#Clarus POV
calling4glaives · 1 year
Day 7 Recap
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What an amazing week! Thank you all who participated by creating or supporting works!
Here's the roundup for the final day. Remember, if you still want to create for the week, please please do! We'll update and reblog as we see them. (And please, send us a message if we've missed anything!)
Title: Late Night Romp Author: StarJunco Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Nyx's late night "feline tactical training" is interrupted by his boyfriend. And, more importantly, his boyfriend's cellphone camera. ----- A Kitty!Nyx story. Does not require knowledge of previous stories.
Title: The Blind Date Author: StarfighterSparks Link: Ao3 Relationships: Noctis / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
For NyxWeek 2023 On a hot summer night, Nyx walks towards his favorite food joint to order some meat skewers and Galahd Brew. He has a date tonight. A blind date, actually, and he’d rather be out with Libertus and Crowe than entertaining a stranger. But here he is, annoyed at Crowe for forcing him to come. As he waits for his date to show up, though, Nyx can’t stop thinking about Noctis. The one man he can’t have. And as he assumed being stood up, someone unexpected stops at his table and turns his night upside down.
Title: A Prince and a Princeling: Chapter 7: Planning the Future Author: Niaswish / Shiary Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Relationships: Noctis / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
A much needed conversation between the 2 princes provides them with a clear plan for their future.
Title: Clean-up Duty Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Relationships: Titus & Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
He woke up when something hit his shoulder, and he bolted upright, summoning his sword defensively. There was no one above him, no one in his immediate vicinity, in fact. With no one shouting at him, either, that they needed to move or that there was immediate need, he relaxed slightly and looked to see what had hit him. It was one of the lunch packs from the lab. In which Nyx and Drautos have a moment of rest and recovery, and, because it's the two of them, some danger just for fun. Day 7 of Nyx Week 2023 - Free Day Day 18 of Whumptober 2022 - Take My Coat Drautos's POV to WWFL's "Brace Yourself"
Title: A Coeurl’s Home:  Author: Firechocobros Link: Ao3 Relationships: Clarus / Regis / Nyx Trigger Warnings: Explicit Summary/Excerpt:
In which there is a press conference and everyone is done being ashamed.
Title: When We First Met Author: Blossom Adventures Link: Tumblr Summary/Excerpt:
Nyx had just dressed after a quick shower - he and Luche had just finished 3 laps of the HQ perimeter - and began to make his way out the building when he passed the outdoor training arena, where her could hear wooden weapons clashing.
Title: Lightning Strikes the Night Sky Author: WhoStarLocked Link:Tumblr, Ao3 Summary/Excerpt
Lumina’s Rise was considered hallowed ground. It was supposedly the site where Ramuh had first welcomed their people to Galahd, and although they got storms all year round and the Rise being the tallest thing in the area, it was extremely rare that the rock actually got hit. Lightning striking Lumina’s Rise was significant. “Thea!” “Bakir, Libertus.” She replied hesitantly, dread coiling in her gut. “Where’s Nyx?” 
Title: Hard Day's Night Author: Garbria / Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Summary/Excerpt:
Cor has trouble sleeping while Nyx is deployed.
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awlwren-writes · 1 year
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen & Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Clarus Amicitia & Nyx Ulric, Clarus Amicitia & Selena Ulric Characters: Clarus Amicitia, Selena Ulric, Libertus Ostium, Nyx Ulric, Nyx Ulric's Mom, Gladio and Iris Amicitia's Mother, Additional Tags: Uncle Clarus AU, Nyx Week 2023, Rescue, Captivity, Aftermath of Torture, Mistreatment of Prisoners, Whump
Summary: Clarus followed closely behind Libertus, hating himself for not being able to evacuate the boy sooner. He just had no backup on this mission, and had barely been able to find a safe place to shelter his niece, so he had no choice but to endanger the boy further. The fact that the boy insisted he wanted to help was cold comfort, at this point. All he could do was stay as close as possible. He was trained for protection, after all. Though he certainly didn't feel like he was very good at it at the moment. Uncle Clarus AU! The Clarus POV of Whumpwriterforlife's "The Bonds that Bind Us" Day 1 of Nyx Week 2023: Rescue, Captivity
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ffxvficrec · 6 days
by scrawly_times Cor goes to check on Prompto. It's been two years since he was last in Insomnia, so the Marshal should check up on a POI like him. Regis and Clarus can stop giving him that Look. While on his (forced) vacation Cor happens to spot the eyes of Prompto's friend "Megumi" and that is absolutely 100% Noctis, who has been missing for six years. What the fuck. Where Cor is badass, but Megumi has an army at his beck and call. And is far more used to ACTUAL immortals trying to kill him. Cor can just TRY dragging him back to Insomnia. Words: 10077, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Into the Woods Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) , Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings , No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Cor Leonis , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum , Fushiguro Megumi Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum & Cor Leonis , Cor Leonis & Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: BAMF Fushiguro Megumi , which i can't believe isn't a tag , BAMF Noctis Lucis Caelum , which IS a tag and i can believe it , not sure how to tag this ngl , you ever go looking for the pseudo-son you never had , and accidentally find the missing prince , the promptis is VERY subtle because it's all from Cor's POV , and they don't trust him lmao
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mct1313 · 7 years
Blood in the Snow
I did it, I finally finished my first fanfiction!  It’s probably not great, and I’m super rusty with writing, and I probably should go through for another edit but I can’t believe I finished and am posting it before I chicken out! 
Tagging:  @ffxv-ocs-unite
Team members: Nike Palitine, Marchioness - spy Agent Collis Deckner - spy Dr. Alenium Mazza - former protégé of Verstael Besithia Cyprian  Mataro -  tech officer Glaive Sprau  Verma - Kingsglaive Glaive Kander Sterling - Kingsglaive
A year before the events of “Kingsglaive,” a small team of Lucians is sent on a mission to infiltrate a decommissioned Niflheim testing facility in hopes of discovering something to help turn the tide of war.  They are betrayed.
Lord Shield Clarus Amicitia stepped into the war room, stifling a yawn as he did.  Despite the early hour King Regis was already seated in a chair before the bank of screens, looking calm and regal as he glanced back at Clarus.  He had insisted the king didn’t need to be present for this operation, by all accounts the research facility the team was to recon was abandoned some time ago.  Regis had been adamant, however, that they were sending these young men and women into enemy territory for Insomnia and the least he could do, as king, was to be there, however remotely, for the mission.
Six young men and women, some of Insomnia’s finest.  Two spies with knowledge of Niflheim geography, customs and language, both had proven themselves in past missions to enemy territory.  One scientist, a researcher under Besithia before she defected to Insomnia, eager to prove her loyalty.  Their tech expert and radio man who had custom-made the entire team’s video equipment, able to (hopefully, thought Clarus) transmit in real-time all the way back to the monitors before them once activated.  The tech had assured them they’d have at least two hours of direct video, more for audio, but Clarus remained skeptical.  Rounding out the team were two Kingsglaive, selected for their lighter complexions and ability to blend in with the natives, at least from afar.   Looking around the room he spied Cor standing next to their radio tech, Vonte, both seeming to wait for the radio to chirp to life indicating the team had reached the last waypoint before approaching the facility.  There were several advisors in the room, those that served on the security council and had helped plan this mission, speaking softly together on the other side of Cor.  On the opposite side of the room, looking over various maps spread out on a table and occasionally glancing up at the clock above the monitors, was the prince’s advisor and their chief strategist for the mission, Ignis Scientia.  Clarus knew Ignis had spent nearly every waking moment when he wasn’t looking after the prince going over the mission plans, everything they knew about the facility, and fine-tuning every aspect of the mission.  Gladio had mentioned to his father more then once that Ignis was working himself into an early grave, but Clarus really couldn’t fault the kid, he knew he had a vested interest in seeing the team come back quickly and safely. All signs pointed to an easy mission, even so it was important.  They hoped to find anything left behind that might lend credibility to the horrendous reports of inhuman experiments; evidence of Niflheim’s atrocities committed against its own citizens.  With enough proof the hope was that they could bring Accordo into an alliance directly against Niflheim. The radio besides Vonte crackled to life and all eyes turned to it.   “Base, we’ve reached waypoint gamma,” tech officer Mataro’s low voice came over the speakers.  They had selected this point as the team’s final check in before approaching the facility.  It was in a remote area of Northern Niflheim, banked on two sides but low mountains.  It seemed like an ideal place for the team to prepare for the final approach to what is believed to be a now-decommissioned human testing facility, which lay on the other side of the snowy ridge.   “Copy that,” replied Vonte.  “All mics up.” Clarus heard the order repeated over the radio as the microphones given to the team members began hissing to life over the speakers as each person confirmed mics on. “You hearing everyone?” Came Mataro’s voice.  Vonte confirmed all six mics were clear and the group began their descent to the south side of the mountain and the waiting facility. ************************************************************************************* Everyone, save Scientia who was still pacing before the table of maps, had opted to sit at least 20 minutes ago, the sound of the group in Niflheim’s footsteps through the snow, and occasional banter, doing little to distract from the early hour.  So far, everything had been going to plan and it was unlikely that much would change, not with the mission plan they’d come up with and solid intel received.   “When this is over I’m going to spend at least a full ten hours lounging in a hot tub,” came the deep voice of Glaive Verma over the speaker.  “You’re welcome to join me doctor.” “That’s a hard pass from me,” came a curt reply in Mazza’s heavy-accented voice. “How ‘bout you Lady N?” A heavy sigh “I told you not to call me that.” “Sprau, less flirting, this is a mission, not a night out,” Glaive Sterling’s voice cut through the speakers.  “Besides, I doubt either of these ladies are that desperate.” “Ass,” came Verna’s reply. “Fuck, Nike, you seeing this?” “Yeah, I see it Col.  Looks like fresh tire tracks going through the gate.  Let’s get a closer look, see what we’re dealing with.”   Regis spoke up from his place seated in the center of the room “Vonte, can we get video up?” “Certainly, sire,” came the response.  “Command to alpha team, orders for video on.” “Affirmative sir,” replied Mataro as one of the monitors blinked to life in the war room, the video feed from his recorder successfully connecting.  “Video on everyone.” Slowly the other five monitors came on, each displaying the view of a team member and their name underneath.  It appeared that Agent Deckner, Col, was indeed in lead position, his monitor showing an expanse of white leading down to a small roadway with tire tracks showing through a dusting of snow.  From the monitors it looked like Lady Nike was close behind him, her white snowsuit doing a good job of camouflaging her small frame, bright red hair mostly hidden under a white cap.  Clarus turned his attention back to Mataro’s monitor, he was trailing slightly behind the others and would be in a better position to see how all six were situated.   Yes, good, thought Clarus as he took in the team’s positions.  Glaive Sprau’s bulk was easy to identify in between Nike’s petite form and the doctor’s taller frame.  Dr. Mazza was wearing the same white snowsuit as the rest of them but, like the glaive, had forgone the cap, allowing her short, white-blond hair to fall around her shoulders.  Glaive Sterling stood quietly a little behind Dr. Mazza, his head constantly moving as he continually scanned the area for any potential threats as the two spies discussed the tracks ahead and the best way forward.  His pale blue eyes occasional flicking back to Mataro and hands lightly resting on the kukris strapped to his upper thigh. After a few minutes he saw the two spies stand and turn to the rest of the group. “Ok, we’re going down towards the North side, we should have more cover.  We’ll figure out the next step once we’re closer,” Lady Nike announced. The team was quiet save for the sound of breathing and crunch of snow beneath their feet.  The command center remained quietly attentive as well, all focus now on the six monitors before them. It was about 40 minutes later when the group finally stopped, the faded white of the main research building spread out before them. “Something doesn’t feel right,” Nike whispered, Clarus wasn’t sure if it was to herself or one of the team. “There, boot tracks around that side building, they look fresh, too.”  Clarus could practically hear the frown in Glaive Sprau’s voice.   Agent Deckner’s feed slowly creeped forward, hugging the side of the building.  Most of the feed was blocked as he appeared to peer around the corner.  “Shit,” he hissed and the video spun, Col hurrying back to the rest of the team. “This facility is up and running, and least appears to be.  I saw at least a dozen MTs, they didn’t seem powered up but....” “Mataro, call it in, confirm our orders,” Glaive Sterling commanded. “Yessir.”  Mataro’s video showed him moving further away from the facility.  The main radio hissed to life “Command, instruction?” Nearly all eyes in the room turned to Regis, the king rubbing his chin thoughtfully.  “Instruct them to fall back, we will not allow them to go into this blind.” “Yes your majesty,” Vonte replied.  Then, into the radio “fallback and regroup.  Prepare for possible extraction.” “Roger that base,” Mataro responded.  He looked up at Sterling. “Our orders are to proceed into the facility.”  Sterling gave him a curt nod and returned to the rest of the group to prepare. “What the hell?!” Yelled Cor, grabbing the headset from Vonte.  “This is Marshall Leonis, your orders are to retreat to the extraction point.  This comes from the king himself.” “Your king, maybe,” Mataro’s voice creaked over the radio.  The room stood in rapt attention as Mataro’s feed showed him flicking a knife through the cord of the team’s only radio and throwing the pieces back into the snow.  Slowly he approached the back of Sterling and his feed showed a flash of movement as he buried the knife to the hilt in his back. Then all hell broke loose. ************************************************* Quiet pandemonium was the best way Clarus could describe the war room.  Most of the security council members stared in silent shock at the video feeds, trying to discern what was happening in the chaos of battle through each monitor.  Cor was shouting out orders which Vonte jumped to obey, searching for any friendly force nearby that could provide assistance; summoning Commander Drautos, head of the Kingsglaive, for additional support. Glaive Sprau’s deep voice shouting the order to retreat over the speaker.
The sound of Cor’s voice did little to cut through the clash of battle playing over the speakers.  Heavy breathing.  A flash of an MT arm on one of the monitors, the sounds of gunfire, a pained grunt as the view from another monitor spun towards the ground.  It was impossible to keep track of who was where and what was happening.   “Ignis,” he heard Regis say gently beside him.  He spared a glance, the king was standing now, a hand on young Scientia’s shoulder.  Ignis didn’t seem to notice, gaze fixed on the monitors, hands clenched in fists at his side.  “Son, maybe you should leave.” “No” was the soft reply. Clarus bought his attention quickly back to the monitors, trying to tune out all audio and focus on the images to discern what was happening.  Glaive Sterling was still down, his feed a jumble of white-clad legs doing their best to dodge the innumerable metal MT ones, the blue-white pop of warping every few seconds confirming that Glaive Sprau was still in the fight.  In the corner of the static feed he could just make out a smaller figure in the snow laying on their side, a pool of red growing on their back and trailing down into the snow.  Too small to be the traitor Mataro he quickly scanned the others trying to confirm who else was down.  
Sure enough Sprau’s feed was a confusion of movement as he warped around the MTs, doing a serviceable job of destroying as many as he could as fast as possible from what the shield could tell.  Lady Nike’s video was much harder to make out, something red, probably blood, partially covering the camera; though she, too, was moving, the crackle of a thundara bolt bursting to life in front of the camera as she sent it flying towards an approaching MT.  Agent Deckner and Mataro seemed to be facing off, Col’s feed showing he had Mataro trapped, his back against the building, the agent’s deadly daggers raised offensively and ready to strike.  That just left Dr. Mazzo.  He turned slightly to focus on her monitor and, sure enough, it appeared that she wasn’t moving, the screen showing nothing but snow.  “Damn,” Clarus hissed.
He brought his attention back to Deckner’s feed just in time to see the agent move again Mataro, the traitor bringing his knife up to defend himself while Deckner went low and to the side, his dagger flashing across the screen and finding its mark in Mataro’s side, a slash of red appearing across his white coat.  Clarus heard Mataro’s pained shout above the rest of the noise.  Good, he thought as Mataro fell to the ground, Deckner on top of him.  He knew it would be best if they could take Mataro alive so they could seek information but it was hard to think logically with the shock of betrayal.  He had his doubts that the agent would be able, or willing, to stay his hand.
Agent Deckner brought his arm down, hard, across Mataro’s chest, causing another shout of pain and, a second later, Mataro’s video feed cut off, following by the other five.
“Bring those feeds back up,” Scientia’s clipped voice demanded.  Clarus had nearly forgotten the young man was still in the room.  He glanced over to the advisor who had left his place by the map table and was now beside Cor and Vonte, his face an impassive mask.
“Can’t sir, the issues on their end, not ours.”
“What the hell is going on?”  Clarus turned to the new voice in the room, Commander Dratus.  When the hell did he get here?  Regis brought his hand up in a command for silence as the room seemed to freeze, all ears straining to make sense of the grunts, the sounds of clashing weapons, and harsh breaths coming from the speakers.  
Finally, finally, the sounds of battle gave way to panting breaths, but Clarus found it impossible to tell who, or even how many, of the team was left.  From his last look before the video feeds cut out it looked like Sterling, Mazza and Mataro were all down, but no clue on the extent of injuries or if anyone else was hurt.  Three down, at least half the team.  He knew most of them, if not personally then by reputation.  Sterling and Sprau were highly-regarded members of the Kingsglaive, young men who had come to Insomnia when their homes had fallen under Imperial rule and served well.  Mazza, Clarus was ashamed to admit, he had not trusted 100%.  She had spent her 20s working under Niflheim’s infamous Verstael Besthsia before defecting to Lucius, saying she could no longer stomach the atrocities her fellow scientists committed.  Clarus had had his doubts.
The two spies, however, he did know personally.  He had trained Agent Deckner in the crownsguard before he had been transferred over to intelligence.  He had a quick mind and was deadly with nearly any weapon.  He would had made a wonderful member of the guard but even Clarus could admit it would have been a waste of his talents, the information Deckner had been able to bring back on his various missions into Niflheim were invaluable.  
Clarus has known Lady Nike’s grandfather, the last remaining Marquis in Insomnia, all his life.  He can still recall the uproar in the citadel nearly 30 years ago when the man had appeared before the king to formally strip his son’s title and inheritance, all for marrying a woman he deemed beneath their station, an immigrant from Niflheim.  Clarus had been more than a little surprised when the old man had introduced his only granddaughter and heir to society three years ago.  Since then she had become friends with his son, Gladio, through her relationship with his best friend, Ignis, and was no stranger to the Amicitia Manor.
Mataro, unlike the others, had been born and raised in the crown city.  He had been recruited directly from high school to work for the crown, a technical prodigy who had designed long range sensors and various other tech used by the Kingsglaive.  As far as Clarus could remember, the young man has no family outside the city, no ties to Niflheim.  His betrayal was shocking.
Damn, someone say something he silently begged.  It was another few minutes before the astrals would answer his prayer.  It was Agent Deckner. “Those bastards got Sprau.”
“Al, too,” Lady Nike’s tired voice came through.  “We need to find Sterling.”  Another few moments of silence as the two spies appeared to survey the area.
Deckner’s voice broke the silence.  “Shit, Sterling’s bad, who had the med kit?” A beat “Mataro, I’ll check him.”  Footsteps, a hiss of pain.  Nike’s injured, too, thinks Clarus, they probably all are.  “Here, got it, it’s not much.” “Anything we can use” “A potion, some gauze” “Damn, hope it’s enough to get him to the evac site.” A sigh. “I know that look, what is it?” “What are the chances that there’s another ambush waiting for us at the evac site?” “Pretty fucking good I’d say.  So what do we do, start walking north and hope we find our way to what, Tenebrea?  Sterling will bleed out well before then.” “Find a new evac site and hope someone back home can still hear us?” “You mean someone who isn’t a traitorous asshole?” “Ideally, yes.  Got a better idea?” “No.  From what I remember there’s a clearing about seven miles northeast of here, on the other side of the ridge we followed down.  We should head there.”  A flurry of movement caught his attention, Scientia grabbing a map and practically running back to Vonte, Clarus was sure the young tactician already had a new extraction plan. A grunt of pain, Sterling’s, Clarus guesses.  He’s a good man, good soldier, he thinks.  It’s maddening not being able to see what’s going on. The sound of labored breathing, an occasional moan of pain, was all that could be heard for several minutes.  Finally, Col’s voice cut through the near silence. “Ok Nik, you’re up.” “I’m fine,” the reply came.  Clarus frowned, her voice sounded much weaker then minutes previous.  The adrenaline probably leaving her system. “You’re no help to either of us if you pass out from blood loss, too.  Let me at least wrap your arm, anything else can probably wait,” Col insisted. “Fine, but hurry.  We need to get moving before” a hiss of pain interrupts her. “Sorry, sorry.  That’s gonna have to do.  Let’s head to that ridge and pray to the six someone back home is coming for us.”
More infuriating silence, thought Clarus as the three began their long trek to the new evacuation site, heavy breathing the only sounds now coming through the speakers.  The war room, however, was a flurry of sound as Scientia and Vonte briefed the evac team over the radio while the council members began arguing amongst themselves, pointing fingers and trying to place blame for the huge mess the mission had become.  Clarus had little patience for that nonsense at the moment.
“Clarus,” Regis finally spoke, gesturing for him to join his old friend.  Clarus made his way over to his king.  “We need to find out everything we can about Mataro.  I fear the betrayal may run deeper than we know.”
“Of course sire.  I will personally lead the investigation.”
“Thank you old friend.”  King Regis turned his attention to the monitors, screens now black.  There he sat, Clarus by his side, for the next four hours.  As, one by one, they lost the audio feeds from the field team.  As the council members began retreating back to their homes, most still arguing as they left.  As Dratus left to return to kingsglaive headquarters with a swear and slam of the door.  Regis refused to leave until the remaining team members were safe, schedule and sleep be damned.  Scientia spent most of the time either on the radio with Vonte and the extraction team or pacing the length of the room, his obvious nervousness enough for Clarus to almost force him from the room, almost.
After nearly three hours of complete silence from the team the radio chirped, all eyes on the room immediately went to Vonte.  “Base, this is evac team one.  We have a clean evac of three.”
Regis was the first to speak “I want a status on all three and tell them to fly straight through to King’s Hospital, we’ll have a team ready for them.”
Vonte repeated the request to the evac team, Clarus only a little surprised by the response.  “We have a seriously injured glaive who needs immediate medical attention.  We will drop him at the hospital in Lestallum before continuing on.  I’d rather not risk his life trying to get him to Crown City.  The other two have no life-threatening injuries, though Lady Nike took a bullet to the shoulder and will probably need surgery.  We’ve got a medic stitching her other injuries up now.  Agent Deckner’s gonna need some stitches too, possible broken wrist.”
“Confirmed evac one, get here as soon as you can.  I’ll call ahead to Lestallum and have them prepared for your arrival.”
Regis looked back at Clarus and whispered “find out how this happened.  Keep the investigation quiet, inform only me of your findings.”
Clarus, fist to heart, bowed.  “On my word, your majesty.”
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scribble-dee-doo · 3 years
The Prince didn't so much sit in his seat as he did lounge, loose-limbed with his eyes half-hooded at his father's right hand. Clarus had to bite his tongue to keep from demanding that he sit up, be respectful, if he'd asked to sit in on the morning council session he could at least act like it, but Regis had firmly derailed any kind of discipline when he'd welcomed Noct's request with a smile and a quiet comment that pulled a near-smile out of the prince. Clarus couldn't fault him for being indulgent, really, even if the prince's presence was doing interesting things to the council dynamic without him saying a word. It did, at least, stall the sucker-ups.
The thing that was surprising – and was surprising that it was surprising – was the lack of Gladiolus. The Prince's Shield wasn't strictly required to follow their ward in the Citadel, but in the council hall it was a conspicuous absence. Beyond that, which might have made Clarus sigh and remind his son of the importance of ceremonial duty, Gladio had seemed nearly tethered to the prince over the last few weeks. He and Regis had discussed the slight changes in their sons' schedules at length, and when Noct had entered alone Regis had side-eyed him without looking the way he'd perfected over years of ceremonies and meetings.
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charlottedabookworm · 5 years
found this post again and got inspired, so have the first part of it from a surprise Clarus pov:
“Do they mean anything?”
Clarus looked away from his book, squinting up at the teenager in confusion. “Pardon?”
“Do they mean anything?” Cor asked again, scowling slightly. He nodded, more a tilt of his head, towards the ink visible from under his shirt and Clarus understood the meaning. 
He raised an eyebrow. The kid actually sounded a little curious, instead of blank or angry, and it was enough to make him consider his answer. Because his tattoo did have a meaning, one he was proud of, but one he didn’t often speak of. His friend – because he did consider the kid a friend, if a new one – flushed a little the longer it took Clarus to answer, shifting on his feet in a way that said that he was going to walk away, and Clarus shrugged, sitting up.
Grass tumbled to the floor.
“They’re my wings,” he said, and then had to resist the urge to smirk as Cor perked up, eyes sharpening. The kid was adorable. “Any Amicitia who is granted the honour and duty of becoming a Shield has them,” he pulled his shirt off and turned his back on Cor, baring the intricate tattoo in all of its glory, and he turned to look over his shoulder as Cor took it in with a surprisingly heavy gaze. “They’re a sign of the oaths we swear to our Kings.” 
And it’s only because he’s watching so closely that he saw the way that Cor swallowed, the way he paled – just a fraction – and the way that his hand twitched towards his chest in an aborted movement. 
It’s only because he was watching that Clarus could see the flinch that Cor hid so well.
He frowned, confused.
What had he said that would have caused that reaction?
Before he could say anything, however, Weskham was calling Cor away for aid in the dinner preparation – it’d quickly been discovered that it was only the advisor and the young Crownsguard who could make food edible to them all – and the teenager quickly packed himself off to bed after a silent, on his part, meal.
By the time they woke in the morning, Cor had already slipped out of the tent and when any of them tried to speak to him, they found him as cold and closed off as he’d been at the beginning of their journey.
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garbria · 2 years
willingsacraficecorpov 👀👀👀
So if you've read A Willing Sacrifice, you know Nyx finds himself in an alternate timeline where the war is over, there are no more daemons, everyone he loves is safe, but he doesn't exist. Because it's me, he runs into Cor, and they go on a road trip where Cor gains memories of the original timeline, so Nyx isn't alone.
But my friends wanted to know what was going on with Cor while Nyx was having his existential crisis, and why he would drop everything to go on a road trip with a stranger.
So I decided to write a sequel covering Cor's pov. But because I can't make anything simple, I decided instead of just covering Cor's pov during the fic, I would go back and cover all the major changes in the timeline that Cor witnessed, as well as the events of the fic, and if all goes well, some events afterwards. It might end up even longer than A Willing Sacrifice.
I've actually rewritten it three different times, trying to find the best place to start, but I feel like I've got a good start now.
A snippet:
All his life he’d felt like he was missing something, something important. That there was something he had to go do, something he needed to find. It was what pushed him through all the foster homes, into the Crownsguard at an illegally young age. It was why he passed all his Crownsguard assessments, so that everyone overlooked his forged paperwork. He’d needed to move, to fight, to protect. He’d been angry and arrogant, so of course he’d been assigned to Regis’ retinue as the best Crownsguard in years. Meeting Regis, Clarus, Cid, and Wesk had soothed a part of him he hadn’t known needed soothing. He fit with them in a way that surprised everyone, including himself, considering his usual problems with authority. But he was grateful to Regis for giving him a place to belong.
Thanks so much for the ask!
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From King Regis is POV what position does Crowe have in Nyx's "Royal" retinue?
That's actually a difficult question for me. Mostly because putting it in simple terms is very hard?
Let me think out loud for a second.
To Regis, Nyx is the "King". The Galahkari may use a different term, but that's what it boils down to for him as far as authority and interactions go.
Libertus is obviously the "Shield" in this equation. Not only because the Ostiums are (very, very) distantly related to the Amiciatias, or because Libertus completed the Tempering Grounds, but because Regis looks at him and Nyx and sees himself and Clarus in their interactions.
Luche Regis doesn't really know mch about, but from what he can glean, he seems to be something like a chamberlain coupled with an advisor, military commander and foreign minister.
That leaves Pelna, Ladone and Crowe. Those three Regis can't really equate to a position he has in his own retinue. What he knows about them is what their files tell him: Pelna is a very gifted communications officer and has a knack for organising supply lines, Ladone is the leader of an ambush unit, headstrong and a no-nonsense kind of woman, and Crowe is an unusually gifted mage for all that her power is borrowed. Regis also knows that Nyx considers her to be his sister.
So Crowe is in a position of power and influence from his point of view (practically a princess), but she doesn't seem to do anything with it. At least nothing he can see.
Crowe actually dows quite a lot. Especially on the financial side, but Regis doesn't know that. Yet.
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whumpwriterforlife · 3 years
can I ask for Cor + grabbed by the hair ?? Love your writing <3
Hi! Here you go, grabbed by the hair with Cor! This was my first time writing with Cor as the "pov character" so I'm kind of nervous about this but I hope you'll still like it! I'm so happy to hear you like my writing <3
BTHB - Grabbed by the Hair
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Blue x's have been completed, pink lines have been requested.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Characters: Cor Leonis & Nyx Ulric
Whumpee: Cor Leonis
Word count: 1332
Warnings: No warnings
Can be read on ao3 here
Cor was married to a trouble magnet. Just in the past month, Nyx had gotten himself in trouble on two different occasions, one of which had sent his ass straight into the hospital and on a week-long injury leave. And on both of those occasions, Cor had been there for him, bailed him out and made sure he was alive and mostly in one piece. That was how it had been for a long time.
The point was, Nyx was the trouble magnet — not Cor.
Which is why Cor found it incredibly annoying when he woke up to find himself tied to a chair in some dingy room with no recollection of how he had ended up there.
“You’re a hard man to find, Marshal Leonis.” His captor, a middle-aged man dressed in a cheap suit, gave Cor a thin smile as he came to stand in front of him.
Cor resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Clearly he hadn’t made it hard enough, considering that here he was. His voice was every last unimpressed as he spoke, “Is that so?”
“You can be sarcastic all you want, Marshal. Soon enough you will be begging me for mercy, begging me to kill you,” the man told him.
Cor raised his eyebrow at the words and scoffed. The man certainly spoke with confidence but Cor could see through the facade, see the uneasiness in the way the man held himself even as he tried to appear all and mighty in front of him. If Cor had to guess, he would say the man was far from professional. It would work well for Cor, not as much for the man.
“Many men have tried — and failed. What makes you think you will be the one to succeed?” Cor asked the man. He was intentionally pushing the man’s button, seeing if he would rise to the bait.
“I don’t think you realize the severity of this situation!” The man’s eyes flashed with something dark, irritation seeping into his voice. He closed the gap between them in two quick strides, sinking his hand into Cor’s hair and wrenching his head back. Cor’s face twitched but he bit back the groan that threatened to spill from his lips. He wasn’t going to give the man that satisfaction.
“You’re at my mercy!” the man growled, his face only an inch from Cor’s. “There is no escape!”
That was where the man was wrong, not that Cor told him that. During their little chitchat, Cor had been working on his restraints. They weren’t done by an amateur but they were far from the best. Cor could get himself free with a little time. He would just need a distraction to do so.
The man shoved Cor’s head back with a muttered curse and took a few steps back. He was tense, puffing with anger. Then, as if coming to a decision, he smirked and disappeared behind the chair. “I’ll show you.”
“I’ll be waiting,” Cor muttered as he heard the door slam shut. He hadn’t exactly expected it to be so easy to piss the man off but he wasn’t going to pass the opportunity it created.
Cor sat still for a while longer and kept his ear out for anything out of place. He wanted to make sure the man had actually left the room and wasn’t just trying to trick Cor.
When he heard nothing, Cor started working on the restraints. He figured he had a few minutes at the most, considering how angry the man had been but it should still give Cor more than enough time to get free. His hands had been tied in a way that after a little wiggling, he managed to pull a dagger from the armiger and use it to cut himself free. By the time he had his hands free and he leaned forward to cut the ropes around his ankles, one of his wrists was rubbed raw but it wasn’t anything concerning, especially not when compared to the alternative.
The door behind him opened just as the ropes around his ankles snapped.
Cor got out of the chair and onto his feet just in time to avoid getting shocked with a cattle prod. His eyes narrowed and he was quick to switch into a battle stance, the dagger still held in his grasp. The man was staring at him, his expression a mix of rage and fear, clutching the cattle prod tightly in his hands. A ghost of a smile tugged at the corners of Cor’s lips.
“We can do this the easy way, or the hard way,” Cor told the man.
The man charged at him with a battle cry.
Cor sighed. He dismissed the dagger back into the armiger as he sidestepped the man’s attack. He grabbed the crackling cattle prod and ripped it out of the man’s hands to throw it aside. The man swung his fist at him but Cor saw it coming from a mile away and caught it with ease. A neat little twist to the wrist and the man was down on his knees and begging for Cor to let him go.
“I told you we could do this the easy way but you didn’t listen to me,” Cor said, exasperated, before knocking the man unconscious. “Idiot.”
Cor let the man crumble to the floor as he pulled a few zipties from his armiger to tie him up. This had been way easier than he had expected. He was already dreading what would happen when Regis and Clarus found out. They would never let him forget that he — Cor “the Immortal” Leonis —had been abducted by such an idiot. He would never live it down. Cor let out a frustrated sigh as he crouched down, and if he was a little rougher than he needed to be when he tied up the guy, no one had to know.
“I’ll be back for you,” Cor promised the still unconscious man as he stood back up and started heading for the door. He didn’t even have time to reach the door handle before it rattled and someone turned it on the other side of the door. With a resigned sigh Cor called the dagger back into his hand. Of course there had to be more trouble waiting for him.
Cor pressed himself against the wall right next to the door as it opened, and the moment someone stepped into the room, Cor had the dagger at their throat.
“Shit— I’m here to rescue your ass, could you not stab me?!” Nyx exclaimed as he jerked away from the blade.
Cor looked at Nyx with a small frown as he dismissed the dagger back into the armiger once again. “I would say you’re a bit late for that. I have it all under control here.”
“I can see that,” Nyx said as he slowly stepped into the room again and looked at the unconscious man on the floor. “He alive?”
Cor followed his gaze to the man. “Yeah.”
Nyx hummed in response and turned back towards Cor. There was a hint of concern in his eyes as he gave him a once-over. “And are you okay?”
Cor patted Nyx on the shoulder as he walked past him out into the hallway. “I’m fine, the guy stood no chance against me.”
“Of course he didn’t.” Nyx’s lips twitched into a smirk. “Just so you know, I’m still taking you to the hospital.”
“I don’t need a hospital,” Cor was quick to tell him as he chose a direction at random and hoped it would lead him to an exit. He was fine, no injuries, not even bad bruises or scrapes.
Nyx jogged up to him. “You can consider it a payback for all the times you have dragged me into the hospital. And don’t worry, Crowe and your dear old friends agree with me.”
Cor rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Fine.”
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secret-engima · 4 years
For Blood of my Blood/Child of my Blood, any gambles for Regis's or Clarus or Cor's POV after the whole meeting with Noctis and Dyn is done? Like when they're left to rest for the day/night or whatever and Regis just heads straight to the training room to rage or Clarus's thoughts on the whole thing? Or anything else?
Hmmmm I can try? I didn’t write those because I was kinda stuck on them ^^;
-Regis has to go down to a training room to rage. He goes to the one farthest from Noctis’s location just to try to keep his son from getting upset if he sense magic but he- he NEEDS to work out this fury or he’s going to kill someone undeserving.
-Clarus and Cor both follow him, Cor to work out similar rage in the next room over and Clarus to keep an eye on his friends and seethe quietly on behalf of the prince. Of all the things Niflheim could have done. Of all-
-He’s relieved Noctis isn’t dead, of course he is but- he can’t. He-.
-All he can think about is the boy who went missing three years go. All he can picture is that same child in a LAB. Being forced to have a CHILD. Then running and fighting his way back home, becoming the wary, feral young man he just saw up there and Clarus can’t *breathe*. He is a shield and a father. He can’t think about this and nOT feel sick. Any decent person would feel sick over this.
-Regis’s rage stays tightly leashed to the borders of the training room, but the stones in the room tremble and the air shimmers with heat and magic. For the first time in a long time Regis’s armiger drips from his shoulders and spins mad circles around him, uncontrolled, unprompted, rising into reality just from the sheer weight of his king’s emotions. Clarus can’t blame him.
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Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Titus Drautos | Glauca, Regis Lucis Caelum, Clarus Amicitia Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Second Person, Identity Issues, Redemption
You can choose now. In this moment between moments, when your entire world is shaking and falling around you, standing between your old lives and living neither of them, you can choose.
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breakfastteatime · 4 years
A (mini) fic prompt, if you want it! Regis' POV to one of your hurtNoct fic. Or a new scenario in which he gets told Noct is in the infirmary/walks by to see Gladio massaging. Because I'm obsessed with hearing all his thoughts for situations like that. Having a total normal day and then 'yeah the son you saw this morning totally fine just collapsed so'
Well, how about a teeny minific addition to one of my oldies - Survival Training?
When Ignis raced into a closed meeting, Regis came close to losing his temper. It was only decades of training and experience that controlled his temper. That, and the look of barely controlled panic on Ignis’ face.
Regis’ stomach sank. Only one person could cause Ignis to have an expression like that. And given that Noctis was out on a training exercise with Gladio, it could only mean one thing.
“What’s happened?” Regis asked, hoping he sounded calmer than he felt.
Ignis bowed. “Forgive my intrusion, Your Majesty, but there has been an accident. Noctis and Gladio are in the infirmary.”
Standing, ignoring the frustrated looks of some of the counsellors’ faces, Regis followed Ignis out of the council chambers at top speed. He was in the infirmary minutes later, being held back by a well-intentioned nurse.
“Your Majesty,” the nurse said, his tone calm and collected. “The doctors are treating them now. I promise, His Highness will be alright.” 
“What happened?” Regis demanded.
“An animal attack of some kind,” the nurse said. “Lord Gladiolus stated monsters must’ve escaped a nearby Kingsglaive training area and attacked them. He was poisoned, but His Highness managed to treat him with an antidote. However, he was then attacked by a pack of Voretooths.”
Voretooths? Anger and horror flared in Regis’ chest. That meant the damned beasts had escaped a Kingsglaive training ground.
“The injuries are being treated,” the nurse continued. 
“What injuries?” Regis asked.
Ten minutes after hearing details involving poisoning and broken bones, Regis had Drautos investigating what the hell his Kingsglaive trainees were doing, and Clarus had arrived. He was taken through to Gladio immediately. It was another hour before Regis and Ignis were allowed to see Noctis.
The doctors warned them that Noctis would be asleep for a while yet, and even if he woke up, he had so many drugs floating through him he’d probably be sky high. Regis didn’t care. He wanted to see his son - now. Sitting at Noctis’ bedside, Regis had to deal with the uncomfortable familiarity of it. His son, hurt and in a hospital bed. Noctis was terrifyingly pale, aside from the flush of fever on his cheeks. Regis reached out, slipping his hand around Noctis’. He brushed his other hand through Noctis’ long hair, wondering not for the first time if he’d ever be able to convince him to cut it into a more regal style. Things like this were not supposed to happen ever again. Hadn’t he suffered enough for one lifetime? Noctis had a broken ankle, not to mention a number of nasty, deep gouges now stitched back together. Actually, Doctor Gainsborough had used the word ‘mangled’ to describe Noctis’ ankle. The very idea turned Regis’ stomach. It had been far too late for healing magic to be of any use. Noctis was stuck using traditional medicine. It meant he was looking at another considerable recuperation period, complete with rehab on his leg.
Why couldn’t he do more to protect his child? This was supposed to be a simple camping trip with a few basic survival skills thrown in. Not this. Not a complete, almost lethal disaster.
Drautos better get control of the Kingsglaive. And when Regis knew who was responsible for the Voretooths, they would not keep their job. They would be lucky to avoid prison time. 
A knock at the door heralded Gladio’s arrival. He walked in, looking paler than usual, Clarus standing close behind him. He bowed carefully. “Your Majesty, please accept my sincerest apologies for not protecting Noct.”
Regis held up the hand not holding Noctis’. “From what I hear, there was nothing you could do. It is the Kingsglaives’ poor practice that is to blame.” Actually, given the depths of his rage, it was possible several people would lose their jobs over this. “I’m just glad you made it back here with him. Thank you for driving back here when you are clearly not well yourself.”
Ignis vacated his seat. Clarus pushed Gladio into it. “Yes, someone needs to learn when to wait until he feels well enough before leaving their own hospital bed.”
“I owe Noct my life,” Gladio said. “If he hadn’t fought so hard, I wouldn’t be here. He saved both of us.”
Giving Noctis’ hand a squeeze, pride filling his heart, Regis leaned closer to Gladio. “Perhaps you’d best tell me everything.”
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awlwren-writes · 2 years
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen & Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Titus Drautos | Glauca & Nyx Ulric Characters: Titus Drautos | General Glauca, Nyx Ulric, Clarus Amicitia, Original Niflheim Character(s) Additional Tags: Background Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric, Canon-Typical Violence, Adverse Effects, Caged, Gun to Temple, Kidnapping, Rescue, Sort of, Medication, Fears of Non-Consensual Drug Use,
Titus Drautos was doing his best to help his home from within a cell, and it seemed to be going well. Then a rescue he absolutely did not ask for showed up, and he had to pivot very quickly to damage control and trying to get him and Nyx out of here alive. Drautos's POV for Whumpwriterforlife's fantastic "A Bird in the Hand". Fill for Whumptober 2022 Day 1: Adverse Effects, Day 2: Caged | Confrontation, and Day 3: Gun to Temple.
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ffxvficrec · 5 months
by 0_Daughter_of_Chaos_0 My first time writing anything close to romance. No explicit stuff, I'm aiming for a heartwarming romantic relationship that is simply wholesome, though of course there will be some action. I hope you enjoy! The first chapter includes my personal inerpretation of the King's Knight game, which would be an open-world exploration/battle/story-quest quided game. Think Genshin Impact. Please don't get butthurt if it's not accurate or similar to how you interpret it! Thanks! If you have any questions, critiques, or opinions, feel free to leave a comment. I'll try to respond to every one! If you spot somewhere in the story that doesn't line up or seems strange, please point it out to me. Thanks! Words: 2889, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 5 of F*** The Original Timeline , Part 1 of FFXV Fix-its and AUs Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum , Ignis Scientia , Gladiolus Amicitia , Prompto Argentum , Regis Lucis Caelum , Cor Leonis , Clarus Amicitia , Original Character's Parents , Original Characters Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Wholesome relationships , Self-Indulgent , No Sex , Emancipated Original Character , parental original character , Major Original Character(s) , Awkward Noctis Lucis Caelum , Stressed Original Character , Awkward Original Character , Changing POV , Found Family , Abusive Parents
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
Thanks For Coming - Noctis x Lunafreya
I’m trying some things with cannon characters instead of reader inserts and this is my first piece. I tried not to cry while looping “Stand By Me” but it just made it perfect for me. 
*Prompto POV*
                It’s bright—so bright and yet I haven’t the foggiest memory of walking towards any light. In fact, I should be on the top bunk in a dingy little room of the Glaive HQ with the worst headache I’ve ever had. However, this is not the abandoned building in the middle of the decimated capital of Lucis. No, I’m still in Insomnia, but this is the citadel—more precisely, this is the throne room of the citadel.
                It’s like this place wasn’t even touched by the devastation that wrought the city. It’s pristine and beautiful and decorated. Wait, the decorations are a little strange. Draped from the ceiling, white fabric perfectly frames the platform in front of the throne. White flowers canvas the room, adding a touch of purity, but the sylleblossom petals across the floor and floating in the air give it an air of reverence. It’s an elegant display even if I don’t understand how I came to be here.
                I’m in a chair, just outside of the roped-off aisle that runs from the door straight up the stairs. There’s something to my left: Gladio. He wears a look of wariness, also unsure of our predicament. On the other side of the big guy is Ignis but unlike me and Gladio, he seems to have some understanding of what’s going on. His eyes glance to me and I’m surprised to find them as clear as the day we started our adventure so long ago—he can see me right now. The man notices me staring at him and places a careful finger against his lips. He’s right: if I say a word, it’ll shatter the gracious silence and no doubt this fantasy.
                Some of the other faces around are recognizable such as Clarus Amicitia, Jared Hester, and some members of the glaive. All of these people have one thing in common—they’re all dead.
                Before I can question even myself, a gentle music fills the air. Three people are revealed by the door at the far end. There’s a woman with shimmering black hair that I’ve never met, but the man opposite her is immediately recognizable as King Regis. He looks better than ever, walking tall and freely.
                Then there’s the man in the center. AT first glance I wouldn’t have been able to name him having never seen him grown and clean. The last I saw of him was the drenched back of a weary, battle-ready man that the Astrals had deemed a lamb-for-slaughter. There’s not a single trace of the hardships he endured in that serene smile. He’s at peace, free of his burdens, and that alone is enough to make my eyes water.
                The King and his parents reach the top of the steps. The woman gives each man a kiss on the cheek, proudly beaming at the younger before descending the stairs to sit on the other side of Ignis.
                Through the open doors prances another couple. He proudly holds a black box in his mouth as he trots along his sister. In a shirt collar and bowtie, he’s adorable next to her and her ring of blue and ivory flowers. The pair appears so human while still being entirely canine in their cheerful expression. At the top, the King takes the treasure from Umbra, giving him and Pryna each a good pat and sending them back to guard the base of the steps.
                The music shifts to a song that signals everyone to stand. All eyes go to the door. As pompous as ever, Ravus is there looking surprisingly soft wearing that loving smile. An arm extends to his left where a slender hand accepts it.
                When I see her in that white dress that she was meant to wear, I break. A whole fist in my mouth nearly fails to stifle the sobs. At least I’m not the only one; I hear plenty of sniffles around the room including Gladio. She’s magnificent—more radiant than she’s ever been—and she’s happy.
                Ravus places a kiss on his sister’s hand, leaving her in the King’s care and sitting beside a woman I assume to be their mother.
                King Regis presides over the ceremony, bursting with pride all the while trying hold in those tears. But it’s the bride and groom that take center stage, as they should. They’re almost glowing from joy and I catch him fidget just a bit in his excitement. The ache in my cheeks hurts so much; I’m not going to stop smiling though.
                The royal-blue sylleblossoms rain from the ceiling in celebration of the newlyweds. He’s the happiest he’s ever been—right beside her where he belongs. I couldn’t be happier knowing that this is what he’s always deserved: there are no more ill-fated omens, he’s not in any pain, and he’s with his true love.
                Just as the couple passes us, his gaze turns to the three of us that don’t belong here. There’s one of those grins he wore when the four of us were just hanging out and being dorks: a genuine smile for friends.
                “Thank you for coming.”
                The drab wall is a major contrast to the beautiful scene I’d just dreamt of. There’s a bittersweet swell in my chest; I’m done holding back my tears.
                I know we said our goodbyes in front of the citadel, where he made his last stand but the finality of it was somehow lacking—almost more of a farewell between the king and his retinue than that between friends. But this solidifies the fact that he’s not coming back to us. He’s moved on and we’re never going to see him again—not in this life anyway. I don’t need to worry about him though. He’ll be alright and I’m sure he’ll be there waiting for each of when the time comes, ready to complain about how long we took. We’ve parted ways but only for now.
                See you around, Noctis.
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garbria · 3 years
Hmmm…director’s cut on the Truth series? Or All on the Line? ♥️
I’m not sure what constitutes a director’s cut but have some thoughts on the Truth series and All on the Line.
I don’t know if I’ll ever cover it in the series, but what happened was one of Drautos’ Imperial contacts contacted him using an unsecured comm, and Lucian intel picked it up. They weren’t able to determine exactly who it was going to, but that was going to someone in glaive hq. Clarus brought Drautos into the investigation almost immediately, because he trusted the man, something he regrets now. Drautos had to scramble to find a way to deflect suspicion, and he knew that Nyx and Cor were sleeping together, so he figured it was a way to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. He could deflect suspicion and possibly taint Cor at the same time.
I debated killing off Drautos for a long time, but at the last second decided to keep him alive. The council debated for hours once Cor brought them the proof, and Cor hated every second of it. They eventually agreed to suspend the charges against Nyx, but didn’t officially release Nyx from custody. After Cor takes Nyx away, Clarus files forms to the effect that Nyx has been released into Cor’s custody. He knew Cor wasn’t about to leave without Nyx, and he didn’t want another fight over it.
You’ll be happy to know that I’m almost done with the next part!
All on the Line was initially just going to be a short one-shot for my BTHB, but then Drautos showed up and started implying things. So then Nyx and Cor had to talk about it. And I needed to find out what Cor was thinking about everything. And it turned out he was having feelings about Prompto, so now it’s a whole au. It really grew on me, without a lot of planning. Though I do have some thoughts on what’s going to happen now. In fact, I have the next part finished. It’s Prompto’s POV of the events, which is my first time writing him, so hopefully I did him justice.
Thanks so much for the ask! I do enjoy talking about my fics.
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