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tree-of-olives · 1 year ago
@nami-moittli @gayangel-fromhell & @minnicinni this is most relevant for you guys but any twsters can vote 😁😁
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jaycielantern · 2 years ago
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a bunch of updated oc references i made last year!
If anyone has any questions about them id be super happy to answer!
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wombocombo4x3 · 2 years ago
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Fanart for a succulent plant. No, she's not a bunny. Again for this Ravidooles person I think? Feat: Carmen.
*UPDATE: the plant waifu is named Cinni.
Here's their [ Twitter ] if you wish to follow and/or commission something.
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cindol · 1 year ago
club owner!sukuna loves to make out and he didn’t notice this until he got with his girlfriend.
“Mmph—baby we—Mm!— need to get to work— toji’s gonna—mm..— be all on your ass!” She could barely speak without sukuna interrupting her with kisses.”toji and that blue eyed fucker can gladly wait, I wanna make love and appreciate my girlfriend.” She just giggled at how he grabbed her up making her legs wrap around his waist.
a simple kiss with him never stays simple. When y/n casually gives him a peck on the cheek while they watch some show he just scoffs muttering “need more.” And grips her jaw sharing a long kiss with her.
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fazbearcorporation · 4 months ago
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Worlds most hyperspecific au that drives me crazy GO
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cinnis-stickers · 2 months ago
Did you know. All 6 of these polyamorous flags have (slightly) different symbols. Some are more obvious than others. I know this because I drew them all. The most similar are flag 2 and 4, the difference being colour and size.
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All flag designs can be found > HERE < on the LGBTQIA+ miraheze page for Polyamory.
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ashysnaps · 1 year ago
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fruitypat00ti3 · 4 months ago
PHEW finally done,,thank you to those who submitted their toons for this mini project of mine - Enjoy! 🎃🍬🍭
ʚ・ ───────────────────────────・ ɞ
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ʚ・ ───────────────────────────・ ɞ
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anticidic · 6 months ago
Fairytale AU where Dazai is Snow White and Chuuya's the prince kinda taking up a lot of headspace ngl
Dazai with a little red ribbon in his hair, frolicking in the meadows by the queen's castle and garnering the attention of the wildlife. Sitting by a bubbling brook and listening to the deer stamp through the water, rabbits scurry into bushes, and birds perch on trees—one of them landing on his head as he sings.
Sings about death. For himself. But the animals are none-the-wiser, they just hear the soft singing of someone at peace as he sprawls out in a field and gazes upon the sky.
Chuuya, bow and arrows slung over his shoulder as he set out into the forest to practice archery, is very confused when he hears someone singing about death. He steps through bushes into a clearing expecting a grisly scene, but it's just a bandaged young man gazing longingly down at a bunny sitting in front of him.
Chuuya's not sure who he feels more sorry for—the animals for not understanding anything other than a sweetly woven melody pleasant to the ears or the one singing. It's all very, very strange. The sun's shining, he feels it tickle his cheeks. Flowers across the rainbow dance in the breeze. What a beautiful day for something so sad. But he's intrigued.
He does not practice archery that day. They return to their castles by nightfall, but it is just the beginning.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who's the fairest one of all?
With eyes so bright and full of wonder,
For whom will face eternal slumber?
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eqt-95 · 9 months ago
Hi hello! I found the ask game related to the hearts finally so I’ll ask for 🤎 for supercorp if it sparks joy?
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oh it does, it does spark joy! many thanks for the ask from both of you.
🤎 multiple kisses / kisses all over / kiss after kiss
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“We’re playing Doctor!” Kara shouted excitedly when Alex, Kelly, and Lena walked in to find the apartment in absolute disarray, Kara mummified with ace bandages, covered in stickers, and talking past a thermometer sticking out of her mouth, and Esme unraveling a ball of yarn.
“During an apocalypse?” Alex asked, bypassing the pile of forgotten pillows and cushions, over the stacks of books, and through the disaster zone of puzzle pieces and legos. 
“I’m a warrior injured from battle,” Kara scoffed, annoyance on her scrunched face. “See the armor?”
It was nearly impossible to see the cardboard cutouts from under all of the gauze.
“Yea, and I am her princess and the world’s best nurse,” Esme added. She reached for Kara’s hand and began tying the yarn around her wrist. “We just need to lift your arm to rest,” Esma continued, trying gallantly to hoist Kara’s arm.
“Is that my emergency med pack?” Alex asked, eyeing the black canvas bag wearily and the equipment scattered around it. 
“We ran out of band-aids,” Esme explained. “But don’t worry, we didn’t use yours. They were too boring.”
“You should get the colorful kind like the Bluey ones,” Kara added.
Before Alex could get a word, or sigh of resignation in, Esme extended her hand toward her: “Can you hold this, please?”
And that’s how Alex got roped into holding the length of rainbow yarn to elevate Kara’s very unbroken arm while Esme removed the thermometer from Kara’s mouth.
“Uh-oh,” she scowled.
“Uh-oh?” Kara asked with exaggerated worry. “What’s wrong nurse?”
“Just what I susepted.”
“Suspected, babe,” Kelly offered from the kitchen where she and Lena exchanged smirks at Alex’s expense.
“Right, suspested,” Esme said. “It’s bad news.”
“How bad, Nurse?”
“We need to cut off your arm.”
“What? Isn’t there anything else? A disgusting herb? A powerful potion?” Kara rambled. “I really need my arm to hold a sword.”
“Hmm,” Esme pondered. “There is one thing. But it’s magic” “Anything,” Kara said without missing a beat. “Please, Nurse, please!”
“Ok. Are you ready?”
Kara grimaced, clenched her eyes shut and nodded. 
In turn, Esme gave Kara’s elbow a quick kiss. “You’re healed!”
Kara opened one eye and peered toward her arm still held up by Alex and yarn. She cautiously flexed her fingers then rolled her wrist and rotated her elbow. “I’m healed!”
“Yes, you’re healed. Now please leave my house,” Alex mumbled.
“Hey,” Lena said when Kara stirred. 
“Hey, back,” Kara mumbled, reaching for Lena’s hand to squeeze. She hummed then opened her eyes, finding Lena then offering a dopey grin. A sign Lena could sigh with relief. “Was I out long?”
“A couple hours. You didn’t completely blow your powers, so you should recover quickly.”
Kara nodded then winced as she sat up. “And the others?”
“J’onn and Dreamer handled the rest,” Lena explained, helping adjust a pillow. “You provided enough distraction that no one else was injured.”
“Tell that to my face,” Kara huffed, lifting a hand to rub her jaw. “I think I need Nurse Esme to make me all better.”
“I think Nurse Esme is in the middle of show-and-tell,” Lena replied. “But I’ll see if Alex has a Bluey band-aid for you.”
“Or,” Kara said, then blushed beet red. “Or we could try magic.”
“I am not about to…” Lena squinted then rolled her eyes. “Oh, I see. You don’t mean my magic.”
“Well, it-it would kind of be your magic,” Kara replied, fingers worrying at the blanket in her lap. “Just, a different kind.”
Lena refrained from rolling her eyes again when Kara offered the biggest, sappiest look. 
“If you think it’ll work,” Lena answered, and she pretended not to see the glee in Kara’s face.
“It would. It really would.”
And that’s how Lena found herself pressing a kiss to Kara’s eagerly lifted cheek.
“There. Better?” Lena chuckled, leaning back into her chair and missing the way Kara’s face chased after Lena’s retreated lips.
“Um…” Kara answered, a bit downtrodden with her lower lip beginning to protrude outward.
“It’s just that, actually I’m pretty sure it was my left side.”
Lena tried containing a smile and resisted letting a disbelieving eyebrow arc. “Is that right?”
“I guess I forgot?”
“Maybe I should get Alex in here to check for brain damage,” Lena teased.
“No, no, it’s ok. I just… I’m still groggy and sleepy, but I just need a little more, um…”
“Exactly. Then I’ll be all better.”
A kiss landed on Kara’s other temple. “Was it here?” Lena asked, lips still pressed against warm skin.
“A-a bit lower,” Kara answered, face flushing red.
“How about here?” Lena asked, offering another kiss an inch lower.
“Getting uhm,” Kara coughed. “Getting closer?”
Lena continued trailing kisses down the length of Kara’s jawline, no longer waiting for Kara’s fibs to guide her. 
“How’s that, darling?” Lena asked when the final one landed at the edge of Kara’s mouth.
“Just one more,” Kara answered, tugging a laughing Lena onto the bed and pressing a final kiss to her lips. “There,” she sighed. “All healed.”
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jaycielantern · 2 years ago
6 and cinni and/or 18 and visk
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Faded gamer tshirt and yoga pants that are never used for yoga
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sirwow · 11 months ago
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Middlesea's got talent!
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cindol · 1 year ago
y/n thought creating a silly robot as a boyfriend when feeling lonely would be feel until the robotic man turned sentient and very much knew what he wanted and how much he wanted his creator.
onyankapon x black fem reader
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tw— reader is a nerdy scientist so yeahhh, Onyakopon is a robot obviously,jealousy, onyankopon is taller than you here, sorry!, shitty plot, kindaaa porn with plot, onyankopon calls reader creator, very cheesy dialogue,
a/n: I’ve never wrote full on smut so don’t expect the best !
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If anyone had told y/n creating a robot with emotions and thought would be troublesome on her and have consequences she would’ve truly listened. Usually she would’ve seen the logic in this 6 months ago but she had came off a big breakup with her boyfriend, and the worse thing was he broke up with her over text and after seeing that heartbreaking text she was forced to see him in a nightclub with the girl he broke up with for on Instagram stories. So doing what she usually did, she turned to inventing things. Embarrassingly, the boy she invented herself was very inspired by her now ex boyfriend looks and celebrity men she always seen. Muscular build, black jet locs on his head, dark skin with a spider tat on the bottom of his abs.
But it seemed like she programmed the boy bot, onyankopon too smart. She had programmed the man to be obssesed and in love with her and only her but she didn’t think of the set back this would have for her. At first it was sweet really, how he would pick her up and automatically make his own muscular chest feel soft and less like metal so he could sit her on his chest while looking up at her pretty face making a grin through his robotic eyes. How he helped her slip her foot into some shoes for work was sweet also, and the soft kiss he gave on the clean shoe now on her foot making her bashful. It got out of hand once he got…jealous? She would bring her boy boy out to outings when she wanted to show off she had a cool bot or boyfriend (fake boyfriend). When she took him to public places where men occupied the spaces they were trying to attempt to flirt with her that triggered him. It was like he went through a sequence, as soon as any man tried to go past flirting and actual flirting he would grab their wrist with a iron grip and a glare in his robotic eyes making the man let out a genuine whimper that makes her gasp.”Onyankopon! Let go of that man’s wrist!” He of course listens on her command and let go almost letting out a human scoff at the man on the floor.
Once the both of you got home you could feel anger practically bubbling on onyankopon’s metal brown arm. His facial expression didn’t show it exactly but he was upset as he sat on the living room couch. Y/n stood up above his tall sitting figure looking at him with a stern look.”Onyankopon, why’d you do that to that man? You could’ve gotten me in real trouble, and you in some big trouble..” she mumbled the last part with a hand on her hip. Onyankopon made what sounded like a sigh coming out his mouth, his smart brain came up with the smartest response.”I am designed to protect and love you creator. So, I can’t allow another individual to flirt or go as far to touch you without your consent.” His eyes met hers as he said that, some boldness in his tone.
She frowned looking down at him and took a step forward, his respond was perfect and he did have obvious logic in his actions. God, why did she program to be so…perfect?”well as your creator, you can’t just hurt people in public I say onyankopon. You’re my boy boy and I say you can’t hurt potential lovers” onyankopon raised a brow at that and sat up.
He didn’t know what this feeling was, ever since he’s been created his creator has been having him experience feelings he felt he was ever meant to have. The feeling was.. anger at her words. He’s been with her throughout 6 months and would be dammed if she threw it all way. He still sat down on the couch on her level with what looked like a frown on his gorgeous face and his lips in a pout and eyes glaring up at her, giving her a small shover.”I mean this with zero disrespect creator, but i find you’ll need no other male than me in the near future.” a smile grazed his mouth.”Knowing what I know, I find that I’m the perfect match for you. I know you hate dragonfruit, love coconut water and potato bread and dislike heavy smelling cologne that’s displeasing on your nostrils.” He then stood up above her shorter figure.”I know you love muscular men.” He softly grabbed your wrist to make sure he didn’t have a iron grip on it and laid it on his chest.”you love the feeling of grazing your hands up and down a muscular chest and abs. And you perfer a man with a brown or dark complexion with locs and good musical taste and fashion.”a bashful look got on her face as her hand studied his chest. God, why did she program this bot with such a high iq?
She huffed, hand still gliding down his muscular chest.”why don’t you show me what kinda man I like in bed then? Since you’re full of answers..” she mumbled the last part, almost challenging him.
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He didn’t even answer before he had her on her own bed on her back naked with her clothing and his discarded in a corner. He was towering over her with her eyes looking him and up down. If she wanted him to show the type of man he is, he would show her.
With his metallic brown dick standing proud nearly right in her face y/n made a gulp. Onyankopon took note of that and made what look liked a small smile forming on his lips. Grabbing both her legs he positioned them on his strong metal shoulders with a determined look in his eyes.”i assume you’re ready for me to show you the kind of man you need in bed creator?” She nearly gasped when she felt his dick enter her and the warm feeling she got from it. She tried to show him she still had the upper hand as his creator. She tried giving him a cold stare but gave a shakey nod. With that confirmation he fully pushed in, he could already feel how warm and wet she is.
He made a very human groan as he fully pushed in, matching with the whimper she made. Her toes curled with her hands gripping the sheets once she felt a buzzing noise… inside her?”hmph…wait… buzzing noise?” The buzzing intensified making her gasp.”that’s coming from my Corpus spongiosum.” He said with a smile. She moaned feeling the buzzing warm feeling on her pussy.”j-just—fuck— say dick or something..”
She could’ve sworn she heard a chuckle after that. With his buzzing dick he sped up his thrust with his hands gripping her legs that were on his shoulders. Her moans and whines got higher and higher feeling his thrust get rougher.”w-wait! I might..” he didn’t stop though and thrust got sloppier with her wet pussy. Eventually she creamed on him embarrassingly for her. That made onyankopon do a rare big grin.
“I’m not done here, I have to show you every way why I’m the perfect man for you.”
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tvgals · 2 years ago
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Now sister, tell me something about Hobie ANYTHING ABEG
as a kid he always begged his momma to twist his hair out for him, he tried to loc up at like 12 but decided he liked his afro better (he regrets taking them out but he decided it was apart of becoming himself!!)
sometimes he just sits there and stares at you..in both a creepy and non-creepy way y’know? like sometimes you’ll turn rlllyyyyyy slowly to face him and ur like ?? and hobie’s just like “you have a freckle behind your ear.” like nigga WHAT?
he denies it ever happened but when you accepted going out with him for the first time, hobie definitely jumped for joy with a lil “yippee!!” mixed in there ..
he absolutely hates going to zoos and aquariums and as a kid he tried to let the animals out and him and his family were banned for 3 years…
hobie loves pulling your hair when in doggy style..there’s something so sexy about you being so pliant when you’re beneath him.
hobie once got dragged into spencer’s by you and you two traveled to the back and bought at least seven new toys 😭
hobie is an overly tall nerd 🙄
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cinnis-stickers · 4 months ago
bunny stretching? OvO Pretty please!
Hi! Here are your bunnies, I hope you like them!
If you want any breed of bunny or coat pattern in particular, just let us know! We always keep a save of the layers in case we need to edit something later :)
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cinnamon-bat-art · 4 months ago
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Some what ifs
Bonus under the cut
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