#Clare Waight Keller wedding dress
brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
…the colossal screw up of Archie's birth announcement
I was not following the royals back then, so I am completely out of the loop with what was happening when Archie was born. There’s so much noise and theories littering this space, that it’s hard to delineate what is actually the screw up and where the theories start and how far plausible goes before it turns into crazy. Do you have a record or write-up you can point me to?
Totally okay if you want to just ignore this ask, though. I know this topic invites unhelpful inputs from people.
Hey, everyone, it's Wednesday! Guess what that means...yup, a super long research project to the dulcet sounds of Top Chef.
I think I'll just give you the whole timeline and then some since there's a lot of debate and discussion around both things.
The Pregnancy
October 12, 2018: Princess Eugenie marries Jack Brooksbanks. Meghan wears a dark navy dress and coat. Only the top buttons of her coat are done, causing immediate speculation that she's expecting.
October 15, 2018: Kensington Palace announces that Harry and Meghan are expecting and the baby is due in the springtime. The royal rota is informed by Jason Knauf over a cell phone in the airport, as they were already in Australia to begin coverage of the Sussexes' tour.
Now, usually when the palace makes these kind of announcements, there's a separate briefing for the royal rota with a few additional details for them to write about. In Rebecca English's article about the pregnancy announcement, she reveals that Meghan had had her 12-week scan, the baby is due in late April 2019, and that they were telling everyone at Eugenie's wedding. The article also reveals that Meghan will visit Tonga and Fiji despite the Zika risk (pregnant women are advised not to travel to areas with the Zika virus due to the risk Zika poses to their baby); it's a controversial decision.
October 15, 2018: Harry and Meghan are papped arriving in Sydney, leaving the airport. Meghan is holding two purple binders, leading to speculation that they are expecting boy-girl twins.
Pippa Middleton gives birth to her first child on October 15th (though it isn't announced for a bit), stealing some of the Sussexes' coverage.
October 15 - 31, 2018: Harry and Meghan are in Australia for the Sydney Invictus Games. They also tour New Zealand, Tonga, and Fiji. There is a ton of gossip and tea about the tour. Meghan is also photographed with a very inconsistent baby belly - sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not.
Also during this time (and into November) is the Sussex press tsunami when these stories were breaking:
"What Meghan wants, Meghan gets"
Meghan smells tastes eggs that aren't there
Meghan made Kate cry
Sussexes are moving out of Kensington Palace
The Sussexes' office is moving to Buckingham Palace; they'll be part of the resource pool that also represents Anne, Yorkies, Edward, Sophie, Kents, and Gloucesters.
Sussexes are leaving The Royal Foundation and setting up The SussexRoyal Foundation.
November 24, 2018: The palace announces that Harry and Meghan are moving to Frogmore Cottage. They will renovate the property from five staff apartments to ten bedrooms, a nursery, a gym, and a yoga studio.
December 18, 2018: Meghan makes a surprise appearance at the British Fashion Awards to recognize Clare Waight Keller (her wedding dress designer) as the British Womenswear Designer of the Year. Allegedly she crashed the event unexpectedly. She is photographed groping her belly the whole time while on stage presenting.
December 25, 2018: During the Christmas walkabout after church, Meghan tells fans that she is "nearly there". It causes confusion because the palace had briefed reporters two months earlier that it was an April baby.
**Anon, this Christmas walk where Meghan says "nearly there" re the baby's due date is where it starts veering off the rails.**
January 14, 2019: Meghan, with Harry, visits Birkenhead for an away day. At the end of the visit when they are leaving, Meghan is observed by some to have lost her belly while developing a new bulge around her mid/lower thighs. (YMMV.)
January 16, 2019: Meghan visits the Mayhew Animal House during the day, in which some people claim to observe her belly folding in and then popping out and others claim to hear a loud popping noise when she stands up. (YMMV.) Later, in the evening, she attends a Cirque du Soleil performance at Royal Albert Hall. This is the night that, as she tells Oprah in March 2021, she felt suicidal and had been crying all day up until just before arriving at the Hall.
February 15 - 20, 2019: Meghan is in New York City to attend a baby shower thrown in her honor by Serena Williams. She stays at the Mark Hotel. Abigail Spencer merches Away luggage. Jess Mulroney and Amal Clooney are some of the guests. Markus Anderson unexpectedly shows up and allegedly, Meghan is upset to see him. There's a ton of paparazzi, which Meghan loves, and the Mark Hotel ropes off the sidewalk for her, which she also loves.
There is a CDAN blind about the baby shower, alleging that Meghan had asked (maybe demanded) the BRF for one but they refused because it's not what they do.
The baby shower causes a lot of questions. There's one instance where Meghan returns from a night out holding a large purse over her stomach area, which is unusual because in every photo since October, Meghan is always showing off her belly.
Meghan leaves NYC by a private jet via Teterboro Airport, assumed to be Amal Clooney's private jet.
This is the end of the Meghan/Amal friendship, as on March 15, 2019, Clarence House announces a partnership between Prince Charles and Amal Clooney establishing the Amal Clooney Award from Prince's Trust International.
February 23 - 25, 2019: Harry and Meghan are in Morocco for an official visit by request of the Foreign Office.
There's speculation that Meghan was planning to attend the Oscars (which are held on February 24, 2019) and allegedly, the BRF caught wind of it and created the Morocco tour to keep her focused on royal work.
Edited to add: After checking my spreadsheet, I realized I missed one - related to speculation/gossip about Meghan attending the Oscars, there’s additional speculation that the BRF planned the Morocco trip to force Meghan to come home from NYC. (I kind of suspect this may be the origin of “they took my passport” claims as told to Oprah because supposedly the palace was upset she had the baby shower and upset she’d gone out of the country to do so.)
March 5, 2019: When Harry and Meghan crash Charles's celebration of the 50th anniversary of his Prince of Wales investiture, Meghan tells people she is "nearly there" still, according to Us Weekly. Us Weekly also reports that a Sussex source had briefed them that the baby was due in the late March/early April timeframe.
March 14, 2019: Commonwealth Day Service. Kensington Palace indirectly confirms that this is Meghan's last appearance before the baby arrives and she is beginning maternity leave.
March 19, 2019: Meghan suspends her maternity leave to visit the New Zealand embassy with Harry to lay flowers in a tribute to victims of a mosque shooting. Meghan, who is photographed cradling her belly, is also photographed squatting down with knees and feet together, causing questions as some observe that it looks like her belly has completely disappeared.
April 2, 2019: Meghan, with Harry, is papped visiting an apothecary shop.
April 4, 2019: Harry and Meghan are confirmed to have moved into Frogmore Cottage.
The Birth
Note: All items italicized and in red are timings we learned after the fact. Items in "regular" font (not italicized and black) is the timing that happened live on May 6.
May 5, 2019, late in the evening: Meghan and Doria are driven to the Portland Hospital.
May 6, 2019, 5:26am GMT: Meghan gives birth after two epidurals According to Harry in Spare, it was a traumatic birth, potentially complicated, but an emergency c-section was not discussed with Meghan as Harry declined to tell her what was going on. Also, Harry gets high on laughing gas and the nurse disapprove.
May 6, 2019, 7:26am GMT: Harry, Meghan, and Baby Boy Sussex are home from the hospital (from Spare).
May 6, 2019, 1:30pm GMT: Sky News is selected as the pool broadcaster for the birth announcement when a Sussex spokesperson (probably Sara Latham) reaches out to Sky News to coordinate coverage for a statement Harry will make soon.
May 6, 2019, 1:50pm GMT: The palace announces Meghan has gone into labor and is at the hospital. Sky News has the exclusive story owing to the earlier conversation with Sussex representatives.
May 6, 2019, 2:15pm GMT: Harry records his statement about the baby's birth from a stable in Windsor. He speaks about the baby being born early in the morning. Horses make an appearance.
May 6, 2019, 2:37pm GMT: Harry and Meghan announce the birth of Baby Boy Sussex. The palace follows up with more details, including that the baby was born at 5:26am.
The palace's announcement raises questions, as the language used to describe the birth is different from the language used on all the other royal birth announcements.
The traditional birth announcement: {Title} has been safely delivered of a {son or daughter} at {time} today. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well. {signatures of medical staff} {date}
This language has been used for the Cambridges (George, Charlotte, and Louis), the Waleses (William and Harry), the Yorks (Beatrice and Eugenie), the Phillipses (Peter and Zara), the Edinburghs (Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward), the Brooksbanks (August and Ernie), and the Wessexes (Louise and James).
The Sussexes' birth announcement: The Queen and the Royal Family are delighted at the news that Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex was safely delivered of a son at 0526am today. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well. 06 May, 2019.
Immediately causing questions was the verb choice "was" (versus "has been"). From a grammar perspective, "was" is used to describe something that had already happened at a specific point in the past. "Has been" is a verb tense used to talk about an ongoing event - something that started in the past but is still happening. Looking at the language in the birth announcements, and examining it through the grammar only:
When George's birth was announced, Kate was still in the birthing process but it was a safe delivery. Which makes sense; birth doesn't end when the baby pops out - there's afterbirth, there's the hormone evacuation (for lack of a better word), there's the organs moving back into place, etc. She's still in the hospital receving care.
When Archie's birth was announced, Meghan had already completed giving birth. She was no longer in the hospital, already at home.
Causing even bigger questions was the missing medical staff.
Reporters immediately begin asking questions about the timing of the announcements, where the baby was born, who delivered the baby, and why everyone was told she was in labor when she had already given birth.
May 6, 2019, 2:40pm GMT: Harry's pre-recorded statement with Sky News is broadcast. When he begins speaking, the chyron says "Meghan is in labor." After he announces the baby's birth "early this morning," the chyron changes to "Meghan has given birth."
May 7, 2019, 12:28pm GMT: Palace officials apologize for the bungled birth announcement but there are no explanations or clarifications made.
May 8, 2019: Harry and Meghan announce the baby's name, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. They have a photocall with the baby in St. George's Hall, Windsor Castle, in which Harry says the infamous quote "babies change so much in two weeks." Later, they take photos with The Queen, Prince Philip, and Doria.
The photocall and the photos aren't without controversy. Royal-watchers and Windsor locals pinpoint two: May 8th is actually a very wet and overcast day in Windsor, so how did they get sunlight streaming in through the windows? And second (admittedly this one I don't understand), there's a question about either The Queen's clothes or the timing of the photo - she's supposed to be at the Royal Windsor Horse Show? Something to do with horses? - that people are confused by.
May 9, 2024: Harry goes to The Hague for Invictus Games 2020 kickoff events. (It has echoes of Charles leaving Diana just hours after Harry is born to go play polo.)
May 12, 2019: Mother's Day in the US. The Sussexes post a picture of Meghan holding Archie's feet in a field of forget-me-nots.
May 17, 2019: Archie's birth certificate is released. Harry doesn't have the right title.
June 6, 2019: Archie's birth certificate is updated to correct Harry's title and change Meghan's name from Rachel Meghan Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex to Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex.
June 8, 2019: Trooping the Colors. Meghan pauses her maternity leave to attend. She and Harry ride in a carriage with Kate and Camilla. Six things happen that everyone notices:
Meghan stares down Kate many times throughout the carriage procession.
When the royals are coming out onto the balcony for the flypast, Kate - carrying Louis (in his balcony debut) - walks out towards the right side of the balcony, by Andrew, while William veers to the left. William calls to Kate and she turns to join him, George, and Charlotte on the left side of the balcony. Harry and Meghan later come out on the right side, near to where the Cambridges would have been.
The Queen comes out onto the balcony and Meghan sees an opening to move in next to her, but then Andrew suddenly moves in, blocking Meghan. Anne moves in next to Andrew behind The Queen, effectively blocking the Sussexes from moving in.
When Meghan turns to speak to Harry, he sternly tells her to turn around. This happens twice. The second time, Meghan does an awkward shuffle to turn around and she starts rapidly blinking her eyes and clenching her jaw.
When The Queen is leaving the balcony after the flypast, Harry and Meghan bow/curtsy, suggesting that they were late arriving to Buckingham Palace before the parade to have properly greeted The Queen.
Meghan tries to speak to George as he passes by and he throws up a 'talk to the hand'-esque wave at her.
Allegedly, Harry and Meghan were set to have their own carriage at Trooping (as they did in 2019) but the BRF had concerns they would be booed and were thrown in with Kate and Camilla at the last minute. Allegedly, Harry didn't like this because he knew it was a demotion to go from their own carriage to riding backwards in someone else's carriage; when there's a group riding together, protocol requires the senior royals to face forward with junior royals facing backwards.
Also Meghan talks to herself.
I can't find a good video of the balcony so if anyone has one, please share!
June 17, 2019: Father's Day. The Sussexes post a new photo of Harry holding baby Archie. Harry is flipping everyone off and Archie's face is partially obscured.
June 27, 2019: SussexRoyal Instagram announces that the Sussexes will travel to South Africa in autumn. They indirectly announce that Archie will join them.
July 6, 2019: Archie's christening at Windsor Castle. Harry and Meghan decline to announce who his godparents are, citing privacy. The portraits are the first time we see Archie's face in full. They raise questions. Some people observe that the perspective/scale of William and Kate is off from the rest of the group. Others observe that Kate's chair is missing a leg. Others observe that the reflections behind the Spencer sisters and Doria are off.
Ahead of the christening service, William and Kate are papped driving into Windsor Castle. In the pap photo, both are wearing blue; Kate a blue dress or sweater and William a light blue casual shirt but in the released portraits, William is wearing a starched white shirt and Kate a pink outfit. There's some discussion that they changed at Windsor before the service but there's also something wonky going on with the metadata in the photos.
July 10, 2019: William and Harry play polo for charity. Kate, the kids, and Meghan attend. Meghan brings Archie. The lack of interaction between Kate and Meghan gets noticed quickly, as does Meghan seeming not to know what to do with Archie: she holds him for the whole outing, he seems poorly dressed (no hat or sun covering), and he doesn't move/Meghan doesn't change his position.
Allegedly, Meghan wasn't supposed to go to the polo match. Supposedly she had heard that Chelsy was there and hightailed it over with Archie to keep her man in line. (Yuck, I felt gross just writing that.)
July 14, 2019: Meghan breaks maternity leave again to attend the European premiere of The Lion King: Live-Action edition in London with Harry, who cancelled an event with the Royal Marines for this. Harry is caught on a hot mike pitching Bob Isner (Disney's CEO) about Meghan doing a voiceover.
July 26, 2019: According to The Sun, Harry and Meghan's neighbors in Windsor have been sent rules for interacting with the royals that include don't approaching the couple, speak only when spoken to, don't pet the dogs, and don't ask about the baby. Buckingham Palace denies that Harry and Meghan knew this was happening.
July 28, 2019: Meghan breaks her maternity leave again to guest-edit British Vogue's September 2019 edition, Forces for Change. There's controversy:
Allegedly Meghan was asked by the BRF if she was doing this and she kept telling them no.
Harry interviewed Jane Goodall for the edition, in which he made a comment that he and Meghan were only having two children for the environment. (The Sussexes eventually get some kind of award for this.)
Meghan interviews Michelle Obama over a lunch of fish tacos. It turns out that the interview was conducted over email.
Accusations of plagiarism, as an Australian magazine already did this something like this with a very similar front cover layout.
Also, just because: Inside Meghan Markle's disastrous attempt to edit Vogue magazine - new book 'Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors.'
And throughout July and August, Harry and Meghan are getting flack for racking up private air miles despite being environmentalists. They do four back-to-back private flights across Europe with Archie. On one of these trips, they meet David Sherborne, Elton John's lawyer and off to the lawsuit races we go.
The Queen invites them to Balmoral to join the family but the Sussexes decline, allegedly because Archie was too young to fly. (Mm-hmm, and then they take him on four flights to Europe.)
September 6, 2019: The Sussexes' itinerary for their Africa tour is released. As part of the tour, Harry will visit Angola and copy Diana's famous de-mining walk.
September 12, 2019: Meghan's maternity leave ends with an announcement introducing Smart Set, a capsule collection from her friends that benefit Smart Works. Meghan gives a speech that ends awkwardly when she says she needs to leave because it's "feed time."
September 23 - October 2, 2019: Harry, Meghan, and Archie travel to South Africa, Malawi, Angola, and Botswana. Meghan tries to merch Archie's clothes from H&M but it gets shut down pretty quickly. Archie's first official engagement is to meet Archbishop Desmond Tutu, which SussexRoyal cringely calls 'Arch, meet Arch.' Meghan gives her infamous "no one asked me if I'm okay" interview in which she discusses her post-partum challenges as a "young mom" and her mental health distress. Harry gets in a tiff with one of the royal reporters, snapping at her "you know what you did" when she tries to ask a clarifying question.
Princess Beatrice announces her engagement on September 26th and it steals some of the Sussexes' coverage.
And after the tour (or on the last day of the tour? I don't remember and it's late), Harry announces that he's suing the British press and it is chaos.
November 7, 2019: Harry and Meghan attend the opening of the Field of Remembrance ceremony at Westminster Abbey. Camilla was supposed to join, but backed out at the last minute citing a cold. When Meghan is pictured in overly glamorous hair and makeup for the event, speculation begins that they are recording the work for a documentary and that Camilla pulled out to avoid being in the footage.
November 9, 2019: The royal family attends the Festival of Remembrance at Royal Albert Hall. Harry and Meghan are shoved into the back row behind a pillar, barely visible on camera. (It's a demotion, because in 2018 they were seated behind Camilla.)
November 10, 2019: Remembrance Day/Sunday. The Queen, Camilla, and Kate watch from the center balcony. Meghan watches from a side balcony between Sophie and Tim. She holds her composure at being excluded from the 'main' balcony better this year than last year (in 2018, she kept stealing weepy or vengeful looks (YMMV) at the center balcony while she was sidelined with the wife of the President of Germany) but she still clenches her jaw.
This is Meghan's final entry in the Court Circular (ever).
December 20, 2019: The Sussexes announce they will spend the Christmas and New Year's holidays privately in Canada.
November 17, 2019: Harry's last entry in the Court Circular before Megxit, suggesting he and Meghan peaced out to Canada shortly after this (I'm too lazy to look up if there were any papwalks or other private engagements - another day, maybe). His final events are January 16, 2020 (a rugby thing); Philip's funeral; the service of thanksgiving for the Platinum Jubilee; and The Queen's Funeral.
And if you made it this far: congratulations! My asks are back open.
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theiconicmeghanmarkle · 7 months
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In recent years, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, has embraced a more understated wardrobe characterized by sleek lines and muted tones. This shift could be attributed to her relaxed lifestyle in Montecito, or her appetite for the quiet luxury trend that still appears to have countless A-listers in a chokehold.
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Meghan maintained her minimalist aesthetic, opting for a chic pair of flats to join her wedding dress designer, former Givenchy creative director Clare Waight Keller, for lunch at Cipriani in Beverly Hills. The Duchess wore a black T-shirt tucked into tailored wide-leg Ulla Johnson trousers, complemented by a copper cashmere wool Max Mara coat and pointed-toe black suede and leather Aquazzura cut-out flats. To accessorise her look, Meghan carried a brown suede Cesta Collective clutch that matched her coat, and a pair of Givenchy aviator shades to shield her eyes from the California sunshine.
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Despite her influential position, the Duchess typically eschews flashy attire these days, preferring the sort of sleek, minimalist pieces that have become her everyday uniform. Meghan tends to use textural elements – such as cashmere and suede – to elevate her ensembles.
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What does this stand for please?
Clare Waight Keller, the designer of the wedding dress.
HRH Emilie disclosed on Instagram that the leak came from one of her assistants.
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americanbrffan · 2 years
Blind Gossip Blinds - 2018
In chronological order after the break.
Here Comes The List - BLIND GOSSIP
January 26, 2018
One of the biggest items on any bride’s To Do list is the dress.
This celebrity has decided on her top designer choice, but it’s not just based on her fashion aesthetic. Her criteria list also involves politics… celebrity… and friendship. That’s a lot to ask of one designer!
The Designer is the same nationality as the bride’s future husband.
This will help ingratiate her with her future family. She also likes the show business connection and the potential friend connection. She knows that [Designer] has a lot of posh friends, and would love introductions. She sees this as an opportunity to create a new circle of friends.
Sounds like she has really thought this through. Let’s hope the dress design works, too!
Bride: Meghan Markle / Designer: Stella McCartney
We knew that Stella McCartney was designing a long white gown for Markle – and that Markle was going for fittings – but we did not know that Markle was going to wear TWO white gowns on her wedding day.
The first was a white gown with a veil by Givenchy’s Clare Waight Keller. The second was a white gown by Stella McCartney.
Stella McCartney is the designer referenced in our original blind item. McCartney is the daughter of Beatle legend Paul MCartney, she is British, and she is socially very well connected.
By the way, did you know that Amal Clooney and Oprah Winfrey also wore Stella McCartney to the wedding?
Markle did not meet McCartney, Clooney, or Winfrey until very recently… and now all three women are in Meghan Markle’s posh new circle of friends.
We will leave it up to you to decide how calculating all of that is.
The Paranoid Bride - BLIND GOSSIP
February 7, 2018
You’ve seen this female celebrity on TV. She is getting married this year. If you worked with her, are related to her, or thought you were friends with her, you might want to hear this!
She sent out a large number of vague emails and texts to friends and family and colleagues saying that she hopes that they are doing well but does not have time to call/write/text because she is “simply so busy.” This is just to keep people at bay and keep them quiet. Ninety percent of them are going to be shocked when she does not invite them to the wedding. You would think that she would be trying to draw the people she knows closer to her so that they will feel more loyal to her. It is the opposite. She is actually pushing them away. She has become paranoid about everyone is using her.
Target Is Avoiding Social Climber - BLIND GOSSIP
February 12, 2018
How can you be a society girl if you can’t wrangle an invitation to one of the high society events of the year?
This TV star – and aspiring social climber – was determined to score an invitation to an upcoming celebrity wedding.
Except… she’s not friends with either of the people getting married!
She had this whole elaborate plan where she was going to meet [Target Bride] at [Mutual Friend’s] bridal shower and wedding and become fast friends and score an invite.
Except… Target was a no show to Mutual Friend’s bridal shower and wedding, so Social Climber and Target never met.
Climber did not give up. Climber asked Mutual Friend if she could have Target’s contact information.
She wanted to send [Target] a gift from her product line.
Except… when Mutual Friend asked Target if was OK to give Climber her contact information, Target said “NO!”
And that’s why Target never wound up on a Post It note (and why Climber will definitely not be invited to that high society wedding)!
** I wonder if MM would go back and rethink this. I’m sure the connection would’ve come in handy these last two years!!
Snubbed By The Snob - BLIND GOSSIP
March 6, 2018
This actress is getting married this year. She invited a future female relative to a girls-only pre-wedding celebration.
The future female relative declined. The actress was insulted.
However, she just can’t say she was insulted.
If she tries to make a thing out of it, she looks bad. She was actually very insulted. This wasn’t some huge, wild event. It was a few close friends getting together and it was her chance to show [her future relative] how “normal” her friends are. [Future Relative] didn’t need to stay for the whole thing. It was local, so she could have done just a quick pop by to say hello. She couldn’t spare five freaking minutes of her precious time? Now [Actress] has to pretend that everything is fine so it doesn’t look like she got snubbed.
The Godmother - BLIND GOSSIP
April 24, 2018
This actress is trying very hard to fit in with her soon-to-be new family. Maybe a little too hard.
She is having her friends spread the rumor that she might be named godmother to [her future brother-in-law’s] new baby. It’s not true. In fact, it’s not even a remote possibility! They hardly know her. However, she hopes that the rumor alone will make the public think that she has already become so close to them that they would consider her.
The Bigs Versus The Smalls - BLIND GOSSIP
May 17, 2018
This story involves one wedding and two families. Let’s call them Big Family and Small Family.
Actress Small’s relatives are are seething today over Actress’ influence on the media. They say that she is seriously damaging their entire family.
[The Smalls] were all set to make some money by doing commentary on her and the wedding. However, a liaison for [Big Family] called in a favor to keep them off the air! (Actually, it might have been more of a threat than a favor.) Basically, their liaison told the program that if they put any of [Small’s] relatives on air, [Big Family] would consider it a “grievous breach of decorum” and would cut off the program and possibly the network from future access to Actress Small and the entire [Big Family].
The program and the network panicked. It only took about an hour for them to capitulate and cancel on [The Smalls]. [The Smalls ] did put up an enormous fuss about it. They were going on about [Actress] and [The Bigs] and how everyone was conspiring to hurt their family.
Fuss all you like, Smalls! You are not going to mess with The Bigs OR Actress Small’s “big day”!
Sparking With Sparkles - BLIND GOSSIP
May 18, 2018
This celebrity is one of the guests invited by Meghan Markle to help celebrate her wedding to Prince Harry this weekend.
They have already arrived in England for the festivities and are staying at a hotel in London. They were doing a little shopping. And not just for themselves.
[They were] asking about how to score some weed in London. The funny thing is that [they were] trying be semi-secretive about it while simultaneously bragging that [they were] going to be lighting up with Meghan Markle before the ceremony to help calm her down before her walk down the aisle!
Could you imagine the bride all suited up… in the back of the church with her friends… sparking up and passing a joint over to Prince Charles? “Hey Charlie! Wanna hit?”
Slappy Engagement - BLIND GOSSIP
June 18, 2018
When this TV actress’ boyfriend was ready to propose, he talked to her father. The father gave his blessing under one condition.
When she was with [Her Ex], they got into some big fight, and it got physical and he slapped her. I don’t know if she hit him first or if she hit him back. Anyway, her dad knew about it and it upset him. That’s why he made [Her Boyfriend] promise not to hurt her.
Well, at least that explains the odd request.
August 12, 2018
We have a little baby news about an actress who will be getting married this year!
No, she is not pregnant right now! That would be royally scandalous, even in these modern times. The news is about her baby plans.
She has proposed a schedule and he has already agreed to it. Wedding, three to six months settling in, pregnant, first baby, one year break, pregnant, second baby.
So, depending on how long it takes her to get pregnant, two babies in the first three to four years of marriage.
That’s fast! She is over 30, so it may be a little more challenging to conceive.
On the other hand, she does unlimited funds and the best medical care available at her disposal, so anything is possible.
The two of them certainly seem smitten with each other so they are likely to be willing to do the “work” required to get pregnant.
Let’s hope they succeed!
Hush Money Dilemma - BLIND GOSSIP
June 19, 2018
When your reputation needs to be kept squeaky clean but your relatives won’t shut up about you, what do you do?
In the case of this recently-married actress, the solution is very simple… and very complicated!
Her family members are desperate for money. She could easily shut them all up if she paid them each a stipend every month. I heard that the total to all the individuals involved would be approximately $60,000 USD a month.
However, she does not have as large a nest egg as people might think and that nest egg would erode quickly. Her husband has the money, but would face enormous hurdles from his family if he tried to use his inheritance as hush money for the next fifty years!
There is also the unpleasant fact that her family members have thus far proven wildly unpredictable and unstable. Even with contracts, there are no guarantees that the stipends would result in both stability and silence.
Cold And Lonely At The Top - BLIND GOSSIP
August 16, 2018
This TV actress thought that the many celebrities she invited to her wedding were her new group of friends.
Not really.
[All those celebrity friends] aren’t really available for day-to-day chats and she is starting to think that some of them may have been using her a little bit. She thought her new sister-in-law would warm up to her after the wedding, but that didn’t happen either. She is “on the cool side.” She is very busy and has a lot of people around her, but [her husband] is really her only friend right now. She is feeling lonely. That’s why her mom may be moving closer to her.
Her New Family - BLIND GOSSIP
August 17, 2018
Remember when we told you that this actress’ relatives were not going to hush up until they received the payday they were after?
Well, a relative of hers just did another interview. And this one is a doozy!
Her “new family” is going to pitch a royal fit when they hear what he calls them. Ready?
He said, “They are just like Scientologists!” He says that they are a secretive cult that pulls down the shades and threatens anyone who tries to expose them for what they are.
He also called them a “Stepford Family,” a reference to The Stepford Wives, a 1970s horror film about robotic, brainwashed women.
We don’t know which publication is gong to run this – or which metaphor they are going to reference – but it will be published soon.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better…
Actress: Meghan Markle / New Family: The British Royal Family
Your friends at Blind Gossip told you this was coming!
From Newsweek:
The Bloodline - BLIND GOSSIP
August 28, 2018
There is a rumor going around that this famous couple is going to adopt a child! That is the kind of move that could throw their family history into turmoil. Except… the story is not true!
Fitting in with the family is of paramount importance to her, and perpetuating the bloodline via birth is part of that. She had a rough start as far as family is concerned, so she does not wish to vex them any further. Adoption would be too controversial.
The plan is to have at least two children in the next five years. They would only consider adoption after they have all their children… or if they pass the five-year mark with nothing to show for it.
Sudden Burst Of Niceness - BLIND GOSSIP
October 1, 2018
She was nasty and mean but now she’s suddenly nice. What’s going on?
This actress has had a rocky relationship with one of her siblings. While we don’t know what happened between them, the sibling has been quite nasty and vocal about it.
Until now. But…there’s a catch to the sudden burst of niceness!
She expected that [The Actress] would financially take care of her and the rest of the family after she got rich and famous. When that didn’t happen, she got nasty and vocal, hoping she would get paid to shut up. That didn’t happen, either. So now she is going to be really, really nice to see if that pays off.
So, her flying to be near The Actress may not be about repairing their broken bond. It may be about getting a suitable payday.
Appalling Frustrating And Embarrassing - BLIND GOSSIP
December 19, 2018
When you join a famous family through marriage, there is always a period of adjustment for both sides. In this case, though, the joiner has made it difficult for everyone.
It has becoming increasingly clear to [members of his family] that her initial efforts to blend in were mere farce. They are trying to keep things civil and appear accommodating, but her disrespect for their traditions has been appalling, frustrating, and embarrassing. Her true intent appears to be to change her husband and to change his family. She has her husband’s ear, but not a single ally among his family. They are not fooled by her.
That sounds uncomfortable for everyone.
The Pretend Holiday Invitation - BLIND GOSSIP
December 23, 2018
What better way to celebrate the holiday season than to pretend that your new family cares about your old family!
Someone associated with this actress put out a story that her “new” family invited her favorite relative to spend the holidays with them… but that her relative declined the invitation.
The story was a completely fabrication. There was never an invitation. There are many other in laws and such much more important to the family and they have never been invited. The [new family] does not know from where this story originates. They have quietly let other distant relatives know that the story was untrue to avoid hurt feelings. However, they can not publicly refute it as it would make them look unwelcoming.
That makes sense. Besides, if an invitation was actually extended, there is a 100% chance that it would have been accepted.
Was someone is trying to spin the family holiday to make themselves look important and special?
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So who fecked up? British designer Clare Waight Keller, artistic director of Givenchy who made the bridesmaid dresses from measurements only? Or someone else who wasn't on the ball about the bridesmaids? If I'd seen my daughter in such an ill fitting dress, I would of been in tears. Obviously the dress was just delivered to Kate and her daughter 4 days before the wedding. Personally, it was just a white blob, They should of all nipped into Harrods and bought something that fitted better. Gez, it's not rocket science.
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mmbully · 2 years
Slammed door, flowers thrown in the bin... and why the row that made a Duchess weep was about FAR more than Princess Charlotte's dress
KATE MANSEY: Slammed door, flowers thrown in the bin... and why the row that made a Duchess weep was about FAR more than Princess Charlotte's dress (but was it Meghan, Kate or even both left in tears?!)     •    Duchess of Sussex complained to Winfrey about tearful row with sister-in-law       •    There are claims that the Cambridges have been at the heart of Meghan's unease     •    Meghan magnanimously told the American TV host that she has forgiven Kate By Kate Mansey For The Mail On Sunday Published: 17:07 EDT, 13 March 2021 | Updated: 17:24 EDT, 13 March 2021 When the Duchess of Sussex complained to Oprah Winfrey about a tearful row with her sister-in-law, she described it as a dramatic 'turning point' that would eventually see the Sussexes walking away from their Royal roles altogether. 'Everything changed,' she said, claiming it marked the beginning of a 'character assassination'. So, what actually happened between the two women that could possibly have sparked what is now being called 'Crygate'? In unravelling this question, The Mail on Sunday can reveal that the row in the run-up to Meghan's wedding was just one of a series of flashpoints that doomed the relationship from its earliest days. Indeed, there are claims that the Cambridges have been at the heart of Meghan's unease not just with Palace life, but with her and Harry's place within the Royal Family. And, sadly, there has been a simmering anger between the two brothers.      The Duchess of Sussex complained to Oprah Winfrey about a tearful row with her sister-in-law (pictured together at a Westminster Abbey for a Commonwealth day service) prior to her wedding First, though, what about the flowergirl row? At the fitting for Charlotte were Meghan, Kate, designer Clare Waight Keller, two assistants from the Givenchy fashion house and Melissa Toubati – Meghan's aide, who later quit after just six months in the role. The dress intended for Charlotte didn't fit. Fraught conversations ensued about how, with little time left, this could be rectified. Amid the stress, tears were shed. That was unfortunate, but what followed was more damaging – at least for Meghan. Many months afterwards, it was reported that it was Kate, who'd given birth to her third child just days before the fitting, who had been 'left in tears', although details remained vague. Yet Meghan sees it very differently and claimed last week that 'the reverse was true'. She suggested there was evidence to support her claim. Referring to her sister-in-law simply as 'Kate', rather than the more formal 'Catherine', which the Duchess prefers to be called in public, Meghan continued: 'She was upset about something, but she owned it, and she apologized, and she brought me flowers and a note, apologizing… She did what I would do if I knew that I hurt someone.' Meghan magnanimously told Oprah Winfrey that she has forgiven Kate. But sources have told this newspaper that the apology was not the end of the matter. A door was said to have been slammed in Kate's face and those flowers thrown in Meghan's bin. The upset intensified. Meghan is said to have grown increasingly suspicious that pro-Kate Palace aides had leaked the 'Kate cried' version of the story to the Press. As the source put it: 'Meghan became obsessed. 'She couldn't let it go and would tell anyone who listened. She demanded that staff speak out to correct the story – and became frustrated when they didn't.' Clearly this festered. Meghan returned to the subject three times with Oprah.
Meghan is a HABITUAL LIAR!
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
It's not Dior...it's UNIQLO that we will see on insta @Meghan ...how the mighty have fallen by u/Which-Homework2453
👗It's not Dior...it's UNIQLO that we will see on insta @Meghan 🤪...how the mighty have fallen The designer of Meghan’s wedding dress has created a £40 high-street collection. She’s the biggest British fashion star you may never have heard of, but Clare Waight Keller is taking centre stage for a Uniqlo collab...Claire if you remember was the British designer at Givenchy who designed Meghan's wedding dress. Abruptly leaving Givenchy in 2020 she is now hooking up with Uniqlo to produce a capsule collection.The two are still in touch and it WONT be a big surprise if Meghan, in her new phase of dressing more RELATABLY appears in a few Clare Waight Keller for Uniqlo pieces.Hmm..I remember the hype around her sayonara Zara party supposedly when she could finally ditch high street for designer....🔁 I think she peaked with Reitmans..https://ift.tt/5Td2YSJ post link: https://ift.tt/J9FZrie author: Which-Homework2453 submitted: September 06, 2023 at 11:17AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
Kate Middleton nailed her Easter with an unexpected manicure and stepped out for church on Easter Sunday with other members of the royal event debut for her and Prince William as the Prince and Princess of Wales. It was also 4-year-old Prince Louis' first time tagging along for the holiday outing, where he walked in step with older siblings Prince George, 9, and Princess Charlotte, 7.
The Wales family coordinated in blue for the church service, where Kate's bold red manicure was a style surprise. Kate usually wears neutral hues or no polish at all, and the bright red was a fresh pop of colour against her royal blue clutch that matched her ensemble.
Queen Elizabeth may have been famous for her bright outfits (so she could be spotted in a crowd!), but she favoured neutral nails and was long linked with Essie's "Ballet Slippers" shade. She first became associated with the sheer pink polish in 1989, when her hair stylist wrote to founder Essie Weingarten and called it "the only colour Her Majesty would wear," the brand website states.
Though it's an unofficial rule, it is widely known that Queen Elizabeth found colourful nail polish distracting. Bright hues are not banned for the royals, but nude colours are a more practical choice for official engagements. Although Princess Kate has occasionally glammed toes with a bright pedicure, her bold manicure moment marked a fashion first in public.
A few months after she married into the royal family, Meghan Markle shook up the unspoken style guide black nail polish for a surprise appearance at the British Fashion Awards in December 2018. The Duchess of Sussex, 41, was pregnant with Prince Archie, now 3, and came out on stage to present her wedding dress designer Clare Waight Keller with the British Womenswear Designer of the Year award. Meghan's black nails matched her one-shoulder gown of the same shade.
As the countdown continues to the coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla on May 6, it remains unclear if Meghan and Prince Harry will travel to the U.K. for the historic service.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who have resided in Meghan's home state of California since 2020 after stepping back as senior members of the royal family, have been invited to the event at Westminster Abbey.
In March, a spokesperson for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said the couple "received email correspondence" regarding King Charles' coronation.
"I can confirm The Duke has recently received email correspondence from His Majesty's office regarding the coronation. An immediate decision on whether The Duke and Duchess will attend will not be disclosed by us at this time," the statement said.
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rdenieva · 4 years
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The Royal Wedding Dress.
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jerseydeanne · 4 years
Clare Waight Keller talks again about Meghan's boring, ill-fitting wedding dress
Clare Waight Keller talks again about Meghan’s boring, ill-fitting wedding dress
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The Royal Wedding Dress – Two years ago today I was in the final fittings for a very secret dress. So many emotions were running through me during those months leading up to the big day. A wedding dress is one of the most exquisite and beautiful moments for a designer, but also personally as an woman artist, creator there is a lot of…
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✵ May 19, 2018 ✵
Rachel Meghan Markle & Prince Henry of Wales
Now The Duke and Duchess of Sussex
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fripperiesandfobs · 6 years
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Wedding dress and veil designed by Clare Waight Keller for Givenchy, worn by Meghan Markle at her wedding with Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, May 19, 2018. Worn with a bandeau tiara made for Queen Mary in 1932.
From the Royal Collection
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The Duchess of Sussex  ||  Clare Waight Keller for Givenchy
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gertieparr · 6 years
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Meghan Markle // Royal wedding 2018
Sketches of The Duchess of Sussex’s dress 
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cdrxo · 6 years
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Impossibly perfect. 👰🏻
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blablici-blog · 6 years
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Meghan Markle walking the isle of St. George’s Chapel, wearing a Givenchy wedding gown designed by Clare Waight Keller. 
Am I the only one disappointed by the wedding dress? I was expecting a showstopper Ralph & Russo couture gown :( 
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