#Class of '83 Rating
pokemonshelterstories · 7 months
I will forever be graceful that my mom talked me out of doing the gym run. Like, dude, you were 15, had your starter (who was still a weak rowlet) for 10 months and you really thought you could travel the region and get all the badges? I was a really delusional kid. My friends didn't enjoyed their summer vacation at all and the only one who got all the badges and became champion class was the one friend who had been preparing a team since middle school (3 years before getting our starters) and who's dad was a gym leader so she could stay at nice hotels instead of camping. When they told me all about it at the start of 11th grade I made sure to thank my mom for helping me dodge that bullet.
yeah, seeing kids go on actual journeys at this point is a pretty rare thing nowadays, and honestly i think it's for the best. the truth is, the vast majority of gym challengers don't win more than two badges; i think the most recent survey by the international pokemon league said that dropout rate is between 68-83% by the third gym depending on the region, and 89-92% by the fourth?
battling on a competitive level is such a rare occurrence, and most gym challengers will never get to that point. so the idea of disrupting such a formative time in your life for it really perplexes me. i think in some ways the concept of the pokemon league has gotten away from the original purpose of pokemon battling, which was to further the bond between trainer and pokemon. a lot of it's about winning competitions these days, so people start early to have the best shot. if less focus was put on beating gyms and entering tournaments, i think more people would wait, and it'd ultimately be better for them and their pokemon.
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ohsalome · 1 year
Again and again and again I see (mostly) westerners accusing Ukraine of "opressing russian-speaking minority" by our language law (without reading the language law itself, obviously). It really looks like people have some kind of pavlovian reflex to the word "minority", immediately jumping to the assumption that minority = opressed by the majority. But a minority by numbers does not automatically mean minority by power. Billionaires, too, make up a minority of population, does that mean that they are opressed by the majority class? Are gaelige speakers in Ireland priveleged in comparison to the English? Are Elon Musk's white emerald mine owning family opressed by the majority black African population?
For the 1000th time, the relationship between Ukraine and russia is that between colonised and coloniser. It is russian identity, russian language, russian culture, russian world that has been privileged on the territory of ukraine for at least last 400 years. It is ukrainian language, ukrainian culture, ukrainian identity that people have been repressed and killed for.
russian propaganda takes this assumption westerners have about how the world fuctions (minority=oppressed) and uses it to twist the reality. To make you believe that Ukrainians somehow "deserve" to be genocided. To make you believe that it's the best course of action for the West to abandon Ukraine to be raped and plundered by russia. But we can call it "peace", because russians won't allow western journalists to report on it, and we all know that if the west doesn't talk about something, it means it doesn't exist :))))
Here are statistics about the "opression of russian language" from 2012 - during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovich, russian puppet and a literal mafioso [source]:
More than 60% of the total circulation of newspapers, 83% of magazines, and about 87% of books (most of which are imported from Russia) are published in Russian in Ukraine.
In October 2012, only 28% of the prime time on the top 8 TV channels was devoted to Ukrainian-language programs, 44% to Russian-language programs and 28% to bilingual programs.
On the 6 top-rated radio stations, songs in Ukrainian account for only 3.4% of the total number of songs in prime time (last year - 4.6%). At the same time, songs in Russian account for 60% of the total number of songs.
Out of 290 restaurants in 29 cities, only 50% of them have signs in Ukrainian, 46% have menus in Ukrainian, and only 36% have employees who answer Ukrainian to Ukrainian-speaking customers (in another 11%, employees switched to Ukrainian during the conversation).
The "oppression of russian speakers in Ukraine" is nothing but the tyranny of russian chauvinism and imperialism losing its footing. Y'all had no trouble understanding how white ethnonationalists complaining about "the great replacement" is nothing but fear of losing the privilege. Y'all had no trouble understanding that "white cis male is the most opressed person" is a moral panic not grounded in the real power structure of the western society. But in this question, you've decided to ally with the opressor.
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[002-A02] Welcome to the Mammoth School
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede enters Hama Asunaro High School. When entering the school, he stumbles upon students arguing with a rough atmosphere around them. Then, he sees a familiar face…
Characters— ✈︎ Sakujiro
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Location: Hama Asunaro High School
Kaede: This is Hama Asunaro High School huh…
As you would expect from a mammoth school[1]… It’s big.
Umm, Kafka’s message saidーー
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Kaede: He still has me left on delivered…
He’s probably purposefully ignoring the messages.
(The school’s already been informed I’m coming… right?
First, let me find a security guard or a receptionist robot. )
Student A: You guys should get lost already!
Kaede: (Hm…?)
Student A: We of “The Weavers of Light and Shadow using Ptolemaic Theory[2] Club” already reserved the time slot for this spot!
Student B: Hah? I haven’t heard anything about that though.
ーーWell, it’s not like whatever you’re saying matters in this situation. You know what this is, don’t you?
Student A: That’s…!
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Student B: Yuuup~. That’s a Class 3 badge~.
Everyone on the soccer team here is a Class 3 or higher. Aren’t you guys Class 2 or lower? You sure are acting all high and mighty.
Why don’t you and your lower Class club go play around in the Old Building?
…Ah wait, that just exploded the other day though.
Student A: Guh…!
Kaede: (The atmosphere’s kinda rough over there…
That conversation had a bunch of dangerous words like Classes[3] and explosions too…)
(I’ll just stop eavesdropping and leaveーー)
Student B: Uwah…!? What’s that, all of a sudden!?
Kaede: (A volleyball got spiked from above…)
Student B: Hey, watch it, Volleyball Club!
You have some nerve underestimating people from Class 3… Come out already!
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???: It is not just the “Volleyball Club”.
It is “The Liberated Volleyball Club with Liberated Bodies”.
Kaede: Sa-Sakujiro-san!? Wow, that was a sharp spike considering how close to the edge of the roof you areーー Wait no, what are you doing here!?
Student B: Karigane-sensei…!
Kaede: Huh? S-Sensei…?
Sakujiro: Hup!
Kaede: Wow, what a beautiful jump and landing… I mean! Why is he being called Sensei…?
Sakujiro: I could hear your conversation all the way from the roof.
That Class badge, did you obtain it for the sole purpose of belittling the people around you?
Student B: Uu…!
Sakujiro: You did not, correct? Thenーー
Both of you, please put your hands together and make up with a handshake.
Student B: M… My bad.
Student A: Nah, I was going a bit too far.
Kaede: (Seems the issue got settled… somehow. But, calling him Senseiーー)
Sakujiro: Yesterday’s enemy is today’s friend. I hope you’re able to get along well with each other.
Now! Members of the The Liberated Volleyball Club with Liberated Bodies, I shall return back to the rooftop, so please wait for me!
Kaede: (As expected of Sakujiro-san. Dashing right back to the sceneーー)
No, hold on a second. Sakujiro-san, don’t leave!
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Kaede: So in other words, you’ve been working as a part-time undercover teacher for the past 3 months?
And Kafka didn’t order you to, you chose to on your own?
Sakujiro: Correct. I’ve been preparing for a situation such as this to occur.
After knowing the Young Master for so long, I’ve developed something of a sixth sense for these types of situations.
Kaede: Amazing… Even though they’re happening separately from each other, everything ends up connecting back to Kafka.
Sakujiro: Much obliged. 
ーーWell then, this way if you please. Let us make haste to the principal’s office.
While en route, I shall tell you more about this school.
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Sakujiro: Hama Asunaro High Schoolーー Currently, there are 10,000 students currently enrolled.
It is a very big mammoth high school, with around 83 classes per grade level.
As society develops at a high paced rate in technology, the school prides itself in believing that human value is found in “spontaneous individuality”. Therefore, in the early stages, it focused on developing this through professional education in club activities.
Kaede: “Spontaneous individuality”...
Sakujiro: It is the individuality one gets from honing themselves while receiving guidance from their teacher.
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Sakujiro: In Asu High, there is a system in place where that motivation is channeled into club activities and thus evaluated.
Various results were received, and thus a variety of different students with a range of personalities gathered all over the country to attend here.
The enrollment rate is said to be 80:1 compared to other schools.
Kaede: It’s a pretty difficult high school huh…
(Now that I think about it, didn’t Yuki-nii and the others graduate from Asu High? As I thought, they’re amazing…)
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Sakujiro: After graduation, you can pursue many different careers. Such as politics, baseball, academics, and a variety of others.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that earning a degree at this school is synonymous to a better life.
And the person who’s at the foundation of the school of such a unique system isーー
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Sakujiro: Please excuse me.
The man who runs such a school has worked in HRD[4] jobs at widely renowned IT companies across the globe. He has been described as a coaching god and a prophet in human resources.
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Sakujiro: He has a background that can only be described as one of the best in human research development. That is our principalーー Principal Naoe.
Principal Naoe: … Please excuse me, due to various circumstances, we will only be able to talk via audio. Thank you for meeting with me. I’m sorry for making you come all the way over here.
Kaede: Please don’t worry about it. …Nice to meet you, my name is Kaede Hamasaki.
(His icon in the call says “love”...)
Principal Naoe: Hahaha… There’s no need to be so worried. Let’s talk casually as people who share the same ideas.
Kaede: Ah, yes…
Principal Naoe: I received a call from the president at the place you workーー Kafka-kun. It seems he wants to select the next ward mayors for HAMA tourism from the younger generation.
That is a brilliant idea. I strongly agree with that decision.
After all, I believe the future lies with the younger generation.
Young people should want to shape the world that they live in. It falls on us as adults to lend them the support to do so.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Kaede: Yes, I believe that’s true.
Principal Naoe: Haha, that’s good. As long as you share the same feelings, it’s more than enough. I have high hopes when it comes to what you can do.
Then, as for students who may be candidates for ward mayors, we established a club called the Community Revitalization Club and have gathered potential students already.
As for you, you will be enrolled as the club’s outside club instructor.
Kaede: In-Instructor!? That’s a big role…
Principal Naoe: What of it? You have Karigane-sensei to lend you a hand as well, so there shouldn’t be any issues.
I’ve already told you, haven't I?  As long as you share the same feelings, it’s more than enough.
Kaede: …
Sakujiro: Principal, if I may?
Principal Naoe: Go ahead, Karigane-sensei.
Sakujiro: If I’m not mistaken, the students who are enrolled in the Community Revitalization Club were Class 1 students, were they not?
Kaede: (Class 1 students? Oh right, the kids outside were also saying something about Classes…)
Sakujiro: Although Kaede-san is someone with strong ambitions, and I hope I am not being frank when I say this, he is still an amateur at teaching.
I fear that if he were to be put in charge of Class 1 students, he would become overwhelmed.
Principal Naoe: Ah, now that you mention it, you’re right. Butーー
Here’s what I think. The Class 1 students are diamonds in the rough.
Kaede: …
Principal Naoe: From here, they could become gemstones which shine a variety of different colors. To put it in another way, there are endless possibilities with them.
When you see the possibilities they hold, the lovelier they are. I’m sure that Kaede-san will come to realize this. 
Kaede: Yes…
Principal Naoe: By the way, Karigane-sensei.
What do you say? Will you finally accept my offer of the position to be a full time teacher?
Sakujiro: I thank you for the opportunity, but I’m afraid I will have to refuse that offer yet again.
Principal Naoe: Hahaha! You’re as cold as ever aren’t you?
Well then, as I recover from the heartbreak of getting rejected for the 67th time, feel free to show him around.
Please excuse me.
Kaede: Yes! Um… Thank you very much!
Principal Naoe: Good luck, young man.
Kaede: (He left… He was a little strange…)
Sakujiro: Let’s hurry to the club room, shall we?
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Notes — ✈︎
A mammoth school is a huge school that has an enormous amount of students and classrooms. Sakujiro explains the size of Asu High, but “mammoth school” isn’t the most common phrase ever so I thought I should explain
Ptolemaic theory is the theory that Earth is at the center of the universe while everything else revolves around it. “The Weavers of Light and Shadow using Ptolemaic Theory” is a fancy way of saying they’re just using the shadows and sunlight to test this theory.
Sure you’re aware by now but just in case you're not! Classes in this case are basically referring to social classes. In Asu High, there are Classes 1-5, 5 being the highest of the Classes. I’ll always capitalize Classes when I’m talking about the hierarchical system as opposed to the regular school classes.
HRD - Human Resource Development, IT - Information Technologies
The chat image has a description in case you can't read it! I'm not sure how that looks like on tumblr so I hope you're able to access it! If needed, I can add the transcript here as well.
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mhablog · 3 months
Can best jeanist control sheep? I mean he controls fibers but what makes it qualify as a fiber rather then just like sheep wool or like synthetic fibers how does that work if he tried do you think he could control like all plastic stuff or does it have to be string shaped? I really like the theory that if your body chemistry is unique enough and he is familiar enough with it that he could identify someone by their hair (like bakugo, sweating nitroglycerin has to make you body have some weird chemistry if only to prevent them from being poisoned by their own sweat) like in this fic (it’s part of a series so you’ll want to read the other works in the series first for context but it’s a really good series and I love it)
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/25049806"><strong>Closed System</strong></a> (65212 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Cacid"><strong>Cacid</strong></a><br />Chapters: 15/15<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/%E5%83%95%E3%81%AE%E3%83%92%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AB%E3%83%87%E3%83%9F%E3%82%A2%20%7C%20Boku%20no%20Hero%20Academia%20%7C%20My%20Hero%20Academia">僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia</a><br />Rating: Teen And Up Audiences<br />Warnings: Major Character Death<br />Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Asui Tsuyu & Class 1-A, Eri & Midoriya Izuku, Eri & Toogata Mirio, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye & Toogata Mirio, Asui Tsuyu & Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu, Bakugou Katsuki & Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou, Class 1-A & Kirishima Eijirou, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist & Sakamata Kuugo | Gang Orca, Midoriya Izuku & Tokoyami Fumikage, Dark Shadow & Midoriya Izuku<br />Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Asui Tsuyu, Kirishima Eijirou, Eri (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu, Toogata Mirio, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Sakamata Kuugo | Gang Orca, Tobita Danjuurou | Gentle Criminal, Aiba Manami | La Brava, Tokoyami Fumikage, Dark Shadow (My Hero Academia), Nedzu (My Hero Academia)<br />Additional Tags: Ghost Midoriya Izuku, Asui Tsuyu Has One for All Quirk, U.A. Cultural Festival Arc (My Hero Academia), Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, mentors will protect their students, many people get to vent, suicide and sad/upsetting dicussions related to it, I can't decide if I need to warn for major character death or not, dark pasts, Mental Health Issues, Kidnapping, Bakugou and Hakamata deserve a break, they don't get one, Gang Orca Ex Machina<br />Series: Part 3 of <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/series/1626730">Reckoning</a><br />Summary: <p>“How much trouble did you just get yourself in?” </p><p>She was being nice, unbelievably nice. But right now he hated her for it. It was so much easier when the only option was “learn to live this way.” Now he had two options, both of which he hated, and whichever he chose he’d despise himself and always wonder wistfully what would have been if he’d taken the other path. </p><p>In the aftermath of the Hassaikai raid, the resident ghost of 1-A and his fellows deal with lost classmates, lost quirks and lost identities. Meanwhile, the UA Cultural Festival waits for no one and new foes rise from the underground.</p>
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fallloverfic · 5 months
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Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Category: M/M
Fandom: 내가 키운 S급들 | The S-Classes That I Raised
Relationships: Han Yoojin/Sung Hyunjae
Tags: mid-canon, aquariums, boys kissing, mutual pining, anxiety, angst with a happy ending, betaed, More Tags on Ao3
Summary: Han Yoojin has to keep time fragment Sung Hyunje busy from noon to midnight, so he randomly suggests they go on an aquarium date.
Set during novel Side Story Episode 83: 잘했어 (2).
A useful partner (2,844 words, complete)
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gold-rhine · 28 days
op have you ever taken a math class in your life?? a 55/140 ratio is NOT better than a 88/94 ratio, 55%*140%=77% is less than 88%*94%≈83%
i just saw this ask from forever ago, im so mad you never gonna see my answer, but i guess you already know you're wrong bc you boosted the crit rate numbers and lowered crit dmg numbers from mu actual post
like where did u get these numbers? in my post i was comparing 80% crit rate\ 90 crit dmg (bc this is what i actually saw in the wild) to 50 PLUS crit rate and 150 PLUS crit dmg. you're not even taking into account reaction multipliers here, bc like vape can make a crit much higher value than your bare bones formula
but like even if we simplify and strip away reactions, lets look at dmg calculation for itto with same base stats and dif crits, bc he's pure geo damage and we can track his cow skill for clear difference.
with 80 crit rate 90 crit dmg his cow hits for 1765
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with 56% crit rate 150% crit dmg it hits for 1889
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which is bordline the numbers i was talking about.
also, you lose the context which was i was giving advice on how to better prioritize your stats and that high investement crit rate on your dps will not give you same result as high investement crit dmg, so while both are important, crit dmg should be in higher ratio to crit rate, which is why all fucking theory crafting sites will rec you 1:2 crit rate - crit dmg ratio
for example, if we change crit dmg build itto by adding 10% to crit dmg, we get 1946
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and if we add 10% to crit build we get 1866 cow
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and that like bare bones stats, i was just bouncing the crit ratio, but if you add the actual relevant stats and reactions and buffs, the gap will be higher.
this was about what crit ratio is better to build in genshin and what stat will scale better with investment bc its fucking better to build 50 crit rate 150 crit dmg and then improve the build by raising either of these, then build 80 crit rate 90 crit dmg and then try to improve crit dmg while keeping same crit rate, which will be fucking imposibble for casual player i was writing for
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sugarushsuga · 2 years
Stay there, I’m coming to get you - #83
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Genre/Au's: Smut, PWP; Hockey player AU – Friend with benefits(?)
Paring: Taehyung x F Reader
Words count: 2329
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Smut; Fingering; Dirty talk; Public sex; Car sex; Pining;
Synopsis: Taehyung is friends with your best friend’s boyfriend, what doesn’t make you both very close, beside the hang outs and constant teasing each other. But when you need help, he is there to help you, not once but twice in a roll.
Author note: If I didn’t procrastinate I would have it done much sooner. This is Tae’s bday piece. Also is part of my milestone drabble game, the ask for it went to void when Shay’s old blog did it too (Tagging the current one @egocypher) but I never forgot about it.
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The ringing tune on your ear makes you anxious, is the third time you call Lolla’s phone, and it rings until voicemail. You know she is enjoying the victory party, but you need her right now and as your best friend it’s her duty to pick up the phone.
Her cheerful voice comes through your ears when you reach her voice mail again. Hanging up you sigh and let your head rest back on the wall. Something you would never do in a different situation. But despair is starting to fill your body and you don’t know what to do. Lolla has been your best friend since middle school, and you both have always looked out for each other, especially after going to college.
You both made a pact that whenever one of you went out on a date, the other had to send a text after the first hour, to know how things were going, if thing are so-so, a call in the next half hour, if things are bad a call right away to give the receiver an excuse to maybe ditch the date or have the friend come.
Today she didn’t send the message, she is celebrating the school’s hockey team classification to the nationals. Her boyfriend is part of the team. You were invited to their celebration, but you’ve already had plans with some other friends. Actually, now you’d say they are just acquaintances, you hoped to become friends.
They are like the cool group from your major, you have a few different classes with most of them. They were the ones who approached you, talking with you here and there, one at a time, in different classes, greeting you whenever you crossed paths on social occasions, until they asked you for lunch and then to hang out at a bar.
You press Lolla’s name again hoping that fourth time's the charm and she’ll pick up the phone.
Maybe you are taking too long in the bathroom, but you don’t really care right now.
The tune rings in your ear for the fifth time, another two times and it’ll reach her voice mail.
“Lolla?” You ask as the line connects and noise comes through the phone.
“No! Y/L/N, Lolla can’t come to the phone right now, she’s having her soul sucked off through her mouth right now!” The cheerful raspy voice, that usually makes your knees weak, says through the line.
“Oh!” You sigh, letting your shoulders drop.
“What is it?” The male voice asks.
“Nothing, I- “
“Wait a second!” He says. You can hear him talking with someone, some excuse me’s and indistinct noises until the voice comes back clearer. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you out with your new friends that are, oh so much cooler than us?”
You mentally curse Lolla for running her mouth about it to Seokjin’s whole team about why you weren’t going out with them after the game. “Yeah,” you roll your eyes.
“So, is it true that you ditched us, to hang with some unknown, much cooler group than us?” He chuckles.
“Hm… I didn’t ditch,” you say trying to explain.
“You just thought they were much cooler than us?” He teases again.
“No, Taehyung. I just…” Your voice fades. You don’t have any excuses; he is right on his teasing, and you just want to find an excuse to leave.
“If you are calling, things aren’t really that nice right now, right?” His voice comes softer, and the teasing is gone.
“I don’t have any excuses to leave, I came here with them. I'm not very familiar with this area and I’m unsure how to leave by myself.” You admit, voice lower as you sigh, remembering you put your own self in this situation.
“Hm, well, lucky for you, here it’s not very fun either. Stay there, I’m coming to get you!” His voice once again has that cheerful tone.
And just like that he is gone.
The line goes mute.
Taking the phone away from your face you see he hung up.
Sighing you get out of the stool and practice a smile on the mirror, you debate yourself if you should try to fix your hair that was sticking to the wall or just leave it. Deciding to leave it you walk out of the bathroom, back to the table where your new “friends” are.
They are talking about the significance of life or something else, you don’t bother enough to join the conversation, just sitting there sipping on your drink waiting for the ice to melt so you can have it for longer. You don’t want to risk getting drunk around people you aren’t close to or very comfortable with.
Twenty minutes later half of the Hockey team burst through the door of the bar with Lolla guiding them.
“Y/n!” She cheers loudly, “what a surprise to find you here!”
She has her phone in hand and Taehyung trailing right behind her looking at her phone over her shoulder. They tracked you. And you thank the gods the day she set up the sharing location app so you both can know where each other are especially when one is out on a bad date. And today you are the one out on a bad date.
“Hey!” You try to sound surprised and not let your happiness show.
“What a coincidence!” Lolla greets your group of friends with a smile.
You look around and there is half a hockey team around the table, Lolla standing with Seokjin by one of your sides and Taehyung on your other side.
“Oh, I think the bar is full.” Jen, one of the new friends, says in a discreet sneer.
“Oh, really?” Lolla responds looking around at the very chill and not full bar. “Yeah, I guess it is. We won’t be able to stay here.”
“But the bar is not full…” Namjoon comments.
Seokjin punches his friend on the shoulder, not even trying to hide it. “Yeah, it’s full, I guess we’ll need to take our victory party home.”
“Yeah, let’s do it guys!” Taehyung says by your side. “Y/n, do you wanna come? It's a free ride home, plus it will be fun, you know all our parties are fun.”
You look in between your friends and your new group of friends and nod. “Yeah, I’m sorry guys, I'll take their ride. We talk on Monday, okay?”
Getting up as you talk, you put the money for your part on the table and follow the hockey players out, Taehyung has your bag on his hand as you follow him.
The rescue is a success, but now you are worried about how you will all make it home. It’s hard to get an Uber or taxi around the bar, you’ve tried to call on through the app many times before calling Lolla.
The group stops by a minivan, it has the Hockey team name on it together with the college name. Jungkook, one of the youngsters of the team unlocks the driver’s door and opens the van. Telling everyone to get in.
He sits at the driver's place, with Yoongi and Namjoon by his side on the front. In the middle roll goes Seokjin, Hoseok and Jimin with Lolla on Seokjin’s lap and her legs over the other guys' laps. Taehyung goes to the back roll and offers you his hand, you follow and ends up sitting in his lap between their gaming gear.
You worry about the safety of all of you, but everyone else seems too hype and happy to care about it. There is loud music, and they all are talking at once as Jungkook starts the car.
Taehyung gently pulls you back against his chest. “I need to put the seat belt around us.” His voice is low and sends a shiver down your back.
Resting back, you let him pull the sit bet around you both, strapping you to him. His hands rest awkwardly on the edge of the seat, surrounded by helmets and other equipment.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, turning towards him. Your nose brushes his jaw and for a reason you don’t know you keep your voice low in a whisper.
“What do you mean?” He asks just as quietly as you did.
Running your hands down his forearms, you cover his hands with yours, to realize he is gripping the seat. “You can touch me, you know?” Pulling his hand, you rest them on your thighs with yours. “Are you embarrassed?”
“Embarrassed?” Taehyung asks without a hint of embarrassment in his voice.
“You are getting hard.” You laugh softly, nuzzling his jaw.
“Well, my dick doesn’t really understand that all this wiggling isn’t for our benefit.” He sighs.
Relaxing with his words you make yourself more comfortable against his body. “If it makes you less embarrassed,” you say still holding his hands. “I'm getting wet just by feeling your dick.”
The darkness of the car and the way Taehyung’s breath catches gives you confidence to slip your intertwined hands in between your tights feeling the warmth of it. You part your knees a little more to have more room in between them. You can feel his fingers almost brushing over the wet lacy of your panties. Maybe it is the thriller or the alcohol from the drink you had at the bar or could be the fact Taehyung is basically dicking you through his pants at every bump the car gives, but a new wave of arousal makes you wetter.
Taehyung lets go of one of your hands, letting it travel over your body, smoothing the fabric of your dress, placing his hand flat over your stomach and caressing his way up to your boobs. Gently molding them, fingertip running circles over your covered nipple but not adding quite enough pressure. You whimper his name, and he chuckles in response.
“Taehyung please,” you ask.
“Y/n, this is the nicer way you’ve ever talked to me in all these months since we’ve met.” His voice is hoarse in your ear.
Twisting your body, you manage to turn enough to kiss him, his lips are soft as his hand moves to your throat putting some pressure on it as his tongue explores your mouth. His thumb caressing your damp inner thigh. Your body reacts at its own accord, legs parting further to give his hand more room.
Biting his lower lip, you moan. “Taehyung.”
“God, I’d love to see your face when you moan my name like that.” His breath tickles your neck as he trails kisses over it. “And I’m not embarrassed to feel how wet you are all over your tights.”
“It could be over your hands if you made a move.” You sass.
The confidence comes over the darkness, the music that was turned up. You feel like the car is getting hotter and the air thicker. You don’t know how long the ride is still going to take but you need something to happen, or you won’t ever be able to look at Taehyung’s face again.
“Can you be a good girl and keep it quiet?” Taehyung asks while placing a kiss under your ear. His knees moving your legs further apart.
You eagerly nod in response to his question, but his hand doesn’t move any closer.
“Taehyung, if you don’t know what to do, I can do it myself. You just need to stay still.” You provoke.
“Y/n, someday I’ll fuck this pretty mouth of yours and you won’t be able to be such a brat.” His lips find yours again as his fingers manage to push your panties to the side and two of them slip inside of you at once.
You regret promising to stay quiet as Taehyung shallows your moan. The wet sound coming from his fingers pumping in and out of your pussy is all you can hear, over your friends' laughs and the music. If anyone pays attention, they’ll know what you both are up to in the back seat.
“Your pussy feels so good. Warm, wet and tight.” Your hips roll against Tae’s fingers, you bite your lip hard to keep your moaning quiet as the hot pleasure builds up in your lower stomach.
Letting your head drop back on his shoulder, you want to close your leg at the same time you want more of it. To shy away from him at the same time you want more of Taehyung.
“Are you going to come, all over my hand? Squeeze my finger in your pussy and give me a taste of what it will feel like when I have my dick buried inside of you?” Taehyung parts his knees further, spreading your legs and exposing his finger inside your pussy.
As your moans and whimpers start to get louder, he covers your mouth with his free hand. Making his fingertips brush your spot and his thumb caresses circles over your clit, sending hot pleasure over your whole body, making you tremble and shiver, as your orgasm rips through you, making your eyes roll back, your back arch and your body feel boneless.
Taehyung keeps pumping his fingers in and out of you until the spams are gone and you are just a sweaty mess slumped against his chest. Kissing your forehead, he gently slips his fingers off of you. “Open your mouth baby.”
Confused but too content to question him as you do as told. Parting your lips, Taehyung places his wet fingers on your tongue, and you lick it, feeling the bitter salty taste.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll taste you when we get home, I promise I’ll clean up the mess I made in between your legs.” He says, lips moving against your neck.
“Tae- “
The music cuts off abruptly, and your entire body freezes, eyes widening as Taehyung quickly pulls his fingers from your mouth and unpins your legs so you can close them.
“Does anyone wants McDonald’s?”
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100WTSILY - Masterlist
Feedback is always appreciated.
Ⓒ 2023 Sugarushsuga, do not copy, translate or repost.
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allyleetheo · 6 months
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Here is a list of Manwha's recommendations. They are sorted into genres, and do not contain any BL/GL.
I have a separate list for BL/GL manwha's.
I have not read any of these yet. (I'll be giving them ratings as I read them.)
Compiled by Lis (Blob / s.class.villainess on Tiktok)
You can search https://tinyurl.com/mwreclist for their complete list and ratings.
Note: This list is mostly not up to date with the episode counts, so most of the titles might have more chapters than listed.
total amount of titles: 439
🔁 - Complete works
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Medical Return (100 chapters)
Mercenary Enrollment (76 chapters)
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A Gate Opened on my First Day as a Politician (24 chapters)
Arcane Sniper (73 chapter of ons)
Crimson Karma (118 chapters)🔁
Damn Reincarnation (29 chapters)
Doctor's Rebirth (82 chapters)
Eleceed (210 chapters)
Ending Maker (31 chapters)
Estio (33 chapters)
F-class Destiny Hunter (59 chapters)
Heavenly Demon Instructor (42 chapters)
Heavenly Sword’s Grand Saga (28 chapters)
Hoarding in Hell (39 chapters)
I Stole The First Ranker’s Soul (41 chapters)
Kill the Hero (103 chapters)
Legendary Youngest Son of the Marquis House (43 chapters)
Leveling With The Gods (60 chapters)
Maxed Out Leveling (21 chapters)
Murim Login (52 chapters)
My Daughter is the Final Boss (83 chapters)
Nano Machine (101 chapters)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (171 chapters)
Overbearing Tyrant (33 chapters)
Player Who Can't Level Up (95 chapters)
Ranker's Return (remake) (56 chapters)
Reaper of the Drifting Moon (25 chapters)
Reincarnation of the Suicidal Battle God (44 chapters)
Return of the 8th class Magician (29 chapters)
Return of the Mount Hua Sect (72 chapters)
Return Of The Shattered Constellation (42 chapters)
Second Life Ranker (116 chapters)
Seoul Station's Necromancer (41 chapters)
Solo Leveling (179 chapters)🔁
Solo Max-Level Newbie (42 chapters)
SSS-Class Gacha Hunter (45 chapters
SSS-Class Revival Hunter (94 chapters)
Standard of Reincarnation (22 chapters)
Star-Fostered Swordmaster (32 chapters)
Talent-Swallowing Magician (30 chapters)
The Advanced Player of The Tutorial Tower (107 chapters)
The Daughter of The Elemental King (105 chapters)
The Frozen Player Returns (50 chapters)
The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years (119 chapters)
The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life (35 chapters)
The Hero Returns (38 chapters)
The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2 (50 chapters)
The Newbie is Too Strong (31 chapters)
The Novel's Extra (28 chapters)
The Returner's Magic Should Be Special (192 chapters)
The Return of The Disaster-Class Hero (48 chapters)
The S-classes That I Raised (105 chapters)
The Scholar’s Reincarnation (140 chapters)
The World After the Fall (12 chapters)
Tomb Raider King (308 chapters)
Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good for Nothing (140 chapters)
Trash of the Count's Family (85 chapters)
Tyrant of the Tower Defence Game (82 chapters)
Villain to Kill (61 chapters)
Worthless Regression (25 chapters)
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A Capable Maid (59 chapters)
A Good Day To Be A Dog (93 chapters)🔁
A Happy Ending for the Villains (16 chapters)
A Marriage Alliance for Revenge (43 chapters)
A Most Virtuous Villain (83 chapters)🔁
A Princess's Guide to Saving Dragons (18 chapters)
A Red Knight Does Not Blindly Follow Money (66 chapters)
A Single Round at Romance is Enough! (48 chapters)
A Stepmother’s Märchen (83 chapters)
A Symbiotic Relationship Between A Rabbit And A Black Panther (68 chapters)
A Tender Heart: The Story of How I Became a Duke’s Maid (110 chapters)🔁
A Transmigrator's Privilege (65 chapters)🔁
A Villain Demands to Be Loved (70 chapters)🔁
A Villainess Is a Good Match for a Tyrant (104 chapters)🔁
A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom (109 chapters)
Abandoned Wife Has a New Husband (44 chapters)
Adelaide (85 chapters)🔁
Aileen's on Fire! (20 chapters)
An Unseemly Lady (35 chapters)
Aria of the Withered Branch (87 chapters)
Ashtarte (80 chapters)
As You Wish, Prince! (93 chapters)🔁
Baby Squirrel Is Good At Everything (21 chapters)
Becoming The Villain’s Family (43 chapters)
Becoming You (124 chapters)🔁
Beloved by the Male Lead's Nephew (32 chapters)
Beware of The Villainess! (93 chapters)🔁
Birth of a Goddess (199 chapters)
Bloody Sweet (86 chapters)🔁
Carefully Choosing a Husband (31 chapters)
Carrier Falcon Princess (79 chapters)
Cat in the Chrysalis (42 chapters)
Catherine's Key to a Happy Life (25 chapters)
Caught by the Villain (The Villain Discovered my Identity) (110 chapters)
Charlotte Has Five Disciples (124 chapters)
Cheerful Countess Sisters (68 chapters)
Chitra (141 chapters)
Cierra (23 chapters)
Cinderella Disappeared (20 chapters)
Cradle of Heaven (18 chapters)
Crows Like Shiny Things (49 chapters)
Daisy: How to Become the Duke’s Fiancée (98 chapters)
Dear Nemesis (65 chapters)
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess (91 chapters)
Disobey the Duke if You Dare (26 chapters)
Divorce me, Husband! (39 chapters)
Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp (143 chapters)🔁
Don't Hire My Brother Your Highness! (35 chapters)
Dream Lover Strategy Guide (57 chapters)🔁
Empress? Empress! (130 chapters)🔁
Evangeline's Sword (23 chapters)
Everything's Coming Up Roses (23 chapters)
Extras Don’t Want to be Overly Obsessed (56 chapters)
Falling For The Enemy (49 chapters)🔁
Falling into the Deep End (34 chapters)
Father, I Don’t Want This Marriage! (123 chapters)🔁
Flirting with The Villain's Dad (94 chapters)
Follow The Bread Crumbs (70 chapters)🔁
Forget My Husband, I'll Go Make Money (24 chapters)
For My Derelict Beloved (54 chapters)
For Stella (32 chapters)
Fortune-telling Lady (27 chapters)
From a Knight to a Lady (92 chapters)
Go Away Romeo (36 chapters)
Golden Time (47 chapters)
Happily Ever Afterwards (61 chapters)
Heroine's Shares for Sale (39 chapters)
How Did I Become the Princess? (44 chapters)
Honey, I’m Going On a Strike (54 chapters)
How to Be a Dark Hero’s Daughter (40 chapters)
How to Get My Husband on My Side (57 chapters)
How to Hide the Emperor's Child (78 chapters)
How to Prey on Your Master (72 chapters)
I Abdicate My Title of Empress (23 chapters)
I Adopted the Male Lead (90 chapters)🔁
I am the Precious Daughter of the Greatest Villain in the Fantasy World (45 chapters)
I Became the Tyrant’s Secretary (54 chapters)
I Became the Villainess in a Disastrous Novel (44 chapters)
I Became the Villain’s Mother (63 chapters)
I Became the Wife of the Male Lead (47 chapters)
I Bid You Adieu (101 chapters)
I Can't Keep Up With My Stallion Duke (38 chapters)
I Choose the Emperor Ending (115 chapters)🔁
I Didn’t Mean to Seduce the Male Lead (40 chapters)
I Don’t Love You Anymore (58 chapters)
I Don't Want to Play the Matchmaker! (37 chapters)
I Dream of Health, Wealth and a Long Life (84 chapters)
I Failed to Abandon the Villain (44 chapters)
I Found a Husband When I Picked Up the Male Lead (50 chapters)
I Have No Health (51 chapters)
I Listened to my Husband and Brought in a Lover (21 chapters)
I Raised a Black Dragon (74 chapters)
I Raised My Childhood Friend as a Tyrant (57 chapters)
I Shall Kill that Sweet Devil (79 chapters)
Isnelda (26 chapters)
I Stan The Prince (66 chapters)
I Tamed My Ex-husband's Mad Dog (37 chapters)
I Thought My Time Was Up! (30 chapters)
I Tried To Be Her Loyal Sword (34 chapters)
I Was Seduced by the Sick Male Lead (26 chapters)
I Was Tricked Into This Fake Marriage! (107 chapters)🔁
I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead (35 chapters)
I'm Not The Final Boss' Lover! (36 chapters)
I'm the One Who Died, but the Hero Went Crazy (32 chapters)
I've Been Proposed to by a Villain (62 chapters)
If You Touch My Little Brother, You’re All Dead (46 chapters)
Inso's Law (147 chapters)
Into the Light Once Again (48 chapters)
Is It a Fortune or Is It a Woe? (83 chapters)
It Looks Like I’ve Fallen into the World of a Reverse Harem Game (74 chapters)
It Seems I've Transmigrated Somewhere (29 chapters)
It Was All A Mistake (61 chapters)
It’s My Destiny To Be The Hero’s Saviour (33 chapters)
I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life (64 chapters)
I’ll Just Live on as a Villainess (73 chapters)
I'll save this Damned Family! (110 chapters)
I’m a Martial Art Villainess but I’m the Strongest! (72 chapters)
I'm a Villainess, Can I Die? (28 chapters)
I'm Engaged to an Obsessive Male Lead (81 chapters)
I’m Only a Stepmother, But My Daughter is Just So Cute! (65 chapters)
I’m the Male Lead’s Girl Friend (63 chapters)🔁
I'm the One Who Died, but the Hero Went Crazy (23 chapters)
I'm the Queen in This Life (50 chapters)
Justice for the Villainess (43 chapters)
Just Leave Me Be (80 chapters)
Kill the Villainess (100 chapters)
Lady Beast (113 chapters)
Lady Crystal is a Man (30 chapters)
Let Me Die in Peace! (32 chapters)
Let’s Hide My Younger Brother First (40 chapters)
Leveling Up My Husband to the Max (97 chapters)
Lies Become You (18 chapters)
Like Wind on a Dry Branch (85 chapters)
Lillien of Turin (33 chapters)
Long After The Ending (60 chapters)🔁
Lydia's Great Escape (57 chapters)
Marriage and Sword (39 chapters)
May I kill You, Your Highness? (30 chapters)
Miss Not-So Sidekick (177 chapters)🔁
Miss Time (60 chapters)🔁
More Than You Know (28 chapters)
My Dear Aster (45 chapters)
My Farm by the Palace (65 chapters)
My Husband Hides His Beauty (80 chapters)
My Husband, My Sister, and I (26 chapters)
My Mysterious Nighttime Visitor (10 chapters)
My Red String of Fate (90 chapters)🔁
My Sister Picked Up the Male Lead (59 chapters)
My Warmonger Husband (46 chapters)
Necrobride (37 chapters)
No More Nice Sis (64 chapters)
No Outtakes (38 chapters)
Not Just Anyone Can Become a Villainess (68 chapters)
Nullitas: The Counterfeit Bride (55 chapters)
One Pair Lady (40 chapters)
Only Realised After Losing You (26 chapters)
Ophelia the Oracle Queen (12 chapters)
Please Don't Come To The Villainess’ Stationery Store! (36 chapters)
Please Give Me The Pacifier (41 chapters)
Please Marry Me Again, Husband! (36 chapters)
Preventing the Making of a Tyrant (46 chapters)
Princess of the Animals (16 chapters)
Protecting the Witch's Son (38 chapters)
Protect the Knight (53 chapters)
Queen Cecia’s Shorts (80 chapters)
Regina Rena: To the Unforgiven (24 chapters)
Reporting for Duty, Duchess! (48 chapters)
Revenge Wedding (84 chapters)🔁
Rewriting My Tragic Ending (34 chapters)
Rewriting the Villainess (62 chapters)🔁
Roxana (39 chapters)
Royal Marriage (49 chapters)
Run, Meil (50 chapters)🔁
Sacrificed (52 chapters)
Say Ah, the Golden Spoon Is Entering (40 chapters)
Saving My Sweetheart (A Way to Protect the Lovable You) (89 chapters)
Second Life of a Trash Princess (23 chapters)
Secret Lady (43 chapters)
Seven Years Later (36 chapters)
Savor the Taste (59 chapters)🔁
Side Characters Deserve Love too (127 chapters)
So I Married the Abandoned Prince (29 chapters)
Straight to the Red Carpet (40 chapters)
Swimming Lessons for a Mermaid (101 chapters)🔁
Taming the Emperor's Hound (31 chapters)
Taming the Corrupted (45 chapters)
Terrarium Adventure (19 chapters)
The 101st Heroine (71 chapters)🔁
The Accidental Heiress (45 chapters)
The Baby Isn't Yours (29 chapters)
The Beast Emperor and I (26 chapters)
The Beloved Little Princess (96 chapters)
The Black Haired Princess (107 chapters)🔁
The Boutique at 97th Sheldon Street (26 chapters)
The Crown Princess Audition (80 chapters)
The Demonic Contract (64 chapters)
The Destroyer Fell in Love With Me (71 chapters)
The Duchess with an Empty Soul (100 chapters)
The Duchess's 50 Tea Recipes (143 chapters)🔁
The Duke's 99th Bride (24 chapters)
The Duke's Bored Daughter is My Master (57 chapters)
The Duke's Teddy Bear (54 chapters)
The Dungeon’s Dying S-class Lady (24 chapters)
The Empire's Hidden Hope (21 chapters)
The First Night With the Duke (102 chapters)🔁
The Goddess of Healing (159 chapters)🔁
The Golden Forest (55 chapters)
The Golden-Haired Summoner (100 chapters)
The Grand Duchess of the North Was Secretly a Villainess (21 chapters)
The Handsome Male Lead Won't Let Me Log Out! (35 chapters)
The Heroine Is a Man (36 chapters)
The Lady and the Beast (72 chapters)
The Lady I Served Became a Master (79 chapters)
The Lady Tames the Swordmaster (70 chapters)
The Lady Wants to Rest (43 chapters)
The Lady’s Butler (90 chapters)
The Lady’s Law of Survival (61 chapters)
The Little Lady Tames the Leads (22 chapters)
The Little Landlady (22 chapters)
The Maid and the Vampire (76 chapters)🔁
The Matchmaking Baby Princess (51 chapters)
The Millionaire Divorcee (21 chapters)
The Night Without Shadows (60 chapters)
The Noble Pirate (22 chapters)
The Perks of Being a Villainess (45 chapters)
The Precious Sister of The Villainous Grand Duke (69 chapters)
The Princess is Evil (34 chapters)
The Princess's Doll Shop (33 chapters)
The Princess’s Double Life (42 chapters)
The Princess’s Spaceship (85 chapters)🔁
The Protection of Lariensa Gelinus (90 chapters)🔁
The Real Daughter Is Back (21 chapters)
The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke’s Mansion (158 chapters)🔁
The Rebirth of A Tyrannical Empress (103 chapters)
The Remarried Empress (117 chapters)
The Runaway Lead Lives Next Door (41 chapters)
The Second Male Lead is Actually a Girl (16 chapters)
The Stairway of Time (110 chapters)🔁
The Strongest Characters in the World are Obsessed With Me (56 chapters)
The Tyrant Wants To Be Good (32 chapters)
The Tyrant's Sister (121 chapters)
The Tyrant’s Only Perfumer (44 chapters)
The Tyrant's Tranquilizer (37 chapters)
The Villainess Empress’s Attendant (20 chapters)
The Villainess Enters the Game! (18 chapters)
The Villainess Flips The Script! (91 chapters)
The Villainess is a Marionette (54 chapters)
The Villainess Lives Again (95 chapters)
The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass (105 chapters)
The Villainess’s Blind Date is too Perfect (29 chapters)
The Villainess's Road to Revenge (20 chapters)
The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Gingerbread House (54 chapters)
The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time (35 chapters)
The Villain’s Savior (87 chapters)🔁
The Viridescent Tiara (69 chapters)
The Wicked Woman's Daughter (38 chapters)
This Girl is a Little Wild (50 chapters)
This Villainess Wants A Divorce! (118 chapters)🔁
This Witch of Mine (58 chapters)🔁
To a Happy Ending for The Tragic Novel (20 chapters)
To Those Who Long for My Destruction (38 chapters)
Tricked into Becoming the Heroine's Stepmother (50 chapters)
Trophy Husband (55 chapters)🔁
Truthfully, They Only Remembered Her (76 chapters)
Under the Oak Tree (50 chapters)
Untouchable Lady (51 chapters)
Valia, Tribute to Shuden (20 chapters)
Villainess For Hire (32 chapters)
Villainess in Love (95 chapters)🔁
Villainess Maker (72 chapters)🔁
Virtues of the Villainess (82 chapters)🔁
Wake Up, Warrior (53 chapters)
Welcome to Sylvia's Garden (20 chapters)
What it Takes To Be A Villainess (163 chapters)🔁
What's Wrong with You, Duke? (133 chapters)🔁
When I Quit Being A Wicked Mother-in-law, Everyone Became Obsessed With Me (23 chapters)
When The Count's Illegitimate Daughter Gets Married (34 chapters)
When the Villainess Loves (70 chapters)
Why Are You Obsessed with Your Fake Wife? (34 chapters)
Wished You Were Dead (37 chapters)
Your Majesty, I will raise you well in this life (41 chapters)
Your Majesty, Please Spare Me This Time (73 chapters)
Your Throne (126 chapters)
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A Chance At Last (69 chapters)🔁
Act Like You Love Me! (126 chapters)
Bitten Contract (95 chapters)
Eaternal Nocturnal (60 chapters)
Goodbye, In-Law! (75 chapters)🔁
Marry My Husband (66 chapters)🔁
Operation: True Love (70 chapters)
Perfect Marriage Revenge (95 chapters)
Rewriting Our Love Story (62 chapters)🔁
The Time We Were Young (39 chapters)
Villain with a Crush (Pure Villain) (62 chapters)
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200% in Love (62 chapters)🔁
A Morning Kiss at Tiffany's (52 chapters)
A Business Proposal (106 chapters)🔁
A Step Closer to Your Heart (94 chapters)🔁
Before It's Too Late (41 chapters)
Charming You (72 chapters)🔁
Date First, Love Later (46 chapters)
Day by Day (74 chapters)🔁
Daytime Star (77 chapters)🔁
Faking It In Style (75 chapters)
His Devilish New Hire (73 chapters)
Idol House (71 chapters)🔁
Interview with the Crazy Rich (53 chapters)
Love Lies (83 chapters)🔁
Maid for Hire (43 chapters)
Match Made in Hell (45 chapters)
Maybe Meant to Be (79 chapters)
My Boss's Special Request (38 chapters)
My Ex, Client (47 chapters)🔁
My Far Too Tumultuous Marriage (35 chapters)
My Irresistible Ex (100 chapters)🔁
My Sweet Girl (98 chapters)🔁
Nice To Meet You (67 chapters)
One Step Away From Happiness (30 chapters)
Our Secret Alliance (71 chapters)
Painful, but Desirable (73 chapters)🔁
Positively Yours (80 chapters)🔁
Revelation of Youth (51 chapters)
Secretary Out-of-Order (20 chapters)
See You in My 19th Life (85 chapters)
Sixth Sense Kiss (51 chapters)
Substitute Boyfriend (55 chapters)
The Lady with a Mask (55 chapters)🔁
The Losing Streak (40 chapters)🔁
The Omniscient Point Of View Of An Unrequited Love (83 chapters)
The Pharmacy Where the Wolf Howls (77 chapters)🔁
The Second Lead Syndrome (38 chapters)
Two Steps Away (50 chapters)🔁
Unlovable Replacement (84 chapters)
Wedding Impossible (72 chapters)🔁
What's Wrong With Your Online Life? (31 chapters)
When the Day Comes (52 chapters)🔁
Wished You Were Dead (96 chapters)
Writer's Block of Romance (27 chapters)
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From Today On, I’m a Boy (68 chapters)🔁
Ice Lamp - The Chronicles of Kira (74 chapters)🔁
I Work at a Witch's Mansion (36 chapters)🔁
I Became a Doting Father (48 chapters)
Level-Up Doctor (29 chapters)
This Is The Law (44 chapters)
14 notes · View notes
cbk1000 · 4 months
I'm back on my the-ocean-terrifies-me-so-naturally-I'm-gonna-read-about-maritime-disasters bullshit, and I have decided to rate some of the shipwrecks I have read about by how personally terrifying they are to me. Note these are not rated in terms of loss of life/objectively worst, these ratings are simply based on how much they scare the shit out of me. I'm going to use a scale of 1-5, with 1 being, 'I guess if I absolutely had to be on a shipwreck this would be maybe the less terrible of absolutely horrific options' and 5 being, 'Absolutely the fuck not.' Putting under a cut for length and for any people who are normal and don't want to read about horrible maritime disasters.
Titanic 2/5: Let’s start with the most famous. I'm not going to add a summary for this one because literally everyone knows at least the basics. Why does it only get a 2/5 when there was such a huge death toll and not enough lifeboats? Because the ship took hours to sink, I'm middle-class and a woman, and therefore probably would have been a second class passenger, and of the 95 second class female passengers, 83 survived. I like those odds. The ship also went down on an even keel and didn't list much till the end, which, as you'll see later on, is not a courtesy the ocean affords many of these disasters. However, it was pitch black and in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and even if you were one of the lucky ones who got a lifeboat, you were in a tiny little boat on the vast black early morning expanse of the Atlantic, with no idea of when or if rescue would come, and that sure is a lot of nope.
Empress of Ireland 5/5: The Empress of Ireland is not nearly as well-known internationally, but it is often referred to as Canada's Titanic. She was an ocean liner that sank in 1914 near the mouth of the Saint Lawrence River after colliding with a Norwegian collier in thick fog. Of the 1,477 people on board, 1,012 died. Why does this get a 5/5? Because it sank in only 14 minutes, all the lights went out only a few minutes after the collision, and, to top it off, it happened early in the morning when pretty much all the passengers were sleeping, and on the first night of the voyage, before safety drills, so most of the passengers were unfamiliar with the layout of the ship. The list was also so severe, so quickly, that the port lifeboats couldn't be launched. If you were on a lower deck, you probably drowned almost immediately. If you were on an upper deck, you had minutes to navigate a pitch black ship whose layout you were unfamiliar with to get to the top, where you might not even get a lifeboat because half of them were out of commission. A salvage operation was commenced shortly after the sinking, and salvage divers found that many desperate passengers had tried to escape through their potholes and got stuck, and their bodies were seen hanging out the portholes. No. No. NO. I would have told the company to get their own fucking safe and booked it the fuck out of there.
Andrea Doria 4/5: The Andrea Doria was a luxury transatlantic ocean liner that sank in 1956 after colliding with the passenger liner Stockholm in fog off the coast of Nantucket. Only 51 people died, 46 from Doria, and 5 on Stockholm. The ship began to list severely immediately, rendering many of the lifeboats useless. However, the ship took 11 hours to sink, giving rescuers plenty of time to evacuate passengers. Almost all those who died did so as a result of the initial collision and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So why is this rated so highly? Because hundreds of passengers were left clinging to the decks of a severely listing ships for hours, wondering if the ship would roll over at any moment. I read accounts of people lying flat and taking off their shoes so they could grip the deck with their toes as well. I don't want to be cock teased with whether or not I'm going to die, Atlantic Ocean, either kill me or don't.
MS Estonia 4/5: There are some conspiracy theories for this one regarding what really caused the sinking, so I'm just going to recount what official investigations found. The MS Estonia was a ferry that sank in stormy weather, in 1994 in the Baltic Sea enroute to Stockholm, Sweden, due to poor cargo distribution which cause the ship to list, and a faulty bow door that separated from the ship and pulled the ramp askew. This caused water to flood in and rapidly worsened the list that was already present. 852 of 989 onboard died. It sank in the middle of the night, and many passengers were trapped in the ship, and even some of those who made it to the lifeboats died of hypothermia. Survivors reported hearing multiple bangs on the ship (hence the conspiracy theories about explosions or a collision really causing the sinking). So, you're on a ship in the middle of stormy seas, you're hearing bangs, and either you're trapped and fucked, or you get to go out on a lifeboat (i.e. bath toy) in the middle of the night in a storm in the Baltic Sea. It's a no from me.
MV Doña Paz 5/5: The MV Doña Paz was a ferry that sank in 1987 on its way to Manila after a collision with an oil tanker. It was extremely overcrowded, with an estimated extra 2,000 passengers who were not on the manifest. An estimated 4,385 people died, with only 26 survivors. The oil tanker caught on fire, which then spread to the Doña Paz. Survivors reported that the lights went out just minutes after the collision, there were no life vests to be found, and the crew were running about in a panic. The fire rapidly spread onboard, prompting many people to dive into the oily water...which was also on fire. Oh, and it was shark-infested. And filled with the charred bodies of their fellow passengers. Most of the survivors sustained burns. So, here were your options: burn to death; drown; burn and then drown; burn, but get pulled out of the water by rescuers, along with only two dozen other people out of the thousands who were aboard. -1000000/10 do not recommend this maritime disaster holy Jesus.
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quill-of-thoth · 2 years
Letters from Watson, catching up
The Speckled Band: Crimes in Context Inheritance The Speckled Band is the first example we’re getting in this reading order of a sub-genre of Holmes’ cases: inheritance crimes against women, so to understand it we’re going to have to take a look at the structure of Victorian inheritance. Thankfully, it is usually spelled out what each woman in canon is entitled to - unfortunately this is because the law could not be relied upon to guarantee her anything.  Modernly, inheritance is something that someone might get when a relative dies: It was a more common concern in the victorian era, where the life expectancy for anyone who survived to the age of five is cited by papers I was able to find as anything from 60 to 75, (Compared to pre-covid numbers of early 80′s - 79 for males, 83 for females - in the UK, according to the ONS [Office of National Statistics], and 79 in the US according to the CDC.) Infectious disease prior to antibiotics, the number of wars that the British empire was waging at any given time, and a maternal mortality rate of around five percent meant that adults dying young, or suddenly, was more common than today. It was also not expected that middle and upper class women would work outside the home: if they did it was usually a sign that the family was not doing well, and in danger of no longer being middle class. A number of Holmes’ clients are women in this specific economic position: with less economic security or control over their finances because they were unmarried, often working as a governess, one of the jobs considered appropriate for unmarried middle class women. The majority of them have some sort of inheritance or trust that they have extremely limited access to until they marry - at which point the money is legally theirs, and they can set up trusts for their children as they see fit.  The structure of these trusts and inheritances makes them ripe for abuse by male guardians: while a parent might leave their daughters a hefty sum, they might also leave the money somewhat accessible by other male relatives to provide for the daughters’ schooling, social opportunities, etc. Since the daughters would have no means of securing more money of their own (due to not working) this custodial arrangement could last indefinitely.  Helen Stoner’s mother had, either via a trust or inheritance, a thousand pounds (92,000 pounds / 113,000 USD) per year. She was married to an officer, and widowed when her twins were less than a year old (inferring from the two year mourning period.) Likely she didn’t know Dr. Roylott very well at the time of their marriage, but a marriage would mean that she and her children didn’t have to find their own way back from India. Dr. Roylott had an estate but not the money to support it - a thousand pounds a year plus whatever he made while in India,  would definitely help in that regard. 
About ten years ago Dr. Roylott murdered a member of their household staff in India, and only barely escaped execution for it. Possibly because the man he murdered was Indian rather than British, possibly because the Roylotts were pretty rich by the standards of where they were residing and the murdered man was a servant. Either way, the family returned to England legally and financially in the power of a very violent man, and although the Stoner twins were in their late teens or early twenties at the time they were as powerless to leave the household as their mother, who had signed over her entire fortune to the man until her daughters’ marriage. Mrs. Roylott died in an accident shortly after their return. I can only infer that her husband having sole control of six figures (four figures at the time) except for a post-marriage portion for each daughter was only in effect until her death. Therefore, Dr. Roylott decides to return to his hereditary estates and isolate his stepdaughters there - much less chance of their getting married if they’re removed from London society and all the neighbors are terrified of him.  Family Abuse Helen doesn’t go into a lot of detail about Dr. Roylott’s behavior to herself, her sister, and their mother, but based on what we know modernly about men who are constantly committing violent acts in their community, and the evidence that he abused Helen, it is very likely that Dr. Roylott abused his wife. While Watson records Helen as saying that her mother died in a train accident while the family lived in London, he would have had a motive to fictionalize that - if Mrs. Roylott was killed, likely beaten to death like his previous victim, by her husband it would be more scandalous than him beating a servant to death in India, more traceable by acquaintances of the family, and less suitable material for a family magazine. A man murdering his stepdaughters via snake may have felt more appropriate to the Victorian audience than spousal abuse.  Murder, and Milk-Drinking Snakes Dr. Roylott definitely murdered Julia Stoner, is attempting to murder Helen, and for the purposes of Watson’s story, the murder weapon is a venomous snake. There are a lot of inconsistencies surrounding the snake. Julia’s autopsy found no trace of poison, but it’s always possible that faced with a venomous snake from India, the coroner didn’t know what to look for. There are no obvious snakebite marks, but it’s also possible to miss those. The snake is apparently trained to respond to whistles and rewarded by drinking milk. Snakes, are, however, reptiles: while you can train them to be accustomed to human handling, training them to enter a vent and return is very implausible. They also don’t digest lactose, and don’t even need to drink very often. There’s also the fact that you can’t just throw a snake in a room with a sleeping person and be sure that it will bite them, and that it will deliver a fatal dose of venom if it does. This is a lot of implausibilities, bordering on impossibilities. It makes a person wonder if one of the alleged “impossibilities” that were previously examined is possible after all. Particularly if one has coincidentally been reading how locks work. The modern door lock is not infallible, but it is significantly more complex than the late victorian door lock: we have better precision machining, so on average there are more springs and pins inside the lock, and more and smaller teeth on the key. Meaning that it takes longer to pick a lock using little tools to press each pin into the correct position, and also that you have to be more precise about the position. Because Stoke Moran is an old manor that was uninhabited for approximately twenty years while the Roylott-Stoner family lived in India, and the family fortunes were low since the regency, it’s unlikely to have modern (for the era) locks. At a guess, the latest the locks could have been updated is the 1810′s.  It is extremely possible for a doctor, who presumably has some skill with surgical tools, and who has plotted for several months to murder his stepdaughter to prevent her marriage, to spend that time learning to pick a by then obsolete lock, instead of importing and training a snake. It’s equally possible for him to have access to a variety of poisons, whether they were thought to have any medical use or not, since the Victorian household used a lot of poisons as pesticides. Then too, he receives goods from India regularly - it doesn’t have to be a common poison. It could even actually be snake venom: though the first process of milking snakes for venom in order to test antidotes was published in 1891, it’s possible that there were significantly earlier, unrecorded attempts. Especially considering how many people throughout history have wanted to poison each other.  A more plausible scenario is that Julia was murdered in the following way: Dr. Roylott looked through the vent, which must be large enough to try to see through if a decently sized snake can squeeze through it, to check that she was asleep, making a slight noise and shedding just enough light that he could see if she was lying awake in the dark or not, and on the nights that it did not wake her, he opened the door, possibly by picking the lock, possibly because the doors to his stepdaughters’ bedrooms were never actually secure, administered some kind of poison, possibly by injection, and left her there to die. Julia woke up as the poison ran its course, tried to light a candle, screamed, and was found by her sister. Dr. Roylott gave her brandy, knowing that it would do nothing, and waited.  When the time came to murder Helen, he first attempted to intimidate her. “Livid” bruises, or bluish black ones, are two days to around a week old. Dr. Roylott, if the housekeeper leaves once Helen is gone, cannot maintain the family home on his own - as a landed gentleman he would not know how, and when he attempted to hire servants they left immediately. Helen is doing some, possibly still a full half, of the work of the house that keeps him comfortable.  She also worked her hardest to keep the family name in acceptable shape whenever he attacked another person in their community, it’s possible that made life much easier for him. And a coroner faced with two mysterious deaths in the same household in two years is going to be suspicious, even if the official cause of Julia’s death is basically listed as fright.  Maybe he tried a similar tactic on Julia, maybe he didn’t: both twins were slightly old for a first marriage, with Julia dead at thirty and Helen now thirty two. If he could scare either into calling it off, the chances of their marrying would decrease every year. 
 The intimidation of Helen failed - he had her moved into the bedroom he could most easily access. He checked whether she was asleep. She wasn’t: she lit the lamp immediately, but he had plenty of time. He was already going to london on business in the morning, possibly even to make sure he would have no trouble accessing her inheritance (though likely under the pretense of checking in on it so it would properly be distributed to her upon her marriage). If he’d managed to administer the poison that night, an early morning trip to the city might even give him an alibi - of course he hadn’t seen her since a decent hour the night before, he was up early to do business in town! He assumed the dear girl was still asleep. She works so hard, you know, and with her wedding coming up - and remembering her sister’s tragic demise only two years ago - she must be exhausted.  Either the housekeeper would discover her death at some point in the day while he was gone, or he could “discover” her death quite late upon his return, leaving even less for the coroner to conclude, but that won’t stop him from trying again tomorrow night, since he can always adjust his story, with only the elderly housekeeper able to deny it.  Imagine his surprise when he finds that she’s gone to London - to see a detective, no less! She has no evidence, and even if Holmes sees her bruises it’s not like he has any standing to intervene, but Roylott rages and threatens him anyway. And when Roylott finds Holmes and Watson on his estate at night, investigating, with his stepdaughter missing, he attacks them: one of them shoots him in self defense. It’s also possible that he did meet his end because of one of his exotic pets, loose in the night, while pursuing them.  Nearly a decade later, perhaps immediately after successfully publishing a dramatic tale regarding he and Holmes coming to the aid of a young woman connected with exotic crimes in India, Watson recalls the adventure, begins to write it up, and realizes halfway through that it’s a simple tale of greed and cruelty. Eventually, he inserts the snake for a dash of the fantastic, obscures Helen’s identity further, and publishes it anyway, because although Helen is dead, he’s still proud of the work he and Holmes did saving her life, freeing her from her abusive stepfather, and allowing her to spend her too-brief married life in relative peace. If he had to, he’d do it again.
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bearterritory · 1 year
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12 Talented Transfers Bolster Cal Football
Golden Bears Solidify 2023 Roster with Experienced Veterans
BERKELEY – The California football team has officially added a dozen players to its roster since the end of spring football with the signings of QB Luke Bottari (Utah), WR Taj Davis (Washington), RB King Doerue (Purdue), WR Marquez Dortch (Mississippi State), QB Ben Finley (North Carolina State), RB Isaiah Ifanse (San Jose State/Montana State), OL Barrett Miller (Stanford), P Thomas Lee (Cal Poly), DB Patrick McMorris (San Diego State), DB Marcus Scott II (Missouri), OL Matthew Wycoff (Texas A&M), and OLB Tidiane Jalloh (Independence Community College)
Below are highlights on each of the signees:   Luke Bottari – QB, 5-10, 205, R-Jr., 5th Collegiate Season San Mateo, CA (Utah/College of San Mateo/Serra HS) – Completed 338-of-550 passes for 4,673 yards with a school career-record 46 touchdowns and 13 interceptions for a quarterback rating of 155.7 at College of San Mateo – Named the Northern California Player of the Year while adding All-State honors as a 2019 freshman – Led Serra High School to its first state title as a 2017 prep junior   Taj Davis – WR, 6-1, 205, R-Jr., 5th Collegiate Season Upland, CA (Washington/Upland HS) – Played in 24 games with 10 starts in his final two seasons as a 2021 redshirt freshman and 2022 sophomore at Washington – Contributed two-year career totals of 47 receptions, 606 yards receiving and four touchdown catches, while also playing on special teams and adding six tackles all as a 2022 sophomore – Ranked as the nation's No. 54 wide receiver according to Rivals in the 2019 high school recruiting class
King Doerue – RB, 5-10, 205, R-Jr., 5th Collegiate Season Amarillo, TX (Purdue/Tascosa HS) – Played in 32 games with 16 starts in four seasons at Purdue from 2019-22 – Rushed 309 times for 1,145 yards and 10 touchdowns, while adding 47 receptions, 381 yards receiving and three touchdown catches   Marquez Dortch – WR, 6-0, 170, R-Fr., 2nd Collegiate Season Lucedale, MS (Mississippi State/George County HS) – Played in one game and recorded one reception for one yard in a single campaign at Mississippi State in 2022 but did not use a season of collegiate eligibility – A consensus four-star recruit in the 2021 class who was ranked the nation's No. 24 wide receiver by 247Sports
Ben Finley – QB, 6-3, 205, R-So., 4th Collegiate Season Phoenix, AZ (North Carolina State/Paradise Valley HS) – Played in eight games at NC State with two starts over three campaigns, completing 83-of-152 passes for 912 yards with four touchdown tosses – Led the Wolfpack to a 30-27 double-overtime win at No. 18 North Carolina as a 2022 redshirt freshman in his first career start in North Carolina State's regular-season finale, connecting on 27-of-40 passes for 271 yards with two touchdowns and no interceptions   Isaiah Ifanse – RB, 5-9, 205, R-Sr., 6th Collegiate Season Bellevue, WA (San Jose State/Montana State/Bellevue HS) – Played in 40 games in four seasons at Montana State (2018-19, 2021-22) and finished as the school's all-time leading rusher with 3,742 yards and scored 25 touchdowns on the ground to rank sixth on Montana State's all-time list on 630 carries for a program that posted a 43-14 overall record, made the FCS Playoffs each season including a trip to the title game during his 2021 junior campaign, and won a share of the Big Sky title as a 2022 senior – Became Montana State's first All-American running back since 1982 (second-team AFCS, Associated Press, Hero Sports, Stats Perform) and All-Big Sky running back since 2011 as a junior in 2021, when he established a single-season school-record with 1,623 yards rushing and scored 10 touchdowns on the ground on 280 carries that were the second most in school history
Barrett Miller – OL, 6-5, 315, Sr., 5th Collegiate Season Aurora, CO (Stanford/Eaglecrest HS) – Played in 38 games with 30 starts (26 at left guard and four at right guard) over four seasons at Stanford from 2019-22 including all 18 starts possible during both his COVID-shortened 2020 and 2021 sophomore seasons – A four-star recruit in the prep class of 2019 according to 247Sports
Thomas Lee, P, 5-11, 185, R-Sr., 6th Collegiate Season San Ramon, CA (Cal Poly/Dougherty Valley HS) – A member of the Cal Poly football program for his final three years – Became the team's starting punter for the final nine games of his 2022 senior season and punted 31 times for 1,152 yards (37.2 ypp) – Finished his career with 33 punts for 1208 yards (36.6 ypp) with his 2 longest punts for 56 yards   Patrick McMorris, DB, 6-0, 210, Sr., 5th Collegiate Season Santa Ana, CA (San Diego State/Santa Ana HS/Godinez Fundamental HS) – Played in 42 games with 27 starts at San Diego State from 2019-22 and contributed 162 tackles, 6.5 tackles for loss (-14 yards), five interceptions that he returned for 61 yards, 15 pass breakups, 20 passes defended and two fumble recoveries, including one that he returned 30 yards for his lone career touchdown – Earned first-team All-Mountain West Conference as both a 2021 sophomore and 2022 junior to become just the second San Diego State safety to pick up spots on two All-MWC first-team squads – A team captain as a 2022 junior who was named the preseason Mountain West Co-Defensive Player of the Year and also was a member of preseason first-team All-MWC teams by four publications, as well as on watch lists for the Senior Bowl and for the Chuck Bednarik Award and Bronko Nagurski Award given to the nation's top defensive player – Listed as a four-star transfer by 247Sports
Marcus Scott II – DB, 6-0, 180, R-Fr., 2nd Collegiate Season Houston, TX (Missouri/Conroe HS/College Park HS) – Did not see any game action or use a season of collegiate eligibility as a 2022 true freshman at Missouri – Totaled 55 tackles, four interceptions, 18 pass breakups, three forced fumbles and two fumble recoveries as a prep during his 2020 junior at College Park High School and 2021 senior campaign at Conroe High School, while picking up three touchdowns in his career on a pick six, a 75-yard scoop and score, and an onside kick that he returned 65 yards – A four-star recruit of Rivals both in the 2023 transfer portal class and 2022 high school class, while also being listed as the No. 34 cornerback coming out of high school   Matthew Wykoff – OL, 6-6, 330, R-So., 3rd Collegiate Season Magnolia, TX (Texas A&M/Magnolia HS) – Played in 16 games with nine starts over two campaigns as a 2021 true freshman and 2022 redshirt freshman at Texas A&M – Earned a spot on the SEC's All-Freshman squad – Ranked as the No. 34 offensive tackle in the 2021 recruiting class according to Rivals
Tidiane Jalloh, OLB, 6-5, 270, So., 2nd Collegiate Season Toulon, France (Independence Community College) – Contributed eight tackles with 0.5 tackles for loss (-2 yards) in six games off the bench as a 2022 true freshman in his first season of American football –Ranked as the nation's No. 9 defensive lineman in the 2023 junior college recruiting class by 247Sports Composite  
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Jesse Eisenberg's Midlife Crisis Awaits
The Fleishman Is in Trouble star talks marriage, gender roles, and that unexpected ending.
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At the beginning of Fleishman Is in Trouble, the show is seemingly about a guy getting through a divorce. There's the introduction to dating apps; the reconnection with old friends; the flashbacks of misery. But as you continue watching, it becomes clear this is not a divorce show. Toby Fleishman, a 41-year-old Jewish hepatologist, is also having a midlife crisis. How the hell did he get here? And why him?
His anxiety is palpable. The furrowed eyebrows, excessive blinking, and longing stares are all it takes for viewers to side with a man whose dream of a happy marriage and family is no more. When producers suggested that Jesse Eisenberg play the lead role of Toby, a lightbulb went off for Taffy Brodesser-Akner, who wrote the New York Times bestselling novel that inspired the series and serves as its showrunner and executive producer. It was Eisenberg or bust. “Once it was him in our hearts, anyone else would have been a letdown,” Brodesser-Akner tells Men’s Health. “He is, I believe, the most gifted actor of his generation.”
A gifted actor who’s also a “rare bird,” according to Brodesser-Akner. Rare in the sense for someone to be quick and smart and funny and warm without succumbing to the cynicism that usually breeds from his kind of intelligence (“I’m cynical, it’s just directed inward,” Eisenberg jokes). Rare in the sense that when he calls me directly for this interview in the midst of a seven-hour road trip with his family, he mentions my area code and asks if I’m in Boca Raton (close), then proceeds to ask me questions about my hometown and tell me he has a cousin who went to high school nearby.
Before Eisenberg signed on to the show, that same inquisitiveness led him to buy Brodesser-Akner’s novel on iBooks (yes, iBooks) when he “heard something amazing about it.” But then he heard that Brodesser-Akner was a culture writer and known for profiling celebrities à la Tom Hanks, Bradley Cooper, and Gwyneth Paltrow (“The thing I avoid reading about most in life”). He thought that was what the book was about, so he didn't open it. Cautious curiosity, after all. It wasn’t until he found out Fleishman was being adapted for television and they wanted him for the role that he finally opened it. “Then I read it and devoured it like everybody else in New York at the time and I'm now all caught up.”
Upon Fleishman's eighth and final episode, the FX limited series (currently streaming on Hulu) has an 83 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, thanks to its prolific writing and ensemble cast of Eisenberg, Claire Danes, Lizzy Caplan, and Adam Brody. It’s proven to be a masterclass in perspective-shifting storytelling, while also exploring themes of gender, class, desire, and ambition. You'll relate to "the quiet part out loud" moments—even if you’ve never been married or have no plans to be. As the series comes to a close, Men’s Health caught up with Eisenberg to discuss what it was like living in Toby's world, why he refuses to watch himself on-screen, and the fate of Toby and Rachel.
Men's Health: What initially attracted you to the role of Toby?
Jesse Eisenberg: Well, it's a guy who was a little older than me going through what, for him, felt like the end of the world, which is, as an actor, what you want because what you learn in drama school is to live in high stakes. But what I really just loved about the show was that it also took a step back and put his problems in perspective, both from a place of gender that we as an audience are expected to feel a male sympathy that is perhaps not fully earned. And then also just from a place of basically viewing his great fortune in a pretty culturally-aware context. He talks about feeling like he's treated like a poor person, and yet we as readers or as an audience for the show know that he's in a very privileged bubble. So there's a self-awareness to the show while at the same time providing me, an actor, with very high stakes.
I read that you had an anxiety disorder growing up. I’m curious to know if and how you were able to draw from this experience while portraying Toby’s anxiety on screen?
Anytime you're acting in anything, you're typically dealing with some kind of emotional stress. That's just the nature of drama and characters. Actually, I thought this character is about a thousand times more confident and self-actualized than I am. In fact, I would often try to make these little aside jokes in the way I, Jesse, would in my own life to cope with an uncomfortable situation. And Taffy [Brodesser-Akner], who wrote the book and the character, told me he's not like that. He doesn't have the same kind of immediate anxiety and need for coping like I do.
So often eating disorders portrayed on-screen are reserved for female characters. Talk to me about the significance of depicting Toby’s eating disorder and what that process was like?
That was really interesting for me. My relationship to eating disorders is that I had gone to many Overeaters Anonymous meetings with somebody who's close to me for years. You learn very quickly that eating disorders are not just reserved for women, so I was aware of that. Then my other relationship to eating disorders comes from this movie that I did just prior to filming Fleishman Is in Trouble. A month before we started filming, I was playing an amateur bodybuilder who basically force-feeds himself all day. I had spent a year training for the movie with a personal trainer and a dietician to try to gain a lot of weight and muscle. I had spent that year, in terms of my relationship with food, just very frustrated because it's very difficult for me to gain weight. Then the movie ended and I shifted to playing this character who was restricting [with food], so the exact opposite. It was interesting to play this character after thinking about food in a very stressful way for a year.
My relationship to food is a relatively healthy one now. When I'm working I'm very careful about what I eat, but only because I don't want to change my energy level during the day. You shoot for 12 or 14 hours a day, you want to maintain that consistent level of energy. So I don't eat sugar, and I have a very limited amount of caffeine that I proportion out throughout the day.
People have #thoughts on Toby’s dating life (Twitter is mainly just in awe that a nebbish-y, 40-something Jewish man is in his sexual prime). What was it like filming the sex scenes? You were actually nude for one of them, right?
[I'm] working on this show about gender politics—a show which tries to upend thoughts we have about male sympathy—and yet I had to do these sex scenes where the women were definitely going to be naked and it was questionable as to whether I was going to be. I spoke to Taffy and she said, “This is what we're thinking. Are you okay with also being naked?” And my first thought was, let me just ask my wife because I don't have an immediate thought or answer that feels exactly right to me. I presented the situation to my wife and she had one question. She said, “Are the women going to be naked?” I said, “Yes.” And then she said, “Well, then of course you have to.” And I thought, not only is she right, but that's what makes sense for a show about gender politics, that the show doesn't just objectify women.
Speaking of sex and dating, I know you don’t use social media, but have you used dating apps before or were you essentially as clueless as Toby?
In terms of the character's dating life, it's not something that I ever experienced or know about in terms of going online and combing through the dating industry. I thought [it] could not be real when I read about it. And then in talking to people about this show before filming it, they started opening up to me about their dating lives. It was straight women showing me basically dozens and dozens of pictures of men in front of yachts that I'm sure they don't own or go on, and it floored me. I'm a person who doesn't really love options, and to me it would just seem overwhelming.
Fast forward to episode seven, where Claire Danes gives this masterful performance of Rachel’s nervous breakdown. Do you remember watching that episode for the first time? If so, what were your thoughts?
I have not seen a frame of the show. I can’t look at myself. But I read it, obviously, and we did a table reading of it, so I know everything that happens in it.
Is that unique to Fleishman or all of your work?
Oh no, I don't watch myself, ever. I mean, I saw the commercials. The way I can compare my feelings about it is just like, if you go on a trip and then you come back with 100 pictures, you're most likely going to delete 90 of them because you think you look weird. And that's pretty much how I feel about watching myself. I think 90 percent of it is horrible and 10 percent is something I'm happy with. It’s just an excruciating experience to watch myself. But I know that episode well and I loved it and I thought it was just the best.
That episode was of course the first time we learned of the divorce from Rachel’s perspective. What is the subtle messaging around misogyny and feminism that you think people may miss while watching the series?
It's one of these great things that happens in drama where you bring an audience into a story, and then flip the story on its head, and then the audience realizes they've been complicit with something that they now regret. So in the case of this show, the audience is most likely on Toby's side. From his perspective, Rachel looks driven by avarice and ambition, and she seems like a negligent mom and an uninterested wife. That episode reminds the audience of something they probably know, but forgot, which is that every story has two sides. That every person has their own way of looking at something that's just as valid as their adversary. It turns the show from a show that's entertaining into a show that’s profound and instructive.
I loved this line from one of the episodes: “To survive is to evolve, to evolve is to move forward, and to move forward is to recover.” Was there a specific line or scene that resonated with you most?
Oh yes, yes, yes. The scene that resonated with me the most was in episode six, where I go to these two parties. One is a party of Rachel's friends at our new fancy apartment, and the other is a party [with] my old friends. I thought it was amazing in so many ways. On the one hand, it showed the way a character can live in these two lives and accidentally have found himself in a life that is completely unsatisfying to him. I think that could be felt universally, which is just the idea that through making decisions that go one percent in a certain direction every day, you wind up 100 percent in a completely different direction than you had planned.
And then the other thing I think it shows so well are these two sides of New York City that I am a part of. Because I'm in the arts, I'm really part of what I would think of as a more bohemian creative scene. And yet, because I am also in mass entertainment, I find myself also in these very expensive rooms and feel obviously very out of place. But these two things really do exist side by side. And oftentimes there's an overlap of people who will be in both worlds, and I thought that episode captured that so beautifully.
In that final scene, what happens with Rachel and Toby? Does he go back to her? Yell at her to oblivion?
Yeah, I don't know. I'm reminded there was...in the end of the book, where the wife comes back and...I'm so sad it gets me choked up. She comes back to him and she's like, "It's me. It's just me." Basically, somebody you have a history with almost irrespective of the hell you've put each other through, that history still means something. And the question is, what does it mean? Does it mean that there's enough lingering feeling to warrant trying again? Or does it mean that there's so much resentment that the relationship will never be solved?
So, does the show reject marriage or accept it? Considering all three friends ultimately either enter or return to marriage, what does that say about the institution of marriage? Is the lesson simply that it’s flawed? Fleeting?
I think there's a line in the show that "marriage is like democracy. It's the worst form, except for all the others." I guess the thesis of the show is that if we're going to live in this world with these norms, marriage can work and be a really important way to live. But I don't know, obviously for a lot of people it doesn't work. So I don't know if the show is making a blanket statement, but at least for these specific characters it feels right.
You are, from what I understand, a happily married man. After filming this series, does any part of you now question the institution of marriage and its potential consequences?
When you're acting in something, it allows you to live out, in a protected way, the alternate lives that your character is living. So with this I got to, in a safe way, live out the life of what it's like to date on these apps and think about that. It became very quickly unappealing to me. Similarly, living out the life of having a marriage that dissolves and not only dissolves, but dissolves with such a rancor and bitterness...that also is not appealing to me. Claire and I, as actors, got to live out that experience and then go home to our partners with whom we are happily married, and realize that we are lucky. This is something we both discussed—that we both felt lucky at the end of the day that we went home to relationships that were not fraught with the same anger and resentment.
What can other men watching this show learn from Toby, especially those who are currently going through a midlife crisis?
Toby is a guy who prizes, above all else, stability. So to see somebody who has prized and held on to stability over everything else go through a very shaky time is probably cathartic for a lot of people. Because you realize that this kind of instability doesn't just happen to people who are irresponsible. For a lot of people, when they end up going through a chaotic experience, they often assume it couldn't have happened to them. Toby is the last person who ever expected it to happen to him.
Have you gone through a midlife crisis yet?
I think I did when I was 13 because I was very mature. When I was young, [I was] just questioning everything. But I guess you can't call that a midlife crisis because it didn't have to do with age and thinking life was behind me. So no, I guess not.
You’re one of the lucky ones.
Well, there’s still time.
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catoffee · 10 months
This is fr the best fanfic (MHA) react I’ve ever read. Give it some love and to the creator
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/27416920"><strong>MHA Watches the MCU</strong></a> (643494 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Yarheeguy"><strong>Yarheeguy</strong></a><br />Chapters: 87/?<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/%E5%83%95%E3%81%AE%E3%83%92%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AB%E3%83%87%E3%83%9F%E3%82%A2%20%7C%20Boku%20no%20Hero%20Academia%20%7C%20My%20Hero%20Academia">僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Marvel%20Cinematic%20Universe">Marvel Cinematic Universe</a><br />Rating: Teen And Up Audiences<br />Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings<br />Additional Tags: Reaction, Watching, Watching the MCU, Characters Watching Marvel Movies<br />Summary: <p>the characters from My Hero Academia are teleported to an unknown cinema to watch some movies, mainly the movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, join Izuku, class 1-A, the teachers, the villains and other characters as they and discover heroes from another reality.</p>
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star-arcana · 2 years
Mario + Rabbids Spark of Hope: Bwario (Enemy) moveset
Hello guys, I want to make a fanon moveset for Bwario, the Rabbid counterpart to Wario himself. He appeared in the first M+R game and was with Bwaluigi and the Lava Queen (the strongest Valkyrie in the game) in the final challenge before the final challenge in the main story, the final boss being the Megabug fused with Bowser.
Let us start with the moveset:
Bwario wields the King, a Gattling gun that shoots small darkmess particles on medium range (26 m) in a cone-shaped area (60°) and ignores partial cover. It shoots a series of projectiles in a windshield wipers manner; from left to right and reverse Bwario ravages the area, 3 times (5 times in the highest difficulty) leaving it all but in ruins. For a single row, it shoots 30 times (50 in the higher difficulty) with each bullet doing  damage 51-83 damage, and they can pierce through multiple opponents and cover. They hit a line 3 times and on the highest difficulty 5 times. Its crit chance is 30% Beware of the King!
He can dash 3 times, but he is able to steal money from you this way, Each dash steals 5 coins of Damage and he has the ability to increase the demage he deals with any weapon, skill or movement by 1% per coin. So if he dashes 3 times, he gets a damage boost by 5% for any dash and he can hit with his King with an increase in damage in total by 15%.
His technique is called Mega Darkmess Bob-bomb, whereby he summons a large Bom-bomb that he can throw with the same range as any other grabbable object within the game like the armored Goombas, but its explosion range is significantly larger, it’s 9 like Bowser’s stomp and it deals 982-1113 damage. It takes 2 turns after its usage to be fully usable again.
Bwario has the same health as Rabbid Mario at max, and he moves within 10 meters, making him rather slow. He can perform a team jump and lands at max 5 m from his original position. He is the Demolisher, someone who destroys the battlefield and leaves nothing standing, he turns thus every cover into rubble, basically a more aggressive Bowser and with Rabbid Mario’s power. 
Bwario is dangerous and should be feared. But with a lot of defensive thinking and resourcefulness you can win.
Edit: added crit rate and jumping into it with description of his class. I update that post in the future, so stay tuned and hope for more in the future!
What do you think, any improvements needed?
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Winter of 83
Original Creator @AT4W
Go Support their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@AT4W/videos
Code Name: When Winter Breaks/ Analog Snow
Object Class: Euclid Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Captured samples of SCP-AWS are contained inside metal crates coated with common metals that block frequencies such as aluminum, copper, and nickel. There are 40 creates in total and all are stacked and contained within 40x40x40 meter containment cell at Site-AL. The walls of the containment cell are also made of the same combinations of metals. The wall is double reinforced with space in between the walls. The space in between walls is filled with heaters to heat up the metal in the walls to prevent the room going any lower than 80 degrees Celsius.
Regarding SCP-AWS instances that have yet to be contained. The Foundation company referred to as, Security Computer Protection is responsible for providing better signal protection on all communication devices to all customers. The devices are to have stronger and more secure frequency communication to prevent SCP-AWS from feeding. The Foundation's ally, the Church of Maxwellism have assisted in creating devices or upgrading current household devices to prevent SCP-AWS from evolving and infecting the signals.
The United States Military and the Eight Wings of Mekhane have assisted the Foundations in creating a military company known as Satellites Connections Project. The company is to create, mass produce, and deploy new satellites that target anomalous frequencies and target the source. It is with hopes that with the satellites, the surviving SCP-AWS samples.
Mobile Task Force Poseidon-1: By Analog Sword and Frozen Shield, is tasked with hunting down, culling, and containing SCP-AWS samples. MTF Poseidon-1 is also responsible for analyzing samples of SCP-AWS to see if any mutations have taken place. 
Description: SCP-AWS is a sentient colony of bacteria that is able to live in crystalized formations such as sugar, salt, and snow. SCP-AWS seems to prefer snow and only resort to any other crystalized formation if its survival depends on it. Instances of SCP-AWS are aware of being a colony of bacteria and always refers to itself as "us" or more disturbingly "god".
SCP-AWS is able to manipulate frequencies of 950 MHz or lower but never higher, these frequencies are typically used in analog tv. SCP-AWS is able to use these frequencies to communicate via audio and visual imagery depending on what is available. SCP-AWS can interact and send messages to analog devices from at least 500 feet away from itself and possibly farther. SCP-AWS can not only manipulate frequencies but also produce frequencies when a colony grows large enough. This allowed a colony of SCP-AWS to mimic voices it hears as well as the voices of its victims. SCP-AWS seems to feed on the frequencies it infects to gain sustenance. SCP-AWS not only eats and manipulates frequencies but can also use the frequencies to alter the snow it uses as a colony base. SCP-AWS uses the snow it inhabits to build a seemingly normal snowman body where it creates a mouth with functioning vocal cords and a human face.
SCP-AWS can use the frequencies to alter the snow to look like whatever it wants it to with a 99.9% accuracy rate. SCP-AWS can also use frequencies to manipulate the temperature of the air to turn the moisture into snow that also happens to contain SCP-AWS. This means that SCP-AWS is able to reproduce not via mitosis, but manifestation. How this is possible is unknown. Dr. Malik has taken the liberty of dubbing this process Metadosis. Metadosis being a biological cell process where a living bacterial cell consumes energy to multiply. When the bacteria multiplies its similar to mitosis; however, the bacterial cells uses additional energy to shoot off the new copy along the food source (this case being frequencies). This copy flows with the frequencies and feeds to become fully developed in a new location. Unfortunately, this is only a working theory of Dr. Malik, the captured samples of SCP-AWS are still being tested to fully understand their capabilities. What is known, is that the cells can travel anywhere frequencies can travel. Essentially meaning SCP-AWS can use Metadosis to spread anywhere where its frequencies can reach, and snow cannot be melted.
Despite feeding on the energy within frequencies, SCP-AWS seems to have a hunger for living flesh as well though it gains nothing from doing so. SCP-AWS seems to prefer to mimic humans or at the very least their faces. It has been theorized that SCP-AWS eats humans in order to understand and therefore mimic the buildup of the human body. SCP-AWS as a whole, views itself as a superior being that wants all life to be like it. It often manipulates analog frequencies of both radio and tv to show propaganda stating that the "snow will come for all" and "you will be like us". SCP-AWS is essentially a bacterial colony that is capable of creating Apex hunter snowmen that can create more snow, mimic voices and appearances, and thus lure prey into any trap. However, SCP-AWS is not omnipotent, without frequencies, SCP-AWS is unable to continue breeding and therefore unable to create more colonies inhabiting shapeshifting snowmen. Furthermore, the snow SCP-AWS is non anomalous and thus can easily be melted by extreme heat. Meaning wintertime in areas that use analog frequencies are the only chance SCP-AWS will be able to feed and kill as an apex predator.
Because of this, Dr. Malik has proposed SCP-AWS to be classified as a Avgotheo Hazard. Avgotheo Hazards being anomalies that are typically extremely weak but when the conditions are met can become a powerful or even God-like entity with the power to wipe out all life in its area of effect. In other words, these are anomalies that can be perceived as safe but have the potential to be a Keter class or Apollyon class anomaly, making them twice as dangerous. 
SCP-AWS was discovered on January 3rd, 1983, when the University of Minesota reported hearing strange messages from a laboratory within [data expunged]. Both the FBI: Unusual Incidents Unit and the SCP Foundation was alerted, however only the UIU deployed a squad right away. According to the UIU they lost contact with the squad on the same day after going to [data expunged] located in the town of [data expunged]. Afterwards the UIU was ordered to stand down by both the U.S. government and the SCP Foundation. On January 4th, the SCP Foundation then deployed Foundation Agents with snowplows and Foundation weaponry with containment gear. The Agents reported finding lots of vehicles including police cars and the local news station van but no civilians present. The Foundation has lost contact with them after the reported going into the basement of [data expunged]. One survivor got out of the basement, but the Foundation lost contact with the survivor quickly afterwards. A single survivor managed to get a message out by morse code stating, "weapons do nothing snow dangerous send he00000000000000 send snow send snow send snow send snow".
Because of the message Mobile Task Force Delta-14 was quickly sent in on January 5th. The squad consisted of six units all armed with adaptive temperature protection armor and laser rifles. Because of their weaponry Delta-14 was ordered to avoid the town and instead head straight for [data expunged]. The following is a recording of the encounter.
Begin Recording
D1: Alright weapons hot! We're almost at the [data expunged].
Four of the six units exit the fortified van, two hang back and act as a command.
D1: Command do you copy us?
C1: We copy you D1, your cameras are live, and your health monitors are online. You are free to proceed with the mission. Over.
D1: Copy, over and out. Alright people, remember the mission. Information is the priority! Avoid any and all civilians and don't engage unless you're sure it's an anomaly! Clear? Let's move out!
The four units marched in the middle of the cold snowy forest. They march for about 10 minutes before reaching [data expunged].
D2: Boss! There it is that's the mansion!
D1: Shit! Keep your voice down! There are police cars there, the place looks like its swarming with civilians! D3! Get up here and scope the area for civilians.
D3 does as D1 asks and remains silent for 1 minute while surveying the area.
D1: anything?
D3: No sir, just bad news.
D4: Bad news?
D3: The entire area is deserted no civilians or police and uh, I see FBI cars and by using the specialized vision scope I can see two belong to the UIU and two belong to us. They were all here but now they're just gone.
D1: Shit, so it really did kill everyone and leave no trace. Command did you get all of that? Probability of us entering a suicide mission is high. Over.
C1: Copy that D1, remember the main goal of the mission is information. we no absolutely nothing about this thing. Just find what you can and if you feel you are threatened, get your men out of there. Over.
D1: Copy that Command, over and out. Aright men keep your eyes peeled and if you see so much as a snowman in a place where it shouldn't, don't hesitate to open fire.
D4: Heh, copy that boss.
The four units close their distance toward the [data expunged] but first look around the cars for evidence.
D3: Damn, where did they all go?
D2: Unfortunately, the same place where we're going. To the basement, or at least that's my theory.
D4: You think it's another U.S. government experiment gone wrong?
D3: wouldn't be the first. Wasn't there that like an Era back in the 50's where the government kept nuking the desert and filling it with mutagenetic chemicals.
D2: Oh yeah it was like a giant bug epidemic for like a whole decade. Thankfully the GOC got rid of most of them.
D4: Shit, don't give those UN dogs any praise. We can do anything they can only better. The only reason they're even in the ACPA is because we need the UN to stay close.
D1: Enough with the chit-chat! Anyone find anything useful?
D2: I think I did, over here boss.
D1: a trail?
D3: What kind of trail is that?
D2: I was asking myself that until I realized it's a trail of a body being dragged. there you can see signs of hands thrashing.
D4: Fuck, look at the window it leads too. There's blood all over it.
D3: Wait hold on a sec... yup as I suspected, here's the morse code Messager from the previous agents.
D1: No doubt about it now then, whatever we're looking for is in there. Alright D2 with me, the rest of you stay out here and see if you can find anything else. Make sure nothing gets in and nothing besides us gets out.
D3: Roger that, lucky us, right?
D4: Yeah, sorry you got the short straw Mathews.
D2: Shut up. And stick to the code names idiot!
D1 and D2 proceed into the [data expunged] and observed the interior. They search around the interior for about 2 hours before going back to the floor level. 
D2: Looks like it's been abandoned for decades.
D1: Must be a cover for the lab in the basement. Though not enough to keep stupid teenagers out if you ask me.
D2: I don't know why anyone would want to be wandering around a broken building with the snow outside blowing like it is.
D1: Regardless of the reasoning, we won't find answers unless we get to the basement.
D2: Right, right, sorry.
D1 and D2 continue to stick together and search for the basement. They look around until they find the basement door open after about 20 minutes.
D2: finally, found it!
D1: How many times do I have to tell you to keep your voice down! We don't know what's listening to us.
D2: Alright sorry... hey wait a minute.
D1: What?
D2: This... this doesn't make sense, look at the snow level, its thicker from the basement and thinner and more spread out the father away it is. The snow originated from the basement, not outside.
D1: So, the anomaly is definingly inside. possibly a weather-based anomaly then, like a device of some kind.
D2: I guess. but if that's the case then what the hell dragged those Foundation agents down here?
D1: Like you said, there's unfortunately only one way to find out.
Unknown: Hey can you help me with this?
D1: Fuck! Weapons hot!
D2: Come out with your hands up now!
D1: If you have a weapon drop it or you will be shot!
Unknown: Hey can you help me with this?
Unknown: I'm so cold!
D2: Shit there's survivors, we should get them out of here! Maybe they-
D1: Wait! shut up for a second.
Unknown: Hey Can you help me with this?
Unknown: Please send help! We're trapped!
D2: Boss what's wrong?
D1: Somethings not right here, we checked all around the mansion, but we didn't find anything. Now suddenly there are people calling out for help?
Unknown: Hey Can you help me with this?
Unknown: Please send help! We're trapped!
D1: Also listen to their voices, their repeating everything without a change in tone or shift. They don't even sound like their coming from the same direction.
D2: Shit is this some kind of Cognito Hazard?
D1: I doubt that, Command are you getting this?
C1: Affirmative, we are also receiving a signal interference but it's not strong enough to block us or manipulate our frequencies.
Unknown: Hey Can you help me with this?
D2: What is this? Snow coming from a basement, voices randomly repeating, people being dragged away? How does any of this connect?
D1: Command its possible we've encountered multiple anomalies each with different hazards and threats please advise.
C1: Copy that D1, you've acquired enough information get your men out of there.
C2: D1, can you contact D3 or D4. We are unable to reach them.
D1: Hold Command we're departing now, we should be able to reach the-
Unknown: Thanks for the help, bud. 
D1: Shit! Open fire! Open fire!
Sounds of laser fire can be heard, this goes on for only 20 seconds. Afterwards nothing is heard but silence.
C1: D1 can you hear me? Delta-14 units? Please respond, can anyone hear me?
D2: ... There it is- There it is- There it is that's- the snow- look at the snow- look at the snow- it's been abandoned- wandering around- broken- The snow originated from the basement- The snow- is- outside. what's wrong? there's survivors- the snow- connect? at least- we're going- To- the same place- epidemic- abandoned- broken- sorry-
D3: all- gone- civilians- police- FBI- they all- better- we need- to stay close- we need- to stay close- where did- You- go? where did- You- go? lucky us- the first- I see- an Era- of- filling-
D4: look at the window- give- anything- we need- we need- to stay close- We can do anything- only better- praise- copy- look- because we need- stay close- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay-stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- stay- FOREVER!
C2: ... what the hell was that?
C1: Fuck this shit, we're getting out of here.
C2: Shit we're surrounded by snow!
C1: Calm down, just turn on the tire heaters, I'll start the engines and the security defense system.
C2: Ok I'm sorry your right... ok it working the tires are getting free, thank god we're almost out of here, I... are those snowmen?
C1: What the hell? How did they bypass-
The metal walls of the van can be heard bending. C1 and C2 can be heard screaming and begging for mercy as their interior is slowly shrinking.
Recording Ends
The recording eventually breaks while screaming can still be heard, it is assumed C1 and C2 were crushed to death 30 seconds to 1 minute after the recording stops. What remained of the van after the incident was a crumbled ball of metal, with punch and claw marks.
Due to the complete annihilation of the MTF Delta-14 units as well as the information collected when command streamed it all to Foundation satellites, a new plan was made. Instead, a Joint Task Force of Detla-14, Epsilon-9, and Lambda-12 was arranged but not deployed, due to the, at the time, hypothesized overwhelming threat. Instead of collection of information the Joint Task Force was instead sent in to evacuate as many survivors as possible, with the priority of survivors that are aware of SCP-AWS's existence for the purpose of more information. The JTF consisted of four Delta-14 units armed with adaptive temperature protection armor and laser rifles, six Epsilon-9 units with temperature nullification shields, temperature protection armor and plasma throwers, and four Lambda-12 units with flame throwers, laser pistols, and necrosis gas grenades.
The mission was to take place on January 8th and be disguised as a simple blizzard evacuation, however due to the blizzard coming much faster and stronger than expected the JTF was deployed sooner. They were deployed in a MFWF-13 "Mammoth", a truck the same size as a fire engine, with four defensive laser rifle turrets on the sides of the vehicle, and three turret slots on the top which for the mission was placed flamethrowers. The truck was reinforced with three different plating of armor temperature nullification, explosive absorption, and energy absorption. The Mammoth is also able to fit at least 150 people comfortably thought its possible to fit an additional 50 when comfort is disregarded.
The JTF did not prioritize covert status due to the blizzard providing the cover needed and reasoning for "government intervention". The mission was quickly deployed on January 7th, the following is a recording of halfway through the mission.
Begin Recording
JTF-01: Alright that's everyone! Get inside!
JTF-05: Shit! We got snow freaks incoming!
JTF-13: Eat this you fucking monster!
JTF-03: More are coming! Close the fucking hatch!
Scratching and clawing can be heard along with the mechanical noises of a door hatch closing and fire blasting.
JTF-11: Jesus Christ, that was close.
JTF-02: Ok so that makes 61 survivors so far, so where should we go next?
JTF-01: Nowhere! We're have more than enough! We're getting the fuck out of this place now!
JTF-04: Sir? We've only reached halfway through the town; our orders were to get to at least the Town Hall and evacuate the mayor and other town representatives.
JTF-01: Fuck the damn Town Hall, do you have any idea how many times we nearly died getting these civilians to safety?! This thing is fucking everywhere! We're leaving now!
JTF-06: Sorry man but the captain's right, every time we open that hatch more of those things end up being outside. I don't know how, but their multiplying. If we open the hatch again, they'll be an army on the other side.
JTF-01: You heard him, I'm not taking a chance like that. Hey! turn this thing around and get us out of here!
AFA-1 Driver: Acknowledged. Changing direction now.
The MFWF-13 "Mammoth" turned direction and drove for about 20 minutes down the road leading out of town. However, the AFA-1 suddenly stopped driving when sirens could be heard from every direction.
JTF-01: Why the hell did you stop?!
AFA-1: Several pedestrians are in front of the road to run them over would be a violation of Ethics Committee Protocol "Guardian Angel" which states-
JTF-01: For fuck's sake those aren't people! Their instances of the anomaly! Just run them over!
AFA-1: Biological scans indicate they have human DNA and therefore human and therefore are under protection of Protocol “Guardian Angel”.
JTF-01: Well, override the damn protocol!
AFA-1: Are you willing to use your Level 4 Clearance to override the Protocol "Guardian Angel"?
JTF-01: God damn it yes! Do it already!
AFA-1: Acknowledged. Continuing driving.
The SCP-AWS instances can be heard screaming despite them not moving. The Captain, JTF-01, later reported that some even threw themselves onto the front hull of the MFWF-13 "Mammoth" to try and stop it. The JTF units also reported that the impact from the SCP-AWS instances felt like they were being rammed by elephants. After the MFWF-13 "Mammoth" was recovered it did have minor dent damage indicating that it was hit with something of large size and massive weight despite. How SCP-AWS was able to make its snowman instances heavy enough to dent an MFWF-13 "Mammoth" is unknown.
JTF-04: Sir! There's a civilian trying to follow us outside.
JTF-01: If it's just one civilian then leave them, they're not worth it.
JTF-07: Hey wait Sir! That’s a Detla-14 unit with him! It’s a survivor from the first mission!
JTF-09: Someone like that could be useful sir.
JTF-01: damn it, alright fine!  Activate the flamethrower turrets and laser rifle turrets! We're getting those men in no matter what!
Screaming and yelling can be heard along with the sound of a mechanical sound of the hatch opening. Afterwards heavy laser fire and fire blasting can be heard along with anomalous roaring and screaming.
JTF-01: Fuck! Close it now!
Thousands of voices can be heard as the hatch closes and the sounds of fire blasting. Carl Denby enters the MFWF-13 "Mammoth" with D1 from the first mission who was badly injured due to his right leg being broken. 
JTF-12: Alright place him right there, I’ll take it from here.
Carl Denby: Thank you! I thought we were going to die out there! God bless you all, and I’m not even religious.. but I don't understand, how did the military know to come so quickly?
JTF-08: We uh, got a message from the University of Minesota. Anyways do you know anything about the [data expunged]? Or perhaps how it could be related to all of this happening?
Carl Denby: ... take this camera and these tape recordings. They contain everything you need to understand this thing.
JTF-01: Thank you, alright that should qualify for information, maybe then the higher ups will get off our back for not heading to Town Hall.
Carl Denby: Town Hall? I... I think their all gone... my client [data expunged] worked there as a camera operator. Last I saw her she was one of those things... They only turn into people they kill or want to kill.
JTF-01: So, there really is no one left. Alright then let's get out of here. Take us home!
AFA-1: Acknowledged.
The MFWF-13 "Mammoth" continues driving for about 40 minutes until it is announced they made it out of the town. civilians and JTF units can be heard chearing and crying out of joy. However, a loud bang sound can be heard outside the hull as the MFWF-13 "Mammoth" suddenly stops.
JTF-01: What the hell?! What just happened?!
AFA-1: ...
JTF-01: AFA-1 units respond! Tell me what the fuck just happened!
JTF-01: Shit!
Gunfire and screaming can be heard, due to the hull several bullets ricochet and hit civilians and JTF units. unfortunately, among the chaos power is lost inside the MFWF-13 "Mammoth".
Recording Ends
In the following few weeks, the blizzard died down and all the snow melted with the anomalous effects of SCP-AWS. When Foundation forces went into the town, they found the MFWF-13 "Mammoth" on the outskirts of the town. Foundation agents powered it back up it and opened it to see all of the civilians and JTF units alive but in poor health due to starvation and limited resources. The D1 from the first mission and three other civilians ended up being the only casualties. After confirming the absence of an anomalous threat, the town of [data expunged] was turned into a temporary medical emergency center to help the injured Civilians, JTF units, as well as other civilians from surrounding counties attacked by SCP-AWS. It was later discovered that SCP-AWS was somehow able to transmit its offspring onto the processor “brains” of the AFA-1′s allowing them to hack and control the AFA-1′s. Weather this was possible through SCP-AWS’s intelligence alone or through mutation has yet to be determined. 
Once their health was restored the civilians exposed to SCP-AWS were given Class B amnestics, all except Carl Denby. Carl Denby was asked to join the Foundation due to his contributions under the "Sole Survivor" protocol. At first, he refused not wanting to deal with other anomalous threats like SCP-AWS. However when he learned that the Foundation kept the biggest secrets of the world and he would have access to said secrets in exchange for his employment, he accepted immediately.
The destruction of [data expunged] was blamed on the heavy blizzard and the Foundation was actually the red cross sending aid to the injured families. The water puddles from the snow were found to contain small dying samples of SCP-AWS. They were quickly collected and sent to Site-AL for containment. After the civilians were all amnestied and transported to new towns, the area affected by SCP-AWS was sterilized by Lambda-12 to prevent SCP-AWS from running wild again.
Update: December 11th, 1983, a colony of SCP-AWS was found to have survived the sterilization of Lambda-12 forces. They are laying low but feeding on small towns that still utilize analog tv. Mobile Task Force Poseidon-1: By Analog Sword and Frozen Shield, is tasked with hunting, culling, and containing all free SCP-AWS instances. MTF Poseidon-1 is also responsible for analyzing samples of SCP-AWS to see if any mutations have taken place. Thankfully no new mutations have been reported as of late. However, complete eradication/ containment of free SCP-AWS samples have proven impossible thus, Object class has been changed from Euclid to Keter.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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terracottahearted · 1 year
Rate my record collection!
1. Everyday Robots - Damon Albarn
2. Nearer The Fountain [..] - Damon Albarn
3. Hospice - The Antlers (White)
4. AM - Arctic Monkeys
5. Burning From The Inside - Bauhaus
6. Depression Cherry - Beach House
7. License to Ill - Beastie Boys
8. Sgt Pepper [..] - The Beatles
9. Abbey Road - The Beatles *
10. Leisure - Blur
11. Modern Life Is Rubbish - Blur
12. Parklife - Blur (Green) !
13. Girls & Boys - Blur (Translucent Orange)
14. The Great Escape - Blur
15. Blur - Blur
16. Beetlebum - Blur (Translucent Red)
17. 13 - Blur
18. Think Tank - Blur
19. The Magic Whip - Blur
20. Blur Present (RSD) - Blur (Translucent Blue)
21. The Ballad of Darren - Blur (Marble)
22. Heaven or Las Vegas - Cocteau Twins
23. A Rush of Blood To The Head - Coldplay
24. Disintegration - The Cure
25. Dead Man’s Bones - Dead Man’s Bones
26. Born to Die - Lana Del Rey
27. Paradise - Lana Del Rey
28. Ultraviolence - Lana Del Rey
29. Violator - Depech Mode
30. Observatory Mansions - Nicole Dollanganger (Light Pink)
31. Ode to Dawn Weiner [..] - Nicole Dollanganger (Neapolitan)
32. Songs to Learn & Sing - Echo and The Bunnymen
33. Don’t Smile At Me - Billie Eilish (Red)
34. When We All Fall Asleep [..] - Billie Eilish (Glow)
35. Happier Than Ever - Billie Eilish (Baby Blue)
36. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John *
37. Mystery to Me - Fleetwood Mac *
38. Lungs - Florence + The Machine (Dark Pink)
39. Desired Effect - Brandon Flowers (Yellow)
40. Why Me? Why Not? - Liam Gallagher (Mint Green)
41. The Good the Bad and The Queen
42. Merrie Land - The Good The Bad and The Queen (Green)
43. Gorillaz - Gorillaz
44. G-Sides - Gorillaz
45. Demon Days - Gorillaz (Purple)
46. D-Sides - Gorillaz
47. Plastic Beach - Gorillaz
48. The Fall - Gorillaz
49. Humanz - Gorillaz
50. The Now Now - Gorillaz (Light Blue)
51. Song Machine - Gorillaz
52. Cracker Island - Gorillaz (Neon Pink)
53. Halfaxa - Grimes
54. Live Through This - Hole
55. Сказка - IC3PEAK
56. До Свидания - IC3PEAK
57. Unknown Pleasures - Joy Division
58. Good Kid [..] - Kendrick Lamar *
59. Ciao - Lush (Red)
60. Hot Fuss - The Killers
61. Sam’s Town - The Killers (Picture Disc)
62. Sawdust - The Killers (Translucent)
63. Day & Age - The Killers (Silver)
64. Wonderful Wonderful - The Killers
65. Imploding The Mirage - The Killers
66. Pressure Machine - The Killers
67. Silent Shout - The Knife
68. Strange Trails - Lord Huron
69. Long Lost - Lord Huron
70. Holy Wood - Marilyn Manson !
71. Mezzanine - Massive Attack
72. So Tonight I Might See - Mazzy Star
73. Hurry Up We’re Dreaming - M83
74. Be The Cowboy - Mitski
75. Loveless - My Blood Valentine (Wine) !
76. Power, Corruption, and Lies - New Order
77. Pretty Hate Machine - Nine Inch Nails
78. Broken - Nine Inch Nails
79. The Downward Spiral - Nine Inch Nails
80. Nevermind - Nirvana *
81. Definitely Maybe - Oasis
82. What’s the Story Morning Glory - Oasis
83. Pony - Orville Peck
84. Bronco - Orville Peck
85. Placebo - Placebo
86. Different Class - Pulp
87. This Is Hardcore - Pulp
88. Melanchole - Salvia Palth
89. The Graduate - Simon and Garfunkel *
90. Floodland - Sisters of Mercy
91. Just For A Day - Slowdive
92. Souvlaki - Slowdive
93. Meat Is Murder - The Smiths
94. Hateful of Hollow - The Smiths
95. The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses
96. Suede - Suede
97. War - U2
98. Joshua Tree - U2
99. Isolation - Kali Uchis *
100. Trainspotting - Various Artists
101. A Storm In Heaven - The Verve
102. Urban Hymns - The Verve
103. The Waeve - The Waeve (Green)
Gift: *
Bootleg: !
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