#Clutch installation kit
Upgrade your vehicle's performance with our clutch installation kits. Our kits include everything you need for a professional installation and are designed to meet or exceed OEM specifications. Trust us for all your clutch replacement needs.
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kuromitos · 1 year
Third installment of robin/civilian series or as I like to call it 'Robin giving this random mom a heart attack everytime she enters her child's room'
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Mom, thinking to herself in the kitchen: okay...my child befriended Robin. The boy wonder. The sidekick to a dangerous vigilante that fights dangerous criminals every night.
I'm worried. Should I be worried? What if we get taken hostage because they think we're close to the bat? What if they take us hostage because they think we're close to them? Or worse?
No Nicole. Don't think like that. They don't have too many friends right now so don't be judging the only one they got. Besides, he had been visiting them for a week and nothing happened. Everything's fine.
S/o: Hey mom? Where the first aid kit?
Mom: under the bathroom sink. Why? Are you OK?
S/o: I'm fine but Robin isn't. He bleeding alot.
Mom: . . . What?
S/o: yeah, when he came in the window I noticed something red on it and I saw something red leaking on the floor. Then we saw a huge cut on his side and he bleeding really bad now. I gotta go now.
Mom: oh...wait he's what!?!?
*rush to the bedroom to see *
Robin, clutching his side: hi ma'am. Sorry about the mess
Mom,ten seconds away from a heart attack but trying to stay calm:
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hearts-hunger · 5 months
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Chapter Three: A Woman Aboard  {Series Masterlist | Series Playlist ♫}
Series Summary: You’ve been called the Jewel of the Bay, a lady born and bred in one of the Royal Navy’s most profitable ports of call. On a fateful summer night, taken aboard the pirate ship Starcatcher, your world is turned upside down. To survive, you must put your faith in the honor among thieves and learn to trust the devotion of a pirate to his most precious treasure.
Pairings: Jake x Reader, Sam x Danny, Josh x Reader | Chapter Word Count: 3k | Warnings: none? allusions to AU-typical violence and innuendo, I suppose
A/N: Pirate Jake is back! Mirador and Josh's pirate birthday pics have reignited the fire of this fic. This one's just a short chapter to get back into the swing of things, but I'm hoping for a longer installment soon. I hope you like it! ♡
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You stood with your hands on your hips as Jake left, watching as he scaled the rigging to half-mast with perfect ease. The sheer athleticism of the act astounded you; as nimble as a cat with eight lives spent, Jake climbed until he was perched on the yardarm, one hand gripping the rope as he leaned out to survey his men. He shone in the firelight, bronze and wild and beautiful atop his magnificent ship. You couldn't have torn your gaze off him for all the gold in the world.
One of the pirates jostled you from behind, brushing past you in his hurry to attend to the task of making sail. Skirting out of his way, you noticed with a flash of fear his blood-stained shirt; he joined his companions, many of them fresh from the throes of battle and gritty with gunpowder and blood, some of them laden with ropes of pearls and chains of jewels they’d looted from houses in the bay. You tried to stay out of their way, not least out of concern for your own safety, but there was nowhere on deck that seemed to be free from the frenzy of their work.
You looked up to the deck where Josh stood, one hand on the wheel and the other glinting gold as he beckoned to you. You obeyed, holding your skirts in hand as you hurried up the stairs to his side.
“Funny thing to have a woman aboard,” he said cooly, seemingly unbothered by the hurried work of the crew below. One could even believe him to be calm, gold-bright in the light of the billowing fires from the bay, cannons ringing, curses and orders shouted all around him. 
You smoothed a hand over your skirt, remembering with chagrin that you were out of place, and standing aboard a pirate ship in a state of truly indecent undress, no less. 
“I dare say,” you managed. “It seems no fit place for a lady.”
Josh’s smile wasn’t entirely reassuring. “You’ll find your place, Sapphy. For now, stay here with me to save yourself getting run down by my crew.”
You were relieved to be directed, even if it was by a pirate who was all too keen to whisk you away from your home and your fiancee. You sat primly on a crate at the back of the deck, trying to comport yourself as properly as you could with no shoes, barely any clothes, and your hair unbound about your shoulders. 
The view from the top deck provided ample opportunity to watch the crew at work as they ran about the deck to get the Starcatcher out to sea. The navy gave little chase to the two galleons; some of the ships in Kit’s precious fleet had been set aflame, and the others could not be manned nor sailed quickly enough to keep the Starcatcher or the Indigo Streak from leaving the bay. You marveled at how quickly both ships had come in, gotten what they came for, and left; little over an hour had passed since Jake had rescued you, and they’d gotten their man, their gold, and their revenge on Sapphire Bay and Kit Drake.
Out of the bay, The Starcatcher kept the Streak in its sights as both galleons cut through the waves with unparalleled speed. You watched as the bright fires of your island became smaller and more distant, quickly swallowed by the inky night as the ships sped onwards. Something like despair clutched at you, threatening to swallow you whole; you were well and truly kidnapped, party by your own doing, running from the King’s law and the King’s men to waters unknown. What was to become of you?
Your dismal thoughts were interrupted as Jake all but materialized in front of you, landing gracefully atop the deck.
“Did you swing down from the mast?” you asked, incredulous.
He raised a brow, the telltale rope swinging behind him as he let it go. “Aye. You thought I’d grow wings and fly down from there, did you?”
You flushed. “Hardly. It’s a wonder you haven’t broken your neck doing something like that.”
“He likes to keep his neck safe for pretty bruises from the occasional barmaid,” Josh said, spinning the wheel with a deft hand. “Isn't that true, Jacob?”
Jake frowned. “Hardly.” He looked to you, something daring in his expression. “I’ll teach you to swing from the yard, if you like. I promise I won't let you break your neck either.”
You touched a hand to your throat, feeling to far too exposed in your current state. “No, thank you. I’d be a fool to trust a pirate.”
Jake gave you a wicked grin. “As you say, Sapphy.”
Oh, but the name sounded so different in his voice. You crossed your arms over your chest as if to shield yourself, not knowing what exactly you were shielding yourself from. 
He held out his hand. “Come. Joshua’s had enough lovers leave things in his stateroom for us to find you something more... suitable to wear.”
Your face burned hot, and you declined to take his hand as you stood. “Very well, then.”
You followed him back down the stairs and into the stateroom. Everything inside was as you’d expected from years of imagining a pirate captain’s quarters; gold and red and purple, king’s colors, predominated in fabrics of sensuous velvet and silk. A desk was strewn with maps and quills; opposite it, a tablestood laden with bowls of excotic, expensive fruit and wine. The wide bed in the middle of it all brought images to mind unbidden, and you could only imagine what sort of scandalous acts had unfolded behind the doors of the Starcatcher’s private rooms.
You shivered where you stood, more from cold than anything else. Even off the deck, it was cold out on the open water, and you watched hopefully to see what clothing Jake would produce.
He rummaged in a chest at the foot of the bed, pulling out articles that seemed a motley collection of sailor’s wear and bordello finery. He held up a gaudy red corset for your perusal. 
“For heaven's sake,” you said, averting your gaze, mortified and shocked at such a thing. He grinned.
“Not this, then?” He tossed it back in the chest. “Too bad.”
He nodded towards the sideboard that held dozens of crystal decanters and amber bottles of liquor. “Have a taste of rum, lass, if you’re cold. It’ll keep a fire in your belly.”
You were surprised he’d noticed, and his attentiveness was at once embarrassing and touching. Pouring yourself a very small dose of what you hoped was rum and not some dread pirate poison, you took a sip and felt the fire he’d spoken of.
“There you are, lass,” he said as you sputtered and coughed, a laugh in his voice. “Never had such fine fare, have you?”
“No, I've never had rum before,” you said, trying to be scathing but managing only to sound vaguely weak. “No doubt you have it aplenty.”
He shrugged and pulled a lacy garter out of the chest. “All sailors have a proclivity for anything that makes life more enjoyable, Sapphire.”
No doubt that was true, judging by the articles that had been left behind on the captain’s floor. He finally unearthed a dark blue blouse and brown trousers, and you allowed yourself a breath of relief at something that could be worn with a little dignity.
“Here you are,” he said, handing the clothes to you. “I’ll look with the men to see if there’s any boots that might fit you. Come back out to the deck when you’re ready.”
“Thank you,” you said meekly.
He gave a slight bow. “I’m at your service.”
Alone in the stateroom, you felt for the first time since you’d come aboard that you had a blessed moment away from prying eyes and curious attention. You made quick work of your dress, but there was no way to undo your stays by yourself; resigned to wearing the tight and uncomfortable laces, you dressed quickly in the new clothes and felt a little more sure of yourself, if not nearly as decent as you would have liked. Never in your life had you worn trousers, but they were too big to reveal much of your figure, and with the blouse tucked in they fit well enough. 
Not knowing where else to put them, you placed your discarded skirt and bodice in the chest. You found a colorful scarf to tie your hair back with, wearing it almost like a bandanna, and felt entirely unlike yourself when you stopped to look in the gilded mirror.
“You’re quite a sight,” you sighed to your reflection. You gingerly touched a hand to the angry mark Kit’s signet ring had left, wincing when it stung. The bejeweled Governor’s daughter who’d shown in the mirror at home was nowhere to be seen, replaced by an unkempt, wind-swept young woman who looked as unsteady as she felt. 
Venturing back out to the deck, you found Jake standing by the railing with a pair of boots held causally in hand, a coat draped over his arm.
“I hope I won't see any of your men in stocking feet,” you said, trying for humor. The activity on deck had died down now that the Starcatcher was safely out to sea, but members of the crew still milled about the deck, attending to various tasks.
Jake shook his head. “They’re extra. They’ll likely be too big for you, but I'm sorry to say we’re a bit short on hand-stitched dancing slippers.”
“And you call yourself a pirate,” you said, slipping on the boots and lacing them until they were snug. “Tell your crew to loot them from wherever you’re headed next.”
He gave a doubtful hum as he looked out over the water. The Streak was a few paces ahead, cutting through the waves like a dolphin over the shining, moonlit water. 
“We’re headed to the Cove,” he said when you joined him. “Caravel Cove. It's a safe haven, of sorts. The navy knows where it is, but no King’s man is brave enough to set foot on an island overrun with pirates.”
You’d heard Kit speak of Caravel Cove, heard him disdain its rebellion from the crown, hungry to plunder it and hang every living soul that found safe harbor there, pirate or no. The thought of it sent a shiver down your spine.
“Here,” Jake said, draping the coat over your shoulders. It was soft leather, redolent of gunsmoke and salt air. “In case you didn’t take to the taste of rum.”
You allowed yourself a smile. “It’s kind of you.”
“It’s my pleasure. No use to snatch a lady just to let her catch a chill.”
“Snatch me, did you?” you mused. “I rather think I helped you in your endeavor, pirate.”
“All the same. Did you find your clothes satisfactory?” 
“Very much so,” you said truthfully. “I confess I was loath to wear so little as I arrived in where your men could see me.”
“You needn’t worry about them, lass,” he reminded you. “They’ll treat you with respect. Even if you were only half-dressed.”
His gaze drifted to the scarf in your hair. “That suits you,” he said. “Though the lady who had it first wore it an entirely different way.”
“Fond memories?” you asked, a teasing lilt to your voice.
He chuckled. “From what memories I do have of her, I should say so. Rum and women make for rather blurry recollections.”
It surprised you that you didn’t find him repulsive in his admissions of drink and lovemaking; indeed, to your shame, you found it made him alluring. Had Kit said anything of the sort, and he had, you would have scorned him. Perhaps the bracing sea air was getting to your head.
“What will you do with me when we reach the Cove?” you asked. You didn’t know what you wanted the answer to be; part of you wanted to secure passage home, and the other roused to the idea of adventure such as you’d never dreamed of. Surely there would be plenty to be found at Caravel Cove, if you hadn't gotten your fill on the voyage there.
He considered this, watching your face in the bright, silvery moonlight. 
“I don’t know,” he said truthfully. “Perhaps we’ll find someone to take you back, some lesser known schooner who won’t be blasted from the water before Drake can see you waving your white flag.”
The thought of boarding some other ship hardly appealed to you, especially when the captain could not be expected to give you the same promises as Josh and his twin had. Despite your hesitance to leave earlier, you were overwhelmed for a moment at the thought of an undetermined end to your time aboard a pirate ship. In your wildest dreams you’d never expected to even set foot on one, let alone embark on a long journey aboard one. All of a sudden, you felt the weight of just how alone you were in this strange world, how utterly you would need to trust the word and honor of a man you barely knew.
A shadow of pity crossed Jake’s face. 
“I know you can’t be too keen on the idea,” he said, and his voice was apologetic. “And it’s my fault for not taking you back sooner, or else finding a better place than the ship to keep you safe. I wasn’t thinking, lass. I’m sorry.”
You didn’t say anything for a moment. You looked out over the dark water, drawn to its dark and secret depths, the mysteries and magic it held.
“You might have saved my life,” you said, and it chilled you to know it was true. “I don’t know what Kit would have done to me if you hadn’t stopped him.”
“I’m sorry he hurt you at all,” Jake said, and there was an undercurrent of passion in the sincerity of his tone. “It’s a cowardly, wicked thing to hurt a woman. Especially one you claim to love.”
He spoke truly, and you wished you had the ability or even the desire to defend the man you’d pledged yourself to marry.
“What will you do?” you asked softly. “When you reach the Cove?”
“We’ll have to lie low for a while,” he said. “Give Daniel time to heal.”
“How is he?” you asked, the memory of the bloody first mate coming vividly with a wash of pity and regret. 
Jake shook his head. “I don't know yet. I’ll go over tomorrow and ask after him.”
“How?” you asked curiously. “You won’t anchor somewhere and stop both ships, will you?”
“Nay, lass. I’ll swing over as I did from the yardarm. Perfectly safe if you have your wits about you.”
“Heavens,” you breathed. “You pirates are a different sort, aren’t you?”
He smiled. “I dare say, Sapphy. What sort are you?”
You didn’t know how to answer that. So far all you knew of yourself was a thirst for something beyond your life of parlor games and dinner parties. 
He brushed your hair over your shoulder, and you found the touch intimate and yet entirely safe.
“I suppose you'll have time to figure it out, lass,” he said gently, somehow knowing something of the tumultuous ocean of your heart. “We’ll reach the Cove in four days time, if the weather’s fair.”
“And if it’s not?” you asked.
A look of smug assurance crossed his handsome features. “Still four days, though they’ll be a rough few on stormy seas. Josh and Sam could steer these ships through a hurricane and keep a steady course.”
“I hope to merely take your word for it,” you said, though part of you thrilled at the idea of seeing a masterful sailor best a storm-tossed sea.
Still, despite the call of adventure, you couldn't help a yawn hidden behind your hands.
“Come, lass,” Jake said kindly. “I’ll show you to my quarters. Sleep for a while and get the wind back in your sails.”
You hummed. “Do all pirates talk in seafaring metaphors?”
He chuckled. “All the good ones do.” He held the door open and showed you into a simply furnished room with a view of the sea. “Sit here on the edge of the bed, lass. I’ll get some liniment for that cut of yours.”
You did as he said, though it was more an act of hopping onto the edge of the berth built into the alcove of the window. You brushed a hand over the plain wool blanket. 
“Where do you keep all the treasure you find?” you asked. “It seems like your brother's gotten the lion’s share.”
He took a small tin from a box on his desk. “I have a few things here and there.” He dabbed some of the earthy-scented medicine onto his fingertips, then brushed his fingers gently over the cut on your cheek. “But I don’t entertain as much as my twin, so I don’t need quiet as much finery as he does.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, feeling a bit fuzzy-headed with exhaustion. “You’re entertaining the daughter of the Governor of Sapphire Bay,” you said. “Has your brother ever managed that?”
“Nay, lass. I suppose that makes me the better pirate.”
“Do you know, I believe it does.” You looked down, bemused, when he knelt before you. “What are you doing?”
“Untying your boots,” he said simply. He unlaced them quickly and set them at the foot of the bed, and you tried to remember the last time a man had treated you with such kindness.
He stood. “Sleep as long as you like. I’ll make myself easily found when you wake.”
You sank gratefully onto his bed, feeling almost like a child when he spread a blanket over you.
“Where will you stay?” you asked drowsily, already half asleep. “I hate to put you out of your own bed.”
“Don't worry your pretty head, lass.” His voice was as gentle and comforting as the steady rock of the ocean. “I’ll be fit and fair with a sailor’s hammock below. Rest now.”
You couldn't have disobeyed, and the last sound was his boots on the plank floor and the closing of the door. The cradle of the waves held you as closely as a mother’s arms, and you sank into a deep and dreamless sleep.
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tagging you feral freaks who wanted this so bad the other night: @streamsofstardust @the-starcatcher @gold-mines-melting @runwayblues @spark-my-nature i love y'all <3
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therummesoccupied · 3 days
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We're back with another thrilling installment of "Tay Sits Down to Write the Review Hours Before the Next Issue Releases!"
Lemme start by saying, the cover art for this one, by Natalie Haines, absolutely rules. Jet and the Phantom Rider circling each other while lightning strikes a Surge-shaped storm cloud in the background is so cool out of context, and even cooler in.
This issue, to me, the beginning of what I'm calling the Phantom Riders arc, following up the Extreme Competition arc from the last three issues, and looking to be the climactic story of the Clean Sweepstakes saga.
As is often the case with the first issue of any arc, this one is a bit of a slower one, not quite as thrilling as any issue of the arc before. It goes by quick, but there's still a ton of neat stuff in here to dig into, most of it is just... quieter in nature.
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The story opens up with Surge and Kit marching right into Clutch's office and declaring that they will no longer be participating in his operation, desiring to leave behind their lives of villainy and pursue the much more fulfilling roles of heroes. It, uh... doesn't go well for them.
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What's interesting here is that Clutch never actually makes any form of direct threat about what he'll do if they leave. He doesn't fly off the handle and smash anything to make an example for them. He doesn't even raise his voice.
And that's one of the things I love about Clutch as a villain. His entire strength is manipulation. He knows exactly which strings to pull, exactly which tone to employ to keep his operatives in mind. As I've said before, he doesn't have an army the size of the Eggman Empire, strength to contend with the Deadly Six, or an intellect on the level of Dr. Starline. But he has one thing none of them do - an unrivaled understanding of his resources, and exactly how to make use of them. There's just something so fascinating to me about a Sonic the Hedgehog villain who's entire strength comes from pulling strings and getting into peoples' heads.
I love this guy! I hope he doesn't... y'know... die at the end of this saga, because frankly, I'd love to see him return again in the future.
We also get Sonic on the run, trying to stay under the radar of the Babylon Rogues, until...
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Real world years after their introduction, Sonic finally meets Nite and Don! I'm a huge fan of this scene - partly because I really like Nite and Don, and I'm always happy to see more of them, and partly because I love this kinda thing! Main characters from the games meeting side characters from the comics that they've never run into despite them having been around for a while! These path-crossings between characters who are well-established but don't usually interact is something I love in any story, but especially in Sonic, because it gives me an opportunity to see these characters I've known and loved for such a long time explored in ways I've never seen before! This goes a long way toward making the world feel more lived in, and is the kind of thing I'd been hoping we'd see more of as the comic got to have more and more continuity under its belt.
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Also, I know it's a little thing that has already been shared a lot, but I love how visibly angry Sonic is in this panel. I've been gushing over any little hint of Sonic's 90's edge being brought forth in this saga, so any more of it is always gonna get me right where it counts.
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Here, Nite clues Sonic in to the fact that, in addition to Amy and Tails, the Chaotix are also looking into Clean Sweep, which means we will more than likely be seeing them at some point in this arc.
(Side note: Nite's mug has a modified version of the Crush 40 logo on it, and the poster behind him has an edit of their eponymous album. This is awesome and Crush 40 is awesome.)
This is cool because I love the Chaotix, Vector specifically being one of my favorite characters, but it does worry me that they might be showing up... a little too much? Maybe it's just me, but if feels like they show up a lot over the course of IDW Sonic, especially lately between the Misadventures arc, A Very Chaotix Halloween, and the Spring Broken special. I've gotten into it a bit in other posts, but aside from Sonic Tails, Amy, and Eggman, I prefer most Sonic characters to be "sometimes food."
The cast is so big that you can constantly keep revolving side characters in and out, occasionally throwing in new ones, and go a good while between repetitions, which, in my opinion, only helps to make the appearances of these characters to feel more impactful and, again, make the world feel more lived in. Sonic has so many friends that he doesn't always see many of them that often. It makes sense to me, but maybe it's only me.
Anyway, it'll seem neat to see how they play into everything that's going on here. What's interesting to me is, back in Misadventures, when Clutch hires the Babylon Rogues to steal Echidna artifacts from Angel Island, he says that he did so to keep certain parties occupied while he conducted his business with the Restoration - setting things up for the Clean Sweepstakes. I'd assumed the parties he spoke of were the Chaotix specifically, whom Knuckles recruited to help retrieve his stolen relics.
However, if this was his intention, it seems the Chaotix have gotten involved anyway. Was this a simple oversight on his part? Were his efforts in vain? Or is something more going on? Was the party he sought to distract actually Knuckles? Does his grand plan involve some kind of play for the Master Emerald? If so, that'd be a very bold move for him. For now, though, the best we can do is speculate until we get a better look at the scope of Clutch's scheme - I will say though (and this is a bit of a spoiler within a spoiler), Evan Stanley has posted some WIP pencils for upcoming issues that appear to be part of this same arc, and one drawing among them does seem to show an Emerald present, so it's pretty safe to assume at least one Emerald, be it Chaos or Master, is definitely in the mix here.
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Meanwhile, poor Surge is going through it. She lays out exactly what I have found tragically beautiful about her entire character arc, especially over the course of this saga: She envies the freedom of Sonic, but can never have it. No matter what, someone is always seeking to use her for their own ends, and if they can't, the make sure that she can never have the freedom she seeks by damaging her life beyond any hope of repair. It's a surprisingly deep and sad thing to see played out in the Sonic universe, and at the point she's at, I'm not sure there's any good way out for her.
That being said, Kit seems to have his own course of action in mind, and I'm excited to see exactly what it is, because while Kit was designed to be the reason to Surge's rush, he's always seemed to be the one capable of going even further off the deep end when pushed. He always seems to have some pretty extreme levels of violence in mind when he gets quiet and focused. He's kind of creepy like that, and who knows what he's got in store. Whether it works out in his favor or not, I don't imagine it looks good for Clutch, who, like so many others before him, has likely underestimated the little fox.
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The last scene of this issue has Amy, Tails, and Belle trying to make their way to Jewel's office to expose Clutch, only to be intercepted by Clean Sweep Inc.'s mascots, who reveal themselves to be none other than Rough and Tumble. We knew these two were working under Clutch, but they haven't shown up in a bit, and it left me wondering exactly where they fit into Clutch's machinations here. Turns out they were right in the spotlight the entire time. Makes sense, given the way they're usually played for comic relief.
They pretty immediately call for backup - which is funny to me. It's characteristically underhanded of them, sure, but it also shows that they've been gaining some level of understanding of just how outmatched they are when dealing with Sonic and co. I did notice that Tumble says they have more infiltrators on their hands, implying they've already dealt with a few before these three arrived. I'd say it's pretty reasonable to assume they're referring to the Chaotix, so it's likely Amy, Tails, and Belle will be running into them soon.
Story-wise, this issue has a lot of neat stuff to dig into, just not quite as much forward momentum as recent ones. And that's good! You have to have setup to have payoff! Plus, these quieter scenes provide a great opportunity for character exploration, an opportunity this issue takes full advantage of. Just about every character gets plenty to do here, plenty to show us who they are when they're not in the heat of action.
In terms of art, this issue is everything the previous arc would lead you to expect. Aaron Hammerstrom continues to bring us some absolutely gorgeous pencils, with some really solid inks from Matt Froese, an artist I've been following since long before their work on IDW Sonic, and have been delighted to see show up in the comic's credits.
As I mentioned previously, we seem to have some upcoming pencils from Stanley herself, and while I love Stanley's art and am always excited to see more of it, it does make me a little sad that we won't be seeing as much from Hammerstrom or Min Ho Kim. They truly have become my absolute favorite artists working on this series - even over legends like Yardley and Hesse. Guess I couldn't see their pencils exclusively forever, though. Whatever the case, Stanley's upcoming stuff looks good, and I'm excited to see more of it, as well as what happens next, which I'll be seeing in... *checks watch* ... About an hour.
As always, thanks for reading, and I'll catch you next time!
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greypetrel · 10 months
30. "I don't know where to put my love" for Raina c:
Oooooh, this was perfect for her, thank you!! (in this I discovered that a baby raccoon is called a kit)
Tis the prompt list
A good punch.
( 4.049 words | CW: blood - mentions of split lips and broken teeth )
So tell me where to put my love Do I wait for time to do what it does? I don't know where to put my love - Florence + the Machine, "My Love"
“I did want to punch him, dad.”
She uttered between her teeth, mumbling on the words because her lips hurt like hell right now. She glared stubbornly at her feet, hand clasped in her father’s and hating every step and how the skirt of her dress kept sticking to her bloody knees. She hated skirts, and she hated the feeling of her hair, long and tangled and dirty, sticking to her cheek. But her mother won’t let her wear breeches for the festival, and won’t let her cut her hair short as she did with Garrett, and she didn’t really understand why.
But, as much as her mother had been the first to find her and drag her away from Bobby Oswald who laid under her and had a black eye and lost his front tooth, and she sharply refused to say a word to explain herself… She couldn’t lie to her father. She didn’t want to lie to him. So, when he barged in, placated the Oswalds and Leandra alike and grabbed her hand to take her away and “Have a good talk, I’m sure she didn’t mean to punch Bobby”… she waited just until they were far from the crowd and told him.
Malcolm looked down at her, raising one eyebrow.
“You want to get me angry as well, young lady?” He asked her, but there was amusement in his voice. That note of amusement that was always there and she craved, right now.
“He called Garrett a freak, and you a failure.”
She confessed, anger still burning hot in her chest and raising tears to her eyes. Malcolm didn’t say anything, but answered in tow as her hand clutched tight on his, in a silent comfort. He didn’t say anything, and just lead her around the corner and deep between the stalls that were installed in the small square in front of the Chantry. People selling food, mainly, trying to earn some extra money during the fair even if they had no cattle to sell and show, no crops to offer. They already visited the stalls, and begged Leandra far and wide for a treat. Their mother had bought her and Garrett a full slice of pumpkin pie each, and the twins a big cookie with nuts and raisins she split in two for the three years olds. And that was it. The rest of the stalls kept being a dream, even if Raina asked and pleaded for some candy floss. It was coloured and it was sweet and it looked fluffy: surely it was good, even if she never tasted it. It was also pricey, and something only the more well to do could afford. Not them. The year hadn’t gone well, and she already had her more healthy treat.
So, she didn’t raise her eyes, pretending not to be interested in the food. Pretending that all those perfumes didn’t make her mouth water and terribly curious to taste everything. She hadn’t been good, her mother made it plenty clear as she yelled at her for starting a brawl and breaking Bobby’s tooth. She didn’t listen when her father stopped and started to chat with someone. She convinced herself she wasn’t interested, and her mind went flying and concentrating on other thoughts, fingers playing nervously with the cloth of her skirt. That was it: she decided to think of all the things she could do with her skirt instead of wearing it.
And yet, when Malcolm pulled gently at her hand to catch her attention, Raina could only gasp, mouth falling open.
He stopped right in front of the candy floss stand, and both him and the vendor were looking at her, expectantly.
“So? Red, purple or yellow?” Malcolm prodded, with a smile.
“But-” She objected, looking between the two men with suspicion. “But mother said-”
“Your mother isn’t here. Or do you wish me to go and call her?” Malcolm winked. “But if you don’t want it…”
“No!” She gasped aloud, and both men chuckled at her. “Red!” She declared, and stopped a while, adding a last, less concitated “Please.”
“Ah, I knew it!” Malcolm exclaimed with a big smile, and turned to the vendor again. “What did I tell you? Did I win a free stick for being such a good father to remember my daughter’s favourite colour?”
In spite of everything, Raina giggled, ignoring how the movement sent a jolt of pain on her split lip, and how she felt wet trailing down her chin from it. As her father winked and insisted a little with a vendor that wasn’t fooled by her father’s wit, she licked the blood away, quickly. It only made the wound bleed more, and she grew irritated by it.
She didn’t mind her father slipping some coins out of his pocket, absent-mindedly greeted the vendor goodbye, and trodded along her father. The more she licked, the more blood it seeped out, and the more she scowled at it. It just wouldn’t stop.
She paid little attention, too focused on stopping the annoying trickle of blood even if it started to hurt, to mind her father quickening his step all so minutely as they passed the Chantry. “Least those nasty Mothers see our treat and come to steal it!” He told her, whispering conspiratively. She nodded along and quickened her steps as much as the legs of a girl of 8 could go, following her father without looking where he was headed.
So focused she was, that when he stopped she bumped right into his leg, so hard it hurt her lip and bruised cheek.
“Ouch!” She yelped, stepping back and pressing a hand on her cheek.
“Shit-” He grumbled, stopping abruptly as he noticed the swear. “Fuck-” He grumbled. “For Andraste’s- Don’t tell your mother. I’m sorry, kit.”
“It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt that bad.”
He hummed, and left her hand, nodding towards the low stone wall that sided the river. He offered to help her up to sit there, but Raina scoffed, puffing her chest up with pride. Chanting that she was not a kit, she climbed up on her merry self. Bobby’s tooth cut her knuckles something nasty, and even if the bleeding stopped, it hurt when she scraped it against the stone. She bit it down bravely, grunting for that and how sore she was, and complaining because the nasty skirt made climbing unnecessarily difficult. But she managed, rolling on her belly on top of the wall and collecting her limbs on top, so she could kneel and go sit with her legs dwindling on the other side, up the water. Malcolm was much more graceful, and as soon as he was sitting too, she scuttled closer
“Do you want to talk about it?” Malcolm asked, caressing her head.
“He was mean, dad!” She grumbled, crossing her arms on her chest and looking down at the water, legs moving quicker. “He picked on Garrett, he called him a freak and pushed him, and said you are a failure that can’t… I don’t know, he used a weird word. You can’t do something for us, and it’s not true, and so I told him you’re the best dad in the world and to leave my brother alone, and he called me a Bug-eyes and he just didn’t stop.”
A hand came around her back and closed on the opposite shoulder, keeping her still as she thrashed around on the ledge. She shoved him off: she wasn’t a baby, and she wouldn’t fall. She never fell when she climbed, not anymore. Understanding she didn’t want to be touched, now, Malcolm let her speak, listened to her as she kept on with her tale.
“He shouldn’t have said those things, you’re right.” He convened, in the end. “It still doesn’t make it right to punch him, kit. You hurt him pretty badly.”
Raina turned towards him, a deep scowl on her face, and looked in his eyes -the same blue as hers- as she told him, this time lowering her voice.
“He told he was going to call the Templars, dad. That’s when I punched him. And why I’m not sorry.”
She watched as his father’s face darkened, something harsh making his way in his expression. It was his serious face, and Raina knew he understood. He always understood, when her mother never did and only scolded her.
“Maybe he was joking.” He proposed.
“I am still not sorry.” She proudly declared, turning towards the river again. “I don’t want that you and Garrett will be brought away because Bobby is mean and stupid.”
“Punching him isn’t a solution.”
“I bit him, too.”
Malcolm stilled at the news, and as Raina side-glanced at him, she saw him with his free hand on his mouth, covering it as he tried not to laugh. She knew he was scolding her for what she did and he that he was serious, but she snorted too, covering her mouth with both hands.
“Raina, I’m serious.” He scowled at her, but his eyes kept an amused glint.
“But you told me I need to defend my little siblings!”
“I know, kit. But you’re not a raccoon. You’re a person, and people talk.”
“But I tried, dad. I tried to tell him he was mean, but he just didn’t listen. I didn’t know what else to do.”
“Come here.”
He sighed, and pulled her closer to his side. More prone to be touched, right now, she let him, and turned to hug his bust, pressing her face in his side. He put the fancy waistcoat, the one he only wore for special occasions, and it was rough against her sensible skin. But it was warm and comforting enough, it smelled like the lavender pouches her mother kept in the wardrobes, and she didn’t mind that she was probably staining it. The comfort provided was more important, and the way he kept her close by her shoulder, rubbing circles with his thumb.
“Do you still love me?”
“Of course, kit, what makes you think I don’t?”
“Mom was very angry. Mom loves Garrett best.”
He sighed, heavily. It wasn’t the first time the topic came up, and it always made Raina cry. This time was no different, and she clutched on her father tighter.
“I do love you, kit. Very much. Your mother does too, I swear. Quite a lot. She gets angry because you’re always getting into trouble and she worries.”
“But she told me I had to be a good sister and protect my siblings!”
“I don’t think she meant getting into a brawl and splitting your lip open. That’s what she worries about.” Malcolm explained, gently pushing the child away from him enough so he could see her face. “Let me see.”
Her lip indeed left a stain on his waistcoat, darker than the grey wool it was made of. He paid it no mind, and didn’t let Raina either, gently pushing her face up towards his. She sniffed and blinked tears away from her eyes, putting up a brave face. She was 8, she was too old for crying, and she stood straight, offering herself for the careful examination like a big, brave girl. Stupid tears couldn’t really stop, but she did her very best. He gently pushed on her cheekbone with his thumb, and apologized when the pressure made her flinch. And rubbed her lower lip, without using any magic. Even with some pressure -and she was ready this time, she just scrunched her nose and eyes- the bleeding didn’t stop, and Malcolm huffed at it.
“We should really think of something better than punching, for you.” He grumbled, fishing his handkerchief from a pocket and dabbing her lip with it. “Defending the people you love is great and commendable kit, and I’m so proud that you jumped to it and that you stood up to your choices.”
A pause.
“Don’t tell your mother I told you so.” He casted her a look, but his eyes were still amused. “I am very, very disappointed you shut up the most annoying kid in the village, I’m absolutely appalled that you punched and bit him and kicked him, and I expect you to be very contrite and remorseful when we get back, ok?”
He winked at her, and she giggled, nodding enthusiastically. She took the handkerchief and kept on dabbing her mouth herself, heart lighter as her father huffed in satisfaction. As she did, with her feet kicking the air before her, alternatively pushing on the stone and skipping forward, she saw Malcolm ripping a piece of cotton candy, finally, and look at it, considering.
“My point is, you have all this love… We need to find a way to use it better than punching people that offend it, tho. Somewhere to put it.”
“Like a closet?”
He chuckled, and offered her the sugar. Raina looked at it, unsure, and at her father. When he nodded in encouragement, she was quick in picking the piece up and bring it to her mouth. It was sweet and crinkled under her teeth before quickly melting in the most thrilling way, and it was the most delicious thing she ever ate. Of course, it was red. Red things were the best. It made Malcolm chuckle more, as he too took a bite.
“We can try and put it in a closet, but closets get full so easily. We need to try something else.”
“Like what?”
She asked, not fully understanding his words, and how love could be stored or put somewhere rather than somewhere else. She shrugged it off, tho, not wanting him to think she was too little and didn’t understand a grown-up concept. She was the eldest and she was big, after all, even if Garrett had magic and that could maybe made up for a year less. She just stretched her arm, fingers sticky with sugar, to take another piece of the candy.
“I don’t know. Hug puppies. Take care of animals. Knit. Count to a hundred before you act. Run in the morning so you’re tired during the day and your love doesn’t burst. Let the bullies run after you until they trip and fall by themselves and you can keep clean. Insult them without them knowing.”
Raina considered, with her mouth full of sugar.
“So mom won’t get worried?”
Malcolm turned and poked her ribcage, annoyingly enough, and again until she turned to bat his hand away, laughing because it tickled. He laughed with her, and waited enough for her to stop thrashing -she did so much that he had to catch her by the shoulder lest she fell into the river. When it was done, he was there, a smile on his face and a look that was really serious in his eyes.
“So we all won’t get worried.” He told her, in his serious voice that meant what he told was important and she should listen.
She nodded and jumped forward, hugging him tight.
“I am sorry I got you worried, dad.” She told him, drowned as she was in his chest.
He caressed her hair, and right then, the world was good and she didn’t feel the urge to move somehow, to bounce her leg or play with her hands.
“It’s fine, kit.” He sighed, relaxing minutely. “Just keep in mind that if you put your love into punches, people you love won’t be happy, they will be worried. Ok?”
Raina considered. It made sense, even if the concept of love was still a little weird and abstract.
“… But what if I don’t let them punch me back?”
Something less than twenty years later, a lifetime distant from that afternoon in Greenfell, Raina kept considering that day on the stream, eating red candy they couldn’t afford with her father.
She stepped forward, turning her daggers in her hands, bending her neck left and right quickly to warm up and get ready. Her heart beat hard and fast in her ears, in anticipation and, partly, fear. On the other hand, only an idiot wouldn’t have been afraid, in her place, to be doing what she was about to do. Maybe she was not as scared as she should have been.
It wasn’t the time to reason, tho, or to consider any better. She took her father’s words to heart, and had been mindful to put her love to good use. Ironically enough, she learnt to talk and outwit people, and she took up knitting and adopted a dog. And she stopped throwing punches so often, because she learnt to wield daggers.
She stepped forward in the throne room, bouncing from one foot to the other, turning fear into adrenaline and not thinking that she most likely chose the stupidest place to put her love. And yet, she kept her chin up, back straight, and looked the Arishok right in his eyes with a challenge.
Her love went into a city that didn’t love her, into a mother and Carver who both lied six feet under, Bethany in the Circle and Garrett that was about to be brought there too, since the Knight-Commander saw him. Her love went into a mismatched rag-tag groups of misfits, just like her. Her love went into them and into fucking things up for them and with them.
She put her love into turning her back to Merrill, screaming for her and beating her hands against the bars that closed the Alienage for the invasion. She put her love into keeping her safe, because after what she did, after taking advantage of her in such a way and leaving her as she did, that was all she could do to her. Perhaps it would have mildened her memory for the elf. Not that she would have been there to see.
She put her love, lastly and firstly and more stupidly, into a woman that didn’t want it, that told her from the start that she didn’t, but that had it anyway.
She put her love in Isabela and into a duel she couldn’t win, and she cared not for anything else. Kirkwall could go fuck itself: if it weren’t for Bela, she would have left it to the Qun and see if the Arishok could have found her a spot she could finally fit in.
She clutched her hands tighter on the hilts of the daggers, feeling the supple leather of her father’s gloves pressing on her skin. She wondered what he would have thought, and if he would still be proud of her. She guessed she was about to find out.
“Raina, please-”
She heard Garrett from behind. He was the only one, now, to call her by her name, and it was too little. She wasn’t a Hawke: Hawke had been her father, and she made a treasure of his words, she missed him like air, and she stubbornly decided that he was right, but not always.
Some people really needed a good punch.
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modded-scion · 2 years
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here’s some parking garage pics <3
so far, she’s stock, BUT i have over 1k in mods i haven’t installed yet :)
180hp, 173 ft-lb torque, 2.5L 4 banger, aftermarket wheels + exhaust w/ manual trans
install list (so far): cold air intake, modified street clutch kit, aluminum flywheel, new clutch slave and master cylinders, and aftermarket fog lights, headlights, and taillights
all i need to do is actually install the parts haha…
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smithbrothers67 · 2 years
Transmission Shop in Topeka KS
At Smith Brothers Transmissions in Topeka we specialize in high-performance transmissions. It’s not all about the engine, a high-performance car or truck with a well-maintained transmission has the ability to crush the competition right out of the gate. Avoid catastrophic transmission failures by getting the expert mechanics at Smith Brothers Transmissions to install your C eliminator kit, high-torque converter, or extra strong, bulletproof flexplate.
At Smith Brothers Transmissions in Topeka we make auto repair easy. Replace your standard clutch with a clutch designed to provide higher torque and preload for lightning-fast, torque-sensing traction when you need it most. A car or truck transmission carries the engine’s power to the drive axles and without it, your vehicle simply will not run. Don’t get sidelined because of a transmission problem. Bring your high-performance car or truck to Smith Brothers Transmissions in Topeka at 2647 SE 6th Avenue or call today to set up an appointment at 785-357-7770.
 Popular Transmission and Auto Repair Services
·         Valve Body
·         Accumulator Piston
·         Torque Converter
·         Gasket Set
·         Overhaul Kit
·         Clutch Kit
·         Transfer Case Actuator
·         Transmission Control Module
·         Electro-Hydraulic Control Module
 Transmission Rebuilds and Auto Repair A transmission rebuild is a great opportunity to replace multiple OEM parts with new high-performance grade parts without incurring the costs of a total transmission replacement. Discover Smith Brothers Transmissions’s custom transmission services that help save money by only replacing the parts you need. During a transmission rebuild, we remove your entire trans mission, take it apart, and replace multiple damaged parts with new parts that will allow you to compete instead of just drive.
Transmission Replacements and Auto Repair When the majority of the transmission is worn beyond repair, a total transmission replacement is necessary. Look at a failed transmission as an opportunity to let the expert mechanics at Smith Brothers Transmissions give you a custom-built transmission that can handle up to 1200 horsepower and 1000 feet per pound of torque. Transmission replacement cost is more expensive than a repair or rebuild but is often a longer-term fix and a bigger advantage on the track.
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zanamotorcycle · 23 days
Unlocking the Ultimate Riding Experience: A Comprehensive Guide to KTM Accessories
KTM motorcycles have always been interchangeable with power, precision, and performance. Whether you're carving through city streets or conquering rugged terrains, the right accessories can elevate your KTM experience to new heights. In this guide, we'll dive into the world of KTM accessories, focusing on some of the most popular models: Adventure 250, Adventure 390, Adventure 390X, Adventure 390 Rally, Duke 125, Duke 200, Duke 250, Duke 390, RC 200, and RC 390.
KTM Adventure Series: The Perfect Blend of Versatility and Endurance
The KTM Adventure series is built for those who live for the thrill of the ride. From the nimble Adventure 250 to the versatile Adventure 390 Rally, each model is designed to tackle any terrain with ease. However, the right accessories can make all the difference in enhancing your riding experience.
Adventure 250 Accessories
The KTM Adventure 250 is a favorite among riders who crave both city commuting and off-road exploration. To maximize its potential, consider the following Adventure 250 accessories:
Crash Guards: Protect your bike's engine and bodywork during those unexpected falls.
Handlebar Risers: Improve comfort on long rides by adjusting the handlebar height.
Luggage Systems: Expand your carrying capacity with panniers or top cases for those extended adventures.
Windshield: Upgrade to a taller windshield for better wind protection on highway rides.
Adventure 390 Accessories
The Adventure 390 is a powerful machine designed for both on-road and off-road excursions. Equip it with these Adventure 390 accessories for an even better riding experience:
Skid Plate: Shield the engine and lower frame from debris and rough terrains.
Auxiliary Lights: Enhance visibility during night rides or in foggy conditions.
Off-Road Tires: Swap out the standard tires for more aggressive off-road options for better traction.
Seat Upgrade: Opt for a more comfortable seat for those long hours on the road.
Adventure 390X Accessories
For those who demand more from their rides, the Adventure 390X is a step up with its enhanced features. Complement it with these Adventure 390X accessories:
Heavy-Duty Handguards: Protect your hands and levers during off-road rides.
Advanced Navigation System: Install a GPS unit tailored for adventure touring.
Adjustable Levers: Customize the clutch and brake levers to your preferred reach.
High-Performance Exhaust: Upgrade to an exhaust system that offers better sound and performance.
Adventure 390 Rally Accessories
The Adventure 390 Rally is the ultimate tool for extreme off-road adventures. Equip it with these specialized Adventure 390 Rally accessories:
Rally Footpegs: Wider footpegs provide better control and comfort during off-road rides.
Steering Damper: Improve stability at high speeds and on rough terrains.
Hydration System: Stay hydrated during long rides with a hydration pack integrated into your gear.
High Fender Kit: Prevent mud clogging by installing a high-mounted front fender.
KTM Duke Series: The Urban Warrior's Dream
The KTM Duke series is a blend of sporty performance and urban practicality. From the beginner-friendly Duke 125 to the powerful Duke 390, each model is designed for those who dominate the streets. Here’s how you can customize your Duke for the ultimate urban riding experience.
Duke 125 Accessories
The Duke 125 is perfect for those new to motorcycling. Make it even more user-friendly with these Duke 125 accessories:
Frame Sliders: Protect the frame and engine in case of a fall.
Tail Tidy Kit: Give your bike a sleek, sporty look by replacing the bulky rear fender.
Tank Pad: Prevent scratches on your fuel tank with a stylish tank pad.
Bar End Mirrors: Upgrade to bar-end mirrors for better visibility and a cleaner look.
Duke 200 Accessories
For those looking for a bit more power, the Duke 200 is an excellent choice. Enhance its performance and style with these Duke 200 accessories:
Performance Air Filter: Improve engine breathing for a slight boost in power.
Adjustable Rearsets: Customize your footpeg position for better control and comfort.
LED Turn Signals: Upgrade to brighter, more visible LED turn signals.
Sport Windscreen: Add a sportier windscreen to reduce wind buffeting at higher speeds.
Duke 250 Accessories
The Duke 250 strikes a balance between power and practicality. Equip it with these Duke 250 accessories for a better riding experience:
Quickshifter: Experience smoother and faster gear changes with an aftermarket quickshifter.
Ergonomic Seat: Replace the stock seat with an ergonomic one for better comfort on longer rides.
Rear Cowl: Add a rear cowl for a more aggressive, single-seat look.
Rear Wheel Hugger: Keep road debris from hitting the rear shock and exhaust.
Duke 390 Accessories
The Duke 390 is a powerhouse in the naked bike segment. Make it even more formidable with these Duke 390 accessories:
Slipper Clutch: Install a slipper clutch for smoother downshifts and better cornering stability.
Full Exhaust System: Upgrade to a full exhaust system for increased power and a more aggressive sound.
Custom Decals: Personalize your Duke with custom decals that reflect your style.
Adjustable Suspension: Fine-tune your bike’s handling with an adjustable suspension kit.
KTM RC Series: Track-Ready Precision
The KTM RC series is built for speed and agility, making it a favorite among track enthusiasts and sport riders. Whether you're on the RC 200 or the RC 390, these accessories can help you get the most out of your ride.
RC 200 Accessories
The RC 200 is an entry-level sportbike with sharp handling and a racing pedigree. Enhance its capabilities with these RC 200 accessories:
Clip-On Handlebars: Replace the stock handlebars with lower, sportier clip-ons for better aerodynamics.
Rearsets: Adjust your footpeg position for a more aggressive riding stance.
Track Tires: Upgrade to track-specific tires for better grip and cornering on the racetrack.
Belly Pan: Add a belly pan to improve aerodynamics and protect the engine from debris.
RC 390 Accessories
The RC 390 is a track weapon disguised as a street bike. Maximize its potential with these performance-focused RC 390 accessories:
Race ECU: Install a race ECU for a more aggressive throttle response and increased power output.
Quickshifter+: Enjoy seamless upshifts and downshifts with a Quickshifter+ system.
Racing Brake Pads: Upgrade to racing brake pads for better stopping power and feel.
Rear Paddock Stand: Keep your RC 390 stable in the garage or at the track with a rear paddock stand.
KTM motorcycles are built for those who demand the best in performance and style. Whether you're riding an Adventure 250 through rugged trails or tearing up the streets on a Duke 390, the right accessories can make all the difference. From crash protection to performance upgrades, these accessories not only enhance your riding experience but also ensure that your KTM is ready for any challenge you throw at it.
So, gear up, customize your ride, and unlock the full potential of your KTM. After all, the journey is just as important as the destination, and with the right accessories, every ride can be an unforgettable adventure.
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us281trktrl · 26 days
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Best truck shop for transmission system repair and rebuild in Edinburg and all of South Texas!
We have the best transmission system experts in Edinburg and all of South Texas.
This commercial truck arrived with a transmission that failed to shift into higher gears. We only removed the transmission and rebuilt the rear section.
We installed the new gear, as well as a synchro kit and a gasket kit. In addition, we replaced the rear main seal and the transmission clutch. All the transmission work was completed in just two days.
We fix Eaton, Rockwell, and Allison transmissions at our truck and trailer repair shop.
Jorge has been rebuilding and repairing transmissions for over 40 years.
Call Jorge at 956-293-9896 for more information.
Or visit us online at - https://www.us281trucktrailerservices.com
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kaazmotorsport12 · 3 months
M75 Diff Gears-Understanding The Working Process of These Differentials
Introduction Undoubtedly, limited slip differentials or LSDs have become a crucial and very useful innovation in the field of automotive engineering. LSDs or M75 diff gears have successfully helped to deal with the issue of uneven torque distribution. When you have the best LSDs installed in your car, you will enjoy better stability and traction on different surfaces. Navigating through sharp turns, slippery roads and terrains will not be very challenging for you. But how does an LSD work to offer you such benefits? Keep reading to understand this.
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What Do You Mean By A Limited Slip Differential Works?
As described above, the LSD is used in vehicles to distribute torque to the wheel with better traction. LSDs are quite common in trucks, SUVs and sports cars. However, now many manufacturers are taking the help of this technology to improve the driving performance of their cars. It allows the car’s wheels to rotate at various speeds. However, you will witness an efficient shift of torque to the wheels. As a result, your car will get higher traction.
Understanding the Function of A Limited-Slip Differential
In simple words, a differential is an assembly of gear that sends the torque produced by the engine to the wheels. It generally includes three different shafts along with a primary shaft whose rotation speed is the average of total shafts. While using a traditional differential, when a wheel loses traction, one wheel receives more torque and your car will not move smoothly. Such issues generally arise after the rain or when one wheel is on the asphalt and the other one is on the sand. This is where limited slip differential comes into play. These LSDs transfer powers smoothly and equally to the wheels, offering you better control over the steering.
Different Types of Limited-slip Differentials
The LSD comes with different design options, created to effectively balance the wheels' rotation in various traction conditions. In general, while looking for M75 Diff Gears, you will find two major types of LSDs, i.e., torque-sensitive and speed-sensitive.
Torque-Sensitive LSDs
These are mechanical LSDs and are highly responsive towards the driveshaft torque. The primary element in these LSDs is the clutch pack of discs. When one wheel begins slipping, the torque production will change. This will also increase the load on the clutch. As a result, torque will be transferred to the other wheel to offer you a smooth rotation. These LSDs can be very expensive and common in sports cars.
Speed-Sensitive LSDs
The most common type of speed-sensitive LSD is the Viscous LSD. These LSDs utilize hydrodynamic friction. There is a perforated disc stack that can be found connected to shafts as well as differential with both the outer and inner surfaces.  The differential’s motion leads to disc friction and that heats up the gel, making it expand. Then the gel pulls together the discs, blocking the difference in the wheels' speed.
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The best limited slip differentials are important for hard driving or off-road driving conditions. It effectively distributes torque to your car’s wheels, making one wheel rotate while another one loses traction. It works much better than an open differential. So, opting for the M75 differentia gears will be the best option for you. But always prefer to buy these differentials from a trusted supplier, like Kaaz Motorsport Australia. They offer licensed OEDM LSD gearboxes along with gear kits for Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Porsche, Subaru and more. Contact them today to learn more about the types of LSD they offer.
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thomasexxon · 4 months
The Comprehensive Guide to Repairing Auto Air Conditioning Systems
In the scorching heat of summer or the biting cold of winter, a functioning air conditioning system in your vehicle can be a saving grace. However, like all mechanical components, auto air conditioning systems are susceptible to wear and tear, leaving you sweating or shivering on your daily commute. Fear not! This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about repairing auto air conditioning systems, from identifying common issues to troubleshooting and performing repairs yourself.
Understanding Auto Air Conditioning Systems:
Before delving into repairs, it's crucial to understand how Repair Auto Air Conditioning systems work. Most modern vehicles utilize a closed-loop system that circulates refrigerant to absorb and dissipate heat, providing cool air inside the cabin. The main components include the compressor, condenser, evaporator, and expansion valve or orifice tube. Refrigerant flows through these components, undergoing phase changes to transfer heat effectively. Familiarizing yourself with these components will aid in diagnosing and repairing issues.
Identifying Common Issues:
When your car's air conditioning system malfunctions, it's often due to one of several common issues. These can include refrigerant leaks, compressor failure, clogged condenser or evaporator, electrical problems, or issues with the cooling fans. Symptoms may manifest as weak airflow, warm air blowing from vents, strange noises from the compressor, or visible leaks under the vehicle. Identifying these symptoms early can prevent further damage and costly repairs down the road.
Diagnosing the Problem:
Diagnosing air conditioning issues requires a systematic approach. Begin by inspecting visible components for leaks or damage. Next, use a manifold gauge set to measure refrigerant pressure and ensure it falls within the manufacturer's specifications. If pressure is low, it may indicate a leak or compressor failure. Electrical issues can be diagnosed using a multimeter to test components for continuity and proper voltage. Additionally, specialized tools such as UV dye kits or electronic leak detectors can pinpoint elusive refrigerant leaks.
Repairing Refrigerant Leaks:
Refrigerant leaks are a common culprit behind malfunctioning air conditioning systems. Once you've identified the leak, repair methods vary depending on its location and severity. Small leaks in hoses or connections can often be fixed using rubber O-rings or replacement fittings. Larger leaks may require welding or soldering of metal components. After repairs are complete, it's essential to evacuate and recharge the system with the correct amount of refrigerant to ensure optimal performance.
Compressor Replacement:
If your compressor fails, it's a critical component that must be replaced to restore cooling functionality. Symptoms of compressor failure include loud noises, clutch slippage, or a lack of cold air despite proper refrigerant levels. Compressor replacement involves draining the refrigerant, removing the old compressor, and installing a new one. It's also advisable to replace other components such as the receiver-dryer or accumulator and orifice tube to prevent contamination and ensure system longevity.
Cleaning and Maintenance:
Regular maintenance is key to preventing air conditioning issues. Keep the condenser and evaporator clean by removing debris such as leaves, bugs, and dirt that can restrict airflow and hinder heat transfer. Check refrigerant levels annually and top up if necessary to prevent system inefficiency. Additionally, inspect hoses, connections, and seals for signs of wear or damage and replace as needed to prevent leaks.
Seeking Professional Help:
While DIY repairs can save you money, some air conditioning issues may require professional expertise. If you're unsure about diagnosing or repairing a problem, it's best to consult a certified technician. They have the tools, knowledge, and experience to accurately diagnose issues and perform repairs safely. Moreover, professional repairs often come with warranties, providing peace of mind knowing the job is done right.
A malfunctioning auto air conditioning system can turn a comfortable drive into a miserable experience, especially during extreme weather conditions. However, with the knowledge gained from this guide, you're equipped to tackle common issues and perform basic repairs yourself. Remember to prioritize safety and follow manufacturer guidelines when working on your vehicle's air conditioning system. By staying proactive with maintenance and addressing issues promptly, you can ensure your car's air conditioning keeps you cool and comfortable mile after mile.
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ntxpowersport · 6 months
What safety features does the Trailmaster MB200 have?
Mini bikes offer a thrilling introduction to the world of motorized fun, and the Trailmaster MB200 is a popular choice for young riders. But with any power comes the responsibility of prioritizing safety. So, what features does the MB200 have to keep your young adventurer safe on their off-road escapades?
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Built-in Braking System: The MB200 comes equipped with brakes that allow riders to control their speed and come to a safe stop. This is crucial for maneuvering and avoiding obstacles on the trail.
Centrifugal Clutch: This automatic transmission eliminates the need for manual gear shifting. By engaging the engine only when the rider reaches a certain speed, it helps prevent accidental stalls and loss of control.
Throttle Limiter Screw: Many MB200 models offer a throttle limiter screw. This allows parents or guardians to adjust the maximum speed the engine can reach, providing an extra layer of control for younger or less experienced riders.
Safety First: Beyond the Machine
Remember, the MB200's safety features are just one part of the equation. Here are some additional safety tips to keep in mind:
Always wear a helmet: A properly fitted DOT-approved helmet is essential for protecting the rider's head in case of a fall.
Protective gear is key: Long pants, sturdy shoes, elbow and knee pads offer additional protection in the event of a mishap.
Adult supervision is a must: Especially for younger riders, adult supervision is crucial to ensure they operate the MB200 safely and responsibly.
Ride in safe environments: Choose appropriate riding areas like private property or designated off-road tracks. Avoid riding on public roads or in areas with traffic.
Learn the rules of the ride: Teach young riders about safe riding practices, including how to handle turns, avoid hazards, and respect other riders on the trails.
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Important FAQs: Delving Deeper into MB200 Safety (600 words)
Q: Are there any additional safety features available for the MB200?
While the MB200 prioritizes basic safety features, some aftermarket parts can enhance safety further. These may include:
Flag kits: Adding a brightly colored flag to the MB200 can increase visibility for other riders and bystanders.
Headlights and taillights: For low-light riding conditions, installing headlights and taillights can improve visibility.
Q: What size engine does the MB200 have, and how does it affect safety?
The MB200 features a 196cc four-stroke engine. This engine size offers a good balance of power and control. A larger engine might be too powerful for younger or inexperienced riders. The adjustable throttle limiter allows parents to manage the maximum speed, further contributing to safety.
Q: What about age restrictions for riding the MB200?
The recommended minimum age for operating the MB200 can vary depending on local regulations and the rider's maturity level. It's crucial to consult the owner's manual and ensure the rider possesses the physical strength, coordination, and judgment to handle the machine safely. Always prioritize safety over age restrictions.
Q: How do I maintain the MB200 to ensure safe operation?
Regular maintenance is vital for keeping the MB200 in top condition and preventing potential safety hazards. Refer to the owner's manual for specific maintenance intervals and procedures. These typically involve tasks like oil changes, spark plug checks, and chain lubrication. Proper maintenance ensures the brakes, throttle, and other critical components function effectively.
By understanding the Trailmaster MB200's safety features, prioritizing additional protective gear, and following safe riding practices, you can help your young rider experience the thrill of off-road adventures with confidence.
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teamassociated · 9 months
New! Factory Team Decoupled Slipper Clutch Conversion Kit
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The Decoupled Slipper Clutch Conversion Kit for the RC10B74.2 decouples the front drivetrain from the rear drivetrain when off power. Having the front driveline spinning freely when off power, and on the brakes, greatly reduces the front tire binding and scrubbing on the track surface through a corner. This allows for more off-power steering without affecting the on-power feel and acceleration that four-wheel drive provides.
Available now. (Pictured: #92364 RC10B74.2 FT Decoupled Slipper Clutch Conversion Kit, installed.)
More: https://rc10.com/decoupledslippertum/
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motorizedbikeparts · 9 months
4 Stroke Bicycle Engine Kits: Which One Is Right for You?
Are you looking for a way to upgrade your 4-stroke bike? Do you want to make it more powerful, fun, and eco-friendly? You might want to consider renovating or installing the 4-stroke bicycle engine kit. The 4-stroke bicycle engine kits is a set of components that allows you to convert your pedal bike into a motorized bike. Unlike 2-stroke engines, 4-stroke engines have a more complex and efficient combustion process. It produces less noise, smoke, and emissions. They also offer more torque, durability, and fuel economy than 2-stroke engines.
However, not all 4 stroke bicycle engine kits are created equal. There are many factors that you need to consider before buying one for your bike. Some of the most important ones are:
Engine size: The engine size determines how powerful and fast your motorized bike will be. The larger the engine, the more speed and acceleration you can get. However, larger engines also weigh more, consume more fuel, and require more maintenance. The most common engine sizes for 4-stroke bicycle engine kits are Motorbike 49cc 4 stroke Bicycle, 79cc, and 212cc. Depending on your weight, terrain, and preference, you can choose the engine size that suits your needs.
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Mounting location: The mounting location refers to where you install the engine on your bike frame. There are two main options: centre mount and rear mount. 
Centre mount engines are attached to the bottom bracket of your bike frame, 
Rear mount engines are attached to the rear wheel hub or axle. 
Centre-mount engines are more balanced, stable, and easy to install than rear-mount engines. However, rear-mount engines are more compatible with different types of bikes and frames than center-mount engines.
Transmission type: The transmission in 4-stroke bicycle engine kits refers to how the engine transfers power to the rear wheel of your bike. There are three main types of transmission: chain drive, belt drive, and friction drive.
Chain drive transmission uses a chain and sprocket system to connect the engine to the rear wheel.
Belt drive transmission uses a belt and pulley system to do the same.
Friction drive transmission uses a friction roller that presses against the rear tire to propel the bike forward.
Chain drive transmission is the most common, reliable, and efficient type of transmission for 4-stroke bicycle engine kits. However, it requires more maintenance and adjustment than a belt drive or friction drive transmission.
Features and accessories: The features and accessories that come with your 4-stroke bicycle engine kit can enhance your riding experience. Some of the most useful features and accessories are: pull start or electric start system, clutch or centrifugal clutch system, throttle control, kill switch, fuel tank, exhaust pipe, muffler, spark plug, air filter, carburettor, CDI ignition system, speedometer, headlight, taillight, horn, etc. It also enhances the safety level while riding. It has all the features that you need or want for your motorized bike.
These are some of the main factors that you need to consider when choosing the 4-stroke bicycle engine kit for your bike. Of course, you also need to consider your budget, skill level, and personal preference when making your decision. If you have any questions or comments about 4-stroke bicycle engine kits or motorized bikes, feel free to call us. We are happy to guide you!
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danielmartin · 9 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Car Clutch Replacement
The rhythmic dance between the engine and transmission in your car is orchestrated by a humble yet crucial component - the clutch. This unsung hero ensures seamless gear changes, contributing to the overall performance and drivability of your vehicle.
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Over time, however, wear and tear take their toll, necessitating a replacement. Fear not, for armed with our comprehensive guide, you'll embark on a journey to master the essentials of car clutch replacement, empowering you to keep your vehicle in prime condition.
Understanding the Basics
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To embark on the journey of car clutch replacement, it's essential to comprehend the fundamental principles governing your vehicle's clutch system. The clutch acts as the intermediary between the engine and the transmission, allowing for the disengagement and engagement of power as you shift gears. Delve into your vehicle's specifics, as the design and mechanism of the clutch system can vary significantly across different makes and models.
Diagnostic Steps
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Before rolling up your sleeves, it's paramount to diagnose the issue at hand. Is your clutch slipping, struggling to maintain grip during gear changes? Are there peculiar noises emanating when you engage the clutch pedal? These symptoms provide crucial clues, guiding you towards the root cause and helping you determine whether a replacement is indeed the necessary remedy.
Gathering Tools and Parts
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Preparation is key to a successful clutch replacement project. Assemble the necessary tools, including a reliable jack and jack stands, a comprehensive socket set, a torque wrench, and a clutch alignment tool. Additionally, secure a high-quality clutch kit tailored to your vehicle's specifications, typically comprising the pressure plate, clutch disc, and release bearing.
Step-by-Step Replacement Process:
Safety First: Before diving into the intricacies of clutch replacement, prioritize safety. Disconnect the car battery, lift the vehicle securely using jack stands, and don the appropriate protective gear.
Accessing the Clutch: Begin the process by gaining access to the clutch components, which may involve removing the transmission. Consult your vehicle's service manual for detailed instructions on the disassembly process.
Removing the Old Clutch: Once you've reached the clutch components, meticulously detach the pressure plate, clutch disc, and release bearing. Take note of any alignment marks to guide the reassembly process. Simultaneously, inspect the flywheel for any signs of damage or wear.
Installing the New Components: Follow the manufacturer's instructions diligently as you install the new clutch components. Use the clutch alignment tool to ensure precise alignment, a critical factor in the optimal functioning of your clutch.
Torque to Specifications: Tighten the bolts according to the torque specifications provided by the manufacturer. This step is crucial for ensuring a secure and reliable installation.
Reassembling the Transmission: With the new components securely in place, methodically reassemble the transmission, adhering to the reverse order of disassembly. Pay meticulous attention to detail to guarantee that all components are correctly aligned and fastened.
Testing and Fine-Tuning
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The moment of truth arrives as you test your handiwork. Gradually engage and disengage the clutch while the vehicle is stationary, ensuring a smooth and responsive operation. Take your car for a test drive, carefully evaluating the clutch's performance under real-world conditions.
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Embarking on the journey of car clutch replacement is not only a cost-effective alternative to professional repairs but also an opportunity to deepen your understanding of your vehicle's inner workings. Patience, attention to detail, and strict adherence to safety protocols are your allies throughout this intricate process. As you hit the road once more, you can rest assured that you've mastered the essentials of keeping your vehicle's transmission in perfect harmony. This comprehensive guide serves as your roadmap to a seamless and successful car clutch replacement.
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arks4autoparts · 9 months
Ark 4 Auto Parts: Experience Superior Performance with Clutch Kit with DMF and XTend
Looking for a reliable and durable clutch kit that delivers unmatched performance and longevity? Look no further than Ark 4 Auto Parts, your trusted source for high-quality clutch kits with DMF and XTend. Our advanced technology and precision engineering provide an unparalleled driving experience that lasts.
Our clutch kits with DMF and XTend are designed to handle the most demanding conditions with ease. The dual mass flywheel (DMF) absorbs vibrations and reduces drivetrain noise, providing a smooth and comfortable ride. The XTend clutch facing technology increases the kit's lifespan and ensures consistent and reliable performance.
The clutch kit with DMF and XTend from Ark 4 Auto Parts offers a perfect balance of durability, comfort, and performance. With high-quality materials and strict quality control, we ensure that every kit is built to last and exceed expectations. Plus, our clutch kits come with a warranty, providing additional peace of mind.
At Ark 4 Auto Parts, we prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to provide top-notch products and services. Our team of clutch experts is always available to assist you in choosing the right clutch kit for your vehicle and providing helpful installation advice. Whether you're a professional mechanic or a DIY enthusiast, we have the right kit for you.
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