaned forward to look at the handful of items. “May I?” She asked. 
Jay nodded and she pulled up a few twenty dollar bills- a credit card, and an old key. There was an id card there as well- but it wasn’t his. The picture was female- a name listed below- it was- She felt her heart pound.
“This is- this belongs to that doctor, yeah?” She whispered. Cora had recognized the picture. She had come into the pharmacy often where she worked to get more supplies. She’d just assumed she had a private practice or something from her home. “The one that lives up the county road…” 
Jay nodded as she handed the items back. 
“How- how do you know her? How do you have her id?” 
Jay seemed to shrink against the wall as she awaited his answer. 
“I- I belong- I belonged to her. Lo belonged to her too but they- they’re special, so she- she-” He sniffled a little as tears threatened to come. “I helped her, but she- she did bad things. She hurt me, and- and she hurt Lo-”
Cora registered the blood stains around the sheets the small figure was wrapped up in. What had she done to them?
“What- what happened?”
Jay wiped a strand of tears away from his eyes with the back of his hand. “I- she- she died. We ran.” 
That seemed to be all the explanation she needed. She held out a hand to Jay, and he shakily rose to his feet, scooping up the small figure along with him. They were so small- As Jay moved to grip onto Lo better some of the sheets unraveled and she saw the stump of where their leg used to be. It was covered in old blood- but it didn’t seem to be actively bleeding anymore. 
She did hurt them. Whatever she had done, it was bad. They needed help. 
“Come with me- I- I can help you.”
When they got back to her apartment Jay nearly collapsed with relief. 
“Here. I’ll take Lo and get them dressed, and lying down more comfortably. You take a shower, I’ll get you some clean clothes. I should have some sweats or something that’ll probably fit you.” 
He gratefully handed Lo over to Cora, and she braced herself to hold them steady- but was instead surprised at how light they were. They were still heavy- but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. 
Her guest room had a blow up mattress, and there was a couch in her living room that could work for the two. She lay Lo down carefully before getting a pile of clothes for them, and some for Jay. 
She wasn’t prepared for what she was about to see when she unraveled the sheets. 
There was so much blood on their body. One of their legs had been amputated or cut off from above the knee. There was evidence of faint bruising all along their skin, and they weren’t even wearing anything so much as underwear. Yet somehow, there wasn’t a single car. Not so much a scratch. 
She hid the shake in her hands as she pulled the clothes on their body. They could give them a bath later and ask more questions once they woke. For now, they needed to rest- comfortably. 
After tucking them into the blankets she heard the shower shut off, and Jay came creeping back into the room, standing nervously at the doorway. 
“Th-thank you for the shower ma’am.” He whispered. 
She turned around to hand him the pile of clothes after rising from where Lo had been laid down. “Yes of course, I-” 
There were so many scars. 
The towel wrapped around his waist, but she could see too many bruises, and scars across his chest. 
He looked strong- well fed, muscles toned. But he had clearly been through a lot. 
He took the pile of clothes from her with a thank you and turned to pull them on. 
Cora nearly had to hold back a gasp as she saw the state of his back. 
It was littered with so many scars and welts, that there was nearly no patch of unmarked skin. It was- they looked like whip marks. Some were still fresh- threatening to burst and bleed down his skin. 
She turned herself away, focusing on grabbing more blankets until the man was finished putting on the clothes. 
“Are- are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?” 
He seemed to straighten himself up, standing a little taller, his hands by his sides and his head towards the floor. 
“I- I don’t deserve food ma’am- I- I haven’t earned it.” He mumbled. 
She stopped for a second- before deciding to ignore the comment and leading him out of the room. “You don’t have to earn food here. I’ll make you something, and then later if you want more, you can have something else. You should drink some water as well.” 
He nodded, following her down the hall to the kitchen. “Yes ma’am.” 
She chuckled, turning back to look at him over her shoulder. 
“And quit with the ma’am- I’m not that old.”  
- - -
Lo awoke to a dim light above their eyes. 
They were lying on something soft- well, sort of soft. There was a sort of bed underneath them, protected by some sort of blanket. They groaned softly, feeling blindly around them for the blanket they were wrapped in, and pulled it tighter over their shoulders. 
Lo moved to shift onto their side, but immediately something felt wrong. It wasn’t just the face that they were wearing clothes for the first time in forever- but their body felt off- different somehow. In a panic they threw themselves up to sitting, hands patting down across their body to check for injuries- and that’s when they remembered. 
Right. Their leg. 
The wound had completely closed over- leaving a lump of flesh beneath it, but the bottom half of their leg was completely gone from above the knee. 
Lo didn’t know if they could grow it back. 
Their abilities were always so unpredictable and with the gravity of all their other injuries that they’d accumulated recently- they didn’t know how far their body could go. 
There was a small groan- a shuffle of movement and Lo noticed the larger figure lying in a small heap on the floor. It was the nurse. No- they were- they were Jay now. It was Jay. They were covered in nothing but a thin blanket on the floor, pulled so tightly around them as if it were going to grow legs and walk away. 
Lo couldn’t help but feel bad for them. Everything that they’d known had been so suddenly lost. The doctor- the only person they really knew- well she was probably dead. Their only home, gone- he had no idea how to live or work or do anything outside of her command. 
Well it was safe to say that Lo had plenty of life experience. 
Lo flinched, curling in on themself as footsteps sounded by the door. 
Who was here?
A figure in the doorway, dimly lit by the hallway behind them. They were carrying something on a tray- a tray like- like the ones she always used. Always holding her supplies, and tools, and-
“Oh- you’re awake?” The figure said. 
The voice was different. This woman’s was deeper- with almost a hint of an accent. She stepped into the room and Lo made out a few glasses on the tray along with a few other things. 
They pulled themselves tighter together, the mattress shifting underneath them as she walked into the room. 
Lo simply stared as she set the tray down on a small table by the wall. Afterwards she grabbed a glass and brought it to the shaking figure, kneeling in front of them. 
“It’s just water. I figured you’d be thirsty when you woke.” She held out the glass and Lo’s eyes scanned up and down her- and then the liquid. It looked normal. They gently reached out a shaky hand, using their other to steady the bottom of it. 
“I’m Cora.” She whispered. “You’re Lo?” 
Lo nodded, their eyes scanning to Jay on the floor, curled up in the blanket. 
“Your friend filled me in on most of the details. They insisted on being in here with you rather than out on the couch.” 
Was Jay their friend? 
He had rescued them from that place- carried them countless miles to find safety- 
“I have some food cooking too for when you feel up for it. Jay ate before he fell asleep.”
Lo hadn’t eaten food in who knows how long. After all, they didn’t really need it, and according to the doctor it was just a waste. Instead, she could pump them full of chemicals and nutrients whenever she didn’t want them to die from starvation.   
Lo had gotten used to being hungry. 
They didn’t realize tears had fallen down their face until she handed them a tissue. Food- water- they were dressed in clean clothes on a bed with blankets- this was- this was the nicest thing they’d experienced in years. 
“It’s alright, you’re safe here. You can rest now.” 
Lo nodded, taking another sip of the water and feeling it cool their aching throat. 
“Thank you-” they mouthed- leaning back against the bed and finally letting their body relax. 
- - -
Taglist: @imagination1reality0 @whumpsday @thecyrulik @no-terms-and-conditions-apply @spectral-whumpy-writer
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