#Cold Beverages
ribzinc · 10 months
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littlemut · 1 year
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i wish i could look at this… and feel Normal™️
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One thing about me is that I want my "cold beverages" at room temperature.
Ice tea or soft drinks? Keep the ice cubes away from me
Iced coffee or a milkshake? I let that bitch sit for 1 or 2 hours to melt. Fuck it, if I'm feeling impatient I'll microwave it.
Chocolate milk? I warm it up just to let it cool down until it's room temperature
I am who I am
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stuckinstardewvalley · 3 months
you'd think by forbidding me from my drink of choice you've won but if it comes down to a battle of wills only one of us is willing to pass out due to dehydration
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atlantisplus · 6 months
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gofooddy · 7 months
Grapefruit Yoghurt Parfait with Cocos and Amaranth
Grapefruit Yoghurt Parfait with Cocos and Amaranth – doesn’t that sound like a delicious combo? Just the right thing to recharge you after a long hectic day at the office or your place of work. The combination of creamy yogurt, sweet honey, popped amaranth and fruity grapefruit is nicely light but nevertheless super saturating. By the way, the Grapefruit Yoghurt Parfait is also great for a cozy…
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excuseme-greentea · 7 months
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I don't know why this is the most romantic thing to me but it is
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friend-crow · 6 months
So I'm outside putting cozies (rags and duct tape) on the faucets and it's starting to snow, and a hummingbird comes up and is all up in my shit, so I'm like "okay boss, one refill on sugar water coming right up."
So I take down the hummingbird feeder, and the little dude comes and lands on it while it's in my hand. It keeps flitting away and then coming back to see if it is somehow refilled now. Zero apparent fear of me (it might be the hummingbird who has nested in my back yard the last couple years, or one of its offspring, but at any rate it seems to know that I refill the sugar water, and am generally on its side).
I can't WAIT to put the feeder back up, but I have to wait for the sugar juice to cool down a bit first.
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seasonalwonderment · 26 days
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~ Lemonade! ~
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royal-food · 10 months
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Strawberry Peanut Butter Smoothie
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stone-cold-groove · 30 days
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If you’ve got the time, we’ve got the beer. Miller Beer ad - 1971.
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
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Yuma Month: Day 27: Relax
Nothing like taking a nice dip with your suspicious masked captor in his jacuzzi hot tub after almost perishing~🎵
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atlantisplus · 7 months
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gofooddy · 2 years
Cold Coffee Recipes
Cold coffees are the perfect pick-me-ups after a really shabby night’s sleep. How many people here make a Starbucks run on the way to the office to stay awake? Did you know that you can make delicious cold coffees at home costing a fraction of the price? It takes approximately 15 minutes to make a perfect cup of coffee. Be it a cold brew, latte or even a frappe. Moreover, You can make these yummy…
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Maybe it’s my American showing, but the things I would do for a mini-fridge to put all of my beverages…
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boinday · 9 months
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I'm literally so honoured and overjoyed, I can't even find words!! This incredible care package came from the immensely talented and kind @ninjaofdeath16 who made this cushion of Kitty and Sid by hand?? What??? Every process pic they sent me injected so much brightness into my days, and now I actually have it in my studio!!!! It lives in Rodger's lap now ^_^
I bid you all check out their Instagram, (@chaoticmerriment) and show some love to the crafts and cooking (and sometimes kitty cat) on display there ^_^
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