#Contra Unit
violentlydefending · 1 month
Wait....the writer of one of my favourite Monster!Majima fics is somebody I already followed (on your art account) and they do art of the weird monster guy?????? Truly a blessed day for me tbh.
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so honoured in fact here's Even More Art of the weird monster guy :]
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cindydacatpink · 9 months
Tony Blair from Contra Informação
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I literally watch on YouTube. A Spitting Image Portugal version.
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ophilosoraptoro · 15 days
WKJO: Who Killed John O'Neill?
One Actor, One Room, Seven Characters: 9/11.
Traumatized by the September 11th attacks, one man struggles to dismantle official history, at the expense of his sanity and even his life. Grappling with multiple realities - and multiple personalities - he must retreat into his mind in pursuit of the truth. In a fictional film about non-fictional events, there is a place where belief and faith will blind you, where nothing is sacred, and to get there all you have to do is ask:
"Who Killed John O'Neill?"
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sanguepisado · 10 months
may this heartbreak radicalize me into a femcel not into a bulimic
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Patriot Games III: The Moon and the Machine Gun
Unification Church, Rod of Iron Ministries, Sean Moon, militias, Waco, Branch Davidians, David Koresh, January 6th Event, Gladio, American Gladio, growing up Moonie, Unification families, Rod of Iron Ministry's paramilitary activities, special operations forces, Special Operations Command (SOCOM), Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), Craig Sawyer, about Christopher "CT" Thompson, Charles "Sam" Faddis, CIA, Special Activities Division, SAD, anti-CIA, operators culture vs intelligence/military, Tu Lam, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Tu Lam as video game character, gamer culture in psyops, QAnon, Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer group, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Pastor Greg Locke, Black Robe Regiment, cults/religious groups as paramilitaries, Sea Sparrows, Moonies in Iran-Contra, I Am, Silver Shirts, Council for National Policy (CNP), Larry Pratt, American Gladio, PATCON, Charles Buasman, The Right Stuff, Konstantin Malofeev, White Russians, Sovereign Order of Saint John, General William Boykin, Russian honeypot or collaboration?  
Part I: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/patriot-games-i-the-alt-right-white-russians-the/id1625511894?i=1000603926055
This podcast episode features former Unification Church member and anti-fascist researcher Alisa Mahjoub
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norbert-b · 2 years
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Here in France, we are seeing on the state TV set medias a contra Qatar propaganda.
What do they want ?
Sport policy or political sport !?
Elysee isn't a good exemple for french youth but Elie is...
Soccer is the royal sport, It's not french republic policy.
World cup event is in Qatar, not in Emirates Arab United nor in Saudi Arab Kingdom, even It's displeased to United Kingdom or It's servant french republic...
What do they believe ?
England protestant team 2022 world cup champions ?
Do we France or other national team agrees with that proposition, are they, British subjects, sportsmen !?
Wait and see, says international people.
And... Good luck 🤞 to qataris !...
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reality-detective · 4 months
The CIA has been accused of importing fentanyl into the USA?
Individuals, including former law enforcement officials, have made claims that the CIA has been involved in drug trafficking and illicit drug dealings. These accusations suggest that the CIA may have been complicit in facilitating the transportation and distribution of illegal drugs.
In 1996, during a C-SPAN interview with Director James Doich, the following projects were mentioned:
Project Amadous, Project Pegasus, Project Watchtower apparently all proving the CIA has been selling drugs in the united states...
Things to look up: 👇
Iran-Contra Affair: The Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s involved allegations of CIA involvement in illegal arms sales to Iran and using the proceeds to fund Nicaraguan Contra rebels. Critics suggest that drug trafficking was a large part of these operations. 🤔
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hansolsticio · 18 days
soliezinha depois de ver um gif da hip-hop unit eu n consigo parar de pensar em uma gangbang com eles 😭 n sei elaborar muito mas penso no hansol e no mingyu como sendo os "carinhosos" e o cheol e o o wonnie como os "brutos" aff estou com tword agora
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rue... eu não vou nem te falar nada.
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n/a: isso vai ser divertido kkkkkk eu segui à risca, tá? o wonu é bem cruel [😶]
inclusive acho que esse precisa de avisos: degradação (tipo, muita mesmo), objetificação, creampie, cum eating, tapas, muito palavrão e menção à anal.
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Mal teve tempo de respirar e uma silhueta grande cobriu seu corpo inteiro. Abriu os olhos, deparando-se com um Mingyu aos sorrisos, ele nunca era capaz de esconder o quão bobinho era por você. O corpo enorme intimidava, mas sabia que Gyu era um doce — o cachorrinho perfeito, bastava saber manipular.
"Gyu...", começou dengosa. Os olhos correram do torso até a pelve do homem. O pau pesava dentro do short fininho. Porra, não aguentaria tudo aquilo agora, não depois do estrago que Seungcheol fez na sua buceta. "O Cheollie machucou... 'tá doendo, Gyu.", choramingou, vendo-o franzir as sobrancelhas.
Ele queria te foder. Cacete... e como queria. Melava o tecido do short inteirinho, se segurando para não bater uma desde que assistiu o Choi usar seu buraquinho como se fosse de brinquedo. Mas ele não podia te machucar mais. Não, claro que não podia. Você era tão boazinha com ele, não era? Sempre abria as perninhas quando ele precisava. Mingyu não poderia ser tão cruel assim...
"É drama. Ela que pediu mais forte. A buceta não parava de me apertar. Ela aguenta.", a voz do mais velho foi ouvida de fundo. Falava tudo com calma — trivial, como se estivesse dando informações sobre a temperatura do dia.
"Nem adianta.", uma segunda voz foi ouvida, dessa vez era Wonwoo que ria com escárnio. "Esse daí não sabe comer puta. É mole demais... vira capacho na mão dela.", as palavras ácidas zombavam do Kim sem acanhamento algum. Mas você foi rápida em contornar tudo, não deixaria Wonwoo estragar seus planos.
"Gyu, dá beijinho?", pediu jeitosinha, sabia que ele não te negaria de forma alguma. O lance entre vocês dois nunca foi só sexo, por mais que ele curtisse te dividir com os outros homens. Mingyu obedeceu. O corpo quente e pesado te pressionava contra o colchão enquanto vocês trocavam um beijo lascivo, as línguas se encontrando fora da boca num carinho molhado. Você esquentava inteirinha, com certeza faria ele dormir contigo essa noite — gananciosa, estava longe de terminar a brincadeira com os quatro, mas já pensava em foder de novo com Mingyu de madrugada.
Os dedos ásperos correram pelas suas dobrinhas fazendo o beijo ficar mais apressado. Espalhavam o excesso pegajoso por todas partes. Gyu esfregava a própria ereção contra uma da suas coxas, fazendo jus ao título de cachorrinho desesperado. Você também não conseguia evitar o sorriso carregado de zombaria — ele tinha um pau enorme, mas sempre agia como um virgenzinho que sequer sabia usá-lo.
"Amor, dá beijinho nela também? Por favor?", sussurrou contra os lábios babadinhos. O Kim te olhava meio atordoado, tão aéreo que só soube concordar com um aceno de cabeça. Desceu apressado, abrindo mais suas pernas para acomodar os ombros largos. Não houve cerimônia alguma quando ele esfregou a língua por todas as dobrinhas meladas. Iria te foder de um jeito ou de outro, nem que fosse com a própria boca.
Seu corpo derreteu de imediato, era viciada naquela boquinha. Fazia questão de sentar no rostinho dele sempre que conseguia ficar as sós com o homem. Mingyu nunca tinha receio algum quando te chupava. Te mamava com gosto, usava a linguinha 'pra te foder, te babava inteirinha, mas sempre fazia questão de engolir tudo depois.
Fazia o mesmo nesse momento. Os olhos fechadinhos deixavam explícito o quanto ele gostava de ser usado assim. Recolhia todo o líquido que escorria sem hesitar, nem se importava se era seu melzinho ou se era a porra de Seungcheol. De verdade, foda-se. Não seria a primeira vez que limparia a porra de outro homem da sua bucetinha. Se estivesse sendo muito sincero, sentia mais tesão em pensar no quão humilhante isso era. Cacete, Wonwoo nunca esteve tão certo. Ele realmente virava um brinquedinho na sua mão.
Você amolecia cada vez mais. Mingyu era um sonho. Porra, por isso que nunca recusava dar 'pra ele. É tão prestativo, sempre faz por merecer. Perdia toda noção, se rendendo à boca quentinha e aos dedos grossinhos. Era tudo tão grande, tão masculino, tão... ele.
Wonwoo encarava a cena, assistindo Mingyu socar três dedos na entradinha maltratada sem a mínima delicadeza. Você não demonstrava sinal algum de incômodo, gemendo dengosinha e impulsionando a própria cintura contra os dígitos. O corpinho miúdo tremelicava. Droga, nunca se cansaria da sensação.
"Cê não disse que tava doendo, putinha?", o timbre áspero no seu ouvido fez seu corpo saltar. Abriu os olhinhos, mal havia percebido o momento no qual Wonwoo se aproximou. "Deu 'pra mentir agora?", o questionamento mais soava como uma ameaça. Você sequer tinha como fugir, ele estava perto, perto demais.
"Wonnie...", forçou um biquinho dengoso. O homem nem reagiu. Era impassível.
"Esse seu jeito de puta sonsa não cola comigo. Não sou o Mingyu.", cuspiu as palavras. Os dedos dele se emaranharam no seu cabelo, não te dando sequer o privilégio de virar o rosto. Colocou-se ao pé do seu ouvido novamente, como se quisesse fazer questão de que você fosse a única a escutá-lo. "Vou encher essa boca de porra 'pra ver se 'cê aprende a não mentir de novo. 'Tá me ouvindo?", puxou os fios com mais força ao não receber resposta alguma. "Responde."
"Sim. Ouvi. Eu ouvi."
"Depois vai dar essa buceta 'pra mim e vou fazer questão de machucar de verdade, vagabunda do caralho.", o timbre neutro certamente não combinava com a agressividade das palavras. Você não foi capaz de continuar se escondendo atrás do teatrinho, sorriu completamente estúpida de tesão sentindo a bucetinha apertar desejosa. Mingyu também sentiu, aumentando a força das estocadas ao deixar um grunhido contra o seu pontinho.
Wonwoo sempre te oferecia reações contraditórias. Como agora, por exemplo, a expressão se fechando ao ver seu sorrisinho lançou um arrepio pelo seu corpo. Em todas as vezes que foi para cama com ele, notou que Wonwoo alimentava uma raiva esquisitinha de você, raiva do desejo que você fazia ele sentir.
"Cacete, sua puta...", o aperto se fechou nos seus fios. O sorriso aumentou contra a sua vontade, adorava vê-lo desse jeitinho. Droga, realmente não estava ajudando na sua própria situação. Ele pareceu ainda mais desgostoso da sua carinha satisfeita.
Queria dar 'pra ele. Queria tanto.
"Nonu, assim dói...", reacendeu a atuação, referindo-se a mão que puxava seus fios. Fazia porquê sabia que era a coisa que Wonwoo mais detestava em você. Odiava que você fingisse que não estava quase gozando só de pensar em deixar ele te machucar.
O tapa estalado que você recebeu na bochecha foi a sua resposta. Ficou sem reação por bons segundos, sentindo a ardência se espalhar pelo seu rosto. Olhava para Wonwoo meio estática, sentindo a bucetinha se molhar mais ainda. Porra, precisava de mais. Muito mais. A mãozinha foi involuntária ao forçar a cabeça de Gyu contra seu íntimo.
Já Wonwoo foi rápido em perder o controle. Estapeou seu rosto até cansar, grunhindo todo putinho sobre como você era uma 'vagabunda maldita'. Você também perdeu a noção, nem sabe quando que gozou, mas rebolava sedenta contra o rostinho de um Mingyu excitado 'pra caralho — que esfregava a própria ereção contra os lençóis e engolia cada gotinha do seu prazer.
Ainda que estivesse atordoada ouvia Hansol ao fundo. O barulho molhadinho e ininterrupto acompanhado de alguns suspiros manhosos te permitiam saber que ele batia uma bem gostosa. Sempre foi um voyeur de primeira categoria. Às vezes aparecia no seu quarto só para te assistir foder com um dos homens. Você achava que iria enlouquecer, o corpo superestimulado não te deixava perder nenhum dos detalhes.
Não dava para raciocinar. Era demais.
Como se não bastasse o ar foi roubado dos seus pulmões num solavanco. Wonwoo tomou seus lábios com gula. A língua te molhava inteirinha, era sujo, quase nojento. Você arfava totalmente desarmada, as mãozinha se agarrando aos ombros fortes tentavam te manter 'no chão'.
"Eu vou te comer tanto, garota...", ele mais suspirava que realmente falava, chupando sua boquinha de um jeito gostoso. "Esvaziar meu pau em você, porra, te deixar burra de tanta pica.", murmurava sem conseguir parar te beijar. O desejo era nítido. Você se sentia tão carente, parecia nunca conseguir ter o suficiente de nenhum deles. Precisava de tudo, tudinho, até te fazer chorar.
"Fode então, Nonu. Fode, por favor...", miava as palavras. Droga, estava quase delirando.
"Você nem merece, sua filha da puta. É tão insuportável, tão...", frustrado, beliscou um dos biquinhos dos seus seios te fazendo saltar.
"Põe na minha boquinha então, Wonnie. Deixa eu te pedir desculpa, vai.", suspirou ao que Mingyu finalmente deu descanso para sua bucetinha. Sentia-se quase dormente, mas a entrada esfoladinha não parava de pulsar. Wonwoo pareceu te obedecer. Nem ligava mais se aquilo era um comando ou não, precisava de você e precisava agora.
A glande avantajada invadiu sua boca sem aviso algum. Você sugava, o gostinho agridoce inundando seu paladar. Não se importava com o gosto, estava com tanto tesão. Era uma fome diferente a que sentia, só Wonwoo podia fazer passar, só ele. Abria mais a boquinha, colocando para dentro tudo o que conseguia. As veias espessas não passavam despercebidas pela língua atrevida.
O homem era bruto, te conduzia pelo cabelo, arranhava sua garganta. Você sentiu Mingyu separando suas pernas novamente, se preparou para sentir a boquinha gulosa de novo, mas foi pega de surpresa ao sentir ele entrando. Sequer podia dizer algo, arregalando os olhinhos enquanto Wonwoo maltratava seus lábios.
"Desculpa, _____. Não conse- Ah, porra...", o canalzinho apertou, era sempre doloroso encaixar pela primeira vez. "Não consegui segurar.", ele completou.
Seus dedinhos apertavam os lençóis buscando qualquer tipo de apoio. Fechou os olhinhos, tentando se distrair com o pau de Wonwoo. Movia a cabeça dengosinha, sentia ele tão sensível. Era libertina, largou da extensão só para poder dar carinho às bolas pesadinhas. Colocava dentro da boca, cuspia, mamava... porra, sentia tanta fome de Wonwoo. Gemia irritada sempre que ele tirava suas mãozinhas dali — era tão injusto, queria fazer o trabalho completo.
Uma mão pesada alcançou a sua, guiando-a para outro falo quentinho. Nem precisou olhar para saber que era Seungcheol. Te fazia bater uma 'pra ele e apertava seus peitinhos como agrado. Porra, você ia enlouquecer. Mal havia acostumado com Mingyu te fodendo todo dengosinho, os gemidinhos quebrados estavam acabando com a sua cabeça.
Wonwoo ficou ainda mais silencioso, deixava você mamar como bem queria — sinal claro de que ia gozar. Apertou ainda mais os olhinhos quando sentiu o líquido quente invadir sua boca. Era pegajoso, desprezível, mas você engoliu mesmo assim. Acelerou a mãozinha no pau de Seungcheol, era instinto, queria a porra dele também.
"Cheollie, coloca na boquinha...", a voz quebradinha mal saía, Wonwoo tinha arruinado sua garganta.
"Eu sei muito bem onde eu quero... fecha o olho pro Cheol, fecha.", falava manso, mas era sempre autoritário. Você obedeceu, sabia muito bem que esse brinquedinho em específico você não era capaz de manipular. Não houve surpresa ao senti-lo esporrar no seu rostinho. Ele grunhia alto a voz rouquinha fazendo sua buceta apertar.
Mingyu quebrou com a cena, saindo atordoado só para jogar tudinho em cima da sua buceta — era outro que curtia a bagunça, fazia questão de te sujar o máximo que conseguia. O sorrisinho que pintou seu rosto era fruto da mais pura e genuína satisfação. Recolheu uma gotinha que escorria na ponta do queixo, sugando o dedinho só para provar um pouquinho do seu Cheol.
Você era suja. Tão suja. Com certeza deveria ser uma pervertida ridícula, pois não conseguia se sentir mal por isso. A porra escorrendo no seu rostinho era só mais um estímulo para fazer sua bucetinha vazar mais. Caralho, se sentia uma puta estúpida e isso era tão gostoso. Precisava de mais. Precisava ficar tão burrinha ao ponto de nem ser capaz de pensar direito. E tinha total certeza de que, se dependesse deles, acabaria assim.
Por isso foi rápida em se lembrar que ainda havia mais um brinquedinho disponível para você. Virou o rostinho arteira vendo Hansol já vindo na sua direção. Os olhos castanhos te devoravam ornando muito bem com o pau pesadinho que não parava de pingar. Coitadinho, ele deveria estar guardando tanto... merecia esvaziar tudinho em você.
"O Nonie foi tão paciente, não foi? Esperou quietinho.", elogiou dengosinha, forçando um biquinho penoso. E Hansol, que sabia usar muito bem a carinha de coitado que ele naturalmente já tinha, te olhava devoto, roçando o narizinho na sua bochecha.
"Fui sim, amor. Mereço um prêmio, não é?", disse já se encaixando no meio das suas pernas. Guiou a cabecinha vermelhinha, fez um carinho gostoso no seu clitóris, mas desceu... desceu até demais. "Deixa eu foder esse cuzinho, vai?
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n/a²: desculpa, eu tava com tesão 😔
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memecucker · 10 months
The United Auto Workers, one of the US’s largest labor unions, has come out in support of a ceasefire in Israel and Palestine as a temporary ceasefire ended on Friday with Israel resuming military operations in Gaza.
The UAW is now the largest union to have called for a ceasefire. It represents 400,000 workers in the US and more than 580,000 retired workers.
“I’m proud today to announce that the UAW international has joined the call for a ceasefire in Israel and Palestine,” Brandon Mancilla, UAW director, said at a press conference on Friday outside the White House where protesters have been on hunger strike.
“From opposing fascism in WWII to mobilizing against apartheid South Africa and the Contra war, the UAW has consistently stood for justice across the globe. A labor movement that fights for social and economic justice for all workers must always stand against war and for peace.”
“Our international executive board will also be forming a divestment and just transition working group to study the history of Israel and Palestine, our union’s economic ties to the conflict, and explore how we can have a just transition for US workers from war to peace.”
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higharollakockamamie · 4 months
I can't get over how funny this loser's "woke" games list is. They check if games allow you to look at girls' panties. A bunch of the games aren't even out yet, which seems like the bare minimum to get mad about. They make sure to note when flags are "political," and not renowned apolitical entities like the United States. The one with the objectionable man knitting in the trailer is called Dustborn and looks pretty sweet. Half the time they're just mad that there's pronoun choices or body types not explicitly called "male" and "female." They were mad about this one game called Silent Hope because of "westernized character designs," which baffled me, cause how sexy do you want these SD chibis to be? Until I realized they meant there was a Black person. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is "trying to earn ESG scores by including Segways in the game, as anti-fossil fuel vehicles propaganda." They are mad that Rinwell in Tales of Arise has a skort. They are mad that FF8 added some feathers to cover a bird-woman's crotch. The only acceptable games include a couple anime titty games, Contra, some but not all old Megamans, Nier Automata, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance. They reminded me to buy The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood.
I have wishlisted like 30 games. Amazing resource.
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Capitulo 1:ヨーロッパの雰囲気が漂う五稜郭/Goryokaku a hallmark with European airs.
Sean bienvenidos a una nueva entrega de cultura e historia japonesa, en este caso vamos a hablar sobre Goryokaku, localizado en Hakodate en la prefectura de Hokkaido al norte de la isla de Honshu.
Toponimia de Hokkaido en, el siglo XIX se llamaba Ezo, último reducto del shogunato contra el nuevo orden creando una república (1868-1869). Hay que destacar que Japón estubo cerrado al mundo durante 260 (1603-1868), este periodo se le conoce como periodo Edo, bajo el régimen militar Tokugawa.
En 1854 finalizaron los tratados de amistad con Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña, Rusia. Hakodate se convirtió en una ciudad portuaria abierta al mundo exterior y en 1858, concluyendo el tratado comercial y al año siguiente se convirtió en puerto comercial. Hisaburo Takeda, estudio en Europa y se formó en fortalezas tipo estrelladas de traza italiana, en 1864 se completaron las contribuciones de la fortaleza.
Espero que os guste y nos vemos em próximas publicaciones.
Welcome to a new installment of Japanese culture and history, in this case we are going to talk about Goryokaku, located in Hakodate in the Hokkaido prefecture north of the island of Honshu.
Toponymy of Hokkaido in the 19th century was called Ezo, the last stronghold of the shogunate against the new order creating a republic (1868-1869). It should be noted that Japan was closed to the world for 260 years (1603-1868), this period is known as the Edo period, under the Tokugawa military regime.
In 1854 the friendship treaties with the United States, Great Britain, and Russia ended. Hakodate became a port city open to the outside world and in 1858, concluding the commercial treaty and the following year it became a commercial port. Hisaburo Takeda, studied in Europe and trained in Italian star-type fortresses, in 1864 the contributions of the fortress were completed.
19 世紀の北海道の地名は蝦夷と呼ばれ、共和制を樹立する新秩序(1868~1869 年)に対抗する幕府の最後の拠点でした。 日本は 260 年間 (1603 年から 1868 年まで) 鎖国していたことに注意してください。この期間は、徳川軍事政権下の江戸時代として知られています。
1854 年にアメリカ、イギリス、ロシアとの友好条約が終了しました。 函館は対外に開かれた港湾都市となり、1858年に通商条約を締結し、翌年には商業港となりました。 武田久三郎はヨーロッパに留学し、イタリアの星型要塞で訓練を受け、1864 年に要塞の建設を完了しました。
source/ソース:photos internet/写真インターネット
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ahaura · 11 months
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Geroge Carlin: "Smug, greedy, well-fed white people have invented a language to conceal their sins. It's as simple as that. The CIA doesn't kill anybody anymore; they 'neutralize' people. Or they 'depopulate the area'. The government doesn't lie; it 'engages in disinformation.' The Pentagon actually measures nuclear radiation in something they call 'sunshine units.' Israeli murderers are called commandos; Arab commandos are called terrorists. Contra killers are called freedom fighters. Well, if crime-fighters fight crime and firefighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part of it to us, do they? [Applause] They never mention that part. And [...]"
via @zei_squirrel
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oscarpiastriwdc · 6 months
albums i would play for each driver on the 2024 F1 grid to expand their music taste
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Max Verstappen: Graceland by Paul Simon - As a fan of classic and folk rock, I'd imagine Max has been exposed to Simon and Garfunkel and I think he'd enjoy the sprawling, detailed, careful expanse of Simon's solo masterpiece. Angels in the architecture spinning in infinity, etc etc
Checo Perez: Ramomex by Rebel'd Punk - One of the Mexican bands who pioneered punk music in the country, but Checo probably missed this release because he was too busy karting and moving to europe as a teen. It's never too late to have a proper angry punk phase, though.
Charles Leclerc: Ten Love Songs by Susanne Sundfør - Groundbreaking, life-altering pop music that pushes every boundary. This hits the sad songs craving and I think would interest him as a musician and burgeoning songwriter.
Carlos Sainz: Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey - daddy issues. I just know he'd vibe out to Brooklyn Baby.
Lando Norris: Destiny by DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJ - I dream of sitting him down and exposing him to actually good, interesting, fun contemporary dj music.
Oscar Piastri: Speaking in Tongues by Talking Heads - He has that certain David Byrne swag and demeanor of someone who'd love the Talking Heads if only given the chance.
Fernando Alonso: 10,000 gecs by 100 gecs - At first the old man would be extremely confused but once he was on board he would be blasting The Most Wanted Person In The United States all day every day.
Lance Stroll: Talon of the Hawk by The Front Bottoms - that post that's like the problem is men are making podcasts instead of forming midwest emo bands. but it's men are becoming f1 drivers instead of forming midwest emo bands. I think some TFB exposure could be the spark of inspiration for a great career pivot.
Lewis Hamilton: Maps by billy woods and Kenny Segal - I fear Lewis might have been too worried about Merc's performance last year to have checked out this fantastic collaboration that was one of 2023's best albums.
George Russell: Contra by Vampire Weekend - I just saw Vampire Weekend live following the release of the new album and at the show there was a guy a few feet ahead of me in the merch line who had the exact same energy as GR. The mix of prep vibes and world music would work into his taste while expanding his listening beyond coldplay.
Yuki Tsunoda: GLOW ON by Turnstile - 100% a selfish pick, I want to mosh with Yuki in the pit of a Turnstile pit.
Daniel Ricciardo: The Panhandlers by The Panhandlers - A country supergroup I return to time and again, wistful and nostalgic, making you yearn for West Texas no matter where in the world you are.
Alex Albon: Pelican West by Haircut 100 - Funky British jazz pop, perfect for dancing and vibing.
Logan Sargeant: Crying, Laughing, Waving, Smiling by Slaughter Beach, Dog - I fear Logie might be too young or too norm core to have had a proper Modern Baseball phase (it's never too late logie! listen to Intersection!) but Ewald's 2023 offering seems like something he missed last year that's perfectly up his alley.
Valtteri Bottas: Merriweather Post Pavillion by Animal Collective - Weird and complex, I think he should throw it on while on a long bike ride and let his mullet fly in the breeze.
Zhou Guanyu: God Save the Animals by Alex G - no you don't understand i need him to listen to Alex G he would love it
Kevin Magnussen: Heaven or Las Vegas by Cocteau Twins - Ethereal music he can feel and let wash over him in a wave to relax and transcend the horrors of driving for Haas.
Nico Hulkenberg: Supernatural by Santana - dad music but make it funky and good
Pierre Gasly: Sex Dreams and Denim Jeans by Uffie - A perfect twist on early 2000s French electronic music, I think it'd remind him of the club while sounding entirely new and make him want to pick up a side dj gig of his own.
Esteban Ocon: Lescop by Lescop - French indie pop-rock! His most recent album is fantastic, but Este should check out Lescop's 2013 debut first.
following a conversation with @liamlawsonlesbian and her definitive book rec list i'm doing something similar for music (she bullied me into posting this sorry). large range in popularity/mainstream-ness of artists depending on the driver and what i think they're already listening to.
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chaithetics · 2 months
ICJ, Security Council and What the ICJ Ruling Means
I want to start by saying that the recent ICJ ruling isn’t enforceable, but we can make it useful if we choose to. It’s a landmark decision in international law that we can mobilise for our activism. We’ve now seen Britain resume funding of UNRWA. And this ruling is something that is much more tangible for trying to convince governments to place diplomatic and economic sanctions on Israel, demanding ceasefires, recognising Palestine etc. 
More on that below but I’m now going to explain a bit more about that and some of the UN bodies/structure stuff as I saw a couple of reblogs on this post have questions about what this means and what the ICJ’s powers really are. (This post responding to a question about the original post has some information as a much shorter read)
There’s a lot of flaws with the United Nations System (the General Assembly, Security Council, UN Secretariat, International Court of Justice, Trusteeship Council, and the Economic and Social Council), it acts as a tool of neocolonialism for the interests of the global powers, especially the Western powers, its binding/enforcement status makes it superficial, is often arguably undemocratic, and has a poor separation of powers. In this long read (I’m sorry) I’m mainly going to be talking about the Security Council and International Court of Justice (ICJ). 
The Security Council technically has greater enforcement powers than the ICJ and can technically apply them to ICJ rulings if they’re taken to the Security Council. But the five permanent members of the UN Security Council USA, UK, China, France, and Russia have veto powers. 
This has been justified for reasons like maintaining international political stability and to ironically prevent US domination but it has been understandably criticised for being undemocratic and also for preventing action to stop crimes against humanity and war crimes as this veto means that the UN can’t take action against these permanent members and their allies. 
Nicaragua v. United States of America [1986] was one of the biggest ICJ cases. It ruled that the US has violated international law by supporting the Contras (right-wing rebellion group) in their rebellion against the Nicaraguan government and mining of the Nicaraguan harbours. The ICJ ordered the US to pay reparations to Nicaragua, which the US refused to do. Nicaragua then took their case to the Security Council to try and make them enforce the ICJ’s ruling. To no one’s surprise, the US used their veto powers and vetoed this at the Security Council. It then went to the UN General Assembly and passed as a non-binding resolution urging US to follow the rulings. 
Recently, we saw the US use their veto power earlier in the year to block immediate ceasefire resolutions from other countries.
The ongoing case South Africa v. Israel with South Africa accusing Israel of being in violation with the Genocide Convention. The Genocide Convention is an international treaty that basically says as a state, you have obligations to prevent, stop, and not commit genocides and if you do, there are consequences. The Genocide Convention was born from the atrocities that happened during World War II with the Holocaust, Armenian Genocide etc. Genocide became a crime against international law in 1946 and the Genocide Convention was signed in 1948 but became effective in 1951. 
The scope of the Genocide Convention has been raised as an issue in a few cases. And cases of genocide taken to the ICJ are pretty complicated with the findings. It’s something they find very hard to find a state guilty of and are hesitant to do. There’s a few different reasons for that but this post is already super long and I’m trying to keep it short. One of the first cases that was submitted to the UN as an alleged violation of the Genocide Convention was the ‘We Charge Genocide’ paper written by the Civil Rights Congress (CRC), which accused the United States of America of genocide against black Americans under the genocide convention, the CRC paper cited lynching, police brutality, inequalities in health, disenfranchisement of black people in the south (it was over a decade after this paper did black women get the right to vote in 1965), and legal discrimination. It was rejected by the UN for being a misuse and was laughed at by the US government and Press, accusing it of being exaggerated and even as an attempt to advance communism. It’s a paper that’s worth a read and also has an interesting history and legacy worth looking into. The US was never a really big fan of the Genocide Convention, they signed 30+ years later and have since withdrawn. 
 In Bosnia and Herzegovnia v Serbia and the Montenegro [2007], the ICJ found that the Srebrenica massacre was a genocide but the ICJ did not find that the Serbian government was responsible or complicit in the genocide. They were still found in breach of the convention though for not cooperating with UN bodies and for failing to prevent the genocide and acquitted Serbia. The ICJ rejected Bosnia’s request for reparation repayments. 
These two papers/cases are some of the bigger ones that I think show how the ICJ is hesitant to and struggles to define and hold states accountable with violations of the Genocide Convention. 
The findings of the recent ICJ ruling and their ordering of Israel to return land, leave settlements and remove settlers, are not binding. Israel does not need to comply! And with a refusal of this, the ICJ ruling could potentially be taken to the Security Council to try and make it more enforceable, but it is likely that if that situation happened, the US would veto that resolution.  
This current ICJ ruling is still a landmark for International Law and carries political weight. Since this ruling we’ve seen the British government say they will resume funding to UNRWA (they stopped this after Oct 7th). 
I said it before but the ruling isn’t enforceable but we can still make it useful. It carries the political weight of
We need to continue advocating so that there is a free Palestine in the lifetime of every single living Palestinian, they deserve it and we owe it to them. 
Israel and its supporters now have international law saying that what they’re doing is wrong, they can no longer hide behind grey legal matter. This is political and justice ammunition that we can mobilise for activism to put pressure on our governments, especially those of us with western governments, governments who have been complicit, tried to play both sides etc. We need to use this to pressure out governments, contact our head of governments, different representatives and ministers to place economic and diplomatic/political sanctions on Israel, recognise the state of Palestine, withdraw recognition of the state of Israel, demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire, create and approve Palestinian visas, increase Palestinian aid funding etc. 
The west no longer has grey legal matter to continue what they’re doing, especially with plausible deniability and the narrative they’ve been subscribing to. They can’t hide behind this grey area as what they’re doing directly contradicts and violates international law. 
Thanks for reading this far if you made it, I will answer genuine questions but I will delete, report and block any comments and asks that are anti-Arab, zionist, Islamophobic, racist, and/or antisemitic.
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neonbutchery · 5 months
com tumblr és una plataforma angloparlant, la majoria de les notícies que circulen són de moviments i mobilitzacions als estats units, canadà, anglaterra, i altres països anglos. i encara que està molt bé construïr solidaritat interacional i assabentar-se del que passa a altres indrets del món, cal no perdre la vista sobre les accions i els esdeveniments que ens cauen molt més a prop.
han passat uns mesos després de la primera llista que vaig fer, i per sort, l'activisme pro-palestí segueix creixent als països catalans, amb manifestacions, col·loquis i xerrades, i ara, les primeres acampades estudiantils. on jo he trobat més convocatòries és a través d'instagram, però si coneixeu algun altre recurs digueu-m'ho.
Comunitat Palestina de Catalunya. porten molts anys fent activisme i estan molt actius a xarxes socials. de fet, la majoria dels enllaços en aquesta llista vénen d'ells. INSTAGRAM / TELEGRAM / TWITTER
Comunidad Palestina de Valencia (en català i castellà) - FACEBOOK
Associació Catalana de Jueus i Palestins - JUNTS
Coalició Prou Complicitat - INSTAGRAM / TWITTER
Samidoun España (no és exclusiu dels PPCC, però penja moltes accions i convocatòries que si que ho són). INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK
Casa Palestina Catalunya - TELEGRAM / FACEBOOK / WHATSAPP
BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction)
BDS - Pàgina oficial (en castellà)
Llista de productes, serveis i empreses per boicotejar que col·laboren amb l'ocupació israeliana i estan presents als PPCC
Directori BDS Catalunya (‼ pot no estar actualitzat ‼)
BDS - Red Solidaria Contra la Ocupación en Palestina. Perfil general de les organitzacions BDS a l'estat espanyol (en castellà)
BDS Girona
BDS Castelló
BDS Bages / Catalunya Central
BDS Alacant
Universitat de València - Acampada Palestina UV. Accepten a qualsevol persona que vulgui unir-se, i també donacions de diners o de menjar. TELEGRAM - TWITTER
@useless-catalanfacts podries tornar a difondre això? Moltes gràcies!
Llista més exhaustiva d'associacions regionals a sota d'aquest separador.
Comitè de Solidaritat amb Palestina de Sants-Montjuïc
UAB Acció per Palestina
Comitè Solidaritat Palestina Facultat Dret UB
Comitè de Solidaritat amb Palestina del Campus Diagonal
Comitè estudiantil de solidaritat amb el poble palestí
Penedès amb Palestina - LINKTREE
RipoPalestina (Ripollet)
Molins amb Palestina (Molins de Rei)
L'Hospitalet amb Palestina
El Montserratí X Palestina
SUMUD Palestina (Santa Coloma de Gramenet) - FACEBOOK
Terres de l'Ebre amb Palestina
Comitè en Solidaritat amb Palestina de Lleida
Pla de l'Estany amb Palestina
La Garrotxa amb Palestina
Ripoll amb Palestina
Mallorca per Palestina
Plataforma de Solidaritat amb el Poble Palestí d'Eivissa
Estudiants per Palestina
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Some of the surviving members of the Cuban paramilitary invasion force went on to serve as hired guns for the CIA and other US agencies. Others continued to operate under their own initiatives. Many individuals affiliated with the Bay of Pigs invasion continued anti-Castro activities alone with US acquiescence, rather than direct support. Successor anti-Castro groups emerged such as Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations (CORU), Alpha 66 and Omega 7. Luis Posada, for example, perhaps the most famous former CIA asset (1961–67) as part of the Brigade 2506 invasion force at the Bay of Pigs and a trained demolition expert, was behind the bombing of a Cuban Airline killing 73 people in 1976, with, according to declassified documents, full CIA advanced knowledge of the plan. Posada was also involved in a number of other bombing plots and terrorist attacks against Castro and Cuban nationals. One of these included planting bombs in Panama for which he was arrested and sentenced to eight years in prison. Despite this, he was kept in cahoots with the CIA and was later hired by Col. Oliver North to aid the Iran-Contra resupply efforts in the late 1980s. Another “freedom fighter,” ex-CIA operative, and friend of Posada, Orlando Bosch headed CORU, linked not only to the bombing of a Cuban airplane but also terrorist activities in the Miami area. According to a 1993 US Department of Justice report, many of these actors operated under the assumption that they had tacit or implicit support from the US government, based on the fact that they had received training and direction to commit these types of acts in the past.
Andrew Thomson, Outsourced Empire: How Militias, Mercenaries, and Contractors Support US Statecraft
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