#Conrad fisher friends-to-lovers
jahayla-parker · 10 months
Mistaken Emotions : Conrad Fisher x Reader
Description: 4.5 k wc, y/n and Conrad have been best friends for years, so she’s knows there has to be more to his sudden change in behavior. Friends to lovers, angst to fluff, hurt comfort.
Warnings: mentions of/references to cancer & illness, panic attacks, anxiety, mentions of smoking and weed/pot/marajuana, anger/sadness/other emotions, etc.
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Y/n sighed to herself as she walked down the beach. Her shoulders lifted briefly during the inhalation, only to dramatically plummet as the deep sigh left her lips. Belly was right, Conrad was smoking. Y/n had hoped their mutual friend was wrong. But, the puff of smoke being expelled from Conrad’s mouth -visible despite the dark sky that greeted them at the beach tonight-, told y/n her hope had been futile.
Conrad didn’t turn his head as he heard y/n approaching. Instead, he wiggled his toes into the cold sand under his flip-flops as he exhaled another cloud of smoke. Conrad knew by the sound of her feet shuffling in the sand, that y/n was hesitant to join him. He felt a twinge of guilt knowing he’d caused that unfamiliar tension between them. But, the guilt lessened in his body as he took another toke.
Y/n silently lowered herself onto the sand beside Conrad. She looked straight ahead, but still noticed the way he glanced at her from the corner of his eye. Y/n sat wordlessly for a few minutes as she collected her thoughts. Where to even begin?
Conrad nearly laughed when y/n finally spoke. He didn’t know how he expected her to greet him, but he hadn’t anticipated her whispered, “this isn’t you”. Conrad pulled the blunt from his lips, pinching it between his fingers as he held it before him as if inspecting it. “Maybe you don’t know me anymore,” he muttered curtly.
“Yes I do,” y/n argued, glancing over at Conrad with a slight glare. Was he actually trying to imply she didn’t know him? This was Conrad; even when he was moody, she knew his heart. When Conrad merely raised an eyebrow at her, she sighed. “Stoic wall or not,” y/n commented scoldingly, “I know you”.
“You’re still the boy who went to three stores to replace my Monsters Inc. bandaids when Belly had put mine all over her babydoll,” y/n said, smiling to herself. “The one who taught me how to surf even though I sucked at it and Jeremiah said I was a lost cause,” she murmured as she stared out at the ocean. “You’re still that boy who begged his mom to let him drive to the store to get me cold medicine when I was sick that one summer, even though you only had your learner’s permit”.
Conrad nearly smiled as he listened to y/n recount some of the memories they had together. But, the mention of his mom sent the painful stab of reality back to the forefront his mind. “Well, people change,” Conrad muttered before bringing the blunt back to his mouth.
“Maybe,” y/n nodded in contemplation. She hummed, zipping up her lightweight jacket. “But, souls don’t,” y/n argued.
Conrad coughed on the marijuana smoke from his latest toke as he laughed. “That’s so cheesy,” he teased, a sly smile on his lips. Conrad shook his head in amused disbelief, “of course you’d say that”.
Y/n smirked as she looked over at her best friend. “Like I said, souls don’t change,” she repeated smugly. She reached over and wordlessly stole the blunt from him and put it out with a smirk. When Conrad laughed some more, she smiled contentedly as she leaned back, now propped up by her elbows.
Conrad smiled appreciatively at y/n. As annoying as most people would find her behavior, it was comforting. She was still y/n. He had to fight to keep himself from staring at her lips as they somehow shone even though the sky was dusk. He needed to get his mind off the all too familiar feeling that was creeping up on him again as he felt pulled to confess his feelings towards the girl beside him. So, Conrad reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a new blunt and his lighter. He quickly turned his back to y/n so she couldn’t put it out again as he ignited the end. Once it was lit, Conrad turned around and stared back out at the crashing waves.
Y/n scanned Conrad closely. She hated that he was clearly going through something that made him feel like he had to -or should- change his mind on matters like this. Conrad had been so against smoking -especially pot- before now. She didn’t know what had changed; after all, it wasn’t like he was offering much in the way of an explanation.
“Let me have a toke,” y/n stated, reaching for Conrad’s second blunt. She huffed in annoyance when Conrad pushed her hand away from his face.
“What?!” Conrad replied with a bewildered stare. “Y-you know the words?!” he groaned, analyzing y/n as if he’d never seen her before. “How?“ Conrad questioned, his tone coming off offended.
Y/n laughed loudly, her cheeks hurting from the wide grin on her face. “We’re not 7 anymore, Con,” she reminded lightly.
Conrad hummed loudly. He gave y/n a small sad nod. “I wish we were,” he confessed quietly. Conrad could feel y/N’s intense gaze on him, but he didn’t elaborate.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Y/n wondered.
Conrad shrugged faintly. “Just easier back then,” he mumbled. “But, that’s not where we are now”.
Y/n hummed. “I guess not,” she agreed vaguely on the premise. “Now, let me have one,” y/n repeated her request. She once again leaned over and reached for the blunt in Conrad’s hand.
“No,” Conrad argued, chuckling as he moved away from y/n’s reach.
Y/n frowned and furrowed her brows. She crossed her arms over her chest as she turned her body towards Conrad. “Why not?” Y/n retorted.
“You don’t smoke,” Conrad said simply. He smugly held the blunt away from y/n.
Y/n huffed loudly as she raised a brow. “Neither did you,” she countered.
“No,” Conrad said shaking his head, “still not happening”. He relit the end
“Why?” Y/n repeated.
“You’re against smoking,” Conrad stated simply.
“So were you,” y/n retorted with a smug tone.
Conrad huffs loudly in frustration. But he stopped lighting up nonetheless. “Somethings change,” he shrugged.
“So then let me see,” y/n protested. She nodded at the blunt in Conrad’s hand expectantly.
“No,” Conrad practically whined.
“Conrad,” y/n groaned as she once again reached for the joint.
Conrad pulled his hand away from y/n’s reach and shook his head. “No”. “It’s not going to happen,” he told her.
“Then what’s the real reason?” Y/n pressed knowingly.
“I’m not letting you put that into your body,” Conrad admitted. He stared directly at y/n in hopes of her understanding he wasn’t playing around; she wasn’t going to take a hit.
“But it’s okay going into yours?” Y/n questioned rhetorically.
Conrad shrugged. “Who cares?” He asked dismissively.
“I do, Con,” y/n stated matter of factly.
Conrad’s lips formed a small smirk. “Really?”
“Yeah,” y/n responded with a soft nod.
Conrad gave y/n an appreciative smile and put the joint away. “Okay”. He sighed as he intentioned shifted his gaze away from the girl who could still get him to do just about anything. “Though it’s not like it matters what one does or doesn’t put in to their body,” he mumbled as he stared at the ocean.
“What do you mean?” Y/n asked. She pushed herself off her elbows so she could see Conrad better.
“You can do it all right,” Conrad began, shaking his head. “And yet, life will still fuck you,” he gloomily said as he gazed into the distance.
“Con,” y/n whispered quietly as she watched him closely. “What’re you talking about?” She questioned hesitantly. Yet, despite her soft approach, Conrad nevertheless mumbled a dejected “nothing” as he once again shut down. Y/n hummed softly and grabbed his hand as she went to lay down. As her head hit the sand, she could feel his eyes on her as he watched her closely in silence. “If, and when, you’re ready to talk about it, I’m here,” she promised.
Conrad curled his lips upwards faintly. He wordlessly shifted and moved to lie down beside y/n. Only once he was completely flat on his back, facing the dark sky did he speak. “Not going to force me to tell you? Or be mad that I don’t?”
“No,” y/n replied tenderly. She gently squeezed Conrad’s hand as she stared at the stars that had begun to shine above them. “That’s not always the best way to handle things,” she said sympathetically. She knew Jeremiah and Belly had likely given him a rough time lately given his behavior. Y/n didn’t want to add to that. She just needed him to know she was here for him.
Conrad turned onto his side so he could face y/n. He leaned forward and blinked slowly as his eyes scanned her. After finding a loose hair floating beside her cheek farthest from him, he cautiously reached over to tuck it behind her distant ear.
Y/n had been watching Conrad calmly despite the way her heart was racing at how close he was. Yet, when his breath hit her nose, she couldn’t help but make a slightly disgusted face. He didn’t smell like himself. “You smell like smoke,” she murmured as her head sunk into the sand a little more to get away from the scent.
Conrad smirked and laughed loudly. “I thought you were wanting to smoke,” he teased.
Y/n bashfully broke eye contact and let go of Conrad’s hand. She playfully pushed him into the sand as she looked away with a quiet laugh.
Conrad grinned and shook his head. “Hey,” he whispered, grabbing y/n’s hand and pulling her closer. With his head hovering over hers, he smiled warmly. “Maybe you’re right, maybe some souls don’t change,” he said blissfully.
Y/n smirked shyly. “Told you,” she replied in a whisper.
Conrad laughed and leaned forward. He closed his eyes and kissed y/n’s forehead lips, his lingering on her skin. “I’m glad yours didn’t,” he confessed as he pulled away and laid back down on the sand beside her.
Y/n bit her lip affectionately as she tried to keep the butterflies in her stomach at bay. “Yours didn’t either, Con,” she remarked, her tone sure. “You’re still there, and I’ll be here every step of the way as you get that back,” y/n promised as she squeezed his hand.
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“He’s such an ass,” Jeremiah hissed as he glared at the patio door that his older brother had just stormed out of.
Y/n shot the younger Fisher a look. “Stop,” she pleaded with a sigh. She hated hearing everyone talking about Conrad behind his back. Especially like this.
“It’s true!” Jeremiah defended loudly as he threw his hands up in the air. “How do you put up with that?” He groaned as he shook his head at y/n in disbelief.
“Just,” y/n sighed again. “Leave him be, please”.
Jeremiah scoffed and raised his eyebrows dramatically. “Why?” He questioned rhetorically. “He doesn’t care about anyone else,” he seethed.
Y/n squinted pointedly at Jeremiah. “Yes he does,” she said in defense of Conrad.
“No he doesn’t,” Jeremiah argued. “I mean come on, he isn’t doing anything this summer,” he began, putting one finger up as though he was making a list.
“He’s angry all the time,” Steven agreed with a frown as he set his beer on the counter.
“You’re reading it all wrong,” y/n protested. She looked out the patio window to see if she could still see Conrad or not. “He’s not angry,” she murmured. He’s hurt. And when Conrad gets hurt, he doesn’t know how to act.
“Y/n,” Belly sighed. She walked over to her friend and set her hand on y/n’s arm sympathetically. She knew what it was like to have a crush on Conrad, except fortunately she’d gotten over it by now. Whereas Belly could tell y/n hadn’t and therefore wasn’t processing what just happened properly. “He just snapped at you for no reason,” she reminded y/n gently.
Y/n shook her head. “He’s not angry,” she mumbled again as she moved away from the group in order to go after Conrad. She knew her friends were just trying to look out for her. But, she knew Conrad. Better than anyone. And she knew that his outburst moments ago was an overreaction to a potentially dangerous situation she’d put herself in. He’d just been trying to look out for her, but his overwhelming emotions made it come out wrong. She didn’t know what those overwhelming emotions were exactly nor what was creating them; but she knew him well enough to know it wasn’t just anger as their friends claimed.
Conrad groaned to himself as he heard footsteps nearing him. He had expected that after his outburst he would be left alone. He’d overreacted when y/n had acted a bit unsafely. But, he didn’t stop there. He went so far as to lash out at her afterwards. He’d seen the worry in her eyes and hoped his subsequent lashing out at her would keep her from following after him. He didn’t want y/n to see him like this. Besides, he didn’t deserve for her to come after him after the way he’d acted.
“Conrad,” y/n greeted quietly as she walked towards him.
“Go away,” Conrad grumbled with his back still to y/n.
“No,” y/n replied defiantly as she continued her approach.
Conrad shook his head. “Y/n knock it off, I’m not in the mood. I want to be alone”.
“That’s a lie,” y/n pointed out as she came within a few feet of Conrad.
Conrad quickly spun around in frustration. “God damnit Y/n!” He shouted.
Y/n’s heart shattered and she nearly gasped as she saw the tears Conrad was trying to hold back. She shook her head and moved closer. She saw the hesitant reaction he had and could see he wanted to keep his guard up. “It’s okay,” she promised quietly. “You don’t need to say anything.” Slowly, y/n made her way across the few feet between them and over to him. She wordlessly wrapped arms around Conrad and held him. It took a few patient moments, but Conrad eventually began to fall apart in her arms. Y/n held him to her tightly as she whispered soft words of support and encouragement as he practically clung onto her.
After Conrad had calmed and a few moments of comfortable silence had passed, he glanced at y/n. “Why didn’t you just ignore me like everyone else?” He wondered. “I’m being an ass,” he admitted.
“You’re hurting, Conrad,” y/n corrected. She noticed the way he froze and as much as she wanted to know what he was thinking, she just smiled sympathetically. “I don’t know why,” she acknowledged. “I’d like to, but I don’t have to know the why in order for me to see what’s really happening”.
“I can’t..-“ Conrad muttered hesitantly. He could see how badly y/n wanted to be there for him; for him to open up so she could. But, he couldn’t. He had to keep this to himself. Even if it was tearing him apart.
“That’s fine,” y/n nodded. She wrapped her arm back around Conrad, it having slipped slightly when he pulled back to look at her. She rubbed his arm as she felt him rest up against her.
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Susannah was washing up some dishes from lunch when she overheard Conrad’s name. She sighed to herself as she thought about how strangely her eldest son had been acting lately. She tried to talk to Laurel about it earlier, in hopes that maybe she either had an idea as to why he was behaving this way or that she could get through to him. Conrad has always been close with Laurel, so she felt it was worth a shot.
However, as Susannah eavesdropped on the conversation between y/n and Laurel, she realized her oversight. She hadn’t wanted to get any of the kids involved, especially not when they already seemed equally frustrated with Conrad’s behavior. But, she hadn’t noticed how compassionately y/n had been handling the whole thing. In fact, as she listened to y/n defend Conrad to Laurel just now, Susannah wished she had as much compassion as the girl somehow still had. Susannah knew Conrad had been pushing away his friends, including y/n a lot lately and was being far more difficult with them than he was to Susannah herself. Yet, Susannah had long grown frustrated with her son’s behavior nevertheless. She loved him, so much, but she despised his recent behavior; even if most of it was directed away from her. So she couldn’t help but cherish the way y/n still showed such compassion for Conrad despite being one of the people he was trying so hard to push away.
“I really think you should just let him be,” Laurel commented in a sympathetic tone. “He clearly wants to be left alone,” she pointed out.
“No he doesn’t,” y/n sighed as she sat down on one of the lounge chairs. “He’s just going through something is all,” she shrugged. She didn’t know what more to say. After all, she didn’t want to expose any secret of Conrad’s, not that she even knew what was going on currently; but, still.
Laurel shook her head sadly. “I can see that,” she remarked, “we all can”. She tsked loudly as she continued wiping down the patio side table. “Problem is, he’s too confident and thinks too highly of himself right now”.
Y/n scoffed and stood up. “No he doesn’t,” she argued. How could they all be so dense? Couldn’t they see it was clearly the opposite? Couldn’t they see that Conrad was pushing people away because he was trying to hide the fact that he was uncertain about whatever was troubling him? Y/n still might not know what it was exactly that troubled him, but she knew his actions weren’t from being overly confident.
“Look, Laurel,” y/n said evenly as she tried to maintain her frustration. “I know everyone is upset with him lately,” she sighed and ran her hand through her hair. “But, no one knows what’s truly going on. And talking about him behind his back isn’t going to help anything”. She could tell Laurel was about to reply so she quickly shook her head. “Especially not when you guys are all looking at his actions instead of trying to understand them; to understand him!” She huffed loudly as she began to slowly pace in front of the lounge chair she had once been sitting on. “Maybe you all should stop looking at the behavior and see what triggered it, what caused him to act like that”. Y/n felt sometimes both Conrad’s actions and the triggers showed his underlying emotions, but clearly they weren’t seeing it that way, so she figured changing their focus might help. With that, she shook her head and walked down the patio to the beach to clear her mind.
Susannah finished drying the dishes and made her way to her eldest son’s bedroom. She knocked and waited for permission to open the door. When it finally came, she creaked his bedroom door open and slowly made her way inside. She could tell he hadn’t done much other than be on his phone since lunch. Once again, something that wasn’t like him. Especially not during the summer, and not when y/n was around and free.
“You know,” Susannah whispered as she sat on the edge of Conrad’s mattress. She watched with a small smile as he sat up in response. “I know how you feel about her,” she told him vaguely, knowing he didn’t need her to say the girl’s name to know who she was talking about.
“Mom,” Conrad groaned with a roll of his eyes.
“Do not roll your eyes at me,” Susannah scolded lightly, resulting in Conrad nodding and giving her an apologetic look. “Anyways, Connie,” she continued, “I also know you’re pushing her away for some reason”.
Before Conrad could argue, Susannah held up her hand. “Don’t try to act as if you’re not,” she warned, “you’re pushing everyone away”. “I may not know why you’re doing it,” she sighed, grabbing her sons hand from where it was resting on the bed. “But, you’re only going to cause both of you so much more pain. She somehow seems to understand you better than anyone,” Susannah commented with a tender smile, “maybe even better than you know yourself. She’s stubborn when she cares. So, you can keep causing trouble for yourself and for her, or you can try to let her in again”.
Conrad just stared at his mom for a moment. He knew she was right. But he couldn’t. If his mom truly knew what he was dealing with, she wouldn’t be telling him it was okay to talk to someone else about it. Right? After all, she didn’t want anyone to know about it. That much he knew. But, that was already ruined as he himself knew. Perhaps one more person wouldn’t hurt. Right? Conrad shook his head. “I’m fine, mom,” he said, adding a sigh when she gave him a sad look, “really”.
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“Conrad, just breathe,” y/n whispered as she held his upper bicep tenderly. “Just breathe,” she repeated. She’d followed him out from a party where he’d gotten worked up over something minor once again. And now they were on the beach as she tried to help Conrad through what appeared to be a panic attack. “I’m here, just copy my breath,” she advised calmly.
It had taken y/n several tense moments to calm Conrad down. But now they were seated on the cold sand, shoulders touching, as they stared out at the sea. Well, while Conrad stared out at the sea. Meanwhile, y/n was watching his profile closely.
“How often do you get them?” Y/n questioned softly as she took hold of Conrad’s closest hand.
“W-what?” Conrad asked, his gaze snapping towards y/n.
Y/n gave him a warm smile and squeezed his hand supportively. “The panic attacks,” she said, pausing when she saw the understanding of his experiences dawn on him. “That’s what they are, Con,” she commented. “I know because I get them too,” she added bashfully.
Conrad’s eyes squinted and he abruptly shifted to see y/n better. “What? Since when? Why didn’t y-“ he began to ask, a thousand worried questions entering his mind.
“Con, breathe,” y/n directly calmly. “I don’t usually get them in the summer,” she admitted. “As you can see, it has to do with stress and anxiety, I tend to have less of that in the summers,” she paused as a timid smile formed on her lips, “or, at least the summers I get to spend here, with you”.
Conrad felt his cheeks heat up as he bit back a smile. Only, his giddiness dissipated quickly. “And I’m ruining that with -“ he began guiltily.
“No,” y/n stated firmly as she turned to face Conrad. She shook her head. “Conrad, you’re not ruining anything,” she promised. “I don’t mind following your moody ass out of parties all summer,” she teased.
Conrad chuckled and shook his head. “I… I want to.. to tell-“ he paused and sighed as he broke eye contact with y/n. He couldn’t tell her. No matter how much it would help to get it off his chest. He didn’t want to make her have to deal with the knowledge of his mother’s condition the way he had been. Even if it meant he would still have to face this alone. “It’s a lot,” he commented vaguely as he looked back out at the waves.
Y/n hummed and leaned her head against Conrad’s shoulder. “I know,” she commented kindly. “You don’t have to tell me,” she added, nuzzling her head deeper against his shoulder. “But because I know you, because souls don’t change,” y/n said, echoing her words from an earlier conversation, “I know you feel you have to face this, whatever this is, alone”. She sighed as she lifted her head off Conrad’s shoulder in order to look him in the eyes. “But you’ve never let me face anything alone,” she smiled, “so I’d really like to help you carry the weight of whatever you’re going through, if you’ll let me”.
Conrad gave y/n a sad but appreciative smile. He reached out and shakingly tucked some loose hair behind her ear. “I want to,” he admitted, “selfishly, I want to”.
Y/n shook her head. “It isn’t selfish,” she corrected, staring back at Conrad. “You’d be letting me do this,” she argued softly.
Conrad laughed lightly. “Some souls never change,” he murmured happily as he gazed into y/n’s patient eyes. He sighed and looked away. “I … I’m not supposed to even know, but I do”.
“I see,” y/n replied slowly. “Well, you don’t have to be alone in that knowledge. And no one else has to know that either of us know,” she promised with a gentle smile.
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It took time for Conrad to fully open up about what it was he had been dealing with. But, he was immensely grateful he’d pushed past his reservations to do so. Not only had he and y/n become even closer friends, he could now also not just rely on her support but also benefit from not being alone in his pain. He now had someone who was trying to reassure him that the taunting voices in his head were wrong. Someone who tried to silence the self blaming thoughts that told him it was his fault; that he should’ve seen the signs. It was something he desperately needed, especially on nights like tonight.
Conrad had finally gotten ahold of his breathing; with y/N’s help once again. But, he couldn’t ignore the thoughts that were still bouncing around in his mind. Thoughts that told him he could’ve pretended this. Thoughts that told him off for the way he’d treated everyone as a result of harboring this secret on his own for so long.
Y/n glanced over at Conrad knowingly and mentally sighed in sympathy. She shifted her butt in the sand to see him straight on and smiled when his eyes shifted from the water to meet hers. “Hey,” she commented.
Conrad chuckled and smiled back. “Hey,” he echoed, grabbing y/N’s hand as it rested between them on the sand.
“They’re wrong, ya know,” y/n promised warmly, her eyes focused in on Conrad’s. “The thoughts,” she explained gently.
Conrad felt his cheeks flush as the corner of his lips curled up even more. Of course she’d seen through him and his silence. He shook his head and rugged her hand towards him. He watched silently as y/n shifted in order to comply with his wishes. Once she was curled up beside him, her head on his shoulder again, he sighed. Conrad crooked his head and placed a gentle kiss to the side of y/N’s head. One day he’d offer her more, when he was in the right mental state to do so without risking hurting her along the way should he push people away again. For now, he simply smiled lightly to himself as he whispered, “thank you for understanding me”.
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Taglist: @wolfmoonmusic
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24kmar · 6 months
ᴊᴇʀᴇᴍɪᴀʜ ꜰɪꜱʜᴇʀ + ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀꜱ ᴛʀᴏᴘᴇ
For @spencerreidsknee 🫶🏻 Thank you for requesting!
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carryingthebanner8 · 8 months
Conrad fisher smut?
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SYPNOSIS- Conrad brings his girlfriend to cousins for the first time and fucks her in the room next to the others…
WARNINGS- SMUT!!! Curse words, praise, slight public, quiet
“HEY guys!” You said meeting your boyfriend’s family and friends for the first time. “I’m Y/N.” You said carefully. Conrad could tell you were nervous, he grabbed your hand and squeezed it tight as everyone greeted you and ushers you into the house for dinner. Spaghetti was on the menu and was delicious. “This is very good Susannah. Thank you.” You say with a smile. “Oh you’re welcome sweetheart.” She says with a bright smile. You and Conrad go to his room.
After dinner, you and Conrad were heading to bed. He pushes you on his bed and starts kissing your neck. “Connie, everyone is next door” would whisper, trying not to moan. “I know baby, but I need to be in you now.” He said groaning. You whimpered as his long fingers made his way toward your wet cunt. “Connie please” you begged for him to touch you. So he did. “You’re so tight baby” he growled in your ear as he slipped 2 long fingers into your aching pussy. You slapped your hand over your mouth to muffle your moans. “Let out out baby” Conrad told you. Hurrying up his relentless pace on your pussy. The noises were making Conrad harder than he ever could be. “I need to be in you.” Conrad groaned. He slipped his pants down his legs and took off his shirt. His toned abs were glistening with sweat as he pumped his cock with his hand. He licked your juices off of his fingers and rubbed your pussy with his cock. He slowly put it in. You moaned into his hand as his pushed in all the way, his cock kissing your cervix. “Conrad you’re so big” you whisper as he gently pulls out and pushes back in. “I know baby, you can take it. Let he fuck your perfect tight pussy.” He sped up his pace and started going harder. He rubbed your clit and the tip of his cock kissed your g-spot. “Connie” you moan out loudly. “Shh baby. You don’t want anyone to hear how good I’m fucking you do you?” Conrad shushed you as he sped up once more. Going faster than you thought he could. He could tell you were close. He slowed down and rubbed your clit. “Connie I’m cumming” you said as he speeds up. “I know baby. Let it out. Let me hear you.” You moaned as he came inside you. You came immediately after and he pulled out, putting his cock in your mouth. You licked off the juices from his cock and let it go with a popping sound. “You did so good for me baby.” He said with a smile. “Thank you Connie. I love you.” You said breathlessly. Coming down from your high. “I love you too baby. Let’s get some rest.” He pulled you close to his chest as you both heard Jeremiah and Taylor mocking your moans. “Stop it their in love!” You hear Belly scold and laugh. “I love this” you say. “Me too” Conrad says as he drifts into a deep sleep. “Good night baby” he says with a sigh and closes his eyes for the night.
Thank you for reading! Let me know if you liked it in the comments! Please give feedback and suggestions on what I can do to write better! Thanks -Mia💜🌺
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sunset-sprinkles · 2 months
This is going to be a long post. I have had so many new observation as re-watched the summer I turned pretty.
I have so many thoughts about Jeremiah X Belly ship - I have never been this obsessed the last time I watched it. Although everyone is entitled to their own opinions - this is entirely what I have felt.
I did sympathize with all of the three characters at some point of the time - to me neither of them had ever been a "red flag" and in some situations all of them have been one.
Conrad to Belly was a dream, a wish something she wanted to attain since forever. She had never seen him as a friend, though it was definitely not just a teenage crush it had depth too. It was a fantasy in mind that she wished was real- and this constant hope had built a version of Conrad already in her head who is the love of her life. But is this everything love has to Offer? NO!!
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To understand her feelings better she had to have a fall out with both jer and Conrad. Conrad in real was not what existed in her dream (not in a bad way) but in a way that she had to fall away from him to realise that she would have never moved away from Conrad unless she actually had been with him once- because she had to choose between the one who she had wanted since forever and the one who she had budding feelings for .... And it was always going to be the first choice.
You know what friends to lovers have always been one of my favourite tropes. And Jer-Belly TRUELY gave that soulmatism vibe in season 2 (with no offense). She knew that the real love was scary isn't it, she said that to Taylor- but when she held his hand in the tower of terror she finally let go of her fear to embrace what felt true.
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Jer for the total of season 1 had always always got eyes for Belly every every scene - from hugging her, appreciating her, pulling her to pools, being present on all her important times- the dance , the jokes , the fun. They had no guards between them- they didn't need to look or do a certain way to break the ice and to have the time of their lives with each other. It didn't began because she started looking pretty- remember when they both remember the time when jer stayed with her when she had cold and got infected later, it's then where it all began.
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To me, they are the ship I am rooting for. The way they look at each other , understand each other- "oh I should definitely go with jer cause he is definitely scared but he won't admit"~ Belly. I saw in her eyes on the first pool kiss - she was definitely not meaning it for a pass time, with someone who has been her secret keeperbuddy, best friend throughout. Do you really think she would throw away that precious thing- just for a hook up? It wasn't meant so but when Conrad's offer came over she let her dream and fantasy win over the reality that she had been going through. What she had with Conrad was love too but with Jeremiah it's definitely soulmatism. To here I rest my case~ I don't know what is in store for season 3 but if the ending goes with the books ending - maybe I have to live in the ending of season 2 forever. Team JELLLY!!
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sbd-laytall · 1 year
I think it's really interesting how they they added Aunt Julia in the show and made her constantly be at odds with Conrad when they are so clear parallels with each other. It's truly a case of "too much alike, so they butt heads."
Aunt Julia = Conrad
Close themselves off when they get too into their brains.
Have legitimate issues with their fathers.
Chose the same room at the beach house.
Have complicated relationships with their little siblings.
Susannah = Jeremiah
Always try to be the sunshine-y and perfect ones.
Have way better relationships with their fathers.
Looked up to their older siblings when they were kids.
Like, it's just so intriguing how, to me, it almost feels like a warning. Like, if Jeremiah and Conrad keep themselves distant from each other, they're going to regret it like Susannah and Julia did. In fact, Susannah literally tells Jeremiah never to let anything get between him and Conrad, which hits so much harder because she knows what it's like to have bitterness between siblings.
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jxfndm · 3 months
"out of my mind"
WARNINGS - cussing, mature language/descriptions, alcohol mentions, arguing, content related etc.
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Beer, that’s all I cared about. Belly married Jeremiah, and even though I was getting over it, it still hurt like hell. Even if I didn’t love her anymore.
"Connie, are you gonna work in the lab today or is it another work from home day?" a voice questioned softly. I peeked over the couch I was laying on, to see my best friend standing. Pajamas and all, she was beautiful.
After Jere and Belly got married, I ultimately decided to take a job up in California. I was contracted at a Bio Lab for a year out here, and needed somewhere to stay. Coincidentally, my childhood school best friend, Y/N, was here in California. She had moved after the 8th grade and I never really got to see her up until I started attending Stanford. When we reconnected, I completely forgot about how Belly made me feel, because what I felt for Y/N was more complex, and a lot stronger. Now I was her roommate, and that made things all the more difficult.
"Uh, it’s a lab day, but not until later." I said, finally sitting up and running my hands through my hair. She stayed quiet and nodded, heading towards the kitchen to start on her coffee. Typical.
"Hey, I’m gonna study at the library tonight. Could you just make sure to check on that pipe in the bathroom before you leave? I can call maintenance to come up tomorrow if it’s bad." she questioned flatly. Something seemed off.
"Yeah, no problem." I said, looking over at her. She was completely focused on making her coffee. I got up and sat at the barstools across from her. "Alright, Y/N, what’s up?"
She shrugged. "Nothing, it’s not important."
I sighed, when she closed herself off, it was extremely difficult to get her to open up about what could be bothering her.
I stirred my coffee in circles, trying my hardest to ignore the boy who continues to steal my heart everyday.
If I’m being honest, there’s not too much of an issue, other than the fact that because of Jeremiah and Belly’s wedding anniversary coming up, he’s been a completely different person. And even if we have briefly talked about our feelings in the past, I don’t think he even knows what he wants. As for me, I’m just done waiting. He should be moving back home in 2 months, I just had to keep the distance until then.
"Y/N." he called. I faked a smile as I looked at him. "Yes?" I asked. My tone was off, I couldn’t hide that.
"Can we not?" he questioned, annoyance evident in his words. I furrowed my brows at him.
"Can we not what?" I questioned him, looking back down at my coffee. He sighed, loud enough for me to hear it. I gulped, this was hard.
"Can we not go through the back and forth of you closing yourself off? I’m your best friend and we talk about everything, I don’t get why you have to cause so much trouble just to get my attention, you have it already." he snapped. I looked at him in disbelief.
I scoffed. "Trust me, I don’t want your attention." I stated.
"Are you serious? Literally, what is going on? We were just watching a movie yesterday, we almost fucking kissed. What the hell, Y/N." he said, causing my heart to race.
Right. We almost kissed. And if I just allowed it, we probably would’ve made out right on the living room floor.
"Don’t bring that into this, Conrad. You don’t know what the hell you’re saying right now." I warned, My face surely showed I was upset, all because he was trying me right now.
"I don’t? But I do, Y/N. You have these stupid little cold attitudes with me when I’ve done nothing to you. And if I have? Then fucking enlighten me, because I must have missed that episode." he scowled. My blood boiled with every word he said.
I knew I would probably regret the next things that came out of my mouth.
"Fuck you, Conrad. Do you know how exhausting it is to be 2nd all the damn time? My God, of course you don’t, not until Belly chose your damn brother over you, but before that, you were always number one to her. And even a year later, you’re still over here with no damn clue about what you want. I’m sick of waiting on you, Conrad. I’ve waited since the 6th grade for you, and I’d rather not waste another minute of my time waiting on you!" I exclaimed, my face was hot. I was so fired up, I barely even realized the stream of tears coming down my face.
I hated that I cried when I was pissed, but it only happened because I really gave a shit about Conrad, but he could care less about me.
"Y/N-" he started. "Just stop. I need to get ready." I said lowly, making my way towards my room, leaving my cup on the counter. I could give 2 shits about my morning coffee right now.
Before I could grab the doorknob to my bedroom, I felt a grasp on my wrist. I closed my eyes, refusing to look at him. I knew if I did, my heart would melt and I’d be waiting for months.
As he turned me towards him, his grasp lightened, and his hands trailed up to my cheek, wiping the tears off my cheek. My eyes were closed, and goosebumps filled my arms feeling the touch of his skin.
"Y/N, please look at me. Please." he begged, almost choking to say it. Though I had my doubts, I opened them slowly to meet his gaze. His eyes were soft, the same eyes I could stare into for days and forget the world was moving around me.
"You are not my second choice, and I promise you that much. Look, I know I’ve been a mess, but it’s not really anything to do with Jere and Belly, it’s everything to do with the way I feel for you." he said. My heart skipped a beat. "Y/N, you mean the world and more to me. I’ve been going back and forth with myself on how to tell you, because if there’s one thing I don’t ever want to fuck up, it’s anything to do with you. I’m out of my mind in love with you, Y/N." he explained, his hands now grabbing mine.
His face was just inches away from mine. The look on his face, his parted lips and pleading eyes, meant one thing, he meant it. I knew him like the back of my hand, it wasn’t hard to tell.
I took that as a sign, and slowly melted into his lips. Be immediately kissed back, pressing me against the wall as his hands grasped at my hips, pulling me closer to him.
Our kiss intensified, as he brought a hand to my neck, softly grabbing it. After a few moments, we finally pulled apart.
"Please don’t shut me out, I want to be here for you. I won’t leave." he pleaded, placing his forehead against mine.
I kissed him once more, a smile plastered on my face. We intertwined our hands as I looked at him and nodded, earning a smile from him.
"You’re so beautiful, never forget that." he commented. I chuckled. "You’ve always been handsome to me."
The rest of the day felt like a dream. From that day on, we spent everyday glued to eachother’s hips, madly in love.
a/n - so sorry guys, ive been so busy with trying to register for fall semester and ive been working. for all the connie baby girls, here you gooooo (:
- j
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rekrappeter · 2 years
tsitp collection
please do not repost my writing. i write in my spare time for fun and share it with you so it’s not a complete waste of time. enjoy it on here, come talk to me about it but do not repost it <3
much love, freya 
conrad fisher 
the way i loved you  ||  best friends to lovers
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tatoda · 1 year
Wanting You || conrad fisher x fem!reader
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summary: you get a call and it happens to be your drunk boyfriend just wanting your love and attention
pairing: conrad fisher x reader
warnings: stressed conrad and mostly just fluff
wc: 800 (i think)
put some drunk conrad in to help with the storyline!! not majority edited just wanted to get this out
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It was supposed to be a boy's night. To drink and talk about sports or just hang out in general. But here conrad was, looking at your pictures on his phone showing the guys around him. Even if they were at a party where there were over 100 people, you were still the first thing on his mind.
“she’s just so pretty guys,” he told steven and jeremiah who were sipping on beers
“oh we know, for how much you talk about her.” jere muttered over his drink
“man, as much as i love how you’re in love with my sister, but please spare all details.” steven rolled his eyes
“she’s just so sweet, she’s helped me with so much. like that one time she snuck me into your house because i missed her and my roommate was having sex,” he admitted
“oh god! you snuck into our house. if laurel ever hears this you’re dead meat.” steven leaned forward
“relax steve, i’ll have you know your mom likes me too much.” conrad took a sip of his beer when he should have stopped drinking for a while now “i miss her.”
“he’s so whipped.” jere laughed watching his brother be lovesick for you
“do you think she will answer if i call her?” his eyes lit up
“she’s probably sleeping.” steven looked over his shoulder to the crowd of people spotting taylor dancing with some of the volleyball girls
“just make your move already.” jeremiah pointed out
“you know belly would absolutely murder me if i touched her best friend.” steven sighed and looked away
“hey! look at me man.” conrad put a hand on his shoulder “you haven’t murdered me yet.” he smiled
“that’s because i’m building up to it.” conrad shook his head
“i’m gonna call her, i miss her.”
“dude-“ it was too late he already clicked your contact.
Meanwhile, you were on your bed watching netflix and having a self-care night. With conrad with the guys, you felt like he needed to get out of the apartment they all shared because all they did was play video games and sleep. Your phone rang on the comforter causing you to jump not expecting any calls. You turned the phone seeing conrad’s name on the screen.
“hey.” you paused your show leaning back on the pillows
“hi baby.” he slurred. this wasn’t the first time occurrence he’s called you drunk, you soon found out he was clingy and wanted your attention when drunk
“hey you, how’s the boy's night?” he sighed on the other side of the phone
“it’s good, it’s good. i wanted to call and say i miss you, like a lot.”
“you just saw me yesterday dummy.” you laughed into the phone
“i just really love you.” your heart fluttered as he said the words, you don’t usually say it because it meant a lot to the both of you with what happened to your parents
“can you do me a favor baby?” he hummed on the other side “can i talk to my brother really quick?”
“yeah! here, steven she wants to talk to you.” you heard him hand the phone over
“hey sis.”
“hey can i come get him? i think he’s had enough and i know he’s gonna want me to come get him soon enough.”
“oh yeah please,”
“thank you for taking him out tonight, i know he’s stressed with everything with adam and everything.”
“no yeah i understand, see you soon.” the phone was pulled away from him and back in the hands of your boyfriend
“hey lover.” he chuckled “i’m gonna a come get you okay?”
“yeah, thats sounds good.” you knew after a while he would start overthinking and then the stress would come back
“just stay with the guys and no more drinking, okay?”
“okay, see you soon baby.” you both hung up and you got out of bed
The drive over to the house was over 20 minutes. But you didn’t mind you wanted to see conrad. There has been a lot of stuff going on recently with his dad. you knew their relationship wasn’t the greatest and it really got to him sometimes.
You parked the car in search of your boyfriend. Steven texted you saying they were in the backyard in some chairs, and you saw the back of your boyfriend's head as he talked to the boys in front of him. You wrapped your arms over his shoulder and leaned your head down on his shoulder.
“i have a girlfriend!” his head snapped and he relaxed seeing it was you “oh. sorry.”
“that’s okay, you ready to go?” he nodded “you boys have a ride back?” you looked towards jere and steven
“yeah, taylor said she would take us.” you smiled at steven “when are you gonna ask her out?” conrad moved his arms to rub against yours that were draped over him
“chill, i just don’t wanna upset belly.”
“for fucks sake i’m dating your best friend and you didn’t beat me up.”
“told you.” conrad muttered
“this is different.” he sighed rubbing his face
“it’s not really.” conrad moved to lay his head on your arm giving you the signal it was time to go “just do something at least, con and i are gonna head out.” you pulled your hands away and the man stood from his seat “ready.” he nodded taking your hand in his “be safe tonight, call me if you need anything.”
As you drove home, conrad kept a hand on your thigh but he didn’t say anything and you knew the quietness and depression were slowly coming back from the side effects of his drinking. The whole ride was quiet up until you made it into your room closing the door facing him.
“come here con.” he walked towards you slowly and dipped his head into to crook of your neck and wrapped his arms around you “let’s sleep okay?” he nodded but didn’t let go “con?”
“let’s lay down handsome.” he stepped away from you and you helped him take off his shirt as he slipped out of his jeans left in his boxers and slid into bed “ill be right back, going to get you water.”
“okay.” he softly spoke into the pillow he was laying on
Walking downstairs your mom was also grabbing a midnight snack. She knew he would come over and she also knew he was going through a lot in your 2 years together.
“how is he?” she leaned against the counter as you opened the fridge to grab a water bottle
“it’s a lot, he won’t really talk to me about some of it and i understand.”
“you’re a great girlfriend for him. susannah always loved the thought of you two together.” she grabbed your hand and squeezed it “speaking of conrad.” she nodded behind you, turning around you saw your boyfriend standing at the end of the stairs
“hey, what’s wrong?” you walked towards him
“you left me for a long time.” he rubbed his eyes and you smiled
“come on you big baby, good night mom.”
“night laurel.” conrad muttered
“night kids.” you could hear the humor in her voice
Back up in your room you were both now in bed with the light of the tv shining on the both of you. Conrad’s eyes drifted but he just stared at you.
“can i cuddle you?” he asked softly
“you don’t need to ask.” he moved closer to you hugging you to him, his head on your shoulder and you moved your hand to run though his hair “con?”
“yeah?” you moved to look at him and leaned down to kiss him for the first time that night
“i love you.” he smiled genuinely the first time since you saw him
“i love you.” he closed his eyes and kissed your neck
Soon enough his soft snoring filled the room as you continued to watch your show until you followed him into the dream state.
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kamaluhkhan · 1 year
in my head, i play a supercut of us
pairing: conrad fisher x fem!reader
summary: you come back to cousins beach after a few years away. conrad is not particularly happy that you're back - and you aren't particularly thrilled, either. too bad there's a history (chemistry?) neither of you can deny.
warnings: drinking + smoking. lots of plot + flashbacks. there is some mention of injuries, body issues/self esteem (reader is a competitive swimmer), complicated family dynamics (reader is eldest daughter), slight allusion to alcoholism.
a/n: ohhh this turned out much longer than i expected it to be!! honestly i have so many ideas that this will probably become a series. for now please enjoy the summer, childhood friends to lovers to strangers vibes ;)
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you still crave lemonade, but the taste doesn't satisfy you as much as it used to. you still crave summer, but sometimes you mean summer, five years ago. (alida nugent)
now — summer, age 18
driving up to the beach house after so many summers have passed, you’re struck with the memory of your first time swimming. 
it was mid-june in cousins; you must have been four years old. you stood on the edge of the pool for an eternity, until your father became impatient and threw you into the deep end. you screamed, imagined your lungs being filled with cold water, drowning in darkness. your neighbour had run over when he heard, and your father had to hold him back from jumping in to save you. instead, your life jacket kept you afloat, and soon enough you were kicking as though it was the most natural thing in the world. you discovered your love of swimming that afternoon and in that your father found his star athlete. you also realized your love for conrad fisher, the boy next door.
your summers in cousins, the friends you’d met here, conrad fisher — these composed your metaphorical lifejacket, once preserving your childhood. you’d taken it off for too long, spent years in the deep end alone, keeping yourself afloat, moving towards a carefully constructed future. now it all started to crumble, and here you were again, a different person; you wondered if the others were different, too. 
it wasn't your first choice to come back to cousins, but you were determined to make the most of it. after unpacking your things, you decide to make your way to the beck house, right next door to your own family’s. 
you knock once, twice, three times. there's no answer, so you figure that everyone is either in town or at the beach. you start to walk away when you hear the front door open. 
"excuse me!" laurel park's voice calls. you turn around, and the shock on laurel's face is clear. "y/n! oh my god, i almost didn't recognize you!" 
"four summers can do that," you note. 
you hear your name from inside the house, and before you know it, belly conklin excitedly runs out and tackles you in a hug. 
"hey, bells," you laugh. you notice how dressed up she is, something that changed from the oversized t-shirts and patterned shorts you remember her always wearing. "cute dress. where are you off to?" 
"oh. there's a high tea at the country club. sort of like an introduction for the debutante season." 
you raise an eyebrow, looking past belly towards laurel. "is this a lemon jelly belly situation?" you’re referring to the code phrases you used to exchange for different situations, depending on different flavours of jelly beans: pear, toasted marshmellow, lemon. it might have been childish (you were kids at the time), but it always worked. more than anyone, you know what it’s like to be pushed into something too quickly, too soon. even after all these years, and even though belly is only two years younger, your instinct is to defend her at all times.
"possibly," laurel sighs. 
"it's not," belly insists, giving her mother a pointed look. "i wanted to try something new this summer, and susannah promised it would be fun." 
the two of you walk back towards the house. when you reach the door, laurel brings you into a tight hug. the three of you walk into the kitchen, and you find yourself taking the seat you had once claimed as your own — a stool at the counter, third from the left. belly settles down next to you, and laurel grabs a pitcher of sweet tea from the fridge while you reach over to take three glasses from the drying rack. 
belly explains more about the debutante season, and mentions that steven and jeremiah are both working at the club this summer. she doesn't get around to what conrad is up to, because laurel suddenly checks her watch, then sighs. 
"i hate to cut this reunion short, but belly, we'd better leave if we want to make that tea of yours." 
"right." belly looks at you with a frown, like she's worried you'll disappear if you're out of sight. "i'll see you later?"
you smile, reaching over to squeeze her hand. "i'll be here all summer," you promise, and belly beams.
"you’re coming to my book party?" laurel asks, though it's more of a statement than a question.
"yeah, sure," you promise, sipping your sweet tea. "i'll see you guys there." 
with one final see you later and another hug from belly, you're left alone in the kitchen. you wonder if the fishers still keep the cereal in the same cabinet; if their cupboards are filled with the same sugary snacks you were never allowed to have, but you and the boys would sneak when the adults weren’t looking. 
"y/n, my little mermaid, is that you?" 
susannah always called you her little mermaid — inspired by your love of swimming, yes, but also that one summer you were convinced that mermaids were real, so you and belly spent hours looking for clues on the beach and painting your nails iridescent turquoise. all the adults scoffed at you, but susannah was the only one who played along, who allowed you to believe that magic was real.
instantly, you rise from your seat and hug susannah.
"you have no idea how happy i am that you're here this summer," susannah whispers. as you break away from your hug, susannah places her hands on your cheeks. she looks happy and healthy, if a little tired. you can't help but think of the years you’d been gone when susannah and her family were dealing with so much. there was only so much connection texts, calls, and emails could provide. to be here now, seeing susannah fisher alive and well? 
it was almost too much.
tears threaten to spill, but you swallow them. instead, you reply: "so am i." and, certainly more than before, you mean it.
“conrad’s out back if you want to come say hi. i’m painting his portrait. he’s been a bit down lately, but if anyone can make him feel better, it’s you.”
you feel your cheeks heat up. you finish the rest of your sweet tea and put your glass in the dishwasher, not quite feeling ready to face conrad — there was a complicated history between the two of you. unresolved tension, hurtful words, that sort of thing.
“i’ll, uh, let you keep painting. i should go get ready for laurel’s book party.”
“alright. i’ll see you there, sweetie.”
“yeah,” you confirm. you start to walk away before hearing susannah’s voice again:
“and, y/n?” you turn around. “i’m so glad you’re home.”
later that night, at laurel's book launch party, you watch conrad pour another glass of wine, and wonder whether or not you should join him. his eyes catch yours from across the room, but he quickly looks away. belly ended up having a date, she'd texted you earlier, and you were roped into a conversation with your mother and susannah before you could find stephen or jeremiah. 
"they grow up so fast," susannah muses. she then wraps an arm around your shoulder. "i can't believe that our eldests are 18! conrad’s off to brown in the fall — how about you, y/n?”
“princeton,” your mother boasts, draining the rest of her cup and grabbing another from a tray passing by. that’s her third glass, by your count. “we were so proud. it’s the best women’s swim team in the country.”
“stanford is a close second,” you interject. “besides, we don’t even know if i can start swimming for real by then.”
you’d broken your ankle a month and a half before. it didn’t need surgery yet and you were out of your cast, but you couldn’t return to your usual level of activity for a while — which meant no training camp, like you’d been going to the past few summers.
“you know, i did always picture you on the west coast,” susannah smiles at you. “all those beaches and sunshine.”
your mother frowns, ignoring susannah. “don’t be ridiculous. if you spend the summer doing your physical therapy and resting, you’ll be back in the water before we know it. your father and i agreed — that’s why you’re here.”
you resist the urge to argue with her and instead block her out as she brags about your siblings getting top prizes in their academic decathalon. the twins were thirteen now and had plans with their friends tonight, sparing them from attending this event. no offence to laurel or susannah, of course, but you’d rather be with your friends.
when you look for conrad once more, you notice that he's been roped into a conversation with laurel and someone who your mom had pointed out as cleveland castillo. even after all these years, you can tell when he needs backup: the impatient tapping of his foot, his eyes searching the room for an out.
after excusing yourself from the conversation, you make your way over to conrad. 
"hey," you greet, nodding at laurel and cleveland. "mind if i borrow this guy? we've got some catching up to do." if either laurel or cleveland said anything more after yes, then you don't hear them, already pulling conrad away.
you lead him to the back corner of the room, near a small couch. neither of you make a move to sit; neither of you say anything. up close, you could see the shadows under his eyes, the creases in between his brows. he was always quiet, the more calm and thoughtful one of the group, but always with soft edges, especially when it came to you. now, quiet could have been replaced with brooding, and all those soft edges seem sharper.
“so,” you start. you grab the wine from conrad’s hand and take a sip. “are you gonna keep ignoring me, or are you gonna welcome me back?”
“when my mom said you were back, i didn’t believe her.” conrad looks at you, his face still. “i wish you hadn’t come back.” 
stung, you take a deep breath. after everything, conrad thought that was the best way to greet you? if cold and closed off was how conrad wanted to act, you could play that game, too.
“fuck you,” is all you say before joining jeremiah and steven on the other side of the room.
steven’s eyes widen once they land on you. "no fucking way. y/n!" steven exclaims. "thought you'd never come back here, man." there’s a joyful undertone to his comment as he smiles. same old steven: always blunt, always laughing. 
"yeah, well, i’m here.”
jeremiah just beams at you, picking you up and spinning you around. 
“jere,” you giggle, half scolding, fully floating.
“sorry, sorry!” he laughs, setting you down. “i just — i can’t believe you’re here. how come you didn’t tell me you were coming?”
“yeah, well.” you shrug. “i thought you liked surprises.”
“well, i do. especially if it involves seeing you.”
"yo, speaking of surprises — what if we ditch this party and surprise belly at the drive-in?" stephen suggests.
you shake your head, though leaving was very tempting. 
"or, instead of ruining your sister's first date, we get some booze, light a fire, and go get drunk on the beach," you suggest.
"oh, i am so down!" jeremiah exclaims. "you've got my vote." 
“hell yeah.” steven grins and throws his arm around your shoulder. "you always did know how to show us a good time."
then — summer, age 11
you had plenty of bonfires before, on the beach with your parents, but that summer marked the first one with just the kids. you begged and begged, and eventually the adults were okay with it since conrad had earned his boy scout badge for fire safety in the spring.
it was the beginning of july, and an unseasonably cold evening — basically, perfect bonfire weather. jeremiah helped susannah make hot chocolate for everyone. belly wanted s'mores, so you had biked with her to the store earlier that day for the ingredients. everyone was stuffing their faces with slightly burnt marshmallows as melted chocolate and graham cracker crumbs decorated your cheeks, and you chased it all down with lukewarm chocolatey liquid. you were kids and it was summer; life was sweet, life was good. 
"conrad," steven announced, turning to the boy who was pushing a marshmallow deeper into the fire. "i dare you to go dunk in the ocean." a grin erupted on steven's face, and in the glow of the fire, he looked like the cheshire cat. 
"no way, man. it's freezing."
you knew the real reason conrad didn't want to go into the ocean. one night the week before, when the parents were out to dinner and the other kids were asleep, you and conrad had stayed up to watch jaws together, having rented it secretly from the local video store. ever since, conrad had been coming up with excuses to not go swimming at the beach. 
"what's the matter, con? you scared?" jeremiah taunted, wearing a similar cheshire grin to steven’s.
"what?" the marshmallow conrad was trying to roast fell into the fire. he huffed, and belly handed him another one. "i'm not scared. it's just freezing."
"come on, man. you’ve gotta do it. besides, there's a fire and hot cocoa here for you when you get back," jeremiah reasoned. ten-year-old jeremiah was never very concerned about following the rules, except when it came to truth or dare. 
"i'm good," conrad snapped.
"aw, i think he's scared," steven laughed.
"i'm not scared —"
"what if i went with you?" you interrupted him. 
"but it's not your dare," belly pointed out as she continued carefully assembling a s'more. nine-year-old belly was competitive, so it was very important to her that the rules of any game were followed. 
"yeah, but if connie —"
"is scared," jeremiah coughed under his breath.
"wants company," you continued, ignoring jeremiah. "then, it'll be more fun, right?" you were a mix between jere and belly: you were competitive, but you didn’t particularly care about following the rules. especially when it came to your friends, even more when it came to conrad.
conrad smiled at you softly. "right." 
reluctantly, jeremiah, belly and steven agreed to the terms of the dare. you removed your beach cover up, and conrad his shirt, leaving you both in your swimsuits, dry even with swimming in the pool a few hours before. you ran to the water, pulling conrad with you. you stopped at the edge of the sand, waves tickling your feet and the light, and warmth, of the bonfire a recent memory. it was much cooler here, closer to the water.
conrad nodded once. "ready." 
hands still clasped together, you jumped into the ocean, leaving the comfort of the shore behind. 
jeremiah finds stale marshmallows in the kitchen and steven makes a bonfire on the stretch of beach between your two houses. you head home to change out of your silk mini skirt and back into denim cutoffs. you switch your cream blouse for a short-sleeved button down, left open over your favourite bralette. when you get back to the beach, the boys have invited some people over, most of whom you don't recognize. 
"here," jeremiah hands you a lukewarm beer, which you accept gratefully. then, he throws an arm around your shoulder. "come on, there's some people i want you to meet." 
jeremiah introduces you to a few guys he works with at the club, and some girls who are doing the deb thing with belly. 
"jeremiah mentioned you’re a swimmer." gigi, one of the debs, smiles, eyeing the way jeremiah leans against you. "what's that like?"
the girls all wait expectantly for you to answer. 
"intense," you decide. you leave it at that. the fire flickers a few feet away, vibrant and alive. 
you want nothing more than to go back to those summer nights when you were kids. you want belly to be looking at the stars for elaborate constellations while jeremiah burns marshmallows to a crisp. you want steven to be laughing and making outrageous, impossible dares. you want the five of you together, huddled around a small fire that conrad had carefully crafted. you want conrad to be okay. 
"i hear that competitive sports can like, really fuck with a girl's self-esteem and body image," gigi continues. you don't necessarily think she means it as an insult, and it's certainly not anything you haven't heard (or felt) before, but you still bristle.
"like i said: intense," you answer cooly. 
"hey, man, when are we gonna get the marshmallows going?" steven suddenly appears, his face slightly flushed. he holds hands with shayla, who, as jeremiah pointed out earlier, steven is dating. 
"in a bit. i asked con to pick up chocolate and graham crackers for s'mores." jeremiah looks around before saying: "speaking of: look who's here!"
jeremiah runs off to meet his brother, while you stay back and take a sip of your beer. 
"looks like he brought nicole, too," steven observes.
who the fuck is nicole? 
nicole, you learn as the group sits around the bonfire and roasts marshmallows, is the girl conrad is either dating or hooking up with. jeremiah isn't quite sure.
the night grows darker. the air is warm with smoke from marshmallows roasting, the smell of burnt sugar dancing around. people start to leave to go to other parties, and soon enough it's only steven, shayla, nicole, conrad, jeremiah, and you. having less people around made it harder for you to ignore conrad. nicole is nice and pleasant to talk to, but you can't help but feel something churn in your stomach when you see how close nicole and conrad are to each other. plus, she's wearing a red sox cap, and you know for a fact that conrad hates the red sox, unless that obviously fundamental part of his personality changed too. 
jeremiah must have noticed, because he suggests a drinking game for the group to ease the tension. 
"never have i ever gotten a tattoo." 
you’re the only one to take a sip of your drink. 
"i meant a real one," steven rolls his eyes. 
"i do have a real tattoo." you remove the button down and point to the left side of your rib cage. 
the others take a closer look, except conrad, of course. he was always an expert at pretending not to care, but so were you. tonight is a prime example: since the bonfire, you hadn't said a word to each other. 
"why a starfish?" nicole asks. she leans further into conrad’s arms.
you look at conrad, briefly, then shrug. "i like the beach." 
the game continues until the fire dies down, and you’re left with a burning sensation from conrad glancing in your direction, at the starfish etched on your skin.
then — summer, age 13
"that's disgusting," steven said, scrunching his nose. 
"no, steven, that's friendship," you replied, just as jeremiah leaned over to take more from your cup, and vice versa.
"right, friendship." belly raised her eyebrow at you, and you rolled your eyes in response. you then decided to take an interest in your formerly white sneakers (after so many summers, they were now decorated with sand and sea water and permanent marker doodles. your mother hated them.)
that summer, belly became convinced that jeremiah had a crush on you. she said that he was absolutely lovestruck and that you were too blinded by years of being best friends with him to notice. jeremiah had made you promise not to tell belly the hilarious irony of the situation — that it was belly he so clearly loved.
"see, steven. friendship can be sweet!" jeremiah grinned, chewing the chunk of bubble gum he had fished from your cup. that was the type of cheesy thing only jeremiah could say and make others laugh unironically. 
years before, when you were just kids, you and jeremiah believed you had solved the most complicated problem in the world. you loved bubble gum ice cream, but hated the bubble gum chunks. jeremiah loved bubble gum chunks, and didn't care if the flavor clashed with his favorite rainbow sherbert because he loved you even more (platonically, of course). 
during the whole interaction, conrad was silent, looking out towards the beach. 
the five of you had walked to the nearest ice cream shop (there was no baskin robbins in cousins, but some nautical themed place with 50 flavors and unlimited toppings). you decided to come back and sit on the porch of the fisher house (where there was a decent amount of shade) rather than on the beach. it was one of the hottest afternoons of the summer, late july, when the sun was at its peak. those who'd been coming to cousins their whole lives knew that being at the beach in such weather was only good for swimming. 
you glanced at conrad, who took another bite (an actual bite) of his chocolate ice cream. he was sitting on the railing instead of the stairs like the rest of you, so you had to crane your neck slightly. you tapped his ankle, which was decorated with a temporary tattoo. the night before, the two of you had found a few left over from when you were kids and, having a sugar rush from too much cream soda and root beer (and maybe stolen sips of sangria when the adults weren't looking), decided it would be hilarious to see if the tattoos still worked. so, conrad had a cartoonish-looking shark on his ankle, and you had a similarly cartoonish-looking starfish on your arm. 
"you okay, connie?" you asked. you only got a nod and a small smile in response. more and more, as summer crept on, conrad would be laughing, loud and lively, one second (exhibit A: using those temporary tattoos the night before was his idea -- we don't want them to go to waste, y/n, he grinned mischievously) and the next he'd be silent, closed off (exhibit B: since you came back from your ice cream excursion, he'd barely said a word). 
even though you couldn't really read minds, you had an aching feeling that you knew what conrad was thinking in that moment, because you’d been thinking it, too: time was passing too quickly. in a few days, it would already be august, and september was just around the corner. the summer - your childhood - was as temporary as yours and conrad’s tattoos: vibrant and saturated, slightly faded, then gone. 
"i wanna go swimming. anyone wanna join me at the beach?" jeremiah suddenly asked. 
"i've gotta pick up the twins from day camp, but i'll try to meet you guys later." you knew that wasn't true though — things were getting more and more tense between your parents, your father storming out angrily after useless arguments and your mother passing out on the couch after one too many glasses of wine. someone needed to watch your siblings, and neither of your parents seemed pressed to find an actual babysitter.
"i'll stay with you," conrad said.
belly and steven took jeremiah up on his offer. once the other three were gone, you stood up. "scooch over." conrad shifted slightly and you went to join him on the railing, your knees practically knocking together. 
"so. did the tattoo help you get over your fear of sharks?" 
conrad took another bite of his ice cream, this time with a giant chunk of chocolate. "i don't fear sharks," he replied. then, he turned to you and shrugged. "i just respect them, you know?"
you bumped your shoulder against conrad's. "right. you respect them so much that you avoid the ocean at all costs." 
conrad smirked. "says the girl who avoids eating on the beach because she's scared of seagulls!" 
you were laughing, teasing each other, not caring that your ice cream was melting, when mr. fisher opened the front door, car keys in hand.
"oh, hey kids. we were wondering where you were."
"we went to scoops ahoy," you explained. you took a bite of your ice cream and resisted the urge to spit it out once you realized that it had a chunk of bubble gum in it. 
"better watch the ice cream, huh, y/n?" mr. fisher said, smiling like he said the funniest thing in the world. he patted his stomach to further his point. "if you want to keep up at those swim meets."
you suddenly froze, mid bite. you cleared your throat and dropped the spoon back in your half-empty cup, suddenly queasy.
"dad," conrad said, not raising his voice, but definitely irritated. "what the actual fuck."
"language, conrad," mr. fisher scolded. without another word, he got in his car and drove away.
"he shouldn't have said that," conrad said instantly.
"it's fine," you replied, too quickly to be true. you set down your ice cream between you and conrad. "it's nothing my own father hasn't said to me."
being a teenage girl was brutal, and competitive swimming amplified that, especially the older you got. there was always someone faster, someone more skilled, someone better. ice cream churned in your stomach at the thought. was your father right: had you wasted your summer, not practicing your technique and stuffing your face with sugary treats? 
conrad picked up your ice cream and handed it to you. he then took the spoon from his own cup, and stated: "fuck dads who are jerks." 
you couldn't help but smile. somehow, he always knew what to say to make you believe that you weren't alone, that things would be okay no matter how fucked up the world was. 
"fuck dads who are jerks," you echoed, raising your spoon.
"and,” conrad paused. he looked at you with gentle eyes. “to always being there for each other."
you smiled at him, heart soaring. "to always being there for each other." 
you clinked your spoons together, and ate your ice cream, and shifted closer so your legs pressed together — and it didn't feel like a temporary promise.
you always loved mornings in cousins. the beach was particularly beautiful at sunrise, the water at its most peaceful.
the morning after the bonfire, you need that peacefulness to wash over you. as quietly as you can to avoid waking up the rest of your family, you make a fresh pot of coffee and pour some into your favourite mug. it’s from the rainforest cafe: bright green with a cartoon frog on it. you brought it back from a swim meet in niagara falls when you were 10, and got one for the fishers as well. theirs was orange with a cartoon iguana. conrad would use it all the time; you imagine it collecting dust in the kitchen cupboard now.
you make your way down to the beach, and notice someone already sitting at your usual spot by the water.
conrad doesn’t say anything when you sit next to him. he’s wearing a red hoodie over his clothes from last night, a cigarette tucked behind his ear. he glances at you as you sip your drink. 
“morning,” he whispers.
you shiver, and not just from the cool morning air. you’re reminded of the last time conrad spoke to you so softly, the last time you’d caught an early morning sunrise together. such a contrast to where you are now.
“morning,” you finally reply. 
as the sound of waves fills the silence between you, conrad lights his cigarette and takes a puff. then, he hands it to you. in turn, you offer him your mug. a peace offering — you both accept. the space between you becomes open, comfortable.
“since when do you smoke?” you exhale, letting the smoke warm your lungs. 
conrad takes a long sip of coffee, looking out towards the ocean. “since i quit football.”
“i thought you loved football.”
“i loved it,” conrad answers. he takes another sip, then gives the mug back to you. “i don’t love it anymore.”
you take another drag of the cigarette. your fingers brush against his when you return it to him.
“once you love something, you never really unlove it,” you muse, even though you know exactly what he means — when it comes to sports. 
“don’t misquote spirited away at me,” he laughs, and you can’t help but smile. the first time you'd watch that movie was when you were 8. all the kids crowded into the den of the fisher house on a rainy day. susannah prepared an impressive spread of candy, popcorn, and soda for you all. you drank dr. pepper from a twizzler straw and cried when chihiro reunited with haku.
conrad glances at you and the sunshine highlights his smile, his brown hair, the hazel of his eyes. golden, radiant. 
you shiver again, looking away. before you know it, you feel something draped across your shoulders.
“i’m not sure nicole would like it if i was wearing your hoodie.” you joke, but your words are laced with a bitterness you hope conrad doesn’t catch. unlucky for you, conrad knew you too well. 
“you don’t get to do that,” he snaps.
“do what?”
conrad scoffs. “be jealous.” 
“well, you don’t get to tell me how to feel.”
“so, you are jealous?”
you exhale sharply; you can practically feel the wall between you two reappear.
“it’s too early, con. and i’m too hungover to deal with this.”
there’s nothing more left to say. you get up, throw his hoodie on the sand, and walk back towards your house, the beach and conrad further away with every step you take.
it makes sense that way: you were always the one to leave first.
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amnesique · 1 year
Friends to lovers with Conrad? Angst and then fluff at the end?
can't fight this feeling — conrad fisher
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"get ready to swallow the dust from behind me!" steven yelled at you, taking off before the start, cheating, just so he could follow through on his threat.
you exchanged glances first with conrad, and then with jeremiah, pointing towards steven, disappointed. "did he really just say that?" you asked the brothers, raising an eyebrow, but before they could answer you, you took off after steven, running as fast as you could while calling after him —words not exactly beautiful—, while also making conrad laugh.
he was used to your competitive behavior.
he was used to your mere presence in his group, which used to consist of just him, his younger brother, jeremiah, and their family friend and so-called other brother, steven.
that was until you showed up.
everything changed that one evening in the summer, when the boys were on one of their usual walks in the amusement park by the seaside, and steven happened to bump into you and leave a little more of the ice cream from his hand on your shirt. as a welcome-to-cousins-beach gift, he said.
you impressed the fisher brothers by buying an ice cream only to spread it all over steven's face in front of everyone, even in front of a girl who had caught his eye at the time, just to get revenge on him. so they somehow kept inviting you with them until even steven got used to your presence.
now you were at a party thrown by nicole, and watching everyone having fun, nicole and conrad talking caught your attention. you rarely saw him smile that summer, and now when you did, you saw him smile at something nicole had said. you couldn't help but feel at least a little betrayed.
yes, it's true that in your group all of you were always just friends. the guys knew that if they were going to have a crush on you, it would ruin the group dynamic, so they shut down any feelings of this kind. but you didn't.
you didn't say anything to anyone, but since about last summer when puberty hit you and conrad —he started getting muscles and abs while you started fantasizing about him—, you saw conrad as more than a friend. and seeing him with any girl other than you bothered you.
without thinking, you walked over to where they were sitting and sat down on the couch next to conrad. "sorry to bother you guys," you said with a fake smile, thankful that he wasn't looking at her now, but at you.
"something wrong?" he asked you, getting slightly worried.
"could you drive me home?"
he exchanged glances with nicole, obviously not wanting to say no, but he also felt bad to leave her alone, and nicole noticed that. "it's fine. you should drive her home."
he nodded and you smiled at nicole.
normally you didn't have a problem with her, you even thought she was kinda sweet, you just didn't want to see her around him. it was normal to think like that if he was your crush, right?
no one said anything on the way to your house. but when you arrived in front of your yard and when you wanted to get out of the car, he locked it from inside to stop you from doing so.
"what the hell, conrad?" you turned to him getting mad, your hand continuing to pull the car door opener in vain.
"what was that?" he asked you, barely audible, looking at you like you were the most beautiful enigma.
you rolled your eyes and tried the car opener one last time, just so you could avoid being alone with him in a small space, with his full attention on you as much as possible.
"talk to me," he said sweetly, reaching over the car's gear box to pull your hand off the opener, and your mind had memorized his gentle touch on your skin. pulling his hand away, conrad said, in a slightly more serious tone, "if you refuse to talk to me, then we'll both sleep in here as long as it takes for you to be honest."
"the sky really looks beautiful tonight,” you purposefully looked at the sky through your car's front mirror.
conrad said your name in a very serious tone, raising his voice a bit, and you felt yourself becoming one with the chair you were sitting on.
“i really don't want to talk about it,” you whispered.
the boy raised his eyebrow, looking at you, and you noticed his eyes in the moonlight, looking back at him, as tears formed in the corner of your eyes. "is something bad? should i be worried?"
you smiled weakly at him, and he then noticed your eyes watering, and he took a deep breath, weighing what he should do next.
"i'm the one who worries that if i talk, it will become too real and i won't be able to back down." your voice was a little hoarse.
"you're scaring me," conrad said, and you realized that you really were making the situation sound somehow dangerous, when it wasn't. it was serious, and it was a problem for you to lose the boys, but you weren't in any kind of danger. at least not physically.
you in turn took a deep breath, building up your courage, but looked down at your nails as you spoke, avoiding his gaze. "i like you." he didn't say anything. no sound from him. you looked up at him, "i like you, and i'm scared of the possibility of losing you three if it's not mutual or if the boys find out and get mad at me."
conrad was looking at you with no thought behind his eyes, at least not one that you could read.
he cleared his throat. "why would they get mad at you?"
was that all he understood from what you told him?
you looked down again, picking your nose as you frantically ran your hands through your hair, trying to tuck it behind your ears. "forget it. just open the door, please."
you looked towards your house, analyzing several things at once, only to not notice how the tears started to fall down your face.
"open the door, conrad," you said again, pulling on the opener, groaning when you noticed it still wouldn't open.
"wait," conrad whispered, trying to talk to you, but you kept trying, over and over, so he reached out to you again, to grab your hands and lower them to your side, while with his other hand he turned your head towards him, and his heart broke when he noticed you were crying. because of him. "you didn't understand me," he added, wiping the tears from your cheek with his thumb.
"i have no way of understanding you, conrad, if you don't talk to me. you only said a few words to me, even though i told you what i just told you." you let the words slide slowly across your lips, drawing his attention to them. "you gave me no reaction."
and he had continued to do so.
you suddenly pulled away from his touch, forcing him to stay with his hands in the air, and wiped away your tears alone, picking your nose again. "they won't get to get mad at me because they won't find out. because what i just told you doesn't change the fact that i will keep my word," you said confidently, too quickly for him to follow. "i won't be together with any of you."
"i like you too," conrad said and your heart sank.
"you what?"
conrad took a deep breath, fixing his gaze on you. "i like you too. and i was stupid not to tell you that from the first, but i was lost when you told me that you liked me. it just seemed unreal." he was talking fast, almost as fast as you were talking a few seconds ago, and he let a smile appear on his lips when he said the last word.
"you do?" you asked him in a whisper, and you looked at him with wide eyes.
hadn't all your fantasies of the last year been one-sided?
he nodded, and you didn't know how to feel.
"i liked you from the first moment i met you and i saw you spread ice cream all over steven's face" he said and chuckled weakly, making you chuckle too. "i like you and i won't let anything stop me from kissing you right now. because god knows how long i've been waiting for this moment," he added and he smiled at you, but you were lost in his words.
"what about the promise we made with steven and jeremiah?" you asked, slightly shyly, with slightly flushed cheeks.
he shrugged. "steven and jeremiah never liked you that way anyway, they just had good eyes to find you attractive."
"you find me attractive?" the redness in your cheeks intensified.
he chuckled again and now your heart skipped a beat with happiness. he came closer to you, cupped your face in his hands, and whispered to you, "would i do this if i didn't find you attractive?" and he pressed his lips to yours, moving his softly on top of yours, leading the kiss as you were still processing.
regaining your composure, you kissed him back as well, making it more sensual as you wrapped your hands around his neck and moved as close to him as the gearbox would allow.
you continued to kiss like there was no tomorrow until you ran out of air, and you had to move away enough so you can breathe, bringing your foreheads together.
"was so worth it ditching nicole for you," Conrad said, trying to catch his breath, to kiss you one more time. having his lips being on top of yours had just become his favorite activity in just a few seconds since he had done it for the first time.
you smiled contentedly, being you the one to pull him into the second kiss.
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kaylasficrecs · 1 year
conrad fisher recs
ocean eyes | one shot, flangst | @cryonme
i'm right here | imagine, flangst | @lovesickfoolwp
take care of you | imagine, flangst | @s1ater
break | imagine, flangst | @cryonme
guitar pick | au, two shot, fluff | @tatoda
starlight | imagine, flangst | @pretty-little-mind33
dress | imagine, trifecta (smut/fluff/angst) | @mvltisstuff
haunted | two shot, angst | @toms-gf
what am i supposed to do... | imagine, flangst (more angst) | @sourcherryandsprinkles
friends to lovers | imagine, fluff, smut | @cinemadaydream
everything | one shot, flangst (more angst) | @julieloves074
hugging conrad | drabble, flangst | @fitzells
mirrorball | imagine, flangst | @mvltisstuff
healed and hurt | imagine, flangst | @probably-writing-x
how to disappear | two shot, angst | @tearsoverfears
make it better | one shot, trifecta | @s-brant
clingy!reader | imagine, flangst | @conniesanchor
is that my shirt? | imagine, fluff | @sourcherryandsprinkles
motel scene | imagine, flangst | @kissesfromkiki
bet u wanna read my mind | one shot, flangst | @kissesfromkiki
wanting you | imagine, fluffy flangst | @tatoda
stanford girl | imagine, fluff | @sourcherryandsprinkles
cinnamon girl | series | @kissesfromkiki
seeing you | imagine, smut | @tatoda
this love | one shot, flangst | @kissesfromkiki
seeing each other in secret | imagine, smut | @sourcherryandsprinkles
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fitzells · 1 year
jealous! conrad blurb—just imagine a random guy flirting w reader at a party and conrad joining the conversation offering you a drink.
this sucks and is not proofread. i wrote this in 5 minutes. i’m a little rusty, forgive me. anyways, i love me some bestfriends to lovers. send me more of these for the tsitp characters!!!!!! (bellyconrad 4eva❤️‍🔥)
“So, how long have you been coming to Cousins? I feel like I’d remember seeing your pretty face around here before.”
You couldn’t remember his name. Aaron, Adam? Alex? Bingo. Alex. He was cute. Not your type, not as cute as your floppy haired best friend who was staring over in your direction with a scowl on his face; but cute nonetheless.
“Uh, every year since I was like… born, I guess.” You breathed out awkwardly, sipping from the red cup in your hand. He nodded, not-so-smoothly stretching his arms over his head and wrapping one around your shoulders. Sheepish sips turned into desperate gulps, and it wasn’t too long before you had downed the bitter liquid in your cup.
“I’ll go get you another—“
“It’s cool man, I got her one. Probably shouldn’t let some rando fill up her cup, never know what someone’s intentions are, you know.”
Your brows raised in amusement as you tilted your chin up to see the boy standing in front of you. He shot you a crooked grin, placing the fresh drink in your hand nervously. You chuckled to yourself, feeling frozen as you kept your eyes on him. “Thanks Con.”
“What I’m here for.” You bit down on the inside of your cheek, masking the smile on your face as you met his gaze. You barely noticed Alex’s arm slip from your shoulder, whilst he cleared his throat gruffly.
“Sorry dude, I didn’t realise you guys were… Yeah, totally not my place, man.” He raised his hands in surrender, nodding a goodbye to you and Conrad curtly.
You cringed, your body squirming in on itself as Alex walked away from you both. “Oh no, we’re not—“
“It’s okay, bro. You didn’t know, don’t worry about it.” He did that little smug grin he always does; and you slapped at his shoulder. Hard.
“What!” He laughed, once Alex was out of earshot.
“You’re such an asshole. And since when did you call random people ‘bro’? You are so not that guy, Fisher.”
“Oh I’m sorry, did I ruin your chances of hooking up with some lanky idiot?”
You scoff at the hypocrisy. “Says the lanky idiot!”
He only grinned, you hated how much you loved his stupid smile.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous, you know.” You muttered into the fabric of his shirt as he pulled you in for a hug. It was his turn to scoff; shaking his head.
“Jealous. You’re funny.”
You gnawed on your bottom lip. “So if I asked you to kiss me right here, right now, you’d reject me?”
“What? You want me to kiss you?” All smiles were wiped off his face, eyebrows raised and hair brushing against his freshly tanned forehead. You smiled shyly up at him. “Do you want to?”
He nodded slowly. “Ye— I mean, of course I do. I always do.”
“Aha!” You exclaimed, ducking away from his embrace. You took backwards steps towards where Jeremiah and Belly were standing, still facing your best friend as you cackled cruelly. “See! You were totally jealous!”
He went bright red, unable to fight the childish giggles bubbling in his chest. “You suck, you know that?”
And a shriek fell past your lips as he sprinted over to you, flinging you over his shoulder and running over to the sea; the booming laughter of your friends getting closer as they ran towards you both.
“Hey would you look at that! Payback’s an even bigger bitch than you are, angel.”
“Conrad don’t even think about i—“
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taytrashmouth · 1 year
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The summer I’ve waited for
Jeremiah fisher x female reader
TW: drinking, swearing.
Description: you’ve been friends with Jeremiah forever, back in Boston you are inseparable, what happens when he invites you to cousins this summer
You met Jeremiah at school when you were 12, he’s always been funny and kind, he was nice to you when no one else was.
You were best friends since the first moment you met, the only thing that sucked was that he was never around for summer.
But this year, at 16 he invited you with, Susannah was so happy you were coming with, Belly would have a girlfriend and she loved you like her own.
The drive down to cousins was long, Conrad drove, Susannah scrolled through her phone in the passengers seat while you sat in the back with Jeremiah.
Your leg was bouncing up and down rapidly, what if it was awkward, what if belly didn’t like you, what if you ruined the perfect summers Jeremiah spoke of so often-
Your thoughts were broken when jere put his hand on your bouncing leg.
“Hey what’s wrong?” He frowned.
“Just nervous.” You shook your head.
“It’ll be so fun having you around, and I already know belly will love you, besides you’ll have me by your side, you’re stuck with me for three whole months.”
You couldn’t help but smile, he had no idea how much you liked him, he was the only boy you’d liked for 5 years. Spending 3 months with him sounded like heaven.
When you arrived Jeremiah showed you your room, right across from his. The house was gorgeous and the sound of the waves was magical.
You sat outside by the pool looking out at the ocean once you’d unpacked. Absolutely mesmerized.
It wasn’t until you saw Conrad, Jeremiah and Steven (you’d seen him in photos) throwing belly into the pool while she kicked and screamed.
“You guys that wasn’t funny.” Belly spoke.
“Yeah guys not cool.” You walked behind both Conrad and Jeremiah, hands around their waists. As they both turned to look at you, you pushed as hard as you could pushing them both in too.
They both yelled and you and belly laughed.
“I love her!” Belly laughed and smiled at Jeremiah, gesturing to you.
“Yeah me too.” He smiled subtly and looked down at the water, making you blush.
It was a few days later that you sat at the kitchen island waiting to watch a movie with belly and the moms that belly said something that surprised you.
“You know I’m so happy i finally got to meet you cause you’re like really cool, and because jere talks about you non-stop, he thinks you’re so smart and he tells us all these stories about you being like the coolest person.” Belly rambled.
“All good things I hope.” You chuckled, blushing slightly. “ I’m sure he doesn’t talk about me that much.”
“No there was a point I wanted to be you, and I hadn’t even seen your photo- I was like 12 but still”
You both giggled.
Summer went on, you went to parties with jere and he taught you how to play beer pong, you both sang karaoke at this tiki bar on Saturdays, he showed you all of his favorite spots in cousins. Late night drives and long walks on the beach.
Everything was perfect except you couldn’t help but feel that he loved belly…..and it hurt.
But there were moments where you allowed yourself to dream, to feel as though he liked you back.
The night by the pool when lover came on the speaker and you smiled at the sound of your favorite song.
“Let’s dance.” Jeremiah spoke. You looked up at him as he stood up and held out his hand. “You need to practice anyway.” Referring to the deb ball, belly begged you to do it with her.
You didn’t know how the hell to find a date, you only liked, and wanted one guy.
You smiled and gave him your hand. He pulled you up and held your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and you began to sway. He spun you around slowly once or twice but soon it was just the two of you in this moment, looking into each others eyes.
“You’re a good dancer.” You whispered.
“I have a good partner.” He smiled, both of your cheeks burning.
Then there was the day you tried on your debutante dress, you looked in your bedroom mirror, only seeing the parts of yourself you hated.
That’s when Jere barged in with a smile, rambling about something Steven just did, but when you turned around he stopped dead.
“Holy shit…” he let out.
“I know-“ your voice was laced with insecurities but he didn’t let you fished before moving closer and making you spin around.
“You’re perfect.” He smiled and held your cheeks, you leaned into his touch wishing this moment would last.
Tears filled your eyes, he was healing all your wounds, damage he didn’t even cause.
“Thank you.” You smiled back.
When Taylor came out for belly’s birthday she bought belly a purple swimsuit, she had a pink one and she had bought you a dark blue one, because she knew belly liked you, and wanted you to be included.
You were insecure, people at school had bullied you your whole life, your weight fluctuated a lot and you weren’t exactly comfortable in a bikini.
When you didn’t go down to the pool after about 20mins jere came to look for you…
He found you in your bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror in your new bikini with tears running down your cheeks
“Hey hey hey, what’s wrong?” He asked with a frown, immediately pulled you into his chest.
You hugged him tightly and he stroked your hair.
“I hate it.” You chocked.
“What? What do you hate?” He held your shoulders looking at your face now.
“Me, they way I look, fuck, I look like a whale compared to them.”
Jeremiah almost laughed.
“Them? Belly and taylor?”
“Yeah and like every other girl at this stupid beach.” You cried more, but he wiped away the tears that fell.
“Turn around.” He smiled, you grumpily spun.
“Exactly what I thought, no sign of a whale…and y/n….you’re hot, don’t tell belly or Taylor I said this but you’re like way hotter than them.” He exclaimed.
You chocked a laugh.
“Really?” You frowned again.
“Definitely.” He hugged you again, and made jokes as you washed your face before following him back to the pool.
“I found her!!! She was trying to make sure she was still hotter than all of us.” He joked as you walked out the doors to the pool.
Taylor smiled, “I knew that bikini was your color, it’s literally so hot.” Belly nodded in agreement.
Steven gawked at you as you climbed into the pool and belly hit him on the head.
It wasn’t until you were walking along the beach as the sun set, a week till the deb ball and still you had no date.
“Hey!” Jeremiah called as he ran down the beach to catch up.
“Hey.” You smiled back.
You talked about a lot of things as the sun began to set.
“Still no date?” He asked.
You shook your head,
“Seriously? I don’t believe no one’s asked you.” He spoke as if you were the most precious thing that any guy would want.
You shook your head again, a few guys had asked, but you didn’t really want to go with them. So you told them no.
You continued to talk about the ball.
“Mom told Conrad to ask Belly, but I think she’ll be pissed if she finds out he didn’t actually want to ask her you know?” He spoke.
“Yeah, I’d be pissed if that happened to me.”
“That’s why I swore off these things, drama creating nonsense, I’d only make an exception for this one girl-“ he spoke slowly but you cut him off.
“Yeah, it sucks that Conrad’s taking her-“
“What?” He stopped walking.
“You like belly….don’t you?” You frowned.
He scoffed and looked off to the side.
“You’re really really dumb for someone with straight A’s, you know that?” He asked.
You frowned even more.
“I’d make an exception for you n/n….”
Your whole world stopped for a minute, looking into his ocean eyes.
“I’m just waiting for you to ask me……” he looked at his feet.
“I didn’t ask because I needed to know you wanted this, I couldn’t do it because i could never forgive myself if I screwed this up, us…” he looked back up at you.
Your heart was pounding, your head was exploding and your stomach erupted with butterflies.
“Will you go to the ball with me Jere?” You smiled.
He sighed with relief and smiled the biggest you e ever seen.
“Fuck yes!!!!” He wrapped his arms around you and spun you in the air before putting you down.
You laughed, feeling on top of the world.
“You sure about this?” He asked looking down at you.
“It’s been five years of crushing, I’m sure.” You joked.
“Good because I really want to kiss you.” He smiled.
He leaned in and your lips met, it was like two pieces of a puzzle. So passionate yet soft. This was the summer you’d always wanted, the summer you waited for.
As you broke apart for air you both smiled and entangled your hands, and you walked home in the dark, waves crashing against your ankles.
“I liked you before we were even friends you know.” Jeremiah spoke up.
“Yeah, I saw you in the hallway one day and I knew, that the pretty girl by locker 34 was going to be my wife one day.”
You smiled, and laughed with him, as you swing your hands back and forth.
“Really? I still had braces….why me?” You asked with a frown.
“Because I love you, you idiot!” He yelled, he turned and kissed you for the second time that night. You smiled into the kiss, and the waves crashed into your calves.
“I love you too…I always have.” You told him. “And I’m not sure about ‘wife’ just yet, but I’m just waiting for you to ask me..” you quoted his words from earlier.
He smiled and got down on one knee, his shorts were wet and your dress was blowing in the wind. You threw your head back in a smile.
“Y/n l/n, will you make me the happiest golden retriever and be my girlfriend,”
“Fuck yes!!!!”
He got up and you held onto each other like it was the last time you’d hug.
When you arrived back at the house, he dragged you up to his room, rummaging in his drawer to find something.
“I uh- I got this for your birthday last year, but I chickened out of giving it to you because I though it might overstep a boundary or something.” He explained as he sat next to you on his bed and handed you a box.
You carefully took off the lid and revealed a sliver locket, the letter J engraved on the front, you opened it up and on the left was a picture on Jeremiah giving you a piggy back ride, both of you smiling so widely. And on the right the lyrics ‘at every table I’ll save you a seat’ were engraved in cursive.
You closed the locket and stared at the J, then at him, tears in your eyes.
“Because I really know you.” He pointed at his initial.
You smiled, tears falling.
“I love you, you’re perfect.” You smiled, looking at his beautiful eyes, and smile, thinking of how thoughtful he was, how kind, how funny, he was yours, and you were his.
He helped you out the necklace on, and you never took it off
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darkeralmond · 1 year
could you do a friends with benefits fan fiction with conrad fisher? and maybe they get together at the end?
ofc i can!! tysm for the request!! i love u ❤️❤️❤️
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Conrad Fisher x Reader
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synopsis: you and conrad had always been close growing up. you cared for him and he cared for you. when him and nicole broke up, he came to you for comfort. that’s when this whole fling started. now the deb ball was coming up and you wanted things to become more serious.
warnings: fluff, fwb relationship, Conrad being adorable, suggestive dialogue
word count: 1k
a/n: I COULDNT STOP SMILING WHILE WRITING THIS!! this is such an adorable concept tysm for the request!
masterlist | request info
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You had been going down to Cousins for as long as you could remember. You always came down with the Fishers and would stay for only half the summer. Then when the 4th of July hit, your mom would come down to hang out at the beach house before taking you home. However, that changed this summer since your motm wanted you to participate in the Debutante Ball with Belly.
Things had changed since a couple summers ago. You ended up in a messy relationship with one of the football players at your high school, Lucas. The two of you broke things off since neither of you could provide what the other wanted. It broke you. Your friends comforted you, sure, but Conrad’s comfort was the only thing to get you through the break up.
You then had to reciprocate that same comfort after he and Nicole broke things off because of an unknown reason. Just like what happened after you and Lucas, you comforted him in the beach house bedroom. The only difference was the outcome of your care. That's when the pattern of hooking up as “just friends'' started. That's when your true feelings for Conrad finally emerged.
Now here you two were, making out to TV Girl’s “Lover’s Rock” on his bed. It was truly romantic in the most platonic way possible. You laid on top of Conrad as his hands ran up and down your thighs gently like you were fragile. Your mind strayed off during the long period of kissing.
The Deb ball was coming up in the next couple of days and it seemed like all your Deb sisters had an escort but you. Now that both you and Conrad were out of your complicated relationships, it left you with an open opportunity to ask him.
You then thought about how Belly would react to that, she’s always had an obvious crush on Conrad. Would that be betraying her? No because she started dating Cam and now she’s going with Jeremiah. Why would she care if you went with Conrad when she’s obviously occupied with other guys?
You pulled away from the kiss and looked down at him, clearly distressed. Being only friends didn’t feel right to you anymore, frankly because your crush on Conrad grew to the point where it was hard to ignore. He furrowed his eyebrows and cracked a smile. “What?”
You got off of him and flopped down onto the mattress next to him. You laid on your side and met his gaze. “Conrad?” you mumbled.
He chuckled, “Yeah?”
You took a deep inhale and looked up at the ceiling. The tips of your ears felt piping hot, the words hung in your throat ready to escape. It was just one simple question. You finally blurted it out, “Would you… Would you like to be my escort to the Deb ball?”
Your heart raced as you met his gaze again. His expression shifted from playful confusion to pure authentic confusion. “What?” he asked. “Why?”
That wasn’t the reaction you were hoping for. You didn’t expect him to flat out say yes, but you didn’t expect him to sound so… confused?
“Well,” you started, “I don’t have an escort yet and I just thought now that you and Nicole aren’t a thing and Wes and I aren’t a thing that we could go… together.”
You couldn’t picture yourself going with anyone else. You couldn’t picture yourself with anyone else, period. Only Conrad. It was always only Conrad.
“Y/N, be honest,” he sighed. “Do you have feelings for me?” You suddenly felt feverishly hot as your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. You transferred your gaze down to the hem of his t-shirt as an excuse to not look him directly in his eyes. All you had to do was say no, but the silence was his answer. “Y/N, I thought we were gonna keep this strictly just being friends.” He pinched the bridge of his nose while letting out a long exhale,
“Yeah, well have you met you?” you argued. “It’s pretty hard not to fall in love with you and your mysterious persona.”
The seriousness on his face melted away as he chuckled. “Mysterious persona?” He laughed harder which eased your nerves slightly. You cracked a nervous smile and he collected himself before speaking again, “How long have you felt this way?”
Your feelings for Conrad had always been hidden deep in your heart, but they didn’t become known until that night at Shayla’s party. “The first night we fucked after Nicole dumped you.” It wasn’t unbearably long, but it was still too long to keep a secret that big.
His hands cupped your cheeks, lifting your chin up so you could meet his eyes. “I like you, don’t get that mixed up,” he said, “but relationships are really messy. I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
You brought your hand up to meet his and cracked a small smile. “I know, but if we don’t try something, we’ll never know where it could lead us to?” You felt your heartbeat accelerate. You had only ever done this one before and that was with Lucas. “At least tell me what you think we should do. You’re the smartest person I know.”
He knew how breaking things off with him affected you mentally. He didn’t want to be the reason you ever felt that kind of pain again. Conrad smiled and leaned forward. He placed a light kiss on your lips, “Is the dance still the same?” You giggled and placed your forehead against his. “I hope that means yes.” His thumb stroked your cheekbone. You closed your eyes and savored the contact.
“Yes,” you laughed, “it does.”
His warm breaths mixed with the feeling of his soft yet firm hands on you made you feel secure. He was your safety net. The person who could always make sure you were okay even when things weren’t looking up. He was yours to keep.
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grapejuicestyless · 11 months
Can you please do a conklin oldest sister x Conrad in a best friends to lovers. Like the four times you almost kissed and the one time you did.
I was thinking maybe for one time she’s cleaning him up after the bonfire fight and he’s sorta drunk and thanks her for always caring for him or just ask her why she does it and it gets all tense and then obv they almost kiss and then they get interrupted. And maybe another one in their tween years. The other two can be whatever you want. Also childhood flashbacks and fluff, probably Susannah sorta knowing and shipping too. A tiny bit of angst too. Sorry if this is a lot like your Back to You one! Thanks <3!
Don’t Go.
Conrad Fisher x fem!reader
Summery: The THREE times you almost kissed and the one time you did.
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“Con.” My voice was soft. His bedroom was quiet, even the softest of whispers echoed through the four walls. Bouncing around and ringing back into our ears.
He hummed in response, eyes stuck to the ceiling. We counted each bump, each paint stroke. Not out of boredom, but because the idea that we could be together, just the two of us in our own little peace was comforting.
“Do you think we’re best friends in every universe?” The question was stuck to my tongue like glue. It almost hurt coming out that way. A double edge sword, in some ways.
In my head, I’d always entertained the idea of Conrad and I. A pairing that just worked. The idea that I could call him mine, his mornings and nights. I enjoyed the daydream of his arms around my own. His shirt in my closet. Not because I stole it, but because he wanted me to have it.
Swallowing, my eyes flickered back over to his face. When I pulled myself from my head, I saw him. His eyes bright, serious and looking deeply into my own. The soft smile on his face said it all, the gentle touch of his shoulder brushing my own. We were so close that his deep breathing caused our skin to touch. Our arms bumping into each other smoothly.
“You trying to get rid of me already? I thought we had a good thing going?” He faked offense, a coy smile on his face turning into one that was purely cheeky. I couldn’t help but laugh. It wasn’t unusual for Conrad to avoid deeper questions. It wasn’t because he couldn’t answer them. No, Conrad was one of the brightest people I knew, if not the most.
So, I pushed at him. Nudged him so he shook. I needed to know. In my eyes, all I could ever see was Conrad. What if he never imagined the same?
His deep sigh sounded distant. I knew then that he understood why I even bothered to ask. He wasn’t annoyed, he never was. It was just a calming pause as he thought of what to say. My breath caught in my throat, there was a pregnant pause. His eyes stuck to ceiling, my hands intertwined over my stomach.
I couldn’t pull my eyes from his face. How beautiful he looked in the setting sun. The rays of warmth dancing through his cracked window, leaving a warm spit on the bed. We soaked it up. I watched how his face never lost the glow of happiness, a gentle smile forever stretched across his calm face.
His smile was always evident, even when he was serious. He once said it was because there was nothing I could do to make him upset. That I was a radiant ball of sunshine, a shot of expresso. I took it as an insult then, I thought he was calling me annoying. Now I understand I was far too immature to understand how poetic he was.
“In every universe.” Again, he looked to me. His eyes were certain of it. Like even if it was unsure that any other universe existed, if one did he was positive that we would be just the same. Laying in the quiet in the warm sunlight, taking in the peace of each other’s presence.
Boundless. Infinite. The only words that could accurately describe us, I believed. The possibilities of what could be. With each passing second, the invisible string that tied us together, tethering around out hearts grew thicker. Tightening between them, the distance left little room to get away.
If I ever decided I hated him, which I understood now would forever be impossible with how grand the impact his love had on my heart was, even then I would forever be tied to his pinky. Stuck to him like glue. We would forever be connected. We were infinite.
And for that time, I swore I could feel some energy pulling him closer. His soft breaths escaping his nose tickled my own. He looked concentrated, almost like he was preoccupied with something. Something that was tugging at him ferociously. For a moment, his bright eyes lowered, darkened by the heaviness of his eyelids. We were stuck, forever inching closer. I wondered if this was really happening.
“Do you ever think of death?” His cheeky smile pulled me again from my overly sentimental ideals. He was serious, he always was when he needed to be. But then again, I know my best friend, I know my Conrad. Its only so long before he retreats back to the warm hug of his poorly timed jokes and mediocre humor.
“Shut up!” I laughed. Even though I had pushed him, the rush of laughter weakened my muscles. Even with all the force of my arms he barely moved. So, collapsed on his bed, we laid in our own shared joy until it faded into another quiet nothingness. And still, we were never bored, but instead basking in the other’s presence. Happy to be able to sit so close and call the other their best friend.
At the time, I prayed he would have kissed me. The thought of it kept me up some nights. What was he playing? What was his reasoning. I realized now that Conrad may not have been going in for something so intimate. He got lost often, trying to find some comedic relief. It was more Jeremiah’s speed, the light hearted jokes and the idiotic tendencies. But we were only fourteen then. Back when the invitation to his bedroom felt like a golden ticket, a privilege to be seated so close to the boy I swooned so horribly over in my prepubescence.
What I didn’t know then, something that was uncertain I certainly knew now. Conrad wasn’t trying to kiss me, and he never would. He was my best friend, my buddy. I was the girl who would stand beside him and wish she could be the girls he fell for each time. We were best friends, in every universe. Infinite.
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The grass was wet. Dew covered the blossoming slopes of green, sand packed into the roots, picking up in the gentle breeze. The radio from the ruby red Jeep crackled with the early morning birds. August humidity, blue jays and seagulls singing and squawking. If you moved in the right way, bending your arms outward, the air would fill your shirt and the flapping sound would fill the car unbearably loud. I knew that because Y/n insisted it was freeing. My bare chest in the ocean wasn’t subjected to the same heat she endured. Our clothes didn’t stick the same.
It was a routine now. Every Wednesday, just before the sun fully broke the horizon, Y/n and I would tiptoe as quietly downstairs as we could, simply to be able to refill the muffin tray. Neither of us enjoyed the raisin ones. Laurels favorites, though her sour expression seemed to say otherwise. Maybe it was a health thing, she would never tell us. She was stubborn, and strong. It was obvious that Y/n was her daughter.
The pebbled driveway felt much louder without the accompanying screaming of children and loud engines of lawnmowers. Each step was followed by an apologetic hiss, we would spend a few minutes just getting to the car. The tradition seemed stupid after the first month, but it was so ingrained into our minds, it felt wrong to just rush to the car. It was less fun without the thrill of sneaking out.
She’d always wait until the silent street turned into bustling town roads, families ready to work, friends ready to leave. Once my hands were tied she would roll down her window and shift her body. She would smile at me until I acknowledged it. She was cocky, smug about my growing annoyance.
And at first, it really got on my nerves. Yet, the more and more she did it, the less I cared about the reasons, the more the sound drowned out with the townsfolk laughing just a little too loud for the early morning and the barking dogs and hissing cats.
I never fully enjoyed it. Every sharp corner still hurt my ears, but I never minded it. Her laughter and ease put my mind to rest. More so, it reminded me that this was something only she would do. Only she would think to annoy me with.
My heart fluttered, pathetically at how simple her teasing was and how much it affected me. How her laughter cured any headache. How the leather seats smelled less like the beach and more of Y/n’s summer scents.
She worked two jobs. A coffee shop in the winter and a small ice cream hut in only July. And with each place she visited, she changed ever so slightly.
In December, she smelled of coffee grounds. It was something usually so bitter, but something that mixed so perfectly with her vanilla perfume she’d worn since freshman year, it balanced into something delicate, delicious. It was intoxicating, almost as much as she was.
In the summer, she smelled of strawberry and something sweet. Not quite vanilla, but closely related. It was refreshing, never overpowering. All of the winter washed away, you could practically smell the sand stuck to our skin and salty hair from the water.
I loved how I could smell it. I loved how I knew the difference. It reminded me of all the time we spent together. How lucky I was to have her so close. Even if our time was always so limited. I knew the difference because I payed attention. She was my favorite person, without a doubt. I knew her through and through. Her shampoo, her favorite tops. I knew everything because I loved her. Held her close with no room to let go.
And the more I came to terms with this, the less resistant I became to her teasing. The less resistant I was to the sound of her shirt violently shaking in the wind. The windows being down and letting in the morning chill no longer phased me. It was routine, one I’d grown to love endlessly. One I couldn’t ever part with.
Pulling up to the small bakery that sold the muffins, I could always predict the order. Two chocolate chips, three blueberry, two raisin and one plain. I knew that on the way back to the car, she would be balancing the boxes in her arms, begging me to not help and just open the damn door.
When we’d get back into the car, she’d immediately open a box. Then, we’d split a blueberry muffin. It was tradition.
Always the messy eaters, soon the evidence was left on our faces. Crumbs stuck in the crevices of the leather seats, blue smeared by the corners of our mouths. I couldn’t help hut laugh at her ridiculousness. Her furrowed brows and happy smile. She looked so soft like this. The morning glow and her determination to finish the muffin quickly. It put everything into perspective. A reminder of why I felt so strongly stuck to her.
“You have a little something.” She teased, finger pointing, ironically enough, to a splotch of blue painted on her own face. She was unaware, yet so sure of her own joke she hadn’t gone to wipe her own face prior.
“Oh yeah?” I challenged. She nodded, “Where?” I persisted, I leaned in closer, riling her up. Her hand smeared across my face. Harshly wiping at the crumbs until it was just a faint line of blue from my lip to my cheek.
“Got it.” I pushed away, spitting at her stupid jokes. Truthfully, if it had been anyone else I would’ve yelled. It was childish, annoying. But this was Y/n, so somehow it became rather endearing, sweet.
My eyes locked with the blueberry by the corner of her mouth. She didn’t notice how my face had relaxed into a gentler smile, how my shoulder settled and breathing calmed. As she was thrown into her own laughing fit. Her hands guarded her body and her eyes were teary. It was my chance.
With revenge in my sight, my hand slapped across her face smoothly. Not hard enough to hurt her, but enough to make her eyes snap open and laughing to calm. Smearing her own mess around her face, blue gathered around her skin like a violet tinted lipstick. She looked shocked, only for a minute.
I saw the way her mouth quivered, I felt her heart face. But it all stuttered to a stop when the first laugh escaped her serious gaze. A silent admittance that U had gotten her back, a playful game between the two of us that ended in spilled baked goods and messy skin.
“Truce?” She called in the cool down. My eyes found hers then, and in them held a honest truth, no tricks hidden behind them or malicious intent. Oddly enough, the foolish game between made my body feel warmer, fuzzy. My heart raced. It was something so secretive in a way. Nobody would know what happened here, it was a memory between just us. Something that I only we could smile about.
My head was stuck in a lavender haze, so much so I fell oblivious to the way my hand barely traced her lip. My hands curled into a fist, I rubbed away some violet from the corner of her mouth. It was gentle, feathery light even.
I am reminded every time I touch her that I do not have her, and blinded by the possibility that one day I could. Her skin feels natural under my fingers. Maybe its the fact I’ve known the girl for my whole life, or maybe its my own unshakeable love for her. Still, for some reason I am stuck with my hand by her cheek, with my eyes concentrated on the way shes smiling while I do it.
“Conrad?” Her voice is soft, nervous almost. I look to meet her eyes, but I keep my hand still, slipping just below her jawline. There I swipe my hand under it to cradle her head by her ear. I leave a trail of evidence in my wake, it reminds me of how playful we were, how painfully platonic her jokes were. It almost burns to hold her now, so my hands fall to my sides.
In my little resistance left, I held back. But more than anything, I wanted to place my lips against hers. She looked so much like home. She was everything to me. But her voice and her concern reminds me that her lips are not mine to kiss. I clear my throat, trying not to seem so flustered.
“Sorry, I spaced out.” It wasn’t exactly a lie. Y/n was guilty of having a magnetism that felt almost obnoxious. It pulls you in, and once your in its hold, its impossible to remember reality.
“Yeah, yeah. Its fine. We should probably get back.” I nodded in agreement, but even with my eyes pulled away from her, all my willpower used up on trying to not look at her, I notice her hurt tone. How she seems almost distant, disappointed. She shifts in her seat when the car starts again. Suddenly the muffin tastes bitter under its sweat exterior. And I am filled with regret.
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“Conrad, I’m going to grab a drink, you want your usual?” I nodded, eyes watching how she weaved between the crowd, her shoulders shrink and her waist turns until shes gone into the night.
I forget how many people are around when shes so close. It’s embarrassing how obsessed I feel around her. I can feel how my heart beats aggressively whenever shes around, I wonder if she feels it to. I think about taking her hand, placing it on my chest and asking her. Its a thought that comes solely because I am drunk. I know it. Sober me would never have to courage, the audacity to go onto her so quickly. But the liquor is the microphone and I am projecting my feelings more openly than ever before.
I think of all the times we came so close. How when she asked if we would be forever together, I choked and pushed away what was presented. It was romantic, and we were so young. Then I had never felt more confident and I held back. She gives me another chance, as I wipe away all crumbs and I fold again. I am conscious of my surroundings, of my feelings. I am aware of the consequences.
“…Y/n.” The name is fuzzy, I am still coming out of my daydreams, my head is clearing again when the sound of her name comes up out of the blue. When I turn I see a scattered group of younger boys. High schoolers, no doubt. I see the way they search into the distance like I had. Not seeing anyone but wishing they could.
Its a blur, how it happens. One of them says something stupid, horny and drunk and suddenly we are in the sand. My knuckles are bloody, my nose is bleeding. I hear him grunting underneath my body, I am suddenly aware that I am winning.
“Conrad!” Her voice is heavenly, but I don’t pull my punches. I am angry, defending her like I owe it to her. I don’t even know if he’s hitting back anymore. I can’t feel it, I’m going numb.
“Conrad!” Her hands yank at me until I stand. He’s still swinging, but he’s missing. Bruises are forming, his mouth is bleeding. I feel no remorse. I am not sorry, not until I turn around and see her.
Her eyes are glistening, and her nose is scrunched. Whether from her threatening tears or the stench of sweat and smoke. I cannot tell. But I know how her lip is quivering, how hard she is holding back. Whether it is sadness or anger, I do not want to know.
Watching her stare me down, its like letting the high come down. The numbness fades, turns out the boy had gotten some punches. My body is littered in bruises and cuts from his nails.
When she drags me away, I understand how naive I was for thinking she would appreciate the violence. All of this happens so quick, I didn’t even get to tell her it only happened because all I want is for her to be respected. I did it to defend her. Shes silent, breathing heavily to make the escape, nobody has to know what happened but us.
Shes a good friend to me, shes always there. Its stupid how my heart flutters again, how it drops into my stomach and back up again. I want to hurl, I am so anxious of her reaction. And all I want is for her to hold me and tell me I did her right.
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The stench of smoke was stuck in the air. Even in a ventilated room, one filled with cracked open windows and boundless moonlight bleeding across the floor. The white tiles speckled with crimson red dots, a reckless line to the toilet.
I had him in my hands, cheeks squished under my palms, toilet paper held against his nose. His breathing was stuffy, heavy. All remnants of the evening.
If I knew how much trouble he would cause, I wouldn’t have walked away. No, if I knew he would suffer, I wouldn’t have left.
His eyes are shifty, glossy and wide. He is drunk, and emotional. He wouldn’t ever tell me why, but I assume its because the bruises that make him flinch each time he stretches too far out.
He hiccups, groaning and holding his side. I almost roll my eyes at his stupidity.
“Hold still.” I say it under my breath, focused on prying away the tissue from him nose. I blot at the crimson that stains his peachy skin. His eyes shut tightly, tears fall from the corners. He hasn’t cried in front of me in awhile, it makes my heart stop.
His hand fumbles for mine, and once its found, suddenly I’m holding it. He’s not squeezing, but I can feel how he resists the urge to. He does one time, squeeze my hand. When I hiss, he apologizes repeatedly.
“It’s okay, I know, I know.” I plead for him to stop so I can finish. He is drunk and I an no better. I am halfway to where he is, a red solo cup spilled on the beach that would’ve led me there.
“See? All done.” Tossing the red wine stained tissue into the trash, his eyes open. They are foggy, and he is quiet. For a minute I think he might vomit, but it never comes and the floor is just as clean as it was when we came.
“You always take care of me.” He breaks the heavy silence. Neither of us are sure if Im angry or not. Neither of us can decide it.
“No I don’t.” I remember the time he fell of the monkey bars in pre-school and I laughed until he got so angry that he shoved me into the grass. I remember how in middle school, when a girl had a crush on him I told her he still slept with a night light. It wasn’t a lie-but it was cruel.
“Yes you do, you always do.” He thinks of the time when I got the last chocolate soft serve and he wanted it so desperately. How he didn’t even beg me, I wanted to see him happy so I shared. He thinks of the time his first girlfriend dumped him so we called the entire night until she was a distant memory. He thinks of all the good, while I only see the bad.
“Why do you do it?” Because I love you, you idiot. What I want to say, but never will. Because with each chance that I think he might feel the same, with every chance we have at becoming more, he slips away. And my heart breaks.
“I don’t know.” I wonder of he can hear how fast my heart is beating. I feel it in my stomach, it’s in my ears, ringing.
His hand is hot on mine when he changes the way it fits against his. He no longer cups my palm out of stress in pain, but intertwines our fingers.
“You’re always there for me.” He’s drunk rambling now, he still has that same drunken expression stuck to his face. I nod, I feel him pull me closer.
My body slots between his thighs, I am looking down at him. His breath is heavy, I can feel his palms getting sweaty.
“Conrad, we should really get you to bed.” I try and keep us apart. Truthfully, even with the stench of beer on his breath and the unbearable heat of the summer night, my knees are still weak and my heart is still racing.
I try and pull away, removing myself. But I become a rubber band. My arm extends, and he’s pulling me right back to where I was before. It’s like we haven’t moved.
“Don’t go.” He says it quietly, but the way he says it makes me want to stay forever with him just like this. His eyes are glossy, searching my face. I feel how his other hand fingers its way to my jawline.
He doesn’t ghost over my skin like he did in the car, his touch is heavy, firm. The rest of my body feels cold without his touch. His fingertips set my jawline on fire.
“Con.” I plead. I want it more than anything, to be held by him so intimately. But he’s drunk, he doesn’t truly want this. He’s horny and I made the mistake of getting too close.
“Y/n.” He smiles devilishly. His face is so much closer before. I’m aware of that now that I’m truly paying attention. His hand is behind my ear, fisting at my hair. It doesn’t hurt, physically.
When our foreheads bump, I become stuck. He’s so damn magnetic, I cannot move away.
“Don’t go, okay?” He asks again, breathlessly. My hand is dropped, my waist is being cradled and I am fully committed to him.
Nodding, I cave but I can’t stop shaking. I want this, but if we kiss and in the morning he decides he doesn’t want it, it would shatter me forever.
His nose bumps mine clumsily, and his breath is heavy. He doesn’t seem anxious, scared. But his heart isn’t beating like mine. He’s sweating not from fear, but from the alcohol. Suddenly I want to escape. I can’t be here any longer.
“Y/n? Conrad! Are you in there?” Belly knocks on the door frantically and I pull away so fast, he can’t grab me and beg for me to stay. He can’t trap me.
Shes confused, face illuminated by the light of the bathroom. The hallways is dark behind her and our shoulders brush.
I don’t trust myself within the walls of this house. I walk away from it with all my willpower. I’m gone and I don’t stop going until the road stops curving and I am in the middle of a patch of unclaimed land. Where the grass is untamed and the moon is darker behind the trees.
Its overdramatic, the way I struggle to breathe. Its like his hand wasn’t just there on my jaw, but squeezing. My skin hurts where his body touched mine. He doesn’t want me, I am reminded. He is drunk. Why else would he suddenly present himself and beg for me to stay.
I know it only hurts so much because it’s Conrad. My buddy, my best friend. The love of my life. I remember how he begged me not to go, how he praised me. Buttering me up just for him to leave in the morning.
I held my breath just a little longer than I should have. Waiting for him to chase after me. Tell me one last time to never leave him, that he really did love me. That he really did want me.
But I am not naive, or stupid. I know he is fast asleep by now. I imagine Belly tucked him into bed quickly after I left. He is sleeping peacefully, and while I rip out my hair, he will be blissfully unaware in the morning.
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 “Why are you angry?” Susannah pried, flipping through her magazine. She was slouched on the couch, a sundress draped over her body. She was glowing, unbothered completely by my sour mood.
“I’m not mad.” I sat next to her, stiff. If I were to sink into her shoulder, surely I would crack. I stared at the blank TV, too scared to make another sound or to move.
When I heard the crinkle of the paper and a soft slap against the wooden table, I silently cursed myself.
“Y/n, honey.” God, I wanted to punch her in her perfectly white teeth then. How kind and observant she was. She was almost condescending when she said my name again. Neither of us were idiots, neither of us oblivious.
I had been avoiding Conrad like the plague for the past week. When he woke up the next morning, unaware of what happened, confused about why I looked so exhausted, so frustrated I finally bent too far and snapped.
Looking into his eyes made me feel nothing but guilt. I swore to keep that night out of sight then. If he didn’t know, then nobody had to. We could go back to normal. But still, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t forget the way his breath was warm against mine, how his hands felt under my shirt. How he begged me to stay. It was all I ever wanted.
I didnt tell her, still. And my lies were shallow. Unbelievable.
“Did something happen between you and Conrad?” Her voice was innocent, light, airy. And her touch, the exact opposite of her sons, was so confident, so sure. Like there was nothing I could do or say to change how she saw me. And though she played coy, her smile told me she knew. She’d known for awhile.
I stuttered on my breath, only able to shake my head. My cheeks heated and lips bitten raw.
“Honey Im no idiot, I know you just like I know my son.” Her hands stopped running through my hair, falling to her sides. She sympathized with me, and the look in my eyes told me she knew more than what happened that night.
“So you know, then.” And silently, we both understood that we weren’t talking about the late night rendezvous and blood staining the bathroom tiles.
“I’ve always known.” Her eyes crinkled when she smiled. My shoulders felt heavy then. Maybe he knew too, maybe thats why I freaked out.
Her hand rubbed my cheek, it felt nice to not shy away from her. Melting into her shoulder, I let her hold me like her daughter while we stared into blank space.
“What if it’s never the same?” It was my greatest what if. Determining if my confession I had been secretly brewing for years would ever be able to be taken back. If we could ever go back to the simplicity of our youth.
“Somethings are worth the risk.” Her words stuck to me like glue. And though I knew she was right, I couldn’t help but run away from the elephant in the room, I couldn’t help but abandon Conrad.
When the house is cold and empty later, I come out of my room and into the light. It is when everything is silent and untouched that I allow myself to bask in the warm setting sun in the kitchen. I let the summer air kiss my skin and I clear my head.
The pans in the sink clank behind me and the refrigerator opens. Its not dark quite yet, but its dimmer out, so the light from the refrigerator illuminates the countertops, signaling it was opened. However, whoever had entered hadn’t said a thing yet, I can’t help but hold my breath.
“Can I sit?” His voice is low, unsure. It reflects the exact opposite of our last night together. I want to run again, my skin suddenly feels too tight over my bones, everything is caving in. But then I remember what Susannah said. He would be my greatest what if of my life if I never tried to mend and move forward. Conrad is the biggest risk that I am forever willing to take.
“Yeah, of course.” Its awkward between us now, and I am aware that everything is already never the same. There is no going back. I want to leave now, now that I know what he feels like. But my heart aches and my mind won’t stop screaming at me to ask.
I fiddle with my hands, looking outside, I can feel his eyes on mine. I decide then to screw it all, I have to leave. Screw the plan, screw my brewing confessions, screw mending and forgiving and forgetting. I can’t. I’m lost and so is he.
When the chair slides out from under me, I don’t expect the other to hiss across the wooden floor behind me. I don’t expect him to grab my wrist and pull me back.
“Don’t go.” It was quiet, but it was confident. He was sure for once. And I could see it in his eyes that he remembered. That he understood why I was running. More than that, I could see how he was hurting just as I was.
“Why’d you do it, Conrad?” My mind is silent after the echoing words come out of my mouth. He shakes his head, and I try and break free. He’s not really hurting me, but he is and he refuses to talk to me.
“No, Y/n…” He pulls me back. I don’t stop trying to escape.
“Tell me and I’ll stop, tell me and I’ll stop.” I beg, my throat is sore, and my eyes ache from holding back my tears. It’s pathetic how quickly I am worked up over him. When I was the one to leave in the first place.
“Stop. Stop it.” I am struggling against him, his hands try to find my wrists desperately. When he finds them, I am stuck in place, his hands like shackles.
“Stop it!” He yells, his voice rings in my ears.
“Why didn’t you tell me!” My tears are falling quickly, and they are hot with how angry I am.
“I don’t know!” He begged me to understand, to see his side. But all I can remember is how stupid I felt all these weeks. How the flashbacks of the times it almost happened haunted me. How I believed he never really wanted me.
“You knew, you knew and you made me feel like an idiot!” I pushed him back, but with his hands on my wrists I only went back with him.
“Y/n.” He’s patient, he always has been, but I’m wearing him thin. I know it. I need him to snap, I need it.
“Why didn’t you tell me! Why!” I begged him for an honest answer, I pushed him and I didn’t stop until he was just as desperate.
“I was scared!” He said it like it was a solution.
“So was I, you asshole!” We were out if breath, sitting in a brief silence. I looked away to collect myself, catch my breath but the second he was back in my eye sight, all my composure was gone again.
“You never gave me the chance.” He says it softer than before, but its just as vicious.
“Was I supposed to wait for you to get the balls? You came downstairs perfectly fine while I was tearing myself apart with guilt! Me! When you were the one who was begging me to stay!” I match his tone. Its frantic, I’ve never felt more stressed.
“Y/n, please.” The more he says my name, the more angry I get. The less patient I get. And I am not patient.
“Can you not see how in love with you I an you idiot! Are you that blind or do you get pleasure from ripping me apart?” My confession weighs on him like a ton of bricks, I feel his hands stutter on mine. I see his mouth freeze and the color drain from his face.
If I didn’t feel stupid before, I feel it now. I feel more than stupid, I feel crushed. Completely shattered by his silent rejection.
He drops his hands, too in shock to keep such a strong grip. Tears are welling up again, and my lip refuses to stop quivering. I can’t hold it together and I’ve already made enough of a fool out of myself. I have to leave. Its the only thing I’m good at.
Turning swiftly on my heals, I make my escape, eyes set on the door ahead. But there it is again. His hand on my wrist. And its yanking at me more than ever before. It’s spinning me around until I am secure in Conrad’s arms and his lips are pressed to mine so quickly, there is no time to second guess it.
Its heavenly, the way his mouth molds to mine, the way its not rushed. Even after all this time, he is patient. He is playing it out and we are both enjoying it. His kiss happened in a way that nobody else would ever be able to recreate. The sparks were deadly, it was all too much for anything to ever be the same.
We were breathless then, when he pulled away and the look in his eyes was sparkling, almost as beautiful as his smile.
“Conrad, I…” He’s smiling at my shock and his hands are on my cheeks now. His touch his firm and he’s never letting go. We don’t have to speak to understand that this is what we are now. Silently, we are agreeing to be more, and I understand that he’s not going anywhere.
And he kisses me in a way that would screw me up forever.
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authoreetea · 10 months
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬
pairing ; conrad fisher x reader
summary ; the three summers that connected you to conrad
warning ;
note! lover inspired 😛 i tried something new and wrote it in reader's pov or your pov, hope u like it!
⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯
The coastal town of cousins was alive with the sound of the waves crashing against the shore while the salty sea breeze brushes through my hair, it was the beginning of summer and I wasted no time going to the beach of cousins.
I sat there on the sand, reading cheesy and cliche romance books that twelve year old me longed for such love, which was then interrupted by a group of guys laughter.
I looked up to see three boys, one with curly hair, another with black hair and pale skin. Yet all I cared about was the boy with light eyes and messy hair.
With his messy hair and sunkissed skin, and the way the sun shone in his eyes. The way he pushed his glasses up every time it kept slipping off, or the way he runs his fingers through his hair.
I was shocked when they all walked towards me. I looked up at them confused, "Hi?"
"Hi, can you join us? we were about to play catch but we're short one person, and Conrad here was too shy to ask." The one with black hair asked, receiving a nudge in his rib.
"He thinks you're pretty! What's your name?" The curly haired one exclaimed, he seemed to be slightly younger than the other two. Red rushed to my cheeks as the two bicker in front of me.
I smiled at him, my cheeks red as roses. "I'm y/n, what about you guys?"
The three boys introduced themselves, the curly headed one as Jeremiah, the dark haired one as Steven.
Conrad, as I'd come to know him, he shared the magic of Cousins beach with me on all three summers we connected.
The summer when I turned 15, unfolded like a delicate dance between Conrad and I. Underneath the starlit sky, at beach bonfires and friendly gatherings, our eyes met in fleeting glances.
Cousins beach became a place where I visited every summer, thanks to my father and his intentions to bring some fun into the family. Conrad became my best friend since then, so did his family.
It was a battle in my mind everyday as I had developed a crush on my best friend, each day at Cousins it grows. Our feelings danced around each other with each step echoing each other's unspoken thoughts.
It was a really hot day at cousins beach and you were dying to go out and buy some ice cream. Just as you were about to call Belly to buy some, your mother stepped into your room.
"Hey honey, Conrad's downstairs, I think he wants to go to the boardwalk." She says with her warm smile that always insinuates something else.
I try to pretend annoyed and roll my eyes but my red cheeks and smile gives it away. "Stop with that look, you always do that with Conrad. I swear we're just friends, mom." I say, but my mother knew better.
"I didn't say anything, sweetie!" She says, laughing at my expense. I bid my goodbye and walked downstairs to greet Conrad.
He was there, by the living room with his tousled hair and a white tee and khaki shorts. He smiled up at me, adjusting his glasses as he walked his way to where I was.
"Hi connie, you ready to lose at all the games?" I grin, teasing him. He laughs at me as he ruffles up my hair.
"You wish, sunny." he said proudly as I swatted his hand away from my head. The nickname was something he created the day we watched the sunset together as I read him my Pride and Prejudice book.
I like that he keeps the memory close to heart the same way I do. Conrad was always thoughtful, he wasn't great at communication but he showed it in ways many couldn't.
At ring toss, Conrad was determined to win. Our tongues were stained red and blue from the slushie and snow cones we've had through the afternoon.
"Congratulations! You have won a price, which one would you like?" The guy said in a monotonous voice as Conrad finally won a game of ring toss. He thinks thoroughly before choosing the cutest little bear with a pink ribbon stitched by its ear.
He walked his way to where I stood and handed me the light brown bear with its pink ribbon. He sheepishly smiles, "Here, I got it for you."
In that moment I almost melted in a puddle of admiration. "Really? Thank you, Connie!" I said gleefully
He grins at my reaction, unbeknownst to me that he was giving me such an adoring look. "It reminded me of you, you know, with the way you always have a ribbon in your hair."
That alone made me feel all warm, Conrad is observant and he recognizes everything around him, and he noticed the ribbons in my hair.
🍒 🌅
I felt that this summer would be different. I wanted to make it different.
This was the summer I would admit to my feelings and tell Conrad, my best friend, that I was in love with him. I've read books about falling for your best friend, and I hoped it wouldn't ruin our friendship.
It was the night of the fourth of July, everyone was celebrating. Susannah hosted a lovely gathering at their house, and I had planned to confess to Conrad this summer.
Conrad was the one constant in my life, he was always by my side. His presence became a steady anchor, that makes everything in my life a little bit better.
Our group, the younger people, all went to the beach and had a little get together. Secrets were spilled, so were alcohol, and laughter was shared.
Conrad was right next to me, he had his arm over my shoulder as Steven told a funny story from the country club.
"You should've seen his face!" Steven says, and everyone laughed louder. Taylor played some music and ushered everyone to dance, and of course Steven was up in a heartbeat, inviting Taylor to dance with him.
I smiled at them, winking at Taylor. Conrad stood up and grabbed me to stand up. "Hi, dove." He said, a mere whisper.
We were so close to each other that I almost threw up, luckily I did not. "Connie, do you want to dance?" I say, eyeing him with a playful smirk on my face.
He chuckles, "I wanna talk." He said, a smile playing at his face.
It was night time, 24 minutes past nine pm of July fourth, a summer I will never forget.
"What's up, Con?" I say, brushing the sand away with my feet as I waited for him to say something.
"Look up, the stars look really captivating tonight." He says, but he wasn't even looking at the stars.
looking up, I smiled. "It really does."
"Just like you."
With that, I almost gave myself whiplash when I turned to look at him with reddened cheeks and wide eyes.
Conrad chuckles, as he reaches for my hand and threads his fingers through mine. "You know, the last few summers have been something special, hasn't it?" He pauses, looking down at our hands.
I nod, a smile forming on my face as I held onto his hand.
"Each day I spent with you I felt something more different, something that I can't quite put into words." He says, slowly inching towards me. I could feel my pulse quickening.
I sheepishly smile at him, "What do you mean, Conrad?"
He smiles, his hands coming near my face to tuck the stray piece of hair on my face. "I mean... I've fallen for you." Conrad says
His ocean eyes were staring into my soul, unknowingly our bodies were getting closer and closer.
I looked up at him, my eyebrows furrowed together. He continues, "I've fallen for you head over heals, y/n/n."
I took a deep breath about to say something when colors of red, white, and blue were in the sky.
Fireworks, I smiled. I had the biggest grin on my face as I looked at Conrad again, cupping his cheeks and pulling him into a kiss.
He was shocked at first but then quickly kisses me back, his arm entangled around my waist.
"I've loved you three summers now, Connie. And I want them all."
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