#Classical Greece
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cornbelt · 13 hours ago
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roof of the pantheon
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lionofchaeronea · 6 months ago
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A lion attacks a stag. Reverse of a silver didrachm issued by the polis of Elea in southern Italy between 420 and 380 BCE. The obverse, not shown, bears the head of Athena. Now in the Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich, Germany. Photo credit: ArchaiOptix/Wikimedia Commons.
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a-book-of-creatures · 2 years ago
In love with Leo and Diane Dillon’s Greek mythology art, from the 60s Classical Greece book by Time-Life
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mythologyolympics · 4 months ago
Mythology Olympics tournament round 1
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In Greek mythology, Antigone is a Theban princess and a character in several ancient Greek tragedies. She is the daughter of Oedipus, king of Thebes; her mother is either Jocasta or, in another variation of the myth, Euryganeia. She is a sister of Polynices, Eteocles, and Ismene. The meaning of the name is, as in the case of the masculine equivalent Antigonus, "in place of one's parents" or "worthy of one's parents". Antigone appears in the three 5th century BC tragic plays written by Sophocles, known collectively as the three Theban plays, being the protagonist of the eponymous tragedy Antigone.
Angrboða (also Angrboda) is a jötunn in Norse mythology. She is the mate of Loki and the mother of monsters. She is only mentioned once in the Poetic Edda (Völuspá hin skamma) as the mother of Fenrir by Loki. The Prose Edda (Gylfaginning) describes her as "a giantess in Jötunheimar." Her name has been translated as 'the one who brings grief', 'she-who-offers-sorrow', or 'harm-bidder'. The first element is related to the English word "anger", but means "sorrow" or "regret" in Old Norse, the later meaning is retained in Scandinavian languages. [art credit]
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bronzeageecho · 3 days ago
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prometopidion | c. 480 BCE | magna grecia (modern day italy)
a prometopidion is a piece of armor that protects a horse's forehead. this prometopidion depicts a warrior, "... [his] eyes are inlaid with ivory and amber; the elaborate Chalcidian helmet he wears has cheek pieces in the form of rams' heads. the lower portion of the armor is decorated with the head of the monstrous gorgon."
in the j. paul getty museum collection
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kararadaygum · 12 days ago
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dailyhistoryposts · 1 year ago
On This Day In History
November 23rd, 534 BCE: Thespis of Icaria becomes the first actor to play a character on stage in recorded human history.
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thearchaicsmile · 1 year ago
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Reverse side of an Attic silver tetradrachm (τετράδραχμον, 'four drachmas'), depicting the owl of Athena facing forward, with the abbreviation ΑΘΕ (ΑΘΕΝΑΙΩΝ, 'of the Athenians'), indicating the coin's origin. Such coins were often referred to as glaukes (γλαῦκες, 'little owls') and became widespread throughout the Aegean during the 5th century BC as Athenian dominance over the eastern Mediterranean grew.
🏛️: © The Trustees of the British Museum
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tenderloincherub · 10 months ago
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On Dionysus
E. R. Dodds in his Introduction to Euripides' Bacchae
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bb-8 · 1 year ago
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The Emily Wilson translation is giving me gay whiplash
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manuel-cojocaru · 1 year ago
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© Manuel Cojocaru, self timer picture, inspired by Stephan Sindig, Adoration (1903)
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computers-best-friend · 1 year ago
Gotta say. Apollo was the first twink. If you disagree I don’t care. Argue with the wall
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lionofchaeronea · 1 year ago
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Polychrome terracotta sculpture of the god Dionysos, holding an egg and a rooster. The unusual attributes may hint at a connection to Orphism, which held that the first deity, Phanes or Protogonos ("First-Born"), was hatched from a cosmic egg. Adherents of Orphism saw humankind as the descendants of Dionysos (under the name "Zagreus"), created when the Titans devoured the young Zagreus and were then struck by Zeus' thunderbolt. Artist unknown; created in Tanagra, Boeotia (an important center of terracotta production) ca. 350 BCE. Now in the British Museum.
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a-book-of-creatures · 2 years ago
Last time I posted Leo and Diane Dillon’s Greek gods from the 60s Classical Greece book by Time-Life. These are the heroes and mortals now!
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Deucalion and Pyrrha
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Theseus (wait... a reverse Minotaur? Is that allowed???)
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The Trojan War
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mythologyolympics · 1 year ago
Ancient World Dashboard Simulator
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🐢 aristotlestortoise Follow
I'm so sick of these philosophers waving dead chickens around to prove their point like that's not contributing to unnecessary food waste when children are starving in Gaul
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🦷 diogenessimp Follow
and who says they didn't eat the chicken afterwards you presumptuous garum sipper
besides how would that benefit a starving child in gaul diogenes did that in athens thats like 6000 stadia away from gaul
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🐢 aristotlestortoise Follow
As if donating a day-old chicken that had been used as a prop isn't a hazard for food poisoning or something geez
How about you bring in a live chicken and demonstrate your point with that and then donate it to a godsdamned farmer who can do something with it
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🦷 diogenessimp Follow
look neither of us understands diogenes whole school of thought as well as he does and if he thinks using poultry for props is the best choice then imma trust he knows what he's talking about
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🦣 giantwoolybones
do you guys know that you are arguing about a dead chicken
24,874 notes
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👨‍👦 corophilus
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not to be an art critic on main or anything but has this sculptor ever heard of a dynamic pose
#a boy this age would be moving!!
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✊ p-o-p-u-l-a-r-i-s Follow
The people just don't seem to care about how Caligula keeps beginning new construction projects with public funds. People are homeless and starving and he puts up a new theater in the middle of the city as if we need that.
Now he's claiming to be a god?? Plus there's rumors he has sex with his horse.
It's very important that you contact the members of the senate to let them know the people are ready to rise up if they don't depose Caligula. We should get organized and flood the streets.
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🎽 crixusstan
I see you not reblogging this. Come on, this should have 200k notes
14,381 Notes
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💸 achaemenid Follow
Dude, this invention of the coin is so iconic. Cyrus is gonna go down in history for this one. I mean that in a good way.
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🪙 lydianmetallurgy Follow
Sorry but Cyrus stole the entire concept of the coin from us and I'm sick of people acting like we didn't have contributions to make to advancements in science and culture just because we were conquered by your stupid empire. Cyrus is a tyrant and just wants to gather as much power as he can.
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🦁 daniyye
Cyrus let my people go back to our homeland, so he's all right by me
#by the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion #now we don't have to do that anymore!!
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🥇 gladiatorheadtohead Follow
Remember, you're voting for who you think would win the fight, not who you like the best.
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🐺 lyca
just left my den and there's just 2 human babies lying on the ground all alone
wtf do i do
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🐺 lyca
so i happen to already be lactating so i guess... i just have 2 more cubs now?
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🐺 lyca
guys these babies are so cute. i think they're going to do great things one day
#personal #do not reblog i mean it this time 6 Notes
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🍆 miletus-leather Follow
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The best sex toy shop in Miletus. Come see our selection!
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🦌 artemisbow Follow
I'm not one to harsh on a small business trying to make it but I've been to this shop and women are an afterthought here. You'd think the only people interested in dildos were men the way they act here.
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🍆 miletus-leather Follow
Women should be weaving and taking care of their children, not coming into our sex shop.
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😈 hermescock Follow
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🐐 blessedsatir
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bronzeageecho · 5 days ago
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calyx krater | c. 400-375 CE | greece, classical period
in the museum of cycladic art collection
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