#maybe later with Salem she actually learnt about fairy tales because she was taught how to read
lesbianneopolitan · 1 year
So we know Neo loves Fairytales, specifically 'The Girl Who Fell Through The World'.
Do you think Cinder liked them as well? Reading them in the Glass Unicorn in the hopes that some day a Rusted Knight would show up and save her as well?
Alright, this is an interesting ask because I've always had the headcanon that Cinder was illiterate for a LONG time until she was found by Salem-
Orphan girl abandoned in a pitiful orphanage of Mistral that didn't even have a name. Not completely related, but now that I'm at it, I'll say that I always thought Cinder gained her name at the orphanage because she was made to sleep near the fireplace, and thus, getting dirty with the ashes made the other kids start calling her 'Cinder', very much like in some of the old original Cinderella fairy tales.
It stuck with her, so her official name became Cinder.
Now, at the orphanage Cinder only had the chance of hearing stories from mouth-to-mouth from the other kids. But they didn't exactly have many means of entertainment. Perhaps she heard of some stories vaguely, because some kids were abandoned later and had the chance to learn about the popular fairy tales of Remnant a bit more. But the major part of the time, it was made up stories by the older kids to entertain the younger ones.
Although, Cinder was rarely seen with them- she was prone to getting bullied for one reason or another, so she had to sneak in to listen to those stories.
People didn't like her.
When she was adopted to be part of the Glass Unicorn, she still didn't have a single book- not that it mattered, because the Madame didn't step up to teach her how to read. At much she knew what the main signs around the hotel were, but she couldn't read books- the Madame probably was the kind of woman to think that if Cinder learnt how to read, it could be dangerous (because sometimes knowledge is power!) so she had to leave Cinder being as ignorant as she could.
As a slave.
I'm sure the step-sisters had plenty of books, but Cinder never had the intention of sneaking and picking one- instead, this time around she liked to listen to the stories that Hunstmen had to tell about their adventures.
I doubt Cinder had the chance of ever really daydreaming of having a knight coming to save her, but more like, she had the fantasy of a Hunter or Huntress come save her like they did with other people, and Rhodes would've been that figure in her life for a time.
After that, things went to hell and her opinion of Huntsmen changed forever.
So, no Rusted Knight, and no fairy tales to dream about.
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