#Christine Brownell
univers-jdr · 9 months
Les Êtres de Langhãem : ils sont déjà là !
Ce nouveau roman de Christine Barsi met en lumière les difficultés de cohabitation entre être humain et peuple extra-terrestre, à travers une lutte que vont se livrer différentes factions. Un roman de science-fiction sous fond d’amour et de complots politiques. L’histoire Au sein du Matin des Archanges, le Journal de François Karradec, l’exobiologiste Ketty Brownel enquête sur l’existence…
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gaming · 6 years
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Happy Women’s History Month, Tumblr! 🎉 
In conjunction with our official social impact blog, @action, we wanted to highlight women and non-binary/genderqueer individuals who have made significant contributions in gaming. Our first spotlight feature is Christine Brownell, who talks about The Sims, mentorship, and gives advice to those who want to get a start in gaming. Can’t wait? Neither can we.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into the gaming industry.
I’m Christine and I’ve been working in the video game industry for fifteen years. I’ve been a lifelong lover of games, but it wasn’t until I was in college that I actually thought about making them as a career.
Starting out in 2003, I landed a job as a game tester, where I was assigned the task of playing Warcraft 3 for hours upon hours each day (I loved it). Eventually, I was able to move up onto the World of Warcraft development team as a quest designer.
After WoW, I worked on a few other massively multiplayer online games (MMOs), before finding my way to Electronic Arts and The Sims team in 2008. In 2013, I left EA and started my own business, which allows me to work with many different types of clients including game companies.
What was it like working on WoW and The Sims? How did it help you grow into your career today?
Working on World of Warcraft was a once in a lifetime opportunity—it was, and still is, an amazing product, and I got to be a part of a team of super talented, dedicated game makers. I feel so fortunate to have started my design career alongside some of the best designers I’ve ever known. The Sims team was also an incredible team to work with. They taught me so much about what it means to understand and serve your audience well.
Which game that you’ve worked on has been the most influential to your career today?
This is a hard question to answer! If I had to choose, I’d say that working on The Sims Social has been the most impactful to my career. When I arrived at Playfish, I was suddenly faced with challenges I had never encountered before on any other project. The team was struggling to get in sync, to be efficient, and to produce and release content at an extremely fast pace. Before I could even get my bearings, I had to jump in and simultaneously figure out where I fit in on the team as well as partner closely with other leads to create and implement a development process that worked for everyone. While the game itself is no more (EA shut it down in 2013), the things that I learned while on that team have stayed with me. I wouldn’t be where I am now if I hadn’t worked with that amazing, crazy team at Playfish.
You’ve spent time mentoring students and others in the industry. Why is mentoring important to you?
Back when I was still in school, I managed to make a couple contacts within the game industry. They were so helpful and generous, answering my questions and giving me pointers on how to get a job. I wouldn’t have made it into games without their support and advice, and we are still friends today.
Feeling grateful for the help they offered me, I knew I wanted to be that for someone else, a “pay it forward” sort of thing. I regularly volunteer my time with a couple of different organizations, and I absolutely love it. I find the enthusiasm of those I mentor so inspiring. It reminds me of how I felt when I first started out.
Is there a particular woman in the gaming industry that inspires you?
If I’m being honest, I can’t choose one. I’m inspired by all women in games. The game industry is a male-dominated field, so women that wish to enter it often have the additional challenge of proving themselves worthy of being there. I wish this wasn’t the case, and it is changing, but that’s the current state of things.
Women that choose to pursue a career in games tend to be very passionate and dedicated. They want to make games, and nothing is going to stop them. I feel lucky to know and have worked with so many creative, hard-working, and brilliant women. I’m inspired by their success and by their determination to do what they love.
What advice would you give to aspiring women who are just starting out or wanting to join the industry?
1. Play. It sounds obvious, but the first piece of advice I’d offer is to play games. People that work in games tend to play games and talk about games—a lot. Keeping current with industry trends is part of the job. So play a wide range of games of different genres on multiple platforms. Develop your own opinions about what works and what doesn’t. Why is one game so successful while another game fails?
2. Learn. Build relevant skills for the job you one day wish to have. If you want to be an artist, make art, every day. If you want to be a coder, take a coding course on your own time, or build an app. An incredible amount of resources for self-directed learning can be accessed via the web, such as tutorials on YouTube or online courses at sites like Udemy. Or just pick up GameMaker, Unity or Unreal and make a game on your own.
3. Don’t give up! The game industry is very competitive; if you want to make it, be prepared to work hard and continually put yourself out there. Look for opportunities to learn, seek feedback on your work, and never give up on your dream.
Want to learn more or connect with Christine? We’ve heard clicking one of this magical links below unlocks a rare, shiny item. 
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bosoriosblog · 3 years
Algo del Feminismo
Leonor de Aquitania, Isabel de Castilla, Isabel I de Inglaterra, María I de Escocia, Juana de Arco la Doncella de Orleans, son nombres propios de mujeres que han abanderado de cierta forma una posición distinta para la mujer en siglos anteriores, y que hicieron cosas increíbles.
Si nos transportamos unos siglos mas atrás hacia el antiguo Egipto. Por muy extraño que parezca, las mujeres gozaban de una posición jurídica envidiable, incluso hasta por las mujeres occidentales de principios del siglo XX. Legalmente, eran completamente igual a los hombres, podían tener posesiones, comprar, vender, desheredar. Es mas, era una creencia en ritos monárquicos, que si la reina no estaba presente, el rito no podría llevarse a cabo. No podemos dejar de nombrar a Neithotep, Merneith, Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, Tausert, Khentkaus; quienes fueron faraonas en distintas dinastías egipcias, hasta la misma Cleopatra, que gobernó Egipto en una época mas influenciada por Grecia y Roma, y ya no se le denominaría faraona sino reina.
Si hablamos de Olympe de Gouges, Mary Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Emmeline Pankhurst, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Clara Campoamor, Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, Coco Chanel, Gabriela Mistral, Maria Salomea Sklodowska-Curie, entre otras. Son nombres de mujeres que representan el feminismo a finales del siglo XVIII en adelante, y no son las únicas, de eso estoy seguro.
Estas mujeres mencionadas, son versos sueltos de la historia del feminismo, que comenzaron a dar forma y sentido a un movimiento que ha tenido su propio ritmo.
En la Francia del siglo XV, la poeta Christine de Pizan defendió ideas tan revolucionarias, como que la inferioridad femenina no era natural sino mas bien cultural, tan osada como era con la pluma escribió "La Ciudad de las Damas" (La Cité Des Dames) donde mostro una imagen positiva del cuerpo de las mujeres, esto fue considerado un atrevimiento para la época. Ella insistía en que la historia de las mujeres hubiera sido otra si no hubiesen sido educadas por hombres.
Por otro lado Marie de Gournay escribió en 1622 la obra sobre la igualdad de hombres y mujeres, en sus paginas defendía que la única diferencia entre ambos sexos, era en lo físico. La filosofa británica Mary Astell, llego a la conclusión a finales del siglo XVII, de que las mujeres tenían la misma capacidad para razonar y pensar que los hombres, y con ese razonamiento lanzo una pregunta. "Si todos los hombres nacen libres... ¿ Por que todas las mujeres nacen esclavas?"
Es memorable saber que hubieron mujeres que se hicieron oír de manera individual, pero un poema se forma con versos unidos en estrofas para que pueda tener ritmo. La historia del movimiento feminista comienza cuando de manera colectiva, aquellas voces se unen para reivindicar los mismos derechos que los hombres.
Durante la revolución francesa, un 5 de octubre de 1789 durante el gobierno de Luis XVI, miles de mujeres de Paris armadas con picas y dagas marcharon hacia el palacio de Versalles, donde se encontraba la familia real, dicha protesta era por la subsistencia, pues en esa época el país sufría una dura crisis económica. Dichas mujeres fueron protagonistas junto a los hombres, de un movimiento revolucionario que cambio la historia de occidente, estas mujeres al igual que ellos lucharon por acabar con el absolutismo, con el antiguo régimen, combatieron como lo hicieron ellos, para conseguir derechos y libertades, sin embargo la revolución les negó el ser iguales que sus compañeros pues debían seguir siendo madres y esposas de los ciudadanos barones, pues se les negaría la ciudadanía. En la gran declaración de Derechos del Hombre y del Ciudadano, la mujer quedo excluida de derechos políticos y civiles.
"La mujer nace libre igual al hombre en derechos" decía el primer articulo de la Declaración de Derechos de la mujer, publicada por la escritora y activista revolucionaria Olympe de Gouges, escrito en 1971, que fue un calco del anterior; pero la libertad, igualdad y derechos políticos, en especial el voto también para las mujeres. Aquel planteamiento no era de agrado por quienes dirigían la revolución (los hombres), pues para ellos las mujeres no podían transgredir las leyes de la naturaleza, renegando de su destino como madres y esposas. La plaza publica y la tribuna de las arengas, eran deberes que la naturaleza solo había impuesto para los hombres. Los clubes femeninos fueron cerrados, fueron prohibidas de realizar cualquier actividad política. "Si la mujer tiene derecho a montar sobre el patíbulo, también debe tener el derecho a subir a la tribuna", fue una frase de Olympe de Gouges, dicho sea de paso el patíbulo en esa época era el tablado o estrado, donde se ejecutaba la pena de muerte, en esa época era la guillotina. Por cosas del destino Olympe de Gouges murió en la guillotina, ese acto hizo que las mujeres fueran silenciadas, pues hubiera sido como si la hoja no solo hubiese cortado la cabeza de la escritora, sino las alas a los derechos de las mujeres en esa época.
Cuando la filosofa y escritora británica Mary Wollstonecraft, considerada una figura destacada en el mundo moderno por sus obras, llego a Paris y se revelo contra los argumentos que usaban hombres como Jean-Jacques Rousseau, sobre la inferioridad natural de las mujeres, que las relegaba a un segundo plano tal y como lo menciono en la frase "la mujer debe ser pasiva y débil. Las mujeres están hechas especialmente para complacer al hombre", dicho sea de paso es un pensamiento que actualmente, hoy en el 2021, aun prevalece en el léxico de muchos hombres, un hecho totalmente lamentable. Wollstonecraft decía que la desigualdad no es biológica, si no que es fruto de la educación y de las pautas sociales marcadas por el hombre. La educación era para ella el vehículo idóneo para colocar a las mujeres en el mismo plano e igualdad que los hombres. "La educación es clave para potenciar la autonomía, la independencia económica", hombres y mujeres tenían para Wollstonecraft las mismas capacidades; sentimientos y razón son cualidades que comparten ambos sexos. Harta del papel secundario de la mujer, trato de contagiar a las demás mujeres de su época ese cansancio. Su ensayo "Vindicación de los derechos de la mujer" (A Vindication of the Rights of Woman), despertó y removió conciencias, convirtiéndose en una de las primeras obras feministas de la historia (1792). Ese sentir que dejo Olympe de Gouges y Mary Wollstonecraft, no fue lo suficiente como para cambiar una realidad pero al menos consiguieron que se forje una idea, ¿Por que las mujeres no tenemos derechos y ellos si?.
A mediados del siglo XIX, apareció la primera ola del movimiento feminista, las mujeres unieron sus voces, y enérgicamente reclamaron su derecho a la educación y al voto. Las llamadas "sufragistas" pensaban que solo así, pudiendo votar tendrían acceso a la toma de decisiones políticas para elaborar leyes que abolieran las desigualdades sociales. Dos grandes movimientos sufragistas surgirían en esta época, uno en Europa y el otro en Estados Unidos. El movimiento en Estados Unidos estaría vinculado al movimiento abolicionista, para ese entonces las diferencias entre un esclavo y una mujer eran mínimas. En 1848 se aprobó la "Declaración de Seneca Falls", que fue el primer documento colectivo del feminismo. "La Historia de la Humanidad , es la historia de las repetidas vejaciones y usurpaciones por parte del hombre con respecto a la mujer. El Hombre nunca le ha permitido que ella disfrute del derecho inalienable del voto. Le ha obligado a someterse a unas leyes en cuya elaboración no tienen voz"
Tras la guerra de la secesión estadounidense (1861-1865), se permitió el sufragio a los esclavos, mas no a las mujeres, ni blancas ni negras. De la mano de Susan Brownell Anthony y de Elizabeth Cady Stanton el movimiento sufragista no ceso y continuo con una activa campaña para un cambio en la constitución norteamericana, y que llego en 1920, en promedio unos 50 años después.
Al otro lado del océano, las sufragistas británicas comenzaron la lucha con moderación utilizando panfletos, haciendo charlas, mítines. En 1866 el diputado liberal John Stuart Mill, presento la primera demanda a favor del voto femenino en el parlamento ingles, pero lamentablemente no logro convencer a los demás parlamentarios, pues encima fue abucheado y burlado. Tras este suceso la política y activista Emmeline Pankhurst líder del movimiento sufragista británico, invito a sus seguidoras a los hechos y no palabras, en 1903 fundo "La Unión Social y Política de Mujeres", donde arengo a las mujeres a radicalizar sus reivindicaciones políticas por todo el país. Lograron sabotear comercios, quemaron lugares públicos, y llegaron a las manos con uno que otro político, muchas mujeres terminaron en la cárcel, y no contentas con esto iniciaron una huelga de hambre, cabe mencionar que en el camino hubieron mujeres que perdieron la vida.
Tras varios sucesos al estallar la primera guerra mundial, recién en 1928 las mujeres británicas pudieron ejercer su derecho al voto. En Nueva Zelanda este derecho las mujeres lo consiguieron en 1893, en Rusia fue en 1906, Noruega en 1913, Alemania en 1918 y Suecia en 1921, en cambio las mujeres francesa e italianas esperaron mucho más, pues lo consiguieron en 1944 y 1945. En España este derecho para las mujeres la constitución lo reconoció en 1931, gracias a Clara Campoamor, quien fue una abogada, escritora y activista que creo la Unión Republicana Femenina, en ese entonces en España el feminismo era un movimiento mas social que político. En tanto, por la igualdad de sexos y movimientos feministas fueron pioneras Concepción Arenal y Emilia Pardo Bazán, ellas a su manera reivindicaron la capacidad intelectual de las mujeres enfrentándose a las normas establecidas, ambas mujeres lograron acceder a la universidad cuando aun en ese entonces las mujeres estaban vetadas de ellas, por su parte Concepción Arenal fue una periodista y abogada, que tuvo que asistir a clases vestida de varón, mientras Emilia Pardo Bazán fue una escritora y la primera en ocupar una catedra de literatura.
La mujer del siglo XIX siguió siendo un ángel en el hogar, una madre solicita y una dulce esposa, siguió sin tener plena autonomía ni independencia económica, siguió dependiendo totalmente de su marido y de una sociedad patriarcal y aun entrando al siglo XX prosiguió así, pues la igualdad legal y política no bastaba .
Una segunda ola feminista surgió en la década de los 60 en el siglo XX, los primeros pasos de aquel siglo ya habían comenzado con un desnudo simbólico que era la sexualidad femenina, pues esto fue de la mano de la escritora británica Virginia Woolf, pues jamás oculto su condición bisexual, nunca nadie antes se había atrevido a escribir con un realismo desgarrados sobre la sexualidad femenina, muchas mujeres se identificaron con los personajes de sus novelas. En su obra "Una habitación propia" ( A Room of ones own), hizo una pregunta; "¿Qué necesitan las mujeres para escribir buenas novelas?" y ella misma respondió; "independencia económica y personal". Ella desde su propia habitación lucho contra los convencionalismos de su época y se convirtió sin saberlo en una de las madres del pensamiento feminista de la segunda mitad del siglo XX.
Uno de los convencionalismos existentes era la manera de vestir de las mujeres, la revolución femenina llego a la moda tras estallar la primera guerra mundial, pues con aguja y dedal comenzó a diseñarse la libertad e igualdad. La diseñadora francesa de alta costura, Gabrielle Chanel, conocida artísticamente como Coco Chanel, percibió de que los nuevos tiempos exigían nueva ropa en el armario de las mujeres y despojo a las mujeres de trajes que las oprimían, libero la silueta femenina, adaptando las cómodas prendas masculinas al cuerpo de las mujeres. Lo primero que hizo fue eliminar el Corsé, habilitando cómodas prendas para dar mayor libertad de movimiento; pantalón, jersey de punto y calzado plano, se atrevió a cortar subir la basta de las faldas y a hacer tendencia el estilo garzón (garconne) en el cabello, creo el celebre traje negro y a los bolsos les coloco cadenas para colgarlos al hombro.
Por su parte, Simone de Beauvoir que fue una filosofa y escritora francesa, quien en 1949 publico su obra "El Segundo Sexo", esta obra fue considerada inapropiada e incluso pornográfico por algunos sectores religiosos. luego de 20 años después "El movimiento de liberación de las mujeres" en Francia, lo adopto como su libro de cabecera. Para Simone de Beauvoir no era algo biológico, sino social y cultural, ya que su pensamiento y juicio era "no se nace mujer, se llega a serlo" pues esta fue una frase para la historia. "El Segundo Sexo" de Beauvoir, es considerado el mejor análisis de la situación de la mujer, la escritora profundizo en temas biológicos, psicológicos, antropológicos, ella se adelanto décadas a los primeros estudios y teorías sobre las diferencias de genero y sexo. Para Beauvoir, la mujer aun no había encontrado su verdadera libertad, en sus escritos se analizan todas las facetas de la vida de una mujer, desde la procreación al aborto, de la explotación a la libertad, reivindicado un modelo social y familiar, alternativo al dominio de los hombres. Por su lado el filosofo Jean-Paul Sartre, pareja sentimental de Beauvoir, dijo que ella era la mujer necesaria, pues así fue para el feminismo, ya que después de ella, nada fue igual. "El Segundo Sexo" es una de las obras fundacionales de la segunda ola del feminismo, al igual que "La Mística de la Feminidad" de Betty Friedan, esta segunda ola estuvo orientada a combatir la opresión generada en el ámbito de la familia, el matrimonio y la sexualidad. Las obras de Beauvoir y Friedan, recogían el sentir de miles de mujeres discriminadas y oprimidas en el ámbito familiar, el espacio publico y en su sexualidad. Betty Friedan represento el feminismo liberal, un feminismo que luchaba por conseguir igualdad en esferas publicas con reformas legales, la acción política de las feministas liberales era importante, pero no suficiente, pues había que ir a la raíz del problema, que era el patriarcado, y en ese origen es donde entra el feminismo radical, que fue una corriente surgida a finales de 1960 en Estados Unidos, sobre el dominio que ejerce el hombre sobre la mujer en el ámbito familiar, una relación de poder que se extiende a la esfera pública, otorgando beneficios a los hombres sobre las mujeres.
El feminismo radical tuvo un eslogan gracias a Kate Millet, quien fue una escritora y activista estadounidense, que en su obra "Política Sexual" dijo " Lo personal es político".
Las radicales combatieron el problema desde la raíz, las liberales desde las instituciones, y entre ambas consiguieron romper las cadenas que oprimían a las mujeres. Las leyes sobre el divorcio, el aborto y el acoso sexual, violencia sexista, educación sexual, anticonceptivos; toda una revolución, pero la segunda ola se quedo corta ya que no tenían en cuenta a las mujeres negras, mujeres islámicas y transexuales.
A partir de los 90 se formo una tercera ola, con enfoques vanguardistas como el de la interseccionalidad que es un enfoque que resalta que el genero, la etnia, la clase u orientación sexual y otras categorías sociales son construidas y están interrelacionadas.
En el siglo XXI, una cuarta ola, y desde entonces no hay un movimiento homogéneo, mas bien ramificado en diferentes formas de llevar a la practica el feminismo, a veces estas visiones están en conflicto lo cierto es que a las mujeres aun les queda camino por recorrer. Al meno en el Perú, aun hay tendencias e ideologías machistas por parte de los hombre que no respeta a la mujer dándole un lugar en la sociedad, aunque no es la mayoría, hoy en día en Perú la mujer tiene los mismos derechos que el hombre, valga la redundancia, aun les queda camino por recorrer.
Bruno Osorio.
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larryland · 7 years
(New York – May 9, 2017) Barrington Stage Company (BSC), the award-winning theatre in Downtown Pittsfield, MA, under the leadership of Artistic Director Julianne Boyd and Managing Director Michele Weathers, is proud to announce initial casting for the 2017 season.
The 2017 BSC season will begin with Kunstler, starring Jeff McCarthy (Broadway’s Chicago, BSC’s Broadway Bounty Hunter) as the titular character, with Erin Roché (Measure for Measure, The Old Globe) as “Kerry”. Kunstler is written by Jefferson Award winner and Emmy Award nominee Jeffrey Sweet, and directed by Meagen Fay. Performances begin May 18, with opening night set for May 21, and for a run through June 10.
The Birds will star Kathleen McNenny (Broadway’s The Father) as “Diane,” Sasha Diamond (BSC’s peerless) as “Julia,” Christopher Innvar (Broadway’s The Snow Geese, BSC’s Much Ado About Nothing) as “Nat,” and Obie Award winner Rocco Sisto (The Light Years at Playwrights Horizons) as “Tierney.” Written by Conor McPherson and directed by BSC Artistic Director Julianne Boyd, The Birds begins previews June 15 and opens on June 18, for a run through July 8.
  Christopher Innvar
Kathleen McNenny
Rocco Sisto
Sasha Diamond
Starring in a new production of Ragtime is Elizabeth Stanley (Broadway and BSC’s On the Town) as “Mother,” Darnell Abraham (Side Show, The Media Theatre) as “Coalhouse,” Zurin Villanueva (Broadway’s Shuffle Along) as “Sarah,” J. Anthony Crane (Broadway’s The Country House) as “Tateh,” Hunter Ryan Herdlicka (Broadway’s A Little Night Music) as “Younger Brother,” Anne L. Nathan (Broadway’s It Shoulda Been You) as “Goldman,” Lawrence E. Street (Broadway’s Urinetown) as “Booker T. Washington,” Matt Gibson (Broadway’s Gypsy) as “Willie Conklin,” Allen Kendall (Broadway’s Amazing Grace) as “JP Morgan,” Joe Ventricelli (Sleep No More) as “Houdini,” Eric Jon Malhum (Broadway’s Wicked) as “Ford,” Leanne A. Smith (Rock of Ages, Norwegian Cruises) as “Evelyn Nesbit,” and John Little (Cabaret National Tour) as “Grandfather.”
  Elizabeth Stanley
Darnell Abraham
J. Anthony Crane
Zurin Villanueva
Rounding out the ensemble will be Robb Sherman (“Younger”), Allison Blackwell (Broadway’s A Night with Janis Joplin), Christin Avante’ Byrdsong (Figaro! 90210 at The Duke on 42nd Street), Alex Nicholson (Twelfth Night, The Theatre Project), Danielle James (“True Blood”), Frances Evans, and Elliot Trainor. Ragtime features a book by Terrence McNally, lyrics by Lynn Ahrens, and music by Stephen Flaherty, with direction from Helen Hayes Award winner Joe Calarco, choreography by Karma Camp, and musical direction by Darren Cohen. Ragtime begins previews June 21, opens June 24, and closes on July 15.
  The 2017 season will continue with the laugh-out-loud but rarely staged comedy, Taking Steps, featuring Claire Brownell (Broadway’s The 39 Steps) as “Elizabeth,” Miles G. Jackson (BSC’s Tribes) as “Tristam,” Richard Hollis (Broadway’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time) as “Roland,” Matthew Greer (Broadway’s The Real Thing) as “Leslie,” and Helen Cespedes (Broadway’s The Cripple of Inishmaan) as “Kitty.” Written by Olivier and Tony Award winner Alan Ayckbourn, with direction from Tony Award nominee Sam Buntrock (Broadway’s Sunday in the Park with George), Taking Steps will begin performances July 20 and open July 23, for a run through August 5.
  Aaron Tveit (Broadway’s Catch Me If You Can, Next to Normal), who returns to BSC after previously playing “Matt” in the 2007 production of Calvin Berger, will star as “Bobby” in Company, along with Ellen Harvey (Broadway’s Present Laughter) as “Joanne,” Lawrence Street (Broadway’s Urinetown) as “Harry,” Jeanette Bayardelle (Broadway’s The Color Purple) as “Sarah,” Kate Loprest (Broadway’s First Date) as “Susan,” Paul A. Schaefer (Broadway’s The Phantom of the Opera) as “Peter,” Jane Pfitsch (Broadway’s Cabaret) as “Jenny,” James Ludwig (Broadway’s Spamalot) as “David,” Lauren Marcus (Little Shop of Horrors, Sharon Playhouse) as “Amy,” Joseph Spieldenner (Broadway’s Les Misérables) as “Paul,” Peter Reardon (BSC’s All My Sons) as “Larry,” Nora Schell (Spamilton, Triad Theater) as “Marta,” and Rebecca Kuznick (BSC’s Fiddler on the Roof) as “Kathy.” Featuring a book by George Furth, music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, with choreography by Jeffrey Page, music supervision by Darren Cohen, music direction by Alex Shields, and direction by Julianne Boyd, Company will begin previews on August 10 and is set to open August 13 for a run through September 2.
  The 2017 Barrington season will also include SPEECH & DEBATE by Tony Award winner and Pulitzer Prize finalist Stephen Karam and directed by Jessica Holt. Speech and Debate begins previews July 13, with an opening set for July 16, and will run thought July 29. This by Obie Award winner Melissa James Gibson and directed by Christopher Innvar begins previews on August 3, officially opens on August 6, and will run through August 27. The 2017 season will conclude with Gaslight (Angel Street) by Patrick Hamilton and directed by Louisa Proske. Gaslight begins previews October 4, opens October 8 and runs through October 22.
  Additional casting and creative team for all productions will be announced shortly.
  Performance schedules for all productions are available by visiting www.barringtonstageco.org.
  Both single tickets and 2017 season passes are now on-sale and available at www.barringtonstageco.org or by calling 413-236-8888 or visiting the MainStage box office (30 Union Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201). Tickets range from $25 to $69.
In addition to the previous announced 2017 productions, BSC is also proud to announce the following events for their 2017 season:
  From August 30-September 3, Broadway veteran Ed Dixon (Anything Goes, Mary Poppins) brings his one-man show, Georgie: My Adventures with George Rose, to the St. Germain Stage, directed by Eric Schaeffer (Follies). The performance schedule for Georgie is as follows: August 30-September 2, 7:30pm; September 2-3, 3:00pm.
  Two-time Tony Award-winner William Finn returns by popular demand with the next generation of talented musical theatre writers in Songs by Ridiculously Talented Composers and Lyricists You Probably Don’t Know But Should…They share a concert of their newest songs with the help of four extraordinary singers, ridiculously talented in their own right. A funny, charming and insightful evening, narrated by Mr. Finn! Concerts will take place June 9 and 10 at 8pm. Tickets range from $30-40.
  On Monday, July 31, 2017 at 7pm, BSC will present Nobody Does It Like Me…The Music of Cy Coleman. Straight from Broadway’s Wicked, the multiple Emmy and Tony-nominated Michele Lee spotlights the music of Cy Coleman (Sweet Charity, Barnum and City of Angels). Including songs from their musical Seesaw, Ms. Lee infuses the evening with stories that tickle the funny bone to ballads that cut deep into the soul. With music director extraordinaire Ron Abel, it’s easy to see how “Nobody Does It Like” Michele Lee. Tickets range from $40-50. VIP tickets, which include premium seating, a post-show reception, and a meet-and greet, are available for $75.
  After many summers of blowing the roof off of our cabaret, on Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 8pm, Joe Iconis and his tribe of musical theater misfits return to the Mainstage for a special one-night-only concert— Joe Iconis and Family TAKE OVER! These musical mavericks will make it clear why The New York Times calls them “The Future of Musical Theatre” with songs about anything and everything that makes you laugh, cry, scream, or drink. Come see what happens when The Family gets out of the basement and is set loose on the Mainstage for our final blowout of summer! Tickets range from $35-45.
  The 2017 Youth Theatre Program production will be BYE BYE BIRDIE. The winner of four Tony Awards, including Best Musical, BYE BYE BIRDIE features a book by Michael Stewart, lyrics by Lee Adams and music by Charles Strouse. BYE BYE BIRDIE, BSC’s 20th Youth Theatre production, will be directed and choreographed by Julianne Katz (Crazy For You at Lincoln Center, Assistant Choreographer).
  Barrington Stage Company is a professional award-winning Equity regional theatre located in the heart of the Berkshires, in Pittsfield, MA.  It was co-founded in 1995 by Artistic Director Julianne Boyd and has a three-fold mission: to present top-notch, compelling work; to develop new plays and musicals; and to find fresh, bold ways of bringing new audiences into the theatre—especially young people. Barrington Stage garnered national attention in 2004 when it premiered William Finn and Rachel Sheinkin’s musical hit The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee which later transferred to Broadway where it won two Tony Awards. In 2009, Mark St. Germain’s Freud’s Last Session ran more than ten weeks on Stage 2 and later moved Off Broadway and played for two years. St. Germain’s Becoming Dr. Ruth (which premiered at BSC as Dr. Ruth, All the Way in 2012) played Off Broadway at the Westside Theatre in fall 2013. BSC’s all-time record-breaking musical, On the Town, was originally produced at BSC in 2013.  In 2014, it opened on Broadway with BSC as a co-producer, where it was nominated for four Tony Awards including Best Musical Revival.  In 2016, Barrington Stage swept the​ first Annual Berkshire Theatre Awards by winning 20 out of the 25 awards.  In 2016, BSC produced three World Premieres; Presto Change-O, Broadway Bounty Hunter, and American Son, which won the Laurents/Hatcher Award for Best New Play.
2 notes · View notes
awardseason · 6 years
2019 Producers Guild Awards Nominations
Outstanding Producer for Theatrical Motion Pictures (The Darryl F. Zanuck Award)
“Black Panther”, Kevin Feige
“BlacKkKlansman”, Sean McKittrick, Jason Blum, Raymond Mansfield, Jordan Peele, Spike Lee
“Bohemian Rhapsody”, Graham King
“Crazy Rich Asians”, Nina Jacobson & Brad Simspon, John Penotti
“The Favourite”, Ceci Dempsey, Ed Guiney, Lee Magiday, Yorgos Lanthimos
“Green Book”, Jim Burke, Charles B. Wessler, Brian Currie, Peter Farrelly, Nick Vallelonga
“A Quiet Place”, Michael Bay, Andrew Form, Brad Fuller
“Roma”, Gabriela Rodríguez, Alfonso Cuarón
“A Star Is Born”, Bill Gerber, Bradley Cooper, Lynette Howell Taylor
“Vice”, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Kevin Messick, Adam McKay
Outstanding Producer for Animated Theatrical Motion Pictures
“Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch”, Chris Meledandri, Janet Healy
“Incredibles 2″, John Walker, Nicole Grindle
“Isle of Dogs”
“Ralph Breaks the Internet”, Clark Spencer
“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”, Avi Arad, Phil Lord & Christopher Miller, Amy Pascal, Christina Steinberg
Outstanding Producer of Documentary Motion Pictures
“The Dawn Wall”, Josh Lowell, Peter Mortimer, Philipp Manderla
“Free Solo”, Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin, Evan Hayes, Shannon Dill
“Hal”, Christine Beebe, Jonathan Lynch, Brian Morrow
“Into the Okavango”, Neil Gelinas
“RBG”, Betsy West, Julie Cohen
“Three Identical Strangers”, Becky Read, Grace Hughes-Hallett
“Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”, Morgan Neville, Nicholas Ma, Caryn Capotosto
Outstanding Producer of Streamed or Televised Motion Pictures
“Fahrenheit 451”, Sarah Green, Ramin Bahrani, Michael B. Jordan, Alan Gasmer, Peter Jeysen, David Coatsworth
“King Lear”
“My Dinner with Hervé”
“Paterno”, Barry Levinson, Jason Sosnoff, Tom Fontana, Edward R. Pressman, Rick Nicita, Lindsay Sloane, Amy Herman
“Sense8: Together Until the End”
Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television - Drama (The Norman Felton Award)
“The Americans” (Season 6), Joe Weisberg, Joel Fields, Chris Long, Graham Yost, Justin Falvey, Darryl Frank, Stephen Schiff, Mary Rae Thewlis, Tracey Scott Wilson, Peter Ackerman, Joshua Brand
“Better Call Saul” (Season 4), Peter Gould, Vince Gilligan, Mark Johnson, Melissa Bernstein, Thomas Schnauz, Gennifer Hutchison, Nina Jack, Diane Mercer, Gordon Smith, Alison Tatlock, Ann Cherkis, Bob Odenkirk, Robin Sweet
“The Handmaid’s Tale” (Season 2), Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Mike Barker, Sheila Hockin, Eric Tuchman, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Frank Siracusa, John Weber, Joseph Boccia, Dorothy Fortenberry, Margaret Atwood, Ron Milbauer
“Ozark” (Season 2), Jason Bateman, Chris Mundy, Bill Dubuque, Mark Williams, David Manson, Alyson Feltes, Ryan Farley, Patrick Markey, Matthew Spiegel, Erin Mitchell
“This Is Us” (Season 3), Dan Fogelman, Isaac Aptaker, Elizabeth Berger, John Requa, Glenn Ficarra, Ken Olin, Charles Gogolak, Jess Rosenthal, Steve Beers, KJ Steinberg, Kevin Falls, Julia Brownell, Vera Herbert, Bekah Brunstetter, Shukree Hassan Tilghman, Cathy Mickel Gibson, Nick Pavonetti
Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television - Comedy (The Danny Thomas Award)
“Atlanta” (Season 2)
“Barry” (Season 1), Alec Berg, Bill Hader, Aida Rodgers, Emily Heller, Liz Sarnoff
“GLOW” (Season 2), Jenji Kohan, Liz Flahive, Carly Mensch, Tara Herrmann, Mark A. Burley, Nick Jones, Kim Rosenstock, Sascha Rothchild, Leanne Moore
“The Good Place” (Season 3), Michael Schur, David Miner, Morgan Sackett, Drew Goddard, Josh Siegal, Dylan Morgan, Joe Mande, Megan Amram, David Hyman, Jen Statsky
“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Season 2), Amy Sherman‐Palladino, Daniel Palladino, Dhana Rivera Gilbert, Sheila Lawrence
Outstanding Producer of Limited Series Television (The David L. Wolper Award)
“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (Season 2), Ryan Murphy, Nina Jacobson, Brad Simpson, Alexis Martin Woodall, Tom Rob Smith, Daniel Minahan, Brad Falchuk, Scott Alexander, Larry Karaszewski, Chip Vucelich, Maggie Cohn, Eric Kovtun, Lou Eyrich, Eryn Krueger Mekash
“Escape at Dannemora”, Ben Stiller, Nicholas Weinstock, Michael De Luca, Bryan Zuriff, Brett Johnson, Michael Tolkin, Bill Carraro, Adam Brightman, Lisa M. Rowe
“Maniac”, Patrick Somerville, Cary Joji Fukunaga, Michael Sugar, Doug Wald, Jonah Hill, Emma Stone, Pal Kristiansen, Anne Kolbjørnsen, Espen Huseby, Carol Cuddy, Mauricio Katz, Caroline Williams, Ashley Zalta, Jessica Levin, Jon Mallard
“The Romanoffs”
“Sharp Objects”
Outstanding Producer of Non-Fiction Television
“30 for 30” (Season 9), Connor Schell, John Dahl, Libby Geist, Erin Leyden, Adam Neuhaus, Jenna Anthony, Gentry Kirby, Marquis Daisy, Deirdre Fenton
“Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” (Season 11, Season 12), Anthony Bourdain, Christopher Collins, Lydia Tenaglia, Sandra Zweig
“Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath” (Season 3)
“Queer Eye” (Season 1, Season 2), David Collins, Michael Williams, Rob Eric, Jennifer Lane, Jordana Hochman, Mark Bracero, Rachelle Mendez
“Wild Wild Country” (Season 1), Mark Duplass, Jay Duplass, Josh Braun, Dan Braun, Juliana Lembi
Outstanding Producer of Live Entertainment & Talk Television
“The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” (Season 24), Trevor Noah, Steve Bodow, Jennifer Flanz, Jill Katz, Justin Melkmann, David Kibuuka, Zhubin Parang, Max Browning, Eric Davies, Pamela DePace, Ramin Hedayati, Elise Terrell, Dave Blog, Adam Chodikoff, Jimmy Donn, Jeff Gussow, Kira Klang Hopf, Allison MacDonald, Ryan Middleton
“Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” (Season 5)
“The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” (Season 4), Stephen Colbert, Chris Licht, Tom Purcell, Jon Stewart, Barry Julien, Denise Rehrig, Tanya Michnevich Bracco, Paul Dinello, Matt Lappin, Opus Moreschi, Emily Gertler, Aaron Cohen, Michael Brumm, Paige Kendig, Jake Plunkett
“Real Time with Bill Maher” (Season 16), Bill Maher, Scott Carter, Sheila Griffiths, Marc Gurvitz, Billy Martin, Dean E. Johnsen, Chris Kelly, Matt Wood
“Saturday Night Live” (Season 44)
16 notes · View notes
kitefleischer-blog · 5 years
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jordyn Lines < [email protected]> Date: Mon, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Nick Trowbridge<[email protected]>, Shaylee Sly<[email protected]>, Joseph Eddie<[email protected]>,  Ellizabeth Coleman<[email protected]>, Nathan Young<[email protected]>
Just so you guys know what the most recent government experiment is. First Area 51, then chem trails, then Polybius, now mind-damaging workout videos. At least 6 people have gone brain death in some way associated with this full routine. Perhaps this is part of their plan to destabilize foreign governments by destroying the cognitive capabilities of the unsuspecting masses using the modern internet? Spread via VHS tapes? Does a digital version of the full set exist? Or is this just a harbinger of things to come?
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Greg Hatch < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Micah Wilcock<[email protected]>, Claire Robinson<[email protected]>, Alex Chandler<[email protected]>,  Ian Woodberry<[email protected]>, Kassidy Hamilton<[email protected]> Jordyn Lines <[email protected]>,  Isaac Wright<[email protected]>,
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jessica Brownell <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Justin Holland<[email protected]>, Matthew Ricks<[email protected]>, Greg Hatch<[email protected]>
I’m actually a big fan of this! body positivity is soemthing really important today in our society- you don’t have to be jacked or ultra buff to be fit, even super skinny people can too! We should consider doing this as an activity for community awareness week!
Jessica Brownell
Co-Vice President
AJHS Student Council
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jordan Smith < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Christine Grosland<[email protected]>, Jessica Brownell<[email protected]>, James Smith<[email protected]>,  Brylee Perry<[email protected]>, Derick Shawns<[email protected]>
This haunts my dreams.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Parker <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Adam Cook<[email protected]>, Courtney Farnsworth<[email protected]>, Olivia Ockey<[email protected]>,  Riley Field<[email protected]>, Jordan Smith<[email protected]>
They got a boxed set of the LOWO tapes at a yard sale, thought they looked funny, I don’t know. Picked them up on monday. Told us they were going to carpool up to my parents house for sunday dinner with us, but on sunday, they didnt come outside. We honked, called, nothing. We just went without them.
Then we heard that they had missed all of their college classes from some mutual friends. Somebody went over- found them standing in the living room, staring at the tv. They were barely moving, looked like they hadnt eaten in days, one was mumbling something over and over again. Hospitalized for three days each. Neither had any memory of what happened or why they were just standing there. Chucked all the tapes though.
So do at your own risk. Im not going to!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Carol Neibaur < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Mark Hailstone<[email protected]>, Matthew Laudie<[email protected]>, Justin Hendricks<[email protected]>,  Megan Warner<[email protected]>, Jon Parker<[email protected]>
Some kids in my class started doing this and have now missed an ENTIRE WEEK OF SCHOOL. They’ve been doing it every day---- even one of their moms is doing it too! DON’T GO IF YOU VALUE YOUR GRADES CAUSE YOU WONT STOP.  
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Amaryllis Lorelai < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Carol Neibaur<[email protected]>, Wesley Andersen<[email protected]>, Alyse Walker<[email protected]>
Does anybody else think this is creepy? XD
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Kyle Crossmore <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Chad Anderson<[email protected]> Jake Ferndale<[email protected]>, Caroline Everett <[email protected]>, Zaryia Meades<[email protected]>,  Karen<[email protected]>, Grace Kelly<[email protected]>, Amaryllis Lorelai <[email protected]>,  Charlie Kaufmann<[email protected]>
Ive never felt so good in my entire life.
Love the lurp
Go with the gangle
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Sarah Dalley <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Jake Ferndale<[email protected]>, Caroline Everett <[email protected]>, Zaryia Meades<[email protected]>,  Karen<[email protected]>, Chad Anderson<[email protected]> Kyle Crossmore <[email protected]>, Grace Kelly<[email protected]>, Amaryllis Lorelai <[email protected]>,  Charlie Kaufmann<[email protected]>
For all of you who were wondering why Bo, Devs, BJ, Xavier, Evan, Erik, and Cynthia missed class today, I think they were doing this? They started last weekend, and idk must be pretty good if they’d all miss stats for it. We should try it?
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Quin Dalley <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Anne Dalley<[email protected]>, Richard Dalley<[email protected]>, Stephen Dalley<[email protected]>,  Sarah Dalley <[email protected]>,
Hey fam tried this with friends. Was alright. 3/10. Pretty funny to watch everybody else go crazy tho.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Brett James <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Cynthia Yates<[email protected]>, Blake Moore<[email protected]>, Erik Ortiz<[email protected]>,  Veronica Belt<[email protected]>, Quinn Dalley<[email protected]>
GUYS YOU ALL HAVE TO COME!!!!!1!!!1 We did numbers 2 through 7 tonight and when we’re done with them we’re going to do it all again! We’re going to do it tomorrow! At 11 AM!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Xavier Bushman <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Beau Robertson<[email protected]>, Devin Livingston<[email protected]>, Brett James<[email protected]>,  Evan Hansen<[email protected]>, Xavier Bushman<[email protected]>
Luke and I got his brothers tapes and got a VHS player at Savers and tried the first one. Was crazy good. We’re doing the next one on Friday at my house at 5 if any of you want to join!  
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Andrew Caldwell <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Beau Robertson<[email protected]>, Devin Livingston<[email protected]>, Brett James<[email protected]>,  Evan Hansen<[email protected]>, Xavier Bushman<[email protected]>
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Luke Yang <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Victor Klein<[email protected]>, Samantha Bale<[email protected]>, Adam Redford<<[email protected]>>,  Harry Stein<[email protected]>, Elizabeth Nelson<[email protected]>, Bradley Warren<[email protected]>, Andrew Caldwell<[email protected]>
This is actually really great! My brother did this! He got so buff! He could punch down a wall! And its fun! What more could you want! I think he still has the VHS! I will ask him!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Samantha Bale <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Luke Yang<[email protected]>, Garret Jeffs <[email protected]>
I can’t unsee this. XD
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Victor Klein <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: lurp out work out To: Carlos Reyes<[email protected]>, Adam Redford<[email protected]>, Samantha Bale<[email protected]>, Felix Arias <[email protected]>, David Johnson <[email protected]>
Lol wut
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Iggy Beriman <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: lurp out work out To: Victor Klein<[email protected]>, Loren Brunken <[email protected]>
Guys guys guys guys guys check this out we need to totally do this!!! Its like its made for you
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jordyn Lines < [email protected]> Date: Mon, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Nick Trowbridge<[email protected]>, Shaylee Sly<[email protected]>, Joseph Eddie<[email protected]>,  Ellizabeth Coleman<[email protected]>, Nathan Young<[email protected]>
Just so you guys know what the most recent government experiment is. First Area 51, then chem trails, then Polybius, now mind-damaging workout videos. At least 6 people have gone brain death in some way associated with this full routine. Perhaps this is part of their plan to destabilize foreign governments by destroying the cognitive capabilities of the unsuspecting masses using the modern internet? Spread via VHS tapes? Does a digital version of the full set exist? Or is this just a harbinger of things to come?
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Greg Hatch < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Micah Wilcock<[email protected]>, Claire Robinson<[email protected]>, Alex Chandler<[email protected]>,  Ian Woodberry<[email protected]>, Kassidy Hamilton<[email protected]> Jordyn Lines <[email protected]>,  Isaac Wright<[email protected]>,
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jessica Brownell <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Justin Holland<[email protected]>, Matthew Ricks<[email protected]>, Greg Hatch<[email protected]>
I’m actually a big fan of this! body positivity is soemthing really important today in our society- you don’t have to be jacked or ultra buff to be fit, even super skinny people can too! We should consider doing this as an activity for community awareness week!
Jessica Brownell
Co-Vice President
AJHS Student Council
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jordan Smith < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Christine Grosland<[email protected]>, Jessica Brownell<[email protected]>, James Smith<[email protected]>,  Brylee Perry<[email protected]>, Derick Shawns<[email protected]>
This haunts my dreams.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Parker <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Adam Cook<[email protected]>, Courtney Farnsworth<[email protected]>, Olivia Ockey<[email protected]>,  Riley Field<[email protected]>, Jordan Smith<[email protected]>
They got a boxed set of the LOWO tapes at a yard sale, thought they looked funny, I don’t know. Picked them up on monday. Told us they were going to carpool up to my parents house for sunday dinner with us, but on sunday, they didnt come outside. We honked, called, nothing. We just went without them.
Then we heard that they had missed all of their college classes from some mutual friends. Somebody went over- found them standing in the living room, staring at the tv. They were barely moving, looked like they hadnt eaten in days, one was mumbling something over and over again. Hospitalized for three days each. Neither had any memory of what happened or why they were just standing there. Chucked all the tapes though.
So do at your own risk. Im not going to!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Carol Neibaur < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Mark Hailstone<[email protected]>, Matthew Laudie<[email protected]>, Justin Hendricks<[email protected]>,  Megan Warner<[email protected]>, Jon Parker<[email protected]>
Some kids in my class started doing this and have now missed an ENTIRE WEEK OF SCHOOL. They’ve been doing it every day---- even one of their moms is doing it too! DON’T GO IF YOU VALUE YOUR GRADES CAUSE YOU WONT STOP.  
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Amaryllis Lorelai < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Carol Neibaur<[email protected]>, Wesley Andersen<[email protected]>, Alyse Walker<[email protected]>
Does anybody else think this is creepy? XD
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Kyle Crossmore <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Chad Anderson<[email protected]> Jake Ferndale<[email protected]>, Caroline Everett <[email protected]>, Zaryia Meades<[email protected]>,  Karen<[email protected]>, Grace Kelly<[email protected]>, Amaryllis Lorelai <[email protected]>,  Charlie Kaufmann<[email protected]>
Ive never felt so good in my entire life.
Love the lurp
Go with the gangle
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Sarah Dalley <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Jake Ferndale<[email protected]>, Caroline Everett <[email protected]>, Zaryia Meades<[email protected]>,  Karen<[email protected]>, Chad Anderson<[email protected]> Kyle Crossmore <[email protected]>, Grace Kelly<[email protected]>, Amaryllis Lorelai <[email protected]>,  Charlie Kaufmann<[email protected]>
For all of you who were wondering why Bo, Devs, BJ, Xavier, Evan, Erik, and Cynthia missed class today, I think they were doing this? They started last weekend, and idk must be pretty good if they’d all miss stats for it. We should try it?
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Quin Dalley <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Anne Dalley<[email protected]>, Richard Dalley<[email protected]>, Stephen Dalley<[email protected]>,  Sarah Dalley <[email protected]>,
Hey fam tried this with friends. Was alright. 3/10. Pretty funny to watch everybody else go crazy tho.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Brett James <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Cynthia Yates<[email protected]>, Blake Moore<[email protected]>, Erik Ortiz<[email protected]>,  Veronica Belt<[email protected]>, Quinn Dalley<[email protected]>
GUYS YOU ALL HAVE TO COME!!!!!1!!!1 We did numbers 2 through 7 tonight and when we’re done with them we’re going to do it all again! We’re going to do it tomorrow! At 11 AM!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Xavier Bushman <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Beau Robertson<[email protected]>, Devin Livingston<[email protected]>, Brett James<[email protected]>,  Evan Hansen<[email protected]>, Xavier Bushman<[email protected]>
Luke and I got his brothers tapes and got a VHS player at Savers and tried the first one. Was crazy good. We’re doing the next one on Friday at my house at 5 if any of you want to join!  
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Andrew Caldwell <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Beau Robertson<[email protected]>, Devin Livingston<[email protected]>, Brett James<[email protected]>,  Evan Hansen<[email protected]>, Xavier Bushman<[email protected]>
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Luke Yang <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Victor Klein<[email protected]>, Samantha Bale<[email protected]>, Adam Redford<<[email protected]>>,  Harry Stein<[email protected]>, Elizabeth Nelson<[email protected]>, Bradley Warren<[email protected]>, Andrew Caldwell<[email protected]>
This is actually really great! My brother did this! He got so buff! He could punch down a wall! And its fun! What more could you want! I think he still has the VHS! I will ask him!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Samantha Bale <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Luke Yang<[email protected]>, Garret Jeffs <[email protected]>
I can’t unsee this. XD
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Victor Klein <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: lurp out work out To: Carlos Reyes<[email protected]>, Adam Redford<[email protected]>, Samantha Bale<[email protected]>, Felix Arias <[email protected]>, David Johnson <[email protected]>
Lol wut
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Iggy Beriman <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: lurp out work out To: Victor Klein<[email protected]>, Loren Brunken <[email protected]>
Guys guys guys guys guys check this out we need to totally do this!!! Its like its made for you
0 notes
xpresslearn · 7 years
60% off #Improve Your Game Design With Better Gameplay- $10
Game development made easy. Learn practical examples to improve how your game feels and make it more fun for the player.
All Levels,  –   Video: 4 hours Other: 0 mins,  29 lectures 
Average rating 4.6/5 (4.6)
Course requirements:
Mac or PC capable of running Unity 3D A copy of Unity 5.3 available for free from unity3d.com
Course description:
In this course we will take a simple 2D action platformer and you will learn a variety of techniques such as how to add screenshake, how to make damage seem persistant, the importance of player action feedback and much more, all to improve how your game feels to players and learn practical example of how to implement them in your games.
The course will be taught using Unity3D but these same principles and methods can be used in any system of development you choose. After completing the course you will also be given another starter project to apply the lessons learned throughout the course yourself, and see the effect these techniques can have in different game types.
Whether you are a beginner looking to expand your development knowledge or are just looking for ways to help make your game more fun to play, this course will help you gain a greater understanding of the importance of game feel.
Start learning today and let me help you become a game developer!
Full details Enhance their game’s design Understand what makes gameplay fun to the player Learn simple techniques that will make their games more exciting Beginners looking to learn more about game development Anyone who wants to learn how to improve their gameplay People interested in working in the game design industy. Please who want to create and publish their own games.
“The course content is very well designed and the explanation is excellent. I learn a lot of techniques. The only thing it is missing is fullHD videos.” (Etienne Leite Gomide)
“Great course, Thanks for everything. Hope you have more series!” (Jean Dezonia)
“This is a solid course with useful tips on making a platformer/shooter game better. All of the gameplay tips seem to be pulled directly from Jan Willem Nijman’s talk, “The Art of Screenshake.” (search on youtube if you’re interested, it’s a fantastic talk). In this course, James breaks down each improvement to show you how to do it in Unity. I found the content easy to follow and will be using these techniques in my own games. Overall, I enjoyed this course, definitely recommend.” (Christine Brownell)
    About Instructor:
James Doyle
Hi, I’m James. I have helped thousands of people learn how to develop their own games in Unity, and whether you’re a first-time developer, or need to refresh your skills, I can help you learn to make the games you want to make. With a bachelors degree in Computer Science and a background working in independent game development, I have been helping others to create their own games and release them on multiple platforms. I believe in helping you learn by teaching code in context, so rather than having to memorize a bunch of stuff you’ve never seen before, you learn how each coding concept can be applied to real working problems in your games. I can’t wait to help you learn all about making your own games and how to make them a success. So why not start learning to make games with me now? See you soon! James
Instructor Other Courses:
Learn To Code By Making a 2D Platformer in Unity …………………………………………………………… James Doyle coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Game Development course coupon Udemy Game Development course coupon Improve Your Game Design With Better Gameplay Improve Your Game Design With Better Gameplay course coupon Improve Your Game Design With Better Gameplay coupon coupons
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