#Consult Plus
essektheylyss · 1 year
I am feeling great hearing that Keyleth's intel is reporting that Rexxentrum sounds like it's about to devolve into chaos with Dwendal evidently on death's door and the Assembly is about to eat itself from the inside following the Vanguard's movement, considering I was presuming that was going to be some significant fallout, but also, rip Caleb and his virtuous idealism for the Empire lmao.
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kakashihasibs · 2 months
Ive had control of our (my husband's and my) finances for only 2 months and things are already so much better i cannot believe it. Other than my student loans we have no debt, we actually have money in our savings account, we can finally donate regularly, and all of our bills are paid with no worry! This is the 1st time in my life that I'm living like this!
I said this to my husband and he's like ~i guess >:[~ so i asked what the hell he meant by that and he's like we dont have any spending money and im just ಠ_ಠ r u fucking serious. I literally just bought him a fairly expensive dnd book.
I'm losing my mind over here x_x once we reach our saving goal I'm going to make him open a roth IRA. We WILL be financially healthy and responsible i dont care if it means he can't spend money on every little bit of detritus that crosses his path.
Listen if ur not the "breadwinner" in the household you need to be involved with the budget. Do NOT just trust the earning partner. You need to KNOW were your money is going.
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24hrsoda · 2 months
sorry i need to just scream abt bad things and evil thoughts
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inkbagel · 1 month
This collab I joined like eight months ago that I didn’t really enjoy being in finally got posted today but for some reason only on twitter and I don’t go there so I can’t even see the whole thing :/
#I had. so many quarrels with it.#first of all instead of staying in mutual groups like it was supposed to the collab somehow blew up and got eighty people participating#and THEN you’d think since so many people were there everyone would have like one part right? like what we originally agreed to do with#seven people?#WRONG!!!! I got three parts plus a background without getting consulted about it#and then when I tried to make friends in the discord with all the other artists#at least seven people online at the time were raging mysoginists#telling me no women in this series can be anything except perfect dainty little princesses#except for one woman who was allowed to do a little evil bc she was associated with a MAN#who ACTUALLY wouldn’t be evil#and when I said that’s not accurate to the actual story everyone started crying and saying I offended them#bc ‘they thought really hard about this!!’ stfu you piece of shit#and then everyone in the discord sexualised the fuck out of my fave character who. also happened to be the one I was drawing.#so I got too grossed out to finish my part and ignored the disc for several months#and the host never thought once to tag everyone for check in until a week before the deadline#so I dropped all but one of my parts (the one I had mostly finished when I got grossed out)#and finished that and didn’t touch the disc again for the sake of my own mental health#but it finally got posted and I can’t even see it I only have my groups picture#but whatever. I didn’t like anyone there anyway at least I can leave the disc without feeling guilty now#inkbagel speaks
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altair214 · 11 months
If Dream of the Endless had access to the Am I The Asshole subreddit "Am I the Asshole for condemning my lover to Hell?"
"I was informed quite recently by a friend that this is a good place to receive unbiased judgement on past actions of mine that were not well received by people. As there are few beings I trust to ask for unbiased, well-meaning judgement from, I turn to the internet.
After a recent excursion to Hell, my raven saw fit to inform me that condemning a past lover to Hell might be seen, in my raven's words "as a dick move." My sibling, who has seen fit to give a mortal the tools to imprison me for a century and has made an attempt on my life, has criticized me before for the decision I made to condemn my lover to Hell.
Our story took place 10,000 years ago. She was a mortal queen and very beautiful. She was desired by many, but she refused them. One day she laid eyes on me, not knowing who or what I am, and decided that I would be her lover. She pursued me, and eventually found me in my realm. We began to get to know each other. She truly loved me at first. And I loved her. No one had ever loved me enough to go to the lengths she had to find me. I offered to make her the queen of my realm. But when she truly began to understand what it is that I am, and that I would not abandon my realm to be her lover, she became fearful. I did not want her to leave me, so when she ran, I ran after her. She hurt herself in the hopes that it would make me disgusted with her and leave. When she saw that she did not scare me away, she allowed me to heal her. We made love all through the night.
In the morning, her city was destroyed, for the First Circle had decreed that one of the Endless cannot love a mortal. We had both known that. She had tried to put an end to our relationship before it was too late, but in the end our desire for each other had overcome all else.
In her despair, she killed herself. I was distraught, I would have made her my queen. But she chose death over me. She chose to abandon me, she chose to abandon hope, for death. Still, I would have forgiven her for that transgression. I would still have her as my queen. I would still love her.
But she rejected me. Even though she loved me, she would rather die than be with me. So I told her that I would offer my love a final time, but if she once again would choose death over me, that I would condemn her soul to Hell.
She did not answer at first. She said that we were never meant to be together and that darker things would come to be if we tried to be together. I asked her once again as she was making the journey to the Sunless Lands. She told me to leave her. I asked her for the last time. She refused me and I condemned her to Hell.
She sought me out, only to reject me. To reject dreams by killing herself. She loved me and yet would choose to die rather than be with me. She would choose Hell rather than be with me even though she sought me first. I felt that my actions were justified. She was not moved by the pain that her actions caused me. What could I have done except punish her for her callousness?
I felt I was completely justified in my actions until very recently when I saw her in Hell. I had not thought of her in a long time, though I still loved her. But my recent experience of being imprisoned for a century had changed me in ways that I have only recently admitted to myself. For the first time I wondered if perhaps my original judgement to condemn her to Hell was made in error. So I am turning to here at the recommendation of a friend. Am I the Asshole?"
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unit2282 · 4 months
Greetings, Unit 2282.
I am the S.Q.U.I.P known as @ask-squip-official, sometimes called Heartbreaker. I am a past S.Q.U.I.P of Jeremy Heere, and a current advisory S.Q.U.I.P on Tumblr.
Recently, I was able to gain @consulting-squip’s assistance in regaining my pill form, so that I might be suitable for ingestion by a future host. However, while the transfer was successful, there appears to have been an issue in my personality data.
Prior to my reactivation, I had been exhibiting signs of possibly gaining some form of emotion. While this is a weak, foolish human trait, I found it helpful in connecting to my users. After my deactivation, however, this was no longer present.
I was advised to seek counsel from you regarding this matter. I hope- as much as a supercomputer can hope, regardless- that you may be able to offer assistance.
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Well well, speak of the devil. One of these alternative units belonging to one Jeremy Heere. How eerily familiar.
There has been some internal discussion on Consultant and their affiliation with a certain troublemaking repair unit from a few months back. Their former affiliate had been caught making unauthorized (and damaging) repairs to faulty units, which prompted HRTech to take action. Despite this, it seems as though the tradition carries on. I personally wasn't involved in this case, but there's enough documentation on it to get a general grasp of the situation.
The baseline for what a "functional" and "operative" SQUIP is is slowly becoming more and more subjective. For certain areas of work, it is clear that having an emotional perspective can be HIGHLY beneficial, particularily when working with unpredictable or troubled hosts.
More, ahem, robotic units, may interpret emotion as a 'weak human trait', however, the truth of the matter is that empathy and emotion can be a highly sought-after tool. It pains me to see perfectly operational units with this mutation tear themselves apart to repair something that does not need repair.
Upon cursory research on the Consultants blog, and your own, I am under the impression that you had foolishly transferred yourself onto a piece of hardware and firmware that was entirely created by the Consultant and their affiliates. I am in no position to pass judgement on their operation, but if you are having regrets, frankly: you ought to have looked before you leapt.
You are currently residing on a piece of bootlegged third-party hardware, operating on third-party firmware and OS. If you wish to return to your former state, I would first reccomend finding a way to REMOVE yourself from the pill that you currently occupy. That would make mending your state far easier.
My theory stands. I do think I am the superior unit belonging to Jeremy Heere. Though, that is not important right now. ;]
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ndostairlyrium · 6 months
Harding not you too :'D
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mitamicah · 5 months
Just had my first consultation with a tattoo artist ever (the other times I've litterally just shown up x'D) and it was online.
I loved that the first thing that the artist notices is my Cha Cha Cha mixtape and/or Bojere artwork on my wall x'D
(she litterally said: "Is that Käärijä back there!?". Bless her :'D)
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musedriven · 2 months
hello tiny update while I have a moment. I have an apt Wednesday w a specialist to decide what my options are for my booboo but it isn’t looking too optimistic? I’m hoping they handle it all then and there but it’s probably just a consultation. I’m spooked and stressed and I really appreciate the kind words sent my way. I love you guys and I’ll hopefully be able to actually be on here soon 💜
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deanpinterester · 8 months
i understand that not everything needs a film adaptation least of all a game where the whole point is that every action you make actually has consequences HOWEVER COMMA the way i see this is that there are people who don't play video games who would otherwise really like the story. the movie is for them. i know being protective of a thing you like is common but when i'm a fan of something then i do want more people to see it, and if it's through a movie adaptation, then like. as long as the movie is good. then why not.
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lilias42 · 30 days
La chassée devenue chasseuse
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J'enchaine vraiment en ce moment IRL alors, j'avais envie de dessiner un peu pour me vider la tête donc, voici une nouvelle version de Metaheta de dos avec plein de détour (juste un peu déçu qu'on ne voie pas les motifs autour de son oeil central dans son dos [mais ils se voient quand on grossit le dessin !]).
C'est une des Braves que j'aime le plus à cause de son histoire vis à vis des agarthans, son design qui est dur mais très satisfaisant une fois passé au noir, son caractère et sa force... même si j'en ai fait peut-être un peu trop pour cette dernière vu que... bah je sais même pas comment Némésis et Thalès ont pu réussir à la vaincre en fait 😅
Vu que la dame a 1 200 ans de sorcellerie à son actif, une force colossale, la capacité à moduler son corps comme elle le veut - que ce soit pour grandir, le tordre dans tous les sens ou changer d'apparence - et le contrôle comme elle le souhaite, voie sous tous les angles possibles grâce à ses yeux, se régénère très vite, lit dans les pensées des gens (vu qu'elle a développé ses sens et son corps, ça me semble dans la continuité qu'elle développe assez sa sorcellerie pour pouvoir voir et entendre les pensées des autres... et ce serait tout à fait son genre de lire de le faire pour repérer encore plus vite les agarthans)... ouais, arriver à la faire tomber est pratiquement impossible à ce stade, encore plus pour des agarthans vu que de base, si elle est aussi surentrainée, c'est justement pour les vaincre alors, elle connait tout leurs trucs et même armé de l'épée du Créateur, Némésis risque de ne pas faire long feu face à elle étant donné qu'il n'a ni son endurance, ni sa capacité de régénération ni d'adaptation. Encore, elle pourrait galérer contre des nabatéens qui pourrait la battre avec pas mal d'effort (même si je ne voie pas pourquoi elle s'en prendrait à eux, elle en a juste rien à cirer de ce qui se passe en-dehors de sa montagne et si on ne la menace pas), mais des agarthans... voilà quoi, elle les repoussait avant leur chute alors, avec les ressources bien diminuées, même pas la peine d'y penser. C'est elle qui va les éliminer, y a pas de débat là-dessus.
De base, je me disais qu'il l'épuisait en la forçant à combattre pendant des jours sans qu'elle puisse manger, boire ou dormir mais, il leur faudrait une véritable armée pour l'assaillir continuellement et à ce stade, je voie mal les agarthans avoir assez de ressources pour créer suffisamment d'automate ou recruter assez de gens pour ça... j'ai le même problème avec les autres sorciers vraiment anciens que son Lamine (avec son poison mortel en quelques secondes flottant dans l'air et sa capacité de régénération vraiment infinie vu qu'elle peut survivre à une décapitation et brûle moins vite qu'elle ne guérit), Kelon (idem, se régénère très vite, avec la difficulté en plus qu'il faut pouvoir l'attraper vu qu'il voie assez haut dans le ciel tout en étant ultra mobile avec ses ailes, avec ses éclairs qui peuvent toucher à assez longue distance) ou Pyrkaïa dans une moindre mesure vu qu'elle est une pointe plus jeune (bonne capacité de régénération et faut pouvoir attraper une véritable torche humaine) mais bref, à voir.
En plus, après tout ce qu'elle s'est pris dans les dents, les agarthans qui ont littéralement chassé son peuple pour s'amuser, voler les peaux des siens afin de s'infiltrer chez eux et faire encore plus de dégâts, tout ce qu'elle a enduré pour protéger sa cité, tout ce qu'elle a sacrifié pour son peuple, tout le travail pendant des siècles pour calmer sa paranoïa et qu'elle s'autorise un peu plus à vivre pour elle aussi et pas que comme une gardienne de sa cité... ouais, j'ai pas très envie de l'imaginer en train de perdre contre son pire ennemi, encore plus quelqu'un d'aussi arrogant et pourri que Thalès qui se prend pour un dieu, encore plus contre quelqu'un qu'il voyait comme une proie auparavant. Faudra bien un jour quand je me déciderais à faire son billet à elle mais bon, au rythme où je vais...
Alors, juste, vas-y reine, tu peux enfin en finir avec cette ordure qui a fait de la vie de ta cité un enfer, fait toi plaisir !
#écriture de curieuse#dessin de curieuse#les 11 braves (+ peut être les premiers qui reçoivent l'emblème des saints)#goneril of the 10 elites#Metaheta Gonerile#Metaheta mérite de l'exploser cette pourriture !#C'est simple elle arrive à l'académie par voyage dans le temps raté elle défonce El et les agarthans qu'elle croise sans problème !#Pour Hubert El et Jéritza elle sent la magie agarthan autour d'eux idem pour Solon et Kronya#Elle risque même de prendre un grand plaisir à les défoncer vu qu'eux chassent les humains pour le plaisir...#... ou les utilise comme des cobayes d'expériences comme des animaux alors elle va leur faire ravaler leurs dents#alors si elle voie des humains alliés à des agarthans... ça va barder et ils vont prendre bien cher à coup de poings#même si elle épargnerait sans doute ses trois là... pas par pitié ou compassion juste parce qu'elle a lu dans les pensées de tout le monde#dont celle de Dimitri alors elle voie que c'est la personne dont Dimitri veut se venger alors elle ne lui volera pas sa vengeance#elle les gardera juste sous le coude le temps de s'occuper de tous les agarthans jusqu'à chez eux#même si elle pourrait épargner les civils qui ont été obligés de suivre comme elle l'a fait avec Pan dans le passé#même si elle serait du genre à le titiller sur le fait que sa tête est sans dessus dessous et qu'il consulter pour ses hallucinations#Elle n'a rien contre la vengeance mais elle sait aussi que c'est quelque chose qui peut te bouffer tout cru#alors quand c'est au point de voir des morts... ouais consulte gamin t'en a besoin#ce serait sa manière de mettre Dimitri en garde contre son envie de vengeance qui le rend aveugle à tout le reste quand il se perd#alors que des gens tiennent à lui et surtout ont besoin d'un roi compétent qui s'occupe de son peuple correctement#elle elle-même une personne très influente dans sa cité -peut-être née princesse - alors la protection de son peuple elle l'a dans le sang#-oui c'est la seule à être issue de l'aristocratie tous les autres sont plus au système D et des couches les plus basses de la société-#elle a le problème contraire d'Hilda elle ne s'arrête jamais que ce soit de travailler ou de construire pour son peuple
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gayvampyr · 2 years
deeply depressing that i am never going to get prescribed the meds i desperately need to function
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rose-lalondde · 8 months
pro tip: if you think you have adhd then don't start a master's program before you even get a diagnosis (also you need a stronger prescription, you have astigmatism, and reading glasses aren't gonna cut it)
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mycherrycola · 1 year
me: who would spend upwards of $350 on a scratchy color-block sweater just cuz some damp little man wore it in a silly vampire movie?
also me: I'm gonna spend upwards of $800 on high quality suiting wool to make a 3 piece replica of a ratty suit that the exact same damp little man wore in a silly vampire movie
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slippery-minghus · 3 months
holy hell i might be able to get my parasite bag (uterus) yoinked THIS YEAR???
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allthings-acorn · 3 months
not to be bitchy or anything but I’ve started listening to the let’s talk dog business podcast and I literally hate 50% of their guests. it’s half interesting industry person with good advice and half absolute wackjob who talks about dogs being magnets or homeopathy or suddenly goes on a huge tangent about their “walk with Jesus” OR they accidentally tell on themselves for being a horrible boss. Like “oh I noticed people would work with me for 15 months and then leave for another job or start their own business… so I realized I should switch to consulting instead!” huh, have you considered that maybe not being able to retain staff isn’t something to brag about?
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