#Clone conspiracy
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cityscidewalks · 9 months ago
If Kal Skirata knew about the inhibitor chips, he and Vau would have single handedly burned down Kamino and the Empire and adopt every clone after
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alphacomicsvol2 · 6 months ago
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Clone Conspiracy #2 Cover Art by Gabriele Dell'Otto
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samasmith23 · 1 year ago
One element that I always loved about Dan Slott's run on Superior Spider-Man was just how accepting and open-minded Otto Octavius was towards his love-interest Anna Maria Marconi!
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And this element of Otto & Anna Maria’s relationship even carried over to the pages of The Clone Conspiracy event limited series!
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big1ron · 11 months ago
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The art isn’t arting so you get low effort doodles.
As much as we all love the long hair you gotta admit for a period there it was *dire*
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laughhardrunfastbekindsblog · 8 months ago
Cade: "I sent a message to Rampart, gave him the chance to tell the Senate the truth before I did it myself."
Me, instant reaction: WHHHYYYYYYYYYYY WOULD YOU DO THAT???!?!?!? You don't give the powerful bad guy a head start! (adding a note to my list of vital life lessons to teach to my future children)
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hetalianskywalker · 9 months ago
Day 24: Stories
Pairing: Mer Slip x Mer Reader
Summary: You find a very desperate stowaway on your ship.
Author’s Note: Slip is from the Clone Conspiracy episode of The Bad Batch. I could not find a fic of him so here have one. Also the story is inspired by the framing story for 1001 Arabian Nights.
Warnings: Cursing and I think that’s it
Word Count: 742
Prompt: By the time we discover the stowaway, he has already made friends with the ship. I threaten to throw him overboard, and it almost sinks itself in displeasure.
Prompt 3043 by deepwaterwritingprompts.
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By the time you discover the stowaway, he has already made friends with the ship. You threaten to throw him overboard, and it almost sinks itself in displeasure. To say you are pissed is putting it lightly. The Mer clone in question gives you an exhausted, but victorious smirk.
“Looks like you’re stuck with me.” He shrugs, leaning back against the railing. This is what you get for stopping on Coruscant. Ever since the establishment of the empire, they had been less than welcoming of natural Mer. You should have known something would go horribly wrong eventually by continuing to sail there, but a Mer clone stowaway and your ship turning against you!?
“You can’t be serious.” You growl at your ship. “I brought you to life.” It creaks back at you that Slip needed help. You roll your eyes in annoyance before looking back at the Mer clone. He did look worse for wear; the bags under his eyes make him look far older with the beard.
“Slip, right?” You grumble and he nods. “Did you just start talking to my ship when you snuck aboard? Cause it’s obvious you can’t hear it.”
He glares at you for a long moment. The sound of the ship speeding through along the hyper current becomes the only noise in the air. There is no one else on the ship after all.
“I explained my story because I was desperate. I almost got killed by an empire assassin who used to be a mer trooper apparently so forgive me if I’m a bit out of it.” Slip rants through grit teeth; paranoia creeping in. “Oh, and let’s not forget the same assassin killed my best friend in front of me the other day.”
“Skrag.” You blink, giving yourself a moment to digest that. It was definitely the most insane story you’ve ever heard. “How did you get away? And what do you mean by used to be a Mer Trooper?”
You had always been a sucker for a good story. A true sailor at heart in that way. Slip slumps down on the deck and begins going into greater detail. He then suddenly stops right before the end when Captain Rex and a group of other Mer rebels saved him and Senator Chuchi from the assassin.
“Then what?” You demand and Slip evilly grins as he gets to his feet. “You can’t just leave it there!?”
He takes off his gray naval officer hat and you stare a little longer than you should at his slicked back hair and well kept beard.
“Nah, I’ll tell you the rest tomorrow. Good night.” Your jaw drops as you watch him head below deck.
“And you wanted to throw him overboard.” The ship chuckles at you as you get to your feet.
“Fuck off.”
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Slip continues to tell you stories over the next year. Every night he finishes the story from the night before, starts a new one, and stops on a cliffhanger. Many are stories he overheard or happened to him during the war; the remaining ones are stories he heard his Jedi general tell before Order 66. You never threaten to throw him overboard again, always needing to know what happened next.
Over that year, you soon find yourself roped into the Sea Alor’s plan to fight the empire. You, Slip, and your ship mostly do supply runs, but someone has to do the background work. Tonight though, you and Slip are in Mer form as you hear tonight’s tale. The ship is docked in a cove nearby while you both sit on rocks in a lagoon.
“You don’t need to tell me more stories.” You begin slowly. Slip looks at you confused and a bit hurt like his usefulness had just run out. “I want more, but you don’t have to tell them for me to keep you around anymore.” His pure gray fin flicks around in the water, thinking. He then dives in before resurfacing in front of you; your faces inches from each other.
“Do you love me?” You didn’t expect him to ask so directly. One of his claws slides a piece of your hair behind your ear and his sharp teeth reflect the bright moon. It doesn’t go unnoticed by you how he sounds afraid like he did during the night you met him.
“Yes. Do you-” The kiss is soft and quick, but the next one is far longer.
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goalexstark · 11 months ago
Ok so one aspect of Ben’s heel turns that is interesting and I hope gets explored in the upcoming miniseries (Steven foxe actually likes Ben and is the one writing it) is that they both occur in reaction to his autonomy being severely violated.
Yes I will elaborate
His turn as the jackal comes from Warren physically torturing him to death multiple times and forcibly bringing him back against his will and his current status as Chasm comes from beyond violating his mind to the point where his own face in the mirror is something he can’t see. (don’t even get me started on how “he willingly trusted them” is a dubious claim at best. They would have had to calibrate that helmet specifically for his brainwaves and they’re a corporation. They would not do this if they didn’t think they could get away with it.)
This all leads into what I think keeps driving Ben into these heel turns is : an inability to admit when he isn’t in control. In order for him to actually heal (and not just have the symptoms fade), he’d have to actually process and face what’s been done to him for what it was. Which also means he would need to rely on someone else. that’s a tough ask to make of someone whose formative years were spent on the run alone without a consistent support system. who has had his trust taken advantage of on a pretty consistent basis. I’m mostly drawing from some of the lost years and the clone conspiracy tie ins (there’s literally a bit where ock calls him out on how the “cellular degeneration is to keep you in line” thing is bullshit to make him seem in control of things in issue #20. Also reading issue #24 and #22 with lost years issue 0 in mind makes it a great way to close out Ben and warrens relationship.)
His need to seem in control also drives his worst actions during both events too. At the end of clone conspiracy instead of admitting what actually happened, (ock’s vindictive bullshit causing Ben and everyone else to start decaying to dust) his need to seem in control causes him to double down and spread it in the vain belief that he can just revive them later.
Dark web has this too, though it’s harder to see since wells is a shitty writer who needs Madelyn to be the “hero” of the event (don’t get me started on how suspiciously similar Ben’s hallucination and the nightmare that caused her to make that deal are. Seriously don’t) after Ben’s tree rots, just when he’s been abandoned and (at least to him) soon to be discarded and locked up, Janine arrives with Madelyn’s scythe. Right there js the key to keeping them from being separated, from being locked away and forgotten. Peter might have his memories but they’ll have the city and a whole dimension. If they surrender, they’ll be arrested and separated at best so why not go all the way?
All of this leads to the upcoming two issues. ASM #47 and #48, followed by the miniseries (which will hopefully get a full series). Based on the covers and previews, Ben and Janine have reunited and have someone supposedly there to help Ben with his memories who Janine doesn’t trust. Based on the recap text, they likely have to use Peter for part of the restoration. Issue 48 only has the cover but unlike issue 47, Janine is nowhere to be seen. Based on the previews and the fact that the cover shows spidey and Ben fighting, I’m assuming the process fails and something happens to Janine, peter tries to talk but fucks it up (seriously though he sucks at talking to Ben and Janine) and Ben fights/lashes out at him but loses, leading into Chasm curse of Kaine.
Chasm curse of kaine will likely involve his efforts to continue after this devastating defeat. He’s likely to double down and play up the “monster with no remorse or conscience” angle (think faith in 5 by 5) but Kaine knows him better than anyone, even Peter. If anyone can see through Ben’s bullshit, it’s him. Cue them doing an enemy mine (bc they’re bound to have at least one instance of it.)/Kaine helping him get Janine back.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that there is a route to take his character that can make it work. Maybe not perfectly, but there is a way to tie things together and make a path forward to something new.
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mostsanescarletspiderfan · 11 days ago
Oh, Gwen’s Clone Conspiracy reanimation was confirmed at a legit resurrection. All of Ben’s reanimations as it turned out got their souls back provided they were grown of people actually dead.
He also became Death’s new favourite person above Deadpool or Thanos.
So that’s two separate legitimate Gwen Stacy resurrections since 2016 where she died again shortly afterward, for a total of three if this one is real too.
See I don't think she actually came back there because during the judgment day tie-in she doesn't seem to remember what happened there.
Also it's funny how Ben has basically full proof method for immortality but nobody ever talks about it.
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lit-works · 1 year ago
The lost journal of Peter Parker
January 4th, 2016
Gwen explained
Finally, the truth about Gwen Stacy and the second Spider-Man came out into the open. Professor Miles Warren was The Jakal, and he had genetically engineered Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy clones. I stopped him, but a bomb exploded, killing both my clone and Prof. Warren.
Gwen left, leaving behind the city and it's people that believed her dead, to start anew somewhere else.
As for my clone, I don't know why I just tossed the body down that chimney. I was in a state of shock. I couldn't think of anything else to do with it and I couldn't just let the police find it.
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cityscidewalks · 9 months ago
I'm on the clone conspiracy arc and I'm not ready 🥲
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ominouspuff · 1 year ago
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when ur inconsiderate genetic duplicates fake a few deaths and kill a Sith w/out you
(you are a million other genetic duplicates)
Sketch Week! More concept art for Repurposing GAR armor towards the end of pulverizing wrinkly Sith — A guide by CC-1010, ecstatically-ex-marshal commander of Coruscant (AU)
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months ago
I’m excited for the chapter when we see how Gotham views Peter + Spider-man. Cause they must have obviously noticed a new kid hanging around the Wayne’s and at first they’re like “Bruce did it again” but they look closer and they’re like “wait that kid looks like dick?? Why is dick being fatherly with this random???? Is dick someone’s baby daddy????”.
They’ll try to do the math: “this kid looks to be 12 and dick is 29 so HE WAS 17 WHEN HE HAD HIM?????!??!”
well the waynes are publicly involved with gotham programs and all that, so it's not too out of the way to see a couple waynes around gotham shopping with a kid or helping out, etc. and then while at the manor, peter hasn't left other than to hang out with dick, adn they've been pretty incognito for the most part. the only people that know where peter went are the kids that Maps hangs out with, Benny, and those people from the diner. all of which didn't take pictures
what i'm saying is is that at some point we're definitely gonna have a plotline where Vicki Vale tries to have everyone believe that Dick is Peter's dad and every single one of our beloved characters gaslight the fuck out of her, as per usual. to the point that they probably create fake photos to make it look like peter is a cousin or something, and their shared relatives just have very strong genes on that side of the family. cause they love to lie
though sometimes i do think dick would claim that peter is his son, regardless of the rumors that come out of it
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samasmith23 · 2 years ago
To this day I will NEVER understand what possibly possessed Marvel following Ben Reilly's resurrection to turn him evil not just once... but TWICE?!
I was honestly rather forgiving of The Clone Conspiracy stuff, but as soon as I heard about the conclusion of Spider- Man: Beyond and Dark Web I was like, "No... just no!"
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updated an old meme! as far as predictions go, i am awesome at this.
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I've truly hit rock bottom.
The major complaint with all our delusional takes regarding Tech's survival is that we are taking them out of our asses, but in this case, it is quite literally outta someone's ass.
Look, I don't wanna dunk on my main man, but Tech's got no booty. He is as flat as an airport landing strip in the Netherlands. I don't know what voodoo dark magic Nala Se did to strip Tech of the standard issue clone tushy, because our next possible candidate for Clone CX-2 is Cody, and dude is packin'.
Exhibit 1:
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Certified 0° booty.
Exhibit 2:
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That's a category 10 booty right here ^.
Now, fortunately for us the creatives put Clone CX-2 in a leotard from the waist down, so we got an unobstructed view of the clone's behind and I gotta say, it's some pretty convincing evidence right here that CX-2 is Tech.
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Also, I made this account three years ago and have never changed the profile picture before, but today I did cause delusion is swallowing me whole.
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goalexstark · 1 year ago
Ok so I understand why people hated clone conspiracy and tbh I would probably hate it too if I was reading it as it came out, but I think having access to all the tie ins (especially ASM (2015) #22 and #24) made me like Ben as the jackal more than I would if I was just reading the main event series itself.
The series still definitely has its flaws, (for example, Gwen and her dad having to die again) like how Peter is so quick to be buddy buddy with Otto despite him only turning on Ben for a woman who wants nothing to do with him and him being the first to set off the signal on purpose while being of relatively sound mind compared to when Ben spread the signal further. And Peter, despite him knowing that Ben was experimented on and killed multiple painful ways and that Ben was a hero for years prior to his death, rejects both his offer and his status as real, even calling him “just another bad guy to punch” when he asks Peter for help.
Here’s some of my favorite jackal!ben moments (part one)
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artist-kreating-stuff · 2 months ago
Small Star Wars conspiracy theory.
What if the real reason the writers erased Obi-Wan’s reunion with Commander Cody from the script was because they weren’t happy with it, so now they’re just reading through various fan’s interpretations of the scene so that they can be sure they get it right?
This is just my conspiracy theory - sorry if someone else came up with it first.
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