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thoughtportal · 2 years ago
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animal-crossing · 2 years ago
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ultramaga · 2 days ago
Except that it wasn't relevant at all. Take measles vacc.
It was tested first, it was safe, it stopped people getting it, it was a modified version of the virus.
The manufacturer could be sued if it harmed people.
It was a choice.
The mRNA treatment was none of that, and the goalposts were endlessly moved, so that it would prevent COVID, then largely prevent, then diminish symptoms.
In the end, there was no proof offered it worked beyond Fauci declaring
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It had one thing that the measles vacc never had, however. Coercion.
If you had AstraZeneca Vaxzevria, the following clinical conditions are accepted under the scheme:
Anaphylactic reaction
Capillary leak syndrome
Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST) without Thrombocytopenia
Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)
Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome
Thrombocytopenia, including immune Thrombocytopenia
Transverse Myelitis.
If you’ve had Pfizer/Biontech Comirnaty, Moderna Spikevax or Novavax Nuvaxovid, the following clinical conditions are accepted under the scheme:
Anaphylactic reaction
Erythema Multiforme (Major)
The following clinically diagnosed injuries are also accepted under the scheme, regardless of which TGA approved vaccine you’ve had:
The following harm isn’t covered under the scheme: contracting COVID-19
Not safe. Not effective. Limited liability at best for the manufacturer.
And no consent.
The principles of the Nuremberg Code
The 10 points of the Nuremberg Code are:
Voluntary consent of the human subject in the experimentation is absolutely essential.
Fauci was given a blanket pardon by Biden for deeds that would have had him tried and shot.
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This week-long arc Peanuts arc ran when the measles vaccination was first developed and widely administered in 1967.  GoComics republished it as part of their rerun strips late last year, but it could obviously stand to go around again.
Big slow claps to everyone who made a 50-year-old PSA relevant, good job everyone we’re doing GREAT
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whetstonefires · 1 year ago
The thing is that the most interesting and novel invention of the MCU is a universe where billions of people turned into dust and then were physically reconstituted on the spot five years later, in a world that had just barely adapted to their absence.
That is wild. That is intense! That is a series of pathos-ridden emotionally complex doorstoppers waiting to happen. Half the entire world! All dead! And somehow we coped with that! And now we have to cope with them all being back?
A whole street of empty houses--surely not everyone there became ash. Some of them moved to better places, now opened by the mass mortality. Some of them died afterward. Who will live there now? Even if inheritances are reversed by resurrection, surely leases aren't renewed. What the fuck happens to everyone who remarried?
What happens to the children snapped back to a world where their parents didn't survive, or the reverse?
But they had to then hastily smooth over this utterly batshit sci-fi premise and get the world mostly back to normal working order as rapidly as possible, without too much emphasis on how literally every person in existence has been placed in a mason jar by a narcissist and shaken twice in five years.
So they could get on with more superhero whack-blam business, which is customarily done against a background of Normality.
This is, tragically, the most Comics thing these movies have ever done.
It is beyond satire that they did this immediately before and during a worldwide pandemic that everyone was pressured to smooth over and 'return to normal' about within 2 years if not sooner.
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covid-safer-hotties · 8 months ago
CDC Recommends Multi-layered Protection Against COVID-19 as it recognises SARS-CoV-2 is a Year-round Threat
Published July 4, 2024
The US Center for Disease Control now recommends immunization, hand hygiene, clean air, isolation, treatment, face masks, social distancing and testing to prevent and protect against COVID-19 and tells the public there is no sign of SARS-CoV-2 becoming a winter virus.
In this update published on 3 July, the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases warns the public that COVID-19 is likely to remain a year-round threat. This new official advice is at odds with the recommendations of some vocal scientists, who, without evidence, still push the line that COVID-19 will simply attenuate or weaken over time to join the many causes of the common cold, only really affects the vulnerable, or that it will become a winter bug.
The CDC’s new position is a welcome recognition of reality and an acknowledgement that those who expected SARS-CoV-2 to settle into a winter virus pattern were wrong. The advice to adopt multi-layered protection is perhaps a tacit admission that COVID-19 is taking more of a toll on public health than many people expected.
In a study recently published in Science, Peluso et al. provide compelling evidence for two potential contributors to Long Covid: persistent SARS-CoV-2 and aberrant T cell activation, both of which can be found for up to two years after acute infection.
A recent review published in Medical Review sets out the spectrum of disease pathology with COVID-19 and Long Covid and gives some clues about why we’re seeing an increase in long-term sickness and in work disability around the world.
Our recommendation remains the same, take whatever steps you can to protect you and yours from COVID-19. You can find our advice here, or download the US Center for Disease Control’s easy to follow graphic on multi-layered protection.
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bixbythemartian · 1 year ago
this is probably going around here like several times, but you can order 4 more free covid tests starting today. if you didn't order any back in september/october (I hadn't heard about it, so I hadn't gotten more tests), you might be able to get up to 8. it just told me 'hey you can get more' and let me do it again, it was very easy to do.
if you're like 'well, I should leave that for people who need it!' don't. order them. stockpile them. the more the program is used, the more likely it is that it will remain a funded program and send the message that covid-19 is still a concern. use the program. there's no needs testing, no nothing, just put in your name and address. if nothing else, you can give a couple to a friend who has a larger family, since it's a per household thing and some people might need more or less, or a mutual aid group in your area, or something. the more people who do this, the more likely they are to keep reupping this program.
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autistichalsin · 6 months ago
I hate that I have to give this PSA at all- that I do is a failure on the part of multiple governmental organizations. But it is important.
COVID damages a lot more than you think. It damages more than your lungs, and does more than give you digestive issues. And sometimes, those issues can last well after you get better, even if you're not a person you would otherwise think of as being sick with long COVID.
If you only remember these two things, please just remember that:
COVID can and does damage your heart.
COVID can and does damage your nervous system, particularly your brain.
If you have had COVID in the last 18 months, you are at a highly elevated risk of sudden cardiac death compared to someone who hasn't. In the first three weeks after getting sick, your odds of dying from a heart-related event are 81 times that of an uninfected person, and five times higher in the following 18 months. You are also at a higher risk of of developing nonfatal heart disease; 40% likelier. (Source for all claims in this paragraph)
If you develop ANY cardiac symptoms at all after getting COVID- heart palpitations, blood pressure issues, fatigue, fainting, getting out of breath easier than is normal for you- you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, and you need to tell them you've recently had COVID. You have long COVID until proven otherwise.
Similarly, your risk of neurological disorders remains heightened over a year after getting COVID; approximately 40% higher. (Source) This manifests in more ways than I have time to list, but includes a vastly higher risk of dementia of all types (doctors are particularly seeing this with the under-45 group that was previously extremely rare), memory disorders, sensory issues (like persisting loss or distortion of taste and smell), mental health issues like anxiety or depression, and even more.
These can manifest in a lot of ways. But if you experience new anxiety or depression, new behavioral issues (particularly for those under the age of 18), if you suddenly can't focus anymore or can't remember things anymore (ESPECIALLY words, COVID has been noted to cause extreme difficulty with word recall), if you have tremors, if you're tired all the time, if you have "brain fog", if you have trouble sleeping, I could go on... again. You have long COVID until proven otherwise. EVEN IF you aren't "that sick". Even if you have energy to do things and can mostly function but you just aren't doing well in school/at work anymore because you can't remember the things your teacher/professor is talking about/the new work protocols your boss went over with you.
If you hop over to the subreddits for teachers or professors, you will notice a lot of them noting their students don't remember basic things the teachers have been pressing for an entire semester, or that students can't sit long enough to focus through a movie. And sure, some of that is cell phones reducing attention span, or students just not paying attention- but they just can't seem to pick up the pieces there that they are seeing long-term sequelae (that is, a different illness arising from COVID infection) in their students. It is everywhere, but few people are connecting the dots.
Similarly, there is a huge wave of pilots being unable to pass their physicals and losing their licenses, or making mistakes due to brain fog (in some cases even leading to crashes) or falling victim to sudden cardiac death in the middle of a flight.
EVERYONE is at risk from this. No one is talking about this. I don't kn- well, actually, no, I do know exactly why, I just don't like it. People want to make COVID the new flu, but it just isn't. It is not and never will be the flu. And we are willingly inflicting cardiomyopathy and dementia and all sorts of awful things on people in the name of regaining a sense of normalcy that is gone, but ironically would be closer to returning if we had accepted for a while that things WEREN'T normal and acted accordingly. But that chance is gone now, COVID is never going away because people couldn't bother, but they still can't admit it, they can't face the consequences of their actions, so instead we're getting this attempted coverup of the real long-terms dangers of COVID that even "young and healthy" people have.
But pretending things are normal doesn't make sick people healthy. So instead, try to educate folks, because there is a very high chance you or someone you know is sick right now, due to COVID infections they had months ago, and doesn't know it because people are pretending COVID is just the flu but with tummy upset and a disrupted sense of taste/smell.
People NEED to know what the actual dangers are.
ALSO, sidenote: if you are masking, and ask your medical team to mask, and they respond by starting to suggest you are experiencing "COVID anxiety", find a new provider. Immediately. Don't even continue the appointment. They are not interested in helping you.
Signed, your friendly neighborhood epidemiologist.
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charliejaneanders · 9 months ago
Politically, governments decided to sell a “we beat the pandemic” narrative to the public after vaccines failed to produce herd immunity as promised. For this reason, political health bodies like the CDC began putting out guidance from the very top encouraging people to accept the “new normal” of unending reinfections. Acceptance of constant reinfections relies heavily on the perception that COVID infections are a truly neutral event for your health- something that no research, and no study, has ever concluded.
COVID infection endangers pregnancies and newborns. Why aren't parents being warned?
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odinsblog · 8 months ago
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libraryjournal · 1 year ago
“I can’t emphasize enough how everyone's COVID-19 experience is valuable,” AFC Director Nicole Saylor said. “It’s worth preserving. It doesn’t matter your zip code, your community, whether you contracted it. Everyone has a story.”
Hard to believe it has been almost four years since the pandemic shutdown.
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atavist · 6 months ago
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Two women promised they would see the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time once they were together. They had no idea how long that would take—bureaucracy, bigotry, and the pandemic stood in their way.
“Love, Interrupted,” Atavist issue no. 154, is now live:
Now 1,100 miles apart, the two women texted and called each other incessantly. Shree wanted more. She knew that Ashwini was on the cusp of an arranged marriage, which had already cost Shree one relationship. “I like you,” she told Ashwini after a few weeks. “But if it’s a no, that’s fine. We should stop talking right now.”
Ashwini wasn’t sure what to do. She knew the risks she faced: Walking away from an arranged marriage would almost certainly require coming out to her parents, and once her orientation was no longer a secret, who knew what kind of condemnation or rejection she might face—personal, professional, or otherwise? Plus, she would have to learn to accept herself for who she was. The alternative, however, was a life without Shree.
A few days after Ashwini’s 30th birthday, she video-called Shree. Looking at Shree’s face, she knew that she was ready to make the leap. Ashwini asked Shree to be her girlfriend.
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hillbillyoracle · 3 months ago
Now is the Time to Start Masking Again
If you stopped paying attention to COVID with the release of vaccines, you've missed a lot.
COVID is airborne.
Long COVID impacts 10% of people infected by COVID (though this is beginning to look like a low estimate). Risk of Long COVID goes up with each reinfection. Long COVID is worse than initially reported.
Bisexual and trans people are more likely to develop Long COVID.
Black and Hispanic folks are more likely than White folks experience more symptoms and health problems from Long COVID.
***COVID and Long COVID has much more in common with HIV and AIDS than the flu (28:19 - 38:30 of linked video)***
The Basics
[WEBSITE] You Have to Live Your Life
[ZINE] What's Up With COVID and How to Protect Yourself - 2024 Edition
[FAQ] r/ZeroCOVIDCommunity's FAQ and Resource List
"This is great and all but it's overwhelming. TL;DR?"
COVID is airborne. Long COVID is much more common (and serious/debilitating) than previously thought.
Mask with an N95 or better in all indoor spaces and outside when close to others. Improve your indoor air quality by opening windows and using fans/air filters.
Rapid tests are prone to false negatives so make sure to retest in 48 hours after exposure and/or when you develop symptoms. Isolate in the meantime. Consider upgrading to a NAAT (PlusLife, Metrix) or PCR (Lucira) if you have the money.
Things for you to do today:
buy some N95s or request some from a local mask bloc
open a window more often and/or buy an air purifier
buy the best COVID tests you can afford
Basics in Video Form
If you have limited time, watch the videos with * first. They will cover the basics in about 20 minutes.
*VIDEO: COVID is Airborne [2:53]
*VIDEO: What the latest research tells us about long COVID's most common symptoms [5:58]
*VIDEO: FDA warns of false negatives with at home COVID Tests [2:19]
*VIDEO: How to Stay Safe(r) at Home [10:35]
VIDEO: The Astounding Physics of N95 Mask [6:08]
VIDEO: Mask Fit 101: Seal [4:07]
VIDEO: Mask Fit 101: Qualitative [3:49]
VIDEO: Mask Fit 102: Quantitative [5:04]
VIDEO: How to get [and give] FREE Masks [6:07]
VIDEO: Try this DIY indoor air purifier for cleaner air [4:22]
VIDEO: Why is EVERYONE more SICK [54:55]
Want to Get Involved?
Join your local Mask Bloc
No local Mask Bloc? Consider starting one
Talk to the people in your life about COVID
Print quality zines and spread them in your communities
Push for COVID Conscious changes in your spaces.
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renthony · 1 year ago
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[Image description: A photograph of a page from a spiral-bound sketchbook. The page has an illustration of the covid-19 virus and overlaid text that reads, "If I die of Covid-19 - forget burial - just drop my body on the steps of the C.D.C." A caption on the bottom of the page reads, "Ren Basel 2024. In memory of David Wojnarowicz and everyone killed by AIDS, COVID-19, and the government's negligence. Fight back!" End description.]
In 1988, AIDS activist David Wojnarowicz was photographed in a now-famous image, wearing a jacket that read, "If I die of AIDS - forget burial - just drop my body on the steps of the F.D.A.." I am far from the only person to adapt Wojnarowicz's words to COVID-19, but today I am feeling especially angry at the world. Holding the rage in my chest hurts--it hurts so fucking much--so instead, I've put it on paper.
Living through government negligence and community indifference during COVID-19 in 2024 fills me with rage and grief in equal measure, and as a queer person who studies queer history, I can see the echoes of AIDS in the way marginalized communities are being left to die.
As a disabled person who lives in a household that is very high-risk for COVID-19, the C.D.C.'s recent decision to shorten the COVID-19 isolation period feels like a slap in the face.
COVID-19 is not over, and it is vital to take steps to protect yourself and others. Please, follow the work of the People's CDC, an organization dedicated to COVID-19 safety, activism, and education.
Our government has failed us. Our communities have failed us. For those of us who are immunocompromosed or otherwise high-risk, we only have each other.
Remember us. Fight with us. Mask up, get vaccinated, get boosted.
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dovesndecay · 1 year ago
Couldn't get my covid booster because CVS isn't honoring their "free for uninsured until December 31st, 2024" bit on their site and it was going to cost me $190 to get it.
So I guess I'll just die.
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gwydionmisha · 8 months ago
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vitl · 2 months ago
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