#Cirus The Citrus
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imperial-daffodil · 3 months ago
Damn that HITS me right where the heart is. It hurts like HELL.
The first picture? So saint-religious looking. both the Martyr and the Mad God - I have a whole thing about Prime and Melancholy Madness, about how Madness is eternal repetition and how that is reflected not only in the Clones, His own Reflection repeated eternally, infinitely, but also how His conquering new worlds just leaving ashes in His wake is repeating something - intangible.
Repeating trying to reach for something He can never have? Something He misses, and does not know (what).
And Repetition is a Melancholy trope in literature. (I would write an essay but I have to irl TToTT)
The Mad God/ Saint who made Himself the Martyr - He is both the object of His own adoration, and the object of His own hatred. Both to be Elevated, and Destroyed. At the same time.
The second image speaks volumes too. I'll be back.
And the text.
The gripping aching melancholy of not knowing what is missing, of both knowing everything and not knowing why. Of not knowing oneself. Or, of refusing to see? While seeing everything.
Prime really ups my brain - your Au has that special place in my heart and mind.
Now I sit here in reflection chamber Crafting the world its next new savior
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I like to headcanon that at some point in time Horde Prime got rid of the mirrors on the Velvet Glove
The clones never questioned their leaders's decision, convinced that it was for their own good. Needless reflections could only lead to recognition of the true self and potential separation from the collective whole. Those separated are so easy to get infected with selfishness, vanity, individuality and other diseases that destroy one's mind and soul and leave nothing but darkness inside. The clone brothers had no need to look at themselves anyway, since there is no clearer reflection than a face of a fellow brother. To one another the clones were nothing but mere mirrors
Prime himself found great joy gazing at his on reflection. Perhaps he enjoyed it a little too much. However, as his vessels age and get replaced, Prime's memory keeps failing him more and more, it seems like he slowly loses his clarity of mind. Sometimes Prime's old disturbed mind stops recognizing his own reflection, forgetting who he even is. And thus his favorite daily ritual turns into episodes of pure confusion, but also inexplicable primal rage and fear. At such moments he only sees a stranger in front of him. A stranger so beautiful and perfect, so different and better than him that upon seeing their image Prime wants nothing more than to destroy and devour them, taking the best parts for himself. It took him almost chocking on mirror shards and his own blood to finally decide to despose of every mirror on the ship. He cannot let his brothers see him like this
Horde Prime convinced himself that the mirrors were the core of his issue, refusing to accept that even with the most advanced tech in the world he still failed to preserve both his memories and a sound mind. What he also failed to realize is that even with no actual mirrors his empire was still filled with those in whom he sees nothing but his own reflection. The clones were mere mirrors, not only to each other, but to their shallow, envious god as well
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geee-three · 2 years ago
i exist. you can call me izza. (any prn [prn page link in case you wanna do your research] + 14 years old + most likely autism/adhd + aspd [link])
ask box open to anyone, dms open to moots!!
pfp is a project sekai comic screenshot of hinomori shiho!!
i have sideblogs, don't expect them to be uptodate. sorry.
active gimmick blogs: @citrus-typos (there are not a lot of citrus typos)
'minors dni' dni. nsfw dni. anti self dx dni. ace/arophobes dni. jkr supporters dni. 'christians dni' dni.
#my art: my art
#my words: my writing
#ramblings: just me talking
#moot tag: moot tag
#warlock posting: dnd
#squidposting: splatoon related stuff
#pokeposting (b4 25th feb was #pokemon posting): pokemon related stuff
#pomni posting: the amazing didgital cirus!!
#izzas coroika rewrite: my rewrite of coroika!!!
#pony posting: mlp gen4, might occacinally rb gen5. dunno. i like izzy. (for reference i did not steall my name from her specifically. however from fizzy bombs in splatoon? yes)
#wunsoc posting: posting about the morrigan crow book series!!!!!
also i know some stuff about competitve pokemon and splatoon!! tagged pokemon/splatoon comp
ask me to tag trigger warnings! i will normally tag as #tw [trigger], and for image ids and plain text i will tag posts as #no image id or #no plain text. i normally don't have the spoons to provide them myself.
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lastreality352 · 7 years ago
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You feel the same way about me too, don’t you?!
Yuzu Aihara 🌸
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lalitrajsingh · 2 years ago
Citrus limon
Herbal Remedies: A Nature's Treasure
A perennial shrub commonly known as #lemon(#निम्बू), a member of #Rutaceae family, identified as #Cirus limon. It shows its therapeutic activity via #liver remediation and cures throat diseases, asthma, urinary calculi, bad cholesterol, and hypertension. It maintains the equilibrium among #vatta, #pitta, & #kapha. #Black circles on face are nowadays a very common problem, ameliorated by it…
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mrghostsblog · 7 months ago
That's not citrus,that's his brother cirus
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that is NOT citrus 💀
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ask-angel-rk800connor-57 · 5 years ago
Connor smiled at Cirus and chuckled softly. He patted his lap and looked at him softly. "Come here." He said and sighed softly. He softly put his hand on the cat's back and petted him.
He loved his soft fur and purring madee him relax more, almost forgetting about his wing. He lightly booped he cat's nose and continued petting him. "You're such a smart and cute cat." He said as he watched Citrus.
Connor didn't know what to do. He went on a short fly and landed in an alley when he felt pain in his wings. He looked behind himself to see a black feather being between his white.
He frowned and touched it but screamed at the agony that crossed his whole body. His wings felt likr they were burning. He was screaming loudly and couldn't just stop. He could see his white feathers turning into black ones super fastly. He felt pain on his head as small horns grew out of it and his teeth grew longer and sharper. After some more time he felt pain in his tail-bone and something was begining to rip his pants. A demonic tail ripped a hole in his pants and then all he felt was burning. He was lying on the ground just waiting for death.
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happyohms-blog · 7 years ago
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Frozen Citrus Fracas - I am Rebellious and I am truly loving this Cirus menthol and the only criticism I can make is 10ml really is not enough ! - Go check out all their awesome flavours and make sure you get your hands on sticker and stick them in the most rebellious loacations you across ! - #iamrebellious #rebellioneliquid #frozencitrusfracas (at Reading, England)
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cjwilson1112-blog · 7 years ago
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Cirus Tango is a trained assassin from Citrus school of stealth, focuses on ranged combat but can cause great agony to enemies with his chartreuse arsenal. he know's there is better armor, but prefers his brightly colored citrus scholar robes, He mainly uses his Turbo X, his handcrafted signature weapon, but occasionally uses his chartreuse dagger or husk bow, he also has a pretty cool tangerine charm for healing, he got it when he graduated as a gift.
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imperial-daffodil · 9 days ago
I love how once separated, they could not stand being apart.
And that idea that there is always the hint, the suggestion of a presence lurking in the shadows around Prime - I love that.
'Cast out the shadows' could mean 'I don't want to think about it' in the general AU - I want to forget.
Melancholy aside, it makes me happy that in that AU here they have the hope of not being separated and Anillis has the possibility of not going full Mad Melancholy Jester (Jester for the Mask-like face features they have, and as the actor).
I need to gather more thoughts, I am so happy to read more about them and see more arts O.O
xD the meme at the end though xD
"Horde Prime was said to have two heads"
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You know what, lemme bring my old sketches back, cause lord knows i wasnt annoying enough about this lil piece of wiki trivia about filmation Prime (literally the more i learn about the 80s HP the more insane I get about my Kur Twins au cause how does this fact fits it so perfectly)
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Basically, this idea is an AU for an AU, where Horde Prime's backstory is the same except for the fact that he and his brother are conjoined twins Since in this version the boys look exactly like their planet's local deity (also known as The Comet Brothers) they were worshipped since day 1 and the religious community didn't even need to convince people that they were truly the ones. In this story Anillis and Hec-Tor actually believed in their divine origins and feared to be proven wrong, because if they're no saints then they're just... strange kids, a burden to their community, unlovable defects. They were certain that they had no other choice but to embrace sainthood
So they gladly played along and were exploited by the high priests until a massive investigation was conducted that proved to the world that the boys had no godly powers and thus couldn't be real protectors of Krytis. Feeling useless, lost, humiliated and unwanted, Anillis and Hec-Tor wished to be seperated for the first time in their entire life. Thus came the idea of making new perfect bodies for both of them. It took them way longer than in the og backstory, but in the end, they succeeded. The problem was - they didn't like being in seperate bodies. After decades of sharing a life and a body, such huge change felt weird, unpleasant and scary. The brothers had given each other a chance at normalcy but soon rejected it, despite it all
But once they switched back, they discovered that the new bodies could move and speak on their own, that those were not just bodies but fully developed sentient people. It is when it hit them - the brothers had just created life. Their scientific invention could as well be seen as magic. They do have powers, they are saints, they are stars. No, they are better, more powerful than all of the stars in the vast sky. And they shall be treated as such. And they will make Krytis and the rest of the known universe fear and adore them, everyone will pay for ever doubting the brothers and casting them aside. But at first - they still needed a new body. One body for both of them, but this time stronger, more beautiful, more perfect. And of course, they couldn't just leave their new brothers behind too...
The 80s Horde Prime had two heads, the spop Prime's design at some point had four arms. The assymetricall extra eyes, the clones he keeps calling his brothers. It's almost like there's always someone else with HP, unseen entitity following him everywhere, a phantom limb that still hurt at times, a part of him that could complete him but is missing. In conclusion, Hec-Tor is real and he's been hunting the narrative even in the 4th dimention (this is in fact a joke) Also, funny enough, this is my only au where I can see Prime changing for the better and not dying in the end, since here they're only a little insane, Anillis and Hec-Tor do keep each other humble after all. It's even possible that the clones are having a slightly better time serving this version of Prime
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imperial-daffodil · 2 years ago
You SO made my day.
I love seeing what goes in the head of Anillis, I love seeing what went in the head of Prime, I love everything about Hec-Tor and Anillis' dynamic.
I love your art and how clean the lines are, and I love how expressive and beautiful they are. The clothes, the hair, everything. Their fine traits, making them look both cute and handsome, the twins are ageless.
I love seeing their interactions. Oh dear how I love them. How the Two Halves function in Harmony. And how the level of trust is there. They need no one else, but each other.
Hec-Tor's cluelessness destroys me but at the same time it fill sme with such contradictory feelings: with utter, unaltered joy and gratefulness, because he is the ONE person who loves, and trusts, and respects Anillis for who he truly is, and that is all he ever wanted, and will ever want. Right?
Yet. There is such a deep profound implication that this is going down.
But for now, I just enjoy seeing them together.
Also, this may be questionable, but I'll say it anyway: Anillis, I FEEL your pain. The Conforming to Social Expectations part? Yes I feel this. (I already have my own very relatable version of Prime, so no worry, you did not make me accidentally relate to Him x) )
Some silly Kur twins doodles from June :з
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original memes for context
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"I'll just buy the game on the official site..."
"Me wants dresses and kittens in the sims 4, me becomes a pirate, download-download, downloads greek horse, puter bam-bam, dad's mad, me sob-sob"
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imperial-daffodil · 2 years ago
You have me curious, I am bookmarking this fic for my next rest day!!! Sharing because my Emperor deserves more stories about Him. ♪▲ And because finding the existence of this fanfic comes as a blessing to be honest, like a present from the skies :3
The artwork is beautiful. I love how they have their backs turned to each other, and both flowers and stars in their hair. The planetary system earring with the Horde Diamond symbol on Anillis' ear is magnificent (it also looks like the chips He will use on Etheria, my curiosity is raising high). I love the contrast about how Anillis has stars in his hair, when Hec-Tor has flowers, and I am wondering, - does this have something to do with their stories? And also, is this a daffodil I see in Anillis' hair, the big flower? And is the one in Hec-Tor's hair a poppy? This speaks to my mythology lover and symbolism lover's heart I am sorry if I ask or talk too much, I'll go read asap! (Also about the flowers, I would have a question, what are the little ones in Hec-Tor's hair? I will go read so I may have my answers, and if not, it is a bonkers amazing piece of art) And next time i'll post something relevant x)
Childhood of Horde Prime
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This work is an introduction to the Kur Twins AU (which main story will be told in the form of a comic)
Kur Twins AU is my vision of Horde Prime's origin story. Some ideas that get explored in the AU:
Horde Prime starts out as a "normal" mortal person, he's not even a royalty
Prime (Anillis Kur at the time) had an identical twin (Hec-Tor Kur)
Young Prime suffers from the same "defect" as Hordak
He and Hec-Tor were mistaken for two local deities by the religious community
Krytis is Prime's homeplanet
--------------------------------------- Well, so much for me thinking that giving Prime an angsty childhood is cringe and boring
This thing is long af, but I still hope you’ll enjoy :}
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imperial-daffodil · 8 days ago
AND also, they created life. What happens to those first two bodies they made for themselves? Do they remain around them as their little brothers?
And - I can very well imagine (and accept and agree with) the Twins' view that they are, in fact, godly. Who can boast of having been able to create life?
If divine signs were to appear in mortal terms, I think they'd show through 'human' lens. In mortal terms, having god-like powers and therefore, being a living deity, would be to achieve scientific prowess.
To be able to expand, better, or even more: create life, is proof in itself.
I can imagine feeling this way going either very perfectly, or very tragically. And I'm here for both versions.
Still haunted by that idea that Prime has this shadow around Him. He, who is the Light itself. He, who bears a shadow in His core, a void yearning to be filled - with brotherly love.
Eternal, and infinite - a reflection of His unnamed wish, scattered and fragmented into the infinity of little Clones of Him - and His brother Hec-Tor.
(I went on a tangent again. Please do not feel obligated to answer to my ramblings - it's bedtime thoughts and they're for Him :3 )
"Horde Prime was said to have two heads"
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You know what, lemme bring my old sketches back, cause lord knows i wasnt annoying enough about this lil piece of wiki trivia about filmation Prime (literally the more i learn about the 80s HP the more insane I get about my Kur Twins au cause how does this fact fits it so perfectly)
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Basically, this idea is an AU for an AU, where Horde Prime's backstory is the same except for the fact that he and his brother are conjoined twins Since in this version the boys look exactly like their planet's local deity (also known as The Comet Brothers) they were worshipped since day 1 and the religious community didn't even need to convince people that they were truly the ones. In this story Anillis and Hec-Tor actually believed in their divine origins and feared to be proven wrong, because if they're no saints then they're just... strange kids, a burden to their community, unlovable defects. They were certain that they had no other choice but to embrace sainthood
So they gladly played along and were exploited by the high priests until a massive investigation was conducted that proved to the world that the boys had no godly powers and thus couldn't be real protectors of Krytis. Feeling useless, lost, humiliated and unwanted, Anillis and Hec-Tor wished to be seperated for the first time in their entire life. Thus came the idea of making new perfect bodies for both of them. It took them way longer than in the og backstory, but in the end, they succeeded. The problem was - they didn't like being in seperate bodies. After decades of sharing a life and a body, such huge change felt weird, unpleasant and scary. The brothers had given each other a chance at normalcy but soon rejected it, despite it all
But once they switched back, they discovered that the new bodies could move and speak on their own, that those were not just bodies but fully developed sentient people. It is when it hit them - the brothers had just created life. Their scientific invention could as well be seen as magic. They do have powers, they are saints, they are stars. No, they are better, more powerful than all of the stars in the vast sky. And they shall be treated as such. And they will make Krytis and the rest of the known universe fear and adore them, everyone will pay for ever doubting the brothers and casting them aside. But at first - they still needed a new body. One body for both of them, but this time stronger, more beautiful, more perfect. And of course, they couldn't just leave their new brothers behind too...
The 80s Horde Prime had two heads, the spop Prime's design at some point had four arms. The assymetricall extra eyes, the clones he keeps calling his brothers. It's almost like there's always someone else with HP, unseen entitity following him everywhere, a phantom limb that still hurt at times, a part of him that could complete him but is missing. In conclusion, Hec-Tor is real and he's been hunting the narrative even in the 4th dimention (this is in fact a joke) Also, funny enough, this is my only au where I can see Prime changing for the better and not dying in the end, since here they're only a little insane, Anillis and Hec-Tor do keep each other humble after all. It's even possible that the clones are having a slightly better time serving this version of Prime
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angstandhappiness · 7 days ago
"Horde Prime was said to have two heads"
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You know what, lemme bring my old sketches back, cause lord knows i wasnt annoying enough about this lil piece of wiki trivia about filmation Prime (literally the more i learn about the 80s HP the more insane I get about my Kur Twins au cause how does this fact fits it so perfectly)
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Basically, this idea is an AU for an AU, where Horde Prime's backstory is the same except for the fact that he and his brother are conjoined twins Since in this version the boys look exactly like their planet's local deity (also known as The Comet Brothers) they were worshipped since day 1 and the religious community didn't even need to convince people that they were truly the ones. In this story Anillis and Hec-Tor actually believed in their divine origins and feared to be proven wrong, because if they're no saints then they're just... strange kids, a burden to their community, unlovable defects. They were certain that they had no other choice but to embrace sainthood
So they gladly played along and were exploited by the high priests until a massive investigation was conducted that proved to the world that the boys had no godly powers and thus couldn't be real protectors of Krytis. Feeling useless, lost, humiliated and unwanted, Anillis and Hec-Tor wished to be seperated for the first time in their entire life. Thus came the idea of making new perfect bodies for both of them. It took them way longer than in the og backstory, but in the end, they succeeded. The problem was - they didn't like being in seperate bodies. After decades of sharing a life and a body, such huge change felt weird, unpleasant and scary. The brothers had given each other a chance at normalcy but soon rejected it, despite it all
But once they switched back, they discovered that the new bodies could move and speak on their own, that those were not just bodies but fully developed sentient people. It is when it hit them - the brothers had just created life. Their scientific invention could as well be seen as magic. They do have powers, they are saints, they are stars. No, they are better, more powerful than all of the stars in the vast sky. And they shall be treated as such. And they will make Krytis and the rest of the known universe fear and adore them, everyone will pay for ever doubting the brothers and casting them aside. But at first - they still needed a new body. One body for both of them, but this time stronger, more beautiful, more perfect. And of course, they couldn't just leave their new brothers behind too...
The 80s Horde Prime had two heads, the spop Prime's design at some point had four arms. The assymetricall extra eyes, the clones he keeps calling his brothers. It's almost like there's always someone else with HP, unseen entitity following him everywhere, a phantom limb that still hurt at times, a part of him that could complete him but is missing. In conclusion, Hec-Tor is real and he's been hunting the narrative even in the 4th dimention (this is in fact a joke) Also, funny enough, this is my only au where I can see Prime changing for the better and not dying in the end, since here they're only a little insane, Anillis and Hec-Tor do keep each other humble after all. It's even possible that the clones are having a slightly better time serving this version of Prime
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