#Clean Up Kit
ethosiab · 4 hours
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she wants attention etho why aren't you giving her attention you monster [WIP]
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averagemrfox · 10 months
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Making a Luigi Board for a white elephant gift
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5h0w1sh · 10 months
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Whenever they’re emo >>>>>>
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tricoufamily · 6 months
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tiny tweaks to them bc it's render horsie time. also bonus church look it's where they met. this is also willoughby's court outfit
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skeletonpendeja · 2 years
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I bet they'd be horrible friends
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sofibeth-arts · 2 years
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Lasting scars
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dreamaze · 10 months
A collection of some of my favorite details in Minhyuk's vocal performances (studio & live) ♡
The Dreaming: all of this range but especially the gorgeous & fleeting lowest note One Day (No Limit Tour 2022 in Seoul): the one-note melody change in the final chorus (taking a higher note in the chord on 'I'm' — it's so good I'm devastated it's not in the studio version) Wildfire: the quick melisma on the 'in' of 'inside' thanks to a happy accident in the recording booth that became permanent Love Killa: all of this lovely melting tone in the bridge but especially the vibrato on the final note (we love thoughtful vibrato choices!) Beautiful Liar: the floating countermelody in the ending Rush Hour: that growl that only happens in certain performances Gambler: another (subtler) growl between 'calling me' that is unique to his interpretation (Kihyun doesn't do it in his earlier part) Gambler (It's Live, ft. Kihyun): because how could I not love him performing the upper harmony live with no backing track!
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kitafter · 2 years
Okay excuse my plantcest babbling but KV where the twins were separated at birth, adopted by two very different families in very different parts of the city at an age so young Vash doesnt remember Nai at all and Nai only has a vague inclining of his baby brother. Vash is an impression in Nai's memory nothing more.
So Vash grows up so happy in a family of all teachers and he grows up loud and sweet and such a bookworm. Nai is different, because of course he is. Nai grows up in a family that is cold and distant, a family of billionaires and CEOs who are ruthless in every aspect of life. He learns early and often that money is everything and money can get him anything he wants. And he wants it all.
There is no reason they should ever cross paths, except it's raining one afternoon and Nai runs into the nearest Cafe, cursing and waiting for the car he called and Vash is there. He's sitting by the window reading and Nai is stunned. Knocked stupid. Everything clicks and he knows Vash, deep in his bones where Vash has always lived as just an impression, just a memory.
It's clear from the politely confused look Vash gives him that he doesn't remember Nai, doesn't know who he is, and Nai finds he's relieved. He can tell already Vash grew up soft and Nai needs him in such a way that it's just easier if Vash thinks he's a handsome stranger, attracted to him just by chance.
Nai needs him more than anything and he always gets what he wants.
Cut to one month later and Nai is draping jewels around Vash's neck despite his boyfriend's many protests. It's clear Vash is uncomfortable in the splendor Nai occupies, in the way he shows Vash off with a possessive hand on his back, his wrist, his neck. But Vash also sees the small, satisfied smile Nai has when Vash let's him play dress up without complaint and it really is no trouble at all. So he gives in and it doesn't hurt at all.
Two months later Nai is putting in vacation days for Vash at work and whisking him away to places Vash has only heard about, not even dreamed about. And yes, it's annoying and a little tiresome that Nai thinks he can control Vash's schedule like that, but then Nai calls him over to look at the view of the Eiffel Tower from their suite and Vash can't help but kiss him and kiss him and kiss him.
Three months later their engaged.
It's when they apply for the wedding license that the whole truth comes out.
Vash is devastated, worried by the ethics, by what they had done just that morning that left Vash limping and warm and feeling oh so adored and owned. He's worried by how much he's given in, and by how much he doesn't want to give this up.
It's a shock when Nai only shrugs. It's even more alarming when he just says he always suspected they were twins. When later Nai holds Vash's chin, forcing them to stand side by side, to look in the mirror and see...Vash feels like a fool.
Nai has no interest in calling off the wedding or telling anyone at all. So it won't be legal? Nai has more money than anyone can comprehend.
He'll make it legal.
And yes, there is a period of time where Vash protests and cries and runs away for a month because they "shouldn't be doing this, not when they know now," and yes, it's aggravating, but Nai is just as unsurprised when Vash shows back up again, sobbing, and begging for Nai to take him back.
And Nai may be cruel and heartless, but he's never been that way with Vash, so of course he takes him back.
They get married on a beautiful spring day on a little private island Nai bought just for the occasion. Vash doesn't even protest the luxury and Nai knows from that that he really has him now.
Nobody knows their secret but Vash and Nai, and it's utterly utterly perfect. Nai takes Vash's hands with a grip just shy of too tight, crushing the rings against their fingers enough to bruise.
This is all his, Nai's. His husband. His brother. His. Forever.
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socksboxsketches · 2 years
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scrunglepaws · 3 months
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More liner doodles. May I direct your attention to how I remembered the mechanical arm in the sketch RIGHT ABOVE the one I forgot it in. Someone help me. dkfjdslf
Also, the only reason I haven't thrown Sails' vest to the wind (I hate drawing it) is because of his scars. He doesn't like it when people make a big deal out of them, especially in a pitying way. So alas, he keeps the damn thing against my will and I have to keep drawing it. >8C
Also also Sails flirting with Kit and Kit just having 0 reaction at all is one of my favorite things. Neutral ass lil shit.
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wikitpowers · 5 months
A more shadowhunter based question - what do you think his favourite weapon will be??
Every shadowhunter has a favourite weapon, Julian with a crossbow, Emma with Cortana, Livia with sabres, Cristina with her butterfly knives.
For me I see three possibilities for Kit and which ones he’d like best. Bow & Arrow, Katana, or similar to Cristina, butterfly knives (or any kind of dagger)
Ngl im lowkey rooting for Katana. I think he would really enjoy that. I know in SOBH we learn that Kit just lives a normal-ish life, but I do hope he gets to go on shadowhunter missions every once in a while!
i stand by the theory that bc there will be so many links to arthurian legends, we have gotta see someone with excalibur and i predict that that may be kit (entering his arthur pendragon era) ;)
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↑ this is from the ‘wayland the smith’ page on shadowhunters’ wiki and i’m being delulu
there is also a cool theory posted by @tys-kitty that durendal might make a return and honestly i think that would be freaking lit, like i'm a sucker for a badass sword and if it ain't gonna be excalibur, then durendal is a really good second!
BUT if it's none of those then i totally agree that a katana would be awesome! i also think that kit being a dagger boi would be cool as hell, like imagine him just whipping them out one by one hitting every target *drools*
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vagabond-umlaut · 2 months
i wanna be knight!satoru's pretty little housewife so bad...
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streatfeild · 1 year
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these days, playing squash with fergus is more torture than fun for adam :)
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maxellminidisc · 6 months
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memuntos · 2 months
thud. thud. thud. the small rubber ball slapped against brick over and over again as som lazily stared at the heaping lump in their path. the night had grown long and it had been a busy day for the two. their fourth and last task had been given to them just as they had cleared up the last grounds and the instructions had been vague. clean up the mess, were the only words that popped up on his phone along with a pinned location of their target. som and kit were well accustomed to scrubbing down whatever remnants remained of their peers work but it had been a long time since they had something this strenuous. the walls of the alley were splattered with a thick black liquid. it slid down like a sleepy snail, inching its way towards the downturned bodies of not one or two but four massive ogres. or whatever remained of them.
“ clearly we missed the invite to whatever party these nutsacks were throwing. ” irritation was clear as day in his voice as he shoved the ball back into his pocket. the last thing he had expected when they had been assigned a final mission was one that would take the whole night to finish. while grunt work made them good money it also meant they got the bottom of the barrel. he pushed himself off the wall and walked towards the mass of creatures. “ why is the city always overrun by things that are nine feet tall and five feet wide ? for once I’d like a fairy infestation or something. ” he poked at the pile with the tip of his shoe and grimaced. when he turned around to face @leventar he shot him a quizzical look. “ so how about you get started and I’ll go get us some more tools ? ” code for : you finish most of it and i’ll wipe down some patches of blood. deal ?
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aew-regression-cove · 1 month
s nearly midnight but has blankie washed an dried now 😭💞 m sleepy but don't wanna sleep-
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