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Boss Level (2021) Review
Boss Level (2021) Review
Roy Pulver is a retired Special Forces officer and he’s trapped in his very own Groundhog Day of a never ending time loop on the day of his death. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (more…)
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#2021#Action#Amazon Prime Video#Annabelle Wallis#Armida Lopez#Boss Level#Buster Reeves#Chris Borey#Eddie Borey#Eric Etebari#Frank Grillo#Joe Carnahan#Joe Knezevich#Ken Jeong#Mathilde Ollivier#Meadow Williams#Mel Gibson#Michelle Yeoh#Mystery#Naomi Watts#Rashad Evans#Review#Rio Grillo#Sci-Fi#Selina Lo#Sheaun McKinney#Will Sasso
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Boss Level
Story: Das ehemalige Delta Force Mitglied, Roy Pulver, hat ein großes Problem – er hängt in einer Zeitschleife fest: Jeden Tag wird er auf eine andere Art und Weise von Attentätern ermordet. Manchmal wird er erschossen, in die Luft gesprengt, geköpft oder erstochen und dann beginnt derselbe Tag wieder von vorne. Als Roy Hinweise auf ein geheimes Regierungsprojekt entdeckt, das seinen Tod…
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#Action#Alana Crow#Annabelle Wallis#Anthony Callie#Attentäter#Auftragskiller#Auftragsmörder#Chris Borey#Clinton Shorter#Deadpool#Eddie Borey#Einsatzkommando#Familie#Flucht#Frank Grillo#Geheimdienst#Geheimprogramm#George Furla#Hitman#Joe Carnahan#Juan Miguel Azpiroz#Katz- und Maus-Spiel#Ken Jeong#Killer#Komödie#Liebe#Mel Gibson#Michael J. Urann#Michele Jeoh#Naomi Watts
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Boss Level Review
Boss Level is written and directed by Joe Carnahan who co-wrote the script with Chris and Eddie Borey. The film stars Frank Grillo, Naomi Watts, Mel Gibson, Ken Jeong, and Michelle Yeoh. Boss Level follows Roy Pulver (Grillo) who is stuck in a never ending time loop with people trying to kill him. Pulver must figure out how to get himself out of the time loop and why so many different people are killing him over and over. Now I know this sounds like any other groundhog day movie and it is, but it’s one that is a high octane no holds bar action movie. For myself, I enjoyed the hell out of this film and for all the insane action there’s also a surprising amount of heart to the story.
Frank Grillo is a bona fide action star and this is a film that shows how well he can lead and carry an action film. Grillo has a fun supporting cast around him that fill the roles to help or hinder his character in the film, particularly Mel Gibson who chews the scenes he’s in as the lead antagonist. In a film like this there isn’t much in terms of deep and emotional character development, but there is some of that with Grillo’s character and a young kid he meets in the time loop. The heart that there is in this film comes from that relationship between Grillo and the kid. Without a doubt the action is over the top, but it’s just so damn fun to watch the carnage unfold in this film. The action may also be a bit cartoonish at times and can be seen like a video game, but it fits with the style of the film.
I didn’t find much in terms of flaws when watching this film. If you really wanted to find plot holes and inconsistencies in the story you probably could, but this isn’t one of those deep thinking films. This is an action movie plain and simple with the added twist that it’s also set in a time loop. The time loop genre doesn’t get old if films made in it are enjoyable and fun and Boss Level is a nice addition to that genre. Carnahan knows his audience when he made this film and for those that enjoy his work and just action movies in general you’re going to have a blast like I did. Boss Level is pure escapist fun at it’s best and is a film that provides a much needed respite from the craziness of the world.
#boss level#joe carnahan#chris borey#eddie borey#frank grillo#naomi watts#mel gibson#ken jeong#michelle yeoh#action movie#action film#time loop#groundhog day#hulu#film review#film tumblr#boss level movie
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I watch: Boss Level
I watch: Boss Level
So I just got done watching Boss Level on amazon. I was in pain and needed something to take my mind off of it. Boss Level was what I found. I have to say that I love me a good time travel, time loop, or dimension-hopping movie so this one had me sold from the start. When I saw it, there was no way that I was not going to watch Boss Level. I mean, after all, I was sold on Looper the moment I…
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迴路追殺令Boss Level 電影介紹- 電影神搜 - 電影神搜資料庫
無雷影評心得│《迴路追殺令》(Boss Level)只有愛オ是永恆,超越一切時空
< https://is.gd/6li6Dh >
由攞有演員與製片身份的美國導演喬卡納漢(Joe Carnahan)執導的《迴路追殺令》(Boss Level),描繪特種部隊退役軍官 羅伊Roy (法蘭克葛里洛Frank Grillo飾)每天過著荒腔走板的頹唐生活,經常在生死邊緣徘徊,「每天都一樣,只有細節不同。」他知道唯一不變的是他會死。在頹唐耍廢,醉生夢死的日子,他醒來身邊總是不同的女人。真不知他有多少的敵人,來自各方人馬找他格鬪,隨時隨地置身險境,然而在一陣激烈槍林彈雨之戰,他常是死而復生,不斷地在不同面貌與形式,歷經生死輪迴,有如生存競爭��間遊戲般,虛擬情境,生死幻滅,不斷重複著。
因某種因素與科學家妻子潔瑪Jemma Wells(娜歐蜜華茲Naomi Watts 飾)離婚的羅伊,對舊愛不忘,潔瑪仍一直在他的心中。就連羅伊身旁女友都看出他心之所繫,「我眼中看見那份感傷」,鬼混一陣的女人都知道他對前妻念念不忘。而身為熟知科技晶片機密的潔瑪,設法阻撓她頂頭上司克里夫凡特上校Col. Clive Ventor(梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson 飾)想以科技邪惡之力佈局的計謀,邪惡的軍事科技專家企圖設計晶片掌控局勢,滿足統治野心。為了不讓世界面臨恐怖威脅,潔瑪想粉粹邪力入侵,拯救人類萬劫不復局面,而將晶片植入了前夫羅伊身上。因她一直還愛著他,一如他們的共同兒子,雖然離異,夫妻緣盡,而情未了,他們與愛情結晶,不管任何時空,仍如生命共同體。在天地間她只相信羅伊一個,她永遠信賴著她初識的那個男人。
《迴路追殺令》,由曾執導過《天龍特攻隊》(The A-Team)的喬卡納漢(Joe Carnahan)擔任導演,並請來《美國隊長》(Captain America)中的反派「十字骨」法蘭克葛里洛(Frank Grillo)、奧斯卡與金球獎得主梅爾吉勃遜(Mel Gibson)、《金剛》(King Kong)娜歐蜜華茲(Naomi Watts)等人領銜主演;更集結《臥虎藏龍》楊紫瓊,以及《醉後大丈夫》(The Hangover)系列中的經典角色「老周」鄭肯等人���喜現身。讓人意想不到的強大卡司,加上宛如《追殺比爾》(Kill Bill)與《明日邊界》(Edge of Tomorrow)的劇情,透過遊戲般的精采概念,集動作、科幻、驚悚、懸疑等元素於一爐,並融合東西方元素,刀、劍、槍、砲、彈藥、肉搏一應俱全;各式兇狠的殺手紛紛出籠,與男主角展開瘋狂大亂鬥,全程驚喜不斷,瘋狂刺激想像!
本片的製作過程,始於編導喬卡納漢讀到一部劇本,同時具備他所喜愛的要素:「最初的劇本名為《繼續》(Continue),由克里斯博瑞(Chris Borey)與艾迪博瑞(Eddie Borey)兄弟檔編寫。我認為劇本創意十足又很聰明,但真正讓我喜歡的,是故事中那位不稱職的父親與丈夫,以及透過科幻情節的劇情轉折,不斷經歷同一個時刻的構想。如果他嘗試闖關、試圖解開謎團的次數夠多,就能彌補他的過錯,並在所愛之人眼中挽回自己的形象。」於是他開始著手重寫劇本,並加入關鍵的情感核心,足以感動更多觀眾。
導演表示:「如果缺少情感核心,這樣的電影就只會淪為是種噱頭。你會認為:『好,主角每天都會復活,但這是為什麼?』所以這部電影需要更多情感糾葛!」他也補充更改片名的原因:「『魔王關』(Boss Level)是任何電玩玩家都會立刻理解的用詞,指的是最終大魔王,是格鬥遊戲中難度最高、最棘手的一關。在電影當中,這形成男主角試圖找到邪惡科學家時,不斷遭到殺害然後重生繼續闖關的構想。這位『魔王』就是邪惡科學家,也是主角試圖殺光所有殺手之後,所要面對的最終挑戰。我認為這個詞很酷,唸來鏗鏘有力。」
喬卡納漢(Joe Carnahan),1969年5月9日出生於美國加州,身兼導演、編劇、製片與演員身份。他早期以獨立製片備受矚目,第一部長片是他自編、自導、自演的《48小時追殺令》(Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane)。該片由他自行籌措資金,並在1998年於日舞影展進行首映。他之後在2015年編撰並執導電影《玩命狂飆》(Stretch),而在這之前,他也編撰並執導由連恩尼遜(Liam Neeson)主演的賣座電影《即刻獵殺》(The Grey)。這��兩人繼2010年把備受喜愛的電視劇《天龍特攻隊》(The A-Team)搬上大銀幕後的再次合作。而在大受歡迎的電影《五路追殺令》(Smokin' Aces)之前,他還拍過廣受好評的警探劇情片《緝毒特警》(Narc),該片更讓他問鼎獨立精神獎「最佳導演」。
1998《48小時追殺令》Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane
2006《五路追殺令》Smokin' Aces
2010《天龍特攻隊》The A-Team
2011《即刻獵殺》The Grey
2021《迴路追殺令》Boss Level
梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson 飾演 克里夫凡特上校Col. Clive Ventor
1956年1月3日出生於美國紐約,身兼演員、編劇、導演、製片等多重身份,是當代最重要的電影人之一。他在家中的11個孩子當中排行第6,12歲起跟父親搬到澳洲生活。大學畢業後,便開始演出澳洲當地電視劇,首部電影作品就是次文化經典《瘋狂麥斯》(Mad Max),而《致命武器》(Lethal Weapon)系列則讓他一躍成為票房巨星,同時向觀眾證明他的精湛演技。演而優則導的他,1995年自製、自導、自演《梅爾吉勃遜之英雄本色》(Braveheart),一舉拿下奧斯卡金像獎「最佳影片」、「最佳導演」等五項大獎,寫下影史傳奇的一頁。作品叫好叫座的他,身價不斷翻漲,更曾多次被評選為「全球最性感的男人」。
他也推出多部編導作品,諸如《受難記:最後的激情》(The Passion of The Christ)、《阿波卡獵逃》(Apocalypto)、《致命反擊》(Get the Gringo)。2016年,他睽違10年再執導演筒,推出真人真事改編的電影《鋼鐵英雄》(Hacksaw Ridge),不僅開出全球1.6億美金的亮眼票房,更入圍奧斯卡金像獎與金球獎「最佳導演」。值得一提的是,他早在1999年就買下經典書籍《瘋子‧教授‧大字典》(The Professor And The Madman: A Tale Of Murder, Insanity, And The Making Of The Oxford English Dictionary)版權,並花費20年時間籌備,改編成電影《牛津解密》(The Professor and the Madman),不僅擔任製片,更親自飾演故事主人翁「莫瑞教授」。2020年則在電影《追殺胖老爹》當中,飾演被大家稱為「胖老爹」的聖誕老人,���現出他詮釋黑色電影的功力。
法蘭克葛里洛Frank Grillo 飾演 羅伊Roy Pulver
1965年6月8日出生於美國紐約,身兼演員與製片身份。他在數十年來的一系列出色作品中,帶來特有的自然風格,並讓觀眾產生共鳴。他的演出代表作品包括《勇者無敵》(Warrior)、《疏離世界》(Disconnect)、《火線赤子情》(End of Watch)、《絕殺交叉點》(Collision)、《驚爆萬惡城》(Edge of Darkness)與《00:30凌晨密令》(Zero Dark Thirty)等片。
此外,他在漫威電影《美國隊長3:英雄內戰》(Captain America: Civil War)當中飾演深受粉絲喜愛的反派「十字骨」,讓觀眾津津樂道。他同時也是電影《國定殺戮日》(The Purge)系列的代表人物,並在《國定殺戮日:無法無天》(The Purge: Anarchy)與《國定殺戮日:大選之年》(The Purge: Election Year)當中飾演李歐巴恩斯警官。同時,他也主演賣座電影《戰狼2》,在片中飾演無情的美國傭兵,與盧靖姍、張翰、吳剛等人同台演出。
娜歐蜜華茲Naomi Watts 飾演 潔瑪Jemma Wells
1968年9月28日出生於英國,身兼演員與製片身份。她的演出代表作品包括《穆荷蘭大道》(Mulholland Drive)、《靈魂的重量》(21 Grams)、《金剛》(King Kong)、《鳥人》(Birdman)等片。在一次電視廣告演出之後,她於1988年的澳洲連續劇《聚散離合》(Home and Away)當中得到一個角色。1995年演出的《坦克女郎》(Tank Girl),則是她在好萊塢演藝生涯中的突破。2001年則主演名導大衛林區(David Lynch)的驚悚片《穆荷蘭大道》,也因為該片的成功,讓她日後片約不斷,陸續主演電影《七夜怪談西洋篇》(The Ring),並在2004年以電影《靈魂的重量》首度榮獲奧斯卡金像獎「最佳女主角獎」提名。她在2012年接演真人真事改編的災難片【浩劫奇蹟】(The Impossibl),則讓她接連問鼎奧斯卡金像獎、金球獎戲劇類電影、美國演員工會獎等獎項的「最佳女主角獎」。
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#open grave#gonzalo lopez-gallego#Gonzalo López-Gallego#eddie borey#chris borey#sharlot copley#thomas kretschmann#josie ho#mystery#thriller#united states#hungary#zombie#zombies#infection#joseph morgan#erin richards#max wrottesley#marta sabo#balazs szitas#Márta Szabó#Balázs Szitás#horror#horror film#horror films#horror movie#horror movies#horror fan#horror fans#horror rreview
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Boss Level (2021) Free DOWNLOAD
Download 1Download 2 Original title : Boss Level Release date : February 25, 2021 Duration : 1h 34m Genre : Action / Mystery / Sci-Fi / Thriller Plot : Trapped in a time loop that constantly repeats the day of his murder, a former special forces agent must unlock the mystery behind his untimely demise. Director : Joe Carnahan Writers : Chris Borey (screenplay by), Eddie Borey (screenplay…
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Boss Level
[3 stars]
It’s been a long while since we’ve had a Joe Carnahan (The Grey) directed film to enjoy. His last two major credits were just his scripts: Bad Boys For Life and Death Wish. The man knows suspense and action. I do wish he knew how to cast and direct actors a bit better, but you can’t have everything. Boss Level is a high-octane ride from start to finish, delivering a sort of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World meets Palm Springs.
The base weakness of the film is its lead, Frank Grillo (Disconnect, Avengers: Endgame). While Grillo is a great action actor, he doesn’t quite have the charisma and rakish charm necessary to be the leading man in a flick, even when that flick is mostly gritty action. It’s not a slam so much as a simple reality: some actors have “it” and some don’t. More the problem, after other darker anti-heroes like Deadpool, expectations are pretty high on how the character has to control the screen.
But the story is fun. Carnahan shares credit with Chris and Eddie Borey for the script. And it is nicely constructed, if a little late to the party on time-loop action tales. A shame, really; if it had come out sooner, it would have felt more unique.
Fortunately, with Naomi Watts (Ophelia) and a, surprisingly, contained and menacing Mel Gibson (The Expendables), there are some solid framing performances to hold it all down. Additional roles with Will Sasso (Klaus) and a much under-utilized Michelle Yeoh (Star Trek: Discovery) help things along as well.
Boss Level was originally intended for a feature release. I think the shift to stream will actually gives it a better and longer life in the movie firmament. On screen it would have bombed, but as a stream, it better meets expectations and certainly entertains.
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Boss Level Pushes Action Movie Time Loops to Their Limits
The new action sci-fi thriller Boss Level begins with former Special Forces agent Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo) and an unnamed woman waking up in Pulver’s bed, fully clothed, after what looks like a rough night. But things get rougher very quickly, as an assassin enters Pulver’s apartment and attempts to kill him. Pulver defeats him but ends up dying anyway–only to wake up the next morning and do the whole thing again, perhaps living a little longer and getting killed by someone else, but still dying.
In a running voiceover, Pulver casually informs us that this is the 140th time he’s done this. And he still can’t figure out why or how it’s happening, or how to break out of the time loop he’s stuck in. All he knows is that he will wake up again on the very same morning and despite doing everything he can to prevent it, will nevertheless get shot or stabbed, or beheaded or run over, for reasons unknown. He also knows that his destiny is linked to that of his scientist ex-wife (Naomi Watts), the son who doesn’t know Pulver is his father (Rio Grillo) and his ex-wife’s sinister boss (Mel Gibson).
Boss Level is directed and co-written by Joe Carnahan, who revamped a script originally written by Chris and Eddie Borey. It’s the first feature film Carnahan has directed since 2015’s Stretch, and continues his exploration of taking different approaches to hardcore action and crime thrillers, a track record that includes movies like The Grey (2011), The A-Team (2010), Smokin’ Aces (2006), and Narc (2002). But Boss Level is different in that it also represents Carnahan’s first full dive into sci-fi territory.
“The Boreys wrote this really great script called Continue,” says Carnahan when we connect via Zoom. “I had read it. It started out as kind of a rewrite job. I dug it, because I’ve always loved, as I think a lot of us do, the subgenre of the time loop. It’s kind of a proven commodity in movies. As I got into it more, I was like, ‘I’m not really a sci-fi guy.’ But [late director] Tony Scott, rest his soul, was one of my great mentors. I always loved the way he treated Déjà Vu, which is a great kind of brick and mortar approach to time travel.”
Carnahan says he applied the same approach to what eventually became Boss Level, explaining, “The more fantastical elements of it, I wasn’t really concerned about. But I did love the idea of kind of combining Groundhog Day and Die Hard–the way I think that Doug Liman did it with Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow. But I thought it’d be much funnier if the guy was just bored stiff by all of it and didn’t know what the hell to do.”
The title of the movie itself is a gaming reference (the “boss level” is the final and usually most challenging level of a video game), and Carnahan admits that the narrative is set up to mirror the way a player moves through the levels of a game–sometimes repeating them over and over again.
“That was absolutely deliberate,” he says. “I’m not a huge gamer. But when I was a kid, I played all those games. And it’s funny, I play with my kids now, I have an old stand-up that’s got all these games on it. I got to load up that arcade with all my favorites, Robotron, Galaga–all these dumb games that I loved. So I built that in, but I never wanted that to overwhelm the central core of the story.”
Incredibly, Carnahan’s journey to get Boss Level made started as he was finishing up The Grey more than a decade ago. He had worked with Frank Grillo on that film (now a minor cult classic) and wanted Grillo for the part of Pulver in his time loop tale. But getting the backing to make it was an entirely different story and took 10 years, eventually employing what Carnahan describes as “not a traditional financing structure… every piece of bad luck you could encounter, we basically went through it all.”
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The Daredevil Movie Trilogy We Almost Saw
By Don Kaye
Boss Level is Groundhog Day with a Badass Thanks to Frank Grillo
By Bernard Boo
Boss Level is now premiering on Hulu, a result of its long, twisting road to existence, the rise of streaming outlets and the effects of the pandemic on traditional theatrical releases.
“I think the age of our traditional theatrical exhibition is done as we knew it,” says Carnahan confidently. “I think it’s going to shift in ways that people who are at the leading edge of that right now are figuring out… But I don’t think we’re going to go back to 350, 400 seats in a traditional kind of–I just don’t think you’re going to have that happening. Not for the foreseeable future.”
The future, both long term and short term, is very much at the heart of Boss Level. Grillo’s Roy Pulver begins to gradually extend his lifespan on each turn of the loop, living a little longer every go-round and discovering another piece of information that he needs to solve the puzzle he’s trapped in. But while Pulver’s life, those of his wife and son, and possibly many others are at stake, Carnahan says that first and foremost he wanted to make a bonkers action movie that pushed the genre to its limits.
“I was able to make an action movie/Three Stooges film,” he says. “So it was kind of an ideal scenario for me, because we could really go bananas and gonzo with the stuff that we were doing. But listen, you’re always looking to evolve the form. I think that we want to keep pushing it. I don’t know that you’re going to be able to do just the straight action film anymore without any kind of emotional content–without some sort of heart and soul. I think the Marvel films have done this so well, combining this big kind of spectacle action filmmaking with heart, with these small, idiosyncratic and quirky moments.”
Boss Level is the latest movie to emerge from Warparty, the production company that Carnahan and Grillo officially began in 2016. Grillo, of course, has enjoyed a long career as one of film’s most reliable tough guys, especially in movies like The Grey, End of Watch, Zero Dark Thirty, The Purge: Anarchy, and The Purge: Election Year, while also playing the villainous Brock Rumlow/Crossbones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Carnahan says that their similar tastes and outlook is what makes the partnership work and drives their acquisition of material to produce.
“We’re always looking for kind of elevated genre stuff,” Carnahan says. “Stuff that we think we can sink our teeth into and make better than the sum of its parts, [so] that we’re not just doing an action film, or a horror film, or a thriller. We want to plus it up. Frank and I have a great ease of use. We have a great shorthand at this point. We just know how the other one’s going to move in a situation and what to expect, and so on. There’s great comfort and certainly great creative strength in that.”
With both men producing, Grillo acting and Carnahan directing or writing or both, the pair have several formidable projects coming down the pipeline. One is an English language version of the already classic 2011 Indonesian action thriller The Raid, which has yet to start filming, while the other, Copshop, is now in post-production. The latter film teams Grillo with Gerard Butler, and Carnahan promises that the sparks will fly between the two action heavyweights.
“They’re dynamite,” the director exclaims. “I’ll say right now, I don’t know that Gerry’s ever been better in a movie. That’s how good he is in Copshop. He’s dynamite, man. He’s really, really something in this film. I think people are going to kind of be blown away. And then there’s this young woman, Alexis Lauder, who’s basically the lead of the film. She’s just a movie star. She’s just absolutely captivating. And the movie is really good. I’m very proud of it and I think audiences are going to dig it.”
As for whether we’ll see Butler and Grillo go head to head in a fight sequence or two in the film, Carnahan doesn’t want to get into details but adds, “We’re not going to disappoint people.”
Right now, however, Carnahan is focused on getting the word out about Boss Level, and is not shy about what he thinks he, Grillo, and their team have accomplished with it.
“I think it’s the best action movie of the last five years,” he says. “I just think it’s awesome and it’s funny. It’s rare that you make a film where everything that movie tries to do, it succeeds at doing. I think that’s a great testament to the people involved in it and how, even when it seemed like it was born under a bad sign, we still persevered. I just think it’s a blast, and a hell of a lot of fun on a Friday or Saturday night.”
Boss Level begins streaming now on Hulu.
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The post Boss Level Pushes Action Movie Time Loops to Their Limits appeared first on Den of Geek.
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Boss Level - Trailer (Official)
Boss Level – Trailer (Official)
Boss Level is an upcoming American science fiction action film directed by Joe Carnahan and written by Carnahan and Chris and Eddie Borey, from a story by the Boreys. It stars Frank Grillo as a retired special forces soldier who tries to escape a never-ending time loop that results in his death. Mel Gibson, Naomi Watts, and Michelle Yeoh co-star. The film was originally announced in 2012…
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Boss Level (2021) | Amazing Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi Movie | March release (USA)
Boss Level (2021) | Amazing Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi Movie | March release (USA)
“Boss Level” is an upcoming American science fiction action film directed by Joe Carnahan and directed by Carnahan and Chris and Eddie Borey. Adapted, the story is based on the story of Boreys. It played Frank Grillo as a retired Special Forces soldier who tried to escape a never-ending loop of time that eventually led to his death. Mel Gibson (Mel Gibson), Naomi Watts (Naomi Watts), and Michelle…
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Frank Grillo’s Boss Level Goes Straight to Streaming on Hulu
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Hulu has cut a deal for the rights to Boss Level. The new sci-fi movie, which stars Mel Gibson and Frank Grillo, was originally destined for theaters. But like many other movies before it this year, that became unrealistic. Instead, it will have a streaming debut in 2021, bringing the latest from director Joe Carnahan to Hulu subscribers from the comfort of their homes.
According to a new report, Hulu paid somewhere in the low eight-figure range for the U.S. rights to Boss Level, though the precise price tag was not revealed. The movie is said to carry a $45 million budget. Interestingly, the deal is just for the U.S. rights. It’s said that theatrical rights have been sold internationally, which means box office dollars are still on the table from overseas. But domestic moviegoers will need to be content with watching this one at home.
Boss Level centers on a former special forces agent named Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo). He is trapped in a time loop that constantly repeats the day of his murder. In the time loop, he uncovers clues about a secret government project that could unlock the mystery behind his death. In a race against the clock, Roy must hunt down Colonel Ventor (Mel Gibson), the powerful head of the government program. Meanwhile, he must also outrun skilled assassins who are determined to keep him from the truth.
The cast also includes Naomi Watts, Will Sasso, Ken Jeong, Annabelle Wallis, Michelle Yeoh and Selina Lo. For Mel Gibson, this is another relatively high-profile project. Gibson has been trying to make a comeback in recent years. The iconic actor most recently starred in the holiday movie Fatman. Gibson is also working on Passion of the Christ 2 and may return to star in Lethal Weapon 5.
As for Frank Grillo, he is best known as Brock Rumlow/Crossbones from Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War. Some of his other credits include The Purge: Anarchy, Donnybrook, Wheelman and Wolf Warrior 2. Grillo previously collaborated with director Joe Carnahan on The Grey. Carnahan, who is known for directing Smokin’ Aces and The A-Team, co-wrote the screenplay with Chris Borey and Eddie Borey. Carnahan and Frank Grillo also serve as producers alongside Randall Emmett, George Furla and Ridley Scott, whose Scott Free production company backed the movie.
Initially, Entertainment Studios was on board to distribute the movie but that deal fell through. Prior to the movie theater shutdown in March, it was screened at the Arclight Cinemas in Los Angeles back in February. While official reviews haven’t yet been shared, the social media response coming out of the screening was largely positive. There is no word yet on a specific release date for Boss Level but it will debut on Hulu sometime in 2021. This news comes to us via Deadline.
Topics: Boss Level
Writer of various things on the internet (mostly about movies) since 2013. Major lover of popcorn flicks. Avid appreciator of James Bond, Marvel and Star Wars. Has a tremendously fat cat named Buster and still buys CDs. I’ve got my reasons.
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Título Original: Open Grave
Año: 2013
Duración: 101 min.
País: Estados Unidos
Director: Gonzalo López-Gallego
Guion: Chris Borey, Eddie Borey
Música: José David Montero
Fotografía: Don Reddy
Reparto: Sharlto Copley, Erin Richards, Max Wrottesley, Josie Ho, Joseph Morgan, Thomas Kretschmann, M. Frakes
Productora: Atlas Independent
Género: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3GIKCSyM5Q
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