#Clexa film
liminal-zone · 2 years
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania—
sooooooo Cassie Lang bats her eyes at the wildly Lexa-coded indigenous leader Jentorra and says ‘I used to be a blonde heroine on the CW.’ Never expected to see clexa in the mcu.
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mikavlcs · 1 year
Rebels and Renegades
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
Summary: Becoming best friends with a sentient hand brings many much-needed changes to your life, the biggest being the very girl he arrived at Nevermore with.
Warnings: this is so stupid, reader is incredibly unserious, many attempts at comedy, TERRIBLE pacing, bad writing, cursing, this doesn’t correlate properly with the timeline of the show but idc
Word count: 6.6k (sorry, this got very out of hand...get it?)
Notes: this is trash but it’s fun so who cares. this is entirely for @clexa-is-forever aka thing’s biggest fan. despite my writer’s block, i still had fun writing this. hope you enjoy!
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If someone told you at the beginning of the school year that your best friend would be a sentient disembodied limb, you would’ve laughed in their face.
Not because you thought it would be too ridiculous or nonsensical, but because in your mind, it was far too interesting for what Nevermore Academy had to offer.
See, you were initially excited to transfer to Nevermore. To get away from the shallow depths of normie public school and be around people like you. But alas, it was too good to be true—or, maybe, you had gotten your hopes up too high.
Because it turned out that fantastical mythical creatures like vampires, werewolves, and sirens actually weren’t too dissimilar from their normie counterparts. They didn’t care about excitement or adventure or fun, they cared about partying and drinking and dating.
This duality created an atmosphere of contradictions. There were people with literal snakes for hair but also those stupid cliques of popular kids that liked to pick on people for no reason. Werewolves transformed into energetic beasts and prowled the woods together every full moon, but students’ biggest concerns were whom they were gonna ask to the school dance.
It was all strange and supernatural yet shockingly normal. And extraordinarily boring.
The disappointment you felt upon this discovery was immeasurable. It appeared that no matter how far you ran, you could never escape the clutches of adolescent desires and drama.
But there was nowhere else for you to go. This was it, your parents told you that definitively. So you resigned yourself to your fate and settled into life at Nevermore.
Months passed at a snail’s pace. Around the middle of the semester, a new student transferred in. Because nothing of substance happens, she was the talk of the town for a solid two weeks before her scheduled arrival, but you didn’t care.
You would admit that after finally seeing her, your interest was piqued. She certainly fit the murderer vibe. With her pallid complexation and dark eyes, she looked straight out of a black & white horror film, even complete with a black uniform instead of the standard purple (which you were so jealous of).
Temptation pulled at your chest whenever you saw her, but you decided to leave her alone. This school had disappointed you enough, you weren’t sure how you’d be able to handle even more. The decision to keep your distance was made and instead, you let your imagination run wild without the probable barriers of reality to inhibit it. 
Little did you know that only one day after the new girl transferred in, she inadvertently changed the course of your life at Nevermore forever. 
Advanced Gorgon Sciences, your last class of the day, had just ended and you were wandering campus wondering what you were going to do with your free time. You were contemplating going into Jericho when something smacked your cheek.
Pausing, you glanced down and found the offending object to be a small pebble. You followed its rough trajectory up to a ledge on your left and saw something scurrying across it. Against, your nonexistent better judgment, you moved closer and…
You blinked once, then twice, narrowed your eyes.
It was a hand—literally just a hand, cut off at the wrist but still scuttling and scurrying around with no problem.
So, you were definitely losing your mind. Honestly, it was about damn time.
Having nothing better to do, you decided to lean into the madness and approach the hand. At the sound of your footsteps, it turned and…looked at you? You weren’t sure, but it acknowledged your presence with a friendly wave.
You waved back, a laugh bubbling up in your throat as you hoisted yourself up to sit on the ledge.
Once you were up, you saw that the hand was fiddling with a makeshift slingshot, struggling to simultaneously keep it upright while loading and aiming it. His plight was fairly obvious and considering his circumstance, you couldn’t help but feel for him.
Abandoning the slingshot, the hand crawled over to you and started tapping insistently. It took much more brain power than it ought to for you to realize that he was trying to speak to you.
“Sorry, I don’t understand…that,” you apologized with a grimace. But an idea came to mind a moment later. “Can you write?”
The hand gave you a thumbs up. You dug around your backpack and pulled out a notebook along with a pen, flipping it open to an empty page and slid it over, setting the pen down on top. He picked up the pen and got to work, pushing the notebook back toward you a minute later.
Curious, you looked at the messy scrawl below.
Sorry, was aiming for the guy behind you.
You nodded understandingly. “It’s fine. Could I ask why you’re launching pebbles at students?”
You waited once more as he scribbled his answer and peered down when he pushed the paper over.
For fun.
Again, you nodded. You could respect that.
“Well, do you mind if I join you?” you asked, nodding toward the slingshot. “I’d imagine it would be a lot easier to aim with an extra pair of hands. And the accompanying body,” you added awkwardly at the end, hoping it wouldn’t offend the little guy.
Thankfully it didn’t. He gave you an excited thumbs up, scuttling back over to the slingshot while you scooted over. While he loaded another pebble into the pouch, you scanned the area below for your next victim.
Your eye snagged on a vampire for no real reason other than the fact that he just kinda looked like an asshole.
You pointed to him below. “How about him?”
Thing gave you another thumbs up. Nodding, you held the slingshot in place while Thing drew the pebble back and let it fly.
The shriek that came from your victim almost made you blow your cover. You grabbed Thing and hurriedly crawled back to where you were both out of sight, barely containing your giggles. Once the coast was clear, you cracked, pitching forward with your laughter as Thing drummed his fingers against your arm in what you assumed was amusement.
“That was amazing!” You looked down at him, smirked. “Wanna do another one?”
He tapped your hand enthusiastically, making your smile widen.
Thus was the beginning of an amazing friendship. Well, amazing for you and Thing—not for the rest of Nevermore.
The two of you were a match made in hell. Together you brainstormed a plethora of good pranks to pull on unsuspecting students and teachers.
Putting spiders (fake or otherwise) in students’ lockers. Setting glitter traps on top of classroom doors so whichever unlucky soul walks through first gets showered in glitter. Slipping mentos into people’s sodas. Setting trip wires to watch people faceplant around campus and many more.
It was glorious. Your own personal reign of terror, even.
Principal Weems had her suspicions, but no matter how many times she tried to catch you in the act, you slipped through her fingers. And without proof, her hands were tied. So you and your companion were free to keep enjoying your schemes so long as you were discreet.
For the first time since you enrolled, days passed by in what felt like minutes, the personification of the saying time flies when you’re having fun.
Through it all, you often wondered where the little guy was when he wasn’t with you. You hoped that he wasn’t causing too much mischief without you. He was your partner in crime, after all.
Two weeks in, you decided to ask him at breakfast.
The two of you were at your usual table in the corner of the cafeteria. You were ranting about an upcoming Lycanthrope History test while Thing was launching the grapes you gave him to play with at nearby tables. After your rant, you finally gave in to your curiosity.
“So, what exactly are you doing at Nevermore? I know this place houses some strange students but, something tells me you’re not here to learn.”
He flicked a grape with precise aim, nailing a gorgon right on the forehead before giving you a series of taps. Your face scrunched in confusion.
“Babysitting? Babysitting who?”
Nothing could have prepared you for his answer.
“Wednesday Addams?!”
Your voice came out much louder than intended, turning a few heads around the cafeteria and making Thing jump. You didn’t care, plowing forward in your questioning.
“You’re ‘babysitting’ the school’s homicidal maniac?”
His stance straightened, his nonverbal tone somehow indignant as he corrected you.
You gave him a pointed look. “Attempted homicide isn’t much better, buddy.”
He seemed to contemplate flicking another grape, but seeing Miss Thornhill looking around, he chose not to. Instead, he drummed his fingers inquisitively at you, teasingly waggling his fingers at the end. You gave him another sharp look, insulted by his implication.
“Scared? What, no! This is amazing news,” you exclaimed. Then, an idea arose. “Hey, do you think she’d let us borrow any of her stuff for pranks?”
Thing mournfully shook his wrist. You let out a deep sigh, slumping over again. “Yeah, I guess I should’ve expected that answer.”
Wednesday didn’t really come up in conversation after that. You asked a few more times about her willingness to let you borrow her things, but after receiving the same answer, you gave up. Your paths had yet to cross, and you assumed that it would stay that way. But the universe seemed to have other plans.
The first time you formally met her was about a month after she transferred.
It was an appropriately cloudy day and you and Thing had just successfully completed a heist. You were in the Weathervane, both gushing over the fact that you had managed to steal fifteen scented lotions from Jericho’s local Bed, Bath & Body Works when a sharp voice interrupted you.
“So this is who you’ve been running off with these past few weeks.”
Both you and Thing flinched, looking up to see the Wednesday Addams staring down at you and your partner.
Offering a wave, you said, “Hey, Wednesday. Want a scented lotion?”
She ignored you completely. Her eyes barely scanned your figure before she was turning her full attention to Thing, her arms crossing over her chest in vindication.
“I knew you had to have an accomplice. You’re nowhere near nimble enough to properly set a trip wire by yourself.”
Thing slumped, obviously disheartened by the statement, but before you could defend his honor, your mind caught on something else.
“Wait…” You looked over at Thing, offended. “Have you been taking full credit for our pranks this entire time?”
Sheepish, Thing bowed, giving your hand an apologetic pat. You moved it away, crossing your own arms over your chest.
“Since this is your first offense, I’ll forgive you. But do it again and I’m keeping all of the profits from our future heists, got it?”
Thing jumped in alarm, tapping urgently. You smiled. “Good.”
Wednesday looked between you both, clearly unimpressed. You decided to take your shot again.
“You know, the lotion offer still stands.” You rifled through the lotions, taking note of their scents, and glanced back up with an apologetic look. “Though, we don’t have one that smells like stage 4 human decomposition, sorry.”
Again, she just stared blankly. You swore you saw her eye twitch but still, she said nothing and glared at Thing.
“Be back at the dorm by 7.”
With that, she turned and marched out of the café, leaving everyone in her path to fearfully stumble out of her way. Both of you watched, rapt, as she slammed the café door open and nearly nailed an approaching customer in the face.
Once she was out of sight, you turned to Thing. “Y’know, I think that went well, buddy.”
Thing said nothing.
You thought that would be the end of it, and honestly, you would’ve been fine if it had been. You made a good first impression and she now knew you existed. A double win!
But again, it seemed that someone had other plans—though this time it wasn’t the universe, but Thing.
Now that you and Wednesday had been semi-acquainted, Thing began inviting you to their dorm for hangouts frequently (because it was “his dorm too” …you didn’t have the heart to tell him otherwise). This set a few things in motion.
First, you met Wednesday’s roommate, Enid.
Enid was nice. A little hyper, like she was on a permanent sugar rush, but sweet, nonetheless. She gave you free manicures and skincare advice, and even let you borrow some things for pranks, so you hadn’t a single bad thing to say about her.
Second, you found out that you were very bad at scaling buildings.
Due to both curfew and Wednesday’s usual disapproval of your presence, Thing insisted on smuggling you in. By throwing a rope down to your balcony for you to climb. And…let’s just say that it’s a miracle you even survived the first time.
And finally, most importantly, you and Wednesday began to grow closer.
Only by about a centimeter, but progress was progress. And through sheer willpower and repeated exposure, you wormed your way into the tolerance stage, which is farther than most people who came into contact with Wednesday got, so you were proud.
She wasn’t warmer per se, but the sight of you in her dorm was no longer met with a throwing knife, just a death glare and some tentative (mostly one-sided) conversation if she was in a good mood. It was a big win.
Now that she wasn’t orchestrating any attempts on your life, you grew…not protective, but defensive of her, and Enid for that matter. Enid was your friend and Wednesday was…Wednesday. Willingly or not, they were part of your small circle.
So when a werewolf insulted Wednesday right to her face the day before the Poe Cup, well who could blame you for getting a little revenge?
You overheard him call Wednesday a frigid bitch, and he was right, but he didn’t have to say it like it was a bad thing. In retaliation, you and Thing gave him a special surprise involving shampoo and some of Enid’s hair dye that you were very excited to see the next day.
And it didn’t disappoint. Seeing the flash of bright pink amongst the Furs, and a matching flush of embarrassment that was nearly the same color was the highlight of your day.
At least it was until the Black Cats emerged from their tents.
Given your positioning, you were only able to see them once they started climbing into their canoe, and needless to say that the team’s roster shocked you. There were a few girls you didn’t recognize up front, then Enid and, as her co-pilot in the back, Wednesday.
Your jaw dropped. Because not only was she competing in the competition, but she was also wearing a skintight black catsuit, complete with ears and a tail.
The laugh you let out was so loud that it startled the surrounding crowd. You felt something poking your leg, and looking down, you found Thing standing by your feet. You bent down, glancing over to the Black Cat’s boat.
“Hey, you helping out Wednesday and Enid?”
He bowed in confirmation. Nodding, you stuck out a hand.
“Punch at least one siren for me, alright bud?”
He shook your hand firmly, a promise to fulfill your wish, and crawled off to the boat.
The event itself was rather dull. With the way Enid explained it, you were expecting something a bit more grandiose, but in reality, it was just standing around and watching for boats. Boring.
But hey, it gave you a half-day of classes, so who were you to complain?
The results though, were much more interesting.
For the first time in decades, the trophy went to Ophelia Hall. You were happy, not because you had any buried school spirit, but because you knew how much Enid wanted this. Seeing the fish get knocked down a peg was a nice bonus.
Afterward, you pushed through the crowd to try and find Enid so you could personally congratulate her, but before you could spot her, you bumped into her co-pilot. Literally.
Blindly, you steadied the smaller girl by the shoulders, a sorry on the tip of your tongue, but it got swallowed down as you were crudely reminded of her current state of dress. You tore your eyes from her outfit and dropped your hands back to your side, meeting her glare with what you prayed was a straight face.
“Hey, Wends. Congrats on the win! Love the outfit by the way,” you said, trying your absolute hardest not to crack a smile. The large ears were making that exceptionally hard, however.
She scowled. “Don’t call me that and for your information, I was forced to wear this.”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to say anything without laughing. Thankfully, it seemed Wednesday wasn’t finished speaking anyway.
“I noticed that werewolf’s hair is now a rather putrid shade of pink,” she said. “Did you perhaps have something to do with that?”
Once again, you found yourself unsuccessfully fighting off a smile. “I can neither confirm nor deny your suspicions. But it suits him, don’t you think?”
Before she could respond, a soaking wet Thing pulled on your pant leg and excitedly began recounting what happened. You bent down again, nodding along with his story, and beamed at him once he finished.
“Right in the eye?” you reiterated, and Thing confirmed. “That’s awesome. I knew I could count on you.” You gave him a quick high five then scooped him up, drying him off on your uniform and setting him on your shoulder.
You stood back up and saw that Wednesday was still there, staring at you so intently that you were sure she was somehow looking straight through you.
Cocking your head to the side, you went to ask if she was alright, but that must’ve knocked her from her stupor because, without another word, she spun on her heel and walked off, leaving you to stare at the spot she just occupied, thoroughly bewildered.
“That was weird,” you commented. Thing gave an agreeing pat.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t question her about it since you didn’t get the chance to speak with her again until exactly three days later.
It was just after dinner. Thing invited you over to help prepare a new scheme, and who were you to say no to the little guy?
Enid was visiting Yoko in the infirmary and Wednesday was nowhere to be seen, so it was just you and Thing, sitting by the window hard at work.
You tied the water balloon in your hand and held it in front of you, giving it a contemplative look. “You’re sure these will only give them bad rashes, right?”
The only response you received was a shrug, which was good enough for you, so you picked up the next one and got to filling it up. Not one to work in silence, you voiced a thought you’d been holding in for a while.
“So, do you breathe? Like, would be able to drown if you stayed under the water for too long?”
Thing shook his wrist matter of factly. You gasped.
“That’s so cool.” The flustered thuds you heard after made you chuckle.
Satisfied, you went back to filling balloons, but your head popped up only a minute later, another burning question on your mind. “If you can’t eat or drink, then what physically sustains you to keep you alive?”
Without missing a beat, Thing tapped out his answer.
“The misery of others?” You snorted. “Yeah, I guess that tracks.”
Conversation lapsed into quiet as you both focused on your tasks, and your mind wandered.
You wondered where Wednesday was. The hour just after dinner was her designated writing hour, and it was very unusual for her to be missing it.
You hoped that she’d be back soon, even if she only glared at you the rest of the night. Just seeing her would be enough to satisfy you.
Because in a somewhat cruel twist of irony, you were now falling victim to the very same feelings you mocked others for getting caught up in, and even more brutal was the fact that you didn’t mind all too much. Mostly because it was Wednesday.
Now, you were no poet or writer. You weren’t going to wax poetic and spew a thousand grandiose metaphors about how her eyes resembled that of a starless sky, no.
Wednesday was really pretty and genuinely interesting, and she looked at you like a predator wanting to tear apart its prey. And really, that’s all it took for you to dive right off that cliff’s edge into infatuation.
There was a certain excitement in knowing that she could dismember you with surgical precision if you ever went just a little too far, an irresistible thrill to be found in constantly toeing that line. Like walking a tightrope with life and death teetering on a knife’s edge—the perfect counterbalance to the endless loop of monotonous boredom your life had seemingly fallen into before her and Thing’s arrival.
The sound of the door opening interrupted your train of thought, and you whipped your head just in time to see Wednesday stride in with a book cradled in her arms and her usual annoyed expression adorning her features.
You perked up, and out the corner of your eye, you saw Thing do the same.
“Hey! How’s Nevermore’s resident tiny terror doing today?”
“Call me that again and I will disembowel you,” came her cheerful reply. You snorted.
“Uh-huh.” You finished tying the last balloon and looked back up, seeing Wednesday eyeing your prep work with distaste.
“Are those water balloons?” she asked, clearly unimpressed.
“Yep. They’re filled with holy water so we can throw them at the vampires who were teasing Enid last week for not being able to shift.” You grinned. Wednesday’s eyes widened a fraction.
“That’s insane,” she commented. Then after a beat, “Make sure to film it on your cellular device so I can watch as well.
“Of course,” you assured her, giving a dramatic bow as well. She rolled her eyes, and you watched her resign to her desk. Unable to contain your curiosity, you piped back up, “So what took you so long? I was expecting you to come in and kick me out hours ago.”
Her reply was instantaneous. “I discovered a secret passageway in the school, committed theft, and became the target of an attempted kidnapping.”
A twinge of jealousy pierced your gut. How come she always got to do the fun stuff? You quickly shook it off, focusing on the first thing she said.
“A secret passageway?” you asked, already thinking of ways to possibly utilize the space for you and Thing.
“Yes, I solved a riddle and uncovered a passageway hidden behind the Edgar Allen Poe statue in the quad.”
The Edgar Allen Poe statue… Recognition sparked, and the pieces slotted together, some of your prior jealousy abating.
“Ohh, you got kidnapped in the Nightshade’s Library?”
Finally, she looked at you, gaze so sharp it could’ve cut you in two. “How do you know about that?”
You and Thing shared an unsubtle sideways glance.
“So what fingers do you do it with? Thumb and ring finger or thumb and middle finger?”
The pressing question was delivered in a whisper. It was late—at least an hour after lights out, but Thing promised to teach you how to snap before he left for his dorm.
So to avoid being caught, you and the appendage were tucked into the corner of a small hall that branched off from the quad. You were hunched against a tall Edgar Allen Poe statue while your companion stood next to you.
Thing waggled his fingers and pointedly put his thumb against his middle finger. You nodded and copied his movements, rubbing the fingers together to get a feel for it.
“So I just…”
You pressed the fingers together and made the snapping motion a few times in quick succession, beaming up at him when you managed to produce a few low sounds.
Suddenly, a deep rumble emanated from the ground beneath you as the statue you were seated on began to shift. You leapt to your feet, quickly grabbing Thing and placing him on your shoulder. You both watched, baffled, as the statue moved to reveal a long winding staircase.
Taking in a breath, you shared a look with Thing then looked back to the open pathway.
“Holy shit!”
“No reason,” you said far too quickly to be believable. Before she could question you further, you cleared your throat and moved on. “Did you have fun?”
“No. They were imbeciles that didn’t even know the basics of the art of abduction. It was pitiful.”
You frowned. “Oh. Sorry about that. I hope the next one is better.”
Wednesday shot you a strange look, studying you carefully before mumbling out a barely audible thank you, and turning back to her desk.
Since you were finished with the balloons, you slumped back against the window. There was nothing to do, so you couldn’t be blamed for the way your eyes drifted back to Wednesday’s hunched form. Nosiness tugged at you. You wanted to know more about what she stole and why, and a glance at Thing told you that he did too.
Extending your arm for him to climb, you waited until he rested securely on your shoulder before heading to Wednesday’s desk to see what she was up to.
Lying flat on the wood before her was the book, opened to an illustration. On the left page was what looked to be a pilgrim extending a staff toward the figure on the right, who somewhat resembled Wednesday. You squinted. Scratch that, the girl on the right looked exactly like Wednesday.
“Is this what you stole?”
“Yes, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t look over my shoulder like that.”
Her words went in one ear and out the other, your mind too busy trying to decipher the meaning of the drawing to actually listen. Finally, the identity of the mystery pilgrim clicked, and you asked, “Why’d someone draw you in a picture with Crackstone?”
Her head whipped over to you, all complaints of you being there gone. “You know who this is?”
“Yeah,” you answered, “Joseph Crackstone. He’s like, Jericho’s chief colonizer. Founded the whole town or something.”
She didn’t respond, seeming to take in the information, but you didn’t want the conversation to die quite yet, so you carried on.
“Outreach Day is next week, are you excited? I, for one, am pumped to do menial work for no pay.”
“No, I’m not,” she said, then appeared to rethink her answer. “Actually yes, but not because of the forced child labor. I already have plans to further my investigation in Jericho.”
You perked up, leaning forward to try and catch her eyes. “Can I come?”
She didn’t even bother looking back at you when she answered, hard and firm.
“Thanks for letting me come along, Wends!”
Wednesday clenched her jaw, expelling a sharp breath through her nose. This was the third time you’d said that in the past four hours, and while she was able to ignore the other two, the addition of that stupid nickname made holding herself back a third time impossible.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that? And you’re only here because someone,” she sent Thing a murderous glare, “refused to cooperate without your agonizing presence.”
Your eyes widened, darting over to the hand resting on your shoulder. “Really?”
Thing gave a shy wave. A wide smile spread across your cheeks in response.
“Well thanks for advocating for me, bud. It means a lot,” you said with a hand over your heart, sounding far too cheerful for someone that just chased a dangerous monster.
Wednesday didn’t bother dignifying you with any more responses, turning back to the woods ahead. But that got her thinking.
Why had she let you come anyways?
There was no good reason that came to mind. You were insufferable. The human embodiment of vexation and foolishness and petulance. You were, in essence, all the traits she disliked in the general human race given physical form.
And yet, she had allowed you to come along.
Yes, Thing asked her time and time again to permit your presence, but instead of threatening his life like she should have done, she gave in with the silent promise of revenge.
It made no sense. You pushed boundaries, disobeyed orders, and disregarded her threats and insults with a garish smile like they were no more than a joke heard in passing.
And only now did she realize that she found it far less irritating than she did when she first met you.
The answer to why was unclear, but Wednesday wasn’t sure if that was because she was genuinely unsure of the reasoning behind her decision or because she didn’t want to figure it out.
Your annoying voice thankfully halted her mind’s trajectory.
“Of course, you’re my favorite Addams. You’re my best friend, the only other five-fingered appendage I’ll ever need in my life. Plus, Wednesday hates me so there’s no competition.”
Wednesday was once again stunned by the inane conversations you and Thing have on a daily basis. Some of the talks she’d overheard in the past months could be unironically described as mind-numbing.
Deciding to have some fun to pass the time, she turned to fully face you, running her eyes over your form before speaking.
“I don’t hate you.”
She watched your eyes go wide and you looked at her with some odd form of hope. The corners of her lips twitched.
“I despise you. There’s a difference.”
Your head dropped exaggeratedly, but when you looked up again there was a smile on your face, making any notion of hers disappear.
She couldn’t stand that—the way you were never put off by anything she had to say.
Enid had the same tendency to shrug off her threats, but even she was unnerved when she first met Wednesday. But not you. Wednesday couldn’t think of a single time when anything she said, threat or otherwise, made you uncomfortable or fearful, and there was seldom anything that got under her skin more.
“That was mean, Wednesday. Really mean.” She noticed Thing say something on your shoulder and you gave a playful gasp in response. “Don’t laugh, Thing. That wasn’t funny,” you said, even though you were giggling yourself.
At the sight and sound of your laughter, something strange happened. Something combusted within her, and the flames spread, licking her sternum with an uncomfortable intensity. Like someone crudely lit a match and let it fall inside of her chest, allowing the fire to wreak havoc on her insides. It was unpleasant.
Even more unpleasant was the knowledge that this was not the first time this had happened. And that was but another in the long list of reasons why she shouldn’t have permitted your presence today.
She faced forward abruptly and kept walking, but you entered her peripheral moments later, no doubt ready to bother her with something.
As always, she was proven correct. “Hey, so you said that Crackstone was in that vision with your ancestor, right? And he killed a bunch of outcasts?”
That mischievous smile she had come to recognize spread across your face, pulling your lips up at a slightly uneven angle.
“What do you say we get a little revenge?”
“And how exactly do you propose we get revenge on a pilgrim that died centuries ago?” she inquired skeptically.
You hummed. “Undecided but you go on ahead and just let the masterminds cook for a bit. I promise we’ll come up with something great.”
You and Thing flashed her a simultaneous thumbs-up, to which she just blinked. Not needing to be told twice, she started walking again, leaving you both to linger behind. Once there was a sufficient distance between you and her, she slowed slightly.
Though she had just made a vital discovery for her case, she figured this brief period of quiet would be better spent unpacking that persistent internal conflagration that flared whenever you were near.
Deigning to use her tried and true investigative process, she tried to start from the beginning, to gather all the information she had and prepare it for analysis, but she immediately got lost because truthfully, she couldn’t pinpoint the start of your assimilation into her daily routine.
Her…acquaintanceship with you made little sense, even to her. Especially to her. The same could also be said about her budding friendship? with Enid, but that was easier to parse.
Enid was her roommate; someone she quite literally couldn’t avoid since they lived together. But you weren’t. You were Thing’s friend, sure, but that didn’t answer the question of why Wednesday was becoming entangled with you as well.
However, looking at it from a logical perspective, it somewhat made sense.
A mutual penchant for mischief and practical jokes is what drew you and Thing together. In that same vein, she supposed that your insatiable appetite for adventure and her unquenchable thirst for triumph put you both on a collision course that neither of you could prevent. Especially in such a creatively stagnant climate as Nevermore.
A rebel and a renegade—two of a kind. You understood her and, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, she understood you.
She just didn’t know how to interpret the unexpected side effects that came with that mutual understanding.
(That was a lie, she realized. Somewhere deep down she knew, but she didn’t want it to mean what she thought it might. After all, she couldn’t possibly be letting someone like you turn her into an apostate to her own beliefs and morals…right?
She thought back to what she said to her mother on her first day, how hypocritical her words looked in the face of this dilemma. God, how pitiful of a circumstance she found herself in.)
Either way, Wednesday had allowed the sparks to ignite, and she knew that any chance she had of tempering the subsequent wildfire it caused was lessening with every moment she knowingly spent with you in her space.
Part of her didn’t want to anyway.
Approaching voices behind her caught her attention. Focusing on the present once more, she listened in.
“That’s an awesome idea, right?” she heard you say lowly.
Wednesday rolled her eyes. Everything was either cool, awesome, or amazing to you. She desperately needed to expand your vocabulary if you were going to be sticking around. For her sanity.
Wet footsteps neared, and you ran ahead of Wednesday, turning to face her with a demeanor resembling that of an excitable puppy. She sped up her pace, but you matched it, even while walking backward.
“Ok, Wednesday, plan secured. You know what I need?”
“A thesaurus?”
You blinked, brows furrowed, then shrugged. “Yeah, probably but I was actually gonna say that I need gasoline, and matches.”
“Well, there’s a hardware store a block down from the Weathervane, you could get gasoline from there. I have the matches covered.”
“Oh?” Your eyebrow quirked, a grin appearing along with it. “You have matches on you?”
“Of course. I carry a box with me everywhere I go.”
Your smile widened.
Wednesday ignored the flames ravaging her organs and asked, “Are you going to tell me what this ‘plan’ is?”
“And ruin the surprise? No. All I’m gonna say is that you should have another song prepared for the unveiling.”
She narrowly avoided rolling her eyes again. Given the materials you needed, Wednesday had a good idea of what you were planning anyway, and thankfully, she had just the song in mind.
The three of you parted ways as you reentered the town proper, you and Thing running off to gather supplies, and Wednesday, after handing her matches over, headed into the square to prepare her cello.
Unsurprisingly, she was the first person there. She sat in the seat by her cello, languidly checking its strings more out of a need for something to do than because she needed to. Her cello was always perfectly tuned.
It didn’t take very long for you to follow, running into the square with a canister of gasoline and a bag of what looked to be gunpowder. She heard a low “let’s blow this fucker back to hell, Thing” before you split up, Thing pouring the gasoline in the base of the statue while you created a trail of black powder from the statue to behind the bleachers.
Wednesday watched you, the familiar feeling of being proven right tugging her lips upward. If nothing else, your flair for the dramatic was commendable.
You both finished and took refuge behind the bleachers just as people started filing in for the ceremony. As the normie high school band set up behind her, she took note of how nobody looked particularly enthused to be here (besides Enid, who would somehow find a way to be excited to watch paint dry).  
Soon, the ceremony was underway, and it was as underwhelming as Wednesday expected it to be. Just a plethora of fake smiles, stale claps, and off-key notes from the laughingstock of a “band” performing with her.
An explosion might not even be enough to resuscitate the audience at this point.
Once the fountain was turned on, Wednesday sent a sideways glance to you and you nodded, signaling something to Thing on the ground below. A trail of smoke and the telltale sound of burning gunpowder followed and Wednesday felt her dead heart begin to pick up pace at the thought of the coming anarchy.
Finally, the looming bronze figure burst into a brilliant ball of flame, the sound of the blast washing away the wretched off-key notes of the incompetent band behind her.
As the panic began to set in, her fingers moved on their own, relishing the familiar feel of the aching, discordant cords of Vivaldi’s Winter.
In moments, Jericho’s empty streets were flooded with people running in terror as sirens wailed in the distance. The harmonious screams that erupted from both outcasts and normies alike were almost more pleasant to her ears than the song that she was playing.
Principal Weems glared at her from afar, eyes narrowed in brewing suspicion, and Wednesday stared right back, lips coiling into a poisonous smile.
Tearing her eyes away from the principal, she peered through the haze of the smoke toward the bleachers. You were watching her with wide, awestruck eyes and a smile. You only looked away briefly to give Thing a fist bump before turning back toward her, but her gaze never faltered from you. Even with all of the glorious chaos happening around her.
That horrible, detestable feeling in her chest returned with a vengeance, blazing brighter than the raging fire to her right. But in this moment, she welcomed it, let it fuel her as the music reached its climax.
As the warm orange glow of the flames reflected off the raw excitement and amazement in your eyes and her treacherous song came to its end, Wednesday recognized that perhaps neither hatred nor disdain was quite the right word to describe how she felt for you after all.
And perhaps becoming a heretic and a hypocrite wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world after all (though it would certainly be close). 
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druckkugelschreiber · 8 months
9 People You'd Like To Get to Know Better
this is so funny, I saw this going around again and was like 'oh god now someone is going to tag me in this and I'll have to answer questions'. This isn't a complaint by the way, just thought it was funny
Anyway, got tagged by @sparklingbinjuice thank you!
3 ships: SkyeWard (Skye/ Daisy Johnson x Grant Ward), Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley and Clexa (Clarke x Lexa)
First ship: SkyeWard (I'm so obessed with them)
Last song: Nothing's New by Rio Romeo
Last film: The Old Guard (yes, again, I have nothing to say in my defence)
Currently reading: Percy Jackson- The son of neptune
Currently craving: McDonalds? If we're talking food that is
Fav color: blue!
Relationship status: chronically and happily single
Last thing googled: The lyrics for the Nothing's New
Current obsessions: I'm still pretty obsessed with Charlize Theron, the old guard/ Andy and of course Cipher, so really nothings new there
No pressure tagging: @honeybreadbee @kisses-quitefrenchthat @goldheartedsky @deedeemactir @mxanigel @mxfionamae
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Ooo canon meta question! Do you think if GodLexa was actually LexaLexa at the end instead of some random God (idk I never watched it except thru tumblr) and the ending was left kinda up to the audience intrepetation about their future, would clexa fans feel differently about the l00?
Not after 307.
Not after the shit JRot and company pulled.
Not after they specifically went into queer safe spaces and told queer fans that they were "paranoid and crazy" and "should seek help" for not trusting them to not kill off Lexa, because they said they wouldn't! How could we even question that?! *Stares at the fucking camera* Not after them pretending to be mad over "leaked" scenes from their love scene getting onto the internet when we all know good and goddamn well they leaked that shit themselves to fucking bait us into watching live for maximum shock and pain. Not after they did everything within their power to trick Clexas into watching 307 live, touting it as such an amazing episode and literally begging everyone on Twitter to ~not spoil such groundbreaking work~ for others, only to kill her literally 2 minutes after finding happiness. Like seeing her die was some kind of ultimate prize. (Special shout out to Clexa Archive for posting it The Second it happened. Absolute OG MVP move.) And not after luring fans to Vancouver to watch the finale being filmed to show them that YAYYYY Lexa was there!!! Giving them false hope that she would be brought back somehow, only to kill her a-fucking-gain.
They used her time and again in the show, referenced her and tried to bait back viewers with mentions and flashbacks and drawings and whatever other manipulative bullshit they pulled. Having God!Lexa not be Lexa-Lexa was just the final slap in the face of 4 long ass years of them treating us like shit. It was the period on a sentence that had already long been written.
I think the only thing that might've been different would've been the new and fun ways the fandom took it and ran with it and turned it into something 1000× more brilliant and heartfelt and interesting than whatever piss poor writing job they'd have come up with, because that's what we always do. But do I think it would've changed the overall sentiment? No. Not for Clexa OGs at least. Not for the ones who lived through that shit. Fuck them, fuck JRot, fuck that entire show. I'm glad it's dead. The only things about that entire shitshow that'll be remembered in the longrun are Lexa, Clarke, and Clexa. Because of us, the fans. The show itself will fade into obscurity and be forgotten. As it should be.
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bellamysgriffin · 11 months
why do you think lexa wasn't? genuinely curious/asking
happy to answer this one actually! so this is in reference to my bold claim that lexa's death on the 100 was not part of the bury your gays trope and i stand by that.
so the 100 was a show in which main characters died every season. when adc decided to leave the 100 there was truly no other way to write lexa's character off than to kill her. again, this is a show where lincoln would die episodes later, finn had died the season previous, wells died, monty and harper would die, jasper would die, kane and abby would die, and im sure there are plenty more i'm forgetting. main characters died all the time.
lexa is actually as far as i can remember the only canon queer character who died -- clarke, niylah, and miller all survive to the finale. there was no way to have lexa walk off into the sunset for a season and pop in and out. she was too consequential as a character. when adc left, lexa had to die, and i don't think the way she was killed was particularly disrespectful. in fact, i would argue that her death was the most resonant in the plotline long after she was gone. it advanced the plot, advanced clarke's character, and was a rather beautiful send off scene. lexa was mentioned post-death more than any other character on the show. i know there are some people who have issues with the fact that she and clarke had just gotten together when it happened, but that's just a common writing trope -- the character gets what they want only to die immediately after. super common.
now, that said, i understand that she was one of several lesbian deaths on television that year, and i don't begrudge any queer woman who mourned that death in a deeper way. there is so little representation that when a sapphic character we love dies so brutally it can feel like more than just a television death. that said, i don't think jroth (a man of many crimes) did anything wrong by killing off lexa nor killing her off in the way he did. it wasn't offensive.
the 100 is a survival show. as a queer woman i personally find it just as dehumanizing to demand that the only queer stories we get are happy as to say that every queer story must be tragic. and queer people deserve well-written, resonant tragedies. lexa's arc/clexa's arc on the 100 was beautiful and well-executed, and it wasn't offensive to kill her off. "bury your gays" is not just when a queer person dies. it's when the queer character is seen as expendable, is usually the only queer person in the cast, and usually not on a show/film where characters die regularly. it has ties to the hayes production code in which homosexuality was seen as immorality and was required under the code's rules to be punished, often resulting in queer characters dying or committing suicide.
i don't think that trope describes lexa. i think her death made sense for a show in which there was a lot of death and carnage, i think her character was well-written, well-developed and honored long after her death, and i think we would be remiss to say that she cannot die merely because she is queer when there are truly no other compelling reasons for why it would be wrong to kill that character off on a survival show. and i would hardly call it shock value, which is usually what the bury your gays trope is.
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awakenatmidnights · 4 months
3, 5, 7 and 34 👀
hello, thank you for the ask!! <33 3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of? uhmm i'm gonna go with Spirited Away, Coco and But I'm a Cheerleader! (i know it says just three but i have to give a special shoutout to Us and Midsommar - i love these movies so much as well!);
5. what made you start your blog? let's just say that i was once a middle schooler eager to look at and reblog gifs of The 100 (clexa stans rise up), the Shadowhunters books, Teen Wolf and Reign, and that's really it😭
7. what scares you the most and why? i'd say both ending up alone and being stuck in my hometown, for so many reasons
34. any pet peeves? people driving right behind me, like really fucking close, it's not just annoying as fuck but it also makes me so anxious
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female-buckets · 4 months
Okay, since we're on the fanfic discussion
Rpf 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Non-rpf 😘😘😘 (I would've taken a lot longer to figure out my sexuality without wlw non-rpf - shoutout bechloe, clexa, supercorp, avalance, and many more)
Yeah I found tumblr when I was 15 by typing "Santana and Brittany" into the google search bar. My first blog was a Glee blog. I read a lot of Brittana and Faberry back then 😂
Apparently half the novels that are getting published these days started out as fanfic. Anna Hathaway is starring in a film adaptation of a novel adaptation of a Harry Styles RPF. So that brings us back to how One Direction and hockey are the epicenter of all modern pop culture. I'm sure Challengers is an adaptation of a hockey RPF. The universe is absurd all the way down to the subatomic level.
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hopefulmusings0421 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Crash Into Me
Clexa // Modern au
Chapter 11:
“Alrighty… x-rays look good. Rib fractures on the left side are still visible but showing signs of remodeling. Right tibia is doing wonderfully, too, but she will need physical therapy once it is healed.” Abby hums, walking into the room and putting the x-rays on the light box. Clarke stands and joins her as they both look at the scans.
“Told you they did a good job on that.” Clarke nods in agreement as they examine the films in front of them.
“They did.” Abby hums with a nod back. “And she is already responding well to the reduction of meds I began her on after lunch, too…,” Abby continues, finger on her mouth as she studies the films for anything she could’ve missed. Clarke turns and looks at her mother, dumbfounded by this statement.
“Well, no fucking wonder she was able to fight me so much when I tried to stop reading!” Clarke mutters in disbelief at being told fucking nothing about this and only gets a subtle smirk from her mother, who is still deep in doctor mode.
Read more on A03 or Wattpad
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shortkingvi · 1 year
📖✨Shortkingvi's Fic Hall of Fame✨📖
Since I’ve been a regular fic reader since ~2011, I figure a list like this is long overdue. This is a (semi) comprehensive list of every fic that has irrevocably changed who I am as a person forever. Some of these may not be the most world-altering fic's you've ever read, but for some reason they have wormed their way into my heart and stuck with me since the first time I read them. So, in no particular order and across many fandoms, here are my all time top-10:
1. tin soldiers - idrilka (Marvel Cinematic Universe, rated T, Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes.
this fic... what do i truly say about this one. i am a stucky bitch first and foremost and this is the absolute best of them. a direct companion to captain america: the winter soldier, this fic covers what the public opinion of cap, the plot of the movie, and his relationship with bucky was/is/might be. written as a collection of academic papers, social media posts, and book excerpts, this fic takes unique and unforgettable to a new level. 10/10 would recommend!
2. maybe it's just me - bleedtoloveher (The Hunger Games, rated M, Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes, although you could get by knowing the general premise.
this is the first fic i ever remember reading (at like 13 or 14) and boy oh boy did it stick with me. i regularly go back to read this one because it's just... so pure and sweet. an AU where katniss and peeta have been best friends for years and peeta is the only one reaped. upon returning after winning the games, he and katniss must pretend to be in a relationship so that he can protect her from president snow, who is unhappy with peeta. i adore this fic, it's just so lovely.
3. meet me halfway to your heart - ariadnerue (Carmilla, rated T, Carmilla Karnstein/ Laura Hollis)
Do you need to know the source material? No.
i may or may not have a thing for the fake/pretend relationship trope. this one is a fic where carmilla and laura are best friends and the children of two A-list actors. after a pushy dude in a bar won't leave laura alone, she and carm pretend to be in a relationship. of course, the media catches wind of their supposed love and has a field day with it, forcing them to have to pretend they're in love to avoid ruining the release of their parents' new film. this one is so CUTE and a one-shot (albeit 22k words), so it's an easy, sweet read!
4. human interest - mad_lori (Brokeback Mountain, rated E, Ennis Del Mar/Jack Twist)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes, but techincally only the first hour or so, though i think you'd miss out on the catharsis of this by doing so.
no movie truly sticks with me and breaks my heart quite like brokeback, and after a particularly depressing rewatch last year, i stumbled upon this. originally written in 2006, this fic is an AU that imagines what might've happened if ennis had said yes to jack's proposition after ennis' divorce. they open up a cattle operation up in vermont and get their happily ever after. it's slice of life, it's real, it's sweet and cathartic. if you too have been personally victimized by this film, i recommend this more than anything else on this list. it's wonderful. there's a sequel fic that is technically unfinished, but it's 40 chapters and ends on a decent stopping point, so i think that's more than fine.
5. been lovin' you for quite some time - onemilliongoldstars (The 100, rated E, Clarke Griffin/Lexa)
Do you need to know the source material? No.
for some reason i am physically unable to read in canon clexa shit because it hurts too much, so this is an AU. FWB clarke and lexa find themselves spending christmas together and have to pretend they're strangers. it goes about as well as you'd think. read this as a wee baby gay and it means so much to me because of that. clexa truly is my greatest ship of all time, so you can imagine how much this one has stuck with me. an easy, quick, fun read with almost no angst.
6. United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) - fallingvoices, radialarch (Marvel Cinematic Universe, rated T, Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes.
i didn't want to double dip on this list, but when they're this good, you have no choice. this fic is SO creative. similar to tin soldiers, this fic is formatted in an incredibly creative way! telling the story of bucky's hypothetical trial post winter soldier, this fic is a compilation of court transcripts, news articles, and social media posts. it's stucky at its core, but can also just be enjoyed as a bucky fic. it does an incredible job of holding your attention and truly making you feel like you're a part of this trial. this is the character work we should've gotten for bucky post winter soldier/civil war/endgame/ANYTHING.
7. i-80 west - socallmedaisy (Glee, rated M, Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes.
read this one right around the time i was graduating high school and boy oh boy was that the perfect time to read it. brittana roadtrip fic/ last summer in lima fic where they just... go through everything that people go through at that time. i know this one is special to me because of when i read it and what it meant to me, but GOD this one burrowed into the depths of my baby gay trauma brain and has lived there ever since. if you have time, this is a great one. just... yeah.
8. strawberry ice cream (revamped!!!) - banneancroft69 (Ocean's 8, rated E, Lou Miller/Debbie Ocean)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes.
we do ocean's 8 here sir. this one is just truly lovely. unfinished, so be warned, but it doesn't really matter, because it's mostly a timeline of Lou and Debbie's relationship, starting way back at their first meeting. i'm one of the many who believes that lou and debbie canonically had a on again, off again love affair but are ultimately each other's soulmates, and i think this fic does well to kind of tie all that complexity together in a very fresh way. i think about this one a LOT.
9. roll with the punches - greatestchange (Avatar: Legend of Korra, rated M, Korra/Asami Sato)
Do you need to know the source material? No.
godddddd this fic. this SERIES. korra and asami are estranged high school best friends. when asami learns korra's back in town and fighting in an underground fight club, she goes to seek her out and figure out why she left and what she's been up to since. this series is HEAVY, let me preface, and deals with drug abuse, self-destructive tendencies, and overall complicated humans. it will likely be the most difficult read on this list because of this, but it also is one of the most important for me. i related BIG TIME to this version of korra, and it just really is a masterfully crafted series that i cannot say enough about. please give this a read if it sounds like your thing.
10. see your world in traces - spibsy (Professional Wrestling, rated E, Seth Rollins/Dean Ambrose)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes, but a general understanding of wrestling would probably suffice.
burrowing this down at number 10 so no one notices it. seriously though, i find it hard to ever read anything wrestling related because it often veers way too far into RPF territory for me and those lines are muddy enough as is. this one though... this one is fully within kayfabe and just like.. has stuck with me since i was 16 for some reason. it's FCW era ambrollins aka PEAK twunk rollins era, and it's just such a perfect kayfabe explanation for the funky little feud they had at the time. it's genuine and messy and heartfelt and weird and i HAD to include it here if i truly wanted this list to be as honest and correct as i want it to be. if you're at all into wrestling, this is a lovely one that i should probably read again soon.
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You know what.. I have a feeling I have to get this out of my chest before big announcements (renewal as I belive it should or the other word that should not be named). I really think this show and especially show runners got us a big deal. First season was exceptional not even gonna talk about this one. Like everything that was said and done and.. Like I literally have no words because I remember when I first decided to give warrior nun s1 a chance (don't get me wrong but the title.. It sounds so freaking funny, dumb, interesting and unbelievable at the same time😅.. For someone who has no idea) I fell in love with it.. So much..with every aspect of the series
It was my comfort show since the first time I watched it, and I belive it will be after whatever news we get in the next weeks.. Just the concept of the show, characters, the way it was filmed, scenes, aesthetic, cinematography, action! EvERYTHING is so great it hurts
Anyway to the point (getting sentimental here sorry)
In s2 they gave us everything they could (whole team of WN) and I mean it, if you watched season 2 you know what I'm talking about. Not just the facts (the fanfic tropes, amazing moments, fight scenes, real characters - which none of them were forced-everything feels so natural! Like backstories? None of them was like straight forward.. Like this character is like this because this and this happened in their life, no. They gave us space, entire warrior nun team gave us space(our own fictional world we can create) to only imagine what happened in-between. I cannot appreciate and thank them enough.
To the point again.. Even if (I pray to God/Netflix for not doing this to us) we.. I don't want to say it.. If the end of the season two is all we get.. We have so much space, by we I mean fans, writers, artists and so on.. To make the most of it (hyperbole) I think in the way the writers team prepared for it-for us as well. The hell! Simon even fought for the after credit scene because he could not let the fans hanging in the unknown. So they've tried to make the best they could.
So with this statement (which is propoably the longest I've ever made) I beg you not to compare avatrice with clexa because trust me I've been there when it happened and it's not the same. Not the Bury your gays trope nor the love story. (not bubbling here. I'm still carrying this fucking pain with me).
With this afrer credit scene they gave us hope they gave us so many stories we can carry on with.. even if it's not on screen.
So with this confusing pep talk I want you to carry on- make art, write fanfiction and so on..
Warrior nun team- They gave us all they could and even more
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
Seven husband of Evelyn Hugo Clexa 👀
Tell us more.
I'm very interested 🤔
It's not a TSHOEH au per se, although it is very very inspired by it with some elements of Carol/The Price of Salt. This is just the base plot and not all of it because if i ever do post it, I want some mystery there still.
The story is narrated by a 80 something year old Clarke who finally gets to share with the world, in a book written by Josephine, that Lexa Woods, the star of the golden age of hollywood, known for her glamour and her presence on screen, was, in fact, a lesbian and married to her.
We start when Clarke had just been hired to work on the set of Trikru Studios newest release "Polis is Burning Down", starring their new hit girl, Lexa Woods.
Lexa's engaged to Hollywood's newest heartthrob and her co-star, and Clarke doesn't really care for her - a woman who seems arrogant and cold, her glamorous life not something Clarke finds appealing at all. That is, until Clarke is there to watch the filming of emotional crescendo of the climax of the movie, where she sees Lexa bring everyone on set to tears with her performance, a young mother begging her lover not to follow others into a burning world of war.
Clarke decides to go and tell Lexa how much that scene made her feel. She did not expect Lexa to be so gracious at the compliment, not did she expect to suddenly become the target of attention for the young actress - invites to lunch, small presents like wine and chocolates, being on the receiving end of the rare smile the girl shows behind the cameras. They are sleeping together by the time Lexa is married, a marriage Clarke knows is out of pressure from the studio, the movie having just released. Clarke is okay with that, she knew what getting involved with Lexa meant.
They are together for nearly 10 years. Clarke is there when Lexa's husband turns from a man she simply shares a house with to someone who feels cheated by a wife who does not sleep with him nor will give him a child and starts beating her and blaming her for every movie that does not go right. She is there when Lexa loses her first pregnancy, after a beating got too out of hand and she found Lexa bleeding in the bathtub. After that, they start making plans to run away together, buy a small farm back in Kentucky where Clarke is from, run away from the lights and the cameras, even if Lexa has given up her entire life to be a star, even if Lexa owes her life and her fame to the studio and her fans. And when Lexa finds herself pregnant again, Clarke promises they will raise the baby together and away from the cruel, vicious city and from their roles.
To Clarke that baby is her baby too. She cares for it much more then his own father does.
And then one day Lexa tells her she cannot go. Her husband found out about the pregnancy, found out about Clarke and as told her that if she leaves with her, he will make sure he finds her and takes the baby away from her, telling everyone what she is. Perhaps is for the best they go their separate ways. Clarke as come to hate Hollywood but to Lexa this is her home and her duty is with her fans and the studio.
So Lexa stays. And Clarke leaves. They see each other last in 1964 and to not lay eyes on each other again until 1985.
There's a whole lot more that happens in between but this is a quick run down of the first bigger half of the plot. Lexa is very much the star, even if its narrated by Clarke. Lexa never got to tell the world who she was, cancer took that chance away from her, but Clarke wants to be able to share it now that she too is reaching the end of her life. Lexa is already a "gay icon" for many, her glamorous lifestyle, how she seemed to care so much and yet so little about what others thought of her, her last few movies in the 70's were rather camp so without people knowing she was a lesbian, she was already an icon of sorts.
I'm not sure if that killed or hyped your interest, but yeah, that's more or less what Violet Hollywood is about :D I do have a tag for it (au: violet hollywood) for about almost two years now so thanks for asking about it 'cause i never had the chance to talk about it on my blog :D
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butmakeitgayblog · 7 months
Any new headcanons brewing in your head after seeing Alycia at the AACTA
Not... entirely
But I've had thoughts. Bear with me.
I'm not even remotely the person to write something like this at all, but it definitely did have me thinking of a SORT OF SHOEH-esque type fic. Something involving them being closeted and in Hollywood. Getting their flowers for their talent and being in love, but having to keep it quiet their entire careers. I've seen some fics along this line here and there, but inevitably in the fic, one or both eventually come out on stage or something.
Which is great! That's a lovely and hopeful ending.
But also....
Not entirely realistic.
Or even half as heartwrenching.
"Well yeah jesus fuck, why do you want sad shit Andi, why are you always such a glutton for punishment and literary pain?"
Well I'll tell you why: cuz... shut up
Idk it just got me thinking of Clexa as two Hollywood starlets on kind of differing ends of the spectrum of Hollywood that in the public eye are generally never really thought about together.
Lexa tends to do more gritty work, a lot more indie films. Dark threaded moody pieces and emotional roles, not generally thought of as box office fodder, but pretty much always a contender at awards season. Sleeper hits, you get me. Things like that. She definitely has a well known name, but she's selective in her work and that gains her a lot of respect with fans, even if they have to sometimes wait 2-3 years between projects. Because whatever she signs on for, it's pretty much always really fucking good. Whereas Clarke is more of a mainstream girly. She does a decently broad spectrum of films, but they're by and large always ones with bigger budgets, bigger release dates, more screens. It's not that they're not quality pictures, it's just that Clarke likes to work a broad range of things. One year she's in a comedy, the next a period piece, the next action. There's no real labeling her career.
And most importantly, they're both very, very straight.
At least, their personas are.
Alexandria is a smoky eyed femme fatale who leaves all the men eating out of the palm of her hand. Very "Look but don't touch" attitude that adds to her allure, to her mystery, despite her always being attached to leading man's arm. Miss Griffin is the picture of buxom Hollywood glam that every guy has on the List. Known for leaving a string of broken hearted men in her wake with little more than a cheek kiss-stained in signature red lipstick
Lexa and Clarke though?
Lexa and Clarke are two friends who have been deeply in love and committed to each other for the better part of 5 years.
They love each other in secret because that's what they feel like they have to do. They have two seperate houses with two separate addresses, and only one bed they actually sleep in.
It only really burns on the big nights, which I think would be an interesting oneshot. Just a glimpse into their life and what it feels like in that moment. The night when all their work and their sacrifices are being honored. Because even though, yes, they do play the part of friends and manage to sit near each other, it's not the same. It's not the same when they can't get ready together or even show up in the same car. When they have to remind themselves not to lean into each other too often, or even reach for the others hand to calm their nerves.
When one wins, they walk up alone without a hug or kiss from the only person who actually matters. They thank their families and their friends and their management that they can barely stand half the time, and remind themselves to smile like it's the happiest moment of their life even though at least half it all feels like a lie. Because yeah, they get lonely in the months when projects and shooting schedules pull them to opposite sides of the globe... but somehow those months never feel quite as lonely as being in a room filled with people who act like they adore you, while the love of your life sits quietly with her own "date" half an aisle away
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dysco-lymonade · 2 years
hi friend
What’s the last recipe you tried?
11. Are there any recurring themes in your dreams?
27. Quote something from your notes app.
please and thank you :)
Howdy buddy!
1. The last recipe I tried was pretty boring. Just a friend’s suggestion for a take on Alfredo sauce. I don’t tend to follow recipes very often, I just sort of ‘go with it’ and make adjustments until something sticks 😂
11. I very frequently dream that there are tornadoes around and I’m looking for shelter. I’ve had these dreams since I was a kid. There will be a tornado right in my front yard, but I’m not afraid of it, I just know I need to go downstairs? Or I’ll be in the house I grew up in, looking out the window to the back yard. I can see a really far distance, and there are dozens of tornadoes just scattered about heading towards me.
27. Oh shit lmao so my notes are always really boring. But lucky for you, I found one I forgot about. I was drunk one night pondering a silly AU for clexa week based on a gif that never fails to make me laugh. A friend of mine mentioned that the outfits are just so different. Soft Midwest Lexa and Clarke in a busted ass leather jacket. We went on a tangent about how Clarke looks straight outta Mad Max.
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So I present to you, the very few HCs I have for the Mad Max AU that’s actually just Lexa having a fever dream and Clarke is dressed for a play or Halloween or something. Lexa thinks she’s being taken… it’s a whole ridiculous mess but could probably be pretty funny if I actually ever take it anywhere 😂
Lexa sees the same blonde every Tuesday and Thursday morning at the campus library cafe.
She doesn’t know her name, but she never fails to see her. Could be that the blonde is always wearing the strangest outfits. Lexa figures she must be a film student.
Something is going to happen, Lexa is going to get sick, or hit her head. And mad max Clarke dream ensues.
Lexa falls down the stairs while on the phone with Raven. Clarke comes to her rescue.
Mad max style Clarke picks Lexa up bridal style and runs off with her to a shaded rock face. The sun is starting to set behind it.
Where am I? Why are you wearing a dirty leather jacket? What’s all over your face? Is that my blood?
Clarke is talking on the phone (with Raven) “I’ve got her. I’ll bring her to you as soon as I can.” Is she being kidnapped? Is she being saved? What is going on?
“It’s okay, Lexa. I’ve got you.” How does she know my name? I must be a target.
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cairamelcoffee · 2 years
tagged by the beloved @poetikat for the get to know you better game !! thank you !!! :-)
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Three ships:
Clexa, Korrasami, Calliette
First ever ship:
I'm pretty sure it was Genevieve and Derek from Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses, if not it's Annika and Aiden from Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus.
Last song:
Take My Heart When You Go by Ramin Djwadi season 2 episode 8 of westworld... [CLOSED]
Last film:
just watched Mamma Mia i should've just watched birds of prey
Currently reading:
rereading Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Currently consuming:
just ate shrimp tempura rolls and i drink woter
Currently craving:
tagging (with no pressure <3):
@effelants @wickedsnack @vakarians-babe @star--nymph @spindleweedss @ltcmdrashleywilliams @buchimgay @cassandra-pentughasst @radiatedvamp <3
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itsbeckyfreen · 2 years
tagged by @avasillva, tks angel!
three ships: carmuel, tenrose, clexa
first ever ship: stelena, i consider them cuz it was with them that i found out what a ship/otp was
last song: badtrip by Mora
last film: scream 2
currently reading: some photoshop tutorials out there jahahsas
currently watching: buffy the vampire slayer
currently consuming: dulce de leche
currently craving: a good cheese for me to eat with my dulce de leche
i tag anyone who has read this and wants to participate :))
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celiastjamesoscar · 11 months
Hi darling. It took me an hour and a lot of scrolling through ao3, but I found the Clexa fic! https://archiveofourown.org/works/10011560?view_full_work=true That's where I first came in contact with Poes work. I remember I liked it so much that I looked up more of his poems at this time. Fics really teach you much more than school and real life. Love it. Your brother has great taste! Juno is my secret favorite. Lol, yeah, the handcuff scene was brutal. I love Mike's work and how he can combine gruesome scenes with such a beautiful story and make it fit together so perfectly. He's a genius. Netflix or Amazon, it doesn't matter as long as he keeps up his great work!
Lol surprise adopt 😂 That's exactly what we will do. We will lure her in and set her up in a comfortable room until we cam force ourselves onto the set of Scream 7. We will offer her gym equipment to keep her muscles all big and strong. But I honestly don't fully believe that they would exclude Melissa and or Jenna. Jenna because, as bad as it sounds, is a money maker at the moment. People love her. And Melissa because they probably want to keep the Billy connection going and have a new final girl. If they'd cast whole new people it would mess up the storyline and franchise.
I also switch between cats and dogs constantly. Both are just so cute and cuddly. To me it's impossible to choose between them.
You are a saint for finding that fic, but you honestly didn’t have to. I still appreciate it so much <3 Clexa fics hit different during the colder months for me, and I have no idea why, so I will definitely give that one a read some time soon. Fanfic writers shaped my entire early teenage life, and they will forever have my heart for it. Juno is such a sweetheart and she deserves the word! I started to rewatch House of Usher with my mom! Mike can include just the right amount gore to gross you out, but not enough for you to turn it off. He’s one of the best horror producers out there. I agree; as long as Mike is still creating masterpieces, I don’t care where at, I will be watching!
I bet we wouldn’t even have to lure her, she would probably go willingly. Her dedication and love for Sam is one of the many things I love about her. And the gym equipment too 😭 that’s essential. I love Jenna to death, but I also agree that’s she a money maker for the franchise. Scream VI was the highest grossing installment since the first one back in ‘96. Melissa better stay on because she is the new fave of the franchise, and because I really love Sam’s character. I might be a bit biased, but her character is more rounded than Sydney’s, I still love Syd to death though. It’s going to be interesting to see how the filming of 7 is done, that’s for sure
They are both cuddly and cute, but only one of my cats will actually cuddle. The other one is Leo Usher’s black cat most of the time 😬
Completely off topic, but I get to go into the cadaver lab tomorrow and I’m so exited!!
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