alaconsultingfirm · 2 years
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Happy Family Day Weekend, A.L.A. Consulting Firm Community!
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alaconsultingfirm · 2 years
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alaconsultingfirm · 2 years
Hi A.L.A.Entrepreneurship and Startup Community!
Innovation starts with individuals who may not look or have the alphabet behind or in front of their names. It's about looking deeper and seeking more into the different modalities of intelligence we do not normally seek. The 8 Intelligence modalities are Musical-rhythmic and harmonic, Visual-spatial, Linguistic-verbal, Logical-mathematical, Bodily-kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalistic we are all born with.
Learn as a Leader to connect with peer relationships and hire talent who possess the same values, moral intelligence, and accountability but are diverse in their framework of neurodevelopment.
Diversity in thoughts/ cognitive/ neurodevelopment abilities is the future of creating a different business world and organizational culture/subcultures.
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alaconsultingfirm · 2 years
Hi A.L.A. Individual Community!
The Family Unit is the first representation of the world subculture to a newborn baby. Throughout the first decade of their life, this is the main time to assist/be an example of creating interdependent relationships, taught how to self-advocate, and last taught how to utilize their intelligence understanding the 8 modalities of intelligence to use the ones which fit their needs individually to incorporate the dominate modality into their daily life.
Creating this foundation assists the child with building self-confidence no matter how others feel, good decision-making that assists all parties, knowing how the mind works or awareness of neurodevelopment, and now navigating the learning process to apply wisdom in their day-to-day lifestyle.
To learn more about how we could assist you and your loved ones in family coaching email us at [email protected].
#OrganizationalDevelopment #OrganizationalChange #LeadershipDevelopment #LeadershipWisdom #TeamEffectiveness #TeamBuilding 
#EntrepreneurGoals #EntrepreneurJourney #EntrepreneurshipAndStartupWithALAConsultingFirm #ALAConsultingFirmSocialRelationExperts
#OrganizationDevelopment #LeadershipDevelopment  #LeadershipWisdom #Teameffectiveness  #TeamBuilding #RetentionManagementWithALAConsultingfirmFirmSeattle
#CommuncationintelligenceSkillsWithALAConsultingfirmFirm #Entrepreneurgoals #EntrepreneurJounrney
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alaconsultingfirm · 2 years
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alaconsultingfirm · 2 years
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alaconsultingfirm · 2 years
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alaconsultingfirm · 2 years
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alaconsultingfirm · 2 years
Hi A.L.A. EID+J Community!
As you go throughout your day always remember, that everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Be Kind to Everyone With Discernment And Protection Of Your Energy!
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