#Convert to EPS
The fact that izzy apparently just hangs out in stede's room doing his own thing is so funny because what's he gonna do when stede&ed start fucking?? they're gonna have to lock him out of the bedroom like the family dog that's yowling at the door
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emilyaxford · 1 year
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quite literally hand in unloveable hand
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hanamic · 1 year
ALSO I think n chopping off her hand was a parallel to when he pierced through her hand the very first time they met. Like the first time it was because he was literally trying to kill her and the second time was bc he was trying to save her ☹️☹️☹️☹️ gonna kms
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static-scribblez · 5 months
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“Our senses restored, never to be the same, whisper to us. They existed, they existed. We can be. Be and be better. For they existed.” - Maya Angelou, ‘Where Great Trees Fall’
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dennisboobs · 11 months
i don't think i ever mentioned this on here but i managed to track down proper HQ 1080p rips of sunny seasons 9-16 that don't look like they've been sent through a meat grinder. i guess most people just want a smaller filesize so those are the torrents that tend to endure, but it makes it like. almost completely impossible to find anything that isn't crushed to hell. they aren't accessible through the most commonly used tracker sites like pirate bay, 1337x.to, TGx, etc (trust me. i have LOOKED. for months. i stumbled upon these), and i had to dig through. a lot of shit. for them. so i'm thinking maybe i could upload them to the internet archive (they haven't had a problem with my sunny archive yet, but who knows), because hosting 170 1-2GB episodes would be. impossible (and as we learned during s16 airing, apparently most commercial cloud servers have stupid limits lol).
also found AP bio in actual 1080p quality; honestly didn't even know it existed, and with the amount of time it took to download from the one other person who was seeding it i doubt many other people know either. might uh. photodump. because i have a lot of screenshots that are twenty times nicer than the shit i had before. and jack is pretty <3
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shut up i know they're mostly tits
if you guys are interested i can see what i can do, but like, each sunny season is 11-20 gigs, so you know. i'll be your blackmarket sunny dealer if you want to see your fave ep in significantly higher quality than you normally see on Hulu (caps out at 720p) or most other torrenting sites.
cmon you know you want to see the glears (glenn tears)
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doyou000me · 9 months
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Okay, so.... *steeps fingers together, takes a deep breath*
I started watching Pit Babe fully expecting it to be trash, but I'd heard there was omegaverse stuff in it and I got curious. Were they really making an omegaverse series?? If so, how far will they take it? Call it a social study, if you will.
I was not prepared for it to hook me, but here we are. Episode 7 with canon-confirmed mpreg and I'm loving it, cackling like a maniac as I'm going through the tag to see the uproar. I'm having way too much fun. Someone take this show from me and put my sanity back.
This chaos is magnificent and I love it.
More, please.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 months
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I also did mine and @lost-on-kamino's Corrie boys.
For anyone wondering about the color scheme of the beans: It typically depends on how much paint saturation their armour has (Olly's riot trooper gear has red detailing but overall is much more white than Rhythm's, plus his hair is dyed red so I needed a higher contrast). That said, there are a few outliers (Like with Rex, Hardcase, Tup and Dogma who I color coordinated on vibes alone).
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having the time of my life listening to the A More Civilized Age podcast on Andor because they were frequently like. absurdly correct in their predictions and on picking up on themes a couple episodes before they become more major and explicitly stated but then occasionally they are just wildly wrong and there seems to be absolutely no in-between
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cuteidiot · 3 months
tag game !!!
rules: list your top 5 albums from your top 5 artists (can't have a repeat of the same artist) on a poll, so your followers can vote which album they think captures your vibe the best.
thank u @isabugs 4 the tag i luv u
tags: @rovky @beansstuff-mlb @goochloverr if u guys wanna particip8 ^_^
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chuluoyi · 11 months
…god forbid—am i a sukuna fucker now?
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gillianthecat · 2 years
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The New Employee - episode 5
Gah this EPISODE!! 🥰😍🥰 Here are my thoughts during and after watching:
Excellent, we're getting right into the mystery of the terrifying pen.
Omg the second hand embarrassment in this college flashback makes me curl up and hide. Also, I assume it's less obvious in Korean that Seung Hyun thought they were talking about a gift for him, because otherwise Yoo Seong is being deliberately cruel, not just self-centered and obvious, and I don't think he's supposed to be.
This is a legit explanation for why Seung Hyun freaked out though. I also would runaway if I saw something that was both evidence that my new person once dated my toxic crush and a reminder of one of my saddest and most embarrassing memories.
Lee Beom with the wise advice once again! And it sounds like Seong Hyun isn't mad at Jong Chan for this, just freaked out and stuck about how to talk about it.
These two have really good friendship chemistry. Which actors don't always manage to make clearly distinct from romantic chemistry, but these two do.
Oh Jong Chan. I mean I get it. Everyone is freaking out here. But Seong Hyun is trying to be open and vulnerable with you. You don't need to get defensive and go on the attack now.
Something about this fight and break up feels very adult to me. I mean, Jong Chan is being immature and leaping to conclusions and breaking up because he doesn’t understand Seung Hyun and he’s scared to try. But it feels like adult immaturity somehow, rather than youngness.
Oh god, Seung Hyun is having the worst week. All this heartache from the past pops up out of nowhere, your boss dumps you just as your trying to do the adult thing and talk about it, and then on top of it you keep fucking up at work and everyone is getting on your case about it. Including your he’s-not-actually-your-ex-because-he-ended-things-before-it-even-got-to-that-point. Oh man, I ache for him.
Jong Chan is in pain too, and I sympathize with him having spent the last day confused about the sudden withdrawal of the man he’s falling for, right after sleeping together for the first time. And when he finally explains why, it makes it sound like he’s still hung up on someone else. But I’m also mad at Jong Chan for not even trying to listen. Probably because it strikes a nerve—memories of trying to explain my complicated emotions to various ex-boyfriends and them freaking out about it, not listening to what I was actually saying and instead making up a story in their head about what my emotions were based on what scared them the most. Which was very frustrating.
And at first I was surprised that Jong Chan went there so quickly. I had expected more understanding from him, more willingness to work. But then his monologue to his cat made sense of it for me: "I don’t like emotional quarrels." Look, I’m not sure what of this the show is putting in there intentionally, and what is me making up complexity for a stock "cold boss seme" archetype, but I think this might be the first time when he’s faced with the complexity of who Seung Hyun actually is, rather than the sweet new kid who hero-worships him.
And although Jong Chan has been in many relationships, I wouldn’t be surprised if he never actually put the work into them, but rather ended things, or more likely retreated into his career when the emotions got hard and his boyfriends wanted things from him. That memory scene in the previous episode made it sound like non of his exes had understood his values and his love of his job, and maybe that’s all it is, but his line about hating quarreling makes me think there is more to it than that, that he in fact hasn't cared enough about anyone to actually face scary emotions. Except that now he does with Seung Hyun.
Anyway, I did like his desperately stoic face whenever he had to see or hear about or talk to Seung Hyun. And the way he grabbed his wrist and positively yanked him into the elevator to finally confront him in the storage closet. (It's not making out in a supply closet, but I'm still happy about it. Although it does make the camera angles weird and distorts their faces.) And the way he kept drinking more and more at the work party while his eyes kept tracking Seung Hyun frantically trying to be a good intern and take care of all his seniors. It seems very reminiscent of Japanese BL, although maybe its just that that's where most of the office romances I've seen are from.
And then! Jong Chan apparently couldn't stand it anymore and then goes after him. I loved his line (I'm paraphrasing) "I don't understand your feelings, and I know I'm supposed to or supposed to lie and say I do, but I just don't. But I want to." It's just so... gah! This was the moment (and their subsequent hug and giddy walk back to the work party) that turned this episode from 'some nice stuff happening' to 🥰😍! for me. It felt so honest and vulnerable and true to the character. He doesn't understand the complexity of people's emotions. But Seung Hyun makes him want to understand him.
It was also this line that made me willing to handwave the rest of the conversations they need to be having. Yes, yes, there are only eight short episodes, so we need to wrap everything up soon. But I believe, behind the scenes, they are talking about the hard stuff. Jong Chan is someone who if he says he's going to do something he does it. And I think he does want to see Seung Hyun for who he actually is.
I also have thoughts about seme/uke dynamics in this show and Seung Hyun's... passivity? Or not that exactly, but his very uke role of following Jong Chan's lead and not initiating much of anything, be it kisses, romantic gestures or difficult conversations, himself. But a) I'm not exactly sure what my thoughts are yet, and b) this is already very long and I should get on with my day.
Although this conversation gave me some insight into what was going on--the show's very traditional manga roots nestled alongside the grown-up queer story the director wants to tell, create some oddities like this, where despite his insecurities and inexperience, Seung Hyun doesn't seem like he'd be as passive as he is, but the structure of the story kind of requires him to be, so there is some dissonance there. And it also creates this thing were I'm not sure if I'm reading too much complexity into the characters and their backstories, or if it's really there.
But anyway. Their giddiness and joy at un-breaking up! Seung Hyun can't stop smiling! The relief on Jong Chan's face. That hug, they way they held each other so tightly. Their silly little argument over carrying the bags and who would enter first. 🥰
And the queerness of this show, in showing both the fun things and the glimpses of being queer in a homophobic world. The way they spring apart from their embrace when someone walks by, and their relief when he reassures them with a "cute." And the whole extremely queer you-used-to-be-in-unrequited-love-with-my-ex-boyfriend.
(Speaking of the ex-boyfriend, I still want to know more about Yoo Seong. Including who he's in love with. OOOOOHHH. I just had a thought. Second season about him? Is that what they're setting us up for with all these dropped hints?!? That would make me so happy. I don't know anything about the source material, so I don't know if this is a realistic hope or just a daydream. But if this was an English language romance novel, it absolutely would be setting us up for a second Yoo Seong book. The ridiculously attractive mysterious "rake" who hurts both of the main characters, sweeping through their lives seemingly unaware. Who seems to have fallen for some unknown person. Come on producers, give it to us.)
Ok, back to our main couple. The sweetness of their texting from opposite sides of the corporate sleepover! Their promises to communicate and stick around when things got hard. Jong Chan sneaking over just to sit next to Seung Hyun as he falls asleep. And this is all the sweeter for me, because I feel like their giddy happiness means something now.
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is there any viral jinki moments thread like minho's from choirose??
no, i don't think anyone made one yet, which is weird because he did go viral more than once since 2021
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seiwas · 11 months
seeing aleks live react to the episode is making me scared that i will for sure come out of this as a newly inducted choso fucker
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lemongogo · 10 months
ahyways hi . liteally hey .whats up
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boypussydilf · 11 months
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ilkkawhat · 2 years
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2.14 Third Time’s the Charm
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