#Christmas in Cradle 2022
lancelotscloak · 2 years
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I’m honestly not that keen on posting OC x Suitor content on Tumblr, but I just remembered this commissioned piece kinda fits one of the prompts that @chaosangel767 made for Christmas in Cradle 2022. So… I hope it’s okay to share 🙈
Prompt 2: Cozy Sweaters
Pairing: Lancelot Kingsley x Seraphina (OC)
Art by @r.voh.k on Instagram
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chaosangel767 · 2 years
Christmas in Cradle 2022
Due to what we knew was coming and the official announcement in Ikerev EN, I have created a Ikerev specific Event. 
This is open to everyone to join if they want to and I am open to requests for this Event. I will not be limiting which prompts or IkeRev suitors I do. 
Please just tell me the pairing and the rating, all of these are open to both fluff and smut prompts. 
I am open to writing suitor/suitor, suitor/mc/suitor, suitor/mc  suitor/OC ( only mine), or suitor/kid. 
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Christmas in Cradle 2022
December 10th - December 31st 
 2. Cozy Sweaters 
3. Exchanging gifts                 
 4. Snowball fighting
5. Decorating Christmas cookies     
 6. Dancing Firelight 
7. Winter Wonderland                      
 8. Mistletoe
9. A Holiday Feast                           
 10. Blanket forts 
11. “Lift me up so I can put the star on the tree” 
12. “Did anyone spike the eggnog?”
13. “I wish I could spend every Christmas Eve like this.” 
14. “Why are you so cold?” “I don’t know but let me steal your warmth” 
15. “I loved Christmas as a kid, but I haven’t felt the magic in a long time…” 
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leasstories · 10 months
Lea’s advent calendar day 10 – First Christmas as a Family
@writerthreads writing prompt for Christmas (2022), prompt 3:
[first Christmas as a family]
Dad!Eddie x Mom!reader
No trigger warning.
WC: ≈1.2K
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December 24th, 1989
Eddie and you have been dating since 1985, Eddie’s second senior year and your junior year. You and Eddie have lived the perfect idyll for 4 years now. At first, when you went to California for your studies, Eddie didn’t follow you as he was offered a job at Hawkins’ garage, and he knew that with his resume and past he would never get a job in California. But after 6 months of only seeing you once a month, Eddie couldn’t handle missing you anymore. Yes, you used to call for hours every single day, yes you sent letters to each other. And of course, you came back to Hawkins one weekend a month only to see Eddie, but the distance was too much, and Eddie left everything to join you. When he arrived, you moved out from your dorm and the two of you started renting a one-bedroom apartment.
During your third year of studies, in February 1989, you found out that you were pregnant. Right after you found out, Eddie proposed and promised to never be like his old man. He promised to always be by your side and in your child’s life. Two month before your baby’s birth, Eddie and you rented a two bedroom apartment to have more space as well as a room dedicated to your baby. You gave birth to a beautiful daughter you named Lizzie, after Eddie’s late mom. Your girl was born on November 15th, 1989, and so this will be her first Christmas. She already has her father’s eyes and your “cute” little nose as Eddie likes to call it. Lizzie is definitely a Daddy’s girl.
For your first Christmas as a family, you wanted everything to be perfect, and even if she’s only a month old, you didn’t want to your daughter to be affected by your financial struggles. Eddie currently works at the auto shop in the corner of your street, but as you’re still studying you have no income. Nonetheless, you wanted to split the Christmas bill in two, no matter how much Eddie insisted that he could cover most of it. So, you used all of your spare money to decorate the house and buy your daughter and your fiancé the best gifts ever. You want everything to be perfect for your little bean as you like to call your daughter.
You’re currently cooking Christmas Eve’s dinner while Eddie went to the airport to pick up Wayne.
While the turkey is in the oven, you’re making the cranberry sauce. You’re usually not much of a cook, but as Eddie is even worse than you, you both decided that you would be the one giving it a try, and it didn’t turn out so bad, so far. Once the cranberry sauce was made you started cooking some mashed potatoes and the green beans.
Eddie and Wayne arrived just as the turkey was finished cooking. You put it all on the kitchen counter, pick up your daughter in her crib and go into the hallways to great Wayne.
Eddie comes in first, followed by his uncle. It is the first time ever that “Grandpa Wayne” will meet Lizzie, Eddie already sent pictures and a VHS with videos of her, but Wayne never met her in real life.
“Hi Wayne!” You say while cradling your daughter.
“Wanna hold her Grandpa?” Eddie says with a smile, after kissing his daughter’s forehead. You can see that Wayne has teary eyes when he nods. You delicately hand her to her Grandpa, and Wayne really gently take her into his arms, he starts rocking back and forth all the while examining her small face and features, he smiles at her while addressing to Eddie.
“She looks like you when you were a baby. Has her mom’s nose though” Wayne says fondly.
You all head to the living room, the three of you sit around the table and Eddie is the one holding your daughter while you go to the kitchen to bring the starters. You put the smoked salmon toast on the table and all start to eat. Wayne tells you a lot of anecdotes about Eddie when he was a baby. Eddie gives you Lizzie to hold while he brings the turkey, mashed potatoes, and green beans on the table. You all eat in a cozy atmosphere. Eddie and you share small anecdotes that happened during the pregnancy and Lizzie’s first month. You’re really embarrassed when Eddie tells Wayne how you thought you had peed yourself when your water broke. Thank god Wayne answered. “Son, how do you want her to know what it is when she’s never experienced it?”. Eddie did shut up after that. When Lizzie starts getting a bit fussy, you excuse yourself and go to your bedroom to breastfeed her.
Meanwhile, Eddie excuses himself, take the gifts from your bedroom and put them under the tree.
When he comes back Wayne pats Eddie’s back. “’m proud of you son. You’ve got a lovely fiancé and the cutest daughter on earth. Just don’t mess it all up.” Wayne is stern at the end. Deep down, he knows Eddie isn’t like his old man, but he does feel the need to remind Eddie that he is lucky to have this family.
“I won’t Wayne, I swear on my life. I love them, so much.” Eddie answers. “Can I ask you a question though?”
“Go ahead son.” Wayne answers.
“How did you find out how to raise me?” Eddie asks.
“Son, you and yn are gonna make mistakes, for sure. What’s Important is how hard we try. I probably wasn’t the perfect paternal figure, but I tried my best and look at you now. ‘m really proud of you Eds.” Wayne tells him.
When you come back, Lizzie nuzzled up against you, Eddie says.
“Okay! Presents time!”. He takes the biggest gift and hand it to you. This is from me to our daughter. Eddie tells you.
“Eds… we said we’d share the cost for all of her gifts…” you protest.
“Baby, I really wanted this for her, and it’s a bit for you as well.” Eddie answers.
You give him your daughter and open the gift to see a beautiful baby swing chair.
“Eddie… This is too much...” you say, eyes wet with tears.
“The best one for my amazing daughter.” Eddie says, putting her in the baby swing chair.
Eddie and you give Wayne his gift, a new denim jacket and Wayne gifted the two of you concert tickets to go see Dio in San Jose in October 1990.
You both look at Wayne, shocked by the gift. “This is too much…” you say.
“What about Lizzie?” Eddie says, teary eyed by the thoughtful gift.
“I’ll babysit her, if you’re okay with that.”
You both hug Wayne before exchanging your gifts. Eddie gifted you a new record player and you gifted him new guitar picks as well as a new amp. Eddie gasps.
“Baby… this is too much…” He says, voice choked up with emotion.
“It is what you deserve.” You tell him. He kisses you.
Wayne also gifted a Teddy bear to little Lizzie.
You spend the rest of the night unwrapping the other gifts you bought for your daughter, eating Christmas cookies, and talking amongst yourselves.
This was your first Christmas as a family, and it was the best one you’d ever had.
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A/N: I’m so sorry, this was supposed to be a drabble and I got CARRIED ON. So yeah guess those of you who like longer works were happy today!
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cambria-writes · 2 years
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happy holidays! this is arguably a little late but i’ve had a rough go of it these past few days so i only just finished this tonight lol. Ii insist that i’m not late because we’re still in 2022 and the new year hasn’t hit yet!
anyways this is just a relatively short fluffy feel-good thing because i wanted to feel warm and fuzzy. so it’s absolutely self-indulgent.
word count: 3,229 warnings: swearing, it’s christmas eve and that’s important so that should probably be a warning, no y/n, no mention of gender but ravenloft reader is AFAB, minor ravenloft spoilers if you squint
for reference, this scene (with a bonus crown) is what the reader would’ve drawn.
and for the record, since it was mentioned on ao3, i'm very well aware it shouldn't have been a perception check! ravenloft!reader was never written with the intention of making them a tabletop rpg wiz, they just know enough to get by and follow along if they're sitting in on a game.
𝕽𝖔𝖑𝖑 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
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When the phone rang, you didn’t even greet the speaker. You immediately answered with ‘what do you want you fucking menace’ because there’s really only one person who’d call you near midnight like a heathen. 
“What’s your favourite colour?”
You snort and wedge the phone between your chin and shoulder and sit back down at your dining table to keep sketching. 
“Dunno. Like, all of them?”
“Dude that’s the epitome of unhelpful,” Eddie deadpans, and you can’t help but laugh. 
“Right, well like, is there any context to this? Cause you should know I don’t have a favourite colour,” you reply, frowning and erasing a small portion before swiping the eraser shredding away. 
“Come on,” Eddie whines, and you can practically see him throwing his head back in annoyance. “Not even one? Like, something that just always makes you happy when you see it?”
You hum for a second and put your pencil down. “I guess maybe black? I—“
“Nah, nuh uh. Boring as hell.”
“Rude, what—“
“Black’s not even a colour, that’s what you constantly say!”
You scoff and pick your pencil back up, switching the phone to the other shoulder. 
“Did you seriously just call me in the middle of the night to bitch at me for not having a preferred perceptible wavelength of light?”
There’s an unusually long silence on the other end of the line. You frown again and pull the handset away and follow the coiled line. Confused but satisfied that it hadn’t somehow gotten unplugged from the cradle on the wall, you wedge it back where it was. 
“Ed? You good?”
“Yeah, no. Yeah, sorry, just thinking.”
“Jesus, don’t burn yourself out there bud.”
“Oh fuck off.”
The rest of the phone call is relatively short, and colours aren’t mentioned again by the time you hang up. You don’t go to bed until nearly two in the morning, and by then you’re content with having gotten down the main lines of your portrait. 
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The snowstorm that rolled in on the 23rd was entirely unexpected but wholly welcomed. You were scheduled to work on the 24th, but with the state of the roads and the fact that nearly half of Hawkins was running off of generators, you were graciously allowed to stay home until the new year. And given that this is your first Christmas in your new home, you were more than happy to hunker down and, ha, weather it out. 
You’d had plans, sure; Harrington had already made sure everyone knew to show up at his place on the 24th, your parents had been expecting you on Christmas morning and the rest of the day would have been spent going around to see extended family. And though the thought of not being able to fulfill your annual Christmas traditions did dampen your mood, just thinking about the astronomical amount of energy you’d save made it a bit more palatable. 
If the same thing were to happen next year, though, you might cry. 
You’d already called Steve to let him know you were staying home. Pleasantly surprised, he’d admitted he’d had a whole speech prepared about how he’s have The Swarm tear you a new one if you even dared thinking about touching your car keys. (Which would have been an effective threat, honestly. You really had no interest in giving Dustin a reason to get uppity at you, and you definitely didn’t want to have to deal with Max’s ire. Girl held grudges like you did trauma.)
Your parents were only slightly less understanding, with your mother trying to insist that your father could come pick you up. A little resistance put that all to rest, though, and with a promise to call on Christmas morning, that was dealt with as well. 
You’d just settled down on your couch, swaddled in the fluffy blanket you’d gotten from Eddie the year before, mug of hot chocolate held in both hands for warmth, when the doorbell rang. Confused, you look at the time—just after dinner on Christmas Eve—and sigh before heaving yourself off the couch to buzzer by the door. You hesitate for a second before pressing the button to let the mysterious visitor in. You’re already on your way back to your couch, having assumed it was just a neighbour who’d locked themselves out again, when you hear heavy footsteps outside your door. 
You quietly walk back up and carefully lean forward to look through the peephole. 
“What the…” you mutter, leaning back, nearly jumping out of your skin when the knocking finally comes. You quickly unlatch the chain and unlock the deadbolt before pulling the door open. “Ed, what the fuck—“
“Merry Christmas,” Eddie blurts out, thrusting a box out at you, though it really sounded more like ‘murr cr’sms’. 
“Merry Christmas to you too but Jesus come inside!” You pull Eddie through the door by his arm, quickly shutting the door behind you and getting started patting the snow off of him. “The hell did you do, walk here? You look like a damn yeti!”
“Y-yeah I kind-kind of d-did.”
You pause in your patting before grabbing Eddie’s arm again and turning him around to face you. You ‘reabout to ask if he was serious, but a quick glance at his face—reddened cheeks and nose, frosted lashes, dry lips—tells you he has, in fact, told you the truth. 
“Fuck me, okay,” you whisper, before shaking your head and getting a move on. “Stay there and take your boots and coat off and then get your ass on that couch, I’m making you coffee.”
You don’t hear any complaints. And though normally you would’ve been glad for the silence, even perhaps proud to have shut him up, Eddie’s silence is, once again, unsettling. And this time you’re pretty sure it’s not because he’s thinking, and most likely because he’s borderline hypothermic.
You try to be quick; you grab that one pair of sweatpants Eddie leant you when you got splashed by a car outside of the arcade. That one metallica shirt you borrowed one time when one Friday movie night turned into an impromptu sleepover. You make your way back to the living room, where thankfully Eddie’s listened to you, and has made himself at home swaddled in the blanket you’d left on the couch. You throw a quick glance to the front door, where his jacket and boots are slowly leaving a growing puddle of snow water.
You definitely need to get a welcome mat or something if this is going to keep happening. 
Your first instinct is to chuck the clothes at Eddie’s head. What you would usually do. But it’s Christmas eve, there’s a god damn storm outside and this maniac walked to your place. For some reason. You feel like you owe him to be nicer than you usually would be. Call it the ghost of Christmas conscience. 
“Here,” you say quietly, holding out the sloppily folded shirt and sweats. “You can change in here. I’ll be in the kitchen.” 
Eddie mutters a very stuttery thanks and takes the clothes from you. You pause for a second to see what’s on the TV—seems like A Christmas Story is about halfway through—before hastily turning away when you see Ed starting to lift his shirt over his head.
Coffee, right. You said you’d make coffee.
You’re being so normal about this, it’s absolutely fine. You’re totally fine. 
By the time you return to the couch in the living room, Eddie’s clothes are exceptionally neatly folded on your coffee table and he’s even more huddled up in your blanket than he had been before. You place his mug of coffee in his waiting hands and have to bite back shocked laughter when, even outstretched, underneath the blanket, he looks like a frozen T-rex.
“Alright,” you huff out when you finally take your seat on the other end of the couch. “You wanna tell me what’s in that box that was so important that you felt you had to walk here in a storm?”
Eddie sputters in his coffee a bit. When he brings the mug back down, he does look a little sheepish.
“Yeah, y’know it sounds pretty stupid when you say it like that.”
You nod and take a sip of your own coffee. “M’hm. That’s cause risking hypothermia to deliver a gift that very well could’ve waited until the storm passed is pretty stupid. No offense.”
Despite your disclaimer and your attempt to sound light about it, Eddie lapses into silence, again. 
“Okay, you keep going quiet, is there something—“
“I didn’t want you to be alone.”
You stop yourself, mouth agape. You bring your coffee mug back up to your lips to try and shake off the surprise.
“I—okay. What, uh, what about Wayne?”
Eddie gestures vaguely under the blanket, and you assume he’s waving the issue of. “He’s with the Hendersons.”
“Oh. That’s…”
“Dustin asked me to go. I said no.”
You frown. “In favour of walking though the snow to get to me?”
“Yeah, well,” Eddie starts, but he doesn’t continue until he takes another long sip from the coffee mug. “Walking wasn’t the plan. Van broke down halfway here.”
“Oh thank god,” you sigh, leaning back into the arm of the couch and pulling your legs up and under you. “I literally thought you walked from your place!” 
“God, never,” Eddie laughs, pulling his own feet up on the couch to sit cross-legged. “But I was halfway here and there’s no power at the trailer, so.”
You hum and nod, but otherwise keep your silence. And you both stay like that for a few minutes. And while you’re taking the time to try and bring your BPM down to something a nurse might not scream about, Eddie seems to be appreciating the warmth that you’ve thrown at him.
“So,” you say after a while, clearing your throat and putting your mostly empty mug on the coffee table. “What’s in the box?” 
Eddie grins and puts his own mug down. The blanket falls away from his shoulders when he reaches toward to grab said box, and he turns it around in his hands before passing it over to you.
“Wait,” you rush to say, just as he opens his mouth. “Shit, wait, I have,” you trail off, and nearly jump over the back of the couch to run to your room. You quickly snatch the gift bag you’d left on your dresser and run back to the living room, nearly tripping over your own feet. You throw yourself back down onto the couch and shove the bag towards Eddie.
“Gift for a gift,” you explain shortly, a little out of breath.
Eddie laughs lightly but takes the gift bag from you, and you eagerly snatch the box from his hands. You’re about to start tearing into the tacky Santa-print wrapping paper, but glance up to make sure it’s okay. Eddie chuckles and nods and motions for you to go ahead. 
You make quick work of the paper and nearly tear the top off the box before turning it over in your hand and letting its content drop into your palm.
“Oh my god,” you breathe, turning over the giant cut glass piece in your hand. You hold it up to the do lamplight, and it looks like it’s shimmering from the inside. Every which way you turn it, it’s like each facet is a different colour that reveals itself to you with each new angle. 
You don’t miss the fact that there are nineteen carefully carved and painted numbers on each face, and the last one has a little flame where the 20 normally would have been. 
You look up to thank Eddie, throat a little tight, but you nearly choke on your own tongue when you see his expression. 
He’s holding your gifted frame in his hands like it might break if he holds it too tightly. You can’t really understand the expression on his face, and the more time he spends staring unblinkingly at it, the more unsure you feel. 
“I, uh, is it… do you not like it?” 
Eddie slowly shakes his head before lifting his eyes up to you. He tries to start a few different sentences before clearing his throat. 
“Is this—this is really what you see?”
You let your hands fall into your lap and nervously turn the massive D20 around in them and nod. 
“Yeah, I mean. The crown might be a bit much,” you chuckle lightly, looking up and away towards the TV. “But yeah. You look really, uh. You look happy, when you’re DMing for the kids. Really cool. Thought you should be able to, I dunno. See it for yourself.”
When you do muster the courage to turn to look back to Eddie, he still has that absolutely confusing look on your face. You lift the heavy dice in one hand and wave it around a bit. 
“This is why you asked for my favourite colour, huh?” 
Eddie blinks a bit owlishly at first, but laughs and shakes his head. Slowly, carefully, he puts your gifted portrait on top of his folded clothes. Leans forward to pluck the dice from your hand and gently put it down on the coffee table next to your mug. 
“Ed, what’s wr—“
You inhale the rest of your question when Eddie reaches out a hand to grab and pull at one of your ankles. You screw your eyes shut when your head meets the couch cushion below your with a soft ‘thump’. And when you open your eyes, Eddie’s hovering over you, hands braced on the couch arm just above your head. You swallow thickly and promptly forget to breathe for a second. 
The end credit music for A Christmas Story feels like it’s playing from miles away.
“You good?” Eddie asks, quietly, and all you can do is nod. “You sure?”
“Yeah, uh huh. Fine,” you whisper, holding your hands close to your chest. Close your eyes when he leans in to rest his forehead against yours. “Why did you really come over?” You whisper, hesitantly uncurling a hand to place it on his chest.
“Missed you.”
“You see me almost every day.”
“Worried about you.”
You snort and lightly slap at his chest. “Bullshit. I own more knives than you do guitar picks.” 
Eddie exhales sharply before pulling back a bit. When you open your eyes, you almost want to hide from the tenderness you see in his. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” you whisper, turning your head to the side to watch the TV turns from black to blue, now that the tape’s over. 
“Like what?” Eddie asks, and you can hear the shit-eating grin in his voice when he nuzzles at your neck. 
You grunt. “Like, I don’t know. Like you—like…”
“Like you’re the only person I’d drive and walk through a snow storm to see?” 
You hum but keep your head resolutely turned away. Shiver when you can feel his lips ghosting against your cheek. 
“Like you’re in love with me,” you mutter quietly, screwing your eyes shut. 
Eddie slowly peels a hand away from the arm of the couch to turn your head to look at him. You still avert your eyes. He brushes the hair away from your face instead.
“Come on, don’t be like that,” he says, almost whines, tilting his head to try to catch your eyes. “You’re smarter than me, you’re not that dumb.”
You huff and cross your arms and finally look up at Eddie. There was some kind of combative quip on the tip of your tongue but it dies there as soon as the look on his face properly registers. 
“You’re not fucking around,” you say frowning. 
“I’m not fucking around.” Eddie sighs and moves up to kneel on the couch, both knees boxing in your legs. You move up on your elbows and scoot up a bit to lean your back against the arm of the couch. 
“Since when do you—“ 
“Dude, you literally saved me from a swarm of hell bats, somehow managed to team up with a super powered teenage girl to save the world, still don’t think I’m an absolute coward and show up at my doorstep if I call you when I can’t sleep,” Eddie lists off, starting to wave down at your a bit frantically. “And you actually listen to my shitty garage band music!”
“It’s not shitty!” 
“You’re proving my damn point, woman!” Ed shouts, swatting your hand away when you go to slap his chest again. “Merry fucking Christmas, I’m in love with you!” 
You let yourself slide back down to lie on the couch and laugh when you throw an arm over your face. 
“The fuck, this isn’t funny!” Eddie whines, trying to slap your arms away from your face. “This is serious!”
You choke your laughter down enough to say, “Roll for perception.” 
“Excuse me?” Eddie squawks, indignantly, pausing his assault on your arms. You lower them just enough to be able to peek at him. 
“You heard me, roll for perception.”
Eddie scoffs but turns to grab the massive dichroic dice from the table and gently rolls it along your carpeted floor. 
“Huh. 18. Do I get to add my wisdom modifier to that?” 
Though you bring your arms down from your face, you still cover it with your hands.
“You’re the only name and phone number I keep in my address book,” you start quietly, biting down on your lips before continuing. “That portrait of you isn’t the first one I’ve ever bothered trying to do. The photo of us Max took in the hospital is the only one I have framed. I hate cashews.”
“But you keep a tin of cashews in the cupboard on top of the f… fridge…” 
You nod and part your fingers to catch a glimpse of Eddie. He sighs before shouting and shaking his head. 
“Ed, what the—“
“Why are we so stupid complicated!” He shouts again, but it peters out into laughter. “Jesus, why can’t we just say shit like normal people?” 
“We hate normal people,” you deadpan, slowly letting your hands slide down your face. “So, uh,” you start, curling your fingers under your chin. “Merry, uh, Merry fucking Christmas, I lo—I love you too?”
Eddie closes his eyes and tilts his head back to sigh like you’ve just given him a glass of water after spending weeks in the desert.
You move to half sit up on your elbows again. 
“Hey, you—“
“Does this mean I can kiss you now and you’re not going to think I’m just doing it because it’s the holidays and there was mistletoe over your door?”
You blink for a second and pull yourself up on the arm of the couch and twist around to look at your door. Huh. Sure as shit, there it is.
“Oh. Mrs H must’ve put that up when she came over,” you say nervously, but when you turn around you’re shocked, both because of the still-freezing hand that comes up to your jaw and the lips that are pressed almost chastely against yours. 
“God bless Mrs H,” Eddie whispers, and your laughter is a quick huff before you loop your arms around his neck to pull him down against you for another kiss.
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imagineteamfreewill · 2 years
softly, gently, falling
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Title: softly, gently, falling
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Mentions of a bad day at work
Square Filled: First Snowfall
Trope Completed: Comfort Fic
Summary: After a long day at work, Y/N returns home to Cas, who’s waiting to make her feel better.
A/N: This is a submission for the 2022 SPN Christmas Bingo (@spnchristmasbingo​)and fulfills Trope #19 in my 25 Days of Tropes series! I am determined to finally finish this trope list after several years of avoiding working on it.  I hope you all enjoy.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
25 Days of Tropes Masterlist
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“What do you need?” he asked.
You shrugged under the blanket Cas had draped around you immediately after you’d curled up on the couch. “A new boss? More food? Quitting?” You sighed and leaned your head against his shoulder. “I don’t know, Cas. It was just a bad day, you know? I don’t know what exactly will make it feel better. I just want it to be over.”
Right now, everything and nothing sounded like the best solution ever to your horrible day. You were so exhausted that you could barely keep your eyes open on the drive home. Customers had been coming in droves, and none of them were even the slightest bit thankful for your help. Not even your boss had thanked you today, despite the fact that you’d gone above and beyond. The only thanks you’d gotten was an hour’s worth of overtime pay, but that was nothing compared to what you deserved after a day like today. Thankfully, Cas had dinner waiting when you arrived home, and now you could spend what little remaining energy you had on him.
Sighing again, you snuggled closer to him and cradled your bowl of soup between your thighs. He adjusted his arm and the blanket so that you were still kept warm as you moved, and you smiled a little. No matter how long you’d been together, his thoughtfulness never failed to make you feel a little giddy inside. Castiel had a way of making you feel special. The blanket he’d chosen was one of your favorites, as was the soup, and you knew that if you even mentioned it, he’d be able to pull one of your favorite desserts out of the kitchen. He probably even had one of your favorite movies on standby if you wanted to watch something together.
“It is over,” he reminded you, and you hummed in agreement. “And now we have the weekend together. We can sleep in tomorrow, and then we can do whatever we want.”
“Yes, we can.”
You smiled a little more. The two of you had been planning your Christmas weekend for almost a full year now. It was the first time either of you had been able to spend it away from the craziness of your families. It would just be the two of you in your little apartment, celebrating how far you’d come since this time last year. Grand ideas for vacations and friends-only parties had been tossed around, but eventually you’d settled on a quiet weekend at home. It was exactly what the two of you needed, especially after today.
You and Cas continued to eat your soup in silence, though the TV continued playing reruns in the background. He’d kept the volume low, mostly to fill the empty space, but you didn’t need it. Cas did, though, and anything that helped him stay in the moment while you were together was okay with you. You’d gotten used to the different tricks and techniques he used on a daily basis, and tuning out the TV was second nature by now.
Once your bowl was empty, you nudged him in the side with your elbow. He grumbled about you knocking his organs out of alignment, but you caught his playful smile out of the corner of your eye and smiled back.
“I’m glad you were off today. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t been here…”
When you trailed off, your smile fading at the reminder of the terrible day you’d had at work, Cas nudged you back. You lifted your eyes just enough to meet his.
“You could’ve called me. You can always call me if you need me. I’ll always come, even if I have to reschedule a meeting or move a client to another day. You’re more important to me than any job,” he told you.
Your heart grew two sizes, if that was even possible, and you leaned into him a little bit more. He kissed the top of your head. You could’ve sworn that you fell in love with him a little more each day, and you had been for years now. 
“Have I ever told you that I love you?” you asked as you snuggled against him.
Cas took the empty bowl from your lap and set it on the coffee table beside his. “I believe you have.”
“Well, I do.” You grabbed his hand before he could tuck it back under the blankets and began to play with his fingers. He watched you in silence, letting you fidget as you continued to warm up from the long walk from your car to the building. With holiday visitors taking up over half the spots, you’d had to park even farther away than usual.
You were starting to drift off to sleep in Cas’ arms when he shook you, then stood up from the couch. If you hadn’t caught yourself, you would’ve faceplanted on the cushion.
“Y/N, look!”
You squinted up at him for a moment and propped yourself up with one arm. Cas gestured toward the sliding glass door that led out onto your small balcony, and you blinked a few times to clear your blurry vision. He hadn’t shown this much enthusiasm since you’d arrived home, but you’d just assumed he’d tampered down his usual evening energy to help your night be more relaxing.
“What is it?” you yawned, blinking a few more times.
Still smiling, he carefully helped you to your feet and led you by the hand over to the windows. With the other hand, he pushed the curtains out of the way so you could see what had made him so excited.
Outside, fluffy white snowflakes had begun to fall. They fell steadily, gently covering each car and bush with a thick layer of white. Judging by what you could see from the floodlights on the sides of your building, it had already been snowing for a while now, but neither you nor Cas had noticed while you were wrapped up in each other.
The frigid cold had settled in days ago, leaving everyone with high expectations for a white Christmas, but no snow had fallen until now. Almost everyone had given up hope. You gripped Castiel’s arm with both hands, smiling wide as you watched the snow float down from the sky above. All thoughts of sleep were gone from your mind, instead replaced with ideas involving snowmen, hot chocolate, and a quiet breakfast beside the windows.
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered, and he nodded beside you. String lights twinkled on other apartment balconies and windows, creating a picturesque view from your fifth floor apartment. 
You slid one hand down to lace your fingers with his. Cas hummed happily when you did, and you smiled a little bit more, looking up at him.
“Merry Christmas,” you told him.
He smiled back, then leaned down to kiss you sweetly. “Merry Christmas.”
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littledrummeraussie · 2 years
Little Xmas blurb
Ashton sneaks in a present the reader didn't know about.
Or soft Ashton hours is always fun to read
Hi my lovely! ❤️ I think I was able to do both the Christmas present one and soft Ashton thing in one, and I do hope you’ll enjoy it! ❤️
masterlist. | want to be added to my taglist? | Christmas Blurb Fest 2022
a Christmas surprise. [an Ashton blurb]
warnings: some angsty feels and a lot of cuteness. I don’t want to say much because that would give away most of it and that would ruin the story :)
word count: 1318
“Look, Zoe, look! Look at the teddy Ashton got you!”
The little girl in your lap giggled, tugging on the teddy bear’s ear that Ashton was holding in front of her. He looked at her with a bright smile, babbling and giggling as well, a conversation only the two of them understood. It warmed your heart, the way they’ve been loving each other from that very first moment – he made it so easy to pretend that the three of you were a happy little family.
But Zoe wasn’t Ashton’s daughter, and you were still unsure how serious your relationship was. If someone would ask you about how you ended up in this situation, your only answer would be: it’s complicated. Because how do you explain to people that after you found yourself alone and pregnant, your best guy friend let you stay with him while you were expecting your daughter, and made sure all your needs were met, turned one of his guest bedrooms into a nursery, and even took you to the hospital when you went into labour?
How do you tell people that he was the one who held you when you cried and was there to clean you up when you were sick in the morning, who sang songs to your unborn child and bought you ice cream in the middle of the night when you woke up craving it? How would they react if you told them that Ashton held your hand when Zoe was born, tears in his eyes when he first looked at the little baby bundled into her blankets? What would they say when they learned that he kissed you right then and there, mumbling how proud he was of you and how he might have fallen in love with you while you were living with him.
“Everything’s okay?” Ashton reached for your hand, lacing your fingers together, and you nodded, squeezing his hand in yours.
“Yeah,” you smiled at him, eyes moving between his face and the pile of presents under the tree. “You’re spoiling her.”
“I’m pretty sure there are some stuff for you as well,” he winked at you, tickling Zoe’s foot to make her giggle again.
You were all sitting in the living room, wearing a matching set of Christmas pyjamas, differing in colour, but all having the same pattern. It was Ashton’s idea, and you couldn’t say no to it, not when it was so cute and domestic. Sometimes you let yourself believe that this could be your life, that you and Ashton would be together for many more years.
But if you wanted to be honest with yourself, you didn’t think it was a real possibility – sure, he let you stay with him when you had almost nowhere else to go, and he somehow fell for you during those months, but was this really something that could be a long term thing? What if one day he meets someone who doesn’t have baggage like you? And certainly not a kid.
“Alright, come on, give her to me!” you didn’t realize that you were lost in thoughts again, only when Ashton reached over and took Zoe out of your lap, letting her sit in his own instead. “The thin package, that one. That’s for both of you.”
“You shouldn’t have, I told you,” you shook your head with a smile, already starting to tear the wrapping paper. “I thought we agreed on not doing presents for each other this year.”
“I’m allowed to surprise you,” he bumped his knee against yours, cradling the little girl in his arms. “It’s the boyfriend privilege.”
“Okay, let’s see what did you get us, Mr. Boyfriend,” you pulled out a manila envelope from the wrapping paper, opening it carefully. “I hope you did not buy us anything…”
Ashton only hummed in response, playing with Zoe as you started reading the document in your hands. After the first few rows your eyes went wide, slowly looking back at your boyfriend.
“Ashton… these are… are these adoption papers?”
“They are,” his voice was warm and steady, scooting next to you so your shoulders touched, hand resting on your knee. “I’ve had them for a while.”
“But…” your eyes were going back and forth between him and the papers in your hand. “You wanna adopt Zoe? Really?”
“And not just that,” he gave Zoe back to you before he reached for one of the ornaments on the Christmas tree, a beautiful red orb covered in velvet.
You didn’t have time to process what was happening, because the next thing you knew was that Ashton was sitting across from you, the red ornament popped open in his palm, holding a beautiful ring in front of you.
“I know you hate clichés. God knows I’ve tried to come up with something else, but nothing seemed as honest as this one. There is a reason why Christmas is the season of love, and I want you to know that I love you, Y/N. I know that sometimes it’s hard for you to believe and accept it. That you sometimes think I only care about you and Zoe because I offered you to stay here and now I don’t have the heart to send you away.”
There was no reason to deny those words – they were things you’ve talked about before, when you confessed to Ashton that at times you did not feel good enough – neither as a mother, nor as a girlfriend. That you thought he could do better, that you did not want to burden his already busy life with a child that wasn’t his own. But Ashton always told you that his feelings were real, and he was happy the two of you were part of his life.
“I don’t want any of you to leave, not ever,” he continued, eyes boring into yours, so beautiful and honest, and you felt tears starting to gather in the corner of your eye. “I know that what we have is not your regular love story and not your traditional family. But I don’t care. I love the both of you with all my heart, and I would love to call Zoe my daughter. I want to give her everything in life, because she deserves to be loved. And you, Y/N, I have no idea what you’ve done to me, but I cannot imagine my life without you now. So I need to ask you: would you let me become Zoe’s dad, officially, and at the same time, would you accept me to be in your life from now on, and marry me?”
Zoe let out a series of giggles at Ashton’s words, and you felt your heart bursting with love, a teary chuckle escaping you as you tried to wipe away your tears. Ashton leaned closer and knocked his forehead against yours, helping you brush away the tears from under your eyes.
“I think she would love to call you Daddy,” you hiccuped a little, making Ashton smile as well as he cupped your cheek.
“And what do you say? Would you like to call me–”
“Hell no!” you scrunched up your face with a laugh, already knowing the joke he wanted to make. “But I would love to marry you, Ash, yes. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he sighed, pressing his lips against yours in a kiss, one full of love and promises. “And I love you too, little Miss Zoe.”
He bent down to kiss her cheek, and Zoe tried to imitate him more or less successfully. You knew you’ll always remember this Christmas, and not because of the ring that was now on your finger, a promise from Ashton to build a life together. It was the love he had for Zoe, and the gift of giving her a real family – blended or not: it was your own.
@mymindwide @fuckyeah5sostakemehome @suchalonelysunflower @talkfastromance4 @ashtonsunflower @in-superbloom @wiiildflowerrr @lovelywordsblog @heyitskelseaj 
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hyuukais · 2 years
Sweet Dreams And Good Night
time just for the two of us blooming white, I hope for a comfortable night at the end of your day; like a present sweet dreams and goodnight
word count: 446
genres: hueningkai x reader, fluff
warnings: none
author: merry christmas, happy hanukkah, and happy holidays ! love u all <3
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Red wrinkles the air, sending swaths of heating rippling over you. The fire licks at its stone confines; dancing into your eyes. Every little flit and flicker lighting sparks. Burning sunset wriggling along faux logs. Lost in its majestic performance around the fireplace. A head bumps against your shoulder, tickling their hair on your neck. Their pair of eyes joining in your faded gaze. Watching along, hanging off your side, ticking time away to the inferno. Burning up seconds to minutes with only the moonlight shading across the carpet. Arms slowly wind around your stomach, rubbing soft circles atop the skin. Two knees come to cradle your own. The night, draped in winter and lights, settled into this moment. There is a moment of warming silence; music no longer rings nor are any shouts left in the air. Only faint words sighed into your back.
“Sunflower…you coming to bed soon?”
“Mm, it’s so warm in here though.”
Everything fades in and out. Slow motion in each movement it takes you to meet his eyes; blinking deeply in his presence. The tips of your noses touch; lips barely there, smothered in each other's heat. His curve so nicely, plump and pink, always so nice to kiss. Red enough to match the flush trailing down his neck. You feel the same heat running through yours.
It goes black again, growing warm in your gut. Kai’s hands still trail across your middle. You grab them, curling your fingers in between. His nose knocks yours and lips slot in.
“I’ll be so lonely without you.”
You want to squeeze closer and closer. Become a part of him forever. Never be lonely, have his love as yours for the rest of time. Meld your hearts to one.
“It’ll be so cold.”
Your heart is in a flurry. Burning up in frostbite, like the snow pounding outside. Every fingertip wandering the expanse of your thighs like a lit candle. Wax dripping like sparks exploding off in your chest.
“If you stay out here, Santa will never come.”
You feel the laughter spilling out before you can stop it. Falling back to his chest. Ringing out in peace-disturbing glory. You catch the growing grin pinching up Huening’s eyes, obviously so happy with himself and the kiss. Your cheeks match his.
“Okay!” Huffing out giggling breaths, “I’ll be there soon.”
Tucked into your boyfriend, wanting to pull yourself further and further into him. Curl up in his lap fully. You could melt away here. Kai’s lips press on your forehead. His hands drag back up your hips. They make your eyes flutter; it’s almost impossible to fulfill that promise.
“Please don’t make me wait too long.”
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pintsizemama · 2 years
Day 26
Welcome to the 2022 Christmas Writing Challenge!
Summary: You give Frankie a stocking for next Christmas.
Pairings: Frankie Morales x Reader, Frankie Morales x You
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Rating: Mature 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 501
Warnings: language, pregnancy…let me know if I missed anything!
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Day 25 Day 27 Christmas Masterlist Main Masterlist AO3 Join my taglist
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“Frankie!” You called out. “Can you come here please?” You heard his footsteps headed your way. Your heart fluttered, and your stomach knotted slightly in anticipation. You were nervous and excited. Yesterday had been an unforgettable day.
After all the gifts were opened Frankie had shocked the hell out of you and Maria when he dropped down to one knee and proposed. You immediately said yes. Maria was thrilled. She couldn’t stop talking about Santa granting her Christmas wish.
Frankie later explained to you that he had bought the ring long before that and had planned to propose on Valentine’s Day. You thought it was sweet that he had moved the proposal up to make sure Maria’s belief in the magic of Christmas stayed intact. You had your own exciting news, but you decided to wait a day to share it.You stood in front of the fireplace, your gift in hand.
“What’s up, mi amor?” Frankie asked once he was in front of you.
“I have something for you,” you said simply and handed him the stocking you had been holding.
“A stocking?” He asked. “Uh, thanks….but, baby, I already have one.” He pointed to his stocking hanging from the mantle.
“I know,” you replied. “This one’s not for you…and it’s for next year.” His brow furrowed in confusion. “Look at it. Read it.” He glanced down at the stocking.
“Baby’s First Christmas,” he read to himself. “Is this Maria’s old stocking? No, we never got one like this for her…holy shit.” He looked up at you. “Baby…are you…are you pregnant?” You bit your lip and nodded.
“Holy shit!” He shouted. He wrapped his arms around your waist and picked you up. “I can’t believe we’re having a baby!” He set you back on your feet and kissed you deeply.
“So, you’re happy about it?” You asked cautiously. You hadn’t really talked much about having kids. You both wanted more, but a timeline hadn’t been decided.
“I’m thrilled,” he said softly. “This is the best damn Christmas present I could ever ask for. Maria is gonna lose her mind when we tell her!” You giggled. Frankie dropped to his knees and gently cradled your stomach. He placed a kiss over your belly button.
“Hey, in there,” he whispered, “it’s your Daddy. I already love you so much, and I can’t wait to meet you.” You ran your fingers through his curls, your heart bursting with love.
“When can we tell everyone?” He asked, his eyes shining bright with adoration.
“How about we break the news about the engagement first,” you suggested. “Then we’ll tell them about the baby in a few weeks…spread out the good news a bit.”
“Whatever you want, mi amor,” he replied immediately. He kissed your belly once more. “Fuck, I can’t believe I’m gonna be a dad again.”
“This is turning out to be quite the memorable Christmas,” you said.
“One for the record books,” Frankie said with a smile.
Day 27
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nannymcpee · 2 years
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I posted 134 times in 2022
That's 134 more posts than 2021!
63 posts created (47%)
71 posts reblogged (53%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 55 of my posts in 2022
#caregiver - 54 posts
#ab/dl community - 54 posts
#ab/dl lifestyle - 47 posts
#ab/dl boy - 47 posts
#ab/dl mommy - 46 posts
#cgl little - 46 posts
#ab/dl couple - 46 posts
#ab/dl diaper - 46 posts
#cgl relationship - 45 posts
#abdlmommy - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 20 characters
#mommy dom little boy
My Top Posts in 2022:
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324 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
A little shopping trip….. After a quick breakfast, bottle and nursing cuddles I dressed my boo bear in some cute grey trackies and a pink T-shirt. I’d thought about putting him in a onesie but I just can’t resist that nappy peeking out of his waist band. We had a couple of minutes before we had to head off so popped to the park for a quick play on the swings where I pushed him as high as he could go. Then into the car to try out his new makeshift car seat. He looked so safe and cosy in it. Loaded up with stuffie (Harvey the teddy bear), dummy and sippy cup we set off. We got to the shops early so I nursed my darling boy from the car before we headed into the shopping centre taking Harvey for the trip. As we headed straight to the toy stores holding hands my boo bear suddenly stopped and pulled on my hand then reached out for a cuddle. I snuggled him into me with Harvey between us and rubbed his back for reassurance. Then he nuzzled into my neck and I heard his cute little grunts and felt his tummy muscles contract against me. My heart fluttered with excitement as I realised he was filling his nappy. The warm fuzzy feeling inside me grew bigger and bigger as I cooed and reassured my baby that he was ok and such a good boy for mummy. I held him a little longer enjoying the closeness between us and sharing in our secret together. Eventually we ended the cuddle and carried on to the toy shops. We admired all of the Lego displays in the Lego store. Boo bear requested that one day his nursery be decorated in only Lego Christmas decorations for Christmas time. In Hamleys Toy store we played with the games on display and I caught my cheeky little tyke trying to run off with a Bluey toy set. Once I took it off him I treated him to a Bluey Weeble as a compromise. He was very happy with his toy and practically skipped out of the shop. We stopped to get lunch, a sausage roll and ginger bread man while sitting at a picnic bench by the pond and watched the ducks and had plenty more cuddles. We had time to look in one more shop then visited the disabled toilet for a nappy change before heading back home. Boo bear lay down on the floor while I got him all cleaned up. As I was taping him back up into a clean nappy I watched my darling boy sucking on his dummy and cuddling Harvey. He was looking at the wall above him and tracing the cracks with his finger. He looked so adorable and was completely lost to his little head space. I think time stood still for both of us in that moment. The love I felt for him completely overwhelming me and tears stung at my eyes. Once his trousers were back on I pulled him up into my arms and briefly cradled him before we both got back on to our feet and headed back to the car. Before leaving the toilet I caught my sweet little Prince admiring his nappy bulge in the mirror. Back in the car I nursed him again and he wriggled and thrusted, clearly enjoying the feel of his now warm, soggy nappy against him. I rubbed the front of his nappy to increase his enjoyment. He made the cutest little murmurs and whimpers as he continued to suckle on my nipple. Once he was ready to get back into his car seat I strapped him in and gave his soggy, and now slightly sticky, nappy one last pat and drove toward home. Thank you @mummys-lil-mushbutt for making all my dreams come true and making them so much better than I could ever have imagined.
351 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
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370 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
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477 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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485 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Kinkmas - Day 9: Mirror Sex W/ Kino
Post Date: 9th December 2022 Content: Smut - Pentagon Kino x Reader WC: 1K TW?: Mirror Sex/ Praise/ GN - Reader has vulva/ Ass smacking/ SoftDom!Kino
Summary: You admire yourself so much in your reflections through the town’s windows, Kino turns this into something for both of your pleasures.
Masterlist               Kinkmas Masterlist                     Prompt list
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"Look how pretty these lights are," you excitedly squeal, pulling at your boyfriend's hand towards the lights from across the street.
"They're not as pretty as you," Kino cheekily replies, grinning madly as he watches the lights glitter in the reflections in your eyes, admiring how beautiful you really were.
But you weren't the only one admiring yourself, your eyes dropping to your reflection in the window, glowing with the Christmas lights around the town. How you love the reflection of you holding onto the love of your life's hand? How you admire how you looked in the outfit that Kino had picked out for you? And this didn't go a miss by Kino who watches you look at you both in the reflection, smiling to yourself.
Scoffing lightly, "So you like admiring yourself in your reflection, huh?" Kino asks, pulling you close to him, standing behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist.
He didn't know why but he was so attracted to the way you looked at yourself, smirking as he trails his hands down the contours of your body over your coat. The way you smile at him through the reflection when he trails soft kisses on your cheeks makes him think of many things, mainly about if you could admire yourself like this now, how could you react when you're watching yourself being sent to heaven and back when his tongue and fingers do the dirty work. Or even watching how your face contorts when his hips slam against yours.
And that didn't take long to find out at all. Ushering you home quickly, promising to take you out for hot chocolate and another light show, just so he could try his twisted little idea. Well, that's how he thought it would sound, but he wanted to try it, hoping you would be down for it too.
Getting through the front door, Kino struggles to keep his hands off of you, kissing all up your face and down your neck which makes you giggle, melting into his affection.
“What’s got you all excited, huh?” You squeal, trying to wriggle out of his grasp for a quick breather, and getting greeted by a lustful smirk on his face, the way he peels your coat off your body, throwing it to the side before directing you to the bedroom.
Sitting you down on the bed for the moment, he disappears and comes back holding onto your living room mirror, putting it up against the wall in perfect view of the bed. His hands attach to your body once again, inch by inch taking an item of clothing off your body.
“I wanna try something,” he almost growls when he talks, eyeing every bit of skin that was getting exposed to him every time items of clothing were getting removed, licking his lips in the process. 
“What is it?” You reply in confusion, brows furrowed together as you’re pulled to cradle his lap, skin getting warm to the touch from excitement as your naked bodies press against one another. 
Kissing all up your collarbone, he grips your ass tightly, peering around you to see how perfect you were from behind in the mirror, growling to himself, “You’re so fucking perfect, turn around and look at perfect you are in the mirror”.
Doing as he says, you turn your head, capturing yourself in your reflection on his lap, how the curves of your body are accentuated, smirking as you manage to get a glimpse of him looking at you too which makes your body shiver and goosebumps rise on your skin. 
His fingers trail up your sides, watching how your face contorts in pleasure to his light touches, feeling you starting to get wet on his lap as his other hand trails between your legs.
“Let’s have some fun, shall we? But you have to keep looking at yourself in the mirror,” he whispers seductively in your ear, brushing a finger across your clit to make you react, pleased to see you bite your lip and a muffled whimper leaves your lips. 
Nodding in reply, excited for what you’re in for, you turn around, taking place with your ass up in his direction whilst your chest and head buried into the sheets, turning it so you can still see yourself. Of course, you capture him biting his lip and smirking at your choice of position, happy that you read his mind. 
Making sure to keep an eye on you through your reflections, he gets on his knees behind you and caresses your ass before slapping down hard on the one cheek, making you wince from the stinging sensation. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him, how his face contorts in satisfaction, how his dark lustful eyes never leave your body. 
Teasing the tip of his cock at your entrance, he watches your face, plastered with a smirk as he slowly enters you, the pleasure making your eyes screw shut which makes him stop when he’s deep inside of you, “Keep your eyes open baby, look how pretty you are when you moan because my is cock deep inside of you”. 
“You’re doing so good, baby,” he instantly adds when he sees your attempt to do as he says, his length sinking deeper into you after pulling out ever so far, making you whimper and quietly cry in pleasure. 
Quickly, you were finding out that this may be your new favourite thing and Kino was all for it, being more vocal than usual with how he loves watching himself fuck you whilst you’re being pleasured like this. 
It was a struggle, you had to admit, to keep your eyes open to watch yourself as your world is getting rocked, the pleasure being too much, and oh how hot your boyfriend was, his growls to accompany his also contorting face made everything a whole lot better. 
“Look at you behaving so well for me, aren’t you so perfect? Look at yourself, you’re so perfect aren’t you?” He practically chants with each stroke he makes, making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
To add to it, he reaches under to circle your clit whilst he fills you up so perfectly, making you completely weak in the knees. 
“Yes, Kino... So perfect... Fuck,” you cry out loud, trying your absolute best to keep your eyes peeled on your reflections despite how much he’s trying you.
Stopping momentarily to kiss down your back, and your shoulders, he whispers, “You are, you really are”. 
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Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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garaksapprentice · 1 year
Review: the Daedalus Falcon e-spinner
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Originally posted on my blog: https://garaksapprentice.blogspot.com/2023/09/review-daedalus-falcon-e-spinner.html
(There's a ton of photos in this one and much as I love you all, I cannot brain moving them all over here. So if you want all the pics, please check the blog.)
I confess, this is a departure from my usual "let's do things with the least amount of money we can get away with" style. In my defence, I strive to be frugal rather than cheap. I don't mind spending the money to get a good quality, durable product, if it's something I know will get a lot of use. An e-spinner definitely fits that category for me, for several reasons.
One, I fall well on the frog hair end of the spinning spectrum, something most traditional wheels just aren't designed to accommodate. I actually found it faster (and easier on my legs) to use a spindle for the kinds of fine, high-twist yarns I prefer to spin. But, there are limits to how fine I can comfortably go on a spindle - anything past about 50 WPI and I have to concentrate just on the spinning. Not good when you typically use a spindle on the go.
Two, I have a lingering knee injury that doesn't like the treadle action of most spinning wheels (something I find hilariously frustrating given I ride a cargo bike anywhere I can't take the train).
Three, I spin mostly to weave. Much as I love spinning, I like it to end eventually so I can move onto the weaving part of the equation.
After three straight months of research, the Daedalus Falcon came out as the hands-down winner for my goals of speed, fine yarn, and product durability.
Why Daedalus?
Daedalus manufacture high-end e-spinners and spinning accessories. All their products are designed to need little to no maintenance, and to last 20+ years - they're seriously well put together.
They make five different e-spinners to suit just about any spinning preference, from super bulky art yarn to ultra fine frog hair. The Falcon is specifically designed for production spinning of fine yarns - it can reach speeds of 4,200 RPM, over twice what I could get from my Ashford Traditional wheel.
I'll be honest, I spent a long time thinking about which model, and whether to order a Daedalus at all. These beauties are high-performance machines built to last. But, that means they come with the price tag of a high-performance machine. Plus currency exchange. Plus postage. (Yikes.) In all, I spent just under AU$2,000 on my Falcon set-up (I ordered three extra bobbins at US$90 and some yarn control cards for US$24).
At the time I ordered (November 2022), there was an estimated wait time of 12 months or more. Luckily for me, if not my bank account, Daedalus expanded their production capacity over the 2022 Christmas break. I reached the front of the Falcon queue in June 2023 (seven months from sign-up). At the time of writing (September 2023) there is no queue for the Falcon, and the Daedalus team are working to banish their waitlists completely.
The package
My Falcon came party disassembled, cradled in bubble wrap. (I wasn't thinking about writing a review when I ordered it, so I didn't take pictures.) The flyer assembly was individually wrapped for transport, as were the speed controller, inverter, cables, and welcome pack/spares bag.
The inverter is a standard laptop style pack. It comes with a US-ended jug plug, but that's easy to change out for whatever your local plug end is. I dove into my box of spare cables and leads and had a compatible jug plug in less than two minutes. If you don't have a box of old computer cords lying around, what century did you time travel from plan ahead and buy a new one.
Importantly, the inverter outputs 15 volts! Make absolutely sure that you've got the right one when you go to spin! Most laptops nowadays run on 20 volts - you don't want to damage the motor by running it faster than it's designed for.
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The extension cable for the speed controller, and the power end on the motor itself, is some non-standard end that I've never seen before. (It's probably very common among people who know things about electronics; I'm not one of them.) It's similar to USB-A connectors in that the ends are directional; if you don't get them the right way up, they won't connect. The cord itself has a protective, braided outer and feels very sturdy.
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From top to bottom: the outside of both ends, the female end, and the male end.
The Instructions
The guidebook (also available as a PDF on their website) is beautifully designed, and clearly written. The parts diagrams are clearly photographed and labelled. I've found the instructions easy to follow, even with a scattered brain.
It includes:
getting started
fine tuning the tension
how to use the speed controller
a page of "handy tips"
how to change the bobbin
an RPM speed table
changing settings in the speed controller menu
flat packing for travel
the Daedalus battery (purchased separately)
Daedalus' social media and contact details
The first page has a QR code that takes you directly to the Daedalus YouTube channel, where you can find videos on how to assemble and disassemble each model. My one quibble here is that the QR code takes you to the channel as a whole, rather than to the specific playlist for the model you bought. The videos themselves are short, to the point, and well shot with clear lighting and narration.
Also, the manual states that the speed controller has been limited to 50% max speed in the settings - mine wasn't. I've seen other folks on social media also say their controller wasn't speed limited for this model, so it's something to watch out for.
About that battery
Daedalus offer a battery bank that's designed to work with all their e-spinners (yay!). Unfortunately, due to issues with postage, they don't mail them outside the continental US (boo!).
While their website does say that they'll help you find a compatible battery that you can purchase in your country, this is complicated by the part where all their stuff runs on 15 volts. In Australia at least, 15v battery banks with a standard laptop cable input simply don't exist. I spent six weeks trying to find somewhere to buy a battery - I eventually gave up due to my brain frying any time I tried to look at listings.
While I'd like the option of a battery eventually (it would be much easier to set up in the back yard that way), for now I've made peace with needing to lug extension cords anywhere I want to spin.
Spinning Experience
So far I've only spun commercially prepared wools, so this won't be a thorough review of the Falcon's performance over a variety of fibres and preps. (I'll attempt that later, when I get the chance. And finer wool cards.)
It's quiet. Really quiet. At least two people at every guild meeting I've taken it to have commented on how quiet it is. Most of the noise comes from the flyer rotation, and considerably less from the motor. I'm quite sensitive to noise, especially higher pitches, so I was concerned about this. Luckily it hasn't been an issue. (If you're the sort of person who can hear electricity, it may bother you. I've lost that mysterious ability as I've aged, for the most part, so I can't say for sure.)
I have noticed that the noise changes/gets louder at speeds above about 70% - again, this is simply due to the fact that the flyer is turning at ~3,000+ RPM. At worst I have to turn the laptop up slightly to better hear the video I have playing. The breeze off the flyer sure helps with air circulation on a warm day, too.
The size of the hooks (loops, really) and the inner part of the orifice make threading a breeze. I do occasionally struggle with very fine, high twist threads, especially when I'm rethreading after a break. That's partly finding the right angle to hold the thread at so that it catches in the hook, and partly my fingers not always co-operating.This is the position I find works best for threading the orifice.
I wouldn't want to try it with a non-Daedalus orifice hook, though - there's quite a bend in the hook, and it's there for good reason. Luckily the Falcon body has magnets on it to always keep your hook nearby.
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The magnets + hook combo is great for holding the end of the thread when you're not spinning, too. I just wrap it around the middle of the hook a few times and stick it back on the magnets.
Take-up and tensioning
The take-up is wonderfully light, and can be ridiculously fine-tuned to match what you're spinning. When take-up drops below an acceptable level (once or twice per layer of bobbin filling), a tiny adjustment (less than a quarter turn) is usually enough to get things back on track.
I've filled four part-bobbins so far (two I'm still working on, one I ran out of fibre), at ~65 WPI, 45 WPI, and ~85 WPI. On each empty bobbin, I started with the spring completely compressed and the cord just barely tight/without slack. It took a few minutes of trial and error with each fibre to dial in the correct tension, but once I did, it was basically hassle-free for each spinning session thereafter.
That being said - I found correct tensioning quite tricky to dial in at first, because the hook and dial had shifted on their arms during shipping. If you put your wheel in something to travel with and find the tension is all screwy next time you go to spin, that's something to look at.
This circumstance isn't covered in the guide book, so it took me a while to work out why my "maximum tension" on the dial still wasn't enough to draw on the yarn I was spinning (it only became apparent about a third into the bobbin). Once I realised that the tension dial had rotated on the shaft in transport, I was able to reset it by simply rotating it back to a more vertical position.
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This is an extreme example, but both the tension dial and the spring hook opposite it can rotate like this if you're not careful.
At first I didn't think I'd need the foot pedal extension cord - surely I'd just be able to bop the controller on and off with my hand while I was spinning?
I was quickly disabused of this notion partway through my second bobbin. When things go wrong while spinning a 60 WPI single at 2,500 RPM, they go wrong fast. Being able to turn the Falcon off with my foot, while frantically trying to salvage whatever's gone wrong, is essential.
A really nice bonus to the foot pedal is that I'm not stuck in one position while spinning - I can sit, stand, rock from side to side, even crouch or kneel. I have back and shoulder problems and an old knee injury, so being able to freely change posture is a godsend for keeping my muscles happy.
And the soft stop/start - oh. my. Dog. I did not realise how much nicer my wheel spinning life could be. A soft stop is built in to spindle spinning by default, and I genuinely didn't realise how much I missed that on a wheel until I started spinning on the Falcon. I sing its praises whenever the thread breaks - the end stays loose and easy to find on top of the bobbin. No matter how gently I tried to stop my treadle wheel, more often than not the thread end would be buried somewhere in the hills and valleys on the bobbin, and there would be much swearing during retrieval.
Bobbin size
Daedalus advertises the Falcon bobbin as holding "two ounces (60 g) of 30 WPI singles". After plying a couple of bobbins of sock yarn with it, I would call this a conservative estimate. I managed to fit 70g of a 32 WPI, two-ply yarn on one bobbin - and it wasn't even well packed!
I've included a couple of in-progress bobbin shots, and what the singles on them currently measure/weight, below. None of them are even close to full, unfortunately - this is the order I spun them in, and right now I need to concentrate on the last one since it's due by December.
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Sliver from Bendigo Woollen Mills. ~75 WPI, 31g. 19.5 micron merino top from Nundle Farms. ~82 WPI, 29g.  Handpainted 20 micron merino from Kathy's Fibres, ~82 WPI, 12g.
Final thoughts
This powerhouse is not for everyone. It's made for a specific purpose, and it fulfils that purpose beautifully. But it would probably suck at doing things it's not designed for.
While I'm sure you could spin 20 WPI or even 10 WPI singles with it, it won't do the job as well as an e-spinner designed for that. The other Daedalus offerings are worth a look, if you're not as into spinning frog hair as me.
But if you have a deep, abiding love for spinning lace-weight and finer yarns, this is an e-spinner worth looking at. Expensive though it was, it's one of the best fibre-related purchases I've made. (It easily beats the sewing machine and the overlocker combined.)
I'm definitely an outlier here - I have the not-at-all-typical goal of one day having a completely hand-spun, handwoven, and hand-sewn wardrobe. As such, production spinning is my jam - I want fine, high-twist yarns, that commercial mills simply can't replicate. And I want them as fast as my skills will let me go. With that in mind, the Falcon makes complete sense for my spinning goals.
Obligatory disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Daedalus, and this post isn't sponsored (not that I'm against that, mind. This apprentice has to eat). All opinions are my own.
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sterek-su · 2 years
My 2022 top Fanfics. A silly little thing but these are the fics I found myself coming back to time and time again.
This is your home. These are your people. [T] 21k - Oases (Steve/Eddie) “Your heart’s racing,” Steve noted, quietly. Eddie laughed. It was more of a shaky exhale, lashes fluttering as he struggled to keep his composure. “Stevie,” he whispered, fingers cradling Steve’s side like he was precious. “Yeah, no fucking shit.” OR: Ma Henderson & Wayne Munson get cosy, Dustin makes an off-hand remark, and Steve spirals. It works out in the end. A special little shout out to Rionaa for getting me hooked on this one and helping me discover Oases. One of the first podficcers in this community I found.
Paradise by the dashboard light. [T] 154k - Oases (Steve/Eddie) Things were weird in Hawkins. The fields were rotting, there was something in the woods, and Steve Harrington's Beemer had a new problem every week.
The most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that its you [E] 34k - greatunironic (Steve/Eddie) Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?” Or, it’s 2002 and Steve Harrington attends a wedding, a funeral, and a birth.
Wouldn’t it be nice (if we could wake up) [E] 130k - kissesforcas (Steve/Eddie) Steve finds his pulse. He carries Eddie out of the Upside Down, he keeps his heart beating until they get to the hospital. And then the government intervenes, that shady part of the government? With Sullivan? And he and Eddie wind up locked up, together, in a cell. There's one bed, and glass walls, and it turns out that he and Eddie? Might need each other more than either of them thought they might.
What love is [T] 23k - kissesforcas (Steve/Eddie) Steve is incapable of not taking care of the people he cares about. And against all odds, he cares about Eddie. Eddie has never been taken care of. Not like that. Or: Eddie & Steve fall in love, before Christmas but not too fast.
Steve Harrington’s unwilling time loop saga (Series) - badpancake (Steve/Eddie) A series following Steve Harrington as he unknowingly, unwillingly, loops time to save the ones he loves (and maybe realises that he can ask for help, is deserving of love, before, after, and during). 1. The One in Which a Time Loop is Fucking Exhausting. [NA] 41k When anything and everything goes wrong in 1986, Steve realises that he can fix things, and maybe falls in love, along the way. 2. Steve Harrington's Deaths (And The Times He Maybe Saved The World). [NA] 38k After the events of '86, after everything has settled down, and everything is calm, people start to remember. The pieces start to slot together, and nobody likes the picture it creates.
Blooms of the darkest garden [T] 12k - tminuseternity (Steve/Eddie)) Steve is going to die. And because this is Hawkins, a town with an alternate dimension right up its asscrack, he isn't going to die in a normal way. No, instead he's going to die because he can't stop coughing up the most disgusting combination of Upside Down gunk and...flower petals? What the fuck is happening to him?
If I stare too long [E] 191k- Brawls (Brawlite) & Toastranger (Steve/Billy/Eddie) After the end of the world, Billy Hargrove is a mess. But at least he has company.
Paper rings [E] 9k- mediwitch3 (Steve/Billy) Dustin bets Steve he can't get a date for Mike's wedding. AKA the What's Your Number au nobody asked for
Nightcall [T] 6k - pprfaith (Steve&Billy) Billy expects to roll into town and fuck shit up, hurt himself and others, make something bleed. He doesn't expect Stevie Harrington.
We Slip And Slide [NR] 6k - CallieB (Steve/Billy) Pure indulgent post-S3 fluff, including but not limited to the discussed concepts of: - Billy moving in with Joyce - The Jonathan/Billy friendship we all need - Grouchy Hopper - Jonathan and Billy smoking weed together and arguing about music. Because punk and metal are two different things. BUT they unite against Steve’s taste - Robin and Jonathan being excellent wing-persons - Hop and Billy teaming up against Mike to protect El - Shovel talks all round - Robin being clever and eating popcorn - The you rule/you suck board
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sunlit-gully · 9 months
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a wip by yours truly
genre — anthology, slice of life
target word count — 3mil
status — first draft
themes — family / politics / war / love, grief, and love, again and again and again
warnings — violence and gore / death / substance, domestic, physical & psychological abuse / big trauma
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All the Sokolenko are born in cradles of thorn. 1942. Mykola was struck with blast injury when he accidentally detonated an entire minefield, turning 10 Germans into one-time astronauts. The bigwigs up above, they gave him a medal, a quarantine hut, and a Georgian nurse called Medea by his side. Two week in and they found themselves cuddling together in bed. Two years in and Medea vanished in the maws of the Reich, while Mykola sobbed under the mask of a cool, calculating soldier. Eight years in and they knocked together a home, an unadorned thing, a bare nest on a bare tree, for themselves and a Jewish orphan boy. Fifteen years in and Mykola was alone. Again. 1992. Rusudan scrubbed off the blood scarlet smudged lipstick marks round the corner of her mouth with a forcefulness that surprised herself. She had just made out with her husband Kaspars in the middle of a Sukhumi forest moments ago, intensely as if they were the wildlife they were studying, intensely as if it might be their last time. Last time…Why had those words occurred to her? The woman shook her head at the unfinished thought - all the mess and debacle with the troubles in Abkhazia shouldn't be getting to her like this, it was supposed to be their day, it was supposed to be their day. Even if there had been gunshots right behind your backs…a treacherous voice squeaked faintly in her head. All of a sudden, Kaspars froze besides Rusudan, jaw clenched and eyes blown wide, in the middle of what she now realised as a bosky, shadowy canopy. Before she could open her mouth and ask her usually stoic husband what it was that bothered him so, she followed his eyes and saw it - the telltale red glint of a sniping laser. 2016. Gennadiy leant back on the creaky plane seat, fiddling with a Christmas card sent early, by Father, of course - the old man was afraid of all things late ever since Mother's death. Just some days ago he was singing his head off with all his colleagues in the Army Choir; his head still buzzed with echoes of the applaud; that bel canto movement of yours would move a heart of stone, so they said. He cared not a whit - now he was feeling quite nauseous indeed from the stuffy air, and already he was longing for the fresh sea breezes of Sochi, which the plane left just minutes ago. And out of the blue a hand clawed at Gennadiy's shoulder, just when fretful whispers were devolving into a savage uproar. It was clammy, shaky, and Gennadiy was frightened to see that his whole body was feeling just the same. And yet, he himself barely understood the panic till he saw the Black Sea growing nearer, nearer, nearer, through the jittering window, God above are there any lifeboats or what, guys we are crashing down the fucking sea, send the fucking SOS stop screaming stop screaming, now what the fuck was that boom- 2022. Sergey gazed at the virgin soil upturned of the frost-laced dirt road across a barren forest, the morning sun smothered by steely snow. His thoughts were bursting in odds and ends, but as long as it lasted he would be able to distract himself from the cold air and the rickety truck. This is where great grandpa called home, apparently, thought the young man. Who's gonna tell him his great grandson is also spilling blood over fascists in the very same land? His face broke into a bitter grin most decidedly unfitting for a young man barely out of university. To think he and I will be fighting against the same bunch, a century apart…Sergey glanced backwards; all his fellow boys were asleep, the sleep of battered men to whom peace was flitting. The young soldier toned his grin down to a weak twitch in the mouth and went back to guarding, the cold steel of rifle pressing against soft palms. And at that moment, as the snow spun and the soldiers snored and the wheels creaked and the winds howled, Sergey thought longingly of a time-locked drawer at home, containing nothing but a letter and a scrapbook. It was for his newborn son. All the Sokolenko are born in cradles of thorn.
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ailendolin · 2 years
Thanktival 2022 - Day 5 - Yonderland
Title: Missing Pieces [AO3]
Characters: Cake Lady Edith/Cake Lady Lynn/ Cake Lady Sue
Prompt: Cake Bake by the Lake
Summary: Edith learns about one of Lynn and Sue's Thanktival traditions and finds her place in their relationship.
A/N: Since we celebrate Christmas on the 24th here in Germany - merry Christmas and happy Thanktival to you all!
Missing Pieces
The first year Edith celebrated Thanktival with Sue and Lynn, she’d expected the usual: trees with googly eyes, Chompus decorations, sparkly garlands and presents that were thoughtful but would ultimately remain unopened.
What she had not expected was to find Lynn in the kitchen the day before Thanktival eve, baking cookies in numbers that would feed an entire army. Two, perhaps.
“Is there a competition happening I don’t know about?” Edith asked cautiously as she placed her last minute shopping down on the floor since every other surface was currently covered in cookies.
Lynn looked at her over her shoulder and chuckled. “Oh no, no competition, dear. These are for Sue’s kids.”
Edith froze. Sue’s kids? Since when did Sue–?
“Oh,” she said faintly, trying to wrap her mind around this new piece of information. “I – I had no idea. I didn’t get them anything for Thanktival …”
She looked down at the cabbage in her hand, feeling a little lost.
“Oh Edith, no,” Lynn said softly. A moment later, her hand was on Edith’s shoulder, gently turning her around. “I thought Sue had told you – they’re not her actual kids. More like … foster brothers and sisters.”
Foster siblings, Edith thought numbly. She hadn’t even known that Sue had brothers and sisters. How could she not have known?
“Here, sit down, love. You’re looking a little pale around the nose,” Lynn said and pulled out a chair for her. Then she crouched down in front of it and reached for her hands. “I’m really sorry about springing this on you like this. I thought you knew.”
Edith could only numbly shake her head. This kept happening – her feeling adrift because Lynn and Sue had forgotten to share something with her, something that was such an integral part of their lives that it didn’t even cross their minds to mention it. She kept finding out these things by accident, and while a part of her understood that this wasn’t an easy situation for Lynn and Sue either, she sometimes felt like she was standing on the outside looking in on something she should be a part of.
Right now was one of those moments despite Lynn’s attempts to put her mind at ease.
“Hey,” Lynn said softly, accentuating her words by squeezing Edith’s hands. “We did not keep this from you on purpose, Edith. I promise.”
Edith forced a smile onto her face. “I know. It’s all right.”
Lynn heaved a heavy sigh. “No, it’s not. We’ll talk to Sue about it when she comes home, okay?”
“We don’t have to,” Edith hurried to say. When Lynn frowned at her, she added in a whisper, “I don’t want to ruin our first Thanktival together.”
She dropped her eyes to their clasped hands, noticing for the first time that Lynn’s were lightly covered in flour.
“You’re not ruining anything,” Lynn promised softly. “We’re the ones who keep messing up.”
Edith bit her lip. Lynn’s words were meant to be reassuring but they had the opposite effect on her. She had been quietly worrying for a while now that Lynn and Sue might grow tired of having to accommodate her, might end this wonderful, tentative thing between them before it had really had a chance to bloom. Her presence clearly overcomplicated things and Edith wouldn’t blame them for wanting things to go back to normal. She certainly wasn’t worth all the–
Her panicking thoughts screeched to a halt when Lynn’s lips firmly pressed against her own
“We love you,” Lynn said with a confidence Edith couldn’t help but marble at when she pulled back. “And we want you to know everything, Edith. Every little detail there is to know. I promise.”
“Okay,” Edith breathed, still feeling a little dazed. She let Lynn cradle her cheek for a moment, spreading flour over her skin, before she felt brave enough to ask, “Can I … can I help with the cookies?”
“Of course,” Lynn smiled, looking relieved.
They worked quietly side by side for the next hour or so until the front door opened with a creak that heralded Sue’s arrival.
“Something smells delicious,” she called from the hallway.
“She always says that,” Lynn whispered fondly.
Edith barely managed a smile in return as she put down the sprinkles and wiped her shaking hands on her apron. When Sue came into the kitchen, she greeted them both with a kiss like she always did before she snatched a cookie from one of the trays. “Tastes just as delicious as it smells. You’ve outdone yourself again, Lynn.”
Lynn pointedly cleared her throat. “Edith helped.”
Sue glanced from her to Edith and seemed to falter for a moment when Edith didn’t meet her eyes.
“Thank you, Edith,” she said at last, obviously having realised that something was wrong but being not quite sure what exactly.
“Edith was also wondering who all those cookies were for,” Lynn continued despite the awkwardness that suddenly hung heavily in the air.
It took a heartbeat or two for the penny to drop.
“Oh,” Sue said softly. “Oh, Edith, I’m so sorry. I meant to tell you but–“
“You forgot, I know,” Edith finished for her. Not wanting to start a fight, she swallowed around the lump in her throat and added, “It’s okay. Lynn already explained.”
She didn’t see the look Lynn and Sue shared over her head but she sure felt them taking one of her hands each and leading her into the living room. While Lynn went to one of their drawers, Sue sat down on the sofa with her, still holding her hand with the gentlest, most loving of touches that made Edith’s heart beat just a little bit faster.
“My parents died when I was very young,” Sue began quietly as Lynn handed her a photo album. “After their deaths, I was taken to a place for children like me – orphans. It was run by a lovely lady called Nanny La Roo. She took me in without question and cared for me until I was old enough to do so myself. Here, that’s me with her just shortly after I arrived.”
She opened the photo album to the very first page. The picture showed a young child, three years old at most, being gently held by someone that must be Nanny La Roo.
“She did her best to give us all the best childhood we could possibly have under the circumstances,” Sue continued. “Then one day one of us went missing and things … changed. Nanny struggled with that loss – a lot. She became scared of the outside world, of what it could do to us, and began to keep us inside more and more often until eventually, we weren’t allowed outside at all anymore.”
“I’m sorry,” Edith said softly.
Sue gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “It wasn’t as bad as it sounds. She gave us a home and there was love in it, Edith, so much love. I’m grateful for that and for everything else she has done for me. It isn’t easy, you know, the job she has. Not with the amount of orphans there are today thanks to Imperatrix.”
On her left, Lynn reached for Edith’s hand. “The cookies are our way of helping out and giving a little something back. Sue also buys presents for all the kids every year because Nanny can’t really afford that many.”
“We call it Pre-Thanktival,” Sue added with a smile as she leafed through the photo album.
Nanny La Roo had taken care to document all the major milestones of her life: Sue’s first day in school and then, a few pages later, her first day of homeschooling that must mark the time when the child had gone missing. There was the first painting Sue had ever made, her very first cake and finally, her first music lesson.
“I didn’t know you could play the piano,” Edith said, feeling like she’d just uncovered another piece of Sue she hadn’t even known had been missing.
To her surprise, Sue chuckled. “That’s because I can’t. Nanny realised that very quickly.”
Together, they watched Sue grow into a young lady until a shaky handwritten note on the top of a page declared, Sue’s last day. That wasn’t the end, though. With a smile, Sue turned the page over, revealing her first day as a baker’s apprentice. Pictures of all the placed she’d lived in over the next few years followed, the friends she’d made – Lynn. And then suddenly Edith was looking down at her own face in a group picture someone had taken at the baking competition where she’d first met Lynn and Sue. She was standing in the last row, almost hidden in the shadows and barely noticeable in the crowd but she was there.
The final pages of the album that showed the blossoming of their friendship as well as the blooming of Lynn and Sue’s relationship, and when Sue reached the very last page, Edith felt her eyes well up. A shaky picture of the three of them that Lynn had somehow managed to take while kissing Edith’s cheek was glued to it with obvious care. Sue was mirroring Lynn on Edith’s other side and Edith – Edith was smiling so brightly at the camera that she felt her cheeks hurt at the memory even now.
Under the picture, Sue had written a date and a single line in her neat handwriting: The start of the rest of our lives.
“Is that … is that truly how you felt that day?” Edith whispered.
Sue squeezed her hand.
“It’s how I feel every day when I look at you, Edith.” She glanced at Lynn. “When I look at both of you. I might not be the best at showing it but I am so incredibly grateful to have you both in my life.”
Edith swallowed hard and let her eyes trail reverently over the photograph. There was so much happiness in it, so much love, that she felt like her heart might burst.
Sue pressed a kiss into her hair. “Would you join us later? When we go and visit Nanny?”
“Can I?” Edith asked in a trembling voice, still not daring to hope. “You wouldn’t mind?”
“Of course not,” Sue smiled and pulled her close. “You were always meant to come with us.”
On her other side, Edith felt Lynn’s finger brush a stray strand of hair out of her face. “Nanny will be so excited to meet you.”
“She knows about me?” Edith breathed in wonder.
“Oh yes,” Sue laughed. “She realised we needed you long before we did.”
When Edith looked at Lynn for confirmation, Lynn nodded. “Apparently, we didn’t stop talking about you.”
She and Sue shared a fond, knowing look. For perhaps the first time since she became a part of their relationship Edith didn’t mind not being privy to their thoughts. “Well, as long as she and the children won’t mind be tagging along ...”
“They won’t,” Sue whispered. “They’ll love you – just like we do.” “So much,” Lynn added softly and then they were kissing her, just like they were in the photo, and Edith closed her eyes, her heart overflowing with happiness.
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beyondedenton · 9 months
Second Season Together || February, 2022 || Lirim + Stan
 Stan: {text: Lirim} Don't make promises you can't keep ~
 Lirim: {Text} I'm building a nest of pillows in my bedroom.
{Text} I can't wear anything but underwear because my skin is hot.
{Text} I'm so fucking hard it hurts.
{Text} I will shove this in your mouth.
 Stan: {Text} well well well. I guess I can take you up on following through
 Stan: {Text} Maybe Valentines day will come early
 Stan: {Text} i'll bring the paints
 Lirim: {Text} Thought it already had baby
 Lirim: {Text} Underwear on or off?
 Stan: {Text} Now why would I want those on
 Lirim: So then, Lirim would hang his boxer briefs on the bedroom doorknob. Aedan's room was off-limits, but every pillow from downstairs had been gathered for his room. Every blanket was pulled from the linen closet. This had become a ritual since 2012, now with the addition of a sexy shadowy man.
 Stan: He's been there before; it wasn't that difficult. And he would get some sounds to make up for it rather soon anyway. His mind was quite in the gutter as he pulls himself out of the many shadows within the nest of pillows, hands and tendrils roaming over Lirim, already out of his guise.
 Lirim: Lirim was laying out the last towel he owned when he felt something cool and silky over his back. The half-angel nearly leapt out of his skin until remembering his gentleman caller.
"Can I shove my cock in that mouth?" he greeted, already giggling.
 Stan: "That's what I'm here for, isn't it?" His voice was a deep rumble in his ear. "You've got quite a cute little nest here."
 Lirim: Oh! Praise! Lirim was smiling from ear to ear. "It's not finished. You need to fuck me in the middle of it." He turned just enough to kiss Stan's maw.
"Touch me." Skin bordering on feverish and still he needed those hands, those tendrils making it worse.
 Stan: "This isn't some sort of ritual, is it?" He chuckles, though, he didn't sound that opposed. No. His mind was already set on getting fucked and he doubted much could divert him from that. Tendrils remain on him even as he slowly moves backward to laze back against the makeshift nest.
 Lirim: "Yes and no? Been this way since my Grace bloomed." Naked and presented. Stan could stare if he liked. Pale-pink skin, freckles, flushed. He didn't bother looking away with embarrassment as he fondled himself.
 Stan: "Grace bloomed. I like the sound of that." He savors the word bloomed, lost in the sound a moment as he looks over Lirim hungrily. His claws beckon him over.
 Lirim: Not very far to crawl, but he would do so on all fours. Trusting Stan enough to make himself at home on his lap.
"We keep this up, I'm gonna forget your other form."
 Stan: Violet eyes watch intently. He liked seeing this side of Lirim. "Is that so bad? This is the real me after all." His clawed hand cradles his member.
 Lirim: Artist's fingers climbed from abdomen to shoulders, stuttering along the way as he was fondled and explored himself. He wouldn't close his eyes. Steadily admiring, smiling.
"A little. I like all of you."
 Stan: His free hand moves under the pillows, reaching through the shadows and taking out the little Christmas gift. Set to the side, for whenever the artist wished to begin painting.
"This is all of me."
 Lirim: "Every, every bit of you. Do you have other forms? If you're a shadow-y deer, I wanna see that, too."
Lirim kissed under his eyes, nuzzled and rolled his hips. "Is that edible paint?"
 Stan: Stan chuckles. "No no. Nothing like that. I do have a female guise, if that interests you. But other than that...no animal forms for me."
He continues to idly stroke him. "Mhm. the ones you got me."
 Lirim: "Do you know what paint looks like on your skin? This skin?" He was oh so curious, but that neck? absolutely delicious. He wanted to kiss from neck to shoulder, humping into Stan's grasp with needy hips.
 Stan: "I haven't had much experience with it." He rumbles, tipping his head to the side. "But, you seem a bit distracted at the moment." And so was he, looking down at Lirim's member hardening in his claws. His tongue draws over his teeth.
 Lirim: "You can't expect me to ignore this skin when it's in my face." He wanted many things. A dipped brush over Stan's neck and chest, his cock in that maw, but more than anything, a curious taste of Stan's skin. His tongue leaving a warm wet trail along his shoulder.
 Stan: "I'm not expecting you to ignore anything. I'm hoping you won't" He knew his form was a tactile sensation. "Good thing we won't have to decide. We can try everything." His free claws move through his hair, feeling his slit beginning to part
 Lirim: "My cock needs your mouth. Can I have your mouth, first? Then you can have mine. I'll paint your cock so pretty."
 Stan: He loved seeing Lirim wild and frenetic like this. Claws move to his hips, tendrils assisting to pull him up, to have his knees framing his head as his tongue wraps around his member.
 Lirim: Lirim was able to catch himself, barely propped by his elbows as his bottom half was lifted. He didn't care how they looked, though he imagined it was a lovely tangled mess of pillows and appendages. If only the standing mirror were closer.
"Fuck, I missed your mouth."
 Stan: Keeping his tongue wrapped around him (he does have a foot and a half to work with after all) he rolls them over, getting Lirim onto his back as his pushes his hips down into the pillows, taking a moment to settle into position, mouth wide, teeth keeping out of the way as his tongue works to stroke him
 Lirim: And down he went. As soon as his back hit the pillows, he reached for Stan's head. Cradled and cared for it as Stan settled into position. He felt dizzy, though he wasn't sure why. Elation, movement, yearning. Anyone's guess.
"Oh, please. Don't stop. Fuck."
 Stan: His tongue squeezes and seems to vibrate as it squeezes to his tip, a deep rumble coming from Stan's throat as he falls into the headspace. He wasn't thinking about anything else, just wrapping his tongue around his throbbing member. How soon would he be rewarded this time?
 Lirim: With surprise vibrations like that, it would take no time at all. The naphil was already sensitive, but with not only the season, but Stan's impeccable skill, a subtle sheen had already covered Lirim's body.
His ankles came together over Stan's back. Arms falling into the pillows as he came in the creatura's mouth.
 Stan: Maw opened wide, he feels some of the surge reach the target of his mouth, a bit of the spunk splattering against his teeth. His tongue continues to squeeze and stroke. He knew that wasn't the last of it, and he wanted more
Tendrils wrap around his legs, keeping him in that position.
 Lirim: Lirim couldn't look away, as so often the case with Stan, especially in his true form. Given his emotions, the mess seemed intentional, and his own heart pulsed in response. He tried to offer himself in this way, letting Stan feel his joy and frustration and insatiable need for pleasure.
And then Stan kept going, and the naphil squirmed and laughed and moaned.
"No, I can't." Yes, he could, and moans dissolved into laughter again, and a whine, and another laugh as he ached with tickles and hypersensitivity.
"Fuck, fuck. Uhn!"
Familiar subtle shadows of wings fanned out over the bedroom floor.
 Stan: He was enjoying all the sounds bathing the room, his laughter, his euphoria. He almost reluctantly pulls his tongue from him, letting out a low chuckle as he moves his claws to gently toy with him instead as his tongue works to clean up the mess, giving a little nip to his thigh.
Violet eyes glance at the movement of shadow, free hand reaching out to them, seeing if he could interact with them just as he could with most shadows.
Lirim: The shadows were warm, tingling akin to carbonation. The slower Lirim breathed, the swifter they began to disappear. Unnoticed once more by the naphil, eyes closed, then focused above. Something about painting, right. A soft brush all over Stan's skin, but right now there was something far more pressing.
"Fuck me." The same blend of pleading and command as last year.
 Stan: Stan was oh so fascinated by that. There was almost too much to keep up with. So many possibilities to explore.  Not that that was in any way a problem. Especially with the way Lirim looked beneath him. Spent but still begging. Tendrils that were wrapped at the nephil's legs move and orient him as Stan gets into position, moving his legs from his back to his hips. Stiff, smooth member rubbing against Lirim's as he presses their hips together.
 Lirim: In that moment, Lirim was reluctant to move. He wanted his hands on that face, over his chest, stomach, arms, anything and everywhere, but so caught up in sensation, he truly believed moving to indulge would break some sort of spell. Stan had already repositioned him, and he felt submissive, but safe. Stan could have him. He could trust those hands and tendrils.
"Put your mouth on me. Lick me." Not something he'd ever asked of someone before.
 Stan: Claws move to pick up one of the jars of edible paint, almost as an afterthought, but mostly as a tactic to keep the nephil nice and teased. Violet eyes watch intently as his hips continue to grind against him, tendrils about him holding him close, as he opens the jar, claw tip swirling around the contents. "I might as well have something to lick up first, hm?"
 Lirim: There was something about watching this true form move about as he would expect of a human. Claws holding objects, dipped and covered in paint. It made him smile, and then he giggled with anticipation.
Hips slowly rolled, and the half-angel bit his lip.
"Draw something." His hand finally moved to point at his flush, blushing belly.
 Stan: He brings the claws from the jar, testing the viscosity, holding a digit above Lirim's form, waiting for it to drip, seeing where it might land.
"Can't say I'll be any good at it."
He brings the coated claw down, lightly brushing it along his hip bone toward his bellybutton
 Lirim: "What's good? It's in the eye of the beholder."
The touch was cool and slick, causing goosebumps and a visible shiver.
"Do what comes naturally."
 Stan: The creatura chuckles low "That would be what an artist says, wouldn't it." He continues drawing the claw over his flesh. Certainly abstract, needing to return to the jar a few times to re-coat his digit. Eventually the claw moves down to graze the point along Lirim's shaft. "You enjoying this?"
 Lirim: "How could I not?" He reached for the jar to dip his middle finger. He paused, hovering his hand over Stan's chest.
"Can I?"
 Stan: Stan leans down so he would not have to reach so much. Claws frame him against the various pillows, knowing that he would be tracking some of the edible paint to the fabric, but that wasn't going to distract him from watching the more mastered artist get to work
 Lirim: No harm no foul. Nothing he couldn't remove with a bit of detergent. The first mark was a crescent moon, swirling backward and out towards where a collarbone would be in guise. He leaned in to taste, careful not to sully his good work. How he wanted to tell Stan he was obsessed with his texture.
"You could be in the Louvre."
 Stan: He further moves onto his forearms, really letting Lirim have access to his canvas. And to be close to really taste the nuances in Lirim's breathy words. Stan was able to infer just how much the nephil was enjoying this.
"I prefer the intimacy of a private gallery." He says with a flirty rumble.
 Lirim: "Will you let me take a picture? Or two? Or three?" Lirim bit his lip and smiled, trying to win the creatura over with cuteness.
"I think you should taste me. For science."
 Stan: "Of course. Go right ahead. If you can pull yourself away from me long enough to find your phone." He teases, moving his claws back to Lirim's hips to further punctuate the point he wasn't going to let him depart easily. "Taste? I've been enjoying tasting your moans very much. Or is it more that you want to feel my tongue gliding over your body?" He rumbles in his ear, perhaps already knowing that it was the latter
 Lirim: "I can." But purely by cheating. Reaching his hand out at nothing. A large silver phone floating from the desk on the other side of the room. Why bother moving from those giant claws when he could utilize his telekinesis.
"Does that surprise you? I want your tongue to make a mess."
 Stan: Stan had forgotten about that. Surely he had been told about it before, but he just hadn't seen it in action. He wasn't surprised by powers very often in his old age. Even if he was a bit startled, that wouldn't keep him distracted for long. He didn't pay much attention to the phone once it was retrieved, instead moving down to Lirim's stomach, drawing his tongue slowly over him. "You want to be covered in my slick do you?"
 Lirim: The slick feeling put a smile on his face. His abdominal muscles tightened from Stan's exploration. He just couldn't put his finger on the texture.
"Is that weird? I dunno what's weird," he laughed, snapping his first picture. Stan's expression as is. He then snapped a picture of his work in progress. "You'll have to tell me, but I like it."
 Stan: "I don't seem to be complaining" He rumbles, continuing to draw his tongue over him, to really focus his internal lubricating agent there. His saliva was growing thick. "If you want a mess, I could really make one."
 Stan: "You know. If any of those photos leek publicly. I'm going to have to kill you" He rumbles, a dangerous violet gaze glancing up at him. Though, there was a hint of joking in his tone
 Lirim: Lirim just continued smiling. Either he was oblivious or trusting that look was truly a tease. Just for that, another photo, aimed further south.
"All everyone would see is another art piece. Besides, these'll never leave this room, honey. Pinky promise."
The phone was put aside. "Kiss me - the way you kiss."
 Stan: Stan hasn't done much photo play before. And honestly? He could find the eroticisms in it. Especially as the focus of the camera was angled towards their contrasting members rubbing against each other.
Claws move to the back of the nephil's head, drawing him up to give a messy kiss. His tongue presses into his mouth, letting out a low rumble that vibrated through his tongue.
 Lirim: Lirim ran fingers through imaginary hair and moaned against the slippery roaming tongue. Dull teeth gently bit at the base, tickled by what roamed the back of his throat.
Still hard and aching. Their pause had been only a temporary relief for his lungs, but not everything else. His body all but screamed for attention. Hips rolling and rolling again for friction.
 Stan: He seemed to react positively to the pressure at his tongue, certainly at the moan vibrating against it in return.
The creatura's hips pick back up on their grinding, pushing the nephil further into the nest of pillows. A tendril snakes down, wrapping about both of their members, stroking them together.
 Lirim: The feeling of something so slick between them arrested Lirim's attention, looking down, mouth agape and breathy. He smiled, gleeful, and bit playfully at Stan's tongue again. He seemed to have enjoyed it, and Lirim was nothing if not accommodating.
"What's the prettiest word you've ever heard?" Random question with a point.
 Stan: He gives a low, deep rumble at the nipping of his tongue. It was something familiar to him since there were no lips involved with a true Creatura kiss.
Eventually, he pulls his tongue free, leaning back slightly to look down at the stroking over of their members.
"Oh. That's a tough one. Like if I asked you to choose a favorite ingredient. A word is just a word. How it is said makes all the difference."
 Lirim: "J.R.R. Tolkien once said 'cellar door' is the prettiest phrase in the English language. I never understood. Makes me think of you, though. What word makes the prettiest noise to you. I've got my answer now."
He reached between them then, feeling at the determined tendril squeezing and stroking with intention. Just wanting to experience Stan's will in as many aspects as he could. He was close again, soon breathing heavily against his maw.
 Stan: "Cellar door. Hm. Not sure about that. And there are much prettier words in other languages than English." He had his opinions on that subject for sure. English was one of the more difficult languages for him to learn. All the use of tongue and lips. Speaking from the back of the throat was much more natural to him. But his mind couldn't trail off too much with Lirim's hand moving down to his tendril, feeling his own member throb at all of the contact and feedback. His mouth opens further, wanting to take in all those subtle sounds from his breath, and especially wanting to catch his noises once the nephil did go over again
 Lirim: He wanted to know more, and they had time for more. He trusted their future enough to drop conversation. Leaning in to give every breath, shudder, gasp, and worded moan. Stan's name on repeat, followed by a long-given "Fuck" and a whimper. Rolling his hips over and over with abandon, riding out his wanton mess, unable to remove his hand, knowing he would lose valuable friction.
 Stan: Stan gives his own small pants and sounds in return to the buildup, feeling Lirim's cock throb against his, feeding on all of his orgasmic noises. It was enough to bring him over the edge as well, the tendril squeezing around them, milking them off together, painting Lirim's torso again as his hips buck.
 Lirim: Squeezes now sent little jolts from groin to spine. Toes curled and he whimpered, laughed, and whimpered again. This post-orgasm torment was becoming a fast favorite. Tickles from hell is what they were, and holding back laughter took considerable effort, then he wondered why he even bothered, letting it free flow with a soft tired sigh.
 Stan: It seems the tendril was working on its own volition the way that Stan himself was bracing and digging his claws against the pillows of the nest, grunting and twitching at the sensitivity of it all. Stan glances down between them once he caught himself coming down from the high. "We sure made a mess of you...didn't we."
 Lirim: "Mm," the naphil hummed. "I like your messes. Make me feel... raw." It was the first word to come to mind, and in this instance, it felt poetic and honest. Best description for how he felt all of February, and if anyone could relate...
"I'm not done paintin' you."
 Stan: He gives a low chuckle, lowering himself down atop Lirim. "Well good. Because I don't plan on stopping making a mess out of you anytime soon." His claw grazes over his chin. "Raw. Now there's a good word" Slowly he rolls over onto the blankets, glancing down at the mess that was now shared between them. "I am your canvas."
 Lirim: Lirim climbed over to straddle Stan's thigh. "You need some moon and stars."
It was what he was feeling most tonight, and most nights in February. A raw body imagining the cosmos and insatiable, touch-starved.
"I haven't seen the sky without light pollution in years. I'll make it on your chest."
 Stan: He adjusts under him, really getting himself comfortable. Arms move to pillow under his head, tipping his head up and arcing his chest up a bit as his tendrils run along Lirim's thighs. "Next time...we'll have to get out of the city."
 Lirim: He couldn't help but smile at that. This damn month. If he hadn't the control, he would have gotten teary. It was thoughtful, as tiny gestures often were. Like the caress of his tendril. Tears would ruin the night, he assumed, so he fought them back with a delighted hum.
"Next time. For now, you're gettin' the Big Dipper."
 Stan: Even with Lirim's attempt at holding back tears, the emotion wouldn't be lost on him. He was glad Lirim found it touching. He had meant it.
"Big dipper? Never had that before." He chuckles.
 Lirim: "There's nothin' better, turnin' a work of art into another kind of art. You see the body, see the colors, the bigger picture. See how it makes the model feel. I've covered all sorts in paint. Angels, demons, druids, but there's only one you."
 Stan: His head lightly tips to the side, watching and listening. Seems Lirim was 'in the zone' as he focused on brush strokes and smearing the substances over his white chest.
 Lirim: The silence was noticed. Already warm, his blush was now noticeable on his chest.
"Yeah, I talk. And talk."
 Stan: "No. I like listening." The tendril tickled behind his knee, trailing down his calf, taking in his form just as Lirim was doing for him.
 Lirim: "My body is wantin' one thing, and my mind... I just feel like I can talk to you." There was warmth behind his eyes, that of affection, but a build-up of emotion. Just the month, he told himself.
"Gonna put Orion's Belt... here," where a collarbone would be. Orion's head resting on Stan's shoulder. Subtle lines over each constellation, filling in their image. "I have to paint you for real someday."
 Stan: "I greatly enjoy your company too, Lirim" He admits openly. Also a result of the time of year, but it didn't mean he was being any less truthful. "And not even just for the sex. But hey, it's quite a nice perk." Stan moves his head from where Lirim was working to give him more room, a tendril sliding out of the way from where it was reaching over his shoulder. "Sounds like we're planning our next excursion already." He grins.
 Lirim: "A night of paintin' n'fuckin' under the stars?" His smiled from ear-to-ear, creating creases on either cheek.
The tendril caught his attention, and he attempted to give the appendage a long line from base to tip. Curious to see if it could be painted, and what would happen afterwards.
 Stan: "Sounds like a date" He voices before being able to hold it back. Now it was his turn to pause. Stan was notoriously not the 'dating' type. In his experience that word held a lot of weight to it for humans and there he was casually throwing the word around. He clears his throat. "I mean...seems like it would be a nice excursion."
The paint when placed on the tendril was not as stagnant as when placed on his chest. In fact, it slowly moved and morphed with the subtle motion of the darkness that made up his form before seeming to blend into it and disappear.
 Lirim: The word didn't hold so much weight to Lirim anymore. He had no intention to fall in love ever gain, if he could help it. Having been burned as many times as he had, he knew exactly what Stan felt for him, and an understanding of their limitation. This was all in good fun, and that's what that word signified. Fun in the future.
"Right." Lirim nodded, playing serious for all of a single second.
His attention was mostly on that tendril.
"Did you feel that? Does that... hurt?"
Stan: Stan had barely noticed the brush strokes against his tendril. So the question threw him off a bit. "Hm?" The tendril was brought closer for his attention, giving it a quick inspection. "No. That'll come right out in a bath. Maybe just stick to the white parts if you want to use me like a canvas." His voice came like a deep, amused rumble.
Lirim: Already he wanted more. Insatiable as with every February. If only Stan could read minds! Instead of saying what he wanted, he rolled his hips against Stan's thigh.
"You're the prettiest canvas ever," he giggled.
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