#Clostridium perfingens
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cilginfizikcilervbi · 2 years ago
Aç Bakteriler Daha Fazla Zehir Üretiyor
Aç Bakteriler Daha Fazla Zehir Üretiyor Gıda zehirlenmesinin başlıca nedenlerinden biri de Clostridium perfingens isimli bakteridir. Bu bakterinin çoğaldığı bir yiyecek yendiğinde, bir kaç saat içinde Niğde ve bağırsak rahatsızlığı yaşanabilir. Bu bakteri bağırsaktaki hücreleri delerek ishale yol açar. Endistüriyel tavukçulukta da bu bakteri tehlike saçar. Yılda 6 milyar dolarlık zarara neden…
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schlauemaus · 27 days ago
Clostridium perfringens
Erreger: Clostridium perfingens Typ A/C (Typ abhängig welche Majortoxine gebildet werden), grampositiv, Gas-, Sporen- u. Toxinbildner Sporen sehr resistent gegen Hitze, UV-Strahlung u. Desinfektionsmittel andere Clostridien: C. septicum, C. chauvoei, C. perfingens A -> Wundinfektionen
Typ A Teil normaler Darmflora
Fäkal-orale Aufnahme
Vermehrung in Jejunum u. Ileum
Bildung v. Alpha-Toxin (Majortoxin) u. Beta2-Toxin (Minortoxin) -> sekretorischer Durchfall (Mechanismus noch nicht ganz geklärt)
Typ C
Fäkal-orale Aufnahme
Anheftung an Jejunumzotten
Vermehrung Bildung v. Alpha- u. Betatoxin (Majortoxine), Beta2-Toxin (Minortoxin)
Zerstörung v. Epithelzellen -> tiefe, hämorrhagische Schleimhautnekrosen, zerstörte Zottenstruktur -> Durchfall wg. Malabsorption, Toxämie möglich
Symptome Prädisponierend: Management- u. Hygienefehler, Probleme bei Kolostrumversorgung, Stallklimamängel, andere Erreger
Typ A milderer Verlauf
Saugferkeldurchfall (ab 1. Lebenstag): cremig-pastös oft mit Schleim, selten mit Blut
verschmutzte Perianalgegend
Haufenlage, Zittern
raues Borstenkleid
Typ C Nekrotisierende Enteritis
perakut: plötzliches Versterben wg. Toxämie
Saugferkeldurchfall (in erster Lebenswoche): schaumig, wässrig, übelriechend, blutig
Apathie u. Inappetenz
Mortalität bis 100%
chronisch: (intermittierender) Durchfall gelblich, wässrig, schaumig ohne Blur, aber mit Schleimhautfetzen (Konsistenz grieselig) + Kümmern
Enterohämorrhagisches Syndrom (EHS) verursacht durch Clostridien + Hefen + schlechte Fütterungshygiene
(per)akuter Verlauf va. bei Mastschweinen u. Sauen -> Tympanie Magen-Darmtrakt bis Torsio mesenterialis möglich
Typ A: kaum Veränderungen, evtl. Zottenspitzennekrosen/-verkürzung Typ C perakut: Dünndarm ödematisiert u. schwarzrot, Blut im Lumen, hämorrhagische Schleimhautläsionen, Gasbildung in Darmwand akut: Dünndarm (va Jejeunum) mit hellgelben, nekrotischen Schleimhautbelägen, evtl. tiefe Nekrosen chronisch: Darmwand verdickt u. brüchig, Schleimhaut mit fest aufsitzenden nekrotischen Belägen
Direkter Erregernachweis:
Probenmaterial: besser Dünndarminhalt, Kottupfer auch möglich mittels anaerober Kultur -> PCR mit Majortoxintypisierung PCR findet nur Genabschnitte -> keine Aussage, ob Toxine tatsächlich produziert werden bzw. wieviel Alternative: Kultur -> in vitro Toxinnachweis mittels ELISA
Rein-Raus-Verfahren, Schwarz-Weiß-Bereiche
korrekte Reinigung u. Desinfektion (Peressigsäure sollte auch gegen Sporen wirken)
Sauen vor Abferkelung waschen
Gesonderte Schuhe f. Durchfallboxen
hygienisch einwandfreie Zufütterung (Milchaustauscher)
regelmäßig Kot entfernen
korrekte Ferkelnesttemperatur (32 Grad bei Geburt), keine Zugluft
Kolostrumversorgung gewährleisten
Impfung: A + C (Toxoidimpfstoff), C in Kombi mit ETEC od. stallspezifisch Muttersauimpfung in Hochträchtigkeit -> Bildung kolostraler Antikörper
korrekte Jungsaueneingliederng
Sauengesundheit kontrollieren, PPDS vorbeugen
korrekte Sauenfütterung (Vorbeugen Mineralstoffmängel)
bei Bedarf Wurfausgleich
ausreichendes Wasserangebot an Muttersau
Antibiose Interpretation klassisches Antibiogramm nicht möglich (es fehlen clinical break points -> kein Rückschluss aus Wirkung in vivo möglich)
intraperitoneale Applikation körperwarmer Glukoselösung
evtl. NSAIDs
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goatvetoz · 6 months ago
Enterotoxaemia caused by Clostridium perfingens type D While this is in lambs- kids are the same.  Vaccinate your kids at least by 4 weeks and again a month later.
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sandcreekfarm · 4 years ago
Keep This Baby Goat Poop Chart To React In Time
Raising animals is somewhat similar to raising babies as it is almost impossible to communicate verbally with them. Hence, it is challenging to know whether they are doing well. However, you might not know that goat’s poop can tell a lot about their health. By understanding and applying the baby goat poop chart below into your farming, we hope to help you save a lot of medical expenses as early detection is better than cure.
Baby goat poop chart
There are a lot of changes in baby goat’s poop during their first weeks old, hence, it is important to keep your eyes on it to detect any potential problems, then treat them properly.
1. Normal baby goat poop
This is your baby goat’s first stools after birth. It is usually experienced between 0 and 48 hours old and considered absolutely common. They are very dark, almost black, and thick. They look very sticky and come without a smell.
Yellow pudding poop
It occurs between 1 and 14 days old. This means your baby goats are fine. Their poop consists of yellow and thick pellet logs because their diet includes only pure milk. Remember to sanitize the anal area of dried poop as the poop might clog up the works. Just like meconium, it is very sticky but smells like soured milk.
Yellow, grape clusters
If your baby goats are about 10 to 20 days old, you will see this. Do not freak out because it is also found normal. The goat poop now will change from pudding poops into yellow berries due to the development of the digestive system. The color could also be brownish as now they start to consume grain and hay.
Brown berries
You will probably see this when your baby goats turn 2-4 weeks old or older. And it is normal, no worries. Miniature brown berries are a signal to tell you that your babies are at the end of the adult goat pooping.
2. Abnormal baby goat poop
Yellow, watery scours
If your baby goats experience this between 1 and 14 days old, you know they are in trouble. This is a symptom of watery diarrhea, caused by extra-rich milk, or excess consumption of milk per feeding or milk replacer. A consequence is your goats dehydrate quickly.
A way to treat this is to prevent oversupply by reducing the amount of milk per feeding until the scours cease. Or provide another alternative to milk replacer. It is advised to employ ones made for goats, rather than those for all stock or cow.
The good news is no medication is required. If the situation persists, consult a vet immediately.
Profuse bright yellow or green watery scours
It usually arrives after the green diarrhea of coccidiosis but can come independently. The fact that the scours are super watery, smelly greenish, or brownish might indicate your goats’ digestive system has been damaged heavily.
If the scours contain blood, the tentative diagnosis now is enterotoxemia, caused by a bacterium called Clostridium perfingens. This bacterium is found in the soil and is not able to damage a healthy digestive system. It often attacks unhealthy goats formerly suffering from coccidiosis or bloat. And the bad news is your goats are in mortal danger.
In this case, oral large doses of CD Antitoxin help profoundly as they will neutralize the toxins produced by the bacteria. Take 10 – 20 cc orally every 4 hours until your goats are better. A better way is to vaccinate your pregnant goats with CDT toxoid at 4 weeks before their labor and vaccinate your goats at 4 weeks to strengthen their immune system to avoid the disease.
Smelly, green diarrhea
Happens at 21 – 30 days old. When seeing this, 90% of your goats are going through coccidiosis infection. This is caused by a tiny single-celled internal parasite that lives in the wall of your goat’s intestine and it is not easily destroyed by deworming pills.
This should be treated instantly and strongly with a prescription for sulfa-based antibiotics, which can remove coccidia parasites, including Sulmet, Di-Methox or Corid. Coccidiosis infection is more dangerous than it might seem. It can cause death or kids being stunted for life as the result of the intestinal lining.
Still, prevention is better than cure. At sharply 21 days old, your goats should be given a sulfa-based antibiotic as the parasites’ life cycle takes 21 days. Wiping them out before they are fully developed is utterly important.
No poop
Though you will mostly see this at 1-14 days old, it can happen anytime. Many goats experience this, yet it is the start of a real issue.
There are three possible causes. They might be born without any anus. Or they are not eating enough or getting good water. Another reason is the first sticky poops cause the blockage, hence the goats suffer constipation. For your information, constipation is one of the major causes of “mysterious deaths” in young kids.
Just like other diseases, this should be treated in a timely manner as toxicity will be created by the unpassed stool in the kid’s system.
Hence, you should mix 1 oz warm water and 1 tsp mineral oil or a drop or two of soap. Then fill a large syringe without a needle or a nasal bulb with such warm water enema. Insert the syringe into anus and slowly push the plunger. Your goats should be able to poop during the next 15 minutes.
Consider repeating the process if the symptom continues and giving them a shot of CD Antitoxin (not the toxoid) or a good dose of Milk of Magnesia.
As you know, a goat’s digestive system is sensitive and easily upset. Hence, be mindful or else, instead of raising a happy and healthy herd of goats, you might end up scratching your head over dealing with goat scours all the time. My advice is to take notes of changes in their poop to prevent unexpected problems. You might also want to keep the baby goat poop chart to react in time.
Source: Keep This Baby Goat Poop Chart To React In Time
source https://sandcreekfarm.net/baby-goat-poop-chart/
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