#Clara Sánchez
vqtblog · 11 months
Luz Sánchez-Mellado: Clara Sánchez “A los 60 una mujer ya no se deja mangonear emocional ni sentimentalmente”
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lospeakerscorner · 2 years
Il Libro, I peccati di Marisa Salas
Il Libro, I peccati di Marisa Salas
Roberto Ippolito presenta con l’autrice il romanzo della scrittrice spagnola Clara Sánchez I peccati di Marisa Salas ROMA – Negli spazi della Libreria Nuova Europa I Granai  in via Mario Rigamonti la scrittrice spagnola Clara Sánchez eccezionalmente amata dai lettori italiani, riserva a loro un vero e proprio regalo: in anteprima mondiale assoluta giovedì 3 novembre alle ore 18.30 svela a Roberto…
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luegootravez · 3 months
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Clara Galle by © Hervás & Archer
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Alonso Sánchez Coello (Spanish, 1531-1588) The Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia, Detail, 1579
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jadeseadragon · 2 years
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The Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia (Spanish, 1566-1633): Sovereign of the Netherlands, Duchess of Lothier, Brabant, Limburg, Luxemburg, and Guelders, Margravine of Namur, Countess Palatine of Burgundy, Countess of Flanders, Artois and Hainaut. [source]
1. Attributed to Alonso Sánchez Coello (1531-1588) and Workshop, Isabella Clara Eugenia and Catharina, Daughters of Philip II, King of Spain, c. 1569-70, oil on canvas; The Royal Collection Trust, Green Drawing Room, Buckingham Palace.
2. Alonso Sánchez Coello (Spanish,1531-1588), The Infantas Isabel Clara Eugenia and Catalina Micaela, circa 1575, oil on canvas, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
3. Alonso Sánchez Coello (Spanish, 1531-1588), Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, 1577, oil on canvas, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
4. Alonso Sánchez Coello, The Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia and Magdalena Ruiz, 1586, oil on canvas, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid.
5. Juan Pantoja de la Cruz (Spanish, 1553-1608), The Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia, 1598-99, oil on canvas, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
6. Frans Pourbus the Younger (Flemish, 1569-1622), The Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, Archduchess of Austria, c. 1598-1600, oil on canvas.
7. Peter Paul Rubens and Workshop (Flemish, 1577-1640), Portrait of Archduchess Isabella Clara Eugenia, Spanish Regent of the Low Countries, as a Nun, 1625, oil on canvas.
8. Anthony van Dyck (Flemish, 1599-1641), The Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, c. 1630, oil on canvas, Walker Art Gallery.
Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia (Spanish, Segovia, 1566 - 1633, Brussels) was the daughter of Philip II of Spain and his third wife, Elizabeth of Valois, who died after a miscarriage when the Infanta was only two. Her sister Catalina Micaela was one year younger.
She became the sovereign of the Spanish Netherlands in the Low Countries and the north of modern France with her husband, Archduke Albert VII of Austria. She was one of the most powerful women in Europe at the time. The couple had no children. She joined the Sisters of St. Clare order after her co-regent's death.
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aperint · 10 months
Integración y cierre de año comercial
Integración y cierre de año comercial #aperturaintelectual #negociosaintelectual @desarrollodenegociostyt Gustavo Antonio Reyes Sánchez
Por: Gustavo Antonio Reyes Sánchez Amigos empresarios, emprendedores, encargados de generar dinero para las organizaciones, o sea, mis colegas de ventas, espero estén muy bien, que la salud en su vida sea una constante y el incremento de las ventas lo sea también. Existen varias estrategias que puedes considerar para integrar y cerrar el año de manera efectiva: Revisión de objetivos y logros:…
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miguelmarias · 2 years
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las-microfisuras · 8 months
Dos o tres experiencias de vacío
I   sabemos    (creemos saber) que
    hay            un tablero
                    casillas claras y oscuras
    sabemos (entrevemos) que
    juegan con nosotros
    qué pieza se ha movido
    quién la ha movido
    cómo se ha movido
    y a fin de cuentas
    qué sabemos
    de las
    reglas del juego
    dentro de este cuarto
    el día es una
    mecha humeante
2 me das (te doy) la mano
    toda la mano
    la mano
3  todo el sedoso aire
    por el relampagueante
    cornucopia vaciándose
    sobre la cálida
    huerta del aire
    uvas tiernamente oscuras
    violetas oprimidas
    en la secreta
    del verano
    y la distraída mariposa
    y la rosa en alto
    y yo solo    y tú sola
       y yo solo    y tú sola
          y yo solo    y tú sola
    en este
    recodo del día
    la certeza
    de haber escrito en el agua
4  las blancas paredes    de la casa
    los blancos huesos     bajo tierra
    la blanca                 soledad
    del mar                           del cielo
    la blanca mariposa
                                           del sueño
    en el trazo
                                           negro de la tinta
    hasta alcanzar su negra orilla
5  la tarde pestañea
    en las persianas
             vaga su luz
                su vaho tibio
    por entre las cosas
                sumarias y
                bien puestas
    da vueltas
                en torno
    al sagitario
                vaso de retamas
    que en cierto modo
    el latido natural
    de la pieza
                donde escribo
    una resaca silenciosa
                se va
                         arrastrando mis palabras
    y sé
    que es noche
_ Javier Sologuren, incluido en Las ínsulas extrañas. Antología de poesía en lengua española (1950-2000) . Galaxia Gutenberg Círculo de lectores, 2002, selecc. de Eduardo Milán, Andrés Sánchez Robayna, Blanca Varela y José Ángel Valente.
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
Hi, I hope you haven't answered this question already, but do you have any books to recommend about catalan history? Like biographies/autobiographies or just something general. Thank you 😊
Hello! I assume you mean books that have been published in English.
There are many history books in Catalan of course, way less in English, but still some. As you will understand, I have read history books about Catalonia in Catalan, and not the ones made in English, so I can't recommend much from first hand. However, there are some that I can recommend.
I have heard very good recommendations of the book A People's History of Catalonia (2022) by Michael Eaude.
Another classic is George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia (1938), his autobiography from his years fighting in the Spanish Civil War. It's clearly written by a foreigner but definitely very interesting.
For more recent stuff, there's The Case of the Catalans: Why So Many Catalans No Longer Want To Be Part of Spain (2020) coordinated by Clara Ponsatí.
@guillemelgat also recommends Monturiol's Dream: the extraordinary story of the submarine inventor who wanted to save the world (2003) by Matthew Stewart about the Catalan inventor and revolutionary Narcís Monturiol, and also talks to the context where he lived in, 19th century Barcelona when the Eixample was being built.
Lastly, I would also like to add a novel. It's a historical fiction but it's very very well researched and has been translated to English. It's Victus: The Fall of Barcelona (2012) by Albert Sánchez Piñol, set during the War of the Spanish Succession, which together with the Civil War is the most important moment in Catalan collective memory.
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carloskaplan · 2 days
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Alonso Sánchez Coello: Retrato da Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia (1579)
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perpassareiltempo · 1 year
Non gli importava dei suoi difetti, non li nascondeva e non cercava di dissimularli; il corpo gli serviva perché stessimo insieme sul divano, nella doccia, contro il muro e su un materassino della piscina, i nostri posti preferiti: tutto il resto era secondario. E per questo nessuno poteva paragonarsi a lui. Era l'unico uomo che fosse riuscito a piacermi veramente, senza dubbi né incertezze di alcun tipo. 
Clara Sánchez -  Le cose che sai di me
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luegootravez · 3 months
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Clara Galle by © Caterina Barjau
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Alonso Sánchez Coello (Spanish, 1531-1588) The Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia, 1579
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docpiplup · 6 months
In the 9th century, Emma of Barcelona (c. 880-942), a 17-year-old girl, is named abbess in order to repopulate and Christianize border territories in 897. Upon arriving at the abbey, she will have to overcome the mistrust aroused by a woman determined to fulfill her mission, which will lead her to confront nobles, like her brother Count Guifré II Borrel of Barcelona (874-911), peasants and the nuns themselves. Despite everything, Emma will show that it is possible to challenge established power structures. Although she will pay a high price to get it...
Emma is willing to carry out the commission of her deceased noble father, Count Guifré I of Barcelona, Guifré el Pilós (840-897), founder of the House of Barcelona: convert the abbey that he founded in 885, the Monastery of Sant Joan de les Abadesses, for which she is now responsible into the engine of change and transformation of a society that comes down. She must help with all her resources to help the lands that are emptied due to hunger caused by border wars, which in turn are a consequence of the ambitions of the feudal lords of the area.
Emma acquired small or large properties with which the monastery came to have a territory equivalent to that of a county. Her sovereignty was also similar to that of a countess: by concession from her father, her domains were exempt from all interference from the neighboring counts, whom she knew how to oppose with resistance.
On cinemas: Friday 22 March
Filming began in January 2023 at the Loarre Castle, and included scenes filmed at the Turó de la Seu Vella, until concluding at the end of February 2023.
Main cast
Emma of Barcelona - Daniela Brown
Eloisa - Blanca Romero
Guifré II Borrel of Barcelona - Carlos Cuevas
Eduard - Ernest Villegas
Odón - Oriol Genís
Bishop Gotmar of Vic– Joaquín Notario
Clara-Berta Sánchez Bajona
Melisenda - Anäel Snoek
Elvira- Olivia Auclair
Data sheet
Script and direction: Antonio Chavarrías
Produced by: Antonio Chavarrías, Jose María Morales, Miguel Morales, Mónica Lozano
Photography direction: Julian Elizalde
Editing: Clara Martínez Malagelada
Music: Ivan Georgiev
Casting: Irene Roqué, Carla Bisart, Sara Bisart, Elena Gómez Zarzuca and Doriane Flamand
Direct sound: Elsa Ruhlmann
Sound editing: Corinne Dubein
Blends: Emmanuel de Boissieu
Art direction: Irene Montcada
Costumes: Catherine Marchand and Pau Aulí
VFX: Natacha Brohan
Assistant director: Falele Ygueravide
Production direction: Anna Boneta
Executive producers: Alba Bosch-Durán, Flavia Biurrun and Jennifer Ritter
Co-producer: Huber Toint, Alex Verbaere, David Claikens, Samuel Feller
Production of Oberon Media, Wanda Films, Icono 2020, Saga Film, RTVE and TV3.
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(Based on a true story/ Based on a true woman)
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wikitrajes · 2 months
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Infantas Isabel Clara Eugenia and Catalina Micaela, Alonso Sánchez Coello, 1575
Las infantas Isabel Clara Eugenia y Catalina Micaela, Alonso Sánchez Coello, 1575
Museo del Prado
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miguelmarias · 2 years
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