#Concierge physicians
recentupdates · 11 months
Benefits to Concierge Medicine, Including - Lifestyle Physicians
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More personalized care: Concierge physicians have smaller patient panels, which allows them to spend more time with each patient and get to know them better. This allows them to provide more personalized care and develop treatment plans that are tailored to the individual patient's needs. Easier access to care: Concierge patients have same-day or next-day access to their physician, and they can also reach them by phone or email 24/7. This is especially beneficial for patients with chronic conditions or complex medical needs. Less waiting time: Concierge patients typically have shorter wait times for appointments and procedures. More comprehensive care: Concierge practices often offer a wider range of services than traditional primary care practices, including preventive care, wellness programs, and coordination of care with specialists and other healthcare providers. Source URL: https://www.vevioz.com/read-blog/56379
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bradford-rabin-md · 11 months
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nursegeorgiehealth · 1 year
Transform Your Health with Personalized Care: Concierge Doctor in Jackson, WY
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Looking for personalized medical care in Jackson, WY? Look no further than our Concierge Doctor in Jackson WY, offering comprehensive services including concierge medicine, iv therapy, and nutrition counseling. Our concierge physician provides functional nutrition plans tailored to your individual needs. Contact us today to experience the benefits of personalized care from a trusted and experienced medical professional.
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neuroguru · 2 years
Physicians are admired for their sacrifice and dedication. Yet beneath the surface lies a painful, quiet reality: Physicians may take their lives more than any other professional, reported at 40 per 100,000. That stat was presented at the 2018 American Psychiatric Association meeting and has been widely debated. A Missouri State Medical Associate study found that nearly one doctor dies by suicide every day.
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healthmedsblog · 2 years
Concierge Care Physician in Austin, Texas
Dr. Johnson has partnered with Signature MD, a premier concierge service, for 5 years. Visit his Signature MD profile here. Healthcare is becoming more impersonal, with rushed service and shortened visits. After many years in private practice, Dr. Neal Johnson prefers giving more personalized care with longer visits and more focused individual time devoted to your healthcare so you can live longer, live healthier and live better.  https://www.nealjohnsonmd.com/concierge-option/
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Despite what [Ashish] Jha says, it is still prudent to protect yourself and those you love from infection, particularly since community-level protections are gone and widespread environmental upgrades that could have minimized the spread (such as indoor ventilation) were never implemented. Yes, things are far better than in 2020, but the virus is still here, and you don’t want to get it. But Jha’s “nothing to see here” response is, in many ways, the logical outcome of Biden’s decision to essentially throw in the towel when it comes to Covid. Thanks to the official ending of the Covid public health emergency, millions—particularly low-income people—are now on their own in terms of access to the ubiquitous-in-Jha’s-mind-only tools of Democratic lore. So why bother telling anyone to worry when they might not be able to get the help they need? Instead, better to tell them that everything’s fine, that masks don’t need to be in the picture—or even that they “don’t need to know what virus they have and don’t need to be buying tests all the time,” as Shira Doron, the chief infection-control officer for the Tufts Medicine health care network in Massachusetts, told The Washington Post. Jha and Doron and their ilk can speak so soothingly because they are part of the class that is much more insulated from the worst effects of Covid. People like them—the ones with money and access—can afford the expensive Covid tests. They can ensure that Paxlovid reaches their door quickly. They’ll be first in line for the new boosters. Some of them even have a concierge physician on speed dial for when things get hairy. Meanwhile, they offer the rest of the country the policy equivalent of “You do you” and “Let them eat cake.” While too many people who should know better are downplaying the ongoing public health risk from Covid, others are trying to signal the peril of our current moment. The New York Times recently reported on new estimates from researchers that Covid might lead to at least 45,000 deaths between September and April—and that’s the best-case scenario. “Based on these projections, Covid is likely to remain in the leading causes of death in the United States for the foreseeable future,” Justin Lessler, an epidemiologist at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, told the Times. So Covid is still a leading cause of death, yet some of the most powerful medical figures in the country are telling us to ignore it. Shouldn’t that disconnect be a bigger deal?
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starr-angelofnarnia · 10 months
Carlisle Cullen as an emergency room physician is cool. But I'd like to see Dr. Cullen working as a concierge doctor, taking in patients with medical mysteries. Talk about helping people.
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Very reasonably priced woo-woo machine, I see she understands her targeted audience. Btw, what is parasite cleansing? I feel like I’m missing something here…
Anon #2 that came through while I was putting this together:
Parasite cleansing? Apart from the fact that in the US this really only an issue for pets and livestock, I’m still calling bull. No way that anything designed to kill parasites wouldn’t be intrinsically toxic to this leech.
Ok, get ready. Because THIS is one of my favorite things to talk about when it comes to Gen…You’re not missing anything because “parasite cleansing,” as she’s referring to it, is not a real thing. In recent years, G has become obsessed with “gut health” alongside the rest of the wellness community. Part of that is a concern for parasites that may be upsetting your delicate GI balance. 🙃 More info on the trend, scam, and risks here.
Time will tell if she actually circles back around to talk about this more like she said she would in that video. I hope she tells us who suggested it to her. But overall, Gen’s hypochondria stems from a mix of generalized anxiety, perfectionism/the drive to be constantly improving her “health”, and an abundance of access to resources and “professionals” who validate her concerns. G has been on this health optimization kick for quite a while but she recently named one of her major influences.
In the podcast where she talked about her implants, she also mentioned her doctor by name; Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen of Resilient Health. This whole medical practice is set up for the rich and the anxious. A few things stand out to me upon reading the doc’s bio on their website: First, she is the lead scientist for IntelxxDNA, a genetic testing service that claims to be able to tell you what medical concerns you may be at risk for, and advise on next steps.
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As I researched this service further, other resources would note that one risk of this kind of testing is an increase in stress and anxiety. And that makes sense if you find out your DNA makes you at risk for some super scary disease. Just ask Gen:
So if I’m reading between the lines here, it sounds like G got her DNA profile read at this practice and then has become, understandably, even more hyper-aware of her body and body sensations as a result. And then you have a doctor with an invested interest going, “oh no, let’s monitor how you’re feeling at all times.” This is a recipe for disaster when you’re anxious. You will see what you look for, without fail. No wonder she bites her cuticles.
Furthermore, the clinical validity and utility of these tests cannot be confirmed as of yet. (Source) Clinical utility refers to whether the test can provide helpful information about diagnosis, treatment, management, or prevention of a disease. So all this hyper-focus and making it rain on this doctor could all be for nothing.
You might saying, “what does she mean by making it rain on the doctor?” Well, finally there’s this part:
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Private membership at the doctor’s office? If you’re unfamiliar with this form of boutique or concierge medicine, it may be because you aren’t in the right tax bracket. Here’s a fairly quick rundown that I like, but it’s basically paying a monthly out-of-pocket fee to a physician for 24/7 access to their care. For my friends in the US, our insurance plans could never. (And you still need health insurance or deep pockets on top of it for additional prescriptions, tests, etc…seriously, read the article above.)
I won’t go into the ethical implications of providing access to care to only the rich, but it’s definitely there imho. Plus check out the practice’s condescending phrasing: a membership is the ultimate self-care. Don’t you care about your health??! Inquire about giving us your money today!
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So why am I going on and on about this? Because our dear Gen is stuck in an echo chamber of health anxiety and she wants you to be right there with her. There’s nothing inherently wrong with integrative medicine or holistic practices, but life is hard enough without allowing this broad to add to your stress. If you find yourself asking if you too need some crap she’s peddling, the answer is likely no. And she doesn’t need it either. She just has access to it...and she’s probably hoping you help foot her bill with a purchase through a monetized link.
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thegoofyfanaticus · 7 months
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(( Art is commissioned from the incredibly talented ArtReplicant. Original story by me. )) Damion knelt with one knee on Liam's chest and pressed deep into Liam's soft muscle. Liam warily looked over to Damion and clenched his teeth as the pain dug into his chest. He could feel the bruises and the welts deep into the muscle tissue. Liam knew he was going to need medical help after this fight. Fortunately he had the company doctor that all employees had access to. She would come to the employee's home to do the visit as a concierge service for the company. The company doctor also supervised a group of Physician Assistants so they could handle all the company needs at one time. She would no doubt scold Liam for being so reckless in this fight as she looked over his wounds. Liam loved her touch and had thought about asking her on a date, but didn't want to create an awkward situation if it didn't work out. Instead, he fought often and called her in to tend to his bruises and to feel her caress his muscles as she examined him. He was looking forward to seeing her face instead of the face that currently was seared into his mind. The sadistic grin of Damion was a face Liam would not soon forget no matter how hard he wanted to. Damion had grabbed and twisted Liam's crotch again and Liam arched back in pain which only served to force Damion's knee deeper into Liam's chest. Liam focused on hanging on until Damion put him into a legitimate submission hold so he could submit and end this fight.  Liam's hope was soon answered as Damion's legs crossed over his chest and Damion pulled back on his arm. The armbar was excruciating as Damion pulled fast and hard. Liam could feel the power of Damion's quads clamp down on his body and push down while he felt Damion's incredibly strong grip press down into his wrist and forearm while pulling back. Damion used his leg as a lever to force Liam's arm back to its breaking point. Liam cried out in pain and yelled, "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! FUUAAAAAAHHHHHHCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!" For a moment, Liam felt the pain of the armbar lesson. He sighed a breath of relief that the pain was over and the fight was done. "SNAP!!!!! CRACK!!!!!" Liam howled in searing pain as Damion snapped his arm in a clean break. 
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
Early risers get a lot of good press: They are supposedly more productive and possibly better problem solvers. But after a month of forcing myself out of bed at 5 a.m., I learned that getting up early isn’t always the best thing for you.
I’m a morning person, and most days I’m out of bed by 5:45 a.m. I usually have 15 minutes before the rest of my household starts to wake, and I use this time to enjoy a cup of tea as well as the stillness of the morning. I look forward to this time so much that I wondered, What would happen if I expanded the 15 minutes to an hour?
While it was a nice thought, getting up at 5 a.m. was harder than I expected. My alarm went off a mere 45 minutes earlier than normal, but I had to drag myself out of bed. With no plan other than tea and stillness, I quickly learned that an hour is too long. The second day I decided to meditate, a practice I’ve wanted to do but never seemed to have the time for. Unfortunately, I fell asleep in my chair. Eventually, I took out a piece of paper and did a brain dump of all the things I wanted to get done in January–at least I had a plan.
As the month went on, I used the time to get a head start on work, but by 9 p.m., I was exhausted and would head to bed. That meant I lost out on evening time with my husband and son.
Why was 5 a.m. so much harder than 5:45 a.m.?
Forty-five minutes can make a huge difference, says Damon Raskin, MD, a sleep expert affiliated with Concierge Choice Physicians in Pacific Palisades, California. “We get our deep restorative sleep in the early-morning waking hours when REM sleep occurs,” he says. “If you shorten that, you are going to feel unrefreshed, and you’re not going to have enough sleep.”
A Better Way to Get Up Early
Turns out that simply adjusting your alarm clock isn’t the best way to make a long-term change. Instead, understand that your brain is always looking for patterns, says Shawn Stevenson, author of Sleep Smarter: 21 Proven Tips to Sleep Your Way to a Better Body, Better Health and Bigger Success.
“Your body clock, or circadian rhythm, governs how your body is in sync with all of life, and when you make a shift in that, there will be residual fallout,” he says. “By waking up 45 minutes earlier, you proactively created at-home jet lag. If you keep pressing it for several days, your body will eventually sort itself out, but there is a more graceful way to do it.”
“By waking up 45 minutes earlier, you proactively created at-home jet lag.”
First, withdraw from electronics at least an hour before bed, which affect the quality of your sleep. “When it comes to our health, most of us know that calories aren’t equal; 300 calories of broccoli aren’t the same for your body as 300 calories of Twinkies,” he says. “Sleep is similar, and unfortunately many today are getting Twinkie sleep, not cycling through proper brain activity because electronic devices suppress melatonin (the hormone that controls sleep cycles).”
Every hour you are exposed to blue light from a device, you suppress melatonin production for 30 minutes, says Stevenson. “You may be getting eight hours of sleep, but you will still wake up feeling exhausted,” he says.
Morning exercise will also help by regulating your cortisol levels, the hormone that gets you going in the morning, says Stevenson. “Normal cortisol rhythms spike in the morning and then gradually bottom out in the evening,” he says. “If you are changing your wake time, five minutes of exercise can help reset your rhythm. Do body-weight squats or walk around the block.”
Implementing a gradual wake time will also help. “Move your wake time up by 15 minutes and go through that for a couple of days to a week,” says Stevenson. “This is especially important if you want to establish a consistent sleep pattern.”
And not having a strong plan doesn’t help, says Stevenson. “If you don’t have a reason to get up, and your body wants to rest, forget about it,” he says. “You need something that will fill that space that is compelling.”
The Benefits of Getting Up Early
Being the proverbial “early bird” has its advantages, says Shanon Makekau, medical director of the Kaiser Permanente Sleep Lab in Hawaii.
“Morning people have been shown to be more proactive, which is linked to better job performance, career success, and higher wages, as well as more goal-oriented,” she says. “These people tend to be more in sync with the typical workday schedule, versus night owls who may be still be waking up at around lunchtime.”
Early-morning hours also tend to be more productive because there are fewer distractions. Jeremy Korst, CMO of the automated tax software provider Avalara and former general manager of the Windows 10 group at Microsoft, gets up between 3:30 and 4 a.m. for two reasons: clarity of thought during that part of the day and quiet time. He does strategic work from 4 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. that requires focus, then he works out and heads to the office.
“No one else is awake yet, and it’s quiet,” he says. “This isn’t a time for clearing my inbox; this is heads-down work time, during which I’m more productive than any other time of day. Without distraction and a bit of separation from the flurry of the prior workday, I can truly focus on important work.”
Getting up early makes Korst feel like he’s got a jumpstart on the day: “I’m in the office early, so I am already ahead of the day and the schedule a bit,” he says. “This helps as calendars are nearly always jammed–getting ahead of it is critical.”
What Happened When the 30 Days Were Over
Unfortunately, my experiment didn’t produce long-lasting results. When my month was over, I immediately returned to my normal 5:45 a.m., which felt like sleeping in. I even slept until 10 a.m. on weekend mornings–a very rare occurrence for me. I feel more productive now that I’m back to my normal routine.
“The jury is still out regarding whether or not simply shifting one’s wake time earlier is enough to garner all of the positive benefits of the early bird,” says Makekau. “It may be that one’s internal tendency toward productivity is inherent or, more importantly, is tied to the congruency between the internal sleep/wake clock and one’s external schedule. Night owls could be just as productive as long as they are allowed to work on a delayed schedule.”
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elysionhealth · 10 months
Elevate Your Healthcare Experience with Concierge Medicine in Marietta, GA
In the bustling city of Marietta, Georgia, the landscape of healthcare is evolving, and a new approach to medical services is gaining prominence – Concierge Medicine. This personalized and patient-centric model of healthcare delivery is redefining the doctor-patient relationship, offering residents of Marietta a unique and tailored healthcare experience.
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Concierge Doctor in Marietta, GA:
Imagine a healthcare experience where your doctor knows you on a personal level, taking the time to understand your unique health needs and concerns. This is precisely what a Concierge Doctor in Marietta, GA, offers. These dedicated physicians prioritize building strong, long-term relationships with their patients, providing unhurried consultations and comprehensive healthcare services.
Concierge Health Care Services in Marietta, GA:
Concierge health care services in Marietta, GA go beyond the conventional medical model. Patients receive personalized attention, with extended appointment times that allow for in-depth discussions about health goals, lifestyle factors, and preventive measures. This level of care fosters a proactive and collaborative approach to maintaining optimal health.
Concierge Internal Medicine in Marietta, Georgia:
For those seeking specialized care in internal medicine, Marietta, Georgia, boasts Concierge Internal Medicine services. These healthcare providers bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to address a wide range of adult health concerns. With a focus on preventive care, early detection, and personalized treatment plans, Concierge Internal Medicine in Marietta is at the forefront of patient-centered healthcare.
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Concierge Medical Care in Marietta, GA:
Concierge medical care in Marietta, GA offers a departure from the traditional healthcare model by providing patients with direct and unhindered access to their healthcare providers. This accessibility ensures that individuals receive prompt attention and personalized care whenever they need it, fostering a sense of security and trust in their healthcare journey.
Concierge Medicine Providers in Marietta, GA:
In Marietta, GA, a growing number of healthcare professionals are embracing the Concierge Medicine model. These providers are committed to offering a premium healthcare experience characterized by a strong doctor-patient bond, proactive health management, and a focus on individualized care plans. By choosing Concierge Medicine providers in Marietta, patients gain partners in their health and wellness.
Concierge Medicine Services in Marietta, GA:
Concierge Medicine services in Marietta, GA, encompass a wide array of benefits. From same-day appointments and 24/7 direct physician access to personalized wellness plans and preventive screenings, these services are designed to cater to the unique needs and preferences of each patient. It's healthcare designed around you.
Personalized Physicians in Marietta, GA:
When it comes to your health, having a personalized physician in Marietta, GA, can make all the difference. These dedicated healthcare professionals take the time to understand your medical history, lifestyle, and goals, allowing for a truly individualized approach to your healthcare journey. With a focus on preventive care and overall well-being, personalized physicians in Marietta are your partners in health.
In conclusion, the emergence of Concierge Medicine in Marietta, GA, signifies a positive shift in the way healthcare is delivered and experienced. With an emphasis on personalized, patient-centered care, Concierge Medicine providers in Marietta are setting a new standard for excellence in the medical field. If you seek a healthcare experience that prioritizes your individual needs and values, exploring the realm of Concierge Medicine in Marietta is a step towards a healthier and more personalized future.
For More Info: -
Longevity Wellness Marietta GA
Women's Health Care in Marietta GA
Women's Health Specialist Marietta GA
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bradford-rabin-md · 11 months
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nursegeorgiehealth · 2 years
Concierge Doctor Jackson WY
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Nurse Georgie specializes in vitamin IV therapy, Functional Nutrition, vitamin shots, and hormone replacement therapy for natural treatment, symptom relief, and Concierge Doctor in Jackson WY.
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nice2meetyouu · 2 years
Work update
Malapit nang matapos ang training period, pero bago pa man matapos 'yon, mukhang made-deploy na ako sa isang real project. 'Yung pinagawa sa akin na practice ngayon e isa sa mga deferred project last year na na-hold and no one knows kung matutuloy pa ba siya, probably not, so real-world data pa rin naman.
Anyway, sa kabilang work naman, isa sa mga assigned topic sa 'kin ay i-analyze daw ang marketing strategy ng Apple. Hahaha. In fairness, 'di ko alam kung sobrang biased lang nitong nabasa ko (focusing on all the positive points) or maganda ang pagkakasulat, pero it seems na Apple is doing great in terms of management. Ewan ko lang ngayon since taghirap na more than ever and nagkikeep up na rin ang competition.
Speaking of management, how great it would be kung tunay na collaborative ang healthcare. Just stating the obvious pero napaka-compartmentalized kasi. For Apple, nagwork 'yung experts leading experts strategy. For us, parang ganu'n din naman. 'Yung training officer, expert naman 'yun sa field niya. Very hierarchical, you learn from your seniors, you teach your juniors. Pero wala kami nu'ng mga "accountability without control" eme hahaha. Siyempre, kung nasa ortho team ka, bakit (or paano) ka naman makikisawsaw sa bituka ng pasyente or depression. Sa bagay, meron din namang multidisciplinary team conference na tinatawag.
Not sure if gagana sa Pilipinas (or mayroon na ba) 'yung idea ng concierge medicine (sa pagkakaintindi ko, parang subscription siya tapos on-call 'yung doctor na 'yon for you for a certain period like 1 year). Nakita kong mina-market nila 'yung gano'n as VIP ka always, walang waiting in line na magaganap. Mukhang nice siya pag okay 'yung primary physician na nakuha mo, siya na magcoconsolidate ng info at ididirect ka niya sa tamang landas (ideally), or siya na ang magmamanage ng lahat (kung within his/her expertise naman).
Also random sentiment: totoo nga 'no na maraming pangarap ang iba para sa 'yo. Ayon sa mga kaopisina ng tatay ko, dapat daw mag-residency ako. Nu'ng sinabi ko naman sa tatay ko na may magandang opportunity sana na malapit dito kaso gusto may BCOM training (occupational medicine 'yung OM), sabi niya, edi kumuha ka no'n. Sabi ko, 14,000 kaya 'yon. Hahahahaha. Buti pa 'yung licensed nurse, paglapag daw sa Canada, PR na (charot, chismis lang 'to sa isang doctor group; requirement daw doon na PR ka bago makapag-pursue ng [medical] residency so very helpful if nurse ka rin).
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asiya2000 · 1 year
What Is Concierge Medicine? Why Is It Ideal For Patients Like You?
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You might have heard about the term ‘concierge medicine in recent times. But you don't have an idea about what it’s all about. Then you will find this blog useful. Here we have tried to cover all your queries related to concierge medicine including what is a concierge doctor, why it’s ideal for patients like you, what to expect from this kind of healthcare service and many more. Keep reading to know more.What is a concierge doctor? What does he/she do?
A concierge doctor is a primary care physician who provides significantly more personalized services than other doctors since they charge a premium for this specific VIP medical service. Some concierge physicians charge an annual membership fee upfront, while others need a monthly retainer fee.
Because of the membership cost, the physician can only attend to a restricted number of patients. Patients do not have to be crammed into the office. They can devote more attention to each patient and address medical issues that a different doctor might have ignored.
A concierge doctor can order laboratory testing and imaging services, as well as treat many forms of health concerns.
Concierge doctors are all fully licensed, medical practitioners. Their education is no different than that of any other doctor. They attend medical school and undergo internships and residencies, just as any other doctors. Even they are eligible to do fellowships to specialize or receive any additional certificate of added qualifications.
How can we help in the treatment?
If you are in search of a concierge healthcare service in India, we will serve as your guide throughout your treatment and will be physically present with you even before your treatment begins. The following will be provided to you:
Opinions of expert physicians and surgeons
Transparent communication
Coordinated care
Assured quality care from the NABH accredited hospitals
Prior appointment with specialists
Assistance in hospital formalities
24*7 availability
Arrangement for travel
Assistance for accommodation and healthy recovery
Assistance in emergencies
We are dedicated to offering the highest quality health care to our patients. We have a team of highly qualified and devoted health professionals that will be by your side from the beginning of your journey.
What Is Concierge Medicine? | HealthTrip
Here we have tried to cover all your queries related to concierge medicine including what is a concierge doctor, why it’s ideal for patients like you, what to expect from this kind of healthcare service, and many more. Keep reading to know more.
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Experience the best health trip with a top medical travel company in India. Find the best hospitals, and doctors for medical treatment in India. Best Medical Tourism in India.
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nairhomecare · 5 days
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We are a group of Board certified Internal Medicine Specialists who have been in practice for over 20 years. Our practice has been doing Face to face visits at homes for those who are defined as “Home Bound”, Video visits, Phone calls, and is on call for our patients 24/7. The stability of our Private Practice, our personal long term relationships with our patients and families, and the many resources we have for them have maintained a steady flow of great outcomes, and results. We have a pharmacy that can deliver for free, many specialists/Home health/DME/Private caregivers we are networked with, Hospitalists we can call for assistance at any time, and a great relationship with the three major healthcare organizations in town. We even have specialists who can visit you at home. Our practice is not designed to be a concierge type of practice, but one that accepts all insurances. We can make exceptions, but most of our patients prefer the Insurance route. We quickly respond to your needs, and look forward to serving you and your family soon.
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