#Conrad Hawkins angst
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H.O.D.A.D: hands of death and destruction
conrad hawkins | ★- angst, ♡ - fluff, ✮ - misc
nervous -✮ - after a secret relationship with a certain resident from atlanta, y/n l/n writes a song about all the ways he makes her feel nervous.
#conrad hawkins fluff#conrad x nic#matt czuchry x reader#conrad hawkins#conrad hawkins imagines#conrad hawkins x reader#conrad hawkins angst
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REQUEST: Im a new follower and I must say the Imagines are just so....👌🏼🥹Anyway saw you were writing for Conrad Hawkins. Could you do one where Yn takes care of a patient who has a crush on Conrad. She gets defensive and tells Yn to back off Conrad and Yn shrugs it off. Later the patient was watching Yn and Conrad hug and kiss and she snaps. She waits til yn is alone and she stabs or attacks yn and leaves her to die. As Conrad gets ready to go home he starts to look for Yn but finds her wounded. I'll let you pick the ending. Im such a sucker for angst. 😭 Hope this makes sense 💙☺️ @megafandomsxassemble
WARNING(S): angst, mentions of blood, stab wounds, and knife, mentions of baby loss, crazy grace
PAIRING: Conrad Hawkins x fem!Reader
A/N: I hope you enjoy it love! Feedback is always welcomed! <33
You had looked up when a foam cup was plopped right in front of you. You set your clipboard down as you follow the arm of the culprit. Conrad has his head tilted, a sweet smile gracing your very long morning. “Beautiful.” He compliments your very clearly disheveled state.
You roll your eyes but take the coffee he brought for you. You mouth a thank you before giving him your full attention. “What’s the catch?” You smirk.
Conrad chuckles at your remark. His brown orbs scan your tired features. “There you go again, assuming I have some ulterior motive.” He says, feigning offense. He leans a hip against your desk as he watches you take a drink of the coffee he so graciously retrieved for you. “Can’t I bring my fiance a cup of coffee out of the pure goodness of my heart?”
“You can…but something lies behind those devious eyes.” You squint up at him, swirling the end of your pen in front of his face.
Conrad laughs, his grin wide. He tilts his head, his light curls bouncing lightly. He brings his index finger up, gently pressing your forehead so you’re no longer squinting. “There. Much better.” He teases. He shakes his head, the playful smirk never leaving his features. He crosses his arms, leaning in to get a closer look at your tired state. “Rough night?”
“More like rough morning. Your number one fan is here…again.” A teasing smile begins to form on your face.
Conrad raises an eyebrow at that. He knew exactly who you were talking about. “What is she being admitted for this time?” He says, unable to contain the amused smirk.
You sigh and gesture to the paperwork sitting in front of him. He meets your eye and then turns the clipboard around and begins to read.
Conrad can’t fight the scoff that escapes his lips as he reads through it. The same symptoms as last time: elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, and dizziness, among many other minor symptoms. Every time it was the same. Other than the fractured radius and ulnar, today. Nothing was ever, truly, wrong.
“Broke her arm chasing after her dog…” Conrad shakes his head as he gently sets the clipboard back on your desk. “Nic around?”
“Just missed her. She just finished her double shift.” You shook your head.
Conrad’s eyes widened in surprise, though he didn’t know why. Nic’s determination to overwork herself was no secret. He huffed a heavy sigh, taking a seat on the edge of the desk. “Of course she did…” He mutters under his breath. “You’re with me today.”
“Can already feel my day turning around, but I figured so I checked her vitals and heart already. So you just need to repeat everything I just did, doc.” You chipped with a smile on your face. You gather your things and make your way to Grace’s room. Conrad's number one fan, or rather his stalker as you like to secretly call her.
Conrad rolls his eyes at your comment and follows behind you, his long strides easily keeping pace with yours. “Careful,” He warns, unable to contain his smile, “flattery will get you everywhere.”
The pair of you enter Grace’s room where she is, unsurprisingly, perched on the edge of her bed. Her broken arm is clutched to her chest, a pout on her face. Upon seeing the two of you, her face lights up.
“Dr. Hawkins!” She squeals, waving and making grabby hands in his direction. Conrad sighs, a forced, painfully fake smile on his face as he approaches her to examine her. He casts a sideways look in your direction as if to say ‘Save me’.
“Hi nurse, Y/n.” She makes sure to greet you with a warm welcome.
“Hi Grace, how’s the morphine doing, kicking in a bit I see.” You contain your laughter as you see her more giggly than how she was when she first arrived.
Conrad looks over at you. He has to hide his chuckle as you tease her for her morphine-induced goofy behavior. “So,” He starts. “The dog was too much for you I see?”
“Yes. I don’t think I’m much of a dog person. Any other pets you could recommend for me, Dr. Hawkins?”
Conrad looks over at you.
“You could always try a Guinea Pig. My niece has one. Easy little things to take care of.” You shrug. Grace locks eyes with you, considering your suggestion. She nods then looks back to him.
“Is a Guinea Pig easy to take care of, Dr. Hawkins?”
Conrad hums, pretending to think. He scratches at his chin, pretending as if there is some deep thought going through his head. “A Guinea Pig is very easy to take care of Grace.” He says, a playful smirk growing on his face. “Very easy.”
He turns an expectant look in your direction, his lips twitching to suppress a grin.
“Yes, very easy. A Guinea pig is less likely to cause fractures. No running, no need to train them. Easy as pie.” You breathe out a laugh.
Conrad has to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing. He can’t fight the way his eyes gleam at how thoroughly you are enjoying yourself teasing his…fan. “No risk of broken bones chasing them around. Sounds like a good fit for you.”
"I'll have to stop by a pet store later then." She nods. Unlike Conrad, you had a feeling she would stay true to her promise to get the damn rodent. The idea unsettled you just as it did the last time when she bought a dog after he recommended getting one, to keep her company as he lightly put it.
Conrad’s stomach drops at the thought of Grace following through on her promise. He knew she was gullible, but if what you were saying was true and she took his recommendation to heart and bought a dog…he would have to be more careful with what came out of his mouth.
“Maybe…stay away from animals for now?” He suggests, casting a concerned glance your way. "Alright, Grace I'm gonna go ahead and order you an x-ray and an MRI just to be on the safe side. You said you've been experiencing a bit of a headache, you said you hit your head when you fell?"
"Yeah...on concrete, is that bad?" She moves her eyes back and forth from you two. Conrad cast you a glance.
Conrad winces at her casual response. “Well, you’d probably be experiencing something a bit stronger than a minor headache if there was anything truly wrong.” He says as a means to comfort her as she sits at the edge of her bed.
He reaches out, gently prodding at the back of her head. He pulled out a light and had her follow his finger. “How hard did you hit your head?”
"My vision was blurred for a few minutes. I think someone asked if I was okay before I got up, took Ceecee home, and then came straight here." She blinks up at him. "You'll fix me right up though, right, Dr, Hawkins?"
He gives her a nod and a reassuring smile. “You’re in the best of hands.” He reassures her, ignoring the skeptical scoff you let out beside him. “I’ll make sure we get to the bottom of that headache.”
"In the meantime, just wait here, I will be back to reset your bones." You pat her shoulder.
She looks at your hand and then nods. Conrad casts her a wink before exiting with you, not thinking anything more by it.
Conrad takes your elbow, a light tug letting you know that he wants to leave the room. He gives Grace one last comforting smile, "We'll be right back." He said, opening the door and ushering you out.
Once out of the room, Conrad's smile falls from his face and is replaced with a concerned frown. He lowers his voice slightly, so only you can hear him. "She actually bought a dog?"
"Well Dr. Hawkins…when you flash her that dazzling smile and hold her gently, how can she resist doing everything that comes out your damn mouth!" Your smile vanishes as you smack him. "She's getting worse. Okay, this is turning into outright obsessive behavior, and if you don't put a stop to her Conrad, she'll display stalker-like traits."
Conrad flinches at the smack to his chest, a glare tossed right back in your direction. "Not funny." He points at you and the way you emphasized his name like she had.
“What do you suggest I do, hm?” Conrad asks, a hint of irritation in his tone. “Walk up to a patient and tell them to stop getting hurt, to call for another doctor?"
"Well that idea sounds a whole lot better than the Guinea Pig-" You jump away with a laugh when he scoffs and tries to tickle you.
Conrad lunges at you, grabbing a flailing arm and tugging you back in his direction. He takes advantage of your distraction, going straight for your sides, his fingers digging into your ribs. His own smirk grows wider as he hears your laughter fill the hallway.
"Stop, stop, stop!" Your head falls. "I can't breathe."
Conrad stops and grins, but he doesn’t release you. He keeps his arms loosely wrapped around your waist and watches as you struggle to catch your breath. He laughs softly as he watches you lean forward, your head resting against his chest.
“You’re impossible.” He says, his fingers idly rubbing against your side.
"That's improbable to you." You lift your head with a teasing smile.
Conrad groans, rolling his eyes at your quip. He can’t keep the smile off his face, though. His fingers still rubbing against your sides. "Pain in my ass…" He said, but the words lacked any real bite behind them. He leans in as you hum in amusement.
"That so, Dr Hawkins."
Conrad huffs, his chest rising and falling with his laughter. His eyes darken as he looks down at you, his smirk turning more wicked. He leans in further, his face only inches from your own. "Say it again." He says, his voice now a few octaves deeper than normal.
"Dr Hawkins." Your laugh is stifled when he presses his lips to yours in a sweet long kiss.
Conrad hums against your lips, an arm snaking around your waist to drag you closer. He leans back against the wall that the two of you were standing in front of, a hand coming up to cup the back of your neck. He deepens the kiss, a sharp pang of desire striking at his core as he pushes you gently back against the wall.
But before it could escalate any further, your pager goes off. You groan and push him away slightly. "Duty calls." You whine.
Conrad groans at the noise and he steps back, reluctantly tearing his gaze and his arms away from you. He pushes his messy hair back off his forehead, still slightly breathless. He lets his eyes wander over your disheveled form, knowing full well that the two of you would've gotten caught up in that hallway had the pager not interrupted.
He brings a hand up to his own pager in his pocket that went off, shutting it off. "Duty indeed calls." He sighed, his heart still racing. "What would you like for dinner?"
You gasp. "Are you offering to cook?" You hum at the idea.
Conrad laughs and shakes his head at your excitement and enthusiasm for the idea of his cooking. "Don't look so surprised." He remarks, his expression changing to a playful smirk. "Yes, I'll cook tonight. What do you want?"
"Surprise me." You shrug, walking backwards.
Conrad rolls his eyes, though he's smiling as he watches you walk away. He can't help but admire the view, his gaze lingering on your form for just a little too long. "You got mad last time when I did." He calls after you.
"Chicken, with Pasta!" You call out as you reach the corner you need to turn.
Conrad huffs a laugh at the request. "Done!" He calls out to you as he heads in the opposite direction. "Chicken and pasta it is..." He sighs, then laughs to himself.
What you both hadn't realized was the shadow lurking and watching from afar. A scowl replaced her sweet smile moments before when she heard his voice outside her room. Her breathing picks up as she heads back into her room. Grace sits at the edge of her bed and looks down at the fractured bones, broken at a dipped angle. Before she could even think twice about it, she settled them back into place.
The pain was nothing like how betrayed her heart had felt. Conrad had his interest in someone else. You.
A few minutes had passed before you had gone to check up on Grace again. To ensure that she was situated with the cast that she would need to wear for a few weeks. "Grace?" You announced yourself, as you peered down at your clipboard again. When you looked up, your heart dropped upon seeing her bed empty. It was only when the door slammed behind you that you grew scared. "Grace?" You looked at her and then at the knife she held in her left hand, how she came into possession of it you hadn't known.
"You kissed him…" She muttered softly. "I didn't realize he had his eyes set on someone else. I thought what we had was just between us. I'm so stupid!" You flinch at her exclaim.
Your eyes widened when you saw the tears in her eyes. The grip she held on the hospital knife was tight, her knuckles almost turning white. "Grace, no, listen to me!" You quickly moved to try and reach out to her but stopped short when she snapped.
"Stay back!" You held your hands up in surrender, holding in the sharp inhale you desperately wanted to take. "You took him from me!"
"I didn't know..." She looks up at you. "If I had known how much you liked him. I wouldn't have kissed him." You play along with her in hopes she won't hurt herself, or you. It was only then that you realized her bones were settled back into place. "Grace what happened to your arm did you- did you put them back into place?" You were shocked.
Grace's eyes flit down to her arm, a frown on her face. "I needed to feel something…" She said softly. "I needed to feel something other than the pain in my heart."
She looks up at you again, her grip on the knife never faltering. "Why was it you, huh? Why not me? What do you have that I don't? I go out of my way to have him examine me, and spend time with me. I was this close to getting him alone today, but then I saw him kiss you..."
"I ask myself that every day, Grace. I don't know why he chose me. Things just happen, people come into your life and you go from there with them."
She scowls at that response, her eyes narrowing into a glare. "You're around him too much…" The knife trembles in her grip. "That's why he's been distracted lately."
She took a step closer, and you instinctively found yourself stepping back in response. Her glare darkened, now laced with jealousy and possessiveness. "I wonder…" She says slowly, almost as if she's contemplating her next words. "Maybe if you weren't around so much anymore, I could finally have my chance…"
"Grace, please don't!" Your plea is ignored. She continues to step closer to you, her eyes glued on you and the way you flinch away from her.
"Why not?" She presses. "You get to be around him, you get to kiss him. It's not fair. He's supposed to be mine! I should be the one that gets to kiss him!"
"If you hurt me, Grace. Conrad will never forgive you. He won't want to kiss you."
Grace's bottom lip trembled at your words. It's clear that your words are getting to her, her eyes filling with tears and her gaze averting down to the floor. She knows that you're right. But her jealousy and obsession over Conrad was too strong. Her head lifts and she looks at you again, her grip on the knife tightening. "I don't care…" She whispers, her voice now trembling, and before you know it the end of the knife had met your abdomen, and then your chest. "If I can't have him, neither will you." She lowers you to the ground gently, caressing your hair as you wheeze for air.
"Grac-" You muster before, she gets up and leaves the room.
Grace was gone as quickly as she came, leaving you in a quickly darkening room as the edges of your vision slowly started to blacken. You hear a faint 'excuse me' in the distance, then another voice saying to go up the elevator, but they all turn muffled as you feel your consciousness slowly slip away.
"I'd probably run a CT Scan. Make sure we're not dealing with any internal bleeding-"
"Dr. Hawkins..." Conrad and Devon looked up in time to see Grace stop a few feet away from them. Both Conrad and Devon's eyes widened when they saw the blood on her shirt. Conrad's breath caught in his throat in his own wave of panic, but he forced himself to remain focused, to remain calm.
Conrad put down the clipboard Devon had given him and put his hands out cautiously. The two main things that caught his attention were the blood on her shirt and left hand and the fact her bones didn't appear to look broken on her right arm especially since there was no cast on it either. "Hi, Grace...You okay? Wanna tell me what happened?"
"I'm better now seeing you." She smiled earnestly, though hesitation still arose behind her eyes as she realized she had an audience.
Conrad forced a smile onto his face, glancing briefly in Devon's direction, signaling to the crash cart discreetly. He took a few steps forward, keeping a safe distance from her, but still close enough that he could reach her if he needed to. "That…That's good to hear, Grace." He said slowly. "But I was referring more to the blood on your clothes. Grace, who's blood is that? I won't be mad if you tell me."
Grace shook her head. "You will. She said you wouldn't kiss me if I hurt her. I don't want you to be mad at me."
Conrad's heart dropped at her response, though his expression didn't give it away. "…You didn't." He muttered, and it was more of a statement than a question. He took another few steps forward, his eyes boring into hers. “Who told you that, Grace?” Conrad asked, his voice now taking on a slightly lower tone. "Did you accidentally hurt someone? Someone you didn't mean to hurt. You can tell me I won't get mad." His tone was soft again, his eyes still focused on her. The gears were already turning in his head on who her victim was but he didn't want it to be true. "But I need you to tell me who's blood that is, Grace."
"I'll tell you, b-but you have to kiss me first. She said you wouldn't and I want to prove her wrong."
Conrad was tempted to grab her and shake her, to demand answers. But he knew that wasn't the answer. He kept his cool and took another step forward, so he was now directly in front of her and within reaching distance. "Okay," He said slowly, his eyes searching her face. "You want a kiss first, I'll kiss you."
"You will." Her eyes lightened with hope.
Conrad swallows the lump in his throat and slowly steps closer, bringing a hand up to cup the side of her face. He leans in, pausing for a moment. His hand brushed back a strand of her hair as she gazed at him like he hung the stars in her sky. He stalls and presses his head against her as he watches Devon come in from behind her. A sedative in his hands. Conrad tries once more hoping she'll open up about your whereabouts. "Where is she, Grace?" He whispered.
"I don't like pasta very much, but maybe we can get takeout sometime." Is as much as she lets out before the syringe is plunged into the vein on her neck.
Conrad watches as Grace's eyes widen and slowly glaze over. A moment later her body goes slack, and he catches her before she can fall. He sighs, running a hand through his hair as he watches her body drop into a deep slumber. The realization settles, how Grace had been listening to the conversation you both had been having. You both hadn't been far from her room either. Devon appears at his side, a nervous look on his face. "Conrad, what the hell just happened?" Devon questions, checking Grace's pulse. "Conrad!" He yells after him as he sees him begin to take off into a run.
"Start prepping an O.R. now! Page Mina and possibly AJ! Page anyone to floor 3 now!" Conrad doesn't wait for a response. Devon ordered a few nurses to watch over her, giving orders on where to take her. Before taking off after Conrad.
"It's Y/n's blood!" Devon's face pales as he tries to keep up with him.
Conrad pushes through the doors, cursing under his breath as he sprints down the halls of floor 3. Fear and adrenaline pump through his veins, his heart thundering in his chest.
Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay…please. His thoughts chanted as he reached Grace's room.
Conrad doesn't think twice before bursting into the room. He chokes back a sob as he sees you in a puddle of your own blood. He acts fast checking for your pulse. "Baby hey, can you hear me?"
"We need a gurney and crash cart, now! Some gauze!" Devon orders to anyone listening in the halls. "Conrad, what the hell is happening, who was the girl?"
"Her name's Grace she comes in twice a month to see me."
"To see you?"
"Y/n thinks she's obsessed with me. Turns out she was right. Last month Grace had mentioned how lonely she felt living in her apartment. Now I'm starting to realize she probably meant other forms of company. I suggested she get a dog…"
"She bought a dog didn't she...oh god!"
"Y/n, baby, can you hear me!" Conrad continued patting your face. "Grace came in this morning, she broke her hand chasing after the suggested dog. I didn't think- I should've realized! Where's that damn crash cart!" Conrad yells out angrily.
A scowl takes over his face as he checks for any other wounds, but all he can see is the deep stab wound in the side of your stomach and on your chest. The nurses arrive wheeling along a gurney and a crash cart. Conrad snaps out of his thoughts and focuses on the situation at hand, grabbing the gauze from one of the nurses and pressing it firmly to your bleeding wounds.
"Damnit, baby, just hold on okay? Keep fighting." He muttered, eyes trained on your face.
He doesn't wait for the nurses to transfer you to the gurney, instead, he picks you up himself, holding you to his chest as he carefully lays you down on the gurney. Devon and the rest of the staff stand off to the side, watching as Conrad moves around you, keeping a firm grip on the gauze on the wounds as the nurses wheel you out into the hallway and towards the E.R.
"She was stabbed. Wound to her chest, and to her abdomen."
"Her pulse is barely there."
"She's in v-tech," Irving announced as he looked up at the monitor.
"Lost a pulse!"
"Someone get the defibrillator."
"They're gone we don't have one." Ellen reminded them.
"It's her heart..." Conrad was sure Grace had stabbed you right where she knew it would hurt you.
"We need to set up an OR now, we're losing her!" Conrad insisted urgently.
"Do we even have a functioning OR?"
"We'll put one together!" Bell and Kit said.
"Call staff back in, now!"
They began wheeling you to the OR when a wheeze and a cough broke out from your unconscious state. Blood spilled past your lips onto your oxygen mask.
"She's haematemesis!" Conrad exclaims. "Hold on for me baby, stay with us! She's choking on her own blood, she's bleeding internally!"
"Conrad we got her from here." Mina reassured as they crossed passed the red line he couldn't walk past.
Conrad reluctantly backs away from you, letting them take over and wheel you away. He stands just before the red line, a hand coming up to rub his face as a mixture of emotions fills him - guilt, worry, anger, and fear. He feels a hand on his shoulder, and he looks over to see Kitt's face etched with concern.
"What can I do?" She questions, her grip on his shoulder tightening.
"Call my dad and her sister. They need to get here now!"
Kitt silently nods at his request, and Conrad hears her calling someone as he turns to stare at the double doors you were just wheeled behind, disappearing from his sight. The only thing he could do now was wait. He looks at his hands behind sliding down to the floor. Various flashes and reminders of your voice and the conversations you had, ran through his mind, along with the ones that ran a chill through his spine.
Beautiful What’s the catch? Can’t I bring my fiance a cup of coffee out of the pure goodness of my heart? You can…but something lies behind those devious eyes. In the meantime, just wait here, I'll be back to reset your bones.Well Dr. Hawkins…when you flash her that dazzling smile and hold her gently, how can she resist doing everything that comes out of your damn mouth! Well, that idea sounds a whole lot better than the Guinea Pig- Stop, stop, stop! I can't breathe. You’re impossible. That's improbable to you. Pain in my ass… That so, Dr Hawkins. What would you like for dinner? Are you offering to cook? Yes, I'll cook tonight. What do you want? Surprise me. You got mad last time when I did. Chicken, with pasta!
You will. She said you wouldn't kiss me if I hurt her. I don't want you to be mad at me. I don't like pasta very much, but maybe we can get takeout sometime.
A sob rattled through him as he brought his palms up to his head. Hoping and praying you'd make it through. It wasn't long before he moved up to watch in on your surgery. The entire operation felt like never-ending hours.
He hadn't known how long he had sat in his chair. He was just waiting for the aftermath to finally hit him. And it had, as soon as Kitt walked in after some time, letting the door shut behind her. She stood there for a moment contemplating how to gather her words.
"Just give it to me straight..." Conrad looked up at her.
"She lost a lot of blood and she was down for a long time. We won't know her neurological status until we wake her up. They're moving her to the ICU."
Conrad nodded at this newfound information. He broke down again when her gentle hand touched his shoulder.
"There's one more thing..."
Conrad's entire body went stiff. He knew whatever else Kitt had to tell him was either really good or extremely bad. He silently nodded for her to continue, mentally bracing himself for the next words that came out of her mouth. Conrad lifted his head slowly. His brows furrowed as Kitt sat down beside him. She grabbed his hands.
"Come on, give it to me straight here." He urged her, the suspense killing him.
"Y/n was pregnant."
Conrad's heart dropped to his stomach and he was positive someone just dumped a bucket of ice water on him. He stares at Kitt in disbelief, unsure of whether he heard her right. His chest ached and all of the air was knocked out of his lungs as he sat there stunned, staring at her.
"Was?" He whispered, his voice cracking.
Kitt shook her head, disheartened. "She lost it."
Conrad felt as if he was going to be sick. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the chair as he took in a shaky breath.
"How far along was she?" He managed to get out.
"She hadn't told you yet did she?" Kitt inhales. "S-She was about 18 weeks along from what we could tell…I'm so sorry Conrad."
Conrad's breath hitched at the response, and he struggled to hold his emotions together. He gripped the arms of the chairs, his knuckles beginning to turn white. The room was beginning to spin and the news hit him like a ton of bricks. He took a moment to collect himself before looking at Kitt again.
"18 weeks," He repeated, unable to believe it. "And I didn't even know?"
"You still have her Conrad. If I know Y/n, she's a fighter, she'll pull through her recovery."
Conrad nodded at Kitt's words, trying to find comfort in them, but the pain he felt was almost unbearable. He felt responsible for not paying closer attention to you and to your behavior. He had overlooked the fact that you hadn't been feeling well due to the added stress. He should have caught the hints.
"I should have…" He began to say, but the words caught in his throat. "I should've listened to her…I should have realized sooner I-" A sob broke out of him. He clung to Kitt as she consoled him into her arms. Shushing him and saying everything was going to be okay.
After Kitt calmed him down, she left to give him a few moments alone. As he sat there, staring at the wall. Images of you and his unborn child filled his thoughts. He tried to imagine a life with you and your little one. He imagined teaching them how to walk and talk, tucking them into bed, holding your swollen belly, and feeling their kick. He imagined the life of fatherhood.
As he sat there, a wave of anger and determination washed over him. He needed to see you. He needed to see you, to feel you. To hold you in his arms and never let you go.
Taking a deep breath, Conrad stood up and slowly made his way to the ICU. The halls were eerily quiet as he walked through them, the sound of his footsteps echoed off the walls. When he reached the ICU room, he stopped and peered in through the door. He saw you lying in bed, surrounded by machines and tubes. Your face was pale and your chest slowly rising and falling in a steady rhythm.
He let out a shaky breath and leaned his head forward, letting it gently rest on the wall. He closed his eyes and silently willed himself to remain calm. He couldn't break down in front of anyone else, not here. He took in a few more deep breaths and slowly began to regain control of his emotions. As he stood there, his mind racing with thoughts, the silence around him felt deafening. He wanted nothing more than to have you crack a joke just to put him at ease.
"Hey baby, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon okay." Conrad sat down on the chair by your bed, his hand grasping yours gently and his eyes studying your features. Everything felt so familiar - his hand wrapped around yours, your skin, your hair, all of it. He felt a small wave of relief wash over him, knowing you were at least here, right in front of him. Slowly, he brought your hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against it. "When you wake up, I'm taking you home once you're allowed to be discharged. I'll cook you anything you want okay? I'll cook you chicken and pasta for the rest of our lives if that’s what you want, cause I know it's your favorite. Anything you want...you name it, baby." He chuckles lightly to himself but breaks down once more. Tears fall down his face onto your sheets as he tightens his hold on your hand.
"I'm here," He whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'm right here."
#conrad hawkins#conrad hawkins x y/n#conrad hawkins oneshot#conrad hawkins imagine#conrad hawkins imagines#conrad hawkins x reader#conrad hawkins x fem!reader#the resident x reader#the resident imagines#writings by juls#my gif#writings by juls: conrad hawkins
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Request Info
Requests are currently: Open!
All you have to do is send me an ask with your request! I would appreciate if you could include what type of fic you want (angst, fluff, smut, etc) and anything else you want me to include! I do not write certain topics such as SA, rape, or incest.
Who I write for:
Dean Winchester (spn)
Sam Winchester (spn)
Jameson Hawthorne (tig)
Grayson Hawthorne (tig)
Dean Redding (The Naturals)
Michael Townsend (The Naturals)
Evan Buckley (911)
Peeta Mellark (thg)
Finnick Odair (thg)
Peter Parker (mcu)
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Characters I ONLY make bots for:
Conrad Hawkins (The Resident)
Carmen Berzatto (The Bear)
Castiel (SPN)
Aaron Warner (Shatter Me)
Rowan Whitethorn (Throne of Glass)
Dorian Haviliard (Throne of Glass)
Chaol Westfall (Throne of Glass)
Mitch Rapp (American Assassin)
Zach Addy (Bones)
Jack Hodgins (Bones)
Tyler Owens (Twisters)
Tom Hanniger (My Bloody Valentine 2009)
Nash Whitmore (The Haunting)
J.J. Kinney (Land of Bad)
Shows/Movies I've seen:
Supernatural, Teen Wolf, The Resident (S2), The Good Doctor (S3), American Assassin, Stranger Things, The Bear (S1), The Hunger Games, Avengers...
Feel free to request for anyone from a show I've seen!
#sam winchester x reader#dean winchester x reader#Morganwrites12672#Request info#requests are open#Spn#morgan speaks#Supernatural
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“New Love”
Conrad Hawkins x Female Reader
Warnings - Mentions of injury and loss/death but with fluffy ending 💕
With all the drama in the morning, I did not expect my day to get any better. Running late from the minute I woke up to having car trouble and catching the bus in a storm seemed to set the tone for the day.
Apologising to Marion and the other staff, I rush into the sliding doors of the Chastain Park Memorial Daycare.
“Wow whoa, you look … well” Conrad laughs as he drops of his daughter Gigi, through those same doors.
Gigi looks up at her dad, scolding him for laughing at her teacher which makes Conrad smile grow wider.
He holds his hands up in defeat, wishes his daughter a goodbye and sets himself off to work on the floors below.
My luck continues to run downhill as the day goes on as I begin to feel weak, nauseous and the people in front of me start to spin.
I try to keep myself steady and on my feet as things slowly start to fade.
I hear Gigi call for her father, right before I lost my footing, instead of hitting the floor like expected I fall against something hard, something solid.
“You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes love”
Was the last thing I heard from Conrad before I gave up trying to keep my eyes open.
Reawakening again was an experience, I’ve always hated being ill and despite working in a hospital I can’t say I ever liked them.
As I slowly gather my bearings I see a familiar face coming towards me.
Conrad knowing my history and how I feel about being cooped up in certain environments, gets straight to the point.
“ Look, I know you hate being sick, but you need to let me care for you.”
I can’t help but scoff at this “I’m not sick Conrad, I just felt lightheaded and fell”
“I’ll be the judge of that” he answers.
Just as I’m about open my mouth to speak again I hear a small voice behind us both.
“Is Y/N going to be okay daddy?”
I look over and see little Gigi with panic written across her face. My heart broke for her, being best friends with her mom meant that I’ve seen her from the day she was born, to mourning Nic’s death to who she is today.
I try to give her a smile as she comes running up to my bed. Her dad spends time to comfort her before sending her back up to daycare with one of the nurses and then off to check my results.
After checking in on his daughter after everything she has seen this morning, next on Conrad’s list was to seek out Bille to confirm Y/N’s results after having her admitted.
He had to admit this morning had been rough on him, He had known Y/N though Nic and she had become a valuable part of his life and in raising Gigi. Seeing her so vulnerable, panicked him and he has spent the rest of that time chasing away that unfamiliar feeling.
He couldn’t lose you like he lost his wife.
Finally locking eyes with Bille, his move faster beneath him to find the answers he needed.
Billie, who already knew what Conrad was after passed him the iPad with Y/N’s information open.
“Her CT scans and Nero exam are all clear. She’s all okay”
Conrad fought the urge to hug his colleague as he releases a ragged breath, fighting his legs which threaten to give out before him.
While it was common for Conrad to care and fight for his patients, this reaction was new even for him but it didn’t take long for Billie to come to the conclusion.
“How long have you been in love with her?”
Conrad looks up with a confused expression, his eyes fighting some sort of internal battle.
“Conrad is okay. You are allowed to find love, it’s what Nic would of wanted for you. You know that”
Hawkins knew that Billie was right but he just wasn’t sure if he was ready yet. Even if he was falling in love with the preschool teacher.
There was only way to find out.
After what felt like an agonising wait, Conrad finally reappeared to give me the all clear and out of pure joy and instinct I grabbed onto him and pushed him into a hug.
What I didn’t notice at first what how Conrad didn’t fight or pull away, in fact he settled into the hug and closed his eyes, just enjoying the embrace.
Something in my mind told me that he needed that hug more then I did. I stayed with him calmly until he was strong enough to pull away.
“I … I umm… I was thinking we could…”
He couldn’t get his words out and was visibly getting frustrated.
I brought myself to his face and planted a soft kiss on his forehead.
“I would love too” I whispered.
“One day at a time” he whispered back, his throat threatening to close up on him as I see tears in his eyes.
I made a promise to myself to do my best and always honour his love for Nic.
“Daddy is Y/N going to be new mommy?”
For the second time that day, Gigi has snuck out of daycare to come find her dad.
Realising that Conrad hadn’t gotten full control of his emotions just yet I decided to take over.
“No sweetie your mommy will always be your mommy, I’m just an extra special friend to your daddy” I try to explain, gently.
“Is that why you two was kissing?” She asks innocently as heat rises to my cheeks.
“Erm yes, is that okay?”
Gigi nods with a smile that matches that of her fathers one earlier on today and jumps on the bed to join the pair of us.
“I wouldn’t mind having two mommies, I just want daddy to be happy again” she says, hugging Conrad, giving her consent to the potential blossoming relationship.
Today may of started terribly but it doesn’t mean it ended that way…
#writing#fluff#fanfic#gigi and conrad#conrad hawkins angst#conrad hawkins fluff#conrad hawkins imagines#conrad hawkins x reader#conrad x nic#nic nevin#conrad hawkins#the resident x reader#the resident imagines#the resident on fox#matt czuchry fluff#matt czuchry x reader#matt czuchry fanfic#Matt Czuchry#angst#writing prompt
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Summary: The cute EMT has a very snarky personality and the pretty trauma surgeon isn’t a fan.
Genres: Slight smut, fluff and slight angst. Mostly fluff though.
Words: 2.6k
Notes: This is actually my first A/B/O fic.
Warnings: 16+, Dub con, Non con if you squint. But everyone ends up happy I promise. Not beta read yet, will do it later.
Friday, 20:37
“Doctor L/N! This is the last one. 30 year old beta male. Broken arm and concussion. BP is slightly elevated. O2 levels normal.”
“Thanks Sam. Please take him to med bay 5 and have Doctor Feldman to give him a full check up,” you call out from where you’re examining another patient, a fifteen year old female omega. She’s looking up at you in awe.
“What?” You give her a small smile as you finish looking over her reports.
“Nothing, its just that you’re an alpha and you’re so much in control when nobody lets unmated alphas near newly minted omegas.”
You laugh. “I have more self control than all the people in this entire building. And I don’t get that affected by omega scents. So, there’s that.”
You close the folder. “Well, good news. I’ll draw up a rough schedule of your medicine and you’ll be as good as new in a few weeks.” She smiles up at you. “Thank you doctor. Nobody took me seriously when I told them I wanted to be an omega athlete. They’re always telling me that its for betas and alphas. I hate it when people say that.”
“You know, I used to hate it when people used to tell me that I couldn’t be an surgeon because I was an alpha. Look who’s laughing now. Never let people tell you what you can and can’t do.” She nods determinedly as you take your leave.
You step outside for a breath of fresh air. Your thirty hour shift is about to be over in about an hour and you couldn’t wait to get home and prepare for your upcoming rut. You had been on your feet for what felt like days and all you wanted to do was curl up and sleep for hours.
You spy a haphazardly parked EMT van. Curious you make your way over, wrapping your white coat closer to your body. “Sam? Is this one yours?” You say yanking open the front side door of the ambulance. There is a figure slumped over the steering wheel, breathing heavily. Long dark hair falling over their face. You sniff. “Barnes?” The person in question turns slightly. “Ugh. Of all the people to find me here. It had to be you.” You roll your eyes at his irritated voice. “If its that much of a problem how about I walk away like I never saw you?” You move to close the door. “Wait, no. Stop. I need my meds. I ran out. And Sam left so can you please…?” Your doctor side took over, ignoring the previous and very mutual hostility between the two of you.
You pull him back to the seat. His face is flushed and he’s sweating profusely. You take a deep breath, making him flinch slightly. “So, you’re an omega. Should’ve figured. I’m assuming you ran out of suppressants and now you’re about to go into heat?”
He presses his lips into a thin line. “Alright smarty pants, can I get them? Or do you need my doctor’s note?” Your mouth twitches, fighting a smirk. “How about I do you one better?”
You unclip his seat belt and rest your hand on his waist. He stares at you mouth ajar. “What’re -” “Relax, I’m not going to hate fuck you in an ambulance. I’m taking you to the Omega Ward. You’ll be safe there.” He looks taken aback, opening his mouth to protest. “Be quiet and get out.” He shakily climbs out, legs nearly giving away as his feet touch the ground. You catch him in your arms, alpha strength making you lift him up with ease. He’s trembling in your arms, eyes clouding as his body approaches the initial stages of going into heat. He buries his face into your neck. “I still hate you but you smell so good.” You snort as you carry him inside bridal style. “Dumbass.”
All eyes are on you as you walk in, your archenemy Barnes tucked in your arms. People literally stopping in their tracks to look at you.
“Has nobody ever seen an omega in heat? In a hospital of all places? I mean is it really that weird?” Your voice is sharp and cuts across the room like a knife. “Get back to work.” Doctors Feldman and Pravesh, your friends from the ER, give you a surprised look as you walk past them. You mouth ‘I’ll explain later’ at them, as you make your way to the lift.
Barnes looks up at you, eyes wide, pupils blown. The pretty blue of his eyes almost black now. You swallow as his rich, dark extremely familiar omega scent invades your senses.
“Thank you.”
“Its my duty.”
“Not everyone would do it. Especially if they hate the person in question.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
You open your mouth to object but are cut off as the lift open and a wayward hand makes it way towards Barnes. You take a quick step back. Another alpha stares at you, eyes filled with lust. His eyes move to the body in your arms. You feel him shift closer to you, fear mixing in his scent. You growl threateningly at the stranger who immediately runs out of the lift at the sound. You enter and use your elbow to hit the button to the basement where Omega Ward is.
Barnes looks up at you with glassy eyes and rubs his nose against the underside of your jaw. “That’s ticklish and wildly inappropriate Barnes.” “Bucky.” “What?” “Call me Bucky.” You clench your jaw as the top of his head moves along your neck. “Bucky. Stop. You’re going to be nesting in a very safe space soon. You won’t need an alpha.” “Say it again.” “Say what?” “Say my name.” You finally look down at him, dark hair spread across your shoulder, eyes glittering in the dim light. “Bucky.” You whisper in his ear. The omega throws his head back and lets out the most sinful moan you’ve ever heard. “Fuck,” you mutter to yourself and hoist him upright. Cradling him tightly you nearly run out of the lift as it opens.
You stop at the reception and check him in. One of the sweet smelling beta nurses leads you to a small room and you deposit Barnes, Bucky, on the bed and then dump a pile of blankets on top of him. “Nic will be taking care of you, for as long as you need. You guys are friends, right?” His gaze moves to the blonde nurse who just walked in to join you. “Hey, Buck. You tell me what you want, and I’ll get it for you. Anything at all.” He gives you a sad look as you turn away.
You give her a slight nod and walk out, shutting the door behind you. “You smell like him now,” Nic says from behind you. “Don’t remind me.” You sigh and go back to your floor, still about 40 minutes before you’re done with your shift. Conrad Hawkins, your best friend since high school, meets you as you step out. “So, Barnes, huh?” You roll your eyes. “Like the other betas here, who actually listen to me, why don’t you?” “Just saying. You hate him and you carried him to the OW. When there was a perfectly good gurney here.” He tilts his head towards the ER. “Oh my gawd, stop. I am an alpha taking advantage of an omega in heat. I think I scented him.” He snorts with laughter. “You think. When you growled at the guy in the lift, the entire floor heard it. And the dude pissed himself.” You grin. “Nice,” you nod appreciatively.
“I would love to continue this riveting dicussion about Barnes’ heat and Y/N’s idiocy but we have a surgery to get to,” Mina Okafor seems to pop out of nowhere and drags you away with Conrad still laughing behind you. “I don’t have any. My shift is about to get over.” “Too bad. Its a whipple and Doctor Austin wants you there.” You sigh for what feels like the millionth time that day. “There is somebody out there who hates me.” “One thing’s for sure.” “What?” “Its definitely not Barnes. You stink of him.” You give her an exasperated shove as you both begin your preparations for the surgery.
Saturday, 7:45
You dragged yourself out of the OR, pulling off the bloodstained garments off and throwing them away. You made your way to the Omega Ward to check up on Bucky Barnes. It felt weird to call him Bucky, you guys weren’t exactly enemies but had never gotten along for some reason. He was excellent when it came to disguising himself as an ordinary beta. But he wasn’t ordinary at all. And you knew it, felt it deep inside when you looked at him. Something special and so inherently Bucky about him. Even though the both of you never got along and rarely agreed on things, you couldn’t deny the feeling of protectiveness that rose within you when you saw him. With his soft brown hair and big blue eyes, the toothy smile, the razor sharp wit and general overall perfection it was impossible to not fall in love with him. You froze in your tracks at the sudden thought, stopping right outside the Ward. In love with Bucky Barnes? The salty EMT with whom you liked to butt heads? Thinking about all your encounters only added fuel to the fire that you loved him. And given the way he was looking at you with those soft, lust lidded, ocean coloured eyes and practically breathing in your scent, you were mostly sure he felt the same way.
You gave Nic a small grin, walking past her and pushing open the door of Bucky’s room only to be greeted with the overwhelming smell of an Omega in heat, strong enough to make even your knees weak. Taking in a deep breath, you walked inside to give his vitals a quick once over. He was huddled in a corner, tee shirt drenched with sweat and face flushed, eyes tightly shut, softly moaning your name as his hand pumped his length and brought him closer to the edge. Your eyes went wide as you saw him climax to the sound of your name, grateful that the rooms in the Omega Ward were soundproof. He hadn’t realised that you were in the room yet, you felt a bit relieved, inwardly knowing that his heat was distracting him from everything else around him. You finally knelt beside him, cupping his face in your hands, making him open his eyes and look at you. You gave him a genuine smile, brushing the sweat off his brow. His dazed expression slowly morphs into one of panic and absolute mortification.
“Oh my god, how long have you been here?”
“Long enough to know that you want me to help you through your heat.”
“This is humiliating.”
“Not really. I just had an epiphany and given the way you’re reacting to me touching you, I think you did too.”
“I’ve been in love with you the second I saw you.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t realise that I love you sooner, it would’ve saved us a bunch of heats and ruts spent alone.”
“Agreed. Now are you going to keep talking or take me back to your place before the next wave of my heat sets in?”
“I thought you’d be more comfortable in your place?”
“I want you to consume me. And your place, with all that is you is the best place for you to take me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. I trust you.”
“Is that the heat talking?”
“Not at all.”
“Great. My place it is.”
You don’t even remember how you brought Bucky back to your place, swaddled in blankets and smelling so absolutely divine. You tucked him in bed, feeling the first onset of your rut come on as you tinkered in the kitchen, making sure you had enough for the next few days and joining him as fast as you could. You curled your fingers in his soft hair before pulling him into a deep kiss and straddling him. His hands were placed firmly on your hips, holding you so close and you felt a rush of delight at having him so close to you. He was nearly intoxicated by your presence, breathless as he pulled your shirt off hands touching everywhere. Feeling a soft laugh bubble up you grinned at him. “So perfect.” The tips of his ears turned scarlet at your words, making you coo softly and pinch his cheeks before kissing him again. Your rut was making you more sensitive to his touch and it felt so good. For a moment you just wanted to soak in everything but there would be time for that later. Right now, Bucky was the priority.
Pushing him back in bed and pulling off his uniform was easy. Taking the entirety of his massive length in your mouth was not. So you started slow, all the while maintaining eye contact as you teasingly, tantalizingly began to suck him off. His hands found their way to your hair, harshly tugging the roots, begging you to go faster and the moans escaping his perfect mouth were nearly a sensory overload. And he felt so good, so perfect and pliant under you. Achingly beautiful and you had no idea how you’d managed to leave him alone for so long. He was now only all yours and you weren’t going to let anyone near him. You were an alpha and nobody was going to even look at what was yours. He came shortly, much sooner than you’d anticipated as you licked your lips before trailing warm kisses up his chest, ignoring the exhaustion that was threatening to overwhelm your body. You sank your teeth into his neck, his warm blood filling your mouth and spilling down his chest as you marked him as yours. He looked at you wide eyed and you felt horror set in as you realised what you’d done, backing away.
“You marked me as your mate.”
“I’m sorry. I am so sorry. You look so beautiful and perfect and my rut is going to set in anytime-” You babbled away, frantically waving your hands.
“I’m not complaining. And why is my mate now so far away? I need my alpha.”
You stared at him in disbelief before throwing yourself at him and holding him tightly.
“I’ve wanted this for so long. Just waiting for you to have your way with me.” He admits, slightly shy now.
“And I will because I love you so much.”
“I love you too Y/N. You’re the best alpha I could ever ask for.”
You don’t say anything, finally letting the exhaustion set in knowing there would be enough time to talk things out later, now that you both belonged to each other forever. And sleeping in his arms felt like heaven. It would feel even better when you both were fully ready to take things as they come. Before you finally drifted off you felt him smile against your skin and could almost see your co – workers’ smug faces when you both showed up freshly mated and smelling like each other and looking like young idiots in love. And you wouldn’t give it up for the world.
#Bucky Barnes#james buchanan barnes#bucky barnes x reader#bucky x reader#bucky x you#bucky x y/n#bucky angst#bucky fluff#bucky is a soft boy#bucky deserves all the love in the world#bucky needs a hug#bucky is perfection#reader is a badass alpha#lots of The Resident references cause I miss that show#mina okafor#devon pravesh#conrad hawkins#nic nevin#omega bucky#bottom bucky#soft boy bucky#top reader#alpha reader#badass reader
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Pandas and Panic
Summary: This prompt was sent by an Anonymous Resident, however, this Resident also happens to be a close friend of mine. So love, thank you for your patience and enjoy.
Can you do an imagine where Conrad finds me having a panic attack somewhere away from the hospital and tries to help? She/her pronouns please.
Pairing: (Relationship - Conradx(y/n))
Warnings: Panic Attacks, Vague medical knowledge from the writer,
Word Count: 1168
A/N: Hey there Residents! Long time no talk, I know, I know. I want you all to know that I haven’t forgotten about you all! I actually have the next few typed up I just have to format and queue them up for all of you to enjoy! With the show back, my motivation will probably skyrocket for a bit, so hopefully, I might be able to knock out quite a few on my list. What were all of your feelings on the premiere? I’d love to hear them, feel free to send me an ask or leave a comment on this post. Also, how often do you guys want to see me post another imagine? daily? Weekly? Every ten minutes? Also, would it be realistic for me to ask for donations and in exchange, a reward for anybody who is willing to help me out? Just some thoughts I wanted to run by you all. Thank you all for the support, and enjoy!
Conrad entered the room, his eyes adjusting quickly to the darkness that surrounded him. “Hey (Y/N), are you here?”
He noted that it was a little weird that all the lights were off, considering that (Y/N) was almost always up later than he was, whether it be working on her own novel or getting lost in someone else's novel. Her office door was closed just down the short hallway, and there weren't any lights shining through under the door. “(Y/N)? I brought home food from Panda! I got you double orange chicken?”
Stepping further into the room, Conrad dropped his backpack and helmet on the couch and walked past it. He entered the kitchen, looking for a note or anything that would hint to where his girlfriend had disappeared to. He set the bag of food on the countertop and grabbed a water from the fridge before continuing down the hall, determined to find her.
He opened her office door and didn't find her, rather the remnants that she'd been there recently. Paperwork scattered across her desk instead of organized as she'd left it every night when she was done for the day. 'Can't be too far, that mess would give her an aneurysm.’
He shut the door as he left the room, the mechanisms catching with a soft click. Right after, he heard the faint sounds of someone breathing heavily a little further down the hall, towards the bedroom. Conrad hurried his pace a bit as he entered the room.
The bed wasn't made, rather it looked like someone had just gotten out of bed. “(Y/N)?” He called softly. No one was in the bedroom, but he could hear the faint sounds of gasping coming from the bathroom. Conrad hurried to the bathroom, throwing his water on the bed as he reached the bathroom door.
He didn't throw it open like he wanted to, instead, he opened it carefully to find (Y/N) sitting with her back against the wall beside the toilet, her legs splayed out in front of her. Her chest was heaving and her breaths escaped her body in short gasps. Her hand clenching and unclenching.
Conrad allowed an explicit to escape his mouth as he rushed forward, dropping to his knees beside her. Her eyes weren't open so he made the assumption that perhaps she didn't hear him come in, so he called out to her once more. (Because the alternative was possibly being hit, and that was never fun.)
“(Y/N), it's Conrad. Ok Honey, it's me. I'm gonna take your pulse, so don't hit me.” He placed a hand on her neck and was immediately met with the hammering of her pulse slamming against the skin of her neck and his fingertips.
He pulled his hand away a moment later and looked down at her, and saw tear-filled eyes staring back at him. Panic and fear clouding her typically clear blue eyes. “(Y/N), can you hear me?”
She nodded her head jaggedly, her mouth opened in the shape of a yes, but no words escaped past the grip of her gasps. Conrad had already done a quick cursory glance for any injuries or any signs of sickness and hadn't found anything.
He smiled reassuringly at her as realization dawned on him. “Do you know where you're at?”
Another nod.
His smile remained reassuring as he grabbed her hands and knelt down, in front of her. “Good, that's good. Your heartbeat is really fast right now, but I think you're having a panic attack.” She nodded her head in agreement, and Conrad was ashamed to realize that she has had panic attacks before, and he didn't know.
“Have you taken anything for it?” Another quick nod, and Conrad realized that it was now a waiting game.
“That's good, really good (Y/N), so what I want you to try and do is start breathing through your abdomen, ok, as deep of a breath as you can? Breathe with me, ok?” Conrad placed her hands on his chest as he took deep breaths, trying to calm his own racing heart.
After a few breaths, the gasps turned into halted breaths, and he smiled at the quick progress. “You're doing awesome, now I want you to imagine yourself in a safe place, something you like. Like in your favorite book, or up north, riding through the fields of wheat on your horse, Skip.” A smile peaked at her lips and Conrad smirked back at her.
“Good, that's good. So, I read some of that book you've been hounding me about during a lull today, and you were right, I'm hooked.”
She drew in a deep breath, and he smiled too as she shakily exhaled. “The one by, by Palmer?”
“Yea! The medical descriptions are garbage, but I liked the police procedural part of it.” Conrad continued, sitting down beside her, his back against the wall, their shoulders inches apart.
“Those are garbage too. That is why it's so good.” She whispered, leaning her head back against the wall again as she gripped Conrad's hand like she would never let go.
“Well, I'm a doctor, not a cop. How was I supposed to know?” Conrad joked, as he placed a hand on her wrist, taking her pulse once again, covertly, and was pleased with the progress that had been made. It was still quick, but it was slowing down substantially.
“I'm sure she was thinking the same thing.” (Y/N) retorted, her voice shaking but stronger than the whispers from before. Raw and scratchy, but stronger.
“That woman is not a doctor, I promise you that.” Conrad joked as he turned to her, his smile, once reassuring, now joking.
“You know what I meant, asshole.”
They were silent for a few moments before Conrad cleared his throat. “You feeling better?”
“Sorta. I don't feel like death is trying to reap me but I feel pretty crappy still.”
“That's good. Why don't I get you settled in bed, and I'll bring in dinner if you want to try to eat?” Conrad suggested.
She was willing, so with a few fluid motions, Conrad swooped her into his arms and carried her from the bathroom and towards the bed, her pajamas from the night before, still on. He lied her down on her side of the bed, then ran out to the kitchen to grab the food.
The two sat, while Conrad ate and (Y/N) picked at her chicken. She fell asleep shortly afterward, her food hardly touched, in her lap.
When Conrad was certain that she was asleep, he grabbed her food from her lap. He left, leaving her with a kiss on her forehead.
After putting everything away, Conrad slipped into her office and began to organize her paperwork, knowing that in the mornings to follow, he would inquire about her medical history. But for now, he was going to allow her to wake up tomorrow with a clean slate.
#taywritestheresident#the resident#the resident imagine#the resident (2018)#conrad hawkins#cute#fluff#panic attacks#angst#Conrad/(y/n)#(Y/N)#The Resident On Fox#The Resident Imagines#The Resident Fanfiction#Fanfiction#Imagines
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Ten blorbos
I was tagged, uh, a while ago, by @hithelleth to post my ten blorbos from ten fandoms, so. I’m finallly getting to it! :)
Arman Morales [The Cleaning Lady] is my current blorbiest blorbo. *.*
Chris De La Rosa [The Cleaning Lady] Can’t find a gif... Yeah, I know it’s the same fandom, but 1) this show deserves, and also 2) have I mentioned this kid is amazing? He is. They did give him a Storyline(tm), like I hoped, and he’s knocking it out of the park!

Jamie Fraser [Outlander]. The accent. The smile. The WHUMP! *sigh* (granted, I’m disappointed with the later seasons, but Jamie is Jamie)
Tim Bradford [The Rookie]. Look. He’s awesome, alright.
Kai Holman [NCIS Hawaii]. The jury is still out, but until thoroughly disappointed, I like him. He likes dogs, y’kno (not enough gifs and none of him with Inoki, so this is the next best thing)
Conrad Hawkins [The Resident]. The smile. The angst. The show is kind of disappointing, but Conrad...
Clay Spenser [Seal Team] Well. WELL. This season seems to go great so far.
Kenny Crosby [former FBI: Most Wanted] I still blorbo him. *shrug*
John Crichton and Aeryn Sun [Farscape] Always and Forever.
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Claim a prompt via Ships Passing’s Ask Box: Spring is in full swing, which means everyone is invited to claim a prompt and create something special with it. Remember, first come, first served and any prompts that are already spoken is crossed out. Don’t forget to use the #SPspringexcange to tag your work when you post it!
In the meantime, help yourself to our lovely selection of prompts and story ideas. See if there’s something that catches your fancy.
Happy spring, Resident fans!!
Prompt #1: Family life with CoNic and Gigi (from mzkokie) 🎨
Prompt #2: AJ going to get his woman in Nigeria and taking his mom there, since Mina’s mom has contacts and is a cancer surgeon. Dad is still alive too. - Any rating or word length is fine. (from Mel2theGonz) ✏️
Prompt #3: Conrad takes Nic on their first date. (from mrsvaldez) 🎨
Prompt #4: Angst w/ Kitbell - One shot, PG/PG-13 (from sitcmfilms) ✏️
Prompt #5: Conrad and Nic discussing the possibility of a sibling for Gigi and having a second child. - Any rating or word length is up to the writer (from LoveCoNic) ✏️
Prompt #6: On their 1st wedding anniversary, Nic tells Conrad she’s pregnant. - One shot, any rating. (From anonymous) ✏️
Prompt #7: Nic visited Conrad in his dreams and promises him that in times, he would be fine and he would do the best job raising Gigi, she just knew. Also would appreciate if how Nic would be watching over them is included!! The option is that it can refer to death or a really long coma. - Any rating or word length is fine (From tiffanytheweirdo) ✏️
Prompt #8: Kit and Bell plan to propose to each other on the same time. - Multi-chapter and sexy (from arosiofederica) ✏️
Prompt #9: An AU of Kit and Bell taking a trip to Cabo. - Sexy with any word length (from dment4list) ✏️
Prompt #10: Nic survives the car crash but suffers either amnesia or some type of complication as a result of her injuries. Luckily, Conrad and Gigi stick by her side, and slowly but surely, she makes some huge strides in her recovery. Even if it never happens overnight, Conrad has no doubt that she’ll be alright in the long run, and someday, things will be okay again. - Family-friendly with any word length (from @sylviesrhekker) ✏️ (Claimed by LoveCoNic)
Prompt #11: Conrad and Nic celebrates Gigi’s birthday! 🎨✏️. (Claimed by irenek_90)
Prompt #12: Mina and AJ work the night shift, which means they’re supposed to work in close proximity with one another for a couple hours, and Mina learns something about AJ that makes her see him in a new light—for the better. - PG/PG-13 with any word length ✏️
Prompt #13: Kit letting Bell have his own drawer/things scattered all over the place despite not living together. - PG-13 with any word length ✏️
Prompt #14: Long Distance AU - Conrad writes Nic a letter everyday, but they never send them. Instead, they’ve put them into a folder to give to Nic when they’re finally together. ✏️
Prompt #15: “Breathe! Breathe, it’s okay, just breathe,” AJ urges, holding the oxygen mask up to the Mina’s face as she wheezes. PG-13 and one shot-length. ✏️
Prompt #16: Teacher AU - Nic Nevin is a teacher and they shouldn’t get too involved in their students’ personal lives, but they keep falling for Conrad Hawkins, who always gets their kid after school and sometimes even talks to Nic for a few minutes. They don’t know where the other parent is, until they suddenly come to get their child one day. Nic does not realize that the parents are no longer together and gets miserable, thinking how perfect the parents are for each other. ✏️
Prompt #17: Conrad and Nic in a thunderstorm (spring-themed) 🎨
Prompt #18: The one where Kit and Bell have a dream about one another but the other doesn’t know. 🎨✏️
Prompt #19: While asleep, Conrad and Nic share a silent hug, during the night, snuggled up together in quiet agreement that they just need to be near someone they trust. 🎨✏️
#conrad x nic#conic#kitbell#kit x randolph#minator#mina x aj#the resident#fanfic#fanfiction#fanart#moodboards#prompt exchange#fandom exchange#SPspringexchange#ships passing
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i'm not pretty
SUMMARY: while dating one of the hottest boys on cousin’s beach, and an accidental like on an old instagram post, singer y/n l/n realizes exactly what her relationship with the entails, and past girls she might have pissed off.
inspired by i’m not pretty by megan moroney
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lowercase is intentional! wc: 0.7k
warnings: reader is blonde today (i promise this will make sense), belly being kinda a bitch!! (peace and love), use of nickname/relationship nicknames (babe)
a/n: guys this is not my best work but thats what i get for not writing since november
y/n called out as she sat in the kitchen of the susannah fisher’s beach house, and the boy turned the corner, giving the girl he loved a wide smile.
“what’s up sunshine?”he questioned, resting his head on the shoulder of the blonde, and he could see instagram open on the girl’s phone, “who’s this?”
y/n pulled up a profile, with her face filled with confusion, and she heard conrad groan as soon as he saw it, “is it someone bad?”
“my ex girlfriend.”conrad told her, and the girls lips shaped into an ‘oh’, before tilting her head slightly.
“but i thought you and nicole were just a fling?”she questioned before conrad went back and tapped on the profile once more, “sunshine that isn’t nicole.”
“that’s belly.”
isabel conklin. the girl that had always loved conrad, and could never move past the breakup between the two. even now when she was interested in his brother, and conrad was dating y/n, the girl couldn’t move past the boy that should have been hers.
“yeah, that explains a bit of it.”y/n shifted back in her seat as conrad walked across the island, and raised an eyebrow at her, “what! you and i both know she wasn’t exactly nice to me the last time i was here while she was.”
y/n was right, belly wasn’t nice to her the last time the two were both at the beach house together. in the blonde’s words, the girl was a bitch. but she tried to be as nice as she could for conrad’s sake, knowing how much the conklins meant to his family.
“did she comment anything?”conrad questioned, and y/n shook her head no, “maybe she heard one of the songs you wrote and accidentally liked the post.”
the blonde gave the boy a look, knowing how wrong he was, “i love how naive you are.”
“i am not naive!”conrad argued as the blonde walked away, up towards the guest bedroom she had been staying in at the fisher’s beach house.
“keep telling yourself that babe!”y/n shouted before she climbed up the stairs, and into the room where her guitar sat, just screaming at her to write a song for her upcoming EP.
the girl had recently been signed to a record label, and while the inspiration had been there, the words wanting to be sung had disappeared from thin air. until now it was almost like a fire had been lit under her as soon as she got the instagram notification, all the words wanted to spill out of her.
it was almost hours before conrad finally peaked into the room, to see his girlfriend hovering over her song book, with her guitar playing and he could see himself in the background of her video.
“somewhere out there, my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend is scrolling through my instagram.”she sang, and a small smile crept up onto conrad’s face knowing this would make her ep.
“tearing me down, passing the phone around like there’s nothing better to talk about.”the blonde went on, playing what conrad would call a beautiful cord progression on her guitar, “zoomin out, zoomin in, overanalysing.”
“head queen of the mean girl’s committee.”
“but whatever helps, keep telling yourself i’m not that pretty.”she finished, before turning off her video, finally noticing conrad standing in the doorway.
“that’s going on the EP isn’t it?”he questioned as y/n stood up, wrapping her arms around the boy she adored.
she looked up at him with a wide smile, before nodding slightly,
“you know me so well, lover boy.”
#conrad fisher x reader#conrad fisher#conrad fisher angst#jeremiah fisher x reader#susannah fisher#the summer i turned pretty#the summer i turned pretty angst#belly conklin#conrad fisher imagine#another on the way series#tsitp conrad#conrad fisher smut#conrad hawkins x reader#jeremiah fisher angst#jeremiah fisher
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Im a new follower and I must say the Imagines are just so....👌🏼🥹
Anyway saw you were writing for Conrad Hawkins. Could you do one where yn takes care of a patient who has a crush on conrad. She gets defensive and tells yn to back off conrad and yn shrugs it off. Later the patient was watching yn and conrad hug and kiss and she snaps. She waits til yn is alone and she stabs or attacks yn and leaves her to die. As conrad gets ready to go home he starts to look for yn but finds her wounded. Ill let you pick the ending.
Im such a sucker for angst. 😭 Hope this makes sense 💙☺️
Welcome!! 🥺👋 thanks love I’m glad you’re enjoying them!!!
This does makes sense love. Im been bingeing the show and I swoon every time Conrad starts running through the hospital. 🫣so I’m a sucker for angst too lol!!👀
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“We got you” - Requested
Conrad x Female Reader for @virtualreader
Warnings- Mention of injury, fear of hospitals and slight angst, but happy ending 💕
Spending the next 6 weeks between my cousin and her boyfriend while recovering from my leg surgery isn’t exactly what I had planned but what my mother says goes, even if I am a grown women with the capacity to make her own choices.
So here I am, with both Nic and Conrad for the next 42 days.
The good news was that my leg was no longer trapped in a heavy cast but that didn’t mean I was mobile. My wounds are still healing which means if I attempt to weight bear my stitches could possibly burst.
The days were long and often spent alone as both Conrad and Nic took up shifts at Chastain, but the good news is that with each day I was slowly healing and getting stronger … or so I thought.
See, what you need to know is that I have a small problem with pushing myself, it must be a family trait because I’m not the only one.
Come day 15 I am restless. I wasn’t made to be bed bound. I didn’t even want the surgery in the first place, hospitals scare the hell out of me and the Last thing I wanted to experience was people prod and poking around me, yet sometimes life gives you choices you cannot say no to.
Nic introduced me into a wheelchair next to the bed to allow me a little more freedom when the pair were pulling double shifts, she warned me to still be careful which I promised but I suppose I wasn’t careful enough for what happened next.
It started off as a dull aching pain in my side, which I experienced off and on since the surgery so I did my best to ignore it, and that, well that became impossible when with one abrupt movement from the bed to the chair my stitches split.
An ear splitting scream left my mouth as I doubled over. Both Nic and Conrad come scrambling in and straight to my side to assess the damage. Despite the pain I knew from the way they looked at each other it wasn’t good.
“Please, I can’t, I can’t …” panic seizes me and I struggle to get my words out. I can’t go though this again.
“Y/N we need to get you to the hospital!” Nic breathes as my panic worsens.
I squirm around, trying to escape their grips, as my throat closes up completely.
No hospital. Not again.
I shake my head as tears leak down my face.
“Hey hey, you need to stay still” Conrad commands but I barely register his or my cousins voice.
I don’t even register the fact that the wound was being held together by a single belt.
The last thing I saw was my cousins eyes as she lent down to check on me before I drifted into the unknown.
I didn’t know how long I was unconscious but once again I wake up to that familiar sound of machines.
Nic and Conrad surrounded me once more as I recognise where I was.
Both people see the subtle signs of panic in me but this time Conrad takes ahold of my hand and wipes away the already forming tears.
“It’s okay, it’s okay” he speaks softly.
“We are gonna be here every step of the way, you are gonna be just fine I promise”
Feeling the effect of his soothing words I begin to calm myself.
With that, Nic starts her physical exam on my leg as I see that I’ve been patched up again. Luckily for me there was no second cast but I knew that the recovery time just doubled.
I gripped Conrad’s hand as I work though the current pain, my body finally feeling the events of the last 12 hours.
Once Nic was happy with my state she left me to rest and as I close my eyes to finally sleep the last thing I hear is Conrad’s soothing voice.
“It’s all gonna be okay now, we got you”
#writing#fluff#fanfic#conrad hawkins angst#angst#conrad hawkins fluff#conrad hawkins imagines#conrad hawkins x reader#conrad hawkins#the resident x reader#the resident imagines#the resident on fox#conrad x nic#nic nevin#matt czuchry fluff#matt czuchry x reader#matt czuchry fanfic#Matt Czuchry#requested#rules on requesting#requests
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Billy Hargrove Imagine
REQUEST : Could you write something like where you have liked Billy for a while but never showed it and always were kinda rude to him cuz you thought he was trying to get your name checked off of his list but he proves you otherwise? Or something like that
I love stuff like this, I love for sexual tension and also I love the idea of Billy wanting someone who isn’t all over him like the rest of the girls in their class.
Warnings : language, smut, angst
word count : 2, 563
Tag List : @schulky56, @powerstrangerdacre @barnes-natasha @richardbemadden
Billy Hargrove wasn’t someone you ever wanted to associate yourself with. In school he was an ass, not ever to you directly but you seen how he acted. You weren’t like your friends, swooning over him and trying to get his attention. The two of you have never even really spoken, that was until he showed up for lifeguard training. You weren’t a new lifeguard. You’d don’t it the last three years. You were one of the trainers this year and who did you get paired up to train? BILLY HARGROVE. Needless to say you weren’t happy.
You handed him shorts, a t-shirt, a whistle and a hoodie. “These are just to start you off. You can order other’s if you need them.” You tell him. He already looks board. “You know this is a serious job right? Like you can’t just bullshit your way through it like you did, Mrs. Conrad’s class.” You tell him as he takes the clothes and whistle from you. He’s chewing gum and it’s bothering you. Mainly because he makes it look good. You really hate that he makes it look good. “I mean this is looking after people. Their lives. You have to be caring and alert or someone could die.” You continue.
He steps closer to you and you can’t help but back up and look away from him avoiding eye contact. “I’m aware. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this. I was a lifeguard, back in California. At the beach. Personally I think that’s a more serious job than this. Seeing as here, I just gotta worry about asshole kids who don’t follow the rules, whereas back there, there was things like jelly fish and sharks.” He said in a tone you really didn’t like.
You let out a breath and nod. “Well then you should wiz right on through this trainer.” You gave him a smile and he smiled right back. It made you roll your eyes. “First is CPR. You know how to do that?” You ask him.
He looks at you and nods. “Yeah, got a dummy? Or do I get to practice on you?” Billy smirked his eyes moving down to your chest, where your swimming suit dipped and shower of your cleavage.
You reached a hand up an snapped your fingers in his face. That earned you a reaction you NEVER thought you’d get from Billy Hargrove. He flinched. He eyes shot to yours, they were wide and he looked scared. You’d never seen Billy scared before. Up until this minute you didn’t think it was possible. The reaction lasted for a second or two before he composed himself. “I...” You said softly. “Alright let’s go.” You beckoned him one to follow you. Part of you wanted to say you were sorry but another part felt you should just leave it alone.
He passed the CPR part no problem. You didn’t really talk much. You bit your tongue. His reaction to you snapping in his face made you uneasy. You kept thinking about it. So much that it was distracting you. “y/n. y/n?” Billy called to you and you were pulled back to reality.
“Sorry...” You said softly. “I just.” Your eyes moved down to your watch. “It’s time for your lunch break.” You says checking off the first aid part of the list. You were actually pretty confident that he would be an amazing lifeguard. He knew his stuff and he was serious about it.
You sat in on of the chairs eating the sandwich that your mom had made for you. You looked across the pool and saw Heather talking to Freddy. You rolled your eyes. You and Zoe hadn’t really ever been close, but she knew you had liked Freddy. You heard they’d started hooking up over the summer and of course you were annoyed. “You’re prettier.” A voice said softly. You looked up to see Billy moving to sit in the chair next to yours. Again your eyes rolled. “You do that a lot. Roll your eyes at me.” He smirked. “It would piss me off if it wasn’t so damn cute.” The more he talked the more annoyed you got.
“I’m not gonna sleep with you Billy.” You say flat out. He looked at you with and his mouth seemed to fall open. “What? You didn’t think I wouldn’t notice? The way you look at me, the way you let your hand graze my back or arm during training. The little compliments. “I’m not stupid and I’m not falling for your charm, like every other girl does. “I not gonna be another name on your list.” You shook your head.
Billy looked at you before taking a bite of his own sandwich. He chewed for a bit before speaking. “I really earned myself a reputation here in Hawkins huh?” Billy asked with a chuckled. “I mean, I guess most of the stuff you hear is true, I am an asshole and yes, I really enjoy sex.” He said wiping his mouth. “You I don’t know if you could actually handle me. I mean, I’m sure you could handle Freddy. He seems like he’d take it easy, finish quick. He’s perfect. Me on the other hand. When I fuck a girl.” He leaned in. So close that your breath hitched. “I make it last. I have you screaming. I make sure you have fun. I’m not done until YOU finish. I leave your trembling. I don’t know if your ready for that just yet, y/n.” He said before getting up and walking away.
You let out a long breath and watched as he walked away. You found yourself staring at his ass. It looked great in the shorts you’d given him.
It had been a few weeks since the pool opened for the summer and it seemed like you just couldn’t get away from Billy. You were paired up with him EVERY shift. As soon as Freddy and Heather were done, you and Billy were up. You sat in your life guard stands at the same time. You had to see him sit there and look great. His skin glistened in the sun. You also noticed a new tattoo on his arm. He hadn’t had that in school. He yelled. A LOT. He also flirted a lot. It annoyed you. You hated that he was on your mind. You never wanted to feel the way you did. Billy wasn’t the kind of guy you wanted to like.
You watched as he put his whistle to his lips and blew it hard. It was as if time stopped. People in the pool looked at him. “EVERYONE OUT! CLOSING TIME!” He shouted. Just like that they listened. You couldn’t help but smirk.
You walked around the pool picking up toys and towels. Billy rolled passed you with the cart and you dropped the wet towels into them. “Mind if I head out?” He asked. “The chairs are all wiped down and I’m gonna put these towels in the washer.”
You looked up at him. “Yeah.” You nodded. Billy looked at you. More like studied you. His eyes narrowed.
“What?” He asked with a smirk. “You look all pouty Little Miss. What’s wrong, you gonna miss me? I promise, you’ll see me tomorrow.” He tells you. Little Miss. A nickname he’d given you. One that could make you weak in the knees.
Your eyes drift away from his. “You know I’m pretty great at reading lips.” You tell him. “My tv in my room when I was little didn’t have sound. So I just picked up the talent.” You tells him. He looks at you, confused and you can tell that he had no clue what your talking about. “Don’t go Billy.” You tell him. Your hand reaches for his. “It’s not worth it.” You didn’t know if you were more concerned or jealous. “I mean I don’t get it. Maybe it has something to do with your mom not being around.” You really didn’t know much about Billy’s home life, but like he lived with his dad, step mom and step sister.
He hand moved away from yours, quickly. “Shut up.” He said looking mad. You’d never really seen him mad, and it being directed at you made your stomach turn. “You don’t know SHIT about me and what I do is none of your damn business.” Billy’s hand comes up and he grabs your chin. For how mad he looks, he’s gentle. “Jealously isn’t a good look on you, Little Miss.” He said softly. “I told you before. I enjoy sex. That’s why I did what I do. Not for ANY other reason you think. Understand?” You look at him and nod.
You sigh when he lets you go. “I could you know?” You call after him. He stops. Your heart pounded in your chest. You really didn’t know what you were doing. You felt protective and also jealous.
Billy turned. “Could what?” He looked at you. “What the hell are you talking about y/n?” He looked annoyed.
You sighed. “Handle you. You said I couldn’t. I could.” You walked towards you. “But maybe I not mature enough.” You shrugged as you walked passed him and took the cart of towels. “I got these. Just go Billy.” You turned and moved towards the laundry room.
Once you finished locking everything up you headed for the showers. You felt like you were on the verge of tears which made you feel stupid. You turned on the shower and let it warm up before going to your locker to grab your shampoo and conditioner.
You hear the door to the locker room shut and you looked up, seeing Billy. You thought he’d left. “Billy what are you?” He moved towards and before you could say more his lips were on yours. Your breath hitched and your knees nearly gave out. His hands moved to my back. The towel you had around you was pulled off. He stopped looking down at you.
“Are you sure?” He asked. Your whole body was on display to him and he wasn’t looking anywhere but at your eyes. You looked up at him, pressing your body into his. You knew what he was asking. “I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t. Just remember what you said.” A smirk made it’s way to your lips.
“Jump.” He said and you did. He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waste. He walked over to the showers, getting into the one you had turned on. The warm water hit you both. Billy pressed you against the tiled wall and you shivered. You loosened your legs and he pulled back as your hands reached down. You pushed his red swim trunks down and reached for him. Your hand wrapped around his length. You watched as Billy closed your eyes. You began pumping your hand. You weren’t a virgin. You’d lost it in tenth grade to Steve Harrington at one of Tina’s parties and you had a few boyfriends since then, but none of them had made you feel like Billy did. “Stop.” He said after a while. “You on the pill?” His voice was low. You looked up at him as you pulled your hands from him. You nodded and he smirked. “You a virgin?” He asked.
You shake your head. “No.” You tell him. “Steve...” You didn’t really know WHY you were telling him this. Maybe because you knew Billy didn’t really like him much. You watched as Billy’s eyes rolled, but he smirked none the less.
“Well I can promise you, I gonna make your few a whole lot better than Pretty Boy EVER did.” He said with a nod, before tugging his bottom lip between his teeth. You looked down as he moved, positioning himself at your entrance. A moan escaped your lips at the sight. Billy’s hand move to your chin and he pulled your face. “I want you to look me in the eyes when I fuck you.” He you said before sliding into you. Another moan escaped your lips. You grabbed onto his shoulders. He was a lot to adjust to but he waited. Letting your body get used to the feeling of him inside you.
His hips moved forwards slowly until he bottomed out. You watched, looking up at him as he smirked down at you. The look on his face alone could have made your cum. You smirked, noticing that he was looking down where you two were connected. You cleared your throat. “Look at me when you fuck me.” He said. His eyes met yours and this time he rolled his eyes. He pulled his hips back slowly before thrusting hard into you.
Your nails dug into his shoulder and you let out a loud moan that echoed throughout the locker room. “That’s what I thought.” Billy chuckled. He began moving his hips at a steady and fast pace. Your nails racked at his arms and sides as he fucked you into the wall of the shower. The water grew cooler as the time went on. Soon you felt a knot forming in your stomach and you moaned. Your hand moved down between you an your fingers found your clit. You looked up at Billy as he let out what sounded like a growl. “Oh fuck...” He chuckled and his hips moved faster. His lips moved to your ear. “Cum for me Little Miss.” He whispered.
Your walls clenched around him at your words and strangled moans escaped your lips as he your orgasm hit you. Billy’s hips didn’t stop after you came and keeping truth to what he’d said to your that first day of training. He waited, until you were done. Billy buries his head into your neck and lets out a few grunts as he moves his hips into yours a few more times. Your heart his pounding in your ears when he stops. He doesn’t move. You cling to him, worried if you try to stand your fall.
He pulls back and slips out of your. You whine softly, already missing the feeling of him inside you. You look up at him. His arms stay around you as he sets you onto the tiled floor. He doesn’t say anything. He turns your around, his hand stays on your waste. You lean your hands against the tile trying to catch your breath. “Billy?” You said softly.
You hear the click of a bottle and feel his hands in your hair. He tips your head back for a second to wet your hair before he waters to lather shampoo into it. He leans in and his lips touch your ear, kissing it. “Thank you...” He tells you softly. You don’t really know exactly what he’s thanking you for but you have a feeling. He could have done something tonight. Something wrong. Instead he stayed. For you.
“There’s this fair on the fourth. I think you should take me.” You smirk. “It’ll be fun, I’ll make it worth your while.” You look back at him. He tips your head back again.
“Close your eyes.” You tells you softly. “Maybe...if you’re a good girl.” You can’t see his face but you know he’s smirking. His fingers run through your hair, washing it.
#billy hargrove imagine#billy hagrove x reader#Billy Hargrove#st imagine#stranger things imagine#billy hargrove smut#dacre montgomery#dacre montgomery imagine#dacre montgomery smut#this is long#but i love it#also I just HAD to make this take place during the end of ep one#so it's pretty much an AU#and Billy doesn't get possessed and he lives and he's all yours <3
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Conrad nodded slowly and then looked over at her.
“Just give me one week.”
“Wait, what do you mean? Why a week?”
“To stay. To do better by you after I fucked up today and yesterday. Besides, we’re already what, a day and a half into this? You only have to put up with me for six more days. I want to be here and care for you and talk to you.”
“Only if you talk too. Relationships are a two-way street, Conrad.”
“I’ll do my best. And if you change your mind and ask me to take another day off, I will. I want to be all about you. Please give me another chance. We’re not being ourselves right now in our grief, and I know that’s part of the issue. But I refuse to let you deal with this alone.”
I’m a little behind on my Conic fic but here’s Chapter 3 while you wait for Chapter 4! (To be posted today, hopefully.)
#the resident#conrad x nic#conic#conrad hawkins#nicolette nevin#nic nevin#mina okafor#angst#grief#longfic#WIP#archiveofourown.org#comments welcome
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Haha, just a friendly reminder that I write long fanfics sometimes as well.
Of Bikes and Sweet Potato Slices
Finally finished and posted the rest of my whump prompt challenge fic from February. But no one is less surprised than me that it took this long. Anyways, I encourage you all, if you enjoy whump and/or The Resident to go take read and let me know what y’all think. Special thanks to all the help received on this, mostly from @fyeahvulnerablemen and @the-wandering-whumper I would be lost without you both. Thank you.

Title - Of Bikes and Sweet Potato Slices
Fandom - The Resident
Characters - Conrad Hawkins, Nic Nevin, Devon Pravesh, its really an ensemble cast.
Whump - Yes
Working links - Ao3, FFn, Wattpad
Summary - Sometimes a bad morning is just a warning of things to come.
#the resident#fanfiction#whump#whumperwriter#conrad hawkins#nic nevins#hurt/comfort#angst#taywritestheresident#theresidentfanfiction#conrad/nic#conrad&everyone in that damn hospital#conrad&oc#ocs name is jake#named after the kid of one my beta readers becahse he helped too and is valkd
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SUMMARY: after a secret relationship with a certain resident from atlanta, singer y/n l/n writes a song about all the way he makes her feel nervous.
inspired by nervous by maren morris
cw: implied smut & swearing
lowercase intentional! wordcount: 0.6k
a/n ive been watching the resident sm lately and forgot that they put gold love (i think, havent gotten there yet) is at the end of s2. also this is based off of the hq tour performance!! ps, thank u for sm love on hummingbird <333
devon turned to conrad as the group of doctors walked towards the front, with barricade right in front of them. with a small grin spread across his face, conrad shrugged, “know somebody.”
“you’ve gotta know more than just ‘somebody’.”nic told him as they waited for the show to start before mina spoke up, “these seats went for $500 resale.”
the three turned to the surgeon, all with a surprised look on their faces, causing mina to shrug, “i like her music too.”
it was about an hour or so before the show began after the opening act, and as soon as y/n came out, her eyes locked with conrads, causing a big smile to spread across her lips. every single time she was in the middle of the stage, her eyes never left his, making damn sure of it too.
about halfway through the setlist, she heard the band start up the slow intro to the next song, and sent conrad a wink, before walking back up to the microphone, keeping contact, “you make me nervous,”
“put my reservations out of service, making me feel like every secrets worth it, its working.”she sang, and saw a small smirk fall back onto conrad's lips, knowing exactly what this song was about, “tryina hide my desire below the service.”
the two kept eye contact for a few moments, before y/n broke it, and looked over at her bandmate, “you make me wonder, how this part of me went undiscovered.”
“taking my heart out of its zone of comfort, like summer,”y/n continued, looking back over at conrad and his friends, “by the time its gone, you want another.”
taking the microphone off of the stand, y/n walked towards the front of the stage, right in front of conrad, pointing at him subtly, “you make me out of control, out of our clothes,”
“motion in slow, yeah,”she continued as conrad watched her walk around the stage, putting on one of the best performances he had seen, “you take me, you take me in my feelings,”
“through the ceiling, leaving my inhibitions exposed,”y/n walked back over to the mic stand hooking it back up, “you make me nervous.”
“every little move you make, you make on purpose.”she pointed at him again, before raising her arm, “tracing my body like you’re learning cursive, researching.”
“just how high of a touch can take a person.”
y/n jumped right back into the chorus, before dancing around the stage, and finishing up the bridge. slowly making her way off the stage, the star made her way over to conrad, with a big grin on her face.
“you make me nervous.”
“put my reservations out of service,”y/n sang, seeing all the shocked faces around her, joining in with the screams, “tryina hide my desire below the surface,”
standing on the barricade, conrad gripped her sides, keeping her steady as she towered over him, both with big grins spread across their faces, knowing she had just revealed their little secret.
“you make me nervous.”
#conrad hawkins x reader#the residence#the resident fox#fluff#smut#conrad x nic#conrad hawkins fluff#conrad hawkins angst#conrad hawkins#conrad hawkins imagines#matt czuchry#matt czuchry x reader#humble quest writing series#humble quest#jj maybank x y/n#the resident x reader
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