#Cinder Backstory
neverchecking · 8 months
More Sage Hc's
Because I miss him :(
And this is a wonderful half-collab with @angry-trashcan. I love you so very much and thank you for letting me yell ideas at you.
CW: Mentions of child abuse, child soldiers, Zelda slander, Sage
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・❥・Welcome back. :)
・❥・So, we've established Sage as his own character at this point. I think it's safe to say he is not Wild. They are similar but two very distinct characters. That is something I'd like to clarify.
・❥・But we'll step into that later.
・❥・For now, let's talk about his entire timeline from start to finish.
・❥・So, Bailey and I talked about his parents and this is the conclusion we came to:
・❥・As everyone knows, Link in the AoC/BotW/TotK timeline was in the knights by a staggeringly young age. Either four or twelve or fourteen. I've seen them all, but I'm not sure if there's a canon age.
・❥・For Sage, we're going with four.
・❥・Now, let's start with his father. Sage's father was in the knights as a commanding officer, which is why he was okay with Link joining the knights. However, because of this a lot more expectations were placed on a very young Sage. And if he failed the punishments were much harsher and much less justified.
・❥・There were nights when Sage/Link was left on the ground outside because his father didn't deem him worth the effort and forbade people from helping him.
・❥・He'd walk past and spit on this terrified child because he didn't live up to expectations. "Your mother would've been so disappointed."
・❥・(shout out to Bailey for ripping out all of our hears with that line.
・❥・Because of this Sage finds much more comfort sleeping outside. Even a a century later, he prefers the comfort of a constant rather than a bedroom he was never allowed the privilege of knowing.
・❥・When he gets his house in Tarrey Town, he builds the stable extension first and slips outside with Epona.
・❥・We also agreed that his mother most likely died during the birth of his sister, which is probably why they had to move out of the Hateno house and closer to the castle, if not on the castle grounds.
・❥・If I had to make an assumption on his mother, she was probably a timid woman that never stood against his father.
・❥・This is really just my lil tidbit but because of that headcanon it's why I made Aaliyah such an abrasive character because I feel Sage would feel too much like his father with someone who reminded him of his mother. Or the little bits he remembers of her.
・❥・Anyway, his mother was probably a seen rather than heard woman,
・❥・Now, you're probably asking about his sister. We decided that she would've ended up as a maid/servant in the castle.
・❥・This is for two reasons:
・❥・One) It adds to hatred Sage has for the Royal Family. As a knight he would've had no choice but to watch this happen and would feel that burning guilt as a bystander, ignoring the fact that he has no choice in the matter. Maybe that's why he fought so hard pre-Calamity. Of course, he still fought because it was his duty, but I also like to imagine he was trying his best to protect his sister before it could ever hit her. Even if it was a fruitless endeavor.
・❥・Two) When Sage remembers this fact, it's probably before Tears of the Kingdom. The bridge between TotK and BotW probably is Link/Sage unravelling a lot of the trauma he tried to ignore regarding the royal family. So this is almost a catharsis to the entire feat. Moreso with Zelda/Natura's reaction.
・❥・She'd be flippant and almost ignorant to the entire ordeal.
・❥・Before anyone comes for my throat, let me explain Natura's character okay?
・❥・So, as far as I'm concerned, Natura hasn't learned anything. She's very much still the same character she was in AoC which is a spoiled individual with little regards to the woes others are facing. She had a tough time, yes I understand that and she was young, but she had no reason to act the way she did with Link. I don't care, argue with the wall.
・❥・She went digging around in the remains of what was left of her people post BotW trying to figure out how the guardians worked. She puts more emphasis on her studies and research rather than her people. Remember this is Natura. Not Zelda. This is my characterization in the same way that Sage is my characterization of Link.
・❥・Anyway, she didn't go looking for a way to solve the Gloom issue, she went looking for a way to capitalize on it. Like the pharmaceutical industry.
・❥・So you can imagine her reaction knowing that.
・❥・"We kept her off the streets like a worthless rat. You should be thanking me."
・❥・Yeah, it's not great.
・❥・So then TotK happens, yadda yada.
・❥・Sage loves animals. Let me get this straight. He's not heartless, he's angry and he's vengeful. Animals never wronged him. He finds comfort with animals as they can't lie to him. He can earn their trust and they'll remain loyal.
・❥・Because Sage is a dangerously loyal man. He still carries the loyalty of the hero's spirit, but it's amplified. Once you're his, you're his forever. Nothing can drag him away from you as he won't let it.
・❥・He's so loyal it turns from a positive attribute to a flaw. :)
・❥・He's possessive and protective and doesn't see an issue with it. Everything else has been torn from his hands but his fingers will be broken and bloody before he lets what's his go.
・❥・I bring up the animal thing just to say Sage gets a dog. You know that stable that closes down in the desert? And how all the stables have stable dogs? Well, this one follows Sage all over Hyrule. And if he goes in the depths thinking he's lost it, the second he's out the dog is sniffing his ass out.
・❥・Yes, he keeps the dog and feeds it the nicest cuts of meat, don't worry.
・❥・It's name is Droolius Caesar.
・❥・Timeline wise, let's talk about that.
・❥・So again, Bailey, and they're gorgeous fucking brain, brought up the idea of him being on a different timeline then Wild. I ran with it.
・❥・I don't see TotK falling on the timeline nicely no matter what we do. Not with the Zonai and not with the other game.
・❥・So what if it doesn't fall on the same timeline as BotW? The same events happen but now it's different.
・❥・Here's how it goes:
・❥・So when Time splits the timeline we get the normal one where, yay! he saves the day! and the other one where he doesn't. Call it the downfall timeline, the fallen timeline, the failure timeline, I don't care. For the sake of argument it's the Fallen Timeline here.
・❥・So there's an idea that the timelines merge somewhere between Wars timeline and Wild's. But let's say they don't. Because the Fallen timeline goes to Legend, then Hyrule. Then what if it doesn't fix itself and just continues. which is where it then leads to Sage's era.
・❥・Only this timeline is on hard mode at all times. Legend's adventures were difficult, Hyrule's era is absolutely brutal, so it makes sense that Sage's is just as hard.
・❥・We toyed with the idea that because this timeline is so hard, the heroes that reign from it are just that much more advanced. It's shown through Legend and then Hyrule, both of whom have wielded the full triforce at one point or another (I think). Somewhere between Hyrule's world however and Legend's, the goddess' didn't like this idea. They didn't like the idea of the hero having this sense of power, so they stripped it away entirely. They knew that somewhere the hero's spirit would be tainted and took away the power that could be used to dethrone them before it could manifest with Sage.
・❥・In turn, the hero's spirit carried on and grew stronger to overcome this. Sage still has the hero's spirit, but it's not like an actual spirit. No, it's more like the fallen hero carrying on and trying to amend for his sins.
・❥・Which Sage hates. He hates it so much, but it propels him before he can stop it. In the beginning of TotK? It's what propels him to jump in after Zelda. After however? The gloom is what finally kills that spirit. Rauru can save him, but fails to save the spirit.
・❥・And from there Sage evolves and arises into the rat we all know and love.
・❥・All of this to give my own lil headcanons on Epona.
・❥・So there's a theory that Malanya (Horse god) Is actually Malon and I like that. (Because she gave Link Epona OG and they sound similar) So in Sage's Era? Guess what?
・❥・Anyway, I imagine Malanya and Sage had a better connection because of this. Malanya goes out of their way to care for Sage and his horse because they feel they failed their Link.
・❥・So Sage gets an Epona in a way to apologize for their first failure.
・❥・Epona is a very good horse <3
・❥・So in the wise words of bailey to end this off,
The hero's spirit is dead. Long live whatever the fuck Sage is.
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vqrkll · 10 months
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More SpiceCream shit and general Cinder doodles because i'll die if I don't draw her
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non-illustrary · 2 months
Thinking about human cinders backstory…. Maybe they were working at this nice cafe and Pieskos in glamour came to visit the human realm. Maybe they felt this great sense of anger from a coffe shop and was curious as to why. It’s such a small shop so why was the source there? When he enters the line was long, the cafe was bustling with customers.
Some would whip their heads at the man walking in, wearing such light, simple, airy; but luxurious clothing. This monster simply came out of nowhere and looked like a million bucks! As he walks to his spot in line a gleaming aura radiates around him. This clearly couldn’t be coming from him, that’s impossible. Maybe some people should cut the caffeine for a bit if it making them delusional.
Pieskos slowly arrives at the register looking for whatever or whoever is radiating such powerful emotions in the cafe. Slightly over to the right of the cashier was the source of that overwhelming anger: a simple small human. Bags under their eyes, apron dirty with syrup and coffee stains and was alone on the bar…
Pieskos gives the cashier their order, purposely staying close to the pickup counter and let his aura do its work. It would at least ease some tension from the barista and stop the impatient customers from overwhelming them while they work. Maybe they could convince the barista into a little visit into the fae realm. You know, to help relieve some of that boiling anger of theirs~
Pieskos belongs to @valrayne-faeu
Cinder is my fae sona in progress
I’m updating their reference too
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howlingday · 1 year
tragic backstory (tm) au)
pyrrrha and jaune have a date. yang is defnatly not jealous and neither is ruby they're just tagging along for moral support…. yeah!
ozpin takes the time to inspect jaune's gear for him. he's seeing a lot of … aura? magic? something like that. it's rearranging the metals and making them both sturdier and acting like a conductor for jaune's aura… this is something he heard about when he was a boy… as in a boy back in his first life. but it was only for great legends.
… just what has he turned jaune into?
(slaying the dragon was a big enough feat that now jaune's weapons and armor are more symbols of that feat than actual items. more like if you somehow crystallized the attention and emotions people felt about jaune's slaying of the dragon. tldr jaune's got a couple of noble phantasms on his hands)
Ponce Age
Pyrrha: (Sighs contently, Holds Jaune's arm)
Jaune: Everything okay, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: Yes. Everything is just... perfect.
Ruby: (In a bush) Target in sight.
Weiss: They're not targets, Ruby.
Yang: I mean, they're the reason we're out here, so...
Blake: Targets.
Emerald: And why are we following them? Shouldn't we be respecting their privacy?
Mercury: And miss this blackmail? Yeah, right!
Emerald: Wait, are we really here for blackmail?
RWBY: (Holding up their scrolls) Um...
Emerald: I can't believe this...
Wei: Do you truly believe this?
Adam: (Bound by chains, Welts all over him) Yes! All of my suffering has been by the hands of a hum- ARGH!
Wei: No! You only suffer because you lack discipline! You lack understanding! Humanity did not give you that scar. It is your naivete and ignorance that causes you pain!
Adam: ...
Wei: Who did this to you? Who is responsible for your incarceration? Who is the one who put you away, only to be freed later by my hand?
Adam: ...Me- ARGH!
Wei: You say the correct answer, but you do not believe it. If you are going to speak, then speak with certainty.
Adam: Jaune Arc...
Wei: Good. Your honesty will reward you this once... with less pain!
Wei: You were fighting an unarmed opponent and you lost. He surprised you not only once. Your rage for humanity blinds and now your hatred of this Jaune Arc is blinding you more so! If you wish to become stronger, you must free yourself of your mask of animosity! See the world for what it truly is!
Wei: See this Jaune Arc for who he truly is.
Jaune: Ugh, I still can't believe this...
Pyrrha: What's wrong, Jaune? Are you mad we got free snowcones?
Jaune: It's the being free I'm mad about, it's the reason. "Here you are, your majesty"? (Groans) Is this my life now?
Pyrrha: (Pats his back) You saved a lot of people, Jaune. People who will be forever grateful for what you've done in Mallet.
Jaune: I didn't do anything. I just held a sword... lance... drill thing and lucked a killing blow. After I abandoned you guys.
Pyrrha: You didn't abandon anyone. You were needed elsewhere. You abandoned us as much as you abandonded your sister when she got away from Adam Taurus.
Jaune: I... I guess.
Pyrrha: How is she, by the way?
Jaune: Cin-Cin is... Can you promise not to tell anyone?
Pyrrha: I promise. I could give an Arc's word, but...
Jaune: (Chuckles, Sighs) She's doing better, but I can tell she's traumatized by that night. Mom was telling me about how she's been avoiding kids at school. Kids with Faunus traits.
Pyrrha: Oh my...
Jaune: I know she doesn't mean it, and I can't say I blame her. Whenever I think about the White Fang or what that bastard did to her, I- (Crushes cup) ...Dammit.
Pyrrha: Here, let me clean that. (Wipes hand) And you have every right to be angry. What happened that night would be traumatizing for anyone, especially someone as young as your sister. I don't think there's a magical cure for what your sister is feeling, but what she does need is the same as what you need. (Looks at him) Love and support.
Jaune: (Blushes)
Yang: Damn... Pyrrha's making some moves.
Weiss: Is it any different than what any of the rest of you have done?
Mercury: Heh... Burn.
Emerald: Geez... I knew that guy was bad, but leaving a little girl traumatized? Never thought he'd go that far.
Blake: ...
Ruby: Are you okay, Blake?
Blake: ...I have to make things right. For everyone.
Ozpin: No, no, this isn't right.
Ozpin: Perhaps if I applied fire and ice dust..?
Ozpin: ...
Ozpin: That did nothing. Unexpected.
Cinder: And he's been doing this all day?
Goodwitch: All week. Ever since what happened in Mallet, whenever Jaune Arc has nothing to do after classes, and he has no missions, our headmasters steals away his weapon to run secret investigations on his sheath.
Cinder: And what if Jaune needs his weapon?
Goodwitch: Ozpin has the locker moved up here for "upgrades", and in a distress, has it delayed until Ozpin sets the weapon in and shuts the door. He's also been excused from participating in combat classes until the "upgrades" are installed.
Ozpin: Glynda! Ms. Fall! I'm made a stunning breakthrough in my research! It turns out that all of the dust does absolutely nothing, ergo, Archaic, dust itself is entirely resistant to his sheath- I mean, his sheath is resistant to dust!
Cinder: ...And I should care why?
Goodwitch: I've stopped asking those questions a long time ago.
Pyrrha: Thank you for the lovely date today, Jaune.
Jaune: Of course, Pyrrha, and, uh, thanks for keeping it on the cheap side and for paying for the snowcones.
Pyrrha: Of course, Jaune. I understand these dates can be very taxing on your wallet.
Jaune: On their own, no. But when you have three in the span of a week.
Pyrrha: (Giggles) I understand. Um, Jaune, do you think we could-
Shishi: Mr. Arc? May I have a word with you?
Jaune: Uh, sure. I'll meet you inside.
Pyrrha: ...Sure. (Opens door) I'll be waiting, Jaune-
Pyrrha: (Nervously chuckles) I'm coming! I'll see you soon, Jaune. (Steps inside)
Jaune: You're Shishi, right? From the first year, Team Savage?
Shishi: I'm pleased you remember me, but what I wish to discuss is not a team matter.
Jaune: Oh? Is it about classes? Because first year can be rough-
Shishi: No, no, it's about your social status.
Jaune: Ugh... Look, I know everybody thinks I'm a king, but I'm not. I'm just a regular guy!
Shishi: I know. I am well aware that you are not the king.
Jaune: ...I'm sorry, what?
Shishi: You are not the king.
Jaune: ...Huh. I, uh, wasn't expecting that, but man, does that make my day! Thanks, ma-
Shishi: I must ask that you stop pretending to be.
Jaune: Huh? But... But I'm not pretending. It's everyone else saying-
Shishi: Then make them stop. You're only serving the public by making an ass out of yourself. You're distracting everyone else from the true king.
Jaune: The true king. Look, I don't know-
Shishi: (Steps up to him) Then know this; continue to insult the royal family, and I will see you pay for it with true humiliation.
Jaune: Uh... N-Noted, um, your highness.
Shishi: Oh, I am not the king. (Turns away, Walks away) No, I am but a humble servant of the true crown.
Jaune: ...What the hell is going on?
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sarcasticvoodoochild · 4 months
if i had a nickel for every show i watched with a character that had a cinderella esque backstory with an association with fire i’d have two nickels
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candycryptids · 4 months
I'm in need of enrichment so...
what are their ideal forms of enrichment for Tangy, Chuu, Tuesday, and Mochiie?
UuHuuhuu… ENRICHEDMENT… Putting a pumpkin full of ground meat down in the enclosure for you to roll about
Tangy’s ideal form comes in like, physical exertion. Y’know when a dog gets out and they start playing chase with you, and the more you run after it the further it runs away, but if you sit still it’ll eventually come to you? Yeah. Tangy WILL play chase/tag. She’d also love to learn more moves, especially in grappling? Lyse knows a lot about Kicks but sometimes you just gotta. Grab somebody. And TOSS EM! (Into a body of water; she doesn’t mind getting wet so payback isn’t so much a concern to her)
Chuu is enriched, as you mighta guessed from A’vyra, when she’s got some kinda mechanical thing to solve. A gun she’s never seen before is jammed or broken and she has to figure out how it works, take it, fix it, and murder who/whatever it is that’s running across the snow to stop her. Or getting some sort of data bank dropped into her lap, with new research and schematics for something she hasn’t encountered… 🤔 and then going out of her way to try and build it. She’d really like building Gundams; small and fiddly.
Tuesday is tricky… I think… having the time to sit and people watch and [sonder] about people he doesn’t usually have the chance to give any considerations for in his day-to-day is enriching for him. Granted, his conclusions about people can be wildly incorrect, working from only that which he overhears or sees. It’s more about the exercise than actual results >>; the Baker is NOT in a romantic tryst with the Dyemonger-
Mochiie finds enrichment being able to teach someone something new, so long as they’re willing to learn. It helps his own understanding to explain it to someone else in a way they can understand. (I’m thinking specifically about the early Conjurer quests, where you keep trying to [show Sylphie the elements], and why she should [appreciate nature], lmfao.) He also finds Chocobo racing to be enriching; a new way to bond with man’s best friend, training and working together towards a common goal- not to mention the rush of going fast and the adrenaline of victory (or even the near win).
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lesbianneopolitan · 1 year
So we know Neo loves Fairytales, specifically 'The Girl Who Fell Through The World'.
Do you think Cinder liked them as well? Reading them in the Glass Unicorn in the hopes that some day a Rusted Knight would show up and save her as well?
Alright, this is an interesting ask because I've always had the headcanon that Cinder was illiterate for a LONG time until she was found by Salem-
Orphan girl abandoned in a pitiful orphanage of Mistral that didn't even have a name. Not completely related, but now that I'm at it, I'll say that I always thought Cinder gained her name at the orphanage because she was made to sleep near the fireplace, and thus, getting dirty with the ashes made the other kids start calling her 'Cinder', very much like in some of the old original Cinderella fairy tales.
It stuck with her, so her official name became Cinder.
Now, at the orphanage Cinder only had the chance of hearing stories from mouth-to-mouth from the other kids. But they didn't exactly have many means of entertainment. Perhaps she heard of some stories vaguely, because some kids were abandoned later and had the chance to learn about the popular fairy tales of Remnant a bit more. But the major part of the time, it was made up stories by the older kids to entertain the younger ones.
Although, Cinder was rarely seen with them- she was prone to getting bullied for one reason or another, so she had to sneak in to listen to those stories.
People didn't like her.
When she was adopted to be part of the Glass Unicorn, she still didn't have a single book- not that it mattered, because the Madame didn't step up to teach her how to read. At much she knew what the main signs around the hotel were, but she couldn't read books- the Madame probably was the kind of woman to think that if Cinder learnt how to read, it could be dangerous (because sometimes knowledge is power!) so she had to leave Cinder being as ignorant as she could.
As a slave.
I'm sure the step-sisters had plenty of books, but Cinder never had the intention of sneaking and picking one- instead, this time around she liked to listen to the stories that Hunstmen had to tell about their adventures.
I doubt Cinder had the chance of ever really daydreaming of having a knight coming to save her, but more like, she had the fantasy of a Hunter or Huntress come save her like they did with other people, and Rhodes would've been that figure in her life for a time.
After that, things went to hell and her opinion of Huntsmen changed forever.
So, no Rusted Knight, and no fairy tales to dream about.
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aardcinder-dragons · 9 months
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Got bored and decided to draw some art for one of my Skydancer boys, Harika! (https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/88935905).
He's a former mercenary with a messed up past who ended up settling down with Mason and Longshot!
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choccy-zefirka · 1 year
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Lil paintover for Laulu, whom I envision as a tad softer than the rough and muscular Cinder (halfling dad's genes yay).
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I'd like to suggest Hazel from RWBY. His sister died young while at Beacon and he believes that it's the fault of the adults in charge (understandably) and Ozpin in particular, especially after joining Salem and learning about the war. He is then written to fight and try to kill the very hunter children he's trying to protect and especially a twelve year old who was unwillingly possessed by Ozpin's soul.
Also Cinder, enslaved as a child, tortured and abused. Tried to escape by stealing weapons and killing her owners but was convinced to simply train with the Huntsman she tried to steal from until she turned 18 and could apply to an academy. Said Huntsman then did nothing to help her beyond the training and left her enslaved knowing she was being regularly tortured with a shock collar. Didn't do anything until slave owners tried to take away the swords that were her only way to freedom. Killed the slave owner and was found by her mentor huntsman who proceeded to threaten her and say her only options were death or life in prison (or being on the run for the rest of her life but he wasn't going to allow that one). Cinder kills him. All of her actions here are framed as bad and like a point of no return. Then obviously she joins Salem and does all the shit that happens in the show. Word of called a hate sink (funny how both characters who were canon enslaved and tortured are called hate sinks huh if by funny one means disgusting).
Also Hazel is another "scary non-white" who wants positive social change and therefore will kill children.
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bonefall · 2 years
Hm what would Cinders (Sol’s mom) be in relation to Sol the trickster spirit guy possessing Harry? Would she be apart of Sol’s, or Harry’s backstory? Or yknow you could just completely scrap her whole part.
I kinda have a idea for Sol where he doesn’t necessarily lie but he does exaggerate/skew the truth to better manipulate those around him. And if he’s called out he’d say he technically didn’t lie, it’s everyone else’s faults for not looking into it more or assuming based on what he relayed to them.
He DOES have a mother who did give him up to twoleg folk but he doesn’t mention that the only reason she was the only source of food for her large litter was because her mate betrayed her, and she only gave them up because she couldn’t care for them anymore and thought that was for the best. I also image Harry is more-so just a kittypet who wanted a bit of spice in his life so that’s why he took up that deal, even more of a empty husky for Sol just to take over. And Cinders was actually Sol’s mom, Whispers was his dad but that was a long long time ago
In this rewrite, Cinders is Harry. Specifically, he lied about his mother abandoning him and his siblings to garner sympathy from Leafstar-- he was Cinders the whole time, and he didn't 'abandon' those kits.
The REAL story is that Harry (Cinders at the time) ended up in a relationship with the unnamed male, was saddled with kits they couldn't care for, and then the mate left. While Cinders was hunting, they came across Sol who took the form of a fish they couldn't catch.
Sol offered Cinders a bargain; it would offer them the change they wanted in life, they'd never be hungry, they'd have power... but it needed something first. Three sacrifices.
Either Harry only had two kits, or the third escaped... but in any case, they didn't feel like they had much to loose. The kits were starving anyway. They justified it all the way to Sol's mouth, but still needed one more. When Leafstar showed up to their doorstep with three kittens, Harry fabricated the lie to make her lower her guard so he could snatch the last sacrifice he needed.
He was foiled by that lucky patrol, and tagged along waiting for his chance.
Sol itself, I don't even think it actually needed the sacrifices. It just wanted to make sure that the vessel it was going to inhabit would be interesting. What better way to test Cinders/Harry than to play a little game?
And as for Sol's parents, I'm not sure if it ever had any. But it does see Midnight, Sharptooth, and Rock as siblings... so they could have had one? A long long time ago? But I plan for them to be downright ancient so it's moot either way, y'know?
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
rambling time but while I’m fine with emerald getting redeemed (it was gonna happen eventually) and thank fuck for ilia getting redeemed but if they redeem cinder and especially if they redeem salem herself I will throw a metal chair at
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howlingday · 1 year
tragic backstory (TM) au) jaune finds out a version of him becomes the rusted knight in the future, awesome right? not really that version of jaune is trying to kill the younger version of himself to make sure he doesn't have to spend the rest of eternity in the ever after. how does ozpin react to his newest pet project trying to kill a younger version of himself thus making a time paradox? ozpin: "ah I see jaune's at that stage of his heroic journey, ah it seems like only yesterday I was fighting off MY homicidal future self. ah to be young again"
rusted knight jaune does eventually teach his younger self to take charge and be the king remnant wants him to be rather than just listing through life. he also might have killed his younger self for a little bit there it's unclear. also rusted knight jaune vanished in a flash of light so he might have caused himself to disappear due to time paradox. once again ozpin is no help in explaining shit
Days Of Future Last
Cinder: Keep your guard up, Arc!
Jaune: Kind of hard when my hands keep getting hot!
Cinder: Excuses! You have to be- (Rumbling) What the hell was that?
Jaune: (Blinded for a moment, Sees a portal) Whoa... What... is that?
Ozpin: That would be a TDP.
Jaune: A what?
Ozpin: Time Dilation Portal. Think of it as one of those wormholes in your comic books.
Jaune: Oh... What should we do?
Ozpin: In your position? I would keep my guard up.
Jaune: What-?
Jaune: WHOA! WHOA! WHAT THE HELL?! (Blocks sword strikes from rusted blade) OZPIN, WHAT-?!
Cinder: Keep your guard up, Arc! (Ducks)
Cinder: You have the full power of your own Fall Maiden. It WILL be mine.
Cinder: Hmph! In your dreams. (Kicks Cinder, Blocks Cinder's attack) Heh... Not bad, for a faker.
Ozpin: Ah, I remember my first TPD. I really should have kept my guard up- OW!
Ozpin: I finally found you, fucker! Thought you saw the last of me didn't you?!
Ozpin: Hmph. Such unruly behavior must be punished.
Ozpin: You took everything from me, and now I'll take everything from you!
Goodwitch: What in the world?
Goodwitch: Worlds, actually, and it's not worth getting into. Just like those three.
Cinder: (Growls)
Cinder: (Snarls)
Ozpin: Ha ha! You almost got me that time!
Ozpin: Argh! Will you just shut up and die?!
Goodwitch: ...Third drawer on the right side.
Goodwitch: Right. In times like these, it can't hurt to let your guard down.
Goodwitch: Agreed. Now, do tell, which of these would you say... How do I put this?
Goodwitch: (Returns holding a full bottle and two glasses) Rusty over there is fine, but not worth getting into. Best leave that fantasy to the fics.
Goodwitch: Fair point. Here's to keep your guard up. (Raises glass)
Goodwitch: And letting your guard down. (Chugs glass)
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neverchecking · 1 year
That is a Galaxy Brain idea. Aaliyah and Tia switch.
Because on the one hand, if Sage has already skip-de-do-dah-ed into Full Yandere for Aaliyah, Tia is going to have to do some really quick talking (and possibly shielding) to get Sage to at least humour her when they figure out that it was a switch. (Her resemblance to Natura isn't helping at all.)
Meanwhile, Sweetpea (which is Tia's favourite nickname for her Link alongside Gremlin) is happy to have a new fellow feral friend, but is also deeply concerned about her because she's confronted with the fact that in a different timeline, a timeline without her and a 'different' Princess, all of the champions survived, Hyrule itself wasn't nearly as damaged, several people that died are alive (including Link's sister who I've named Ariel) and there are still Divine Beasts here. (An extremely stressed Sheikah who bites and blows things up and is possibly on the edge of tears at any given moment is a bit beyond his still redeveloping social skills. Would she like a snack? Or some tea. Tia always makes tea for situations like this. He'll make some tea!) (Pray for him. He's usually more self-confident than this, but he is so out of his depth rn.)
(Tia learns about Aaliyah, thinks about the whole situation and starts wondering if she could commit interdimensional kidnapping.)
(Tia to Natura: If you can't play nicely with others, you don't get to play at all.)
Thank you, thank you <3 I was bound to have one eventually.
Okay, so, the best thing about Sage and Aaliyah is that they have been so broken ( I promise her backstory is coming soon so you guys don't have to guess what's going on in my head), that they can't recognize what a healthy relationship is. They understand what they have between themselves, and what they want from each other, but their relationship is probably dangerously co-dependent. They rely on one another to keep going. They have no care for doing things for themselves, but if bandaging a cut sets the Sheikah at ease, then Sage will do it. If eating more than just whatever scraps she finds settles him, Aaliyah will make time to eat a full meal. So when one half of that co-dependency is broken, the other is panicking. And when they panic, they get violent and unpredictable. Primal in the sense that they're missing such a big half of themself. Like a caged animal wound up, ready to strike.
And now, instead of his other half, he's faced with this imposter who looks so close to that witch that had damned them to start with? Yeah, she's going to have to talk fast and get to the point quicker. He's stalking towards her like a vengeful spirit, Master Sword dragging against the ground as it glints dangerously. He is a machine. anything to get what was his back. After she explains the switch and what it entailed, he's probably a little less jumpy. He's giving it some merit because it's what gets him back Aaliyah.
That doesn't mean he likes it though.
Sweetpea (AHHF I LOVE IT-) is deeply concerned. He's actually wondering if he can get her into therapy with the time he has her, because, like I said, Aaliyah is deeply co-dependent. So she's on edge and frazzled and so out of her depth she's freaking out. She hates not being in control and this gives her none. Not only that, but she's face with the Champions and the divine beasts and a kingdom that didn't fall.
I imagine with her title as the Sheikah Champion (Back in the Calamity days), she was privy to a lot more information than anyone else. Because there is no way the Sheikah didn't know more than they let on. My personal headcanon is that they know everything. They keep records of past generations. Of past Links. They know the prophecies and the stories foretold. They know it all. And they keep it locked down. Not even the average Sheikah knows. Just those in positions of power. Impa, Purah, Aaliyah. However because of this, she was trained from a young age. Groomed to be this weapon for this generation's Link and Zelda. She deviated however. She followed her duty in the sense that she died and fell for them (Only being kept alive by the Sheikah, who's loyalty lied with her rather than the crown), but after her death, it was like she was rewired.
Anyway, so being faced with her trauma once more hits her hard. The Calamity was something she was punished for mere moments after getting out of her own life preservation device. She didn't even know what she had done and they were holding her down. She couldn't even tell them her name before her back was being marked with lines that haunted her to this day. And it didn't happen here. Because their princess was worth so much more than the one she was faced with.
Sweetpea truly lives up to his name because just like Tia, he takes it in stride. He's following her at an appropriate distance, apologizing to those she snaps at and making sure she doesn't give anyone lasting trauma. He has no idea where she keeps pulling bombs from, but he's Stressed. But again, like Tia, he understands it comes from a place of grief. She's hurting and lost and this is just how she's been taught to handle it. And when the loneliness sets in and she's struck by just how far from home, from her Link, she is, she just shatters. It's a burst of destructive anger that leaves at least one forest in flames before she's just sitting there and crying.
Sweetpea is there the whole time, approaching when her flame shield finally shatters. He's offering tea and snacks because that's what Tia would do in this situation and she would for sure know what to do here because he doesn't and he does not wanna get skewered.
He's just as out of his depth as she is and is treading as carefully as he can. Her accepting the sweet bun he offers brings him a little ease even if he knows she's still wildly unpredictable. She trusts him just a bit.
(Interdimensional kidnapping could happen but she'd have to fight Sage. And he fights dirty.)
(Natura loosing privileges faster than she can blink-)
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kamipyre · 8 months
so technically in my rules i say that suki's blog is single verse, but the truth is more like...it's got two major timelines that i usually write in when it comes to post timeskip!suki aka two possible paths she can end up on...here's a shitty diagram i made bc i didn't feel like writing to better illustrate ( click here for better resolution!! ):
Tumblr media
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
“This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be our guardians, but are in reality nothing more than men.” ~ Cinder Fall
Me looking at her backstory like HMMMMMMM
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