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aparticularbandit · 5 months ago
"Agatha said only one witch made it out with her last time - likely that was Rio"
Normally I’d say "I can’t believe Agatha and Rio made out" but I’ve seen enough of the show to know how gay it is XP
In terms of Marvel shows it's maximum gay.
Oh my goodness gravy, was that pun there the whole time????
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our-blood-is-our-ink · 6 months ago
Sky isn’t happy unless Kathryn gets her tiddies out at least once per role/season /j
also hewwo :3
I think the right statement here is that Kathryn isn't happy unless she gets her tiddies out once per role 😭😭😭 I love her so much she's so sweet and grounded but also a lil freak
Also hiiiiii
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imdoingsortagay · 2 years ago
Honestly, I wouldn't bother even responding to that anon. They're just a sad, obsessed person who will latch onto a post, and then spam people with asks if they like or reblog said post with inane reasoning as to why that's 'problematic'. They've been harassing two of my friends already (and tried to do so with me until I turned anon off for a while) and basically trying to police how they run their blogs, so trust me when I say they're not worth the trouble. Just block and report them, that's generally the best idea.
I might just do that
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aparticularbandit · 2 years ago
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Alright then, now that I’ve memed on Bandit (who you can find over at @aparticularbandit, you should follow them, they’re great) I should get to some writing~
As usual, that’ll be over at @cobaltswriting~
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absolutelymango · 9 months ago
tagged by: @smartys
rules: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite!
I couldn't pick, so I got Smarty's to pick fandoms and worked from there
@electricthunderarts @pastel-clown-friends @bunnylexicon @cobaltstarling @sounddrive
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mayohigan-orange · 1 year ago
Y'not what? Fuck it. Some of you already have me added on Discord, but for those who don't, cobaltstarling is my name there.
Add me, invite me to servers, whatever, just don't necessarily expect me to be too talkative at first. I have lots of social anxiety x.x
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aparticularbandit · 5 months ago
Dumbest random thought: Ms. Frizzle from The Magic Schoolbus is a witch and also knows Agatha
Mr Rogers may also be a witch who knew Agatha
Agatha and Ms. Frizzle are not dating, but they have an on/off relationship (or an open one)!
Alternately, Ms. Frizzle draws insperation from when Agatha was a redhead (JOLENE).
Unfortunately, as Mr. Rogers is a real person who was also a minister, I don't think he was a witch. (But he might have read about Agatha in the comics!)
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aparticularbandit · 2 years ago
See, but my thing is this - if there's no Hulk, no Banner, then does AoU even happen in remotely the same framework? No Bruce to help build Ultron, no Hulk for Wanda to send off as a distraction - which could potentially lead to the Maximoffs getting taken early - and I don't know that Ultron as an entirely Tony product would have ended up the same way as he did (and if potentially no Ultron, then how do Vision?) - and then if Bruce isn't the one to convince the Ancient One to give up the Time Stone in Endgame, who is? If Bruce isn't there in Infinity War to warn Strange and explain things?
I...really want to go through the movies now just to. start following the through thread of the domino effect of no Hulk and how that might show small things early on that would grow later.
(Bruce still doesn't get Snapped. Why wouldn't he come out of hiding then? Would he go through the whole smart!Hulk character development in the background of the other movies, prompted much earlier on? Does someone find him again after that and he chooses not to be involved? Because you can't just look at the ripple effect of No Hulk, you also have to why is Bruce and where is Bruce and how is Bruce, you know? It's...a potentially mammoth scale thing.)
Hey Marvel, here's a What If for you. What If Bruce just. Like. Left after the Helicarrier battle in Avengers. "Son, you've got a condition," and then that was the last anyone saw of him.
And I don't mean, "So then we lose the Battle of New York and everyone dies." No. We still win the Battle of New York. Maybe it's rougher and we take heavier casualties. Maybe Loki escapes. Idk. But the Chitauri get routed, the portal generator's shut off, etc.
No quick and easy Everyone Dies Immediately answer like that. I want. Like. It's a Wonderful Life Bruce Banner. Bruce never becomes an Avenger. He never becomes BFF with Tony and doesn't design Ultron with him. He's not battle-brother rivals with Thor. He doesn't become champion on Sakaar.
What does the MCU look like if Bruce just leaves, successfully going into hiding after the helicarrier fight and never emerging again?
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mayohigan-orange · 1 year ago
I might regret this, but if you wanna add me on Discord, my name is cobaltstarling.
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tiiiimberr · 1 year ago
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@cobaltstarling it’s not NOT Megamind
“I should’ve been a hero instead of following my family’s legacy” a villain sighed to himself while rescuing civillians trapped under the rubbles of destroyed buildings caused by the reckless and arrogant hero who’s still telling the fakest story to his Twitch fans while striking poses
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ihatekyleehenke · 8 years ago
She has an unpronounceable name
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askroahmmythril · 8 years ago
Oh man, I almost forgot that you got to play as Barry in RE5's Mercenary Reunion mode. I remember watching ProtonJon play as Barry and he was just loving every second of Barry's hamminess.
I have THIS!
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aparticularbandit · 4 months ago
@cobaltstarling and @tobiasdrake - planning on getting nier over the weekend - planning on automata - is replicant worth it?
(i probably won't get both during the sale, but for future notice? i know replicant - the ps4 - is a remake/remaster of the original nier, and that the original here was gestalt, not replicant (gestalt has the protagonist as yonah's dad, replicant has him as an older brother instead) - and i also know that playing replicant isn't necessary for automata. just. i haven't heard as much about it? and i figured you two would know more about it?)
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girl4music · 10 months ago
@cobaltstarling How have you done this? Genuinely curious because she owns the IP as the one and only initiator and creator of it and therefore anything associated with the Harry Potter/Wizarding World franchise that is purchased gives her compensation in the form of royalties. Even if she’s not directly apart of what it is. Unless the creator of what it is makes a clause to exclude her from the financial profits in a legal case, there’s absolutely no way to make sure that she doesn’t benefit financially from the purchase of it.
I’ve genuinely really struggled with this with anything to do with Hogwarts Legacy which I really enjoyed because even though the creators of it have expressed that their beliefs and views do not align with Rowling’s, unfortunately their use of the IP still benefits her in small doses with every legitimate purchase of the game or anything related to it.
The Harry Potter-rebooted TV show that’s in production for HBO Max will have her as an executive authority so I’ll be boycotting that as much as possible. I probably won’t even like it anyway.
Most companies or groups of people using the IP that absolutely refuse to support her fascist ideology cannot afford to go to court to have her removed from benefitting from the financial profits. It’s really hard.
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our-blood-is-our-ink · 6 months ago
I have kidnapped your baby girl and wife, the ransom is two gummy bears and one corn chip.
See you don't have her, she has you. Enjoy that.
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buttersketches · 9 years ago
HOORAY FOR FAN SERVICE oh and also congrats on 10 years of the Reborn. I GUESS.
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