#Clothing Design
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bonesmarinated · 2 days ago
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Laurence the Faithless Pagan, atm im enjoy drawing this guy very very much
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arium-db · 1 day ago
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Merch designs for the newest longform “the final baker of baker street” ! (Can you tell i just rediscovered the liquify tool after forgetting it exists for like a year?)
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sometiktoksarevalid · 4 months ago
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shopwitchvamp · 1 year ago
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“Omg, I love these! They go up to size 6X AND they have pockets?! Wow!! But do you have anything longer?”
Sure do, no problem!!
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“YES these are great!!! But what about.. longer?”
I gotcha!! Comin’ right up!
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“Perfect! But I have just one more question… what if I’m feeling spicy? How about skirts that are even shorter than the first ones?!”
Oh, you’re in luck! We’ve got minis now.
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*wild cheering*
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kindaasrikal · 3 months ago
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Zane and Cole’s hoodies are here!
These two I seriously struggled with, mainly because they don’t have a lot of unique designs with any of their gi’s or other clothing
After a while I’d say I’m quite happy with Zane’s, but I’m still not sure about a lot of features on Cole’s hoodie. Mainly on the hood and back.
I’d love to get a lot of recommendations on Cole’s hoodie and its design, and i think I’ll keep going back and editing it.
Overall though, my favourite has to be Zane’s.
The next hoodies I’m gonna make is Lloyd’s and Nya’s, and then Harumi and Morro.
Edit: AGSJEBW I FORGOT THE NECK OART OF COLES HOODIE, plus i changed the colours ti darker shades!
Links to kai and jays hoodies underneath:
Take this instead
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clowns0up-felix · 7 months ago
REVERSAL OF FATE (totk au by clowns0up) [#reversal of fate clowns0up]
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I was thinking about what would change for Zelda if it comes to armor sets
I think it’d make the most sense for most of them to stay the same, bc in my head it doesn’t make sense for different clothes to appear just because Zelda is there?
Maybe it could be implemented that she got some made for her between botw and totk idk
But sets like the Zora and Gerudo Set should, in my mind, definitely be altered or at least explained. (Example: the Zora set is made to fit Link exactly, so it’d be too small for Zelda. There’d have to be an obvious change so she can wear it still)
ALSO!! This blog already reached 100 followers! Idk if that’s something people point out on tumblr but I was really happy so I’m saying thank you anyway!!!
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s-u-w-i · 17 days ago
Guys, guys! If I were to design a sweater which idea would you choose? Sorry, for the messy sketches - it's gonna look prettier in the end!
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Thank you! ( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ
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mahoganyrust · 7 months ago
@frosti-moon “Both of them wearing (mostly) historically accurate Norse clothes? I love seeing how different artists design those.”
I may have gone overboard…messy in some places but that’s bc I was impatient to draw the frost idfk-
Here we have Chief Hiccup and Winter Spirit Jack
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Nice throwback to my God of War days for inspo. Hiccup’s a bit of a mix of Kratos/Odin/Tyr while Jack is a mix of Baldur/Freya + Pandora from the old games.
I swear to all that is good, if someone calls him Jokul Frosti one more time I’m gonna rant- Actually fuck it ima rant in advance.
People really like the idea of Jack being “Jokul Frosti”, especially if they are exploring concepts with an old setting where Jack is further back in time. I loved it when I first came across it because duh pretty awesome. And ofc many believe that is where the name “Jack Frost” derived from. It’s cool. However, I have since done enough research to decide this isn’t very accurate.
In Norse mythology the God of wind and voice, Kari, has two sons. Some sources say otherwise and that it’s just one son - Jokul Frosti, but fuck that, my sources are older.
Kari has *two* sons - Jokul AND Frosti. They were two bros. Their names mean Icicle and Frost. Jokul went on to have a bunch of kids who were all very winter themed. It also makes more sense bc (especially in Norse stuff) it’s very odd to come across a mythological figure with two names. Think of all the gods you know, MOST are going by one. Plus it’s weird…like why is his name two things? Icicle Frost? What? Pick one. Brev it don’t make sense. It don’t add up. Most minor Norse gods are having just the one main brand right? (The big dogs like Odin, Freya, Freyr etc etc usually have side hustles tho, but we ain’t talking about them).
So what I think has happened is that somewhere down the line, probably through oral conversation, the two brothers and their names got merged into one person. Then after the merge, Jack Frost came about, hence our predicament.
Like- ya’ll do wut ya want but I personally think the Winter Twins are a better idea for our fan stuff. In my headcanon (and in my fic) they are more like Jack’s wacky adopted-uncle-types that left him their power after they kicked the bucket cos they thought he was a pretty cool mortal. Like Manny brought him back but like- so did they at the same time. Double whammy. Anyways. ✌️thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.
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catboymoments · 1 year ago
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I’m really not sure why this took me a week but here’s a little tutorial on how I design clothes for characters ??? I hope it’s somewhat comprehensive, making tutorials can be hard for me because I have so much to say LOL
While I used a preexisting show in this example, this method can really be applied to any oc universe or story as long as you establish the basics :]
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everestblue · 10 months ago
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Sundew clothing, based off Ashigaru, Japanese light infantry! The helmet is called a jingasa, and the straw raincoat a mino. I headcanon that the poisonwings lop off their horns when drafted into the military, to make it easier to fit helmets onto their heads, to use the horns for composite bows, and for a symbolic reason as well. I also like the idea of Pantalan dragons using primitive fire arms, though not quite effective enough to completely phase out melee weapons and bows.
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bonesmarinated · 16 days ago
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got the itch to draw some outfit so i dig up a vampire character i drew 7 years ago, never used him much for anything (ended up hand it over to my friend for their Vampire The Masquerade gameplay) I made this guy originally as a fur trader from the 18th century but now revamp him to a much older bygone era. His origin trace back to a Germanic tribe, possibly Saxon, born somewhere in the 7th century. His Middle English name is Laurence. He’s a filthy rich furrier who likes wearing fur, gris, wolf,  marten, fitch, ermine, miniver, you name it he got it.
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froggybogwitch · 4 months ago
Well then. Buckle up, folks, I went down a design rabbit hole. Somewhat inspired by the eternal question of "How do illyrian's wear shirts?" Which, honestly, has a much easier answer that what I came up with. Like a couple extra buttons would have done the trick, but where's the fun in that? I decided to add some flair on it, and by that, i mean a good chunk of a cultural fashion system. Everybody say thank you to Cassian for modelling.
So, starting off with the base layers and underwear, we've got a loincloth and a contraption that I've been calling the under harness, which was my answer to their funky double shoulders. Most other things I could think of ran into the problem that wind is a little thieving bastard and bc of the shape of their wings, form fitting garments like flying leathers can't easily pass under them, so they needed additional attachment points, hence the harness. Basically every single upper body garment I've created connects to this harness, keeping everything completely secure during flight. The only other thing to really note here are the two piercings around the wing's main knuckle. This shouldn't actually impede flying, according to the damage that real bats can fly with. These are both achor points for light weight armor, and also decoration. In the next image, we got the basic fabric base layer. Not much to say about the pants, they're pants. The shirt is more interesting. So it comes in two pieces, the front and back are entirely seperate pieces of fabric, both suspended from the under harness. The edges of the front piece are stiffened with steel boning or hardened leather, to help the garment keep it's form fitted shape. The back piece is a long strip of red fabric which I imagined to hold some sort of meaning as a highly stylized "bloodline." They could have been highly embroided with sigils, or family trees or something. Cassian's is blank for obvious reasons.
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Next up, flying leathers and armor. I don't honestly have much to say about these, they're pretty well described in the books and the only thing i had to add was the armor around the knuckle claw. It seems crazy to me that these people wouldn't have figured out how to use their wings as deadly weapons so, a bit of hardened leather, some metal spikes if ur feeing extra spicy, and there, two extra striking weapons.
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And now my favorite part, warmer clothes. I think this is where we'd really get to see illyrian fibercraft shine. Ombre dying, tassles, lace netting, embroidery, all of that. This is where they get to peacock about and be all bright and colourful. The cloak is made up of five long sections of fabric, two fall down the chest, two behind the shoulders but in front of the wings, and on wide one down the back. It can be worn loose or with the front most pieces of fabring tied underneath the wings for extra security during flight.
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The mantle is the last bit I've developped, and it's just as decorated and fancy as the cloak, and sometimes even more so. It's a short cloak like garment that's worn over the shoulder and has open sleeves for both arms and wings. It's often fur linned and could be quilted for exra warmth. It could be worn with or without a cloak but usually they're worn together.
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anyway, I have so many thoughts about the illyrian culture, bc what Sarah gave us ... doesn't really make much sense, and also makes me feel extremely icky. I'd much rather close my eyes and imagine a world where they aren't treated as a one dimentional culture that has done nothing but make it's members lives miserable.
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sometiktoksarevalid · 1 year ago
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shopwitchvamp · 2 years ago
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"Omg, I love these! They go up to size 6X AND they have pockets?! Wow!! But do you have anything longer?"
Sure do, no problem!!
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"YES these are great!!! But what about.. longer?"
I gotcha!! Comin' right up!
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"Now that's what I'm talkin' about! But... how about if I'm feeling like it's the kinda day where I need my clothing to be bifurcated???"
Never fear, joggers are here!
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*wild cheering*
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snejkha · 11 months ago
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And some clothing designs for these//
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