#Christmas gift bags for everyone which is so sweet because i still feel like I'm there on sufferance even though it's been like 4 months.
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redrisingsun · 3 years ago
Swedish Holidays for all your Young Royals needs
Due to popular demand (by like five people) here’s a brief description of all the major Swedish holidays and how they’re celebrated because I can’t stand here and pretend as if we really celebrate Christmas the 25th. We have more holidays, I've only written about the ones we celebrate in my family. I come from a working class family and live in Southern Sweden, however I do have family in Stockholm. I'm not religious in any way and as far as I know, most families don't celebrate these holidays because they're religious, but because it's tradition.
yall better appreciate this, it took me literal hours
1: Dubbed as one of the collective pizza days in my household. It's the day after New Year, and most people either order in or eat leftovers.
Week 2 or 3: Most people return to their jobs, schools and other daily activities.
Fettisdagen ("Fat Tuesday"): celebrated 47 days before Easter. The actual date varies, all from early February to early March. It's an old Christian tradition where you'd eat fatty foods before the "before Easter"-fast and is supposedly a thing in other Christian countries as well. These days, most people celebrate by eating semlor with their family, and most don't fast before Easter.
The semla is a sweet bun with whipped cream and almond paste.
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Våffeldagen (Waffle Day, 25th of March): I think this day stems from a Christian tradition, but these days the day is mostly to get together with family and eat waffles.
Påsk (Easter): Again, the date varies, but Easter is usually in April. Easter stems from Christianity and is celebrated to remember Jesus' death and resurrection. Easter spans over a week, but I personally only celebrate one of those days.
Påskafton (direct translation: Easter Eve, English translation: Holy Saturday) is the Saturday of the Easter week. In my family, the children get to look for Easter eggs (often filled with candy).
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Some children also dress up as Påskkärringar (Easter crones) and I think this tradition has to do with the Witch Trials in Sweden, but I'm not sure. Chances are you won't need to know anything about this for your Young Royal fics, because mostly girls dress up.
Sometimes, we decorate eggs.
Later, we sit down to eat together and spend time with our families. Common things to eat for Easter is potatoes, eggs, herring and meatballs.
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Valborgsmässoafton (Walpurgis Night, 30th): We burn a big bonfire in the evening to celebrate that spring is here. I live in a fairly small town, so mostly everyone gathers at one spot and burns the fire together. When the bonfire is burned, most people go home and that's it. It's also seen as a reason to have a party (mostly for teenagers and young adults, I think) and get drunk as fuck.
Sveriges Nationaldagen (Sweden's National Day, 6th of June): Most people are home from school and work. We hoist the Swedish flag. Idk. However, the Royal Family celebrates by getting dressed up in Swedish costumes. This year, the King held a speech and the family went to Skansen (which is an amusement park/zoo. You can read more about it here). There's music and the military does their weird little thing. You can watch the National Day Celebration on Skansen from 2014 here.
Midsommarafton (Midsummer): date varies, but is celebrated a Friday in late June. I'm sure there's a Christian explanation for this one, but I don't personally know it.
Midsommar (midsummer) means middle of the summer.
Again, this is a day to eat and spend time with your family (or drink, depending on who you are). We eat pretty much the same things for Midsummer as we do for Easter.
For Midsummer we also dance around a Midsommarstång (direct translation: Midsummer Pole, English translation: Maypole) and make flower crowns.
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How Midsummer is celebrated depends a lot on your age (most teenagers and young adults again see this as a reason to party), where you're from and a million other things.
My personal favorite Midsummer tradition is probably more common in the country than in the city, for example. You're supposed to pick seven different flowers without saying a word. Then, you sleep with the flowers under your pillow. Supposedly, you'll dream of your future husband (or wife! But I think it's more common that women and girls do this). This tradition also varies. Some people say you need nine flowers and some people say you have to climb over fencing for it to count.
Some teenagers or young adults spend time with their friends to party, instead!
You can watch part of a Midsummer celebration at Skansen here.
The Royal Family usually celebrate Midsummer privately, but I think there's usually new pictures of the entire family around this time.
Day after Midsummer: Collective Pizza Day 2. Everyone either eats takeout or leftovers because no one can be bothered to make anything and like half of the population has the worst hangover they've had since New Year.
Summer Holiday Note: most people in Sweden have four weeks of paid leave each summer.
Kräftpremiär (Crayfish party) - date varies, normally early August. Basically people get together to eat crayfish and drink. You can usually get paper plates and plastic cups and whatever with ugly crayfish motives (which is fun), but I've never done this.
Halloween (30th): Halloween is nowhere near as big in Sweden as it is in the States. We just buy some lösgodis ("loose candy", where you can throw whatever kind of candy you want in a bag. See pictures). Trick or treat is so unusual in the town I grew up I've only ever had one kid ask for candy and when I celebrated Halloween with my grandparents (in a city not far from Stockholm), it was the same. I usually buy some candy and watch a horror movie, but that's about it.
However, Halloween is (again) a reason for teenagers and young adults to drink and party.
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Alla Helgons Dag (All Saints' Day): Date varies, usually early November. It's a day to remember the dead and we usually light a candle at the grave yard.
Första Advent (First Advent): Date varies. Sunday four weeks from Christmas Eve. We mostly just light a candle, honestly. Then, each Sunday for the next four weeks, we light a candle. Here's actually the Crown Princess wishing Happy First Advent with her family! Unfortunately without English subtitles, but here's the translation: "Today is the First Advent. Advent means arrival and hope, something that feels extra important this year. (her husband lights the candle) We want to wish everyone a happy first advent!"
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Andra Advent (Second Advent): date varies. We light the second candle.
Tredje Advent (Third Advent): date varies. We light the third candle.
Fjärde Advent (Fourth Advent): date varies. We light the fourth candle. In my family we usually decorate the tree this Sunday.
Julafton (Christmas Eve): Celebrated the 24th. YES, THE 24TH. Christmas Eve obviously varies from family to family, but there's a few things most people have in common. Usually, we get one gift in our sock (which hangs on our bedroom doors in my home, because we don't have a mantle) when we wake up. As kids me and my brother almost always got a movie or something to keep us busy until it was time to leave for our grandparents house.
For lunch we eat the Christmas dinner. It's the same damned food as our other holidays. Herring, meatballs, potatoes, sausages etc, but now, we also have julskinka (Christmas ham). Some people eat ham even for Easter, but we only really eat it for Christmas in my family. Obviously the food varies a little from season to season, but as a picky eater I always just eat potatoes, meatballs and ham.
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At 3, Kalle Anka (Donald Duck) is on. Yeah, we watch the same damned stuff every year. It's tradition, alright? Anyway, Donald Duck lasts for an hour or so, and first you get to see Santa work in his workshop, then Disney characters wish you a Merry Christmas with scenes from their movies (original, I know). There's Lady and the Tramp, Donald Duck (obviously) and a million other things. Then there's also one or two trailers for movies Disney will release the coming year. I really couldn't be bothered to find everything on YouTube for you to watch, sorry!
After Donald Duck, we open the Christmas gifts in my family. Normally we just rip out gifts open lmao.
After opening the gifts, we usually eat a second time. This time it's time for porridge. Tomtegröt (Santa porridge) is sweet and often served with cinnamon. Usually, everyone is so stuffed at this point that you only eat because you "have" to eat porridge for Christmas (again, at least in my family).
The last thing we do in my family, is to get a puzzle out. My grandpa almost always gets a new puzzle for Christmas, so we'll put that on the dining table and work on it together until it's getting too late for us to stay.
The Royal Family usually release new pictures of the family for Christmas and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
Day after Christmas: Not a collective pizza day! There's usually too much Christmas food left to be able to order pizza. Usually, we have Christmas food to eat for four-ish days after Christmas, and by then you're getting really tired of it.
Sometimes we watch something on television, but for the most part we just sit around and spend time together. I think the Crown Princess read something from the Bible this year? I'm not actually sure if the Royal Family go to the Christmas Service, but I don't think so.
Nyårsafton (New Year's Eve): last day of the year. We shoot fireworks, eat food and dessert and spend time with family. This day we normally eat something "fancy" or something you we don't usually eat.
At twelve, we go out to light some fireworks (or just watch fireworks). When that dies down, it's time for the cheese platter. My dad wants it, no one else ever eats from it, we still do it every single year because "it's not New Year's without it". When we've had the cheese platter, everyone go to sleep and that's that.
People obviously celebrate this differently, as well. It's not uncommon to go see your friends or have guests over, and some people party rather than have fancy dinner with their parents. I personally prefer spending time with my parents, because that's what New Year's is for me.
Some people give resolutions, but I think it's more common in the States.
Christmas Holiday Note: It's common for people to not work between Christmas and New Year's Eve where I'm from.
Some things you might want to know about the Swedish Royal Family and Sweden overall:
The Royal Family in Young Royals is not the real Royal Family (obviously).
The Royal Family usually spends time on Öland during the summers.
Chances are Wilhelm and his family live at Drottningholm Slott (Drottningholm Palace) and not Stockholm Slott (Stockholm Palace). Drottningholm is used as a home for the current King and Queen and is located west of Stockholm. However, the scenes where Wilhelm is home is shot at a palace called Stora Sundby Slott. I doubt Wilhelm and his family would live here if they were the actual Royal Family since it's used as a place for people to gather when they want to hunt for sport. However, if they truly live at Stora Sundby, it takes almost two hours to drive from Stockholm to the castle.
Bjärstad is AT LEAST two hours away from Stockholm.
Bjärstad to Stora Sundby Castle takes approximately an hour and a half by car, and between nine and twelve hours by bus. Which means these two boys can't just take a twenty minute bus to see each other.
Bjärstad to Drottningholm takes a little over two hours by car and four-ish hours by bus.
Bjärstad to Stockholm Slott takes over two hours by car and three and a half hours by bus.
Hillerska is shot at Kaggeholms Slott (Kaggeholm Palace), and is a hotel.
The age of consent in Sweden is 15, HOWEVER it's illegal to have sex with someone four or more years younger than you if you're not both over the age of 18. Let me illustrate: -Person A is 15 and Person B is 15. It's legal because both are 15. -Person A is 15 and Person B is 20. It's illegal, because there's a five year old gap between them. -Person A is 15 and Person B is 18. It's legal (but probably frowned upon), because they're both 15 or older and there's not a four year gap between them. -Person A is 18 and Person B is 30. It's legal, because both are 18 or older. Idk if this makes sense or if this is what it looks like anymore, but this is what it was like when I still went to school. Obviously people aren't going to run around and call you names if you happen to date someone four years younger than you (I know a girl who met a guy when she was 14 and he was over 20), but please, be mindful of this. Our age of consent doesn't give you a right to be weird and nasty to teenagers (yes, I'm talking about Edvin).
Also, the Royal Family have their own website, which you can find here. As far as I can see, there's more information on the Swedish page, but there's plenty translated to English. You can also read of the Swedish Royal Family and its history on the palaces's website, here.
All pictures have been taken straight from Google. I haven't used any sources, because this is shit I do every single year with my family. Feel free to correct me or add things you do, but keep it respectful, please!
Friendly reminder that I've simplified some parts of this to make sense, specifically the dates of the Advent celebrations.
If there's anything you don't understand or want more information on, you're welcome to contact me! I take pretty long to reply, but I'll definitely try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
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Another one for you! What are your five "go to" GG episodes you find the most rewatchable? They Shoot Gilmores and The Lorelais' First Day at Yale are definitely both on my list, but I'm still trying to pick just three more from the zillion other episodes I love :)
Thank you for this. I really appreciate it💕 Right off the bat I’m going to apologies for how long this is. I couldn’t keep it to just five episodes and I had a need to explain why these are my most rewatchable episodes.
1) Forgiveness and Stuff (1x10) I’m such a sucker for Luke being there for his girls. The way he gives Taylor, the guy he’s thrown a frying pan at because he’s annoying and he hates him, the keys to his establishment just shows how much he cares and knew Lorelai needed him. It makes me happy. Plus it’s where we get the classic blue hat. Lorelai saying Luke always looks good and Luke saying “I can’t imagine anyone seeing you as a disappointment.” Such cute moments in this episode.
2) Dead Uncles & Vegetables (2x17) Just as I love Luke being there for his girls, I equally love when Lorelai and Rory are there for him. Luke and Lorelai are a cute married couple in this episode (and pretty much all episodes really) and you can’t convince me otherwise. Also, don’t we all just love the way Rory makes Jess help out. It’s so funny seeing him just let her and we all know he’s loving it.
3) A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving (3x09) If you don’t join in when everyone is chanting ‘Jackson,’ then you haven’t been watching this episode right. I love getting to watch the girls go through their Thanksgiving traditions, especially Lorelai and Luke’s. The Lane and Dave moments are cute! The girls eating with Luke and Jess is adorable and they all look like a cute happy family. I adore the fact that Lorelai takes food from Luke’s plate. I’m telling you these people have been married since day one. Plus it’s Jess and Rory’s first Thanksgiving together as a couple and ain’t that cute! I love drunk Sookie! She’s funny and I can’t help but say her lines with her.
4) A Tale of Poes and Fire (3x17) It’s super fun seeing Michel interacting with Miss Patty and Babette. Lorelai screaming ‘Stella’ for Luke to come to the window is always fun to watch. But the best part is Lorelai telling Luke about her dream and how they smile while discussing it. Lorelai not being about to tell Luke that they kissed in her dream because it hits too close to home brings out the feels. Oh and Rory’s going to Yale!
5) The Fundamental Things Apply (4x05) Luke and Lorelai’s first movie night. I love how Lorelai teases Luke about not having watched many movies and not knowing what the FBI warning is. It’s so fun to watch. I love how comfortable they both look while they sit and watch Casablanca. Luke helping Rory out with her awkward date is cute, and a little Dad moment which fuels my ‘Luke has always been a father figure to Rory’ feels. The best moment is when Luke is sleeping on their couch and Rory says, ‘He looks comfy there, doesn’t he?’ and Lorelai looks like she doesn’t want to think about how comfy Luke looks because she doesn’t want to admit how much she likes seeing him there. And I’m definitely reading way too into that look but it makes me happy so it counts. 
6) The Incredible Sinking Lorelais (4x14) The proud and happy smile on Lorelai’s face when she’s looking at the gum wrapper with the Dragonfly’s first reservation makes it worth watching this episode. She’s adorable and I’m so proud of her. Lorelai wearing her Bon Jovi hat and Luke commenting on it is fun. The best part about this episode has to be, as Lorelai puts it ‘the meltdown in the park’ moment. Lauren Graham is so good at emotional scenes (and pretty much everything this woman does) that it always hits me when Lorelai is breaking down. Of course I love the fact Luke instantly knows something is wrong when he sees her and he’s there to comfort and support her. 
7) Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out (6x8) Lorelai jonesing for her colours is super fun and cute. Colin and Finn are funny when they’re drunk. ‘I’ve forgotten how to get into a car,’ always cracks me up. Then he appears. The man of the hour. Yes, Jess Mariano. It’s nice to have Jess back for this episode. I alway forget how much I love his interactions with Rory until I watch them again. I’m super proud of all he’s done and seeing him come back, showing his book to Rory and telling her that he couldn’t have done it without her is such a beautiful moment. Probable one of my favorite between the two. And of course seeing Jess questioning Rory and being able to wake her up and make her realise that she’s not acting like herself is the best. All that said, the part which I just love is when Paul Anka gets sick and Lorelai is in Rory’s room watching him sleep. Once again Lauren is just incredible and makes my heart hurt at hearing Lorelai say she's a bad mother. Luke being there to comfort her is an added bonus, especially the way he touches her hair to comfort her. 
8) Santa’s Secret Stuff (7x11) I know what you’re thinking, how is a season 7 episode where Lorelai and Chris are still together on my most rewatchable list? Well let me tell you why. I love getting to hear about Lorelai and Rory’s Christmas traditions, such as how they put green and red M&M’s in their cereals on Christmas day (which I did last year and let me tell you it be yummy) and getting to see the girls go through those traditions is nice. Gigi isn’t my favorite character (honestly have no opinion on the kid) but she’s adorable when she copies Lorelai as she says ‘The redcoats are coming.’ The fact Lorelai doesn’t think twice about helping Luke with the character reference warms my heart to no end and is just super cute. Talking about cute, Luke and April! These cuties! Always love any Papa Luke moment. Luke being a Dad is so cute to watch and I love April (just hate what the writers did with her storyline in season 6 but that’s a rant for another day). Love that she’s 60% atheist and 40% agnostic. This girl is so quirky and I’m so here for it. What makes this episode one of my most rewatchable episodes is that scene between the girls and Luke and April when they’re all out shopping. This scene is amazing because it shows how much Luke cares for Rory. He’s always cared about her and throughout the years has always given her gifts for her birthday and holidays and maybe they weren’t the best gifts, but the love is what counts especially since Luke finds going out to buy presents such a daunting task. It just makes me happy seeing how much Rory means to him. What makes me love this scene is the smile and just the look on Lorelai’s face. If that look doesn’t show how much she loves and admires Luke then I clearly need new glass. (side note: I actually do need new glasses but that’s besides the point lol) 
9) I’d Rather Be In Philadelphia (7x13) This episode just really shows how great Luke is. The fact the moment he finds out about Richard being at the hospital he just had to go and see if everyone is okay, to see if Lorelai is okay is next level cute and just reminds me why Luke is always going to be the better man. Yes, he has issues and has dealt with somethings in ways that I just want to punch him so hard his hat starts spinning like Daffy Duck's beak, but he’s always there for his girls even when he’s not with Lorelai which just further shows how much he cares and is generally such a great guy. I love that Luke let’s Emily give him chores to do and that it kinda feels like he’s part of the family because he’s helping out, but then I remember he’s not and that hurts. I love that he comes back with food and a fish bag. He’s a cutie. Love that Lorelai is happy to see him. Logan is there for Rory which is nice to see. It’s interesting to see how everyone deals with Richard being in the hospital this time around compared to in Season 1, mostly Emily. All her moments especially when she has a little breakdown in front of Lorelai, and then her talk with Richard hurts to watch but in a really good way.
10) It’s Just Like Riding a Bike (7x19) Lorelai’s dress at the start of this episode is the only reason I rewatch this episode endlessly. Ah well that and some other things too, I guess but mostly the dress. When Lorelai calls Sookie, that whole scene I personally feel like it presents a parent having to deal with sick children so well. Sookie’s place being a mess, her sniffing what I’m hoping is milk from the kid’s bottle and using it for her coffee, and also picking a lollipop from the tablecloth is really how life looks like for a parent just in general, let alone when their kids are sick. So it’s refreshing seeing this being presented in a realistic way. Luke and Lorelai car shopping is awkward but I love every moment of it, especially when Luke starts ranting and then they starts bickering. The smile on Lorelai’s face. Lord take the wheel because my heart can’t deal with the cuteness. The smile screams ‘I have him back’ to me and I love how happy she is about that. Luke doing everything in his power to make Lorelai be able to have her old car is just sweet, and have I forgotten to mention that this guy is just the best? I love it. 
Okay, I’m finally done and the fact you’ve gotten to the end of this is amazing. It was hard to narrow it down to just these because there are a lot of episodes I love and rewatch often, like a bunch from season 4 and 5 but these just happen to be the ones I go to when wanting to rewatch an episode. It really only occured to me once I was done that I have no season 5 episodes on this list and more season 7 ones which I’m not even sure why that’s the case but it is. They Shoot Gilmores and The Lorelais' First Day at Yale is definitely episodes I watch often, especially because they both have cute moments: ‘Another kid might be nice’ and 'Rory says thanks for everything, too,’ are some. Thanks again for the ask, It was a fun distraction. 💕
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angelicichor · 5 years ago
Uhggheeg I'm feelin VERY sappy rn and was wondering if I could get some fluffy hcs for the slasher reactions to their s/o getting them/doing smth special for valentines day? You can do any slasher but if you could do billy Lenz, Jason, Bubba/thomas, and brahms I would be grateful! Thank you and have a wonderful day! 🥰
Yes QvQ!! Adorable. I was too tired to do Bubba TTvTT I’m sowwy.
A special something for Valentine’s Day.
Jason Voorhees:  It’s no real brain teaser to realize that Jason doesn’t really celebrate most holidays, especially the minor ones. Sure, when he was still alone, without you in his undead life, he would pick a tree and hang pretty things on it for Christmas (which wasn’t even Christmas, he’d just do that when the snow was thickest) and every year, without fail he’d celebrate his birthday, even if it mostly involved him massacring a group of teenagers, but those were just the most basic things he could celebrate.
So then imagine his shock, when out of nowhere you’ve appeared with a messily wrapped gift and presented it to him with the widest, goofiest of smiles. He looked at you silly, stomping his boot on the ground to try and tell you that it’s not even winter time yet, but when you shook your head and told him it’s the 14th of February, something in his head clicked and he thanked the Lord above for the mask on his face, hiding his massive blush.
He took the gift from you carefully or as carefully as a giant like him could possibly grab something this small, then after getting a permission from you - unwrapped it.  Inside was a small, wooden bird, a blue jay, painted almost perfectly, except for a few places where a noise from the forest would scare you and make your hand jump. At the end of it’s tail, there was a little dent. “I know that you like birds... and how they sing so... I made you this!” Even with his mask on you could see his eyes soften and felt the love radiating from him. Looking down bashfully you urged him to blow in the tail and once the peculiar note rang in the air, Jason almost dropped your gift to the ground. “A bit loud if you put too much force into it, big guy!” You laughed and he scratched his neck anxiously, nodding his head a little. Maybe he couldn’t speak, but at least with this, he could ‘sing’ to you a tiny bit.
Billy Lenz
No man can escape St. Val’s day. No man, no woman, no person alive, it is everywhere and forces itself down everyone’s throat, making you barf red hearts, pink bows and cheap perfumes for weeks before or even after the big day and unfortunate for you, this time around you actually HAD someone to celebrate the day with and it was someone VERY aware of what was about to happen, what with all the boxes of chocolate Billy has stolen from poor, unsuspecting teenage boys, preparing to swoon their dates on the 14th. Rest in peace to their pocket money, but also condolences for what that meant for you. 
Lenz was a goddamn stalker. He knew everything about you - What books you liked, what music you found fancy, what foods made your eyes wiggle, everything and then some, but it was a challenge to get him to sit down for a talk about anything other than sex, so in this situation you had no idea what to give him in return. As far as you could tell his only hobby was Christmas and all the decorations you had for that burned in the last fire he accidentally cause, so you were drawing blanks.
That is... until you found a peculiar little hole in what used to be his favorite sweater and with that a light sparked in your head. That man REALLY needed a wardrobe change, not to mention a day outside the house, so saying your last prayers, you’ve kissed your wallet and on the big day it was time to say goodbye to the rest of your money. It was shopping time.
It didn’t take long for everything to plunge into chaos. All it took was the fountain in the mall turning on just as you were passing it and your sweet man went up to it, to feel the cold water on his hands, then everything just spiraled down, as more and more things took his attention, because God knows this man has never been to a shopping mall with his mother before and as he finally entered the first shop and started picking up piles upon piles of clothes, you knew one hour was being generous with how long you’d have to spend there.
At the end of the day you finally left, packing up the car, setting the bags in and buckling up to go home and once you’ve finally gotten there, you swore to never move again, but the night was still young.
As you left the car, you’ve noticed that Billy was gone. The lights were out and wouldn’t turn on, so getting anywhere was a festival of stumbling and bumps, until a crack and a sizzle of a match lighted a candle, held up by no other than your favorite maniac. He motioned you to sit back, lighted another candle and left the first one by your side, leaving you for a while.  Soon the room filled with your favorite song and your nostrils picked up a sweet scent of your favorite food (you were convinced he didn’t cook it himself, but it was too late to think about where he’d even get it from). He placed it on the coffee table before you, then knelt down, just so he could place his head on your lap.  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Billy.” you muttered, petting his head. He just hummed back, nuzzling his head against your thighs and you already knew this was going to be a long, but sweet night.
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years ago
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 11 "Black Friday"
"Be careful. I'd really like to kiss you again."
"I'm saving my energy for Black Friday doorbusters tomorrow morning."
"How about you do the honors?"
"Oh, the holidays. That festive time of year where everyone's decked out in their Christmas finest."
"The season of joy and love and presents begins when the clock strikes midnight."
"I thought you got all your clothing hand-delivered by A-list designers."
"Black Friday is about buying deliberately cheap, totally forgettable Christmas gifts for friends. The obvious cheapness of the gift makes them question our friendship and makes them way easier to manipulate as they try desperately to get back on my good side."
"Is this black toilet paper?"
"Amazing. A pair of mink albino boy shorts."
"I bribe the dude who deals weed off the loading dock to let me in a half hour early."
"Torturing these soulless manatees of senseless consumerism brings me so much joy. And isn't joy what the holiday season's all about?"
'At first I was like, "What a weird turkey." And then it clicked. Like... "Damn, that's a head."
"When you agree with me, it makes me question whether I actually agree with me."
"I am gonna take this opportunity to be the strong parental influence you have never had."
"You are gonna march over to that sofa right now and you're gonna sit down because you are in a time out."
"I'm sorry. Did you just put me on a time out? You do realize I'm not seven, right?"
"Well, behold how badly you've failed."
"I think it's pretty safe to assume that your career is over."
"Now, if you'll excuse us, we're going to the mall to exercise our patriotic right to join hundreds of thousands of our fellow out-of-breath Americans in sweatpants as they make frenzied, ill-thought-out purchases of cheap, crappy garbage they can't afford and don't need. To deny us of that right would be un-American."
"Let's go, sluts."
"I want to know what I'm being charged with."
"You drove your pickup truck through the front window of a Best Buy."
"You killed or maimed people. Let's go."
"Sounds awful, but I'd keep that to yourself."
"You're not really helping yourself."
"Most of the uniformed cops out there are working on a volunteer basis because they get backed up inside if they don't crack a few skulls every day."
"There's a killer on the loose and you're telling us this town has no police force?"
"I don't understand why you have to get us the crappiest gifts possible and then make sure we know about it beforehand just to ruin the surprise."
"I mean, that's like bringing pineapples to Hawaii."
"So would you feel the need to waste $13,000 buying me something I already have?"
"Maybe instead of using my disgusting wealth to buy my friends crap, I should use my disgusting wealth to buy my friends things they would actually enjoy."
"The mall is deserted."
"Oh, go on and shoot me, hag. It'll just make me young and skinny forever and you'll still be old. Come on, finish me off, you shriveled, old crone!"
"First day on the job and I caught a killer."
"Wait, you have a gun?"
"Damn! Why didn't I shoot him when I had the chance?"
"How's your crossbow wound?"
"The arrow missed all major arteries, and I'm currently rolling on some sweet painkillers."
"What exactly are you proposing?"
"I've always had this vision of a band of sisters who stand together like an impenetrable community of shields who kept everyone safe and secure."
"Sometimes, instead of shields, we need swords."
"No one is going to help us."
"No one is going to stop this until we are all dead."
"Well, I'm sorry, but she is a vindictive, amoral woman who no one is gonna miss."
"I say we poison her."
"Did you ever do it in my bed?"
"So you were gay lovers?"
"No, we were not gay lovers."
"I'm an investigative journalist."
"Well, you know, I really love the idea of a bunch of guys from different backgrounds getting together and forming a brotherhood for life."
"Have you ever been to a driving range?"
"What sort of ab regimen are you rocking, bro?"
"I guess the fact that you and I cannot stand one another is finally out in the open."
"Name your weapon."
"So pick your weapon. You can choose sabres, guns, baseball bats, small pebbles, spoons, doesn't matter to me. What does matter, is that we will fight, and we will fight to the death."
"Well, I am sorry that took so long, but, you know, a watched pot never boils."
"Being a millennial feminist means growing up listening to Taylor Swift say she doesn't like to think of the world as boys versus girls."
"That's not what feminism was about."
"How come all the pictures on the wall are selfies?"
"Oh, it smells amazing."
"Where did you get puffer fish venom?"
"I want to be there when she dies."
"That's bliss!"
"Is it nutmeg?"
"I am like a soldier at war. I am killing to stop more killing. It's totally justified."
"But what about moral law?"
"Oh, that would be hard for you?"
"I don't "rage" on Tuesday nights or have competitions about how many girls I can have sex with in one day."
"What I'm trying to say is guys join fraternities to get a sense of structure in their lives. Problem is the structure
they're buying into is antiquated. It's misogynistic and hierarchical and dangerous."
"It's misogynistic and hierarchical and dangerous."
"I don't think I'm in the right headspace right now."
"You're a rare breed, one of the true good guys."
"That's the weirdest explanation for anything I've ever heard."
"We need to think of new ways to kill her!"
"I'm really gonna cherish our time here together."
"Killing is wrong, but, under this circumstance, I don't know what other choice we have."
"Hold on, sluts."
"When I was your age, I was thoughtless about sex."
"If you don't think you're ready, you probably aren't. And if you aren't, well, then no good can come from doing it, anyway."
"The main thing is you have to be perfectly dry. The cryosauna is set to 200 degrees below zero, so any water on your skin freeze instantly."
"How come there hasn't been any screaming?"
"No, we need to get away while we still can."
"Hey, hey, it's enough. The point has been made."
"Why do you want to continue taking this any further?"
"Yes, I feel guilty!"
"Don't you ever call me again."
"I heard about these Buddhist Monks that found a way to meditate, so they can sit outside all night, way, way up in the Himalayas in weather that would kill a normal person, but their core temperature stays totally normal."
"You're thinking of the movie Teen Wolf, you brainless gash, which is not, in fact, a documentary!"
"Uh, Rasputin. He was a mystical Russian peasant who became a close advisor of Tsar Nicholas II because he could magically cure Prince Alexei of his hemophilia."
"Okay, this seems totally not germane to what we're talking about, so can we please just skip ahead?"
"Maybe she has some magical powers that make her unable to die, like some horror movie villain, like Michael Myers, or Jason, or Dr. Giggles."
"So, maybe try on a size zero."
"Okay, I'm not gonna try on the size zero because I won't fit into the size zero."
"This is discrimination!"
"Look at her. Give her something. Give her something to be happy!"
"Come on, what is wrong with these idiots?!"
"Why did you ask me to meet you here? And why are you carrying a bag clearly filled with chains?"
"I thought we could talk about bondage and go for a swim."
"You're all packed up. I thought you were staying until you cracked the case."
"I was just gonna go to the woods and write or something,
like Thoreau, but with WiFi."
"I mean, maybe I could come with you. Might be kind of romantic, you know?"
"I could bring a slow cooker, and we could talk about the case all night over short ribs?"
"Well, I do love short ribs."
"I'll always be able to say that my first was with a great, great, great guy."
"I am a sentient grown woman who has been through
hell the past few weeks, and I'm sitting next to you, now, with open eyes and an open heart, telling you that I want to give myself to you."
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pbandjesse · 3 years ago
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Today was an excellent Christmas Adam. Despite everything it could have been, it was not an unmitigated disaster.
Sleep went alright last night. We got here right at 10. Introducing Sweetp to all the cats was a bit of a nightmare because the dogs escaped the basement before we were ready. But a full 24 hours later everyone has calmed for the most part and Sweetp can hang out without constantly being accosted and frightened by loudness. Despite Sophie and Gracie's best attempts. Molly has been chill for the most part. No one has been maimed.
James woke up early to go biking for 40+ miles. I slept in and woke up at 9. I was a little cold but I still slept okay.
I got up and washed and dressed. I fed Sweetp but when I left the room he wanted to go explore too so I let him out and the dogs came in and ate his breakfast. We would try again later. He spent a lot of the morning running and swatting them, even gently swatting mom. But no one was injured and besides the loudness it was all fine.
I don't know why but I did not eat breakfast. This was dumb. My energy level was all messed up all day. I could feel myself being overly quiet and withdrawn. But I couldn't pull myself out of it.
I still had a nice time sitting with my parents. I was just a little on edge until James came home.
I would go to the store with mom to get dad's prescription. It was the rite aid I had my very first job in so that felt very weird. The only person I recognized was the pretty pharmacist. She is very blonde and short and so I spotted her right away. But we got dad's meds and headed back to the house.
Some little neighbor girls ran down the street to give mom a gift and asked if they could play with the dogs. So all 3 little girls were on the porch enjoying the dogs. It was nice seeing mom smiling with them. I sat inside with dad and we talked about lunch.
James got back during all of that. And we would have a nice chat and then they would go get cleaned up. We ordered sandwiches and sides. I also got a salad. Which had olives on it and I was very surprised because I have never seen a Caeser salad with olives before but whatever. I just wanted some greenery.
While we were waiting for food me and James sorted my gifts for my brother's kids. Because I learned last night they took in another child. So I had to move some things around to make it even between all the boys. I also had gone through the bags of stuffed animals to find ones I was okay parting with. Which ended up being 1 of 3 bags so I was a little proud of that.
Lunch came and I felt weird. But the food was good and I felt a lot better once we ate. And then it was time for presents! We had some of the cookies I made and then I got to give my parents the collage blankets I had made for them. I am very proud of how they came out and they were a lot of work honestly so I'm really glad they like them. And I got to give them the name history paper I got made at peddlers village last week. So that was really cool.
I got some fun things too. Mom got me a brand new sewing machine. I'm very grateful for that. And she got me and James sweatshirts and hats that match and a whole bunch of nail polish. James got em a Mitski t-shirt and I got them a book about cheese. It was fun and then Sweetp was in the box from the gifts and the dogs were running through the tissue papers and it was good and fun.
Jess would come over around 330. She brought us a box of cookies and James a few little gifts. Including a handmade apron. She's she sweet.
We headed out. James went to their friends and we went to hunt for stuffed animals.
We went out to Newtown and got some buy one get one Halloween blind boxes. We ended up getting the same pumpkin so that was funny. And then we walked to Starbucks which was annoyingly closed. We would have to go to two more Starbucks before we found an open one. But we did stop at a fancy chocolate store to get a mug Jess wanted. And then into a Hallmark store that also had squishmallow. They had the cobra I like but not in the size I wanted. So we passed on that.
We headed to main street to try that Starbucks but it was closed as well so off to the mall.
We went to a shopping center outside the mall and they also had a Hallmark. Again without the size cobra I wanted. So we said if they had it at the Hallmark at the mall it would be a yes but they ended up not having them so I got no squish.
Instead I got a keychain of a teddy bear with a tiny little head and I love him. I also got a pretzel and we had fun just walking around and looking at stuff. We got some stuff at Claire's because they were having the buy 3 get 3 thing. I got a scrunchie with a bow and pearls. Very pretty. Jess mostly got mini brands. It was fun.
James would join us as we finished buying nice smelling hand sanitizers at bath and body works. We got the keychain part so we could be like all the cool girls. But we got the silly popcorns so we aren't too cool. It was fun but man was it loud in there.
We found James and after a bathroom stop we took them to the Lego store. I was very excited to share this place with them. Because it's not an official store, it's called Andy's Bricks and it's like all second hand and old Lego kits. And best of all they have make your own mini figures!
So, with Jess's help, we made mini figures of each other. I'm really happy with them. And we got the snow globe to make them little holiday decor. It was fun searching for the best pieces. The one issue we had though, after we found good faces that had similar aesthetics, was my hair. They didn't have any good black girl hair. So we found a brown one I could just paint later.
James was having a blast looking. And then Jess found a box of just animals so we searched for a bear and a cat. And then I asked the lady if they maybe had more black hair and they didn't have the pony tail but they did have this long black one with braids and it's perfect! I was so pleased.
We paid and headed to dinner. We went to Margaritas which is a fairly good Mexican place. I mostly like it because the booth tables are like. Little building. With roofs. It's great. And the food and company was good. I was mostly very dehydrated so I was happy for drinks. Jess and James shared a margarita and it was fun.
But we were all tired by the end. We said goodbye in the parking lot and I joined James in our car to come back to my parents house.
Dad was already in bed. But Sweetp was laying in my room and mom was up on the couch. We all sat in the living room for a bit. Talked. Mom said how much she liked her blanket and I'm really glad I put pictures of her mom on there, it was for sure special for her. But soon we said goodnight and headed our own ways.
I got washed up and joined James in bed. They seem to be asleep now. And hopefully I will be asleep soon.
Goodnight everyone. Take care of each other.
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allthebooksandcrannies · 4 years ago
Everything is so Loud and my room is such a Mess because we're packing to go visit my aunt and uncle in Montana and that means packing clothes for snow but waterproof clothes are an awful texture and they make the worst sound in the world and they trap my arms and my cousins are sweet but they're middle schoolers and they're A LOT and my brother's not here to help me entertain and I don't understand what clothes my burger is referring to when she describes what I need to pack in which bag for when and the tv is BLARING and I keep asking for clarification because I need a more specific answer and she doesn't understand what I mean and my mom wants me to take off my headphones but the tv is too loud and they keep forgetting with each other and I don't want to hear it so I want to get them on but she's saying the problem is that I can't multitask but that's why I need the headphones and she wants to take them and everything is too Much and my dad is yelling at me for asking questions about packing and saying that "it's not that hard!" And "what's wrong with you! It's not that big of a deal" and then in crying like a child because it's too Much and I know I'm being stupid and I'm sorry but it is that hard and my room is messy and I can't breathe and now mom is yelling at Dad for making me cry and I'm hiding in my room and then she comes in and tries to help and tells me not to brag myself up and says I'm just hormonal and overstimulated and I'm just tired and need to go to bed and sleep better and I KNOW that, but I still can't go to bed before midnight in this house and everyone keeps talking me up early and I'm always tired and yes I'm overstimulated and I try to explain and she gives helpful advice for the mess and gives specific packing advice and it helps but she's still telling me I need to take my headphones off because my music is overstimulating me and I explain that the tv in the living room is too loud and she says it's fine because a noise farther away is better than a noise up close and I should take it from hey since she gets overstimulated and I try but the tv hurts and I can't do it and maybe music is distracting but at least it doesn't hurt and I'm crying again and then she tells me that my dad doesn't mean to make me cry and I know that but it's nice to hear but then she continues and says "he just gets frustrated and that's where I get it from" and that feels like a backhanded compliment. And then she leaves and he comes back while I'm rocking and says he's sorry he's an asshole but that I'm stubborn and that sometimes stubborn and asshole make a bad combo and I know he's trying his best to apologize but he's also still making it my fault and I'm crying again but he's making me look him in the eye and I can't do it so I'm hiding in the hug but no one will leave me alone and I just want to go back to my apartment but I can't because they didn't thousands of dollars on winter gear for this trip and we're going to visit the Uncle who just paid off all my student loans for me as a Christmas gift and I definitely appreciate it but I have no idea how to respond or express gratitude and in scared I'm gonna come off as rude or ungrateful because I don't know the script for this and I'm so overwhelmed
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creedtheconquer · 6 years ago
Christmas In July
Summary-"Jim teaches (Y/N) how to surf and then she surprises him with a few gifts."
Pairings- Jim Mason x Reader
Warnings- none just fluff
*Hello everyone this kicks off day 11 I hope you enjoy this story! Remember my ask box and requests are always open so please feel free to request away! I write for Cody and any character he has played minus David for obvious real life reasons and I wish to respect him as a person. I also write for other AHS characters*
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"Come on it'll be fun." Jim pleads with (Y/N) to go surfing with him. He's been trying for almost an hour now had has tried every trick he knows but still she wouldn't agree.
"I've never been the surfing type, I'll watch you from the beach." (Y/N) says looking up into his ocean eyes and he pouts trying to give her his puppy dog eyes.
"Come on I can teach you how." He says softly and she finally gives into him.
"Fine, you win." She says throwing her hands up in defeat and he smiles pressing a quick kiss to her lips before she gets up to go put on her wet suit.
(Y/N) makes her way down to their shares bedroom as a sigh leaves her lips, "Its fine (Y/N) nothing is going to happen to you, you have Jim right there to protect you." She reassures herself as she pulls out her wet suit and she places it on the bed before pulling her surfboard out as well. Jim had gotten the surfboard for her when they moved here to Hawaii, hoping that she would join him in the water at least once. She pulls on her suit and tucks her board under her arm and she walks out to meet her fiance as he waits by the back door.
"Ready?" He asks, his eyes bright with amusement and happiness as he turns her around and fasens her suit. He rubs her shoulders softly as he leaves a kiss on the back of her neck and she can't help but smile at his small sign of affection.
"Yeah, lead the way." She smiles up at him and he nods opening the sliding glass door and they makes their way down to the beach.
A few hours and more than a dozen wipe outs later, (Y/N) is clinging to her board as she watches Jim glide over the water like it was nothing. She watches in awe as he seems to be dancing across the water and she's mesmerized by just the control he has over his body. Jim rides the wave out before he paddles back over to her and she smiles weakly at him.
"Give it one more try and then after that I promise we can head back up to the house." Jim says as she watches water drip from his hair and roll down the side of his face finally falling from his jaw.
"You promise?" She questions one more time and he nods as a soft smile spreads across his lips.
"I promise." He says as he watches the water for the next descent wave. When he sees one he points it out and she nods paddling out to it. He sits back and watches her as she reaches and she stands on her board on unsteady legs at first before she gains her confidence. He watches her ride out the wave perfectly and he can't help the proud smile light up his face as she paddles back over to him.
"I do it! And I didn't wipe out!" She shouts raising to a sitting position on her board and he nods.
"I'm so proud of you." He says pulling his hand out of the water and he caresses her cheek softly.
"Come on lets go back up to the house yeah?" She asks and he agrees and they both start paddling back to shore.
"Here let me show you how to wax your board." He says softly pulling the top half of his wet suit down as they sit in the sand. Jim reaches into the little bag he brought with them and pulls out his wax that had just a little bit left and he starts to wax down his board. She watches him closely completely transfixed on his every movement and he smiles at her focus.
"Let me try." She says reaching for the wax as he finishes. He hands it to her and now it's his turn to watch her, occasionally she would stop and look up at him to see if she was doing it correctly and he would give a nod if she was, and if she wasn't he would take the wax from her and show her before handing the wax back.
"You did really good today." He says softly as they relax on the couch after they had showered and changed into dry clothing.
"I've got the best teacher showing me." She says looking up at him and he smiles pressing a soft sweet kiss to her lips.
"I wouldn't call myself the best." He says correcting her softly and she giggles cuddling up to his chest.
"Oh but you are." She whispers, "Speaking of wait right here I'll be right back." She says standing up off the couch and she hurries into the bedroom leaving a confused Jim on the couch. She returns holding a big blue gift bag and she hands it to him causing him to raise an eyebrow at her as he takes it.
"What's this?" He asks pulling the green tissue paper from the bag as she takes a seat by him.
"Merry Christmas." She says and he gives her a confused look as he checks the date on his phone.
"Um babe I think you may have wiped out one to may time, it's the middle of July." He says flashing his phone screen at her and she smiles as she sees the photo of her snuggled against his chest sound asleep.
"Christmas in July." She says gesturing towards the bag for him to actually open it. He reaches inside the bag and pulls out the new ankle strap she bought for him when she notices his was becoming worn out.
"Awe you noticed, I was actually going to go buy a new one this weekend." He says softly setting it on the table before reaching into the bag again and he pulls out the brand new thing of wax.
"I noticed you were almost out so I went down to the local surf shop and asked which brand was the best." She smiles and he leans in placing a kiss to her lips.
"You're amazing." He says happily as he reaches into the bag again and he pulls out a new pair of swim trunks and he smiles reaching back into the bag and he pulls out the last thing. His eyes widen as he unfolds the new wet suit and she smiles watching his reaction.
"One more thing." She says softy handing him a paper and he looks down at it, "I entered you into a surfing contest 2 weeks from now."
"You didn't have to do all of this." He whispers looking up at her then to the stuff she had just given him and he feels tears start to form in his eyes.
"But I did because you've done so well these last few years Jim, you deserve all of this." She says fighting back tears of her own as he pulls her in for a tight hug. He holds her close thankful for her coming into his life at the right time all those years ago, saving him from himself and helping him get better.
"I love you." He whispers softly and she rubs his back softly has she hugs him with an equal amount of force he's using on her.
"I love you too." She whispers back kissing his shoulder and he lets out a heavy sigh of relief enjoying all of the love and affection she pours on to him day in and day out.
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fanwarriorfictions · 6 years ago
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter One: MADMAX
A year had passed. Just a year since Will had gone missing, since the crazy adventure that had followed, since they had fought for their lives, since El had came and gone from their lives. Phina found that there was not one night she did not think of what had happened, not one night were she didn't wake in a cold sweat from the nightmares that plagued her, not one night she did not miss El. El was Phina's sister, not by blood, but by shared pasts, shared trauma. They had both endured Hawkins Lab, and Doctor Brenner, Papa.
Another thing Phina thought about frequently. Papa. When she had seen Brenner, laying on the floor, dying, her memories had flooded back into her mind, the damn built by her trauma no longer holding them back. She remembered every little detail, the experiments, the isolation chamber, her powers. Phina had been well aware of her gift of fire, it showed itself easily due to her temper. Her other affinities, were not as easy to access, but they were all the more powerful.
   With air, she could create winds stronger than a category five hurricane. They were strong enough to shred through anything in its path. With it, she could lift things, almost like El could, but different. She could create a ball of wind to surround the object and move it wherever she wished. Just before she had escaped Hawkins Lab, they had been trying to get her to use that power on herself, to lift herself, to fly.
   Her water was a little like her fire, more brute in attacks, but it was more controllable. Phina could form the water into whatever she wished, anything from small creatures like butterflies to her favorite, wolves. She created the wolves and they almost became alive, attacking where she wanted them to, but killing in their own ways, usually by drowning a victim. With water, also came ice, she could freeze the wolves and they could use their teeth to bite.
Then she had earth, her strongest affinity. Earth was so much more than plants and dirt, it was life. The plants and trees were alive, they had a consciousness, they saw Phina as one of them. She could control them, yes, but most of the time, she didn't have to. They protected her, they strenghtened her, they were a part of her. When she had explained this to the boys, Dustin had taken to calling her Mother Nature, and she guessed he wasn't really wrong. She was nature itself, anything related to it was at her command. And she was at their command.
   A year, so much can happen in a year, and so much did. Everyone had slowly healed, together, but the scars still remained. Phina grew stronger, but so did her shadows. Shadows plagued her, and every shadow she saw brought her back to the drawing. The one she drew last Christmas. It still rested in the first page of her sketchbook, where she would stare at it for hours. Nothing had happened, not yet, but it lingered in her mind, always reminding her that anything could happen at any moment. The paranoia arose in her from time to time, never truly gone, festering like an infected wound.
   Like right now, the moments when she was alone, when she had nothing to keep her mind at bay. Phina lay on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. With one hand, she gripped the blanket of her bed, tethering her to reality, and the other grabbed her necklace, reminding herself of her power. The little flame never left her neck, and it had become a life line to her, grabbing it whenever she felt uneasy. It brought her comfort, yet it also brought a face. Steve Harrington had given her the necklace last year, as a thank you.
   Another development over the year, Phina had found it harder and harder to hate him. Once he stopped hanging out with Carol and Tommy, he had become a lot nicer. He had even started to stand up for her against them almost every morning, and she had Nancy to thank for that. Nancy had changed him, for the better. Nancy and Steve were still going strong, and he grew better as a person every single day. It was a good thing, so why did Phina feel so bad whenever she saw them together. She was happy for her sister, and even for Steve, but, something was just wrong. Phina tried to say it was because of Jonathan, that him and Nancy had developed something together, and they did, there was no ignoring that, but she knew there was more to it. She just didn't want to face it head on.
   Phina hears yelling coming from Nancy's room, she was yelling at Mike. Arcade night, Phina chuckles, sitting up right waiting for Mike. On cue, her door was then thrown open as Mike rushes in, causing Phina to laugh even more.
   "Quarters are in the brown bag on the desk," Phina tells him without a moments hesitation, "share with Dustin, there is ten dollars worth for each of you, and a little extra if Lucas or Will need it."
   "Have I ever told you that you're the best sister in the world," Mike asks, breathing heavily.
   "You don't have to, I already know I am," she jokes, "now you better get goin' before Nancy catches you."
   He rushes out of the room with a quick goodbye, narrowly escaping Nancy as she was about to turn into Phina's room. She chases after him again, yelling at him as she goes.
   Phina shakes her head as she stands up to close her door. Those two will never stop will they, she chuckles. I hope they never do.
   As she walks back to her bed, she looks at a vase of flowers on her desk, roses from Jonathan on her 17th birthday in June. They were wilting. She smiles at them, lifting her hand to touch the closest one, they all regained their life, the soft petals kissing her skin as she filled the vase with water seemingly from nowhere. Life begins again.
   School? Dreadful. Her senior year? Even worse. Phina was taking her sweet time to get to school, taking the longest route she could. They were only a few weeks into the semester, and she was already about to pull her hair out. Being surrounded by carbon copies of Carol and Tommy, not to mention the stress of college and what she wanted to do with her life, she'd rather face the Demogorgan again than this.
   The road she was on was usually empty this early in the morning, giving her the freedom of how fast she went. So she took her sweet time, cruising along slowly, feeling the wind wrap around her like an embrace, and admiring the nature that surrounds her. The sounds, smells, all of it, calming her. That is, until the sound of an engine broke it. The car, a Camaro, flew past her, way to close. She swerves towards the side of the road to keep from getting hit by the asshole driver, which leads her towards the trees. She stops just in time not to hit one.
   The car was long gone already, due to the outrageous speed it had been going. Phina was breathing heavily, her adrenaline running high. That asshole could have killed me, her temper flared. Along with it, came a ball of fire that formed around her clenching fist. She shakes off the fire, willing herself to breath a little. It didn't calm her down, but it did help her focus. Oh this was going to be a bad day.
   Phina flies into the parking lot, going towards her usual spot to find a car already in it, the Camaro. Now she was livid. They had just parked, blasting Rock You Like a Hurricane. The drivers side door swings open, one jean clad leg coming out of it. Then comes the completely jean clad boy as well. On the other side, a younger girl gets out, taking her long board and leaving quickly.
   The boy looks around the parking lot for a moment and starts to walk towards the school, throwing a cigarette down as he goes. Phina glares at him, her temper rising again. She parks her bike in the space right next to his throwing down her stand. She stands up off the bike and storms towards mullet head.
   In Steve's car, Nancy and Steve watch her. Steve noticed instantly how mad she was when she parked, and all that anger was turned on the new kid.
   "This is not good," Steve says, jumping out of the car, "not good at all."
   "Hey asshole," Phina calls out to mullet head.
   He turns around, almost as if it was actually his name, "yes?"
   The pure arrogance in his voice stokes her rage, "I don't know if you noticed, but you ran me off the road earlier."
   "Was that you? Oh, well, I'm sorry Red," he smirks, his eyes trailing over her.
   "Don't call me that, and keep your eyes up here," she growls, "you could have killed me."
   "That would've been a real shame, to loose such a beauty as yourself," he shakes his head, his eyes still not meeting hers.
   "I'm flattered," she bites out.
   He smirks, "you should be."
   She snarls at him, "I oughta punch you in the mouth right here and now."
   "You wouldn't." His smirk grows wider. "Not with those delicate little hands."
   "You're new here, you don't know me," she snaps at him, taking a large step closer to him, "you don't know what I can do, and you don't want to find out."
   "What if I do, Red."
   The suductive undertone was maddening, "listen here asshole, don't call me Red, and if you even look at me wrong, your gonna find out what these delicate little hands really do, got it?"
   Phina smiles venomously at him, quickly going back to her harsh glare. She shoulder checks him as she walks towards the school. He is harshly turned around, forced to watch her go, he didn't mind at all.
   Steve, who had watched the whole thing, felt his blood boil as this new kid looked Phina up and down. He was about to go give this kid a piece of his mind when Nancy laid her hand on his arm.
   "Come on, where gonna be late for first period," Nancy says, watching the new kid and her sister.
   "Yeah, lets go," Steve nods, hesitantly.
-1777 words-
Ohhhhh, Phina is angry. So this marks the beginning of Season Two! Hope y'all are ready for this.
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marcholasmoth · 2 years ago
OSRR: 3050
today was a good day.
i worked with nancy on biology for several hours and was welcomed to stay for the kiddo's birthday party in the evening, and it was pretty awesome.
if i could've picked a family to join as an adult, simply to be a part of because i love the dynamic, it would be nancy's family. big room, big family, lots of noise and laughter and joy, lots of food and flavor and surprise at (1) the fact i had had fufu before, (2) i was willing to try anything, and (3) i liked spicy food ("hey, i'm white, but i'm not THAT white."). it was honestly a wonderful thing. birthdays in this large african family are joyous and happy occasions. it was awesome. and i helped decorate for christmas!
i have the kids instructions on how to put up the lights on the tree and told them to get me when they reached the top part because i'm a lot taller than they are. they're kids, it makes sense lmao. also the bulbs that nancy had gotten didn't have hooks, so i went and grabbed the fabric and craft supplies from my car and i made small strips to be tied onto the bulb loops so they could be hung on the tree. the kids put up the ornaments. they were all very patient and kind.
there was one kiddo who i don't think i'd met before, but he saw me at the table and came over and gave me a hug! i think it might've been because it turns out i look a decent amount like his mom, so i could've been related and he just didn't remember. but he was so sweet! all of the kids were just adorable and happy and kind and i love all of them. the adults were so fun. they're silly and i have the perfect gift idea for nancy's husband for christmas, so i'm gonna go find a pack of different kinds of pepper relishes because he likes spicy foods. "here is a little bit of weird white new england people culture, have hot sauce" which is objectively a hysterical thing to say to anyone, but it's even funnier because why does new england, a very white place, have hot sauce culture.
it's so funny to me.
anyway, the kiddo loved her gifts. she kind of got a new wardrobe and she got some sick kicks, and the reversible octopi and fidget zipper bag i got her went over really well with everyone. i'm glad that she asked me to stay. i was like "well i don't have any plans," so she said "i'll ask my mom!! can molly stay??" "okay, as long as she is not busy" "okay! can you stay???" "yeah, i'd be happy to." "YES"
she told me a few times that she was glad i could stay. i'm glad i could stay, too. she's a good kid. she comes from a good family, so i'm not surprised one bit.
when i got home, around 8:35pm (i made it to nancy's a little before noon and left a little before 8pm), i talked to my momma and we worked on decorations and sorting things that we have. i ended up not being able to get rid of any of the old bows that we have. we do certain themes most years, and one year we did blue and silver and i put tiny bows on the tree and on all of the other green decorations, so there were like 30 still sitting around, and i could not for the life of me even contemplate throwing them out for longer than half a second. i couldn't do it. they have feelings. they would be so sad if i had to throw them out. and that would make me sad, and i would cry about it for a week. so i flattened the bows and put them in a different bag so they were stored neatly. i couldn't even get rid of the tinsel that was wound into some of them - they were friends, and i couldn't do that to them. the tinsel needed to stay. they would've been sad if they had to be separated. so i didn't separate them.
it's exhausting when everything has feelings that you need to consider. jesus.
anyway, im tired but i got some research done today. tomorrow i'm gonna write a bunch. time to get ready for disaster.
and joel. joel, my beloved. i asked him if he needed anything when i left nancy's this evening. but he sent me links about dice?? which are really pretty but i didn't get to look at really because i've been busy today. i kinda miss my joel. and by "kinda" i mean i do. very much.
i simply wish for a hug. merp.
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pbandjesse · 6 years ago
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My allergies started acting up all of a sudden. And my eyes are very very itchy. But today was a pretty good day. James was still sick so he felt sad that our day didn't go the way that he had planned. But I was just so thrilled to have a half day that I didn't mind the changes.
I slept okay last night. Getting up wasn't too hard but it was cold in here. So I got dressed and wear two pairs of leggings. I made the decision to wear fluffy socks but regretted it as soon as I left the house because they fell down all day. And with my foot and toe hurting as much as it does I had to keep taking my issue off and fixing it. And I was just very frustrated. But it was fine. I made breakfast and I walk down to get my bike from the grocery store. And then I biked to the harbor.
The day was fine. I was working 9 to 1. Which while I still didn't love was better than having to work 9 to 6. I was a little annoyed because while me and Jordan were sitting there waiting to open up at 10 Ami called and she called out sick. Like after telling her that I didn't think I could come in today and you're convincing me to come in for half a day and then you take the whole day off. Really. Like I get it it's that time of year but I don't know that kind of really irked me
It was a really boring day though. I told Jordan I was feeling and so he left me down at the desk for most of the day. The first hour we didn't have anyone come in at all so he was also damaged best. We talked and laughed about stuff. Sometimes we were quiet. I just played on my phone. At 11 we finally had someone come in. And by the time I left at 1 we had about 15 people.
In that two hour. We had a really good firing of the cannon. And I worked on one of my last two tests for programs at the ships. And then James came. He looked very sad. He just did not feel good. And I felt bad but he was trying really hard to keep it together. He laid on the floor next to me and we held hands. I showed him apartments in the areas I want to live in. And soon enough it was time for me to go. The New Girl Rebecca came in to replace me and she is so sweet. I'm really glad that she's working at both of my jobs even though I may have to leave the BMI. I really don't want to. But I dread every time I schedule comes out. I'm hoping that having more support over at my teaching job won't take the stress off me a little bit but we'll have to see what happens.
Me and James went and got my bike and then walked up to Christmas Village. I was a little annoyed because everyone decided to be cash only today. And again I have no cash on me. So I got a $5 ATM fee. So my Pretzel was way more expensive than I wanted it to be. And it wasn't even that good of a pretzel. Like it was fine. But I could have gone over to the Pretzel Factory in would have had a better and warmer and fresh or pretzel. But whatever. It was really nice just walking around. We weren't there for very long. It's not very big. And James was tired. So we went and biked up to the Visionary Museum.
We went to the gift shop and James got almost all of the gifts that he needed. I only got one. But I did find a really awesome sticker sheet. After that we both really needed to eat lunch. We were going to try the cafe at the museum but instead we biked up to the diner by the BMI.
It was a little bit of a hard bike ride on me but we made it and it was fine. Food was good. James was a bit delirious and accidentally put sugar on his french fries. And I felt so bad and I tried to convince her to tell the waitress that he messed up. But he wouldn't do it. So he ate sugar fries. But even though we were mostly quiet it was still nice spending time with him.
We wandered over to the bank to get quarters and then to the dollar store to pick up a few more things. And then we headed home.
It was annoying biking with my tote bag. It wouldn't stay on the back and they biking really really frustrating. But soon enough we made it to James's neighborhood. I had to stop for a second I blow my nose because I was drowning. Having a runny nose and trying to bike while you're breathing really hard is very difficult. But we made it home. And I was very overheated and I got stuck in all my clothes. But soon enough we were both laying down and things felt better.
I put on the podcast and he went to go put laundry in the machine. Because the machine wouldn't turn on and all of his clothes were in there with soap on them. But I convinced him to go back down and call the number on the machine and it turned out it just flipped a breaker and everything was good and not a disaster. We ended up falling asleep for like an hour and a half. And it was very much needed.
Though it is always confusing when you go to sleep when the Sun is up and you wake up in the dark. He went down to put his clothes in the dryer and when he came back we watch some videos and at 7 I went home.
I got back here and I took a bath. Just tried to make my foot feel better. It only kind of helped. Hung out with sweet pea in the living room. I just put on my jammies and packed some of the clothes that I'm going to be bringing back home with me. It's been a pretty okay day. I'm really glad that I decided to take the half-day because if I had only been home for two hours now I would be dead. Just absolutely good. I have an overnight tomorrow. James also has an overnight but we're not on the same site. We may be switching so we will be on the same site but that's unclear. For now though I'm going to be on Taney and it'll be a good night. Tomorrow I'm going to wake up and go get some groceries and then clean. I would like to set my studio and do something. I haven't been working on art much at all. But I said I was taking some time off until the new year. At least on the new project.
I hope you all sleep well tonight. Be safe.
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