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whileiamdying · 2 months ago
A Surprise Blockbuster in Brazil Stokes Oscar Hopes, and a Reckoning
Decades after her mother missed out on an Oscar, Brazil’s Fernanda Torres may have a chance to win a golden statuette with a role in a film that has set off deep soul-searching.
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Fernanda Torres, 59, and her mother, Fernanda Montenegro, 95, at Ms. Torres’s home in Rio de Janeiro.
By Ana Ionova Photographs by María Magdalena Arréllaga Reporting from Rio de Janeiro
Fernanda Torres still remembers the day her mother, Brazil’s grande dame of film, came within reach of cinema’s most coveted prize: an Oscar.
“It had great symbolism for Brazil,” Ms. Torres, an acclaimed actress herself, said in an interview. “I mean, Brazil produced something like her, you know?” she added. “It was very beautiful.”
A quarter-century ago, Fernanda Montenegro, now 95, made history when she became the first Brazilian actress to be nominated for an Academy Award. She lost to Gwyneth Paltrow, and Brazil never got over what it considered a snub.
Now, Ms. Torres, 59, is attracting chatter in Hollywood that could put her in line to win the elusive golden statuette for a role that has ignited cinematic fever — and a national reckoning — in Latin America’s largest country.
Millions of viewers are packing theaters to watch “I’m Still Here,” a quiet drama starring Ms. Torres about a family torn apart by a military junta that ruled Brazil, by fear and force, for over two decades.
This past week, the movie was nominated for a Golden Globe for best foreign language film, and Ms. Torres was nominated in the lead actress category, bolstering Oscar hopes.
Though the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which oversees the Oscars, will not reveal its nominations until January, “I’m Still Here” is Brazil’s official entry in the international feature film category.
At home, the movie has struck a nerve in a nation that suffered through the brutal dictatorship from 1964 to 1985.
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Ms. Torres in a scene from “I’m Still Here.” The movie depicts a family living under Brazil’s military dictatorship.
Set in Rio de Janeiro in the 1970s, “I’m Still Here” tells the story of Eunice Paiva and her five children, whose lives are upended when the family patriarch, Rubens Paiva, a former congressman played by Selton Mello, disappears at the hands of the military government.
By telling this family’s story, the film tackles a “piece of Brazilian history” that is being forgotten, said Walter Salles, the movie’s director and one of the nation’s most prolific filmmakers. “The personal story of the Paiva family is the collective story of a country.”
The film has quickly become a national treasure, breaking box office records and eclipsing usual crowd-pleasers like “Wicked” and “Gladiator 2.”
Since the release of “I’m Still Here” in early November, more than 2.5 million Brazilians have seen it in theaters, and it has grossed more than six times the amount made by last year’s most-watched Brazilian film.
In a troubling twist, the movie was being widely shown in Brazil just as the police revealed new details about a plot to stage a coup and keep the far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, a defender of the military dictatorship, in power after he lost the 2022 election.
Against this backdrop, the film’s themes have gained an urgent new meaning, said Marcelo Rubens Paiva, whose book about his family inspired the movie.
“The timing was, unfortunately, perfect,” he said, “because it showed this story isn’t just in our past.”
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The home in Rio de Janeiro where “I’m Still Here” was filmed. A military junta’s repressive rule lasted for more than two decades.
Human rights groups estimate that hundreds of people were disappeared and some 20,000 were tortured during the dictatorship. But, unlike Chile or Argentina, where many crimes committed there under military dictatorships have been tried and punished, Brazil has not pursued accountability for its military’s atrocities.
In recent years, what many had seen as the distant past began to creep into the present. Mr. Bolsonaro, a retired army captain, spoke frequently in nostalgic terms about the dictatorship, awarded thousands of government jobs to soldiers and dismantled a panel investigating crimes committed during the military’s rule.
Movies and other forms of cultural works were frequent targets of censorship during the dictatorship, which considered them political foes. Now, films like “I’m Still Here” can serve as “instruments against forgetting,” Mr. Salles said. “Cinema reconstructs memory.”
And the film has surely ignited Brazil’s collective memory. In classrooms and newspaper pages, heated debates are unfolding over the legacy of the dictatorship. On social media, stories of suffering at the hands of the military government have gone viral, drawing millions of views.
On a recent rainy weekday, as moviegoers packed a Rio de Janeiro theater, it was clear that “I’m Still Here” had cast a wide spell. Groups of teenagers, fathers and sons and older couples were all clutching tickets.
Some snapped selfies in front of the movie’s poster. Others took deep breaths before stepping into the theater’s darkness.
Inside, the crowd gasped at the sounds of the torture of political prisoners; teared up when Eunice, played by Ms. Torres, defiantly smiled for a newspaper photo, unwavering in the face of tragedy; and stifled sobs when Ms. Montenegro made a silent appearance in the closing scenes, as an older Eunice whose memories were fading.
The film echoed a familiar past for many. “It shows everything we lived through,” said Dr. Eneida Glória Mendes, 73, who grew up in a military family during the dictatorship.
Dr. Mendes, who has watched the film twice, remembers ripping up letters she received from friends who criticized the regime so that her father would not see them. Anyone sending or receiving such correspondence could have been detained.
“We were not free,” she said. “Even a silly criticism could lead to arrest.”
For younger Brazilians, the film offered a glimpse into a reality they had heard about only at school. “For my generation, there’s this thirst to know more,” said Sara Chaves, 25, an aspiring actress.
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Sara Chaves outside a theater showing “I’m Still Here” in Rio de Janeiro. Referring to the military dictatorship, she said, “There’s this thirst to know more.”
“I’m Still Here” has also captivated audiences and critics abroad. When it premiered in Venice this year, it won an award for best screenplay and drew a thundering applause that lasted 10 minutes.
So when the academy shared an image on social media of Ms. Torres at a Hollywood industry gala last month, Brazilians went wild. “Give her the award already!” said one of the more than 820,000 comments on Instagram.
If she is nominated in the best actress category, Ms. Torres would be following a remarkably similar path to her mother, who was nominated in 1999 for her role as a letter writer for illiterate people in “Central Station,” a Brazilian classic also directed by Mr. Salles.
“There was this feeling in the country that she was deeply wronged,” said Isabela Boscov, a Brazilian cinema critic who has been reviewing films for three decades.
“I’m Still Here” is widely expected to receive a nomination in the international film category, according to Hollywood insiders, but Ms. Torres’s chances are more uncertain.
Sony Pictures Classics, the studio distributing “I’m Still Here” globally, which launched the successful best actress nomination bid for Ms. Montenegro, is making a concerted push for Ms. Torres. Yet she may face tough odds this year in a crowded field that includes names like Angelina Jolie and Nicole Kidman.
To Ms. Torres, an Oscar nomination “would be a big victory” in itself, but she is not getting her hopes up. “It would be an incredible story if I got there, following my mother,” she said. “Now, winning — I consider it impossible.”
Since the first Oscars ceremony in 1929, only two actresses have won awards for leading roles in foreign-language films.
On a recent Sunday afternoon at Ms. Torres’s home, she sat across from her mother, reminiscing about art and family and other films the two have made together.
“This is also a legacy of life, of a profession,” Ms. Montenegro said, gesturing toward her daughter, then herself.
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In 1999, Ms. Montenegro became the first Brazilian actress to be nominated for an Oscar, for her role in “Central Station.”
After a career spanning more than seven decades, Ms. Montenegro is still acting in films and onstage. But her movements are slower, her eyesight is weakening and she rests more.
Sharing a character with her daughter, in a film that has inspired awe and soul-searching across Brazil, has carried personal symbolism, too. “It’s a really special moment,” Ms. Montenegro said.
After a final lipstick check in the mirror, the two actresses faced a camera for a photograph for this article. They moved their faces close together, their cheeks nearly touching. Like Eunice Paiva, in the movie both are in, they prefer to smile.
“My mother is still alive; all is well with her,” Ms. Torres explained. “I’m happy.”
“By chance, I’m still here,” Ms. Montenegro replied. Ms. Torres chimed in: “We’re still here.”
After a career spanning more than seven decades, Ms. Montenegro is still acting in films and onstage. But her movements are slower, her eyesight is weakening and she rests more.
Sharing a character with her daughter, in a film that has inspired awe and soul-searching across Brazil, has carried personal symbolism, too. “It’s a really special moment,” Ms. Montenegro said.
After a final lipstick check in the mirror, the two actresses faced a camera for a photograph for this article. They moved their faces close together, their cheeks nearly touching. Like Eunice Paiva, in the movie both are in, they prefer to smile.
“My mother is still alive; all is well with her,” Ms. Torres explained. “I’m happy.”
“By chance, I’m still here,” Ms. Montenegro replied. Ms. Torres chimed in: “We’re still here.”
Kyle Buchanan contributed reporting from Los Angeles. Lis Moriconi contributed research. A version of this article appears in print on Dec. 15, 2024, Section A, Page 4 of the New York edition with the headline: Brazil’s Oscar Contender Strikes a Nerve.
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edsonjnovaes · 1 year ago
O Filme dos Mamonas é o PIOR Filme!?!
O Filme dos Mamonas é o PIOR Filme que Já vi na Vida! Canal 90 – 28 fev 2024 Estréia: 28 de Dezembro de 2023. Nefferson Taveira – Cinepop. 29 Dez 2023 Direção: Edson Spinello Duração: 95 min. Distribuidora: Imagem Filmes Orçamento: R$ 7 milhões Roteiro: Carlos Lombardi ao lado de Carlos Amorim “Mamonas Assassinas – O Filme” já está disponível em algumas plataformas digitais e chegou ao…
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momo-de-avis · 1 year ago
Na adaptação da obra Codex 632, de José Rodrigues dos Santos, para televisão (uma coprodução da RTP e da Globo), há todo um sub-enredo sobre um movimento woke que destrói estátuas do Vasco da Gama e do Colombo todos os dias (video no twitter mas nao recomendo ver meu deus)
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quebraram · 2 years ago
Um canal do youtube que vc gosta?
Meu favorito:
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revistamineirinho · 15 hours ago
"Ainda Estou Aqui" vence categoria de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro no Oscar 2025
“Ainda Estou Aqui”. (Divulgação) O filme brasileiro “Ainda Estou Aqui” venceu o Oscar nesse domingo (02) na categoria de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro. O filme tem direção do brasileiro Walter Salles e é o primeiro filme brasileiro a vencer na categoria. Anteriormente “Orfeu Negro” (1960) uma coprodução franco-brasileira e nacional “O que é isso, companheiro?” (1998) perderam. “Central do Brasil”…
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radioshiga · 8 days ago
"Vida Comum" de Mizushiri conquista Urso de Prata em Berlim
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f5noticias · 9 days ago
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O longa metragem O Último Azul, do cineasta brasileiro Gabriel Mascaro, recebeu o Urso de Prata, segundo maior prêmio do Festival de Berlim, neste sábado (22). Na história distópica sobre envelhecimento ambientada na Amazônia, Tereza busca realizar seu último desejo antes de ser exilada para uma colônia habitacional. O filme é uma coprodução entre Brasil, México, Chile e Holanda. O elenco conta…
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minhasleiturasepeliculas · 27 days ago
Tartarugas Podem Voar (2004)
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O filme “Tartarugas sabem voar” é uma coprodução entre Irã e Iraque do diretor Bahman Ghobadi. A história acontece em um acampamento de refugiados, situado no Curdistão, próximo à fronteira do Iraque com a Turquia. Retrata a vida de crianças em um acampamento de refugiados que, para sobreviver, desativam e vendem minas. Neste filme tudo é claustro, cinéreo e frívolo. Ao assistirmos sentimos certo terror e repugnância, uma vez que ganhamos consciência de uma calamidade catastrófica, causada por guerras sem sentido, onde suas principais vítimas são crianças. São crianças mutiladas, vivendo de forma precária em tendas, desarmando bombas que são vendidas para os próprios americanos, que foram responsáveis por mutilá-las. Essas crianças não são personagens fictícios, mas personagens reais que retratam suas próprias vidas. É um golpe nos estômago de qualquer mortal.
Assista no YouTube clicando em FONTE.
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postersdecinema · 2 months ago
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F, I, UK, 2004
Enki Bilal
Imortal é uma ambiciosa adaptação da série de banda desenhada Nikopol, dirigida pelo próprio autor, que co-escreve o argumento e realiza, Enki Bilal.
Na verdade tem um argumento original, baseado em fragmentos dos dois primeiros volumes da série, e esse é o primeiro problema do filme. Ao querer sintetizar, num novo argumento, o conteúdo dos dois primeiros volumes da obra, a narrativa ressente-se, perde lógica, coesão, coerência, sentido.
Mas o maior problema do filme nem chega a ser o argumento, mas sim a estranha decisão de fazer interagir personagens reais, interpretados por atores, e personagens virtuais, totalmente digitalizados. Ainda por cima esta digitalização, por muito sedutora que parecesse em 2004, hoje apresenta-se frouxa, comparável à de um banal videojogo.
Sou um fã incondicional de Bilal e da sua série Nikopol. Admiro a ousadia de adaptar ao cinema uma obra tão difícil, ainda por cima recorrendo a efeitos visuais de vanguarda, numa coprodução europeia. Mas sou forçado a reconhecer que o resultado final é desequilibrado e fica aquém das expetativas, fruto, essencialmente, de duas opções erradas.
Nikopol e Bilal mereciam melhor.
Immortal is an ambitious adaptation of the Nikopol comic series, directed by the author, who co-writes and directs, Enki Bilal.
In fact, it has an original script, based on fragments of the first two volumes of the series, and this is the film's first problem. By wanting to synthesize, in a new argument, the content of the first two volumes of the work, the narrative suffers, losing logic, cohesion, coherence, meaning.
But the film's biggest problem isn't even the script, but the strange decision to make real characters, played by actors, and virtual characters, completely digitized, interact. Furthermore, this digitalization, as seductive as it seemed in 2004, today appears lax, comparable to that of a banal video game.
I am a die-hard fan of Bilal and his Nikopol series. I admire the boldness of adapting such a difficult work to film, even more so using cutting-edge visual effects, in a European co-production. But I am forced to recognize that the final result is unbalanced and falls short of expectations, essentially the result of two wrong choices.
Nikopol and Bilal deserved better.
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nedsecondline · 3 months ago
The Bibi Files: Revelações Explosivas Sobre Netanyahu e o Impacto no Futuro de Israel : Linkezine
Publicado em 06/12/2024 por Linkezine em Filmes & Séries // 1 comentário O documentário The Bibi Files mergulha nos bastidores mais sombrios da vida política de Benjamin Netanyahu, apresentando imagens vazadas de seus interrogatórios policiais entre 2016 e 2018. Com direção de Alexis Bloom e coprodução de Raviv Drucker, o filme vai além das alegações de corrupção, conectando as batalhas…
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nosbastidoresdopier · 4 months ago
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inveterade · 4 months ago
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blogdotarso · 5 months ago
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paulistafmsp-blog · 5 months ago
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geekpopnews · 6 months ago
Crítica | Prisão nos Andes
"Prisão nos Andes" retrata cinco torturadores da ditadura de Pinochet vivendo em uma prisão luxuosa. O filme estreia nesse mês nos cinemas. #prisaonosandes #critica #felipecarmona
Prisão nos Andes, uma coprodução entre Brasil e Chile, o filme estreia nos cinemas nacionais no dia 19 de setembro. A trama, baseada em uma história real, acompanha cinco torturadores que trabalharam para a ditadura de Augusto Pinochet. Eles cumprem suas penas em uma prisão localizada aos pés da Cordilheira dos Andes. No entanto, o local mais parece um hotel cinco estrelas, repleto de mordomias,…
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demoura · 6 months ago
DIA 15 DE SETEMBRO DE 2024 : COM OS MEUS AMIGOS DE SEMPRE E UMA CONVIDADA ASSISTI EM ALMADA À “A JUDIA – A PARTIR DE KURT WEILL E BERTOLT BRECHT “. ENCONTRO COM A ENCANTADORA SOPRANO LARA MARTINS : há muitos anos que sigo a carreira da soprano portuguesa Lar Martins uma das cantoras portuguesas com difusão internacional . Lembro que Lara cantou em Londres o papel de Carlota do Phantom of the Opera durante 7 anos espectáculo que só agora chega agora a Lisboa !. Lara é grande amiga da minha colega Leonor Pires Ex- Directora da Anestesia do Hospital de Tomar , grande melomana e cinéfila assinante histórica da Gulbenkian e do S.Carlos. Por essas razões convidei-a para vir connosco ao Teatro Azul . Tive há muitos anos o projecto de ver em Londres o Fantasma da Ópera com a Zaza e conhecer a Lara minha amiga no FB . Infelizmente nunca aconteceu….. Estava esgotado o espectáculo a que assistimos ontem onde se demonstrou que Lara Martins alia à excelência do seu instrumento vocal sensibilidade e talento no domínio dramático. Todavia quanto a mim a sua esplêndida voz não precisava de amplificação naquela sala . Numa coprodução entre a ACTA- A Companhia de Teatro do Algarve, o Teatro Municipal Joaquim Benite, em Almada, e a Comuna , A Judia é um espetáculo híbrido, uma incursão teatral e musical num dos episódios de Terror e Miséria no Terceiro Reich, notabilíssima peça de Bertolt Brecht, escrita já no exílio a partir de notícias que chegavam da Alemanha após a ascensão do nazismo.A partir do monólogo, “mais tarde tornado diálogo”, de Judith, “uma esposa amada, uma amiga, uma jogadora de bridge e uma dona de casa”, que o nazismo reduz “à unidimensionalidade de judia”, o encenador Jorge Balça e o maestro e pianista João Paulo Santos introduzem uma cuidada seleção de peças musicais de Kurt Weill em momentos muito particulares da história desta mulher burguesa que, para evitar problemas drásticos ao marido, o abandona. , “as peças musicais de Weill permitem que vislumbremos o tumulto interior” de Judith. Depois do espectáculo a Lara veio ao foyer do teatro onde finalmente a conheci . É verdadeiramente encantadora .! Espero conseguir bilhetes para ir pela primeira vez na minha vida ver um musical na praça de touros do Campo Grande !
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