#Chung Hwan Kwak
UC mass wedding of 1,000 couples probed for recruiting prostitutes, nannies
Philippine Daily Inquirer  MANILA by Bobby Timonera 1996
Wedding bells set off the alarm. Did the grooms offer to have and to hold their brides or did they offer them jobs? This is what the Bureau of Immigration is trying to find out after the “mass wedding” held last January 23 between mostly South Korean men and nearly 1,000 Filipino women. The exchange of “I dos,” the bureau suspects, may be an operation to illegally recruit domestic helpers and prostitutes. Immigration Commissioner Leandro I. Verceles Sr. said his office will observe with “extreme caution” in approving the departure of the Filipino brides. He also ordered investigations into the suspicious weddings. “This could be a case of mail-order-bride-in-reverse operation which is illegal under our laws,” the commissioner said. The mass wedding of 984 couples at the Philippine International Convention Center was supposed to be only a religious rite and thus has no legal effect, Verceles pointed out.
Moonies It was under the auspices of the Seoul-based Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity whose members are also known as the “Moonies.” They are named after the controversial Rev. Sun Myung Moon of South Korea, leader of the church. The Rev. Chung-hwan Kwak, representing Moon, blessed the couples, which included people from the United States, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, but mostly South Korea. Verceles said the Koreans probably came over for the wedding ceremony when immigration agents at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) prevented 300 Filipino women from departing last month. They claimed to be members of the same church as the “Moonies”. Verceles dispatched immigration agents to the wedding site to gather the names of the couples. At the same time, he also alerted immigration personnel at the NAIA to prevent the brides from leaving while investigations are being conducted. Citing an intelligence report from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Verceles said that the “Moonies” had previously sponsored the recruitment of a large number of Filipino women to work in Korea. The same report said that late last year, 184 Filipinas were brought to Korea aboard a chartered plane. They were reportedly brought to a training center where they were housed for three days before being deployed as domestic helpers and prostitutes. The Unification church said it had no immediate comment.
Not first time It was the second mass wedding conducted in Manila by the said church. Last year, 1995, about 3,000 Filipinos were married in a basketball gym in Manila as part of a mass wedding performed by Moon via satellite from Seoul. They were among 360,000 couples married worldwide in that ceremony. “Originally, the blessing was available only to adherents of the Unification Church,” a statement from the group said. “Now, however, anyone wanting to (can) participate, regardless of religion, race or nationality.”
Prison term
… Moon, a South Korea native, served 13 months in a U.S. federal prison on charges of tax evasion [and document forgery] before being released in 1985. …
Moonies demanded $2,000 from Koreans who wanted to have Filipinas as “housemaids and sex partners.”
Philippine Daily Inquirer  MANILA by Bobby Timonera 1995 Farmers’ daughters are Moonie targets The Moonies are combing the Philippine countryside in search of farmers’ daughters to lure into their trap. One such innocent, Carlita, who is in her 20s, was lucky to get away. Carlita, her face covered with a towel, occasionally lapsed into tears and silence as she told reporters of her ordeal. This is her story. Sometime in November, the sect’s recruiters arrived at Carlita’s village in Nueva Ecija and asked the women if they would be interested in marrying Koreans. Photographs of Korean men were passed around. “OK, we’ll see if we get to like them,” the women said. They were told to attend a seminar at the sect’s church in Cabanatuan City. It was supposedly about the “ideal family.” Later, they were asked to wear nice clothing, were made up, and photographed. Then they were told that should authorities ask them about their marriage plans, they should answer that they have been writing to and talking with the Korean men over the phone for some time. Of the four women recruited, only three were matched with Koreans. One was apparently dropped. One day the women were invited to go to the church’s office in Manila in the company of Korean men. Along the way, the Koreans embraced them. Suddenly afraid, Carlita and another woman alighted from the vehicle near the Nepa Q-Mart market along Edsa in Quezon City. Carlita being a daughter of one of the peasant leaders of the Demokratikong Kilusang Magbu-bukid ng Pilipinas (DKMP), the other woman rushed to the DKMP office to report the incident. But their friend who was left behind was brought to the Unification Church’s headquarters at 32 Samar Avenue in Quezon City. It was this woman who told peasant leader Jaime Tadeo of the DKMP that a Caucasian, whose nationality she did not know, asked the Koreans to pay him $2,000. It was not known if the amount was payment for the recruitment job. But it jibed with a report from the Philippine Embassy in Seoul that the Moonies usually demand $2,000 from Koreans who wanted to have “housemaids and sex partners.” The transaction appears to be part of the sect’s fund-raising campaign. Tadeo, along with Carlita, went to the Bureau of Immigration office in Intramuros to seek its help in closing the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity in Cabanatuan City.
“We believe they are just using their church as a front for illegal recruitment,” Tadeo said.
_________________________________ Korean UC leaders made lots of money from “selling” hundreds of pure, faithful, Filipino sisters
Morpheus: “I was on a staff that helped organize picture matchmaking in the late 1990s. Rev. Moon would come in and match all these young Filipino sisters to older Korean men who were not even members. I’m not sure Rev. Moon was aware of the wheeling and dealing that would go on behind the scenes. Many of these farmers and land owners would mortgage their farm to be admitted to these picture matchings. The Philippine Government complained. Discovered later that Korean leaders made lots of money this way.” (April 22, 2015)
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toto365pro · 1 year
OK Financial Group exploded 34 points, beat Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance by 30 points for its first win
OK Financial Group players hug and rejoice after beating Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance to win the cup tournament.
OK Financial Group's Shin Ho-jin is delighted with his fist clenched after succeeding in a spike in the final match against Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance.
The men's professional volleyball OK Financial Group was thrilled to win its first title in its 10th appearance in the cup competition.
OK Financial Group beat Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance 3-1 (25-23, 22-25, 25-23, 25-20) in the men's final of the 2023 Gumi-Dodram Cup Professional Volleyball Tournament held at Gumi Park Chung-hee Gymnasium on the 13th. OK Financial Group has finished second only three times in the cup competition, but has created the championship with solid organizational power since the appointment of the new Ogino Massage coach.
Shin Ho-jin, who joined last season's first round as the No. 1 player, led the team to victory. Shin Ho-jin, who took the lead in beating Japan's Panasonic with 31 points in the semifinals, scored 34 points in the final with a 72.3 percent attack success rate.
Shin Ho-jin won 27 votes in the press team's vote, beating Cha Ji-hwan (4 votes) to become the MVP of the tournament.
Park Sung-jin of Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, who scored 30 points, became an MIP with 24 votes.
The Rising Star Award went to OK Financial Group Lee Jin-sung.
As the final match, the first set of momentum was great. One point and one point revealed the players' cheers and regrets. The owner of the first set was revealed only later in the game.
After a long rally at 20-20, OK Financial Group led 22-20 due to Shin Ho-jin's spike and Cha Ji-hwan's attack. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance chased one point with Kim Jung-ho's back attack, but Lee Ho-gun's serve error widened the gap by two points again. OK Financial Group did not miss this opportunity. Jeon Jin-sun blocked Park Sung-jin's spike and made a set point of 24-21. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance followed Shin Ki-ho's consecutive spike by 23-24 and one point, but OK Financial Group won the first set 25-23 as Shin Ho's back attack was inserted.
In the second set, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance cheered up at the last minute. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance made it 22-22 with Park Sung-jin and Shin Ki-ho. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, which made 24-22 with spikes by Park Sung-jin and Kim Jang-ho, did not give OK Financial Group a chance, and Kim Joon-woo blocked the fast attack of Jeon Jin-sun and took the second set 25-22 to make it 1-1.
The third set, which will add to the game, was simply fierce. They exchanged 1 point each and came to a 23-23 tie. OK Financial Group rose to 24 points first with Shin Ho-jin's spike. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, which has to make deuce, gave the opportunity to attack OK Financial Group due to its shaky reception, and OK Financial Group's Cha Ji-hwan succeeded in the chance and won 25-23 to lead 2-1. 토토사이트
OK Financial Group, which won the game, took the lead from the beginning in the fourth set. Cha Ji-hwan's advanced attack and Kwak Myung-woo's blocking fired back-to-back attacks, leading the team to 9-3 at once, edging closer to the championship. The gap has not narrowed. The gap widened to nine points, including 14-5, 17-8, etc. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance scored four consecutive points with Kim Jung-ho's spike, Park Sung-jin's serve ace, and Park Seung-soo's attack error, followed by Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance with 12-17 and OK Financial Group's error, narrowing the gap to 16-19. However, OK Financial Group eventually won the championship with Shin Ho-jin.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Cardinal Sin, the Catholic Church, & the Unification Church: Partners in Organized Anti-Communist Violence
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▲ Pictured: Cardinal Sin and Rev. Kwak
Background on Cardinal Sin
As soon as the CIA ushered the Unification Church’s forces into the Philippines in 1986, members, supporters, and leaders of the Moon networks met with both President Aquino, the newly installed president who was seen at the time as a champion of the people, and Cardinal Sin, the foremost leader of the largest religious tradition in the Philippines.
From Tyler Hendricks in the Unification News in 1996:
As President of the Unification Church of America, I greet Your Excellency as the leader of a country for which I have a great deal of affection. I spent a week in the Philippines in 1986 as a Director of the Religious Youth Service. The RYS brought young people representing many religions for a summer of interreligious education and social work. In the course of the orientation week we had two special audiences, one with President Aquino and the second with Cardinal Sin. Then the young people spent the summer doing service projects.
They built a bridge between Catholic and Muslim communities in Cavite, Dasmari, as. A second team dug sixteen wells in Aphalite, Pompanga, together with the Aphalite Christian Community. The third team built a university medical center on Iloilo, and planted 10,000 mahogany trees for financial support of the school on the nearby island of Guimenes (I hope the spelling is correct). Since then the RYS has carried on a follow-up project in Pompanga and three other projects, including one to foster religious harmony in Mindanao.
The RYS is an organization co-sponsored by the International Religious Foundation and the International Relief Friendship Foundation, both of which are United Nations NGO's, and both of which were established by Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
According to RYS leader John Gehring, "The participants, coming from such diverse traditions as Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Christianity, Unificationism, Confucianism, Taoism, and others, were warmly welcomed on their first day by Cardinal Sin, the head of the Catholic Church in the Philippines, at his residence. He offered words of blessing and encouragement, stressing that RYS could help bind the religious communities of the Philippines together. Rev. Kwak addressed the Cardinal, describing the purpose and vision of RYS, and Ron Jordan, representing all the participants, thanked the Cardinal for his enthusiastic support."
Even prior to Marcos ousting through the People Power Revolution in February 1986, Cardinal Sin had made political connections to the Unification Church through the now defunct Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy, a Moon-linked organization. 
From Today's World, August 1985:
On May 28, 1985, the Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy hosted a luncheon for Jaime Cardinal Sin, the Archbishop of Manila, Philippines. Cardinal Sin is the highest-ranking representative of the pope and the Catholic Church to the Philippines and the Filipino people. Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, Mr. Neil Albert Salonen, and Dr. Richard Rubenstein enjoyed an extensive private meeting with His Eminence prior to his presentation at the luncheon of his paper entitled "The Changing Role of the Church in the Philippines Today." 
Cardinal Sin went into the need for the Church to support the people of the Philippines in their aspirations for self-determination, in being seen as an equal in the international community, and in being a third way between the leftist guerilla warfare of the New Peoples Army and the bureaucratic, corrupt system, insinuated to be the government under Marcos. Prior to 1985 and the ultimate ousting of Marcos, the Unification Church and its networks had a positive relationship with Marcos and his administration. As the CIA's thinking around the Marcos' rule began to change, as did the Moonies. 
Negative media and reports on Chun Doo-Hwan's violent rule in South Korea also pushed the UC to frame Marcos as the anti-communist right going too far. Some Moonies framed Marcos’ administration as the enforcement of righteousness (anti-communism) without humanity and principled love. Chun Doo-hwan was framed to be an anti-communist who ruled more democratically, was not brutal like Marcos, despite his vital role in arresting, torturing, and even massacring countless activists, students, workers, etc. The Moonies did what they could to use the Washington Times and its other media outlets and NGO connections to push these narratives.
As the People Power Revolution descended upon the Philippines, the Unification Church sought to frame the religious forces as those championing liberation, despite their decades of not just compliance with fascist power, but outright partnership and participation in Philippine fascism, feudalism, bureaucrat capitalism, and semi-colonialism.
John Gehring wrote in 2014 about the time, "While tensions rose and the fear of violence grew, the Roman Catholic Prelate, Cardinal Sin, worked hard to keep the movement and the government from openly fighting.” Though there were progressive elements in the Catholic Church who supported the ousting of Marcos, many of these figures joined the movement only after the broad and wide masses were in favor of it. 
Cardinal Sin’s legacy from this time, along with the Unification Church’s legacy, cannot be separated from his vocal support of vigilante violence.
From David Kowalewski in Cultism, Insurgency, and Vigilantism in the Philippines:
The Aquino administration encouraged the formation of "Civilian Volunteer Self Defense Organizations" of "vigilantes" as a form of "people power" to defeat the deviance. The Department of Local Government (DLG) and the military were charged with mobilizing, supporting, and controlling the groups. The program to civilianize counterinsurgency was strongly encouraged -- initiated according to some -- by the United States State Department and Central Intelligence Agency as well as private United States organizations (e.g., World Anti-Communist League) supporting the Reagan administration's "low-intensity conflict" strategy against Third World insurgencies. By the end of 1987 some 200 groups with 30,000 members had formed. 
The state was joined in its sponsorship of vigilantism by the church establishment. Cardinal Jaime Sin, head Philippine prelate, whose radio broadcasts were greatly influential in Aquino's victory over Marcos, strongly supported the new President. The Cardinal endorsed the vigilantes for their "concern with the welfare of the suffering poor". Joining the Cardinal's endorsement was the Rey. Sun Myong Moon's Unification Church. The "Moonies" were widely criticized by opposition parties, student groups, and other sectors for their intimate relations with the CIA and Reagan's counterinsurgency strategy through its political arm, CAUSA, headed by South Korean Lt. Col. Bo Hi Pak. The Unification Church endorsed vigilantism in the Philippines by means of several seminars and conferences and forged close links with vigilante leaders.
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theonemyleejongsuk · 2 years
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[Kbizoom] No one knows who Big Mouse is… The viewers are suspecting every character
No one knows who Big Mouse is… The viewers are suspecting every character (#BigMouth)
“We can’t trust the main character”. Who will be the real Big Mouse?
The focus of MBC’s Friday-Saturday drama “Big Mouth” (scripted by Kim Ha-ram/ directed by Oh Chung-hwan and Bae Hyun-jin) is currently on finding the real Big Mouse, a genius conman.
All the characters in the drama are suspicious, from Jerry (Kwak Dong-yeon), who follows and helps Park Chang-ho (Lee Jong-seok) the most in the prison, to Park Yoon-gap (Jung Jae-sung), the prison director and the most powerful person in Gucheon Prison, and even Noh Park (Yang Hyung-wook), who is favored by the prison director.
Park Chang-ho, the main character who is falsely accused and involved in a battle of blood, sweat and tears, is no exception. Even Chang-ho’s wife Ko Mi-ho (Lim Yoon-ah), Ko Mi-ho’s father Ko Gi-kwang (Lee Ki-young), and Chang-ho’s best friend – lawyer Kim Soon-tae (Oh Eui-shik) are suspected by the viewers.
Meanwhile, in episodes 9 and 10 of “Big Mouth”, which aired on August 26th and 27th, the prison director was revealed to be a subordinate of Big Mouse. Jerry, who used to be the most suspicious figure, seems to have been free from suspicions after getting seriously injured in a mysterious accident while trying to save Park Chang-ho. However, as Jerry was seen checking and tearing Chang-ho’s note when he returned, the viewers raised doubts again
The secret of Mayor Choi Do-ha (Kim Joo-heon), who was thought to be helping Chang-ho, was also revealed. Choi Do-ha, who made Chang-ho be involved in the murder case, was an accomplice in the murder case of Professor Seo Jae-yong (Park Hoon). In addition, he also shocked the old man (Jeon Kuk-hwan) by revealing his spiteful past story.
Many people are reasoning to find Big Mouse by looking for hidden clues together with the main character Park Chang-ho. The fact that Park Chang-ho is also 100% unreliable increases the viewers’ immersion in “Big Mouth”.
There are still many stories to unravel regarding why Big Mouse is so obsessed with Seo Jae-yong’s thesis and the connections between Gucheon Prison and Gucheon Hospital.
The mystery game called “Big Mouth” is expected to continue with many plot twists.
Source: dau
Posted 30 Aug 2022
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asia1one · 4 years
دانلود سریال کره ای سقوط برروی تو Crash Landing on You بازیرنویس فارسی
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♦ دانلود سریال کره ای سقوط برروی تو Crash Landing on You ♦ ♦ پخش آنلاین , دانلود موسیقی متن و زیرنویس فارسی تا قسمت آخر ♦
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♦ دانلود سریال کره ای Crash Landing on You ♦
♦ مشخصات سریال کره ای سقوط برروی تو ♦ عنوان: سقوط برروی تو / Crash Landing on You عنوان کره ای:사랑의 불시착 ژانر: کمدی، عاشقانه، درام کارگردان:Lee Jung Hyo نویسنده:Park Ji Eun شبکه:tvN, Netflix تعداد قسمت ها:16 تاریخ شروع پخش:14 دسامبر 2019 جایگزین: سریال کره ای Melting Me Softly بعد از این:سریال کره ای Hi Bye Mama کیفیت: ۴۸۰-۵۴۰-۷۲۰ ♦ خلاصه داستان ♦ یون سه ری یک وارث ثروتمند در کره جنوبی است که در هنگام پاراگلایدر سواری به یک طوفان شدید برخورد میکنه و مجبور میشه که در کره شمالی فرود اضطراری انجام بده. در آنجا به طور تصادفی با لی جونگ هیوک که افسر ارتش کره شمالی است ملاقات میکنه و لی جونگ هیوک تصمیم میگیره تا برای محافظت از یون سه ری او را مخفی کنه. رفته رفته لی جونگ هیوک عاشق یون سه ری میشود و… ♦ بازیگران سریال کره ای Crash Landing on You ♦
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Park Hyoung-Soo Yoon Ji-Min Yoon Se-Hyeong Ko Sang-A Seo-Dan's Family
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Jang Hye-Jin Park Myoung-Hoon Ko Myeong-Eun Ko Myeong-Seok Se-Ri's Group
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Ko Kyu-Pil Lim Chul-Soo Kwon Dong-Ho Hong Chang-Sik Park Su-Chan purchasing manager Seung-Jung's Group
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Hong Woo-Jin Yoon Sang-Hoon Cheon Su-Bok Manger Oh Captain Ri's NK village
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Kim Sun-Young Kim Jung-Nan Jang So-Yeon Cha Chung-Hwa Na Wol-Suk Ma Young-Ae Hyeon Myeong-Sun Yang Ok-Geum
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Woo Jung-Won Kim A-Ra Lim Sung-Mi neighborhood woman neighborhood woman market vendor
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Park Seung-Joon Gu Jun-Woo Oh Han-Kyul Kang Young-Eun Ho-Yeong (Wol-Suk's son) Nam-Sik (Young-Ae's son) Jeong U-Pil (Myeong-Sun's son) Eun-Byeol (Ok-Geum's daughter)
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Joo Ye-Rin Jin Yong-Wook Hwang In-Jun Cha Sung-Je Ahn Se-Bin neighborhood woman market butcher market pawn broker beggar boy (ep.3.15) beggar boy's sister (ep.3,15)
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Lee Se-Rang Park Ok-Chool Shin Mi-Young Shin Dong-Ryuk Kim Sook elevator operator (ep.5) elevator operator (ep.7) elevator operator (ep.9) English tutor (ep.10) fortune teller(ep.11,16) NK Military
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Oh Man-Seok Kim Young-Min Kim Young-Pil Jeon Jin-Woo Kang Hyoung-Suk Cho Cheol-Gang Jung Man-Bok Senior Colonel Bureau Director Choi Cho Cheol-Gang's subordinate
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Kwak Ja-Hyoung Baek Sung-Chul Park Kwang-Il Choi Moo-In Jang Nam-Boo Chief Coast Guard (ep.3-4) Hwang Yeong-Beom armory staff (ep.6) Hwang Tae-Yong (ep.6,11) Military Director (ep.8-9,12,16)
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Yu Seung-Il Oh Jae-Se Lee Jung-Yeol Nam Jung-Woo Detention Center Head (ep.9) commander at guard post (ep.10) military trial judge (ep.10) Military Director's subordinate (ep.12) Childhood Days
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Kim Tae-Yeon Kim Seung-Chan Park Seo-Yeon Yoon Se-Ri (young) (ep.4) Ri Jeong-Hyeok (young) Seo Dan (young) (ep.9) Others
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Jung Kyoung-Ho Lee Dong-Yong Lim Chae-Seon Park Yong Baek Seung-Chul Cha Sang-U (ep.1,5,7) grave robber (ep.1) grave robber (ep.1) Police Officer Lee Gun-Woo (ep.1) fishing boat captain (ep.3-4)
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Park Sung-Woong Lee Young-Jin Kim Yoon-Joo Sun Jung-Hwa Kang Chan-Yang taxi driver (ep.4) photo studio man (ep.6) Jin-Sook (ep.6,11) hairdresser (ep.6) Pyongyang Hotel clerk (ep.6)
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Ko Han-Min Lee Ho-Jung Na Young-Hee Choi Hong-Il Kim Na-In doctor (ep.7-8) patient (ep.7-8) clothing shop owner (ep.7) Jang So-Cheol (ep.7-8) kidnapper (ep.8-9)
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Moon Ba-Rom Koo Ji-Hye Lee Sang-Hwa Park Chan-Woo Kim Bum-Suk kidnapper (ep.8-9) Seo Dan's high school classmate (ep.9) Park Su-Chan's boss (ep.10,12) North Korean doctor (ep.10) NK track team coach (ep.10,13-14)
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Kim Soo-Hyun Bae Bo-Ram Ahn Soo-Bin Jung Young-Hoon Kyung Ki-Hyun Dong-Gu (ep.10,15) Seo Dan's friend 2 (ep.11) Seo Dan's friend 3 (ep.11) Seri's Choice security (ep.11-12) sandwich employee (ep.12)
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Kang Ro-Chae Choi Ji-Woo Yoo Jung-Ho Park Ki-Ryoong Han Dong-Ho Saleswoman Yoon Mi-Ji (ep.12) herself (ep.13,15) NIS Section Chief Kim (ep.14-16) NIS executive (ep.14-16) NIS agent (ep.15-16)
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Choi Seung-Yoon ♦ لیست موسیقی متن های سریال Crash Landing on You ♦ Track list: Part 1 01. 10cm - But it’s Destiny (우연인 듯 운명) 02. 10cm - But it’s Destiny (우연인 듯 운명) (Inst.) Part 2 01. Yoon Mi Rae (윤미래) - Flower 02. Yoon Mi Rae (윤미래) - Flower (Inst.) Part 3 01. Davichi (다비치) - Sunset (노을) 02. Davichi (다비치) - Sunset (노을) (Inst.) Part 4 01. Yerin Baek (백예린) - Here I Am Again (다시 난, 여기) 02. Yerin Baek (백예린) - Here I Am Again (다시 난, 여기) (Inst.) Part 5 01. Kim Jae Hwan (김재환) - Someday (어떤 날엔) 02. Kim Jae Hwan (김재환) - Someday (어떤 날엔) (Inst.) Part 6 01. Song Ga In (송가인) - Photo of My Mind (내 마음의 사진) 02. Song Ga In (송가인) - Photo of My Mind (내 마음의 사진) (Inst.) Part 7 01. April 2nd (에이프릴 세컨드) - The Hill of Yearning (그리움의 언덕) 02. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - The Season of Us (너와 나의 그 계절) Part 8 01. Sejeong (세정) - All of My Days (나의 모든 날) 02. Sejeong (세정) - All of My Days (나의 모든 날) (Inst.) Part 9 01. So Soo Bin (소수빈), SOHEE (소희) - Like You (좋다) 02. So Soo Bin (소수빈), SOHEE (소희) - Like You (좋다) (Inst.) Part 10 01. Crush - Let Us Go (둘만의 세상으로 가) 02. Crush - Let Us Go (둘만의 세상으로 가) (Inst.) Part 11 01. IU (아이유) - I Give You My Heart (마음을 드려요) 02. IU (아이유) - I Give You My Heart (마음을 드려요) (Inst.) Various Artists 01. 10cm - But it’s Destiny (우연인 듯 운명) 02. Yoon Mi Rae (윤미래) - Flower 03. Davichi (다비치) - Sunset (노을) 04. Yerin Baek (백예린) - Here I Am Again (다시 난, 여기) 05. Kim Jae Hwan (김재환) - Someday (어떤 날엔) 06. Kim Kyung Hee (김경희) April 2nd (에이프릴세컨드) - Sigriswil (시그리스빌) (Crash Landing on You Title Full Ver.) 07. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Spring In My Hometown (고향의 봄) 08. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - The Wind Of The Day (그날의 바람) 09. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) Feat. Jeong Hyuk (정혁) - The Song For My Brother (형을 위한 노래) 10. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - My Companion (나의 동무여) 11. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Like A Wild Flower (들꽃처럼) 12. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Time Of JungHyuk For Seri (세리를 향한 정혁의 시간) 13. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Go Eun Jeong (고은정) - Moments We Walked Together (함께 걷던 순간) 14. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Seri's Choice (세리스 쵸이스) 15. Song Ga In (송가인) - Photo of My Mind (내 마음의 사진) 16. April 2nd (에이프릴 세컨드) - The Hill of Yearning (그리움의 언덕) 17. Sejeong (세정) - All of My Days (나의 모든 날) 18. So Soo Bin (소수빈), SOHEE (소희) - Like You (좋다) 19. Crush - Let Us Go (둘만의 세상으로 가) 20. IU (아이유) - I Give You My Heart (마음을 드려요) 21. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - YoungAe And Villagers (영애동지와 마을 사람들) 22. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Chi Soo And Seri (치수와 세리) 23. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - The Song For My Brother (형을 위한 노래) (Orchestra Ver.) 24. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Seo Dan (단이) 25. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Same Sky, Different World (같은 하늘, 다른 세상) 26. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Picnic (소풍) 27. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - The Season of Us (너와 나의 그 계절) 28. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - When That Day Comes (그날이 오면) 29. Kim Kyung Hee (김경희) April 2nd (에이프릴세컨드) - Sigriswil (Opening Title Ver.) ♦ ریتیگ سریال Crash Landing on You ♦ Read the full article
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fotode · 2 years
Öldürülen Japon Başbakan Abe'nin babası ve dedesi Moon tarikatıyla ilişkili çıktı
Öldürülen Japon Başbakan Abe’nin babası ve dedesi Moon tarikatıyla ilişkili çıktı
South China Morning Post’un haberine göre, Moon Tarikatı olarak da bilinen “Birleşme Kilisesi” eski Başkanı Kwak Chung Hwan, düzenlediği basın toplantısında, eski Japonya Başbakanı Abe Şinzo’nun hem büyükbabasının hem de babasının Moon Tarikatı kurucusu Sun Myung Moon ile yakın ilişki içerisinde olduğunu ileri sürdü. Tarikatın kurulduğu Seul’de konuşan Kwak, 1960’lı ve 1970’li yıllarda…
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murat-k · 4 years
28 Ağustos 201722:112 sene önce yayınlandı
Kasım Gülek, 1910 senesinde Adana doğmuş, 1996’da Washington’da ölmüştür; cenaze namazını, vasiyet ettiği üzere FETULLAH GÜLEN kıldırmıştır!
Kasım Gülek, Sabetay-Yahudidir.İsmet İnönü’nün kabinesindeki Yahudilerden biridir.
Bülent Ecevit ve Rahşan Ecevit; Kasım Gülek’in kızını Amerika’dan getirerek DSP’den milletvekili yaptılar.
YAHUDİ IRKÇILIĞI bu kadar incedir.
Fetullah’ı “Fethullah Gülen” yapan kişi Kasım Gülek’tir.
Kasım Gülek, PWPA’nın Türkiye’deki ilk başkanı ünlü siyasetçi, Koreli Moon’un kilisesince kurulmuş olan tarikatın Türkiye’de başkan düzeyindeki en üst temsilcisidir.
Kasım Gülek, 1910 senesinde Adana’da doğmuş, 1996’da Washington’da ölmüştür; cenaze namazını, vasiyet ettiği üzere FETULLAH GÜLEN kıldırmıştır!
Gülek, İttihat ve Terakki üyesi Mustafa Rıfat Bey’in ve Tayyibe Gülek’in oğluydu.
Galatasaray Lisesi ve Robert Kolej’de, Paris Ecole Science Politiques (1924-28), Columbia University (Dr.1928)’de eğitim görüyordu.
ABD’de öğrenciyken Chase Manhattan Bank’da çalışıyor, Harvard Üniversitesi’nde işletmede “master” yapıyordu.
Rockfeller bursuyla Berlin ve Cambridge üniversitelerinde çalışmalar yürütüyordu.
Cambridge rektörünün tavsiyesiyle CHP’ye giriyor, Bilecik Milletvekilliği, Bayındırlık Bakanlığı, Ulaştırma Bakanlığı, CHP Genel Sekreterliği görevlerinde bulunuyordu.
Ecevit de Robert Kolej mezunu olup Rockefeller Bursu’yla Amerika’da bilgi ve görgüsünü artırmak için (!) bulunduktan sonra birkaç yıl içinde önce CHP Genel Başkanı sonra da Başbakan oluvermiştir!
1958 yılında Kuzey Atlantik Asamblesi Başkanı (1957-1959) Albay J. J. Fens, Menderes hükümetinden Türk heyetinin bildirilmesini istiyordu.
CHP’den Nüvit Yetkin seçiliyor, ama harekete geçen CHP Genel Sekreteri Kasım Gülek, Colonel (Albay) Fens’e mektup yazarak Nüvit Yetkin yerine kendisinin çağrılmasını öneriyordu.
Konu Zafer Gazetesi’nde manşet oluyordu.
Kasım Gülek, İnönü’ye böyle bir mektup yazmadığını söylüyor ama bir gün sonra, gazete mektubun kopyasını yayınlayınca, İsmet İnönü, Kasım Gülek’e güvenemeyeceğini bildirerek görevden ayrılmasını rica ediyordu.
İnönü’nün, 1950’den 1957’ye dek görevde tuttuğu Kasım Gülek ile çalışma arzusu O’nun yabancılarla kurduğu sıkı dostluklarından ileri geliyordu…
Kasım Gülek, Kore Birleşmiş Milletler Komisyonu Başkanlığı (1950-1953) Kuzey Atlantik Asamblesi Başkanlığı (1968-1969), NATO Parlamenterler Konferansı Başkan Yardımcılığı ve Kontenjan Senatörlüğü de yapıyordu.
Kasım Gülek’in yaşamında en ilginç teklif General McArthur’dan geliyor, Gülek’ten ABD’de kalarak senatör olmasını istiyordu!
1980’li yıllarda Sung Myung Moon‘un Türkiye ilişkilerini yürüten Kasım Gülek, Unification Church’ü güçlendirmek için büyük çaba gösteriyordu.
Örgütü, ABD Büyükelçisi Şükrü Elekdağ‘a “empoze” etmeye çalışıyordu.
Kasım Gülek, yaşlılık yıllarında yeniden CHP ile ilişki kuruyordu.
Kasım Gülek’in baldızı Aylin Radomisli, uzun yıllar ABD’de yaşıyor; Amerikan ordusuna katılıyor…
Asya’da elçilik görevine atanacağı söylenirken 19 Ocak 1995′de evinin bahçesinde ölü bulunuyordu.
Ölümün nedeni araba kazası olarak kayıtlara geçiriliyordu.
Aylin Radomisli’nin Türkiye’den ilginç konukları oluyordu.
Yakın arkadaşı Aylin Gönensay (Eski dışişleri ve devlet bakanlarından Emre Gönensay’ın eşi) bunlardan biriyle tanışmıştı.
Bu adam Zaman gazetesinin ihtiyaçları için Amerika’daydı…
Kasım Gülek’in kızı Tayyibe Gülek, Teyzesi Aylin Rodomisli ile ABD’de yaşadı.
Harvard’ı bitirdikten sonra, Türkiye iktisadını pek ama pekiyi yönetenlerin yuvası London School of Economics‘ te yüksek lisans yaptı.
Türkiye’ye dönünce engin deneyimlerine güven duyularak Ecevit tarafından Başbakanlık Danışmanlığına atandı.
Türkiye’nin Bakû-Ceyhan Boru Hattı Sekreterliğini yürütürken Ecevit’lerin kontenjanından Adana Milletvekili (1999) olarak TBMM’ye taşındı.
Ecevit onu ABD gezilerinde hep yanında bulundurmaktaydı.
Tayyibe Gülek Temmuz 2002’de Kıbrıs’tan Sorumlu Devlet Bakanlığı görevine atanmıştı.
Abd’lilerle 1920’li yıllardan beri içli dışlı olan Kasım Gülek, Moon tarikatı elemanlarının da katıldığı ilk toplantıyı 1982’de İstanbul’da yapmıştı.
Bu toplantılarda Moon’un Ortadoğu Temsilcisi, Thomas Cromwell başta olmak üzere Moon’un örgütlerinden ve yerlilerden birçok yönetici katılmıştı.
Toplantıların konuları da kafa karıştırıcıydı:
Emre Gönensay,
Sabahattin Zaim,
Erkek Akurgal,
İlahiyat Fakültelerinin dekanları,
Ünlü Belediye Başkanlarından Gülay Atığ,
Semra Özal,
Diğer uluslararası toplantılara katılanlar arasında, Deniz Baykal,
Hayri Erdoğan Alkin,
Handan Kepir gibi tanınmışlar da vardı.
Moon’un PWPA toplantılarında en sık görülen İlahiyatçıların başında Salih Tuğ gibi İlahiyat Fakültesi dekanları geliyordu.
İlim Yayma Cemiyeti üyelerinden ve Aydınlar Ocağı eski başkanlarından Salih Tuğ 1997’de Kanal 7 televizyonunda Fehmi Koru ile programa çıkıyor ve Moon’un Church hareketini öve öve bitiremiyordu.
Fetullah Gülen’den, Dolandırıcı Bayan Belediye Başkanı’nı, Cumhurbaşkanı’nın hanımından Devlet Bakanlarını ve daha nice etkili ve etiketli adamı yan yana getirebiliyordu.
Bu ayrı bir kitap dolduracak kadar geniş bir konuydu.
Moon’un Türkiyeli Masonlar ve tarikatlarla ilişkileri hep gizli tutuluyordu ve Fetullah Gülen’in Kasım Gülek’in cenazesindeki üzüntüsü şimdi daha iyi anlaşılıyordu…
Şimdilik, Unification Church‘ün yayınlarına göre toplantıları kısa bir listede toparlamak yararlı olabilirdi:
1982 Roma: Kasım Gülek,
1982 İstanbul Hazırlık Toplantısı:
Bu toplantıyı Moon’un sağ kolu Chung Hwan Kwak vönetivor ve Kasım-Nilüfer Gülek Türkiye düzenlemesini yapıyorlar.
1984 Roma: Hayri Erdoğan ilkin (Konferans Başkanı olarak),Prof. Sabahattin Zaim
1986 İstanbul Hilton “21. Yüzyılda Eğitim” Kasım Gülek, Sabahattin Zaim.
PWPA’ nın ABD başkanı Nicholas Kitrie ve Yunanistan’dan Evanghelos Moutsopoulos da katılıyor.
1986 İstanbul Hilton: “Türk-Yunan İlişkileri” Sabahattin Zaim, Ekrem Akurgal, Emre Gönensay (Sonra başbakan Danışmanı, T.C Dışişleri Bakanı, Nilüfer Gülek’in kardeşi Aylin Radomisli’nin Amerika’dan yakın dostu), Kasım Gülek.
1987 Chicago: Kasım Gülek
1988 Londra: Prof. Handan Kepir Sinangil (Robert kolej/Bosphorus. Un)
1991 İstanbul President Oteli.
1994 İstanbul the Marmara Oteli.
1996 İstanbul (1-14 Haziran).
Öbür katılımcılar ise şunlardı:
Deniz Baykal,
Işılay Saygın,
Mehmet Aydın (9 Eylül Üniv. İlahiyat Fak. Dekanı, Abant toplantıları yöneticisi,
(18 Kasım 2002 AKP) Abdullah Gül ve Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Hükümeti Devlet Bakanı),
Sabri Orman, Ali Şafak, E. Ruhi Fığlalı,
Gülay Atığ (Aslıtürk),
Semra Özal,
Nilüfer Narlı,
Nevzat Yalçıntaş,
Lütfü Doğan,
Osman Zümrüt,
Şerafettin Gölcük,
Salih Tuğ,
Fehmi Koru,
Ayseli Gürsoy.
ABD’den İstanbul toplantılarına katılanlar arasında Moon’un has adamları Richard Rubinstein, Nicholas Kittrie’nin yanı sıra Yunanistan’dan, Ürdün’den, Mısır’dan, Kore’den gelenler vardı.
Kasım Gülek’in, ölümü üzerine, PWPA’nın Türkiye başkanlığını Dr. Hayri Erdoğan Alkin üstlendi.
Hayri Erdoğan Alkin, eski adıyla Robert Kolej devamıyla Bosphorus University’de profesörlüğünün yanı sıra Türk Ekonomi Bankası (TEB) yönetim kurulu üyeliği yapmaktaydı.
İlkin, aynı zamanda NED’den büyük parasal destek alan ve Türk Dışişleri politikasını yönlendirmeye çalışan TESEV’in de danışmanıydı.
Hayri Erdoğan Alkin, Moon’un kurduğu PWPA’nın yayınlarına yansıyan bilgiye göre, PWPA’nın Avrupa toplantılarına katılmıştır.
Yine Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nden Handan Kepir Sinangil de, Avrupa toplantılarına katılmıştır.
Anımsanacağı gibi, Hayri Erdoğan Alkin’in oğlu ARI Derneği kurucuları arasında yer almıştır.
Moon’un 1000’i aşkın kuruluşlarından en ilginci olan Global image Association bir zamanlar Türkiye’nin “LOBİ” işlerini yapmıştır.
Ve milyonlarca dolar karşılığı ülkemizi dünya’ya tanıtmıştır (!)
“Moon”culuk ve “Mason”lukla Kemalizm uyuşmaz!
1919 Haziran’ın da Anadolu’nun doğusunda bir Ermeni devleti kurulmasını sağlayamayan ABD, Gümrü Anlaşmasıyla Türkiye’nin doğu sınırlarının da güvence altına alınması ve Sakarya boyunca Yunan saldırısının da püskürtülmesi üzerine, İstiklal Savaşı’nın Ankara’daki Milli Yönetim’in lehinde sonuçlanacağını hesap etmiş olmalı ki İngilizlerin silahlı istilâ planlarına karşılık kaleyi içerden fethetmek için sinsice isteklerde bulunmaya başlamıştı.
ABD, elbette bu mandacılığın peşini bırakmayacaktı.
Nitekim, savaş ortamında yurdumuzun düştüğü zayıflıktan yararlanmak için Öksüzler Yurdu ve örnek çiftlikler kurarak, ABD Anadolu’da yerleşmek istemiş ve bu isteği Ankara’ya iletmişti.
Meclis Başkanı Mustafa Kemâl Paşa, hemen İçişleri Bakanlığı’na bir muhtıra yollayarak uyarıda bulunmuştu.
Bu muhtırayı dikkatle okuyalım:
İşte Atatürk’ün ABD’ye Muhtırası:
“Ankara Büyük Millet Meclisi Hükümeti, ülkenin bayındırlaşmasına, öksüzlerin rahatlamasına, genel sağlık ve ekonomimizin düzeltilmesine yönelik girişim ve çalışmaları teşekkürle kabul eder.
Ancak bu konuda gerek uzak, gerek pek yakın geçmişte, bize oldukça ağıra patlayan deneyimlere dayanarak bir takım kaygılarımızı açıklama gereği vardır.
Şimdiye deyin ülkemizde ekonomik amaçlarla, politik ve bilimsel çalışmalar yapan kurumlar ve yabancılar özellikle aşağıdaki amaçları izlemişlerdir:
1–Ülkemizdeki çalışmalardan korkunç kazanç sağlamak bizim için en zararlı olan bunlardır.
2–Bir bölgede elde ettikleri imtiyaza dayanarak o bölgenin sahibi olmaya çalışmak.
Bu gibilerin ülkemizde bir daha çalışmalarına izin verilmemesi…
3–Ekonomik amaçla bilim ve insanlık yararı görüntüsü ile yurdumuza gelip, ileride istila zemini hazırlamak için etnik toplulukları gerek hükümete, gerek birbirine karşı kışkırtmak
4– Yurdumuzda yalnız bilim ve insanlık amaçları ile çalışmakla birlikte, ruhlarında bulunan Hırıstiyanlık duygusu nedeniyle, hemen Hırıstiyan azınlıklarla ilişki kurmak ve ister kasıtlı, ister kasıtsız olarak aralarında azınlıkların da yaşamakta olduğu Müslüman topluluklardan ayrılma isteğini propaganda etmek.
Bu gibilerin gerek Müslümanlara gerek iyiliğine çalıştıklarını ileri sürdürdükleri Hırıstiyan azınlıklara, aralarında yaşamakta oldukları İslam çoğunluğuna karşı baskı yapılmasını aşılamakta ne denli insanlık dışı bir biçimde çalıştıkları ve bu yüzden meydana gelen cinayetlerden sorumlu oldukları ortadadır.
Hükümetimiz bu gibilerin de özgürce çalışmalarına izin verdiğinde Müslüman ve Müslüman olmayan bütün uyruklarına karşı pek ağır bir sorumluluk yükü altına gireceklerdir.
Buna izin vermek, çocukları yaşayacakları çevreye düşman ya da hiç olmazsa yabancı olarak yetiştirmek ve yaşayacakları çevre ile çatışmak zorunda bırakılacaktır.
Bu ise gerek o çocukların gerek içerisinde yaşadıkları halkın yıkımını hazırlamaktır.
Bunu yasaklamak hükümetin görevidir.
Bundan dolayıdır ki Amerikalılarca örnek çiftlik vb. kurumlar kurup buralarda kendi uruğumuzdan olan binlerce çocuğun Türk hükümetine ve ulusuna karşı sevgisiz ve uyumsuz duygularla yetişmelerine izin veremeyiz.”
Atatürk, 3 Ocak 1922 tarihli bu muhtırasıyla da ABD’nin Öksüzler Yurdu adı altında masumane görünen amaçlarla bile Anadolu’da mesken tutmasına şiddetle karşıydı.
Hem bu muhtırayı yayınlayacak kadar karşıydı.
Öksüzler Yurdu gibi bahanelerle Türkiye’ye yerleşmek isteyen güçlerin asıl gayesinin Türkiye’yi içten fethetmek olduğunu çok iyi biliyordu.
Etnikçi Siyonist (Sabetay, Mason+Rotaryen+Lions) ihanet şebekesi ahtapot gibidir.
Laiklik maskesi takmış ETNİKÇİ SİYONİSTLER ile din kılıfındaki ETNİKÇİ DİNCİLER her yere sızarlar ve birbirleriyle de ittifak hâlindedirler.
Bu derin şebekeler, her kılığa girerek medya, basın-yayın, tarikat ve cemaatler başta olmak üzere sağ-sol fark etmez, her partide örgütlenirler.
Hedeflerinde Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti’ni yıkmak ve Türk milletini dağıtıp yok etmek vardır.
Bunların ortak özellikleri ise GAYR-I TÜRK olmalarıdı
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kpopotd2 · 5 years
October Wrap Up
Hello to all our lovely followers! We are closing in on the end of the year, but have no fear, there are still two months of great releases coming! 
In October, the  first two episodes of our podcast were released, and in November we have two more episodes coming out on the 10th and 24th so keep your eye out for that. 
Also, remember to follow us on @kpopsunbae​ because once this year is done we won’t be posting on here anymore--but no need to worry, it will stay up as an archive!
-JR, Min, and Onyx
October 1989: Hong Seo Bum dropped the first Korean rap song “Kim Sat Gat” (image from Radio Star). 
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October 19, 2009: Incheon Bridge opens to the public.
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October 1, 2010: A fire takes out a high-rise building in Busan with no casualties. October 9, 2010: The International Fireworks Festival is held in Seoul. October 10, 2010: Hwang Jang-yop, a politician in North Korea who defected to South Korea, passes due to a heart attack. 
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October 17, 2014: A vent collapses at Pangyo Techno Valley during a 4Minute concert after 20-30 people climbed onto it to see the performance from a better angle. 
Public Holidays:
October 3: National Foundation Day (개천절) - A celebration of the founding of Gojoseon according to the legend of Dangun. Learn more here!
October 9: Hangul Day (한글날) - A day to celebrate the creation of the Korean language by King Sejeong the Great. Learn more here!
Gaon Album Chart - Album of the Month 2010-2015:
2010 - Hoot by Girls’ Generation
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2011 - The Boys by Girls’ Generation
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2012 - Catch Me by TVXQ!
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2013 - Everybody by SHINee
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2014 - This is Love by Super Junior
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2015 - I by Taeyeon
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October 2009: IRIS (The action drama starred Lee Byung Hun, Kim Tae Hee, and BIGBANG’s T.O.P. With a budget of over 30 million dollars, it is one of the most expensive dramas to ever be made. The large budget paid off, bringing in over 30% ratings, as well as giving Lee Byung Hun a daesang on top of many other awards. It eventually got a second season (Iris II), a spin off series (Athena: Goddess of War) and a movie (IRIS: The Movie).) October 2009: Three Brothers (This show stars Ahn Nae Sang and Oh Dae Gyu. It was originally a 50 episode drama, but when the ratings proved to be immense (it was one of the highest rated dramas of the year with over 40% viewership ratings) 20 more episodes were added.) October 2009: You’re Beautiful (This classic stars Jang Geun Seuk, Park Shin Hye, former After School member Uee, CNBLUE’s Jung Yong Hwa, and F.T. Island’s Lee Hong Ki. Miss S, Park Shin Hye, as well as the drama’s group, AN.JELL, and more participated in the OST. This was Hong Ki’s acting comeback and Yong Hwa’s debut role. It got over 10% viewership ratings and won various rewards. Eventually it got a Japanese and Taiwanese remake.) 
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October 2010: Queen of Reversals (This drama stars Kim Nam Joo, Jung Joon Ho, and Park Si Hoo. It got over 10% viewership ratings.)  October 2010: God’s Quiz (Stars Ryu Deok Hwan and Yoon Joon Hee. It dealt with many intense diseases and disorders, and has since gone on to have four more seasons.) 
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October 2011: A Thousand Day’s Promise (Stars Soo Ae and Kim Rae Won. Baek Ji Young, 8Eight, and more participated in the OSTs. It hit over 15% viewership ratings and won multiple awards.)  October 2011: Deep Rooted Tree (This period drama stars Song Joong Ki, Jang Hyuk, and Shin Se Kyung. It hit 20% viewership ratings, won various awards, and was broadcast in Japan and Taiwan.)  October 2011: Flower Boy Ramyun Shop (This drama started off the “flower boy” series which would go on to have three other unrelated instalments: Shut Up, Flower Boy Band!, Flower Boy Next Door, and Dating Agency: Cyrano. It stars Lee Chung Ha, Jung Il Woo, and Lee Ki Woo. It did really well in viewership ratings for a cable show and also had a diverse demographic of viewers.)
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October 2012: Full House Take 2 (This is “sequel” to the first Full House starring Rain and Song Kye Hyo. This “sequel” stars Hwang Jung Eum, No Min Woo, and Park Ki Woong.)   October 2012: Childless Comfort (This drama stars Lee Soon Jae, Kim hae Sook, Yoo Dong Geun, and Uhm Ji Won. It broke Reply 1997’s viewership record with 7.995% and ended up with an all-time high rating of over 10%.)
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October 2013: Empress Ki (This period drama stars Ha Ji Won, Ji Chang Wook, and Joo Jin Mo. 4men, Wax, Soyou, Junsu, and Ji Chang Wook participated in the OSTs. It hit over 30% viewership ratings and won various awards.) October 2013: The Heirs (This drama was co-produced by now the defunct streaming site DramaFever. It stars Lee Min Ho (IKON’s Jung Chan Woo plays his younger self), Park Shin Hye, Kim Woo Bin, Kim Ji Won, f(x)’s Krystal, CNBLUE’s Kang Min Hyuk, Kang Ha Neul, and ZE:A’s Park Hyung Sik. It had a lot of cameos including SuJu’s Heechul, VIXX, and BTOB among many others. The ending theme (”I’m Saying”), sung by Park Shin Hye’s friend Lee Hong Ki, has since been used countless times in parody. Boasted a great set of OSTs. It over 15 % viewership ratings domestically, but was popular across Asia.) October 2013: Reply 1994 (The second instalment of the “Reply” series, stars Go Ara, Jung Woo, Yoo Yeon Seok, B1A4’s Baro, and BtoB’s Yook Sung Jae. One of the highest rated cable dramas at over 11% viewership ratings. It boasted many cameos, including the main characters from the first season, and many others.)
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October 2014: Tomorrow’s Cantabile (This drama stars Joo Won, Shim Eun Kyung, Park Bo Gum, and Baek yoon Shik. This was another co-production with the defunct  streaming platform Dramafever. It hit over the 5% ratings mark. It also aired in Thailand, Taiwan, and Japan. 2014 - Modern Farmer (This comedy stars F.T. Island’s Lee Hong Ki, Park Min Woo, Honey Lee, and Kwak Dong Yeon.) October 2014: Misaeng (This show stars ZE:A’s Im Si Wan, Lee Sung Min, Kang So Ra, and Kang Ha Neul. It is based off of the Webtoon of the same name written by Yoon Tae Ho (the comic sold over 900,000 copies). It became a hit across the nation, eventually winning various awards and ended up getting a Chinese remake.) 
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October 2015: Sassy Go Go (This school drama stars Apink’s Jung Eun Ji, Lee Won Geun, VIXX’s N, Ji Soo, and Chae Soo Bin. Jadu, Hanbyul, and former After School member Lizzy participated in the OSTs among others.)  October 2015: Six Flying Dragons (This period dramas stars Yoo Ah In and Shin Se Kyung. It passed over 10% viewership ratings and won various awards.) 
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October 22, 2009: Good Morning President (This comedy stars Jang Dong Geun, Lee Soon Jae, and Go Doo Shim. KBS World says “Only a few decades ago, the president was an off-limits subject in Korean cinema. It was almost impossible for the older generation who lived through military dictatorships to parody their president.”)  October 29, 2009: Paju (This movie stars Lee Sun Kyun and Seo Woo. It was the first Korean film to open the International Film Festival Rotterdam as well as The Tribeca Film Festival, as well as participating over 15 other festivals. It received great reviews, and won a few awards.)
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October 20, 2011: Always (This melodrama stars So Ji Sub and Han Hyo Joo. It opened the Busan International Film Festival, selling out all 2,000 seats in just 7 seconds. Eventually it received Turkish, a Kannadanen, and Hindu remakes.) October 11, 2012: A Company Man (This movie stars So Ji Sub, Lee Mi Yeon, Kwak Do Won, and ZE:A’s Kim Dong Jun. It got one million theatre admissions in just under two weeks.)  October 31, 2012: A Werewolf Boy (This film stars Park Bo Young and Song Joong Ki. Park Bo Young sang a song for the drama’s soundtrack. It hit one million admissions after just five days and became the top melodrama in Korea of all time.)
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October 2, 2013: Hope (This film stars Sol Kyung Gu, Lee Re, and Bang Jun Seok. It is based on the true story of The Case of Na Young. It had over one million admissions in the first week. It went on to win multiple awards.)  October 31, 2013: No Breathing (This movie stars Girls’ Generation Kwon Yuri, Lee Jong Suk, Seo In Guk, and Dal Shabet Member Cho Ah Young. It did fairly well at the box office, coming in at just under 500,000 admissions.) 
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October 2, 2014: Whistle Blower (This film stars Park hae Il, Yoo Yeon Seok, and Lee Geung Young. It is loosely based off the story of scientist Hwang Woo Seok and the scientific fraud case that he was involved in-- Ryu Young Joon was the real life whistle blower. It topped the box office upon its release.)    October 23, 2014: The Truth Shall Not Sink With Sewol (This is a documentary about the Sewol tragedy that happened in April of the same year.) 
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October 2010: Hyuna is added to Nine Muses following Jaekyung’s departure.  October 8, 2013: Jason is added to NU’EST’s Chinese sub-unit NU’EST M. 
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October 29, 2009: Soyoung graduates from After School to pursue acting.   October 2010: Jaekyung leaves Nine Muses to pursue modelling.  
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October 16, 2013: Dongho departs from U-KISS due to health reasons.  October 24, 2013: Gummy leaves YG Entertainment and signs with C-JeS Ent. October 10, 2014: LuHan files a lawsuit against SM Ent. and leaves EXO.
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October 5, 2015: Boy group C-Clown disbands.
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October 8, 2013: Soloist Kim Ha Neul (김하늘), better known as Rottyful Sky (로티플스카이), passes away due to a brain tumor at 25. October 27, 2014: Shin Hae Chul (신해철), member of activist rock group N.EX.T, passes away due to medical malpractice at 46.
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EXID - Every Night
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Hyung Jin Moon: “our members in Japan have shed blood, sweat and tears to provide a financial foundation for all the work”
Today’s World, December 2009, pages 2, 21-25
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon - November 2009
International President’s Message
Inaugural Address as UPF Chairman
On November 18, Moon Hyung-jin was inaugurated as International Chairman of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF). Following is a translation of his inaugural speech, which he delivered in Korean:
First, I would like to first express my deepest gratitude to God and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. I would also like to sincerely thank, especially, my older brother Hyun-jin hyung and Rev. Kwak Chung-hwan for the efforts they have made in the development of UPF. I am also grateful to Dr. Thomas Walsh, secretary-general of UPF, to Mr. Taj Hamad, secretary-general of WANGO, and to the UPF staff members representing each nation who are working so hard. Please let’s offer them a warm round of applause! [Applause]
To tell the truth, Father instructing me to take responsibility and lead UPF was a shock for me. I feel sorry in front of True Parents that I am to take this position because I am still quite young, and lacking in many ways.
I am the seventh son and the eleventh child in the True Family. I had older brothers and sisters attending college while I was still a toddler. For those reasons, I had never entertained the thought that I would be given a public responsibility to fulfill. Nevertheless, one day Father began assigning me to public positions. I feel sorry and that I still lack the necessary maturity, but I will submit to God’s will. As I step into this precious position, I would like to tell you my honest thoughts from the bottom of my heart.
Up this point, UPF’s global activities and the dedicated efforts of its leaders have brought many leaders to connect with us and a network has been built.
I majored in religion at Harvard University [NOT TRUE. He went to Harvard Extension School and there he completed an undergraduate A.L.B. degree. He took some classes at Harvard University but did not graduate from there. Anyone can go to Harvard Extension School; it does not have the same admission criteria as Harvard University.]
Father has given us the mission of uniting all religions into one family serving God and True Parents.
Our Japanese members’ lifestyle
We have carried out many activities, but how have the global providence and the church been carried out in 189 countries of the world? Who has been supporting them? It wasn’t people in society. It was people of faith. Especially our members in Japan have shed blood, sweat and tears to provide a financial foundation for all the work being carried out. This includes the work of UPF. Where does such a foundation come from? It comes from faith. Our Japanese members are serving True Parents by sacrificing themselves, working hard for True Parents and for the sake of the world. They have championed the cause of our church and all of our organizations.
For three years I have been visiting Japan almost every month. Even before I had any official position, I was going to Japan. Whenever I go there, I visit the homes of church members, to spend time personally with the Japanese members. They have all sacrificed themselves for the global providence. Many Unificationists have forgotten this. They have forgotten that the Japanese members are also human beings. We have sinned greatly. Looking at the Japanese members giving their tears, sweat and blood, we have said that Japanese members like this kind of sacrifice. That is not the reality! They also find it difficult to sacrifice.
I cannot help feeling astonished when I visit their homes. They raise three to four children in one room. They have sacrificed by selling their cars and their homes, and other basics, in order to support the providence for the entire world—to support you! And it is not just one or two members who have done so, but thousands. We need to see the reality for what it is: because of faith such as theirs, the Unification movement has been able to come so far. The Japanese members, who have shown such faith and such heart, are truly the brave soldiers of our church.
The truth is that the Korean church and the American church have not reached such a level. The Korean church had been relying on financial support from the Japanese church. Even the American church has been supported.
In order for the church to develop, we have had to make difficult decisions and face difficult challenges. We need to show that we are working with dignity, responsibility and a sense of mission and thus liberate the Japanese members from their burden. For the first time in its history, this year the Korean church did not receive even one cent from the Japanese church.
However, we still have a long way to go. The Korean church has yet to fulfill its duties as the father nation. Japan is still shouldering the heaviest burden.
Change within the Korean church
I was greatly shocked when I came to Korea and was given the responsibility of running the Korean church. Many people thought that working in an office from nine to six was practicing a life of faith and attending True Parents. They did not attend Sunday service and did not even tithe to the church or invest in the second generation. They did not do any church-related service work and did not participate in witnessing.
This was truly shameful. In contrast, the Japanese members work from nine to six wherever they work, but after that, they come to church every day and participate in witnessing and educational activities, and they make donations. They dedicate themselves every day without missing a day. That’s the reality.
We still have a long way to go, even so. We have to work hard to accomplish the global providential objectives. We need to work for the Abel UN and the crucial missions of unifying all people and bringing religions together.
The Japanese members are shedding their blood for our sakes—struggling, even perishing for the providence—and to support all providential organizations.
Universal Peace Federation needs to build the Abel United Nations and build a substantiation foundation.
Japan readies bills to help people impacted by religious group sales – Kyodo News
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Mongolia – Battleground of the Han and Kwak groups
Thanks to a recent post on WIOTM, Mongolia and its relationship with the Moon Organization, was brought to our attention again:
Prior to the Preston Moon scandal (that began in 2008), the Chung Hwan Kwak family was in charge of Mongolia. Once Preston and Rev. Kwak were officially “demonized” and removed from their “positions”, Bo Hi Pak became the Family Federation leader of Mongolia:
Given the significance of the Kwak and Pak families in the history of the Unification Church, and the fact that there’s still an ongoing court battle between the Preston/Kwak group and the Han group, it seems apparent that Mongolia is a key geographical area to have “influence”. In other words, by understanding the current connections between the Mongolian government and these two “factions,” it should give us a glimpse if not more, into where the “greater” Moon Organization may be heading in geopolitical matters.
There seems to be a lot at stake here. So, I’ve taken it upon myself to post a few articles on this topic:
March 25, 2016
Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj denied any links with South Korean religious group Unification Church on Thursday.
Elbegdorj said he and other Mongolian politicians had attended events organized by the church, but he had never participated in such events or met with the organization’s leader after becoming president.
Video recordings of Elbegdorj with Unification Church leader Sun Myung Moon went viral on Mongolian social media recently, allegedly leaked by a source close to the president.
The South Korean religious group is highly controversial in Mongolia, as it was accused of trying to edit textbook contents in its favor. An Education Ministry official resigned after coming under fire for joining the church.
June 23, 2017
Mongolians pick a new president Monday (June 26) after a campaign marred by corruption scandals plaguing all three candidates, from jobs for cash to offshore accounts and donations from an alleged cult.
The candidates are Mieygombo Enkhbold for the Mongolian People’s Party - which controls the parliament - Khaltmaa Battulga for the opposition Democratic Party (DP) and Sainkhuu Ganbaatar for the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party.
The third-party candidate… a video allegedly shows Ganbaatar receiving a US$44,000 donation from a member of the “Moonies,” or Unification Church, a South Korean-based Christian group that critics consider a cult.
Daily Sabah
Sept. 3, 2018
Relations between Mongolia and Turkey were strained in July after a high-level Gülenist Terrorist Group (FETÖ) member in Mongolia was not extradited to Turkey. Following the failed extradition, Turkey announced that allowing FETÖ to operate freely in Mongolia would be detrimental to Turkish-Mongolian relations.
Responding to Turkey’s announcement, Mongolia’s Ambassador to Ankara Ravdan Bold stressed that they understood Turkey’s concerns on FETÖ-affiliated schools and all five of the said schools’ administration would be eventually transferred to the Mongolian Ministry of Education. Bold also added that individual members of FETÖ would not be able to renew their education and employment visas and be asked to leave the country this year.
Currently, around 1,300 students are in these five schools that have been operating in Mongolia since 1994. Empati, the company that owned these schools, sold them to a German company that serves as a front for FETÖ. The Mongolian Ministry of Education did not allow this company to acquire the necessary licenses to operate the five schools. On this subject, Ambassador Bold said that the technical process to seize these schools from FETÖ is in progress and that these schools are losing students by the day.
While drawing analogies between the Moon Cult and FETÖ as both of them operated through schools and companies, Bold expressed his belief that both of these harmful entities created concerns for Mongolia’s national security. Bold said, “They are two sides of one coin.”
“As Mongolia’s Ambassador to Turkey, I fully understand Turkey’s concerns, and I do my best to convince Mongolian politicians on the issue. Today, terrorism is not only one country’s issue, it is an international issue,” Bold added.
The Unification Church, known as the “Moon Cult,” is highly controversial in Mongolia, as it was accused of trying to edit textbook content in its favor. An Education Ministry official resigned after coming under fire for joining the church in Mongolia in 2016. Members of the Church are often referred to as “Moonies” and have been active in promoting events in Mongolia through education and trade activities. …
Moon visited Mongolia in October 2005. He came to Ulaanbaatar, the capital and largest city of Mongolia, with his wife Hak Ja Han Moon and gave a speech titled, “Strong family life is the true role model for peace and harmony.”...
Commenting on the Moon Cult leader Sun Myung Moon, Bold stated that the Moon Cult was quite influential in Mongolia until three years ago, having around $3 billion invested in the country. After a fall out between two sons of Moon, one of whom was leading the cult’s operations in Mongolia, this investment was transferred to Hong Kong, he said.
Underscoring the ulterior motives of the Moon Cult and drawing an analogy with FETÖ, Bold said, “I talked to Mongolian politicians and asked them to look at the present example. FETÖ is just like the Moon Movement. If you don’t understand Gülen and FETÖ, look at Moon, what he did to Mongolia and what happened to him. It’s exactly the same process. Faces may be different but cults and purposes are the same. They are two sides of one coin.” ...
The Mongolian economy only consists of two branches, Mining and agriculture.
To conclude here, let us be mindful of the fact that the countries of Mongolia, Nepal and the Ukraine [and Brazil?], are arguably where the Moon Organization has its greatest influence currently. Looking at this geopolitically, Nepal borders China in the south, while Mongolia borders China in the north. Then there is the Ukraine, which borders Russia in the west, while Mongolia borders Russia in the south. Summarizing then, I find it very intriguing, that the three nations where the current Moon Organization seems to have its greatest influence, can be looked at geopolitically in such a manner.
What more do we need to know, about the work the “greater” Moon Organization is doing in this part of the world? And was the recent Rev. Kwak letter to the “Unification Movement,” which basically excerpts Kwak’s new book on the UM “conflict”…is this all a “power play,” in the what I will call “Tribal Warfare?”:
’til the next,
Don Diligent
reposted from WIOTM
“Uncensored interview” – Moon cult activities in Mongolia Part 1
“Uncensored interview” – Moon cult activities in Mongolia Part 2
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
Kwak is one of the worst Moonies
To see Chung Hwan Kwak give that non-apology about the Unification Church, acting as if he did not inflict violence on the church membership, sending missionaries out into the world without any support, knowing they could die, and many of them did. This is the man who “recognized” Cleopas, or Black Heung Jin, in order to take out Bo Hi Pak, and secure him and his family’s position in the Church’s hierarchy. His time as Church President did not mean there was less violence or manipulative tactics. 
Kwak is a criminal, and remains one, even if he is not inflicting harm on as many UC members, as a proponent of Hyun Jin’s movement and believer in Hyun Jin’s “Fourth Adam” claim. We all know Hyun Jin is a criminal too. All the Moon children know the scams the church is pulling off, and they continue to reap whatever benefits they can.
The fight for assets is mainly between Han and Hyun Jin, with Hyun Jin having a large claim to UC assets, but Kook Jin is playing a minor role in the fight, with a recent victory in Japan, gaining control of Saeilo Japan. 
The other kids may not be in the legal fight, but they still come begging, attending Hoon Dok Hae when requested, or even speaking at events.  Kwon Jin remains pretending through his marriage in Las Vegas, hoping the charade will keep him secure in his relationship with his benefactor mother. 
Ye Jin too comes begging, still, even after her extravagant attempt to regain her mother’s trust during In Jin’s ministry, attending UTS, writing papers on Unification theology that affirmed women as equal representations of God, and even forming a quiet faction around medium Chris Krefft in New Zealand. There’s a lot to be said about Ye Jin, as revealed in a recent episode of Falling Out with Tim Porter. It’s worth a listen. But it’s clear that she’s full of rage, paranoia, and entitlement, like the rest of her siblings. 
All the Moon children know how to do is manipulate, use, and abuse people. And the church’s future will remain a victim to their family’s narcissism. With Hyung Jin/Kook Jin’s violent theology and sizable cut of the assets that includes weapon manufacturing, Hyun Jin’s group remaining active and containing many of the top NGO Moonies of the 80s-2000s as well as the majority of the assets, and Hak Ja Han’s Family Federation taking a huge financial hit in Japan due to their link to the recent murder of Shinzo Abe and endless settlements with ex-members, there are so many possibilities that we cannot even imagine. Other groups will come and go, founded by spiritualists and mediums, or those who see themselves as “Orthodox Moonies” grounded in the Divine Principle, but unless they act like the Moon family - abusive criminals - their organizations will not survive long enough to influence society in the ways the Moon-era Moonies achieved.
It is impossible not to recognize the Inner Core of the Unification Church, even among the different factions, as leaders of criminal organizations. That’s how it always was, ritualized and mythologized. The Core are a Mafia. And Kwak is one of the worst among them. 
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
Unification Church founder was close to former PM Abe's grandfather: ex-chair
(Kyodo) -- The former chairman of the Unification Church said Tuesday that its founder had a close relationship with both the grandfather and the father of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, amid growing public scrutiny of the church over the murder of Abe and his assailant's grudge against the religious group.
Kwak Chung Hwan held a press conference in Seoul, following media reports on the assailant's motive that his mother's donations to the church ruined his family's finances and he believed Abe's grandfather had invited the church to Japan from South Korea.
Responding to a question about the relationship of the religious group and Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Kwak said, "President Sun Myung Moon (of the church) was close to former Japanese Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi," Abe's grandfather.
The former chairman and reportedly one-time No. 2 of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, widely known as the Unification Church, added that he knew Moon, the church's founder, was also close to Abe's father, former Japanese Foreign Minister Shintaro Abe.
Kwak said political leaders in Japan during the 1960s to 1970s were concerned about left-leaning movements in the country.
Around that time, Moon released his anti-communism theory which impressed the Japanese political leaders, the former chairman said.
"Donations from Japan contributed to Moon's activities across the world greatly," he also said.
Kwak, who parted ways with the church around 2009 according to the media reports, criticized the religious group's current leadership.
"I feel a deep responsibility (for the attack on Abe) as I've heard the assailant's motive is associated with a grudge against donations (to the church)," he said.
The assailant, Tetsuya Yamagami, was arrested after he fatally shot Abe during a street speech in the western city of Nara on July 8. Yamagami's uncle has said the man's mother donated about 100 million yen ($720,000) in total to the Unification Church.
The church, founded in South Korea in 1954 by Moon and known for its group weddings, has a controversial reputation in Japan, where it claims to have about 600,000 followers.
Meanwhile, the 41-year-old Yamagami has said he thought he would die by the end of July because he ran out of money and that he tried to kill Abe before then, according to the investigators.
He had at least 600,000 yen ($4,353) in debts although his bank account contained some 200,000 yen as of July 8 when he shot Japan's longest-serving leader on the street by using a homemade gun, the investigators said.
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
H1-aligned Kwak apologizes
There are clips of Chung Hwan Kwak, loyal to Hyun Jin/Preston (NOT Hyung Jin/Sean) Moon on the news apologizing for how the Unification Church in Japan has gone off course.
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
Kwak’s 2020 “Letter to Blessed families, brothers and sisters of the Unification Movement”
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Beloved Blessed families, brothers and sisters,
I hope that God’s love and divine protection may always be with you and your families.
As we celebrate Reverend Sun Myung Moon, True Father’s 100th birthday in 2020, I pray the unique experiences and moments you had with Father on earth can feel even more alive and become the catalyst and motivation for your lives.
Today, I am sending what could be my last letter to you with a very desperate heart. At this moment, I can’t merely stand by looking at the sad situation our Unification Movement is in. Especially when I think of how today True Father’s lifelong achievements for the realization of God’s peaceful ideal world should be shining the brightest and when the providential movement he led should be bearing its best fruit. After much thought and consideration, I decided to write this letter.
Last spring, on the occasion of the 7th anniversary of True Father’s Seonghwa, I published my book Truth Shall Prevail after a decade of silence. Throughout the entire writing process I was overtaken by a longing for Father and felt sorry towards him. In that book, I testified to the kind of person that True Father was from the perspective of someone who experienced him at the closest position for over 50 years. Furthermore, the book serves as a truthful historical and factual record of the situation I witnessed amid the confusion that took place in the Unification Movement for the last 10 years. When I heard that many Blessed family members were able to open their eyes to the truth and gained the courage to start over again through reading that book, I sincerely prayed that the book can serve to comfort Father and that it may become a light that guides the Unification Movement in the right direction.
Meanwhile, around that time last year I participated in the centennial commemorative celebration of the March 1st movement at the plaza in front of the National Assembly building. I was moved beyond words. One Japanese female NGO activist went on stage and shouted out that she made it this far because she was fascinated by Dr. Hyun Jin Moon’s “Korean Dream”. I could not but feel a surge of excitement. Hyun Jin Nim’s masterful and eloquent speech in front of the National Assembly moved all the honorable guests, including the mayor of Seoul, Won-soon Park. During the event that was being broadcast live nationally, I tried not to get choked up every time I saw Hyun Jin Nim’s image appear on the stage on screen. All I could think of was how happy Father would have been were he alive and watching this scene.
Last summer, my wife and the families of my children participated in the Special Blessing Ceremony for the Foundation of Cheon Il Guk officiated by Hyun Jin Nim. We received the great blessing of being able to engraft onto the True Family once again. As our true Abel and elder brother, Hyun Jin Nim forgave the Blessed families that had deserted and persecuted him. He offered this opportunity for Blessed families to participate in that Blessing ceremony, with the hope that they will repent, return, and reconnect to the True Family to walk the path as owners of Cheon Il Guk. This Special Blessing Ceremony for the Foundation of Cheon Il Guk is not a one-off Blessing ceremony event, but rather a process that all
Blessed families must go through to atone for their mistakes. Although I can’t explain the entire meaning of it in this letter, I believe you should know that it is of grave providential importance.
Last winter there was a very happy occasion in Hyun Jin Nim’s family. One of Hyun Jin Nim’s daughters received the holy wedding with her parents as officiators of the ceremony. In no time, four of Hyun Jin Nim’s nine children established a 3-generation True Family. The day after the holy wedding a group of First and Second-Generation grooms and brides participated in a joint Blessing ceremony with Hyun Jin Nim’s couple as the officiators. Three of my grandchildren also received the Blessing that day.
I feel incredible hope seeing Hyun Jin Nim wholly inherit and develop the core mission that Father carried on, advancing internal and external goals abiding by God’s providential standard and the Principle. Considering all the hardship endured over the last 10 years and the situations that took place behind the scenes, it is truly moving and one can only shed tears of gratitude and be thankful to Heaven to see Hyun Jin Nim’s family settle as it has. Overcoming this sacrificial process Hyun Jin Nim’s entire family set the most exemplary precedent and tradition of the True Family before Heaven. Not only that, he also forgave Blessed families and opened the path for them to reconnect to God’s Will and the providence; externally he lay the great foundation of our providential movement for South Korea and the world. Isn’t this the biggest consolation and hope for True Father as he enters his 100th birthday?
If there are those among you who are truly concerned for Hyun Jin Nim and are offering jungsung for him, I ask that you have a little bit more courage and approach Hyun Jin Nim’s public letters, prayers, or his official books, such as “Realizing God’s Dream” or “Korean Dream”. Taking it one step further, I earnestly ask you to please check for yourselves directly the type of work he has been doing and the type of life that Hyun Jin Nim has been leading. We used to tell those who unilaterally opposed Father that if they wanted to know who Reverend Sun Myung Moon was, they should go and see for themselves the work that he did. Likewise, if you want to really know what kind of person Hyun Jin Nim is, you will find the answer in the work that he does and the life that he leads.
Blessed families, brothers and sisters,
Because we are celebrating the 100th birthday and 8th anniversary of True Father’s Seonghwa this year, I see this period as one of great providential transformation. Though the confusion within the Unification Movement reached a climax, from this year it will begin to correct itself faster than you can anticipate.
The calls for self-purification will not be heard from Heaven but from earth. That’s because Blessed families who want to protect God’s will and True Father’s achievements will resolutely stand up and their spirit will spread like wildfire.
For me, more than anything else, I believe in the removal of all false figures cast upon True Father’s fundamental teachings and great lifetime achievements, so that their original true worth may be shown to the world; and thereby opening a new era that can inspire courage and hope in all people. Hyun Jin Nim will be standing at the forefront of that effort with righteous and determined Blessed families participating together. Some day, as if by fate, the entire Unification Movement will follow the path that they opened for us.
If you have properly perceived the big picture of this providential moment—even though we see all sorts of regrettable content one after the other coming from some parts of the Unification Movement today—you will not need to feel disappointment or despair. It’s the phenomenon of disgusting pus oozing and exploding from all the sores and abscesses that the Unification Movement suffered from for a long time. But it’s also a hopeful sign that new skin will grow. This is a process by which the providence is corrected; truth and lies are determined; and Principled and unprincipled acts are clearly differentiated. Therefore, we must move forward with the mentality that we will be the ones to take responsibility over this problem, discerning that which is right and wrong from a principled perspective and from the viewpoint of God’s will and providence. That is what True Father expected of us—it’s the 5% portion of responsibility given to each and every one of us. And it cannot but be the final responsibility of our elder Blessed family members who are entering the final stage of their lives on earth.
I recently heard the news that Mother did away with the “Family Federation” and started a new “Heavenly Parents Church”. I see this phenomenon as a clear separation of that which is true and that which is false at the final moment. Looking just at this latest direction from Mother, it is evident that she completely left Father and is walking down a road that goes against God’s providence.
Brothers and sisters, how was the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification born and what was the mission of that providential organization? The founding of the Family Federation was considered a great providential shift, so how did the providence change before and after its founding? Did True Father’s passing signify the end of the need for the Family Federation? If we answer these questions correctly, we will understand how Mother’s decision to go on with her “Heavenly Parents Church” is counter-providential.
After going through a period of indemnity for 40 years, True Father opened the era of the Completed Testament Age. As the first International President, I remember clearly that Father was so deeply moved when he founded the Family Federation that he took the lead in the preparation for the founding of this providential organization. The reason Father was so moved was not because he established another providential organization among many. It’s because the providential moment for Father to walk the original path that he was supposed to walk as the Messiah, Lord of the Second Coming, True Parent had finally begun after 40 years. The launching of the Family Federation represented the great providential transition from the era of the providence of restoration to the era of the Completed Testament Age: The establishment of a peaceful ideal world centered on God’s ideal family. In other words, it meant the beginning of creating a world of one family under God. More precisely, with the settlement of the True Family, which carries God’s original lineage, all of humanity would engraft on to that True Family and become God’s children of goodness and lineage through the Blessing movement. And the expansion of that Blessing movement would lead to the realization of God’s ideal world.
The most important mission that the Family Federation had at that significant turning point of the providence was the Settlement of the True Parents and the True Family, which are the root of God’s providential Movement.
In order for the True Family to settle centered on the True Parents, not only do the Three Great Kingships and the Four Great Realms of Heart have to be secured, but the standard of uniting the Cain-type and Abel-type realms has to be achieved. True Father did not desire succession by an institutionalized church system as exists in established religious entities for future generations. As Father tended to ask: If Jesus had direct descendants, would he have bequeathed his crown to his disciples? Father desired for the son that he publicly recognized to inherit the same authority Father held and to continue his messianic mission. In order to set that order and tradition, after recognizing
Hyun Jin Nim in 1998, Father announced the Era of Father-Son Cooperation. Father said that in the future even Mother should follow the son that Father recognized then. Not only that, but the Blessed families representing the worldwide Cain-type realm have to become one with the realm of the True Children, especially with the elder son recognized by Father, thereby uniting the Cain-Abel realms. The condition of that Cain-Abel unity is necessary for the Settlement of the True Family, and it is on that basis that Foundation Day can be proclaimed.
One other important mission the Family Federation was supposed to achieve was the awakening of humankind’s universal spirituality through the Blessing movement. It was supposed to fulfill the role of educating and guiding people starting from each individual family so that each family could establish a God-centered family fulfilling each family member’s individual portion of responsibility, thereby leading to the expansion of that cultural realm from the tribal level to the nation and to the world.
In order to open the providential era prior to the Family Federation, True Father announced the establishment of the Family Pledge on May 1, 1994, he opened the era in which we could report (pray) in our own names, and established the Hoondok tradition. These were radical measures announced by Father one after the other. All of these measures were intimately connected and were meant to be for human beings, who had restored the original parent-child relationship that was intended at Creation, to fulfill their portion of responsibility at the basic family level in the Completed Testament Age. These were traditions that were absolutely necessary to substantially establish God’s ultimate sovereignty on this earth.
At the time, as I was honoring True Father’s words, I wondered whether the people leading the Family Federation truly understood the significance of the great providential transition that had taken place. And I could not but seriously question whether they fully carried out their public responsibility and mission. Because if they had properly understood and honored True Father’s will, there would not be the confusion that exists today. Since I was in charge of the Family Federation at the time, I am by no means free from this responsibility.
Although externally the Family Federation carried out a variety of activities and increased the number of Blessed families, they only acted as the “Family Federation” in name—leaders desired it to settle as just any other church. The gravest mistake they made was to divinize True Parents and repeat the error that Christianity made towards Jesus. The leaders went as far as to absolutize True Parents and use that concept as a way to maintain their own authority. They made a false framework that ‘any order given from True Parents must absolutely be followed since True Parents are one in body and spirit and are omniscient,’ and took advantage of it treating members like ignorant masses to be exploited. And they especially used this mentality to drive out Hyun Jin Nim, who was their biggest threat. After True Father passed onto spirit world, the leaders propagated the idea that Mother could communicate with Father—asking questions and receiving answers—and that Father and Mother were always connected as one, to make members blindly follow any direction that came from Mother’s mouth. The messiah is a human being and is not a being that knows everything. As a person advances in age normal bodily functions weaken, eventually growing old and sick. It is also the case with one’s mental state. True Father was not an exception to human aging. Because Father was well aware of this point it is said that he told Hyun Jin Nim around 2007 that, “there will come a time when Father is like a child,” and therefore, when that time comes you (Hyun Jin Nim) should go on and take responsibility over everything. The FFWPU leadership promoted that Mother was completely united with Father, and even
Mother spoke as if she was asking questions and receiving answers from God Himself. Such claims are completely contrary to the Principle and are a mockery and insult to both God and Father. One can know whether Mother is united with Father, or whether she is one with God’s will by looking at her words and actions. If the leaders really had confidence on this point they would not have promoted it heavily the way they did; and even if Mother didn’t say that she communicated with God and received answers, people would naturally have followed Mother and they would have testified to her being one with God and Father.
Although Hyun Jin Nim attempted to reform the Family Federation numerous times after being inaugurated as International Vice-President in 1998, he repeatedly faced opposition and had to experience frustration and setbacks. At one point in 2009, the FFWPU leadership even attempted to drive him away from the Unification Movement—to leave him out in the wilderness. The sin that these FFWPU leaders falsely blamed upon Hyun Jin Nim was that he was a son who disobeyed Father’s direction and that he was a thief who stole public assets. The truly ironic thing is that as these leaders blamed and criticized Hyun Jin Nim, the people of the world recognized Dr. Hyun Jin Moon as the person who fully inherited Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s will and continued on his work. They evaluated Hyun Jin Nim as the person who achieved incredible results to advance Father’s work.
I want to sincerely ask you:
Who is the person that inherited Father’s authority? And who really usurped Father’s foundation?
Who is the person that is truly realizing Father’s will in this era?
On December 2, 2017, Hyun Jin Nim inaugurated the Family Peace Association (FPA). Because the Family Federation had strayed from its original mission and it was no longer possible to work with that vehicle, Hyun Jin Nim made this determination. At the inaugural speech of FPA, he said, “for me personally, this inauguration expresses my commitment to continuing my father’s lifelong work.” Today, 3 years after the founding of FPA—considering that Mother is throwing away the Family Federation and changing to her new “Heavenly Parents Church” that has no relevance with the providence—one cannot but be amazed at the mysterious ways in which God’s providence works and at Hyun Jin Nim’s incredible foresight. For members being forced to change their faith onto the Heavenly Parents Church, which is like a spiritual death sentence, the Family Peace Association founded by Hyun Jin Nim is like a lifeboat that came to the rescue.
After True Father’s Seonghwa ceremony, Mother changed and eliminated many things he established. Mother changed and distorted the Eight Great Textbooks that Father directly canonized. And she made the Cheon Il Guk constitution as if they were laws of a particular religion, instead of upholding Father’s desire to complete a proper constitution based on the Family Pledge. And there are other examples in which she eliminated Father’s precious achievements overnight.
Mother went as far as changing her own identity. In all of human history she was the most precious being because True Father went through a course to re-create her to become True Mother. But she threw away the status of True Mother and reappeared with a new name as the “only begotten daughter”. Now she claims that she is a being that was born without original sin for the first time in 6000 years, and that she knew the Principle without receiving education from anyone. Mother’s assertions are in direct contradiction and opposition to True Father’s teaching that the messiah, who comes as completed Adam, finds and selects a woman among fallen women, and receives her as a bride. Mother’s claims completely turn against Father’s teaching that, “God invested His 100% to create Adam, and Adam invests his 100% to create Eve.” I gave Principle lectures in person to Mother during the beginning of Parents’ holy wedding period, and upon Mother’s request I even gave her documents with a summary of the main points of the Principle. Knowing this, I truly have no way of understanding how Mother could make such false and unprincipled claims.
Taking it a step even further from claiming herself to be the “only begotten daughter”, Mother changed the designation of God to “Heavenly Parents”. Some may say this is not a problem because it looks like an expression of God as our Parent. However, it is actually a claim of dualism that shakes the very foundation of the monotheistic view of God that comes from the Judeo-Christian line of faith. It also stems from ignorance and from not properly understanding God’s original state explained both in the Divine Principle and in Unification Thought. The term “Heavenly Parent” occasionally appears in The Sermons of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. But, the term “Heavenly Parent” that appears in The Sermons is more of an expression used to emphasize the heartistic relationship between God and humanity. Its meaning is completely different from the “Heavenly Parents” that is mentioned in Mother’s autobiography or in FFWPU memos. Furthermore, according to “The Principle of Creation” in the Exposition of the Divine Principle, God is defined as “the Subject in whom the dual characteristics of original internal nature and original external form are in harmony. At the same time, God is the harmonious union of masculinity and femininity, which manifest the qualities of original internal nature and original external form, respectively.” In this definition the original internal nature and original external form are the primary characteristics, and the masculine and feminine aspects are His attributes, according to the Principle and Unification Thought. What ultimately remains is God as a “Subject with dual characteristics in harmony.” As such, the proper definition of God is that of a subject with dual characteristics in harmony (neutral), so why is Mother obsessing with the attributes of masculinity and femininity which are not even the primary characteristics? The reason for that is because of the influence of feminism over Mother. This can be understood from what is written in the Introduction of her new autobiography. Trying to understand God from the theological perspective of a radical feminist, the only thing they can see is the part that talks about God’s attributes regarding His ‘dual characteristics of masculinity and femininity’. This only goes to show how Mother and those around her are ignorant regarding the Principle or the history of the providence.
“However, due to the fall of human ancestors the ideal of creation of the Heavenly Parents was prolonged, and, a male-centric history proceeded centered on God’s masculinity as Heavenly Father instead of the status of Heavenly Parents. Hellenism and Hebraism, which formed the foundation of Western civilization, advanced a strictly male-centric history. Therefore, the status of Heavenly Mother which is God’s femininity was concealed, and God could not become Heavenly Parents. The reason the feminist movement that detonated in the West degenerated into a mere revolutionary movement of resistance against the rule of men is also related to God’s ontological status.” - “Mother of peace”, Introduction
This time, when Mother announced that they would no longer be the Family Federation, and that they were adopting a new identity and name as the Heavenly Parents Church, I wondered what providential pretext would be offered to justify it. According to the public notice issued on April 4th, 2020, by the FFWPU, it stated that, “Because [we are] in a position to embrace all 7.7 billion people around the world, we are no longer the Unification Church and we are no longer the Family Federation. We are changing the name to the Heavenly Parents Church.” These words reveal Mother’s low level of understanding of the Principle and her view of the providence. Because the world can’t be embraced through the Family Federation, she will create an even more narrow church denomination to do that? What kind of nonsensical claim is this? Her words mean that the Family Federation isn’t good enough to embrace the whole world, then isn’t that saying that Father created a providential organization that is limited?
It is truly hard to agree with her claims. And that is because as he officially inaugurated the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in 1996 and 1997, True Father internationally and interreligiously opened the doors wide for the Blessing so that all the 7.7 billion people of the world would be able to participate in it. Father even proclaimed the cosmic universalization of the Blessing, thereby allowing spirits in spirit world to also participate in the Blessing; he expanded the Blessing providence even more so that people could participate within the realm of the grace of the Blessing depending on a person’s stage in the cycle of life, whether it be in a rebirth ceremony (in the womb, newborn), or a resurrection ceremony (adolescence), or an eternal life ceremony (elderly age).
The Heavenly Parents Church has no providential justification. So, I considered why Mother is trying to create this church from another perspective. Could it be that it’s because in Mother’s mind the only thing that exists are the True Parents, and there is no concept of the True Family? I have frequently heard Mother’s speeches and it has been a long time since I heard her say the word “True Family”. She only emphasizes submission and obedience to Parents.
But, one time Hyun Jin Nim said something that is in contrast with Mother. At the 50th True God’s Day anniversary Hyun Jin Nim said, “There can be no True Parents if there are no True Children.” At the celebration of True Father’s 100th birthday, Hyun Jin Nim said that True Father’s greatest achievement was establishing the True Family on earth, and that the most important providential institution in God’s providence is True Family. He said that the Blessing does not come from any church, but that it comes from the True Family. Both the Family Federation and the Family Peace Association live by the motto that a peaceful ideal world can be realized and all of humanity can live with God as the Parent of humankind by establishing an ideal family of God, that is a God-centered family. Without creating the basis for the Three Great Kingships and the Four Great Realms of Heart centered on the True Family, God cannot dwell at the center of that family as the Parent. By ignoring the basic notions of the Principle of Creation and demanding that we only worship True Parents, Mother herself is tearing down the foundation of the True Children who should be able to reach the position of True Parents. Isn’t that what her claims mean? If Mother truly desired to embrace the 7.7 billion people of the world, instead of isolating herself by creating the Heavenly Parents Church, she should return to the path of establishing a True Family where God would want to visit and dwell in. If Mother returns to the position of God’s true daughter, Father’s true wife, Children’s true mother, then all humanity and the entire spirit world will serve and love Mother as the True Mother.
Concluding remarks – The key that opens the door to Heaven, the Three Great Kingships and the Four Position Foundation in the True Family, the Vertical Axial Line
Beloved Blessed families, brothers and sisters,
Humanity was born with original sin and, as if by fate, we cannot alone remove ourselves from Satan’s false love, false life, and false lineage. As such, humanity can only become part of God’s family by engrafting onto the Tree of Life which is the Three Great Kingships and the Four Position Foundation of the True Family. When Mother gave birth to Ye Jin Nim, True Father told Blessed families, “Through the very small condition of participating in Mother’s labor pains, Blessed families go back into the position of being in the womb and are as if reborn as twins with the True Children.” And that is why Blessed families have the tradition to attend and call the True Children as our elder brothers and sisters, regardless of age.
For the last 10 years or so, the relationship between Blessed families and the “original lineage” of True Family and True Children—which are the root of God’s true life, true love, and true lineage—has been disconnected by the words and actions of so-called “church leaders” surrounding Mother. I heard that instead of “succession by lineage,” they are calling it “succession by an institutionalized church system”. Although Blessed families had the special privilege of receiving True Father’s grace through the Family Pledge to be “Owners of Cheon Il Guk”, “to represent and become central to heaven and earth”, “to become a family that moves heavenly fortune”, and to be “a family that conveys Heaven's blessing to our community”, we must not forget the 7th verse of the Family Pledge which establishes the prerequisite of being a family that connects with the “original lineage”. There is no doubt that the “original lineage” refers to the vertical axial line of the Three Great Kingships and Four Position Foundation of the True Family, which is the Tree of Life.
On August 13, 2012, True Father offered his “final report” to God putting all of his jungsung and soul and body. In this report True Father earnestly and desperately asked that all Blessed families attend the True Family’s True Children at the center and fulfill their duties as tribal messiahs, so that the substantial Cheon Il Guk could be offered up to God. But our Blessed families and members are forgetting True Father’s “final report”.
The last providential event True Father participated while on earth was titled the “Proclamation of the Word of the True Body through the Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.” In the last part of True Father’s public speech in this event he said that the Eight Great Textbooks are gifts that he is giving to humanity, and they are his will (as in, final wish before passing away). True Father asked us to continue forward centered on these words until Cheon Il Guk is established. Among the Eight Great Textbooks, three of them are especially designated as sacred texts; these are the “Cheon Seong Gyeong, Peace Messages, and the Family Pledge”. Father gave a clear and dire warning that, “These three volumes are sacred texts and they are Heaven’s constitution; therefore, you should not change even one letter.” Yet, despite Father’s strong words, Mother and those leaders surrounding her were hatching a plan to dismantle and change the content of the Eight Great Textbooks as True Father was lying on his deathbed before passing onto spirit world. The result of that scheme is Mother’s so-called “Cheon Il Guk scriptures” which includes Mother’s version of the “Cheon Seong Gyeong, Peace Messages, and Chambumo Gyeong”. Even after witnessing what Mother and leaders had done, the Blessed families and members stood by idly, keeping their mouths shut. But I heard that in the upcoming 60th Anniversary of True Parents Holy Wedding, Mother and leaders are going to publish a new version of the “Chambumo Gyeong” that contains additional unprincipled and counter-providential content proclaiming the “only begotten daughter,” among other claims. Are we just going to stand by and look the other way, even as they continuously dismantle, damage, and doctor the words of the Eight Great Textbooks? True Father left all the tangible and intangible providential foundation, along with the title of “Owner of Cheon Il Guk”, for Blessed families to inherit. The ownership of the Eight Great Textbooks belongs to no one other than the “Owners of Cheon Il Guk,” that is, you, the Blessed families. These Texts are God and True Father’s “final gift and will” that he is giving to Blessed families and to humanity. For how much longer will we, Blessed Families, be relinquishing our responsibility and right as owners?
Mother and the “church” leaders have been destroying and selling away the providential foundation and holy grounds established by True Father. What kind of place was the Su-Taek-Ri Central Training Center? It’s the very place where the providence for the International Victory Over Communism started, as well as being the main place where matchings for Blessings took place. It was also the birth place of providential and Principle education that would lead to world peace and new life. They sold that place and put up apartments there. Mother and these leaders have changed the names of all the main providential institutions that True Father founded while he was alive, adding the words “HJ, Hyo-jeong, Magnolia” to them. Are there Blessed family members that are still unaware those words and letters are the English initials of Mother’s name? They are the symbolic representation of Mother, Hak Ja Han. Now, they have changed the name of the “Family Federation” to “Heavenly Parents Church”. The Family Federation was supposed to be a providential organization that would substantially realize Cheon Il Guk on earth during the Completed Testament Age. But instead, this has been changed to the “Heavenly Parents Church”; a name which seems to come right from the Old or New Testament during the age of the providence of restoration through indemnity. Mother and the “church” leaders surrounding her are now advancing their new “Heavenly Parents Church” with content that is female-centric, only-begotten-daughter-centric, and radically feminist. Even as they live in the “Completed Testament Age” where they should be substantiating the original ideal of creation, they are going in the opposite direction. Through their actions they are dragging parts of the Unification Movement and Blessed families back to the era of the Old and New Testaments—an era in which we need salvation from Satan and from sins. By doing so they have put Blessed families back in a position as if they had fallen again.
Blessed families, brothers and sisters!
We are now at a crossroads where we must make a final decision and determination. Will it be True Father, or the only begotten daughter? Is it God’s true love, true life, and true lineage, or is it Satan’s false love, false life, and false lineage? Is it the Principle, or is it unprincipled? Is it the path of the providence or is it counter-providential? Will you choose life or will you choose death? Will you be an owner of Cheon Il Guk, or will you be a fallen servant? We no longer have the leisure to hesitate. Blessed families, brothers and sisters, I conclude this letter hoping that God and True Father will be happy by the choice you make.
April 22, 2020
Chung Hwan Kwak
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Hyun Jin is declared to be the Fourth Adam by Kwak and the Family Peace Association
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Pictured: Hyun Jin Moon
Hyun Jin's Family Peace Association (FPA) recognizes him as the Fourth Adam. In Unification theology, Jesus was the Second Adam and Sun Myung Moon was the Third Adam.
It is within this context that Reverend Moon understood his own messianic role. As a youth, he was called by Jesus to carry forward the messianic mission. Thus he explained that Jesus, the second Adam, came to fulfill the mission of the original Adam in the Book of Genesis. Since he himself was called by Jesus to take up that messianic mission, Reverend Moon understood his own role as being the Third Adam. And most significantly, when he recognized his son, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, as his successor to fulfill this mission, Reverend Moon proclaimed him to be the Fourth Adam. Dr. Moon, an accomplished theologian, Olympic athlete, and successful entrepreneur, was 29 at the time. While the official title he first received was simply “Vice President” of FFWPU, Dr. Moon’s spiritual authority as an Adamic figure clearly superseded that of anyone in the Movement including the various elder organizational presidents.
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Instead of properly conveying to the members the significance of the “Fourth Adam” and Reverend Moon’s instructions that all leaders and members should unite with and support Dr. Moon, they arrogantly claimed that they themselves collectively comprised the authority of the Fourth Adam. As the historical record shows, these clerics engaged in increasingly unprincipled behavior attempting to undermine Dr. Moon’s leadership. Furthermore, good-willed but naïve members were purposely misled about the significance of the new era.
. . .
Mrs. Han had always been a much beloved figure to all of the members, who understood well that her complete unity with Reverend Moon was central to her providential role. Reverend Moon’s central mission was to set the precedent for true parents and true family, established through the settlement of the true family ideal. The True Family must set the heavenly standard and order, requiring that each family member fulfill their own portion of responsibility. The roles of wife and mother are pivotal in the family, especially in affirming family traditions and smoothing the transition from one generation to the next. Reverend Moon had made it clear that a core responsibility of “True Mother” was to bring all of the children first into unity with him and then into unity with the Fourth Adam, his appointed successor. Sadly, Mrs. Han could not fulfill this essential responsibility and began actively working against her own son, Dr. Moon.
Howard Self, The Truth About the Unification Movement Schism: What the DC Courts Got Wrong
In Chung Hwan Kwak’s "Truth Shall Prevail,” he also affirms Hyun Jin as the Fourth Adam.
Side note: Robert Schuller Jr., son of Robert Schuller of Crystal Cathedral fame and associate of Hyun Jin (Preston) Moon and board member of the Global Leadership Council, said a decade ago to a HWDYKYM contributor that he did not believe Hyun Jin believed his father to be the Messiah. 
Video by the Unification Principle Research Institute in Japan “debunking” Hyun Jin’s theological claims
‘The whole thing about the messiah (or Second Adam, Third Adam, Fourth Adam) is a human construct’
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