#Cobbler’s Lot
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that-one-guy-l · 9 months ago
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Tack and climber cause their characters are similar
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myloh · 3 months ago
1 - Uptown Springdale : Yo-Kai Watch 1
2 - Jit (Instrumental) : 17 Bucks
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cowpokeredeemed · 27 days ago
If your boots can’t be resoled and you don’t oil them then what are you even doing?
Does it suck to pay $300+ for boots?
Can you oil and resole cheaper boots to make them last longer?
If you do your research and buy boots that are made with quality leather, aren’t built like sneakers, and actually take care of them; can you make them last exponentially longer?
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mags2theythem · 1 year ago
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forcedhesitation · 8 months ago
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yardsards · 2 years ago
black raspberries growing in my backyard!!! yippee!!!
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pvrrhadve · 2 years ago
you know what sometimes it's just you and the souls of the 28 bastard children baptized between the years of our lord 1700 and 1879 in the english village of alton pancras against the world
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planetary · 1 year ago
i’m really sorry about peachy🧡i had a cat that went missing a couple years ago and i still think about him all the time and miss him
okay i typed a lot sory
i still have a picture of him on the wall and i have over a thousand pics and videos on my phone and i hope i can look through them again someday but even thinking about him for a few seconds makes me cry. he was my little baby and after i stopped seeing him i kept having dreams about him coming out of the snow and walking up to me and laying in my arms. i like to tell myself that that was a little goodbye from him but i wish i had more time with him anyway. i wish i could have brought him home. i just hope he knew i loved him and i hope it mattered.
i had a bandaid on my face right next to my mouth but i just cried so much it got too wet and fell off and the scab under it also came off because of the tears so now i am bleeding again and there is salt in the wound (bc of the tears) so i think the torment might be endless but i’m still glad i got to make a kitty’s life a little easier for a few months. its been longer since he disappeared than the entire time i was with him now. i know i’m setting myself up to get my heart broken again by feeding new cats but i cant just ignore them. they were always with him so they were friends i think. and i dont think he would have been bitter or jealous because he was the sweetest boy in the world. i was really sad that i didnt get to see him on my birthday like i did last year. i just loved him a lot and thats all i could have done i guess and it mattered for a little while but i will probably miss him for the rest of my life. which i guess is the price to pay for loving him but i would still do it again even if my heart is broken he was worth it a million times and then some. i need to blow my nose now
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my baby boy i will always love him🧡
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loveerran · 9 months ago
I've been enjoying this post and it reminded me of my fruit trees! I have planted pears, peaches, cherries (sweet and sour both), blackberries, blueberries, apples, kiwis, strawberries...
It all began with one peach tree bought from a hardware store on a random whim (it died). Next thing you know, I am pruning to an open-center plan, shopping for disease resistant varieties and good pollinators from quality nurseries, installing bees (a whole blog by itself), and watching in intense satisfaction as my home becomes a mini orchard.
Do you know how many peaches a mature peach tree produces? 2-4 bushels each depending on the year. Apples may be twice that much. How big is a bushel you ask? It's 4 pecks (the occult knowledge is fantastic!). Bushel:
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Cherry Bushes? We have 3 and just got about 10 gallons of cherries. 3 pies, jams for days, giving away a couple of gallons today and there's more on the little buggers (/affectionate).
Will I ever make a profit on these? Who cares? The upfront costs are minimal, but there's no way to pay for the labor other than love and the satisfaction of a beautiful, organic fresh peach for breakfast or a PB&J made with your own J. We give away to the neighbors, church folks, friends and family. We get sick of the best fruit pies you have ever tasted. We are overstocked in jams and jellies and make interesting new flavors (like peach + cherry w/ a bit of cinnamon). Neighborhood kids have been known to 'steal' the occasional fresh fruit off the trees near the edge of the property. Help yourselves dears.
And I have a hobby! I imagine this will give me something to putter around doing in my old age, something to chatter about with like-minded individuals and maybe even something to pass on to children (whether my own or the neighborhood kids). In fact, it pleases me to imagine some of those neighborhood kids 'stealing' off my trees will grow up with fond memories of picking fresh fruit and choose to plant their own orchard someday.
There's some dude (derogatory) on FB who is PISSED people are pricing their farm fresh eggs at $2 and $3 a dozen instead of $4+, saying it's "disrespectful" and "undignified" and "I'm trying to feed my kids" like Sir, you are on a Facebook group page bitching about your neighbors egg prices because your pet chickens aren't earning you a living wage and you think it's your neighbors' fault, you do not have a leg to stand on here wrt dignity.
Also half the answers are like "I give them to friends and family free" or "I donate them to food banks" or "I'm making them affordable to folks who might not otherwise be able to get them now that they're so expensive in the store" and "if you think you're going to turn a profit keeping backyard chickens you have been wildly misled" and so on, and so forth, and I'm so living for it.
and I can tell you right now, he did NOT like my answer of "if you're trying to feed your kids, I hear eggs are edible."
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aideshou · 6 months ago
Dried sweet grass, sage, lavender and summer roses… what a heavenly scent to bring aroma to my whole house with.
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That moment when you finally feel balanced again
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hansoogun · 9 months ago
dude i forgot how hard dbd anniversaries go i can't even play til tomorrow but ive already wrung two prestiges out of the bloodpoint codes
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partiallystar · 1 year ago
if you want more traction, if there’s any rubber left you can take a knife and score the sole, just two cuts almost exactly next to each other at an angle that meets the other cut, so you should have a very thin strip of rubber to peel off. do this for each horizontal line down the rubber. alternative is to heat up a thick wire or metal stick in the fire and press it to the sole until a small line melts, and then repeat. (not on your foot and preferably outside.)
i'm gonna be honest when i first read this i thought you were telling me to melt a thick wire into the bottom of my shoe for traction and that idea was cool as fuck
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curiousruby · 1 year ago
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Apple Cobbler Crisp Recipe A cross between a crisp and a cobbler, this quick and easy dessert is made with fresh McIntosh apples and is great for casual entertaining.
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vaspider · 2 months ago
So... I make cobbler all the time. It's a standard dessert around here. I prep lots of different fruit fillings during the summer, and then I either can or freeze them for use later on. If you come over for dinner, it's almost guaranteed we're gonna have either some kind of trifle or a cobbler for dessert. My family has gotten used to all of the many variations, including dark chocolate topping on a strawberry cobbler and stuff like that.
All of this to say that when we had my cousin, my brother, and his partner over for dinner the other night, I made apple cobbler, but I added something that I was particularly proud of: I got candied ginger from Penzey's with our last spice restock, and I ran a generous handful of the ginger through the food processor so it was much smaller bits, then mixed it in with the crust. I left it big enough that you can tell when you bite into it, but not big enough that when you get a chunk, that's all you taste.
Everybody's used to my experiments by now, but this got absolute rave reviews. My daughter called it "inspired."
I've been floating on having a baking idea I had called "inspired" for days.
So anyway. Tell people when they do things you like. Leave comments on stuff.
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fawnhart · 10 days ago
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Rafe & Sugar, the talk of the town ! ⭑.๋ ࣭
The supermarket parking lot smells like sun-warmed pavement and the faintest hint of smoke, but that’s just from the fire call Rafe and his team had been sent to handle.
Old Man Wheeler, bless him, had nearly set his kitchen ablaze again trying to bake peach cobbler. The firefighters hadn’t even needed their hoses, just a lot of patience and a stern talking-to about keeping an eye on the oven.
Now, Rafe and his crew are standing around their firetruck packing up, laughing about something when one of them, probably Issac, makes a sound like he’s just seen a ghost.
“Lord have mercy,” issac drawls. “Would you look at that?”
Rafe barely has time to register what’s happening before the rest of them start whistling and elbowing each other like a bunch of fools. He follows their line of sight, and then he sees you.
You’re walking past the supermarket in that little white polka dot dress, the one that cinches at your waist and sways around your thighs when you walk. Your hair is a little messy from the breeze, and Chip is trotting beside you, his leash wrapped around your wrist as he sniffs at every little thing like it’s the most interesting discovery in the world. You’re humming something, probably not even realizing you’ve drawn a whole audience.
“Oh, Rafee,” Michael drawls, dragging out his name like he’s savoring it. “Ain’t that your girl?”
“Shut up.” Rafe says putting away the first aid kit
“She sure looks like your girl,” Issac teases, arms crossed over his chest. “Ain’t nobody else in town she talks to like she talks to you.”
“She don’t talk to me like anything” he don’t even know what you and him are. You just live with him, bake sweet things for old ladies, and keep the puppy spoiled rotten. He doesn’t know what to do with you half the time. He doesn’t know what to do with himself, either, when you look at him all wide-eyed like you’re waiting on him to tell you something important.
Rafe grumbles under his breath, ignoring his team’s laughter as he strides toward you. You’re in the middle of debating with Chip about whether or not he’s allowed to stop and sniff a discarded wrapper when you notice Rafe approaching. Your face lights up like a porch lamp at dusk.
“Oh, hey!” you chirp, then tilt your head. “What’re you doing here?”
“Fire call,” he says, nodding toward the truck. “Wheeler near burned his kitchen down again.”
“bless his heart,” you sigh. “That man’s gonna set the whole town on fire one day.” You say laughing a little
“Yeah, well, we’ll be here to put it out.” Rafe shoves his hands into his pockets, glancing at the bag in your hand. “What’re you up to?”
“Oh! I’m just pickin’ up some strawberries. We’re bakin’ a cake for Mr. Thompson..well, me, and a few of the other ladies in the complex.”
“Hm” Rafe exhales sharply. His landlord was a grumpy old bastard to him, but the man had a soft spot for you. Not that Rafe could blame him. You had a way of getting under people’s skin in a way that made them want to keep you around.
There’s a little pause before you shift on your feet, eyes darting toward his crew still watching from the truck. You press your lips together, looking guilty all of a sudden.
“Are you doing a dare or somthin’?” you murmur.
Rafe frowns “What?”
You nod toward the guys, who are still hooting and hollering, and something in Rafe snaps. He turns slightly, shooting them a glare that could burn down Wheeler’s kitchen without a match.
“Don’t pay attention to them” he tells you firmly, turning back to you. “They got nothin’ better to do.”
“M’kay” You’re still looking at him uncertainly when he leans down and presses a quick kiss to your cheek. It’s nothing much, just a brush of lips against warm skin, but it makes your whole body jolt like you’ve been struck by lightning.
You stumble back a little, eyes wide, cheeks so red they could outshine the sun. “Hey! What was that for?” You say tugging chip behind you
Rafe just shrugs, completely unaffected despite the way his ears are still burning. “Get home safe.”
And then he turns and starts walking backward, a little smirk tugging at his lips. Behind him, his crew erupts into a chorus of hollers and wolf whistles, and you swear you hear Issac yell, “That’s our boy!”
You huff, crossing your arms even though your heart is beating like Chip’s little paws on hardwood floors. “Let him go, he’s a loser,” you mutter, which would be a lot more convincing if your face wasn’t about to catch fire.
Chip whines, pulling at his leash like he wants to chase after Rafe, and you let out a dramatic sigh. “Oh, hush. You’re supposed to be on my side.”
But even as you turn to speed walk home, your fingers brush against your cheek where Rafe kissed you, and the warmth lingers the whole way back.
⭑.๋ ࣭
Miss Patsy’s apartment smells like vanilla and fresh-brewed tea when you step inside, the screen door creaking shut behind you. It’s cozy and cluttered in the best way, crocheted blankets draped over the couch, a dozen knickknacks crowding the mantel, and a lemon pound cake cooling on the kitchen counter waiting to be drizzled in strawberry syrup. The other ladies are already there, gathered around the table like a little council of wisdom, sipping their tea and gossiping about town happenings.
“Well, don’t you look flustered,” Miss Patsy drawls, setting her cup down and giving you a knowing look. “Something happen out there?”
You hesitate, then huff, dropping into the empty chair. “Rafe kissed me.”
Every single woman at that table straightens up like they just won the jackpot at bingo.
“He what?” Miss Patsy’s eyes go wide with delight.
“On the cheek!” you clarify quickly, face burning. “And it was real quick, but his crew was all teasin’ him, I don’t know, it was probably a stupid bet or somthin”
There’s a beat of silence before Miss Patsy nods sagely. “Oh, he likes you.”
You nearly choke on air. “Wha- No, he doesn’t.”
“Oh, honey.” Miss Maybelle shakes her head, reaching over to pat your hand. “He most certainly does. You don’t just go ‘round kissin’ girls you ain’t sweet on!” She said in her high pitch sales woman voice
“Y’all are readin’ too much into it,” you mumble, though your heart is thudding. “I mean, he just—he—maybe he did it to shut his dumb posse up?”
Miss Carol raises an eyebrow. “And what about the way he looks at you, hm? That boy is like a hound dog with a bone when it comes to you.”
Your lips part to argue, but then you pause. You don’t really know what it looks like when someone is sweet on another person. You never had the chance to learn, not when love in your household came with conditions and quiet threats. You never had the chance to be a normal girl with normal crushes, sneaking out to meet boys or giggling with friends over sweet nothings whispered in the dark.
You swallow hard, voice small. “You think so?” You say playing the fabric of your dress
“Oh, darlin’.” Miss Patsy’s face softens. “We know so.”
The ladies all start talking at once, getting way too excited about how cute you guys would be together, throwing out wedding colors like you haven’t barely figured out if he even likes you. It’s overwhelming but… kinda nice. Like you finally got yourself a little group of women looking out for you. You listen, letting their words wash over you, and for the first time, you let yourself consider it.
Maybe, just maybe, he does like you.
The thought sends a thrill up your spine, but right on its heels is doubt. “What if..what if I mess up? Say somethin’ dumb? Embarrass myself?” You say slouching a bit in your chair
“Oh, honey,” Miss Carol snorts, “embarrassin’ yourself is just part of the game.”
The women start sharing their own stories, things they’ve done in the name of love. Miss Patsy talks about the time she tripped into a pond trying to catch the eye of her high school sweetheart. Miss Maybelle once baked a whole pie for a man only to find out he was allergic to cherries. The stories go on, and soon, you’re laughing, your worries easing just a little.
They don’t know what you’ve been through, not really. No one knew but rafe and he barely knows the surface. But they know they’ve gained a new friend. And even though they don’t pry, their kindness is enough to remind you that you aren’t alone anymore.
And even if they leave, you still have rafe.
as a friend….obviously
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