#Claudia's birthday
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doktorfreud · 6 months ago
That Devastating Shard of Light
(IWTV S2 E8)
Just by setting your eyes on the gorgeous photography, the meaningfulness of this scene strikes you even before a word is uttered: Louis and Armand are separated by a shard of light. 
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The room is obliquely cut in half, that slice of illuminated floor is quite literally lava. And that’s not just a turn of phrase: they are separated by a line that cannot be crossed, a line drawn by the sun itself – their mortal enemy, which drives home the notion of just how much their relationship is irreversibly fractured. You can’t patch up that shard of light, no matter how hard you try (more on this in my next post) – especially if it uncovers and echoes the deed which caused the rift in the first place: flooding your lover’s daughter with a windowful of sunlight, leading to her annihilation. As Armand’s treacherous act put an end to Claudia’s life, so did it put an end to his (genuine) relationship with Louis.  
The dust particles dancing in the beam of light hail back to the moment Claudia dissolved into ashes on a theatre stage, hobbled, alone, deprived of her father Louis’ presence, clutching in her arms the only person, Madeleine, who had always put her before everyone and everything else. And Louis is aware of this, and will have to live with this knowledge and the ensuing feelings of guilt for the rest of his immortal days.  
That shard of light takes on an almost physical, solid nature, piercing through Louis’ heart, turning the hopes, dreams and future of two women who had finally found each other to dust, tearing Armand and Louis’ relationship to shreds.
Next time, I will go into the infamous “beigest pillow” scene from s2e5, and look at how both light and Claudia’s memory play a crucial part in the ruthless escalation between Loumand. 
Thanks for reading! 
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irradiatedwarlock · 7 months ago
I need more domestic Loustat.
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Lestat and Louis in their silly little birthday hats
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brotherconstant · 6 months ago
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Interview with the Vampire 2.03 No Pain Delainey Hayles as Claudia
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iwtvsource · 6 months ago
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BAILEY BASS as CLAUDIA 1.04 | "...The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood with All a Child's Demanding"
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coquettevampyr · 6 months ago
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Birthday girl who is about to commit heinous crimes 💕
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appendectomy · 1 month ago
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claudia as laura palmer. my forever girls, my forest fires.
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paunchsalazar · 8 months ago
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aquarines · 11 days ago
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happy birthday to the number one princess in the world
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brian-kinney-apologist · 9 months ago
btw happy birthday to my favourite birthday twins jacob anderson and bailey bass!!!! invented father-daughterism on screen!!!
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kaleidoscope-vol2 · 6 months ago
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Do you remember, the 21st night of September?
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thekidsarentalright · 10 months ago
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blood cells pixilate and eyes dilate and the full moon pills got me out on the street at night
my birthday gift for my beloved bff @mortalfortaxpurposes!! i love u claudia, happy birthday <33
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onebug · 4 months ago
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Claudia Black and Ben Browder at the 2024 Saturn Awards 🔥
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brotherconstant · 2 years ago
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18.06.1990 & 18.06.2003 Happy Birthday Jacob Anderson & Bailey Bass!
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glabzzitto · 6 months ago
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Happy Birthday angel!!!
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bombasticsalt · 4 months ago
Random thought but I think a hurricane is the perfect way to describe Lestat and not only because he's a mess who can't be controlled. Just think about how people act during hurricanes some people they're cautious and prepared for the worst possible damage the hurricane can bring because it's unpredictable. Then you have storm chasers people who go directly into the eye of the storm to witness the destruction because of the high of adrenaline and of it's unpredictable nature. The thing is that with these two types of people one thing stays the same nobody wants to actually get caught in the storm, storm chasers may go to the hurricane but nobody actually wants to get caught and injured in the hurricane. Nobody does.
Because as beautiful as the destruction is when it's happening to other things nobody actually wants to be in the hurricane, storm chasers are just witnesses to the destruction essentially. Think about Louis he loves Lestat because he's unpredictable and sporadic, it's charming when Lestat starts playing jazz (or what I assume is jazz I'm not a music nerd) on the piano after playing slow music, but his unpredictably is also what makes him "a lot".
The thing Louis and so many other people love him for is also the very thing that drives people away. Because no matter how beautiful or exhilarating looking at a hurricane is it's still a hurricane. Nobody knows how to stop a hurricane we know how to fix the damage (or keep it there) but you can't prevent a hurricane no matter how hard you try.
I think that's why Lestat's abandonment issues are so much more different in portrayal because it's not as if nobody wants Lestat or nobody's ever loved Lestat. Louis loved Lestat, Claudia loved Lestat, Gabrielle loved Lestat, Nicki loved Lestat. He's not hard to love (at first) and I think that's the point it's not that he has a hard time finding people who love him it's that he's easy to love and even easier to hate. In all of these relationships resentment is something in all of them. (besides his parents and Magnus probably) it's nobody's fault that Lestat's like this not even Lestats.
What can you really do when the thing that draws people to you is also the thing that drives them away?
What do you do when you hear that a hurricane that could wreck your entire town is brewing? You flee if you have the resources to, you run, you slit the hurricane's neck because it's the only thing you can do.
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