#Clouse minifigure
steepwysdom · 3 months
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lukasmcsbr · 4 years
I've come up with a theory that might ne plausible about season 13 of ninjago
After The Skull Sorcerer's minifigure got leaked,it's safe to assume that maybe he's Clouse( i said maybe!)
It makes sense bcs both are sorcerers and villains towards the ninja, and since Clouse got banished to the Underworld(in the Dark Island Trilogy), it would explain why the villains from season 13 are black skeletons, they're probably The Skullkin corrupted by Clouse's dark magic, and according to Tommy Andreasen, Clouse might have begun to rule The Underworld and added a few other creatures like those leaked trolls and goblins
It's not a 100% certain theory, but it could be a possibility, after all, Tommy Andreasen is very fond of Clouse's character and stated they're not done with him yet
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beesquared · 8 years
Ninjago right back at you!
Top 5 favourite characters: Lloyd, Zane, Skales, Cole, KaiOther characters you like: Jay, Nya (I liked her more before the love triangle but I still like her), Neuro, Clouse, Pythor, KarloffLeast favourite characters: Chen, Skylor, OverlordOtps: Can’t really say I have any anymore, I ship almost anything...Notps: Again, can’t really say I have any. The ships I dislike are more just “not my taste, moving on”Favourite friendships: I like that after Garmadon was turned good Wu and Misako turned to friendship...can’t say I really shipped them, but having them as good friends is great imo. Any friendships between the ninja and the other characters. Favourite family: Ninja. Favourite episodes: Oh gosh...the season finales for seasons 1 and 2 are amazing...love the episodes with the ninja discovering their true potential...Favourite season/book/movie: Seasons 1 and 2, no doubt. Favourite quotes: “The only limit to our potential is that which we don’t dream.” -Cyrus Borg, The Surge
Best musical moment: The musical score is amazing, I can’t pick just one!
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: When it was revealed that Lloyd was the Green Ninja. I loved that. When it really disappointed you: I feel like the quality of the seasons dropped after season 2. Once the show started trying to specifically cater to what they thought the surprise audience wanted, they lost what I really liked about the show. Saddest moment: When Zane remembered his father’s death. I cry every time. Most well done character death: Zane’s death is probably my favorite. With how Zane’s influence changed Pixal, I feel like his talking about how what he was doing wasn’t about numbers but family gets what he was about. I feel like it was probably the most well done part of the entire season. Favourite guest star: Do we get guest stars on this show?
Favourite cast member: Tie between Vincent Tong and Kirby Morrow. 
Character you wish was still alive: First spinjitzu master, I want him to come back and be awesome. I want him to teach the ninja and be a total dad to Wu. 
One thing you hope really happens: I want to see them acknowledge that Nya was wrong in how she handled the love triangle. I know it won’t happen, but she wasn’t communicating with Jay about their relationship and after it was over they acted like she could do no wrong; the ones to blame were Cole and Jay for their big masculine egos, and Nya is still the prize to be won. 
Most shocking twist: Kai realized that he wasn’t supposed to be the green ninja and instead of being a jerk about it he immediately took on the role of mentor and encouraged Lloyd. 
When did you start watching/reading?: About halfway through the first season, at the beginning of 2012. 
Best animal/creature: The dragons. Favourite location: Destiny’s Bounty
Trope you wish they would stop using: Enemies from the past. It’s rather annoying. 
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Girl joins the team and her friends stand up for her to people who want to treat her differently from them. I don’t really see that very often, so it was nice to. 
Funniest moments: Anything with Zane being naive, Jay not understanding words, or Kai being all cocky and being knocked down a peg. 
Couple you would like to see: I’m p good on the romance from this show
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Can Lacy Chabert voice someone? Please?
Favourite outfit: Nya’s party outfit
Favourite item: Shuriken of Ice! 
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: A few minifigures XD
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I’d like to be an elemental master, or maybe a serpentine. 
Most boring plotline: None were particularly boring, the ones I don’t like are mostly because I find their execution lacking. 
Most laughably bad moment: Don’t really have one...
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Zane’s memory switch
Most layered character: Lloyd and Zane. 
Most one dimensional character: Misako, she’s only there for romance really; her role as a history researcher could easily have been filled by Wu or Nya, or even Zane. 
Scariest moment: Great Devourer moment. 
Grossest moment: Great Devourer explodes. 
Best looking male: Zane
Best looking female: Nya
Who you’re crushing on (if any): I’d be open to a relationship with any of the characters really, no specific crushes tho
Favourite cast moment: Any ninja family moments
Favourite transportation: Destiny’s Bounty
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Any Dark Island shots
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: Ninja’s age, Wu’s age, timeline of Ninjago history
Best promo: Season 1 finale promo with Jay’s “WE’re so HOOPED!” 
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: Zane being a robot, they did very well with that reveal. 
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lovelego · 7 years
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