#Clay Porter
morningsaidthemoon · 2 years
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They are running errands for Camilla!! First stop is the ice cream aisle
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brokenphoneart · 1 month
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Bunch of TOH fankid art from couple weeks ago
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What Male Character Are You? Part 2
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ravewing · 2 years
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umummm art dump lol ,, all the pictures are crunchy because im posting this from my chromebook . woopsi
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packook · 2 years
Should have my Porter cosplay done by later today. Just finishing the grappling hoot. The fun thing is I was able to do a similar thing with Sammy's pants where I could just drip ink in different spots and just let it go wherever
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big-city-times · 2 years
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wg oc dump. or something
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ulrichgebert · 2 years
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Zur Abwechslung treffen sich die Verdächtigen und die potentiellen Mordopfer auf einer einsamen, von der Außenwelt abgeschlossenen sonnigen Mittelmeerinsel, doch auch das Böse gedeiht unter der Sonne. Zudem Hercule Poirot, der bekannte französische Meisterdetektiv (links) -Belgische!, der eigentlich nur vorgeblich Urlaub machen und nebenher einen verschwundenen kostbaren Edelstein auffinden soll, aber wie so oft in Agatha-Christie-Geschichten geschieht (gleich nach der Aufnahme diese reizenden Gruppenphotos) ein Mord (diesmal aber ausnahmsweise nur einer) und ALLE haben ein wasserdichtes Alibi. Poirot, wieder in Gestalt des amüsanten, aber nicht korrekt schwarz haargefärbten Peter Ustinov ermittelt zu einem außerordentlich fabelhaften Score aus Cole-Porter-Liedchen.
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inutaffy · 1 year
can they stop showing these irrrrelllvannnt ppl?? im here for ALEX ZACH AND JESSICA. THEY ATE SEASON 2. Fuck The Rest Of Yall
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hildergard · 2 months
Could you do something where Aemond is already married/betrothed to a highborn lady that’s been approved by Alicent and Otto but he has a relationship with a low born woman (a brothel worker or any lowborn really) and once he becomes Prince Regent he starts bringing her around the castle, giving her a room to herself, treating her better than how a lowborn should be treated in Alicent and Ottos eyes and they don’t like it but Aemond doesn’t care.
PAIRING | Aemond Targaryen x Lowborn!Reader
TAGS | Suggestive content, swearing, possessive behaviour, classism
NOTE | I have seen a lot of fanfictions where the Reader is a brothel worker so I made her a baker instead. I hope that's alright with you! Thank you so much for this great request! I had so much fun writing it <333
likes, comments, reblogs are much appreciated!
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In the seedy streets of Flea Bottom, rumours travelled in a precise order, memorised by all.
A Lord, drunk with lust, would disclose the Crown’s secrets to a simpering whore, who would be quick⏤once the gold dragons were in her purse⏤to repeat what she had just heard, noble semen still running down her thighs. The other, much less wealthy, customers would then talk about it loudly in bars, attracting the attention of patrons who, once sober, had only to spread the news.
Today, the rumour burst into your little shop when Old Gerald came through the door, looking for his daily loaf of bread. 
 “Prince Aemond’s been made Regent," he said. 
For a second, you did not move. The dough fell on wood. Your floured hands remained stuck in the sticky, flabby mixture. It would have to be kneaded again. The sight of your dirty fingers woke you from your torpor. You gripped the towel from your apron and wiped your palms roughly before turning your back on your customer⏤less to get the fresh loaves of bread out of the oven than to regain your composure.
He had done it. 
Your shovel rasped against the burning slab of clay and peeled off the loaves. 
A few days earlier, when night had enveloped the citizens of King's Landing in its thick cloak, he had told you of his plans and dreams⏤the two were always intertwined, for Aemond Targaryen provoked fate rather than waited for it. His touch had done nothing to soften the brutality of his words. Sordid tales of fire and blood, the kind that filled the tomes of the Citadel. 
Even the Targaryens could not play with fire indefinitely. Aemond rose in the flames. For how much longer? You had protested, your voice hoarse from the moans he had managed to draw from your throat, but he would have none of it and simply told you to trust him, as if all this were far too complicated for you. 
And perhaps that was the case, for what did you know of war and power?
“What about his Majesty?" you asked.
Old Gerald tossed you three coppers, which you pocketed, before handing you a thick piece of cloth. 
“They say he perished in dragonfire. Seems Targaryens are closer to men, after all. With all this quarrel for t'throne, it were inevitable. And, let me tell you, it'll happen again. Today, a brother sits on t'throne. Tomorrow, it'll be an uncle or a sister. Things like that never end.”
You carefully wrapped the golden loaf in the cloth. 
“Wi' Rhaenyra in Dragonstone and his brother's heir dead, he’ll no doubt be crowned King. And the Lady Baratheon, Queen.”
You winced at the name but immediately hid your reaction with a tight smile. Gerald, bless him, took no notice of your torment. You handed the loaf of bread to the old cobbler, who nodded at you and returned to his shoes. 
The rumour ran on and kept you thinking all day. You burnt a dozen loaves of bread, spilt two sacks of flour and forgot to deliver her apple pies to Dorthy Porter, making you lose a silver stag and a customer.
When the key finally turned in the lock of the shop and cut you off from the rest of the world, your shoulders slumped. The sun and all its problems gave way to the moon. Under its silvery eyes, other rumours would no doubt spread but you did not wish to hear them. You longed for your straw mattress and the comfort of your dreams⏤perhaps your love would visit you there, also freed from the pressure the Gods were piling on his shoulders. 
Tiredness weakened your knees⏤you dragged your body more than you climbed the stairs to your modest bedroom. In the middle of the room, the bed and its pillow stretched out its arms to you. You let yourself fall into the feathery embrace and closed your eyes for a moment, praying to the Gods that you would find sleep easily. 
They ignored you. 
The doorbell rang. 
Your eyelids struggled to open. Sleep paralysed them⏤it clutched at your eyelashes and tried to keep them closed but you fought the temptation and, at last, gazed into the dim light of the room. Another series of blows, more hurried, struck against the wood. The whole  shop seemed to shake. 
“I’m coming, I'm coming…” you mumbled. 
You gasped as two members of the Kingsguard appeared on your doorstep, their cloaks far too white to be dragged through the muddy streets of Flea Bottom. 
“The Prince Regent, His Highness Aemond Targaryen, summons you.”
They did not care for your reply and seized you. You protested, demanded to be told the reason for this summon, but nothing would do. The guards dragged you like a rag doll through the streets of King's Landing, indifferent to your screams and struggle. Above and around you, the candlelight in the windows intensified. Some people poked their heads out to watch the racket. You lowered your chin and remained silent, but the damage had been done. 
Already, rumours were spreading. The baker had been arrested. What had she done? Who would make their bread from now on?  
The dizzy shadow of the Red Keep loomed larger and larger. Just the outline of it made your skin crawl. For the first time, you would be treading on the floor of Kings and Queens. You were being plunged headfirst into this unknown, powerful and dangerous place, populated by men and women who despised people like you. One of the guards tightened his grip around your arm. You yelped. Why were they taking you there? Aemond always came to you, not the other way round. 
Did someone know? You blanched. Impossible, you thought immediately. You had been cautious. 
But what if... What if someone had seen you, despite all your precautions? 
 Were they taking you to the Keep to put you to the sword?  
 A flash of fear stabbed you in the guts.  
You finally passed through the large gates of the castle. They were still open, yet, no one was in the courtyard. The swords were resting on the workbenches and the horses were asleep. Only a few guards patrolled the ramparts, their heads turned skywards in search of a dragon. 
“Hurry up, girl. The Prince is waiting.”
A solitary, proud figure emerged at the top of the stairs, in front of the entrance. His long white hair fluttered in the wind and the bluish moonlight accentuated his strict features and pale complexion. The mere sight of his face reassured you. You defied the guards and walked towards him. 
His rough hand⏤hardened by duty and war⏤gripped yours before thin lips kissed it. The Prince pulled you towards him. Your heart slowed as his familiar scent enveloped you and your shoulders relaxed. For a second, you surrendered to the comfort of his warmth and love. The smell of musk and leather soothed your body, but your head kept its wits about it.
“What's happening, Aemond?”
He closed his eye as his name fell from your lips and smiled. His hand came down and grasped your waist in a possessive embrace. You leaned into the touch. 
“There are rumours that Aegon–”
You squeaked. His fingers had dug painfully into your flesh at his brother's name. 
The mere mention of him brought back painful and humiliating memories, which your lover had confided to you, his head on your pillow. Even today, the wounds had not healed. They continued to transpire in every aspect of his life. You are the only thing he has not stolen from me, he had told you one night. Saying that name was like throwing his past back in his face and breaking your promise. He'll never succeed, you had replied, but today, Aegon was on your mind. What did his wound mean for the Crown, for you?
“Is it true?" you managed to articulate. 
“The Council has made me Regent," he nodded. “We will not need to hide any longer, my love.”
“What do you mean?”
But Aemond did not answer you. He smiled, tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and let his fingers brush your neck. With a nod, the kingsguards left. The clink of their armour echoed for long seconds, but the din faded with the tenderness of his gestures. His finger traced the veins in your chest. They led him to your breasts, hidden by your dress. Aemond grunted⏤terribly offended by this affront⏤and pulled at the fabric but it held on. 
Claere Linstar's work was reknown throughout Flea Bottom. You could not find a better weaver⏤today, you were thankful for the two silver stags you had spent. The garment would become the guarantor of your dignity, the bulwark against your desire. 
When you realised that your Prince was not going to answer your question, you took a step back. His hand fell limply between the two of you as a brief look of pain clouded his face. 
He straightened up and held out his hand to you. 
“Follow me.”
The labyrinthine corridors made your head spin. You lost count of the turns you took, the staircases you climbed and the alcoves you passed. The beauty of the mouldings and frescoes drew admiring sighs from you several times, but Aemond did not care. He walked past them without giving them a second glance. He's used to all this, you reminded yourself. People of his rank bathed in this luxury and grandeur since birth.  
On the way, maids dressed in red and white stopped at your sight. Their gaze fell on your face, on your body, on your hand locked in the Prince's... Your cheeks heated and you tried to pull away, but Aemond tightened his grip. Out of habit, his thumb caressed your skin. This time, his touch only made you tense. You bowed your head, ashamed. 
They knew. 
The thought stayed with you. 
You only lifted your head when Aemond stopped in front of an ornate door. The mouldings curved into flowers and birds⏤an ode to spring and renewal. Your eyes swept the decor, stopped on a bush of camellias and, finally, met the Prince's satisfied gaze. 
“We've arrived," he announced. 
Aemond opened the door with a confident gesture. Inside, an immense room stretched out and seemed to never end. Wealth oozed out of every corner, from the four-poster bed to the dressing table adorned with sapphires. On the wall, frescoes of flowers had been painted to match the powder pink drapes⏤an explosion of colour that turned drab the corridors you had been raving about just a few minutes before. 
“Is it to your taste?”
You turned back to Aemond. Although his chin was up and his back was straight⏤proud as ever⏤red bloomed on his cheeks. Your lover seemed embarrassed, a far cry from his usual composure. Almost timidly, his hand sought yours. He couldn't help it, you realised. His fingers always found yours⏤skin against skin to find what he had been deprived of all his childhood. 
“I don't know anyone who wouldn't like it," you replied.
“Hmm. Good.”
He pulled you to him. His hands went down to your buttocks and pressed you against his chest. Your pelvises collided. Suddenly, the room made sense. You let yourself drown in these familiar gestures. Your hand caressed his muscular shoulders, moved up to his jaw and brushed against his lips. Aemond kissed the pad of your thumb before replacing it with your lips. Soon, the wet sound of saliva echoed through the room. The sweet melody ignited a fire in your lower abdomen and moved down between your thighs. 
Your hand resumed tracing arabesques on your lover's smooth skin. It stopped at the buttons on his doublet and hastily undid them before wandering lower and lower…
Aemond stopped you before you could take him in your hand. His hand grabbed yours. He kissed your palm and pressed it against his cheek. 
“These will be your quarters.”
The fire went out, leaving you frozen with shock. Your heart skipped a beat. 
“What do you mean?" you asked breathlessly.
“Now that I am Regent, we will not have to hide any more.” 
A new glare lit up his eye. Purple turned black and made you shiver. Flames seemed to dance in his pupil, crushing all remains of the second son he had once been. That Aemond was dead. In his place was a Regent who thought himself above laws and men.  
“It's not proper, Aemond," you tried to protest. “If it gets out that I'm here... If the Dowager Queen or the Hand–”
“They have no say in the matter. My word is law now.”
 “If you want me here… Perhaps I could serve the Crown, join the kitchens. Anything but that, Aemond," you said, gesturing to those quarters, far too luxurious for someone of your breeding. 
“You do not belong in the fucking kitchens," he scoffed. “No. You will be by my side, as my equal.”
“You're engaged," you retorted. “The Lady Baratheon won't take kindly to my presence here. You nobles can make Small Folk disappear in a blink of an eye and no one would notice or care.”
Alira Merchin's story was remembered as a cautionary tale for young girls naive enough to think love could conquer blood. The fable was classic⏤hundreds of similar romances filled libraries, and perhaps it was these very ones that had encouraged the girl to seduce the heir of House Harte. The man fell in love and made the pretty merchant his lover. 
This did not please his wife, the daughter of Lord Chelsted. 
She got rid of the merchant with disconcerting ease. The poor girl was found trampled by horses in white and green bards. That day, Lord Harte lost his true love and spent the rest of his life suffering the consequences of his betrayal. 
Your heart dropped. What would happen to you if you tickled the stag? Ours if the Fury. Their motto was an ode to their rage, to their thirst for violence. If Floris Baratheon found out that Prince Aemond was bedding you... and in the Keep nonetheless…
The storm would come for you and you would perish in its eye. 
“It's not a good idea, Aemond," you finally said. 
“Do not fret, my love. Nothing will happen to you as long as I am here to protect you.”
The Prince pulled you into bed. 
Your protests died on your lips, muffled by moans and the exquisite feel of his skin against yours. 
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Your fingers tightened around your thighs. The soap made your skin slippery but did nothing to wash away the shame that had been clinging to it for days. It colonised your flesh and left it tainted, eating away at your muscles and weighing down your heart. 
On the first day, after a passionate night, maids had arrived to prepare you, but you refused their care. You were no Lady. You had bathed alone all your life and would continue to do so. More than anything, you wanted to escape their watchful eyes, which would no doubt have noticed the hickeys on your chest and thighs. 
You did not know how rumours got around in the Keep, but you were sure that they first burgeoned on the maids’ lips. They blossomed as quickly as in Flea Bottom⏤the inquisitive nature of man was innate⏤, but it would not be Old Gerald getting wind of it. No. The stakes were much higher in these parts, and the consequences even more dire. 
The door to your quarters stood in the way of the horror surely awaiting you, but for how much longer? 
Your hands massaged your calf, hoping to rediscover a cherished routine. You longed for the feel of dough beneath your fingers. What would become of your shop? Would you have to sell it? Maybe someone had already moved in⏤abandoned houses never stayed so for long in Flea Bottom, the cradle of the poor and the homeless. 
You could not cherish the roof above your head, yet, you supposed you had to learn to appreciate it. Aemond did not seem eager to let you go.  
Every day, the sun tore him away from you. His hours were devoted to the Small Council and military strategies, only half of which you understood when he explained them to you. Your Prince needed to talk, to get rid of the weight that was arching his back. You became the shoulder on which he rested, the ear into which he poured his doubts, the flesh in which he forgot himself. 
“I wish to be with you every hour of the day, to attach myself to your side, but the Gods will only grant me this pleasure when I win this war. I am fighting for you⏤for us,” he had told you. 
The moon brought him back into your arms. Every night, without exception, he would cross the threshold of the door and wrap you in a reassuring embrace. His arms would block out your gloomy thoughts and chase away shame and regret⏤all seemed worth it if it kept him close to you. The stars looked down on your love. When the bells rang the hour of the owl, you indulged in the pleasures of the flesh, whispered sweet nothings or simply enjoyed the peaceful silence that the other's presence guaranteed. Sometimes, Aemond, lying on the bed with your head on his stomach, would read you stories with his hand buried in your hair. 
And then, the hour of the Nightingale would sound, its tranquillity burning away in the first rays of sunlight. The enchanted interlude would close and you would spend the day dreaming of a life where sun and duty did not separate you. 
Shame would reappear, its weight with it, and fear⏤tangible and vibrant⏤would turn your stomach. 
The spectre of Floris Baratheon never left you. It haunted you. In the frescoes of camellias on the wall. In the bouquets of flowers dotting your quarters. In the venison served for dinner. The tales of her beauty reached you and left you bitter, but what they said about her quiet authority made your blood run cold. 
She would come for you. 
The Lady Baratheon occupied all your thoughts, so much so that you forgot about another much more dangerous threat. 
One day, Alicent Hightower stalked into your room. 
You dropped your embroidery in your lap and hastily sat up. The needle fell to the floor with a disturbing chime. The bell was tolling⏤this farce had gone on far too long and it would now end. 
The Dowager Queen dropped a small leather bag on the table. Its contents clinked and masked your gasping breath for a second. Your heart was pounding against your temples. Soon, the air would run out. Already your throat was closing up and you were struggling to swallow. 
“What is it?" you asked weakly. 
“Five thousand gold dragons. Enough to buy you a new life, far from the Keep, far from Westeros.”
Away from my son, she meant. 
“I won't leave Aemond.”
He needs me, you thought. 
“The Prince Regent does not need you," the Queen scoffed as if she could heard your mind. “He is engaged. Or have you forgotten that? Whoring yourself in the way you do… It would appear so. Have you thought about the repercussions of your actions when people find out about you? The risks it means for Aemond? Your very presence here jeopardises this entire war.”
“I have tried to–”
“He does not love you, you fool. He just wants a cunt to fuck without having to spend a single penny.”
You recoiled, surprised to hear the famously pious queen speak so vulgarly. 
War transformed souls. It made them ugly. Alicent Hightower’s wide eyes and pursed lips twisted her face into a terrifying expression. 
She sighed and, for a moment, her features became those of a compassionate woman. 
“I don't know what… hold my son has over you," she continued in a calmer voice, “but you seem smart enough to understand this will end badly. You must leave. Take the gold and let us be done with this farce.”
The door slammed against the wall before you could even consider the proposal. 
Aemond reached your side with a confident stride. 
“What's going on here? Mother?”
When the latter did not answer, he looked to you for answers. You lowered your head, unable to bear the look of concern in his purple eye any longer. 
It fell lower, onto the table and the leather purse.  
“What is the meaning of this?” he raised his voice. 
Silence stretched before Alicent Hightower relented. 
“You cannot… support a lowborn in such manners, Aemond. The girl must go.”
The Prince ignored his mother and took you in his arms. His nose nestled under your ear as his hands buried themselves in your hair. He guided your head into his neck and whispered comforting words, which you could not hear. You did not care. His familiar scent embraced you and brought tears to the corners of your eyes. They wet your cheeks and his collar. 
You should never have come here. 
His mother protested. 
“Imagine the shame for your future wife, the Lady Baratheon! For her house! If we lose Storm's End because of... because of this w–” 
“Hold your tongue and leave.”
“Aemond, if you do this, we are lost!”
“Get out!”
Footsteps retreated. A door slammed. Aemond sighed. His hand drew abstract symbols on the back of your head for a moment before encouraging you to look at him. 
“Oh, my love," he said, seeing your misty eyes. “All is well now. She will not hurt you any more.”
The danger you had put yourself in was greater than you had thought. Fear dried your mouth and exhausted your words. You stammered a few excuses before taking a deep breath. Your Prince's fingers did not weaken. They continued to comfort you and, at last, gave you the courage you needed to finally speak. 
“Maybe I should return to Flea Bottom. I–” 
“No," Aemond’s voice cracked. 
His hands framed your face and pulled you closer until your noses were touching. 
“You are not leaving me.”
His lips were harsh, covering every inch of your skin. He kissed the bridge of your nose, your warm cheekbones, your wet eyelids. Tears ran aground in the cracks of his lips and dried up under his exquisite tenderness. No beauty spot, no eyelash, was spared. His lips erased his mother's words and the doubts in your heart. 
“You belong here, with me. I do not care for blood or war. I only wish for your love.”
Aemond filled the space between your mouths. His hands reached down and grasped your breast. He feasted on your lips and the taste of them like a hungry man. Tingles caressed your spine and tickled your lower abdomen. You rolled your hips, searching for his, but your lover pulled away.
You didn't want him to stop. 
The Prince shushed your complaints and pushed you to the bed. Your back bounced on the goose feather mattress. Eager to feel his skin against yours, you sat up and tried to pull him to you, but Aemond took a step back. A petty smile stretched his lips as he heard you whimper. He ignored you and stood silent, admiring you. His eyes, now black, gazed down at your body, contemplating its shape and softness.
“Aemond, please…”
Your lover grabbed an ankle and kissed it. You moaned. He moved up your calf, caressing your knee and digging his fingers into your thighs before spreading them apart. His teeth nipped at the flesh, which his tongue immediately soothed. Your breathing quickened and breathy moans fell from your swollen lips, intoxicated by his touch. He skipped over your dripping cunt, his hands grazing your hips and sides.  
Suddenly, Aemond stopped touching you, placed a farewell kiss on your belly and sat up on his elbows. 
“I will take care of everything, my love. You will never have to fear for your life. It is mine to cherish, mine to love, mine to protect," he said before reaching up to capture your lips with his. “Mine.”
“I love you," you sighed. 
Aemond smiled, as he did every time the words fell from your lips. One could not get used to the sweetness of love. It forever stirred the heart and soothed the soul. Your Prince placed a chaste kiss on your lips before moving down and disappearing between your thighs. 
His words vanished in desire and pleasure. You forgot them the next day, when the hour of the Nightingale struck.  
You should have known that Aemond Targaryen would keep his promise.
Three days later, the Lady Baratheon was found dead in the Kingswood, impaled on a stag's antlers. 
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midnight-star-world · 2 years
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Zac Brown Band - The Comeback (Deluxe)
So today on the MSR (Midnight Star Review), I would like to talk about the latest album from Country Music Group Zac Brown band. The new album is titled "The comeback" and was released on October 15, 2021. And the deluxe version of the album was released on Friday September 30th, 2022. So let's talk about the career of the Zac Brown band first.
Zac Brown band has had success with hits like "Chicken fried", "Toes", & "Colder weather". They haven't had much success on Country Music airplay charts lately. But the fans have still loved their new music. And "The comeback" is a perfect title for this 15 track CD and 21 tracks on the deluxe version of the album. Let's talk about the new album up next.
There are 6 different versions of songs from the album featuring various artists from all over the music world. Cody Johnson on "Wild Palomino", Blake Shelton on "Out in the middle", & Ingrid Andress on "Any day now". Also check out James Taylor on "Love and sunsets", Jamey Johnson on "Stubborn pride", & Jimmy Buffett on "Same boat".
The Zac Brown band channel their "Alabama" sounding track with "Out in the middle". Other songs I like on this new CD are "Wild Palomino", "Us against the world", & Their lead single "Same boat". Marcus King joins the band on a track titled "Stubborn pride", & Gregory Porter joins the band on a track titled "Closer to Heaven". The title track is "The comeback", & I felt like "Any day now" is the stand out track for the CD. Let's see the rest of the track list up next.
Wild Palomino (Featuring Cody Johnson).
Out in the middle (Featuring Blake Shelton).
Any day now (Featuring Ingrid Andress).
Love and sunsets (Featuring James Taylor).
Stubborn pride (Featuring Jamey Johnson & Marcus King).
Same boat (Featuring Jimmy Buffett).
Slow burn.
Out in the middle.
Wild Palomino.
Us against the world.
Same boat.
Stubborn pride (Featuring Marcus King).
Fun having fun.
The comeback.
Old love song.
Any day now.
Paradise lost on me.
GA Clay.
Love and sunsets.
Closer to Heaven (Featuring Gregory Porter).
Don't let your heart.
And that's a wrap for the track list. And on the MSR (Midnight Star Review), I would give this album a 4.75 out of 5 stars. This is a very well-rounded album, and the fact Zac Brown had a hand in co-writting all 15 tracks from the original album. And Luke Combs help co-write "Out in the middle". Thanks for taking the time to read this review. See ya all next time.
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intomusings · 10 months
ೀ ﹒﹒  favorite   names   compilation    !
ur   fav   musings   girly   again   here   with   the   first   of   my   christmas   goodies   .   my   favorite   thing   to   do   is   these   name   compilations   so   i   decided   to   create   another   masterlist   of   my   absolute   favorite   ones   (   some   old   ,   mostly   new   )   anyways   all   i   ask   is   that   if   u   found   this   useful   ,   u   like   or   reblog   to   show   ur   support   .   i   hope   everyone   is   enjoying   the   holiday   season   ♡
- a : abella, ardella, ares, aire, arden, ayla, arie, alder, august, aymes, atlas, alina, alora, aryn.
- b : beau, babette, belle, blake, briar, bronte, banks, boston, bishop.
- c : cassiel, clara, celeste, camden, chandler, collins, clay, cartier, chanel, cosima.
- d : dove, dream, danica, delaney, drue, denver, dacey, delcy, darcy, dahlia.
- e : elodie, emory, emrys, elio, elowynne, emerson, evie, edie, estoria, esme, effy, evans.
- f : flora, faye, fallon, ford, forbes, finnick.
- g : gaia, geles, greer, gensen.
- h : hera, hudson, hampton, heath, harlowe.
- i : isla, inara, ilia.
- j : juniper, josefine, jane, jovie, joey.
- k : kiersten, kairo, kaia, kian, kouvr, keanu.
- l : lysander, lanie, lorena, lawson, lux, ludo, lourdes.
- m : marla, marigold, maren, maeve, marlowe, miller, monet.
- n : neah, north, nola, nell, noel, nariah, niamh, nami.
- o : ozzy, orion.
- p : presley, posy, pearl, porter, pacey, paxon.
- r : reed, ruelle, raya, romey, ryker, rhode, reign, rafe, rohan, raiden, remi, rion, rhiannon, reece, river, raine, rumer, reem, rhys.
- s : selah, soraya, sarifya, savion, sloane, sol, soren, scout, saint, striker, serafina, sabina, sutter.
- t : teal, twila, tristan, tobie, tripp, teague, tate.
- v : vienna, vega, vera, vincenzo.
- w : wren, winter, winona, winnie, wilder, weston.
- x : xaverie, xylah, xiomara, xander.
- y : yves, yara.
- z : zephyr.
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morningsaidthemoon · 1 year
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gone thrifting!!
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devilschaos · 10 months
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so i've been really into fantasy / acotar vibes & i know that names are sometimes so hard to think of. so under the cut is going to be a list of names that i love so so so much.
azariah. t
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little-known fact: Ben the China Clay engine actually invented this meme
Ben: What would u do if i was a worm
Ben's driver, yawning over his thermos: Live a peaceful life
Ben: What would u do if i was a worm
Cranky: The hell?
Ben: U know. If i were just here on the rails and turned into a worm. What would u do
Cranky, swinging away: You're trying to mess with me but joke's on you. I see way weirder things than that up here at 2 a.m.
Ben: What would u do if i was a worm
Bill: Worm bruh????? 😲
Ben: Worm bruh 😎
Bill: WORM BRUHS!!!! 🤩
Ben: BRUH 🤩🤩
Bill: BRUH 🤩🤩🤩
Ben: What would u do if we were worms
Edward: Wh-what?
Bill: What would u do. if we were worms.
Edward: Ah, well, have Driver put you in a little aquarium I suppose
Ben: So like u would just put us in a box 😡
Edward: *very seriously* We'd need to make a safe home for you. Otherwise a bird might have you for breakfast and that would never do
Bill: So it would be a... nice box? 🥺
Edward: Of course. Some smooth pebbles, a gnarled branch, and all the leaves that were good for you. You could live at my station, I'm sure the porters would help look after you
Ben: damn okay that's really sweet
Edward: Honestly you'd be less of a hazard in that form...
Bill: All right man, don't ruin the moment
Bill: What would u do if we were worms
BoCo: *no hesitation* Crush you under my wheels
Bill and Ben: HEYYY!
BoCo: *shifts gear and rolls away*
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morimatea · 2 months
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Duan clay carved tea tray. Classicality and beauty.
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todaysdocument · 6 months
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Page from the Senate Legislative Journal Showing the Expungement of a Resolution to Censure the President
Record Group 46: Records of the U.S. SenateSeries: Journals and Minute BooksFile Unit: Minute Books and Journals of the 23rd Congress
[near upper-left corner in Image:] 552
     The yeas and nays being desired by one fifth of the Senators present those who voted in the affirmative, are
     Messrs.  Bibb, Black, Calhoun, Clay, Clayton, Ewing, Frelinghuysen, Hendricks, Kent,  King of Georgia, Knight,  Leigh, Mangum, Naudain, Poindexter, Porter, Prentiss, Preston, Robbins, Silsbee, Smith, Southard, Sprague,  Swift, [struck-through:"Tallm"] Tomlinson, Tyler, Waggaman, Webster.
     Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Benton, Brown, Forsyth, Grundy, Hill, Kane, King of Al[']a. [abbreviation for "Alabama"; "a" seen in superscript in Image above "."]], Linn, M[']cKean, Moore, Morris, Robinson, Shepley, Tallmadge, Tipton, White, Wilkins, Wright.
          On M[']r. Clay having modified his said first resolution to read as follows
[[the following text is enclosed in a hand drawn [rectangular] box]] Resolved that the President in the late Executive proceedings in relation to the public revenue, has assumed upon himself authority and power not conferred by the Constitution and laws,  but in derogation of both.
[[the following text is written vertically over the text in the hand drawn box]]  Expunged by order of the Senate this sixteenth day of January in the Year of our Lord 1837.
     On the question to agree thereto
 It was determined in the affirmative
 Yeas 26 Nays 20.
     On motion by M[']r. Clay,
         The yeas and nays b[[?]] [[?]]ired by
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