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cinquecolonnemagazine · 4 months ago
Startup 'in rosa' guadagnano terreno, chiave di volta la preparazione in materie Stem
(Adnkronos) - I dati continuano a rivelare che le startup fondate da donne faticano a raccogliere fondi di venture capital in Europa e negli Stati Uniti. Ma ci sono anche segnali incoraggianti: PitchBook, fornitore di dati su venture capital, private equity e fusioni e acquisizioni, evidenzia che le startup 'in rosa' stanno guadagnando terreno in termini di volume di operazioni. Tanti gli attori in campo per trasformare questo gap in opportunità e tutti concordi che, per riuscirci, bisogna iniziare a lavorare sui più giovani partendo dalle scuole secondarie per sostenere la fiducia delle giovani studentesse nelle proprie capacità imprenditoriali e soprattutto in materie Stem. Startup "rosa" Tanti gli esempi illuminati in Italia: dalla prima edizione dello Stem Women Congress portato in Italia nel 2024 da Women at Business ai numerosi eventi di Codemotion che rende, a partire dalla sua fondatrice, la sua community di developer sempre più rosa. “Lo Stem Women Congress ha dimostrato come ogni azienda abbia oggi bisogno di talenti femminili nelle materie stem”, commentano Laura Basili e Ilaria Cecchini, fondatrici di Women at Business. “Due i temi: la mancanza di role model nelle materie scientifiche per sostenere una spinta e un'identificazione necessarie e, dall’altro, invece, la possibilità di dedicare tempo alla propria formazione per chi, non più giovanissima, ha intrapreso carriere diverse ma è ancora assolutamente in tempo per trovare spazio in ruoli Stem".   "La nostra app Women Plus, il cui main sponsor è Tim, è piena di corsi totalmente gratuiti per certificarsi nelle nuove professioni accessibili a tutti a portata di telefonino: un modo intelligente per dedicare qualche ora di tempo in queste vacanze e arrivare all’autunno con qualche strumento professionale in più”, aggiunge. Sottolinea Chiara Russo di Codemotion: “La mia esperienza di imprenditrice nel mondo della tecnologia mi ha insegnato che la diversità di genere è una risorsa fondamentale per l'innovazione e la crescita sostenibile. Tuttavia, la presenza delle donne nel settore Ict e imprenditoriale è ancora limitata, con un ostacolo significativo per il progresso".   Emozioni e sfide "Come co-fondatrice di Codemotion, ho vissuto in prima persona - racconta - le sfide che le imprenditrici affrontano e credo che perseguire i propri sogni con tenacia e determinazione sia fondamentale, ma conciliare i diversi aspetti della vita non sia sempre facile. Per superare questo divario, è cruciale iniziare dalle nuove generazioni e noi lavoriamo sulla sensibilizzazione e sull'educazione fin dalle scuole, per abbattere stereotipi e incoraggiare ragazze e giovani donne ad intraprendere senza paura carriere tecnologiche e imprenditoriali”. Serve però un cambiamento culturale profondo che sostenga le donne nell’intero loro percorso professionale. “Ancora oggi, sono infinite le sfide che le donne si trovano ad affrontare nel conciliare carriera e maternità, vista come ostacolo al successo professionale. Ed è proprio per questo che ho, insieme a Silvia Icardi, scritto ‘Le Parole delle Madri’, un libro-inchiesta diventato una piéce teatrale per portare queste voci al mondo delle aziende come strumento di riflessione e cambiamento culturale. La diversity & inclusion partono da qui: abbattendo stereotipi per promuovere un ambiente lavorativo che valorizzi veramente le competenze uniche che anche la maternità - e la paternità - possono portare, senza dovere più scegliere tra essere madri e la carriera”, conclude l’imprenditrice sociale Roberta Colombo Gualandri.   ---lavoro/[email protected] (Web Info) Foto di Daria Nepriakhina 🇺🇦 da Pixabay Read the full article
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telodogratis · 5 months ago
AI GIRLS: il futuro inclusivo delle STEAM grazie alla formazione
(Adnkronos) – Un percorso formativo rivoluzionario promosso da IGT e Codemotion per avvicinare le studentesse italiane al mondo STEAM  ​Read More  (Adnkronos) – Un percorso formativo rivoluzionario promosso da IGT e Codemotion per avvicinare le studentesse italiane al mondo STEAM  Adnkronos – Tech&Games  tecnologia 
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levysoft · 8 months ago
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soloazar · 2 years ago
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Codemotion cerca 50 talenti per crescere in Italia e Spagna
Chiuso un round da 8 milioni all’inizio dell’anno (ANSA) – TORINO, 02 MAR – Codemotion, la piattaforma di riferimento per la crescita professionale degli sviluppatori e per le aziende alla ricerca dei migliori talenti It, ricerca 50 nuovi talenti per continuare a crescere in Italia e in Spagna. I nuovi profili – sviluppatori front end, back end ed esperti in architettura dati, product…
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vivisent · 7 years ago
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Ecco una delle ragioni per venire a #Codemotion! Qui domanda e offerta di lavoro spesso si incontra! (presso Codemotion @ roma 3)
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ryadel · 6 years ago
From Developer to CTO - Tech Leadership Training Bootcamp by Codemotion - Day 2
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In this post I'll briefly review the second and final day (Sunday, June 23) of the "From Developer to CTO" Bootcamp event, the final phase of the Tech Leadership Training Course: an online program promoted by Facebook Developer Circles in partnership with Codemotion and designed to help developers in their journey to become Chief Technical Officers by combining strong interpersonal, influential and technical skills. In case you missed the DAY 1 report (Saturday, June 22), you've still the chance to get rid of your sin by reading it here! In this second day the attendees had the chance to get some valuable insights from the Facebook experts, which shared their knowledge about a number of different yet interesting topics: Facebook values, hiring techniques, team management and product management.
The place
This bootcamp has been designed to be a 2-days event hosted by Codemotion by the LUISS EnLabs & LVenture Group venues in Rome, Italy.
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LUISS EnLabs, also known as "The Startup Factory", is one of the leading startup accelerators in Europe. It was established in 2013 as a joint venture between LVenture Group - a venture capital operator listed on the Stock Exchange - and LUISS Guido Carli University, and in just a few years it has accelerated over 60 startups. Twice a year LUISS EnLabs selects them for its Acceleration Programs and also organizes Open Innovation Programs to bring corporates into the world of innovation. Overall, the startups have collected 44 million euros, 11 from LVenture Group and the remaining from other international venture capital funds and Business Angels. Thanks to the support of its network of investors, corporates and institutions - including LUISS University - and its partners Wind Tre, BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas, Accenture and Sara Assicurazioni, LUISS EnLabs has grown into a real point of reference for innovation in Italy.
The Program - Second Day
9:00: check in opening 9:30: Opening by Facebook 10:00: Talk by Facebook - Facebook values and how we hire, Emer O’Leary & Ashley Jameson 11:15-11:30: Small Break 11:30: Talk by Facebook - How to set your own values / Health of teams, Emer O’Leary & Ashley Jameson 13:00-14:00: Lunch break 14:00: Talk by Facebook - Product Management inside Facebook, Rags Vadali 15:00-15:15: Small Break 15:15 - 16:30: Talk by Facebook - Product Management workshop, Rags Vadali All the talks have been held in english language.
As it can be easily seen by looking at the program, the final day was entirely dedicated to Facebook: the world's leading social network was once again introduced by Willie Elamien, Facebook Product Partnership Program Manager, which briefly summarized the various topics that will be addressed later on and asked us to fill in a Facebook survey strictly related to the Developer Circles initiative.
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Funny enough, the questionnaire was made using Google Forms instead of relying to a Facebook app: a vibrant sign that such cloud-driven tools are now a de-facto standard for everyone, to the point you stumble upon them even in the places where you least expect it. Right after Willie the stage went to the official Developer Circles Rome Facebook group: the two founders asked the attendees to join, explaining how such group could help the Developer Circles italian community to grow even further in these crucial early stages. For those who want to join them, here's the URL to click to. They even introduced the audience to a funny "selfie lottery", which might sound a bit odd considering the context... and it actually kind of was, when they actually pulled it off! (more on that later on)
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  Facebook values and how we hire
Right after the selfie lottery guys it was the turn of Emer O’Leary & Ashley Jameson: after a brief introduction, they introduced us to the Facebook EMEA Recruiting Program: an enticing set of techniques aiming to build the best teams in the world and create an amazing company culture. The program strongly relies to a passionate recruiting community formed by Program Managers, Recruiters, Coordinators and Sourcers: they explained quite well how all of these people work together to bring the world's best talent to Facebook.
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They made a good speech, often switching between the employer objectives (Facebook, yet also a standard company) and the employees expectations and personal goals. Although hardly original, such approach - if performed to its fullest extent - is probably the less reckless approach for a company to bring togheter demand and supply in our current working reality. When talking from the employee perspective, they introduced the concept of Employee Value Proposition (EVP), which is basically the balance of the rewards and benefits that are received by employees in return for their performance at the workplace. Such topic eventually brought the first interactive workshop of the day, who was about finding a proper way define a company culture.
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Once done, Ashley jameson took over the mic to talk about Facebook Careers, the Facebook hiring platform: she spent a good amount of slides to briefly recap the most important tasks that needs to be done by a potential candidate to be noticed, and also by companies to attract them in the best possible way. From the importance of LinkedIn to the benefits of building a good offline presence; from the challenge of doing first-hand hiring interviews, to the pros and cons of resorting to head-hunters and job agencies. An enjoyable talk that approached the topic from both sides: candidates and companies.
How to set your own values / Health of teams
Right after that, Emer O’Leary took over to bring back the concept of values: those what we seek during a job interview, yet also those that we expect to find within the ideal company we're looking for. Again, the perspective change was the real added value of the talk: being forced to continuously switch to either side of the river was a good exercise for those who frequently deal with hiring processes, yet also precious for those who are actively seeking it.
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Is our company good enough to attract great coders? Are we actually using the the things that we do and/or those who define us to their full extent? Is there a way to improve using our current brand image, or do we have to change it to increase our chances to find (or be found by) what we're looking for? These questions were enough to keep us thinking... at least until the lunch break.
Product Management inside Facebook
The whole afternoon experience was expertly led by Rags Vadali, Product Manager for Facebook and formerly for Google. The first part of his talk was all about Product Building fundamentals, which is definitely a great topic for former developers and aspiring CTOs, since neither of them usually know much about that.
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Understand, Identify, Execute: those were the three keywords Rags tried to carve in our minds: a simple plan that could only work if those who want to pull it off follow some proven best practices in all the defining phases, thus avoiding some hideous, yet common pitfalls that could hinder the whole process. Rad chose to focus the understanding phase, which is often the root of all evil - especially when we are unable to bring back our all brainstorm sessions, thoughts and collected feedback into few, clear and defining statements: they have to be simple, straight-forward and solution agnostic; they need to be functional, emotional or social, depending on the kind of need we're trying to address. Failing to properly understand the questions that truly define the overall meaning of our product will make us unable to identify the answers, let alone being able to execute (or produce) anything. That was the whole point of Rads talk, and I definitely think he nailed it down.
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The talk also hosted a couple practical individual and group workshops: in the former one, the attendees were asked to produce effective statements; in the latter, they had to collectively come out with some credible "product ideas" that could match against the social network's mother-of-all-questions: how to connect people sharing common interests? The answers given by the various brainstorming groups were actually rather funny: it definitely seems we're going to see a whole lot of next-level, predictive & cognitively adaptive tagging system in the near future! Jokes aside, it truly was an interesting and insightful talk, which smoothly led us to the greetings phase...
... Where we were (literally) struck by the annouced selfie lottery! Where the Developer Circles Rome admins joyfully hurled some t-shirts to the winners. And that's basically about it. At the end of the day I enjoyed this bootcamp a lot, thanks to the many valuable talks and insights that addressed a rather complex topic - the mindset bridge between being a Developer and becoming a CTO - with a fresh, innovative approach. Thanks a lot to Codemotion for hosting the course, I'll do my best to be there for the next bootcamps as well!
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Read the full article
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madgrin · 6 years ago
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Boot Camp Tech Leadership Training #codemotion (presso Codemotion) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzAOplWilZU/?igshid=1xpola38obsto
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blogbleistift · 7 years ago
new blogpost series: 7 aspects that improve the UX of your app
Dieser Beitrag ist auf Englisch weil es um einen Vortrag geht, den ich dieses Jahr ein paar Mal gehalten habe, jeweils auf Englisch, und ich die Inhalte für die Leute bei den Events zugänglich machen möchte. Häufig lädt man als Sprecherin ja nach dem Vortrag die Präsentationsfolien irgendwo hoch. Da auf diesen jedoch kaum Text steht, möchte ich das ganze jetzt in mehrere Blogposts verpacken.
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This year i started giving talks at conference and other events. When the Codemotion team asked, if we (Ladies That UX) would like to be part of their program on the community stage, i agreed to give a talk there. Here’s my abstract on the Codemotion website. If you’re good at using Google, you might find the audio recording of that talk, but i don’t want to share it because it feels so strange to hear my voice and honestly, i don’t feel confident to share it with the world. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The topic of my talk is something i have focused on during the past +2 years in my current job as a product/project manager at Evenly: the user experience of mobile apps. I collected a bunch of sub-topics and gave it the umbrella-like title „7 aspects that improve the UX of your app“.
These are the 7 topics: (they are linked to the blogposts)
1. animation
2. push notifications
3. navigation
4. personalization
5. object-oriented UX
6. accessibility
7. OS features
After Codemotion i also gave that talk at the Product Camp and at Devfest, refining and changing it a little bit each time, and then finally i presented the talk at our Ladies that UX anniversary meetup in November at Researchgate.
Every event was different but it was always a fun challenge to be a speaker. I prepared it quite last-minute during three days before the first presentation because i needed the pressure of the deadline, but that worked well for me as everything was quite fresh and still in my short-term memory ;) I would like to thank everyone who listened, took sketchnotes, tweeted about it, asked questions and gave feedback. It was extremely rewarding and motivating when people told my they learned something from that talk, because that was my main goal. It should be suitable for anyone who is interested in User Experience and Apps. If you have no experience in this area yet, it should give you a helpful overview and if you are very experienced, it should contain at least some useful reminders. Please note, that it’s not a full guide on how to create an UX concept for apps but more like a selection of my current favorite topics in this area.
In the future, i would like to improve the design of my slides and for the next public speaking gig i will probably focus on one topic instead of compressing several topics into one presentation. Let’s see what 2018 brings...
Instead of just uploading the slides, i would like to transform the content into 7 blogposts, to be able to share it with more people and maybe get some more input. So in the following 7 days i will publish one blogpost each morning. At least that’s what i’m planning to do.
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fernand0 · 7 years ago
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sbarrax · 6 years ago
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#GabrieleLana #codemotion #codemotionmilan2018 #finalkeynote #fk (presso Superstudio Group) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq2JpBUBV62/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6lp5hxdqz3i0
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risitano · 6 years ago
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#goodbye #codemotion #codemotionmilan2018 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqz644thYuC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vxyju66lafpn
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marcobasic · 6 years ago
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#codemotion #future (presso Superstudio Group) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqzJgn2hwOqfIUAOmrOJ_lDZiKvJrp0TD8hpco0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18bdpsly1jpo9
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levysoft · 2 years ago
Gli italiani sono tra i relatori più veloci del pianeta, parlando al ritmo di fino a nove sillabe al secondo. I tedeschi, dualmente, sono tra i più lenti, pronunciando da cinque a sei sillabe nello stesso lasso di tempo. Eppure, in un dato minuto, italiani e tedeschi trasmettono all'incirca la stessa quantità di informazioni!
Questo perché un recente studio ha dimostrato come, indipendentemente dalla velocità con cui si comunica verbalmente, le persone tendono a trasmettere informazioni alla stessa velocità: 39 bit al secondo, circa il doppio della velocità del codice Morse.
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soloazar · 2 years ago
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delvix000-blog · 6 years ago
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Recap of the day: I played #wayofthesinner with #johnromero ! It looks like he enjoyed the game! #indiegame #gamedev #indiedev #solodev #codemotion #fightinggame #fightinggames (presso Superstudio Group) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqx0bpzANPs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=70nqb81xy7o2
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