#Cloud Conference Bridge Solutions
voxprosolution · 6 days
On-Premise Cloud Service Provider
An On-Premise Cloud Service Provider offers cloud computing solutions hosted within a company's own infrastructure. This allows businesses to maintain full control over their data and security while benefiting from cloud technologies. For more details visit here :- https://voxprosolutions.com/premised-based.php
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voxprosolutions · 10 months
Unleashing the Power of Cloud Telephony: VoxPro Solutions Emerges as the Premier Provider
Welcome to the future of communication, where Cloud Telephony emerges as a game-changer, and VoxPro Solutions stands at the forefront of this transformative technology. We delve into the myriad benefits and innovative solutions offered by VoxPro Solutions, positioning them as the premier Cloud Telephony Solution Provider.
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mangoshorthand · 1 year
Note: this chapter was added as part of a major edit/extension of this fic which is why it's being posted now and out of order.
Before A Fall [Five Hargreeves x F Reader]. Ch 7 (Hard Feelings Part 2)
SUMMARY: As your life begins to grow around Five's, his attitude becomes a little sinister. When does protection become suffocation and when does taking matters into your own hands become betrayal? (weekly updates) Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve
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You and Klaus are plotting. Five is suspicious.
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False accusations below. Proceed at your own risk
Chapter 7: Dirty Little Secrets
The next few days are marked by whispered conferences with Klaus quickly stifled when someone else walks into the room. 
You know it’s been noticed by all the other Umbrellas, but you don’t care. Sneaking off to do research with Klaus while they plan their heist is undeniably fun. It’s childish, but you can’t help but snigger behind your hands at them, tooling themselves up to go in all guns blazing when you both know a better solution would be there waiting for them online if only they thought to check.
It’s exciting. It’s nice to feel that you can still have secrets- that there’s an aspect of your life outside work that Five doesn’t have complete access to. If he doesn’t trust you with information, why should you trust him?
You’re not really angry with the rest of them, but you can’t help but notice that they’ve not really objected to Five’s treatment of you. Though the siblings bicker and would deny this until the end of time, all of them are too easily influenced by a domineering personality like Five’s. 
To be fair to him, he hasn’t been unkind since that night. He’s been cagey and preoccupied but still affectionate. Furthermore, after that first family meeting, he hasn’t made a habit of neglecting Santi in favor of these plans. You’re sharing his care fairly amicably, both making time to play with him, help him with his homework and cook for him in spite of your separate schemes.
You’ve fallen back into the state of uneasy peace that fell after the ‘Übermensch’ conversation. It’s fragile and could shatter at any moment, but it’s held regardless. On your side at least, the resentment has simmered away, coagulating into something thick, heavy and potent.
It’s evening. You’re holed up in Klaus’s old bedroom, listening to the radio and making notes. He sits at one end of the bed and you at the other, another crate of beers on the floor.
You don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket, so while Klaus stalks Klein online, you’re doing some more preliminary work: making lists of other possible candidates to get the information from. 
Celine Gregory is a  woman who, up until last year, was employed by JUICED’s Investor Relations division. Since leaving under a cloud, she seems to have made it her life’s mission to roast the entire corporation on every online platform she can.
Her entire social media presence seems devoted to slightly unhinged screeds about everything from JUICED’s hiring practices to their lack of ergonomic office furniture. You think she has potential as an ally, but Klaus has his doubts. While it’s obvious she’d leap at the opportunity to bring JUICED down for giving kids cancer, she’s probably burned too many bridges with her old colleagues to give her a chance of accessing the information.
You have to admit he has a point, but you note her down in your notepad anyway.
“Klein definitely wants the whole world to know he’s het,” murmurs Klaus, scrolling through his social media, “lots of pictures of girlfriends. Oh- we’ve changed again. This one’s called Greta.”
“Is he single right now?”
“Mm-hm. I would guess he’s between girlfriends, yes.”
You lean over, abandoning your own screen for a while to look at his. As if Klein’s presence on LinkedIn was illustrative enough, his instagram confirmed the impression. It had a whiff of old co-worker Charlie about it- the asshole whose nose Five broke last year. He’s a very distinct type and you’d know it anywhere. 
Forgetting Celine, you angle Klaus’s machine towards yourself and scroll down a few posts. 
“...I think I should honeytrap him.”
Klaus makes a skeptical noise, covering his discomfort with humor.
“I don’t know: I’m getting vibes. He seems too straight. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. I think I should do it. I’d be forbidden fruit.”
You laugh along with him. 
“Of course you want to be some asshole businessman's dirty little secret.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” he says, still laughing, “And you can’t exactly talk: you were an asshole old man’s dirty little secret, and I bet you loved that, didn’t you, you naughty girl?”
You laugh more fully. Klaus is often unnerving in his perceptiveness, having struck on the dynamic with alarming accuracy. 
When your amusement dies down, Klaus looks at you with as serious an expression as he can manage.
“Seriously, why put yourself at risk when I could just corner him in a dark alley, conjure some ghosties and have his grandma persuade him for us? Why complicate it?”
You look back down at Klein’s face on his latest post. He’s wearing sunglasses and looking out over the Hudson as if contemplating life, the universe and everything. 
“I honestly don’t think that would work on him.”
A pause in which you both look down at the screen. You lean your head against the wall beside Klaus’s. Gradually, you can feel him watching you, looking up at you with his head inclined towards yours.
“How are things with old man Fünfenheimer, anyway?”
You make a non-committal noise.
“That good, eh?”
He takes a swig of his beer and laughs in anticipation of his next joke:
“Don’t sweat it: just get him a few of the little blue pills and you’ll be right back to your once-a-week socks-on missionary.”
You roll your eyes and Klaus continues:
“Is he still being an asshole?”
“Same old, same old,” you mutter, resentfully, “still treating me like a child.”
Klaus nods slowly. You can sense the battle of loyalties going on in his mind. 
“Don’t get me wrong,” he says, quietly, “he’s a giant dickhead but, in Cinco’s defense, this is all new to him. For most of his life, he could put his woman away in a duffel bag if he needed to.”
You shake your head. As if that would justify him?
“But I get it,” Klaus continues, “Someone’s always got to be the liability in this family and it sucks. First it was Viktor but now it’s me and you, apparently. It’s always: ‘Oh, Klaus, you be lookout’ or, ‘who cares what Klaus has to say- it’s just Klaus, right?’”
He discards his beer bottle and passes you a new one as he serves himself. He takes a long swig before continuing. 
“Five acts like he’s immune to it; like Dad’s bullshit skipped him somehow, but his head is jammed just as far up his own ass as Luther’s ever was.”
“Everything’s an uphill battle with him.”
“Because he’s an emotional idiot, babe.” Klaus says, as if this is obvious, “he’s more fucked up than the rest of us in that way.”
Silence falls for a couple of minutes as you drink your beers companionably.
“You’re not immune to it either,” you say, quietly. 
Klaus looks at you, waiting.
“Just now-” you explain, “you leapt in when we were talking about Klein and you said you’d persuade him.”
“Only because I got an inbuilt persuasion technique,” Klaus says, with slight, whiny defensiveness. 
“No Klaus: listen, I know this guy. I know what makes him tick. I’ve networked with and schmoozed this kind of asshole before. I know what he wants, I know what buttons to press but you still thought your powers would be more persuasive than everything I know.”
Klaus watches you earnestly.
“I guess I did.”
Then, coming to a decision, he shrugs and takes another hearty sip of beer.
“So what’s the plan, mon capitan?”
You smile at him, and launch into the idea that’s been taking shape in your mind ever since you first saw Klein’s profile picture.
“Okay: I’m a capable younger woman- I’m a go-getter right at the start of my career and I’m impressed by him. I dress business sexy, I go in there and fawn over his latest bullshit on LinkedIn.”
“I’m listening,” Klaus says, smiling with amusement as you kneel up on the bed, getting carried along by your own vision.
“And I just happen to have an interest in taking JUICED down. Maybe it’s just coincidence that this amazing business guru I follow on Linkedin just happened to work there, but maybe it isn’t. Maybe I am sort of blowing smoke up his ass.”
“Hm,” Klaus says, approvingly. “Drama. Intrigue. Color me titillated.”
“But he’s gonna admire that, because it’s what he’d want to do in my situation. And once it’s all over, I’m gonna be just so grateful to him and who knows what might happen, right?”
You finish with an expressive wiggle of the eyebrows.
“You think it’ll work,” Klaus asks, interested and still amused. 
“I’m almost sure it will,” you say, confidently. 
“Then let’s do it!” he says, with an enthusiastic flourish.
“Yes!” you say, leaning over to hug him, triumphantly.
Klaus squeezes you back and you hug him to you fiercely, feeling your heart race with excitement. 
This feels so good: his affirmation, his eagerness; it’s refreshing to feel that someone believes in you. For this moment, you’re not the girl who needed Five’s help to limp up the Academy steps after Micheal Monre’s attack; you’re not a beloved but fragile caged bird; you’re an independent woman capable of huge things. 
Fuck Five. Fuck him and his inability to see that.
Neither of you hear the door open.
Five’s voice comes from the doorway, where he’s been standing for the last few seconds.
“It’s nice to see you two getting along so well.”
You break apart and face Five, standing in the doorway. Klaus, deliberately ignoring the tension in Five’s attitude, holds out his arms smilingly.
“Wanna join the hug-fest, grandpa?”
“No thank you,” Five says, smiling coldly before turning to you, “I was just wondering when you were planning to go to bed.”
You look down at your computer’s clock as you subtly close all the tabs related to JUICED employees. 
“It’s later than I thought,” you say, calmly, as if your entire plan couldn't have been blown out of the water a few seconds ago,“I’ll probably come now, actually. Got work in the morning.”
You close the computer, tuck it under your arm and take your final beer with you. 
“See you tomorrow Klaus.”
“Bye babe,” Klaus replies. 
His mischief-filled eyes meet Five’s suspicious and resentful ones. He gives him a knowing grin as he closes the door behind you both.
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You didn’t speak to Five very much as you changed into your nightclothes. You could feel his eyes upon you, but you didn’t acknowledge his obvious displeasure. 
Now, he stands somewhat awkwardly, still fully dressed and watching you as you prepare for bed. Eventually, he speaks. 
“So, you and Klaus are getting close, I see.”
For a split second, you think he means getting close to taking down JUICED but, recovering yourself, you make a small noise in the affirmative. “Yes, I like him. He’s very-”
You search for a descriptor that toes the line between truth and cutting passive aggression.
“-open hearted.”
A small pause in which Five puts his hands in his pockets, lips thin.
“Yeah. Klaus is open to everything,” he mutters, darkly.
You don’t indulge him by giving him the enquiry this speech asks for. He waits expectantly for a couple of moments while you busy yourself at the desk. It’s now doing double duty as a dressing table since you moved in and you’re doing an unnecessary level of skincare, just to show him that he doesn’t have your full attention.
“What do you and Klaus talk about?” he says, with just-contained impatience.
“Oh, you know.” you say, absently, “Everything and anything.”
Five bristles. You can’t help but take pleasure in this, keeping information from him instead of the other way around. Unable to resist the petty victory, you push it further.
“It’s nice to just talk, you know?” you say, combing your hair in the mirror and subtly watching his face reflected there. You can see the effect your words are having on him. His lips get even thinner and his posture more restless.
“Glad to hear it,” he says, tersely. 
Abruptly, he turns away and begins to remove his clothes. He tosses his head to shake his hair out of his eyes with unnecessary force; a vent for his feelings. It gives you a little twinge of satisfaction.
As he changes into his pajamas, you continue to take your time with a drawn-out pre-bedtime ritual. Soon, as he fastens the final buttons on his shirt, he blurts out: “If you pay Klaus too much attention, he’ll be all over you. Show him any affection and he’ll hang on like a goddamn limpet.”
You laugh disdainfully. 
“Better than being so far up your own ass that you can’t share anything.”
“And what exactly have you been sharing with my brother?” he shoots back.
“An honest and open relationship,” you reply, with dignity.
“Are you fucking him?” he says, so quietly that you almost don’t hear him. 
Your head turns in his direction so fast that you nearly injure your neck.
“I’m sorry?” you say, scandalized. 
“Are you fucking my brother?” he repeats, slowly and deliberately. His eyes drill into your own, full of suspicion and angry intensity. 
You feel an angry chill wash down your body. You return his piercing gaze with an icy one of your own. 
“I’m going to give you one chance to take that question back, Five.”
There are a few moments of tension in which your eyes do battle. Eventually, Five shifts his gaze. 
“Okay. I take it back.”
You give a humorless laugh. This disavowal doesn’t satisfy you like you thought it would.
You cross to the bed and get beneath the sheets in a deliberate manner, laying your claim. If he’s going to throw accusations like that around, then he can be the one to sleep in a spare bedroom. He’s always saying this is your home too, so maybe he ought to prove it. 
Voice shaking with anger, you speak, trying to catch his still averted eyes.
“You don’t have to be fucking someone to be open with them. Just like how you feel like you don’t have to be open with me even though we’re fucking-”
“Alright. You made your point.” he interrupts, “Just forget I said that, okay?”
He sits on the edge of the bed, facing away from you. After a beat, he rubs his hands uncomfortably on his thighs.
“I didn’t- I’m sorry, I’m just stressed.”
Beneath the sheets, your fists ball tightly as he continues:
“I’m…this whole thing…I don’t like you and I being like this. I-”
You interrupt him, anger bursting its bounds again.
“Have you thought about how this would look to an outsider? It would look pretty bad, right?”
He doesn’t respond.
“A guy in his sixties dating a woman in her twenties, patronizing her, keeping things from her… isolating her by accusing her of cheating when she pays any man but him positive attention.”
You can’t see his face, but you continue, taking savage pleasure in deliberately prodding at his sore-spots.
“If I heard that story, I’d be telling that woman to leave. I’d tell her he’s a controlling, abusive, coercive old-”
There’s a pregnant pause in the wake of this speech. You don’t finish the sentence, finding no suitable epithet, but the quality of the silence tells you that it hit home regardless. 
Five blinks, smarting. He can feel trembling, painful energy in his chest. If you had set out to find the worst thing you could accuse him of, you could not have been more successful.
It was said to get to him, he knows that. He knows you don’t fully mean it, but the implications dig into some of his darkest insecurities, threatening to open doors he thought were firmly closed in his mind. 
When he speaks, his voice is shaky, higher than usual.
“That hurts.”
“Yeah…well.” you say, already regretting your overstatement of the case, “it hurts me when you act this way.”
Firmly, he turns his attention from the implications of that word. It will do no good to dwell on it. He can only hope that at least explaining part of why will do enough for you.
Now, he turns to you, eyes laden with such an appeal that your stomach squirms uncomfortably. 
“I need to keep you safe,” he whispers, “I just…my life…it’s dangerous and if you got hurt then I’d-”
He breaks off, not able to finish the thought.
He never told you what happened with Micheal Monroe the first time; never told you the full truth. Perhaps he should have. Maybe then you’d understand. 
Monroe shot you at point blank range: an unsurvivable injury. A single blast and you were gone, just like that. Snuffed out.
Your body was tied to an upturned chair, badly beaten. After the gunshot, you barely had anything that could be described as a face, your brain little more than mush splattered across the apartment floor. The coppery smell of organ-meat was still far too easy to recall to his nostrils. 
With difficulty, he turned back time the ten seconds or so it would take to save your life, but that couldn’t stop the scene recurring in his mind. 
In the days following, during your unconsciousness, he relied on drugs to stay awake, just in case you needed his abilities again. It was an eight days that, for him, blended into one, interminable, feverish period. It was worse than any of the nightmares where decimated buildings became echoing, never-ending Commission halls.
Now, his head in his hands, he lets out a long, shaky breath. 
You sit up in bed and place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. One of his hands gropes its way blindly towards it and he holds on desperately, gratefully.
After a few moments, you withdraw your hand and lie down on the bed, facing away from him.
“Goodnight, Five,” you say.
“Goodnight, dear,” comes the reply.
Masterpost Alternatively, join me on AO3.  Here is a link to the whole series
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Navigating the Transition: Moving from Mid-Level Developer to Senior Software Engineer
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Level Up Your Code: Conquering the Journey from Mid-Level Developer to Senior Software Engineer
The software engineering jobs world is a vast landscape, filled with opportunities for growth and advancement. As a mid-level developer, you've honed your coding skills, tackled complex projects, and become a valuable asset to your team. But the next peak beckons – the coveted role of Senior Software Engineer jobs. This transition isn't just about a title change; it's about embracing new responsibilities and mastering the art of technical leadership.
So, how do you bridge the gap and make the climb to senior software engineer? This blog equips you with the key skills and experiences you need to conquer this exciting career milestone.
Beyond the Code: Mastering Advanced Technical Skills
While strong coding skills remain the foundation, senior software engineers possess a deeper understanding of various technologies. Here are some key areas to focus on:
Deep Dives into Specific Technologies: Don't be a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none. While versatility is valuable, delve deeper into specific technologies relevant to your domain (e.g., cloud platforms, security protocols, data structures & algorithms).
Architectural Expertise: Senior engineers understand the bigger picture. They can design scalable and maintainable software architectures, ensuring long-term stability and performance.
Problem-Solving Prowess: As challenges become more complex, senior engineers need advanced problem-solving skills. Embrace design patterns, develop creative solutions, and think critically to tackle intricate technical issues.
Staying Ahead of the Curve: The tech world is ever-evolving. Stay updated on emerging technologies and frameworks by attending conferences, reading industry publications, and participating in online communities.
From Coding Commando to Tech Leader: Embracing Leadership Skills
The transition to senior software engineer goes beyond technical prowess. It's about becoming a leader who inspires and motivates others. Here's how to cultivate your leadership skills:
Mentorship and Code Reviews: Share your knowledge and experience by mentoring junior developers. Provide constructive code reviews, guiding them towards best practices and efficient solutions.
Effective Communication: Senior engineers are skilled communicators, able to explain complex technical concepts clearly and concisely. Hone your communication skills, both written and verbal, to effectively collaborate with team members, stakeholders, and clients.
Teamwork and Collaboration: Software development is a team sport. Senior engineers are able to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams, fostering a productive and supportive work environment.
Delegation and Ownership: Taking ownership goes beyond individual tasks. Senior engineers delegate effectively, assigning challenges to team members based on their strengths while ensuring overall project success.
Strategic Foresight: The Power of Thinking Beyond the Code
Senior software engineers are not just code warriors; they are strategic thinkers who understand the business landscape. Here's how to refine your strategic thinking:
Understanding Business Goals: Don't code in a vacuum. Senior engineers understand the business objectives behind projects and how their code contributes to the company's overall goals.
Technical Decision Making: Senior engineers make well-informed technical decisions, weighing the pros and cons of different approaches and considering long-term implications.
Technical Debt Management: Senior engineers are aware of the concept of technical debt and work to minimize it by writing clean, maintainable code and advocating for good coding practices.
Project Management Insights: Senior engineers provide valuable insights into project planning, timelines, and resource allocation. They understand the development lifecycle and can contribute to creating realistic and achievable project goals.
The Final Code: Your Journey to Senior Software Engineer
Becoming a senior software engineer is a journey, not a destination. Embrace continuous learning, actively seek opportunities to develop your leadership skills, and never shy away from taking on new challenges. By focusing on the areas mentioned above, you'll equip yourself with the skills and experience needed to reach the summit of your software engineering career. Remember, the journey is just as exciting as the destination, so enjoy the process of leveling up your code and conquering the role of senior software engineer!
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hiringteam · 2 months
Job Title: Senior Generative AI Developer
Location: Bangalore
Work Mode: Remote (Work from anywhere)
Experience: 5+ years
❖ About Us::
GCS provides its staffing, payroll, HR compliances, recruitment solutions and services to almost all industries, and for companies of all sizes ranging from small start-ups to
multinational corporations. Our team is distinguished by its specialized skills and expertise. We excel at dissecting processes, pinpointing critical gaps, and skillfully bridging them. But that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what sets us apart professionally.
What makes us stand out is our ability for creating custom solutions tailored just for you. We don't just find problems; we work hand in hand with your team to design smart, personalized fixes. We're not just advisors; we're your partners from start to finish.
❖ Job Description::
We are looking for a talented and experienced Generative AI Developer to lead our efforts in developing advanced AI models and applications. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in Python programming and a deep understanding of generative AI techniques.
❖ Key Responsibilities::
• Model Development: Design, develop, and implement state-of-the-art generative
AI models using Python.
• Algorithm Research: Conduct research to innovate and improve existing
generative AI algorithms and methodologies.
• Data Preparation: Prepare and preprocess large datasets for training and testing
generative models.
• Model Training: Train and fine-tune generative AI models, ensuring optimal
performance and accuracy.
• Collaboration: Work closely with cross-functional teams including data
scientists, software engineers, and product managers to integrate AI solutions into
• Performance Optimization: Optimize and scale AI models for performance,
reliability, and efficiency in production environments.
• Documentation: Create detailed technical documentation and reports on model
development, experiments, and findings.
• Mentoring: Mentor junior team members and provide guidance on best practices
and technical challenges.
 Required Skills and Qualifications ::
• Experience: Minimum of 6 years of experience in software development, with a focus on Python and AI.
• Generative AI: Proven experience in developing generative AI models (e.g.,
GANs, VAEs, autoregressive models).
• Machine Learning: Strong understanding of machine learning principles,
techniques, and frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch).
• Deep Learning: Experience with deep learning architectures and training
large-scale neural networks.
• Programming: Proficiency in Python and familiarity with libraries such as
NumPy, pandas, and Scikit-learn.
• Problem-Solving: Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to think
critically and creatively.
• Communication: Strong written and verbal communication skills, with the
ability to explain complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.
• Team Player: Ability to work effectively in a collaborative, remote team
 Preferred Qualifications::
• Advanced Degree: Master’s or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, or a related field.
• Publications: Contributions to AI research with publications in reputable
conferences or journals.
• Cloud Experience: Experience with cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, Azure) for deploying AI solutions.
• Project Management: Experience in managing AI projects from conception to deployment.
Notice: Immediate to 30 days
Expected CTC: Can go up to 1 LPM
** If interested kindly share your updated CV to [email protected] **
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shereen1 · 3 months
Is Your Business Strangled by a Slow, Lagging Connection? Unleash the Power of Microwave Technology with IM Solutions!
In today's lightning-fast business world, a sluggish internet connection is the death knell of productivity. Imagine video conferences freezing mid-presentation, critical data transfers stalling, and employees wasting precious minutes waiting for downloads. This isn't just a frustration; it's a drain on your bottom line.
The Challenge: When Traditional Connections Fall Short
Many businesses rely on traditional options like cable or DSL. While these solutions might have sufficed in the past, the ever-increasing demands of cloud computing, VoIP services, and real-time collaboration expose their limitations. Here's where the limitations truly hit:
Limited Bandwidth: Traditional connections often struggle to handle the ever-growing volume of data businesses generate. Uploading large files, video conferencing, and using bandwidth-intensive applications become a frustrating exercise in waiting.
Distance Dependence: Cable and DSL infrastructure typically covers populated areas. If your business operates in a remote location, these options may be unavailable entirely.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
NLEPs: Bridging the gap between LLMs and symbolic reasoning
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/nleps-bridging-the-gap-between-llms-and-symbolic-reasoning/
NLEPs: Bridging the gap between LLMs and symbolic reasoning
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Researchers have introduced a novel approach called natural language embedded programs (NLEPs) to improve the numerical and symbolic reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs). The technique involves prompting LLMs to generate and execute Python programs to solve user queries, then output solutions in natural language.
While LLMs like ChatGPT have demonstrated impressive performance on various tasks, they often struggle with problems requiring numerical or symbolic reasoning.
NLEPs follow a four-step problem-solving template: calling necessary packages, importing natural language representations of required knowledge, implementing a solution-calculating function, and outputting results as natural language with optional data visualisation.
This approach offers several advantages, including improved accuracy, transparency, and efficiency. Users can investigate generated programs and fix errors directly, avoiding the need to rerun entire models for troubleshooting. Additionally, a single NLEP can be reused for multiple tasks by replacing certain variables.
The researchers found that NLEPs enabled GPT-4 to achieve over 90% accuracy on various symbolic reasoning tasks, outperforming task-specific prompting methods by 30%
Beyond accuracy improvements, NLEPs could enhance data privacy by running programs locally, eliminating the need to send sensitive user data to external companies for processing. The technique may also boost the performance of smaller language models without costly retraining.
However, NLEPs rely on a model’s program generation capability and may not work as well with smaller models trained on limited datasets. Future research will explore methods to make smaller LLMs generate more effective NLEPs and investigate the impact of prompt variations on reasoning robustness.
The research, supported in part by the Center for Perceptual and Interactive Intelligence of Hong Kong, will be presented at the Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics later this month.
(Photo by Alex Azabache)
See also: Apple is reportedly getting free ChatGPT access
Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London. The comprehensive event is co-located with other leading events including Intelligent Automation Conference, BlockX, Digital Transformation Week, and Cyber Security & Cloud Expo.
Explore other upcoming enterprise technology events and webinars powered by TechForge here.
Tags: ai, artificial intelligence, development, large language models, llm, natural language, nlep
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subhambiswas287 · 4 months
Streamlining Software Development: Addressing Pain Points in Kolkata's Software Industry
In Kolkata's bustling software development landscape, several pain points have plagued companies for years. One recurrent issue is the lack of streamlined project management processes. Teams often struggle with communication breakdowns, leading to missed deadlines and subpar deliverables. Additionally, inadequate resource allocation and poor requirement gathering further compound these challenges.
To tackle these issues efficiently, embracing agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban can be immensely beneficial. These frameworks emphasize iterative development, enabling teams to adapt to changing requirements swiftly. Implementing robust project management tools like Jira or Trello fosters better collaboration and transparency among team members, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings.
Another significant pain point is the dearth of skilled talent in niche technologies. Many software companies in Kolkata face difficulties in recruiting developers proficient in emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, or cloud computing. This talent gap hampers innovation and competitiveness in the global market.
To bridge this gap, investing in continuous learning and upskilling initiatives is crucial. Encouraging employees to attend workshops, online courses, or industry conferences keeps their skills relevant and up-to-date. Additionally, fostering partnerships with educational institutions or offering internship programs can help nurture local talent and create a pipeline of skilled professionals.
Furthermore, inadequate infrastructure and technology limitations pose significant challenges for software development companies in Kolkata. Power outages, slow internet connectivity, and outdated hardware hinder productivity and impede the development process.
Addressing these infrastructure challenges requires a multi-faceted approach. Investing in reliable backup power systems like generators or UPS units can mitigate the impact of frequent power cuts. Upgrading internet infrastructure and investing in high-speed internet connections improve collaboration and enable seamless remote work, especially in the post-pandemic era.
In conclusion, by adopting agile methodologies, investing in talent development, and addressing infrastructure challenges, software development company in Kolkata can overcome their pain points and thrive in today's competitive landscape. With the right strategies in place, Kolkata can emerge as a hub for innovative software solutions, driving growth and prosperity in the region.
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ninjatech1 · 4 months
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Tips and Tricks for Scalable Hybrid App Development
In today’s fast-paced digital world developing scalable hybrid apps is essential for businesses aiming to reach a broader audience while maintaining efficiency. NinjaTech is the leading in providing Top Hybrid App Development Services, excels in creating high-performance, scalable applications that cater to diverse business needs. Whether you’re looking to hire certified mobile app developers or need robust hybrid app development solutions. NinjaTech has you covered. Here are some essential tips and tricks to ensure your hybrid app development process is both scalable and efficient.
1. Choose the Right Framework
Selecting the appropriate framework is the cornerstone of hybrid app development. Frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Ionic offer extensive libraries and plugins, facilitating the development of feature-rich applications. These frameworks enable code reusability, reducing development time and cost.
2. Optimize for Performance
Performance is critical in hybrid apps to ensure a seamless user experience. 
3. Implement a Responsive Design
Ensure your app provides a consistent user experience across various devices and screen sizes. Use flexible grid layouts, media queries, and scalable vector graphics (SVGs) to create a responsive design.
4. Leverage Native Components
While hybrid apps primarily use web technologies, integrating native components can enhance performance and user experience. Utilize plugins that bridge the gap between web and native functionalities, providing a more native-like feel.
5. Focus on Code Quality and Maintainability
High-quality, maintainable code is vital for scalability. Adopt coding standards and practices.
6. Invest in a Skilled Development Team
A skilled development team is crucial for delivering scalable hybrid apps. NinjaTech offers the opportunity to hire certified mobile app developers. ensuring you have access to experienced professionals who can handle complex development tasks and provide innovative solutions.
7. Conduct Regular Testing
Thorough testing is essential to ensure your app works flawlessly across different platforms. Implement a robust testing strategy that includes.
8. Plan for Scalability
Design your app architecture with scalability in mind. Use cloud services like AWS or Azure to manage server load and provide flexibility. Implement scalable databases and use microservices architecture to handle growing user demands effectively.
9. Monitor and Analyze Performance
Use monitoring tools to track app performance and user behavior. Tools like Google Analytics, Firebase, and New Relic can provide insights into how your app is performing and help identify areas for improvement.
10. Stay Updated with Trends
The hybrid app development landscape is continuously evolving. Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies to ensure your app remains competitive. Engage in continuous learning and attend industry conferences and workshops.
Developing scalable hybrid apps requires a strategic approach, combining the right tools, techniques, and expertise. NinjaTech, with its comprehensive hybrid app development solutions and skilled professionals, is your ideal partner in this journey. Whether you need to or seek top hybrid app development services, NinjaTech ensures your app is scalable, efficient, and ready to meet the demands of the modern market.
You can create hybrid apps that offer superior performance, scalability, and a great user experience. Embrace the future of app development with NinjaTech and take your business to new heights.
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qcs01 · 4 months
Key Announcements from Red Hat Summit
The Red Hat Summit 2024, held from May 6-9 in Denver, Colorado, introduced several key innovations and strategic directions for Red Hat's future. Here are some of the most significant announcements from the event:
AI and Machine Learning Integration: Red Hat emphasized its growing focus on AI and machine learning (AI/ML). A major highlight was the introduction of Red Hat OpenShift AI, which integrates large language models (LLMs) into hybrid cloud environments, enhancing both predictive and generative AI capabilities​
RHEL AI: IBM and Red Hat unveiled RHEL AI, an open-source AI platform that aims to bridge AI technologies with hybrid cloud infrastructure, making it easier for enterprises to deploy and manage AI workloads across different environments​
Automation Enhancements with Ansible: AnsibleFest, which took place alongside the Summit, showcased new features in Ansible Lightspeed, leveraging generative AI to streamline the creation of automation playbooks. This initiative aims to simplify IT automation and encourage broader adoption of self-healing systems​
Hybrid Cloud and Edge Computing: Red Hat announced updates to its hybrid cloud offerings, including enhanced support for edge computing. These updates are designed to provide more robust infrastructure management and application development tools, aligning with the increasing demand for flexible and scalable cloud solutions​
Ecosystem Expansion: The Summit also highlighted Red Hat's strategic partnerships and ecosystem growth, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. The company is targeting sectors like automotive and SMEs to drive its expansion in these markets​
These announcements underscore Red Hat's commitment to advancing open-source technologies and its strategic focus on AI, automation, and hybrid cloud solutions, reinforcing its position as a leader in enterprise IT solutions. For more detailed information, you can visit the Red Hat Summit 2024 news and conference guide on TechTarget​
For more details click www.qcsdclabs.com
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voxprosolution · 6 days
CRM Solution Providers: Enhancing Customer Relationships
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are crucial tools for businesses seeking to maintain and improve their relationships with clients. A well-implemented CRM Solution Providers system can streamline communication. For more details visit here :- https://voxprosolution.livejournal.com/3635.html
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voxprosolutions · 1 year
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anishmary · 5 months
Charting Your Path to DevOps Engineering: A Comprehensive Roadmap
1. Grasp the Essential Tenets
Before immersing yourself in the world of DevOps engineering, it's vital to solidify your understanding of fundamental principles and technologies. Familiarize yourself with key components such as version control systems like Git, continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, containerization solutions like Docker, and configuration management tools such as Ansible or Puppet. Additionally, acquaint yourself with the basics of cloud computing services offered by major providers like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP), as they serve as the foundation of modern DevOps practices.
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2. Refine Your Automation Skills
Automation forms the backbone of DevOps methodologies. Develop proficiency in scripting languages like Python, Bash, or PowerShell to automate routine tasks and streamline processes. Mastery of infrastructure as code (IaC) principles using tools like Terraform or CloudFormation is also essential for automating the provisioning and management of infrastructure resources. The ability to automate deployment pipelines, monitoring processes, and scalability mechanisms is indispensable for a successful DevOps career.
3. Cultivate Practical Expertise
While theoretical knowledge lays the groundwork, practical experience is paramount in the journey to becoming a DevOps engineer. Engage in personal projects or contribute to open-source endeavors on platforms like GitHub to apply theoretical concepts in real-world scenarios and showcase your capabilities to potential employers. Consider participating in hackathons or joining virtual communities to collaborate with peers and gain hands-on experience in deploying and managing applications.
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4. Foster Collaboration and Communication
DevOps is as much about people as it is about technology. Cultivate strong interpersonal and communication skills to effectively bridge the gap between development and operations teams. Embrace collaboration, transparency, and empathy to foster strong working relationships with colleagues across different departments.
5. Stay Informed of Industry Trends
The tech landscape evolves rapidly, and staying abreast of the latest trends and advancements is essential for success in DevOps. Keep yourself updated by following industry blogs, attending webinars and conferences, and actively participating in online forums. Continuous learning is key to adapting to emerging technologies and remaining competitive in the job market.
6. Consider Certification Pathways
While not obligatory, certifications can add credibility to your skillset and validate your expertise in DevOps practices. Explore certification options such as AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer, or Docker Certified Associate to demonstrate your proficiency in specific platforms and technologies. Certifications signal your commitment to professional development and can enhance your marketability to potential employers.
7. Expand Your Network and Seek Guidance
Networking is instrumental in career advancement, particularly in the DevOps community. Attend industry events, join relevant professional groups, and connect with peers and industry experts on platforms like LinkedIn. Seeking mentorship from experienced DevOps practitioners can provide valuable insights and guidance to navigate your career path effectively.
In Conclusion
Becoming a DevOps engineer requires a blend of technical acumen, practical experience, collaboration, continuous learning, and networking. By mastering automation, understanding core principles, gaining hands-on experience, and staying attuned to industry trends, you can embark on a fulfilling career journey in DevOps engineering. Embrace a growth mindset, remain adaptable, and relentlessly pursue knowledge as you progress toward becoming a proficient DevOps engineer.
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unogeeks234 · 6 months
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The Essential Guide to Becoming an SAP Payroll ConsultantIn the realm of enterprise software, SAP is a giant in streamlining countless business processes. SAP Payroll is a core module within SAP’s Human Capital Management (HCM) suite, renowned for automating and managing the intricate world of employee compensation and payroll compliance. SAP Payroll consultants are the architects behind these robust payroll systems, and their expertise is in high demand across industries.What Does an SAP Payroll Consultant Do?
Mapping Business Requirements: At the heart of their role, SAP Payroll consultants collaborate with companies to deeply understand their unique payroll structures, including tax laws, deductions, benefits, bonuses, and local regulations.
Designing the Payroll Solution: These consultants leverage their SAP Payroll knowledge to customize the module to seamlessly align with the company’s specific requirements. They configure complex settings to guarantee accurate calculations.
System Testing and Optimization:  Before the “go-live,” consultants meticulously test the payroll system. They simulate various scenarios, identify potential errors, and optimize the solution for efficiency and accuracy.
Implementation and Rollout: The consultant guides the company through the entire SAP Payroll implementation process. They manage timelines, coordinate with other SAP modules, and ensure a smooth transition.
User Training and Support: SAP Payroll consultants empower users by providing comprehensive training and ongoing support. This enables HR teams and payroll administrators to confidently use the system.Why is an SAP Payroll Consultant Important?
Payroll Accuracy: Payroll errors can have severe consequences, including financial losses and employee dissatisfaction. SAP Payroll consultants ensure accurate and timely salary calculations, maintaining trust in the company.
Compliance: Staying up-to-date with ever-changing tax regulations is a nightmare for businesses. Consultants shoulder this burden, ensuring payroll systems remain compliant and avoid hefty penalties.
Efficiency:  Manual payroll processes are time-consuming and prone to human error. SAP Payroll consultants automate and streamline payroll, freeing up HR teams for more strategic tasks.Skills and Qualifications of a Successful SAP Payroll Consultant
In-Depth SAP Payroll Expertise: A solid foundation in the SAP Payroll module is non-negotiable. This includes configuration, customization, and understanding payroll best practices within SAP.
Knowledge of HR Processes: Since payroll is deeply connected to other HR functions, understanding onboarding, time management, and benefits processes is essential.
Analytical Mindset: Consultants excel at analyzing complex payroll requirements and translating them into SAP system design.
Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to troubleshoot, resolve system errors, and implement creative solutions is crucial.
Excellent Communication: Consultants act as bridges between business stakeholders and technical teams. They need to communicate effectively at all levels of the organization.How to Become an SAP Payroll Consultant
Gain SAP HCM/Payroll Knowledge: Start with SAP training courses and explore online resources and communities. Consider official SAP certifications to validate your expertise.
Practical Experience: Seek opportunities to work on SAP Payroll projects, even in more minor roles within your current organization or via internships.
Networking: Engage with the SAP community, attend conferences, and collaborate with experienced SAP Payroll Consultants to widen your knowledge base.The Future of SAP Payroll ConsultingWith the rise of cloud-based systems like SAP SuccessFactors, the demand for skilled SAP Payroll consultants shows no sign of slowing. Proficiency in SAP Payroll opens doors to a lucrative and rewarding career path within the ever-expanding world of enterprise software solutions.
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govindhtech · 7 months
IBM Forms Mainframe Skills Council to Address Talent Gap
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During this week’s SHARE conference in Orlando, IBM unveiled the Mainframe Skills Council, a forum designed to help international organizations cultivate a talented, diverse, and long-term workforce for the mainframe platform. The council will work with IBM and other organizations from various sectors, such as academia, user groups, non-profits, and open communities, to develop mainframe skills development solutions.
Academic Mainframe Consortium, Albany State University, Broadcom solutions, DNB Bank, HOGENT, M&T Bank, Northern Illinois University, and Rocket are among the founding members. There has been significant progress made in the mainframe community’s efforts to bridge the skills gap between generations of mainframe users. Building on these developments and igniting the community to share experiences and develop mainframe talent solutions that can expand with the platform is made possible by the Mainframe Skills Council.
Recent studies support industry initiatives to improve mainframe expertise The ability to adapt to economic shifts in the market and new technological advancements is crucial for any organization to succeed in the modern business world. A hybrid cloud operating model has been adopted by 56% of the companies surveyed in the 2022 IBM Transformation Index: State of Cloud survey. IBM Z offers a robust and flexible IT platform that supports customers’ digital transformations and is an essential component of many clients’ hybrid cloud environments. Many businesses will find success especially in having mainframe skills as they modernize their applications, apply AI, and concentrate on digital transformation.
Commissioned by IBM, Broadcom, and 21CS, new research from The Futurum Group, titled 2024 Global Mainframe Skills Report: Insights from Industry and Educational Experts, demonstrates the ongoing need for mainframe talent as well as the advancement of the mainframe workforce growth as the mainframe community collaborates to develop skills.
The survey called attention to the current need for experienced mainframe professionals, with 79 percent of respondents recruiting for mid-career mainframe positions and 51 percent recruiting for entry-level positions. It also highlighted a generational gap in mainframe skilling with an influx of early career talent. Indeed, in 2023, 11–20 mainframe-related roles were hired by 32% of mainframe employers who responded to the global survey, and more than 20 mainframe roles were hired by 35% of them. Furthermore, according to 91 percent of employer respondents, they intend to expand and invest in their mainframe IT teams by hiring personnel for new mainframe positions within the next one to two years.
With 75% of responding university leaders indicating that their institution offers course curricula for students to learn mainframe skills and 83% of student respondents indicating they are learning mainframe skills through their university, the survey results also highlight the increased opportunities for mainframe job seekers to learn and grow their skills regardless of where they are in their careers.
Businesses are also utilizing the community resources that are on the market to identify, educate, and cultivate mainframe talent. As a mainframe hiring or recruitment strategy, 60% of surveyed mainframe employers say they rely on non-traditional skills resources, such as collaborating with industry vendors on bootcamp, training, or apprenticeship programs. Additionally, employers of mainframes who invest in the platform reported that they have less difficulty finding qualified candidates. Of the surveyed companies, 71 percent of those with at least $10 million invested in their mainframe environment stated that they have either fully or sufficiently met their hiring targets for mainframe system administrator roles by the year 2023.
IBM and many other industry vendors are collaborating with colleges, mainframe employers, online learning platforms, training providers, the workforce, and community organizations to provide extra learning opportunities to help clients support their mainframe platform with a thriving technical community. This initiative aims to promote growth in the mainframe industry and improve access to skills.
The mission of the Mainframe Skills Council is to develop, nurture, and engage mainframe talent As for networking opportunities, apprenticeships, and skills training, “there is a significant and growing demand in the tech space,” states Kate Holterhoff, a senior analyst with RedMonk with expertise in IT and developer upskilling. “IBM’s Mainframe Skills Council expands the range of options for individuals looking to reskill into a career as a mainframe professional.”
Apart from providing training, industry-recognized digital badging, support to the academic community, and non-traditional pathway programs, IBM also offers mainframe skills solutions and insights through its larger IBM Z global community, which consists of universities, clients, user groups, and partners. In order to develop a robust worldwide workforce for the mainframe platform, organizations are brought together by the Mainframe Skills Council to exchange experiences and work together to implement solutions. Working groups on learning paths, competency frameworks, career awareness, and professional development will be part of the council.
Among the council’s objectives are:
Displaying a thriving talent pool for mainframes. Aligning with industry competency frameworks. Exchanging ideas and practices to improve professional development. Exchanging educational materials, training aids, and related resources to maximize professionals’ and leaders’ mainframe career experiences. And encouraging mainframe employers to adopt tried-and-true skill initiatives and practices. A tenured mainframe workforce presented a business challenge, stated Gary Fusco, M&T Bank’s engineering director. Their collaboration with IBM and Franklin Apprenticeships allowed us to create an M&T mainframe skills education program. Their apprentices were installing new products on the IBM Z platform and coding in COBOL by the time the program was six months old.
Resources and Programs for IBM Z Skills IBM is now offering a comprehensive platform for mainframe skills training called the IBM Z Mainframe Skills Depot. In order to obtain industry-recognized digital badges, learners can select from specialized tracks catered to roles like System Administrator, Application Developer, or Modernization Architect and access over a thousand hours of free, self-paced, hands-on learning. Beyond the classroom, IBM provides extra non-traditional skill programs and resources, such as the IBM Z Global Skills Accelerator and Apprenticeship program.
Over 440 mainframe system administrators and application developers in 13 countries have been skillfully trained by 83 global employers through this program, which offers over 300 hours of learning, success coaching, on-the-job training, and mentorship. Additionally, the IBM Z Student Ambassador program supports mainframe student clubs on campuses at over 95 universities worldwide and gives students the chance to take on leadership roles.
IBM hosts IBM Z Virtual Career Fairs globally to bring together IBM clients, partners, and credentialed mainframe talent in order to facilitate the connection between employers and mainframe talent.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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shereen1 · 3 months
Is Your Egyptian Business Stuck in the Slow Lane? Unleash Efficiency with Fiber Optic Internet
In today's fast-paced business world, a reliable and high-speed internet connection isn't a luxury – it's a necessity. Yet, many Egyptian companies are still struggling with sluggish traditional broadband, hindering their productivity and competitiveness.
This is where Fiber Optic Internet steps in, offering a revolutionary leap forward in connectivity. Fiber internet Egypt is rapidly transforming the business landscape, and IM Solutions is here to bridge the gap and empower your company.
Let's face it, traditional broadband simply can't keep up with the demands of a modern business. Here's how it's holding you back:
Slow Speeds: Downloading large files, video conferencing, and using cloud-based applications become agonizing experiences with traditional broadband. This wastes valuable time and disrupts workflows.
Limited Bandwidth: With multiple devices connected and bandwidth limitations, crucial tasks get bottlenecked, hindering collaboration and smooth operation.
Frequent Outages: Traditional broadband connections are more susceptible to disruptions, leading to lost productivity and potential revenue.
Unreliable Uploads: Uploading large files, such as presentations or product catalogs, becomes a tedious chore with slow upload speeds.
These challenges translate to a domino effect, impacting everything from employee morale to customer satisfaction.
Fiber Optic Internet: The Game Changer
Fiber Optic Internet utilizes hair-thin glass cables to transmit data using light pulses. This technology offers unparalleled advantages for businesses:
Blazing-Fast Speeds: Experience download and upload speeds exceeding traditional broadband by a factor of ten or more. Large files transfer in seconds, while video conferencing becomes seamless and crystal clear.
Unmatched Bandwidth: Fiber optic internet boasts a significantly higher bandwidth capacity, allowing you to connect multiple devices without any lag or slowdown.
Superior Reliability: Fiber optic cables are less susceptible to interference and weather conditions, resulting in a more stable and reliable connection.
Symmetrical Speeds: Fiber optic internet provides symmetrical download and upload speeds, making tasks like sending large files significantly faster.
Benefits for Your Business: A Quantum Leap in Efficiency
IM Solutions, with its expertise in fiber internet Egypt, can help your company unlock the true potential of fiber optic internet. Here's what you can expect:
Enhanced Productivity: Employees can download files, attend video conferences, and access cloud-based applications with ease, maximizing their time and output.
Improved Collaboration: With a high-bandwidth connection, teams can work together seamlessly, regardless of location, fostering better communication and faster project completion.
Increased Customer Satisfaction: Faster loading times on your website, smoother customer interactions, and uninterrupted communication lead to a more positive customer experience.
A Competitive Edge: A robust internet connection allows you to utilize cutting-edge technologies like cloud computing and VoIP, giving your company a significant edge in the market.
Take Action Today! Partner with IM Solutions for a Fiber Optic Future
Don't let slow internet hold your business back any longer. IM Solutions is your one-stop shop for fiber internet Egypt. Our team of experts will guide you through every step of the process, from assessing your needs to ensuring a seamless installation.
Contact IM Solutions today for a free consultation and discover how fiber optic internet can revolutionize your business. Unleash the full potential of your company and stay ahead of the curve with the power of fiber!
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