#Climate Strike NYC
saturatednaivety · 2 years
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love ur mother 🌎
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mariacallous · 7 months
Recently, Planned Parenthood released a statement on the Oct. 7th attacks and the broader conflict between Israel and Palestine. Their statement condemned Hamas’s attacks on civilians, and specifically condemned sexual assaults committed against Israeli women during the violence. They also noted how thousands of Palestinian women and children had been killed in Israel’s counteroffensive, stated the need for Palestinian women to maintain access to reproductive and maternal healthcare, and condemned both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
The social media reaction to such a balanced and empathetic statement? Furious, unrelenting anger.
The statement was quote-tweeted thousands of times by social media users outraged by the statement. Planned Parenthood was accused of spreading Israeli propaganda, ignoring Palestinian deaths and fabricating rape claims, and enabling genocide. These outraged users aren’t conservatives who always oppose Planned Parenthood—they’re progressives furious that an organization they normally support put out a statement they hated. Now there are calls to end donations and Planned Parenthood staffers are fighting with donors. Their own employees, affiliates and organizers are making public statements against them.
This outcome was predictable to anyone with even a cursory knowledge of social media dynamics. And it raises an obvious question—why release a statement at all?
Metastatic social justice
It’s actually quite common for organizations and activists to get into hot water these days by addressing areas outside their expertise. Trans activists in Vancouver loudly insisted there can be no Trans Liberation without Palestinian Liberation, which caused pushback all over Canada. Two years ago, New York City’s Pride organizations courted controversy by excluding LGBT police officers from the city’s Pride parade in the name of racial justice. There are YIMBY housing organizations taking a stand on abortion rights and climate organizations demanding a Federal Job Guarantee.
There’s a common theme here. Organizations that appear to be single-issue advocacy groups are increasingly commenting and taking stances on issues outside of their narrow focus. Activism is becoming more global in nature—if you are an activist for one cause, you’re expected to speak up about all causes now. It’s not enough to ‘stay in your lane’, you need to be protesting and advocating for all forms of social justice. Pro-choice advocacy is now part of your racial justice non-profit. Jobs packages are in your environmental bills. Your LGBT organization has a stance on ‘Defund The Police’ and your housing group has a stance on Israel/Palestine. Social justice is metastasizing.
This phenomenon has happened on the right as well—see the NRA transitioning from being a somewhat non-partisan group to essentially being an arm of the GOP—but it’s especially striking in the current progressive movement. There’s a real sense in which NYC Pride is no longer an LGBT advocacy organization, but rather an overall progressive social justice organization. That may sound like an exaggeration, but they kicked out a gay organization (the Gay Officers Action League) to accommodate another form of social justice. It’s the internal logic behind a LGBT Pride march excluding LGBT people.
This also explains the online fury at Planned Parenthood. Their statement was thoughtful and balanced, but deviated from the dominant and overwhelmingly pro-Palestinian progressive narrative. Their donors expect them to advocate not just for progressive goals in women’s health, but progressive goals everywhere.
This type of activist mission creep risks stunting the progress on the core issues that social justice advocates care about.
The downsides of missions creep
The urge towards mission creep comes from a reasonable place. If you care so deeply that you spend your free time (or your career!) as an activist for a particular issue, the odds are that you also have strong feelings on many other issues. You’re also likely to live in a bubble of activists and people who think like you, and so your conversations professionally and socially may often center around all sorts of political issues. But as an activist it’s important to remember that most people you’re trying to reach are not like you and don’t think like you.
The typical voter is over 50 and does not have a college degree. They also don’t think about politics all that much. They are far, far away from the mindset of a typical activist. And when they do have political opinions, those opinions are far more varied and haphazard than a committed political partisan would guess. I think a few minutes scrolling the twitter feed of the American Voter Bot is invaluable to understand how voters think. This bot takes real voters and profiles them in brief tweets. While some look as expected—a Democrat who supports gun control, for instance—many look like this:
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Most people are a confusing mix of demographic signals, issue positions and partisan identification, and they rarely fit squarely within one political tribe. That’s the danger of turning a single-issue advocacy group into a generalized progressive messaging group—you’ll end up alienating a far wider group of potential allies than you realize.
If Issue Group X declares loud progressive positions not just on Issue X but also on gun control, abortion, Palestine, Medicare For All, trans rights, free trade and school prayer, they won’t attract a large diverse group of people who care about Issue X. They’ll end up attracting a narrow slice of progressive activists who are ideologically pristine enough to agree with them on every issue.
The ultimate result of activist mission creep is that your issue ceases to be something that people across the ideological spectrum can work together on. It becomes coded as a red tribe vs blue tribe issue, gets swallowed by the general culture war, and progress grinds to a halt as partisan warfare starts.
The most likely outcome of Planned Parenthood voicing an opinion on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is not that they make any difference at all towards that conflict. It’s that they alienate their own supporters with differing views on Israel/Palestine. They’ve undercut their own ability to make progress on reproductive care and reproductive rights for no gain.
One thing at a time
None of this is to say that individuals shouldn’t care about many issues at once—they obviously should. And general purpose ideological organizations can and should tackle many policy areas. But it’s a poor strategy for single-issue groups to try to become general purpose organizations. There are real benefits to staying in your lane.
One example of a movement that has done a reasonable job at this is the pro-housing YIMBY movement. While there are some instances of YIMBY groups straying from their purpose, for the most part they’ve done a good job staying narrowly focused, and that that focus has allowed them great success.
YIMBYism is a far more ideologically diverse movement than many people realize. There are conservative YIMBYs, neoliberal YIMBYs, Democratic YIMBYs, libertarian YIMBYs, and many left or socialist YIMBYs (although in true socialist tradition, some want to break away from the YIMBY label and create a sub-label PHIMBY). This isn’t just a feel good story about how conservatives and liberals can be friends—this has a real impact on YIMBYs getting things done. It’s part of why you see both Republican and Democratic officials at the local level working towards YIMBY solutions in different cities, and why those solutions can often pass without bitter partisan warfare. It’s why the YIMBY Act in Congress had Republican and Democratic co-sponsors. It’s why YIMBYs are scoring victories in blue states like California and red states like Montana.
This sort of thing matters. YIMBYs are a big tent and they’re getting things done. It’s hard enough to make real change happen on a single policy or a single issue. Whole movements try for years and still sometimes fail. Single-issue groups trying to address every issue at once aren’t going to succeed. The urge towards mission creep is strong, and too many groups are weakening their core strengths to address problems they can’t solve. Single-issue organizations shouldn’t burden themselves with having the answer to every question, with having a stance on every issue, and with having to be all things to all people. It’s ok not to comment. It’s ok to stay in your lane and just work on one problem. It’s ok to try to change the world just one issue at a time.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) are bleeding cash and facing a $2 million deficit, and Representative Ritchie Torres is celebrating.
Torres, a New York Democrat who has been staunchly pro-Israel amid its war with Hamas, expressed his content with recent reports that suggest the DSA's debts have reached the seven-figure mark.
"The DSA is collapsing in real time under the weight of its own antisemitism and extremism," he told The Sun on Monday. "It is fair to say that I will not be mourning its death or attending its funeral."
Newsweek reached out to the DSA via email for comment.
Over the weekend, a report emerged that the DSA—which has led pro-Palestinian protests against the U.S. response to the war—is facing financial headwinds that could result in layoffs. The Bread and Roses caucus in the DSA published a blog post on Thursday confirming those reports and saying while no one wanted to consider such drastic measures, staff costs would have to be reduced given the "great crisis for capital."
The January 18 post said that the DSA is projecting $5 million in income for 2024, but $7 million in expenses.
"That means we eventually need to come up with $2 million to break even," said Alex Pellitteri, Kristin Schall and Laura Wadlin—members of the 2023-2025 DSA National Political Committee from the Bread and Roses caucus.
The DSA leaders said that while the current sociopolitical climate should be a "really favorable time for DSA"—citing the growing support for Palestinians and for labor groups across the nation—the group has "still been treading water, and things are going to get more challenging before they get better."
A November poll from Quinnipiac University found that the number of U.S. voters who sympathize with Palestinians more than Israelis has grown in the wake of the war, although the majority still have more sympathy for Israelis.
"Biden's disastrous policy of fueling Israel's genocide in Gaza has created the kind of space for an independent alternative from the Democratic Party that has not existed since [independent Vermont Senator] Bernie [Sanders]," they said, but Pellitteri, Schall and Wadlin admitted: "We have not had strong figures at the top of the organization to lead with a political vision that inspires people to become committed socialists."
"Working people are inspired to transform the world, but they are doing it elsewhere," the post said.
Torres, whose office has been vandalized by pro-Palestinian protesters, has previously tussled with the DSA over the Middle East. The congressman, who represents the South Bronx, has accused DSA members of promoting antisemitism by supporting a Manhattan rally that was held in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel. "The NYC-DSA is revealing itself for what it truly is—a deep rot of antisemitism," Torres said in an October 8 statement. "The DSA should be universally condemned for its genocidal celebration of Israel's destruction in the wake of Israel's deadliest terrorist attack." In response, the DSA has held several protests outside his office.
Torres is not the only Democrat at odds with the organization since the fighting broke out in the Gaza Strip.
Representative Shri Thanedar, a Michigan Democrat, renounced his membership in the DSA after the October rally, saying: "I can no longer associate with an organization unwilling to call out terrorism in its form." The DSA has emphasized that it did not organize the rally but acknowledged that the New York City chapter promoted the event "in anticipation of escalatory violence to come" after October 7.
In the Hamas attack that triggered the war, some 1,200 people were killed and Hamas and other militants abducted about 250 people, according to the Associated Press. Israel subsequently launched its heaviest-ever air strikes on Gaza. As of Monday, at least 25,295 people have been killed in Gaza and more than 60,000 wounded, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, the AP said.
While Torres blamed the gap in funding on the DSA's outspoken position on the Israel-Hamas war, the Bread and Roses members pointed to mismanagement from top directors in the organization.
In Thursday's blog post, the DSA leaders said that senior staffers had withheld essential information from elected leaders and imposed their own political objectives that hindered the DSA from achieving its ultimate goal of "a rupture with capitalism."
"As a result, we are now left holding the bag and tasked with cutting expenses just to keep the organization afloat," they said. "It's our responsibility now to learn from our mistakes: not reckoning soon enough with a downturn in enthusiasm, and failing to understand that as a sign that we were not serving our role to champion independent politics as a socialist organization in a time of great crisis for capital."
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chiekodivine · 1 year
living in nyc as a femme in my 20s can feel incredibly lonely. i love romanticizing my life, but in the current political and socioeconomic climate doing that is quite hard. currently, i’m studying psychology in university to become a therapist. however, parts of me can’t help but feel that my future is already out of reach. we have politicians that are trying to erase parts of psychology and sociology from school curriculums because of “wokeness” and inclusivity. everyday i look at the news and see human rights being snatched away, my rights being snatched away. we are losing the ability to empathize at alarming rates and it’s scary. anti-intellectualism is at an all time high, teachers are quitting, and parents aren’t involved in their children’s education. the prices of everything are going up while the contents in the products are becoming smaller and smaller. no one can afford housing or grocery. workers are on strike and our government is more concerned about making multibillion dollar companies more money. everyone knows this is happening but nothing is being done. we protest and our police tear gas us and shoot us with bullets. we are in an age of regression and i don’t know how to stop it.
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magnoliamyrrh · 11 months
sparknotes version here but when i actually wrote it it was beautiful and metaphorical and shit
this is set in america. undefined time has passed since the collapse of society due to climate change unsustainable system and nuclear warfare. humans now exist in small numbers, but they aint rly human no more. theyre mutated, skins of unnatural colours and four eyed etc something like that. most live in either small settlements or travel around in small groups.
the story is set in what used to be nyc. starts w a beautiful paragraph, describing this mutated deer drinking from a pond in a meadow, pans out to describing how in the background and ariund, nyc has largely become forested and taken over by nature, collapsed building entangeled in vines and giant trees etc. life continues but not as it was, its devastation but it has been reclaimed and it is beautiful
follows these two sisters, a younger and an older one. their parents died in either a hurricane or tornado or something else i dont remember. these kids after so long live in a cultural mindset different to our own and they largely dont even understand what happened in the past fully, but theyre trying to piece it together. the younger one is the one which throughout the story keeps coming up with theories from the remains that something horrible must have happened by these ppl called humans who they may or may not come from, kinda thinks they were responsible for it. the older sister on the other hand thinks theres no way a people which build such giant cities and other stuff could be so stupid as to destroy the planet
the journey follows them getting to nyc for a reason that i cant remember, maybe because theyre both kinda obsessed with trying to figure it all out, little anthropologists of the future ans anyway theyve got to keep looking for food and shelter. they get to nyc and que a series of sweet scenes of them exploring the city for the first time, its beautiful and sweet but also tragic. they have different views on it tho. they keep coming across things from thr past and keep having different interpretations of them, they get into a fight at some point over their very conflicting attitudes and understandings of the past and the world they live in. over how they are the way they are because they are mutated, over their parents deaths, over their struggles. the younger says any species which would live in such a concrete city would have been mad, so disconnected from nature, more proof, the older disagrees, tensions are rising but are mosrly calmed down and over it, when they notice the weather is changinf quickly. hurricane moving in, an unnaturally giant superstorm, acid rain gently starts and the winds picking up
they take shelter in a skyscraper. it keeps getting worse outside. the older is trying to comfort the youngest. they somehow find a tv which still has electricity, they turn it on and its still playing one of the last messages send out to humanity. talk about how the planet has been destroyed, the climate, the war, the resources, how the nuclear bombs will strike soon. the storn is raging outside worse and worse. the older syster finally breaks down. all her rage and fury comes. she tried so hard to have hope that these people of the past must surely be smarter, that they were victims of something they coulsnt control, she tried to look up to them. but she realizes that indeed theyre the ones that did this to the earth. she hugs her little sister tightly que u were right sobbing etc
anyway. they both end up dying in the hurricane, an unnaturally large hurricane, the leftover effects of the actions of humanity. they die holding esch other, bitter and knwoing the truth, in a skyscraper which collapses, the remains of an old civilization. they die, two innocent mutated kids, thousands of years into the future because of the failures of the past. they die like their parents did, by the hand of mistakes and atrocities which have left scars on the earth forever
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hype-acid · 3 months
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CYGLPHS : The Vibrational Voice
As sonics and water combine, a hidden language is revealed, the vibrational patterns move as if to share a message.
Sound plays a vital role in our perception and understanding of our environments. It helps us interpret our surroundings, navigate through space, as well as our inner worlds. In context of the urban climate, were exposed to constant city hums, whether it be distant sirens, the rumbling of passing trains, or the rejoice of people on the street, each sound is a gear in the grandfather clock of noise pollution, serving as a direct attributor to citadels’ stress. However, say we can disconnect these sounds from the labeled objects creating them and simply accept them as sound waves. The art of this deconstruction pulls us closer into the moment we are experiencing and positions the mind to be open in regards to the happenings of our environment.
Sound frequency healing is an alternative healing modality that utilizes the power of sound and specific frequencies to promote relaxation, balance, and overall well-being. It is based on the belief that different frequencies and vibrations can have a direct impact on the human body and mind, influencing various physiological and energetic systems. Certain frequencies have a direct impact on health and wellbeing, looking at the ancient Pythagorean tuning system connected to the Solfeggio Frequencies8, exposure to points of the frequency awaken or engage different regions of the body in relation to the chakras. For instance, the 174 Hz solfeggio frequency resonates with the root chakra, which sits at the base of the spine, to improve grounding, stability, and survival instincts. The positive energy generated from this tone alleviates pain and provides stress relief. Due to the physical response to this sound vibration, listening to it while meditating proves extremely effective and helps to lower blood pressure. Similarly, the melodic differentiation of binaural beats9 inspires a meditative state, inducing creativity and cognitive enrichment. The true strength of sound is rooted in the fundamental nature of human communication. Sound vibrations are a way we can connect within and outward, it is a way to share knowledge, sentiment and express ourselves creatively.
In respect to the ambience of the gong, the sound generated by a strike travels and builds, filling a space with it’s sacred vibrations. Vibrational harmonies may find resonance within zones of the body, this is in response to the key the gong is pitched - for Evelyn Glennie’s Bullseye Design above, the video captures the sound humming in the key of F, which coincides with the Heart Chakra. Through observation of people interacting with this gong, I have found that they linger at this heart specific piece because of its deep resonance, possibly speaking to inner traumas that are caressed by the sound of the gong. The beauty of sound healing is the unconscious accessibility it holds, for the same reason we listen to music, the feelings woven into the chords speak to our emotions that we can’t quite verbally describe. The sounds speak to us through sonic verse, holding us as we walk through obstacles, or pouring us up in times of celebration. So next time when the sounds are amplified and your mind is racing, remember, to return to the root of the chords being strung, and breathe out with them.
To experience the sound exhibit : come & visit the Rubin Museum 17th and 7th NYC (Present - October 6th)
(7) Noise pollution refers to excessive or unwanted sounds that are harmful or disruptive to human health and well-being or have negative effects on the environment.
(8) Solfeggio Frequencies Solfeggio frequencies are a set of ancient musical tones believed to have specific healing properties. They are derived from a medieval musical scale and are said to resonate with the body's energy centers, promoting balance and harmony. Each frequency within the Solfeggio scale is associated with different intentions and effects.
(9) Binaural Beats: Binaural beats are created by playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear, which produces a perceived beat or pulsation. The brain synchronizes to the frequency difference, resulting in a desired mental state, such as relaxation or focus. Different frequencies are associated with various states of consciousness. (222Hz - 212Hz = Binaural beat of 10Hz)
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tenzinclimateblog · 8 months
Emerging Narratives in Climate: Finding the Balance Between Science and Activism
For the last six years of my life, I have dedicated myself to learning more about the climate crisis both through education in academic institutions and working with frontline communities. Being born and raised in New York City, I never imagined myself engaging with climate and environmental issues to the scale that I am today. 
On the other hand, my lived experience in one of the largest urban hubs in the world has been instrumental in shaping my passion for both climate and social justice. Encountering such a diverse array of people on a daily basis has taught me so much about the value of navigating the world with a compassionate and open mind. Calling NYC home also meant that I had been exposed to many different forms of injustice, which sparked my passion for activism. It was that passion for social, environmental, and socioeconomic equity that led me to wanting to pursue a career in climate.
From barely engaging with climate issues in high schools, to graduating college with a bachelor's degree in Environmental Studies, and now on the path to completing a master’s degree from Columbia’s Climate School, I have positively transformed my relationship with the natural environment and have begun to form possible career paths in climate. But being constantly inundated with information about the gravity of the climate crisis and increasing world conflict, I often find myself scared for what the future holds. When I was younger, I insisted on choosing a career that incorporated advocacy and activism in some shape or form. Now, I am finally facing the harsh realities of rising cost of living, which has been discouraging to say the least. Now more than ever, I am experiencing the most burnout and climate anxiety. 
Finally starting my dreaded job search, I am beginning to ask myself questions that I thought I was sure I knew the answers to when I was a child. What do I want to do? Where do I want to work? I have been more reflective than usual these days, which has caused a world of internal struggle on top of a full course load at Columbia. A core course I am taking this semester entitled Applications in Climate and Society has actually given me the space to sit in my uncertainty and begin to flesh out the direction of my career trajectory.
Last Thursday in Applications, I had the opportunity to listen in on a conversation between climate activist Alexandria Villaseñor and climate scientist Gavin Schmidt. Alexandria spoke of her experience as a youth climate activist helping organize some of the world’s largest climate marches. When she had mentioned her involvement in the March 2019 climate strike, I was immediately brought back to my own experience at that very event. I, along with many of my classmates, walked out of class and took the subway to Columbus Circle to participate alongside hundreds of thousands of other students imploring government officials to make proactive decisions about climate change. Seeing her projected on the large screen of the auditorium where we had class, I felt a wave of nostalgia and immense gratitude for being able to experience a true full-circle moment. Hearing Gavin and Alexandria speak about how the nexus of climate science and activism is crucial to enacting change had once again ignited the spark that I thought I was in the process of losing.
I was delighted to be able to listen in on a conversation between two people with very different paths in climate (one mainly in climatology and the other in climate activism). Gavin’s thoughts on the crucial links between science and policy were moving, and his firm yet surprising comments about how so many climate scientists still refrain from engaging in advocacy in politics and social activism sat with me well after the class ended. I found it troubling that climate scientists could not access interdisciplinary knowledge and skill sets to communicate the urgency of the climate crisis. 
With it being nearly a week since our last class, I have had a lot of time to think about how Alexandria and Gavin’s discussion could incorporate itself into my life and climate narrative. Their words resonated heavily with me and have boosted my motivation to continue the search for a career that marries both science and activism in a way that moves people to care about climate change. Of course, I cannot say for sure what I will be doing later in my career or even a year from now, but I now can affirm that a career in climate activism is not only commendable but also possible for me.
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templardom · 8 months
Welcome to the Apocalypse
The LORD rules over the floodwaters. The LORD reigns as king forever. Psalm 29:10 (NLT)
This is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Disaster! An unprecedented disaster—behold, it is coming! The end has come! The end has come! It has roused itself against you. Behold, it has come! Doom has come to you, O inhabitants of the land. The time has come; the day is near; there is panic on the mountains instead of shouts of joy. Very soon I will pour out My wrath upon you and vent My anger against you; I will judge you according to your ways and repay you for all your abominations. I will not look on you with pity, nor will I spare you, but I will punish you for your ways and for the abominations among you. Then you will know that it is I, the LORD, who strikes the blow.' Ezekiel 7:5-9 (BSB)
Because you neglected all my counsel, and wanted none of my correction, in turn I will mock your calamity; I will sneer when terror strikes you, when your dread comes like a storm, and your destruction like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish overwhelm you. Proverbs 1:26 (BSB)
The LORD will also bring upon you every sickness and plague not recorded in this Book of the Law, until you are destroyed. You who were as numerous as the stars in the sky will be left few in number, because you would not obey the voice of the LORD your God. Deuteronomy 28:61-62 (BSB)
Therefore, on account of you the heavens have withheld their dew and the earth has withheld its crops. I have summoned a drought on the fields and on the mountains, on the grain, new wine, and oil, and on whatever the ground yields, on man and beast, and on all the labor of your hands. Haggai 1:10-11 (BSB)
Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you. Apocalypse 3:2-3 (BSB)
“And now, you priests, this warning is for you. If you do not listen, and if you do not resolve to honor my name,” says the LORD Almighty, “I will send a curse on you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not resolved to honor me.“ Malachi 2:1-2 (NIV)
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By now I could have lifted my hand and struck you and your people with a plague to wipe you off the face of the earth. Exodus 9:15 (NLT)
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logicthink9999 · 9 months
Mastering Picture Hanging to Improve Ambiance in the Heart of New York City
The art of picture hanging occupies a prominent position in the dynamic and diverse urban environment of NYC, where innovation is prevalent. Your wall craftsmanship is a story that conveys your own style and addresses the essence of the room, rising above simple beautification. Experiences on the most proficient method to change your walls into a display that catches the dynamic energy of the city will be given by this aide as you explore the subtleties of Picture Hanging NYC.
Picking the Best Masterpiece:
Initiate your investigation of the intricacies of picture mounting by organizing an assortment that exemplifies the quintessence of NYC. Integrate a blend of one-of-a kind discoveries, contemporary pieces, or a mix of the two to have your fine art reflect the city's dynamic variety and inventiveness. Certify aspects, variety plans, and plan themes that supplement the climate.
Strategic Placement for Maximum Impact:
Enhance the stylish allure of your craft assortment through the essential position of everything. In a city like this, where space is limited, you might want to think about using larger artworks as focal points or building an intriguing gallery wall. The goal is to catch the viewer's attention and convey an outwardly enrapturing story that typifies the soul of NYC.
Balancing Symmetry and Asymmetry:
A captivating picture-hanging exhibition can only be created by striking a balance between asymmetry and symmetry. Explore different setups that control aspects, shapes, and directions. Your wall craftsmanship in the different climate of NYC might act as a demonstration of the tasteful benefit of differentiating components existing as one.
Picking equipment for picture hangings:
Put resources into picture-balancing equipment of better quality than ensuring the security and relentlessness of your craftsmanship. It is essential to properly protect your artwork in a city where activity is the norm. Consider innovative hanging frameworks, display-style railings, and flexible snares, which bestow steadiness as well as a demeanor of complexity to your presentation.
Incorporating NYC Patterns into Picture Hanging:
Consolidate the latest picture mounting methods that are rising up out of the powerful NYC craftsmanship scene to stay current. Explore irregular game plans, join different mediums, and consolidate enlightenment to create an enamoring influence. The city's dynamic climate presents an endless cluster of chances to turn your image into a masterpiece.
Remember that while undertaking the undertaking of balancing pictures amidst NYC, your walls act as fresh starts anticipating the adornment of stories. Whether you want a sophisticated, curated aesthetic or an eclectic display that reflects the city's diversity, Picture Hanging NYC is a chance to personalize your space. Implant your living space with the lively imperativeness of the city and convert it into a display that grandstands both your singular taste and the substance of NYC.
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roastednyc · 9 months
Best coffee east village New York
The Perfect Brew: Unraveling The Secrets Of What Makes The Best Coffee
Coffee, the elixir of wakefulness and social connection, has a rich and diverse history that spans centuries and continents. While personal preferences may vary, certain universal factors contribute to making the best coffee in east village.
From the selection of beans to the brewing process, let's explore what makes coffee the best and how you can elevate your coffee experience.
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Quality Of Coffee Beans:
At the heart of every exceptional cup of coffee is the beans' quality. Coffee lovers often emphasize the significance of choosing high-quality, freshly roasted coffee beans.
Arabica is primary species of coffee beans, each imparting distinct flavors and characteristics to the brew. Arabica beans are renowned for their smoother, more nuanced taste.
Bean Origin And Processing:
The geographical origin of coffee beans plays a crucial role in determining their flavor. Coffee is grown in various regions worldwide, each with its unique climate, altitude, and soil composition.
Single-origin coffees highlight the distinct characteristics of beans from a specific geographic location, allowing coffee enthusiasts to appreciate the flavor nuances that the region produces.
Additionally, the processing method employed after harvesting significantly influences the taste and aroma of the best coffee east village New York.
Whether it's the washed, natural, or honey processes, each method imparts different flavors to the beans, creating a diverse spectrum of coffee profiles.
Grind Size And Consistency:
The grind size of coffee beans is a crucial factor in extracting the desired flavors during brewing. The grind size should match the brewing method to optimize the extraction process.
Consistency in grind size ensures uniform extraction, preventing over-extraction or under-extraction, which can result in a bitter or weak cup of coffee.
Water Quality And Temperature:
Using clean water is essential to avoid any off-flavors that might mask the authentic taste of the coffee. The water temperature is equally important; it should be between 195°F to 205°F (90°C to 96°C) for optimal extraction. Maintaining the right water-to-coffee ratio ensures the flavorful cup of the best coffee East Village.
Brewing Time:
The brewing time, often overlooked, significantly influences the strength and taste of the coffee. Under-extraction can result in a sour taste, while over-extraction can lead to bitterness.
Experimenting with the brewing time allows you to tailor the coffee to your preferences, striking the perfect balance between acidity, sweetness, and bitterness.
For the best coffee east village NYC, attention to detail is key. From selecting high-quality beans to mastering the brewing process, every step contributes to the overall coffee experience.
Experimenting with different bean brewing methods and fine-tuning your technique allows you to discover the nuances of flavor that make your cup of coffee exceptional.
At Roasted NYC, we understand the importance of quality and sustainability in every coffee cup. Our shop is one of the best coffee shops East Village NYC. From our selection of responsibly sourced beans to our team of passionate baristas, we strive to bring you exceptional coffee every time.
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nycartinstallation · 10 months
Improve Your Area: Mirror Hanging NYC Styles and Advice
The smart game plan of mirrors is one component that never becomes unfashionable in the steadily advancing field of inside plan. They give the presence of receptiveness and splendor as well as loaning a demeanor of refinement to your area. In the enthusiastic city of New York, draping mirrors in your home or business environment is an extraordinary method for adding style and character to any space. We should look at the most recent styles and pointers for Mirror Hanging New York City that will brush the top off your place.
Reflect Hanging New York City: A Blend of Plan and Use
Mirrors are an adaptable expansion to any space since they have both pragmatic and stylish purposes. Reflect hanging has turned into a urgent part of inside plan in the imaginative city of New York. Mirrors can be redone to fit any style, whether you're going for a smooth, contemporary appearance or a customary, immortal one.
Present day Sees Mirror Hanging New York City
1.Exhibition Mass of Mirrors: Orchestrate different mirrors in different sizes and shapes to make a striking enhanced visualization. This differed style gives your room character and an eccentric touch.
2.Full-Length Floor Mirrors: Get the light and give the impression of more space in your room with full-length floor reflects that are nicely situated to mirror regular light.
3.Old fashioned Mirror Explanations: Utilize antique mirrors to add a dash of wistfulness. Their rare collectible glass and elaborate edges provide any space with a touch of refinement and relic.
4.Highlights with Reflected Furnishings: For a smooth and current style, contemplate adding reflected end tables or dressers notwithstanding wall-mounted other options.
Guidance for Draping Mirrors in the New York City Style
1.Expand Normal Light: To cause your home to feel lighter and more breezy, place mirrors opposite windows.
2.Vital Situation: To feature significant components in the space, cautiously place mirrors to reflect captivating structural subtleties or work of art.
3.Make Central Focuses: To make central focuses in your room, use mirrors. A mirror loomed over a chimney or in a doorway can draw consideration immediately.
4.Customize Mirror Shapes: Go astray from conventional structures. Mirrors with hilter kilter, hexagonal, or roundabout shapes give your room an innovative touch.
Reflect Hanging New York City: Manhattan's Vital Expressions
Content advancement is fundamental in New York's vicious web climate. Utilizing appropriate watchwords is fundamental for expanding perceivability with regards to Mirror Hanging New York City. Ensure that your substance consolidates the watchwords "Mirror Hanging New York City" inside the article something like two times.
Mirror Hanging NYC is an assertion of style and refinement as opposed to only a decision for stylistic layout. You can make your space a wonderful, exquisite shelter by putting brilliant counsel to utilize and sticking to latest things. Reflect hanging is an immortal workmanship that might hoist your encompasses and bring the striking substance of New York City into your room.
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ronalddweisshomeroofing · 11 months
Elevate Your Home's Aesthetics and Protection with Stucco Services by Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC
The exterior of your home serves as a visual statement and a vital layer of protection against the elements. Stucco has emerged as a popular choice for homeowners seeking a durable and aesthetically appealing option to enhance their home's exterior. Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC specializes in providing top-quality stucco services, ensuring that your home remains both visually striking and well-protected in the vibrant cityscape of New York. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of stucco and how Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC can elevate the aesthetics and durability of your home's exterior.
Understanding the Benefits of Stucco
1. Durability and Weather Resistance
Stucco is known for its exceptional durability and ability to withstand various weather conditions. It provides a strong protective layer for your home, making it an ideal choice for properties in the dynamic climate of New York City. Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC's stucco services ensure that your home remains well-protected throughout the seasons.
2. Aesthetic Appeal
Stucco offers a timeless and elegant aesthetic that can enhance the visual appeal of any home. Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC provides a range of stucco finishes, allowing you to customize the look of your home to reflect your personal style and preferences, while adding a touch of sophistication to your property's exterior.
3. Energy Efficiency
Stucco can contribute to your home's energy efficiency by providing effective insulation. It helps regulate indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling and potentially lowering your energy consumption and utility bills.
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4. Low Maintenance
One of the key advantages of stucco is its low maintenance requirements. Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC's stucco services are designed to provide homeowners with a hassle-free exterior option, reducing the need for frequent repairs or upkeep and ensuring that your home maintains its attractive appearance for years to come.
5. Customized Solutions
Understanding that every home is unique, Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC offers customized stucco solutions tailored to your specific requirements and preferences. Their team works closely with homeowners, ensuring that the stucco application aligns with your vision for your home while providing the necessary protection and aesthetic enhancement.
Why Choose Stucco Services by Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC?
Durability and Weather Resistance: Stucco provides exceptional protection against various weather conditions, ensuring the long-term durability of your home's exterior.
Aesthetic Appeal: Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC offers a range of stucco finishes to enhance the visual appeal of your home, adding a touch of sophistication and elegance to your property's exterior.
Energy Efficiency: Stucco contributes to your home's energy efficiency by providing effective insulation, potentially reducing your energy consumption and utility costs.
Low Maintenance: Stucco requires minimal upkeep, making it a practical and cost-effective choice for homeowners seeking a hassle-free exterior option.
Customized Solutions: Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC provides customized stucco solutions tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring that your home's exterior reflects your unique style and preferences.
Stucco offers a blend of durability, low maintenance, and aesthetic appeal, making it an excellent choice for homeowners in New York City. Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC's expertise in stucco services ensures that your home's exterior not only remains well-protected but also reflects your personal style and values.
To learn more about their stucco services and to schedule a consultation, visit their website at https://ronalddweisshomeroofing.com/services/stucco/. Elevate your home's aesthetics and protection with stucco services by Ronald D. Weiss Home Roofing NYC.
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graymanbriefing · 1 year
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Civil Unrest / Societal Collapse Brief: National Summary In NYC, NY on August 27th; 600+ protested and counter-protested over the illegal immigrant housing crisis. Those against the influx of immigrants being housed on taxpayer funds rallied outside the Mayor's mansion calling for the Mayor to allow the immigrants to be housed at his home or to refuse ongoing sanctuary to such persons. Those supporting the influx gathered to oppose the protestors. Multiple "violent" fights broke out between the tw...(CLASSIFIED) In Washington D.C. on August 30th; activists gathered outside a federal court house where January 6th "rioters" affiliated with the Proud Boys are being tried to show their support for the defendants. Among the supporters were members of the Black Lives Matter Militia along with alt/diverse activist groups not typically aligned with those who support Trump/J6ers. The groups held a "National Prayer" a...(CLASSIFIED) In Nevada on August 27th; climate and socialist activists protested against climate-change by blocking roadways leading to the "Burning Man Arts and Music Festival". The group affiliated with "Seven Circles" held signage that read "abolish capitalism" and "general strike for climate" while calling for the ban of private jets. The activists caused traffic to back up for 1 to 5 miles (reports vary). Police r...(CLASSIFIED) In Portland, OR on August 29th; Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Rising PDX organized a direct action online and at the Multnomah County Justice Center to falsely claim that police had killed a hom...(CLASSIFIED) In Orlando, FL on September 1st; 85+ nazis, what appeared to be all white males, associated with "Blood Tribe" cond...(CLASSIFIED) In California on September 1st; 300+ businesses owners protested against a proposed state law, SB-553, which adds "workplace violence" and "crime reaction" training requirements under the Cal/OSHA Injury Illness Prevention Plan. The training encourages a "hands-off" approach by employees to shoplifters and crime at businesses. The bill spec...(CLASSIFIED) In Florida; the Southern Poverty Law Center o...(CLASSIFIED, see full brief at www.graymanbriefing.com)
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frontlineflags · 1 year
From Aisle to Limousine: Choosing Your Wedding Transportation in NYC
New York City, with its iconic skyline and vibrant energy, serves as a dream backdrop for weddings that are nothing short of spectacular. As couples embark on their journey to create the perfect wedding day in the heart of the city, one crucial aspect to consider is transportation. From the ceremony venue to the reception and everywhere in between, choosing the right wedding transportation services in New York is a decision that can greatly enhance the overall experience. In this guide, we explore the various considerations and options for wedding transportation, helping you make an informed choice that aligns with your vision of the perfect day.
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Setting the Tone
The choice of wedding transportation can set the tone for your entire wedding day. It's the first impression your guests will have as they witness your arrival, and it's a reflection of your style and personality as a couple.
One of the most classic and elegant options for wedding transportation is the limousine. A limousine exudes luxury and sophistication, making it an ideal choice for couples who want to create a grand entrance and set a tone of opulence for their wedding day.
Comfort and Convenience
On your wedding day, comfort and convenience are paramount. A limousine offers both in abundance. With its spacious interior, plush seating, and climate control, a limousine provides a comfortable and relaxed environment for you and your bridal party. This is especially important when navigating the bustling streets of NYC, where traffic and unpredictable weather can add stress to the day.
Moreover, limousines often come equipped with amenities like entertainment systems and minibars, allowing you and your bridal party to enjoy the journey in style. You can sip on champagne, listen to your favorite music, and savor the moments leading up to the ceremony.
Photogenic Opportunities
Weddings are all about creating lasting memories, and a limousine provides excellent photo opportunities. The sleek and stylish exterior of a limousine, coupled with the backdrop of New York City's landmarks, offers the perfect setting for capturing stunning photographs.
Whether it's the bride and groom sharing a quiet moment in the backseat or the entire bridal party striking a pose in front of the limousine, these photos become cherished mementos of your special day. The elegance and timeless appeal of a limousine make it a photogenic addition to your wedding album.
Logistical Efficiency
Wedding transportation is not just about the bride and groom; it's also about ensuring that the bridal party and guests can move smoothly between venues. A limousine provides logistical efficiency by accommodating a larger group, including bridesmaids, groomsmen, and family members.
Instead of coordinating multiple vehicles or relying on guests to arrange their transportation, a limousine can transport the entire bridal party together, fostering a sense of unity and togetherness on this important day. It also ensures that everyone arrives at each venue on time, from the ceremony to the reception and beyond.
Privacy and Intimacy
Weddings are deeply personal and emotional events, and privacy and intimacy can be important considerations. A limousine provides a private and intimate space for the bride and groom to share a quiet moment together before or after the ceremony.
Additionally, a limousine can offer a retreat for the bridal party, allowing them to relax and recharge between different parts of the celebration. It can be a sanctuary for heartfelt conversations and shared emotions during this momentous occasion.
Safety and Reliability
Safety and reliability are non-negotiable when it comes to wedding transportation. Professional limousine services prioritize passenger safety, ensuring that vehicles are well-maintained and undergo rigorous safety checks. Professional chauffeurs are experienced in navigating NYC's streets and traffic, guaranteeing a secure and stress-free journey.
Reliability is especially crucial on your wedding day. A limousine service will ensure that your transportation arrives on time, eliminating the risk of delays or unforeseen hiccups that could disrupt your carefully planned schedule.
Making a Statement
Your wedding day is an opportunity to make a statement about your love and commitment to each other. Arriving and departing in a luxurious limousine makes a powerful statement of style and elegance. It's a choice that reflects your shared vision of a beautiful and unforgettable wedding day.
Moreover, it's a gesture that leaves a lasting impression on your guests. As they witness your arrival in a stunning limousine, they'll be captivated by the romance and grandeur of the moment, making your wedding an event they'll fondly remember.
Choosing wedding transportation in NYC is a significant decision that can enhance the overall experience of your special day. A limousine, with its luxury, comfort, convenience, and photogenic appeal, is a classic choice that sets the tone for an elegant and unforgettable wedding.
From the moment you step into the limousine to the time you bid farewell as newlyweds, a limousine adds a touch of glamour and sophistication to every aspect of your wedding day. It ensures that you and your bridal party move seamlessly between venues, fosters privacy and intimacy, and provides a safe and reliable mode of transportation.
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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vertenergygroup · 1 year
The Impact of Local Law 97 on NYC's Commercial Property 
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In the city that thrives on ambition and innovation, a silent force of change is reshaping the very foundations of New York's iconic skyline. Enter Local Law 97 – a visionary legislation that is propelling New York City's commercial property sector into a new era of environmental responsibility. Amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, this law is crafting a narrative of sustainability that reaches far beyond the boundaries of real estate, reverberating through the fabric of the city itself. In this exploration, we uncover the intricate tapestry woven by Local Law 97, dissecting its impact on property owners, tenants, and the urban ecosystem at large. 
Understanding Local Law 97: A Primer 
Local Law 97 represents a pivotal shift in addressing climate change at the local level. Enacted in 2019, this legislation sets ambitious targets for carbon emissions reduction, particularly targeting large buildings that contribute significantly to the city's greenhouse gas emissions. The law employs a unique approach, introducing Building Emissions Limits (BELs) that set emission caps based on the square footage of buildings. This marks a departure from the conventional method of regulating emissions solely based on energy consumption. 
 The law's emphasis on "carbon intensity" is a defining feature. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, it tailors emissions limits according to a building's purpose, be it residential, commercial, or mixed-use. This nuanced approach recognizes the diverse energy demands of different property types and aims to encourage a more efficient use of resources. 
The Ripple Effect on Commercial Property Owners 
While Local Law 97 champions sustainability, its implementation poses challenges for commercial property owners. Compliance comes at a cost, particularly for older buildings with outdated infrastructure. Retrofitting properties to meet the stringent emissions standards can lead to substantial financial burdens. Property owners are grappling with the need to invest in energy-efficient technologies and infrastructure upgrades to align with the law's requirements. 
 This financial strain has prompted discussions about the practicality of retrofitting versus potential penalties for non-compliance. Many property owners are seeking ways to strike a balance between meeting emissions targets and maintaining economic viability. 
Embracing Sustainability: Opportunities for Property Developers 
Amid the challenges, Local Law 97 also ushers in opportunities for property developers to lead the charge in sustainable building practices. By designing and constructing energy-efficient structures from the ground up, developers can align with the law's objectives while potentially reaping the rewards of increased property value and heightened demand for eco-friendly spaces. 
 This shift towards sustainability aligns with broader trends in the real estate market, where tenants and investors increasingly prioritize environmentally conscious properties. Developers who embrace these principles are not only contributing to a greener future but also positioning themselves strategically in a changing market landscape. 
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Navigating Tenant-Landlord Dynamics 
The relationship between commercial tenants and landlords is evolving in the wake of Local Law 97. As compliance measures are implemented, changes in leasing agreements and rent structures are becoming more likely. Property owners may factor in the cost of emissions upgrades when determining rental rates, potentially affecting tenants' overhead costs. 
 Open communication between tenants and landlords is paramount in navigating this shifting dynamic. Collaboration and negotiation can lead to creative solutions that ensure both parties benefit from the transition toward sustainability. 
Innovations in Energy-Efficiency Technologies 
To meet Local Law 97's emissions standards, the real estate industry is witnessing a surge in innovative technologies. These advancements go beyond simple energy-efficient lighting to encompass smart HVAC systems, intelligent building management systems, and more. These technologies not only aid compliance but also contribute to long-term operational cost reductions, making them attractive investments for property owners aiming to meet emissions targets. 
The Role of Government Incentives and Support 
Recognizing the financial strain on property owners, local governments are introducing incentives to facilitate compliance with Local Law 97. These incentives may take the form of tax benefits, grants, or financing options that ease the burden of upgrading buildings. Collaborative efforts between government agencies and private stakeholders are crucial in ensuring a smooth transition and a wide-scale adoption of sustainable practices. 
Community and Environmental Impact 
Beyond the immediate realm of property ownership, Local Law 97's impact ripples through communities and the environment. By reducing emissions, the law contributes to improved air quality and a healthier urban environment. Additionally, the focus on sustainable building practices has the potential to stimulate job creation and foster growth within the green industries sector, promoting a more resilient and diversified economy. 
Challenges and Criticisms 
While Local Law 97 is lauded for its environmental objectives, it's not without challenges and criticisms. Property owners, particularly those with limited financial resources, may find compliance difficult to achieve. Concerns about the potential for unintended consequences, such as a negative impact on small businesses, are also part of the ongoing discourse. 
Looking Ahead: Future of NYC's Commercial Property 
As we look to the future, Local Law 97 holds the promise of transformative change in New York City's commercial property landscape. The law's current provisions are only the beginning; as feedback accumulates and real-world outcomes manifest, the legislation is likely to evolve. The adaptive nature of the law, combined with collaboration between stakeholders, innovation in technology, and a commitment to sustainability, will shape the trajectory of NYC's commercial property sector. 
As the sun sets over the glittering Manhattan skyline, Local Law 97 stands as a testament to the audacity of progress in the heart of the concrete jungle. It's not merely a legal mandate; it's a symphony of change harmonizing the aspirations of a city with the demands of a planet in need. With each retrofit, each sustainable skyscraper, and every dialogue between landlord and tenant, Local Law 97 molds a future where the city's energy is as green as its dreams. 
 In the intricate dance between commerce and conscience, this legislation doesn't just rewrite the rules; it reimagines the game. It's a reminder that even amid towering ambitions, our responsibility to the environment can be as monumental as the structures we create. So, as we navigate the uncharted territories of carbon reduction, let's remember that Local Law 97 isn't just a navigational aid; it's the compass guiding us toward a city that's not only great but also green – a city where progress and sustainability walk hand in hand into the sunrise of a new era. 
Elevate your property's energy efficiency through VertPro Upgrades, where we not only specialize in Commercial Energy Audit and Benchmark Compliance consultancy but also offer the transformative service of Commercial Roofing through our Construction Marketplace. 
As the trusted leader in this field, VertPro empowers Building Owners and property Managers nationwide with innovative SaaS technology-based solutions. From Energy Benchmarking to Energy Audits/RCx Plus, our comprehensive approach ensures adherence to over 50 Energy Benchmarking and energy Efficiency Laws.  
Don't miss the chance to maximize your energy potential and property value - explore VertPro.com’s integrated solutions today! 
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