#Cleaning up would be so much worse if everything was carpetted
selvepnea · 5 months
Depending on how big the closet is, keeping BiBi in a enclosed space might be a good idea while you wait for the vet appointment so that you know where he is and can get to him easily. Some cats like to hide when sick or injured, or just plain upset/scared.
Since it sounds like diarrhea, make sure he has water and/or wet food so he doesn't get dehydrated. And if you can fit his litter box in there cats like things that smell like themselves.
I hope any of this helps!
I ended up doing something similar! I was a little worried if he would be more adverse to eating sine I was moving his food so far, but he seems to be eating ok still.
Funny thing, when I checked on him in the morning he was pretty clean, but the closet was a mess when I got home ^^"
Turns out he got some sort of parasite? I think? (I was too tired to ask too many questions :( ) so I've got about a week's worth of medicine before his stools start firming up again u_u
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luveline · 11 months
Ok this isn’t Halloween but I would love to see a fic of the first time r spends the night at Aaron’s and she changes into her pj which r these super cute delicate tank and shorts set and Aaron goes crazy!! Like he’s a gentleman obvi (or trying hard to be) but he starts opening my flirting with her and she’s so confused bc usually he’s much more subtle
thank you for your request! ♡ fem, 1k
cw adult theme mdni
You don't bother changing in the bathroom. It's not an attempt to come onto him, though you're wondering if he might want that, but a realistic practice. If Aaron wants to be intimate with you tonight he's going to see much more of you than your bra.
He returns from the bathroom as you're pulling down your camisole. It's a simple pair of pyjamas but made of a more expensive fabric, the shorts bordering immodest and the camisole cupping your breasts with enough support that a quick glance in the mirror tells you what you'd wanted to know; you look cute. 
Aaron smiles at you, something unreadable in his expression. His brows lift ever so slightly. "Nice socks." 
"I get cold feet sometimes," you say, pressing your fuzzy heels together. 
"Yeah?" he asks, pushing his hair out of his face. "Me too." 
"What side do you sleep on?" you ask. 
"What side do you sleep on?" he asks back. "Go where you want." 
You pick a random side, too nervous to think about it in depth. The sheets are crisps to the touch and smell freshly laundered, soft against your naked legs. You feel a little like you're playing make believe all cleaned and washed yourself, your heart in your wrist as you squeeze it, watching him flick off the big light and cross the carpeted floor slowly. His room, his entire apartment, is smart but cosy, ambient lamp light and open space. 
"Do you wanna watch TV?" he asks, putting the remote in your lap as he shakes out the sheet and slips in next to you. His body heat is immediately felt. His knee brushes yours as he leans in. "Hold that button down." 
Despite what you'd said about cold feet, you're nervous and he runs warm; by the time you've found something to watch on TV he's sewn his arm through yours and you're practically running a temperature. You have to take your legs back out and lie atop the sheets. 
You pull a knee up. The shorts ease down. 
Aaron sinks into the bed with you, his head just a touch higher than your own. "I'm really happy you're here," he says. 
"I'm happy too," you say, turning your face to his. Nervous, sure, but this is a milestone for your new relationship you're ecstatic to achieve. 
Even if he doesn't have any seductive intention tonight, you're eager to spend the night in his arms. He's older (impossible to ignore), more gentlemanly as a consequence, and during the course of your relationship there have been more important things than sex, like establishing trust with one another, and making sure that your relationship could withstand his constant working. 
"I'm really happy," you say, lifting your chin and fireworks erupt in your chest as he leans down to meet you, kissing you gently. 
"Is this…" His hand trails to the soft of your stomach, pink brushing your thigh where it's hiked. "Your usual nighttime attire?" 
"This is the wanting my boyfriend to like it attire," you confess, because he already knows. Aaron knows everything. He could tell you where you bought them if you gave him long enough.
"Consider them true to form," he says, hand sliding like a heavy, hot weight across your stomach and leaving a worse heat behind. "You look amazing." 
"Yeah?" you ask. 
His lips skin your cheek. He nudges you with his nose to encourage your head back and kisses softly under the line of your jaw, "They're a little small," he says, kissing between whispers, "the shorts." 
"They're not tight," you whisper in turn. 
His hand falls to your thigh, spreading your legs a terrible inch as he tugs at the hem of your shorts. His fingertips dip under them a millimetre as he agrees, "No, they're not. Your top, though…" 
"It was a matching set. I couldn't choose–" 
"Do you have many like it?" he asks, pulling away, meeting your eyes with a charge you've only seen a handful of times. You know exactly what it means, your chest aching with want as his hand comes to rest at the top of your thigh. 
"Sure. Two or three." 
"That won't do." 
You're nervous, but he's your boyfriend. You know more about him than he might think even if you don't know him intimately yet, and his arduousness makes you laugh. He's always been such a gentleman —not many men would ask you to be their girlfriend with a pearl necklace, or invite you to stay the night via text rather than at the end of a date. You'd expected your first time together to be a come up for coffee situation, but he's never propositioned you that way. The text was a sweet surprise, an addition. 
Would you like to stay over after dinner on Friday? Let me know. Can't wait to see you either way. 
No matter what you want, Aaron wants that too. 
You turn into his lap and catch his lips with yours, his hand encroaching on the soft fat of your inner thigh. 
His lips part under yours and you take his face into your hands, a giving in if there ever were one, hoping it says everything you're too shy to admit aloud. No matter how much he clearly likes the shorts, he abandons your thigh and hugs your back to him instead, your chests pressed together until yours is heaving for air. 
"You're usually more subtle than this," you tease, breathless, good-natured. 
"You aren't usually wearing this," he says, his usually smooth voice roughened, "I'm losing my mind." 
"Well, we can't have that." 
He leans back in, laughing against your lips. When his hand works its way under your camisole, you think about where you can get more pyjamas like these ones considering he likes them so badly, but then his hand crawls higher and the thought leaves your mind for the time being. 
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myeagleexpert · 4 months
𝕮𝖆𝖓 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙?
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Yuu has reached her limits, tired and without the strength to fight anymore, it is up to Leona to care for and restore her body and mind with devotion. Notes: Leona in this fic may be a little ooc, but I firmly believe that when he enters into a serious relationship with someone he will become more vulnerable and soft, taking care of the smallest details so that the person feels protected. He's very soft and sweet here, which we all need, right? (Fem!Yuu) You are not a machine, you do not run on steam and electricity. You are a human and you deserve to have your rest days. May this fic be a break for you and so that like Yuu you can have your rest.
This was one of those weeks.
Terrible. Exhausting. Desperate. With sleepless nights and days without eating properly.
And after finishing everything in the early hours of Friday to Saturday and handing over his work to Dire Crowley, because taking care of Grim and doing tasks in a magical world where you parachuted in is tiring enough, imagine the injustice when you still have to do the work of a therapist and do all the paperwork that Crowley forgot to do and threw everything into the shaking hands of the young woman without magic is even more tiring and an overload.
Yuu said goodbye to Grim who went yawning to Ramcharkle and called a sleeping lion to come get you, which was quick, considering he was just waiting for the sign of his love to pick her up on the flying broom and take her in bridal style .
Her friends started to worry because the symptoms were getting worse and worse, frequent headaches, irritation with the squad, confusing people's names and potion ingredients, refusing to stop to rest, because she always responded that she wasn't tired. But everyone saw and turned a blind eye when she fell asleep in the middle of classes, when she shook so much that she couldn't drink water properly, when her nails were always bleeding and her hair became brittle. Everyone was worried and didn't know what to do.
She was becoming increasingly sick and weak, a workaholic, and was unable to share the heavy burdens with anyone. She held the world on her shoulders, dividing herself into 100 so that the work could be done with excellence. Terrible idea, but necessary. She had water up her neck and was running out of air and options.
Jack, as a loyal friend, had the courage to tell Leona everything that was happening to Yuu, and that he, as her boyfriend, should do something. It was then that Leona swore that she would take care of her now, because if the discrepancies didn't lead anywhere, he would have to take drastic actions, like wrapping up an act in a burrito.
"Are you okay?"-Leona looked worried at her strangely cold and quiet form.
"Hunhun.." a yawn interrupted the little princess-"just tired…but fine" with a voice as loud as the whisper of a little mouse.
It didn't take long for them to get to Leona's room, and it took even less time for Yuu to trip on the carpet and hit the arm of the dresser next to the bed. Since when was that damn thing there? And then she threw herself on his spacious bed, still wearing her uniform and sneakers, and with makeup slightly smeared from the day's course on her face.
"Tsk… this herbivore."
The powerful and feared lion gently took off the girl's sneakers and placed her in a comfortable position, being careful not to wake her. And with the greatest care that hands made to destroy, he takes a cloth of warm water and delicately cleans Yuu's face of makeup, removing the excess mascara from her eyes, and the concealer that tried to hide the deep dark circles that were demonstrating the Yuu's exhaustion. Leona almost feels responsible for her tiredness, for her sadness, for not being able to help her enough, for not having been by her side when she deals with giants bigger than herself, for not having talked more about her carrying the world on her shoulders. That she is not alone.
And do you want to know the worst? That it wasn't the first time this was happening and it was getting more intense than before.
Leona was never one to believe in gods or be religious, but that night he prayed at the foot of the bed to whatever powerful being was in the heights, that he would always be by her side, that he would be strong enough to hold her. without trembling, so that one day she can be free and happy.
And when he went to lie down next to Yuu, he held her tight in her sleep, because at least in his arms she wouldn't have to deal with the threats of the world.
It was noon on Saturday morning when Yuu woke up from her more than deserved sleep, but she didn't have the strength to move enough and chose to sleep like a log for another 10 min…20…30… .. until her body decided it could become conscious.
By rubbing her eyes she tried to get used to the light in the place, or rather, the lack of light. Disoriented, she noticed that she wasn't in her precious Ramcharcle room, if she had been Grim would have woken her up for breakfast, meowing loudly until she had her tuna toast. She was then in….
"Good morning, princess." - said the gentle voice of the lion, he crossed the room and opened the curtains letting the sun shine. "How did sleeping beauty sleep?" he took the chance to get into bed with her
"Morning…" Yuu gave a heavy sigh and replied in a slightly worn voice, almost moaning from how refreshing the sleep was "Well…I slept well, my love. Did I give you trouble?"
"It's going to be trouble now" with a smile, Leona stood up and took her hand like a gentleman guiding her to the bathroom.
"Hey…I shower alone."
"This time you're going alone, but next time we'll be together" - he said with a damn smirk - "I have a gift for you"
At the entrance to the bathroom there was a beautiful gift basket. A basket with luxury skincare, recommended by the queen of Sunset Savanah herself and by a brand designed only for celebrities.
"Actually, I was going to give you this gift on our date next week. But my plans were advanced and today seems like a great opportunity." he smiled fondly and gave Yuu a kiss on the forehead before leaving to prepare something for her to eat.
The shower water was like a cold current that took away the thick layer of frustrations, fears, desires, and slowly brought the lightness of Yuu's heart, she smiled involuntarily when she saw that the basket's theme was for sleeping and relaxing, having exquisite notes of lavender and chamomile. He must be really worried. The body scrub renewed her skin, giving her a feeling of deep cleansing and freshness, and when she applied the shampoo and conditioner to her hair, she realized that it had been a long time since she had time to take care of herself with such patience. No spa day for days. No money for a new perfume. No time to take care of your body and mind. Even her nails, which were previously so vain and painted in different colors and interesting details, were bitten, she took out all her anxiety and stress on her nails, because what else could she do?
After a while in the bathroom, she came out and found a pair of clean, folded oversized pajamas on the bed. And she knew it was there for her, because Ruggie had perfected the lavender scent of the fabric softener, because Leona hates strong smells in his clothes.
"How do you feel? Do you want to sleep more?" Leona appeared at the bedroom door suddenly and approached Yuu.
"You arrived just in time, love. I'm just out of the shower" - Yuu wrapped her arms around the prince's waist, pulling him into a hug that was soon returned.
"We'll be eating in a bit. Ruggie is making your favorites and will bring them when ready."
"Great, now I'm going to comb my hair-"
"Nah nah nah bun, let me do it. Sit here." He said sitting on the bed, waiting for Yuu to sit in front of him. And she goes, used to his grooming.
You might think he wouldn't know how to take care of a person, and something as simple and intimate as combing someone else's hair could turn into a disastrous situation. But when it comes to Yuu, his partner, his mate, his equal, he makes a point of applying a cream first and massaging his princess's scalp, combing it with a comb designed for her hair, untangling the strands with tenderness and love. , mentally cursing the knots that dared to remain in Yuu's delicate mane.
How many times had Yuu done this for him in the dark and distressing days he had already gone through? And all he wants is to repay the love he received on a silver platter a thousand times over. Leos are very possessive of their mates, you know? An intense and protective love.
"Did you like the present?" he said, sniffing deeply Yuu's neck, inhaling the calming notes -" Farena's wife who recommendend this to me"
"Wow, what an honor that the queen personally chose my gift." she said laughing "But I did like it, just what I need at the moment."
"hey, I helped too. Don't give her all the credit."
"Oh yeah? And how did you help?"
"Saying whether it was approved or not, of course."
Yuu would comment further on this when he saw the strange pattern Leona was making in her hair.
"Hey baby, what are you doing?"
"I'm finishing your hair, it's like this, right? I researched your hair type online and saw that it's supposed to be styled like this."- If Vil saw this he would be horrified by Leona's messy hairstyle, but Yuu didn't care. This was because she was immensely grateful that her partner was taking care of her so well.
"Ow kitten, thank you." her heart was static, like a wound being healed little by little and it didn't hurt that much. "come here."
Yuu turned around and hugged the big cat, placing kisses on his cheek and mouth. "You're the best, love."
"Everything for you, darling." caressing her cheek and looking deep into the girl's eyes, he continued- "Just for you."
The moment was as delicate as a flower, vulnerable, two people healing each other through gestures and words, enjoying the calm and peaceful moment they hadn't had in days. And if the moment could last longer, it would, but a certain hyena had to enter just in time.
"Leona-sammm~ Yuu's lunch is here. Yuu, are you awake?"
Ruggie found Yuu sitting on the bed, smiling at him.
And Leona staring at him with a hateful face that said: "Don't you know how to hit, hyena?" with its tail wagging in annoyance, like a cat.
"How are you Yuu? This time you scared us so much shi shi shi~" he laughed in relief seeing that his friend, despite being tired, was recovering and left the snack on a small table next to the bed
"I'm getting better little by little… but I'm very hungry!" she said, getting up towards the table and enjoying the smell of the delicious food.
There were two sandwiches with shredded chicken, cheese and ham, lightly toasted, with a protein cream to accompany and two glasses of citrus juice.
Leona knew everything about Yuu and when he saw the eyes lit up by a simple food he knew that the plan had worked: Right at the beginning of their relationship, in a conversation about their childhood Yuu had confessed that her mother always made this sandwich when she was sick and tired to regain her energy, and always, always with a citrus juice to go with it.
He never forgot.
And he wants Yuu to know that even in her smallest details, he hasn't forgotten.
"Eat to your heart's content, we're going to need you tomorrow!" Leona immediately glared at Ruggie the moment he profaned those words.
"Uat weonna do?" with a voice full of food she asked
"Well, tomorrow will be-"
"There won't be anything Ruggie, let her rest. It's Sunday, she'll spend the day here." Leona roared quickly and to the point, wrapping an arm protectively around Yuu's waist.
"Ok ok relax, I'm joking bro shi shi shi~" covering his hand over his mouth he laughed softly, impressed as in any situation involving Yuu, Leona will show her claws to protect Yuu, that's a material for profocation later.
They spent the afternoon relaxing, he was sprawled out on Yuu's lap, while she responded to friends, comments, posts on her cell phone, laughing at her boyfriend's sarcastic comments, watching movies while eating popcorn, and when it was time to go to sleep, they were both cuddled up together, underneath with soft covers, in each other's arms whispering words of love.
"Thank you for today kitty, I felt like a spoiled little princess" she thanked the equally spoiled prince, who was currently having his ears stroked while listening to Yuu's heart, buried in her chest.
"Well, you better get used to it, from now on the treatment is real. And another thing, it doesn't scare me like that. If I see you working yourself to the bone, I'll ruin that crow's race myself."
The two laughed and when a comfortable silence reigned, he could only hear Yuu's breathing slowing down, calming down, and watching how her eyelids slowly became heavier, the good side of night vision.
"Hey Leona….." "Hmm?"
"…I love you" she approached and whispered incoherently with the sleep already taking over her body, on the lips of the lion prince who smiled and returned the kiss
"I love you too, my love." and with that his tail wrapped around Yuu's leg, pulling her closer. The stars are witnesses to this delicate romance, and between the purring of a lion and the slow massages of the princess's hair, the two got the rest they deserved.
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Every like, repost and comment is very welcome and appreciated. ♥
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@nickson-lol I think you'll enjoy this <3
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spncvr · 7 months
worries | s. reid
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summary: you worry for spencer, it's human
pairing: spencer reid x reader
warnings: TENDING WOUNDS TROPE HELLO, hurt/comfort, mentions of death, blood (in a metaphorical way ???) ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE PLS BEAR WITH ME, lowkey kinda sappy, reader kinda cries, like, alot, lmk if i missed anytihg !
a/n: tryying desperately to force myself out of my writers block so here's a WIP i forcedmyself to finish (its 1 am rn bye). send me requests??for??ideas?? i beg.
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THE SMALL LIGHT BULB that dangles from the ceiling casts a soft glow on everything it touches. The light, never quite bright enough for your liking (you never got around to changing it) bathes the room in a gentle hue, softening the edges of the couch, carpet and shelves. That akin to the way it bleeds against his skin, with this kind of grace that seems to make scars on his face look kind and soft. 
“Hold still,” you chide, trying to clean the wound on his eyebrow; a harsh reminder of the day’s chaos. And when he does you mumble, “You’re such an idiot.”
His response is a small smile that sits against his lips, warm and understanding. His hands gently find their place on your thighs, grounding you as you straddle him “Yeah, I know,” he says.
“You shouldn’t’ve just … lunged at him like that.” It’s a plea wrapped in a scold. 
You duck your head down to avoid his careful eyes. You think, if he can’t see you, he can’t properly read you; a futile attempt, really. But still,  you think, if he can’t see the worry within your eyes he’d just let it go; that he wouldn’t know that you couldn’t help but think, what if, the unsub had gotten the upper hand, and what if it was much worse than just a measly cut on his eyebrow. These thoughts, the feelings, seem to constantly plague your mind in your darkest moments; ones that would make you feel like your heart is pouring out your chest, like rose thorns poking at your ribcage, that’ll bleed you dry with worry.
“What’s wrong?”His voice is soft, laced with concern, and it breaks through your defenses. The fingers that were on your thigh are now under your chin, coaxing you to look up at him, a silent entreaty for your honesty. His gaze is now on yours, stagnant and unwavering—and your lips start to quiver, and tears threaten to spill. Quickly, you hide your face into his shoulder.
“I’m scared,” you admit, your words are barely a whisper.
“Of what?” 
“I’m terrified for you.” your words are muffled in his shirt “What if—” you say, helpless, “What if it was more than just a cut on your eyebrow Spence, what if I— when—” you can’t finish your sentence. Not when he’s rubbing your back and kissing your head so softly and so kindly it makes the tears from your eyes spill and paint soft patches on his shirt. 
“You won’t,” he tells you with a conviction, that he wears so effortlessly like his own skin, “I won’t. I’m not leaving you.”
“You can’t say that,” you protest weakly, “you can’t know that. Look at Stephen he— God, Spence. You of all people know that you can’t possibly know that—”
“Hey, no,” he scolds quietly. 
But you're already looking at him, your face off from his shoulder. “Don’t tell me not to worry. Don’t tell me I can’t talk like that. You’re my boyfriend. It’s apart of caring. I should worry for you, so let me worry. It wouldn’t be human not to.”
“I know,” he says, soothingly, then, “I’m sorry.”
You wipe your tears frantically with your arm before continuing to tend his cut. “I wish the FBI had force fields around their agents.” you say, through a small smile, “Wish they could wrap you up with thick blankets.” It’s a childish thought.
His laughter is kind and genuine, it fills the space between the two of you, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” you nod with a smile that finds its way through your tears.
“You take such good care of me,” he says, eyes never leaving yours.
Maybe it was his words or the way it had slipped from his tongue; maybe it was how his fingers, rough and calloused,  had grazed against your delicate ones. But here, as he sits with a smile on his lips, (a lopsided lazy thing), all scarred and bruised, did you know that you love him. But love was a concept you had cared for and attended to. You loved your mother, your friends. You loved books and their characters. You loved the darkness, the night. You loved your job, and its challenges. You loved music and movies. You loved home, and it's all too familiar feeling against your skin. And suddenly this concept —love— seems too small, too narrow to encompass what you feel for him. There isn’t a word or phrase made —nor did you think there ever would be— to describe just how much you had felt for him.
But in short, you do love him, very much.
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
Alfred is badass and has unuasual skills even for a batfam member.
Inspired by pandaredd’s skit where Alfred says “Bond wishes he was me”
The man is the caretaker of the bat family, he has raised every damn member, and has seen more than his fair share of wars, doomsdays and worse. He is a butler. And god knows what else in the spare time. All I imagine is that if a teenage Bruce looks up at Alfred and whispers he wants to train, Alfred might be the one who gives him contacts.
Alfred: .. wait here master Bruce, I know you won’t even listen to what I’m saying so I will let you learn the arts. Only under one condition though, I choose your trainers
Teenage Bruce: Alfred, whom would you-
Alfred *already on the phone* : Hello there Lee
Teenage Bruce *wide eyes* *mouthing* : Rock Lee??
Alfred *scoffing* : what world do you think we live in! Be more realistic Master Bruce.
Bruce: .. so who is it?
Alfred: Bruce Lee.
The scariest thing about the butler is that he will take you apart in less than a blow, and he doesn’t even need weapons. He will however use them just for fun.He can still hear if Bruce or any of the batfamily sneaks around, he’s been the only one who somehow knew Cass was in the room and offered her snacks while she was hanging upside down from the ceiling in the pitch black and overall has better instincts to locate any of them in the mansion than a GPS tracking system.
When supervillains, nosy reporters or even crooks try to break into the Manor, the fact that no one installed a security system should’ve really been a warning point that the Waynes had other.. deadlier security.
By the time Jason comes home he sees Alfred cleaning up the carpet, but doesn’t miss the wrinkled edge of the sleeve. It is only then when he looks to the other room and the criminals are all sitting in time out, each a truly remarkable shade of blue, black purple and green he’s never seen in real life. And none of them were even bleeding.
Alfred also has insanely fast reflexes. And to everyone surprise, he is an bloody good shot. Green arrow was once testing out a new arrow and it accidentally whizzed past the target and almost hit the cat when out of nowhere Alfred caught it and snapped it with one hand. And then proceeded to borrow a pistol and shoot the target while walking to the other side of the room, not even sparing a glance at the bullseye he had hit. All the while holding a tray of glass bottles that hadn’t moved a single inch.
He’s given advice to Jason on how to make explosives out of everything and nothing, taught Dick how to cut a tree in half with one kick, showed Stephanie how to always win Russian Roulette, guided Damian on how to break bones without ever leaving traces, taught Tim how to mimic someone’s voice and be scarily accurate, and so much more. Once on live television the world saw Alfred eat three cookies and refuse to pass them to Bruce Wayne before saying “They’ve been poisoned” and throwing them away. A few people swear they heard him mouth “bloody amateurs” afterwards and he insisted he was fine, stating that he was already “used to it.”
Whatever the fuck that meant.
And that is why the bat cave is a safer option for batman’s enemies than the mansion. Because if you were caught by the butler, just know that god has already forsaken you.
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threepandas · 3 months
Bad End, Hidden Heir: Part 2
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A pounding headache and cave air, that's what I woke up too. The air was being choked, though, by familiar scents. All trying desperately to make the cold, wet, and softly echoing quiet, hospitable. It was nauseating in my current state. Weak and... drugged? Had I been drugged? I certainly hadn't been drunk.
So why did my head hurt so much?
Why did every motion, make my stomach want to rebel?
My limbs felt so WEAK. Heavy and useless. Barely budging when I try to lift them. To rub my head? Adjust the blanket? Sit up? I can't tell. Thinking... thinking is so hard past... the pounding in my head. The fog. I struggle to concentrate. God, that SMELL.
Like a perfume store combined with... with... ugh. Everything!
I could pick out individual scents I knew I liked, on their own, added to the nauseating chaos. My favorite potpourri was there. But so was the one I like for winter? Fall? That one I liked as a kid until I found Mrs. Tianna's blend...
And perfumes! Colognes! The clean products and scents I preferred the maids used. God it... it blended together like a trash heap. As though someone drove a carriage through a perfume shop at speed. Cloying and musk and spice and fruity and-!
I sucked air through my teeth, trying not to smell it, hoping to god I wouldn't TASTE it.
Finally I managed to pry my eyes open. Either hunger or thirst giving my the strength to push past the nauseating pain. I NEEDED to move. Find out what was happening. Survive.
My gaze... met the most elaborate embroidery I had ever seen. Tapestries had less art. Almost to the point of gaudiness. Possibly past it. It was...
It was everything I had ever said I liked.
Too anyone.
Puppies and flowers, history and art, books scenes and more. It kept GOING! Hideous and magnificent. Chaos. Unhinged. Flowing down from above me, along the rest of the curtains, for the canopy bed upon which I rest. So I would be surrounded by it all. Even the blanket... it was a sea of my favorite flowers, made eternal through string.
This wasn't something people just DID. Could just FIND. I could feel my panic under the muting pain and exhaustion. This was the work of YEARS. Obsessive, continuous, YEARS. Some of these threads cost more then certain house hold make in WEEKS! And for what? A secret canopy bed?!
I struggled, body barely able to obey me but trying desperately to assist. The blankets were heavy. The curtain around the bed equally so, thanks to all the embroidery. I.. I manage to roll. Squirm. Wriggle my way, undignified, to the edge. Flop over it and out from under the blanket. Too freedom.
The air is cold.
The scents WORSE out here. Now, I can see why.
It is a museum to all that I am. Every like carefully gathered in one place, every preference. Stacked and shoved together, with no regard for if they fit. Hoarded like a collection.
I can not even tell... if I am sitting, flopped down, on my favorite winter bedside carpet or just an exact copy. My entire life is shoved together and suddenly... suddenly I do not like any of these things at all. They feel dirty. Dangerous. Like they have betrayed me. I want to cry.
But I am nauseous. Hurting. Tired and thirsty. So very hungry dispite it all. I just... I just need to know what's going ON! This isn't... this isn't how the Game goes! Not for Protag-chan. Not for me! I know I changed my "character's" behavior... but...
I... I don't understand...
Try not to cry. It's... it's really hard.
I was right. I'm pretty sure this is the Caves of Spring in the northwest of the Duchy. The offical Heir has an estate near them. The stone looks like the cliffs I'd seen in passing.
Crawling is hard. My legs keep getting tangled in my fucking nightgown. My... my f.. favorite.. nightgown! I'm not gonna cry. Damn it. I'm NOT GONNA CRY. How dare he? How DARE he ruin even that? What did he DO to me!? When I was... was...
No, don't think about it!
A decanter. Needlessly pretty. I probably loved it as a girl, fresh into this world. Everything was so FANCY and I wasn't used to having money yet. Hadn't developed any real class or taste. It looks so fucking gaudy to me now. But God, it has water. Please... PLEASE let that be water!
I drag myself up on badly shaking limbs. Nothing wants to hold. Wrists buckling, knees giving, legs shaking like a new born lamb. My arms are so weak. But thirst... oh thirst is a powerful motivator.
I force myself to move.
The water is not enough. It is everything. Cold and perfect, I force myself to go slow. To not spill a single drop, as I collapse against the dresser it was placed upon. Letting my eyes explore my cage in the way my poor abused body can not.
There are thick bars buried deep into the bedrock, separating the "room" I'm in from the hall that leads away from it. And it IS a "room". Made in cruel mockery to resemble the luxury of the dukes estate. Perhaps even more aggressively decadent in certain aspects, though that isn't a good thing. It makes it border on a storage room, for how crowded with luxury it has become.
It is the reflection of an unwell mind.
And staring up at the portraits of myself I KNOW I never sat for? The countless sketches pinned up beyond the bars? I am in trouble. I... I should have run. Not sent Creep away. I should have been the one to run. Before it was too late.
I think... I think it might be too late.
I want to escape. But where can I run? I am caged. I feel close and far away. My head hurts. My body hurts. Everything stinks and I am cold. Why? Why did you do this? The foot steps are calm and commanding. Even. They do not break stride.
I do not bother to watch my hunter approach me. The monster I can not escape.
I close my eyes to spare myself the pounding in my head. Drink more water.
He makes a softly dismayed sound, as though he was not the one to drug me, to leave me here. The door to my cage opens. Closes. Ah... such a heavy lock. Should I be flattered?
Crisp steps, the rustle of fabric.
"My lady, the floor is so dirty! You shouldn't be out of bed yet. I was just about to make you tea."
Tea? TEA! Ha ha! After DRUGGING my tea? He actually expects me to accept a cup from him again?! He truely IS insane, isn't he?
I am scooped up without my consent, unable to so much a truely struggle. Placed gently on a plush chair, a tea table moved in front of me. A familiar cup. My favorite blend. Pretty little snacks laid out deftly on lovely little plates. I grit my teeth. Slowly tip my head up to glare.
He pauses when our eye meet... then shudders, some terrible look of pleasure dancing across his face.
"That's right... look at me~" he whispers, leaning entirely too close. "I'm all that you have now. So you'll HAVE too now! No more others. No more distractions. No more sending me away! People trying to get between us. Trying to take you away. I'm all that you need, My Lady. All you'll EVER need."
"Just look at ME, your loyal dog. And I'll take such good care of you. I promise~♡"
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captain-hawks · 11 months
♡ — jean kirstein x f!reader
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Big aspirations and even bigger dildos—in which a poorly thought out plan makes it incredibly hard to act like your feelings for Jean Kirstein are platonic. Not when they’re anything but. And especially not when you’re half naked in his lap.
18+ ONLY
wc — 2.7k
prompt — cockwarming, creampie
additional content — NSFW, 18+, best friends to lovers speed run, dildo use, implied masturbation, unprotected p in v, praise kink, jean kirstein’s big dick
╰┈➤ kinktober masterlist
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“If you keep doing that, I’m gonna come,” Jean growls, and his low, rough tone sends you off-kilter, shoving you headfirst over the precarious edge you’ve been foolishly dangling from.
In retrospect, perhaps this wasn’t the best idea.
In the long list of questionable decisions you’ve made today, one of the first catalysts guaranteeing inevitable disaster was your lack of foresight to lock your bedroom door before stripping off your shorts and underwear and preparing to lower yourself down onto the ridiculously large dildo that had been delivered in an even more comically large Amazon box this morning. 
Your best friend of many years and college roommate, Jean Kirstein, came home just as your makeshift “stand”—you’d hastily attached the suction cup at the base of the dildo to the last clean plate in the cabinet for lack of a better surface—went flying across the rug, ripping the few inches you’d manage to ease down onto right out of your lube-slick channel. You’d hit the floor with a thud, growling in frustration. This, understandably, had the unfortunate effect of attracting the concern of said roommate, who swiftly burst into your room as if you were in the middle of being robbed. 
The concern quickly morphed into hysterics as he spotted the giant purple dildo wiggling uselessly a few feet away from where you were lying on your stomach, punching the carpet and yelling at him to get out with as much dignity as you could muster.
“That’s my shirt,” he commented dryly, ignoring your pleas for him to forget everything he had just seen. 
“Well it was in my drawer,” you spat back, trying to push the dildo-plate behind you, although the damage was already done.
Jean leaned against the doorframe, folding his arms. “I have so many questions.”
“Our business hours are between 8 and 5, so you’ll have to call back tomorrow. Sorry,” you said with a dismissive wave, subtly kicking the plate and dildo beneath the bed. 
The suction cup chose that moment to pop off, and all ten inches came rolling back into view right where a bar of sunlight was stretching across the floor from the window. It would have almost looked artsy. 
If it weren’t a fucking dildo.
“I thought you ordered a lamp,” he observed mildly, motioning to the huge cardboard box you’d yet to take out to the recycling bin. 
“I’m gonna order you a fleshlight if you don’t shut up,” you grumbled, shoving on a pair of sweatpants.
Jean crinkled his nose, running a hand through his hair. “That thing’s so big, the landlord might start charging us for three tenants if he sees it. Is this a cry for help?”
“I’m trying to prepare myself for seducing Eren at the party Saturday night,” you whisper-yelled, as if anyone else was going to overhear you in your otherwise empty apartment. 
“Jaeger?!” he barked out with a disbelieving laugh. 
“Everyone says he’s huge. I don’t want it to be a disaster.”
“He’s not that fucking big!” he exclaimed incredulously. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Can you like, go be somewhere tonight? Go get so high with Conny you forget you saw anything? I’m gonna go try in the bathroom instead.”
“You’re kicking me out of my own apartment so you can shove a giant, sparkly purple dildo inside of yourself imagining it’s Jaeger’s dork ass?”
“I love it when you talk dirty to me, Jean.”
He groaned. “The bathroom sounds like an even worse idea. You’ll slip, hit your head on something, blood will go everywhere, and we’ll lose the security deposit.”
“Or my plan will work, I’ll get laid this weekend, and you can stop complaining about how grumpy I’ve been lately,” you reasoned matter-of-factly. 
Jean’s hand came to rest on your shoulder as you attempted to push past him to leave the room, aforementioned dildo jiggling menacingly in your hand. “You’re gonna hurt yourself,” he said a little more softly, raising a brow as he cast another look at the offending object.
“I have lube!” you shot back defensively.
Jean glanced up at the ceiling, muttering something about regret under his breath before exhaling, “Let me help you.”
In all the years that you’ve known Jean, you’ve done an excellent job at keeping your little crush on him your best kept secret. A secret kept under the most formidable lock and key, buried deep in the depths of your psyche. Tucked away in the very back of a dusty, old cabinet like an expired can of corn. 
Objectively, you know Jean’s handsome. You’re well aware. 
With his intense, hazel eyes—ones that see everything. 
His tall, solid form. 
His sinfully curved, pink lips (and his habit of idly sliding his tongue along the bottom one). 
His long, dexterous fingers—a dangerous thought. 
That fucking mullet he let grow in, which shouldn’t be nearly as sexy as it is when he rolls right out of bed and leaves his room looking like a pillow-rumpled supermodel. 
He’s hot, okay?
And sure, you’ve drunkenly kissed at a few parties over the years. Jean’s seen your ass more times than you can count. Definitely your boobs that time he ran into the bathroom to puke while you were showering. Sometimes he has a habit of putting his head on your lap when you’re both on the couch, nudging you till you card your hands through his soft brown hair like a damn dog. 
But it’s always been platonic. 
Two people who are just very, very comfortable with one another. Comfortable in knowing that neither intends to ruin their stable, solid friendship by carelessly sprinkling feelings into the mix. 
Comfortably going so far as to share the sordid details of your sex lives (or lack thereof, lately) while leaning against the kitchen counter eating take out food without batting an eye—though you’d be lying if you said you didn’t try to one up him sometimes when you feel that familiar, unwelcome twinge of jealousy yawning awake inside of you.
But this?
This is asking too much of your restraint to keep your heart walled off and your mouth clamped shut. In your defense, it was already left in pitiful tatters after grinning-and-bearing it throughout the seven-month-long nightmare that was Jean dating fucking Pieck. 
The next phase of your slew of terrible ideas today began with Jean sitting at the head of your bed, back against the wall, holding the dildo between his legs. Like your own personal fucking dildo holder. Grinning like this wasn’t the single most awkward thing the two of you have ever done (save for the time you both fell asleep with your head in his lap on the couch and woke up to his accidental boner poking you in the ear—neither of you ever mentioned that again). 
And it would have been totally fine if it worked out like you imagined in your head the moment he pitched it—you sinking down onto the silicone schlong a few times, stuffing in as much as you could while he held it still. Then letting him carry on with his day while you lay there in bed for a little while with it lodged inside of you, getting yourself used to the stretch. Totally fine. 
The reality of the situation was far different, entailing a sticky, slippery mess of lube coating of your hands and a dildo that bent and flopped in every direction as you tried to carefully impale yourself on it while maintaining some sense of dignity. 
You had given up fairly quickly, butting your head against Jean’s collarbone and sighing as you asked if he thought Eren would go slow. 
He was quiet for a moment. 
“…do you trust me?” Jean had asked carefully, like his next suggestion wasn’t going to send you spiraling.
Like “Just sit on my dick, as a friend!” wasn’t the most fucking confusing statement your heart, brain, and vagina had ever heard.
Which is how you find yourself in your current predicament, straddling Jean Kirstein’s lap with far more inches of him than you’d realized he’d been keeping tucked away buried to the hilt in the velvety heat between your thighs. Raw, skin-to-fucking-skin, because you’re both in a miserable dry spell with not a single condom to be found between the two of you. And somehow the combination of “known you for half of my life” and “just got tested” and “IUD” sounded better than one of you being tasked with trudging to the pharmacy.
Or, god fucking forbid, going down one floor to ask Conny for one.
You have three days to prepare yourself for whatever may come with Eren, so sitting on your best friend’s intimidatingly large dick sans condom the least of your worries. Even if it feels so incredible you’re literally silently choking on the moan threatening to spill past your lips. 
Even if you fucking swear you heard his breath hitch when the thick head of his cock began to slip past your entrance, stretching you open wide as he breached your damp channel. 
Even if he hardly had to touch himself to get hard for this. 
Even if his gaze darkened when you choked out, “Jean, your dick is huge.”
This was a terrible idea. 
“If you keep doing that, I’m gonna come.”
“Doing what?!” you ask, exasperated.
He rests his hands on your waist, “Doing this,” and squeezes firmly, “on my dick.”
“This isn’t even sex,” you tell him, ignoring the way the close proximity of his hazel eyes sets a flurry of emotion stuttering in your chest. “It’s like, cockwarming at best. You can’t come from cockwarming if you’re not even turned on.”
Jean raises an eyebrow. “Do you even know how tight you are?”
“That’s obviously why I was worried about Ere—”
“It’s like this,” he cuts you off, wrapping a hand around your throat. It’s a loose hold, only meant to prove a snarky point, but a spark of arousal seeps through your body anyway at the mere suggestion. His eyes widen a fraction at the traitorous way your walls clamp down on him even harder in response. “What, you into being choked?”
“I’m into a lot of things, Jeanie,” you tell him haughtily, trying to ignore the heat blistering beneath your skin.
“Like dumb idiots named Eren Jaeger?” he counters, making to grab for the tongue you’re currently sticking out at him. 
If you didn’t know better, you’d almost think Jean sounds like he’s jealous. 
Which he definitely isn’t. 
But you poke the bear anyway. 
“What, are you jealous?”
He shifts slightly, and you bite your lip to stifle the moan as your cunt spasms around the pressure from his cock. 
If he notices, he doesn’t mention it. Instead, his brow furrows as the corners of his mouth tilt downward slightly. “I just think you deserve better.”
You tug on his earlobe, letting out a weak laugh in an attempt to dispel the sticky, messy feeling of hope trying desperately to cling to the arousal stirring in your gut. “Says the guy who’s currently fucking me.”
Jean scoffs and deadpans, “I thought this wasn’t sex.”
Who are you kidding? Certainly not the tension coiling ruthlessly in your abdomen. 
You move a little, trying and failing to relieve the sensation of hot wax dripping down your spine. Instead, you let out a tiny, strangled noise when your throbbing clit presses down against his pelvis, the resulting flood of pleasure setting every nerve ending in your body on fire.
The way he growls out your name through gritted teeth is a warning, but his low tone only serves to stoke the flames licking their way up between your thighs. 
You move again, inhaling sharply through your nose.
“Fuck,” he groans quietly, head hitting the wall behind him with a resounding thud. 
You’re not sure if he does it on purpose, but his hands find their way back to your hips, calloused fingertips pressing directly against your skin as he slides them up beneath your shirt. His shirt. 
The next time you rock against him, his grip on you tightens. And then, you feel it—he tugs you forward. 
You lean further into him, without really meaning to, forehead coming to rest against his. “What are we…”
“Just keep going,” he murmurs. 
He shifts again, sinking down lower so his back is pressed against the mattress, and you realize the angle gives you more purchase to grind down against him when he pulls at your waist, thumbs lazily skimming your hip bones. 
“Jean…” you whisper, not really sure what else you intend to say. 
“I want you to feel good,” he says softly, pushing his hips against you, even though he’s snugly bottomed out. 
It feels so fucking good—
—laying atop Jean while he stares back up at you, pupils clearly dilated in arousal—
—watching his eyes fall shut as you run a hand along the stubble on his jaw—
—knowing he’s well aware the slickness between your legs is no longer from the lube, your cunt gushing with arousal at the feeling of being stuffed deep with his thick cock. 
So you tell yourself you’ll figure the rest out later when you start to shamelessly grind down against him. 
“You don’t have to be quiet for me,” Jean teases when you cough to cover up a gasp.
Your answering moan is nearly a whimper, and Jean’s muscles tense beneath you as he continues to guide your hips. He doesn’t try to pull his cock out from where it’s lodged inside of you, doesn’t start thrusting and fucking up into you. He just lets you chase the clitoral stimulation you so desperately need while you’re cockwarming him, groaning along with you at each needy drag. 
“Good girl, that’s it.”
This is far more intimate than you bargained for, the gentle slide of his hands up your back scraping your heart out bit-by-bit. 
“Holy shit, you don’t know how close I am to coming right now,” he moans in a gravelly, unsteady tone. 
All you can do is whimper his name when the rubber band suddenly snaps in response, your body trembling as a wave of white-hot pleasure crashes over you. 
And then Jean’s hands are cupping your face, his lips crashing into yours. He kisses you fiercely as you whine and shudder through your orgasm, moaning into your mouth as you card your fingers through his hair. You can feel his cock throb inside of you, pulsing with need as your tight cunt spasms and contracts, relentlessly squeezing his shaft while you soak him with your release. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he’s groaning, both of you too drunk on pleasure to move when he suddenly climaxes, cock pumping thick, hot ropes of cum deep in your pussy. 
Chests heaving, Jean slowly sits up, forehead falling against your shoulder as he wraps his arms around your waist. 
After a few minutes of silence, he finally murmurs, “Don’t fuck Jaeger.”
You tilt his head upward, finger resting just below his chin, skimming the stubble that’s there. Too many emotions are swimming in his hazel eyes, more than you can identify—save for one that you recognize with a jolt of clarity. It’s the way you look at him, when he’s not paying attention.
Soft, gentle, unfiltered affection. 
This time, you’re the one to close the distance between your mouths, brushing your lips against his. 
“Who?” you ask, smiling into the kiss. 
Jean chuckles, the sound like warm honey, and he deepens the kiss, one hand sliding to the back of your head. Though you remain seated on his softening length, cum begins to seep from your slick heat, pooling on his balls and abdomen. 
He goes to move, but you don’t budge. “You wanna get cleaned up?”
You shake your head, the corner of your mouth tilting upward with a smirk. “I’m comfortable.”
Jean bites his lower lip, huffing, “My cum’s dripping all over, and I’m two seconds from getting hard again if you keep squeezing down on me like that.”
Feigning a look of innocence, you flex the muscles in your tight, soaked channel one more time for good measure. He chokes, and you grin. 
— likes, comments, &/or reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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godmadeaterribleerror · 2 months
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Chapter 5 - Popped, Cool, and Ready to Go
Series Masterlist
Author's Note: If you want to picture me writing any part of this series, picture someone maniacally giggling to themselves the words “this is a surprise tool that will help us later” as they type. Chapter Title from Stand Up by The Revivalists.
Word Count: 9k...
Chapter Summary/Warnings: An opportunity to flip Sister Sage emerges. Contains usual tags.
Read on A03!
Chapter 4 - Chapter 6
Want to be tagged? Just ask!
“Everything is… disturbingly clean.”
Ben watched Cocksucker and Butcher in the living room, the former looking around in shock as the latter’s gaze bounced between Ben and Her with a half grin.
“Don’t tell me you two started bloody fucking,” he jeered, and Ben didn’t appreciate the speed at which She scoffed.
“Not everyone only thinks with their downstairs brain, Butcher.” She said with an eye roll. “We’re not children you had to put in a time out until we could play nice, we’re adults who found a common ground.”
“The common ground of fucking?” Butcher’s grin spread widely across his face. At the deepening of her glare, he raised his hands in mock surrender. “I don’t doubt you, Love, it’s Soldier Boy who can’t damn well breathe without his dick in something.”
Ben opened his mouth to defend himself, but She somehow beat him to the draw. “Well, Ben’s down to only trying to fuck me twice a day, and it’s the small victories like that which have kept us from killing each other.”
“Ben?” Cocksucker looked between them in befuddled horror. “Since when do you call him Ben?!”
She returned Cocksucker’s stare with a flat look Ben had seen many times and was glad to not currently be on the receiving end of. “It’s his name. I can’t say ‘Soldier Boy’ all the time, that’s a fucking mouthful.”
“Fuck yeah, it is.” Ben winked at Her, a cocky grin spreading across his face as he was met with only an eye roll.
Butcher chuckled, giving Her an amused smirk. “Not fucking, my puckered arsehole.” He paused, his teeth showing as his delight in his own words grew. “Or should I say, your puckered arsehole?”
Cocksucker choked on air. “I’m going to be sick.”
“If he throws up on the carpet, you can not make me clean it, Sunshine.” Ben snapped, eyeing Cocksucker with a grimace. “His weak, pussy stomach ain’t my problem.”
“Oh, I’m sure there’s been worse messes in this room.” Butcher wiggled his eyebrows, and Cocksucker gagged again.
“There’s not much left after to clean,” Ben said with another smug look, unable to find it in him to care how his words fueled the accusations She so clearly wanted to rebuff. She’d live, and all the bitchiness she wielded like a weapon would hopefully circle around into admitting the clear attraction he knew she felt.
“What, you all dried up after forty years asleep?” Butcher sneered.
Ben scowled, taking a rough step in the man’s direction, the drum in his chest abruptly sounding in the distance of his ears. “You want to say that to my fucking face? I’ll show you how dried up I am—fuck!“ He lurched back as he felt a sharp sting on his arm.
She appeared at the side of Ben’s vision, Her fingers still smoking as she pointed at Butcher. “You. Never, ever make me visualize that again.” She scrunched her face in dramatic disgust. “And you.” She turned the finger to Ben. “He did ‘say it to your face’, stop being such a fucking baby. And both of you need to repeat everything you think in your head before you say it. We get it, your dicks are both huge, either suck each other off or put them away.”
“I second that,” Cocksucker mumbled, residual nausea on his face. “The shutting up thing, not the other part.”
“Thank you, Hughie. Now.” She gave Butcher a titled-head frown. “What’s the mission.”
“Don’t have to be a mission, Love, we could just be checking up on our two favorite-“
“Shut up,” She snapped. “Nobody has come to visit in two and a half weeks. And then, just after the news about Sister Sage, you two are suddenly, and I’m sure completely coincidentally, in our living room. So, what’s the mission?”
“How do you know about Sage?” Cocksucker, matching the surprise on Butcher’s face, asked.
“I have a phone, dummy.”
Ben looked around the room, trying to figure out where She could’ve possibly hidden a phone from him. “No, we fucking don’t.” He narrowed his eyes at Her, suspicion building in his chest as anger clouded his head. “Have you been fucking leaving without me?”
“When would I even have the time to leave without you?” She snapped.
“When you go to the fucking bathroom all the damn time for no fucking reason. If you’ve been lying to me-“
“Jesus Christ, I was on my period the past week. You can come do an inspection of the toilet bowl next time if it’s that important to you.”
“Fucking,” Butcher faked coughed to poorly cover his words. Ben was sure a deaf baby would’ve still have understood them, and She certainly did.
“Can it,” She shot at Butcher before turning back to Ben. “Phones aren’t big blocks on walls anymore, grampa, they look like this.” She pulled out a weird black rectangle and waved it in his face. “And you’ve definitely seen one before, dumbass.”
If Ben thought back, admittedly not even that hard, he had. Cocksucker and Butcher had both used them the first time around, he’d spotted them in the shows and movies he had been making their way through at Her direction, and even seen Her using the one invading his personal space at that very moment. However, he’d known he’d eat a fucking whale dick before he asked Her what they were then, in the exact same way he was now going have to pretend that She was the stupid one trying to pull one over on him.
“I think I remember if I’d seen something that fucking dumb looking, Sunshine.” She just glared at him and turned away, so Ben decided to count that as a him victory.
“If one of you doesn’t tell me what the plan is now-“
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Love, we’re getting there. Hughie?”
“Gross,” Cocksucker muttered, his scrunched face of disgust turning into shock as Butcher pushed him forward. “What! Why me?”
“You use all those posh fancy words, mate.”
“He hates me!” Cocksucker gestured to Ben, before saying Her name in a pathetically begging tone. “He made you do it last time, right?! Tell Butcher he doesn’t fucking listen to me!”
Ben grinned as She gave Cocksucker one of the most half-assed apologetic looks Ben had ever seen. “I mean, he doesn’t. But I wouldn’t call him Butcher’s biggest fan either.”
“I’m right fucking here,” Ben grumbled. “I can speak for my damn fucking self.”
She gave him a sarcastic, simpering smile. “Ben, do you like Hughie, or Butcher? Is one prettier? Would one of them talking be better than the other?”
“No, they’re both ugly, pussy ass idiots who sound just as fucking boring as their pussy ass counterpart.”
“Who’s acting like who’s not here now?”
“We don’t sound the same at all…”
She ignored Butcher’s snark and Cocksucker’s weak protest. “Lovely. So if someone could answer my fucking question, that would be great. I, personally, couldn’t give a flying fuck who.”
Cocksucker sighed. “What did you read about the Sister Sage situation?”
“Is someone going to tell me who ‘Sister Sage’ is?” Ben grunted, giving Her an expectant look. Right now his best guess was some nun with plant-based powers, and he couldn’t think of a damn way that would be helpful.
“She's a supe whose power is intelligence. She’s the smartest person in the world, and a member of Homelander’s team.” She wrinkled her nose. “Well, she was. She got fired. I saw Vought’s press release about ‘creative differences’, but it’s painfully obvious bullshit. She made one appearance on TV where she spoke five words, most of the time she’d just hovering behind Homelander looking mad.”
“Yeah, we think she made Homelander upset somehow, which isn't hard to do, so he cut her loose.” Cocksucker nodded. “Either way, we want to try and talk to her. Flip her. Or-“
“Uncle Sam here is going to neutralize her.” Butcher spoke over Cocksucker with a smirk at Ben.
“Neutralize?” She looked between them with wide eyes. “Neutralize as in kill, or neutralize as in remove her powers?”
Butcher winked. “We’ll see where the night takes us. You two have fifteen to get ready, chop chop.”
She began to make her way up the stairs, but Ben remained firmly where he stood, glaring his best daggers at Butcher. “You better have brought my fucking shield this time.”
“What, you going to start crying if we didn’t?” Butcher jeered, and before Ben could move to punch him in the face, Cocksucker piped up from the side.
“Annie and MM are getting it now, they’ll meet us there.”
Butcher grunted in annoyance at Cocksucker’s affirming words, but Ben ignored it and turned to examine Cocksucker’s increasingly pallid face. His heartbeat was rising, yes, but it didn’t seem to be because he was lying, more likely the pussyfuck was just afraid. “Good,” Ben grunted, pausing to listen for a relieved stutter in Cocksucker’s chest. At the sound, Ben turned and marched up the stairs.
He wasn’t sure how it had happened, because he certainly hadn’t done it, but Ben’s suit had been cleaned of the dust and dirt from its last use. It was folded semi-neatly in his dresser, on top of underwear and socks. It was a quick change, he remembered being incredibly instant to the designer all those years ago that any needless, bullshit complications would lead to a forcerful reiterment and be fixed by their replacement, and made his way down the hall to Her door. He paused, unsure of if he should knock or simply walk in. He’d never knocked before, and She’d never bitched at him about it, but she’d also made it incredibly clear that, if he saw her naked, she’d “claw out his eyes like Jesus”. He’d asked for elaboration, in a way he thought had been quite fucking polite, and She’d left the room only to return a minute later with a copy of the Bible that was hurled at his head. Ben had not bothered to read it, but he quite liked his eyes, as did most women, so he had no interest in losing them to one impressively violent and crude one. However, knocking was also plain fucking stupid. As such he found himself just standing at the door, all the way until She opened the door and jumped back at the sight of him.
“Fuck, Ben, you scared me.” She’d placed a hand over her chest, fucking over dramatically if you asked Ben, and stared up at him. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he muttered. “I was just waiting for you.” And he fucking had been. Originally, the plan that had brought him here was to make fun of Her for clearly cleaning his suit and certainly going through his underwear drawer, now it just felt fucking stupid. She’d just caught him standing outside her room, she had too much ammunition to use against him now.
She tilted her head at him, giving Ben a look he didn’t understand or like, but just nodded. “Well, I’m ready. We should go.”
He nodded, stepping aside for her to pass him. She blinked at him a moment before doing such, and only after she was starting down the stairs did it occur to him that he’d let her go first. She hadn’t even asked. But she would’ve, he reasoned. He’d just been saving the headache of Her whining about it. Really, it had been a calculated move from his subconscious, which hated her finding every nerve of Ben’s to get on just as much as the rest of him.
Butcher and Cocksucker were right where they’d left them when Ben reached the bottom of the stairs, and She made her way to Ben’s side as they exited the safe house. Her body was less rigid and alert than last time, her heart almost perfectly calm, and though her eyes didn’t once leave him, she wasn’t vigilantly scanning his every twitch as they walked to the car. Even this car ride was more relaxed than the last, with Butcher not checking on them every damn second in the mirror, Cocksucker looking less like he was about to shit his damn pants, and Her body comfortably in the seat and not curled into the door. Ben appreciated that it was a real, windowed car this time, because that stupid fucking van had been deafening and fucking stuffy and boring to sit in. This satisfaction was squashed almost immediately when they pulled up to a warehouse that looked one fucking well-placed shit from collapsing, and Ben saw that same stupid fucking van parked beside where they stopped.
The back doors were open, and Ben could hear four moderately steady heartbeats from inside it. As they unloaded out of the car and made their way to join the others, Ben watched Her out of the corner of his eye, hearing the telltale warning sign of gnawing on lips and tapping of fingers in rhythmic movements. He’d noticed last week, then had his suspicion confirmed during their fight a few nights ago, that all her rapid, tense tapping was still controlled, always following the same pattern. For the fucking life of him, Ben couldn’t figure out what the pattern was, but he knew it existed, and it always went hand in hand with glassy eyes. Sure enough, when he turned to fully look at Her, clouds were forming behind her gaze, which had itself gone slightly slack. But before Ben could grab Her, ask her what the fucking problem was, if it was something he needed to worry about, She’d walked past him to sit beside beside the small, Asian woman he’d seen several times before. The woman smiled at Her, and she returned it without hesitation. She said a name, Kimiko, in a soft, kind voice Ben had never heard and though Kimiko didn’t say anything—thinking about it Ben hadn’t heard her speak once—the tapping slowed to a halt as they began a weird half-conversation with a lot of confusing fucking gestures.
Ben glanced around the van, looking for his fucking shield. When he didn’t see it, he turned to glare at Butcher, who’d moved to talk to MM.
“Hey!” Ben pushed himself into their conversation, ignoring their whiny glares. “You promised my fucking shield.”
Butcher rolled his eyes. “Technically, Hughie promised it.”
“Where is it.”
“Calm the fuck down, Gov, I’m sure it’s here somewhere. MM, would you give the giant cunt his stupid shield?”
Ben’s head whipped to glare at the man, who wasn’t even fucking acknowledging him. “Give me my fucking shield.”
“Can’t,” MM said, meeting Ben’s glare with an angry, cold one of his own. “Didn’t fucking bring it.”
“I was promised I’d get my shield back. If you pussies can’t get it, I’m certain I could fine someone who will.” Ben threatened, the drums starting to sound once more. “I don’t have to put up with bullshit-“
“Yeah, you do,” Her voice called from behind him.
Ben turned to look at her, and saw Butcher and MM do the same.
“This doesn’t concern you, Sunshine.” Ben snapped.
She just shrugged. “You want a private conversation? Lower your fucking voice. And I feel like any conversation where you start saying you’re going to leave does concern me, because I’m the one that’s going to have to smite your face when you try. And that’s just going to be a fucking bummer.”
“My face too nice to burn?” He taunted, barely noticing the fade of the pounding against his chest.
“No, I just would have to fill out a fuck ton of dogshit CIA paperwork after. So just suck up being away from your blankie for another week, and sit the hell down.”
“I don’t have a fucking blankie,” Ben scowled at Her, but she only smiled back at him and returned her attention to Kimiko.
“You heard her,” Butcher sneered from behind him. “Listen to your mommy and sit the fuck down.”
“Don’t make it weird, Butcher.” She called, not looking back at them for a second.
Ben turned to give Butcher one last, venomous glower. “If I don’t get my fucking shield next time, we’re going to have a fucking problem.”
“We’ll get you your shield, Gov, don’t loose your damn mind.”
Ben grunted, turning to take the seat next to Her, but carefully listened to Butcher and MM’s hushed whispers as he moved.
“Bloody hell, MM, you had one fucking job.”
“I am not helping him, Butcher. Don’t send me to do your damn dirty work.”
Butcher scoffed. “I’ve had you do much dirtier work, mate. This was a fucking cake walk, and you still fucked it up.”
“I’m going to tell you one last time, and it better get through your thick, dumbass head. I am not doing anything, fucking anything, for that racist piece of shit.”
Ben opened his mouth, subtle eavesdropping was a fucking overrated pussy move anyways, to defend himself. Collateral damage fucking happened, it wasn’t his fucking fault Vought was always sending him-
“What’s the big deal with the shield?” He heard Starlight mutter behind him, a question clearly addressed to Cocksucker.
“Dunno, but he was really weird about it last time, almost threw me out a window cause I touched it-“
“I can fucking hear you,” Ben twisted roughly to face them. “What is it with you pussies and pretending I’m fucking deaf?”
Starlight sighed, giving him an annoyed glare, as Cocksucker responded weakly.
“We just, we don’t think you want to talk to us-“
“Shut the fuck up,” Ben grunted.
“Don’t talk to him like that!” Starlight’s eyes started to glow, and Ben rolled his own in response.
“Fucking try it, Bitch, I’ll blow you back to Vought. If you have a question, fucking ask it.”
“Fine,” Starlight held Ben’s anger with her own. “What’s the big deal with your shield? Are you compensating? Do you get performance issues without it?”
“Annie,” Cocksucker’s heart had picked up, and he was grabbing Starlight’s arm tightly. “Don’t make him mad.”
A thousand, perfect insults pushed against Ben’s head. Fucking amazing hits that would have Starlight crying to Cocksucker for weeks. But he could hear Her heartbeat behind him, stuttering for only a second as she listened to the argument. He heard that rhythmic tapping again, and so he pushed the words down, and gave Starlight a taunting sneer.
“Listen to your little cocksucker.” Ben taunted. “I’ll let it fucking go this time, because I’m feeling fucking generous. But next time? I kill both of you pussies.”
Ben turned away, and once his back was fully to them, he pulled out the crumpled list that now always sat in his pocket, trying to figure out if She had added “broad” at any point. While the bottom was filled with Ben’s own scratchy, hastily written additions, the top to middle of the paper was written in her neat, clipped handwriting, and close to the top was the sentence loose broad with the doll face - Buttercup from the Princess Bride??? Ben frowned at it—why couldn’t She have underlined the word—and leaned to the side, nudging Her shoulder with his own. When she didn’t turn from her soft conversation with Kimiko—how She could possibly be so invested in a conversation with a woman Ben was pretty fucking sure was mute was beyond him—Ben shoved it under her face.
Her voice died off, hands pausing mid-air, and she slowly turned to stare at him. “What are you doing.”
He pointed roughly to the sentence. “What does that mean?”
She squinted, grabbing it from him to hold closer to her eyes. “I was probably confused why you’d call Buttercup that. She’s famously not loose for like, the whole story-“
“No,” he tugged it back. “Why did you write that sentence down? What’s so bad about ‘loose broad with the doll face’?”
Her lips quirked up. “That’s what’s so urgent?”
“Is it loose, or broad?” He ignored her amusement.
“I think both together. Loose isn’t great, but I’d be lying if I said I never called my mother loose. Broad is just…” She frowned. “I don’t think I’ve heard the word ‘broad’ out the mouth from anyone who doesn’t have an active memory of at least one world war.”
“So broad is fine?”
“If you want to sound a thousand, sure. I’ve definitely heard you say worse.”
Ignoring the age jab, Ben locked and loaded his next insult for Starlight. He would let the “compensating” comment go, he was forgiving like that, but there was no fucking way she wouldn’t say something else soon. And he’d be fucking ready for it. He shoved the list back into his pants, where it had stayed since he first caught Her using it. At first it had been going to take a one way ticket down the toilet, but then he’d noticed how when he used those words on the paper, She’d frown and not talk to him for a damn hour. It was a fucking annoying, inconvenient, bitch move because during that time she wouldn’t laugh at his jokes or tell him how stupid modern technology in movies worked or bombard him with annoying comments that made him want to grab Her pretty, taunting, insufferable face and teach her some manners. She’d just be quiet and mad, and it was like he was alone, and suddenly he would hear the drum. So he’d kept the list and, whenever he noticed the bitter silence showing its ugly head, he’d write down what coxed it out. Eventually She’d noticed, and started to help him. If it hadn’t proved an effective strategy to keep her off his ass about stupid fucking shit, he’d have lied up, down, and sideways about keeping it. But they hadn’t had any of those moments he’d grown to detest since she had, so he’d kept in his bitterness about the stupidity of the whole thing in check and counted this a win.
“Look alive, fuckers.” Ben looked up as MM stood, one of those alleged “phones” in hand. “Sage will be here in five minutes. She’s agreed to meet me, Starlight, and Hughie. Frenchie and Kimiko, I want y’all outside, nearby, and ready in case she’s pulling one over. Butcher, go home.”
“Nah, mate. I’m a part of this, Mallory said so. Could make me go home if you tickled my balls and topped me off.”
“Well, then you’re going to have to stay in here.” MM turned as he said Her name. “You’re staying in here with Soldier Boy. If we need you, you’ll hear the signal.”
She hummed in acknowledgment. “What’s the signal?”
“The Deep’s massive tits.” MM gave a tired exhale as Her mouth fell open in amusement. “Frenchie made the signal. Make sure they,” both Ben and Butcher receive rough jabs in their direction. “Don’t fuck this up.”
Before either Ben or Butcher, whose mouth and protesting words had somehow begun faster than Ben’s own, could argue, MM was following the rest of the already mobilized team out of the van, and the doors were slammed behind him.
Tense, angry silence was in the air for only a minute before Butcher spoke.
“Now that everyone’s gone, will you two admit you’re fucking?”
Her heartbeat picked up slightly, and Ben leered at Butcher.
“Watch it, Dick Van Dyke, I’ll cut your fucking face off.” From beside him, Ben heard Her snort. “What do you find so funny?”
Ignoring his angry look, She gave another small giggle. “I don’t think that insult is as good as you think, Ben.”
“It was a fucking amazing insult-“
“Dick Van Dyke is American.”
“No, he was in all those stupid fucking British movies, like that one about the magic fucking nanny-“
“You’ve watched Mary Poppins?” Butcher laughed, and Ben considered ripping off his lips and feeding them to him. One bitchy, melodramatic woman who constantly cut off his words was more than enough. He didn’t need another fucking asshole, whose comments were not nearly as unwelcomingly entertaining, doing the same.
“Only because your hound dog bitch threatened to burn off my fucking dick if I didn’t.” Ben grumbled, and She gave another laugh.
“You enjoyed it, you cunt. And you told me a story about how you met Dick Van Dyke in the 60s. When he was, as he is now, incredibly American.”
“Sunshine, are you going to let me defend your honor or not?”
“My honor?” She gave him a face of giddy disbelief. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“He said we’re fucking!” Ben waved wildly at Butcher. “I’m not going to let him talk about a lady like that-“
“You literally goaded him on barely an hour ago. And called me a ‘hound dog bitch’ like, five seconds ago.” She pointed out. “Even if that wasn’t true, you’d have a whole lot of misplaced faith that I have ‘honor’ to begin with.”
“I don’t think you’d know honor if it ate you out ass to cunt.” Butcher made an exaggerated face of thought, and was met with only a flat look.
“So taint? Ass to cunt as in taint?” Her voice was bored, arms crossed in front of her chest.
Butcher shrugged. “No lady with honor knows the word taint.”
“Then we’re lucky I lost the title of ‘lady’ years ago,” She said with a toothy, fake smile. “And you,” a glare was shot at Ben. “Are not helping the ‘we’re fucking’ allegations by defending my honor, dumbass.”
He wasn’t, he knew that. But her heartbeat had settled, no longer clawing into Ben’s brain, so he just grunted. “Fuck me for trying to help.”
“I won’t,” she smirked. “That’s the whole point.”
“Cunt. Butcher,” She turned away from Ben once more. “What time did MM say Sage would arrive?”
“He didn’t.” Butcher answered, making an angry face at the closed door. “Something about not trusting us to stay here.”
Just then, Ben’s careful ear on Her heartbeat, which had slowed fully in the past minutes, was distracted by steps, followed by voices.
“I’m glad you agreed to meet us.” A man’s voice, too low to be Cocksucker, had to be MM.
“Well, even though I know what you’re going to say, I’m still intrigued by how you plan to say it.” Ben didn’t recognize that one. It sounded calm and controlled like Hers usually was, but only had the edge of anger. Her voice was always lined with vague amusement, at everything all the time. This woman didn’t sound like it was capable of laughter, even mockingly.
“Well, if you know what we’re going to say, can you just tell us your answer now?” That one was self-righteous and insufferable. Starlight.
“Is that… your answer to what we’re going to say or whether or not you’ll tell us now?” Unsure, nervous, pathetic. Cocksucker.
“The later. I’m not going to tell you the answer until everyone joins us. Do you think I’m fucking-“
“Ben?” A pair of fingers snapped in his face.
Eyes refocusing, Ben realized She had moved so he was face-to-face with her concerned glare and frown watching him carefully.
“If that cunt fucking blows his bloody lid, I’m going outside, MM can suck my-“
Ben scowled at Butcher over Her shoulder. “I’m not going to fucking explode. I have a fucking handle on it-“ She gave Ben an incredulous look that he ignored. “And I’m trying to listen, so shut the fuck up so I can listen to what those pussies out there are saying.”
“You can hear them?” She dropped back to her seat, leaning forward with an intent stare. “What are they talking about?”
“I could tell you if you would shut the fuck up.” He grunted, and she rolled her eyes but didn’t move back. Ben paused, no longer hearing voices at all. “They moved.”
Butcher pushed off the wall. “What do you mean they moved? The fuck did they go?”
“I can’t tell you if you don’t shut-“
The door of the van was pulled open, and Ben jumped to his feet, hearing Her heartbeat start to rise as she did the same. But, instead of the blood and chaos Ben expected, was ready for, a short woman with a gleam in her dark eyes stood on the other side.
“Butcher, you look just as shitty as I expected. Should’ve listened to MM about staying behind.” Her voice was the cold, methodical one. Ben hated it, and hated how it matched her smug, stone-like face.
“If you’re as smart as you claim to be, Sister, you should know I do what I bloody want.” Butcher gave the woman a hateful, mocking smile.
She just gave a small nod back. “Well, I am ‘as smart as I claim to be’, and you are ‘doing what you want’. Reliable as always, William.” Her gaze turned to Ben. “I can’t say I’m surprised to see you, Soldier Boy. I knew they would be going for some sort of Hail Mary, and even though I was hoping for something more intelligent, maybe flipping Neuman, this will work fine. And you…” Her voice trailed, and a disarming smile grew across her face. “I don’t know you. I know everybody.”
Behind Ben, Her heartbeat was like thunder. “Glad to be an exception to such a weird and creepy rule.”
“Who are you? No, wait.” Sage titled her head. “I want to guess.”
The tapping had begun, and the drums had started their march from Ben’s chest to his head.
“You’re not Butcher’s friend, he doesn’t have any. You’re not CIA… not Vought. Not with Nueman, she wouldn’t be that stupid. I’ve seen pictures of all the supervillains Homelander tried to make, and-“ A first, true smile split across Sage’s face just as Her heartbeat became deafening. “Oh! Interesting. That hit a nerve, but how?”
Ben stepped forward, fists clenched, as Sage’s eyes scanned Her closely. “I don’t know what kind of big shot you think you are, but I’d shut the fuck up now before I make your mouth fill up with blood.”
“I’m good,” she gave Ben a sideways look. “Although that’s also interesting. Now, you aren’t military, or a terrorist. You don’t seem quite as idiotically rage-blind as the others, you might even be intelligent. Or, well, intelligent by human standards.”
“You going to keep shooting in the dark, and waste all our time?” Her voice had moved closer, and Ben knew he’d only have to turn his head slightly to see that glassy-eyed stare focused on Sage, who only hummed.
“I’ll get it, don’t worry about that. My shot in the dark has floodlights compared to yours. But time is a finite resource, especially now. You just have to come on out to join the party, and we’ll get started.”
Ben twisted to find Her exchanging doubtful looks with Butcher, who spoke first.
“How do we know you ain’t just killed them, and are luring us out to finish the job?”
“Because that’s fucking stupid.” Sage said with an annoyed frown. “And I’m frankly a little insulted you think I'd do something that plainly dumb. You would’ve heard it. In fact, Soldier Boy can probably hear them, alive, right now. I just told them to stay there and be quiet or I’d start screaming about Starlight trying to kidnap and traffic me. People would hear me, we’re at a warehouse in Queens, not fucking Montana.”
Ben gave an eye roll as all eyes turned to him. “Why do I have to fucking check? There’s a goddamn window right there. Just fucking look outside. Or those pussies can just grow some fucking balls and tell us they’re alive.”
“Ben,” Her voice was tired, and he could still hear the pressure of her heart against her ribs. “You can hear them anyway. Just fucking tell us, please.”
“Fine,” he grunted. He could hear them anyway, so he gave a tight nod after making a whole stupid fucking show of listening for signs of life, but fuck him if this was going to become a regular thing. Ben was not, threat of dick-burning be damned, going to be reduced to recon.
But Her stopped trying to claw out of her when he confirmed Sage’s words, and Ben felt an odd, satisfying rush through him when he heard it.
“Can we move?” Sage stepped aside with an exaggerated sweep of her arm.
Butcher left first, and before Ben could follow, a hand grabbed his arm. He turned back to see barely-contained panic on across Her face—panic he could feel with the tightening of her grip.
“Sage can’t know,” She whispered to him. “Don’t tell her.”
“About what?” Ben frowned, trying to ignore where she still held his arm. Firmly. Unflinchingly.
She didn’t even pull back as she spoke. “Me. If she knows about me, she’ll tell Homelander. He’ll know I’m in New York. He’ll know I’m working with Butcher. He’ll find me and bring me back. Don’t tell her.”
Disturbingly, it wasn’t only the angered acceleration of her heart eating at Ben. It was realizing that her face wasn’t full of panic. It was fear—real fear—in her eyes. He’d never seen her just afraid. He’d seen her infuriated and nervous and exhausted but never simply, rawly afraid. He didn’t like it. She hadn’t become that hollow shell he’d seen at the beginning, or that unbearably tragic picture, looking far away as she told him about Homelander. She was just as unbendable as he knew her, but paralyzed. Made of only pure, useless fucking fear.
So he meant every fucking word he spoke. “I won’t. We’re not going back there.”
“We?” She didn’t let go, her face unreadable.
“I’m not going back in the fucking box, you’re not going back to that pussy Homelander. I’m going to kill them, and you’re going to let me leave. That was the fucking deal.”
She nodded, glancing down at her hands on his arm, and her hold on him loosened. “That was the deal.” She echoed, and walked past him without another word.
They stepped out onto the street and began to follow Sage into the warehouse, Butcher’s Pussysquad walking ahead of them. The moment Ben was at the door, MM turned, raising a flat palm to halt him. “No, you stay right fucking there. You are not a part of this.”
“I’m not listening if he’s not.” Sage said smoothly, looking Ben up and down.
“Great, you two can bond over hating convenient conversation.” She muttered from next to Ben, glaring a hole in the floor.
“Fuck off, Sunshine. I’m charming and endearing, not a bragging, self-assured bitch.” He muttered back as the argument about where he should stand stretched on for far too fucking long.
“You are the most braggadocios, self-assured bitch I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing.”
“I’m not the bitch that just used ‘braggadocios’ in a sentence like an asshole pussy.”
“At least I know the word at all. I think you came out of the womb knowing only pussy, bitch, and fuck and decided that was more than enough.”
“You sound like a fucking bitch right now.”
“You sound like a cunt who wants to fuck his mirror all the time.”
Ben looked back down to see a thin-lipped, but painless, smile creeping across her face. “One day you should ask my mirror how it is. I’ll receive a fucking amazing endorsement, and you’ll beg me to give you a fucking chance.”
“Endorsement’s a pretty big word, pretty boy. Are you sure you don’t need to sit down now?”
He did a double-take. “Did you just fucking call me pretty-“
“Oi, either fuck right now or come and do your fucking jobs.” Butcher yelled from inside, the argument apparently over with a victory for Sage.
“Please don’t fuck right now,” Cocksucker mumbled, and She rolled her eyes, leaving Ben’s side to stand amongst the group.
“I think I’ll manage to keep it together.” Sarcasm dripped from her tone and was painted across her face, but she didn’t flinch away as Ben came up behind her.
Sage was eyeing Her still, and Ben liked the woman less by the second. Even as Starlight spoke, Sage’s attention didn’t move, remaining locked on Her as if trying to pick her apart.
“We know how Homelander screwed you, Sage. He’s screwed all of us.”
“Screwed feels like a bloody generous term for ass-fucking to completion and then cutting off our balls.” Butcher muttered.
“Butcher,” Cocksucker sighed. “Unnecessarily gross.”
“I don’t know,” the French Prick, having apparently re-joined the group when Ben hadn’t been paying attention, mused. “The visualization helps.”
Cocksucker gaped at him. “How?”
“Well, either way-“
“It raises the stakes, no?” The French Prick cut off Starlight, a look of impossibly genuine concentration on his face. “Screwing is gentle, possibly playful. Monsieur Butcher's words make the issue far more…” As he searched for the words, Kimiko made another weird fucking gesture, and a smile spread across the French Prick’s face. “Oui, Mon Coeur. Fucking urgent. Far more fucking urgent.”
“Great, more urgent.” Starlight blinked, clearly giving a pathetic attempt to regain control. It was glorious for Ben to watch. “Now, we think-“
“It was still gross, things can be urgent and not gross.” Cocksucker frowned at the French Prick.
“Hughie,” Starlight hissed.
“Shit, sorry Annie-“
“No, petite Hughie, the gross nature of the words is what makes them so urgent.” The French Prick argued. “It makes them more difficult to ignore.”
MM gave an attempt to push back that didn’t involve nearly enough shouting or threats for Ben’s taste. “The words don’t matter, now just listen to Annie-“
“Words fucking matter, Mate." Butcher interjected. Ben agreed, if they didn’t then the whole stupid fucking list would have been for nothing.
“Not right now, Butcher, right now all that matters is we listen to Annie-“
“Well, Butcher’s technically right. Words do really fucking matter.” She chimed in from Ben’s side. “Language is a pillar of culture, and different words will have the same translations but different meanings across cultures.”
MM gave Her a disbelieving stare. “You too?”
“What words have different meanings across cultures?” Cocksucker asked, sounding somehow genuinely interested.
“More often than not, it’s symbolic changes, such as colors and animals having different connotations or there being a wide variety of words for one language that only has a few.”
“This can’t wait?” Starlight asked, throwing MM a hopeless look. Ben hoped it couldn’t. As utterly boring as the words coming out of Her mouth were, he’d never seen her so enthusiastic about something that wasn’t a piece of media to be explained. Her heartbeat was rising, yes, but it was beating like a drug, not a gun, against Ben’s head. This, this was tolerable, and if Starlight fucking stopped it he might have to kill her.
It was MM though, who said Her name firmly. As she trailed off, he looked at her with raised eyebrows and a frown. “You done?”
Ben could hear the chew of Her lip, and she nodded apologetically, shooting a nervous look to where Sage was watching Her with narrow eyes. If Ben was smart about it, he was pretty sure he could kill Sage, MM, and Starlight in one move. Unfortunately, that would probably make Her all bitchy and angry at him, which was exactly what he was trying to avoid. Maybe he could make it look like an accident.
“Great,” Starlight sighed. “Sage, Homelander has fucked all of us.” Butcher gave an approving grin as Starlight threw him a dirty look. “He needs to be stopped.”
“And what makes you think you can stop him? You’ve tried numerous times, and every attempt has blown up in your face more spectacularly than the last.”
“We have a plan.” Starlight said, standing up straighter.
“Then you don’t need me.”
“That’s what I fucking said.” Butcher grumbled.
“But they didn’t listen to you, which means whatever you’re trying isn’t a revenge-blind, foolish Butcher special.”
“Love, if you’re implying I’m a fucking idiot-“
“Wasn’t implying. Outright said it.”
“We can still bloody kill you-“
“Butcher,” MM said with a glare. “Shut the fuck up.”
“Well, I ain’t bloody wrong. Her power is ‘smart’, she’s not a fucking threat. We got the real threat on our side.” Butcher gave Her a wide, smug grin.
Right at Ben’s side, She froze.
“The ‘real threat’?” Sage asked, and turned slowly to examine Her once more.
“Soldier Boy,” MM said, looking between Her and Sage. “You know what he can do. We didn’t bring him back for nothing.”
“No, but you did bring him back… Why?” Sage wondered aloud, and Ben could hear the insufferable gears of her bitch brain turning. “Because you had the real threat. Not him, something worse.” Sage’s mouth turned up just the gleam in her eyes returned. “The Anomaly.”
“I- what are you- I don’t know what-“ Ben didn’t need to see Her eyes to know that the fear had returned. It was in every word She spoke, and he wanted to rip it out of her and shove it into Sage. “You don’t- I don’t-“
“He told me you died. Horrible accident, fourth shot of V didn’t take, and you combusted. I knew he was lying, I just thought he’d decided he wanted more secrecy and moved you, killed you himself, or you’d escaped and were on the other side of the world. Very, very stupid of you to come back.”
“If you know what happened to her, you should know what a fucking monster Homelander is.” Starlight said. “You should listen to what we have to say.”
“Not interested anymore.” Sage gave a dismissive gesture, another fucking smile creeping onto her features. “The Anomaly, alive and working with Starlight and Butcher? Working with Soldier Boy? This is good, this changes things.”
Ben braced his arms at his side, his anger feeding into the beat against his chest, moving forward as She took a weak, stumbled step further behind him. “You listen, or lose your fucking life.”
“I think I’ll just go. I had a much more dramatic reveal, but you have been set up, and this building is surrounded.” Sage sighed. “I would say I wish I could’ve played into the theatrics you all love a little more, but I’m actually incredibly fucking relieved I don’t have to. I’ll see everybody soon, and good luck with whatever you’re planning. I’m sure it will be entertaining.”
Before Ben could give in to the drums, or even more to grab her, the warehouse was flooded with men in black suits.
“Fuck,” Butcher shouted, pulling out a gun from thin fucking air. “What’s the point of having a super-hearing supe if you can’t fucking hear a warehouse full of enemies?”
“Sound-suppressing suits,” the French Prick yelled, taking a step behind Kimiko as he too pulled a weapon from nowhere. “I was developing them with the CIA, Vought must have gotten their fucking hands on them.”
MM pulled out his own gun, and Ben was now pretty fucking sure they were all keeping them up their asses. “Does Mallory know about them?”
“Oui, but they must have just gotten their hands on them, I finished them only two days ago.”
“When we made the fucking plan to meet with Sage,” Cocksucker had, like the cowardly pussy Ben knew him to be, moved behind Starlight. “But she can’t have known we had Soldier Boy, why would she spend time to get them?”
“Sage is nothing if not careful,” MM fired up at the descending men. “We need to get out of here, right fucking now.”
The words had hardly left MM’s mouth when the warehouse lit up with bullets.
“Are you just going to let Sage fucking get away?” Ben yelled, remaining firmly planted where he was, bullets bouncing off him like rain.
“Excuse us, Gov, not all of us are bloody immortal. And we quite like living, so shut the fuck up and be useful.” Butcher ran past Ben, firing back as he did.
Ben scowled at nothing, punching one of the men backwards like a bowling ball when he got too close. “She’s going back to Homelander, that feels pretty fucking important-“
“The doors are fucking blocked!” Cocksucker’s shrill, pussy yell cut Ben off. “They’re everywhere!”
“Then move them, you fucking pussy!” Ben threw another up into the ceiling.
He felt fucking alive. All around him, Butcher’s team was being the most useful they’d ever need in their pathetic pussy lives. The French Prick was holding something weird and long that Ben would very much like to use later, Butcher and MM were firing with an intent to kill that Ben appreciated, Kimiko ripped off a man's head with ease, and Ben was starting to hate her a little less than the rest of them. Even Starlight and Cocksucker were vaguely helpful, even if Starlight was mostly invested in keeping Cocksucker and his weak punches safe. It was fucking perfect, right until  Ben threw another man into the wall, leaving a dent in the concrete, and saw Her.
She was right where they’d left her, smoking but not yet burning, men trying to grab her but falling back with screams as they did. Her bloodless, frozen face was trained on where Sage had stood, and despite the chorus of gunshots and shouting through the warehouse, her heartbeat was as loud as if Ben were right next to her. The tapping was fast—faster than he’d ever heard it, her eyes were unblinking and glazed, and blood was dripping from her lips as she chewed through skin.
She was going to fucking blow.
Another man, in almost slow motion, grabbed Her. But not on the arms or shoulder like the others had attempted. Right on the fucking neck. Ben watched as the idiot's hand landed on Her throat, watched her eyes widen and clear, and watched the man let out an undignified, pussy-like shriek as he recoiled back. But it was too fucking late. The smoke stopped, for only a second, and Ben could’ve sworn the ground fucking shook.
Everything went up into flames.
“Fuck!” Ben heard MM roar from somewhere behind him. “Everyone out! Get the fuck out!”
Ben sent another man flying back, directly into the fire, as he kept his eyes on Her. Still frozen, eyes no longer clouded, looking almost fucking oblivious to the flames around her. She didn’t seem to be burning anymore, only standing in the fire that had burst from her. Her eyes were full of that fear again, shooting upwards as the first piece of the roof fell down with a crash.
“The doors! Open the fucking doors!”
Ben turned to find Butcher shouting as Kimiko and MM struggled with the warehouse entrance. Ben glanced back at Her, but his line of sight was cut as another piece fell. Somehow, over all the noise, Ben heard Butcher once more.
“Soldier Boy, get your cunt ass over here and be fucking useful. Open the fucking doors!”
Ben grabbed one of the idiotic men who hadn’t either burned or tried to scramble away, throwing him directly to the warehouse door. The man shot right through the building, clearing a hole to the outside with a crunch. In the momentary shocked silence of the groups struggle, fire crackled, and another piece of the warehouse fell.
“Out!” Out of the corner of his eye, Ben saw MM practically push Cocksucker through the hole. “Now! Get out!”
Ben stared at the hole, Her heartbeat ripping into him. He could leave her. The building would fall, and he could fucking run in the time it took to pull her out. He could be fucking free, ahead of schedule, no killing Homelander and saving a stupid fucking world full of backstabbing pussies required. They’d find another way to kill Homelander, or not. It wouldn’t be his problem. Ben couldn’t even see her through the smoke and debris anymore. It would be so fucking easy to leave, kill Butcher, and escape.
But Her heartbeat wouldn’t fucking stop. It would keep going and going into his head. And the drum hated it, every time it sank into him, it fed the fucking drum.
He wasn’t moving. He needed to fucking move, or they’d realize his plan and try and knock him out. He wasn’t going back in the fucking box.
And She wasn’t going back to Homelander.
“Fuck!” He yelled at no one, partially hoping she’d just walk out, or someone would call him forward. But all the team had left them, and now the warehouse was just Ben, Her, and a bunch of ill-fated Vought shit-eaters.
Ben turned, throwing the wreckage as he did. It probably wasn’t helpful to the general state of the building the way he did so, but he wasn’t in the mood to be a fucking careful or gentle pussy. He reached Her, and found her passed out, face almost empty. If it weren’t for the sound of her breath, the still-quick flutter of her heart, Ben would’ve thought her dead.
“If you don’t become at least 10% less of a bitch after this Sunshine,” he grumbled at her unconscious body. “I’m throwing you right back in here.”
But he hauled Her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, ignoring the way she seared into his skin, and walked through his previous path to the exit.
The ride back from the disastrous mission made Ben want to blow everyone’s fucking brains out of their heads. There were weird looks, hushed questions about what happened that he had to pretend he couldn’t hear, and a whole lot of self-righteous, sad faces. It was made worse by the fact that She didn’t even wake up until they were fully back in the safe house, meaning Ben had to fucking carry her inside. Butcher offered, but Ben had just glared at him—as far as Ben was concerned, the dick just wanted to take advantage of one of the only “safe” times to touch her—and refused to even respond.
Ben dumped Her in her room, and marched back downstairs to find Butcher still in the fucking living room.
“What the fuck do you want?” Ben grumbled, pushing past him to the kitchen.
“Well, I would usually tell your girlfriend, but seeing as she's taking a bloody little nap you’ll have to do.”
“She’d cut off your dick if she heard that,” Ben snorted. “Take it from my personal experience.”
“Good thing she can’t. Just tell her we’ll be back in a few days for operation Quick and Bald.”
"Operation Quick and Bald?" Ben huffed a sarcastic laugh. “I am not fucking saying those words.”
Butcher smirked. “Your head, Gov. See you in a few days.”
And Ben was left alone in the kitchen.
It took all the way to morning for Her to wake up. She stumbled into Ben’s room with a frown and a determined look.
“Teach me how to fight.”
Ben gave her a lazy half-grin from the bed. “Welcome back, Sunshine. Anything you’d like to say to me? A thank you, for instance. Though I would also accept acts of gratitude.”
“I’m not sucking your dick. Teach me how to fight.”
“I’m good. Not in my job description.”
She glared at him. "Technically, you don’t have a job. We’re not paying you. Teach me how to fight.”
“They’re not paying you either, Sunshine. We’re both victims.”
“I’m legally dead, they can’t pay me. And you’re the farthest thing from a victim, Mr. Body Count in the Thousands. Teach me how to fight.”
“No.” Ben had no interest in doing more for these fucking idiots. He’d already saved her life once in the past day, that should earn him enough fucking gratitude to coast for at least a damn month.
“Please, Ben, this can’t keep happening where I lose control, someone could really get hurt.” She rubbed her eyes in obvious distress. “People did get hurt.”
“So? Hurting people is what we do. You shouldn’t be in the field if you can’t fucking handle it.” Ben repeated the words he had so often told himself through the years. It had always fucking worked for him. She shouldn’t be any different.
“I can’t fucking handle it?!” She scoffed in disbelief. “That’s a mighty stupid thing for the pot to say to the kettle.”
Ben shot her a cold look. “I know how to fucking hold my own, Sunshine, I don’t need someone to fucking save me. You can’t fucking control yourself at all, and it’s a goddamn problem.”
“Nobody made you go back, you could’ve just fucking left me.” She hissed.
"Well, I didn’t,” Ben growled. “Don’t make me fucking regret it.”
“I could say the same for you. You’re only out of the box because I wanted you here-”
“Aw, Sunshine, you wanted me?” He mocked.
“I wanted your powers here. You’re just the vessel.”
“I saved your fucking life, bitch.”
“And I’m sure you’re not going to be a fucking cunt about that forever.”
“You need me.” He shot to his feet. “Don’t fucking forget it.”
She took a step forward, her face venomous. “No, you need me. What do you think happens if they decide I’m a ‘problem’ now, huh? They send me home, and just trust you not to go all revenge-fueled vigilante? If I burn, you burn, Ben. So fucking teach me how to not be a ‘problem’, or it’s your fucking head.”
He bared his teeth at Her. “If I teach you how to fight, will you stop being a fucking pussy and thank me for saving you?”
“Teach me how to fight, really fight and not just throw a punch, and I’ll buy you a fucking fleshlight.”
“What the fuck is a fleshlight?”
She gave him a mocking smirk. “Trust me, you’ll love them.”
Ben paused, examining Her face, angered but firm. “I want three of them.” He still wasn't sure what they were, but She had been frustratingly fucking accurate about what he would and wouldn't like.
“Deal.” She extended her hand, and he glared at it.
“If I hate them, you’re cooking me something.”
“You’d volunteer to be poisoned?” She laughed. “Your funeral, dumbass.”
He ignored her words, and shook her hand as aggressively as he could. “Meet me in the kitchen in three hours. I’m going to make you fucking cry.”
She grinned. “Looking forward to it.”
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sugarmelin · 1 year
Would you look at that...
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Paring: Skz x Reader
Warning: Yandere, mafia!au, alcohol, ect...
minors do not interact
Dan Bi note: Thank you for all of your support! I didn’t think you all will love this order this much so I do have to make this into a series, don't I? Would you all sweetcheeks like that? Let me know~
I apologize for the long wait And now you have it. I'm looking forward to your orders!
Enjoy !!!
Prolgue Chapter
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You walk down the hallway to God knows where with a collar around your neck and your hands cuffed together, all connected to chains at the hand of the person who put them on you.
The walk was quiet, he didn't say anything while you were looking around, Analyzing everything for a way out. It does look like you under the ground, maybe a house above you two. Countless doors in every hallway you passed, tagging at your chains when you stopped for a few moments.
After a few minutes of walking, reaching to stop by a staircase leading to a wooden door. He went up while you stand from where you were, when the chains come to an end he tagged your chain in his hand, signing for you to start walking up.
When you didn't move he tugged harsher making you lean forward and start walking again, you glared at him.
Reaching the door he opened it, making you close your eyes and groan, your headache getting worse again. Blinking a few times before opening your eyes, Trying to get used to the lights while walking. You properly looked forward to seeing him going towards an elevator.
When you walked in he pressed the button to one of the floors, you didn't see which floor you were because the headache was making your vision blurry, after a minute your vision got better. "In a few minutes you're going to meet the boys, Noona." He says while side-eyeing you.
'So I'm older then him? While also being taller. Maybe two or three years being older.' You thought but said nothing.
The elevator reach a stop and the metal door opened, your eyes saw the big beautiful hallway. The sound you hear was laughter and talking.
When you walked out there were staircases on each side of the elevator with pretty red carpet laying on it. The place did look like a mansion, a fancy one.
With the expensive suite that he was wearing you did expect him to have a penthouse or something, giving off dose sugar daddy vibes.
Walking up the stairs, the talking and laughter got louder and louder.
Reaching the top, you saw a boy sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, his legs on the dining table with five black bags and money on it while two boys were counting the money's, laughing and chatting about another successful 'mission' they had. Some female maid's around them, serving.
Two boys at the bar, a bartender behind the bar cleaning a glass with cloth, a purple hair drinking some whisky on the one of chairs bar and another blonde hair boy, his hair tied to a half ponytail talking about something, his back towards you.
On the left, there was a couch with a person laying on it, with newspaper covering his face and looking like his sleeping and his head on a blonde boy's lap and his eyes closed.
"Boys" The voice of the boy in front of you boomed through the room, everyone's eyes now were on you two. The maid's in the room flinched, and the bartender too but after a few seconds he went back to what he was doing.
Your eyebrow narrowed together. 'Wait..'
"GET HER!" Someone yelled behind you. when you looked back while running, you saw four boys coming out of the van and starting to run toward you.
'It was him who yelled... the first one I saw between them.' Your eyes were now on him.
"Hyung what-" the blonde boy at the bar turn his chair around but stopped talking when he saw you, his eyes going wide.
"NOONA!" He jumped from his seat and come towards you.
"Jeongin! Jeongin! WAKE UP! Noona is here!!!" The boy sitting on the couch said, taking the newspaper of their face while repeatedly tapping the person's shoulder who's head was on his lap sleeping.
He groaned while sitting up and his eyes got locked with yours, a big smile formed on his face and jumped into his feet and runs towards you.
Your eye contact got broke when someone hugs you tight, it was the boy who was with the purple hair and that was coming towards you two.
You got distracted when the blond hair burying his face in between your chest, going up to your neck and inhaling your scent, sighing happily. You shift uncomfortable on your feet, making his grip on you tighten up.
"Be careful Hyunjin," The boy next to you chuckled. "She bites."
'Hyunjin' burrs his face more into your neck but someone grabbed his back collar, pulling him away from you, making him whine.
"Hyung! Why did you put this on Noona? Her wrists are red!!!" The blonde boy with... freckles, said it while coming towards you, taking your wrists in his and looking at them. You pulled away your wrists while he pouts trying to do it again but you moved back up a little.
"Felix is right hyung, you could put something softer!" A boy with chubby cheeks said putting a hand on the boy shoulder now you know his name Felix while all of them gathered around you and 'Chan'.
"Let me introduce them to you. Aren't you curious a little, Noona?"
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Next chapter
Taglist: @skepticalkoi-catastrophe @salfetkasblog @icywinter1999 @yuh0yuh @lorarri @pink-rose-chans-baby @sky-outta @haleyms @lizzetmv
If you would like to be added to the taglist, tell me ! The two usernames among others couldn't be tagged sadly.
Like & reblog are appreciated and tell me what did you think ! I'm waiting for your jokes and tea baby~~
Don't forget to eat, drink water, love and take care of yourself and body ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)
See you on the next chapter baby ~
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mypimpademia · 1 year
— Random Bakugo Headcanons
Bakugo x gn! Reader
Synopsis: A bunch of random bakugo headcanons. Some crack, some romantic, some platonic, some suggestive, and more.
TW: Swearing, suggestive content
⇶ Katsuki is feral as is, but someway, somehow, he gets even more feral when you have any sort of relationship with him (platonic or romantic)
⇶ Likes to play fight a lot, and he always hits a little too hard on accident, but he’ll call you a baby if you tell him to not be so rough (but he softens up either way)
⇶ Starts biting when he feels like he’s losing. Katsuki is strong, but he avoids using brute strength just to avoid losing in a play fight in case he accidentally hurts someone for real, so biting is his go to of getting the other person to let their guard down so he can get the upper hand
⇶ If you’re his s/o, he has no shame in biting you everywhere just to annoy you
⇶ He leaves a lot of marks on accident too, and most people will assume sexual things, but no. He was losing to you in a fight.
⇶ Katsuki starts really dumb arguments with you (not ones that would actually cause issues in your relationship) or asks you really dumb questions just to see you get annoyed because he thinks its funny to see you mad
⇶ Also thinks you’re cute when your mad, and he tells you which just angers you even more
⇶ Lies a lot just because he can. Never about anything serious just lies?? For no reason???
⇶ And not matter how many times he does it, it’s always so believable because he’ll say it with the most serious expression and tone
“I’ve always wanted to learn to play the trumpet.”
“I know how to play the trumpet.”
⇶ Truly is just the most annoying person on earth just because he can be
⇶ It’s even worse if you’re his s/o
⇶ Smacks your ass every chance he gets
⇶ Doesn’t matter if it’s little or small either, just full force smacks it everytime your back is facing him
⇶ And it hurts so bad, and he’ll do it even harder if you grab his ass first
⇶ Katsuki just very hands in general, he won’t be if you tell him you don’t like it, but if you don’t it’ll be rare for his hands to not be on you
⇶ Touches your chest, stomach, legs, etc. Even grabs your ankles/feet a lot too??
⇶ Grabs your chin and face a lot
⇶ Gives you massages whenever you ask him to
⇶ Hates when other people do pda, but he’ll do it all the time
⇶ Does everything possible to get you going. Makes out with you just the way you like, kisses your neck, touches you all over
⇶ Then leaves you high and dry because he likes seeing you beg
⇶ It’s no secret that he’s not a name person, but you’re his s/o so of course he knows your name, but he uses pet names religiously. Babe, baby, doll, babydoll, angel, prince/princess, pretty, handsome, baby girl/boy, beautiful, gorgeous, etc.
⇶ Katsuki doesn’t grow a lot of body hair. He gets it from Mitsuki since he takes after her in pretty much every way. But he thought he’d have a lot of growing up since Masaru is the total opposite
⇶ Most of it grows under his arms, and his leg hair is very fine, but almost completely unnoticeable because of the color. Grows basically no chest hair except for a few random strands. His happy trail is a bit darker than the rest of his hair, but the carpets match the drapes for the most part. Waxes off his random chest hairs, but keeps everything else nicely trimmed
⇶ Very well groomed overall, has a shower and body + face routine that he refuses to break. Everything he uses has a woody scent, and paired with his natural caramel scent, he always smells amazing
⇶ Genuinely one of the most clean people you’ll ever meet. Cleans everyday even if its just a light wipe down of everything
⇶ Total nerd. Not just for All Might, but for comics, movies, and video games too. Doesn’t actively tell people though, but if you ask he most definitely will
⇶ Katsuki has a sweet tooth, loves sour and fruity candy. Sour skittles, sweet tarts, and gummy worms are his favorite
⇶ His favorite fruits are strawberries, oranges, and apples in that order
⇶ Tried to go vegan once. It didn’t work out.
⇶ Katsuki hates the word moist
⇶ Thinks the one chip challenge is yummy and hardly reacts to it after the first 2 times he does it
⇶ Bakusquad talks him into doing TikTok trends all the time, their followers love him and always ask for his @ but hates using social media
⇶ Has social media like most people, but only uses his actual name on instagram and a nickname everywhere else and all his accounts are private with barely any followers
⇶ Really enjoys museums and aquariums
⇶ Enjoys feeding you, especially when he has you taste his cooking
⇶ Katsuki’s got his issues but he’s sweet and a romantic when he wants to be
Taglist: @megurulvr @miirene @planetlunaa @pnkweb @szaplsdropthealbum @dreampurpledreams @goldenglow149 @gender-queery @roaringlion @chocolateochaco
Send in a ask or DM me to be added to all taglists, or fill out my form to be added to select ones.
Thank you for reading, comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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chronically-ghosted · 7 months
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i'm swingin' blind and you're stunning me without any gloves
rating: E for Explicit! 18+
word count: 9K
pairing: dieter bravo x f!reader
summary: the night continues while the two of you dance around the inevitable. dieter's restraint is foiled by dreams of a water bed.
warnings/tags: depictions of drugs, age gap, cum eating, piv sex, not actually incest but close, concerns about getting old, reader is at least 18 (by how much is up to you), no use of y/n, oral (f receiving), hand jobs (m & f receiving), unprotected piv, squirting, the barest hint of overstimulation, oh and SMUT.
🤍AO3 Link
🤍Series Masterlist | Prev | THE END
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“Do all movie stars have six empty bedrooms they don’t use?” 
“They’re not always empty . . . I mean, it’s good for parties. Gives people space to get out of the chaos if they want, or if they need a place to crash. Keeps the energy, uh, flowing. Keeps the vibes good.” 
He uses the joint to take the place of having to explain that the room you just passed was in fact used as a revolving door for anyone who wanted a bump only two weeks ago. The second floor stretches out into the darkness, the nasty weather outside beating against the windows. He keeps a slow steady pace, the high making his insides comfortably warm as you wander in and out of rooms, like a less frantic, totally-fuckable version of that Scooby Doo gag. He’s quite sure he’ll never be able to watch Saturday morning cartoons the same way.
So far, you’ve been content with asking rather inane questions, filler questions that he suspects you’re hoping reveal more than he’s giving. The response to the question being more important than the answer itself. 
So no one lives in these rooms? No.
Do you ever use these as anything else other than bedrooms? No.
What’s outside by the pool? A gym.
A gym with full length mirrors that he used to adore snapping selfies in, in his younger cop show days, and without much prompting, would admit to masterbating to on occasion. 
You’ll always be your own greatest critic so fuck ‘em.
You come out of the last bedroom, smirking faintly as though someone had told you a particularly naughty secret, humming faintly to yourself. He never much cared for giving tours but given that you walked ahead of him and gave him adequate time to ogle the backs of your thighs, he could think of worse ways to spend time with you. 
“Mhm hmm,” you mutter to no one in particular. The carpet is plush, but that is the only thing you could say you really enjoyed about the style of the house. Everything else, especially the almost clinically clean air to it, makes it feel like a hotel, as if Dieter is mold growing in someone else’s house. Again, these are filed as things that helped fill out the picture of the man your uncle had become, if not the man he wanted to portray.
“So where do you sleep?” 
He had been lulled into such a stupor of quiet fantasy fueled by his warm high that he didn’t even think twice when he pointed down the hall. 
“God, it just keeps going, doesn’t it?” 
Turns out the path to moral degradation isn’t a straight line, but a curved slope. One he finds himself on, going down round and round and round, the longer he watches your legs, the curve of your ass, the bright smile as you quite obviously tried to get a glimpse of the old Dee. But that's the thing about drugs that he finds he so actively craved – of course there is the euphoria, the chemical sensations, the wires of your brain plugged into different outlets and restarting the whole system. But he's found that’s when people tended to be their most honest, most unpolished and they weren’t afraid to be like that. 
There was a lot of talk around the ego and the ID in his early acting classes. Who was your character when their ego had been pulled back like strips of skin? 
But as he got older, the question he became more obsessed with was, who were the people around him when they weren’t being paid to like him?
You, of course, are different from all that. You hadn’t built up an ego quite yet. You hadn’t built up the mechanisms required to survive the world because you hadn’t needed to. Sure, you could deflect and get what you wanted by batting your eyelashes, but there are times he felt ugly in the skin he had built. Like somewhere along the way, he had tried on all these hats and now they had all attached themselves to his head and he couldn’t tear them off if he tried. His costume didn’t fit– his face wasn’t even visible any more. 
And who exactly had spent the last fifteen minutes trailing after his beautiful, carefree niece, a single breath away from getting so hard it hurt, in this massively empty mansion? What version of himself wants to snake a hand into those shorts and effectively ruin you for anyone else – wanted to grip you so hard there’d be bruises and tears in your eyes when you came? 
Which one of them is he willing to show you?
All of them. None of him. The ID.
You glance over your shoulder, curious that he hadn’t answered you. 
“Yeah,” he sighs, smoking between his two fingers again. “Could get lost in a place like this.”
You pause in your inspection, eyes soft because of the drugs or the low lighting or something else, and take his hand. “Lucky I’ve got you then.” 
His mouth is instantly dry in a way that has nothing to do with the weed. He offers you the joint and you smoke too, eyelids drooping, allowing him another second of looking. 
And then another smile breaks across your face.
“Fuck,” your laugh turns into a cough. “Did you ever get that stupid fucking waterbed you wouldn’t shut up about? I remember you swearing the first thing you’d buy when you were rich and famous was a waterbed – which I thought was so fucking cool because I’d never heard of a waterbed before because I was seven and it sounded like something totally made up — so of course, someone rich and famous could have one.”
You’re still holding hands, your palm dry and warm, when he laughs too. He takes the joint back from you, eyes narrowing as he looks at you out of the corner of his eyes.
Turns out moral degradation is a fucking cannon ball. 
“Why don’t you go see for yourself?” 
You squeeze his hand, eyes bright, before almost sprinting down the hall to the room on the right. He follows you, struck by the notion this is the first and last time you’ll ever enter his bedroom. This has to be the end of something.
He hears a grunt and a groan and he can’t help but smile. He saunters into the room, leaning up against the door frame with his hands in the pockets of his robe. You are face down on the mattress, hands under your chest. 
“This is not a water bed,” you grumble, the sound muffled. 
Once again, Maria deserved a raise just for making his bed. 
“No, it’s not,” he says slowly, as he edges a teasing tone into his next words. “Look, I did get a fucking water bed, alright? Just about a century ago when they were still a thing.”
You ease up onto your elbows and glare at him. “Can’t believe you got rid of it. What a waste.” 
And then you’re sliding back onto your knees, hands planted on the covers, and for just a second, he swears he can see the outline of your cunt through the material that could hardly be called shorts. 
His knees actually buckle for a second before he stands up right and physically has to close his eyes. Looking away wouldn’t have been enough. 
But you don’t see all of this. You’re frowning down, as if glaring hard enough will bypass physics and liquidate the mattress. 
“What happened to it? The water bed, I mean.” 
Just as he’s gotten his heart rate back under control, your question throws everything into a spiral again. 
Do not fucking tell her about the hookers and the brass pasties. Or the cock ring. Definitely do not mention the cock ring. 
“It, uh, popped.” 
You smirk over your shoulder. “It was a sex thing, wasn’t it?” 
The question lingers, Dieter unable to make a coherent word that didn’t sound like take your pants off right fucking now, so he swallows and shakes his head. By some minor miracle, you shrug and don’t push it, sliding off the bed and completing your assessment of his life by regarding the book collection against the opposite wall. 
It’s bigger than you expect someone like Dieter to have, but its placement in the house – almost hidden in his private bedroom – suggests that its volume is not there to impress. It’s his personal collection and, judging by the bent spines, books he’s actually read, perhaps several times. There’s a small desk next to it, crouching in the corner and littered with sheets of paper that look like they were torn from a sketchbook. 
He couldn’t decide which version of himself he wanted you to see less: Dieter, full of vices, or Dieter, bratty actor who only acted in the first place because he couldn’t cut it as a real artist. 
Your hands run over the sketches, eyes annoyingly unreadable, and just as he’s about to leap forward and scoop all of the sketches into the trash, you move on. Your interest is caught by some of the books. You make noises that are both outside of the realm of approval or disgust and he finds himself nervous. Book reading is about the last thing on anyone’s mind once they’ve reached the final destination of The Bedroom, so he’s never worried about what someone might think. But this isn’t just someone, it’s you. 
His mouth opens to make some quippy remark, when you gasp and lunge forward, grabbing something at the back of the shelf.
“Holy shit, that’s you!” 
You hold up a picture of his high school’s production of Othello and there he is fifteen and smack dab in the middle of the cast. 
“Oh fuck, I forgot that was there,” he groans, dropping the nearly gone joint into an ashtray by the side of the bed. You’re practically glowing with excitement and he rolls his eyes as he takes it from you.
“Jesus Christ, look at that kid. Has no idea what kind of dumbass he’s going to grow up to be.” 
Three years after that photo was taken, he had left in the middle of the night for Hollywood. Of course, just as he had finished packing up his piece-of-shit Chevy, Enrico caught him. Exploded in his face and scolded him in his old man ways for leaving without saying nothing. 
He kept this photo because it was the last thing that reminded him of home and yet so distant it didn’t hurt as bad any more. 
“I think he did spectacular for himself,” you grin at him. “Who knew The Dieter Bravo was such a softie for the old days?” 
He smirks at you, finally sick of you kicking his ass all night. There is a line between fucking you and out sassing you, one he could live with. You aren't fucking ready for that Dieter. 
“No way,” he rubs the bottom of his lip with his thumb, artfully contemplative, and purposefully distractingly hot. “Just keep it around for the spank bank. Ms. Lemons was a babe.”
You narrow your eyes at him as he leans across you to put the photo back.  “Oh yeah? I gave my first blow job in that blackbox.”
“No, you fucking didn’t.”
“Yes I did!” 
“What was his name?”
“Jeremy what?” 
“Jeremy . . . Barnes.”
“Pssh, fake name, fake boyfriend, fake story.” 
“He was real! I just . . . can’t remember his last name right now.” 
“Blurs together with all the other guys you’ve blown, right?” 
You bite the corner of your mouth, your smirk so tight he can almost picture your toes curling. Not that he’d dare break eye contact with you now. Now that he’s got you practically pinned to the bookshelf, photo forgotten and something that’s been slinking around for the past three hours finally rolling on its back and exposing its belly. 
He knows The Look, he practically invented it, and he can’t quite remember why it’s not okay to get that from your niece and someone twenty years younger than him. Right now, the portion of his brain that can sort that’s fucked up and it’s not that hard to refrain from being a fucking creep is filled with smoke, a sort of hissing sound there that is not unlike a shaken soda begging for release. 
And dear God does he want release. But he’s willing to edge it just a bit longer, scrape that muscle as gingerly as he can before touching it where it needs to be touched.
“I have no idea what you mean,” you say softly, meekly being cowed for the first time all night. Fuck, do you have to make it so easy?
“That’s right. You don’t. Because if it were any good, you’d remember it.” 
He puts a hand above your shoulder to stop himself from sinking into you. Weed made the world feel plushy, moldable – and he just wants to lounge in the dip of your bottom lip. You look so different from the girl who showed up soaking wet at his front door. 
Your breathing hitches the closer he comes, your eyes fluttering as you watch his fingers dig into the spines of the books. 
“What’s his first name again, darling? Do you still remember that?” 
You gasp, loudly, as if his itching fingers had finally sunk in between your legs, but you’re sliding away from him and pulling out something from the shelf. Something white and something he should have fucking hidden better. 
“Oh my God, is this my senior yearbook?” 
You’re wandering over to his bed, leaving Dieter reeling, his own spell so alarmingly effective he is caught beneath it too. It takes him a moment to blink as he realizes maybe this is where you reneg and decide you don’t want to fuck him after all. 
“It’s not as weird as it sounds –,” he begins, heart in his throat, and hands safely in his pockets as he joins you near the bed. You still haven’t looked up as you flip through the glossy pages.
“Sure, sure.” 
“Look, your dad sent it to me and I didn’t even open it,” he says honestly. The package was delivered on the Tuesday afternoon when he woke up so hungover he actually thought he might die, and couldn’t bear the thought of not recognizing you in the class photo. 
Funny how that all fucking worked out. 
You hadn’t leapt off the bed, called him a dirty old man, and ran away to call the police. Which are probably good signs. So, slowly, he sits down next to you, halfway on the bed and halfway off. 
“He sent it just a few weeks ago. I didn’t really think much of it at the time,” he says quietly. So you had been on the high school’s newspaper staff, as well as being the captain of the journalism club and ran the book club. You were on the volleyball team and co-Secretary of the student body government. Here, he spent all night trying to find out what kind of person you are when half your life is waiting for him upstairs. “But maybe he sent it as, like, some sort of . . . fond reminder.”
You snort, your thumb tucked under your chin as your hand touches the memories on the page.
“No, it fucking wasn’t. He was guilt-tripping you.” 
So your dad definitely still remembered the fight all those years ago. Dieter grimaces. His gaze slides from the stock pages, to your knee, down the crease of your thigh. 
“You know, he would have made me your godfather if–,” 
“If you weren’t such a fuck up. Yeah, he told me that too.” 
You finally look at him and find him nearly out of breath, eyes wide as though he had been struck by a sledgehammer right to the chest. 
“Actually, he told me if I came around more.” 
Your face crumples, the flippancy gone.
“Fuck, Dee, I’m sorry.” You cup the back of his neck with your palm in a soothing gesture and it stirs something within him. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
“It is what it is.” Deflection, distraction, escape.
You smile gently, thumbing his curls as your eyes roam his face, seeing right through his bullshit.
“You know, you kinda became the cautionary tale around us growing up,” you murmur, gaze searching his face. “Not sure why, though. Since you’re, like, a gazillionaire.”
Not worth it. None of it’s worth it.
“I get that. I get why he didn’t want me around. Probably best that I fucked off and never looked back.” 
The corners of your eyes crinkle, as though he had said something that didn’t make sense. You stop combing his hair and run your thumb over his ear. 
“But I don’t think you are,” you say slowly, as though you didn’t need to explain. “A cautionary tale, I mean. I think you’re . . . an inspiration. No one in our town ever fucking leaves, but you did. You got the fuck out and lived your dreams. And that’s pretty cool.” 
There’s not any hope for me, not if you knew all the fucked up shit I want to do to you. 
Don’t look at me like that. 
When he looks around for some self control, something to pull himself out of the pit he’s dragging you both in, there’s nothing. All eroded. 
Moral degradation is a smooth fucking shot. 
The yearbook drops from your lap, clatters to the ground as he takes your face with both his hands, his rings pressing into your cheeks, and kisses you so hard his lips knock against your teeth. The force of it rocks you flat against the mattress, your fingers wrapping around his wrists, grounding you to him – don’t take this back, don’t let go – and his tongue runs against your bottom lip once before your mouth opens without hesitation. He can feel that, that desperation, that eagerness to let him in, and he groans into the hollow of your mouth and you take it, you match it, just like everything else he'd given you this night. 
Your tongue rises to catch him, to guide him, to show him the places you need to be touched. He’ll get there, you little thing, so he nips your upper lip and you gasp, your body tightening beneath him. He grins – there’s so much you have to learn. 
His palm drifts away from your jaw, thumb gentle as it coaxes your cheek to the side, before he latches his lips to your neck, sucking and then a quick bite– all eased by his tongue. Your fingers dig up into his hair, clutching him to your chest as there is anything, anywhere else he’d rather be in the world. As if anyone could pry him off you. 
He dives back into your mouth, air rushing out of your nose in a silent moan, and your knee hooks out around his hips, pulling him into the cradle of your lap. You jerk back –
“Dee, you’re – holy shit –,” 
Your hips brush up as if you had somehow gotten it all wrong the first time. As if he isn’t rock hard above you. Your eyes widen as he smirks down at you.
“Yeah, baby, that’s all you. All you do to me.” 
He chuckles, dropping his head to your chest, breathing deeply, head spinning from kissing you so thoroughly. He inhales, nose rubbing against the soft material of your shirt, ideas of peeling it off you with his teeth. Your scent, it’s all at once intoxicating, mesmerizing, and . . . familiar. 
He groans, almost nuzzling your chest.
“Fuck, this smells like that nasty deodorant from 711 I used to buy ‘cause I couldn’t afford anything else.” 
You slowly open your eyes up at him, a distantly embarrassed smile curling up the corners of your mouth. You look hazy, blurred, lips flushed and pink from getting them sucked and bitten. Had he not just licked your entire mouth clean from spit, you might have blushed.
Your fingers curl gingerly around the back of his neck. “Well, you never forget your first.”
His mouth falls open. You had successfully knocked him back on his ass for a second time that night. 
“Shut the fuck up,” he husks, a grin breaking across his lips as the hand at your shoulder pulls gently at the sleeve. “This is my shirt? This has got to be older than you are.”
A small part of his brain, the part that definitely would object to fucking his pseudo-niece, goes warm at the thought that some part of him still lived in that neighborhood, was still there for all the important moments of your life. 
That is until the very active part of his brain lumbers in, quashes all gentle feelings and promptly wrestles for control of his mouth to ask you flat out if you ever touched yourself while wearing it. Not that he didn’t want to know, but if you said yes, he would have come right there on the spot, perhaps so hard his dick popped off. So he did not ask you that, but he did satisfy that part of his brain by molding his hand around your hip, so he could feel the cool fabric on the back of his hand, and your warm, plush skin against his palm. 
You like her being drenched in you, don’t you? 
You swat at his chest, rolling your eyes, oblivious to his rapidly darkening thoughts. “It is not older than me, but if it was . . . would that be a problem?”
You pick at imaginary lint on his shoulder, hips rolling just enough to indicate it better not be a fucking problem, and a smirk on your face that reads innocent and filthy all at once. 
Dieter shakes his head, grinning as he inches his wide palm up your hip, across the thin flesh of your ribs and – 
Does not find a bra. 
You had not been wearing a bra the entire night.
Your smirk deepens, your back arching into his palm, as his thumb brushes the underside of your breast, then over your tightening nipple. You moan softly, eyes fluttering, when he pinches it deftly. His jaw ticks, teeth grinding from the pleasure of watching your mouth arch open. 
It’s like you had been given a list of all the things that turned him on and you are crossing them off one by one. Like you had skinned him and read all his little nasty thoughts written on his ribs and made them your own.
Like you were made for him. 
He leans forward, the bristles of his beard and mustache rough like matches against the shell of your ear, his voice so weighty it could have been another physical thing he intended to drive into you, intended to rub against you to make you keen with pleasure. 
“It’s not a fucking problem, you little brat. Only problem is gonna be if it keeps me from watching those pretty tits bounce while I fuck you.”   
There it is. Out in the open. As if all his flirting and touching and tongue between his teeth hinted at something else besides you spread out under him. Half delirious from being so hard, he grins as he bites the bottom of the shirt – his shirt, Jesus Christ – and pulls it up and he ducks his head under the material and presses a sucking kiss into the valley of your tits. 
He likes giving head from underneath the sheets because, yes, it was hard to breathe. It was hot and stifling and everything smelled of sweat and sex and eventually his brain was forced to make a decision about what motor functions to hold onto and he made it focus on sensations until he was sure he’d be swallowed up by the cunt under his mouth or impaled by the cock in the back of his throat and if that’s how they found him dead, he’d be absolutely fine with all of it. 
Dieter Bravo – died doing what he loved. Giving immaculate, delicious head. 
The heat under the shirt is nowhere near as intense but it’s enough to make him flush with want. He licks the sweat gathering underneath your right tit, holds it on his tongue before he lathers both his spit and your sweat over your clearly-painfully tight nipple. Every touch of his makes you stutter and he can feel you unconsciously rubbing your hips up against him. 
“This isn’t going to end up on Youtube or some shit, right?” You ask above him, your voice rough as though your throat is dry. “You don’t have cameras filming this, right, Dee?” 
He chuckles with his nose rimming your left nipple. Do you have a voyeur kink? He muses vaguely. 
Fuck, I knew I shouldn’t have gotten rid of that mirror. 
“No, baby, it’s not going on Youtube.” He runs his warm palms up the curves of your side as he tugs his head out from underneath the shirt. “All the videos go directly to a password-protected server in the Cloud.”
“Dee–,” you groan as he lunges forward and kisses you hopefully so hard it knocks those silly thoughts from your brain before pulling back to grin helplessly at you. 
You cannot physically describe how impishly adorable he looks with his hair mussed, his lips pink and twisted in a smirk – you cannot really do anything at all, really – but your hand slides up from his shoulder, across his warm neck and settles into his cheek. The last bit of brown is swallowed by a swelling blackness as you rub your thumb across the bottom of his lip. This thing that has been eating at you the longer you’re around him edges you on, daring you to push him just a bit further because it knows you’d just love what he’ll do. It knows more than you, but it’s not exactly smarter than you. It’s just simply fascinated by Dieter Bravo. 
Your own mouth parts, your eyelids growing heavy, as you swipe across his lips one more time before sliding your thumb into the warmth of his mouth. Eyes never leaving yours, his tongue greets your thumb, massaging the pad before licking around it like he’d swirl off the top of an ice cream cone. He sucks gently and you can’t fight the noise that comes out of you. Almost shocked, surprised that you can feel this aroused with all your clothes on and just his tongue. He drags his tongue across the back of your knuckle and the groan is louder now – you want to bite into him – and he pushes his hips into the mattress. 
“C’mere, baby girl–,” 
Dropping your thumb, he dives in again for your mouth, this time the back of his hand grasping your neck. He kisses you and kisses you and kisses you as if forgetting there was another way to relieve the tension in his gut, the spark that's fanning smoke like a brushfire into every place your skin, your spit, touches his. 
“Take– this– off–,” He pants between the hot presses of his mouth to your jaw, your neck, the spot beneath your ear that makes you keen in a new way. His hands are scrambling over yours to get the shirt up and over your head, desire almost making him panic that everything is going too fast but not fast enough – he wants to be inside of you in every way that matter – he wants you to smell like him – to breath his same air – 
He’s not so much kissing as opening his mouth over your skin, his teeth and tongue and lips fighting over themselves to get to you first. He wants to linger, wants to take his time but the pressure – he deliriously thinks he can smell you – and only when his fingers clamp down on the waistband of your shorts – he has half a mind to punish you for walking around in these things, making his sanity unwind in the hallways of this fucking place, until the only truly sane thing to do is fuck you and fuck you good – the thought is so strong, almost violent he pauses. 
He looks up to the devastation he’s left in his wake – bright, purple spots on the inside of your breasts, under your ribs, the small swell of your stomach, your chest heaving – and he watches your face. You realize he’s stopped moving, slowed in his volcanic thunderous roll down to the clutch of your cunt, and you meet his gaze. You swallow, mouth too dry to form words, so you splat a hand on his shoulder. 
"No robe. I’m not – not going to let you f-fuck me in a bathrobe.” 
He grins. Of course, you would sass him after a make out session so intense he doesn’t even care if he comes in his pants. But he obliges, pretty much willing to cut off a finger if you continue to purr at him like you are. 
“Excuse you, this is lounge wear.” He leans back onto his knees and shrugs himself out of the green robe. Your eyes flash to the triangle on his forearm and he’d be fucked to admit he didn’t get it entirely for the look in your eyes right now. Chicks always dug the tattoos. Your tits bounce as your breathing hitches. 
Not Daddy’s girl, his smoke-heavy, lust-soaked brain chants at him, not Daddy’s girl. 
God, he’s so hard it hurts. 
He goes back down, dropping himself between your legs, arms tucked up under the backs of your thighs. He mouths the inside of your thigh – a distraction as his hand, like some sort of fucked up, horny magician performs a slight-of-hand, “iiiis this your clit?” – rubs you over your shorts. You are soaking wet and he’s fighting the urge to just dig in there, suckle you through the wet spot. He hadn’t actually made someone come that way before, but now seemed like an excellent opportunity to try. 
“You know, for someone who has to couch-surf, you talk a lot.” 
He noses the rim of the bottom of your shorts, allowing a full gaze down to your ass. 
“Sorry if I’m sick of fucking boys who look like their mom dressed them.” You are breathless, shaky, unwinding at the seams and you know exactly what to say to dig right into him. 
He bites the soft place at the back of your thigh and you groan. 
“I thought you couldn’t remember any of them before me,” he purrs, watching that damp spot grow darker the longer he talks, the longer he holds off on touching you where you and him and the entire fucking world knows you need to be touched. 
Maybe you ran your mouth too, when you were nervous, overwhelmed. Maybe you laughed too loud when you didn’t know what else to do, and maybe you gave him shit because the second words stopped coming out of your mouth, you’d have to sink into whatever he was giving you. You’d have to kneel to the white lighting between your legs. Maybe you were afraid there wouldn’t be white lightning at all. 
Families share similar insecurities, after all. 
He waits until you open your mouth again before hooking his fingers under the band of your shorts. 
“Hmm, there’s actually a fairly long list of guys before you. Guys who–,” 
He sucks the skin just an inch to the right of your hip bone, just before the patch of curly hair, he sucks it into his mouth and bites so gently he knows that your brain nearly splits in half from the hairline fracture between pleasure and pain. 
You gasp and you’re already arching off the bed. He breathes across those coarse, damp curls and inhales. 
It’s like there’s acid corroding his brain, eating away at the clamps holding his sanity together and he’s gonna go fucking ballistic if the acid doesn’t get to him first. But he wants the burn. He wants the chemical smell. 
He wants . . . to put his dick into something. 
But first – 
You’re pliable. Easy to move as he scoops your shorts off your ass – Oh, fucking Christ, there’s her entire backside, isn’t there? – over your thighs and he hurls the shorts over his shoulder. He inhales–
God, this pussy is going to kill me, he thinks or maybe says out loud before he tips forward into that black, fluttering hole. When he licks you, you both moan. 
He remembers specifically doing planks for as long as he could to build up the upper body strength to languish here for hours.
Well, at the time, here wasn’t here here, but if everything before this was practice, then he was ready for the Olympics, dick as hard as a goddamn gold medal. 
He swipes up with his tongue, licking and sucking and swirling like frosting was going out of style. Frosting, that’s it. That’s what you reminded him of. Fat, sweating, sweet frosting. And there was the cherry on top. 
He guides your clit into his mouth, his fingers digging into the tops of your thighs as if to pull himself deeper into the wettest goddamn pool at the fucking YMCA. He sucks once and your hands fly into his hair. You’re making sounds that somewhat resemble his name, but they’re too high, too pitchy, too airless to be anything coherent. 
He wants to tease you about all the boys you mentioned. Wants you to go back on your word, beg for him to believe that there was no one else before him. If there was, it didn’t matter because this is it. This is the best you’d ever have. 
Even when you left him, you’d never forget – 
Disgustingly, he slurps up one lip of yours into his mouth and you cry out, fingernails digging into his scalp so hard that it hurts and sends another rush of blood into his weeping cock. He mouths up before teasing your clit again – around it but never on it – before diving back down and lapping up your other lip. 
“Dieter–,” you garble as if you know it’s filthy. He can hear your breathing tighten in your chest, feel your thighs clench around his ears, and he swears if he gets out of this with hair in tact, that’s the most he’s going to ask for –
And he french-kisses your clit.
You come, gasping, writhing, back arching off the mattress and he bares his forearm across your stomach, reaching up to pinch your nipple. 
Settle down. We’re only just getting started. 
He’s got to control himself but staring up at you, your face flushed with pleasure, he can’t quite remember what he’s supposed to do next. 
You are naked underneath him. Naked and heaving and he licks the dampness staining his mattress just to have your taste in his mouth again. This is going to be a problem, if he can’t think straight without his mouth on you. 
Oh my God, duh, fingers. 
He pulls himself up the length of your body, and his hands sink into your hair. His fingers curl around your ear as he makes you look at him.
“How are you feeling?” It’s an echo of what he asked earlier. You’re still warm but your breathing has slowed. Your eyes are open, even if they’re fighting to stay open as if you are concussed. 
“Good. Great.” You mutter, hand falling to his chest and tangling with his shirt. 
“You wanna keep going?”
Your eyes open wider as if someone rang a dinner bell and you’d been walking on hands and knees, starving for weeks. You swallow thickly, nodding frantically, and the hand leaves his chest, winding down between you and, before he can stop you, slides under the material of his sweats and strokes him. 
Your hands are like velvet.
Fuck, then what’s your cunt gonna feel like– 
Do not fucking come right now. 
“Oh, I see,” you huff, a smirk curling your mouth up, as if you had won some unnamed battle. You roll your shoulder to go aaall the way down his cock and stroke him. You think about licking your hand, but the precum leaking out of the tip of his head at a truly flattering rate is enough lubricant to keep your hand from sticking. “I can’t walk around without a bra on, but you can walk around in these thin fucking sweatpants and no underwear.”
He grits his teeth, dropping his head to his chest, trying to breath through the freightcar rattling down his spine.
“It’s my house, you little cocktease,” he pants, gasping as you run your thumb against the vein underneath his shaft. You pump him again and again and he groans low, with his eyes shut to keep them from rolling back in his head. “I can– yeah, right there – do whatever I want. Move your hand. I want to stick my fingers in you.” 
His words aren’t so crass they make your ears red, but it’s the unrestrained need in his voice. You slowly withdraw your hands and you go wipe the threads of him on the mattress as he sits up to take his shirt off. 
“Don’t. Just– gimme a second.” 
He yanks the tank shirt over his head, setting down in between your legs again and blinking like he’d forgotten where he was. He takes your hand, licks your palm as clean as something as dirty as this could ever get, and then penetrates your hole with his middle finger. His tongue slides in the crevice between your ring finger and your pinkie and when he adds a second finger below, you both can feel the moment your brain is wiped blank and your body twitches along with it. 
“Mhmm, good.” He pulls you down closer to him, fingers plucking your strings like the finest guitar. Your knees are spread wider than when he had half his body down there. He’s watching you practically drown his hand in the wetness seeping out, his other hand holding or balancing your knee. 
He hovers above you, watching you roll and writhe and beg. His forearm is strained, his hand must be soaking, and he thinks your face contorted in pleasure might be permanently burned into his brain. There is still some part of him that knows that’s wrong. He shouldn’t have the faintest idea of what you looked like, high and blissed out of your mind, while his fingers stroke and dig and pluck and rub to drag you higher and higher – 
The pad of his middle finger brushes something spongy and you nearly slam your legs shut over his arm, if it weren’t for his free hand pinning you open. 
“Dee,” you croak, head shaking, “that was – you can’t–,”
His eyes flutter at the sound of your voice so wrecked. He needs to memorize that exact spot, save it for when you don’t have enough sanity left to push back. It’s scary, he knows, but you must be out of your goddamn mind if you thought he was going to let anything bad happen to you. 
“Look at my thumb. Baby, look down.” 
You wrench your eyes open, past your quivering chest, down his long forearm, down to where the black bullseye on the meat of the space between his thumb and palm is winking at you. 
He’s stroking you with his thumb on your clit and the bullseye winking up at you. It’s eye-fucking you and that’s enough to break you. He wants to drink whatever drips out of you as your body locks up, head thrown back, and you come. You break through and his hand curls around your knee, gently, as he watches your body crescendo for the second time that night. He sucks his fingers, almost pensively, as if he is going to carve something out of you. Remake you. Split apart your atoms and rebuild you whole. Sex as an act of re-creation. 
He kneels his way out of his pants, cock pounding red, leaking, the hot center of where his want for you is infecting him like a sickness. 
Slowly, he drags one of your knees over his shoulder, half of your body hovering just above the mattress. 
He wants to ask if you need it rough or slow. He can’t be gentle right now but he does have enough awareness to keep from hurting you. But maybe you, like him, like a little bit of pain. 
He wants you on top, wants to see you sing for him, but he knows your legs are jelly. He knows there’s a white static hum in your brain and he’s so grateful for the pleasure of it. 
He rubs the top of your thigh and noses the back of your ankle up by his ear. 
“Do you want me to put a condom on?” he asks quietly, before kissing that spot below your ankle.
“Are you clean?” He’s so fucking broad and his rings pinch your skin when he pushes too hard and he’s asking for your comfort. You also want to feel every inch of his cock and you beg him to say yes. 
He nods, suddenly irrationally thankful of Paul’s monthly mandated screenings. You get the clap once, and your fucking manager never lets you forget it. 
You huff, realizing you’re so close your cunt can almost taste it. “I-I’m on the pill. A-a-and I’m clean too.” 
As if he had ever denied you anything, as if his willpower hadn’t barely lasted four hours, you tense at the anticipation of his cock. 
He’s just as warm, just as ready, so he grabs your other ankle and draws it next to your other one against the back of his neck. He sinks back just a bit on his ankles, fingers spreading you and grabbing himself and then–
It’s like getting the wind knocked out of you and getting sprayed with a hose of fire all at once. 
“JesusfuckingChrist, you’re tight.” 
He edges deeper as he sits up right, going slow not because he hadn’t unwound you properly but because if he went any faster, he’d obsess over the idea of getting rug burns on his dick. 
“Dieter, oh God–,”
Hands leaving your ankles to wrap around your thighs, he rocks his hips back and drags out his cock just as much as the both of you can handle before thrusting forward. Again.
Again. He can’t seem to fill you enough. He wants to be bigger, thicker, girthier, if only to plug you up more. 
But, fuck, your cunt is better than your hands but only because it’s so warm and wet and throbbing and he swears his heartbeat is in his ears. 
He thrusts almost lazily, dipping his head to kiss your shin before dropping it back, your toes brushing his hair. His hands greedily squeeze your thighs, thumbs rubbing circles. 
It’s like he has to recover from the shock and sensation of fucking you. It’s too good. It’s too much. 
He’s inside of you.
If there’s a relief fund for grilled cheese, he’s going to have to donate every red cent he’s ever owned. 
Your hands clench the sheets, mouth open and, yes, beautiful tits bouncing with every thrust. It’s not them hovering above him, begging to be bitten, but it’s close and he smooths his hand down from your thigh over his chest, down your hip and he kneads your breast. 
“Oh, fuck, Dee, fuck . . . you feel so fucking good.” 
I want to die in this cunt. 
“So good, baby.” 
It’s back, that pressure that connects the backs of his eyes, to the back of his gut, all the way to his pussy-soaked cock. This time he lets it build, lets it dangle out of reach, and his thrusts become faster, hurried. You jerk beneath him and let out a full whine as if he had spanked you. 
He fucks you some more this way, just to feel that tightening in his gut, before he pulls your legs off his shoulders and you whine again, this time out of annoyance. 
He has the where-with-all to smirk.
“What, baby doesn’t like it when I take away her toys?” He pants, almost feeling light-headed. You scowl at him but don’t push back in the least as he turns you onto your hands and knees. 
“It was just starting to feel good, you a-ahh–ss–,”
He jerks his hips into you without warning, fully seating you on his cock and your head drops between your shoulders. 
“If you weren’t such a brat, you’d be kind of cute,” he murmurs as he rubs his thumb over the knots in your spine, the sensation of your cunt sucking him in almost detaching him from this plane of existence. He knows you like to be teased, with his words, with his fingers, his mouth. He wants to give you everything – anything – he’s so pussy-obsessed he can feel it like ozone in his mouth.
He never wants to stop fucking you. He’s being unstable about it. 
“You like that I’m a brat,” you say and push back with your hips. The sensation does make him stutter and you take it as a win. His rings sting as they squeeze your hips. 
He’s sliding down that pressure, winding himself up so tightly in it he wants to stop breathing – 
He starts pumping faster. The sounds that echo in that room are like music to his ears.
The sheets ruffling as your hands clench around them. The jolt of the bed as it lurches back and forth.
Your moans as he fucks every thought out of your head. “Fuck, you’re so big. It’s not fair.” 
The wet slap of his thighs meeting yours. 
And it all narrows down, the universe closing to a single focal point–  all of it runs right to his cock rubbing up inside your cunt like it owns the place.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you groan, head down. “Please – please fuck me harder, Uncle Dieter.” 
With a growl that surprised even him, he drops forward, one hand anchoring himself to your hip and the other coming up around your throat. You gasp as his fingers dig painfully into your skin. He pulls you both up right, nose in your ear and teeth tight in his jaw. 
He punctuates every word with a particularly brutal thrust that gnaws at something truly devastating inside you. 
“Don’t – fucking – call me that – while – I’m inside – you–,”
You turn your head, flush with his and the hand that’s on your throat slides up to your cheek and he holds you there, pins you there as his cock pounds the daylights out of you. 
“Say my name.” He husks. There’s something cataclysmic happening inside your cunt and he has the launch codes. 
You can’t remember feeling so full before. So up your eyes and your mouth and your ears and your heart – God, maybe there really hadn’t been anyone before him. 
“Oh, fuck, Dieter,”
“No, honey, my real name.” 
Your eyes flicker open and something in his chest roars. He’ll kiss you after this. He’ll kiss you so hard you end up on another fucking planet. 
The sweat on his temples mixes with yours and he wants to smear himself in your fluids. This close, his beard and mustache rub roughly against your skin and you wonder how long the burn will last after all this. You’re clenching his arm, clenching his lower back to you, you think you’ll make him bleed in half-moon cuts of blood. 
“All of it. All of it, baby girl,” he whispers to your cheek, your jaw. “Say it. I need to hear it. I need to hear it from you.” 
Your fucked-out mind spins, clutching at the memories of the past, to a name you hadn’t heard in a decade, while the man you’ve known all your life threatens to undo your sanity. You lock eyes with him, the precipice of something so large and looming, you can’t wait to be crushed by it.
“Davíd Moralés.” 
And that bastard’s cock intentionally pushes against that spongy spot and you shriek. Honest to God, yell, as you come, with Dieter wrapped up against your back, sweat streaking both of you.
“Get down,” he hisses suddenly and almost throws you off him. You land on your back, your entire body pulsing as one single organism, and he grabs his cock in time to aim it at your chest. 
He comes, mouth open, eyes squeezed shut, as he sprays you with white ropes. It’s warm on your tits and you shudder through your aftershocks. You feel like you’re sinking into warmth as he keeps coming, your inner thighs drenched and dripping, and finally, he leans away and collapses on the bed next to you.
There’s ringing in your ears. 
You feel swollen all over, your nerve centers humming and firing and crackling as though someone whapped you over the head with a 500 volt electric baton. You want to keep sinking, keep drifting, keep existing in this warm, non-corporeal form. Everything feels so good here.
You had no idea you, or anyone else for that matter, could come that hard. 
“Holy shit.” 
You can’t help but grin through the short huffs of breath you swallow down in gasps. 
You want to sass him but it feels a bit like spitting in the face of God. “Yeah. Holy shit.” 
He sits up on his elbows, glancing over his side at you, the begrudgingly fantastic cock between his legs as deflated as you are. 
“Are you okay? Fuck, sorry, I got a little crazy there at the end.” 
You shake your fist loosely, with your thumb and pinky finger extended. “I don’t hear customer service calling. In fact, I think the line has been permanently disconnected.” 
You both laugh softly and his eyes roam over your face. This is why he only saw vampy women. It was easier to wake up to something almost over-the-top hot, than this. Than you, with your beautifully flushed cheeks, plump lips, and eyes that searched only for him. 
His gut twisted painfully. Okay, you nutted so hard you’re pretty sure your dick isn’t going to work for a week, now wake up. Wake up and smell the fucking arrest warrant. 
Uncle Dieter. You're his niece. 
What the fuck were you thinking? Where could this possibly go?
Instead of inspecting the small-starting-to-grow painful throbbing in his chest, he sits up and pleasantly inspects the mess you both made all over you. You follow his gaze, smirking as he intentionally smears his cum over your skin with his thumb.
“Oh, and that thing you did at the end, where you made me–,”
“Yeah?” He grinned wickedly, almost begging you to use your words, but you had been so good for him. He’d save that for later. “You liked that?”
“At the risk of sounding desperate, yes. A thousand times yes. But totally unfair and totally cheating.”
He snickers and leans down to your thighs. “Yeah, okay, Ms. I’m Not Wearing a Bra.” 
The smell of you is intoxicating and it’s drenching your thighs, the sheets below you. Maybe he could strip the bed before Maria came – oh, fuck, what if it’s in the mattress?
He hauls those thoughts out of his mind, his dick twitching uncomfortably, as he bends forward and licks the inside of your thigh.
“Oh my God, Dee, you can’t possibly be –,”
“Relax. I’m not. Just wanted to clean you up.”
He licks the drying liquid from your skin – you hiss, so very overstimulated – dragging his tongue up, never breaking eye contact with you as he slinks up your body, shoulders rolling – “Dee, wait, you’re gonna–,” and licks the cum off your chest. His own cum. 
“Oh, fuck, that’s nasty,” you murmur, eyes transfixed on his mouth as he swallows. He chuckles, finally deciding you’ve had enough for one night, and he leans forward and presses his lips on your temple. 
“I’m not ready, but it sounds like you might be.” 
He reaches back to the floor where his shirt was so casually discarded. He gingerly wipes your thighs, your hips, your stomach and chest. There’d be time for a proper wash later, but right now he thinks he’s going to pitch forward into unconsciousness in less than thirty seconds. His limbs are heavy, his eyelids are heavy but he can’t stop smiling.
You grin at him as he tosses the very used shirt back onto the ground and gets up from the bed to disappear into the bathroom. You roll onto your side, after unpeeling the bedsheets like you had done it a thousand times. When he comes back, you rub your face against his pillows and he realizes if he’s going to hoard the sheets, then he’s going to have to do the same to the pillowcase. 
“I’m not gonna wake up and find you mouthing that shirt, am I?” You ask, a smirk already cradling your lips. He huffs at you as he hands you a glass of water. You take it, gratefully, only vaguely aware that he probably did that kind of thing all the time with his other conquests. 
That thought threatens to sour your good mood so you put the glass back onto the bedside table and curl deeper into the sheets. 
He climbs in behind you, and rubs his nose over your shoulder and up into your ear, his hand spread across your hip. 
“Only if I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t mouth your tits.” 
He’s purposefully being sexy, being teasing, but there’s a question there. A request. A quiet ask that for all his thick dick swinging, doesn’t have the cojones to verbalize. 
 You smirk at him and roll back slightly to catch his mouth. You thread your fingers through his hair and squeeze once. 
“Baby, I couldn’t stand up right if I fucking tried.”
He grins, eyes warm. “Wow. Even if you fucking tried?”
God, this is such a bad idea.
“Even if I fuck-in’ tried.” 
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But despite all his not-at-all begging, he wakes up alone. 
He wakes up in broad daylight – the storm had passed. Too bright light streams in from between the gray curtains, illuminating the one thing he never wanted to see: your side of the bed empty. 
His heart clenches so fast he thinks he might be sick. There’s real nausea as he stumbles to his feet and pulls his pants on from last night. He’s about to rush down the stairs, frantically flipping over everything in hopes of finding a note, even if it told him to fuck off. 
You’re twenty years older than me, you fucking creep.
Just wait until my dad hears about this. 
I never want to see you again. 
Just as his mouth dries up till his lips crack, he sees something on the other side of the bed that makes him freeze in his tracks. It’s your phone, plugged into the wall. He goes over and taps the screen. The battery has only 15%. 
And then a post-storm breeze rattles the patio door handle and it opens slightly. He sees your barefoot through the cut in the door frame. 
Holy fuck, you’re still here, just outside. 
Heart now jettisoning into his throat, he opens the door to a truly spectacular morning. His patio looks down to the freshly-washed Los Angeles, the sky a cobalt blue, the air cool and faintly smelling of rain. People run and lead their dogs through the streets and for a minute he thinks he can hear the ocean. 
But what makes it truly spectacular is you. Curled up at the small table in one of his white shirts and those sanctimonious shorts. You’ve got a cup of coffee in your hand and you’ve got his favorite book, Eco’s The Name of the Rose, lying flat beneath your fingertips. But you aren’t reading. You’re looking at him.
“Well, hi there. Did you dream you missed a flight?”
He blinks. “What?” 
“You just, sort of, rushed out here, looking like you forgot something.” You frown. “Is everything okay?”
He swallows and it’s all he can do to keep from dropping to his knees and pressing his face into your lap. 
“Yeah, fine, fine. All good. Fine.” 
You turn back to the book, staring at it as if it was giving you a pep talk. Then you shut it and turn back to him.
“So, um, last night . . .” 
Here it comes. I regret it, all of it. You drugged me and took advantage of me. I can’t believe that you would–
“Was great.” 
He swears he hears his blood rushing in his ears. You smile at him, but clearly uneasy. As if you are the one second-guessing it all. 
Fuck, Bravo, put on your big boy pants.
He pulls out the other patio chair and sits down next to you. He clasps his hands, leaning forward on his elbows. His rings clink together. He nods, trying to catch your eyes.
“Yeah. It was fucking fantastic. I mean it. One for the books.”
He waits for you to say but. 
You wait for him to say but.
Neither of you do. You grin and put your coffee on the table. 
“So, in the events of last night . . . surprisingly, I forgot to charge my phone.”
He doesn’t want to touch you because he thinks it might spook you so he runs his gaze over your lovely knuckles, your wrist. 
“Sounds like, then, you might need to stay awhile.” 
You swallow, unable to contain the growing smile on your face. You duck your head and he follows you and your breath fans his face. 
“Guess so.” 
If he tells it, he says he kissed you.
If you tell it, you say you kissed him. 
Doesn’t matter though. Doesn’t matter that the coffee grows cold and he ignites something in you that you didn’t know existed.
When he finally pulls away, he’s still smiling. 
“This might be a bit weird, but . . . wanna see my other kitchen?”
The End
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On a scale of ;
Can’t Take Care Of Themselves, Let Alone Others to House Spouse, how good are the boys at domestic-type activities (IE; dishes, laundry, etc)
any characters you want to! It’s your choice!
Love your work!!!!
Undertale Sans - Oh he does things. But he doesn't like to feel pressured to do things. So if he has to do chores, let him cook and simply watch from a distance so he does the thing. It will take twice at three times the normal time to do it as well so be patient. He's ok doing pretty much everything if you ask him to do it two or three working days ahead. He has to prepare himself to do the chore before actually doing it lol.
Undertale Papyrus - He's always happy to help around the house, and it's actually a big part of his routine. He loves cleaning, he loves to stay in a clean and organized environment and even though he loves his big brother, he has never been so happy since he's independent and doesn't have to wake up with the fear of finding the fridge eviscerated by one of Sans' nocturn craving. The only thing he hates is washing the dishes. He hates touching plates that are covered with pieces of things other people put in their mouths. He always wears two pairs of gloves and a mask doing so. If a drop of water touches him elsewhere, he's screaming.
Underswap Sans - Like a lot of things Blue does, it's very expeditive. Blue thinks chores are boring and so he's doing them at the speed of light to get rid of it as soon as he can. This usually means you will have to redo his work later in the day because he forgot to do half of the things and neglected the others.
Underswap Papyrus - When he learned to live with his depression when he first got on the Surface, his psy advised that he keeps his environment clean and organized. It took quite a lot of effort to get there, but now Honey actually likes cleaning the house. That's a moment when he's alone with himself, and it appeases his anxiety. Now he gets anxious when something is not clean and when he can't fix it immediately lol. But that's fine.
Underfell Sans - He's the king of hiding things away lol. Dust on the floor? Whoop, under the carpet. A thing not at its place? Whoop, throw it in the closet. He doesn't like cleaning. It's boring and it's a waste of time. So he tries to hide all the things that would make you ask him to clean the house. He'll do it if you ask, but you can hear him mumbling and growling while doing it lol.
Underfell Papyrus - He does most of the chores in the house because he thinks his partner deserves better than thinking about this all the time. Also because each thing has a special place he spent hours to find and he's going to lose his mind if he can't find it the next time he needs it. He doesn't like cleaning the house that much, but life taught him nobody cares what you want so he's doing it anyway.
Horrortale Sans - I mean, he tries to help, but... Uh... There's not a chore where he comes to ask you three times what he's supposed to do again, and the other times, he falls asleep because repetitive tasks tend to make him sleepy. He's trying his best :(
Horrortale Papyrus - He still loves cleaning the house, but obviously, there are things he can't do anymore. Cleaning the floor is one of them as it hurts his back, same for washing the dishes sine he has to bend to reach the sink. He's really frustrated about this, as cleaning used to help with his anxiety, but he kinda gets used to that. Toriel is coming once a week to help him clean the house anyway because Oak is not helping that much and sometimes does worse trying to help.
Swapfell Sans - He doesn't like cleaning, except for the kitchen. He loves his kitchen and will kill anyone who touches his things. Everything goes at a precise place and he will bite if you try to convince him otherwise. Because, uh, he's kinda the only one to understand how everything is ordered. Sometimes Rus can't help it and switch two things, which leads to Nox screaming at the top of his lungs and getting mad at everyone. Rus loves to especially switch huge things, like the fridge and the oven. He can never get enough.
Swapfell Papyrus - He hates cleaning. He hates it with all his might. So when he's forced to do it, he makes things worse by transforming his chore into a bad prank. Cleaning the bathroom? Sure, and then he replaces all the shampoos with paint. Doing the laundry? K, but he somehow puts only princess dresses in the washing machine even though you have no idea where they're coming from. Cleaning his turtle enclosure? Why? It's funnier to put everything on the floor and act like it's a crime scene. He could never lack of imagination.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Cleaning? Him? Nah, he has people to do that for him. Why would you waste time cleaning for hours when you can have people do that for you? It's way easier and he can think of all of the other crucial matters of his life. Like the color of the dress he's going to wear today to make his transphobic asshole of a neighbor scream with rage.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's cleaning his own room because he lives in there most of the time. Anywhere else, well... He will try to avoid it at all costs by leaving the house or pretending he has suddenly a very important thing to do in his room. It makes him anxious when he notices a room needs to be clean and he usually finds a way to escape before you notice and ask him to do it.
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gffa · 7 months
I've been watching a lot of this cleaning channel because it's great for motivation to go clean stuff, where it's not about ~*transforming*~ the space (which can be very fun to watch, too) but just about taking a hoarder's space and actually Going Through The Stuff And Cleaning Up. The channel is very soothing because the host is someone who actually has read up on what causes hoarding, he knows that you can't just take a shovel to that stuff (you will making the hoarding worse if you clean without the consent of the hoarder, but also there's always genuinely valuable stuff in there, you can't just shovel it out the door, you have to go through it), like Oh I Feel So Seen. But this video in particular hit really hard today because it's from a "clean" hoarder and ohhhh that's it, that's what I've been dealing with. It was never that there was a bug or rodent infestation, if ever there was so much as a single ant in the house, everything was pulled out to scrub things down and get every last one taken care of, the only real dirt was dust in the places nobody could reach. It was just. Stuff everywhere. In the video, there was a moment in the kitchen when he pulled out a little bin of old cell phones and I felt a moment of Kinship and, about two hours later, when I was back to cleaning out dad's hoard, you know what I found? Old cellphones. It just smacked me in the face all over again. It's also the commentary about how, in every hoarder house he goes to, he finds things like old medication or pill bottle (oh my god I have been able to finally throw away what must be over 50 of them, and so much old medication has also been thrown), paperwork mixed in with junk mail (I'm not kidding, if you piled up all the paperwork/junk mail mom and I had to go through, it would have been about five feet high), or hoarded food (literal hundreds of plastic grocery bags full of expired food I hauled out) and it just hits over and over again how much I'm resonating with everything there. Anyway, if you want to know what I'm working with, basically it's a lot like that video above, it's "clean" hoarding, but that's basically what it was like in every single room and I've been trying to go over and tackle at least some of it every day, while also helping to get the old carpet replaced, the walls painted, etc. And trying to choose furniture that's not too expensive but also doesn't look like a teenager's bedroom or like it was salvaged out of a Cleanup Week pile. And trying to figure out where to store the necessary house things, like a basic tool set and cleaning supplies. But, you guys, be proud of us, I got several baskets worth of small stuff storage put away (extra lotions, extra charging cords, etc., things you keep but don't need sitting out), we got the armchair back into the guest bedroom, I put together a hamper instead of just plopping a clothes basket on the closet floor for dirty clothes, I put all my bathroom decor together in a bin for when we get the new vanity (the current one is so old that it's basically rusted over underneath), put all the after Christmas decorations we bought this year away, put some groceries away, AND I STARTED MY SECOND LOAD OF LAUNDRY TODAY. It's small stuff but it's time-consuming and I need you all to be proud of me for keeping moving on All Of This.
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roseshewrites · 3 months
POV: Lucifer comforts you during an ugly cry
-Depressed reader
-Self loathing reader
-Artistic reader
If you need an ugly cry, now's the time. Lucifer's got yah. 💖
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You were curled up on the window seat by your bed, staring despondently out at the hellish night sky. 
It had been a bad day for you. 
Nothing had gone wrong per se, but for some weird reason this morning, you had woken up feeling so...sad. You tried to ignore it. You drank your morning coffee, said hello as cheerfully as possible to the other inhabitants of the hotel. Even going so far as to help Charlie and her dad with their day to day patron check ins and inventory detailing.
And to be honest, it was nigh impossible to feel fucking sad around them both. Charlie, with her bright happy demeanor, and the ease that Lucifer chuckled at your jokes, you started to feel around midafternoon that maybe your bad mood that morning was just a random event. 
But, no. 
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Because as soon as you were alone, as soon as you realized you had your own shit to do and got back to your room, the silence and isolation of it hit your ears and heart and you just stood there staring at the mess on the floor. 
You had so much to do. Messes to clean up, artwork commissions that people were waiting on, written pieces that needed editing and published; your bathroom was a mess, and you had no clean towels, so you couldn't shower this mood away. The clothes you're in are still relatively fresh but have been worn all day to now, so just to get out of them and into some pajamas would be a blessing. 
 But you had no clean clothes either. They were all in a pile on the floor. 
You don't know how long you stood there just staring at everything, but it was awhile. Long enough for you to curl up on your window seat, fall asleep in the hell's afternoon sun, and ignore the pain that beat in your chest with your heart, and that threatened to make pinpricks of tears form in your closed eyes. 
You had awoken tireder than before, hungry and thirsty, and now just flat out pissed at yourself for napping the day away instead of taking this low maintenance time at the Hotel to deal with your own business. 
You gulped, fighting that emotion, feeling your cheeks heat up with rage at yourself when a soft knock echoed from your door, and you jumped, not expecting it at all. 
"Hey-O, it's Lucifer. Can I come in?" 
His deep voice boomed a bit. Definitely hard to miss. 
"Y-yeah," you called hesitantly, then cringed when the door actually cracked open, spilling light with it onto the carpeted floor of your room which illuminated each and every embarrassing pile of clothing, art supplies, and random clutter that you hadn't been able to bring yourself to pick up in the past week no matter how you berated yourself for it. 
"Oh fuck" you said, "I'm so sorry. It's a mess in here. I'm sorry." 
But Lucifer was already cheerfully making his way across the room, not paying any attention to the inner workings of the room. Thank god.
He waved your apologies away going, "No, no, I've seen worse I promise!" 
Maybe he was inwardly judging you for it. But nothing on his face suggested that at all, actually he seemed mainly focused on having a seat beside you. You scooted over so he could, and the two of you sat in silence for a little bit. 
You played with your hair, willing yourself to speak to him, as he surely must have come in here for a reason, but the words for idle chatter were definitely not in your vocabulary right now. You settled with letting the side of your forehead rest on your window, the cool glass easing your aching head a bit. 
"You okay, kiddo?" He said softly. 
You shook your head silently, not wanting the tears that leaked out at that question. Why was it when someone asked when you were okay, everything hurt even more? 
"I don't know what's wrong with me," you whispered, the tears tracking past your lips, salty and hot. Your lip trembled unwillingly. Embarrassed about this, you bit your lip and fought to get your crumpled face somewhat under control. 
"I could tell something was wrong earlier." 
You peeked at him. He was blurry through the tears but you could make out the round shape of his face, how hell's moonlight illuminated his blond hair and cast shadows across his cheeks. He had his hat off and was holding it in his hands. 
Lucifer spotted you looking, and smiled, his kind crimson eyes crinkling. 
"You could?" You whispered. 
"Yeah, hun. You wanna talk about it?" 
"I - I just-" you gulped, stifling a sob that wanted to rise, and you wanted to talk, but the golfball of anger in your throat prevented you. 
"Hey, hey!" He scooted closer, closing a small dark hand over yours. You nearly flinched at the closeness, but you appreciated the gesture anyway. "Tell me about it. I'm not here to judge, honey, I swear. I promise." 
"I just FEEL like this for no reason!!" You burst out, the emotional whirlwind coming undone, finally undammed in your voice which was horrible and made your heart beat fast, "I have NO REASON to be sad. NONE. And why?! Because my brain decided it one day?! And I'm just stuck like this forever?!" 
The tumultuous sob that broke from you then was ungodly. You had felt this constant sadness as an undercurrent in your chest and stomach for as long as you could remember, and had coped with it as best as you knew how for all that time. And here it was, rearing its ugly face in the form of choking, hot angry sobs that had your body and throat trembling in front of the King of Hell, of all people- 
"Oh sweety, no. Come here. Come here..." 
You felt arms around you, strong and warm, and you tensed, then when you realized he really didn't mind, melted into his arms and allowed him to truly hold you, your face pushed into his chest and silently scream into the fabric of his warm clean smelling jacket. 
He held and rocked you, stroking your hair softly, the rumble of his deep voice vibrating as he said, "Let it out. It's all right. Just let it out. I'm here." 
You clutched his jacket and your breath was hot as the ugly cry wracked you, his shoulder steadying and his hand playing with your hair as he continued to comfort you, as your breathing slowed steadily until it was a series of hiccups that filled you with tiredness. His shoulder was wet, but he didn't seem to mind. 
You sniffed, whispering, "I'm sorry." 
"Because. I'm upset for no fucking reason. No reason at all." 
"It's called depression, honey. I've been there. Sometimes, you just feel that way. Sometimes it seems like it lasts forever. Like it'll never stop. Right?" 
"...Yeah.." You sniffed again. "I can't. I don't remember. I've never been - completely-" 
"You've never felt all the way normal?" 
He released you, digging into his pocket for a handkerchief which he handed you, and you took gratefully, blowing your nose with an embarrassing amount of snot and leftover tears leaking from your itchy eyes. 
"Tell you a secret. I never have, either." 
You looked up, surprised. "You?" 
"Yeah," he chuckled, "Me." 
"The King of Hell has major depressive disorder?" You choked into the wet napkin, unable to help a sob-sounding little giggle - "-Sorry-" 
"No, laugh it's okay, because it is kinda ridiculous, right?" He grinned, "Me. One of the first angels. God's favorite. And there's something chemically wrong with my brain! Go figure, right?" 
"Dude that's fucked up," you giggled, hiccuping. 
"It is, right?!" 
"So effed. Fuck God, honestly-" 
"You're not joking," Lucifer said so seriously that you cracked up into a hysterical giggle, and his booming chuckles filled the room musically. 
"Ahh, fuck," you said, feeling warmer, a lot better, and a little adrenaline-rushed. But calmer. 
"Wanna tell me about it?" 
"It's this," you gestured at the room, "God it's a mess. I have so much to do, and...I've been doing none of it." 
It all poured out of you, then, your story- how over your own head you were with your own chores, the physical ones that were only as simple as laundry, and keeping your area clean, and then continued with the work you needed to do that people were expecting from you. That you expected from yourself but were somehow unable to find the energy for. 
"It just sounds like you're overwhelmed, that's all. And that happens with depression," he related. "You've been fighting for so long, it catches up with you, and you just melt down. I get it, sweety. I do." 
"It just never has before. I usually don't let it get to me like this." 
"And that's okay," he reassured you, "Really. You gotta take the good with the bad. And if you happen to need some help, that's all right too. You might need medication, something to take the edge off. In my experience it doesn't kill the depression entirely, but..." 
"It makes it tolerable?" 
"With how deep yours goes, yes," he said. 
"That sucks." 
"I know, hun." 
"I might never be free from it," you sighed.
"Well there's definitely no cure-all for it, but like I said, there are ways to cope, and ways to fight it, and make it through without losing your mind entirely." 
"I want it to stop. I don't like being this way." 
"Me neither," he agreed. "When it comes to having felt that way for your whole life, I understand. There might not be a way out, but there is a way through. Get it?" 
You nodded, "I think so." 
"Ready to get up and clean your room a little?" 
You smiled, "Yeah.." 
"Come on," he hopped up, taking your hand and helping you up too. You stumbled because you had been sitting so long that your legs were asleep. 
Lucifer cut on some lights- not the overheads, those were too bright for you and made you want to hiss- so the bedside lamp on your night stand was switched on, and the both of you commenced to picking up around the room. 
Lucifer was asking you the occasional question or remarking like "Where do I put this?"- and, "Oh I loved that book, you have good taste-" 
All this until your dirty laundry was confined to a hamper in your closet, your artwork (some of it wrinkled) put into neat piles on your desk, your laptop was found somewhere under the bed, along with a series of truly monstrous dust bunnies and several pairs of shoes you'd forgotten you even owned. 
"I'll do something for you, but just this once," he winked, then snapped his fingers and with a golden -pop!-, your dirty laundry flew into the air from the hamper, rippled itself clean then cascaded one by one into your dresser drawers nicely folded and put away. A fresh scent of tide lingered in the air. 
"Don't go asking me to do your laundry all the time though, kid- oof" 
You had caught him up in a sudden warm hug, squeezing him tight while he chuckled into your shoulder. You'd forgotten you were a whole head taller than him. 
"You're welcome," he grinned up at you. "You gonna be okay?" 
You nodded, and smiled in return, loving how his eyes glinted and shone with that jester like amusement. 
"I'll be okay," you told him. 
After he left, and after you had showered and gotten changed, you sat at the end of your freshly made bed and sighed, waiting for that returning feeling of hopelessness. It tried, but it didn't go very far. You were very tired. 
No, there were a lot of ways that you would never be okay. But there were also people surrounding you who loved you, and care for your well-being and existence. There are ways to cope, like Lucifer was saying, and all that. 'You can be gentle with yourself,' you thought. 'Maybe come back to your work after tomorrow...take a day to unwind and brainstorm..' 
With that in mind, you turned off the lights, crawled in between clean sheets, and dozed off knowing that your journey into healing would continue to grow into something much better than it is now. 
You just have to work on it. 
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atimeofyourlife · 1 year
@steddie-week Day 4- Hurt/comfort
cw abuse
Steve always felt on edge when his parents were coming home. It wasn't so bad if it was just his mother on her own, she was just distant most of the time. But his father was an asshole, and his mother was never able to stand up to the man no matter how much her son got hurt in the meantime.
This time felt worse. They'd only been home twice since Starcourt, and they hadn't returned to Hawkins at all in the eight months since the earthquake. Since Vecna. Since Steve had nearly died while saving the world. Again. The first time he'd spoken to them post-earthquake had involved them only wanting to know if the house had survived unharmed, and his father berating him for nearly thirty minutes for not answering their calls sooner, despite the fact that the phone lines had been down for a while, and emergency and official calls were the only ones getting through. And ignoring the fact that Steve had been in hospital for nearly two weeks as a result of his injuries, so he was unable to be home to answer the calls if they'd even gone through, he had pointed this out multiple times and got told not to be disrespectful. That his excuses weren't good enough.
As soon as he got the call that they were coming home, he started to withdraw from the party. Not completely, not disappearing. But not spending as much time around them, and not allowing anyone to come to his house. It wasn't anything against them, he was just spending every spare moment cleaning the house from top to bottom and didn't trust the kids, or Eddie, not to mess it up. He loved them, but they weren't the tidiest of people. Any one of them could enter a tidy room and within minutes it would look like a tornado had passed through.
He knew nothing he did would be enough, it never was. His father would find the tiniest faults, even things that weren't his fault and tear him apart for them. A few specks of dust in a corner that was nearly impossible to reach. A smudge on the outside of the window in the second guest bedroom. Sun damage to the curtains in the office that Steve didn't even have a key for. The black stain that wouldn't come out of the white carpet where his mother had dropped her mascara wand. The dent and bloodstain on the wall from where Steve had been shoved in anger for the first time.
All he wanted was to survive the few days they would be home, staying out of their way as much as possible. He'd signed up for as many extra shifts as he could, knowing it would make his father mad that he wasn't home, but he would be out of the firing line most of the time. He'd warned the others as soon as he knew the return date that they wouldn't see or hear much from him while his parents were home, and made it clear that no one was to even try calling. That he'd get Robin to pass on anything important after their shifts together.
Right from the first moment, it was bad. His father reprimanded him for coming home so late, not accepting that Steve had been at work. He was constantly talking about how poor the state of the house was, even though Steve had done everything short of hiring a team of cleaners to come in. How disappointing Steve was to still be working minimum wage, to not be applying himself, not trying to get into college. How frustrating it was that so many of their neighbors had left in the aftermath of the earthquakes, that they no longer had informers to keep them updated on all the wrong things that Steve was doing with his life.
His mother was horrified at the scar on his neck and, once she glimpsed them, the ones on his sides and back. But not in the way that she was concerned that her only child had been seriously injured in the earthquake. In the way that she was concerned about what it meant for their image. She started to push him to change how he was dressing, encouraging him to wear polo shirts that were buttoned right up, or turtlenecks to hide the scar. A range of different serums and oils and moisturisers, all with claims to improve the appearance of scars, started appearing in Steve's bathroom, along with pamphlets for the benefits of plastic surgery to reduce scarring. More than once he heard her crying on the phone about how ugly he was now, how now his looks were compromised, he had nothing left going for him.
The only thing that kept him going through it, was knowing that they wouldn't stay long. Then he'd be free to crawl back in with Eddie and be held until it felt alright. He'd be able to spend as much time as he needed with Robin. He'd be able to host the kids and keep up with them again. Little things helped, like seeing Robin on their shared shifts, or Eddie popping into Family Video whenever he wasn't busy with his job at the mechanics. But the stories and jokes they told made it hurt worse, knowing he was missing out.
One morning there'd been a big blowout fight. His father making it clear that by the next time they were home, Steve had better have a plan for what he was going to do in life, because if he was just going to be content working a job that was below the status of someone bearing the name Harrington, he would need to find another place to live. Steve left much earlier than he would have, claiming that he needed to do inventory before the store opened. He nearly went to Eddie's, but that would make it too easy for him not to go in to work.
When he got home, the first thing he noticed was that the car was gone. He couldn't help but get his hopes up, despite knowing they could just be out for dinner. On the kitchen counter was a note in his mother's loopy handwriting. Saying that they'd be gone for a few months, and that Steve had better remember what he'd been told. He just screwed up the note and left it where it had been sat, before heading back out, to the place he felt the safest.
The trailer was empty when Steve got there, but he let himself in with the key he'd been given months before. He only bothered to kick his shoes off before crawling into Eddie's bed. Finally being able to relax as he breathed in the familiar scent.
He hadn't noticed that he'd drifted off until the bed dipped with Eddie's weight. "Hi, sweetheart. They gone now?"
Steve just nodded, curling into his boyfriend's side, craving the soft touch.
"That bad, huh? What do you need?"
"Just you. Missed you." Steve mumbled.
"You've always got me. And I missed you too. So much, Stevie. But didn't you want to talk about it?" Eddie laid down next to Steve and pulled him close, pressing a kiss to the side of his head.
"It's the usual. But as well as being a disappointment I'm ugly now too."
"You're never ugly. If it's those scars, they prove how strong you are. That you survived. That you kept everyone as safe as possible. And they can never take that away from you. We could get a place together, somewhere where their opinions don't matter."
"Love you," Steve whispered, leaning up to kiss Eddie, the first time in more than a week.
"I love you too. You are the best person I know, and you mean the world to me."
The next time the call came in saying that his parents were coming home, Steve was not there to hear it. He had a home with Eddie and Robin. It was small, but more of a home than the large, empty house in Loch Nora could be any day. Steve only left a note telling his parents where they could shove their opinions, along with his keys to the property. No contact number, no forwarding address. No way for them to destroy his peace and happiness.
In the notes I made before writing this, I specified that it would be actual hurt/comfort and not hurt/no comfort because my brain has just wanted to be in angst mode recently. Also on AO3
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adorethedistance · 1 year
RollerMagic - Quinn Hughes x Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: mention of vomit, swearing, suggestive comment
Words: 1904
Requested: could you write about quinn pleeeease. had a dream last night: Quinn was in New Jersey for a Canucks and Devils game and went out with his brothers to a roller rink (?), met a girl by the candy machine (her candy had gotten stuck and he politely punched the machine to catch it) they spent the night talking (the two youngest Hughes looking for him like fools) and he invited her to watch the game and, soon after, a date; she said she would go to the game but would only accept the date if he scored a goal for her (he scored a hat trick)
A/n: Listen I don't know Quinn very well so I was not going for realism on this one. This is literally just my best guess at flirting with him but I truly don't know him enough to know if this is true to his character so I'm sorry for that! I've also just never done a Quinn fic before so first time for everything I guess?
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” I say to myself as the small pack of Skittles I’d just bought becomes wedged between the coils of the vending machine. I gently bang on the glass but the Skittles packet doesn’t budge. Utterly defeated, I huff out a soft sigh before dropping my head and staring at the fluorescent patterning of the Arcade carpet. Today is not my day.
I was late to work because of my car stalling, some kid puked in the middle of the roller rink and I had to clean it up, I left my lunchbox on the kitchen counter by accident, and now the only food that I had enough cash on me to buy was stuck in the vending machine. Could this day get any worse?
I lift my head, preparing to cut my losses, when I lock eyes with a guy who is probably around my age but definitely attractive. His wavy brown hair and soft eyes shimmer in the dim arcade lighting. He smiles at me politely and I smile back, too absorbed by my own infatuation to think twice about it. He glances to either side before making his way over. I panic internally at the idea of such a cute stranger heading my way, but I can’t bring myself to walk away.
“You doing alright?” The hazel-eyed boy asks upon seeing me in distress. 
“I’m great!” I fake being chipper as we both know the real answer. He laughs softly at the joke and I relax a tiny bit at the idea of making a good impression. “How much of that did you see?” I ask, praying his answer will keep my dignity intact. He hesitates for a moment before answering,
“Honestly? Everything.”
“Good. Good! This is good. First, I have a terrible day, and now a really cute boy has officially witnessed my latest and greatest downfall? This is just great.” I ramble out of intense nervousness.
“You think I’m cute?” He teases inquisitively. I search and scan my brain for a witty response to no avail.
“It was hypothetical?” I say though it comes out as more of a question than a statement.
“What’s hypothetical?”
“I don’t know, I was hoping if I said it with enough conviction that you wouldn’t question it.” The cute stranger apparently thinks this is very funny and heartily laughs at my confession.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I got your name?”
“Y/n,” he softly repeats my name, smiling at the way it sounds in his own voice. “I’m Quinn by the way.” Quinn extends his right hand politely, and the feeling of his strong hand in mine gives me butterflies. The shape of his palms and the length of his fingers. I wonder what it would feel like to have one around the base of my neck and the other in between-
“Nice to meet you, Y/n.” I blink rapidly to shake away the brief fantasy. God, it’s been a while.
“Uh, you too…?
“Quinn!” Quinn. “Quinn what?”
“Quinn Hughes.”
“Pretty good name.”
“Thanks, I guess?”
“Has a pretty good ring…” I pause, unsure of why I needed to tell him that.
“Have you worked here a while?” He asks, and my brows furrow in confusion.
“How do you know I work here?” Quinn laughs heartily before realizing I’m not making a joke. 
“You… you’re wearing a name tag and a t-shirt that says RollerMagic.” I close my eyes and wince at my own unfathomable obliviousness. I’m surprised he’s still talking to me with the way this conversation is going.
“Right. It’s been a long day.”
“Tell me about it.”
“What happened with you?” I ask, genuinely curious about the day of the slightly less unfamiliar boy. Not that I could even help the sudden interest. Especially when he looks at me this kindly and smells like icy sandalwood. 
“Also a bad day at work.”
“Where do you work?”
“Vancouver.” My jaw drops and Quinn bursts out laughing at the more than apparent shock on my face. I don’t laugh though, I just look at him bewildered, waiting for an explanation.
“Care to elaborate?”
“I play hockey.” “Like, for a living?”
“You could say that. Although it took a bit before making a living since I was drafted in 2018.”
“Oh shit, you’ve been pro since 2018?” He nods, surprisingly patient with my disbelief. “So you’re like, rich rich?” Quinn laughs at the question and concedes a little bit.
“I don’t know about that-”
“I know what sports contracts pay, my mom is a lawyer. Also, look at your watch. You can’t pretend and play coy when you’re wearing something that expensive.” 
“Touché. What about you? You never answered my question.”
“I’ve been working here since Freshman year so coming up on four years now.”
“You’re a student?”
“Where at?”
“Holy shit. So you’re like smart smart?” Quinn makes fun of me and I roll my eyes at him.
“Okay, I see how that sounds now. Wait if you’re from Vancouver what are you doing here?”
“We’re playing the New Jersey Devils? Ever heard of them?”
“No, I got that, you little priss. I mean why are you here as in why are you at a roller rink?”
“I don’t know. My idiot brothers were hellbent on going to an arcade.”
“Do they play for Vancouver also?” I ask playfully.
“They play for Jersey actually.”
“I was kidding…” After I trail off, Quinn and I begin laughing, the absurdity of the conversation continuously growing in magnitude. “But like, both of them?”
“How did that happen?”
“You ask a lot of questions.” He states in a non-judgemental, yet amused tone.
“Only when someone is interesting enough to be worth interrogating.” Quinn smiles flirtatiously and I drop my eyes to the floor, shocked by my own boldness.
“You’re really cute,” He says simply, as if the very statement didn’t ignite every nerve in my body.
“So did Vancouver lose and that’s why you had a bad day at work?”
“No, just a rough practice. The game is tonight actually.”
“Good luck,” I say without any snark or playfulness. Just a legitimate regard for his success. Quinn is taken aback by the genuine care and he smiles brightly as a result.
“I’ve never been to a hockey game before.”
“Well, then you’ve gotta come to the game tonight.”
“I don’t think I can.”
“Are you working late?”
“No, I’m off at six.”
“That’s perfect.”
“I don’t- I’m not-” I sigh, unsure of how much or little I should share with Quinn in this moment. “I can’t really afford a hockey game right now.” I put as simply as possible. Quinn pauses for a moment and then laughs softly.
“Don’t even worry about it.”
“Don’t worry about it.” I stare at him dumbfounded as if I’m stunned he could be so nonchalant like this. 
“There’s gonna be three of us from the same family out on the ice tonight and our parents don’t even live here. I’m pretty sure we can swing getting you a seat or two.”
“I can’t accept that. We just met and I’m not really cool with taking things from strangers.”
“Even if it’s a really cute boy with a sports contract?” He says jokingly and I drop my guard a tiny bit. I huff out a sigh, still feeling conflicted and slightly uneasy. Quinn picks up on the uneasiness and looks me in the eyes before softly saying, “Look, you don’t have to take me up on the offer, but it would be really cool to see you there tonight. Either way, it’s totally fine with me.” The lengths to which he is going just to ease my anxieties and ensure my comfort fills my chest with warm, radiant light and I smile gently at the level of consideration.
“Okay. Could I get your number to send you all the information you’ll need?”
“Is that the only reason you want my number?” Quinn looks off and shrugs a little as he admits,
“Well, I’d also like to get to know the pretty girl from the roller rink. And I was hoping I could possibly take her out on a date while I’m still in town?” My stomach erupts into a million butterflies and I hold out my hand to take his phone. He gives me the unlocked device after setting up a new contact. I brazenly decide I should keep Quinn on his toes, out of concern that he thinks I’ll make things easy for him.
“If you win tonight you can take me out.”
“Bro, what?”
“I’m serious!”
“Why? This is so childish!”
“No, this is serious, Quinn. I can’t date a loser!”
“Oh my god- okay, fine. If we win-”
“Win what?” A strange voice says from behind me. I turn around to see two other boys have appeared behind me and Quinn from seemingly thin air. Out of fear of more of them appearing, I lean back against the vending machine I was once sworn enemies with. Seeking shelter in the cool glass that’s been illuminated by LEDs.
“Is this guy bothering you, sweetheart?” The tallest one says and the one he’s standing with laughs. 
“Seriously, Q. We leave you alone for ten minutes.”
“I’ll meet you guys in the car,” Quinn speaks up, clearly flustered by their presence in this moment.
“Okayyy, don’t be long, lover boy.” 
“You’re on the clock.”
“And that was…”
“The idiot brothers I was talking about.”
“Right. Got it.” I’m amused if anything, but I can tell Quinn is struggling to shake off the encounter. Rolling my eyes, I extend my hand to him which he takes confusedly. Pulling him closer to where I’m leaning against the vending machine, he gets the idea and steps forward to close the gap between us. I didn’t anticipate being flustered by the close proximity, but as he steps closer he places his hand against the glass of the vending machine, above my head. His crisp scent is stronger and I’m grateful he took the invitation to close in.
“Anyway. If we win-”
“I get to take you out?”
“And if you lose?” I ask, challenging him. He takes a moment to think it over.
“I don’t know. What happens if we lose?” I mimic his expression from when he was deep in thought, before saying with a completely straight face,
“I kill you.” We both burst out laughing. I hate to think that I already like Quinn as much as I do.
“I guess I’ll make sure to win.” 
“You better.” Quinn backs up and the excitement I was having trouble controlling vanishes when I can no longer feel him near me. My subconscious urges me to be nearer to him and I push off of the vending machine as well. Quinn looks past me and I follow his gaze. He’s examining the Skittles packet that I abandoned, and in one swift movement, he hits the side of the machine and the packet neatly falls to the bottom. My lips part in shock and I’m amazed at how seemingly easy that was for him. He grabs the bag and holds it out to me like it’s no big deal, but I can tell he’s very proud of himself.
“See you later tonight then?”
“See ya later.”
A/n: hope y'all liked it and I've got a Jamie fic in the works so stay tuned!! Special thanks to the person who requested this !
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