#mad max AU
oceantornadoo · 4 months
mad max: the 141 (price x f!reader)
ch 2: your first night
canon-typical violence, sexual violence is referenced (but will not happen), general misogyny. the 141 are the good guys, just a bit rough around the edges
series masterlist (also has more world building info)
you reminded john of rabbits, creatures he'd heard about from campfire stories. your dress, like their fur, white as limestone. you were jumpy and small, fast as the devil. he could feel your legs tense against his, had felt it for the past three hours of the bike ride. ready to hop off and run, to take your chances in the sand and storm of the wasteland. he didn't blame you.
dusk had fallen as the 141 approached their home base. you were already jumping off his bike when he slowed down, eager to put space between the two of you. smart girl. john price did not consider himself a good man, even though he had met men much worse, men who were not man at all. sometimes, he felt that same instinct lurking underneath him, just out of reach.
base was just a small outcropping of rocks. this couldn't be right. suddenly, gaz had disappeared from your view. then, silent as his name, ghost did as well. your eyes finally adjusted to the quick coming darkness and you took in the sight before you. a hole in the ground, covered with a metal frame. a door to the underground. they had hidden their bikes behind the rocks, the shadows playing tricks on your mind. any traveler would pass this place without a second thought. the captain (you still didn't know his name) hid his bike in a similar matter, then gestured to the hole. "down you go." like alice in wonderland, you thought, images of your precious century-old books coming to mind. you jumped.
gaz caught you gracefully. you murmured your thanks, still unused to having male hands touch you so easily. you were no longer a shiny piece of metal on the shelf, you had been taken down for play. in any sense of the word.
electric lighting flickered around the cavern. there were several tunnels leading into the distance, further underground. you stood in a common area, the group's supplies scattered throughout the room. it was lived in but clean, a rarity in a world like yours. the air smelled the opposite of dryness, almost like-
"water?" the captain was offering you drinking water from a canteen. you looked up at him in confusion. "real water?" ghost grunted an affirmation from somewhere in the vicinity, but you were too busy locking eyes at the captain to get specifics. his eyes were so focused on you, so unaware of the kindness of his gesture. was he prepping you for a future as his wife? that must be it. must be why he was so concerned about your period. either way, you were dehydrated from the long drive and took the canteen greedily, slurping at the water. unprincesslike behavior, not fit for a wife, but you didn't care. he'd get what he paid for.
"how do you have water?" your voice croaked slightly from disuse, the water smoothing out the cracks in your throat. "springs. down one of the tunnels. s' why it smells damp. s' our little secret, yeah?" you gaped at gaz's response. with access to a hot spring, they could be kings. they could have a hundred wives each, slaves in the thousands, become kings of the springs in their own right. yet they made small attacks of shipping trades and deals for princesses of gastown? you didn't understand. they seemed to lack the innate violence you thought was required of human nature, of the existence of man.
"long day, yeah? let's regroup tomorrow." the captain led you down the tunnel as you quickly said goodnight to the other outlaws. despite your propensity to save water, your palms grew sweaty. this was when it happened. this was when he'd take you to bed and make you a wife. or at least someone to get mother's milk from. you hoped he'd be somewhat gentle, hoped the other's wouldn't hear your screams. you were so lost in your thoughts you didn't notice the captain had stopped, directing you to a bedroll.
"would you be gentle, please? if i can ask? i won't ask for anything else." your voice sounded tinny in the room, as if another had asked it. the only sound was the echo of the far off spring. the captain paused his state of undress, clothed in only his underwear. you averted your eyes, quelling any attraction that bubbled up in your belly. you were a virgin, had been groomed to be one, but you had had other experiences with some men in gastown. you knew the electricity of attraction, the zing of the moment. you reminded yourself that the captain was your owner, not your lover, and that quickly ended any other feelings.
"gentle, love? what d'ya mean?" he was sprawled on the bedroll, all muscle and fat and hair. his body corded with the results of labor, hidden under a layer of fat that showed his status. you shrugged back your shoulders, reminding yourself you were a princess. "when you bed me." he let out a bark of laughter, turning you shy. were you too proper? you didn't like the other words men used, your stepfather used, when they talked about the act. they felt dirty on your tongue, like spending a night in the desert sand. "'m not gonna fuck you, love." fuck. he said it almost lovingly, like he revered it. tongue tracing the vowels like he'd traced your stomach earlier.
"then...the belt? you bought me?" he patted the bed roll and you finally laid down next to him, less afraid of him now. "'s all politics, sweetheart. i don't fuck people who don't want me inside them. if you ask me, i'll fuck you good. but only then." people. as in not just women. not unheard of, but never blatantly referenced. you wondered about the other outlaws, images of them undressed and sweaty under the captain coming to mind. with the casualness in their interactions, you weren't surprised. some part of your brain, a part you had thought was long gone when you had been sold, conjured another image. being shared. just like that you shivered in the cold dampness, and it was gone.
"body heat. come on." you finally laid against him, back touching his bare chest. he covered you with the threadbare blanket, slinging his arm around your waist and the other under your head. like a personal pillow. the thought was so insane you almost giggled, and he relaxed at the feel of your body calming. his rabbit was finally less jittery, ready for bed. his paw spread against your stomach, callouses brushing against soft skin. he reveled in the feel of your stomach, not concave like most in the wasteland. his pampered princess, cuddled against one of the most feared outlaws in the land. you covered his hand with your own, brushing against the hair there. he nuzzled your neck, memorizing your scent. the sound of it sent a bolt of arousal straight to your core, but you ignored it.
"goodnight, captain." no wonder you were so scared of him. he hadn't told you his name. "s' john, love." your throat hitched. john. "goodnight, john." he hummed against your skin, his own personal goodnight back.
you fell into a dreamless sleep, the events of the day washing in and out. until the atmosphere changed, the feeling of being watched waking you up. you felt john adjust behind you, the feeling of his body draped around you. you could even feel his cock lay heavy against your ass, resting. your eyes blinked open through the darkness of the cave, searching. and you found it in the man sitting a few feet away, cloaked behind a red mask in the shape of a skull, mohawk standing straight.
you screamed.
i don't usually write virgin readers but i felt like it made sense for this world. going to try to make it a small deal so every kind of reader can relate. shorter chapter, hoped yall enjoyed!
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valhelos · 22 days
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It's Fowlfest AU Day. And I thought I could yap about my Mad Max AU.
For convenience humans would know about fairies and fairies are closer to human sizes in this AU. In the normal Mad Max AU way the Earth would be an apocalyptic wasteland, the earth is spoiled and magic has become almost nonexistent even to fairies. Between the loss of magic and the radiation fairies are suffering. Holly, her mother and Vinyáya would be part of the Many Mothers, protecting one of the last magical ritual sites; the Green Place.
Out in the wasteland Opal would be gathering power both by hoarding magic and technology. She would've long since forced Foaly to help her in her quest to become the queen of this irradiated Earth. Their paths would eventually cross when one of Opal's scouting parties would manage to capture Holly and her mother, after Coral got injured near one of Opal's waste dumping sites.
Opal would become obsessed with finding the magical site the many mothers are protecting after learning Holly and Coral still have their magic. And after Coral dies from her injuries Opal keeps Holly as her captive slowly draining her of her magic one spark at a time hoping to wring out the location of the Green Place. During her years as a captive Holly befriends Foaly as her hatred towards Opal festers.
Eventually Opal's growing gang would come across the Citadel that is being led by Kronski and his extinctionists, holding court to determine who is useful enough for them to live and who will die for their survival.
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badbcatha · 1 year
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copiousloverofcopia · 3 months
Whoops my hand slipped.....
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coming soon!
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What if... Little Furiosa got lost on her way back to the Green Place?
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stevecoven · 4 months
Mad Max Sturphy AU though 🏍️⚙️💀
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themummersfolly · 3 months
Untitled Gastown AU, ch 1
Re: this post that I decided to go ahead and flesh out.
The Octoboss had been the last of the Horde to enter Gastown. While Dementus interrogated the Guardian of Gastown and his men subdued what little resistance they met, he sat on his bike just inside the gate, fuming, not yet ready to face his own crew.
They’d taken Gastown around mid-morning. Before noon, a bike pulled away from the Guardian’s watch tower and made for the gate: Big Jilly, with Smeg riding backpack. He thought they might summon him to Dementus, to a council of war to determine their next step, and if that was the case he had a piece of his mind to send them packing with. But his retort died stillborn. Big Jilly sped past him out the wide-open gates, Smeg waving to him as if oblivious to the tension. Ten minutes later a tussle broke out at the foot of the tower, and he looked up to see Dementus and the other underbosses dragging something or someone toward the trailer bikes. The sight of the man reignited the rage in his chest; he kicked his bike to life and rolled over to them. Dementus was lifting the kid he insisted on hauling everywhere into his chariot. He’d taken off her muzzle; he must be in the mood for bad decisions today.
The Octoboss dropped his kickstand and jumped off his bike, yanking off his faceplate as he stormed up, ready to have it out here and now.
“Hey, there you are! I need you to stay here, I got a job for you.”
“Like you had a job for my Mortifiers?” He grabbed the side of the chariot cab. The kid didn’t flinch, only watched him with those baleful eyes. Dementus acted like he hadn’t heard him.
“We’re going to parley with that big shot in the Citadel. I need you to rig this place up, all the dynamite you got, ready to make the biggest boom this place has ever heard. Rizzdale! Give him the thingy!”
Rizzdale Pell hurried over from his bike and shoved something into the Octoboss’s hands. It was a number pad, trailing wires, with a small, battered screen at the top.
“This here’s a transpondifier,” he told him. “We’ve got the other one. We’ll send you a message from the Citadel if we need you to blow this place sky-high. If the sun goes down and we’re not back, blow it up anyway.”
The Octoboss stared at the contraption. It looked like it was supposed to be attached to a power source. He looked up at the old man they’d dragged out: gagged and strapped to a dolly, his eyes bulged with terror. He turned back to Dementus.
“You and I need to talk.”
“Not now, not now. We really got ‘em by the balls! Daddy Dementus is bringing home the bacon!”
He wheeled the chariot, and the whole motorcade roared out the gates and down the road. The Octoboss stood, stunned and furious, in his wake. From the corner of his eye he noticed a handful of his surviving men gathered around.
“I guess we’ll get started on the explosives.”
“Yeah,” he managed. Not wanting to lash out at his lieutenant, he stalked back to his bike.
Like what I'm doing? Buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/themummersfolly
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mousyatlas · 3 months
hey, all. ily. thank you for being patient while i wrap up some deadline material and work on my space opera. i'm starting a new part-time job this week but oasis update will be super soon.
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jamscandraw · 4 months
WAR BOY STEVE (he gets better and lets his hair grow )
I don't even know if that's a thing War Boys can do, but I believe in him!! (I also really wanna make him a Praetorian, he deserves a cool jacket and a sick vehicle)
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demon-slayer-kaiden · 4 months
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Calling it good enough!
Anyway here are the starting thoughts for Kaiden’s Mad Max Au
Naomi and Kaiden escaped from their old home after it had come under attack by a warlord, they stumbled upon the Green Place and were taken in by the Vuvalini. Kaiden grew up learning their ways and enjoying the peace and safety that was offered.
At some point she becomes pregnant and has Yuu, right as the place her and her mother called home began to die and become toxic. Leaving with the others to wander once it was no longer habitable.
Yuu’s upbringing has thrown a wrench into Kaiden and Naomi’s relationship. They want different things for her: Kaiden wanting her daughter to have as much of a childhood as possible and Naomi wanting her granddaughter to start learning how to survive in the harsh world they live in.
The three live a semi-nomadic life style, getting around the wasteland on modded motorbikes. They don’t want to stay in spot for too long and Kaiden does the majority of the scavenging and scouting.
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oceantornadoo · 4 months
mad max: the 141 (price x f!reader)
ch 3: johnny's home
canon-typical violence, sexual violence is referenced (but will not happen), general misogyny. the 141 are the good guys, just a bit rough around the edges
series masterlist (also has more world building info)
you screamed.
john woke with a start, forcing you behind him as he searched for any danger. ghost and gaz burst into the room, guns at the ready. you were shaking uncontrollably, fear coursing through your body and tightening around your throat. and suddenly, ghost, that hulk of a man who had given you grunts and gruff words, started laughing.
it was a gravelly sound, like a dirt bike over desert sand. gaz joined in, his laughter like the flow of gasoline, rich but tainted. the absolute gall of them. there had been a man, you’d seen him! he was sitting there in the corner, shaking with laughter himself while john’s grip on your waist loosened. john reached for the lightbulb near the wall, flooding the room with light.
“steamin’ jesus, lass, almos’ gave me a heart attack.” the man in the red mask huffed out in between laughs. his accent was unfamiliar to you, almost foreign. “soap, it’s good to see you.” gaz was patting him on the back while ghost shook his head, the shock of the scene still wearing off. john was still holding you, you realized, still pressing your front to his back. but now, his harsh grip was gone and replaced with a warm touch. he rubbed circles into the thin fabric of your shift, inherently calming you down. “darlin’.” john was moving you out from behind him, the tension in his shoulders releasing softly. “this is soap.” he tried to coax you towards soap, who was still catching up with ghost and gaz, but your feet stayed firmly planted. “i thought…i thought he was dead.”
“‘m alive and well. had some other business.” soap acknowledged your question. gaz made another comment under his breath and the group laughed again. you could see the day’s tension finally fading away. you’d thought the group was just harsh, beaten down by the desert sun like every other man in the wasteland, but it was clear they were just worried about soap’s business, whatever that was. john, sensing your refusal to move, left you standing as he made his way over to his men. they all straightened their back almost imperceptibly, giving him a true captain’s respect. he gave soap a couple pats to the back, almost ensuring he was truly here, and the group relaxed again.
“sorry fer scarin’ her, captain. jus’ wanted a look at the wee lass.” john looked back at you, fidgeting with the fabric of your dress as you recovered from your previous fright. “and?” soap grinned. “aye, she’s a bonnie one. you sharin’?” that was the wrong question to ask. john’s face became a mask, hard as desert stone. “no. there will be no sharing.” john looked each of his men in the eyes, making his point clear. a course of whispered “yes, sirs” reached his ear, their deference easily earned. “go’on now, back to bed. long trip in the morning. good to see you, soap.” the men nodded, taking their leave, still huddled together and shooting you glances as they left.
you were already back in the bedroll, front facing the wall as you gave john your back. he turned off the light, then climbed in, refusing to give you the space that you clearly desired. “you mad at me, sweetheart?” his large hand traveled over your hip to the bottom of your stomach, pulling you in closer to him. you shook your head, unsure why the scene had affected you so. you were practically their prisoner, yet you were mad they didn’t tell you about soap? it didn’t make sense. you were obviously suffering some delusions from being surrounded by such an oasis.
john nosed at your neck as he pulled your ass against his crotch, his body all hard against yours. “say it.” it sounded like an order, but it could have been a plea in the way he said it, his voice low in the dark. “you’re not my captain, you can’t order me around.” he chuckled behind you, the sound warming your core like the sun, making you squirm in his arms. “that’s it, hm? mad your captain didn’t clue you in?” he was almost taunting you now, that hand traveling from your stomach to the underside of your breasts. his knuckle brushed the underside of your tits so lightly, you almost thought it was a dream. “well, you lied to me too, so we’re even.” you turned around quickly, all fire now. “what are you talking about?” he gave you a small smirk, beard shifting with the movement. “you’ve been with men before.”
your jaw dropped. “i’m a virgin.” he clucked his tongue at that. “sure you are love, but you’ve been with men before. you’re too comfortable with me for that to be false.” you huffed, turning back to your original position. “so, what.” his arm snaked back around you again, that hand inching up until he was massaging your tits, like he had the right. “jus’ like to have all the facts, love.” he inched his thigh between both of yours, the meat of it pressing against your core. you bit back a moan as you tried not to hump him, willing your body to calm down. you blamed it on the adrenaline of the night’s earlier events. “i’m not going to let you fuck me.” he laughed at the sound of a curse word leaving your lips, your princess facade abandoned. “no, you’ll be begging me for it. now go-“, he pushed his thigh harder against you, leg hair providing delicious friction against your clothed clit, “to sleep.” and under your captain’s orders, you slept.
i’m grasping around for a plot but i just keep coming up with smutty interactions😔
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valhelos · 4 months
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don't mind me, just making that self-indulgent Mad Max AU
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unholy-fabray · 8 months
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yet another AU that literally no one asked for: Mad Max AU!!
the Furiosa trailer infected me with Mad Max brainrot again after nearly a decade, so have some warboy Brittana. Brittany would totally be a polecat, swinging around on one of those trapeze looking things (like this) and Santana would be her partner/driver.
I have ideas for Quinn and Rachel too... but for now, here's their rig (WIP):
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Rebelcaptain AU // Mad Max
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Mad Max 1979 + Furiosa 2024 Crossover
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hecatemoon87 · 1 year
I am AU obsessed. Most, if not all, my fics are alternative realities, and here goes another one.
Mando Mad Max
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In a galaxy far, far away...
Chapter One: Mando Prey
Out of all the planets she could have crashed landed on, why did it have to be Jakku? Meira didn’t really mind sand. She had visited Tatooine enough times to become accustomed to it. But what she didn’t like was that this planet was practically uninhabited. There would be no one to call to for help. 
As she struggled to open the hatch of the stolen TIE fighter, she heard the sky rip open above her. Glancing up, dread washed over her as she saw it was the ship that had shot her down. It was the ship of a Mando called Mad Max. 
She had heard of him and knew that the nickname had been given to him by his own kind, the Mandalorians. Why he had been given such a name was unknown to her. However, she could at least surmise that anyone called “Mad” was not a person to be trifled with.
Falling onto the hot, red sand of the planet, she struggled upright and searched for her DH-17 blaster pistol that had fallen out with her. She found it just as the other ship landed. Then, she ran. 
No way in hell was she going to attempt to go up against a Mandalorian. She was just a young woman from Naboo who had joined the rebel alliance. And just four days ago, the Empire had fallen due to the help of a young Jedi, the name she had heard was Skywalker.
She had been overjoyed, along with the rest of her rebellious friends. But now, she had a new problem. Instead of the Empire chasing her, it was a bounty hunter. 
She would have thought that something as big as an evil, oppressive regime finally coming to an end would have caused anyone to call off work for a few days. But not this Mando, he seemed very focused on completing this job.
She spotted a boulder cluster not far from where she had crashed. She made her way quickly to the protective ring of rock, then dropped down behind a boulder. It was a matter of seconds when she heard him land just outside the cluster. She heard his jetpack turn off and the sand shifting as he walked towards her hiding place. 
There was a brief pause before she heard him speak. Of course he was wearing his helmet and his voice sounded mechanical as he spoke. “I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold, you decide.”
“That’s a bit extreme considering my parents probably want me back alive,” she shouted at him from behind the boulder. 
Meira’s parents were nobles on Naboo. They had expected Meira to marry a politician who she didn’t like. He had been in favor of the Empire, and that disgusted her. So, one night, two years ago, she fled Naboo and sought out the rebel forces. She guessed her parents were eager for her return since the cause of the rebels had been fulfilled. 
“Meira Yinnala, I suggest you do not test my patience,” Mad Max grunted as he entered the rock cluster. She switched her blaster to stun and stood up to shoot. But she missed as he sensed her and dodged the shot. With reflexes only a trained fighter would have, he shot back and hit her in the chest. 
Meira groggily opened her eyes. She looked around and discovered that she was on a ship, tied to one of the passenger chairs. “What the fuck?” she said, trying to pull at her restraints. The rattling of her chair triggered the pilot to turn around and point at her, “Don’t.”
She blinked upon seeing the Mandalorian’s face. Mad Max was…well, he was very attractive. His face was tan, the contrast enhancing his brilliant blue eyes. His lips were full, albeit slightly chapped and his overall features were very pleasant to look at. Though he was handsome, his face was set in such a stern manner that it allowed her to refocus on the fact that she was being kidnapped. 
“Let me go!” she shouted, struggling against her bonds. Suddenly, a shot of pain from her chest made her gasp and she tensed up in the chair. 
Max growled and leaned forward flipping a few switches on his control panel. Then he stood and lumbering back to where she was tied up. He glared down at her and said in a low voice, “Stop struggling, or you’ll hurt yourself.”
“Hurt myself? I think someone set his blaster to maximum tase, and that’s why I feel like shit,” she said, accusatorily.
“Yes, I did. And I’ll do it again if you don’t stop whining,” he said and walked over to a locked steel box mounted in the back of the cockpit. 
“Whining? I have every right to complain! You don’t get it. My parents want me to marry a terrible person! I can’t go back there. Whatever they are paying you, I’ll double it!” Meira said, desperately. 
“They are paying me 4 million credits,” Max said. “Where will you get 8 million credits, hmmm?” Meira bit her lower lip. It would have been impossible to even get 1 million credits let alone 8 million. “Well, what else can I give you? I can’t go back,” she pleaded. 
Max had unlocked the steel box and extracted a drink from it. He opened it and drank it as he returned to the pilot seat. Meira looked at the drink thirstily, she felt parched. “Hey, at least give me some water?”
The Mando didn’t move, instead he just looked forward out the window, into the darkness that was space. 
“Uh? Hello? Mr…uh, Max? Mad Max?” she said, hesitantly. Still he didn’t move, as if he were listening to something else.
“Oie! Mando! I want some water!” she finally shouted. That seemed to pull him from whatever trance he was in and he turned around. “Did you hear that?” he asked, sounding on edge. 
Meira frowned, the only thing she had heard was her own voice shouting for water. She tilted her head to the side, “So, that’s why they call you Mad Max, because you’re crazy?”
Max turned fully around and glared at her. “What?” he said, venomously.
“There isn’t any sound, just me, wanting water,” Meira protested. 
After she had said this, all the alert systems in the ship went off. The sound was almost deafening as the cockpit was filled with flashing red light.
“Dank farrik,” Max seethed as he worked the control panel, taking the ship out of autopilot to manual. “What is it?” Meira asked, as Max pulled the ship upwards. “I don’t know. I thought I heard something enter the airspace around us, but there was a delay in detecting them. I think they are imperial fighters.” 
“Imperial fighters? Why though, the empire is gone!” Meira said, holding on to her chair tightly, almost glad she was tied to it for safety purposes. Max was maneuvering the ship rather aggressively as bright green lasers whizzed past them.
“Stop asking me questions!” Max shouted as he jerked the yoke of the ship, moving it to the right abruptly. Suddenly, they felt the impact of a laser hitting them from behind. The force pushed them forward in their seats.
Max began pushing several buttons and flipping switches up. “We are going to crash,” he said, typing something into the dashboard. 
“Not again,” Meira said, bracing herself. “What’s the nearest planet?” 
“Hoth,” Max replied and began to navigate towards the planet. Max dodged another shot from the enemy ship as he guided his own towards Hoth.
As they entered the atmosphere the imperial fighters diverted away from the planet. Max held tight to the handles of the yoke, trying his best to level the ship before impact. Every warning siren was going off, and Meira closed her eyes tight. 
The ship was losing altitude quickly, “Brace for impact!” Max shouted as he used all his strength to keep the ship level. They hit the ground hard, jerking them from side to side, the ship burying itself into the snow that covered the entirety of Hoth. When the ship finally came to a halt, Meira opened her eyes to see that Max was slumped over onto the control panel.
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