#Climate Smart Agriculture Market Research
ashimbisresearch · 7 months
Latest Survey on Climate Smart Agriculture Market: Exploring GHG Mitigating Technologies | BIS Research
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The agricultural landscape is evolving with a renewed focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility, paving the way for the Climate Smart Agriculture Market. This market is at the forefront of integrating innovative technologies aimed at mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while ensuring food security.
According to BIS Research, the adoption of climate smart agriculture (CSA) practices has emerged as a comprehensive approach to effectively pursue the interconnected objectives, taking into account the synergies and trade-offs inherent in the process.
Technologies Mitigating GHG Emissions
Precision Farming: Precision farming technologies utilize data analytics, satellite imagery, and sensors to optimize resource use. This minimizes overuse of fertilizers and pesticides, reducing the environmental impact and lowering GHG emissions.
Renewable Energy Integration: The incorporation of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, into agricultural operations is a cornerstone of climate-smart agriculture. This shift reduces reliance on fossil fuels, cutting down emissions associated with traditional energy sources.
Smart Irrigation Systems: Smart irrigation systems employ sensors and data analytics to deliver precise amounts of water to crops. This not only conserves water but also minimizes the energy required for irrigation, contributing to a reduction in overall GHG emissions.
Cover Cropping and Crop Rotation: Practices like cover cropping and crop rotation enhance soil health and carbon sequestration. These techniques reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and promote sustainable agriculture, mitigating GHG emissions from conventional farming practices.
Access our completely free detailed research report on Climate Smart Agriculture Industry.
Market Dynamics
Global Environmental Concerns: Increasing awareness of climate change and its impact on agriculture has spurred global efforts to adopt climate-smart practices. Governments, farmers, and stakeholders are recognizing the importance of mitigating GHG emissions for sustainable food production.
Policy Support and Incentives: Many governments worldwide are introducing policies and incentives to encourage the adoption of climate-smart agriculture. Financial support and subsidies incentivize farmers to implement technologies that reduce their carbon footprint.
Consumer Demand for Sustainable Agriculture: Consumer preferences are shifting towards sustainably produced food. The demand for products cultivated through climate-smart practices is driving farmers and agribusinesses to embrace technologies that align with environmental sustainability.
Technological Advancements: Continuous advancements in agricultural technologies contribute to the growth of the climate-smart agriculture market. Innovations in precision farming, data analytics, and renewable energy applications enhance the effectiveness of GHG mitigation strategies.
Impact Across Agricultural Practices
Resilience to Climate Change: Climate-smart agriculture enhances the resilience of farming systems to the challenges posed by climate change. Adaptable technologies and sustainable practices ensure agricultural productivity in the face of changing weather patterns.
Enhanced Soil Health: Practices like cover cropping and reduced tillage not only sequester carbon but also improve soil health. Healthy soils are better equipped to withstand environmental stressors, fostering long-term sustainability.
Economic Viability: Adopting a climate smart agriculture industry is not only environmentally beneficial but also economically viable. Reduced input costs, improved efficiency, and access to emerging markets for sustainable produce contribute to the financial viability of such practices.
Future Outlook and Opportunities
Integration of Artificial Intelligence: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into climate-smart agriculture is anticipated to increase. AI can enhance predictive modeling, optimize resource allocation, and provide real-time insights, further reducing GHG emissions.
Collaboration for Knowledge Exchange: Collaborative initiatives between governments, research institutions, and the private sector will facilitate knowledge exchange. This collaboration is essential for scaling up climate-smart agriculture practices globally.
Scaling Up Renewable Energy Adoption: The scaling up of renewable energy adoption in agriculture is expected to play a pivotal role. Increasing access to affordable and sustainable energy sources will contribute to a significant reduction in on-farm GHG emissions.
The Climate Smart Agriculture Industry is spearheading a sustainable revolution in global farming practices. With a focus on technologies that actively mitigate GHG emissions, the agriculture industry is transitioning towards a resilient, environmentally responsible, and economically viable future.
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wachinyeya · 3 months
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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced today an investment of $70 million in seven creative and visionary agricultural projects to transform the U.S. food and agricultural system and sustainably increase agricultural production in ways that also reduce its environmental footprint.
This Fiscal Year 2023 investment is part of the Sustainable Agricultural Systems program area of NIFA’s Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, the nation’s leading and largest competitive grants program for agricultural sciences.
The innovative program focuses on a broad range of needed research, education and Extension solutions – from addressing agricultural workforce challenges and promoting land stewardship to addressing climate change impacts in agriculture and filling critical needs in food and nutrition.
“Agriculture is facing a multitude of complex challenges,” said Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young, USDA Chief Scientist and Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics. “We need all hands on deck developing creative, sustainable and strategic ways to feed, clothe and fuel future generations.”
The $10 million awards are for coordinated agricultural projects (CAPs), which are larger-scale and longer-term investments that integrate research, education and Extension efforts. These projects promote collaboration, open communication, information exchange and reduce duplication efforts by coordinating activities among individuals, institutions, states and regions.
“These research investments support exciting projects that integrate innovative systems-based thinking, methods and technologies to establish robust, resilient, and climate-smart food and agricultural systems,” said NIFA Director Dr. Manjit Misra. “These visionary projects will improve the local and regional supply of affordable, safe, nutritious and accessible food and agricultural products, while fostering economic development and rural prosperity in America.”
Explore the seven projects, which include the following:
At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dr. Erin Silva is leading a collaboration with the Great Lakes Intertribal Food Coalition, the Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council, and the Menominee Nation on a transdisciplinary project that aims to scale up traditional Indigenous food production practices — practices that for generations have already been climate-smart and sustainable — by expanding production, processing, storage, and distribution systems, as well as education and Extension programs, that are needed to support integrated crop-livestock systems, cover crops, and rotationally-grazed cattle and pastured chickens.
At the University of Maine, Dr. Hemant Pendse is leading an integrated research, education and Extension effort to advance the bioeconomy by developing biorefinery technologies that will make the millions of tons of available low-grade woody biomass – which currently has a very limited market – more commercially viable in both the sustainable aviation fuel and fish feed sectors.
At Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Dr. Muthu Bagavathiannan is leading a project that seeks to transform cotton production in the southern United States into a more sustainable, climate-smart enterprise by applying improved precision management practices to increase carbon sequestration and reduce greenhouse gas emissions; enhance pest control, and nutrient and water management; and address labor challenges while creating new market opportunities.
AFRI, which also makes grants in the Foundational and Applied Sciences and Education and Workforce Development program areas, is designed to improve plant and animal production and sustainability, and human and environmental health. Grants are available to eligible colleges, universities, and other research organizations.
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cognitivejustice · 5 months
From ancient fertilizer methods in Zimbabwe to new greenhouse technology in Somalia, farmers across the heavily agriculture-reliant African continent are looking to the past and future to respond to climate change.
A patch of green vegetables is thriving in a small garden the 65-year-old Tshuma is keeping alive with homemade organic manure and fertilizer. Previously discarded items have again become priceless.
“This is how our fathers and forefathers used to feed the earth and themselves before the introduction of chemicals and inorganic fertilizers,” Tshuma said.
He applies livestock droppings, grass, plant residue, remains of small animals, tree leaves and bark, food scraps and other biodegradable items like paper. Even the bones of animals that are dying in increasing numbers due to the drought are burned before being crushed into ash for their calcium.
Greenhouses are changing the way some people live, with shoppers filling up carts with locally produced vegetables and traditionally nomadic pastoralists under pressure to settle down and grow crops.
“They are organic, fresh and healthy,” shopper Sucdi Hassan said in the capital, Mogadishu. “Knowing that they come from our local farms makes us feel secure.”
The greenhouses also create employment in a country where about 75% of the population is people under 30 years old, many of them jobless.
In Kenya, a new climate-smart bean variety is bringing hope to farmers in a region that had recorded reduced rainfall in six consecutive rainy seasons.
The variety, called “Nyota” or “star” in Swahili, is the result of a collaboration between scientists from the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, the Alliance of Bioversity International and research organization International Center for Tropical Agriculture.
The new bean variety is tailored for Kenya’s diverse climatic conditions. One focus is to make sure drought doesn’t kill them off before they have time to flourish.
Other moves to traditional practices are under way. Drought-resistant millets, sorghum and legumes, staples until the early 20th century when they were overtaken by exotic white corn, have been taking up more land space in recent years.
Leaves of drought-resistant plants that were once a regular dish before being cast off as weeds are returning to dinner tables. They even appear on elite supermarket shelves and are served at classy restaurants, as are millet and sorghum.
This could create markets for the crops even beyond drought years
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Brazil 2050: A vision for global food security
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Feeding a growing world population is a significant global security concern. Geopolitical instabilities, climate change, and population growth are major challenges exacerbating global food insecurity. How can the world meet this growing demand for food while also adapting to climate change? Finding solutions will require innovation, imagination, sound investments, smart policies, and cooperation.
Only a few of the world’s breadbaskets have the potential to further meet growing global food demand. Here, Brazil is at the top of the list. Over the past half century, Brazil has established itself as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of food and ranks among the great breadbaskets of the world. Its production and exports across a wide variety of agricultural commodities, such as soybeans and corn, are critical to world trade in food and essential to the security of global food supply. Owing to its incredible natural endowment, its advanced agribusiness and research sectors, its stability within an unstable world, and its well-developed integration into global agriculture and food markets, Brazil is now and will remain a leading agricultural powerhouse and a critical partner in addressing the global food crisis.
Global population growth, changing demographics, and decarbonization efforts will shape how food is produced in the years to come, increasing the need for solutions from leading breadbaskets such as Brazil. By 2050, the world population could increase to as many as ten billion people, with higher incomes and the more protein-heavy diet often associated with them. These factors prompt rising demand for food, while a warming climate could significantly impact agricultural productivity, and geopolitical disruptions could further exacerbate global food supply chains.
Brazil is already an important and reliable breadbasket for the world. But to help create a more resilient and sustainable food system for the future, Brazil must strategically prepare its domestic capabilities to meet the projected demands of 2050—and it should do so in partnership with the private sector and the international community.
Access the document here.
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andiatas · 3 months
H.M. The King's opening speech at International Union of Forest Research Organization's World Congress 2024
Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,
I am pleased to welcome you all to the International Union of Forest Research Organizations World Congress 2024. This year hosted by Sweden in collaboration with the Nordic and Baltic countries.
The last time Sweden hosted the congress was in 1929, when my great-grandfather Gustaf V was King. Back then, the forest played a crucial role in fostering stability in rural areas, providing both economic and social security.
The most recent forest conference was held in Brazil in 2019. The difference between boreal forests and the Amazon might seem big. But this week, many examples of similarities as well as common challenges will be discussed too.
To manage forests sustainably, whether they are in boreal forests or the South, we need certain basics in place to create resilient systems. These include stable institutions like government agencies, robust markets, and solid research to help us make smart decisions supporting a greener future.
Ladies and gentlemen,
This conference aims to build bridges between continents and people, addressing common challenges and showcasing forest solutions for a sustainable society.
I have had the privilege to travel across continents during several decades. It is evident how interconnected forests are and how crucial they are for the health of our planet.
As we all know but cannot be emphasized enough: Forests serve as carbon sinks in helping to combat climate change. Protecting and sustainably managing forests is essential to maintaining their role in capturing carbon.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Sweden has a proud tradition of sustainable forestry. This includes family forestry, where families manage forest lands over generations. It also involves the unique right of public access, allowing everyone to enjoy the forests. Our hunting and wildlife management practices help keep ecosystems balanced and diverse, which is crucial for protecting nature.
Sweden has also created a sustainable countryside through long-term ownership and collaboration among forestry stakeholders, industry, and local communities. This has created stable markets for forest products and services, making forestry a vital part of our economy.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I extend my sincere gratitude to the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), which has served as the host organization for this conference. Now, the hosting responsibilities will move on to Kenya and Nairobi.
Finally, I would like to welcome you to the Royal parks at Drottningholm and Hagaparken on Wednesday, where you will experience and discuss forest and individual tree management in urban areas.
Thank you!
Speech held by H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf at Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö, Stockholm, on June 24, 2024.
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briantwomeydallas · 1 year
How Innovation Is Reshaping the Food Industry
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Food innovation refers to introducing novel ideas, products, and technologies that change how society produces, processes, packages, distributes, and consumes food. It goes beyond merely creating new recipes or flavors - food innovation encompasses advances in agriculture, food science, sustainability, and packaging. The goal is to enhance efficiency, safety, nutrition, and the overall consumer experience.
The need for food innovation arises from the ever-changing demands of consumers and the pressing challenges faced by the industry. As the global population continues to grow, so does the demand for food. Additionally, sustainability concerns, climate change, and limited resources prompt exploring alternative food growing and production methods. Innovations in food aim to enhance food security, minimize environmental impact, and offer consumers healthier, more diverse options.
Food innovation occurs through a combination of research, collaboration, and creativity. Scientists, entrepreneurs, farmers, and food industry professionals work together to develop new technologies and processes. Research institutions and startups play a crucial role in conducting experiments, testing new concepts, and bringing innovative products to the market.
In recent years, the food industry has witnessed groundbreaking innovations reshaping how people interact with food. The plant-based movement has gained immense traction, with plant-based alternatives for meat, dairy, and seafood becoming mainstream. Companies have developed plant-based burgers, vegan cheeses, and sustainable seafood alternatives using cutting-edge technologies. Beyond plant-based options, innovations have also focused on alternative protein sources, such as insect-based proteins and lab-grown meats, offering sustainable and protein-rich alternatives.
Swedish startup Mycorena is boosting microbial protein production through its fungi-based mycoprotein called Promyc. This ingredient can be used to create meat and tuna alternatives, beverage additives, and dessert ingredients, offering plant-based and sustainable options for consumers.
Finnish startup Onego Bio has developed a product genetically identical to egg whites using fermentation, and without using actual chickens. It uses precision fermentation of a microflora called Trichoderma reesei to produce ovalbumin, the protein found in chicken egg whites. This technology offers a sustainable and animal-friendly alternative for various food applications, including baked goods, desserts, sauces, and dressings.
Companies like New Culture are incorporating animal-free casein into their cheeses through precision fermentation. This breakthrough allows them to produce animal-free mozzarella cheese, offering a delicious and cruelty-free alternative to traditional dairy products.
In addition, consumers increasingly seek transparency in food choices, leading to the clean label movement. Brands are responding by using simple natural ingredients and avoiding artificial additives and preservatives.
Breakthrough innovations in the food industry are revolutionizing how society grows, produces, and consumes food, focusing on sustainability, nutrition, and convenience. One such innovation is plastic-free and smart packaging. Food companies are exploring biodegradable and even edible packaging solutions in response to environmental concerns. Smart packaging using nanotechnology is also gaining popularity, allowing consumers to assess food safety and quality easily.
The Internet of Things (IoT) in agriculture employs sensors and data analytics for optimizing crop conditions, irrigation, and pest control, reducing resource usage. Food waste reduction solutions, such as surplus food redistribution platforms, are being developed to combat the global food waste crisis. Moreover, biotechnology and data science advances enable personalized nutrition, tailoring dietary recommendations to individuals based on their genetic makeup, lifestyle, and health goals. These innovations promise a more sustainable, healthier, and efficient food future.
Food innovation is driving a remarkable transformation in the food industry, responding to the challenges and opportunities of today. From new plant-based products to sustainable agriculture and cutting-edge technologies, the future of food promises to be more diverse, nutritious, and sustainable. As consumers, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders continue to embrace innovation, the food industry's journey toward a more resilient and conscious future is set to continue.
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mariacallous · 8 months
If you ever had pastries at breakfast, drank soy milk, used soaps at home, or built yourself a nice flat-pack piece of furniture, you may have contributed to deforestation and climate change.
Every item has a price—but the cost isn’t felt only in our pockets. Hidden in that price is a complex chain of production, encompassing economic, social, and environmental relations that sustain livelihoods and, unfortunately, contribute to habitat destruction, deforestation, and the warming of our planet.
Approximately 4 billion hectares of forest around the world act as a carbon sink which, over the past two decades, has annually absorbed a net 7.6 billion metric tons of CO2. That’s the equivalent of 1.5 times the annual emissions of the US.
Conversely, a cleared forest becomes a carbon source. Many factors lead to forest clearing, but the root cause is economic. Farmers cut down the forest to expand their farms, support cattle grazing, harvest timber, mine minerals, and build infrastructure such as roads. Until that economic pressure goes away, the clearing may continue.
In 2024, however, we are going to see a big boost to global efforts to fight deforestation. New EU legislation will make it illegal to sell or export a range of commodities if they have been produced on deforested land. Sellers will need to identify exactly where their product originates, down to the geolocation of the plot. Penalties are harsh, including bans and fines of up to 4 percent of the offender's annual EU-wide turnover. As such, industry pushback has been strong, claiming that the costs are too high or the requirements are too onerous. Like many global frameworks, this initiative is being led by the EU, with other countries sure to follow, as the so-called Brussels Effect pressures ever more jurisdictions to adopt its methods.
The impact of these measures will only be as strong as the enforcement and, in 2024, we will see new ways of doing that digitally. At Farmerline (which I cofounded), for instance, we have been working on supply chain traceability for over a decade. We incentivize rule-following by making it beneficial.
When we digitize farmers and allow them and other stakeholders to track their products from soil to shelf, they also gain access to a suite of other products: the latest, most sustainable farming practices in their own language, access to flexible financing to fund climate-smart products such as drought-resistant seeds, solar irrigation systems and organic fertilizers, and the ability to earn more through international commodity markets.
Digitization helps build resilience and lasting wealth for the smallholders and helps save the environment. Another example is the World Economic Forum’s OneMap—an open-source privacy-preserving digital tool which helps governments use geospatial and farmer data to improve planning and decision making in agriculture and land. In India, the Data Empowerment Protection Architecture also provides a secure consent-based data-sharing framework to accelerate global financial inclusion.
In 2024 we will also see more food companies and food certification bodies leverage digital payment tools, like mobile money, to ensure farmers’ pay is not only direct and transparent, but also better if they comply with deforestation regulations.
The fight against deforestation will also be made easier by developments in hardware technology. New, lightweight drones from startups such as AirSeed can plant seeds, while further up, mini-satellites, such as those from Planet Labs, are taking millions of images per week, allowing governments and NGOs to track areas being deforested in near-real time. In Rwanda, researchers are using AI and the aerial footage captured by Planet Labs to calculate, monitor, and estimate the carbon stock of the entire country.
With these advances in software and hard-tech, in 2024, the global fight against deforestation will finally start to grow new shoots.
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tamanna31 · 1 day
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Market Size, Share, Growth, Analysis Forecast to 2030
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Market Size & Trends 
The global commercial refrigeration equipment market size was valued at USD 40.82 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% from 2023 to 2030. The rapid expansion of the hospitality and tourism sector and the growing preference among end-consumers for takeaway meals are expected to drive market growth over the forecast period. In addition, increasing regulatory implications resulting in the adoption of lower global warming potential (GWP) commercial refrigerants coupled with ongoing technological breakthroughs will also provide growth prospects for the market. 
A considerable rise in the international food trade has also boosted the demand for commercial refrigeration systems for frozen foods, processed foods, and seafood required for to storage and transportation. The continual innovations and rapid improvements in technologies, including liquid-vapor compression and ammonia absorption systems, are driving the product demand further. Various leading manufacturers are focusing on R&D activities to enhance the design and temperature control of their products to gain a competitive edge in the industry. The increasing need to control and monitor the environment of a commercial kitchen is expected to provide ample growth opportunities for the refrigeration industry over the forecast period.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Market 
Products equipped with automated or smart refrigeration controls are gaining massive traction in the market. As per the Federal Energy Management Program, commercial refrigerators with ENERGY STAR certification consume 1.89 kWh energy per day on an average, while refrigerators with lesser efficiency consume energy of around 4.44 kWh per day. The increasing demand for energy-efficient commercial refrigeration units driven by the rising awareness about their environment-friendly and cost-effective nature is encouraging the market players to develop innovative designs. 
Climate concerns related to high GWP refrigerants, such as global warming and ozone depletion, are urging manufacturers to produce alternatives. The rising demand for technologies that can address hazardous gas emissions has urged market participants to equip their products with advanced magnetic refrigeration systems. These systems also improve the energy efficiency of refrigeration equipment, thereby minimizing operational costs. As per the U.S. Department of Energy statistics, these systems are highly energy-efficient and can help in energy saving of up to 30%. 
The worldwide outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis led to the establishment of stringent containment measures, resulting in a temporary halt in the manufacturing and shipment of commercial refrigeration equipment. However, the pandemic created a strong demand for vaccine production and storage, which triggered the demand for cold storage solutions to support the mass immunization program against the coronavirus. The accelerating usage of vaccine storage units is likely to propel the demand for transportation refrigeration equipment in the subsequent years. 
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
The global unmanned traffic management market size was estimated at USD 164.1 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 34.0% from 2024 to 2030. The growing adoption of drones in various sectors, such as agriculture, logistics, and emergency services, has created a need for effective unmanned traffic management (UTM) systems, thereby driving market growth. The demand for UTM solutions to manage airspace safely and efficiently is growing as drones are increasingly used for commercial purposes.
The global border security market size was estimated at USD 26.76 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.8% from 2024 to 2030. The market growth is driven by the increasing geopolitical tensions, cross-border crimes, and the need for advanced surveillance systems. Governments worldwide are investing heavily in modernizing their border security infrastructure to enhance national security. The market encompasses a wide range of technologies, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), biometrics, radar systems, and advanced detection and tracking systems.  
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Market Segmentation 
Grand View Research has segmented the global commercial refrigeration equipment market report based on the product, application, system type, refrigerant, capacity, distribution channel, and region 
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Transportation Refrigeration Equipment
Shipping Containers
Refrigerators & Freezers
Reach-in Refrigerators
Beverage Refrigeration
Display Showcases
Ice Cream Cabinets
Bakery/Deli Display
Ice Merchandisers & Ice Vending Equipment
Other Equipment 
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment System Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Remotely Operated 
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Capacity Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Less than 50 cu. Ft
50 to 100 cu. Ft
More than 100 cu. Ft 
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Food Service
Food & Beverage Retail
Convenience Store
Specialty Food Store
Hotels and Hospitality
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Refrigerant Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Synthetic Refrigerants (HFCs, HCFCs)
Natural Refrigerants
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Ammonia (NH3)
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers)
Distributors and Wholesalers
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Order a free sample PDF of the Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research. 
Key Companies profiled:
AHT Cooling Systems GmbH
Ali Group S.r.l. a Socio Unico
Daikin Industries Ltd.
Dover Corporation
Electrolux AB
Hussmann Corporation
Illinois Tool Works Inc.
Johnson Control
Lennox International Inc.
Panasonic Corporation
Whirlpool Corporation 
Recent Developments
In January 2024, Hussmann Corporation, a retail refrigeration systems company, launched Evolve Technologies, a new offering focused on the development of technologies that facilitate the use of environmentally friendly refrigerants. 
In January 2022, Carrier Commercial Refrigeration installed its PowerCO2OL refrigeration system at a COVID-19 vaccine storage warehouse in Spain. This system uses carbon dioxide, a natural refrigerant, and serves as a sustainable and low global warming potential refrigerant to help preserve critical vaccines in Spain. 
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colinwilson11 · 23 days
The United States Agrivoltaics Market Will Grow At Highest Pace Owing To Increasing Adoption Of Dual-Use Agriculture
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The United States agrivoltaics market involves integrating photovoltaic solar power generation into agricultural operations, such as farming and livestock grazing. Agrivoltaics systems optimize land use for both electricity production as well as crop cultivation or livestock grazing. The dual-use of agricultural land boosts the agricultural productivity and reduces the consumption of fresh water for irrigation. Major crops grown under agrivoltaic systems include grapes, blueberries, tomatoes, and citrus fruits.
The United States Agrivoltaics Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 323.6 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 11% over the forecast period 2024-2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the United States agrivoltaics are Enel Green Power S.p.A.,Boralex,Sunrise Power Solutions,McIntosh Energy Japan Co., Ltd., and SolarEdge.
These players are focusing on developments of innovative agrivoltaic projects to tap the growth opportunities. For instance, in 2022, Enel Green Power developed an agrivoltaic system in California integrating PV modules mounted at a height of eight meters above rows of wine grape.
The growing adoption of dual-use agriculture is fueling the demand for agrivoltaic systems in the country. Agrivoltaics help farmers to generate additional revenue from electricity sales while optimally utilizing the available land for crop cultivation. Government schemes promoting integration of agriculture with renewable energy are further augmenting the adoption of agrivoltaics among farmers.
Technological advancements are also supporting the growth of the United States agrivoltaics market. Key players are developing innovative mounting structures, optimizers, and module designs that maximize crop yield while producing electricity from PV systems. Smart technologies allow real-time monitoring of agro-climatic conditions and adjustment of PV panels for optimal sunlight exposure to crops.
Market Trends
The trend of dual-use agriculture is gaining traction in the United States as it helps optimize land utilization as well as boost farm income. Various states are promoting integrated models for generation of clean energy along with crops and livestock management. Furthermore, the growing focus on sustainable agriculture is propelling the development of agrivoltaic farms having minimum environmental impact.
Market Opportunities
The strong policy support in the form of regulatory mandates and financial incentives available for renewable energy projects presents significant opportunities for agrivoltaics market in the United States. Additionally, growing research collaborations between agricultural universities and solar industries are expected to develop new applications and potential crops suitable for agrivoltaics. This will further accelerate the commercialization of innovative agrivoltaic systems.
The United States Agrivoltaics Market experienced significant slowdown in growth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns and supply chain disruptions negatively impacted the agricultural as well as solar sectors. Farmers faced difficulties in crop cultivation and harvesting due to shortage of labor and disruptions. The implementation of agrivoltaic projects also slowed down significantly. However, with gradual easing of restrictions from mid-2021 and vaccination drives, the market is recovering. The demand is expected to pick up strongly as agricultural production returns to pre-pandemic levels and ongoing renewable energy targets drive the adoption of innovative agrivoltaic solutions.
The geographical region concentrating major share of the United States Agrivoltaics Market in terms of value is Central States region comprising North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Illinois. This is because of the large-scale farming activities in the region, supportive government policies, and availability of suitable land areas for integrating solar PV systems with agriculture. The fastest growing region for the market is expected to be Western States region including California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. This is attributed to aggressive renewable energy goals of states like California, extensive R&D initiatives in the region, and increasing development of agrivoltaic projects to power irrigation in arid states.
The Central Valley region of California is a major hub for various fruit and vegetable cultivation. However, extensive use of fossil-fuel based irrigation pumps has increased carbon footprint and energy costs of farms. Several farmers and local authorities in the region have started implementing innovative agrivoltaic projects that deploy bifacial solar panels mounted on vertically-adjustable structures above crop beds. This allows growing of crops below panels and generation of clean electricity simultaneously to meet irrigation demands. Such projects are reducing reliance on diesel and lowering production costs, thereby driving stronger adoption of agrivoltaics in California and wider Western States region.
Get more insights on this topic:  https://www.trendingwebwire.com/united-states-agrivoltaics-market-poised-to-grow-significantly-due-to-rising-adoption-of-solar-plus-crop-farming/
Author Bio:
Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163 )
What Are The Key Data Covered In This United States Agrivoltaics Market Report?
:- Market CAGR throughout the predicted period
:- Comprehensive information on the aspects that will drive the United States Agrivoltaics's growth between 2024 and 2031.
:- Accurate calculation of the size of the United States Agrivoltaics and its contribution to the market, with emphasis on the parent market
:- Realistic forecasts of future trends and changes in consumer behaviour
:- United States Agrivoltaics Industry Growth in North America, APAC, Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Africa
:- A complete examination of the market's competitive landscape, as well as extensive information on vendors
:- Detailed examination of the factors that will impede the expansion of United States Agrivoltaics vendors
Q.1 What are the main factors influencing the United States Agrivoltaics?
Q.2 Which companies are the major sources in this industry?
Q.3 What are the market’s opportunities, risks, and general structure?
Q.4 Which of the top United States Agrivoltaics companies compare in terms of sales, revenue, and prices?
Q.5 Which businesses serve as the United States Agrivoltaics’s distributors, traders, and dealers?
Q.6 How are market types and applications and deals, revenue, and value explored?
Q.7 What does a business area’s assessment of agreements, income, and value implicate?
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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industrynewsupdates · 26 days
Smart Agriculture Market 2024-2030: Growth Share and Future Trends
The global smart agriculture market size was valued at USD 22.65 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
Increasing automation of commercial greenhouses and growing implementation of the controlled environment agriculture (CEA) concept in greenhouses, in a bid to obtain a higher yield and maintain optimum growing conditions, are the key factors driving demand during the forecast period. Cultivators realize the potential benefits of growing plants inside a greenhouse, which has led to the development of commercial greenhouses. Cultivators have shifted from the conventional lighting systems to LED grow lights as the latter can easily be integrated into a CEA setup. Although LED grows lights are high in cost, they are an ideal option for indoor farming, owing to their long-term benefits in terms of energy efficiency.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Smart Agriculture Market
Smart agriculture companies are shifting their focus toward the development of equipment that is integrated with advanced sensors and cameras. Key technologies driving the market demand include livestock biometrics, such as RFID, biometrics, and GPS to help cultivators automatically obtain information regarding livestock in real-time. Furthermore, infrastructural health sensors are used for monitoring material conditions and vibrations in buildings, factories, bridges, farms, and other infrastructure. Coupled with an intelligent network, infrastructural health sensors help provide information to the maintenance team in real-time. In addition, agricultural robots are being used to automate farming processes, such as soil maintenance, weeding, fruit picking, harvesting, planting, plowing, and irrigation, among others.
To sustain profits, farmers are increasingly adopting smarter and more efficient agriculture technologies to deliver high-quality products to the smart agriculture market in sufficient quantities. Mobile technology aids in offering innovative types and applications that are used across the agricultural value chain.
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications are particularly suited for the agricultural sector, enabling farmers to monitor equipment, assess the environmental impact on production, precisely manage livestock and crops, and keep track of tractors and other agricultural equipment. M2M is an integral part of IoT, which describes the coordination of multiple devices, appliances, and machines connected to the internet through multiple networks.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought widespread disruption to the global supply chain, resulting in food shortages and inflation. Necessary measures are required to strengthen the food supply chain and prepare for any future crisis. The ongoing pandemic has highlighted the significance of being able to carry out agricultural operations remotely. The ability of smart agricultural practices to help farmers recoup losses in a relatively shorter lead time is expected to drive future market growth.
Smart Agriculture Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global smart agriculture market report based on type, offering, application, and region.
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Precision farming
• Livestock monitoring
• Smart greenhouse
• Others
Offering Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Hardware
o Automation & control systems
o Drones
o Application control devices
o Guidance system
o Remote sensing
o Handheld
o Satellite sensing
o Driverless tractors
o Mobile devices
o Map-based
o Sensor-based
o Wireless modules
o Bluetooth technology
o Wi-Fi technology
o Zigbee technology
o RF technology
o Milking robots
o Sensing devices
o Soil sensor
o Nutrient sensor
o Moisture sensor
o Temperature sensor
o Water sensors
o Climate sensors
o Others
o HVAC system
o LED grow light
o RFID tags & readers
• Software
o Web-based
o Cloud-based
• Types
o System integration & consulting
o Maintenance & support
o Managed types
o Data types
o Analytics types
o Farm operation types
o Assisted professional types
o Supply chain management types
o Climate information types
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017 - 2030)
• Precision farming application
o Yield monitoring
o On-farm
o Off-farm
o Field mapping
o Crop scouting
o Weather tracking & forecasting
o Irrigation management
o Inventory management
o Farm labor management
• Livestock monitoring application
o Milk harvesting
o Breeding management
o Feeding management
o Animal comfort management
o Others
• Smart greenhouse application
o Water & fertilizer management
o HVAC management
o Yield monitoring
o Others
• Others
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2017 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o U.K.
o Germany
o France
o Russia
o Netherland
• Asia Pacific
o China
o Japan
o India
o Australia
o Singapore
• South America
o Brazil
• Middle East and Africa (MEA)
o Turkey
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
• The global agriculture 4.0 market was estimated at USD 67.73 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.6% from 2024 to 2030. 
• The global AI in food & beverages market size was valued at USD 8.45 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 39.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market include Ag Leader Technology, AGCO Corporation, AgJunction, Inc., AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc., Autonomous Solutions, Inc., Argus Control Systems Ltd, BouMatic Robotic B.V., CropMetrics, CLAAS KGaA mbH, CropZilla, Deere & Company, DICKEY-john, DroneDeploy, DeLaval Inc, Farmers Edge Inc, Grownetics, Inc., Granular, Inc., Gamaya, GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft, Raven Industries, Trimble Inc., Topcon Positioning System among others.
• AGCO Corporation is a U.S.-based agriculture equipment manufacturer. The company develops and sells products and solutions such as tractors, combines, foragers, hay tools, self-propelled sprayers, smart farming technologies, seeding equipment, and tillage equipment.
• Deere & Company is engaged in the manufacturing & construction of agricultural and forestry machinery; drivetrains and diesel engines for heavy equipment; and lawn care machinery. Additionally, the company also manufactures and provides other heavy manufacturing equipment. The company serves diverse industries such as agriculture, forestry, construction, landscaping & grounds care, engines & drivetrain, government and military, and sports turf.
Prospera Technologies and Agrible, Inc. are some of the emerging market participants in the target market.
• Prospera Technologies is a global service provider of agriculture technology for managing and optimizing irrigation and crop health. The company provides AI-based sensors and cameras that aid farmers in crop monitoring.
• Agrible is a U.S.-based agriculture solution provider. The company helps customers in more than 30 countries optimize water use, crop protection, fertilization, fieldwork, research trials, food supply chains, and sustainability initiatives
Key Smart Agriculture Companies:
• Ag Leader Technology
• AGCO Corporation
• AgJunction, Inc.
• AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc.
• Autonomous Solutions, Inc.
• Argus Control Systems Ltd
• BouMatic Robotic B.V.
• CropMetrics
• CropZilla
• Deere & Company
• DICKEY-john
• DroneDeploy
• DeLaval Inc
• Farmers Edge Inc
• Grownetics, Inc.
• Granular, Inc.
• Gamaya
• GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft
• Raven Industries
• Trimble Inc.
• Topcon Positioning System
Recent Developments
• In July 2023, Deere & Company announced the acquisition of Smart Apply, Inc. The company planned to leverage Smart Apply’s precision spraying to assist growers in addressing the challenges associated with input costs, labor, regulatory requirements, and environmental goals.
• In May 2023, AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. announced that it had entered into a 2-year supply agreement with Wingtra AG. This agreement is purposed to secure the supply of RedEdge-P sensor kits for incorporation with WingtraOne VTOL drones. This is specifically resourceful for those seeking to benefit materially from unparalleled, high precision, and plant-level detail in commercial agriculture, environmental research, forestry, and water management applications.
• In April 2023, AGCO Corporation announced a strategic collaboration with Hexagon, for the expansion of AGCO’s factory-fit and aftermarket guidance offerings. The new guidance system was planned to be commercialized as Fuse Guide on Valtra and Massey Ferguson tractors.
• In February 2023, Topcon Agriculture unveiled the launch of Transplanting Control, an exceptional guidance control solution for specialty farmers. This turnkey solution was designed to boost efficiency, reduce labor, and proliferate production. Further, it delivers GNSS-driven guidance, autosteering & control, thereby proving advantageous for the growers of perennial trees, vegetables, and fruits.
• In January 2023, ASI Logistics in collaboration with SICK, Inc. announced the successful implementation of autonomous yard truck operations. In this collaboration, ASI Logistics leveraged its groundbreaking Vehicle Automation Kit (VAK) along with the industry-leading LiDAR systems of SICK.
• In March 2022, Raven announced its business expansion in South Dakota and Arizona to enhance the development of AI-driven technologies for tailoring cutting-edge solutions. The strategy was also aimed at allowing access to a nearby test farm for same-day testing.
• In October 2021, BouMatic announced the acquisition of SAC Group to leverage automatic and conventional milking systems. The transaction demonstrated the company’s incessant commitment to delivering best-in-class dairy farm solutions to consumers across the world.
• In May 2021, AGCO announced a targeted spraying solutions strategic collaboration with Raven Industries Inc., BASF Digital, and Robert Bosch GmbH. The objective of this deal was to assess the targeted spraying technology for enhancing crop protection product applications by limiting crop input costs and addressing environmental sustainability.
Order a free sample PDF of the Smart Agriculture Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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swetha22 · 1 month
The Future of Mango Farming: Why Farmland is a Smart Investment
Mango farming has long been a cornerstone of agricultural economies in tropical regions, but with evolving market dynamics and growing consumer demand, investing in is increasingly becoming a savvy financial move. Here’s why mango farmland is a smart investment for the future.
Rising Global Demand
Mangoes, often hailed as the "King of Fruits," have a strong global market presence. With over 40% of the world’s mangoes produced in India, the fruit is not only a staple in local diets but also enjoys substantial demand in international markets. As global interest in tropical fruits grows, particularly in regions like North America, Europe, and Asia, the demand for high-quality mangoes is expected to rise. This growing demand provides a robust opportunity for investors to capitalize on mango farming.
Economic Viability
Investing in mango farmland offers several economic advantages. Mangoes have a relatively high return on investment compared to other crops. The fruit’s high market value and the ability to harvest multiple crops from the same trees over several decades contribute to its economic appeal. Furthermore, mango trees have a long lifespan, typically producing fruit for 20-30 years, ensuring a prolonged revenue stream for investors.
Technological Advancements
Advancements in agricultural technology are revolutionizing mango farming. Precision agriculture, which uses GPS, soil sensors, and data analytics, helps farmers optimize water usage, manage pests, and increase yields. Innovations in irrigation systems, like drip irrigation, ensure efficient water use, which is crucial for maintaining mango orchards, especially in water-scarce regions. Additionally, improved cultivation techniques and pest management strategies are enhancing fruit quality and reducing production costs.
Sustainability and Environmental Impact
Sustainable farming practices are increasingly important in modern agriculture. Mango farming can be aligned with eco-friendly methods such as organic farming and agroforestry. Mango trees can be intercropped with other plants to enhance soil fertility and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers. Additionally, mango orchards contribute to carbon sequestration, helping to mitigate climate change. Investing in sustainable mango farming practices not only benefits the environment but also meets the growing consumer preference for sustainably sourced products.
Diverse Market Opportunities
Mangoes offer versatility in the market. Beyond fresh fruit, mangoes are processed into a wide range of products, including juices, jams, dried mangoes, and sauces. This diversification provides additional revenue streams for mango farmers. The rise of health-conscious consumers has also increased the popularity of mango-based health products, such as smoothies and nutritional supplements. By investing in mango farmland, you can tap into these varied market opportunities and increase your return on investment.
Government Support and Incentives
Many governments offer incentives and support programs for agricultural investments, including mango farming. These can include subsidies for irrigation infrastructure, tax benefits, and research grants. In regions like India, where mango farming is a significant part of the economy, various state and national programs support mango growers. Investors can benefit from these programs to reduce initial costs and improve profitability.
Cultural and Economic Significance
Mangoes hold a special place in many cultures, symbolizing prosperity and joy. This cultural significance enhances their market value and consumer appeal. In addition to the economic benefits, owning mango farmland allows investors to be part of a rich agricultural tradition, contributing to local economies and communities.
The future of mango farming is bright, with increasing global demand, technological advancements, and economic benefits making it a smart investment. Investing in mango farmland not only offers potential financial rewards but also aligns with sustainable practices and cultural significance. As the global market for mangoes continues to expand, securing a stake in mango farmland can provide long-term economic benefits and contribute to a thriving industry. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to agriculture, mango farming presents a compelling opportunity for growth and success in the evolving agricultural landscape.
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indahapp · 1 month
The Role of Technology in Combating Climate Change
Technology has emerged as a critical tool in the global effort to combat climate change. As the world faces unprecedented environmental challenges, innovative solutions are essential to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and ensure a sustainable future. Institutions like Telkom University, recognized as a global entrepreneur university, play a pivotal role in advancing technological research and development to address these pressing issues.
One of the most significant contributions of technology in combating climate change is the development of renewable energy sources. Wind, solar, and hydroelectric power technologies have drastically reduced reliance on fossil fuels, thereby cutting down greenhouse gas emissions. These technologies, which are often the focus of research in university labs, are not only more sustainable but also increasingly cost-effective. Telkom University's labs and research centers are at the forefront of exploring innovative ways to optimize these energy sources, making them more efficient and accessible globally.
Another area where technology is making a substantial impact is in energy efficiency. Smart grids, energy-efficient buildings, and electric vehicles are examples of technological advancements that help reduce energy consumption and, consequently, the carbon footprint. Research conducted in laboratories at entrepreneurial universities like Telkom University contributes to the development and refinement of these technologies. By fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, Telkom University empowers students and researchers to create solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also commercially viable.
In addition to energy solutions, technology plays a vital role in climate change adaptation. Advanced data analytics, satellite monitoring, and predictive modeling allow for better understanding and anticipation of climate-related events. This data-driven approach enables governments, businesses, and communities to implement proactive measures, minimizing the impact of climate-related disasters. Telkom University, as a global entrepreneur university, emphasizes the importance of integrating technology with practical applications, ensuring that innovations developed in the lab are effectively translated into real-world solutions.
Furthermore, technology is instrumental in promoting sustainable practices across various industries. For instance, advancements in agricultural technology, such as precision farming and vertical agriculture, contribute to more efficient use of resources, reducing the environmental impact of food production. These innovations often stem from interdisciplinary research conducted in university labs, where experts from different fields collaborate to tackle complex challenges. Telkom University’s commitment to fostering such interdisciplinary research ensures that students and researchers are equipped to address the multifaceted nature of climate change.
Entrepreneurial universities like Telkom University are uniquely positioned to drive technological innovation that combats climate change. By providing an environment that encourages experimentation and entrepreneurship, these institutions produce graduates who are not only skilled in technological expertise but also in translating their innovations into market-ready solutions. This entrepreneurial spirit is essential in scaling up technologies that can make a significant impact on a global scale.
In conclusion, the role of technology in combating climate change is multifaceted, encompassing renewable energy, energy efficiency, climate adaptation, and sustainable practices. Institutions like Telkom University, with their focus on research and entrepreneurship, are key players in this global effort. Through cutting-edge research conducted in labs, the nurturing of entrepreneurial talent, and the emphasis on practical applications, Telkom University exemplifies how technology and education can work together to create a more sustainable future.
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sharanya-farms · 1 month
Why Invest in Farmland Near Mysore? A Guide to Making Informed Decisions
Are you considering investing in agricultural land near Mysore? This region, renowned for its fertile soil and scenic landscapes, offers an exceptional opportunity for those looking to combine tranquility with investment potential. Whether you envision a serene getaway, a profitable asset, or a legacy for future generations, agricultural land near Mysore can deliver significant benefits. Here’s a detailed guide to help you make an informed and successful investment.
1. Why Invest in Agricultural Land Near Mysore?
Mysore is celebrated for its rich cultural heritage and lush surroundings. The areas adjacent to Mysore provide an ideal setting for agricultural investments due to:
Fertile Soil: The soil quality in this region is highly conducive to various agricultural activities.
Favorable Climate: The climate supports a wide range of crops and farming practices, making it a versatile choice.
Proximity to Urban Amenities: Enjoy the peace of rural life with easy access to Mysore’s urban conveniences.
Investing in this area not only promises a tranquil escape but also offers strong potential for land value appreciation.
2. Assessing the Land’s Agricultural Potential
To ensure you’re making a sound investment, thoroughly evaluate the land’s agricultural viability:
Soil Quality: Test the soil to determine its fertility and suitability for your intended use. Good soil is crucial for successful farming.
Water Resources: Check for access to water sources or irrigation facilities, as these are essential for maintaining productivity.
Climate Considerations: Ensure the land’s climate aligns with the crops or activities you plan to pursue.
3. Navigating Legal and Regulatory Aspects
Understanding and complying with local regulations is essential:
Legal Status: Confirm the land’s legal standing, ownership history, and any encumbrances.
Zoning and Land Use: Verify that the land is appropriately zoned for agricultural use and adheres to local land-use regulations.
Permits and Approvals: Obtain all necessary permits for agricultural activities or any planned developments. Consulting with legal and real estate professionals can help streamline this process.
4. Evaluating Infrastructure and Amenities
Access to infrastructure and additional amenities can significantly enhance the value and enjoyment of your property:
Accessibility: Ensure the land has good road access and connectivity to nearby towns and services.
Recreational Facilities: Look for properties that offer added amenities like swimming pools, gyms, and community spaces. For instance, Sharanya Farms provides a range of facilities including a clubhouse, Olympus swimming pool, kids’ pool, gym, and outdoor sports areas.
5. Analyzing Investment Potential
Examine the investment potential by considering:
Market Trends: Research current and projected property values to understand potential returns.
Regional Developments: Investigate any upcoming infrastructure projects or developments that might affect land value.
Return on Investment: Evaluate both the immediate benefits and long-term appreciation potential of the land.
Agricultural land near Mysore is increasingly sought after for its growth prospects and lifestyle benefits, making it a smart investment choice.
6. Discover Sharanya Farms: A Premier Investment Option
Sharanya Farms, located along the picturesque Shravanabelagola and K.R.Pet Highway, represents an ideal investment opportunity:
Scenic Beauty: The property boasts lush landscapes, fertile soil, and majestic trees.
Comprehensive Amenities: Enjoy premium facilities including an Olympus swimming pool, a kids’ pool, a well-equipped gym, adventure sports, a jogging track, a meditation center, and a Jain temple.
Investment Value: Beyond its aesthetic and recreational appeal, Sharanya Farms offers substantial appreciation potential, making it a promising investment.
7. Completing Your Purchase
To finalize your investment:
Conduct Due Diligence: Perform thorough research and inspections to ensure the property meets your criteria.
Plan Financially and Legally: Work with experts to secure financing and complete all legal requirements.
Develop a Management Strategy: Create a plan for managing and utilizing the land to maximize its benefits.
Investing in agricultural land near Mysore provides an opportunity to combine the benefits of rural tranquility with strong investment potential. By carefully evaluating agricultural viability, understanding legal requirements, and considering added amenities, you can make a well-informed decision. Explore exceptional properties like Sharanya Farms to enjoy a blend of natural beauty, recreational features, and investment promise. Begin your journey to owning agricultural land near Mysore and secure a valuable asset for the future.
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trdw · 2 months
Indonesia's Vision for 2045: Strategy, Innovation, and Growth
As Indonesia approaches the centenary of its independence, it aims to transform into a developed nation by 2045—a milestone known as "Indonesia Emas 2045" or "Golden Indonesia 2045." This ambitious vision seeks to establish Indonesia as a global economic leader with advanced infrastructure, cutting-edge technology, and an elevated quality of life. This analysis delves into Indonesia's development strategy, highlighting key trends, strategic initiatives, and the role of innovation in achieving this goal. We will also explore Telkom University's contributions to supporting Indonesia's path toward becoming a developed nation for global entrepreneurial university.
Key Trends Influencing Indonesia’s Golden Development 2045
Several crucial trends are anticipated to guide Indonesia’s progress towards 2045, impacting its economic, social, and technological landscape.
Economic Growth and Diversification
Economic growth is vital for realizing Indonesia's 2045 vision. The country plans to diversify its economy beyond traditional sectors like agriculture and mining, emphasizing high-value industries such as technology, manufacturing, and services. This diversification will enhance resilience to global market fluctuations and foster a more balanced and sustainable economic model. Key to this growth are investments in infrastructure, innovation, and human capital.
Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is central to Indonesia’s development strategy. Incorporating digital technologies across various sectors will boost productivity, streamline services, and generate new economic opportunities. Focus areas include expanding internet access, promoting innovation in fintech and e-commerce, and using data analytics for informed decision-making. The widespread adoption of digital technologies will also enhance government services, education, and healthcare, improving overall quality of life.
Sustainable Development
Sustainability is a cornerstone of Indonesia’s development strategy. The nation is committed to meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and addressing environmental issues like climate change, deforestation, and pollution. Sustainable development practices will guide infrastructure projects, energy production, and natural resource management, ensuring that economic growth aligns with environmental preservation.
Telkom University’s focus on innovation and research is crucial in supporting these trends. By advancing technological developments and promoting sustainable practices, the university plays a key role in Indonesia’s progress towards its 2045 goals.
Strategic Initiatives for Indonesia Emas 2045
To achieve the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045, several strategic initiatives are being pursued across different sectors.
Infrastructure Development
Infrastructure development is a critical element of Indonesia’s strategy. Major initiatives include constructing new transportation networks such as high-speed rail and expanded airports, and developing smart cities with advanced urban planning and connectivity. Enhancing infrastructure will support economic activities, improve regional connectivity, and attract foreign investment.
Human Capital Development
Investing in human capital is essential for sustainable development. Initiatives include improving education quality, promoting vocational training, and encouraging research and innovation. By equipping the workforce with skills for a digital economy, Indonesia can drive productivity and innovation. Collaboration between educational institutions, industry, and government will be vital in this process.
Innovation and Technology
Innovation and technology are central to Indonesia’s development strategy. The government is fostering research and development (R&D) in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and renewable energy. Supporting startups and technology-driven businesses will contribute to economic diversification and competitiveness. Creating innovation hubs and funding R&D will accelerate technological advancements.
Regional Development
Addressing regional disparities is crucial for inclusive growth. The government is focusing on developing economic corridors and special economic zones to promote regional development and reduce inequality. By investing in infrastructure and industry in less developed regions, Indonesia aims to achieve balanced economic growth across the archipelago.
Telkom University’s involvement in these initiatives is significant. Through its research programs and industry partnerships, the university supports advancements in infrastructure, human capital, and technological innovation.
The Role of Innovation
Innovation drives Indonesia’s vision for 2045. Integrating new technologies and practices will enhance various aspects of development.
Digital Economy
The digital economy is poised to play a major role in Indonesia’s growth. Innovations in fintech, e-commerce, and digital services will open new economic opportunities and improve access to financial services. Developing digital infrastructure, such as high-speed internet and data centers, will support this growth. A vibrant digital ecosystem will enhance economic efficiency and foster entrepreneurship.
Smart Cities
Smart cities are a key component of Indonesia’s urban development strategy. Innovations in IoT, data analytics, and sustainable infrastructure will create more efficient and livable urban environments. Smart city initiatives include traffic management systems, energy-efficient buildings, and improved public services. These developments will enhance quality of life and promote sustainable urban growth.
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is a crucial aspect of Indonesia’s sustainable development strategy. Innovations in solar, wind, and hydropower technologies will decrease reliance on fossil fuels and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Investments in renewable energy infrastructure and research will help Indonesia achieve a more sustainable and resilient energy system.
Telkom University’s emphasis on research and development in these areas is vital for driving innovation and supporting Indonesia’s 2045 vision. The university’s programs in technology, engineering, and environmental science contribute to advancements in the digital economy, smart cities, and renewable energy initiatives.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite the promising outlook, several challenges and considerations must be addressed to realize Indonesia Emas 2045.
Economic Inequality
Economic inequality is a significant challenge. Ensuring equitable distribution of development benefits across regions and socioeconomic groups is crucial for inclusive growth. Addressing disparities through targeted policies and investments will be essential for achieving the 2045 vision.
Environmental Sustainability
Balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability is critical. The impact of development projects on natural resources and ecosystems must be carefully managed. Implementing sustainable practices and promoting environmental stewardship will be necessary for long-term success.
Infrastructure and Investment
Building and maintaining infrastructure requires substantial investment and effective project management. Ensuring that infrastructure projects are completed on time and within budget is crucial for supporting economic growth. Public-private partnerships and efficient resource allocation will be key in addressing this challenge.
Telkom University’s focus on research and education addresses these challenges by preparing students and professionals to tackle complex issues and develop innovative solutions. The university’s interdisciplinary approach fosters collaboration between stakeholders to address economic, environmental, and infrastructure challenges.
The Role of Telkom University
Telkom University plays a pivotal role in supporting Indonesia’s journey towards becoming a developed nation by 2045. The university’s contributions in innovation, research, and education are instrumental in advancing the country’s development goals.
Telkom University’s commitment to innovation is evident in its advanced research facilities and collaborations with industry leaders. The university’s research centers focus on digital technology, renewable energy, and smart cities, driving innovations that align with Indonesia’s development strategy.
Through its research initiatives, Telkom University advances technologies and practices critical for achieving Indonesia Emas 2045. The university’s interdisciplinary approach fosters collaboration between academia, industry, and government, ensuring that research findings translate into practical applications.
Telkom University’s educational programs are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to lead Indonesia’s development efforts. The university offers programs in technology, engineering, business, and environmental science, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in achieving sustainable development.
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crystalherbalism · 2 months
Florida Investment Property: Maximizing ROI In The Sunshine State
Investing in Florida property requires careful consideration of various locations to maximize return on investment (ROI). Miami, known for its thriving tourism and international appeal, offers high rental yields, Florida investment property in luxury condos and vacation rentals. Orlando, with its world-renowned theme parks, provides lucrative Florida investment property in short-term rental properties, attracting millions of tourists annually. Tampa and St. Petersburg, with their growing job markets and cultural attractions, present stable long-term investment opportunities. Jacksonville, benefiting from its strategic location and economic growth, offers affordable investment options with potential for high appreciation. The Florida Keys, a prime location for luxury vacation rentals, promise high returns due to their unique appeal. Each of these locations has its unique advantages, making Florida a versatile and promising state for property investment.
Why Florida Investment Property Is A Smart Choice For Real Estate Investors?
Florida's appeal as an investment destination is multifaceted. The state's favorable tax policies, including no state income tax, attract both domestic and international investors. The strong tourism Florida investment property ensures a steady demand for vacation rentals, while a growing population drives the need for residential properties. Florida's diverse economy, with sectors ranging from tourism and agriculture to Florida investment property and finance, provides a stable economic environment. Additionally, the state's extensive coastline and attractive climate make it a desirable location for retirees, further boosting the real estate market. Investing in Florida property not only promises financial returns but also offers the potential for personal use and enjoyment, making it a smart choice for a wide range of investors.
Florida Investment Property Trends: What You Need To Know For 2024?
Staying abreast of trends is crucial for successful investment. In 2024, several key trends are shaping the Florida real estate market. Florida investment property rise of remote work is driving demand for properties in suburban and rural areas, as more people seek larger homes and better living environments. Sustainable and energy-efficient properties are gaining popularity, with buyers and renters showing increased interest in green living. Additionally, there is a growing trend towards luxury real estate, Florida investment property in markets like Miami and Naples, driven by high-net-worth individuals seeking premium properties. Another notable trend is the increasing interest in multi-family units and mixed-use developments, which offer higher returns and diversified income streams. Understanding these trends can help investors make informed decisions and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
How To Identify High-Value Florida Investment Property Opportunities?
Identifying high-value investment opportunities requires a strategic approach. Conduct thorough market research to understand local trends, property values, and rental demand. Look for areas with strong economic growth, job opportunities, and infrastructure development, as these factors drive property appreciation. Florida investment property properties in up-and-coming neighborhoods, which often offer lower purchase prices and higher potential for growth. Collaborate with local real estate agents and investment advisors who have in-depth knowledge of the market. Analyze property history, including past sales and rental performance, to gauge potential ROI. Additionally, consider factors such as proximity to amenities, schools, and transportation, which can significantly impact property value and rental demand. By adopting a methodical approach, investors can identify and capitalize on high-value opportunities in the Florida real estate market.
Benefits Of Owning A Florida Investment Property: Sunshine And Profits
Owning a Florida investment property offers numerous benefits beyond financial returns. The state's warm climate and scenic beauty make it a desirable location for personal vacations and retirement. Investors can enjoy their property during off-peak rental seasons, combining business with pleasure. Florida's strong rental market provides a steady income stream, particularly in tourist-heavy areas. Property Florida investment property in high-demand locations like Miami and Orlando ensures long-term capital gains. The state's favorable tax environment, including no state income tax and potential deductions on mortgage interest and property taxes, further enhances profitability. Additionally, Florida's robust economy and population growth ensure ongoing demand for rental properties, making it a stable and lucrative investment destination. These benefits, coupled with the lifestyle advantages, make owning a Florida investment property a rewarding venture.
Guide To Financing Your Florida Investment Property Purchase
Financing an investment property purchase in Florida involves several key steps. Start by evaluating your financial situation and credit score to determine your borrowing capacity. Explore various financing options, including conventional loans, FHA loans, and investment property loans, each with its own Florida investment property and benefits. Work with lenders who specialize in real estate investment to find the best terms and interest rates. Consider leveraging equity from existing properties through home equity loans or lines of credit. Additionally, explore partnerships or investment groups to pool resources and share risks. Prepare a detailed business plan and financial projections to present to lenders, demonstrating the viability and profitability of the investment. By securing the right financing, investors can maximize their purchasing power and achieve their investment goals.
Exploring The Best Florida Investment Property Markets: From Miami To Orlando
Florida's diverse markets offer a range of investment opportunities. Miami, with its international appeal and vibrant nightlife, is ideal for luxury condos and vacation rentals. Orlando's theme parks and tourist attractions make it a Florida investment property for short-term rental properties. Tampa and St. Petersburg, known for their cultural attractions and strong job markets, provide stable long-term investments. Jacksonville offers affordable options with potential for high appreciation due to its economic growth and strategic location. The Florida Keys, with their unique charm and high demand for vacation rentals, promise substantial returns. Each market has its distinct characteristics, making Florida a versatile destination for real estate investment. Investors can choose based on their preferences, budget, and investment strategy, ensuring a tailored approach to maximizing ROI.
How To Navigate The Florida Investment Property Market: Expert Insights
Navigating the Florida investment property market requires expertise and strategic planning. Start by conducting thorough research to understand market trends, property values, and rental demand. Work with experienced local real estate agents who have in-depth knowledge of the area. Attend property auctions, real estate events, and networking sessions to gain insights and make valuable connections. Florida investment property the financial aspects, including potential rental income, property taxes, and maintenance costs, to assess profitability. Stay updated on regulatory changes, zoning laws, and tax implications that can impact your investment. Consider working with property management companies to handle day-to-day operations and maximize rental income. By leveraging expert insights and adopting a strategic approach, investors can successfully navigate the Florida real estate market and achieve their investment goals.
Investing in Florida property presents a unique combination of financial opportunity and lifestyle benefits. With its favorable tax policies, strong economy, and diverse real estate market, Florida offers something for every investor. By understanding the top locations, staying abreast of market trends, and employing Florida investment property approaches to identifying and financing properties, investors can maximize their returns and enjoy the many advantages of owning property in the Sunshine State. Whether you're drawn to the bustling cities, scenic coastal towns, or thriving suburban areas, Florida's dynamic real estate market promises lucrative opportunities and long-term growth.
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tamanna31 · 2 months
Water Quality Monitoring Systems Market to register high demand rate by 2030
Water Quality Monitoring Systems Industry Overview
The global water quality monitoring systems market size was estimated at USD 5.35 billion in 2023 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.1% from 2024 to 2030. Advancements in technology, increased environmental awareness, stricter regulations, climate change, and growing urbanization and industrialization have all heightened the need for comprehensive water quality monitoring. Improved sensors and remote sensing technologies have upgraded the accuracy and efficiency of monitoring efforts. Simultaneously, the impacts of climate change and increased pollution from urban and industrial activities necessitate continuous and stringent assessments to protect water resources and ensure their sustainable use.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Water Quality Monitoring Systems Market
Governments worldwide are enforcing stricter regulations and standards to protect water resources and public health, which is accelerating the demand for comprehensive water monitoring solutions to monitor and maintain water quality strictly. These regulations mandate regular assessment of various parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, heavy metals, and microbial contaminants in water bodies. Consequently, there is a growing demand for water quality monitoring equipment and services, including sensors, analyzers, data loggers, and software solutions.
The rising public awareness about environmental issues and the critical importance of clean water further fuels the market demand, compelling industries, and governments worldwide to invest more heavily in sustainable water management practices and technologies. Industries, agriculture, and municipalities not only need to comply with regulations but also aim to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable water management practices. This has led to the widespread adoption of advanced water quality monitoring technologies to ensure compliance and maintain public trust.
In February 2024, the Odisha Government's Housing & Urban Development Department (Odisha, India) launched the first state-level Water Quality Assurance Cell (WQAC) to improve urban water supply standards. The initiative focused on ensuring rigorous water quality surveillance and monitoring from intake to consumer taps, with technical support from the public technical university, IIT Madras. The initiative aims to maintain high water quality standards across urban areas in the state of Odisha, supplementing existing infrastructure, including state and regional water testing laboratories and the Drink from Tap Mission.
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Key Water Quality Monitoring Systems Company Insights
Key companies include General Electric Company, Danaher Corporation, and Xylem. Companies active in the market are focusing aggressively on expanding their customer base and gaining a competitive edge over their rivals. Hence, they pursue various strategic initiatives, including partnerships, mergers & acquisitions, collaborations, and new product/ technology development.
For instance, in January 2024, ABB acquired Real Tech Inc., a Canadian company specializing in innovative optical sensor technology for real-time water quality monitoring and testing. This acquisition aims to enhance ABB's portfolio in the water segment, leveraging Real Tech Inc.’s optical sensors and AI-powered analytics to improve water management. The move aligns with ABB’s strategy to advance smart water management solutions and expand its environmental technology offerings globally.
Key Water Quality Monitoring Systems Companies:
The following are the leading companies in the water quality monitoring systems market. These companies collectively hold the largest market share and dictate industry trends.
General Electric Company
Danaher Corporation
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Teledyne Technologies Incorporated
Emerson Electric Co.
Evoqua Water Technologies LLC
Recent Developments
In January 2024, Badger Meter, Inc. acquired select remote water monitoring software and hardware from Trimble Inc. These includes the Trimble Unity Remote Monitoring software and the Telog brand of remote telemetry units (RTUs), and aims at enhancing Badger Meter's smart water management offerings by providing real-time monitoring solutions for water, wastewater, stormwater, and environmental applications.
In December 2023, Siemens acquired Bunt Planet S.L., a technology-based company, to enhance its AI portfolio in the water sector. Siemens has been increasingly focusing on integrating AI and digitalization into various industries, including water management. This acquisition highlights the company’s commitment to further advancements in AI technologies tailored for water-related applications.
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