#Christine Nicholson
christinered · 10 months
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Leave it to Hallmark to add stupid sweaters and sap to a sinister classic.
On a side note...Jack looks good in that stupid sweater.
Jack is the epitome of A Sinister Classic Bad Boy.
Fuck You Hallmark.
I'll fuck Jack.
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vertigoartgore · 10 months
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Brian DePalma's Scarface, John Carpenter's Christine and James L Brooks's Terms of Endearment all turn 40 today. Feel old yet ?
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pumpka-sysflags · 3 months
Horror Movie-Themed System Names, Names, Pronouns, Titles, and Usernames!
Requested by @violyra!
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System Names: (The) Horror (System/Collective/etc.), (The) Horror Movie (System/Collective/etc.), (The) Horror Flim (System/Collective/etc.), The Shining Collective, (The) Halloween Murders, The Exorcism System, A Quiet Place Council, (The) Dracula Administration, Hereditary Family, (The) Jaws Attack, (The) Scream Franchise, The Thing Organization, (The) Carrie Girls
Names: Annabelle, Carrie, Christine, Clarice, Regan, Laurie, Rosemary, Mina, Damian, Louis, Armand, Malachi, Freddy, Jason, Michael, Chucky, Draven, Corbin, Norman, Vladmir, Crowley, Salem, Raven, Jamie, Alfred, Hannibal, Jack, Nicholson, Ridley, Ripley, Starling, Warren, Amity, Birdie, Drew, Farrow, Samara, Starling, Esther, Pearl, Sidney
Pronouns: Boo/Boos/Booself, Scare/Scares/Scareself, Cruel/Cruels/Cruelself, Danger/Dangers/Dangerself, Peril/Perils/Perilself, Peri/Perish/Perishself, Hunt/Hunts/Huntself, Undead/Undeads/Undeadself, Reap/Reaper/Reaperself, Fang/Fangs/Fangself, Zom/Zoms/Zomself, Zom/Zombie/Zombieself, Ghost/Ghosts/Ghostself, Crypt/Cryptid/Cryptidself, Wit/Witch/Witchself, Dem/Demon/Demonself, Dev/Devil/Devilself, Hound/Hounds/Houndself, Mon/Ster/Monsterself, Spiri/Spirit/Spiritself, Phan/Phantom/Phantomself, Were/Werewolf/Werewolfself, Vamp/Vamps/Vampself, 😈/😈s/😈self, 👹/👹s/👹self, ☠️/☠️s/☠️self, 👻/👻s/👻self, 🧟/🧟s/🧟self, 🧛🏻‍♂️/🧛🏻‍♂️s/🧛🏻‍♂️self, 🪚/🪚s/🪚self, 🪓/🪓s/🪓self, 🔪/🔪s/🔪self
Titles: The Director, The Horror Director, (Pronoun) Who Made The Horror, (Pronoun) Who Directs, The Film, The Movie, The Slasher, (Pronoun) Who Murders, (Pronoun) Who Kills, (Pronoun) Who Watches The Horror, (Pronoun) Who Likes Horror Movies, The Movie Watcher, The Final (Girl/Boy/etc.), (Pronoun) Who Survived, (The/My/Our) Divine Slasher, (The/My/Our) Divine Survivor, (The/My/Our) Mythical Murderer, (The/My/Our) Rumored Killer, The Vampire, The Zombie, The Ghost, The Spirit, The Skeleton, The Ghoul
Usernames: slasherish, the-divine-slasher, theexxorcised, thehauntinghaunter, everybodysfavoritefinalgirl, lovelovemurdertime, teeheeslasher, zombie-eater, chewingonvampires, therumoredghoul
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lokiondisneyplus · 5 months
Loki season two seemed like a conclusion to an engaging character arc of one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s (MCU) original villains. It capped a redemption arc where the titular character finally achieved what he’s been looking for all this time, but with a twist. At PaleyFest 2024, attendees watched a screening of the season finale followed by a panel featuring the cast and creatives. Stars Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson, Sophia Di Martino, and executive producer and writer Eric Martin and executive producers and directors Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead looked back at the Disney+ series.
Many anecdotes where shared including the previously reported stories of Di Martino’s special Sylvie costume that allowed easy access for feeding and pumping while filming season one. The actress used the same costume the next season because she had recently given birth again. Di Martino also retold the origins of her character working at McDonald’s in season two. When producers asked where she saw Sylvie next, she responded about fancying a burger.
Hiddleston then talked about which characters he studied while developing Loki. It’s no surprise that he drew inspiration from some well known villains including Alan Rickman’s Hans Gruber from Die Hard, Jack Nicholson’s Joker from Batman, and James Mason’s Phillip Vanddamm from North by Northwest. Much like Loki, all there were focused on control and revenge. 
In the season finale, Loki realizes what he must do in order to save his friends. Hiddleston also shared how he got into the right mindset to film his awe inspiring scene where he finds his Glorious Purpose. He went back and watched the God of Mischief’s journey throughout the MCU.
“The experience of watching it reminded me that these are not just scenes I played, but they are all chapters of my own life. It reminded me of the friendships I made and the experiences I had in different parts of the world. I was filled with such gratitude for the whole of it, for the journey.” Hiddleston continued, “I realized that in this moment, Loki is redefining his Glorious Purpose and he’s discovered it because he’s found friends that he loves and wants to care for. Loki is doing it for his friends and the people he loves. And I thought to myself, well, Tom. Do it for your friends and the people you love.”
We’ve already heard of costume designer, Christine Wada, and her magic with Sylvie’s outfit. Hiddleston discussed Wada’s approach to the final God Loki look we see in the finale. 
“It would be distinctly different from everything that had come before. All the other costumes in the MCU are elaborate and armored and detailed with embellishment almost as an expression of who he wants to project in the world. This is more humble and almost monastic. Yes, in a way he’s a king finally ascending the throne. Perhaps he’s more like a monk at the end of time. Something monastic and humble about it.”
During Loki’s moment of self sacrifice to repair the Loom, we see him grasping the various thread-like timelines and weaving them together. It’s as if he is turning these “burdens” and wrapping himself with them. Moorhead shared some insight into the scene itself.
“Loki is learning the importance of the connection between people so it’s a visual metaphor of course for the things that are most important to him, which is connection to the people at the TVA, his friends and all that. Something he didn’t have coming into season one… He’s becoming the Loom by the end of it and so we should have him physically start to become the Loom when he gets into this very humble looking God Loki.”
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operachristine · 9 months
Holiday Gifting Day 4
Day 4 of 5 features some Christine understudies!
Christian Müller (u/s The Phantom of the Opera), Martina Rumpf (u/s Christine Daaé), Lucius Wolter (u/s Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny), Evelyn Werner (alt Carlotta Giudicelli), Ernst van Looy (Monsieur Firmin), Fernand Delosch (Monsieur André), Gabriele Ramm (Madame Giry), Daniel Brenna (Ubaldo Piangi), Annabel Knight (Meg Giry) July 15, 2006; Essen Matinee
Dale Tracy, Susan Derry (u/s), Scott Gregory, Michael Starrs, Reinhard Schulze (u/s), Vera Borisova (u/s), Pamela Laurent, Colenton Freeman, Gabriela Nicholson March 31, 1997; Hamburg
Saulo Vasconcelos (The Phantom of the Opera), Lolita Cortes (u/s Christine Daaé), José Joel (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny) 2000 (2); Mexico City || Notes: Act 1 only
Ivan Ozhogin (The Phantom of the Opera), Mercedesz Csampai (u/s Christine Daaé), Evgeniy Zaytsev (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny), Irina Samoylova (Carlotta Giudicelli), Yuriy Mazikhin (Monsieur Firmin), Aleksey Bobrov (Monsieur André), Elena Charkviani (Madame Giry), Sergey Borzov (u/s Ubaldo Piangi), Valeria Migalina (Meg Giry) December 25, 2014; Moscow
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jennazed · 1 year
So today I was kinda bored and decided to read the "Be More Chill" book to see if there were any differences between the book and the musical.... and OH BOY WERE THERE SOME DIFFERENCES!!! I wrote down some of them, enjoy (beware spoilers obviously)
Jeremy has humiliation sheets to quantiatively determine how much of an incel he is
Madeline is now Elizabeth?
Who tf is Mark, why does he exist, and why is Jeremy friends with him?
Everyone knows Jeremy wrote the letter to Christine, but now he wants to give her a chocolate shakespeare bc he is a total flirt (TM)
Jeremy's mom is around and has a divorce lawyer-ing firm with his dad now
Michael is a white boy with an asian girl fetish
Mr Reyes doesn't microwave his own hot pockets, he uses child labor to do so instead
Christine is super angsty like she needs an anger management therapist or smth
Michael's brother got a squip apparently and is going to Brown University
Oh btw, Jeremy's dad doesn't even wear underwear around the house he just lets his son see his junk?
Michael also has a knee fetish apparently???
Sadly, the play is the actual Midsummer's Dream and not a Midsummer's Nightmare about Zombies
Ok Christine is no longer angsty?
Nvm she is angsty again that was quick
Jeremy goes "Heh-heh." a lot
According to Michael, all girls are shirt thieves and should never be trusted
Ok Christine is no longer angsty again and apparently she is very specific on how relationships are supposed to be formed bc of course she is
The whole Halloween party is now a school-sanctioned event
Is Jeremy a furry? what does "sometime tonight I’ve got to find pics on the Internet of girls with tails" mean???????
Instead of dressing up as Juliet, Christine dresses up as a prostitute angel for the halloween party
Btw michael knows all about the squip from day 1, his brother has one
Rich does his whole ITS FROM JAPAN moment at the halloween party instead of while pissing
Rich's halloween costume is marijuana
the squip is no longer "top secret can't even look it up on the internet shit" bc there's like 361 results for it on yahoo apparently
Jeremy's dad might have been gay for Ben Franklin
Instead of using his Bar Mitzvah money, Jeremy steals his aunt's beanie babies to finance his squip
LORE!! The guy from the lady's running shoes place who gives Jeremy the squip, his name is RACK LMAO
Jeremy keeps his squip-shenanigans secret from michael so we don't get the awesome sequence "try to say something cool" "i think i just blew my bar mitzvah money on a wintergreen tic-tac" "yeah not cool" :(
RACK instead of the squip says the "You can also set me to Sean Connery, Jack Nicholson, Sexy Anime Female hehehehe" line. This change is devestating
"The gayer it feels, the better your posture" YOU HEARD IT HERE FOLKS GAY PEOPLE HAVE BETTER POSTURE
In the book, the squip can see into parallel universes bc quantum physics
Brooke is Anne
Jeremy flirts with Chloe instead of Brooke/Anne man they really changed a lot of stuff around yk
Eminem dies like immediately. That squip DEFINITELY killed him lol
Fun fact: Jeremy is NOT circumcised!
Apparently you just think about the squip turning off to turn it off wow
Jeremy now does pushups whenever he sees an attractive guy on tv instead of whenever he thinks about sex
lol the squip hates singing
Jeremy instead of the squip says "up up down down left right left right B A start"
wait Brooke is in the book? Then who tf is Anne???
Madeline is now Katrina?
The squip becomes murderous if you drink, i love it!
how does jeremy not know what a pheromone is but is perfectly able to memorize monologues about how humanity has stopped evolving?
Jeremy is a professional boxer and will punch you in the neck and make your gameboy say "dont fuck with me >:(" if you mess with him, remember that folks
Apparently the squip thinks acting like a dog is cute?
NOOO! Some dude named Jason Finderman is the one who has his parents on the run for money laundering and hosts the party instead of Jake
Huh, no optic nerve blocking of Michael? Maybe this version of the squip is actually trying to help Jeremy
Poor Jenna :( she just wanted to talk about how Elizabeth is a slut and Jeremy turned her down
Apparently the squip is also a certified drivers ed instructor! Who knew?
Ok smth is up with Jeremy, why is he confessing to Chloe while on ectsasy that he constantly dreams of her with a tail? AND WHY IS SHE KINDA INTO IT??
Fun fact: ectsasy turns the squip spanish
Apparently Chloe's boyfriend in the book is named Brock. Imagine going through 9 months of pregnancy and deciding that your baby should go by fucking Brock lol
Hugging legs is Jeremy's coping mechanism
I love this version of the squip: "TODO LO QUE USTED ES BUENO PARA ES SEXO DEL INTERNET." lmao
btw rich has a belly button kink
Rich named his pp Li'l Cheese Head
No michael in the bathroom moment, instead its more of a michael in a bathtub with an asian girl moment
Michael, who is still buddies with Jeremy :), rushes to tell him of the rich fire
I think rich set the fire bc alcohol + squip = murderous rage in this universe not bc he was trying to get it out
Jeremy gets a therapist bc his mom freaks out when he tells her about the squip but the therapist is also squipped lol
lol all hollywood actors have squips, awesome
The squip's plan is to have Jeremy confess his love to Christine during the play in front of everybody but she calls him a loser… oof
The squip plans to write Jeremy's life story in a book and then have it kill itself with mtn dew red :O
That was one way to spend like four hours
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glassprism · 1 year
I don't know if you've answered this question before, but do you have favorite Phantom/Christine pairings?
I have answered it before, but not too recently, so maybe it's time to make a big ole updated masterpost of all my favorites as of now!
Keep in mind that if a name isn't on here, it doesn't mean they're not a favorite or whatever, it might just mean I never saw them with a Phantom or Christine I particularly liked (e.g. Gina Beck is an all-time favorite but she's not on here because I never really saw her opposite a Phantom I also really enjoyed) or I preferred a slightly different pairing (e.g. I really liked Franc D'Ambrosio with Lisa Vroman but I slightly preferred the latter with Brad Little). And there may be one or two where I could not decide at all (e.g. do I prefer Kelly Mathieson with David Thaxton or Josh Piterman? I can't tell!). Anyway, here they are:
Michael Crawford/Sarah Brightman - The OG cast. It can't be helped, they both had such unique takes on the role and it makes them one of the most memorable pairings for me.
Dave Willetts/Jan Hartley Morris - His rougher take on the mold that Crawford left vs. Jan Hartley Morris's old-school, classical Christine is a winner.
Mikael Samuelson/Elisabeth Berg - I love Samuelson's slightly harsher vocals compared to Berg's operatic tones.
Alexander Goebel/Luzia Nistler - Goebel is eerie, ghostly, and unhinged at the end; Nistler has a lovely classical voice and a scared, slightly naive take on her Christine. It fits well.
Davis Gaines/Tracy Shayne - Gaines is commanding, sensual, elegant; Shayne is innocent but with a touch of maturity that brings a certain uniqueness to the role.
Saulo Vasconcelos/Irasema Terrazas - Hands! I think both were allowed a lot of freedom in the role and it's great.
Hans Peter Janssens/Ineke van Klinken - Janssens is both very nuts and very sad while van Klinken is a reserved yet steely-willed Christine who is more than a match for him.
Ian Jon Bourg/Alison Kelly - Bourg is good with so many Christines, but I loved Alison Kelly's feistiness.
Michael Nicholson/Olivia Safe - Just a fascinating pairing, and they were both understudies!
Yoon Young Seok/Hye Kyoung Lee - It didn't matter that both were speaking Korean, they were so emotional that I felt like I understood every aspect of their performance.
Brad Little/Lisa Vroman - Kind of mentioned above, but I love how well these two act together.
Hugh Panaro/Julie Hanson - Hugh Panaro is a sarcastic jokester of a man and it makes you really feel for Julie Hanson's child-like Christine at the end of the show.
Gary Mauer/Elizabeth Southard - A real-life married E/C couple brings all the chemistry!
Earl Carpenter/Rachel Barrell - Barrell is also really good with JOJ, and more spirited around him, but I love Earl Carpenter more.
John Cudia/Jennifer Hope Wills - Oh the sparks these two brought to the role! Cudia was scary and dominating but JHW was absolutely able to hold her own against him.
Simon Pryce/Julie Goodwin - The voices of these two!
Marcus Lovett/Anna O'Byrne - Leroux-accuracy heaven.
Jeremy Stolle/Samantha Hill - Again, I've seen these two give fantastic performances with multiple performers, but I really do love what they bring to the show together.
Tomas Ambt Kofod/Sibylle Glosted - Very detailed, nuanced performances in a production that was full of it.
Jonathan Roxmouth/Meghan Picerno - There was fire between these two! Roxmouth was intent on bending Christine to his will but Picerno was so fiercely independent that you knew he could never succeed.
Jeon Dong Seok/Son Ji-soo - JDS is a swoon-worthy Phantom while SJS brought lovely expressions to the role.
And I'm sure there are many others...
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wheel-of-fish · 1 year
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Saturday, July 22, 2023 • 9 p.m. EST: Michael Nicholson, Olivia Safe & Christopher Morandi (Hamburg 2001)
Here's a fun thing: someone I haven't streamed before! New-to-(most of) us Phantom! I've always meant to stream him but never got around to it until now. There are some really interesting acting choices (at least in the final lair footage I've watched) that I'm excited to see reactions to.
Fun facts from @glassprism about this performance:
This was the final matinee, and the main actors (and some of the secondary ones) were all understudies!
Olivia Safe was like 19 at the time!
Michael Nicholson married a Christine (Carla Nicholson)!
Fun facts from me about this performance:
As always, stream will be on cy.tube and shy anons are welcome. For more info, please see the Saturday Streams FAQ! Link and password will be posted here at 8:45.
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oscarwetnwilde · 7 months
A radio show starring James Wilby, originally from 1998 is now available (for the moment) to listen to at the links above. Taken from the site:
It tells the story of narcissistic Sir Willoughby Patterne’s search for a bride. In an era when young women were effectively trafficked between fathers and suitors, he is torn between his feelings for sentimental Laetitia and strong-willed Clara. When he eventually pins one down to an engagement, Sir Willoughby is baffled at her attempts to extract herself from the arrangement.
Stars James Wilby [Poldark] as Sir Willoughby Patterne, Keeley Hawes [Orphan Black: Echoes] as Clara and Nickie Rainsford [Skellig] as Laetitia, alongside Simon Ludders, Hannah Gordon, Bill Wallis, Robert Patterson, Lawmary Champion, Christine Pritchard, Anna North, June Barrie, Giles Thomas, Paul Nicholson and Leo Brightmore.
Dramatised by Jane Dauncey
Director: Alison Hindell
A BBC Wales production first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1998.
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monstermaster13 · 17 days
Werebelushi's Reaction: to Stupid Old Troll Comments
'Suggest that a werewolf version of John Candy is a stupid fursona to have.' You know, pointing out that something that is supposed to be stupid is a stupid concept to have for a character is a stupid idea to do. Have none of your guys ever heard of Poe's Law?
'Suggest that a werewolf version of Jim Carrey as the Grinch is a stupid fursona to have'. Reusing the same method and joke over and over just to hammer in the point that you think it's stupid is a stupid idea to have. So…this is the gimmick? You are going to just repeat the very first one over and over again? That doesn't sound terribly original to me, that just seems like the method that bad parody movies like 'isn't this joke originally and clever? Look it's Thor only he's overweight and he farts a lot, we're going to have Thor doing the same fart gag over and over until you think it's funny' or 'Well we're going to have Wolverine give the middle finger to someone with his claws, because there's no way that has ever been done in the X Men movies, we're going to have do that because that is original and clever.' The humor of the Daloli-verse is very much the online equivalent of Seltzerberg's spoof movies. Look guys, as a comedian myself I can relate to how awfully difficult it must be to think of new material, there are nights where I cannot think of a joke or even a good topic to rant about, but you know…I practice and practice, and so should you. Maybe try branching out a little, try a different joke. Because clearly re-doing the same joke only switching out the subject isn't funny.
'Make fun of his werecreature fursonas over and over'…yes, that's all you have been doing and it's not original or funny, like when that stupid idiot though it was a clever idea to put celebrity heads on fat people's bodies to try and parody said characters, okay…why just use a fat person over and over? Oh look, the bad Daloliverse expy of me has red hair that clearly does NOT match the rest of their hairline, obviously they just put me and Andria into a blender and thought…'give this John Belushi expy a red wig and act like he/she/ is supposed to be Andria', and also how is giving your Megamind expy hairy hands and thick eyebrows supposed to represent those OCs? Yes, Nathan likes Megamind. Is turning your Megamind expy into Jack Nicholson in Wolf supposed to be referencing something? Is giving your obvious Christine knockoff cartoon eyes and angry eyebrows supposed to be referencing something? I don't see the humor. You just reuse the same 'make fun of his OCs' schtick over and over and it's never different apart from the character, it's repetitive and unoriginal. 'Ooh look, it's Pinnochio and the long nose he gets when he lies is being used to simulate an erection! That joke hasn't been done before, right?' 'Oh look, it's that meme guy that sings Chocolate Rain and he is singing a seduction song.' So..what's the joke? What is the damn joke. Is the joke is that he is singing a sexy song in the same style as Chocolate Rain? You know Key and Peele's bit about Ray Parker Jr was funny because it was about how Ray Parker Jr is known for one song yet all the songs he sings in the skit sound exactly like Ghostbusters, I mean if the joke you're trying to make is that 'Oh Tay Zonday made Chocolate Rain but what if he tried to do different song styles but the song sounded a bit like Chocolate Rain each time?' then yeah i'd buy it. I mean if you did a parody of nature gone wrong movies and then put in Godzilla for no reason other than…'Well Jurassic Park has scaly creatures in it, Godzilla is a giant scaly monster, so the joke writes itself', i'd be questioning you. I mean Godzilla is not what I think of it when it comes to movies about mutant/killer animals. If this was supposed to be a Jurassic Park parody you also missed the mark because Godzilla is not a dinosaur. You can't just claim your fake werecreatures are supposed to do anything other than mock Nathan for his OCs when half of them are unoriginal.
'Call him out on his Elvira obsession and call him a cougar chaser.' Hey, you leave the mistress of the dark out of this, jokes on you, Nathan's bisexual. And also jokes on you again because Elvira's actress came out as bi. Also…Nathan likes gothic women, got a problem with that?ar the stupidest idea to have. Repetition can be good, yes but the way you do is annoying and we know what the punchline is going to be so either get better material or stop being so unoriginal. I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy's friend who knows how to get you a more original set of dialogue and more original putdowns, you'll need him.
'Call him out on his Elvira obsession and call him a cougar chaser.' Hey, you leave the mistress of the dark out of this, jokes on you, Nathan's bisexual. And also jokes on you again because Elvira's actress came out as bi. Also…Nathan likes gothic women, got a problem with that?
'Remind him that John Candy died of a heart attack at age 43, and that he doesn't have much time left!' I wasn't born yesterday you know, we know John Candy died of a heart attack, why are you mocking Nathan for being a fan of one of the nicest actors ever? Is it because you never had a childhood or a sense of humor? Honestly anyone who doesn't like John is heartless to me. We know he passed away in 1994, it was very sad. Any other celebrity deaths that happened you want to point out? It's not like Nathan was born in a cave, you know. Look Nathan really wanted to see one of Michael Jackson's concerts when he was alive but that never came to fruition.
'Remind him that Jim Carrey is a talentless hack, and that the live action Grinch movie sucked.' You have to be joking me, the daloliverse which is where you're from has some of the suckiest movies ever made, I had the misfortune of seeing all of them in the theater, 'Werenude' featured no werecreatures at all, just the same overweight model that they keep forcing into their productions and objectifying and fat-shaming her and I felt bad for the actress. Don't get me started on the bad ripoffs of me and the werejohncandy characters, that looked nothing like me or Chumsley. They couldn't even get someone of my body type and gender to play the character, they just cast that overweight model to play both characters, and for pete's sake they don't even bother to change her hairstyle, she has the same hair-style as both characters except she's wearing a red wig to look like Andria (one of Mel's friends). I have seen productions from Full Moon and Troma that put more effort into it than these movies, heck Monsturd and Thankskilling are better than this. I am sorry but the Daloli-verse tv show was terrible…none of the characters were likable and it was a bad ripoff of SNL only it was a bad parody of internet lolcow culture and not even the skits that were even that terrible were funny, all of the jokes were just mocking autistic people, furries and bronies. And don't get me started on the movie, the movie was awful, i'm sorry but I didn't like the movie that was basically Movie 43 but worse, and what makes the movie worse that a movie that is supposed to be mocking internet universe culture seems like it's a Seltzerberg movie wannabe with outdated meme references (this movie came out in 2010 yet there are references to memes from the early 2000's?), I hated the show and the movies. I tried watching some of them with Bonzi, and Bonzi said he tried watching them while under alcoholic influence, stoned, and under jungle bath salts and he still didn't find it funny.
'Tell him Steve Martin is better than Jim Carrey'…DON'T do that, you do know that both comedians are good, right? Besides, someone who starred in such titles as 'Werenude' and the Daloliverse movies shouldn't be judging someone else's taste in comedy. Trust me, i'm glad the Daloli-verse movie won a Golden Raspberry award because you'd have to be moronic to find it funny.
'Say you like Were(insert another dead comedian)s better!' You know, I like OTHER satirical website realms better than the Daloliverse, heck I liked Cracked better than you. CollegeHumor is better than the Daloli-verse, even with the political stuff, still better than this crap. Heck, It's Pat is a better movie than the Daloli-verse movie, I would watch that than this. Uncyclopedia is better than you.
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rantz1 · 6 months
I am outlining clear, provable and ongoing evidence of RCMP corruption by Chestermere RCMP which has caused serious and permanent injuries to a 12-year-old child.
I was called on June 29, 2023 by Chestermere RCMP, Special Investigator Christine Wallace, and to be clear, this was the first and only time Chestermere RCMP have ever contacted me about anything related to my 12-year-old son being horrifically abused.
Cst. Wallace called to ask where I live (apparently has no clue where I live... but somehow completed an investigation... hmmm) and then told me that she has investigated MY concerns regarding my son and is closing her file, when in fact it was Sarah Nicholson's 47 pages of concerns in writing that initiated Cst. Wallace's so-called 'investigation'.
It is ironic as Cst. Wallace and the Chestermere RCMP have done everything to NOT investigate, even deceptively attempting to return Sarah's sworn statement to her and stating to me that RCMP could not investigate Sarah Nicholson's concerns for my son's safety despite Sarah’s concerns for my son's safety which were clearly outlined and detailed in Sarah's 47 page commissioned/sworn statement along with 336 pages of supporting evidence that was given to the City of Chestermere and Chestermere RCMP back in October 2022.
On June 3, 2023, Cst. James Quigley disobeyed a direct order from the mayor of Chestermere to carry out a welfare check on my son and then again later that day denied my son medical care, allegedly in order to cover up the child abuse happening to my son.
After RCMP refused to attend, EMS was called. EMS was very concerned about my son's condition and based on the disclosures of abuse my son made to them. They decided to take my son to hospital for treatment of his injuries and further evaluation of the alleged child abuse by my ex.
EMS was in the process of transporting my son to hospital when Cst. Quigley and his partner showed up and ordered EMS to stand down, thereby denying and preventing my son from receiving medical care for his injuries, which would have also documented the ongoing child abuse.
Cst. Quigley allegedly committed several criminal acts towards my son that day by denying and preventing him medical care.
The reason our mayor had called for a welfare check was because just a few days earlier on June 1 or 2, 2023, prior to my parenting time with him, two of my son’s teeth were pulled out with pliers. He said his mother did that to him. One of his teeth had a partial root attached to it so these were not "baby teeth". My son arrived to me for our visit with his teeth pulled out and some dislocated ribs with no explanation as to why or how and again unable to walk properly.
So, after Cst. Quigley allegedly commits a criminal act on June 3, 2023 by interfering with the official duties of EMS medical professionals allegedly in order to prevent my son from receiving medical care for his injuries which would have documented the ongoing child abuse, Cst. Wallace finally goes ahead and carries out her "investigation", but in secrecy, and concludes on June 29, 2023 that there is nothing to see here folks based off an imaginary ‘secret’ investigation and an allegedly fake walk-in doctors note purportedly stating that my son is perfectly healthy, with Cst. Wallace apparently intentionally ignoring the May 2, 2021 Alberta Children's Hospital Report where my son discloses being horrifically abused by my ex and the fact that although 2 years ago he could walk just fine he is now unable to walk properly anymore, is in constant pain with deteriorating joints in his feet, legs and hips and states he is routinely starved and allegedly poisoned as he states in the hospital report that he is fed drinks that cause him to vomit up red/blood.
The May 2, 2021 Alberta Children's Hospital report documents that my son disclosed to the hospital physician and again while alone with the hospital Social Worker. He disclosed being abused by his mother saying that he goes days without eating at a time, is fed drinks that cause him to immediately vomit up red/blood and that she had purchased him a wheelchair and electric mobility scooter at that time when he had no need for one whatsoever while simultaneously getting rid of his bicycle. My son was baselined by hospital staff as perfectly mobile and healthy at that time in 2021 and his mother was flagged for a mental health issue called 'Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy', which is a severe mental health disorder where mothers harm their children incurring serious injuries or even death to the child at risk if unstopped.
This is all recorded and documented in the May 2, 2021 Alberta Childrens Hospital report. BUT apparently that was ignored by Cst. Wallace and the Chestermere RCMP.
I asked Cst. Wallace how she came to her conclusions of closing her 'investigation' despite Sarah’s 47 page sworn statement being given to her and the fact she clearly had done NO investigation at all into the matter as I have years of recorded disclosures by my son available for examination. Cst. Wallace said she concluded her file only from talking to my ex-wife and apparently a walk-in doctor's note, conveniently provided and dated June 22, 2023, which apparently says my son is perfectly healthy with no health concern, which is 100% BULL-SHIT!
If my son has no health concerns, if my son is perfectly healthy then why does his school feed him daily pain medication and why can he barely walk now when he could walk, run and jump just fine 2 years ago and without any issue? And why does he tell countless witnesses that he is not fed any food? Why does my son continue to have inflammation in his blood tests (which is extremely serious and allegedly indicates he is being poisoned) and low iron (indicative of starvation) in his blood work which has never been tested for toxins or poisons despite repeated attempts by me at the Children’s Hospital to have that done (the only place that can test for poison according to our family doctor) with a note from my son's doctor?
Why did Cst. Quigley of Chestermere RCMP just 3 weeks before closing her file commit an allegedly criminal act and deny my son medical care by EMS attendants who were in the process of transporting him to the hospital for medical care and examination?
Why did RCMP obtain an ILLEGAL EPO against me in September 2021 allegedly to stop me from having my son's blood tested for toxins, after my son disclosed being abused by his mother?
Why do RCMP refuse to charge my ex-wife for her numerous counts of perjury before the courts?
Why did Cst. Wallace wait from October 2022 until June 2023 to do her so-called and secret 'investigation'?
Why are RCMP allegedly aiding and abetting child abuse?
Why can my son barely walk now when he could walk and run just fine 2 years ago?
AND why has he not received any proper medical attention to date?
I'm going to call bullshit on Cst. Wallace, the Chestermere RCMP, and their fake investigation, which is allegedly a criminal offence.
The very last time I spoke to my son, on November 14, 2023, he had not been given any food in the prior 24 hours…
To be clear, this is alleged Dereliction of Duty, Aiding and Abetting a Criminal Offence, Criminal Negligence on the part of RCMP causing bodily harm to my son, human trafficking and much, much MORE.
I made it very clear to Staff Sgt. Kathy Klassen and Cst. Wallace back in February of 2023 that if any further harm came to my son due to RCMP's continued criminal negligence regarding my son's safety that I would be seeking jail terms for all RCMP officers involved and I am going to keep that promise!
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Chilltrax (May 01, 2023)
23:57 Edapollo - By The River (Faodail Remix) 23:57 C H I L L T R A X - Comes To Chill Out 23:52 Dj San & Sebastian Moore - In Your Eyes 23:47 Ross Couch - On Fire (Downtempo Mix) 23:42 Il:lo - Cynnes 23:37 Sound Quelle Feat. Daniel Robinson - Tempest 23:34 Pablo Nouvelle Feat. Rio - Wish You Were Here 23:34 C H I L L T R A X - Twcc High Standard Of Quality 23:30 Valante - Vana 23:24 Arkangel - Paradigm 23:21 Blonde Maze - Something Familiar 23:16 Blank & Jones - Floatation 23:15 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 23:12 Alampa - The One 23:07 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 23:02 Deep Lo - Lost In You (Soire Remix) 22:58 Joachim Pastor Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Saint Louis 22:57 C H I L L T R A X - This Is The Way 22:54 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Somewhere In Paradise 22:50 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Malou - About You 22:47 Ferr By Ferry Corsten And Youth Novels - Hands 22:43 Rocket Empire - Astoria 22:39 London Grammar - Non Believer (Groove Armada's Revival Edit) 22:39 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 22:34 Reel People & Muhsinah - Something New (Kraak & Smaak Remix) 22:31 Cinnamon Chasers - Lonely Love 22:27 Jones Meadow - Paint 22:22 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 22:18 Che Jose Feat. Jodie Knight - Freedom (Mass Digital Remix Edit) 22:18 C H I L L T R A X - Chilltrax - Chill Out Piano 22:13 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 22:09 Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Aquadrop Remix) 22:05 Everything But The Girl - Forever 22:02 Holen - Not Too Late 21:59 Emmit Fenn - The Chase 21:59 C H I L L T R A X - Organ The Chillout Channel 21:54 The Knocks Feat. Muna - Bodies (Tycho Remix) 21:50 Melosense - Nous 21:47 Baynk Feat. Drama - 1 Chance 21:43 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 21:39 Deep Forest - Sing With The Birds (Onuka Remix) 21:39 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 21:35 Evelynka - Letting Go 21:31 Westseven Feat. Angus Powell - Go Right Through (Sound Quelle Remix) 21:27 Arto - Now You're Gone 21:23 Farius - A Big Life (Sound Quelle Remix) 21:19 Khotin & Tess Roby - Fountain, Growth 21:19 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 21:14 Vincenzo - You Knew 21:10 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 21:06 Otr Feat. Shallou - Heart 21:03 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 20:59 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Just Wanted To Know 20:54 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Colorblind (Whomadewho Remix) 20:54 C H I L L T R A X - World Comes To Chilltrax.com 20:49 Above & Beyond - Believer (Marsh's Guatape Remix) 20:44 Steven Weston Feat. Tae - Same Dream 20:39 Rasmus Faber Feat. Metaxas - Be Real (Satin Jackets Remix) 20:36 Morcheeba - The Moon (Kutiman Remix - Version B) 20:32 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 20:27 Christine And The Queens - Tilted (Paradis Remix) 20:26 C H I L L T R A X - Donations 230425 20:22 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 20:18 Two Lanes - Never Enough 20:14 Vintage & Morelli - Once Upon A World 20:11 Edapollo Feat. Akacia - Run 20:10 C H I L L T R A X - Listen To This! 20:07 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 20:03 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 19:59 Cannons - Tunnel Of You 19:56 Lost In Pacific & Hanging Valleys - Escape 19:52 Logic1000 Feat. Big Ever - Natural 19:52 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 19:48 Tomb & Lewyn - All But A Dream 19:45 Zimmer Feat. Panama - Make It Happen 19:41 Woven - Brushes 19:36 Mass Digital - Little Things 19:31 Parra For Cuva - Paspatou 19:31 C H I L L T R A X - E-chilled-music 19:27 Odsen - Retrospective 19:23 Everything But The Girl - Caution To The Wind 19:18 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You 19:15 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 19:15 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 19:11 Eloi El - Stick Together (Blonde Maze Remix) 19:08 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 19:04 Approaching Black - Sensitive 18:59 Tagavaka - Oxygen 18:59 C H I L L T R A X - Extraordinary Craftsmanship 18:56 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 18:51 Jean Vayat & Evelynka - My Soul 18:48 Embrz Feat. Abroad - Rise 18:45 Rocket Empire - Lima 18:42 Armin Van Buuren Feat. James Newman - Therapy (Sebastian Davidson Remix) 18:41 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 18:37 Satin Jackets Feat. Mandy Jones - In This Life 18:33 Sg Lewis - Lifetime 18:28 Melosense - Story To Remember 18:24 Elderbrook - The End 18:19 Royksopp & Susanne Sundfor - Oh, Lover (Nto Remix) 18:19 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel Redux 18:16 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 18:11 Christian Burns - Everywhere 18:07 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 18:04 Giants' Nest - Heart Void 17:59 Henry Green - Shift (Edapollo Remix) 17:59 C H I L L T R A X - This Is The Way 17:56 London Grammar - Baby It's You 17:52 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 17:48 Lipless & Blue Noir - Alone 17:44 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 17:39 Nordfold - First 17:39 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 17:35 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - It's Enough (The Last High) 17:30 Nicolas Godin - The Border 17:27 Flexible Fire - Marea Turquesa 17:23 Alex Hook Feat. Rene - You Showed Me 17:18 Chris Malinchak, Kiesza, Malin - Tree 17:18 C H I L L T R A X - Backward Rvb Where World Comes 17:13 Two Lanes - Reflections (Il Lo Remix) 17:10 Cannons - Loving You 17:06 Rezident - Wellenlainge 17:03 Holen - Breathe 16:59 Sons Of Maria - Always 16:55 Cashmere - All Of My Heart 16:54 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 16:50 Valante - Eio 16:45 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 16:41 Shallou & Daya - Older 16:37 Running Touch - Why Do I 16:32 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 16:28 Telepopmusik, Juicy Cola - Breathe (Juicy Cola Remix) 16:28 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 16:23 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 16:20 Tep No Feat. Starzun - Hold Me 16:15 Forty Cats & Arentis - Zen 16:11 Aparde - Know You 16:11 C H I L L T R A X - Musique Nonstop 16:06 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 16:01 Blank & Jones - Floatation 15:57 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Gordi - No One Else 15:54 Lapsley - Levitate 15:49 Jones Meadow - Entrance 15:49 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 15:44 Nicholas Gunn Feat. Chris Howard - Thought Of You 15:40 Pines Feat. Akacia - History 15:35 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 15:31 Leisure - Be With You 15:27 Camelphat & Elderbrook - Cola (Simon Mills Full Sugar Mix) 15:27 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel, Chilltrax 15:23 Il:lo - Ink 15:19 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Somewhere In Paradise 15:14 A.m.r & Lumynesynth - Unfinished 15:11 Pableno - Heights 15:11 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 15:07 Vintage And Morelli Feat. Arielle Maren - The Light (Flexible Fire Remix) 15:03 Everything But The Girl - Forever 14:58 Emi Ca - Just Breathe 14:54 Darius & Amaria - Faded 14:53 C H I L L T R A X - Donations 230425 14:49 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 14:46 Emmit Fenn - What Falling In Love Is For 14:43 Twoworldsapart & Panuma & Nina Carr - Slippin' 14:38 Billion Watchers - Rainman 14:34 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Always 14:34 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 14:30 Wassu & Mimi Page - Within Me 14:25 Gold Lounge - Higher 14:21 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 14:17 Andrew Nagy & Joel Winterflood - Little To None 14:17 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 14:12 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 14:08 Tycho Feat. Rum.gold - Run Away 14:05 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 14:00 Valante - Vana 13:57 Kaskade With Project 46 - Chains Chilled 13:57 C H I L L T R A X - Be Svendsen World Comes 13:53 Teemid - L.a. 13:49 Melosense - Nous 13:44 Chris Malinchak - Saving My Love 13:39 Arkangel - Paradigm 13:35 Passenger 10 - All I Have 13:35 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 13:31 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 13:27 Lliam And Latroit Feat. Brea - Someday (Latroit Edition) 13:23 Rocket Empire - Astoria 13:18 Pilots Of Peace - Fallin 13:14 Mango & Cloudcage - More Than This 13:14 C H I L L T R A X - Twcc High Standard Of Quality 13:10 Eric Hilton - Artifact22 13:06 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 13:02 Avira & Nourey Feat. Tom Bailey - Favourite Game 12:58 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 12:55 Blonde Maze - When You Move 12:50 Northern Form - Mend 12:49 C H I L L T R A X - Chilltrax - Chill Out Piano 12:45 Alan Cerra - Radiant 12:40 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 12:36 Cannons - Bad Dream 12:33 Odesza Feat. Maro - Better Now 12:30 Flexible Fire - Amatista 12:24 Disclosure Feat. Jamie Woon - January (Finnebassen Remix) 12:24 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 12:20 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 12:17 Leisure Feat. Muroki - Summer Season 12:13 Satin Jackets - For What We Have 12:08 Hausman & Lumynesynth - Faded 12:08 C H I L L T R A X - Tcc Warm And Tender Ocean 12:05 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 12:02 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 11:58 Flume Feat. Emma Louise - Hollow (Logic1000 Remix) 11:54 Sg Lewis - Honest 11:49 Zaven - Passive Activity (Evren Furtuna Remix) 11:48 C H I L L T R A X - Ct The Backward Chillout Channel 11:44 Cinnamon Chasers - Surviving The Fire 11:40 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Oceans 11:36 Tomb - Unbound 11:32 Armin Van Buuren & Matoma Feat Teddy Swims - Easy To Love 11:27 Classic Unknwn & Lipless - Be With You 11:27 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 11:24 Sum Wave - Milkyway 11:20 Everything But The Girl - Caution To The Wind 11:17 Elderbrook - All My Love 11:14 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 11:13 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 11:08 Royksopp Feat. Pixx - How The Flowers Grow 11:04 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 10:58 Ghenwa Nemnom - Story Of A Battle (Chris Zippel Remix) 10:55 Forester - Symphony 10:55 C H I L L T R A X - Cool Refreshed Smooth As Can Be 10:51 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 10:48 Jos & Eli & Eli & Fur - Riffs Of The Night 10:44 Session Victim - The Pain 10:39 Palladian - Zagara 10:35 Bob Moses - Like It Or Not (Love Thy Brother Remix) 10:35 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 10:30 Dj San & Sebastian Moore - In Your Eyes 10:26 Two Lanes & Panama - Rolling Back 10:22 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 10:17 Shingo Nakamura - Come Closer 10:16 C H I L L T R A X - This Is The Way 10:13 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 10:10 53 Thieves - Two Days 10:07 Cannons - Loving You 10:02 Eric Hilton Feat. Brian Jackson - Something For Byrd 09:58 Nightcap - The Two Of Us (We Only Need) 09:58 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 09:54 Cri - Stranger 09:50 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 09:46 Tep No - Say What You Wanted 09:41 Steven Weston Feat. Tae - Same Dream 09:36 Marsh - Black Mountain 09:36 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 09:31 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - It's Enough (The Last High) 09:27 Parra For Cuva Feat. Kyson & Beau Diako - Ordel 09:21 Il:lo - Cynnes 09:17 Fkj Feat. Little Dragon - Can't Stop 09:13 Phello - Timelapse 09:13 C H I L L T R A X - Donations 230425 09:09 Chris Malinchak - Control 09:04 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 09:01 Feiertag Feat. Tessa Rose Jackson - Riptide 08:56 Fakear - Crystal 08:53 Satin Jackets Feat. Ivy Falls - Different Directions 08:48 Kelela - Enough For Love 08:48 C H I L L T R A X - Organ The Chillout Channel 08:44 Rohne - Twelve 08:40 Elderbrook - Wasted On You 08:35 Washed Out - Hide (Amtrac Remix) 08:31 Lp Giobbi Feat. Dj Tennis & Joseph Ashworth - All In A Dream 08:26 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 08:20 Royksopp - Compulsion 08:20 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 08:16 Jako Diaz & Leyet - Only You 08:12 Ferr By Ferry Corsten And Rich Walters - Limbo 08:08 Jones Meadow - Fences 08:03 Camelphat - Waiting (Eli & Fur's Found Version) 08:03 C H I L L T R A X - E-chilled-music 08:00 Everything But The Girl - Forever 07:57 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 07:51 Mango - Skyline 07:47 Fabio Vee & Mike D' Jais - Consolation 07:43 Tensnake - Adams Hill 07:43 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 07:39 Sound Quelle & Tailor - Where We Should Be 07:34 Genix & Zashanell - All I Want (Chill Out Mix) 07:30 Pableno - Heights 07:25 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Julia Church - 9 Days 07:25 C H I L L T R A X - World Comes To Chilltrax.com 07:21 Sons Of Maria - Outbound 07:16 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 07:12 Attom - Distant Memories 07:07 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 07:07 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 07:04 Sebastian Davidson Feat. Lewyn - Second Hand Love 07:00 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 06:55 Deep Lo - Lost In You (Soire Remix) 06:51 Kayobe & Zoe Sky Jordan - No Sympathy 06:51 C H I L L T R A X - We Are The Music Makers 06:46 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 06:43 Jimpster & Oliver Night - Ascension 06:39 Kidnap - Start Again (Kidnap Piano Mix) 06:36 Flexible Fire - Marea Turquesa 06:32 Moon Boots Feat. Nic Hanson - Keep The Faith 06:31 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 06:27 Satin Jackets Feat. Mandy Jones - In This Life 06:23 Embliss & Lumynesynth - Phases Of The Moon 06:19 Logic1000 - 21 06:15 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 06:11 Che Jose Feat. Jodie Knight - Freedom (Mass Digital Remix Edit) 06:11 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 06:08 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 06:05 Cannons - Hurricane 06:01 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 05:56 Emi Ca - Just Breathe 05:53 Tep No - Deep Sin 05:52 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 05:49 Solomon Grey - Home 05:45 Melosense - Nous 05:42 Liz Cass - Blue 05:38 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 05:34 Rohne - Ceres 05:34 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 05:29 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 05:23 Ultraista - Mariella (Zero 7 Remix) 05:19 Woven - Brushes 05:15 Vandelux - Tulum 05:12 Khotin & Tess Roby - Fountain, Growth 05:11 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel Redux 05:08 Sum Wave - Evening Mood 05:05 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 05:01 Kleerup Feat. Yuna - Break Down The Wall 04:56 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 04:52 Heard Right Feat. Phoebe Tsen - Pulling Me Under 04:48 Cashmere - All Of My Heart 04:47 C H I L L T R A X - Donations 230425 04:43 Elderbrook - The End 04:40 Chris Malinchak - Cellophane 04:36 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 04:32 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 04:27 Morcheeba - Gimme Your Love 04:27 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 04:23 Evelynka - Letting Go 04:20 Forester - Saint (Shallou Remix) 04:16 Holen - Not Too Late 04:11 Kraak And Smaak Feat. Izo Fitzroy - Twilight 04:11 C H I L L T R A X - Something I Should Tell You 04:07 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 04:04 Flexible Fire - Amatista 03:59 Nicholas Gunn Feat. Derek Luttrell - Lose Control 03:56 Lost In Pacific & Hanging Valleys - Escape 03:51 Jean Caillou - Signs 03:50 C H I L L T R A X - Backward Rvb Where World Comes 03:47 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 03:43 53 Thieves - Heights 03:40 Rocket Empire - Lima 03:36 Flight Facilities Feat. Your Smith - Heavy 03:32 Thievery Corporation Feat. Shana Halligan - Love Has No Heart 03:32 C H I L L T R A X - Twcc High Standard Of Quality 03:27 Forty Cats & Arentis - Zen 03:24 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Somewhere In Paradise 03:20 Henry Green - Another Light 03:17 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 03:17 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 03:13 Giants' Nest - Crema 03:10 Cannons - Loving You 03:04 Il:lo - Cynnes 03:01 Edapollo - Standing There 02:56 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Colorblind (Whomadewho Remix) 02:55 C H I L L T R A X - Donations 230425 02:52 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 02:48 Attom & Blonde Maze - I Think About 02:43 Mass Digital - Thoughts Of U 02:38 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 02:32 Nando Rodriguez Feat. Lottie - Madness (Cafe Chill Out Mix) 02:32 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 02:29 Tomb & Lewyn - All But A Dream 02:24 Attlas Feat. Mango - Over The Water 02:20 Approaching Black - Sensitive 02:16 Kaskade - Where Did You Go 02:16 C H I L L T R A X - Fresh And Fascinating 02:11 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 02:07 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 02:03 Andre Aguado - Through The Night 01:59 Kelela - Contact 01:55 Jones Meadow - Need You Now 01:55 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel, Chilltrax 01:51 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 01:47 Catching Flies - Daymarks 01:43 Arto - Now You're Gone 01:39 Emmit Fenn & Shallou - Hollow 01:35 Morcheeba - Otherwise 01:35 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 01:31 Odsen - Retrospective 01:26 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 01:21 Nicolas Godin Feat. Cola Boyy - The Foundation 01:17 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 01:17 C H I L L T R A X - Donations 230425 01:14 Tep No & Noak Hellsing - I Won’t Need You 01:10 Everything But The Girl - Forever 01:07 Vintage & Morelli - Once Upon A World 01:03 Diplo Feat. Rhye - Mmxx - Xii 01:03 C H I L L T R A X - This Is The Way 00:59 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 00:53 Sons Of Maria - Are You 00:49 Boerd Feat. Stella Explorer - Before We Drown 00:45 Fakear - Crystal 00:39 Tycho - Horizon (Poolside Remix) 00:39 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 00:35 Cinnamon Chasers - Surviving The Fire 00:31 Pines Feat. Fractures - Rewrite The Ending 00:27 Giants' Nest - Purple Beach 00:23 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 00:20 Satin Jackets & Panama - The Future 00:20 C H I L L T R A X - Be Svendsen World Comes 00:15 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 00:12 French Braids & Matt Hartke - Heaven On Loan 00:08 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 00:05 Sum Wave - Milkyway 00:01 Melosense - Can't Replace You 00:01 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc
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Esin Bicak wearing an upcycled dress from lrs ss22 and upcycled flats from reikenen fw21 for displaycopyofficial styled by christine nicholson
assist/extra work done by yours truly #creativefashionpresentations
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amysbooketlist · 2 years
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Qotd: what catches your eye in antique shops? Last thing you bough that was old but new to you? . Books! I bought an English anthology published in 1793. It my precious. . Sometimes treasure can be found where you least expect it. In the decade since high school graduation, Christine Sawyer has realized her dream of opening Treasure Hunting Antique Mall, the place where shoppers find gems that are new to them. Between her store, her house, and her role as a doting aunt, she’s happy with her life–if a bit lonely. But she’s used to being less lucky in love than her fraternal twin sister. Britney was always the popular one, the head cheerleader who dated the homecoming king and quarterback, while Christine stayed in the shadows. Brent Nicholson is still trying to come to grips with the shambles his life has become. After leading his football team to a state championship, he suffered a career-ending injury. Now he’s lost his construction business thanks to his so-called best friend. So when his great-aunt Midge asks for his help readying her home to put it on the market, the opportunity to spend time with his biggest fan is a balm to his bruised soul. But the antiques Brent finds in his aunt’s house lead him to an unexpected partnership with Christine. After being blind to her for so many years, is it too late for the former high school jock to win the heart of the self-proclaimed “nerdy twin”? As they shift through items of the past, Christine and Brent learn to let go of the pieces they don’t want to bring into the future–and realize the value of what’s in front of them today. “Hometown charm and swoon-worthy second chances make this a must read.” –Kristen Mckanagh, author of Snowball’s Christmas . #prelovedbooks #bookstafeatures #bookclubsofinstagram #instabookstagram #bookishgirl #bookreviewer #bookobsessed #ilovereading #booksofinstagram #booknerdigans #bookishaesthetic #booksarelove #bookpicture #cozyreads #bookbuying #booksandcandles #readingtime #readingoutside #booksandwince #booksandtravel #booksandcoffee #booksaremylife #bookslovers #booksy #booksandtea #bookstagrammer #morebooks #SomethingOldSomethingNew #sweetromance #Christianfiction (at Columbus, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnCoAU1rPM2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oldsalempost-blog · 2 years
The Old Salem Post
Volume 6 Issue 43                                                                                            Week of October 31,  2022               https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                  Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR: Get ready! We will go from blessings of a beautiful autumn fall to the holidays before we blink.  The weather is beautiful. The rain is a welcome.  Let us enjoy each day as it arrives. Let us  cherish each blessed moment and be a blessing to everyone in our path. My sweet sister-in-law has a famous saying she uses when she gives you a gift, and in return you try to pay her for it.  She says, “ Don’t steal my blessing.”  Luke 6:38 says “Give and it shall be given to you..”  Another way of saying this is when you give joy away, it will come back to you multiplied and more…….  LRMartin                                                                                      
TOWN OF SALEM:  *Downtown Market every Sat. 8am-12pm.  *Thanks to all who contributed to make such a successful Fall Festival event in our community! *Rec Basketball signups now through the end of October.  *Mobile Food Pantry Nov 12, at Salem First Baptist Church 10am until-  noon or while supplies last.  Our annual Christmas Parade will be Dec 4 at 4pm.  Line up at 3pm.  Call the town to register.  944-2819                                                                              
Jocassee Valley Brewing Company (JVBC), 13412 N Hwy 11 Open Wed-Sat, 8am-9pm  Events: Wed: Blue Grass Jam.   Thurs: No event.  Fri: Food: BARRIO TACOS Music:  TRAVIS SMITH, BLUES Sat:   Music: Eric Congdon  Food: JUST A SMILE, Caribbean. Sunday: 2pm-7pm.  COFFEE SHOP Wed-Sat 8am-9pm.   Featuring Martha’s Marvelous Munchies, a bakery in Pickens, SC.                                                                                                          
                                 ASHTON RECALLS        By Ashton Hester                        IRIS GARDEN CLUB HELD MAD HATTER'S PARTY IN 1962 - (The following story was in the October 24, 1962 issue of the Keowee Courier). . .Fifteen members of the Iris Garden Club attended the club's regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening, October 16, at the home of Mrs. J.C. Nicholson in Salem, with Mrs. Oscar Wigington serving as co-hostess. . .The meeting was designated to be a Mad Hatter's party, with the featured attraction being the original eye-catching millinery creations worn by the members. Using their imaginations and a variety of materials, the members created a fantastic array of fashions in headpieces for milady's fall wardrobe. . .Judges for the Mad Hatter's parade of millinery were Mrs. Archie Crowe, Tamassee; Mrs. Ethel Whitmire, Salem; and Mrs. Keer Wilson, Greenville. . .First and second-place winners were Mrs. Christine Burgess and Mrs. Oscar Wigington. . .Club president, Mrs. Bernice Head, presided during the business session. . .Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. Wigington served delectable refreshments of caramel cake, nuts and coffee. . .The club sponsors a number of local civic projects each year. Current projects include beautification of the town. . .The club is composed of 20 active members from Salem and vicinity. . .(Footnote written in 2022: This story was accompanied by two group photographs of club members wearing the hats they created, which were quite elaborate. Those pictured were Mrs. Christine Wigington, Mrs. Christine Burgess, Mrs. Morris Head, Mrs. C.E. Taylor, Mrs. Louise Talley, Mrs. Ruth Kelley, Mrs. Estelle Nicholson, Mrs. Bernice Head and Mrs. Shirley Burrell.)
ALL SAINTS’ DAY or ALL HALLOWS’ DAY is November 1, and is a Christian celebration to honor Saints of the church who have died and gone to heaven.  One way of honoring the dead is to visit and clean their graves and leave fresh flowers.  Remember and share with others why they were important in your life and how they influenced your journey.    
Vote Nov 8:  There are many political signs out on the roadsides for our area District 1 Oconee School Board Seat.  Please do your homework.  Do not just check name recognition on any candidate. The current Board spends infinitely and always is asking for more.  A strong candidate might not always agree with the clan. LM    
Daylight Savings time ends Sunday Nov 6 at  2am. Turn your clocks back 1 hour before bedtime on Saturday night, or you will be late for church!
                               "Our Mission Trips"                                                                    Whether you know it or not, you are on a lifelong  mission trip.  Consider your talents, and match them to a mission.  I returned home from a month in Bali, Indonesia and soon was rushed to the hospital with a temp of 102-- I would have had to feel better to die!  I had picked up a wicked strain of flu.  I had a mission to fly halfway around the world to help some needy children who lived in a tribal village without running water or sanitation.    I came home so weak,  but there were neighbors who made it their mission to care for me!  I could not even get out of bed!  So these "Oconee Angels" trudged up 3 flights of stairs lugging food and medicine. These folks did not do these good deeds to see their names mentioned in the OSP.  With profound thanks, I will share their initials: LM, TW& MW, SB,  and especially DP, who visited SEVEN pharmacies to get a prescription filled  I love you Oconee!  I am happy to be home.  Hey!  We don't need to fly off in airplanes to find a mission!  As I learned, there are missions to be accomplished right at home!  Miz Jeannie
                Eagles Nest Art Center, 501c3, 4 Eagle Lane, Salem                                                                                                                                                             ANNOUNCING: ELVIS is coming to SALEM!  Elvis Tribute Artist, Jim Reiser, will perform Nov 19, 2022, 7pm-8pm.  Doors will open at 6pm for general seating.   Get there early. Enjoy concessions and our Treasure Room.   Tickets are on sale at the Salem Town Hall, Ticketleap, or call 864-280-1258.                                      Dec 3, 2022, 7pm a Christmas Performance by Darin and Brooke Aldridge. Ticketleap or Call 864-280-1258.                              
ENAC Board meeting Monday, November 7,  5pm at ENAC.                                                        
NEWS FROM FRIENDS OF LAKE JOCASSEE: "Perk up the Park Day" Sat, Nov. 12, 9:00 til Noon  at the Keowee-Toxaway State Park on Hwy 11. GPS address:108 Residence Dr., Sunset, SC.  SPONSORED BY:   Friends of Jocassee, Inc.  We will be working with landscape designer Jon Fritz to install a new native plant garden at the back entrance to the park's visitor center. We have about 120 native shrubs & plants to install, water & mulch. Snacks and water provided. A tentative rain date has been set for Nov. 14 from noon to 2:00 pm. Any inclement weather changes will be posted on the FOJ web site. Bring gloves & garden tools & come join our state park beautification project.  No pre-registration necessary. Waivers will be required for FOJ and State Park at sign in.  *"Jocassee Santa"  at Devils Fork State Park Day Use Area (Eclectic Sun)  on Sat, Dec 3  10:00-2:00.  Friends of Jocassee is sponsoring this event for photographs with Santa. Hot chocolate, cookies, and making nature tree ornaments will add to the holiday fun.  Bring your own camera or have our photographer snap a holiday picture of your kids or family with Santa with the beautiful Lake Jocassee as the backdrop!  Free event, but SC State park admission fees apply.          
Community Women’s Bible study each Monday at 10:am in the Fellowship Hall of Salem United Methodist Church.    
Calvary Baptist Church of Salem is looking for a pianist for a paid church pianist position. Interested Pianist please contact Pastor O.K. Jones at (864) 483-3832.                                    
Printing by the Town of Salem                                                                                 Pray for our world and one another.   LRM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
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