#Cold Sneeze
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hanafubukki · 1 month ago
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Malleus thinks you’re cute like this.
With your nose red from sneezing into your napkins throughout the day.
“Stop laughing at me.”
He bit back the tug at his lips.
“I’m doing no such thing.”
“Yes, you are. I can see that sm-” your sneeze stopped you from completing your sentence.
As if you read his mind, you sent him a glare.
It made you look like a skittish kitten.
Like the ones that followed Silver around as a child. Scared of his large form but always stuck close to the little one’s side, constantly eyeing him.
“Keep being smug and I’ll ask Lilia about those times you burned his hair.”
A pause.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.”
The banter continued into the night.
You tucked in your bed with a dragon guarding your bedside.
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warmasf · 8 months ago
B has been feeling a little weird all day. A little shivery, a little tired, a little achey, starting to get sniffly, but overall okay. They don’t feel sick per se, just a little off.
Cut to B having a little movie night with their partner A, who is cradling B’s head in their lap. A is carding softly through their hair as they feel B’s breathing start to grow deeper and slower. They smile and move their fingers down towards B’s eyes, only to brush their forehead and stop. Is it just them, or is B feeling a little warm? They move their hand to B’s cheek, their other cupping the nape of their neck.
“You feeling okay? You feel really warm,” A asked, feeling B roll a little bit in their lap.
B mumbled something before burying their hot face deeper into the blankets and sniffling liquidly.
“Aw honey, let me get you some Tylenol so you can get some rest.”
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selene-and-the-cold · 2 months ago
A couple sitting propped up in their large bed in their favorite pjs. They both came down with the same terrible cold, their noses bright red, streaming and full to the brim with sneezes. Used, balled-up tissues are scattered all around them like a halo, and they've sneezed so much today, that person A has given up on tissues altogether and is just giving themselves up to the sneezes, letting them fly uncovered for why bother anyway if both of them are sick already?
B is adamant that all sneezes should be covered, so when A's breath hitches helplessly, B reaches out a hand to catch A's desperate "Aaahh'TIISSHU!!!" in their hand, only to feel a sneeze blooming in their own nose. Without thinking, they hold the hand A has just sneezed into in front of their own nose and sneeze a spraying "Heh'PTTSSHIEW!!!" into it, so now their palm is shimmering wet with both their colds.
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andr0nap-wf · 1 year ago
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kalymos in a sweater,,, if u even care
(you should, shes very cozy)
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coldshare · 4 months ago
thinking about contagion through objects, except take it up a notch...
A has the worst cold they've had in ages, and they spent all morning going through box after box of tissues. once they finally ran out, they had to resort to using a stack of cafeteria napkins. maybe they're heading out somewhere, so they shove the stash into their pocket.
as they work, they repeatedly rub their red, dripping nose onto the stack of napkins. honestly, their nose is running like a tap... it's not long before the napkins are damp in their hands.
every so often, they lift the entire stack up to their face, just inches away from their nose and mouth as they unleash violent, spraying sneeze after sneeze: "hhh-HAHH-hahh-TSCHHiiew! snf... sdf! hh-hHhAH'TSCHHh'mPF!"
after just an hour, the napkin stack is thoroughly drenched, and their hands are entirely covered with cold viruses. they are intent on going through their day as usual, drawing as little attention to themself - and their terrible cold - as possible, but then...
B - a coworker who A think is a little full of themselves - spills something on some important documents. they all but shriek - "does anyone have any napkins?!" they zero in on the stash A is holding and practically snatches it out of A's hands, despite A's protests.
"wait," A says. "you shouldn't use that. it's..."
but B is too worried about cleaning up the mess to care, or to notice that the napkins are already damp - after all, the napkins still do their job, don't they? they wring every last bit of use out of the napkins - wipe away the liquid that's spilled all over their desk, wipe down their pens and their work keyboard, for good measure - while A watches them, a little horrified, before getting out of their seat to retrieve a new fresh, uncontaminated stack.
"there," B says, satisfied with their work, as A returns with a stack of fresh napkins. "much better." they take the proffered napkins from A without a word of thanks, reaching up with a hand to rest a hand on their mouth while they look over their work.
a few days later, a now-recovered A heads into the office, only to be met with a loud, messy - 'hhH-HehhH-HHEH'TDCHHHHIIW!" from a couple desks down, which absolutely tears into a handful of tissues...
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cultivating-wildflowers · 1 year ago
ladies, I need to wander despondently across a foggy moor asap
#*this also applies to the not-ladies among us#y'all deserve a good pensive ramble across a moor in a really cool greatcoat#just be sure you don't turn it into anything vigorous#this is not the time to be Aragorn we are looking for Jonathan Harker pre-Dracula at best#in regards to the moor: a wind-swept cliffside would also be suffice#it would NOT do wonders for my health of course but hey#fortunately the bestie and I have plans to go hiking next weekend and if we don't have another option I'm gonna beg for the hemlock trail#I'd also take the cedar springs#I just need Nature that isn't the beach#in other news I am happy to report that the week is smoothing itself out somewhat#we're all still on edge but it's not as bad as it was and we've effectively kicked loose the pebble in the the shoe#my darling sister sent me a gift and told me to treat myself so I may get bubble tea after work#and I begged for tomorrow off so I can sleep and then spend the day coughing in peace#(this is such a bizarre cold. I didn't get any of the preliminaries outside of some sneezing)#(and then it was straight to my chest. not even a sore throat first! usually I get a lot of build up and can often get ahead of a bad cough#(thankfully my nose is not congested. I suppose that's the trade-off)#so I'll sleep in and then I may sort some of the filing I'm taking home from the office#by then I'll likely have completely lost my voice#AND I have ingredients for chili because for once I planned ahead. might even make some of my favorite rolls as well.#and then next week...I start a second job#(super simple and it's 2 hours max every evening. once I figure it out it could be an hour tops unless I decide to take it slow)#(the pay is great for the job and it'll give me something to do instead of just...I dunno...reading through the winter I suppose)#(sorry my head is in such a fog I don't know how I'm surviving work)#mine#greatest hits
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cooldsnz0 · 1 month ago
Your sneezy girlfriend is waiting you get home
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Your catch a heavy cold girlfriend miss you so much that waiting for you to get home.
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aller-geez · 29 days ago
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Since I’ve had so many people send me asks/dming about more Meeko, I have brought food for you~
I know not many people have been reading it, but also stay tuned later tonight for part 4 of Snow Daze~
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snzcaretaker · 7 days ago
Lonely man with a bad headcold touching himself. That's... that's all.
CW: NSFW, mess, dacryphilia (crying)
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Laying in bed all day, with nothing to do, alone and miserable, his hand starts to wander under the comforter. He knows he'll get out of breath, so he really shouldn't. He feels so weak already and this will use up the last of his strength, but he can't help it. He's just so desperate to feel some kind of pleasure. Maybe if he just palms himself for a second...but it only turns him on more and soon his sweats are pulled down and he's pumping.
Poor baby is making himself pant. The breath catches in his chest and he lets out a weak little cough and then a sniffle. His already fevered face keeps getting more flushed, so he throws off the blanket and pushes himself up against his mountain of pillows to get a better grip. Another self-conscious sniff. Even though he's alone, it feels somehow embarrassing to be getting off in this state. He's so lonely, so disgusting and pathetic. Tears well up in his eyes, and he squeezes them shut, but that just sends the liquid down his nose instead. It's running freely no matter how many times he sniffs against it, and he can't stop long enough to clean himself up so he just keeps getting messier until he feels the dampness pooling at the back of his sinuses, demanding release. When he hitches, it's high-pitched and whiny, even for him. Halfway to a sob. "mmmmughh...aaaahhh..."
"ahHxdtttDDTTIEW! Aaaaammpfff...oh gohh...haAA...haaaAADTTHHIEOO!!! Guuugggh…" He sprays his arms, his cock, as tears erupt over his cheeks. Despite being a huge double, it doesn't clear his nose at all. He just feels so damp now and the cold air sets off a new wave of pitiful shivering. Why did he ever push the blanket aside? He wants so badly to be cuddled against a soft, warm body. Someone who would kiss his forehead and wipe his cheeks...maybe even um...wipe his nose... He flushes harder if that's possible. The thought of it keeps his hips bucking shakily against his hand despite the ache deep in his muscles.
The mess from earlier doesn't go to waste. He's rubbed it all over himself and surrendered to the slick glide that now consumes his full attention. He should wipe off his face but the best he can do is scrub at the bottom of his nose with the back of one finger, making a sickly squelching sound and irritating it even more. But he's too close to care about that. So close that he inhales a snuffling gasp, setting off his congestion again instantly.
"Ugh - fuck, oh goaahhh...aahhHH...nnnfffno..." he thinks he can hold off on both sneezing and cumming for a little bit longer, but he's wrong. The two combined are just too much for him, and he soaks himself doubly with a moaning, orgasmic fit that shudders through his whole body in waves. "hxxttdddCHIEW! ahhtchiew! aaanghhhtCHIEUWWW!! gah...AAAAHHHCHIEW!! AAAHHHAAAAASSSCHIEOOO!!!" He's soaked. The bedding is soaked. People in the next county are probably soaked. And in the comedown, he starts to shiver even more violently.
What an ordeal. He's drained to exhaustion. Getting off is so much work when you're sick, and he really couldn't afford to spend his strength that way. He's too tired to fetch a fresh box of tissues to clean up with - he just grabs some of the used ones crumpled around him and wipes away the stickiness as best he can. But he still feels so wet and gross. No wonder he's alone...his eyes are brimming over with tears again, and the tip of his nose is already beading up with a fat droplet. He collapses back into the pillows, half-haphazardly rebuilds his blanket nest, and spends the next half hour drying his eyes and blowing his nose into the corner of the blanket by turns until he cries himself to sleep.
If only someone had been there to help him.
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warmasf · 5 months ago
Absolutely feral for the idea of a person with a bad cold who will not stop sneezing until they can blow their nose.
Imagine A, with a bad case of the sniffles, feeling stuffy, itchy, achey and overall not well. They sniffle repeatedly in hopes of avoiding an embarrassingly wet nose blow in public, but as they snifffle, something shifts in their sinuses. They feel a harsh tickle, which leads to the overwhelming need to sneeze. They rub their dripping nose, clear discharge leaking onto their knuckles, but it’s no use. They inhale a deep breath, and
“HA-eshhhou, HE-shoo,” the desperate double tumbles from their red nose, leaving snot pooling under their nostrils. They sniffle again to avoid more of a mess, but it only serves to exasperate their poor membranes again. The sudden inhale brings more dry air into their sensitive nostrils, the tickle is unbearable.
“HA-KEshoo, “HaEshoo,” two more barrel out, directed into their soggy sleeve. People are watching now, as they attempt to clean themselves up enough to life their face. They sniff against the fabric, trying desperately to curb the itch and mess of mucus, but their poor nose is too irritated and sick. The sniffle recharges the itchiness, and they gear up for yet another sneeze.
“snff, snff, heh-ha-HA-EshOO”
They sneeze harshly once more, their sleeve now completely soaked. Their breath hitched again as they try to sniff back the congestion. The fit won’t seem to let up until they can blow the infection out of their sick nasal passages.
“Hey, A? Need a tissue?”
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mr-dark-1amao · 2 months ago
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Merry Christmas!!
Let's build a snowman and avoid to catch a cold. At least it wasn't the real Moxxie, but Millie has to start with the head again.
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thefuzzydarkness · 13 days ago
Please ignore my snoring dog and the TV, lol. Here's me sneezing on my couch. I'm so congested it's unreal. I hate it! 🤧
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annie-sniffles · 1 month ago
desc ♡ sum sneezes from my very first winter cold xx
(tried to keep it down but its hard when a virus is teasing your nose. it tickled me until i desperately was sneezing every few minutes. this was all i could catch on camera in the duration of my recovery<3)
requests open!
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cooldsnz0 · 10 days ago
Morning cold denial and take care
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This time it's about my new OC Einar
is a soldier who retired because of an accident, so he is in poor health and often catches a cold.He has a little bit hay fever.
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whumpusgumpus · 8 months ago
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Caught him mid flu sneezing fit 👀
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selene-and-the-cold · 3 months ago
Winter sickfic trope that lives rent free in my head: someone catching a cold at a ski resort. Nothing better than a person, who is technically staying at a dream location, where there is snow, and romantic evenings in front of fireplaces, smores, plush couches, incredibly delicous buffets, hot chocolates and spas - only for the poor person to enjoy exactly zero of it because they caught a monster of a cold and now they can't stop sneezing and are seen as a health hazard by anyone within a ten mile radius.
So instead of fun in the snow, delicious food and relaxing spa visits, they get bedrest, chicken soup and tea, and a steamy bowl of water to loosen their congestion.
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