#Cloud Communication Platform Market
rohitpalan · 1 year
Cloud Communication Platforms Revolutionizing Customer Service
Over the projection period of 2020–2030, the global market for cloud communication platforms will register a double-digit CAGR. The expansion of the industry has been greatly aided by the increase in investments made in IT infrastructure by cloud service providers (CSPs), internet service providers (ISPs), and hyperscalers. Additionally, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has forced a number of businesses to adopt the work from home (WFH) model, which has contributed to an increase in the use of cloud communication platform solutions.
Due to lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, digital collaboration tool providers like Zoom and Microsoft are observing a striking increase in usage across continents. Companies are using cloud-based solutions to maintain and monitor their storage and server installations in data centres due to the lack of on-site IT staff. Enterprises are leveraging full potential of cloud to establish resilient and disaster-immune models to satiate the remote workforce, as well as ensure data security and enterprise application integrity.
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“While the COVID-19 pandemic is having a detrimental impact on the global economic order, it is having a mildly positive impact on cloud communication platform market. Although the pandemic is troubling cloud service providers, in uncertain times, the public cloud infrastructure is delivering flexibility and safe house for organizations striving to maintain normal operations” says the FMI study.
Key Players and Market Share in Global Cloud Communication Platforms Market
The healthcare industry would remain key revenue generator, given rising trend of bring your own device (BYOD), and increasing need for mobility in the industry.
Benefits such as low costs, and greater functionality are bolstering the adoption of Unified communications as a service (UCaaS).
Large enterprises would remain the primary customer of cloud communication platform services.
Market in North America continues its positive trend, backed by increasing adoption of UCaaS and IVR solutions.
Cloud Communication Platform Market – Key Driving Factors
Rising preference for online backup and database solutions has boded well for market.
Increasing shift towards cloud-based unified communication services to push adoption rate.
Swelling demand for high-speed data transfer mediums in developing regions to offer growth potential to market players.
More Info @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/cloud-communication-platforms-market
Cloud Communication Platform Market – Key Constraints
Security and privacy risks associated with shared communication networks are restricting widespread adoption.
Redesigning the network for cloud requires high initial cost.
Anticipated Market Impact of Coronavirus Outbreak
The COVID-19 pandemic has hampered the revenue growth of almost every industry, including the cloud communication platform market. Alerted by the situation, several private, and government organizations have transitioned to remote working, thus, translating into swelling adoption of cloud communication platform solutions.
In addition, customers are significantly banking on video streaming services as they strictly following self-isolating regulations. Such evolving trends are auguring well for the cloud communication platform market. The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) market expanded by nearly 1.4X in 2019 and will see a surge in demand amidst the COVID-19 crisis, as remote working becomes the new normal.
Competition Landscape
Key players in the cloud communication platform market are Cisco Systems Inc., IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Avaya Inc., Ozonetel Systems Pvt. Ltd., and Dialogic Inc. Players are focusing on collaborations and new service launches in order to expand their presence further during the COVID-19 recession and extend their customer base.
The global cloud communication platform market is segmented in detail to cover every aspect of the market and present a complete market intelligence approach to readers.
By Solutions
Unified Communication & Collaboration
Web Real-Time Communication (WEBRTC)
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) With Integral EPABX
Audio Conferencing
Video Conferencing
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) with cloud PBX
By Services
Managed Services
Professional Services
By Enterprise Size
Large Enterprise
Medium Enterprise
Small Enterprise
Micro Enterprise
By verticals
Travel & Hospitality
By Region
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia & Pacific
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techdriveplay · 3 months
How Many Gamers Use macOS?
While macOS is traditionally associated with creative professionals and productivity enthusiasts, its appeal among gamers has grown over the years. Despite the dominance of Windows in the gaming world, macOS has carved out a niche. But just how many gamers are using macOS today? Recent statistics reveal that approximately 9.8% of gamers use macOS. This figure reflects a slight increase from…
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qwikskills · 2 years
Advance Your Career with Google Cloud Certification
Google Cloud certification is a recognized industry standard for demonstrating your expertise in Google Cloud technologies. Whether you're an IT professional, a developer, or an aspiring cloud expert, Google Cloud certification can help you reach your career goals and differentiate yourself from other candidates.
In this certification program, you'll learn about the latest Google Cloud technologies and how to apply them to real-world problems. You'll gain hands-on experience with the Google Cloud platform and get a deeper understanding of how to build, deploy, and manage applications on the cloud.
By becoming a Google Cloud certified professional, you'll demonstrate your ability to effectively design and implement Google Cloud solutions. You'll also gain a valuable credential that will make you stand out in the job market and give you the confidence to tackle complex cloud challenges.
Whether you're just starting out in your career or you're looking to take your cloud expertise to the next level, Google Cloud certification is the perfect choice. Get started today and discover the many benefits of Google Cloud certification for your career.
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An interoperability rule for your money
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This is the final weekend to back the Kickstarter campaign for the audiobook of my next novel, The Lost Cause. These kickstarters are how I pay my bills, which lets me publish my free essays nearly every day. If you enjoy my work, please consider backing!
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"If you don't like it, why don't you take your business elsewhere?" It's the motto of the corporate apologist, someone so Hayek-pilled that they see every purchase as a ballot cast in the only election that matters – the one where you vote with your wallet.
Voting with your wallet is a pretty undignified way to go through life. For one thing, the people with the thickest wallets get the most votes, and for another, no matter who you vote for in that election, the Monopoly Party always wins, because that's the part of the thick-wallet set.
Contrary to the just-so fantasies of Milton-Friedman-poisoned bootlickers, there are plenty of reasons that one might stick with a business that one dislikes – even one that actively harms you.
The biggest reason for staying with a bad company is if they've figured out a way to punish you for leaving. Businesses are keenly attuned to ways to impose switching costs on disloyal customers. "Switching costs" are all the things you have to give up when you take your business elsewhere.
Businesses love high switching costs – think of your gym forcing you to pay to cancel your subscription or Apple turning off your groupchat checkmark when you switch to Android. The more it costs you to move to a rival vendor, the worse your existing vendor can treat you without worrying about losing your business.
Capitalists genuinely hate capitalism. As the FBI informant Peter Thiel says, "competition is for losers." The ideal 21st century "market" is something like Amazon, a platform that gets 45-51 cents out of every dollar earned by its sellers. Sure, those sellers all compete with one another, but no matter who wins, Amazon gets a cut:
Think of how Facebook keeps users glued to its platform by making the price of leaving cutting of contact with your friends, family, communities and customers. Facebook tells its customers – advertisers – that people who hate the platform stick around because Facebook is so good at manipulating its users (this is a good sales pitch for a company that sells ads!). But there's a far simpler explanation for peoples' continued willingness to let Mark Zuckerberg spy on them: they hate Zuck, but they love their friends, so they stay:
One of the most important ways that regulators can help the public is by reducing switching costs. The easier it is for you to leave a company, the more likely it is they'll treat you well, and if they don't, you can walk away from them. That's just what the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau wants to do with its new Personal Financial Data Rights rule:
The new rule is aimed at banks, some of the rottenest businesses around. Remember when Wells Fargo ripped off millions of its customers by ordering its tellers to open fake accounts in their name, firing and blacklisting tellers who refused to break the law?
While there are alternatives to banks – local credit unions are great – a lot of us end up with a bank by default and then struggle to switch, even though the banks give us progressively worse service, collectively rip us off for billions in junk fees, and even defraud us. But because the banks keep our data locked up, it can be hard to shop for better alternatives. And if we do go elsewhere, we're stuck with hours of tedious clerical work to replicate all our account data, payees, digital wallets, etc.
That's where the new CFPB order comes in: the Bureau will force banks to "share data at the person’s direction with other companies offering better products." So if you tell your bank to give your data to a competitor – or a comparison shopping site – it will have to do so…or else.
Banks often claim that they block account migration and comparison shopping sites because they want to protect their customers from ripoff artists. There are certainly plenty of ripoff artists (notwithstanding that some of them run banks). But banks have an irreconcilable conflict of interest here: they might want to stop (other) con-artists from robbing you, but they also want to make leaving as painful as possible.
Instead of letting shareholder-accountable bank execs in back rooms decide what the people you share your financial data are allowed to do with it, the CFPB is shouldering that responsibility, shifting those deliberations to the public activities of a democratically accountable agency. Under the new rule, the businesses you connect to your account data will be "prohibited from misusing or wrongfully monetizing the sensitive personal financial data."
This is an approach that my EFF colleague Bennett Cyphers and I first laid our in our 2021 paper, "Privacy Without Monopoly," where we describe how and why we should shift determinations about who is and isn't allowed to get your data from giant, monopolistic tech companies to democratic institutions, based on privacy law, not corporate whim:
The new CFPB rule is aimed squarely at reducing switching costs. As CFPB Director Rohit Chopra says, "Today, we are proposing a rule to give consumers the power to walk away from bad service and choose the financial institutions that offer the best products and prices."
The rule bans banks from charging their customers junk fees to access their data, and bans businesses you give that data to from "collecting, using, or retaining data to advance their own commercial interests through actions like targeted or behavioral advertising." It also guarantees you the unrestricted right to revoke access to your data.
The rule is intended to replace the current state-of-the-art for data sharing, which is giving your banking password to third parties who go and scrape that data on your behalf. This is a tactic that comparison sites and financial dashboards have used since 2006, when Mint pioneered it:
A lot's happened since 2006. It's past time for American bank customers to have the right to access and share their data, so they can leave rotten banks and go to better ones.
The new rule is made possible by Section 1033 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act, which was passed in 2010. Chopra is one of the many Biden administrative appointees who have acquainted themselves with all the powers they already have, and then used those powers to help the American people:
It's pretty wild that the first digital interoperability mandate is going to come from the CFPB, but it's also really cool. As Tim Wu demonstrated in 2021 when he wrote Biden's Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy, the administrative agencies have sweeping, grossly underutilized powers that can make a huge difference to everyday Americans' lives:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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Image: Steve Morgan (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:U.S._National_Bank_Building_-_Portland,_Oregon.jpg
Stefan Kühn (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Abrissbirne.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
Rhys A. (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/rhysasplundh/5201859761/in/photostream/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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drsonnet · 8 months
You Don’t Need Your Glasses, Santa
You Don’t Need Your Glasses, Santa
By Basman Aldirawi
Translated by Tala Ladki
Do you see that black cloud over there, Santa?
There used to be a child from Gaza, waiting for a present.
Waiting to go out with his father to the Unknown Soldier’s Square:
To ride the little cars there.
To go to the beach.
To play with the sand and the waves.
To buy a cup of corn.
Then to go home, to sleep
under the sound of the buzzing, hovering warplanes:
the ones the child thought were a part of the sky,
………….the sounds of the universe.
Did he tell you about his dreams before he slept?
What were they?
Did he dream about living, growing old?
Or maybe, like other children, he told you that children in Gaza don’t grow old.
You don’t need to put on your glasses, Santa.
See that black cloud over there, the one that rose up from the bombings just a few hours ago?
Under it lie the murdered bodies of the child,
………….his father, his mother, and his siblings.
Under it lie the toys, the house,
………….and the whole neighborhood.
And an unanswered list of hopes and dreams.
لست بحاجة لارتداء نظاراتك، سانتا
هل ترى تلك السحابة السوداء هناك يا سانتا؟
هناك كان طفل من غزة
ينتظر هدية
ينتظر أن يخرج مع ابيه
إلى منتزه الجندي المجهول
أن يركب السيارات الصغيرة هناك
أن يذهب إلى البحر
يلعب مع الرمال والأمواج
ويشتري كوب من الذرة
ثم يعود إلى البيت لينام
تحت صوت الطائرة الزنانة
التي ظن الطفل أنها جزء من السماء وأصوات الكون
هل أخبرك عن أحلامه قبل أن ينام؟
ماذا كانت؟
هل حلم ان يعيش ويكبر؟
أو ربما أخبرك كطفل اخر أن الأطفال في غزة لا يكبرون؟
لست بحاجة لارتداء نظاراتك، سانتا
تلك السحابة السوداء الظاهرة هناك
المرتفعة من قصف قبل ساعات
قتل تحتها الطفل والأب والام والاخوة
قتل تحتها ألعاب وبيت وشارع
ولائحة غير مستلمة من الأمنيات والأحلام
Basman Aldirawi (also published as Basman Derawi) is a physiotherapist and a graduate of Al-Azhar University in Gaza in 2010. Inspired by an interest in music, movies, and people with special needs, he contributes dozens of stories to the online platform We Are Not Numbers.
Tala Ladki is from Beirut, Lebanon. After graduating with a BA in Media and Communications, she worked in marketing for several years before deciding to switch gears. She’s currently pursuing her MA in Creative Writing in hopes of starting a career in writing and publishing.
New Poetry from & for Gaza: ‘You Don’t Need Your Glasses, Santa’ – ARABLIT & ARABLIT QUARTERLY
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mariacallous · 7 months
Citizens of the European Union live in an internet built and ruled by foreign powers. Most people in the EU use an American search engine, shop on an American ecommerce site, thumb American phones, and scroll through American social media feeds.
That fact has triggered increasing alarm in the corridors of Brussels, as the EU tries to understand how exactly those companies warp the economy around them. Five years ago, Shoshana Zuboff’s book The Age of Surveillance Capitalism neatly articulated much of lawmakers’ critique of the tech giants, just as they were preparing to enforce the flagship GDPR privacy law. Now as the EU enacts another historic piece of tech regulation, the Digital Markets Act, which companies must comply with starting tomorrow, March 7, a different critic du jour sums up the new mood in Brussels.
In his 2023 book, Technofeudalism, Yanis Varoufakis argues the big US tech platforms have brought feudalism back to Europe. The former Greek finance minister sees little difference between the medieval serf toiling on land he does not own and the Amazon seller who must subject themselves to the company’s strict rules while giving the company a cut of each sale.
The idea that a handful of big tech companies have subjugated internet users into digital empires has permeated through Europe. Technofeudalism shares bookshelf space with Cloud Empires and Digital Empires, which make broadly similar arguments. For years, Europe’s wanna-be Big Tech rivals, like Sweden’s Spotify or Switzerland’s ProtonMail, have claimed that companies like Google, Meta, and Apple unfairly limit their ability to reach potential users, through tactics like preinstalling Gmail on new Android phones or Apple’s strict rules for the App Store. “It’s not a problem to be a monopoly,” says Sandra Wachter, professor of technology and regulation at Oxford University’s Internet Institute. “It becomes a problem if you're starting to exclude other people from the market.”
Crowbarred Open
In answer to that problem, Brussels’ politicos agreed to the Digital Markets Act in 2022. It is designed to rein in the largest tech companies—almost all of them from the US—that act as gatekeepers between consumers and other businesses. A sibling regulation, the Digital Services Act, which focuses more on freedom of expression, went into effect last month. Wachter says they follow a long tradition of laws trying to protect the public and the economy from state power, wielded either by the government or the monarch. “With the rise of the private sector and globalization, power has just shifted,” she adds. Tech platforms rule over digital lives like kings. The DMA is part of the attempt to keep up.
The rules change tomorrow for platforms deemed “gatekeepers” by the DMA—so far including Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, and TikTok parent Bytedance. The law essentially crowbars open what the EU calls the gatekeepers’ “core services.” In the past regulators have proposed containing corporate giants by taking them to pieces. EU lawmakers have adopted the motto “Don’t break up big tech companies, break them open.”
In theory, that means big changes for EU residents’ digital lives. Users of iPhones should soon be able to download apps from places other than Apple’s app store; Microsoft Windows will no longer have Microsoft-owned Bing as its default search tool; Meta-owned WhatsApp users will be able to communicate with people on rival messaging apps; and Google and Amazon will have to tweak their search results to create more room for rivals. There will also be limits on how users’ data can be shared between one company’s different services. Fines for noncompliance can reach up to 20 percent of global sales revenue. The law also gives the EU recourse to the nuclear option of forcing tech companies to sell off parts of their business.
Homegrown Challengers
Most tech giants have expressed uncharacteristic alarm about the changes required of them this week. Google has spoken of “difficult trade-offs,” which may mean its search results send more traffic to hotel or flight aggregators. Apple has claimed that the DMA jeopardizes its devices’ security. Apple, Meta and TikTok have all filed legal challenges against the EU, saying new rules unfairly target their services. The argument in favor of the status quo is that competition is actually thriving—just look at TikTok, a technology company launched in the past decade, now designated as one of the so-called gatekeepers.
But TikTok is an exception. The DMA wants to make it normal for new household names to emerge in the tech industry; to “drive innovation so that smaller businesses can really make it,” as the EU’s competition chief Margrethe Vestager explained to WIRED, back in 2022. Many hope some of the new businesses that “make it” will be European. For almost every big tech service, there is a smaller homegrown equivalent: from German search engine Ecosia to French messaging app Olvid and Polish Amazon alternative Allegro. These are the companies many hope will benefit from the DMA, even if there is widespread skepticism about how effective the new rules will be at forcing the tech giants to change.
Today, US-based Epic Games said Apple had terminated its European developer account, soon after Epic announced it would take advantage of the DMA to open a new games store for iOS. Apple told WIRED that Epic was untrustworthy and Apple has the right to terminate the accounts of any of Epic's wholly owned subsidiaries following a 2021 court judgment. “Apple chose to exercise that right,” a statement provided by company spokesperson Rob Saunders said.
App Stores will be an early area of focus for DMA enforcement, Vestager said this week. But Europeans can’t expect the internet to transform overnight. In its early days, the new law’s effects will be more about the power struggles behind the curtain of the world’s biggest companies; not about making netizens’ lives easier. In fact, their online experience is likely to get messier at first. There will probably be even more website pop-ups. “This dominant position that these companies have is partially because we have been so addicted to convenience,” says Anu Bradford, a professor at Columbia Law School and author of Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology. The new rules will mean users have to reengage with what they want their online lives to look like, she adds. Defaults set by US corporations will no longer be chosen for them.
Instead the DMA’s objective is to remind Europeans what they traded in exchange for that convenience in the first place. The DMA is about power, not necessarily convenience. Whether Europeans will be able to remember that as their online worlds are cracked open remains to be seen.
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vibratingskull · 1 year
Home sweet home
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It’s your first leaves and Thrawn and Eli already cry for help. In the ebullient city of Coruscant you go searching for an apartment, but the empire doesn’t treat its citizen the same.
You adjust your sunglasses, it’s a sunny day despite the clouds of pollution on Coruscant, and you can feel the wind in your hair. Leaning against the wall of the community shuttle stop you can’t resist to take a holograph of the beautiful sun and freiters rings on your imager. You will post it later. You put it away, pull down your hat on your head and observe the different ships passing in front of you in their mish mash of lines that ribbon the sky. It is early in the morning but traffic is already high. School children walk among the salarymans and other office workers. Some hail a cab while others choose to walk. A group of youths are playing hard bass much to the regret of some walkers. 
You approach the edge of the platform. That’s your shuttle. You enter, validate your ticket and take a seat. Head resting in your hand and forehead against the window’s glass you look outside as the ship took off, making your body vibrate.
It is your second leave since you took post in the marine, and you didn’t think you would have to pass it that way, but oh well. You start humming a new tone you’ve heard as the skyscrapers get blurry with the motion. This is gonna be a rough day for your muscles, it's gonna be tiring but it is to help a friend. 
You hold that though. 
Helping a friend. You bite your inner cheek. You're not gonna dwell on that again… Thrawn doesn't see you in any other way, accept it! 
But it is hard. Your reason tells you to cope with it but your heart cries every time, aching you from the inside. 
You shake your head. No! Enough with this defeated energy! 
You are young! 
With a promisng start to a great career! 
You always had your chance in the dating market, it's not gonna end now and you won't let it! You're not gonna wait for Thrawn forever and waste your best years, you need to dive right in, drink, fuck, smoke some spice (occasionaly) and make the most of your youth! Fuck this guy! Who does he think he is to shake you up like that? Starting today you take back control of your love life and forget him like the fling it was! 
You take out your comlink, searching your contacts. Who would you be down to spend time with? How about one of your new coworkers? There are a few of them you could bite into. No, it will get messy with work. Someone outside of that circle, then. Do you want a fuckbuddy or a grounded relationship? Anything that makes you forget him you decide. You scroll down the list, searching for your heart's desire. Suddenly a contact holds your attention. You consider it, your finger stopped mid-movement. Your pupil dilates considerably reading the name. 
"Thrawn wants what ?" You question, incredulous. 
"He doesn't want, he needs." Eli corrects. 
You put away your comlink for he doesn't hear you sigh at the comment. 
"That's a detail…" 
"He needs an apartment on Coruscant but he doesn't know anything about how we proceed here." 
You flick your tongue. 
"Can't he just stay at the barracks?" 
"... He has been thrown out?" 
You pinch the bridge of your nose. Oh the headaches in perspective… 
"And why should I come? You don't need me for that, I have other plans than this." 
You can hear Thrawn in communication with someone else in the background. It's not going well apparently. 
"(y/n) please…" He lowers his voice so as to not be heard "Please! I don't want to go alone with him." 
Visibly Eli didn't forgive Thrawn yet. You consider the situation, your options and sigh again, defeated. 
"Thank you (y/n)!" Eli's evidently relieved. 
"But you pay for the beers!" 
He laughs
"If that's all it takes to buy you, consider it done!" 
The next day you embark on the first community shuttle towards Eli’s apartment. The day is gonna be long so you should as well come early. You quickly arrive at the address you received and enter the building. The space allowed for the housing is rather modest but it is well placed and the neighborhood seems to be quiet. Eli chose well, you tell yourself. 
In the stairs you cross paths with a Togruta, you feel yourself tensing up. She addresses you with a smile and you nod to her. You hope Eli won’t have any problem in the future. By reflex you tighten the collar of your coat and pick up the pace in the stairs. You finally arrive at Eli’s floor and knock on his door.
“One minute!” You hear.
You hear ruffling sounds and pressed steps then the door slides open and Eli appears, disheveled, in what appears to be pajamas and sleeps in his eyes. You smile at this sight. Behind him you see Thrawn crossing the room in uniform, the contrast couldn't be more striking. 
Eli lets you enter and immediately proposes to take your coat and offers you some caff like the good host that he is. You gladly accept, taking the time to observe the decoration of the apartment. Not all the boxes have yet been open, stacking up in the corner of the room. You notice the foliage plants on the shelves and counter, the paint of the wall is impersonal but the pictures frames offer some warmth. You stop to look at them. You can see Eli in different settings : at the beach, at the canyon, when he was a child and older, with his parents or with what you suppose to be his friends on Myomar, broad smile and sparkling eyes with his comrades. You continue to advance until you remark some images you took yourself and send to him after. One of them is a selfie of you in a classroom with Eli sleeping on the table and Thrawn concentrates on his datapad in the background, another one his a pictures of you, Eli and Karyn in the roof garden of the Academy, pressed against one another to ensure you could all be seen on the pictures, and the last one is Eli, you in the middle and Thrawn in your Gala’s formal dress. Eli smiles lightly, annoyed by the flash of the imager, you're holding their shoulders with a large smile and eyes closed, Thrawn seems to be frowning at something behind the imager. It is a terrible picture, but that’s what makes it goofy and interesting in your opinion.
Eli arrives at your side with your caff mug and you follow him into his living room, which is a mishmash of a kitchenette and a living area giving to a small balcony. His apartment is really similar to yours, you realize. You sit down on a pouf and wait to be briefed, savoring your hot caff. You take a look at the petite table in front of you, covered with flyers and papers about housing and apartments complexes.
“Sorry to have called you on such short notice, (y/n). But we could really do with another pair of hands with this.” Eli apologies profusely.
“So what are we doing today exactly?” You take a sip.
“We need to find him an apartment, so prospect, calls, arrange visits… Everything. We need to find him a place to live other than… here.”
“You live here?” You ask, rising your eyebrow
“I am in a position where I must abuse Ensign Vanto’s amiability.” Thrawn explains.
“We really need to find him another place to live!” Eli doubles down.
You shook your head looking at them bickering. 
And that is how you spent your day, rummaging through the flyers, comparing prices and surfaces, commodities, and a lot, a lot, of time on the comlink talking to real estate agents. You inherit this task because, according to Thrawn, “people will be more receptive to a woman”, whatever that’s supposed to mean because you did not book one appointment. Everything goes seemingly well until they learn about Thrawn being an alien.
“We don’t do business with aliens, I’m sorry.”
“But he’s a respectable lieutenant of the marine!”
“We are doing serious business here, do not bother us with jokes please.”
“You don’t understand, he-”
“It’s useless. Goodbye Ma’am!”
And they hang up.
Sometimes it’s you who cut off the conversation when the discussion descends into mockery on their part. Screams were exchanged at some point and you had to refrain from throwing your comlink against a wall. You sit back, fuming. A bunch of idiots!
Noon rings and your tummy growls in an unladylike manner. Those emotions really whet your appetite. You fumble around the kitchenette, wondering what you could cook.
“Breaktime!” Eli shouts, stretching his back. He stands up and comes to your side to discuss today’s menu. You decide to go for a timeless classic : pasta! Can’t do wrong with that.
While you cook, Eli’s exit the apartment to buy drinks and Thrawn stays slouched on the sofa, continuing to contact real estate companies via message. Eli comes back with beers as he promised yesterday and briquette of fruit juice for Thrawn. You don’t comment anything but there is a thing hilariously comic to Thrawn sipping those colorful briquettes with a straw like a child would. You bring the dish on the table in the middle with the cutlery.
“All the plates are dirty, so everyone picks up from the dish!” You announce.
You clink your drinks and start eating. You slurp the elongated green goodies while sipping your beer and searching for a steal online. When was the last time you passed a day like that? Slouching with friends, beers and dishes next to you without any authority figure in sight? At some point Eli puts on music and you start banging your head to the beat. You remember starting to dance with Eli when your head was close to explode with information and boredom. Waltzing like children in the living room, you laugh heartily together and almost get Thrawn to join. Almost.
Several beers after the evening was here and with it, its dark night despite the city’s lights. You’re laying down on the sofa next to Thrawn with a flier on your eyes, you completely lost track of time and a headache was rearing its head. You sigh.
“What have we got until now?”
“We have four visits tomorrow.” Thrawn announces, still contacting more companies.
“Four? Nice!” It’s a better result than what you hoped for.
You possibly had a solution to all that, but you’re not sure you want to use it. You try raising up but a dizziness seizes you.
“Ouch… What hour is it?” You pass your hand on your tired eyes.
“Woaw, I need to go home but I can’t be arsed at the same time…” You have a furred tongue “Can I use your bathroom first?” You ask Eli.
“To your left.” He answers, doing the dishes.
You splash cold water to your face, scrubbing vigorously to wake you up. You look at yourself in the small mirror, tiredness visible on your traits.
“You should stay here tonight!” Eli proposes as you get out. “I have a spare mattress somewhere.”
You look at him disoriented.
“No it’s good, I can go home.” You answer.
“It’s dark and you’ve been drinking all afternoon, you should stay here.” He insists
What does he want?
“I’m not drunk.” You spit out annoyed, and lying a little “And I’m a grown girl, I can mind myself!”
He blocks you and puts his hands on your shoulder.
“I would be more at peace if I knew you were safe.” He pivots towards Thrawn. “She should stay here for the night, it is the most secure thing to do, right?”
“Perhaps.” Thrawn looks at you both, wondering why he was thrown into this.
“See, Thrawn agrees!”
“He did not.”
He glances at you with a stare heavy of meaning.
“I guess I can stay here tonight after all, I’m really tired.” You yawn.
Eli's shoulders relax, visibly relieved.
“I will prepare the mattress.” 
He takes out and splays a futon on the living room, you lay down and flap your legs.
“Put down your datapad, Thrawn. We are done for the day!” You order.
Against all odds he listens and puts it down silently, crossing his legs he slouches down the sofa.
“What can I offer to you guys?” Eli investigates.
“Pizzas and movies!” You chant.
He looks at Thrawn for his opinion.
“That sounds good to me, Ensign.” 
Eli leaves to buy pizzas and fizzy drinks, while you and Thrawn are tasked to select the movie for the night.
“What about this one ?” He proposes
“No, it’s too cheesy.”
“This one?”
“Too sad.”
“How about this one?”
“It’s a hassle”
He sighs 
“This one, maybe?”
“If I say no you will get angry?”
“...I’ve already seen it.”
“Well I don’-”
“Hey! What about this one?” You cut him off, selecting the one you noticed. “It’s a thriller about a marine officer like us!” 
He considers it, reading the summary. He nods slowly.
“It looks promising.”
“I’ve got the pizzas!” Eli comes back, arms full with cardboard boxes and cans of coke. He threw them down on the table and let himself fall on the sofa. “What did you choose?”
“This one.”
“Cool, I haven't seen it yet!”
Everyone takes a slice of pizza and plays the movies. You’re completely absorbed by it, barely eating, taken by the suspence. Or that’s what you would have said if Thrawn didn’t stop talking.
“This is a bad strategy. They can get to him easily.”
“Why the politician don’t mind it’s business? They are not supposed to interfere in military matters!”
“I see at least five ways to get away from this situation.”
“Ridiculous, those types of weapons do not do those types of damage. Typically they-”
“Shhhh! Good grief!”
You open wide eyes at the revelation of the real bad guys, Let a “Oh” escape you at the climax , and recoil at the explosion scenes. Finally it ends. You turn towards your friends and see Eli sleeping soundly on Thrawn's shoulder.
“Aaaaaaaaw…” You whisper.
“He did not last until the end...” Thrawn says, looking at him with softness in the tone.
He slides on the side and lays him down cautiously on the sofa as you put the plaid on him. 
“He must be exhausted.” You murmur.
“He works really hard on the Blood Crow.” He says softly.
“He is a good officer.” He nods
“Have you spoken since last time?”
His eyes dart on you but you don’t back down.
“No.” He admits.”We did not have the time to properly discuss our differences.” He takes a break. “But I am looking forward to it.” 
“It’s good.” You agree, eyes going back to the sleeping form of Eli. 
You both look at him sleeping peacefully, he looks like an angel like that, you thought.
“You should take the bed.” He whispers.
“You sure? I can take the futon, I don’t mind.” You counter.
“No, it would be impolite of me.” This is his sole argument.
“Alright, thanks. Goodnight Thrawn.”
“Goodnight, J.C.”
You enter the bedroom, take out your clothes and go to sleep. The night is calm and you sleep in a slumber without dreams.
The next day you're on your way to the visit in a shuttle, flipping through the necessary papers to present.
“Do we get the payslip?”
“What will you do if they ask for a guarantor?” You ask.
“Will the Emperor be enough as a guarantor?” Thrawn answers bluntly.
You look at him dead in the eyes.
“Pray for them to have your humor…”
Good pick they never asked for a guarantor, wrong pick they had zero sense of humor. The first one slammed the door to your face when they saw Thrawn, the second one was mysteriously not disponible anymore, a family bought it they claimed and the third didn’t open, plain and simple. Despite that you thought you would have more chances with the fourth.
“All the rooms are well exposed and you're near amenities.” She tells with a professional smile.
You visit the apartment, passing from one room to the others. Nice, you think. A little away from the base but manageable. You sit on the bed, bouncing on it to test it.
“Which one of you is interested in this property?”
“It is me.” Thrawn announces.
It lasted less than a second but her eye twitched and you saw it. It surely didn’t escape to Thrawn either but he doesn’t formalize. She put back her professional mask quickly, searching on her datapad.
“So you have your identity papers, your payslips,... “ She lists, scrolling on the screen. “I think we are all good, we can discuss the price if you want.”
“Oh, we’ve seen the price on your website.” You add.
She looks at you with an enlarged smile, twitching a little.
“Well, the house reserves itself the right to change its prices.” She has a voice too joyous to your liking.
“What kind of prices are we talking about?” Thrawn asks politely.
You move closer with a bad feeling.
“Around those orders.” She turns her datapad to Thrawn and you read over his shoulder.
You choke.
“How much!?” You push him out of your way and seize the pad. “These are not the prices announced on the site!”
Eli comes into the room, alarmed by the ruckus.
“It's a regular procedure.” She’s searching for human complicity in you, but she finds only shock and anger.
“What?!” You shout. “This is stealing!”
She tries to take back the pad but you don’t let go.
“Well.” She smiles. ”He’s not human, so… We need more insurance and we have to adjust our prices.”
You will knock her off.
“You listen here, you preppy cow-”
“Alright that's enough for today!” Eli interjects, physically removing you from the apartment while you scream.
“It should be illegal! We will sue you!” You spit, dragged by them both in the street. “Thief!”
“So it concludes this for today.” Eli sighs, a bit discouraged
“Let us take a break.” Thrawn proposes, imperturbable, your total opposite.
“What!? How can you be so calm?!” You’re losing your breath shouting so much.
“It is useless ninety eight percent of the time, only a clear head can give you the result you aspire to.” He responds in a conversational tone.
“But she tried to scam you!”
“Then consider you went furious on my behalf, it is sufficient for me.” He’s completely unbothered. Your jaw drops, sometimes you just can’t follow him. “Let us find a bar and refocus.” 
He doesn’t wait for any response and starts walking, you follow them shuffling along, shooting in garbage on your way.
They found a charming pub, and took a table outside under the blazing sun, but you're in no mood to appreciate the setting. You let yourself fall into the chair with a huff, they sit down with more manners and order for the group. You let out a big audible sigh and let your head rest on the table completely discouraged. Your solution comes back in your mind but you chase it away. The jazzy tune of the bar reaches your ear, and you start humming it.
“Well that was rather unsuccessful…” Eli let out, slouching in his seat.
“A temporary setback.” Thrawn temporizes, his hand holding his chin. “This situation will solve itself in one way or another, let us keep searching.”
“You’re right! There are still a lot of real estate companies on Coruscant. We will target those working with non-humans!” Eli cheers.
You sigh again. You don’t share their optimism, actually this unfortunate day completely 
done you in. You only deign rising from the table when your drinks arrive. You drink your juice absent-mindedly. You should have taken something stronger. Thrawn and Eli are talking in the background of your mind, your solution imposed itself to you once again. Should you present it to them? You hesitate.
“Look Thrawn. There is a spot for street art up in the street.” Eli exclaims 
“Indeed. Shall we get a look?” Thrawn proposes.
You slouch on your seat.
“You can go boys, I will keep the table while you're gone.” You incite them.
They rise to see the spot and you’re now alone with your thoughts. You inhale deeply and massage the back of your neck, thinking about this. You recently inherited an apartment from your great uncle, but you have memories inside this apartment. You’re not sure you want to get rid of it… Someone puts their hand on your shoulder.
You bolt away, turning toward the stranger and meeting with a charming smile. The blonde man looks at you with sparkling eyes, fanning himself with a fan. You recognize him instantly.
“I knew I’ve seen you somewhere.” He says, sitting down in front of you. “You were on this test at the Academy 4 months ago, right?”
“Governor Satlove…” You answer. “I mean, yes! Yes, I was at the exam. But what are you doing here, if I may?”
“I’m here undercover.” 
You frown.
 “I am here to escape from my duties.” He explains, putting one finger to his lips.
Indeed you notice he’s not into his green uniforme but a more casual white shirt he opened slightly, letting the sun warm up his pale skin. 
“You can… Just do that?”
“Of course not!” He laughs “I had to escape from my different aids to come here. But I stay contactable just in case.” He shows you his comlink. “But tell me rather, what are you doing here?” He gestures towards you.
“Me? I hum… I’m with friends. They are looking at the street art a little further.” You don’t especially want to talk but you don’t want to sever some links with a governor that could be proven useful in the future.
“The little brunette and the blond one?” He investigates.
“No the dark blue… The blue guy. And the brunette. You have a really good memory, Governor.”
“Thank you, I take good care of it. And you can drop the Governor thing, we are almost the same age.”
“Then should I call you sir?”
“Call me by my name!” He extends his hands to you. “Pleased to meet you, I am Nather.”
 You shake his hand with a grin.
“Pleased to meet you, I am (y/n).”
“(y/n)! What a charming name, it suits you very well.” He almost chants. You feel your face heated up with the compliment. “What are you doing lately? What were your orders after the exam?”
“I’m a Private First Class on the Zephyr Heavy Cruiser. We have been patrolling inside the inner rim and the colonies lately.”
“I think your ship was planned to patrol around my planet recently.” He says a hand to his chin.
“Which planet, if I may?”
“The charmant Tirahnn planet.” He displays a theatrical gesture, letting his braid fly from shoulder to shoulder.
It’s a planet right on a hyperspace lane if you recall correctly. You can’t say more.
“I’ve never seen it.” You confess. And barely heard of it you complete in your head.
“I will make you visit if you wish one day, or you will come yourself for a mission.” He starts folding one of the napkins around. “What are you doing in my region if I may ask in turn?”
You think rapidly, you should be able to tell that to a governor even if you don’t know any details, it should be okay.
“If i’m not mistaken, we are suspecting pirates to rob slaves of the empire.”
“Pirates near my planet?” He takes a choked expression. “That won’t do, I will need to pass some calls!” He finishes his folding in a crane and deposes it in front of you with a side smile. 
You smile back but it fades quickly.
 “What happens (y/n)? I see in your face, you seem to have some worries.” He asks genuinely concerned.
“Oh nothing important, just… rehashing some thoughts."
"Those looked like important thoughts." He mind-absently picks some salted nuts from the ball and throws them expertly into his mouth. 
"I hesitate to help a friend, I…" 
He darts his incisive gray eyes on you. 
"You hesitate to help a friend? I do not need to tell you that it should be an easy answer." 
"Yes, I mean no. I want to help my friend. It's just that I should renounce something I hold dear to my heart for the memory it holds. And I don’t know if I’m ready for it."
He frowns, contemplating the fact in front of him and searching for an option.
“Would it fulfill its goal?”
“The thing you’re not sure to let go, would cede it to your friend to fulfill its primary purpose?”
“Then you should give it away. I suppose you don’t have a practical use for this thing or you would have advanced this argument, so you should as well cede it to your friend and permit it to fulfill its primary goal. Helping a friend is always the way to go.”
“But… I’ve got memories…”
“You will always have them! Those memories are in you, not in this thing. Don’t grow too attached to material objects, they are not built to last but our memories are in our heart and forever. “ 
You wrap your head around the argument, weighing the pros and cons.
“Maybe you're right…” You end up saying.
“Maybe I am indeed, what would you actually lose? You would hand those precious memories to a friend, there are more unfair deals in life don’t you think.”
You slowly nod coming to terms with your decision. He’s right. You hold your glass with two hands, taking a big sip at the straw.
“I think I’m gonna follow your advice and help my friend. I think I just needed a third party opinion to push me.”
“Wonderful!” He takes Thrawn’s glass and clink it with yours. “I’m glad I could help.” And takes a great sip of it. You choke on yours.
“Huh, sir…?”
“You know what, we’ll surely hear again about those pirates. We should stay in contact.” He hands you his comlink and gestures to you to give him yours. You exchange them and enter your respective number.
“Sir, this is my drink you're drinking!” Thrawn appears behind him with Eli on his heels.
Surprised, his sight goes between Thrawn and the glass. He laughs heartily.
“I am sorry dear friend! I will return it to you.” He hands him back his glass, raising from the chair. He gives you back your comlink with a charming smile. “Here you go. To our next meeting!”
You all three look at him walking away, making some calls.
“What was that?” Asks Eli, a bit lost.
“I am… not sure.” You respond.
They both sit back and Thrawn considers his well diminished drink with a raised brow.
It dawns on you that he doesn't need a Private First Class to discuss the subject of pirates and that you just gave him what he wanted. Damn, the guy is good! You think. You berate yourself a little.
“So, back on the apartment subject…” Eli starts.
“I… May have a solution to propose to you, guys.”
The sound of an incoming message brings you back to the present time. You lower your gaze to your comm.
“I am delighted to hear from you again. How about tomorrow, 14h?”
You smile, and answer back, the heart light. 
You soon arrive at your stop, you get out, and start walking on the trails of your childhood. You traverse a park full of kiddos and their parents and grin at their laugh and their shoutings. You arrive in front of the apartment complex, entering, you cross paths with the old building caretaker.
“Oh, if it isn’t the young (y/n)! How are you doing?” She asks with her shivering voice.
“Hi, Ms Lynduty! I’m good and you?”
“Oh you know, my old bones make me suffer, but that’s the weight of the years. The young man you brought with you…”
An alarm sets off in your head, and on the other hand you're amused to hear Thrawn being qualified as a “young man”, maybe everyone looks young at this age…
“Is there a problem? He has done something?”
“No, he’s a really calm resident, It changes me from your uncle who kept bringing new women everyday! But he looks like he has some problem with all his mail.”
“I’m glad to hear that, Ms Lynduty, I’m actually here to help him. Have a nice day!” And you start working your way up the stairs.
You reach the floor soon enough and Thrawn opens his door the second you set foot on the landing.
“Thank you J.C., I am in need of assistance.”
He welcomes you and takes your coat, you enter the apartment, immediately graced by the cardboard boxes everywhere. You’re not surprised, the furniture inside the apartment was not… what you would find inside the flat of a respectable lieutenant of the marine, or any respectable person per say. A complete change of furniture was in order. You note with amusement he already has displayed holograms of art everywhere in the flat despite not having furniture.
You traverse the room as well as you can, slaloming between the boxes, the tins of paint and the tarps and sitting down on one of them.
“So, what’s the problem?”
He gestures to the pile of mail on the table. A big pile. Oh gods.
“I do not possess the vocabulary to treat those yet.” He simply notes.
You nod with a pout, well that’s gonna be fun.
“Eli couldn't help you?”
“Ensign Vanto is with his family for this leave.” He explains.
So while Thrawn is busy assembling furniture for his flat, you’re answering and filing up those mails while giving him a vocabulary lesson. Insurance, bills, tax… Everything the bureaucracy could produce, you saw it! You arrange them on the floor,stepping over it with a highlighter in hand and a pen in your mouth to complete them. It took you several hours and as much beer, generously provided by Thrawn, nonetheless to rummage through all this. You were well fed up at the end of it, with your head ready to explode.
But you couldn’t rest once you’re done, you still have to help Thrawn with his furniture and remove this unsavory fur off the walls. You had to screw, to glue, to turn, to plug, you didn’t have the time to be bored. The hours flew bye and you were far from finished. Damn those instruction manuals, they’re never in the right language. And there is always a set of screws that wasn’t used at the end and that’s not normal, so you have to reread all the instructions and bicker on what step you screw up based on the illustrations. 
“I told you the board B5 goes there.”
“But that is not possible, the C7 plank can not fit in this configuration.”
You only put up four pieces of furniture together and the rest of the boxes are staring down at you. You left out a sigh of fatigue. You’ll never see the end of it…
You massage your temples, this time you really have a headache. You put down your beer and walk in a not very straight way to sit on a cardboard box to observe your work. Thrawn finishes building up the shelf and takes some steps back to get a good look. Something hits you as you embrace the room with your sight.
“Shouldn’t we have started with the paint ?”
“It would be for another day.” He states with a soft voice.
You lazily nod. You already have all the other furniture to put up, another thing added to the list. Great. Thrawn turns his head to the window. It’s night. 
“We shall stop for today.”
“Good, cause I'm not good at anything for now.” You rise up and stumble your way to open the window and get some fresh air, you fan yourself with your hand. You drinked a bit too much, you realize. 
Thrawn removes his jacket to reveal his black tank top and you take advantage of the opportunity to take a good look at his biceps without too much discretion, he heads towards the kitchen.
“We should at least eat one meal. Are you hungry?”
That’s right, you didn’t even eat at noon you recall, at the moment this thought crosses your mind your stomach grumbles.
“It looks like so!”
“What could please you?”
You straighten up with a broad smile.
He shots you a glare.
“I had a more healthy meal in mind.”
You pout, it was worth the shot.
You finish your beer admiring him cooking, watching his hands fly expertly from one pan to the other, mincing and mixing the ingredients. You hold back a burp, hiding your mouth with your hand, you may be a bit drunk but you didn’t renounce your dignity yet. And you didn’t want to appear unladylike in front of him… Mostly that. You start thinking if you should care about that since you decided to renounce him, but it just worsens your headache.
“It is ready!” He announces, wiping his hands. “But I’m not yet familiar with your products, so I can’t promise you the taste.”
“I’m sure it will be delicious!” You cheer.
You reel back to your former place and sit down. He watches you from head to toes but doesn’t say a thing. You seize your fork and take a big bite of the dish. You wrinkle your nose. Indeed cooking is not part of his skills, the savors are unbalanced and the spice is overshadowing everything. You gulp it down, trying to keep your face as neutral as possible and shoot him a smile. You decide that you’re too drunk to care and take others bites one after the other, letting them burn the inside of your mouth with pleasure.
“I think it would be wiser if you sleep here tonight.” He says, stirring his food.
You blink mid-bite, stopped in your movement.
“No offense but you are not walking straight. I can offer you a bed for the night if you wish.”
You consider the offer, taking a sip of water. You clearly didn’t learn your lesson from the last time and you actually feel pretty wasted right now, you hardly see yourself going home in one piece tonight. You slouch back and pretend to think about it for a second. You raise your hand.
“I will gladly accept in this case!” You slide your tongue on your teeth.”I will help you place the mattress!”
“I do not have one.”
Your eyes slide to the sofa’s box still not put up and goes back to him with questions.
“Then where…?”
“I thought we could share the bed for the night.” He spills, concentrates on his plate. 
Your bite takes the wrong way in your throat and you try to cough it out. Hold on, you didn’t sign up for that!
“Wait, you’re sure?” You ask, instantly sobered up.
 He shruggs.
“I do not see how this could be a problem.” 
“I don’t have any pajamas.” You try. 
“I will lend you something, do not worry.” He appears unfazed, completely blind to your trouble.
Oh you worry, yes, but not about that.
“Cool…” You let escape in one breath “Thanks…”
How did you end up in this situation?
You promise yourself to forget him and you end up in his bed. Fate has a twisted sense of humor. 
You release your breath. Calm down. Your headache doesn’t help anything.
You open your eyes in the dark room and listen to the quiet and steady breath next to you, at least one of you two is getting some sleep. But not you. You’re too tense to sleep. You hunch, trying not to touch the man sleeping next to you, pulling the covers to your chin. 
At least he had changed bed and got rid of this horrid shell bed for a standard double bed  and all the weird appliances are not here anymore. Now the bedroom looks like it came from a show home. Without personality, only practical. Cold…
But the bed is far from cold, without grazing him you can feel the warmth of Trawn’s body from where you are and you feel like you could sweat, but this may be because of your burning body. You were afraid he would sleep topless when you got to the bed, but thanks for your sanity he put on a shirt, or you would really have lost your mind. It doesn’t take much to ignite your desire lately and being in the same bed as him, so close and so far away, alarm all of your senses to the brink of overstimulation. You breathe deeply, getting back control. His scent fills the room, making you feel dizzy. You bury yourself under the cover but you smell him on it and on the pajama he lended you, you float in this shirt too large for you, you feel goosebumps point at every breath. Anywhere you go he envelopes you.
You turn your head, observing the profile that detaches itself from the wall lighted up by the moon through the blinds. You follow the line of his forehead with your eyes, the shadow of a disheveled hair strand, the curve of his eyelids that let red light pierce through, the arc of his turned-up nose, the plumpness of his lips… You gulp, your throat suddenly dry like the desert.
You keep your gaze fixated on him, telling yourself that heaven was closer than you know, that you would just have to expend your arm to reach it… You hold your breath, brushing his cheek with the back of your fingers, feeling the softness and the warmth of his skin, tender. You touch his lash with the tip of your finger, smiling at him squinting at the touch. Then your hand sneaks its way along his neck, brushing softly his apple then traveling south to his chest. You feel the fabric on the palm of your hand, you search for a second, opening your hand wide when you find his heart, feeling the steady and calm heartbeat, you savor the delicious vibrations through your skin, wanting to put your head on his chest to hear it yourself. It soothes you and you close back your eyes, ready to let the slumber take you.
Suddenly his heartbeat accelerates and his breath gets caught up in his throat. You rise on your elbow, wary of what's happening. He opens his eyes in a flash and you pull back your hand instantly. His eyes blinks, fixated on the ceiling and you hear him out of breath. He inhales and exhales several times, you look at him with googly eyes wondering what might have happened. He frowns.
“You are not sleeping.” This was not a question.
He turns his head towards you and your gazes meet. You smile lightly.
“Indeed. Nothing escapes you.”
He sighs, passing a hand over his face and ruffling his hair.
“Is everything good?” He politely asks.
You raise an eyebrow.
“It’s I who should ask that? What just happened?”
“Nothing.” He breathes
Sometimes he really takes you for an idiot, you think.
“So, “nothing” can put you in this state?” You inquire.
He sighs once again, fatigued. You feel like he’s gathering his thoughts, a hand in his hair.
“I was dreaming about… My sister. The day they took her…”
You nod pensively, it was indeed not the most peaceful memory he must have. You put your head back on the pillow, sight still on him.
“How does this make you feel?” You whisper like a secret.
“Powerless, like a child. I promised myself I would fight to never feel this again.”
There are a lot of promises getting thrown everywhere those days you thought. You put yourself closer, as if your presence would comfort him. His eyes on the ceiling you see the muscles of his throat tightens slightly.
“And… alone. I was the sole person in the cold universe.”
Did his voice crack at the end? You can’t say for sure. Your hand travels under the cover to find his, you seize it, the warmth spreading through your palm. You know how it feels and you sympathize with his pain. You would have liked to have someone when it happened to you.
“We are here.” You murmur. “I am here.” You affirm with a reassuring voice.
He squeezes your hand.
“I know.” He closes his eyes. “And I am grateful for it.”
Your heart flutters at those words and a smile grazes your lips. You don’t have the relationship you are hoping for, but you could satisfy yourself in being the friend of this out of the ordinary being. For now. 
“Me too...”
You’re met with silence. You listen and hear a steady breathing. He’s asleep. You hold his hand, putting your head against his shoulder and let a single tear rolling down your cheek.
You squeeze his hand, intertwining your fingers.
You will never be satisfied by it. Never. You will need to cut ties with him and keep your distance or your heart will bleed everyday.
You kiss him on the cheek, taking your resolution, tearing your heart apart. 
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@bluechiss, @al-astakbar
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wphostzone · 18 days
What is Web Hosting? Discover Types, Key Factors, & 2024’s 12 Best Web Hosting Platforms.
Web hosting—the physical presence of your website on the internet—is essential for your online business. Without dependable web hosting, you jeopardize your capacity to run your business and meet your consumers’ expectations.
Understanding web hosting and how it works can be difficult, particularly for people who are unfamiliar with the notion. This article will clearly describe web hosting, explain the many types of web hosting plans available, and outline the essential factors to consider when selecting a hosting company.
What is web hosting?
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Web hosting uses internet-facing hardware and software to provide web services to end users. It is where your website and services are stored, processed, and delivered.
At its most fundamental, web hosting consists of secure internet interfaces and communications, computer server hardware and storage, web server software, and content (text, pictures, audio/video).
However, most web hosting solutions also include database servers, content management systems, e-commerce tools, security and authentication, and other applications required for websites to function and remain secure.
The web hosting sector is critical and is expected to increase by more than 20% year between 2024 and 2028.
How much does web hosting cost?
Hosting charges vary, typically based on capabilities. You may pay $10 per month for a simple billboard-style website to market your business online, or much more if you run a successful e-commerce store with thousands of clients.
To successfully select web hosting that works for you, you simply need to understand your goals and how to translate them into hosting requirements.
Types of Web Hosting
Shared hosting.
Dedicated Hosting
VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting
Cloud hosting
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kochivamarketing · 6 months
Work Now Before It's Too Late
The job market is more competitive than ever, with increasing automation and a rapidly changing technological landscape. If you don't take action now to upskill and future-proof your career, you risk being left behind. The time to act is now - work on yourself before it's too late.
One of the best ways to gain an edge is to do online courses to expand your skillset. Learning new skills makes you more valuable and adaptable in today's dynamic workforce. Two areas that are particularly wise to focus on are foreign languages and information technology (IT).
Learning a foreign language opens up exciting new career opportunities as businesses become increasingly global. Being multilingual allows you to communicate with international clients, give your company a competitive advantage, and make yourself indispensable. Whether it's Spanish, German, Arabic, or French language, adding this feather to your cap futureproofs your professional prospects.
IT skills are also essential in our tech-driven world. Every industry now utilizes technology in core operations. By upskilling in IT, you gain incredibly marketable skills that companies desperately need. Expertise in areas like cybersecurity, data analytics, programming, and cloud computing can open doors to rewarding and future-proof careers.
One excellent online platform to upskill yourself in languages and IT is Kochiva. Kochiva offers a wide range of high-quality, instructor-led courses that are affordable and flexible. Their foreign language programs cover popular languages with customized curriculums. Their IT courses teach in-demand skills like Python, AWS, data science, and more from industry experts.
Don't let the world pass you by. Invest in your future through online learning before it's too late. Take action today by enrolling in Kochiva courses to upskill in foreign languages and IT. Embrace lifelong learning to remain competitive and keep your career secure in our rapidly changing world.
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arzelace · 1 month
5 Trends in ICT
Exploring the 5 ICT Trends Shaping the Future The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) landscape is evolving at a rapid pace, driven by advancements that are transforming how we live, work, and interact. Here are five key trends in ICT that are making a significant impact:
1. Convergence of Technologies
Technologies are merging into integrated systems, like smart devices that combine communication, media, and internet functions into one seamless tool. This trend enhances user experience and drives innovation across various sectors
Convergence technologies merge different systems, like smartphones combining communication and computing, smart homes using IoT, telemedicine linking healthcare with telecom, AR headsets overlaying digital on reality, and electric vehicles integrating AI and renewable energy.
2. Social Media
Social media platforms are central to modern communication and marketing, offering real-time interaction and advanced engagement tools. New features and analytics are making these platforms more powerful for personal and business use.
Social media examples linked to ICT trends include Facebook with cloud computing, TikTok using AI for personalized content, Instagram focusing on mobile technology, LinkedIn applying big data analytics, and YouTube leading in video streaming.
3. Mobile Technologies
Mobile technology is advancing with faster 5G networks and more sophisticated devices, transforming how we use smartphones and tablets. These improvements enable new applications and services, enhancing connectivity and user experiences.
Mobile technologies tied to ICT trends include 5G for high-speed connectivity, mobile payment apps in fintech, wearables linked to IoT, AR apps like Pokémon GO, and mobile cloud storage services like Google Drive.
4. Assistive Media
Assistive media technologies improve accessibility for people with disabilities, including tools like screen readers and voice recognition software. These innovations ensure that digital environments are navigable for everyone, promoting inclusivity.
Assistive media examples linked to ICT trends include screen readers for accessibility, AI-driven voice assistants, speech-to-text software using NLP, eye-tracking devices for HCI, and closed captioning on video platforms for digital media accessibility.
5. Cloud Computing
Cloud computing allows for scalable and flexible data storage and application hosting on remote servers. This trend supports software-as-a-service (SaaS) models and drives advancements in data analytics, cybersecurity, and collaborative tools.
Cloud computing examples related to ICT trends include AWS for IaaS, Google Drive for cloud storage, Microsoft Azure for PaaS, Salesforce for SaaS, and Dropbox for file synchronization.
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Submitted by: Van Dexter G. Tirado
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rosiemaesworld · 2 months
1. **Convergence**:
- **Definition**: Convergence in ICT refers to the integration of multiple technologies, platforms, or services into a single, cohesive system.
- **Example**: Smartphones that combine telephone, internet browsing, email, GPS, and multimedia functions.
- **Impact**: It leads to more versatile devices and systems, simplifying user experience and increasing efficiency by reducing the need for multiple, separate devices.
2. **Social Media**:
- **Definition**: Social media consists of online platforms that facilitate the creation, sharing, and interaction with content and user-generated content in virtual communities.
- **Example**: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.
- **Impact**: Social media has revolutionized communication and information sharing, influencing personal interactions, marketing strategies, public relations, and even political campaigns.
3. **Mobile Technologies**:
- **Definition**: Mobile technologies encompass portable devices and the infrastructure that enables wireless communication and internet access.
- **Example**: Smartphones, tablets, wearable devices like smartwatches.
- **Impact**: These technologies enable users to access information, communicate, and perform various tasks from virtually anywhere, enhancing connectivity and productivity.
4. **Assistive Media**:
- **Definition**: Assistive media includes tools and technologies designed to help individuals with disabilities access and use ICT effectively.
- **Example**: Screen readers for the visually impaired, voice recognition software, alternative input devices.
- **Impact**: Assistive media ensures accessibility and inclusivity, allowing people with disabilities to participate fully in the digital world, improving their quality of life and opportunities for education and employment.
5. **Cloud Computing**:
- **Definition**: Cloud computing involves delivering computing services—such as storage, processing power, and applications—over the internet, rather than from local servers or personal devices.
- **Example**: Google Drive, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- **Impact**: Cloud computing offers scalable, flexible, and cost-effective resources, enhancing collaboration, data accessibility, and operational efficiency for both individuals and organizations.
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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Let us learn from our past struggles, in the USA and in Malaysia. May Day should be an occasion to reflect not jubilate, to engage not agonize, to demand not relent, and to organise, not complain. We need systemic change that can guarantee equality, fraternity, self-management and socialisation of the commonwealth, guided by a bottom–up approach to decision making. We need a labour movement that is multicultural and international, feminist, active in urban and rural struggles, and that prizes reason over superstition, justice over hierarchy, self-management over state power, international solidarity over nationalism. We need to fight for a universal human community, not parochialism and separatism. The organisational power and strategic location of the Malaysian union movement provides an excellent point of departure for building this counter-movement. This is our appeal and message as we celebrate this May Day, on the eve of dark days in which the storm clouds gather over humanity – but in which the light of hope of a better future can break through, if we arm ourselves with the correct ideas and approaches. May Day began as an example of globalisation-from-below. Let us rally to it. Let us take back its original vision: liberty, equality, unity.
May Day, popularly known as international workers day, started with a historic fight for decent working hours that culminated in the execution of four trade unionists in Chicago, United States, in November 1887. This was a decisive moment in the struggle for a just society through militant trade unionism. May Day was globalised from 1889 by the workers’ movement, being held in China from 1919, and in Malaysia from 1921. Today it remains a key day of reference – but its roots and aims are often forgotten.
May Day commemorations can be a platform to harness the power of the working class and poor into a counter-movement for social protection and changed society. Ordinary people worldwide face ecological problems, economic crisis, massive unemployment, low wages, denials of right to freedom of association, vulnerable, informal work and sub-contracting, suffering as immigrants– all in the context of destructive market competition and the rule of self-serving politicians and bosses.
Solutions do not lie in reformed capitalism or in the free market: the problems humanity faces have gotten worse. Capitalism adversely affects working class communities and their livelihoods; states act to enforce these horrors with laws and guns.
In Malaysia, this destruction is manifested in an ecological crisis expressed in disasters such as flooding that displaces tens of thousands, police brutality against picketing workers (like the National Union of Tobacco Industry), and a massive gap between rich and poor, powerful and powerless. Unions need to be central to the fight to win social protection floors, decent conditions and a better future for the Malaysian working family.
This article draws attention to the alternative: the “anarchist” ethos of firstly, building a working and poor people’s counter-culture to unravel the dominant class culture in society; and secondly, building a counter-power from below, that draws its energy from the trade unions and workers, the unemployed, the poor and the peasantry (small farmers), to fight to change the world for the better.
Let us start by looking at what the “Chicago Martyrs” died for – and then at the historical role and the future potential of Malaysian trade unions in the fight for justice and equality.
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techhy-simpson · 3 months
Smart Growth: Cost-Saving Expansion Tactics for Startups
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For any growing startup, scaling up in a cost-effective way is a dream and a dilemma. These young businesses aim to boost their reach and operations. The big question is: Can they increase their team size without burning through their budget? This is where staff augmentation comes in. It's a practical, flexible method that lets startups grow without breaking the bank.
A Look at Startup Expansion Pitfalls
Take a fictional startup, ByteWave, as a case in point. Three university pals had a fantastic idea for a cloud-based service and ByteWave was born. After a year, their user base ballooned to 50,000. This explosive growth brought a heap of operational headaches. ByteWave's tiny 12-member team was swamped, battling to stay afloat amidst demands for customer support, software updates, and fresh feature rollouts.
Traditional hiring seemed the logical move. However, it's a costly option. The Society for Human Resource Management estimates the average cost of recruiting a new U.S. worker is $4,129, taking an average of 42 days. For a startup like ByteWave, this approach was simply out of reach in terms of time and budget.
The Benefits of Staff Augmentation
Staff augmentation is a far more efficient solution. It gives startups the flexibility to temporarily hire skilled personnel for key roles. ByteWave could quickly bring in specialist developers and customer service agents for specific projects. This gave the founders the ability to dynamically scale their team, tackling particular problems without the delays and costs of full-time recruitment.
A Smart Financial Move
Staff augmentation brings significant savings. Deloitte's research shows businesses can save as much as 30% in labor costs by adopting flexible staffing models. These cost cuts result from reduced essential overheads like benefits, office space, and training costs. Plus, it speeds up time-to-market. Deloitte's study also discovered projects are completed 20-25% quicker with staff augmentation, giving startups a crucial competitive edge.
Success Stories
Numerous real-world examples demonstrate how startups have used staff augmentation effectively:
Airbnb: To boost user appeal, Airbnb brought in freelance photographers to produce quality property listings, enhancing the platform's appeal without having to recruit full-time photographers.
Slack: During a critical period of rapid growth, Slack used remote contractors to provide 24/7 customer support, avoiding the costs of a large, permanent team.
Uber: Expanding into new locations, Uber used local contractors for tasks such as driver onboarding and market research, allowing fast growth without the long-term overheads of permanent local staffing.
Steps to Implement Staff Augmentation
If you're a startup considering staff augmentation, follow these practical steps:
Be Transparent: Define the needed skills and roles. This helps you find the right talent.
Choose Wisely: Partner with reliable staffing agencies or platforms that are familiar with your industry. They can quickly hook you up with vetted professionals.
Foster a Team Spirit: Treat augmented staff as integral team members. Make sure they attend meetings, have the necessary tools and keep communication lines open.
Be Clear: Set out the scope, deadlines, and deliverables for each project. This ensures all parties are on the same page and promotes effective collaboration.
Share Knowledge: Ensure the knowledge and experience that the temporary staff bring is shared with your permanent team.
Challenge Navigation
Staff augmentation, while beneficial, is not without its obstacles. Here's how to address them:
Building the Team: Temporary staff might not naturally fit into your company culture. To bridge this gap, include them in team activities and clearly communicate your values and aims.
Maintaining Standards: Keep high-quality work by setting clear quality benchmarks, and conducting regular work reviews.
Data Protection: Safeguard critical information with strict NDAs and limit access to crucial systems.
Employee Relations: Permanent team members might feel uneasy about temporary staff. Be clear about the roles of augmented staff and stress that they are an additional resource, not a threat to the core team.
The Way Forward
The move towards flexible work arrangements is increasing. An Upwork study predicts that by 2028, 73% of all teams will include remote workers. This factors make staff augmentation an appealing option for startups. Tools for remote project management and communication like Trello, Asana, and Slack are helping facilitate this shift, allowing efficient collaboration regardless of location.
Staff augmentation can be a lifesaver for startups trying to expand while preserving their budgets. It permits them to bring in specialized skills as needed, accelerate growth, and compete effectively without long-term financial commitments.
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Top GCP Certification For Beginners To Consider In 2024
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In 2024, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) continues to dominate the cloud computing landscape with its robust set of services and solutions. For beginners looking to establish a career in cloud technology, obtaining GCP certifications is a strategic move. These certifications validate expertise in various GCP services, enhancing credibility and opening doors to lucrative career opportunities.
Why Choose GCP Certifications?
Career Advantages
GCP certifications are recognized globally and are highly valued by employers across industries. They validate skills in cloud architecture, data engineering, machine learning, and more, making certified professionals indispensable in today’s digital economy. With cloud adoption accelerating, companies are actively seeking GCP-certified professionals to drive their digital transformation initiatives.
Comprehensive Certification Options
Google offers a range of GCP certifications tailored to different job roles and skill levels:
1. Associate Cloud Engineer
The Associate Cloud Engineer certification is ideal for beginners aiming to demonstrate proficiency in deploying applications, monitoring operations, and managing enterprise solutions on GCP. It establishes a solid foundation in cloud architecture and infrastructure.
2. Professional Cloud Architect
For professionals aspiring to design and deploy dynamic and scalable GCP solutions, the Professional Cloud Architect certification is paramount. It covers advanced concepts such as security, compliance, and high availability.
3. Data Engineer
The Data Engineer certification focuses on designing and building data processing systems on GCP. It equips individuals with skills in data transformation, loading, and processing that are crucial in today’s data-driven enterprises.
4. Cloud Developer
The Cloud Developer certification validates proficiency in designing, building, and deploying applications on GCP. It emphasizes skills in application development, debugging, and performance optimization using Google technologies.
Preparation Tips for GCP Certification Exams
Achieving GCP certifications requires diligent preparation:
– Hands-on Experience
Practice using GCP services through labs and real-world scenarios to familiarize yourself with the platform’s features and functionalities.
– Official Study Materials
Utilize Google’s official training resources, including online courses, practice exams, and documentation, to gain comprehensive knowledge of exam objectives.
– Community Support
Engage with the GCP community through forums, study groups, and social media channels to exchange insights, tips, and best practices with fellow learners and professionals.
Career Growth and Opportunities
Earning GCP certifications not only enhances technical skills but also opens doors to a wide array of career opportunities:
High-demand Skills: Companies seek GCP-certified professionals for roles such as cloud architect, solutions engineer, and data analyst, offering competitive salaries and career advancement prospects.
Industry Recognition: GCP certifications validate expertise in cutting-edge cloud technologies, boosting credibility and marketability in the job market.
Continuous Learning: GCP certifications require ongoing learning and skill development, keeping professionals abreast of industry trends and innovations.
In conclusion, GCP certifications are indispensable for beginners looking to establish a successful career in cloud computing. Whether aiming to become an Associate Cloud Engineer, Professional Cloud Architect, Data Engineer, or Cloud Developer, these certifications validate expertise and open doors to lucrative career opportunities in 2024 and beyond.
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unboxxlearning · 4 months
Are you ready to take your business to new heights with #Salesforce and #AI? Let us introduce #UnboxxTechnologies, your premier #AIfirstSalesforceConsultingPartner.
At #Unboxx Technologies, we offer comprehensive 360-degree digital transformation services centered around the Salesforce platform. Our expertise extends to seamless integrations with other major platforms such as hashtag#GoogleCloud, #AWS, and
Here’s a snapshot of the core services we provide:
1. #BusinessGrowth :
Leverage Salesforce Sales Cloud for efficient lead management and drive your business growth.
2. #CustomerSupport:
Automate and enhance your customer support with Salesforce Service Cloud to provide exceptional service to your clients.
3. #UserCommunityPortals:
Create robust community portals with Salesforce Experience Cloud for industries like insurance, healthcare, and property management.
4. #SalesandMarketing:
Manage comprehensive marketing activities with Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Pardot, connecting all your platforms for a 360-degree view of your data.
5. #SupportServices:
From auditing your tech stack to providing end-to-end Salesforce managed services, we offer flexible support options tailored to your needs. Our onshore and offshore Salesforce resources come with dedicated project managers to ensure optimal value.
With a diverse portfolio and a track record of serving various clients, hashtag#UnboxxTechnologies is here to discuss your next project. Let’s transform your business together!
🔗 Connect with us today and stay tuned for more insights on #AI and #Salesforce.
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lisabieries · 4 months
The Best Screen Recorders with Audio for Your PC
Recording your screen along with audio can be a game-changer for creating tutorials, recording gameplay, or conducting online classes. Having the right screen recorder that captures both video and audio seamlessly is essential for producing high-quality content. Let’s explore some of the best options available, highlighting ScreenRec for its efficiency and ease of use, along with other noteworthy tools.
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What Makes a Great Screen Recorder with Audio?
When selecting a screen recorder with audio capabilities, consider the following:
Ease of Use: The tool should be intuitive and user-friendly.
Video and Audio Quality: High-definition video and clear audio without lag or desynchronization.
Editing Features: Tools for basic to advanced editing of your recordings.
Sharing Options: Easy and secure sharing capabilities.
Cost: Evaluate the balance between features offered and affordability.
Top Screen Recorders with Audio for PC
ScreenRec: ScreenRec stands out for its simplicity and powerful features. It allows you to capture high-quality video and audio effortlessly. One of its best features is instant sharing through a secure cloud link, which is perfect for quick communication and collaboration. ScreenRec is free, with unlimited recording time once you create a free account, making it a budget-friendly choice. Its user-friendly interface ensures that even non-tech-savvy users can start recording with ease. Additionally, ScreenRec encrypts all recordings, ensuring that your data remains secure.
OBS Studio: Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Studio is a free and open-source screen recording tool known for its extensive features and customizability. It's particularly popular among gamers and live streamers for its ability to handle multiple sources and live stream directly to platforms like Twitch and YouTube. OBS Studio supports high-quality video and audio recording but comes with a steeper learning curve due to its vast array of features.
Camtasia: Camtasia is a premium screen recording tool that offers a comprehensive suite of editing features, such as annotations, transitions, and effects. It's perfect for creating polished, professional videos. Camtasia supports both screen and audio recording, making it a great choice for producing detailed tutorials and marketing videos. Despite its higher price tag, its advanced capabilities make it a worthwhile investment for those who need detailed editing options.
Bandicam: Bandicam is favored for its ability to record high-quality video, particularly for gameplay. It supports high FPS recording and includes features like real-time drawing and webcam overlay. Bandicam also supports audio recording, capturing both system sound and microphone input. It’s ideal for users who prioritize video quality and detailed recording options.
ShareX: ShareX is a free, open-source screen recorder that offers various capture methods, including full screen, window, and region. It also provides a range of editing and sharing tools. ShareX supports audio recording, though setting it up might require some additional steps compared to more user-friendly tools like ScreenRec. ShareX is suitable for users who appreciate customization and don’t mind a bit of a learning curve.
Why ScreenRec Stands Out
ScreenRec excels in providing a seamless recording experience with minimal setup. Its user-friendly interface ensures that even those who aren't tech-savvy can start recording with ease. The instant sharing feature, combined with secure cloud storage, ensures that your recordings are always accessible and easy to distribute. For users needing a reliable, no-cost solution that doesn’t compromise on features, ScreenRec is an excellent choice.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right screen recorder with audio capabilities depends on your specific needs. If you’re looking for a simple, effective, and free tool, ScreenRec is highly recommended. For more advanced features and professional editing, Camtasia and Bandicam are excellent options. OBS Studio and ShareX provide powerful features for free, though they come with a learning curve. Regardless of your choice, having a reliable screen recorder will enhance your productivity and communication.
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