#Colin Dardis
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eunoiareview · 1 month ago
a type of scales
The pull of covers across the hours of the night: back and forth they go over such restricted space; two lovers, one single bed Colin Dardis is a Belfast-based poet and editor, published widely throughout Ireland, the UK and the US. He is the author of ten collections, most recently with the lakes (above/ground press) and What We Look Like in the Future (Red Wolf Editions). He currently curates…
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scripta21 · 9 months ago
Fevers of the Mind Poetry & Art Digest, revue de poésie, N°12, avril 2024
« Sing Song », Fevers of the Mind Poetry & Art Digest, N°12, avril 2024, édition papier et kindle, URL : https://feversofthemind.com/2024/04/24/now-out-fevers-of-the-mind-issue-12-national-poetry-month-2024
Le numéro 12 de Fevers of the Mind Poetry, Art & Music célèbre plusieurs grands morceaux de poésie de Fevers of the Mind au cours des dernières années ainsi que de nouvelles contributions : David L O'Nan, HillLesha O'Nan, MS Evans, Scott Thomas Outlar, Anne Paulet (Scripta 21), Angela Kosta, Rachel Coventry, Jimmy Webb, Lorna Wood, Pasithea Chan, Anushna Biswas, Owen Bullock, Robin McNamara. , David Hay, Nina Parmenter, Steve Denehan, Cat Dixon, Victoria Leigh Bennett, Maxine Rose Munro, Petar Penda, Kevin Hibshman, Shobana Gomes, Gayle J. Greenlea, Oz Hardwick, Stephen Kingsnorth, Vicky Allen, Matthew Freeman, Barney Ashton- Bullock, Kathryn Anna Marshall, Tuur Verheyde, Anna Rozwadowska, Hiram Larew, Marie Little, Rickey Rivers Jr, Gordon Lewis, Colin Dardis, Karlo Sevilla, Michael Igoe, Sarika Jaswani, Kushal Poddar, Christina Strigas, Adrian Ernesto Cepeda, John Grey, Renee Williams, Peach Delphine, Stephen Watt, Jennifer Patino, Katrina Kaye, Paula Hayes, Ryan Quinn Flanagan, Tianna Godsey, Elizabeth Cusack, Khadeja Ali, Charlotte Oliver et Samantha Terrell
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limejuicer1862 · 2 years ago
This Day 611. If you have a creative response to it. Email it to me and I will feature it in my new challenge "Created Responses To This Day"
photo by Paul Brookes Enduring a Morning During a morning of impossible climbs out from the valley of sleep, I saw a cliff face woven into a flower, the crags and moss of unconquered peaks, moors of rugged flora all sewn onto one stem. If nature can be a mirror unto itself, then I can be the water, the waker, the dawn chorus, an embrace of Spring-fuelled air. Colin Dardis Bio and Links Colin…
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susanthejournal · 8 years ago
please                (should I have to plead) do not touch               (should I have to guard) my antennae               (should I be alert) or butterfly wings               (should I have to dress) do not pin               (I am not collectable) or cherish my beauty               (I am prone to age) or attempt to name me               (moecha putida) I am not attracted to your light               (darkness falls) ⁂ Colin Dardis is a poet, editor and freelance arts facilitator based in Belfast. His work has been published widely throughout Ireland, the UK and USA. He was a 2015-16 ACES recipient from Arts Council Northern Ireland. A collection is forthcoming from Eyewear Publishing. Colin also co-runs Poetry NI and is the editor for Lagan Online.
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tales-of-a-fallen-star · 7 years ago
Well... today I was once again reminded how helplessly and absolutely in love I am with Mr. Darcy (and probably always will be).
*gross sobbing*  Where do I find my own?
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oldladyhaiku · 3 years ago
Forest Fire Haiku by Colin Dardis
Forest Fire Haiku by Colin Dardis
Colin Dardis writes from Belfast: I’m not in New Mexico but I’ve just read Fire Season by Philip Connors and this spoke to me. early spring, first post – potential acres drowning the lookout station every fire is named – nothing stays anonymous, smallest smoke christened fire paints beneath black – overhead, open canvas, smokejumpers attack yes, it’s true – the fire is welcomed in certain…
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kitchen-light · 5 years ago
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markulyseas · 5 years ago
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cal-wheelchair-witch · 6 years ago
Colin Dardis (@purelypoetry) Tweeted:
The UK spends £68m a year on Pringles, and £6.8m on poetry. Our only solution is to start writing poems on crisps. #NationalPoetryDay https://t.co/ktDu7KtATl https://twitter.com/purelypoetry/status/913363705722802176?s=17
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italianaradio · 5 years ago
The Batman: una nuova arma nel dettaglio della Batsuit
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/the-batman-una-nuova-arma-nel-dettaglio-della-batsuit/
The Batman: una nuova arma nel dettaglio della Batsuit
The Batman: una nuova arma nel dettaglio della Batsuit
The Batman: una nuova arma nel dettaglio della Batsuit
Le foto dal set di The Batman hanno evidenziato una Batsuit abbastanza simile a una tuta da combattimento, un costume che sembra ricavato da sesti meccanici, il che si sposa alla perfezione con l’approccio realistico e crudo che Matt Reeves sembra voglia portare avanti nella sua versione per il cinema dell’Uomo Pipistrello.
In particolare, su Instagram sono state pubblicate nuove immagini che mostrano il dettaglio di un “bracciale” del costume del Crociato di Gotham e sembra che il nostro eroe sarà munito di nuove armi. Il manicotto del costume presenta infatti una specie di “faretra” e dentro sono chiaramente visibili dei dardi che sicuramente saranno utili sia nel combattimento corpo a corpo che in quello a distanza.
Ecco le immagini da vicino:
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A post shared by Davin (@arkhambat) on Feb 23, 2020 at 11:33am PST
The Batman: cosa pensa Ben Affleck di Robert Pattinson
Il cast di The Batman è formato da molti volti noti: insieme a Robert Pattinson nei panni di Bruce Wayne, ci saranno anche Andy Serkis (Alfred), Colin Farrell (Oswald Chesterfield/Pinguino), Zoe Kravitz (Catwoman), Jeffrey Wright (Jim Gordon) e Paul Dano (Enigmista). Infine, John Turturro sarà il boss Carmine Falcone. Nel cast anche Peter Sarsgaard, ma c’è ancora mistero sul suo ruolo.
HN Entertainment ha suggerito che le riprese del cinecomic si svolgeranno presso i Leavesden Studios di Londra (gli stessi della saga di Harry Potter ma anche di Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League, Wonder Woman e del sequel Wonder Woman 1984) mentre l’uscita nelle sale è stata già fissata al 25 giugno 2021.
“The Batman esplorerà un caso di detective“, scrivono le fonti, “Quando alcune persone iniziano a morire in modi strani, Batman dovrà scendere nelle profondità di Gotham per trovare indizi e risolvere il mistero di una cospirazione connessa alla storia e ai criminali di Gotham City. Nel film, tutta la Batman Rogues Gallery sarà disponibile e attiva, molto simile a quella originale fumetti e dei film animati. Il film presenterà più villain, poiché sono tutti sospettati“.
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
The Batman: una nuova arma nel dettaglio della Batsuit
Le foto dal set di The Batman hanno evidenziato una Batsuit abbastanza simile a una tuta da combattimento, un costume che sembra ricavato da sesti meccanici, il che si sposa alla perfezione con l’approccio realistico e crudo che Matt Reeves sembra voglia portare avanti nella sua versione per il cinema dell’Uomo Pipistrello. In particolare, su […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Chiara Guida
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trekkingni · 6 years ago
The Merits of Getting Lost by Colin Dardis
The Merits of Getting Lost by Colin Dardis
By Colin Dardis
The Norwegian explorer Roald Amudsen said that “adventure is lack of planning”. I tend to disagree: adventure is opportunistic, and can, to a certain extent, be planned for. Often, when my wife and I are venturing down some trail, or following a designated route, we will often see a dirt path leading out into the unknown. Or it might be a break in the trees, leading to an opening…
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joecushnan · 7 years ago
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limejuicer1862 · 2 years ago
Celebrate #NationalTellAJokeDay. Please join Colin Dardis and I. I will feature your published/unpublished joke poetry/short joke prose/joke artworks. Please include a short third person bio.
Celebrate #NationalTellAJokeDay. Please join Colin Dardis and I. I will feature your published/unpublished joke poetry/short joke prose/joke artworks. Please include a short third person bio.
A few groaners for #NationalTellAJokeDay: Two hippies cleaning up after a house party: 1st hippy: “Where’s your bin, man?” 2nd hippy: “Doesn’t come ’til Tuesday, man.” What do you call a female taxidermist? Stuff-a-knee. Why did the polygamist cross the road? To get to his other bride. -Colin Dardis Bio And Links -Colin Dardis is a neurodivergent poet, editor and sound artist from Northern…
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writingsinrhyme · 8 years ago
Fifteen Minutes of Sunshine
Fifteen Minutes of Sunshine
Walk in the sun opposite Renmore
Dedicated to the Dardis family on the passing of their father Tony, and to all families on that final journey with a loved one. Colin had written about wheeling him out in the sunshine some days back for the length of time his dad was able to enjoy it, and how great it was to have something so simple and a time so sweet and short to share…
Something we take for…
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litchaos-blog-blog · 14 years ago
Five Poems
by Colin Dardis 
Why I watch American Wrestling
  It's rarely worth staying up to 2am
to watch live American wrestling,
but I do it anyway.
  For feck's sake, I could easily
change channels with just a few
electrical impulses to my fingers,
and my eyes would be bathing in
cheap titillation from live phone-sex
gyrating fleshbots.
  Minus the phone-sex
because it's silenced out
and you need to pay
one-fifty a minute for the groans.
At least the boobs and ass are free.
  As well as the cheers and roars
from the American crowds,
viewing muscled men in tight shorts
prance about.
  Maybe that's why I watch it instead
of softcore porn:
I enjoy a soundtrack.
Or maybe I just prefer
the hard stuff.
Tyre needing pumped:
no valve to find,
no mouth to blow,
no air to cushion
the weight one must travel with.
Push those pedals with bleeding feet;
every flat revolution
doesn’t get you far,
Rubber treads too close to the rim,
and now buckled spokes
rut and score
making travel
a weary
near impossible exercise
To A Supporter
No protest or brave defiance there:
just the drunken fall
of her piss on a cenotaph
followed by a sexual act.
You applauded this wildness,
and yes, we didn’t support the war,
but there is no glory here
in supporting idiocy;
and if you respect my right to disagree
with the words you type
do you mind if I come over
and piss of your keyboard?
  With a Cartesian knife  I detach your mind from your body  and only yearn for one;  unable to tell which is the better half,  tonight I am unsure.  On previous days,  I thought with my mind  and wanted yours to rub against,  expected the resulting friction  to fire off creative sparks.  Or I ran with my body  and sought out your flesh;  this experiment was as much  an examination of my own skin  as it was on yours.  Right now,  I feel there will never be a union,  as my mind and body  will not allow  us to come together.
Best Viewed From Behind
You said you were an open girl,  legs open to free your mind,  from behind  or whatever worked on any chosen night.  But with your ass in the air,  and your face to the pillow,  your view of the world  isn't much to see.
Born at the tail end of the seventies in Northern Ireland, Colin Dardis is a poet, artist, and sometimes musician. He edits Speech Therapy, an online zine focusing on poetry from Ireland and beyond. He is also the co-ordinator of Make Yourself Heard, an open mike poetry night. His first collection, 'left of soul' is available via lulu.com.
Colin’s work has been previously published in 34th Parallel, Fire, Stimulus Respond, Fuselit, Decanto, Revival, Blazevox, Gutter Eloquence and elsewhere.
His poem 'Perhaps', won the EditRed.Com 2006 Writer’s Choice Award for Poetry.
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