#Cod mw2 oc
milkydough · 2 years
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Sketches and Kisses
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dirtfullofwork · 3 months
Comic soap you are very silly!
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quiddling · 3 months
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despite all odds he’s still my pookie
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ms-rampage · 5 months
General Shepherd: "Are you mad? You'd never survive this."
Kenneth (my COD oc): "Well, happily, neither will you."
General Shepherd: "To choose violence, here, is to declare war against the enemy." (Actual quote is 'your king')
Kenneth: "Wonderful."
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Cute little comic of ours and @zante-selachi oc [Cpt. Orion]
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tiredbi-peach · 17 hours
Today is Possum/Aspen’s birthday 🎉 🎂
Their official birthday is September 20th
Also I want to thank @pampanope for this lovely birthday art of Aspen!! 💜✨🎂
It’s so cute and i love it so much
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islandtarochips · 5 months
First EXPLOSIVE Impression
To let you all know, this is like a shipping idea for my crazy COD OC gal. AGNES.
*Alejandro and Kanoa were walking by to introduce the WTF with Los Vaqueros* Alejandro: Your team are very interesting, Captain. Gathering ALL of different Pacific's to join with you. Kanoa: Thank you, Colonel. I'm glad that your Los Vaqueros and my team are getting quite along. Alejandro: Haha! Same here, hermano. *while the two were talking they both jolted at the explosion in front of them* Alejandro: What was that?! Are we under ATTACK?! Kanoa: Uuuuuh...Noooooo. Come with me. *Alejandro followed Kanoa to where the explosions was at* Alejandro: *paused to see it was a woman teaching the Los Vaqueros about disarming the bomb* Huh? Agnes: *talking to one of the Los Vaqueros* Nah nah nah! You're GOOD! It takes practice! Kanoa: *smiling at Agnes before looking at Alejandro* Colonel, that's Sergeant Blast. Our BEST demolition expert. And I hope you don't mind her teaching your men of how to make or defuse the bomb. Alejandro: *seeing Agnes was enjoying herself with his men* .......Ella puede demolerme en cualquier momento~ Kanoa: What was that? Alejandro: AHEM. Nothing.
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lazygerm · 4 months
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the first one is literally their dynamic so bad. pov price introduces pav to the 141
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milkydough · 1 year
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Simon meets Johnny’s dad!
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dirtfullofwork · 4 months
Kyle gaz gazerick
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Heres a Lil doodle of gaz while I work on the soap x ruz fanart 👀
I hope you like it! ):3
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Heavy accent
[A/n:Unlike last post, I shrinked Drew down, I do it alot my oc swaps from 9'5 to 5'4 all the time, cause I'm 5'4]
Summary: The cashiers can't understand Soaps heavy accent
Type:Scenario: 141 + Drew(me) + Tanaka + Scottish M!Reader
Walking into the cafe was ghost, soap, and Gaz. All out enjoying themselves on their day off. Their dog tags cling as they walk. Looking at the menu, fourth in line, the three scanned the menu. Ghost was just gonna get a ginger lemon tea if they have it. Gaz couldn't decide. And Soap wasn't paying attention he was rambling on about something to the other two. When they got to the counter, they waited a second for the cashier to come back.
"Hello, sorry to keep you waiting. What would you like?"
The cashier looked at Ghost first, a big smile on his face with the name tag, "Tanaka"
"Ginger lemon tea"
Tanaka put that in the device in front of him.
Looking at Soap, Ghost didn't know what size. Instead of answering for him Soap elbowed him in the side.
Tanaka looked up at Ghost, looking him over he nodded.
"How does medium sound?"
When ghost looked at Tanaka, Tanaka used his hands to show the size. Ghost nodded, glad the cashier stepped in.
"Alright, medium ginger lemon tea"
Tanaka then looked at Soap, with a wide smile still on his face.
"Latte caramel reòta"
Soap thought he was speaking in English, but he wasn't. Tanaka looked up at him, stunned. He didn't say a word just stared. Narayan opened his mouth to say something, nothing came out, looking at the screen and then back at Soap.
Tanaka's voice went from his work voice, so nice and sweet, to his usual voice, a bit high pitched with a lot of sass, the sass just a part of his voice at this point. Soap smile dropped. He nervously looked at Ghost and Gaz before back at Tanaka.
"L..Latte caramel reòta"
Tanaka's hand dropped as he held up his pointer finger, a signal to wait. Walking over to the back doors, Narayan kicked it open.
Hearing a loud voice from the back, Gaz laughed a little bit. Tanaka looked confused at what the man from the back was about to say.
"Were you just call me a - never mind, just get over here. I can't understand the customer."
Hearing footsteps, the three watched as a shorter green haired man stepped out of the back, giving Tanaka a glare. They couldn't tell if it was serious or not. Looking at the three, his eyes softened.
"The one with a Mohawk, I think he's, um Irish? Yeah, no, I don't know"
Soap signed looking at the green haired man, his name tag said "Drew;)", which confused Soap, due to the wink.
"Latte caramel reòta"
Gaz laughed at Drew's face.
"Soap, haha, I don't think your speaking English"
Soap elbowed Gaz, he believes he's speaking English, why wouldn't he be?. Drew turned towards Tanaka, eyebrows furrowed and lips in a line. Putting his finger up, he opened his mouth a second before speaking.
"First of all, that's Scottish, second of all, how in the world did you get Irish?! And third of all, I don't know Scottish, or Irish."
Tanaka looked offended.
"Oh my bad I thought you did, no need to scold me, and where's your shirt"
Looking down Drew looked at his apron, that being the only thing covering his exposed torso.
"Don't change the subject, and guess what, Tanaka."
Tanaka rolled his eyes at Drew.
Tanaka looked mad, but Gaz could tell these two were just joking.
"We have, oh my god, I can't believe it*sarcasm*, we have a Scottish employee"
Letting out a fake and dramatic gasp, Tanaka's eyes widened as he rushed to the door.
"We do have one, Y/N! WE NEED YOU"
This time rushed footsteps came running.
Tanaka pointed at Soap, who currently looked disappointed.
Walking over to Soap, y/n looked up at him with a smile. Signing Soap gave his order one more time.
"Iced caramel Latte"
Tanaka and Drew looked at each other, shocked.
"Alright what size?"
Soaps face lit up as he actually understood him.
Y/n put his order in before nodding. Looking at the other two disappointed.
"Ey, he was speaking straight up Scottish."
Y/n just rolled his eyes before walking back to the back. Tanaka punched Drew's arm before going back to the register and looking at Gaz.
"Large Irish roast"
Gaz chuckled again, he had alright told Price what happened.
"Also, could I get a medium rosemary tea?"
Tanaka nodded and put that in. Telling them the cost, he started working on the drinks. Soap still felt a little upset.
[A/n: I just thought this would be funny. I hope you enjoyed]
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cynicalraccoon · 7 months
Knockout: Terry, look at this hot mama I found today. 🔥😩 
Soap: Whoa! Is that a Great White?!
Soap: Is that real?!
Gaz: Knockout, you having fun without us?
Ghost: Terry? 
Price: That better just be a really clear video on the internet, Knockout. 
Malia checked her phone for Terry's response, only to wince when she saw that she sent the text to the wrong group chat. 
Knockout: Sorry. Sent that to the wrong number.
She deleated the text and video. Then set it to Terry. A moment later, her lips twitched when she heard her phone buzz one after the other. 
Terry: First, Why are you that close?! 
Terry: Second, she's gorgeous! Much better than the monster spider you showed yesterday. 
Rowen: I question your tastes sometimes, Mal. 
Rowen: But she is pretty when viewed from behind a screen. 
Fey: Isn't that what all men say when watching porn?
Rowen: Women say it too when reading about or watching fictional toxic men. 
Terry: Only when they're sexy.
Fey: Amen to fictional sexy men. 
Alan: What's going on? 
Alan: I saw porn and then a prayer to fictional men.
Fey: We're making a cult.
Rowen: No! Don't include me in your fetishes!
Alan: A normal day, huh? 
Malia chuckled at her chaotic friend group, flopping on the bed in her hotel room. She was on leave for a week. It was a small treat to get away from the stress of the military for a bit. Of course, the stress would never go away until she either died or retired. 
Malia: Just showing them a video of a shark i swam with today.
Alan: Aquatic female fatale over here. 
Alan: Safe? 
Malia: Me or the shark?
Malia: Aren't I always?
Alan: Both. 
Terry: Mom and Dad are flirting again~ 
Rowen: 🤢
Fey: *sigh* young love
Malia: 🖕
Malia: fuck off.
The week went by in what semeed like the blink of an eye, and the day for Malia to return to base arrived; to her diasppointment. At least she had some photos to remember the trip. 
Digging the photos out of her duffel bag, Malia hung them up on the wall to join the already quite sizable collection of photos. 
They varied in subjects; animals, locations she had been deployed in, and even photos of a few locals.
When she was settled, the brunette changed into her uniform. She felt the persona of Knockout settle over her like one of the combat gloves she wore on duty. Well, it was an overstatment to call it a persona. More like a mask. A necessary precaution to seperate herself from caring about her teammates more than what was strictly professional. 
Malia shook her head and left, striding to the mess hall. It should be around breakfast now, so 141 should be there. If not, it didn't matter. 
As usual, the mess hall was loud when she entered. 
"Knockout!" She heard Soap's accented voice to her over the chatter. Looking over, she spied him at the table with Ghost, Price, and Gaz. The Scot was beckoning her over with a mischevious smirk on his face. 
She would admit, they were handsome and their personalities weren't too bad. Ghost's voice was a bonus too. But just because of those two and a half things, that didn't mean she would risk her career to spread her legs. She was neither one of those fanfic girls from the stories Terry had happily read to her nor was she a barrack's bunny. 
She worked hard to gain her reptuation on and off the field and have people take her seriously. And it had payed off. Besides, the chaotic and bloody enviornment that inspired trauma, corruption, power trips, betrayal, and assholish behavior wasn't conductive for anything other than a work relationship.
Malia blinked when Soap called her name again. She gave him a curt nod and got her food before walking over to the four. 
"There's that infamous scowl." Soap said, sitting down. "Was beginning to miss it." Malia echoed his action, shooting him said scowl. 
"You have Ghost." She said simply. 
Soap chuckled. "Not the same. I can't see his." 
Ghost, sitting across from Malia, rolled his eyes. With his face hidden behind the mask, the action spoke clearly of his unamusement. Deep brown eyes-just a few shades darker than hers-slid to the woman. 
"Have fun with your sharks?" He asked gruffly. "Or, your "hot mommas"?" 
Malia almost choked on her eggs when she heard his words. Price raised a brow, one side of his mustach slightly raised, while Gaze and Soap snickered like two children. 
She glared at Ghost, noting the faint amusement flashing through his eyes. Damn him. 
"Never say that again." Malia huffed, setting down her apple juice. Even with his voice, hearing him say "hot mommas" was weird. "And I did. Was relaxing. Moving to other topics now." 
"But I want to hear more about your trip." Soap prodded. "Where did you go?" 
"Who's Terry?" Gaz added, wearing a cheeky expression. "Boyfriend?" 
Nope. "Personal." She replied, a bit of bite in her tone. But they were not deterred. They had seven years to get used to her rough personality. Hell, aside from Price and a few others, they didn't even know her real name.
Soap groaned, almost leaning on Ghost. "Come on, Knockout. We barely know anything about you since you came on the team. At least give us this." 
"I'll tell you mine when Ghost tells his." 
Gaz smirked when the Scot frowned. They all knew Ghost was tightlipped about his personal life and past. It was like trying to pull teeth from a bear. 
Price shook his head with a soft chuckle. "There will be a day where you won't have Ghost to hide behind anymore, Knockout." 
Her scowl turned into a smug smirk, saluting him with her cup. "When Hell freezes over completly, Captain." 
A/N: I haven't played Call Of Duty. I only know bits and pieces of information about the characters. Why I decided to write this? Well, I wanted to test an idea I had to branch out of my comfort zone a bit and see if one of my ocs would fit in cod. I got inspired by the many fanfics on here and other platforms that I've read and liked.
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ms-rampage · 5 months
Wrestling memes with my COD oc Kenneth 🤣🤣🤣
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The North is Kenneth's task force
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raccoxn · 2 years
SCENARIO: you're a civilian who got caught up in a mission soap was on. he ends up in your care while the rest of the 141 is dealing with the mission at hand while looking for him. you live in a small cabin and it's quite literally in the middle of the woods. it's big enough for one or two people, so taking in soap wasn't an issue. the only issue on the table was the fact he was bleeding out...
**told in y/n pov**
It was about 4am when I heard one of my windows shatter and my german shepherd, Nic, bark like a madman. I shot out of bed, not bothering throw on my pants and grabbed my taser from my nightstand, pure fear pulsing through my body as I thought about what this could possibly be. 
I live in the middle of nowhere. The closest town was an hour away and there were no campgrounds. Was it an animal? Or maybe some freak accident? Will I have to use my Winchester knowledge and kill a monster? I had no idea.
Nic barked at me when she saw me enter the room, whining and growling to tell me about the intruder. She led me to the bathroom, my eyes squinting in the dark to see a trail of some substance smeared across the wood floors. My dog continued to bark loudly and pace around the hall. When I pushed open the bathroom door and turned on the light, I was met with a horrific scene.
It was like a murder scene out of a Criminal Minds episode. A tactical-armored man was lying in my bath, blood smeared across the white tile and staining the small rug in front of the toilet. He was unconscious and his left hand loosely covered a bullet wound in his side while one of his legs was slightly hanging out of the tub. I glanced to Nic, the canine whining and pacing back and forth since she sensed the distress.
"What in the fuck..." 
I walked into the bathroom, my hands shaking as I held my taser. The man didn't seems to hear or notice my presence, but when I knelt down beside him and looked at the bullet wound, he inhaled deeply and coughed.
"Where am I?" His Scottish accent was coarse as he weakly opened his eyes.
"You're in my home." I replied to him as I got on my knees and lifted his hand. "I'm calling the police and ambulance. You can't be here."
"No! No cops or hospitals! The cartel's paid them off."
I frowned at his words. "Cartel? All the way in Upstate California? While it's not impossible, I don't really—"
"If they find me here, they'll kill you. Don't call." 
I stared at him, his blue eyes looking into my (e/c). He coughed again, this time blood coming out of his mouth and I started to panic.
"All right, erm, give me a moment."
I stood up and opened one of the vanity drawers, frantically digging for a pack of floss. Once I found one, I rushed out of the bathroom to find a sewing needle in my room. While I was at it, I put on a pair of pants. My dog barked from the bathroom and I ran back almost immediately. The man was trying to pet Nic, my dog sniffing him curiously before letting him scratch behind her ears.
"So, what's your name?"
"Can't tell you that." 
"Okay....Do you have a nickname or some other name I could call you?"
I threaded the dental floss through the needle after I cleaned it then walked over to the man, eyes set on me as I undid his tactical vest to stitch up his wound.
"You can call me Soap." He said before grimacing in pain.
"Sorry. I'm no doctor, but my friend showed me how to use a needle and dental floss to stitch wounds. And I saw it in a few shows."
Soap scoffed at my statement before wincing, gritting his teeth from the needle going through his flesh. "That explains a lot."
It was my turn to scoff as cut the floss and went to stitch up the last part of his wound.
"No offense, but what kind of name is Soap?"
"It's a call sign. It's what we soldiers in the military use to communicate and confuse the enemy."
I looked up to see him staring at me intently, his narrowed gaze softening as I continued to stitch him. 
"I'm Y/N...just in case you wanted to know."
He nodded and leaned his head back against the bathtub wall, closing his eyes and  sighing as he started to contact his team.
"This is Bravo 7-1, how copy?" He spoke into his communication device as he shifted to let me bandage his wound now.  "Ghost, this is Bravo 7-1..."
Soap groaned in pain and grabbed my bloody hand, his grip rough and extremely tight. I panicked when he pulled me closer.
"Help me up." 
"Do you have that much faith in me?"
I shook my head and did the best I could to help him up. I was surprised I managed to get him to his feet, but his legs gave it out the minute we got into the hall. My dog started to bark in alarm before going up to Soap and prodding him with her nose. 
"You need to take your gear off." I told him as I led him to my room, Nic trotting ahead of us and jumping onto my bed. I needed to get him in there so I could lay him down. I couldn't put him on the couch since it was too small for him and I certainly wasn't going to put him the floor. 
"I'm fine."
"It's weighing you down and you need to rest. Let me help you take the vest off at least."
Soap didn't respond as I reached to take off the vest, the buckles unclipping easily and eventually it was off. I put it on the floor by my bed and helped Soap lay down, blood seeping out of the bandages. I ran into my small bathroom and grabbed all the towels, frantic to make sure he didn't bleed out in his sleep. 
"You got any meds?" Soap asked as I wrapped the towels around him.
"I've got melatonin gummies with 15mg on my dresser? And I have ibuprofen."
"That won't work."
"Well, I'm not a doctor." 
I narrowed my eyes at him as he tried to relax in my bed, his eyes drooping from blood loss and exhaustion. Nic curled up beside him and nudged his arm with her nose, Soap flinching from being startled but gave her a few pets after relaxing again.
While he rested, I went back out to my living room to clean up glass and blood from the window sill. The cold night air blew on my face, making me shiver but I continued to clean up. The bathroom is what worried me since blood was smeared everywhere. For now though, I used bleach and a shit ton of paper towels to clean the walls, floors, and the bath tub. I rinsed out the inside of it then poured some bleach into the water. I scrubbed any blood stains that didn't come off just from the water then rinsed.
Once I was finished, I checked the time to see that it was 5:48am. The sun was just barely illuminating the sky in a dull grey and I could hear birds starting to chirp. I walked into my room to see Soap completely passed out. He was still breathing, but, from judging by the grimace on his face, in a lot of pain. 
How the hell was I going to get major pain killers without a prescription?
Moira... I could get them from her. She might be able to get me some, but if she asks questions, I won't be able to answer them. Soap was adamant about not involving outside people, but if he wanted to get pain meds, I had to do this.
I rushed back into my room and got cleaned up quickly. I made sure my hands were free of blood stains before throwing on a new shirt, sweatpants and pulled on a cardigan. I grabbed my mini backpack and phone, then wrote a note for Soap in case he woke up while I was gone.
"Nic, watch him. I'll be back." I told my german shepherd as I walked out of my room. All she did was glance at me and go back to sleep.
Before I could close my door, Soap's communication device came on and a gruff British accent flooded through it.
"Soap, this is Ghost. How copy?"
I half expected Soap to shoot up from where he laid, but he didn't even budge. As for me, I didn't want to mess with his gear, but I had to tell his friend he was okay.
Walking over to it, I pressed a button and spoke into it.
"This is Soap's current caretaker. He's badly wounded and needs medical attention. I can't stay for long since he needs pain meds, but I assure you he's okay. I'm leaving now to get him a prescription...Whether this is illegal or not, that's my problem."
I didn't listen to Ghost speak as I stood up and rushed out of my room, his voice shouting from the device for Soap or me to say something more. All I thought about was the hole I just dug myself in since his team is going to be hunting me down now.
For right now though, all that mattered was getting Soap his pain meds and making sure he doesn't die....
x   x   x
pt.2 anyone?
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askuemki · 7 months
Wish I could have posted on Valentine’s Day (I’ll make up for it some time soon lol) but I was working on this thing…
I finished my very first animatic :)
Im posting on my phone, so I have no clue if the video will play here. But anyways!! This song means a lot to me resonating with my COD fancharacter’s lore.
If you’re curious about the programs I used, Krita for drawing the assets, CapCut for editing.
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islandtarochips · 5 months
The Warriors Task Force
The WTF is an elite team that helps and protects the Pacific side of the world. They are the ones who are doing most of the rescue missions. Mostly about Trafficking. Knowing the numbers of how many drugs or innocent people have been kidnapped and being shipped off to somewhere.
Captain Kanoa Toa is the one who made this Task Force and is in charge. The reason why he called the “Warriors Task Force”, is not only because it’s the meaning of his last name. But to show the world that the Island Pacific is being protected by the bravest and the strongest soldiers around.
The WTF has mostly been recruited by many Polynesians. Samoan, Maori, Tongan, Fijian, Hawaiians- MANY. There are some Americans too.
Kanoa and his Task Force was also strictly under the direct order of General Alana Kalani. The most trusted and respected woman that Kanoa had known for a LONG time.
The WTF has FOUR main members that started this Task Force. Here are the people that is famously known for:
Captain Kanoa Toa (The Leader) First Sergeant Tiala “Shark” Toa (2nd-in-Command) Sergeant Nigel “Squirrel” Harrison (Sniping/VIP Protection) Sergeant Agnes “Blast” Falagi (Demolition Expert)
These are the four first members of the Warrior Task Force.
They even have a Combat Medic to join them in the field.
Aelan Kalani (Combat Medical Expert)
These Task Force are very known for rescuing hostages, stopping human and drug trafficking. Between the Pacific and Asia. From both land and seas. 
They will get these things done FAST since that’s how the Marines are, right? Get it done. Get it fast. For their patch. This will be very hard for me to explain of how it looks like. But I was thinking of their weapon called the "Nifo Oti". Meaning "Sharp Tooth" in Samoan. Also knows as the "Samoan Fire Knife". This is what it looks like:
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THAT'S the weapon. So for the patch. I was thinking of having TWO of these and put it in a X form in the back and in the front will be the spear in the middle. The color will be red, blue and white. Representing for Kanoa, Tiala and Agnes's Island home. American Samoa.
That's all for now but I might come back here and update it sooner or later. So I hope you guys like this team!
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