#Chrom: Sure 8D
tactful-kind-daedra · 6 years
@mal-fortuna-juvat // continued:
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A bowl of hot soup was a welcome surprise. The boy who had just been joined up with the Shepherds definitely had not gained many friends, and had tried to just keep his distance.
He took the bowl with a soft smile.
“Thank you, Miss Daedra. You don’t need to worry about me. The rain will eventually let up, I’m sure.”
“It’s no trouble. I didn’t see you at the mess tent and I wanted to make sure you got your dinner while it was warm. The soup isn’t as tasty when it’s cold.”
The tiny tactician offered him a bright smile, one to rival the sunshine if they weren’t stuck in a downpour. 
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“Ah~ You don’t have to call me ‘miss’... we’re not so formal here. Er... except Frederick... but that’s more his preference on things. “
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iturbide · 5 years
Wait. What's this about a Roleswap AU? And how did Chrom get hurt?
Oh yes I have a role swap AU 8D It’t tentatively called Twist of Fate and it’s a blast.  As for how Chrom got hurt...that’s a bit of a major spoiler, but I’m not even sure whether the full details are going to make it into the story, so under the cut it goes
So effectively, Twist of Fate is very loose roleswap, stemming from the idea of literally flipping the roles that exist in the game itself: Chrom as the amnesiac, Robin as the prince that takes him in, Plegia as the nation weathering harassment from their neighbor, etc.  This means, of course, that Chrom’s dad is still around joy and the ‘Crusade’ is still going on, albeit in fits and starts as the Exalt is forced to pull his forces back and address the civil unrest before the halidom completely falls to ruin.  The issue, he’s certain, is that the Plegians have located the “Heart of Grima,” what he believes to be an artifact that gives them power enough to stand in opposition to his assaults. 
Shortly before the story begins, though, he finds out that the Heart is not an artifact, but a mark much like his own: the “Brand of Defile,” as it’s dubbed in Ylisse.  And along with this knowledge, he finally uncovers the identity of the Heart.  Realizing the importance of this information, and equally realizing that he cannot raise an army to see the Heart destroyed (which is exactly how he thinks of it, by the way -- not murder, not assassination, destruction, like an object or something less than human), he instead elects to mount a covert operation, sneaking a small force into Plegia to deal with the issue.  He cannot go himself, because his absence would immediately be noticed and put the Grimleal on high alert -- so instead, he gives the mission to his only son, and the only other person capable of wielding Falchion (which he knows is the only way to truly vanquish the threat). 
Chrom is...understandably uncomfortable about this idea.  He might have grown up with his father’s stories, but Emmeryn managed to temper those prejudices the man worked so hard to impart.  Still he goes, more out of fear of his father than anything else; accompanied by a small force of Ylissean soldiers, they make their way through the mountains via animal trails, avoiding the major crossing points to evade detection, and began to make their way through the desert.  
Unfortunately, that’s where things went wrong.  As they stopped to drink and refresh their water supplies at an oasis, they were spotted by a Plegian civilian.  Chrom’s guard force immediately moved to attack the man in order to keep him silent, but Chrom intervened, unwilling to see an innocent hurt.  This led to an altercation, during which one of them attempted to subdue him...and in the process, Chrom took a severe blow to the head that certainly rendered him unconscious -- and he went down hard, falling down a steep valley between a dune and an imposing rock formation.  Realizing that things were going sideways fast, a few of his guards attempted to pursue the Plegian (who had already vanished) while the remainder tried to find a way to get to Chrom; unbeknownst to them, the prince woke up in short order and stumbled off in a completely different direction outside of their view, and the combination of head wound, rising heat, and complete disorientation eventually knocked him out a second time -- which is how Robin and his tiny entourage eventually stumble across him, passed out in the shadow of a small dune, only to discover when he wakes that he has absolutely no memory (and this is where the actual story starts). 
Also, yes, this does lead to a Southtown-esque experience where Chrom helps rout the Ylissean guard that’s taken a Plegian village hostage; Robin’s small company is treated as heroes, and Chrom is welcomed among them because the man he saved tells the whole village about how Chrom saved him (though Chrom himself never hears the story, and would have been puzzled if he had since he doesn’t remember doing it -- amnesia’s weird). 
Twist of Fate is going to be a trip okay and I love it a lot. 
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dailyawakening · 6 years
@21stcenturyhero I have so many things to say in response to your replies so I’m just going to tag you here and dump headcanons after the break
I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH <3 <3 do you think tome magic practiced in Plegia although to a lesser degree and if not, do you have any headcanons on how Robin got to learn his way around tomes? I’m sure that Tharja and Henry supported him - Henry sneaked snacks into the library, which was met with Tharja’s dismay, but she was the one bringing hot drinks for Robin if he was stuck in a study for the night. I absolutely ADORE to imagine Tharja as the one responsible person around Henry and Robin too!
Okay so I have a million headcanons regarding Plegia and magic and also Robin and magic so here goes: 
Plegia is basically the magic capital of the continent and possibly the world.  Magic is hugely important there and touches almost every aspect of life in some way or another.  Plegia has, as a nation, devoted so much time and care and energy to the study and advancement of magic that they’ve actually developed four distinct branches of magic: hexcraft, the use of ingredients in an array to create a desired effect; tomecraft, the use of arcane runes to tap a desired energy; divination, the use of particular signs to find something desired; and healing arts, the use of staves to mend or otherwise undo physical damage. 
In general, hexcraft and tomecraft are the most widespread forms of magic in Plegia, followed by the healing arts; divination is a very specialized skill that requires intense study, and real talent in it is quite rare, hence why the king’s diviners (those who have chosen Plegia’s rulers in the millennium since Grima’s fall) are revered on a level similar to the heads of both the Grimleal faith and the Plegian Nation.  
(Fun fact: Tharja actually excels in divination, specifically scrying in mirrors.)
Now, tomecraft is a bit of a misnomer: while tomes are undoubtedly the most well-known form, the runes can actually be inscribed on anything from cloth to stone.  Simple runes produce simple effects, like calling up a light or summoning a little breeze to cool off on a hot day.  The more powerful the desired effect, the more complicated the rune needs to be: tomes require incredibly complex runes to function, and actually require specialized craftsmen the same way that a fine blade would (Robin’s uncle Jay is one such craftsman). 
And speaking of Robin: remember how I said that Henry has a talent for touching hex ingredients and knowing what they’ll do?  Robin has a similar talent for runes: he can touch one and instinctively know its effect (something he inherited from his mother Wren).  It gives him something of an advantage in that he can focus on the rune itself and the magic he can feel through it to call forth the effect, rather than always needing an incantation.  It’s more raw that way, but it’s certainly effective. 
Robin got started with tomes thanks to his family.  His uncle, being a rune craftsman, introduced the boy early to some simple runes, and Wren taught him how to reach deep inside to summon up the power to call them forth.  Wren herself can use runes, but her innate magic tends to be very volatile, so it’s safest for everyone if she sticks to simpler runes or tomes like Wind (though Gangrel has been known to give her Fire tomes just to see what kinds of chaos can be wrought -- it’s great fun until Mustafa comes and chides them all for setting a tapestry on fire).  It still gave Robin a very solid foundation to work on as he started learning more about magic of all kinds, and specifically magic focused around the arcane runes. 
Henry actually provided the next step.  While literacy is a struggle for him, Henry still has a knack for tome-based magic, and has a particular penchant for fire magic.  Since he can’t feel the effect of runes the way Robin can, Henry simply memorizes the necessary incantations until calling forth the spell becomes second nature for him.  So Henry taught Robin about more complex tomes and incantations. 
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Unfortunately for everyone, Henry couldn’t teach Robin any of the high-level stuff.  Very few people in Plegia are capable of really advanced magic...but Validar is.  So in order to continue his studies, Robin got his father as a magic tutor.  He advanced quite rapidly -- Robin is a naturally quick study with a real aptitude for the arcane arts -- but Validar is not someone that he enjoyed being around.  On top of Validar being...well, Validar (which is to say mentally abusive and generally cruel), Robin always got a bad feeling being around him, and having to put on a pleasant face and endure during those sessions really wore terribly on him.  
Henry worried a lot about him.  
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Any time Robin insists that he’s okay, he’s very much not.  Everyone’s aware of this.  Thankfully, sessions with Validar were sparing (weekly occurrences at best, with time to practice in the meantime); Robin threw himself into his studies in that downtime (and got doted on by Henry and Tharja along with his mother and uncles), and eventually advanced to a point that Validar’s tutelage became less and less necessary, giving him more time to go around Plegia with Henry and Tharja. 
I love this trio, and I’m sure that Tharja and Frederick would be the kind to butt heads if Chrom and Robin were to meet as Ylisse’s Exalt and Grima’s Heart; meanwhile Henry and Lissa are playing pranks for shit and giggles. ALSO ROBIN AND HENRY AS SIBLINGS!! That literally made my day.
You are exactly right there you have the dynamic of those trios down 8D For the record, in a role reversal situation (where Chrom is the amnesiac waking up in Plegia), Tharja would absolutely be the one standing in for Frederick. 
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(Now I’m thinking of Henry as a cool uncle for the Morgans and OH NO that’s so cute. He’s definitely the type of relative who would bribe his nephew and niece with candy and take them out to trick or treat in Halloween. He’s the one radical uncle and you KNOW IT. Wow I love this dynamic.) 
Oh my friend Henry does so much worse than simply bribe them with candy.  
He teaches them wordplay. 
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I don’t care if picket fences are an anachronism I’ve been dying to use this 
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nacchashu · 7 years
Comfort | Chrobin Angst Drabble
Characters: Chrom, M! Robin Pairing: Chrom/Robin Warning(s): Angst, FE:A spoilers Notes: Written in Robin’s POV. Takes place after Chrom decides to move on from Emmeryn’s death but it is really difficult to move on from a loved one. Have a bad drabble angst thing 8D. I haven’t written in a long time so my writing is rusty T w T plus this is my first Awakening fic so characters may be off? I only played through Awakening once so I may get some details wrong but eh 8D;; 
“Chrom ...?” His voice was timid, almost careful as if he didn’t want to risk the idea of bothering him as he remained in this ... state. Robin stood outside the tent, waiting for a response but alas, there was none. He could imagine that Chrom could be lost in his thoughts at the moment.
Robin breathed a deep sigh and slowly made his way inside the tent after muttering a small, ‘I’m coming in.’ 
Once he entered, he saw Chrom laid down on his bed with his back turned towards the tactician. Was he asleep? Robin wasn’t for the idea of disturbing his slumber so he settled for seating himself on a vacant chair next to the bed.
Robin just simply watched the exalt as he laid asleep. It had not been long since Emmeryn had took her own life and Chrom was indeed devastated by her death however, he had no choice but to move forward. He was doing a lot better nowadays but, he could tell that loss still done a number to his heart. Robin often noticed that at times, Chrom would absentmindedly just zone out his surroundings and just stare into nothingness. Of course it wasn’t going to be that easy. 
The tactician slumped in his seat, releasing another sigh. Even if nobody blamed him for it ... Robin still remained convinced that it was his fault. He couldn’t help but blame himself. He was their tactician and he had failed Chrom and the others in that moment. However, it allowed them to move forward even if Robin remained bitter about it. 
He turned his head slightly towards the sleeping figure with barely audible words from his lips, “... Chrom, I’m sorry.” Even if his apology didn’t reach the exalt’s ears, he was truly sorry.
Robin rose up from his seat, deciding that he spent enough time in here however, Chrom jolted up with a yell of horror and Robin immediately rushed to the exalt’s side. 
“C - Chrom?!” Strong arms forced Robin into an embrace and squeezed him as if they were holding onto dear life. Robin was frozen in surprise with arms bound within the embrace and legs barely on the bed. “I ... I’m glad you’re alive, Robin! I thought ... I thought ... I lost you. Like Emmeryn -- I ... -- Gods! I --!” 
“...” Ah. So he must’ve had a nightmare. “I’m right here, Chrom.” He assured him tenderly, slipping an arm from the hug to stroke at his hair. “I don’t plan ever plan to leave you. After all ... we’re two halves of a whole, aren’t we?”
“... That’s right. Gods ... I’m sorry for my outburst. I just --” Chrom finally parted from the embrace but was paused as hands grasped his own. “It’s fine, Chrom.” 
Robin ... couldn’t bear to watch Chrom suffer like this so ... he was going to do as much as he could to ease his pain ... and be there for him. Even if Chrom wasn’t obligated to do the same, it was fine. 
The tactician eventually broke the contact between them completely for now and rose up from his position. “Do you ... want some water or something? You look pretty pale so I’ll--” 
“It’s fine I just ... want you to stay here with me, Robin.” He reached to connect their hands once more. “Just stay here ... Robin.” 
Robin dropped his gaze down to their hands that were joined once again. He laced his fingers into Chrom’s. He took his seat next to him on the edge of the bed. “I’ll stay, Chrom.” He said with a warm smile. 
Chrom began to close the distance between the two, leaning closer to his face. “...  Can I?” The tactician’s eyes fluttered shut with a nod. He remained still, waiting for their lips to touch. 
The exalt raised his free hand to caress the side of his tactician’s face and guided him closer. He too, closed his eyes and finally, closed the distance between their lips. They kissed with affection and tenderness almost as if to find comfort within their shared kiss. Chrom pressed deeper into the kiss and gently slid his hand down to press at his shoulders to push his back down onto the surface of the mattress. Their lips parted momentarily and he gazed down at his precious Robin as he was now pinning him from above. 
Robin saw warmth and gentleness in his gaze however ... there was sorrow hidden behind it. “Robin ... I had a dream. That you -- ... that I ... killed you. I - .. I don’t know why but I killed you. I lost you by my own hands and I can’t ... bear the thought of that. I’d rather be killed by you ... than to kill you.” It was clear that tears were threatening to spill from the exalt’s eyes. 
“Chrom ...” 
“I’m sorry. I’m just ... not myself tonight--”
“Don’t apologize anymore Chrom. You have nothing to be sorry for. I’ll always be here with you. I’m alive, right here aren’t I? So, don’t worry.” He said with a chuckle and lifted himself slightly off the bed to give him a quick to the lips.
“... I’ll believe you then, Robin. Don’t ever leave my side ... please.” He lowered himself to plant another kiss but this time at the bare skin of Robin’s neck. He tenderly suckled on the pale skin and bit at it affectionately.
“... Yeah.” He raised his arms to wrap around Chrom’s neck, and pulled him closer slightly to feel his warmth. 
No matter what the future held, their hearts would always belong to one another. Even if that future were to turn grim ... Robin vowed to never give up for his friends ... for Chrom. 
A single tear trickled down Robin’s pale cheek.
‘I’d rather be killed by you, Chrom.’ 
He wasn’t sure why those words came to be but he was certain that ... he would give his life for Chrom if it was necessary.
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iturbide · 6 years
Sleep Tight
Today is @lllaurora 's birthday so true to form I had to do something to celebrate 8D please accept one (1) saccharine Chrobin drabble because I am trash and also shameless
Chrom meandered down the hall leading to the palace archives, peering into the various reading rooms lining the corridor as he made his way along.  The lamp he carried chased away the shadows as he checked each one, but he found them all dark and empty -- unsurprising, since night had long since fallen.  But he took the time, even still: after all, Robin had been known to surprise him.
They'd had dinner together earlier, which had been a welcome change of pace given how hectic both their schedules had been of late.  They’d discussed their work, in brief, the gradual reforms to council and court they were pushing through and the preparations for the coming winter; but they'd laughed, too, about the latest antics from the Shepherds, the book Robin was reading when time allowed, and Chrom's training in horsemanship under Frederick's long-suffering watch.  The tactician's easy laughter had done a far better job of warming him than the ale, and the prince had delayed ending the meal far longer than he should have, just to enjoy Robin's company.
Chrom had noticed, though, that the tactician’s attention seemed to drift in the lulls, leaving him momentarily dazed as he snatched for the next thread of conversation -- a sure sign that he'd spent one too many nights getting too little sleep.  So when at last the prince finally completed his exalted duties for the day (far later than he'd have liked, but the extra time with Robin at supper had still been more than worth it), he set out for the castle archives, just in case the tactician needed a gentle reminder to call off his work.
Assured that Robin had not taken a break in one of the reading rooms and lost himself in his book, Chrom finally made his way to the library proper, pulling the heavy door open as quietly as he could manage.  A trace of light greeted him as he leaned past the doorframe, drawing his gaze to the candle stub at the edge of the nearby desk...and the man sitting with his chin on his hands, eyes closed, looking less like a man lost in thought than one who'd dozed off in the middle of his pondering.
Pressing one hand to his mouth to stifle the laughter tickling his throat, Chrom picked his way over to the writing table, setting his lamp down and touching the tactician's shoulder.  “Robin?”
“‘m awake.”
Chrom quirked one brow up, fighting back a smile as he leaned against the edge of the desk.  “Really. Because you look dead asleep to me.”
“Just resting my eyes a moment.”
“Uh-huh.”  He reached out, smoothing the tactician’s pale hair away from his face and smiling as Robin tilted his head into that touch.  “Have you thought about maybe resting your eyes for the night, instead?”
“...night?”  The prince saw one honey-gold eye blink open, taking in the lamplight fighting back the dark of the library...and grinned despite himself as the tactician buried his face in his hands.  “I was trying to finish that proposition to put before the council and got stuck on some phrasing -- you know how the noble members are, word choice is everything -- and I suppose…”
“You lost track of time?” Chrom chuckled.
“...something like that,” Robin conceded.
“How about you finish it up tomorrow, then.”
“I’m so close, though--”
“Then you'll be able to wrap it up in no time when you come back to it in the morning,” the prince cut in.  
The tactician sighed in mock defeat, rising slowly from his place behind the desk.  “I suppose that's true.”
“I'm glad we agree.”  Grinning, Chrom snuffed out the candle, slipping an arm around Robin's waist as he reached for the lamp...but when the tactician leaned into him, he reconsidered, extinguishing the second light instead; and when Robin made no protest, the prince shifted his grip slightly before sweeping the tactician off his feet.
That, at least, earned him a yelp of surprise as Robin threw his arms around Chrom's neck.  “Wh-what are you doing?” he demanded as the prince tried (and failed) not to laugh.
“Taking you to bed,” Chrom replied, starting toward the door.
“I can walk, you know,” the tactician pointed out as he settled in the prince's arms.
“I know,” Chrom agreed.  Robin offered no further protest as the prince made his way out into the hall, leaning his back against the door to push it closed before striding off through the maze of corridors, up a flight of stairs, and on to the royal apartments.  The door threatened to be a hassle -- but when Chrom paused, the tactician roused just enough to pull it open for them. Moving inside, the prince headed straight for the bedroom, depositing Robin at the edge of the mattress and brushing a kiss across the tactician’s brow as he straightened.  “I'll be back in a few minutes, alright?”
Robin smiled drowsily up at him, nodding before bending to remove his boots.  Chrom left him to it, retracing his steps to close and bar the door for the night and bank the low burning fire in the parlor; by the time he returned, the tactician had already burrowed under the quilts and blankets, leaving only his tousled hair visible on the pillow.  Fighting back the powerful urge to join him, the prince managed to tend the bedroom hearth and change (however hastily) into his nightclothes before slipping under the covers at his beloved's side.
Robin had clearly been too tired to bother with changing, given that Chrom felt his familiar coat when he pulled the man into his arms.  But he paid it no mind as the tactician nestled close and tucked his head under the prince's chin, his sleepy breaths warming Chrom's throat.  “Comfortable?” he murmured.
Robin stirred, lifting his head just enough to touch a kiss to the prince's lips.  “Very,” he agreed, curling once more against Chrom's chest (and it still awed him, how perfectly the tactician fit there within his arms, how right it felt with his head against the prince's shoulder).
Chrom struggled to manage even a whisper through the sudden surge of affection that stole his breath.  Ducking his head, the prince brushed a kiss of his own across the tactician's eyelid, feeling Robin's lashes flutter against his lower lip.  “Good,” he breathed, tucking his nose into his beloved's soft hair. “Sleep well.”
“Love you,” the tactician mumbled against Chrom's throat.
The prince beamed, tightening his embrace as Robin snuggled closer.  “I love you, too.”
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iturbide · 5 years
Worst headache of my life, but I can't stop giggling at Tom and Jerry Askr - where the bridge troll and goblin always get their slapstick comeuppance
OH NO I hope your head is feeling better!! ;m; 
But yes indeed they do get their comeuppance 8D Just as Tom and Butch always end up on the losing side when they’re up to no good, Nagablin and the Troll Exalt will always get their just desserts in the end while Grima, the creche, and their friends and allies (including Chrom and Lucina) just bask in their foes’ frustration. 
Kiran, who remains utterly bewildered at the fact that they’re the Spike analogue in this situation, is just going to make sure that things don’t get so out of hand that the castle burns down. 
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